Fantasy Sports Betting on Football is Getting Hotter

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Fantasy Sports Betting on Football is Getting Hotter

Football gambling is a multi-billion dollar industry for Las Vegas sportsbooks, but they are not the only outfits taking money from gamblers at this time of year. Fantasy sports betting on football has become a gambling experience as big as betting on the games themselves. Before the football season starts, fantasy owners will be filing into their private homes, sports bars, and even draft headquarters to make their selections for the upcoming season. In most cases, the leagues are run by a commissioner, and the stakes in some of these leagues can remain quite high. Popular fantasy sports sites and even the NFL itself all promote the fantasy sports betting through their online sites. The NFL has been running commercials suggesting that their league is the most comprehensive and best suits the needs of fantasy owners. The other websites claim the same, with each offering free hosting services. The traffic that is created at these sites during the football season can pay more than the cost of the web hosting. In many cases, the sites themselves offer leagues where players can compete for huge cash prizes. The fantasy game has become so big that some analysts believe more money is spent on fantasy sports betting on football than in the sportsbooks. The Super Bowl is the Holy Grail for sportsbooks, bringing in over millions each year. A similar statement can be made for the last two weeks of the regular season, when millions of dollars in prize money is at stake in the fantasy leagues. One mistake by a running back or quarterback could spell financial disaster for playoff team owners. Chris Johnson and Adrian Peterson have been the top running backs the past couple of seasons, but some other big names have emerged to unseat them. Anyone who drafted Houston’s Arian Foster likely lifted the trophy at the end of last season, and Michael Vick may have just as instrumental in a title run for other owners last year. The wait has been long, and while some gamblers travel to Sin City to place their future bets, millions will be living out their gambling prowess in the comfort of their own living rooms, or in some cases, the local sports bar of choice. Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain, the NFL is back, and so is the gambling.

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