Board of Directors Candidates for 2024
Articleand photos
by Jeff McCoy, Election Committee ChairPictured on this page are the qualified candidates who are running to fill four open positions on the Board of Directors. Board members serve two-year terms. For whom should you vote? To assist you in making that decision, read each candidate’s resume and then attend the “Meet the Candidates Night” on Thursday, May 30 at 6 p.m. in the Vista Room, or view the proceedings on Zoom. Each candidate will have the opportunity to present their qualifications and vision for the community and answer questions from the audience. Ballots will be tabulated on June 26 by the Inspector of Election, Barbara Harris, and
Audrey Michaels
My years of voluntary service in this community are Greenbelt Committee for 4years (final year as Chair), Facilities Committee, Traffic Committee, Welcome Committee, Architecture Committee for 5 years and Director for 5.5 years.
While on the Architecture Committee I worked with another member to change the various (different) signs throughout the community to a new design echoing the new signs at the four gates. Later I worked with another member to find a design for the lighting fixtures at Rec 1 & Rec 2 (as with the signs they were a mish-mosh of cheap fixtures.) Representing
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Brian McDonald
My name is BRIAN MCDONALD and I am a candidate for the BOD.
I received my BA from Whittier College; my Juris Doctorate from Loyola University School of Law and later my MBA in banking and finance from the University of Washington.
I was an in-house attorney for Lloyds Bank California for over 25 years, 7 years as Sr. VP & General Counsel. I then opened my own practice focusing on general business and estate planning. I served two three-year terms on the Board of Directors of the Orange County Bar Association.
For over 20 years I served on the Board of Directors for an 80-unit vacation
Mary Kay Crowley
My name is Mary Kay Crowley and Jim and I have lived in Casta since 2015. But in reality, I have been involved with Casta since 1976, when my parents became original owners and we visited weekly. We could see how much they both loved it here.
the Inspector Designees. The results will be announced at the Casta del Sol Homeowners Association 52nd Annual Meeting on June 27 at 7 p.m. in the Vista Room and on Zoom.
The order that the candidates appear on this page and on the official ballot was determined by a random drawing.
The Casta del Sol HOA is not responsible for or liable for any statements made by candidates. These statements are solely the opinions and views of the candidate.
Linda Silverman
My name is Linda Silverman, and I am honored to be the current President of the Board of Directors for Casta del Sol. I am running for a second term. I believe in our community, and I will work to continue the promises I made when I first ran for the Board.
I began my career in 1980 working ten years with Capital Construction that built shopping malls. My duties included negotiating contracts and payments to contractors. From 1990-2015, I worked as Vice President, National Vendor Manager, managing several departments providing mortgage financial services nationally; working directly with the largest title companies
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Shelly Lethiot
My experience in the medical field for more than 35 years gives me unique skills and insight to serve on the Casta del Sol Board of Directors. In my profession, I demonstrated critical thinking, leadership, emergency preparedness, as well as training and mentoring others. I believe I can use these skills to serve my fellow residents. As an anesthetist for 35 years, critical decision making was part of my job. The last ten years before I retired, I was Assistant-Director of Cal-State Fullerton-Kaiser School of Anesthesia where I lectured and managed 70 master-prepared students in 20 hospitals across LA, Utah, Oregon, and Hawaii. I was a CPR instructor, and also instructed doctors and nurses in ACLS and PALS (Adult and Pediatric
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In 2016, my journey with “The Casta Experience” began. Being an avid reader and an artist, my first step was to join the Library Committee and while there, started the “Art in the Library.” Program which now, 7 years later, has featured some 25 Casta artists. At about that same time, I became a member of the Architectural
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Karen Warren
My name is Karen Warren and I have been a resident of Casta Del Sol for over fourteen years. As a single mother, I raised four wonderful sons. I returned to school at age 51 and graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management. I am a lifetime member of the PTA. I have held numerous positions in Little League, Pop Warner and Junior All American Football. I was a member of the Administrative Professionals of America. I am an officer of a political club in Casta Del Sol, a member of an international philanthropic women’s club, and an active
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President’s Message
Linda Silverman, President“To
The quality of being transparent in a business or governance context refers to being open and honest. As part of corporate governance best practices, this requires disclosure of all relevant information so that others can make informed decisions. However, transparency doesn’t mean you must disclose everything. Basically, it means you should be honest when you do disclose any information, and being transparent while we must keep pertinent information confidential, such as executive, proprietary, personal, and personnel information. Confidentiality is the obligation to protect sensitive or private information from unauthorized disclosure. The Board of Directors must respect the goal of transparency and the obligation of confidentiality.
The BoD in Casta del Sol has many responsibilities, but there is great satisfaction knowing we are working for our community. Talking openly about the challenges we face in our community hopefully allows our homeowners to understand the issues and the decisions. We should respect our vendors and our management team. Collaboration between everyone involved drives a community forward, clarifies responsibilities and aligns our goals. Simply stated, the Board establishes the rules, approves the work and financial decisions, and fiduciary responsibly for the community. The management company implements those needs, and trust is established between all entities. Trust is important and essential for the Board of Directors to be successful. Trust is built by recognizing the residents’ need to understand Board recommendations, discussions, and honest communication of agenda items. Trust continues to strengthen as Board Members, Powerstone Property Management, and committees work together for the betterment and continued success of our community.
I thank you all for your diligence, unwavering dedication, and devotion to our community.
Manager’s Report
Marilyn Smith, General ManagerIn May, you will receive the ballot for the June 27 Annual Meeting which will be held at 7 p.m. in the Vista Room. Casta del Sol has six candidates for four open positions. Please plan to attend the “Meet the Candidates Night” scheduled for Thursday, May 30 at 7 p.m. in the Vista Room to hear from your candidates on topics important to you. You will have the opportunity to meet the candidates and ask them questions.
Illegal Dumpster Dumping
Individuals continue to dump items in the Association’s dumpsters at Rec Ctr 2. We would urge you to advise anyone working on your home that they must dispose of any trash and debris offsite and not in the Association owned dumpsters. Many items are not properly disposed of and result in additional charge to the Association that is then passed on to all property owners. These dumpsters are not for the personal use of residents nor their contractors.
Please remember that the staff that serves this community is very dedicated to Casta del Sol. Each staff member puts in more than 2,080 hours each year trying to provide quality service to the community and uphold the policies and procedures adopted by your Board of Directors.
Marilyn Smith, General Manager
Casta del Sol HOA - Board
of Directors -
President: Linda Silverman
Vice President: John Nethercutt
Treasurer: Susan Ashby
Secretary: Jayne Freed
Directors: Mary Kay Crowley
Phyllis Foglesong
Karen Warren
For Courier staffing contact information, please see page 26.
The Casta Courier is published monthly by the Casta del Sol Homeowners Association. The mailing address is 27651 Casta del Sol Drive, Mission Viejo, Calif. 92692. Deadline for submitting material for the next month is the 6th of each month.
CdS Homeowners Association and Farmer Publications, accept no responsibility for content, accuracy or opinion, expressed or implied, of articles, letters or advertisements. Inclusion of advertisements does not carry with it any endorsement, actual or implied, for the product or services advertised. The CdS Homeowners Association and Farmer Publications have content Rules and Restrictions that must be met, and accept no responsibility for damage occasioned through use of products or services advertised herein.
Landscape Notes
Bill Thornton, Landscape Services CoordinatorFoundations
At the Board of Directors meeting on March 21, the Board approved a resolution to follow the CC&Rs 3.08 and no longer replace plants in foundation planters. It will be the owner’s responsibility to purchase and install plants or hire someone. O’Connell does not work directly for owners. The Board also voted to not supply mulch in foundations, but the Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) does provide free mulch.
Owners will still be required to fill out an application for proposed re-planting, and applications can be found at the Rec Ctr 1 office.
Last year, the SMWD cross-connection specialists met with staff and the landscape contractor to discuss enforcing the recycled water rules and regulations. Although the landscape contractor is in compliance and has no cross connections, some owners’ homes were in question.
A cross-connection is when a domestic water pipe, drip or soaker from a home hose bib meets recycled irrigation water. It is ultimately the Health Department and State of California directing SMWD to enforce the rules. The inspectors found homes last year with violations dating back many years. The owners thought they were in compliance with the HOA rules, and they were, but not with the SMWD rules.
The new Casta Greenbelt rules will refer to the water district rules, and we will be working with the inspectors to bring all of Casta into full compliance. Owners with SMWD violations will be requested to remove valves and piping, whether PVC, drip, or soaker, that may encounter irrigation water. The way you know there is recycled irrigation water near your home is the purple stickers on the sprinkler heads, valve boxes stamped RW or purple in color, and purple signs in the neighborhood attached to poles. O’Connell Landscape employees are currently replacing faded stickers and adding new signs that are required to ensure the health and safety of all residents. O’Connell contact information is and (800) 339-1106.
Bill Thornton, (949) 455-4672, Cindy Van Patten, (949) 215-3146, Landscape Administrative Assistant,
**The Casta del Sol Board meeting minutes are available within two weeks following each meeting on the CdS website,
Board Meeting Highlights
March 21 and April 4, 2024
March 21, 2024
General Manager Marilyn Smith reported:
• The work on the pool at Rec Ctr 1 is complete.
• The arm at Gate 2 was damaged by an ambulance. Their insurance will be covering the repair.
Landscape Services Coordinator Bill Thornton reported:
• Great Scott Tree Service completed the annual tree report.
• Landscape West will be replacing some plants on the Jeronimo slope.
Maintenance Coordinator Donna Duhn reported:
• The maintenance staff processed 135 work orders, sent out 32 letters for violations, and performed 42 inspections for the month.
• During the recent rains, the maintenance building flooded. Staff modified the front of the building to stop the water intrusion.
Recreation Supervisor Valerie Hanich reported:
• The recent Social Committee’s events have sold out quickly and had wait lists. Residents should plan to sign up early.
• Smart thermostats have been installed. They will be connected to Wi-Fi to manage heating and air conditioning in HOA facilities.
The Board:
• Approved the CdS Rules and Regulations regarding communication guidelines and behavior at Board meetings.
• Approved the voter list format and authorized corrections of any discrepancies of the 2024 election voter list. Authorized management staff to make voter list corrections.
• Approved W.B. Starr’s list of four tree removals at a cost of $11,960
• Approved transitioning to a new Casta del Sol template website that will have increased functionality and better overall design. There is no extra cost to use this template.
• Directed staff to advise homeowners who are submitting an architectural application if they have an uncorrected violation in the past.
• Approved the final version of the Casta del Sol Election Operating Rules and authorized distribution and posting of the final rules.
• Approved tree root plumbing repair at 23741 Via Storni by Santa Margarita Plumbing for repair and relining of the sewer line due to common area tree roots and approved W.B. Starr for the removal of two trees for a combined total cost of $11,350.
• Approved the replacement of the drain at 23541 Via Ventura by O’Connell Landscape at a cost of $3,768.25.
• Approved removal of an unsafe grass strip at 27786 - 27796 Espinoza and the replanting of a small embankment by O’Connell Landscape for a total cost of $3,457.94.
• Approved turf restoration at 27781 - 27795 Espinoza by O’Connell Landscape and tree removals for a total cost of $13,279.97.
• Approved trimming trees 16-25 feet high by West Coast Arborists in 2024 for $144,771.
• Approved holding an evening board meeting on Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
• Approved discontinuing the practice of providing free mulch to homeowners.
• Approved changing the hours of Gate 2 to 6:15 a.m. to 10:15 p.m. The gate will still close at 10 p.m. to allow the gate attendant 15 minutes to lock up Rec Ctr 2.
April 4, 2024
• Approved a tree root plumbing repair at 27800 Espinoza by Santa Margarita Plumbing and W.B. Starr for the removal of the one tree for a combined total cost of $6,855.
The next regular meetings of the Board of Directors are Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 1 p.m. and May 2 at 6:30 p.m. in the Vista Room
Fran Morgan, Courier staff
**For a copy of the March 2024 Treasurer’s Report, refer to, Recreation Center bulletin boards, and/or eblasts.
March Treasurer’s Report
Total HOA Assets as of March 31, 2024: $8,781,636
• Operating Cash: $2,307,063
This includes $874,400 in checking, $329,913 invested in a money market account and $1,100,000 invested in CDs.
• Reserve Cash: $5,631,721
This includes $1,167,208 invested in a money market account and $4,600,000 invested in CDs. One CD matured in March. We invested in an 18-month CD at 5.05% and a 24-month CD at 4.75%. Also included in the balance is interest receivable of $57,900 and Due to Operating of $193,386.
Reserve expenditures in March were $94,780 which included house painting, pavement engineering service, fence repairs, and pool repairs at Rec Ctr 1.
• Capital Improvement Cash: $411,477
The only expenditure in March was $161 for truck accessories. This balance includes $41,887 Due to Operating.
• Outstanding Accounts Receivable (A/R): $98,396
This is a slight increase from February. Allowance for Bad Debts is $45,142, an increase from February due to the quarterly adjustment. Allowance for Bad Debts is an estimate of receivables that will not be paid. The Allowance is adjusted Quarterly (March, June, September, December) and is equal to outstanding receivable balances over 91 days.
The following are highlights of our Operating expenses as of March 31:
• General & Administration has a YTD positive variance of $34,035 due to low activity in several accounts. Bad Debt expense is $20,423 or $16,673 higher than budget.
• Land Maintenance has a YTD positive variance of $247,591. In the first quarter, some projects were postponed due to rain, plus there has been a delay in processing some Landscape Contractor invoices for irrigation parts which will soon be resolved.
• Recreation, Repairs and Maintenance, and Traffic Control have a combined positive variance of $12,381.
• Utilities has a YTD positive variance of $86,573. Water has a positive variance of $69,896 primarily due to the rain. Gas has a positive variance of $17,591 and Electricity has a negative variance of $4,946.
Treasurer’s Comments:
The YTD surplus is $576,644, but the YTD budget to actual surplus is $401,025. The surplus is primarily due to the large positive variances in Land Maintenance and Utilities.
Please note that the 2023 year-end adjustments were posted this month thus reducing the current month and year-to-date expenditures. Homeowners will receive the final 2023 audited financial statements later this month.
This Treasurer’s Report as of March 31, 2024, is being submitted to the Board of Directors for their review and acceptance. Once accepted by the Board, this report will be posted.
Respectfully submitted by Susan G. Ashby, Casta del Sol Board of Directors, Treasurer
Join Us In Welcoming Our New Residents - May 2024
Ambler, Carol & David Unlisted (310) 872-6293
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Hancock, Dale & Laurie 28162 Via Cernuda (949) 466-2136 Corona, CA
Heffron, Michale 28132 Via Bonalde (303) 440-1454 Irvine, CA
Maintenance Report
Ed Pedroncelli, Maintenance Services SupervisorVisible Wood Damage
With the wet weather we have experienced this year, it would be a good time to have your home inspected for signs of wood damage. Visible wood damage is the clearest sign of wood rot around the home. There are many ways this can appear. For example: warping, cracking, splitting, splinter-
ing, and discoloration are all visible signs of wood damage. As wood rot progresses, wood may become soft and dark in color. Wooden material loses its ability to bear weight and hold together over time as the cellulose in the wood is destroyed. The strength of wooden building materials is compromised when it begins cracking and crumbing, and it will need to be replaced at this point.
Exterior Building Damage
It is a cause for concern any time there are cracks, holes, or missing pieces in a building’s exterior. Damage to roofing, siding, window frames,
McGovern, Frank 23541 Via Storni (949) 439-3584
Trabuco Canyon, CA
Montenegro, Carmen .................28132 Via Bonalde ....... (949) 244-8836 Irvine CA
Sanders. John & Delores 24126 Calendula (310) 265-3507
Redondo Beach, CA
Simpson, Jean 23601 Ribalta (949) 371-7404
Aliso Viejo, CA
Directory Change: Tahsini, Michael 28041 Calle Valdes (949) 726-2480
and door frames all present an opportunity for water infiltration. This can of course lead to water damage, and it also creates an entry point and a breeding ground for wood rot fungus.
A Musty Smell
Trust your nose. Wood rot, water damage, and mold give off a telltale musty odor. All these contaminants break down wood and produce an earthy musty smell. The smell of decay is more noticeable in poorly ventilated areas.
Visible Fungal Growths
White, yellow, purple, and gray patches on wood are all signs of
fungal growth. These growths can be cottony or powdery in texture. Treat these patches immediately, even if they are not wood rot. Additionally, treat mold and mildew spots quickly to prevent further growth.
Excess Moisture
Water is a necessary ingredient for wood rot. For this reason, any signs of excess moisture are a cause for concern. Look out for bubbling and peeling paint, condensation on windows and walls, and leaky pipes. All these sources of moisture can contribute to wood rot.
Ed Pedroncelli, (949) 215-9155,
Residents Are Asking:
Q. What changes occurred with Powerstone Property Management employees onsite at Casta del Sol during 2024?
A. A new employee, Cindy Van Patten, was hired to assist Bill Thornton, the Landscape Services Coordinator. Also, Donna Duhn, assistant to the Maintenance Services Supervisor, left Casta recently and her position will be filled.
Q. Residents have commented that since we have the same number of houses, facilities, and acreage, we wouldn’t necessarily need additional staff. Is this true?
A. There are various factors contributing to the need for additional staff. One major factor is that as the community ages, there is more maintenance required for facilities and landscaping. This requires additional time for researching, reviewing contracts, overseeing vendors, and working with the relevant committees. In 2023, there were more than 60 meetings requiring attention of Powerstone staff. This is only a small snapshot of the changes.*
Q. Were these changes in staff budgeted in the 2024 budget, or will it result in our dues increasing again for next year?
A. The changes in staff, including two new staff members was already budgeted in the 2024 dues, that went up only $12 from the previous year. If there is an increase in dues for 2025, the various contributing aspects will be explained to residents.
*Note: A more extensive article explaining changes for management will be in a future issue.
This column is a collaboration with the Board of Directors.
Audrey Michaels
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the Architectural Committee with a different member, I worked on the Facilities sub-committee for the renovation of the area around Pool #1 for about 3 years.
The welfare of this lovely community is my only interest and I have no personal agenda. I believe in common sense, civility, transparency, and principle. Moderation is important.
In my working life I was a Commercial Property Manager and Leasing
Brian McDonald
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HOA in Mammoth Lakes holding the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and 7 years as President. So, I bring HOA and Davis Sterling experience to the table. As an attorney, I have rewritten CC&Rs and bylaws for HOAs.
Since purchasing at Casta, I have regularly attended Board meetings and am currently serving on both the Facilities Committee and the Ad Hoc Emergency Preparedness Committee. I am also a member Casta’s Woodworker’s, Military Veteran’s and Fisherman’s Clubs.
If you honor me by electing me to
Mary Kay Crowley
Continued from page 1
Committee and for the past 8 years have been either an active member or Board liaison to the committee. I recently resigned as co-chair to fill a vacancy on the Board. Also, in 201718 I started a Neighborhood Watch program and we are still looking for more volunteers.
All those activities and experience with great people led me to run for the Board in 2018 and for the following 4 years I was honored to be a member of the Board and served as secretary and vice president. Presently, while
Agent for a company which owned full service Hi-Rise Office Building complexes throughout the U.S. I managed a hi-rise complex consisting of 3 towers, 1 one-story building and a two-story parking garage.
I had a staff of clerical, maintenance and engineering personnel, in total about 20 people. I prepared an annual budget which I had to justify in meetings with the company executives in NYC. Tenants: Union Bank, Bank of America, Aetna Life & Casualty, Insurance Company of North America, Exxon, Santa Fe International, law firms large & small etc.
the Board, I intend to encourage my fellow Board members to expand owner involvement and input with occasional “town hall meetings”. These gatherings are NOT by the Davis Sterling Act.
An HOA director has two major responsibilities. First to maintain, protect and preserve the common area assets for the benefit of the entire community. Second , to listen to and be responsive to owners’ wants, needs, concerns and desires. I pledge to you these will be my only priorities. Transparency and communication are the keys. I will not hide behind an overly conservative management company or HOA attorney.
filling a vacancy on the board, I am also involved with the newly created Ad Hoc Committee for Disaster Preparedness, which had been handled by Neighborhood Watch.
Born in Canada, I received a BSN in Nursing from St. Louis University, married, raised 3 amazing daughters and worked as a coronary care nurse. Then, running my own art business where I sold my prints coast to coast, at one time I had 300 accounts.
I am ready, willing and able to keep serving the community and would love your vote to help me do that.
Experienced ….. Committed ….. Conscientious ….. Positive Attitude
Neighborhood Watch
Neighbors, let us all come together to keep our neighborhoods safe. Become a Neighborhood Watch Block Captain and make a difference in your neighborhood with minimal responsibility, but maximum impact. Email us today at or phone Shelly at (949) 533-3316.
Linda Silverman
Continued from page 1
and financial lenders negotiating and managing contracts and relationships. I also created outsourcing services in India, China and the Philippines.
My husband and I moved into Casta del Sol in October 2020 after living 23 years in Newport Beach. I was on the Board of Directors in Newport Canyon for two terms;volunteered for Huntington Harbor Cancer Society and City of Hope in Huntington Beach.
I am determined to work diligently, adhere to the Oath of Office and always represent Casta del Sol with dignity
Shelly Lethiot
Continued from page 1
Advanced Life Support). My Doctorate in Organizational Leadership taught me to organize the evidence, research the facts, listen to the issues, and find the best logical solution to any problem. I would like to use these skills to serve our Casta community. Since moving to Casta 20 years ago, I have been on Board of Directors (2020-2022), the Traffic Committee (secretary and co-chair), Facilities Committee, and part of the original Facilities sub-committee for the asphalt street repairs. Currently I serve
Karen Warren
Continued from page 1
member of my church. I have been on the Board of Directors for two years, one as treasurer. I am involved in many groups within Casta del Sol. During my 52 years in the workforce, I have worked for Wells Fargo Bank, The United Way, and the Fair Housing Council. I retired from The Orange County Water District, where I was Executive Assistant to the General Manager, Office Manager, Head Admin and event planner simultaneously for fifteen years.
and respect. I will assist in negotiating financially fiscal agreements, developing partnerships with our vendors, and work with our Reserves and Budgets & Finance Committees. I attend many of our Committee meetings, clubs and social events to support activities that are so important for our community. I am running for a second term to continue to work tirelessly for our community. We must make decisions that protect home values and be fiscally responsible for our amenities. I will work with everyone to build trust and honesty to ensure Casta del Sol will continue to be a thriving community led with integrity. I would appreciate your vote.
as secretary of the Ad-Hoc Emergency Preparedness committee. I am a Neighborhood Watch Captain, play bridge, and president of the Ceramics Club.
As a Board member, I will monitor the budget while voting for needed projects. I appreciate different ideas and firmly believe it is those differences which help make the best decisions for Casta. I believe in voicing my opinion and if I see something I say something. I am always available to listen. I would appreciate your support and vote. I look forward to the opportunity to represent you. Thank you.
I am a fair, productive and conscientious homeowner who is very committed to the betterment of this community. I am a fiscal conservative with a good amount of ideas to stop burdening the community with arbitrary rules. I believe if you can’t afford it, you can’t do it.
I intend for this place to be my forever home and I would like to see more cohesiveness between committees and the residents. I ask for your vote, and promise to be dedicated to this community and be a voice for the residents of Casta Del Sol.
Gate 2: New Hours
Please note that the new hours for Gate 2 will be from 6:15 a.m. to 10 p.m. Gate 1 will remain open 24 hours a day. The change of hours for Gate 2 is being made to allow the attendant at Gate 2 to lock up and close Rec Ctr 2 amenities without having the Association incur any overtime expenses. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Ad Hoc Emergency Preparedness
An earthquake can occur anytime and anywhere. Deaths and injuries occur when people fall trying to walk or run during the shaking or when they are hit by falling debris. Earthquakes can cause tsunamis, landslides, fires, and damage to utilities. During an earthquake, you should: DROP where you are onto your hands and knees. This position protects you from being knocked down and allows you to crawl to a protected space. COVER your head and neck with your arms. If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for protection. If you cannot find a protected space, crawl to an interior wall (away from windows). Stay on your knees and bend over to protect yourself from injury. HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If you are under a table or desk, hold on to it with one hand as things will be moving. Under shelter, use the other arm to protect your head and neck; if no shelter, use both arms/hands to protect your head and neck.
Prepare before an earthquake occurs by looking around your home for items that might fall and injure you and secure those items. Have emergency supplies available. Check
out Earthquake Warning California before you feel shaking. It is the country’s first publicly available statewide warning system. To receive these warnings, download the MyShake app.
The Ad Hoc Emergency Preparedness Committee will be meeting every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. We look forward to your participation
Jodie Trainer, Chair, (949) 836-6511
When we all moved into Casta del Sol, we understood that there were rules we had to follow in the form of the CC&Rs which tell us what we can and cannot do in our use of the community and our properties. For example: no signs are allowed to be placed in the common area without the permission of the Homeowners Association; two is the maximum number of household pets that may live with you but may not be bred; alterations to the exterior appearance of a property require written approval of the Architectural Committee or authorization from the Board of Directors.
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
In addition to the CC&Rs, we have a set of Standards and Guidelines (S&Gs) which are implemented by the Architectural Committee. The underlying theme of these S&Gs is aesthetics. The purpose of the S&Gs is to keep Casta del Sol’s appearance pleasing and presentable while maintaining property values… All exterior modifications must harmoniously complement the aesthetics of the Casta del Sol community. Members of the Architectural Committee periodically review each home visually and, in the case of non-compliance, mail a courtesy notice to the owner with the non-compliance concern noted.
Examples of points in the S&Gs include: a patio knee wall may be added but may not be over 30” in height; sunscreens and sunshades must match the stucco or trim color of the house; front doors may be stained or painted to match the trim color or be an Association-approved color.
Priscilla Tripp, Chair,
Budget and Finance
At our April meeting, the Budget and Finance (B&F) Committee reviewed the March financial statements which included the 2023 adjustments made by the auditor. The draft audited 2023 financial statements were presented to the Board in April for approval as recommended by the B&F Committee. The final 2023 audited financial statements will soon be mailed to homeowners.
All residents are welcome to attend the B&F meetings. The Budget and Finance Committee meets regularly on the third Monday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Vista Room. Our May meeting will be held on May 20. Please look for the eblasts with additional details about our next meeting.
Lisa Shoemaker, Chair, (949) 305-6336
There are many moving parts to getting the monthly Courier to you. These include brainstorming article topics, conducting interviews, researching, writing, editing, proofreading, photography, graphic design/ layout, printing, publishing, stuffing, and delivering. We thank all the dedicated stuffers who gather each
month. For the April issue, there was a glitch where the publisher did not initially deliver the plastic sleeves. The “standing team” of stuffers was still able to complete their task by placing all the flyers into the newsletters. But the “sitting team” who insert the flyer-stuffed newsletters into the plastic sleeves waited patiently. The sleeves were delivered about an hour later. So the patiently-waiting stuffers had their bagels, donuts, and coffee early and then chatted for a while before embarking on their task. To avoid this occurrence in the future, we now have extra plastic sleeves on hand. Thanks to our delivery coordinator, David Ankeny, with assistance from Valerie Hanich, for tracking down the required items.
This was an example of how our residents pull together to help each other and focus on the end goal. The camaraderie experienced during the stuffing process is evident as so many residents return to help. A group of 45 to 60 people volunteer each month. Some of our newer residents find that this is the easiest way to make new friends. We welcome everyone to experience this fun and rewarding process. Our next Courier Committee meeting is May 8 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fiesta Room.
Debra Friedman, Chair,
Six candidates have submitted applications and resumes to fill the four open Board of Directors positions in the June 27 election. Their pictures and resumes start on the front page of this issue. The appearance order was determined by a random drawing at the Election Committee’s April 3 meeting. You can find additional information in the General Notice of Election and Voting Information that is posted on the Casta del Sol website and Bulletin Board, as noted in the April Courier. The candidates will be formally introduced to the Board of Directors at their meeting on May 16.
On May 30 at “Meet the Candidates Night,” Casta del Sol homeowners will have the opportunity to hear the candidates tell why they should be elected. The candidates will also answer questions submitted by the attending and viewing audience. The campaign meeting will be held in the Vista Room at 6 p.m. and can
be viewed on Zoom. Ballots will be mailed to CdS members the week of May 20. Please vote!
The Election Committee planned the agenda for the “Meet the Candidates Night” and discussed campaigning at its April 3 meeting. Homeowner Association funds may not be used for any campaign purposes (Civil Code 5145), but every candidate is ensured equal access to association media, newsletters, and Casta’s website. Barbara Harris, Inspector of Elections, noted that the staff has continued to process Voter List updates with the final Voter List due May 3.
Jeff McCoy, Chair,
Let us remember all the veterans who died in the service to our nation this Memorial Day.
The Facilities Committee has been working on several items such as asphalt paving for 2024, update to the pool/spa at Rec Ctr 1, update to the pool/spa/shower at Rec Ctr 2, adding new tables and umbrellas at Rec Ctr 2 pool/spa, update of Fiesta and Ceramics/Arts and Crafts Rooms, and preparing a Statement of Work to review the Association amenities.
The Facilities Committee is responsible for the engineering, maintenance, and repair of assets such as asphalt, home painting, pool/spa updates and maintenance, roof repairs on Association buildings, concrete repairs, HVAC and water heater maintenance and replacement, fencing, updates to amenities, electrical, and capital. Learn what is happening by attending monthly Board and Committee meetings. A schedule is provided in the Courier. Check out the monthly Courier for information on Committees and Clubs or access the Association website where the latest agenda and minutes can be found.
Think about getting involved by joining one of the many committees or participating in the different clubs. The Facilities Committee is always looking for new people with experience, expertise, and a desire to get involved. The Committee meets monthly on the fourth Thursday. Come and sit in on a meeting and, if interested, complete an Interest Form that can be found in the Administration or Recreation Office at Rec Ctr 1. The next Facilities meeting is on May 25 at 9 a.m. in the Fiesta Room.
Nancy Cunningham, Chair, (949) 350-3562
Some Greenbelt Committee recommendations approved by the Casta del Sol Board of Directors may still be ongoing as you read your May Courier. These include a turf renovation project along 27781 to 27795 Espinoza and a small embankment renovation project between 27796 and 27786 Espinoza. O’Connell Landscaping and WB Starr are the two contractors of record for these projects. WB Starr Tree Services will be handling all tree removals along 27781 to 27795 Espinoza. Residents who live in the project areas are notified by the Association. Projected start dates are determined
by each contractor and the Landscape Services Coordinator.
In April, the committee held discussions on several additional proposed projects. Projects included the removal of turf along Unamuno which could include a potential rebate from the Santa Margarita Water District, and an interior slope project along El Greco and Alava and Las Casas and Alava. The areas being considered are all common areas. The grassy area along Unamuno is also a nonfunctional turf area. The committee discussed an updated version of the Standards and Guidelines for the Installation of Artificial Turf on homeowner front
yard property only.
As always, community members can ask questions about any proposed project and the impact on areas near or around your property. If you have a landscape concern, please use the following contact information for O’Connell: phone in your request to (800) 339-1106 or use workorders@ Our next committee meeting will be in the Fiesta Room on May 14 at 9 a.m.
Randy Gish, Chair,
The Library Committee is hard at work keeping the library accessible and orderly. We are planning a new annual library inventory that will take place on Thursday, May 23. The library will be closed on that day to allow librarians to complete the work. There will be signs placed letting everyone know ahead of time when that will happen. There will also be an eblast sent from the office reminding residents. We are also updating our charter as requested by the Ad Hoc Policy Committee. This is done every few years to keep our committee rules current.
New Additions to the Library
Regular Print:
After Annie, Anna Quindlen
Expiration Dates, Rebecca Serle
Finding Margaret Fuller, Allison Pataki
Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice, Elle Cosimano
Help Wanted, Adele Waldman
James, Percival Everett
Listen for the Lie, Amy Tintera
Still See You Everywhere, Lisa Gardner
The Covenant of Water, Abraham Verghese
The Hunter, Tana French
The Other Valley, Scott Alexander Howard
The Sunlit Man, Brandon Sanderson Wandering Stars, Tommy Orange
Large Print:
Anita De Monte Laughs Last, Xochitl Gonzalez
Good Half Gone, Taryn Fisher Kill for Me, Kill for You, Steve Cavanagh
The Summer Book Club, Susan Mallery
The Warm Hands of Ghosts, Katherine Arden
Continued on page 12
Continued from page 10
Three-Inch Teeth, C. J. Box
Women of Good Fortune, Sophie Wan
Holly, Stephen King
Resurrection Walk, Michael Connelly Sheila Kessler, Vice Chair,
The ladies of Casta del Sol experienced a lovely afternoon at our Tea Party and Fashion Show. Lunching on tea sandwiches, scones, a strawberry, and scrumptious desserts, they chatted with their neighbors and sipped a wide variety of teas. Chico’s provided the clothing for an exquisite fashion show. Our models: Claire, Debra, Diane, Marla, Nevin, and Susan did a wonderful job. A special shout out to Valerie Hanich for all her efforts in helping us organize this. And, of course, a big thank you to the entire Social Committee for their hard work and dedication.
Our next event is our annual Memorial Day barbecue. Tickets are priced at $26 per person. Sign-ups began April 29. We hope to see you there.
Calling all cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and other vehicles. The third annual Car and Cycle Showcase is slated for Sunday, June 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. If you would like to be part of the show, please contact John Sellers ( or Amy Lake (
The Social Committee meets on the first Friday of every month in the Fiesta Room at 10 a.m.
Amy Lake, Chair, (516) 263-7941,
Traffic safety in Casta del Sol remains an important focus for the Traffic Committee. Ongoing enhancements to the Oso Creek Trail between Gates 1 and 2 are being made by the City of Mission Viejo. Numerous residents have voiced concerns regarding the increased number of pedestrians and cyclists crossing Casta del Sol Drive at the trail access near Gate 1 with several reporting near misses with cyclists exiting the trail and golf course. Committee members conducted site visits to observe and evaluate these concerns. We witnessed a number of pedestrians and cyclists traversing the intersection without
watching for cross traffic, ignoring the recently installed crosswalk and/or not activating the flashing lights at the sidewalk. To address potential safety concerns, Committee members and CdS Management met with City staff to evaluate and recommend possible solutions for increased safety at that intersection. The general consensus was that the City has made reasonable efforts to stripe and provide signage for the safety of both pedestrians and vehicles. However, there may be opportunities to enhance the City’s work by adding additional traffic controls for vehicles exiting Gate 1. One suggestion offered by the group included adding an egress “Stop” sign on CdS property. This sign would provide additional safety for pedestrians and cyclists crossing to and from the trail, as well as for vehicles entering and exiting the golf course parking lot. The Committee will continue evaluating all viable solutions, then forward our recommendations to the Board of Directors for review.
Lynn Yeazel, Co-Chair, (949) 582-0212,
Members of the Welcome Committee contact new residents to arrange a meeting and provide a packet of information about the many activities, clubs, and committees in Casta del Sol. It is our pleasure to meet with new members of the community and to help them feel that they made the right decision in moving here. If you have not yet been contacted by one of our members and wish to meet, you may email me to arrange a time and place to get together with one or two of our members. We look forward to meeting each one of you and welcoming you to Casta.
And last, thanks for the memories, as they say. After a four-year stint as chair, I am leaving to serve on another committee. Thank you very much to the ladies who visit newcomers and make them feel welcome. In this space next month, you will hear from the new committee chair.
Priscilla Tripp, Chair,
Honoring Fallen Heroes - Memorial Day 2024
Bible Study
Any resident of Casta del Sol who has an interest in participating in the study of the Bible is welcome to join us. This is an active group of folks from different churches. Our studies are varied, but always Bible-oriented. We examine and/or question the study of the day, but always keep the discussion on topics from the Bible.
The club meets at Rec Ctr 2 every Tuesday morning from 10 to 11:30 a.m. for study and prayer. Come and join us as we sing the old hymns.
We are a no-dues club. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Peter Filakouridis at (949) 305-1935.
Kay Reed,, (949) 354-1460
Here are three good reasons to find yourself in the Casta del Sol Billiards Room. 1) Make Friends, Not Foes: They say competition brings out the worst in people, but not in the billiards room. Here, rivalries are born, friendships are forged, and everyone’s a winner. 2) Exercise (kinda): who needs a gym membership when you’ve got a cue stick and a table full of balls? Okay, so billiards might not be the most strenuous workout, but hey, it’s better than sitting on the couch all day. Plus, you’ll be burning calories with every shot. Just think of it as a low-impact cardio session. 3) Channel Your Inner Pool Shark: the billiards room is your playground. With a little practice (and maybe a bit of luck), you’ll be sinking shots like a pro in no time. Just don’t forget to work on your smug victory dance, after all, you will have earned it.
Fred Wilmott,, (949) 367-6671
All are welcome to the Garden Room at Rec Ctr 1 to learn about duplicate bridge on Tuesdays between noon and 3 p.m. In early April, we chatted with a lady who once played rubber/party bridge for many years with good players. She has lived in Casta del Sol for more than ten years but has never played bridge here. We briefly explained the few differences of duplicate play. We want to get her, and you, interested in trying bridge at
Casta. Currently, the Murray Center has bridge classes available, too. Duplicate bridge at CdS is unsanctioned by the ACBL.
Visit our rubber/party bridge group on Wednesdays, noon to 3 p.m., to watch and learn about Casta bridge. We play in the Fiesta or Garden Room; check with the Rec Ctr 1 office for location. Substitutes are occasionally needed. For more information, email me with “bridge” on the subject line.
Tim McCoy,
Canine Companions
Members and some new guests enjoyed last month’s meeting with Hot Dogs and Canines. What’s always rewarding to note is that the excuse for the get together is the dogs, but the enjoyment of the owners socializing becomes another obvious reason. With this month, we assume the weather will be warmer, but not hot. How wonderful to walk your beloved animal in comfort. This has been a tough winter for such. Remember to update vaccinations and physical examinations, if due. Grooming becomes more necessary, as well. Prices may be high, but there are choices.
Our new social gathering location at the fountain, Gate 1, has begun, and while it has only attracted a few, it will grow. Come down at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays if only for your pet’s sake and stay longer for yours. This month’s meeting, Taco Time, is on Saturday, May 11 at 1 p.m. Please RSVP.
Tom Brockmiller,, (949) 412-1083
Casta Creatives
Our very successful Paint & Wine events are open to the community. The next one is on May 10 in the Vista Room at 3 p.m.; sign-ups began on April 19. The cost is $35 and includes wine and appetizers.
On June 6, Casta Creatives members will be visiting the Hilbert Museum. We have Drawing Fundamentals and Watercolor classes for nominal fees on Thursdays in May.
Each week our members meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays for Open Studio from 2 to 6 p.m. in the Arts and Crafts Room. It is not too late to join us. Membership is only $10 a
year, payable at the Rec Ctr 1 office. If you are interested in finding out more about our club, please contact Jacki Keller at (949) 293-5487.
Debra Friedman,, (949) 230-7195 to be able to count to 31. If you have ever played in the past, the rules will quickly come flooding back; just come on down for a few games and a general social evening. There is no sign-up or commitment. If you want more information, contact Susan Herrning. Susan Herrning,, (949) 630-2565
Welcome to the world of Ceramics. Every day at ceramics is filled with fun projects, conversation, and new learning experiences. In April, we hosted the annual Flea Market. Thank you to all who attended and found treasures for yourself and loved ones. In May, our class, taught by Ken and Grace, will be on how to move underglaze transfers to bisque. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. We welcomed one new member, Mira. Please drop by and say hello; our door is always open.
Shelly Lethiot,
Crafts For Charity
The Craft Ladies of Casta del Sol have delivered a number of springtime projects for the residents of Laura’s House and recipients of Meals on Wheels in Mission Viejo. This month, we will be working on inspirational journals for the women and making several projects for the children living at Laura’s House, a shelter for women dealing with domestic violence.
Craft Club meetings are on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon in Rec Ctr 2. Meetings this month will be on May 1 and May 15. We welcome new project ideas and seek potential recipients. Stop by when you can and lend a hand. We’d love to meet you. Materials will be supplied and you’ll be shown what to do. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends while helping others.
Jessica Hollowell, (310) 480-9093
We play cribbage each Thursday in the Heritage Room at Rec Ctr 2 from 6:30 until about 8:45 p.m. If you are interested in learning to play this old English card game, any of our members would be willing to teach you on a one-to-one basis, or we can do it on a Thursday evening; it’s really not that complicated. You just need
At our March meeting, we discussed the results of the primary election and at our April meeting, we discussed strategies to help campaigns such as postcards, canvassing, literature drops, etc. For most meetings, we bring in a knowledgeable presenter and/or a candidate for a local election. We also encourage everyone to participate and discuss relevant issues. Our next meeting is May 19 at 3 p.m. in the Vista Room. Generally, the meetings take place on the third Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. in the Vista Room unless there is a holiday. Please bring potluck food or beverages to share as we like to mingle after the business part of the meeting. In this important election year, we want to create a good community within Casta del Sol and always welcome new residents to our meetings. We are a no-dues club. If you would like to receive emails, please let me know.
Debra Friedman,, (949) 230-7195
Heritage Garden
Forget the hustle and bustle; May explodes with color in the Heritage Garden. Geraniums erupt in a vibrant dance, blushing pink to vibrant purple. Stroll through the blooms or snag a seat for a front-row view of hummingbirds flitting on their floral ballet. Feeling whimsical? Weather permitting, look for the sunny-sideup wonder of the fried egg poppies in the meadows. Their delicate petals sway in the afternoon breeze; a sight to steal a smile. Nestled beneath the shade of the majestic California pepper tree, book in hand, find your own tranquil corner. Craving serenity? The Zen area awaits you. With nooks and crannies for quiet contemplation, the Heritage Garden is a haven for all to enjoy. Pack your hat, a good book, and don’t forget your plastic and glass
5:30 PM Sol Rock N Rollers Event, P1
Recreation Center 1 Hours:
May - Oct: Mon-Sun, 8 am–10 pm
Recreation 1 Pool & Fitness Center Hours:
May-Oct: Mon-Sat, 7 am-10 pm, Sun, 8 am-10 pm
Recreation Center 2 Pool Hours: Mon-Sun 7 am–10 pm
Rec 2 Heritage Room Hours: Mon-Sun 8 am-10 pm
PM Ad-Hoc Policy & Procedures, F
Day 1:00 PM Architectural, F 10:00 AM Traffic, F 2:00 PM Ad-Hoc Policy & Procedures, F 4:00 PM Social’s Memorial Day Party, V 10:30 AM ARMDI Event, V 3:00 PM Democrats Event, V
AM Greenbelt, F
Calendar Coordinator, Valerie Hanich Recreation Director, (949) 455-4681
Note: All meetings are subject to location change or on Zoom.
• Association, Board & Committee Meetings • Association Sponsored Activities • Club & Activity Events
Daily/Weekly Activities Schedule - May 2024 (All activities are subject to change.)
Bible Study T, 10:30 AM, H
Bocce Ball
M, W, F, 2-3 PM, BC
Bunco 1st T, 6 PM, H
2nd T, 6 PM, H
2nd T, 6 PM, G
Bunco Babes 3rd T, 6 PM, G
Casta Creatives W, TH, 2 - 6 PM, AC & CW
Ceramics Club M, T, W, S, 8 AM - 1:30 PM; AC & CW
TH, 8 AM - 12 PM, AC; F, 8 AM - 1:30 PM, CW
Crafts for Charity 1st, 3rd W, 10 AM, H
Cribbage TH, 6:30 PM, H
Duplicate Bridge T, 12 PM, G
Hand & Foot
M, 6 PM, G; W, 12 PM, H;
Hand & Foot S, 5:45 PM, H
Jewelry Class F, 1 PM, AC
Lawn Bowling M, W, F, 1:00 PM, LBG
Mah Jongg Mavens S, 10 AM, H
Mexican Train T, 1 PM, V or AC
Paddle Tennis M, T, W, TH, F, 9 AM, PTC
Pickleball T, F, Su, 8 AM, TC; M, W, 4 PM, TC
Ping Pong S, Su 9:00 AM, G
Pinochle F, 6:30 PM, H
Poker Ladies 1st W, 6 PM, G
Quilting 2nd & 4th TH, 1 PM, G
Rubber Bridge M, 11 AM, G
Scrabble T, 6 PM, L
Shuffle (Friendly Play) 3rd W, 10 AM, SBP
Shuffle League Play TU, 10 AM, SBP
Shuffle (Pot of Gold) W, 6:30 PM, SBP
Shuffle Super 2nd Su, 1 PM, SBP
Shuffle Training 1st & 3rd F, 10 AM, SBP
Strummers M, 1 PM, H
Support Group 1st & 3rd TH,10:30 AM, G
Tennis T, TH, 6:30 PM, TC; M, W, S, 8 AM, TC
Texas Hold’em W, 12:45 PM, G
Water Exercise M, T, W, TH, F, 9 AM, P1
Wood Workers M, 2 PM, AC; TH, 12 PM, AC
Celebrating in Casta During Winter
By Debra Friedman, photos by Fred Lake and Jeff McCoyCasta del Sol provides so many opportunities for joy throughout the dreary winter months. In addition to the events offered by the Social Committee, there are many clubs providing parties and events for the community. Here are photos that capture residents enjoying these activities.
Bocce ball players celebrating a Bingo win. Photo by Jeff McCoy Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at Luck of the Irish Paddle Tennis Tournament. Photo by Fred LakeCLUBS & ACTIVITIES
Heritage Garden held at Camp Pendleton are gratefully accepted. Checks are also welcome.
Continued from page 13
bottle recyclables with CRV; they help keep our garden thriving. Questions?
Reach out to Beth McVey at (949) 279-0103.
Parizad Sethna,, (949) 298-007
Las Damas
The “Merry, Merry Month of May” has arrived in Casta del Sol and the community is buzzing with spring activities. The Ladies of Las Damas Club are looking forward to a spring luncheon meeting on Wednesday, May 8, celebrating Cinco de Mayo and the glory of spring. Reservations are being taken at Rec Ctr 1 through May 5 at $25 for members and $30 for non-members, payable to Las Damas Club. The luncheon menu includes chicken enchiladas, beans, rice, green salad, and guacamole with salsa chips. Chocolate cake will be offered for dessert. Entertainment features vocal duo Madison and Sebastian performing jazz, rock, and pop favorites for all.
Donations of baby items for the Military Moms Baby Shower being
Pat Crowley, (949) 305-0582
Mah Jongg Mavens
Players, join our group on Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room at Rec Ctr 2. No reservations are needed to play. Bring the new 2024 card and $3 to play any Saturday morning. We are a friendly group and welcome newcomers. For lessons, experienced instructor Lani Wolff is ready to schedule a four-week series of two-hour lessons. Email Lani at for further details and to register.
Winners on April 6: Most Mah Jonggs, Lani Wolff; Concealed Hands, Lois Connors, Ann Loranger, and Myrna Smith; Jokerless, Linda Clark and Debra Friedman; Quints, Suzanne Moore and Liz Rickett. No winners in Singles and Pairs. Mah Jongg Mavens hold a tournament and potluck lunch on the first Saturday of every month. Bring your card, $3 to play, and a food item to share. May the jokers be with you.
Jean VanDerford,
Military Veterans
In May, two days that are recognized especially by our military families are Memorial Day and Armed Forces Day. For many military families, May is synonymous with Memorial Day. Officially, the entire month of May was designated by the United States Congress in 1999 to be Military Appreciation Month. Memorial Day honors those who have died during military service and will never be forgotten. It was known originally as Decoration Day to honor the Union soldiers who died during the American Civil War. After World War I, it was extended to include all men and women who died in any war or action. Armed Forces Day is a joint celebration of all five service branches of the U.S military. It honors all service members currently serving in the U.S, and worldwide. To all those who have served, “Thank You” for your service! Rod Jordan,, (714) 746-1158
Ping Pong
Join us on Saturday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Garden Room for social and competitive play. There is always a table available for newcomers and/or those who need a refresher. In addition, a table will be available for open play on Saturdays until 2 p.m. and most Sundays. All skill levels are welcome. Paddles are available for loan in the Rec Ctr 1 office. We look forward to seeing you there.
Sherry Hargrove, (858) 336-5369
The Pinochle Club meets in the Heritage Room at Rec Ctr 2 every Friday night. Dealing begins promptly at 6:30 p.m. We play three-handed, each player trying for the highest total for three games against two other players. The high scorer moves to the next table to play against another two players who use equal parts skill and luck to achieve the highest score. Come join us if you know how to play or call Dawn to arrange to learn the game. During March, Cathie Joy had the three-game high of 4,400 and the second highest at 4,120. Linda Owen had the highest total for all games during March; her total of 14,220 was the highest even though she missed a
week of play. There were six Double Pinochles. Congratulations to our winners.
Dawn Hibbs,, (949) 455-9826
The Republican Club hopes everyone had a happy Easter holiday. We are sorry that our article did not appear in April’s Courier. Mistakes happen. We all hope that you enjoyed our last event in February. Happily, all our candidates won in the primary. We have lots of work to do moving forward and hope we are successful in the General Election. We have two more events before that time. When a date is settled on, an eblast will be sent out and one will be sent from the office as well in plenty of time to make your plans. A party with dinner may be in order and we might ask for donations so our treasury remains solvent. If you have not already paid your dues, it is time to do so: $10 for individuals and $15 for couples.
Betty Houston,, (626) 422-0771
Sol Rock ‘n Rollers
Come and celebrate Cinco de Mayo with us on Sunday, May 5 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. and enjoy tacos. We will have a choice of chicken, asada, carnitas or veggies served with rice, beans, chips and salsa. Lots of toppings: guacamole, pica de gallo, cheese, sour cream, cabbage, onions, cilantro, and jalapenos served poolside from Taco Surf. We’ll dance the night away to music. All this for $22.
Save July 28 for a Sunday brunch from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at poolside. We will have music by the Calirays, so wear your dancing shoes.
Karen Parmer (949) 215-5118
Support Group
If you experience grief because of losing a loved one, losing independence due to illness, aging, or caring for a loved one, this is a place for emotional support, sharing experiences and hearing similar situations. You are not alone on your journey. Come and meet others in similar seasons and sit-
Support Group
Continued from previous page uations. We meet twice a month. For more
contact Kathy Wu. Kathy Wu,, (818) 590-8009
Vegetable Garden
Spring arrived with vigor last month and our gardens are thriving. Last month, people planted in earnest their spring and summer crops, such as tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, beets, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, artichokes, potatoes, eggplant, onions, garlic, cabbage, kale, and celery. In addition, last month at various plots, fruit trees such as figs, peaches and all sorts of citrus trees brought forth their blossoms adorning our gardens. Not to be outdone, some of our gardeners have planted various Asian vegetables and fruits. Our berry gardeners’ crop of blackberries and strawberries are starting to emerge with their fruit. At this stage, our waiting list for gardens has decreased from 14 to 13. Happy Gardening.
Michael Schlesinger,, (914) 815-1002
Woodworker’s Club had many visitors at our display table during the Ceramics Club Flea Market last month. We featured many small objects with practical uses such as cork trivets used for holding hot and cold containers, cutting boards that are attractive and useful for cutting fruits, vegetables, and meats and are easily maintained. Also available were game boards that can be used for dominoes, Mexican Train ,and other tile games such as Rummy Tiles, or for playing cards in any large-handed card games. We also introduced a game called Hook and Ring that seems to be catching on with young people. We made one for display only and will produce more upon request.
Woodworkers meet every Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Rec Ctr 1 Arts and Crafts Room located across from the Vista Room. Drop by if you have a wood project request or repair, or are interested in our activities.
Steve Vallely, (714) 595-5766
Away Golf
There is still time to sign up for our next tournament being held on Tuesday, May 21 at Glen Ivy Golf Course in Corona. The tournament will have consecutive tee times starting at 9 a.m. Cost for golf with cart and prizes is $75. Sign-up will be available at Casta del Sol Rec Ctr 1 through May10. We look forward to seeing you all there. Joyce Parlin, (949) 588-0337
Bocce Ball
If you want to have an hour of laughs, please join us at the Bocce Ball courts. We play on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons from 2 to 3 p.m. We will be returning to our evening hours sometime in June. We would like to welcome the following new members: Barbara and Bill Topf.
Our next meeting will be on Monday, May 6 at 7 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. Following a short business meeting, we will be playing cards. We will not be having any meetings in June or July.
Carol Zinsmeister, (949) 305-9890
We have only three weeks left in the season and Pin Pals Cynthia, Tom, Maureen, and Don have a three-point lead on Rollin’ Soul Mates Gail, Stu, Pat, and Hugh. There is still time for any team to catch and/or pass either of these teams.
The Casta del Sol Bowling league bowls on Thursdays at 1 p.m. at Saddleback Lanes on Marguerite Parkway in Mission Viejo. If you do not want to commit to bowling every week, you could get on our list of subs. We can use more subs; call Donna Miller (949) 395-8958. If interested in checking out how much fun we have, you can stop by on a Thursday at 1 p.m. at Saddleback Lanes.
The summer league that many of the Casta del Sol bowlers join has started sign-ups. If interested, contact Donna Miller or Van Quinn at the numbers listed in this article or call Saddleback Lanes at (949) 586-5300. Van Quinn, (949) 842-9151
No new news on Lake Mission Viejo’s status. Golden algae are still preventing fish stocking. In the in-
terim, Laguna Woods Rod and Gun Club, our sister group, continues to welcome Casta del Sol members. Three-quarter day boat trips from Dana Wharf twice a month started in April. Shallow waters are open for rockfishing again, as well as deep drop trips for larger fish, weather permitting. Our Casta del Sol monthly luncheon meeting is Friday, May 24 at noon in the Fiesta Room. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. You can learn about new California fishing regulations and share in the plans and adventures of our members. There are always discussions of future plans and reports on recent trips.
Nick Morenc, (949) 588-6223
Golf Chippers
All Casta del Sol residents and their adult guests are invited to play in our quarterly Golf Chippers events. No need to sign up in advance, just show up. If you need a golf club, we have one for you. There are no annual membership dues, just a $5 fee at each event plus a household (white elephant) item for the raffle prize table. Everyone gets to take home a prize. Our next Golf Chippers event is
Saturday, May 4 at 9 a.m. Please note that the new time is 30 minutes earlier so people can get on with other warm-weather activities. Several players found golf clubs from our donated collection and took them home free of charge. Need clubs, a golf bag, or golf balls? Just holler. Mark your 2024 calendars for future Golf Chippers events at 9 a.m. on May 4 and August 3. No golf experience is necessary. See you soon.
Bob Hrad, (949) 290-0366
Lawn Bowling
It’s spring and hopefully the rain, wind, and cold weather are behind us. Our lawn is in great condition, ready for the Club to hold our annual open house event on Saturday May 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is meant to be an introduction to our sport and an opportunity to watch, learn, and practice a sport that requires you to meet the challenges of fitness, strategy, performance, and competition. We will have several members with the skills I mentioned present to introduce you to our sport. And let’s not forget the opportunity for you to meet new friends and share a social time. Here’s
Continued on next page
Lawn Bowling
Continued from previous page
hoping you’ll come and give the game a try and, of course, share in coffee, pastries, and snacks provided by our club members. Hope to see you Saturday May 18 at 9 a.m.
Ed Tutton, (949) 584-1638
Men’s Golf
Make the month of May a time to sharpen your golf skills for the Club Championships beginning June 7. Each player’s first posted score for June, July, and August will be recorded and the standings sent out each week. Players will be playing for low gross, low net, and four flight championships. USGA and all local Club rules will govern play. Play-offs will be held in September. We look forward to some great competition. Come out and join us.
The May games are: 5/1: Team Twosome Total; 5/8: Pinehurst; 5/15: 3 Club and a Putter; 5/22: Team Best Ball; 5/29: Team Scramble. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact our membership chairman Al Arnott at (714) 425-4320. Wishing you best wishes and great golf.
Merl Barrett, (949) 770-5024
Paddle Tennis
The Paddle Tennis Club Luck of the Irish tournament was loads of fun. In the advanced group, winners were: 1st Adam Taghavi, 2nd Kevin Smith, and 3rd Dennis Serrano. In the intermediate group: 1st Chuck Brown, 2nd Mike Cusack, and 3rd Jerry Elizondo. In the social group: 1st Jerry Castro, 2nd Rosendo Castillo, and a 3rd place tie with Hedy Kane and Sherry Hargrove. The second tournament of 2024 is on Saturday, May 11 at 9 a.m. This Cinco de Mayo Tournament will include margaritas and breakfast goodies. All who are not playing are invited to come and watch.
Open Court times are 9 to 10:15 a.m. Monday through Friday and 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Everyone is welcome to play. Our friendly players will help newcomers during these open play times. For other times, please put your name on the whiteboard outside the courts.
Debra Friedman,, (949) 230-7195
The March 2024 pickleball tournament winners were Wade Wooldridge, Lynda Schultz, and Kimberly Wooldridge. They amassed the most points during the four games played with randomly selected partners. Everyone attending was a winner though since a great Irish meal was served following the tournament which was held on St. Patrick’s Day.
The Pickleball Club offers a monthly clinic for members to work on select aspects of the game. Join the club and take part in the next clinic. Dues are $10 per person for the year and can be paid by check to the “CdS Pickleball Club” at the Rec Ctr 1 office.
The pickleball courts are reserved for club play every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 to 10 a.m., and every Monday and Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. Join us at Rec Ctr 2 for the action. Loaner paddles are available and club members will help get you introduced to the game.
Eric Vanderslice, (562) 712-1225
Congratulations to our winners. The Tuesday morning league winning team included Mike Bukala, Susan Herrning, Laura Storrie, and Jim Kinney. The Pot O’ Gold winners were: 1st Brigid Johnson; 2nd Stan Krauson; 3rd Nick Spanovich. If you would like to sign up as subs, contact Jim Kinney at for the Tuesday morning league and Susan Herrning at for the Wednesday evening league.
The following were winners for the Sunday Super Shuffle: 1st Cathy McCoy/Mo Caywood; 2nd Bob Caywood/Sherry Taylor; 3rd Brigid Johnson/Howard Reafsnyder. The next date is May 19. Winners for the Sunday Potluck Social Shuffle: 1st Jayne Freed/Jesse Hunt; 2nd Judy Barrett/Ann Loranger: 3rd Debra Friedman/Jerry Castro. The next date is May 26. Sign-ups are in the Shuffleboard Pavilion.
Our next big social event will be Summer Sizzling BBQ on June 21. Friday morning lessons by Bob and Mo Caywood take place on the first and third weeks at 10 a.m.
Debra Friedman,, (949) 230-7195
As we await more typical spring tennis weather, we continue to slog around the courts. However, the new RolDri roller has made the moist courts much more playable. The courts have also received two new umbrellas (tilt and crank), which will be very useful for those times when the sun is low in the sky.
Group activities continue on Monday and Wednesday mornings (8 a.m.) and Tuesday and Thursday evenings (6 p.m.). The first Saturday sessions
Sign Up for Eblasts
continue with Clarity Tennis Tips; coffee and breakfast munchies are included. The third Saturday program includes drills and court fun led by local pro Jimmy Gleason. There are several Tennis Club tournaments scheduled for this year including doubles and singles. These events are fun with a dose of friendly competition. You can catch up on all these events on the Tennis Club’s FaceBook page. We invite all Casta del Sol residents to visit the site on FaceBook at Casta del Sol Tennis Club.
Please sign up for eblasts for the most up-to-date connection you can have with all that goes on in Casta del Sol, by contacting Valerie Hanich at You can also find eblasts on the CdS website,, or by going to the Rec Office and filling out the appropriate form.
On the Road Again
UCI Museum
New to SoCal, too busy to explore, or perhaps time to revisit? Debra offers suggestions
Debra Friedman
In a nondescript office building on Von Karmen near the OC airport is a treasure of a museum. It was previously the Irvine Museum, which was founded by Joan Irvine and family in 1992. The collection included more than 1,300 works representing the impressionist period (1890–1930) in California. With works valued at more than $13 million, the Irvine Museum was dedicated to preserving and displaying this work.
In 2016, UCI acquired the Irvine Museum collection as well as other collections and now owns more than 4,500 pieces of art. The new museum,
Reflections of a Casta Neighbor
A resident explores the adventures of Casta
Nevin Valentine
School has always been my happy place, whether it was as a student or a teacher, because I thrive on the learning and socializing opportunities. I see many aspects of Casta that are just like those wonderful days in high school.
One of the things I value the most about living here is being with people my own age. Interacting with my peers provides a natural comfort zone for learning and socializing and, just like high school, we have many clubs and sports to participate in and opportunities to serve. The Courier staff has many similarities to the journalism department in that our newsletter is the mainstay of communication for our community.
The Board of Directors and the Associated Student Body officers have comparable leadership positions, and both groups are elected by the great-
renovated in 2019, is officially titled the Jack and Shanaz Langson Institute and Museum of California Art. Its vision is to celebrate artists “responding to the California experience.” The UCI Museum continues to display some pieces from its collections but primarily hangs rotating exhibits of about 100 items. The exhibits I have often loved in the past are California landscapes.
Another change is that the former gift shop was turned into a hands-on experiential room, as it is considered a resource for “arts education for youth, teaching visual literacy, art practice, and history.” For UCI, this is a temporary space. There is a new large, dedicated art building soon to be constructed on the north campus, slated to open in four to five years. It will feature indoor and outdoor exhibit space.
The current address is 18881 Von Karmen Avenue. The museum is free to visitors, and it is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
er community, or student body. Our Casta version of the student council includes our committees such as the Architectural, Greenbelt, Traffic, and Finance Committees. We have a beautiful library, just as we did in high school. Physical Education is a mainstay at Casta. Our Fitness Center and Shuffleboard Pavilion have replaced the gym, and our outdoor sports fields would be the envy of any high school.
At Napa High School, where I went to school, the drama students had the opportunity to showcase and develop their theatrical and musical talents.
At Casta, our thespians, and behind the scenes stagehands and crew, are the spirited members of the Variety Club. What fun they have producing plays and movies.
The annual Military Veterans Club’s formal mirrors the prom. Were you in a garage band in high school? It’s not too late to be part of one at Casta. Give the talented Strummers a call.
One of the best and perhaps most healing things about living in Casta is that we get a second chance to be with our contemporaries, this time as wise elders and not young teenagers. We don’t succumb to peer pressure, and we freely choose activities that suit us. What a delight to attend “Casta High School” together.
Small Talk Being Mom on a Rainy Summer Day
A freelance writer’s humorous spin on the ups and downs of life
During recent rainy days, my mind wandered to my childhood. In the summer, as long as there was no lightning, and the rain was only a drizzle, we often played outside in our bathing suits. Air conditioning was uncommon, so the rain provided a way to cool off. We splashed in puddles, floated paper boats, and mud became free clay for creative building. Although we ended up wet and dirty, we got plenty of fresh air and had fun. By the time I became a mother, sending children out to play in the rain seemed wrong. Faced with two energetic boys on a rainy summer day
What’s Cooking at Casta
Want help in the kitchen? Linda shares her favorite recipes.
Broccoli Edamame Coleslaw
This is a refreshing spring/summer salad. One of my favorites!
1 bag broccoli coleslaw
1 bag coleslaw with carrots
½ cup chopped red cabbage
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup shelled edamame
½ cup chopped celery
½ cup green onions, chopped
½ cup canola oil or vegetable oil
3-4 Tbsps. rice wine vinegar
2 tsp. sugar
salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients in large bowl. Toss with mixture of oil and rice wine vinegar, sugar, and salt and pepper.
stretched my patience to the maximum. They soon tired of board games, instead playing boisterous games of hide and seek, and building forts out of couch cushions and blankets. Inevitably, there were noisy fights to break up, often being soothed by a home-baked treat such as chocolate brownies.
At some point in the day, I broke my vow not to use the television as a babysitter and let them watch Sesame Street or cartoons for a while . . . peace and quiet for an hour!
Toward the end of the day, I always calmed them down and had them pick up all the mess, so Dad came home to a neat and peaceful house.
When my husband walked in, he said with a grumble, “I wish my day was as nice and peaceful as yours was.”
Best I don’t share my return comment.
Show Us How You Roll!
Registration for our Third Annual Car and Cycle Showcase has started. The event is being held on June 23, 2024 from 1-3 p.m. in the Rec Ctr 1 parking lot. If you have a classic car, sports car, motorcycle, unusual bicycle or other wheeled vehicle please contact John Sellers at or Amy Lake at arlake225@gmail. com to join in the fun.
Budget and Finance Committee Makes Sense
By Lisa Shoemaker and Liz Rickett, photo by Fred LakeWhat does the Budget and Finance Committee do? The Committee has a number of tasks including preparing and recommending the upcoming annual budget. They review, analyze, and evaluate the current financial status of the Homeowners Association. In addition, they report any needed actions to the Board of Directors and Powerstone Property Management. To accomplish this, the Committee holds monthly meetings to review the financial statements and to ask questions of staff. Members also participate in various Budget and Reserve
meetings to prepare the budget for the next year. They also participate with management and the auditor at yearend to ensure that all adjusting entries are included in the proper year.
This Committee of seven homeowners consists of six members and one non-voting member. The Committee is led by Chair Lisa Shoemaker, a former CPA. All Committee members are well qualified for this task. Member backgrounds include decades of experience in accounting, senior management, budgeting and finance with public entities, as well as private
corporations, banks, and law firms. The non-voting member is Board Treasurer Susan Ashby.
Four of the members have served more than five years on the Committee. Lisa became a member in March 2016; Randy Thompson joined in January 2017, took some time off to be on the Board, then returned in July 2022; Pam Rhoades, Vice Chair, joined in January 2018 and Metty Thomason in September 2018.
Committee members enjoy volunteering for the Association in an area
where they all have expertise. They also like knowing the details included in our financials.
Owners are encouraged to attend these meetings and become better informed on how the final budget is developed and how it impacts monthly fees, in addition to knowing how our money is spent each month.
All CdS committees are important to the functioning of a successful community, with the Budget and Finance Committee being key to keeping Casta running.
A Good Read: The Hotel Nantucket
Book Review by Liz Rickett
Elin Hilderbrand knows how to write a good beach read. The locale is Nantucket, the theme is romance gone bad and a new romance beginning. There is lots of drama and a twist or two.
Her latest book is no exception. A famed hotel, now past its prime, has been renovated thanks to a huge infusion of cash from a mysterious British billionaire and the expertise of a local woman who is looking to start a new chapter in her life.
There is a resident ghost, a famous chef, a child chess prodigy, a hotel critic who may or may not visit the hotel and award it the coveted five keys, and a whole cast of interesting supporting characters.
For her many fans, Elin Hilderbrand has done it again.
Artist in Residence: Janine Shannon - Dancing on Watercolors
By Parizad Sethna, photos by Jeff McCoyJanine Shannon, a Casta del Sol resident since 2021, is expressive about her love of art. Invoking memories of her first artwork transported her back to the time her second son had finished grade school. It was then she created her first triumph: an ocean scene,
ablaze with blues and greens. No accolades, but a flame ignited, a creativity that bloomed over the years.
Fifteen years ago, as her children ventured out on their own journeys, she too, took flight and unfurled her arty wings. A natural teacher and vol-
unteer, she nurtured young dancers during her children’s early years. Now, her mission is to help others find their voice through the language of paint when words fall short. Constantly honing her craft, she’s frequently enrolled in an art class. Capturing the outdoors with plein air painting, and Casta’s beautiful landscapes and gardens fuel her artistic vision. Her dream? To one day stand atop Italian cliffs, and capture on paper the terracotta roofs that meet the cerulean embrace of the Mediterranean Sea.
Janine uses watercolors as her main medium but also loves pastels and acrylics. “Watercolors are very relaxing, and meditative,” she explains, “watching the paints dance and blend, taking their own paths on paper.” Their versatility ignites her desire to continue to improve. Monet’s soft, hazy brushstrokes inspire her, while Georgia O’Keeffe’s boldness with flowers sparks a passion in her soul. But her greatest advice? Forget mimicking the picture – paint the song in your heart, with the colors that make you sing. Because after all, art isn’t about only replicating reality, it’s about expressing the symphony within.
She was honored to exhibit her paintings last year at the Art in the Garden event in the Heritage Garden and the Saddleback Church Art Show in the fall. Enjoy Janine’s vibrant watercolors and captivating pastels come alive this spring. From April through June 2024, her artwork will be on display at the CdS Library and Office. Let her paintings take you on a journey, and embark on your own artistic odyssey.
Getting to Know Our Neighbors: Marge Osborn
By Liz Rickett, photo by Fred LakeMarge Osborn’s life has been filled with music since birth. Her father was a concert violinist. Each night, he played Brahm’s Lullaby at the foot of her bed.
Growing up in a house filled with classical music, it is no surprise she attended the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford in Connecticut. She received a BS in music education and went on to receive an MA in special education.
Her teaching career began at the Connecticut School for the Blind. She continued teaching music and special education in public schools in Connecticut and California for 36 years.
During this time, she wrote and received a grant to teach reading using the Orff method, a developmental approach combining music, movement, drama, and speech.
Her parents moved to San Diego before Marge was married. Marge and Ron met in college and married soon after. They later followed her parents to California. After her second child was born in California, Marge returned to teaching in the Santa Ana Unified School District.
After retiring in 2008, Ron joined the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Cal State Fullerton. A year later Marge retired and joined OLLI as well. She was approached to start a choir that debuted in January 2010.
While reading an AARP newsletter, she learned about the value of older adults learning to play musical instruments. Based on research, she pursued starting an orchestra using Cal State Fullerton music students as teachers for OLLI musicians.
These days, Marge takes viola lessons, plays in the OLLI string ensemble, plays with the Global Harmony Symphony, and directs the OLLI Voci de Oro Chorale. In addition, she is pursuing forming a Casta del Sol Choir.
Marge and Ron have two sons, each of whom has acted and been in musicals. She is passing the gift of music on to her five-year-old granddaughter with piano lessons. Sharing music with others is her greatest joy.
May: What a Blooming Time
By Evelyn RothertHappy fifth month of the year. May derives its name from the Latin word Maius mēnsis, meaning Maia’s month. Maia was a Greek goddess companion to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. She was also the mother of Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. She is also associated with the Roman goddess of fertility, Maia Majesta.
The Roman poet, Ovid, provides a second etymology in which he says the month of May is named for the maiores, Latin for “elders.” Isn’t that convenient, since we are all elders in our families.
Cinco de Mayo (May 5) commemorates Mexico’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. The French eventually withdrew from Mexico in 1866. Today, it is a celebra-
tion of Mexican-American culture and heritage, particularly in our area of the country. It is not to be confused with Mexican Independence Day, which was on September 16, 1810.
The saying “April showers brings May flowers” dates back to at least the 1500s. This year, we have had a few wet months and we are certainly enjoying the spring flowers and blooming trees.
Have a lovely month and “May the Fourth, I mean Force, be with you.”
Getting to Know our Neighbors: Jim and Barbra Weidlein
By Sara Henninger, photo by Jim WeidleinLet’s welcome newcomers Jim and Barbra Weidlein to our Casta del Sol family. In May 2023, they made the decision to move from Boulder, Colorado, to CdS to be closer to their son and his wife, Daniel and Divya.
Jim and Barbra were traveling back and forth between Boulder and Los Angeles to spend time with their son. The cold of Boulder was becoming unbearable with ice forming before Christmas and lingering for months. Both are avid hikers, and the ice made their treks very treacherous. The lure of California was becoming more and more appealing. They both love being close to the ocean and are volunteering for OC Marine Protection Areas which monitors boating, surfing, and beach conditions so resources can be directed as needed.
Barbra currently enjoys the Casta book club and exercise classes. They are checking out the various clubs, activities, and entertainment offered right here at home. They love the Heritage Garden and may volunteer to help out there.
Jim ran a publishing company for many years and Barbra worked as a marketing director and writer for a Native American educational magazine. Thirteen years ago, they started, a unique online educational resource for prospective and current music majors, parents, high school music teachers, and school counselors. They continue to work with more than 60 college-level music schools and many summer music programs in the U.S. and abroad.
Daniel and Divya are professional musicians. Daniel owns a recording studio and is an accomplished vocalist, saxophone, and piano player. His wife is a professional singer and composer of musical theatre. Barbra and Jim have attended countless concerts when Daniel invites them, providing another chance to spend time with family.
Jim and Barbra appreciate the warm welcome they continue to receive as newcomers to our community. They love exploring all around Casta and with Barbra carrying dog treats, they are getting to know many of the dogs and their walkers.
Lunar Eclipse
Restaurant Review: Puesto
By Debra FriedmanThe relatively new Los Olivos Center in Irvine boasts a Whole Foods and a variety of services, banks, and small restaurants. I was introduced to Puesto by a friend who said that “this is not your typical Mexican restaurant,” which intrigued me. The promotions state “Puesto successfully mixes a casual attitude with an original twist on Mexican street food. Every made-to-order, gourmet taco, bowl, and salad are prepared fresh.” I was also impressed by their vast selection of beer, margaritas, tequila, and cocktails.
In terms of food, they are largely focused on tacos. They offer more than 10 varieties of tacos, each costing from $8 to $11. I’m not sure if they would be considered “gourmet” tacos, but they were unusual. Some examples of unusual options are pozole, short rib quesabirria, and chicken mole negro. The wait staff is helpful by providing recommendations from this atypical selection. They are also flexible in terms of choosing different types of tortillas and eliminating
certain ingredients. If you are not in the mood for a taco, there are a few other options such as salad, plates, quesadillas, and ceviche.
Their hours are 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Taco Tuesday is from 3 p.m. to closing with half-price tacos. And Happy Hour is offered from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday with lower prices on drinks and appetizers. It is located at 8577 Irvine Center Drive, and you don’t have to take the freeway. Then explore this relatively new shopping center.
Courier Committee Members and Staff
Courier Chair
Debra Friedman
Courier Vice Chair Jeff McCoy
Editor-in-Chief Charlotte Lassos
Secretary Karen Scott
Section Editors:
Association News April Wilsey
Bulletin Board Jeff McCoy
Casta Community Nevin Valentine
Clubs Bob Destino
Committees Bob Destino
People, Places & Events Fran Morgan
Sports Bob Destino
On the Road Again Debra Friedman
Reflections of a Casta Neighbor Nevin Valentine
Small Talk Dorothy Frances
What’s Cooking Linda Brockmiller
Feature Writers: Debra Friedman
Sara Henninger saracly@gmail.comt
Jeff McCoy
Fran Morgan
Liz Rickett
Parizad Sethna
Staff Photographers: Darrell Holdaway
Fred Lake
Jeff McCoy
Kip Isbell
Proofreaders: Judy Barrett
Kip Isbell
Dottie Lewis
Suzanne Moore
Claire Readey
Evelyn Rothert
Nevin Valentine
Delivery Preparations: David Ankeny
Courier Volunteers
Calling All Stuffers!
We will meet on Friday, May 31 at 10:30 a.m. in the Vista Room to prepare the Courier for delivery. Please contact David Ankeny at if you are interested in helping.
Pat Ahadyar
David Ankeny
Judy Barrett
Nancy Blumenthal
Rich Blumenthal
Leslie Brittle
Mike Carr
Arline Chenarides
Carol Dreyer
James Dreyer
Phyllis Foglesong
Lora Fratt
Jayne Freed
Debra Friedman
Barbara Harris
Judy Horner
Jerry Jankowski
Nancy Jankowski
Sue Johnson
Eliana Jordan
Tammy Karim
Dottie Kasser
Daphne Kohls
Ann Loranger
Mary Ellen Marcus
Cathy McCoy
Deb McCoy
Jeff McCoy
Audrey Michaels
Suzanne O’Connell
Judy Paskey
Martha Rasmussen
Retha Roberts
Evelyn Rothert
Kathy Schinas
Richard Scott
Linda Silverman
Myrna Smith
Randy Smith
Marlene Solem
Don Stoddard
Dolores Thompson
Randy Thompson
Pam Townsend
Eric Vanderslice
Sarah Waldman
Linda Walters
Grala Warrren
Lani Wolff