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Cover Story: Janet Brady Co-Chair, World Transplant Games 2005 Page 4 Inside: Tips from the Inside Page 8 Class Notes Page 23 Homecoming Highlights Page 26

cast of

falcons architects Tillmann Ruth Mocellin inc. We are pleased to welcome the team from architects Tillmann Ruth Mocellin inc. as our Cast of Falcons for this issue. We caught up with them at their offices at 318 Wolfe Street in London, Ontario. The company’s roots in London date back to the turn of the century and the evolution of partners and leadership over the years have placed

the company at the forefront within the architectural design community. Over the past 15 years, aTRM has completed more than 750 projects in South-western Ontario, including numerous high profile projects for Fanshawe College at the London and St. Thomas-Elgin campuses. At the college’s Homecoming 2004 celebrations, team members from aTRM were present and pleased to see the new Student Centre and Oasis Food Court that they designed was officially opened (see inset photo, left). Commissioned and run by the


Fanshawe Student Union, this new facility is located on the north side of the London campus, between the two Student Residences, which were also designed by aTRM. Facing Oxford Street at First Street, motorists have been watching another major addition to the London campus go up, also designed by the talented aTRM team. Phase I of the Centre for Construction Trades and Technology is scheduled for completion in September 2005, and Phase II, which will be built where the former B-Gym now stands, is sheduled to be ready by September 2006.

Pictured left to right, back row: Steve Done (Architectural Technology 79); Ryan Stirling (Architectural Technology 02); and Sonny Eastman (Architectural Technology 99). Middle row: Jason McIntosh (Architectural Technology 00); Gerald Gallacher (Architectural Technology 93); Jim McLachlan (Architectural Technology 75); and Henry Galant (Landscape Architecture 98/ Architectural Technology 01). Front row: Christine Driscoll (Architectural Technology 04); Dawn Morrison (Architectural Technology 99). We were sorry to miss three more Fanshawe alumni who were not available on the day of our photo. They are Ric Mocellin (Architectural Technician 70); Scott Robinson (Architectural Technology 89); and Doris Chaddock (Secretarial Arts 76).

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Campaign team focuses on

Managing Editor Karen Monahan


Simone Graham

Graphic Design Flair Creative

Alumni PERKS Brad Kerr

Cover Photo

Steve Martin

Fanshawe College Alumni Association Board of Directors

David Wyatt, President Randy Dafoe, Vice-President Bill Mills, Treasurer Directors: Jennifer Baxter, Catherine Chester, Wendy Curtis, Jordan Hobbs, Betty Holme, Walt Jeschenig, Gail Malcolm, Kerrie McQuaig, Karen Monahan.

Alumni News is published twice a year by the Fanshawe College Alumni Association and Fanshawe College, London, Ontario. It is distributed free to Fanshawe College alumni; others may subscribe for $10 per year, plus GST. Publication of information about individuals, organizations or companies does not imply endorsement by Fanshawe College or the Fanshawe College Alumni Association. We welcome, but cannot be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or artwork. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage for return. Submission deadlines are January 1 and July 1. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the publisher’s written consent.

Investment, Innovation and Impact …In our Community Fanshawe President Dr. Howard Rundle is pleased to introduce the leadership team for the College’s upcoming Capital Campaign. Robert Siskind, President, Decade Corporation, leads the charge as Campaign Chair. Bob Siskind is a well-respected community leader who has a great understanding of the college system and is a strong supporter of the work that Fanshawe is doing in the community. He is a wonderful advocate not only for Fanshawe College but for the college system as a whole. We are also very pleased to welcome back Don and Joan Smith, who are long-standing friends of Fanshawe College. Don Smith, founder of EllisDon and his wife, Joan Smith, former Member of Provincial Parliament, have graciously agreed to serve as our Honorary Campaign Co-Chairs. Don Smith led our previous capital campaign in the early 1990s and it is a pleasure to welcome them both back to the College. Co-Vice Chairs for the upcoming Campaign are also long-standing friends of Fanshawe: Vito Frijia and Dianne Cunningham. Vito Frijia, President of Southside Construction, is a graduate, employer and dedicated supporter of the College. Dianne Cunningham is Director of the Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management at the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario and former Ontario Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities. She has been an advocate for Fanshawe College both as the Minister and a member of the London community. Thank you to Don, Joan, Bob, Vito and Dianne for your ongoing support of the work that we do at Fanshawe College! Howard Rundle and Dianne Cunningham.

Fanshawe College Alumni Association

1460 Oxford Street East, P.O. Box 7005 London, Ontario N5Y 5R6 Tel: 519.452.4285 Out-of-town: 800.661.ALUM Fax: 519.659.9393 E-mail: alumni@fanshawec.ca Web site: www.fanshawec.ca/alumni Mailed under Publications Mail Agreement Number 40063557 This publication is available in an alternate format. For information, please contact the Alumni Office.

Vito Frijia, Robert Siskind, and Don and Joan Smith. Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004


feature alumni

Living with a gift of life Janet Brady (Legal Office Administration 79) lives with a miracle every day. In August 1990, she received a new liver and a new lease on life. Without this precious gift from an anonymous organ donor, she would not have lived to see Christmas the following year. Instead she has welcomed each new morning for the past 14 extra years and continues to live life to the fullest. She returned to her career and to her life as wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, athlete and volunteer: all roles that she takes on with passion and enthusiasm. She has also enjoyed career success, having just marked 25 years with Fanshawe College at the St. Thomas-Elgin Campus where she works as Manager of Continuing Education and Corporate Training. In a volunteer capacity, she just completed serving four years on the Fanshawe College Board of Governors. Both her daughter, Tara, and son, Kyle, are studying at Fanshawe and she is so grateful to have seen them through their teenage years and now be able to offer them encouragement in their post-secondary studies. This too has been a gift. She still remembers November 1989 when all was well. Her husband, Bill, and the children were happily looking forward to Christmas and she had just been named Acting Chair of Continuing Education, a key step in her overall career goal. Without much warning, her world changed in an instant. She was only 35 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune liver disease with a prognosis of less than one year to


live. Her only hope was an organ transplant. “Waiting was the most difficult part of the whole experience. It was particularly stressful for my family and friends,” remembers Janet. “My health declined rapidly that spring and I knew that my life depended on

To honour her donor and indeed all organ donors and their families, Janet has since become a tireless volunteer leader with the Canadian Transplant Association (CTA). The CTA is a non-profit volunteer organization of members who are committed to positively influencing public attitudes

Janet Brady and Heather Fisher have been competing together since 1991 in the World Transplant Games in a variety of sports and they are currently Co-Chairs of the 2005 Games in London. Last June, they decided to take up rowing and will participate in double and single sculls at the WTG. Heather is the second longest survivor of a liver transplant in Canada, having received hers 21 years ago.

a decision by a donor family member to consent to organ donation, in their greatest moment of grief.” The long awaited call came in late August 1990. The five-hour transplant surgery went as planned and within hours, the symptoms of her liver disease began to subside. It was still a very unpredictable six weeks in hospital while her body fought to reject the new liver but she ultimately made a full recovery with no set backs. It is indeed a miracle and one she is grateful for everyday.

toward organ donation. Janet has served on the CTA executive since 1991 in various capacities and has raised more than $1 million through corporate and government fundraising initiatives. Next month she will complete her second twoyear term as President. Janet has earned medals in each of the last seven World Transplant Games (WTG) in which she has competed and is looking forward to representing Canada next year at the

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

World Games in London, Ontario. Last month she was invited to compete in the Australian National Transplant Games, where she was promoting the 2005 WTG. She credits the lessons received from the London Rowing Club and her coach, Connor Marsh, along with her trainer, Mike Gaze at the Athletic Club, for her three gold and two silver medals in rowing, and track and field events. “Medals are wonderful memorabilia but the camaraderie amongst the athletes is what we cherish,” says Janet. During the day, Janet manages corporate training and continuing education at Fanshawe in St. Thomas. It’s a division that has seen consistent growth under Janet’s stewardship. “When I started as an administrative assistant in the late 70s, the campus offered seven certificate programs,” recalls Janet. “Over the years, I have really enjoyed taking on new challenges, developing new programs, and providing a wide range of educational opportunities in various delivery modes, in our community. “Today, we offer more than 35 certificate and diploma programs on a part-time basis,” says Janet. “Corporate training has expanded while creating and delivering unique programming to meet specific industry needs. We’ve also had success offering short-term intensive programs that fit with the pace of business and employee’s needs.” Thousands of part-time students have graduated from certificate programs at the St. Thomas-Elgin campus. As for the future, Janet is looking forward to completing her final paper toward her Masters in Education from the University of Toronto and she says she would love to take up painting, continue to travel and master the art of rowing! When asked for a final word, she is quick to add with a smile: “Tell all my fellow alumni to consider organ donation, and talk to their family and friends about their decision. Don’t take your organs to Heaven. Heaven knows we need them here.”

World Transplant Games July 16 – 24, 2005, London, Canada The World Transplant Games occur every two years and the 15th Games will take place in London, Ontario in July 2005. About 2,000 donor recipients and accompanying people are expected to attend from about 55 countries around the world and they will stay at the Athletes’ Village at UWO. Throughout the competition, they will use various athletic facilities in London, including the new gymnasiums at Fanshawe College. By participating in national or international transplant games, people who have received transplant organs demonstrate their quality of life and their gratitude to the donor’s family, as well as offering hope to patients currently on waiting lists for their second chance at life. About 800 volunteers will be needed to assist with the games in London. If you are interested in supporting the games as a volunteer, sponsor or participant, please visit the Website at: www.2005wtg.london.ca.

Numerous Fanshawe alumni are assisting with the upcoming World Transplant Games (WTG), including Bob Graham (Recreation Leadership 74) who has been hired as the General Manager. Bob spent 30 years in sport, recreation and tourism with the City of London. He is shown above with Janet Brady, Co-Chair of the 2005 WTG in London.

How to give a gift that keeps on giving Today there are more than 4,000 people waiting for organ transplants in Canada; 337 of them in London, Ontario. The odds are that one in five will die needlessly before ever receiving their second chance at life. You have the opportunity to save a life ... possibly eight! Please consider organ and tissue donation. All you need to do is fill out and sign the Consent under the Human Tissue Gift Act form that is available at the licensing office when you renew your Drivers License or contact the Trillium Gift of Life Network at 1.800.263.2833. As a potential donor, please make sure your friends and family know about your intentions.

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004


Accreditation puts you on the fast track to success If you have thought about becoming accredited in your field, there is no time like the present. Fanshawe’s Continuing Education (CE) department is a recognized educational partner with many professional accreditation associations. An exciting new agreement has recently been confirmed, making Fanshawe College a Registered Educational Provider (REP™) for the Project Management Institute (PMI), head-quartered in Pennsylvania, USA. Fanshawe offers project management training at its London campus that you can use to gain the skills required to write accreditation exams and become a Project Management Professional (PMP™). The PMP designation is recognized world-wide and when these letters follow your name, current and potential employers will know that you have a solid foundation of project management knowledge that can be readily applied in the workplace. Project management is one of the world’s most in-demand skill sets and is one of the fastest growing professional disciplines in North America. Project management is used by large corporations, governments and smaller organizations to standardize and reduce the tasks necessary to complete a project in the most effective and efficient manner. To be eligible for the PMP certification, you must first meet specific education and experience requirements and agree to adhere to a code of professional conduct. The final step is passing a multiple-choice examination designed to objectively assess and measure your project management knowledge. This computer-based examination is administered globally by PMI. If you currently work in the field but are new to it, you might consider first pursuing a designation as a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM™), which is a logical stepping stone to the PMP and a boost to your overall professional development. Like the PMP, CAPM candidates must first meet specific education and experience


Take your career to the next level

requirements and then pass an examination. Steve Toll, PMP, C.Tech is a Subcontract Manager - Weapon Systems, with General Dynamics Land Systems (GD) – Canada who earned his certification through PMI in 2003. He also holds a diploma from Fanshawe in Construction Engineering Technology Management 1989. In addition to his work at GD, he teaches part-time at Fanshawe. Steve suggests that if you want to gain a solid knowledge base in this field, a good place to start is Fanshawe’s Project Management Certificate Program. Credits can be earned on a part-time basis through CE and are available in Web-enhanced format (a blend of in-class and online) or totally online. Through the courses, you can learn to balance scope, time and cost with other project management requirements such as quality, risk management, project teams, procurement issues, and customer satisfaction. Steve has been actively involved in developing a new series of Fanshawe Industry Training (FIT) Workshops in Project Management. These are geared more toward the corporate environment. They are offered on weekdays and all are one-day workshops with the exception of the two-day fundamentals workshop. These can be taken at the college or if there is sufficient interest, they can be offered on-site at your employer. For more information about how Fanshawe can help you on your way to professional accreditation in this and other fields, please contact 519.452.4430 ext: 4698.

Earn a professional designation at Fanshawe College • Paves the way for promotions and advancement. • Flexible study options. • Many courses are available on-line.



The following organizations have approved courses for credit towards their certificate or accreditation programs: • Project Management Institute • Canadian Securities Institute • Purchasing Management Association of Canada • Canadian Institute of Bookkeeping • Canadian Payroll Association • Human Resource Professionals Association of Ontario • Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario • Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario • Canadian Institute of Marketing • Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario • Canadian Association for Production and Inventory Control • Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation

For more information and to register, please call 519-452-4451


Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Bruce Smith named Board of Governors Chair The Fanshawe College Board of Governors began its new term in September and is pleased to announce Bruce Smith as the Board’s new Chair for 2004-2005. Bruce is a graduate of Fanshawe College and is very familiar with the community college environment. He is the former member of Provincial Parliament for Middlesex, and was Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Education and Training. He was directly responsible for the development and implementation of major public policy initiatives and has considerable experience in dealing with change and multifaceted organizations. In addition, he is very familiar with advocacy, and the policy model of board governance. Bruce’s leadership and communication skills have been honed by 12 years of progressive experience in the public and private sectors. Presently, Bruce’s consulting company provides corporate finance, regulatory and business management advice to over 40 percent of Ontario’s electricity distribution companies. In addition to his diploma in Urban Design from

New for 2005

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Fanshawe, Bruce’s academic credentials include an Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies from The University of Waterloo, and a Master of Public Administration from The University of Western Ontario. Through continuing education activities, he has also completed a program in Strategic Planning and Community Development through The University of Guelph. The Board of Governors provides direction and leadership to the College by setting corporate goals and objectives through policy-driven governance. Currently, the Board is engaged in strategic planning and advocacy as two areas of emphasis. Members of the Board are volunteers who serve without remuneration for up to two three-year terms of office.

For students with an interest and aptitude for science-based learning, this new and exciting discipline blends biology, genetics and biochemistry with high level computer simulations. Fanshawe’s Biotechnology program is workplace focused and hands-on. State of the art procedures and equipment give students a solid grounding in the latest techniques. The work is fascinating, challenging, and will prepare graduates for a career in the rapidly expanding biotechnology sector. Biotechnology is really “applied biology” so students will learn to use biological knowledge to create or modify products. This four-year degree program is comprised of eight academic levels of study including a mandatory four-month co-operative work placement. Students may choose to take an additional four months of co-operative work (optional). The core disciplines are chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics. There are solid foundations in genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, pharmacology, toxicology and nutraceuticals and the moral and social impact of biotechnological developments and products on society. Career opportunities are available in a wide range of businesses and organizations, from medical and basic research laboratories to industrial development departments, food production, environmental protection and public health. Careers exist in drug research and development, quality control and regulatory settings, and technical sales support. The solid base in computer applications and bioinformatics definitely gives graduates an edge in this in-demand discipline. Opportunities in business development in the biotechnology sector and in journalism as a science writer are in demand, yet often overlooked. Indeed, the employment prospects for graduates in Biotechnology are limited only by their imagination.


tips from the inside Following your dreams to the Rockies

By: Yun-Young (Nikki) Hwang The past six years have been be whirlwind for Yun-Young (Nikki) Hwang

(Culinary Management 02 and Hotel Management 03) . She has been on an incredible journey that began in South Korea, brought her to Southwestern Ontario and now she has settled down happily in Beaver Creek, Colorado with a great job, a wonderful November wedding, and her life finally settled, at least for a little while. She is employed as Guest Relations Coordinator for the Ritz Carlton, Bachelor Gulch in Beaver Creek, the place where she completed a 10-month Fanshawe coop placement. She also worked for eight months with the Park Hyatt Beaver Creek.


Remember that film Cocoon, where at the end, the young boy leaves earth and goes off for a new adventure on another planet? Well, my story is not quite that dramatic but I do feel that something quite similar happened to me. The

Nikki Hwang and her fiancé Caleb Scott Wayne.

spark for my journey began when I was a high school student in a rural region of South Korea. An English speaker, Joyce Lambert, came to teach at our school. After a year or so, my family and I got to know her very well. I had always loved English and she encouraged me to learn as much as possible. When she was leaving, she invited me to come to learn in Canada. It was a dream come true for me. My family and I readily agreed, but at the time, Canada might as well

have been the moon! I was only 18 at the time but I knew this would be a life-changing experience. And so it has. My own culture is very old, more than 5,000 years, and Korea did not have many Westerners in the late 90s. Not surprisingly, Canada was very strange for me, though Ms. Lambert and her family and friends helped me greatly. I had to get used to bread not rice, no kimch (a salted, pickled vegetable side dish in Korea), and people of many colours of hair, as ours are all very black. I studied College English first and then, since I liked cooking so much, I entered Fanshawe’s Culinary Arts program and really enjoyed it. It was a thrill to see the results of our studies when we put on our Gala Evening. Ms. Lambert and her sister attended and she was in tears to see me looking like a real chef. I have always wanted as much education as possible so instead of leaving school in 2002, I continued on a third year and took Hotel Management. It was a tremendous amount of work for me to do my studies in a second language but I was determined to be the best I could be. I graduated in 2003 on the President’s Honour Roll. I have to say I was very proud on graduation day.

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

For my first co-op work placement, I decided I wanted to gain some US work experience. To do so, I had to obtain a USA J-1 visa so that I could work at the Park Hyatt in Beaver Creek, Colorado. After eight months, I transferred to the Ritz Carlton Bachelor Gulch here in Beaver Creek. Beaver Creek is the Whistler of the USA, also nestled in the Rockies, so winter sports provide our busiest season. When I look back on my work placements, I must say that the transition from student to worker is not an easy one and it is so important to have good support people to help you. I was lucky because my HomeStay mom in London was a former teacher and an international traveler. I was very excited about my first placement with the Hyatt. They offered a formal training program and they also had residential living quarters that appealed to me since I was going to be on my own in the USA. Those aspects didn’t turn out exactly as I expected, but other aspects of my experience with them were very valuable. I spent my first few months perfecting the banquet handling business and today I feel very comfortable with setting up banquets from small to large. We were also dealing with a demanding clientele because they were paying a lot of money to be at the hotel complex. Doing things the right way and truly putting the customers needs first were always top priorities for me. The hardest part at first was just getting used to different people’s styles and motivations and interacting with them to get the job done. I remember my Canadian Mom saying to me, “People cause most of life’s problems, but they also

cause most of life’s joys.” Now that I’ve been out in the world, I have found this to be true. My work at Hyatt was mostly in the culinary departments but I had a strong desire to be in the front of the house too so I seized that opportunity when I saw a job advertised for the Ritz Carlton, Bachelor Gulch nearby. I had quite a frustrating time trying to get my J-1 visa transferred to another hotel. It is quite a complex process but fortunately my Fanshawe co-op coordinator, John Peart, helped sort that out.

“When I look back on my work placements, I must say that the transition from student to worker is not an easy one and it is so important to have good support people to help you.” When I transferred to the Ritz Carlton, I began training in customer relations and guest services. I really love this work because I work so directly with the customers and can ensure their needs are met from first receiving their request to seeing that it is carried out. Many clients have special needs, such as skiing or horse-riding lessons for their children or the use of a special type of car or service such as massage, so these have to be arranged and booked appropriately so that no mistakes are made. At the Ritz, we all work together as a team. Once one of our customers, who is a famous basketball star, forgot his shoes and many of my fellow workers were hoping to find them. Another time, an alligator was found outside. A guest had left that behind too. Many days are spent filling

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

ordinary requests but sometimes we have very famous guests, even former Presidents, and our job is to ensure that their privacy is protected at all times. That is all part of ensuring a professional image for our clients. I see now that one of the keys to being successful has been having a strong dream and believing in that dream even when times got tough and the path ahead was not very clear. I had to scramble to get my visas, first as a student to Canada and then as a student-worker to the USA, but I wanted to have those experiences so I went for it. You just have to realize that no one can do things alone. I had parents who believed in me and were able to let me be myself, even if that meant moving far away. I had new friends who also believed that I could be anything I wanted if I held on to my dream. I had teachers who encouraged my dream even when it was very different from some other students. It is so clear to me now how all of my schooling and all the wise words of Mr. Dolson and Mr. McGregor and my other teachers at Fanshawe have paid off for me. I want to do more schooling and will soon have to decide where to go next but for the little girl from Asia it has been one wonderful ride so far. In conclusion, I encourage anyone who wants to live their dream to go for it. Not that it is easy, it is not, especially if you have to go to a strange place with strange foods and customs, but it is better to have tried and tested your real self than never to have done that and always wonder if you could have done more. Good luck to all who graduate this year.


international Coming to Canada: Land of coffee cups and hockey pucks By: Arjun Bhardwaj

Arjun Bhardwaj is an international student from India who worked as a journalist before coming to Canada. He is in the post-graduate Corporate Communications and Public Relations certificate program, Class of 2005.

Is this the year

you might work abroad?

Fanshawe College Career Services is hosting Jean-Marc Hachey for a three-hour seminar on the challenges and possibilities of working overseas. As Canada’s leading authority on international careers, he has shared his international employment strategies with thousands of Canadians. His presentation is ideal for young professionals, students and their parents. Open to the first 250 registrants, with preference given to current students, alumni, parents of students or grads, and staff of Fanshawe College. Scheduled for early evening, February 8, 2005. To pre-register, please call 519.452.4294.For more information on Jean-Marc Hachey and his book The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas, please see www.workingoverseas.com.


The mention of Canada always makes my heart flutter. Skyscrapers lost in the clouds, glittering cities that never sleep, crawling multiplexes, super highways, moving staircases. These are the perceptions one has of the western world in my country, India. Gaining admission to Fanshawe College, I felt that coming to London would be a blessing. In the past, I had travelled to the U.K. and Australia, but these had been short visits. However I was sure that a year’s stay in Canada would enrich me. So it was with a lot of expectations that I landed in Canada in September 2004. While driving from Toronto to London, my friends told me that if driving in a lane requires a speed of 120 km per hour you cannot go slower or faster. If a dog is sighted on a highway, it is news all over the radio. This is in sharp contrast to my country, where in addition to vehicles, you have camels, horses, elephants, dogs, and carts all competing for space on the roadways. Another interesting and colourful Canadian experience I enjoyed was watching an ice-hockey match with high-spirited spectators at the John Labatt Centre. I had never seen anything like it before. Both teams were smartly dressed and equally matched. They played an attacking game with tremendous skill to loud cheers from all sides. When the game was over, the competitive spirit shown on the ice was replaced by a spirit of camaraderie! Silently I applauded their sportsman spirit. As for the Fanshawe College campus in London, it is bigger and better than I had imagined and yet, it is a world in miniature. Students here come from far corners of the earth, for they are confident they will get many-sided learning and every kind of knowledge. Even though I have just recently arrived, I can clearly see that the different buildings are not lifeless structures. Within their hallowed halls, there is constant interaction of minds, airing of opinions and dawning of new knowledge. I find that the faculty work with a missionary zeal. Assignments are a practical affair – as students, we are taught how to think rather than what to think and we are encouraged to try our own ideas. But by far the most popular spot I have found is the Tim Hortons - a favourite haunt of the faculty and the students, with its endless lineup of coffee drinkers. If you want to relish the delightfully delicious coffee then you have to show patience. The Manager of International Partnerships, Wendy Curtis, sums it up well: “When I succeed in getting a cup of coffee, I always get a feeling of achievement because my patience was tested and I passed the test.” Time to go home, says the clock. The students pack up for the day. Whether walking or taking a bus home, they first unzip their bags, take out their CD players and clap on their earphones. Then, lost in their favourite music, they tap their feet and gesticulate with hands to the beat of the rhythm. Who says all good things come to an end? I say tomorrow is a new day!

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Celebrating our Distinguished Alumni Homecoming weekend was a chance for family, friends, faculty and administrators to get together and honour Fanshawe’s 2004 Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA) recipients. Five candidates were chosen this year from a stellar group of nominees. A luncheon was held at Saffron’s Restaurant at the London campus on Saturday, October 23, to officially recognize our Distinguished Alumni and their many achievements. We are pleased to share their stories with you. Brenda Done (Nursing 1978)

Brenda (Corney) Done is widely recognized for her leadership in the care of people living with HIV/AIDS. She has devoted much of her career to working in direct patient care and in encouraging the nursing profession to establish and promote standards for HIV/AIDS nursing. Brenda has worked hard to expand the recognition of

HIV/AIDS nursing as a specialty and she was one of the first two nurses in Canada to earn the AIDS Registered Nurse Certification, paving the way for others who followed. Committed to sharing best practices and successful models of patient care, Brenda continues to work toward making teaching tools and reliable resources available to HIV/ AIDS practitioners, especially those working in isolation and in other countries. She speaks to lay workers and professionals in health care, locally and nationally, and has been a presenter at HIV/AIDS conferences from Ottawa to Miami and Geneva to Bangkok. Brenda gives back to her profession and community in many ways. She is currently president of the Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (CANAC/ACIIS) and has been an active leader on the boards of the Ontario HIV Treatment Information Network and the John Gordon Home (London Regional AIDS Hospice). She has also served on advisory committees for the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange and the Canadian AIDS Society. A long-time employee with St. Joseph’s Health Centre in London, Brenda has been working at the HIV Care Programme for more than 13 years. The clinic provides a range of client services in one location and is a model for the delivery of patient care in an outpatient setting. Brenda credits the nursing faculty at Fanshawe’s Woodstock campus with inspiring her and fostering a love for nursing and a respect for a profession that gives her a deep sense of satisfaction.

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Dick Rastin (Social Service Worker 1997)

Dick Rastin has a passion for life, a desire to make this world better, and the inherent drive and ability to make things happen. He has had two successful careers, first reaching the top of his field in the agriculture construction industry and the second as a Social Service Worker. The point of change occurred in 1988 when he returned home to Canada to assist his sister’s family after a devastating tragedy. It was also time to do some soul searching and deal with some of the tough realities of his own life. While coming to terms with his own demons, he discovered Street Connection, a non-residential drop-in centre that offers street kids opportunities to make positive changes in their lives through referrals to other agencies, guidance and support in an accessible environment. In 1991, with his personal life back on track and realizing that introspection is a lifelong endeavour, Dick began volunteering with Street Connection as Assistant Executive Director and in 1999, he was appointed as Executive Director, a full-


Celebrating our Distinguished Alumni time voluntary position that currently occupies 40 to 60 hours a week. Each year, through Street Connection, Dick impacts the lives of more than 8,000 street youth, ages 16 to 24, and his commitment to them motivates him to continue working toward making the centre a self-sustaining resource for youth living on the street. A recipient of the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards from the Ministry of Citizenship in 2003 and 2004, Dick was also nominated for the 2004 Minister’s Award for Exceptional Achievement by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. He has served in executive voluntary positions with both the Knights of Columbus and the London Homeless Coalition and he remains an active part of these organizations. Dick’s experience in the Social Service Worker program at Fanshawe helped him gain a greater understanding of the social problems that contribute to homelessness among young people and his diploma helped him advance his work with Street Connection. Geoff Sheerin (Industrial Design 1986) Geoff Sheerin is a modern day pioneer and visionary who has dedicated his life to making private space travel and exploration an affordable reality. For the past five years, Geoff’s primary quest has been to build a passenger space vehicle called the Canadian Arrow and he has led one of the most successful teams worldwide that was seeking to capture the prestigious ANSARI X PRIZE. This $10 million prize, sponsored by a U.S. Foundation, was granted to an American team in early October when that team narrowly edged out


project has already garnered a high level of respect within the industry. The Canadian Arrow received a prestigious nomination by the World Technology Group in the corporate category within its 2003 World Technology Award for Space program. Katie Stortz and Abe Giesbrecht (Early Childhood Education 2003)

the Canadian Arrow for the coveted honour. Rather than seeing this as an ending, Geoff views this as an exciting beginning: the start of a whole new industry and one he is keenly continuing to explore. The barrier has now been broken: it has been proven that a privatelyfunded three-seat space craft could be built and sent 100 km above the earth’s surface (62 miles), and return safely to earth twice within a twoweek period. Geoff and his team are confident that the Canadian Arrow will also accomplish this feat and become a viable entry in the emerging private space travel industry. Geoff is also developing a training facility that will give everyday people the skills and knowledge to become passenger astronauts and he and his team have developed cost-effective space suit technology that has excellent potential now that the skies have opened up. Prior to working full-time on the Arrow project, Geoff worked as a designer and inventor for Unifin International, a London-based company and he holds two patents for heat transfer and cooling devices. Geoff credits his Fanshawe education with giving him the basis for understanding the two most important aspects of project design: market needs and engineering limitations. His

Although Katie Stortz and Abe Giesbrecht are recent graduates, they have accomplished a tremendous amount in the past year. They both earned their diplomas in Early Childhood Education in December 2003 and have landed jobs as childcare workers for two leading childcare centres in London, Ontario. However, before embarking on fulltime work, Katie and Abe took an incredible journey. In January 2004, they participated in a development project half-way around the world as part of the Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team’s Primary Teacher Training Program (PTTP). Katie and Abe committed themselves to raising $4,000 for the mission and contributed $2,000 of their own money to help with transportation costs before traveling together to Ejura, Ghana, West Africa. During their six-week placement at the Ejura Neohumanist Primary

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

School, Katie and Abe created and implemented the curriculum, materials and environment for a kindergarten class. They taught kindergarten, as well as environmental studies and English to grades four, five and six. They also worked closely with social services to investigate cases of suspected child abuse. They credit Fanshawe for giving them the knowledge and experience to truly improve the learning environment and make a difference for the children. Within the culture, corporal punishment was accepted as the best and only way to control and discipline children, so Katie and Abe began by showing the local primary teachers how much more effective it was to use positive guidance techniques rather than beating the children. The local teachers were astounded to see how well the children responded and that corporal punishment was no longer necessary. After returning to Canada, Katie and Abe received notes of thanks from their contacts in Ejura saying that months later their positive influence was still having an effect. With their careers in Canada well established, they continue to fundraise for the Ejura Neohumanist Primary School and plan to return to Ghana on another mission as soon as finances and arrangements can be made. John F. White (Music Industry Arts 1981) John White is a man of many talents who has forged a creative career through passion for his organization and for the London community as a whole. Since 2001, he has been Executive Director of The ARTS Project, but even before it became incorporated as a charitable

how to build and manage working relationships within arts and culture. John’s other volunteer commitments include having served as a Founding Board Member for Pillar, a voluntary sector network, and he has also been actively involved with the London Public Library, Scouts Canada, the Wortley Village Merchant Association and as a local soccer coach. organization, John volunteered four years of his life to its creation. The ARTS Project is one of London’s leading multi-use arts facilities catering to all creative mediums and disciplines. Located at 203 Dundas Street in London, it provides unique programming and services that foster local arts and culture. Through The ARTS Project, John also successfully piloted TheatreWorks, a program that teaches young people at risk how to channel their creative energy through the arts rather than acting it out in negative ways on the streets. The success of the overall facility makes The ARTS Project a model that arts leaders in other cities around the world seek to emulate. Earlier in his career, John was director of The White Gallery and he worked in communications and advertising for several years. South Secondary School created the “John White Art Award” to acknowledge the years of support and mentorship that he and his gallery gave to its students. John credits his mentors in the Music Industry Arts program for inspiring him and giving him confidence to pursue a creative career. He learned key skills that he still uses today, including how to manage the business end of an artistic career, how to effectively negotiate contracts, and

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Do you have a Distinguished Alumni in your midst? We sincerely thank everyone who submitted nominations for the 2004 awards program. For next year, we encourage you to ask yourself: “Do I know a Distinguished Fanshawe Alumni? Is there someone in my life, at my workplace or a volunteer in my community who has demonstrated outstanding career success and a track record for community service?” If you know someone who you think deserves to be recognized, please consider nominating him or her. Nominations close Monday, May 16, 2005. Nomination details can be found on the Web at www.fanshawec.ca/ alumni and on page 30 of this issue.


Your Fanshawe Alumni Association

The Fanshawe College Alumni Association has been active since 1987, providing a link between Fanshawe College and its graduates. There are more than 85,000 Fanshawe alumni who live and work across Canada and around the world. All Fanshawe graduates automatically become members of the Alumni Association. The Association helps you stay in touch with the college and provides opportunities for networking and volunteer activities. Alumni who are leaders in their fields provide the college with feedback on the current curriculum as it relates to the work place and they advocate on behalf of the College. Fanshawe alumni also provide jobs, work placements,

internships and mentoring to Fanshawe College students. Through the Alumni Office, the Association provides Fanshawe alumni with various services and social events including the Alumni News Magazine, the Alumni PERKS program, Homecoming and class reunions. We are always interested in exchanging ideas, creating opportunities for networking among our graduates, and providing information about our latest educational offerings. We encourage you to keep in touch with the Association. If you’ve moved or have news to share with fellow alumni, please let us know.

What’s new with you??? Do you have a new address, new job, new spouse, new baby, or any other news you’d like to share with your classmates? We welcome Class Notes from any and all graduates with news to share and we only publish what you indicate as a “Class Note”. If you’ve recently moved or are planning a move, please keep us posted. Address updates form part of our database but are not published. You can let us know your news through email, phone or fax. Details for you to include: name; previous name (if applicable); program and year graduated; current mailing address; phone numbers for home and business; email address; name of employer; your job title and business address. If your spouse is a graduate too, please include his or her particulars. When sending us news you’d like published, submit that info as a “Class Note”.

Keep in touch by Email: alumni@fanshawec.ca Phone: 519.452.4285 Toll Free: 1.800.661.ALUM (2586) Fax: 519.659.9393 Web: www.fanshawec.ca/alumni/


Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Alumni PERKs special pull-out section

Being a Fanshawe College Alumni definitely has its PERKs! Discounts on goods and services that you can really use! Accommodations Automotive and Car Rentals Clothing Family Fun Electronics and Computers Optical Services Personal Services Restaurant and Food Service Retail Services Sports and Entertainment Travel Services Fanshawe College – On-Campus

See the following pages for a list of participating businesses and their discounts. Be sure to check out the PERKs website below for more complete details.

Get your PERKs card today! Contact the Fanshawe Alumni Office: • phone: 519.452.4285 • fax: 519.659.9393 • email: alumni@fanshawec.ca


Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004


Feature PERK: Station Park All Suite Hotel. Fanshawe College alumni receive an excellent discount of more than 25% off the regular rate on bookings at this luxury all suite hotel, located in downtown London, Ontario, at the corner of Richmond and Pall Mall streets. For every night booked by an alumnus, Fanshawe College receives a donation from the hotel. Call 800.561.4574, 519.542.4444 or hotel@stationparkinn.ca.

Accommodations Choice Hotels Canada 220 participating inns, hotels and suites 1.800.4.CHOICE ID number C00088263 10% off regular rates

The Airport Inn and Suites Dundas Street East and Airport Road, London 519.457.1200 Alumni receive corporate rate

Idlewyld Inn 36 Grand Ave., London 877.435.3466 20% discount off rack rates www.idlewyldinn.com

Residence and Conference Centres at Community Colleges Across Ontario 1.877.225.8664 Alumni discount rates for overnight stays

Automotive and Car Rentals Bob Jones Auto Supply 519.451.1100 15% off auto parts

National Car Rental 1.800.227.7368 Quote ID# 361 2312 Fanshawe College discount rates

Leamington Area Guest Homes 519.362.9662 or 519.682.4066 10% off regular rates

Clothing A Star Is Born, Children’s Outfitters 8 Front St. W., Strathroy 519.245.8181 10% off regular price

Aladdin Cleaners and Tailors 797 York Street, London 519.642.0878 15% off regular price

AllMaple Apparel 573 Richmond St., London 20% off www.allmaple.ca

Blue Bayou Masonville Place and White Oaks Mall, London 10% off regular price

Visit our web-site for complete details of each PERK.


www.fanshawec.ca/alumni/perks Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Bud Gowan Formal Wear 3 London locations, Sarnia and Woodstock 519.672.6210 15% off rentals www.budgowan.com

Electronics and Computers Nothing But Net 519.457.9009 Internet service/ website hosting www.nutnbut.net

Labatt Retail Store Richmond and Horton St. London 519.667.7212. 25% clothing/merchandise

Start Communications 239 Clarence St. London 519.434.5888 First month internet free and more!

Family Fun

Head 2 Head Games

Circle R Ranch

246 Dundas Street, London 519.434.5591 $1.00 off all computer access

3017 Carriage Road, Delaware Dingman Creek Valley 519.471.3799 Save $2.00 on a horseback ride

Dinosaur Valley Mini Golf Sudbury, Ontario 705.897.6302 10 (nine hole) games for $30 www.dinosaursudbury.ca

Optical Services

The John Labatt Centre 99 Dundas St. London Contact Alumni Office for info Discounts on selected events

Spike’s Indoor Beach Volleyball Courts 120 Weston Street, London 25% off court rentals

Spike’s Indoor Rock Climbing Gym 120 Weston Street, London 15% off climbing

Personal Services Aromatica 270-215 Eugenie St. W., Windsor 519.966.8000 5% off holistic courses www.aromatica.on.ca

Bonnie MacBean Mary Kay Beauty Consultant www.marykay.ca/bmacbean

Chromata Hair 419 Old Wonderland Rd. London 519.474.7988 25% off first visit, 10% after that. chromata@rogers.com

ING Novex 1.888.776.6839 Preferred rates on home and auto insurance

Restaurant and Food Service Lenscrafters

Masonville Place, London 519.660.1104 20% off purchases

London Optical 527 Richmond Street, London 519.850.0027 20% off prescription glasses

O’Hagan’s Contacts Plus 231 Oxford Street East 519.433.4046 15% off

Canada’s Paramount Wonderland Discounted tickets available through the Alumni Office Visit our web-site for complete details of each PERK.

Arby’s Dundas St at First St. , London 10% off your purchase

Cinnabon White Oaks Mall/Masonville Place, London $2.00 off any Cinnapack

Dairy Queen 1160 Highbury St. London 10% off

Hamilton’s Bakery 12 Front St. W., Strathroy 10% off novelty cakes

Kernels Popcorn Masonville Place/White Oaks Mall, London 519.686.1986 Buy one get one FREE cont’d...

www.fanshawec.ca/alumni/perks 17

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Kelsey’s Restaurant

London Flower Boutique

All London locations 15% off your meal

White Oaks Mall, London 519.681.6653 10% off in-store purchase

Yu’s Sushi Garden Food Court, Galleria London 519.963.1193 10% off combos

Retail Services That Party Place 551 York St. or 9 Southdale Rd.E., London 10% off

Southwestern Pet Centre Dundas at First St., London 10% off accessory items

Beta Photos Portrait and Wedding Studio 519 Richmond St., London 519.438.7195 10% off on photographs

Speed City Records 428 Richmond St., London $1 off new CD or vinyl, $2 off t-shirts

Walter’s Music Masonville Place 519.660.1460 15% off regular price items

Bijan Art Studio 743 Richmond St., London 10% off all art supplies, 25% off framing

New Image Adelaide St. N. at Princess (lower level) 519.432.0341 15% off all lamination services

Travel Services CruiseShipCenters

McIntosh Power & Leisure

Hyland Centre, London. 519.850.7766 – ask for Betty $25 shipboard credit per cabin

2557, Road 163, St Marys 519.229.8210 $25 off selected mowers/trimmers

Goliger’s Travel Plus Middlesex Appliance

234 King St. S. Waterloo 800.465.4437 $50 off vacation package www.gotravelplus.com

331 Neptune Cres., London 519.659.3000 or 1.800.265.2062 Builder/contractor pricing with PERKS card

Sherwood Travel Service Sherwood Forest Mall, London 519.471.9348. 10% of vacation packages

Sports and Entertainment Cyzzle Cycles Inc. 360 Springbank Dr., London 519.657.1729 20% on sales, 15% on repairs

Fanshawe College: On-Campus Counselling and Student Life

Missing Link Cycle and Ski 1283 Commissioners Road West, London 519.641.5056 15% off service/accessories

519.452.4282 10% off listing fee for Alumni landlords

Counselling and Student Life Entertainment Tonight

519.452.4282 10% off career counseling and testing

18 Front St. W. Strathroy Rent 5 library movies for 7 days for $6

Jumbo Video

Fanshawe Library and Media Services

Adelaide St. and Southdale St. London and Strathroy location Rent two NEW RELEASES get third rental FREE!

Fanshawe Continuing Education

Fanshawe College Community Fitness Centre

519.452.4439 10% off courses (up to $50) Must register in person.

519.452.4236 Free borrower’s card

1460 Oxford St. E. London 519.452.4477 Alumni membership rate

Visit our web-site for complete details of each PERK.


www.fanshawec.ca/alumni/perks Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Fanshawe Families

Designing a career that works for you

Perhaps it was part of a grand design that brought Janice (Barr) Kobarda and John Kobarda together through a mutual friend a few years after graduation. Since then, they have each taken their creative skills and designed great careers for themselves. Twenty-three years ago when they got married, Janice and John didn’t really know where their lives would take them. At the time, Janice was a talented Fashion Design graduate, class of

1979. She was finding her way in the industry, taking on design and sewing projects at home for private clients, but she knew that starting up a business was a challenge. In June 1982, she decided to take a chance and she joined another Fanshawe graduate, Gloria Dona (Fashion Design 80) in a fledgling enterprise that Gloria had started in her parent’s basement. Janice became Gloria’s first employee and 22 years later, they still work together, in what

has become the highly successful Optionelle. The original concept for the business has been the core of its success. The clothing lines are distributed by women across the country who form Optionelle’s network of self-employed sales professionals. They sell to friends, family and contacts through homebased shows. Janice began in the design side of the business working on pattern making, pattern grading, cutting, sewing and the finishing of sample garments. As the company steadily grew, her job roles steadily changed. With the growth of the company, which now has annual sales in excess of $11 million, her role has switched back to the manufacturing side. She now uses her skills and expertise to manage the quality control function. This involves a lot of detail work and maintaining constant communication with contractors who produce the current designs. As for John, his career path has been a series of strategic decisions and directions that have ultimately prepared him for his current position in a unique way. His first Fanshawe diploma was in Mechanical Engineering Technology – Mobile Equipment Design in 1980. He went on to study Industrial Management in 1986 and returned to earn a certificate in Human Resources Management in 1994. Recently, he graduated from the Executive Fire Officer Program at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland. John started his career in 1980 with London Machinery, a local mobile equipment manufacturing firm. After leaving the company to

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

explore other opportunities, London Machinery approached him to return as a mechanical designer in 1982. He remained in the design field for about four years on large mobile equipment before being promoted to production control manager. After three years, he was promoted again to plant manager, a job he held for approximately three years. In 1991, he decided to make a career move and joined the London Fire Department as a fire fighter. While his previous positions were very challenging and interesting, he was looking for a career that had more of a purpose, specifically one that would allow him to make a positive impact on people’s lives. It was a good move. He got involved in the London Professional Fire Fighters Association in 1993 and served for three years as president of the group from 1997 to 1999. In June 1999, he was named Deputy Fire Chief and in June 2004, he was appointed by City Council as London’s Fire Chief and Director of Paramedic Services. Since taking on that role, he has enjoyed having employees more involved in capital expenditures and empowering them to bring their skills, expertise and opinions to the table in the decision-making process. When his team discusses vehicle requirements, he is able to draw on his past experience in the large mobile equipment design industry. Over the years, both Janice and John have each forged careers that suit their personalities and skills. They hope that their two children, Kelly, 19 and Steven, 16 will find ways to use their creative spirits too.


And baby makes five...

Carrie (Shaxon) Blissett and Rob Blissett met during their high school days at H.B. Beal in London and always dreamed of an island wedding and starting a little family. In March 1998, their dream wedding came true: they said their vows in Barbados in the company of 20 of their friends and family. Since returning to London, the last seven years have been a whirlwind culminating in the birth of their third child, Colin Lawrence, in November 2004. This came on the heels of a move from south London to the Oakridge area to a home with more

room for their growing family. Colin’s big brothers are thrilled that the fifth member of their family has arrived safely. Noah is almost six and Luke is going on four. Carrie should have no trouble keeping up with the family’s busy schedule. She’s more than well qualified since she graduated from Fanshawe with a diploma in Recreation Leadership in 1993. For the past 11 years, she has worked at the Extendicare Nursing Home in London as an activationist. Carrie is currently on maternity leave from her job but she misses the residents whom she has got to know so well. “It’s like having 170 grandparents,” says Carrie with a smile. In her role at Extendicare, she works closely with a team of associates as the social convener for the third floor residents. Her job involves planning and implementing activity programs and monitoring the individual needs of each resident on many levels including social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical. As for Rob, he has taken a variety of courses at Fanshawe starting with Electronics Engineering Technician

in 1992 and Electronics Engineering Technician – Biomedical in 1994. He returned to Fanshawe to study Industrial Electrician as an apprentice and he completed that in 1999. He admits it took a while to find his true niche but he is happy in his current career. For the past seven years, he has been working as an Industrial Electrician at Labatt Breweries. It is a challenging job that involves both area work and project work on a sixweek rotational basis. Doing area work means he is on-call within the plant to respond to electrical problems that arise. He has to trouble-shoot on the spot and there can be some pressure because if production is affected, work within that area can’t resume until the problem is solved. When assigned to project work, he is involved in the installation of new equipment, which calls for additional skills, including project management to make sure that the job stays on target. In his spare time, Rob likes staying in shape, playing pool, photography and creating web sites. Carrie enjoys making family scrapbooks and family time. They are looking forward to settling in with their new addition this winter and maybe taking the kids on another tropical island holiday someday.

The value of lucky charms

and rare white squirrels Could it have been just sheer luck that Ric Wallace and Sheila Tofflemire met at Fanshawe almost 25 years ago? If you ask them, yes, it was luck and now after so many years together, they’ve actually become experts at cultivating luck! Who would have imagined that back in 1980?


Both graduated from Fanshawe’s Photography program in 1982 and Advanced Photography in 1983. Over the years, Sheila worked for Grimes Photography and Ric worked as a studio photographer and for various agencies including Design Associates. Today, they have their own business,

Virtual Edge Communications, providing digital photography and web design services. Ric and Sheila work from their home and what a home it is! They won the house in the 2004 Dream of a Lifetime Lottery that supported London’s hospitals. And it’s all part

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Launching careers

from a home-base in Hagersville

of the “lucky life” these two people have forged. The idea of cultivating luck had been percolating for quite a while. In 1995, Ric’s photographic interests took him to Exeter, Ontario in search of the rare non-albino white squirrel. He found them, photographed them and the images turned into a viable part of his business enterprise. He began producing and selling small souvenir items featuring photographs of white squirrels. The business expanded from postcards to fridge magnets to pins and these lucky squirrels were set to bring even more good fortune his way. In May 2002, Ric registered the domain name, “LotteryCharms.com” based upon a few lottery and casino wins that had just come his way. The squirrel souvenirs became his lucky charms and he set out a two-year plan to strike it big. During those two years, he believed that a series of small lottery wins would lead to a really big win. “It isn’t really the ‘lucky charms’ themselves that bring good fortune but a person’s belief in them,” explains Ric, who consistently earned a series of small lottery wins over the next 24 months. Then, exactly two years later, on May 31, 2004, he and his wife Sheila won the top prize package in the dream home lottery in London valued at more than $775,000, including a fully furnished luxury home, sports car, hot tub, plasma TV and $25,000 in cash. While enjoying their new home and good fortune, this hard-working couple has not given up the community service that has always been part of their lives. For the past five years, they have been dedicated volunteers with Habitat for Humanity London. They developed the Web presence for the group and took more than 1,000 photographic images to post on the web site during the recent construction of two new homes in London. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, non-government organization that grants interest-free, long-term mortgages that are continually recycled to build more houses. As for the lottery charms part of the business, it’s going really well. Ric and Sheila believe that good luck can be shared and if you’ve ever wondered if luck can be cultivated, they invite you to visit their web site, LotteryCharms.com, and judge for yourself. Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Mandy (Sommerville) Lindsay was nine years old when her little sister, Michelle (Sommerville) Payne was born. The two grew up in Hagersville, Ontario and both are Fanshawe grads. Mandy attended the Nursing program at the London campus graduating in 1985 and Michelle took Development Service Worker (DSW) at the Simcoe campus and finished her program in 1995. After high school, Mandy chose to study at Fanshawe’s London campus because she had friends who were also coming to London to study at UWO. She enjoyed her

Mandy L indsay a nd Mich elle Payn e program and accepted work at Brantford General upon graduation. She worked in medicine for two years and surgery for a year, before finding her true niche in Labour and Delivery. She has been welcoming babies into the world for the past 16 years. Mandy’s husband is also a Fanshawe grad. Paul Lindsay took the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration program in Simcoe graduating in 1991. They live in Townsend and they have two children, a son, Logan (8) and a daughter, Miranda (6) who keep them on the move. In September 2004, Mandy renewed her Fanshawe connection when she became a part-time instructor in the DSW program at the campus in Simcoe. She teaches Health 1028 five hours a week and enjoys the interaction with her students and the opportunity to share examples from her own work experience. Her sister, Michelle Payne, followed her sister’s footsteps to Fanshawe. Michelle had always been interested in helping people with special needs so she chose to take the DSW program. She completed the program at the Simcoe campus in 1995 with a Deaf Major and dreamed of one day working with children who are hearing-impaired. continued...


Fanshawe Families - cont’d Her first job was working with the Haldimand Association for the Developmentally Challenged as a residential counselor from 1995 to 1999. In 1999, she applied and was accepted as an Educational Assistant with the Grand Erie District School Board, where she is still employed. Michelle and her husband, Jamie, still live in Hagersville and they have two children, Griffin (1) and Reagan (3). After completing her recent maternity leave, Michelle returned to work in September 2004 and stepped into her dream job. This year, she has her own class of five hearing-impaired students, aged 7 to 13, and she loves helping them master new lessons and skills each day. Both Michelle and Mandy live close to their parents and their childhood home in Hagersville and are able to take their own children to visit often. With families and careers on track, these two sisters have certainly made the best of their Fanshawe educations.


Applications welcomed for these Fanshawe College Awards:

do you qualify?

Alumni Association Continuing Education Award

Alumni who have returned to Fanshawe to earn an additional diploma or certificate through Continuing Education are eligible to apply for the Fanshawe College Continuing Education Award. Selection of a recipient is based on the obstacles or hardships the alumni member has overcome to attain this additional diploma or certificate and the benefit resulting from this achievement. Graduates of a Continuing Education diploma or certificate program within the previous calendar year are eligible to apply.

The Newbery Community Enrichment Award

This award is presented to a Fanshawe College graduate of a diploma or certificate program of study from the James N. Allan Campus in Simcoe, Ontario. The award is given in recognition of the graduate’s contribution to their community. The Newbery Community Enrichment Award is presented at the James N. Allan Campus graduation ceremony each November.

The Jean Fraser Campbell Nursing Award

Two awards are made each year and are presented to two Fanshawe College Nursing program graduates who have demonstrated academic excellence in the Nursing program and who, in the award year, are continuing forward with further full-time post-secondary study to acquire a Bachelor of Science degree. The value of each award ($2,500) will be applied directly to the recipient’s Bachelor of Nursing tuition fees. All applications for the above awards must be received by the Awards and Scholarships Office, Room 3011, Fanshawe College, P.O. Box 7005, London, Ontario N5Y 5R6 by June 30 of each year. For further information on these awards, please contact Awards and Scholarships at 519.452.4466.

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

class notes


John Walker (Environmental Technology 01) “Iʼm currently employed as the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager for the Elgin and Lake Huron Primary Water Supply Systems, and for those who remember, Iʼm still with the Army Reserve. Iʼm living with my girlfriend Rebecca and loving every minute of life.” Cheers, John. Janine (McCracken) Mastos (DesignInterior Decoration 79) Janine is married to Sarasota, Florida native, Andy Mastos. She and her husband have a beautiful 13year-old daughter, Jamie, and three tiny, crazy dogs. Janine would love to hear from some of her old classmates. jmccracken@ hotmail.com

Phil Bradshaw (Civil Engineering Technology 93/ Computer Support Specialist 96) “I was supposed to graduate from Civil Engineering Tech. in 1988, but you know…been through the wringer since grad but back on my feet now. Would love to hear from any former classmates.” Joan (Zibrowski) Windler (Occupational Health and Safety 00) Joan was married on October 04, 2003 in Stratford, Ontario. Prior to her wedding she moved from London, Ontario where she had been working in Accounts Payable. Joan and her husband now live in Stratford where she is employed by the Stratford Public Library. Gisele M. Leger (Broadcast Journalism 84) sends this note to former classmates:

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

“In April 2004, I transferred from New Brunswick to Ottawa as Station Manager for Television Rogers, the French channel 23. This change meant a move from a small size market to a medium size market. Besides my career advancements, I am very busy completing my MBA part time with plans to finish in November 2005. So far Iʼm enjoying Ottawa immensely. Always enjoy reading how my classmates are doing.” Linda (Tracey) Egan (Broadcast Journalism 88) Linda was recently married (April 2004) to Fred Egan who works for the Canadian Military in London. For the past three years, Linda has been the editor/ reporter/photographer for the Signpost, a weekly newspaper in Dorchester, Ontario and a freelance writer for publications such as Todayʼs Parent.

Angela (Brodie) Muise (Child and Youth Worker 93) writes that she is now married and has one child. Douglas W. Clark (Municipal Administration and Assessment ʼ93) “Upon graduation from Fanshawe, I acknowledged the call of God. Eventually I enrolled at Lindsey Wilson College and obtained an undergraduate degree in Christian Ministries in 2003, while pastoring a church in Kentucky. I am currently the pastor of Woodlawn Beechfork United Methodist Church in Bardstown and attend Asbury Theological Seminary to obtain a Master of Divinity Degree while continuing to work towards ordination as a Methodist Minister. I thank Professor John Geoghegan (retired) for helping me to discern what it

You may have gone to points north, south, east and west but we and your classmates still want to hear from you! Send a message to someone or send us info on yourself. All news qualifies– marriages, moves, new jobs, career changes, pictures, kids - anything you think will be interesting. You can use phone, fax, or email–whatever suits your fancy. Just get us the scoop quick. See our contact info on page 14.

Interested in reaching someone in Class Notes? Please send your letter or email care of the Alumni Office and we will forward it for you.


Pat Richard (Audio Visual Media 79) visited the London Campus in September and sends this note: “Howdy Folks!!! Well, only a quarter century ago and a million miles under our belts since 1979…about time to catch-up!!! Iʼd really like to hear from a few of the AV grads from the 77-79 era …Dan, Anthony, Sue, Jane, Karen, Doug, Steve, Bob, Dwight…+++ all the gang!! Iʼve been kinda hanging out in TV area for the duration, shooting/editing…20 years with ATV/CTV… the past five years mostly freelance/ contract with CBC plus doc/sports/business related shoots…all in Atlantic Canada. Still living in Fredericton…married to Helene Cote…with a cat named Molly! Just recently visited Fanshawe… WOW!!...Great changes and expansions…Good to see!!...Thanks again Karen (Alumni Officer) for the tour and getting me together with John Sing for a few minutes. If anyone else is out there and would like to send me a note...Iʼm PatRichard@canada.com or Patsvw@yahoo.ca. Thanks!”

Congratulations to Bonnie Thompson (Advertising Art 95) and Jean-Guy Lefebvre who were married in London, Ontario on July 31, 2004.


is that God has called me to. Greetings and best wishes to all my former classmates of MAA 1993.” Blessings, Rev. Douglas W. Clark, BA. Richard Poore (Mental Retardation Counsellor 79) “I got thinking the other day that it has been 25 years since I graduated from Fanshawe. What an interesting journey those years have been. I found a graduation photo of my class and started wondering where their lives had taken them. If any of them happen to read this I would like to wish them well and let them know I was thinking about them. My life has taken a few interesting turns. I am now the General Manager of the Imperial Oil Centre for the Performing Arts in Sarnia, Ontario.” Ivana ConstantiniInneo (Radio Broadcasting 93) writes: “10 years in the radio biz and lovinʼ it! I am interested in who is still riding the airwaves from the graduating classes of 1992/93. Drop me a line at iconstantini@ ezrock.com.”

Janet (Thuss) Toohey (Early Childhood Education 95) and husband Patrick are excited to announce the birth of their first child, Joel Patrick Theodore Toohey, born on February 19, 2004. Janet will be on leave from her position of Alumni Affairs Coordinator, Kingʼs University College at the University of Western Ontario, for the next year. Brian Keith Mailloux (Photography 86) “Hello to all fellow photography classmates. Letʼs get in touch! Reach me through my web site at www.aeiphoto.com Cheers to all, Brian.” Brenda Simpson (Secretarial 80) “Found out from another Fanshawe Grad that Iʼm listed on the back of your latest newsletter as a lost graduate. What a hoot!!! I worked in legal for 10 years before making the jump over to Hydro One. Have moved with them five times but have finally settled down since my husband and I now also own a funeral home. Having a job and a half keeps me very busy.”

REUNION 2005: Radio Broadcasting Class of 1985 and friends Prepare to party! Wendy (Antonczyk) Spence, Deb OʼGrady and Jennifer Long are planning a 20th Anniversary Reunion for the Radio Broadcasting Class of 1985 (also those from ʻ84 and ʻ86 in Radio and Broadcast Journalism who partied with us all those years ago), Saturday, July 16th, 2005 in London. Weʼd love to hear from as many as possible so we can make it a major celebration! Please drop one of us an email to let us know where you are and how we can contact you. Also, if you keep in touch with former classmates and can help us locate them, weʼd appreciate the help. Weʼre planning on setting up a website in the near future with details, and so you can track whoʼs going to be there. Set the date aside and plan to join us for all the fun. Email addresses are: wendyspence2001 @yahoo.ca, jlong@lfpress.com, ogradyd@gammadynacare.com

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Kendall (Goold) Hunt (Social Science Worker 97): Kendall and husband Greg are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Evan Gregory Hunt, born on Wednesday October 1, 2003. Evan weighed 9 lbs, 12 oz, and 22.5 inches long.

Sandy Wakeling (Corporate Communications ʻ99) and his wife Alison, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Sébastien Laurence Wakeling. “Sébastien made his intention to join us known shortly after Peter Mansbridge signed off with the CBCʼs federal election coverage. He was born at Ridge Meadows Hospital in Maple Ridge, BC at 2:20am on Tuesday, June 29 2004, weighing in at 7lbs, 13ozs. Thrilled at his arrival are big brother William, and grandparents Roy and Brenda Biggs, Terry Wakeling and Carmen Lemelin.”

Protecting your privacy The protection of the privacy of our alumni is important to the Fanshawe College Alumni Association and the Alumni Office. As such, we strictly adhere to the guidelines for protection and use of personal information, as set out in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Ontario. Information in our files includes, but is not limited to, name, address, gender, age, marital status, education and employment. It is the responsibility of the Alumni Office to ensure that your information is accurate and up-to-date. Sometimes we contact alumni by mail and by phone to update their personal information or to let them know about events, services and opportunities of interest and benefit to alumni. AlumniNews is mailed twice a year and invitations to reunions, homecoming and special events are sent throughout the year. The only people with access to your information are those individuals working for the college who have a specific need to see your information. These individuals have signed a non-disclosure agreement. Occasionally, the Alumni Association

in memoriam Sherry Berringer (Secretarial Arts 79) in 2003 Dale Bryce (Radiography 94) on February 18, 2004 Jon Eggett (BusinessInformation Systems 83) in 2004 Paul Milne (Respiratory Therapy 84) on April 11, 2004 Gilbert Moll (Fine Art 72) in November 2003 Jim Phibbs (Graphic Design 74) August 2004 Jodi Sim (Personal Support Worker) on April 7, 2004

participates with its affinity partners to offer services for alumni such as insurance and credit cards. These partnerships help to subsidize services and programs for alumni. The Alumni Association does not provide your confidential information directly to these companies. Contact with alumni is made by third-party companies on behalf of the Alumni Association and its affinity partners. Companies which provide mailing and telemarketing services as agents of the association sign a confidentiality agreement and may only use the information they receive from the association for the purposes outlined in the agreement. The Alumni Association does not sell its mailing lists. If you would prefer not to be contacted, you may opt out of affinity programs or general communication from the Alumni Association at any time by calling 1.800.661.ALUM or 519.452.4285, faxing 519.659.9393 or e-mailing alumni@fanshawec.ca

Vlasta Strizic (Professor (retired) Manufacturing Sciences Division) on August 31, 2004 Bob Tam (Professor, Motive Power Technology Division) on July 8, 2004 Bill Tanton (Urban and Regional Planning Technology 04) on October 25, 2004 Jerry Whitland (Professor, Motive Power Technology Division) on April 12, 2004 Charles Wight (Professor, Motive Power Technology Division) on July 15, 2004

For more information, or to make changes to your record, please contact the Alumni Office.

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004


Our annual Homecoming was expanded this year to three days with events for alumni and students including a pub at the Out Back Shack; a movie night showing Spiderman 1 and 2 in D1060; the Distinguished Alumni Awards ceremony; the 25 th anniversary wine and cheese for grads of 1979; the Hutton House

The Alumni Homecoming Pub at the Out

Clowns; volleyball and basketball games; and the

Back Shack welcomed friends old and new. The Alumni Office staff were on-hand to meet and greet, including Karen Monahan,

annual race show Racing to the Future. Thank you

Becky McInnis, Mike Wickett, Arjun Bharwadj and Brad Kerr.

to our alumni and our

It’s great to be a winner! This future alumna was one of the many lucky prize winners at the Homecoming pub!

Susan (Toop) Coyne (Executive Secretarial 79) and Elsie Farnham (Faculty, retired) enjoy getting caught up at the 25th Anniversary Reception.

volunteers for making it such a memorable weekend.

October 21-23, 2004

Coming home for


Cheryl (Miller) Moore (Advertising Art 79) and her husband, Greg, visit with classmate


Kim Oxby (Advertising Art 79).

Thanks to these Affinity and PERKS partners for their support of Homecoming 2004: ING Novex Insurance Kernels Popcorn (White Oaks Mall, London) AllMaple Apparel The DVD Store (on campus) Fringe Salon (on campus) John Labatt Centre Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Annual General Meeting RIGHT: Hutton House Clowns put on an afternoon of smiles and chuckles for the very young and young at heart.

LEFT: Grand opening of the new Student Centre On Saturday evening, the Fanshawe Student Union unveiled its newest addition to the London campus: a beautiful and functional 44,000 square foot Student Centre located on the northside between the two student residences. In addition to housing a 300-seat cafeteria and the Student Union Offices, there are also much needed study rooms and meeting rooms for students. David Wyatt, President of the Alumni Association, is shown here in front of the new Alumni Lounge, on the second floor of the Student Centre, named in recognition of financial contribution made by the Alumni Association to the Fanshawe Student Centre.

The Moti ve Powe r Techno show ag logy Div ain this ision pr y ear. Rac esented largest r ing to th a great oster of e Future 2 c o ol vehicle enthusia 004 featu s yet see sts of all red the n on cam ages enjo pus. Rac yed the ing day.

Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

The Alumni Association’s Annual General Meeting is open to all Fanshawe College alumni and is held each year during Homecoming. This is an opportunity for members to learn more about the association and to elect members to the Board of Directors. During this year’s meeting, director, Betty Holme, was elected for a two-year term 2004-2006. College Council representative Jordan Hobbs and Fanshawe College Board of Governors Observer Randy Dafoe were both re-elected for another oneyear term. At the Board meeting, which immediately followed the AGM, Randy Dafoe was elected to continue to serve as vice president and Bill Mills as treasurer.

What happens after Homecoming? By Karen Monahan, Alumni Officer

Soon after Homecoming, I always hear from people who really wanted to attend, but didn’t. Sometimes it is their favourite TV show or a hockey game that kept them away, or they had forgotten the event altogether. Ultimately, as they learn what happened on campus and who all attended, they REALLY wished they had made it. So here’s your reminder in advance for next year. We all need to break out of our regular routine once in a while. The next time you receive an invitation to an alumni event, consider calling an old friend or inviting a family member and come on out. You’ll be pleasantly surprised! Mark your calendars now: Next Homecoming is October 22, 2005.


Building on old friendships:

Architectural Technology 79

These alumni from three classes of Architectural Technology attended the 25th anniversary reception as part of their Class Reunion, hosted by fellow alum Steve Done of London. Just before the reception, the group enjoyed a campus tour and later reminisced at a dinner off-campus. The group was so pleased that professor Jerry Janecka was able to join them. Kudos to the alumni who traveled the furthest to get here: Derrick Stormink from Switzerland, Dan Lajoie of Oregon and Gregg Aiken from Alberta.

Left to right, back row: John Hamilton, Grant Taylor, Steve Done, Derrick Stormink and Robin Cecil. Middle row: Peter Cassidy, Walter Gough, Walter Klisht, Jerry Janecka (faculty), Gregg Aiken and John Plitz. Front row: Dan Lajoie, Doug Harding, and Mark Lavender.

How the years have flown: Nursing 79

On Saturday October 16, 2004, close to 40 graduates of the Nursing Class of 1979 gathered at the Great West Beef Restaurant in London for their first reunion in 20 years. The original graduating class of 120 studied at Fanshawe, but their classes were held at the Victoria Hospital Nursing School on Hill Street in London. Grace Adams and Michelle (Zimmer) O’Rourke, in photo at left, organized the event and each person had a chance to speak about what they had done for the last 25 years. Classmates came from Ohio, Toronto, Windsor, Chatham, Woodstock, Brantford, Hamilton, and other surrounding communities. Many who couldn’t attend sent their regards by email. The group is tentatively planning a gathering for July 16, 2005, in London, and hopefully a cruise in 2007! They are trying to get in touch with some of the “lost” alumni before then. If you are one of those people, or would like more information, please contact the Alumni Office at (519) 452-4285 or 1-800-661-ALUM or Grace Adams at Golf Hers, London (519) 471-5115. Pictured just to the left, enjoying the Nursing reunion, are: Kathy (Phillips) Rohfritsch, Kathy (Dunk) Holdsworth and Janet (Haynes) VanKoot.

Bright memories of the early days at Fanshawe: Electrical Technician 67

There was a great turn out of Fanshawe’s first graduating class of electrical technicians from 1967. Eight of the original 14 grads attended a reunion dinner held at La Cuccina Restaurant in Dorchester, Ontario on Saturday, October 23, 2004. Back row: Larry McCaffery, Carol Beaman, Gerald Beaman, William (Dan) Murray, Mike Baker, Nancie (Irving) Kington, Darrell Kington and Dave Brown. Middle row: Don Allen, Nancy Brown, Karen MacKenzie and Dawn MacKenzie. Front row: Carolyn Murray, Sharon Allen, Gladys Jurchuk and Fred Jurchuk (faculty). Unable to attend were: Bob Bacon and Robert Newnham (faculty).


Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004

Calling Alumni of 1980: 2005 is your reunion year!

Reunion Central

All alumni of 1980 will be invited to attend a 25th anniversary reunion at Homecoming 2005. If you would like to see your classmates at the

Making music together again: Music Industry Arts 83

Alumni from Toronto, Vancouver and Los Angeles - some with families in tow - gathered in Nelson, BC for a reunion organized by Colin Davison. “It was a great weekend, lots of memories. We played a gig together too - reformed three old bands from 21 years ago! Played all the old songs.” Above from left to right are: Wayne O’Brien, Gord Walker, Scott Rose, Hugh Hardy, Jim Fairhart, Colin Davison, Geoff Rowland, Frank Schulte and Mike Hicks.

Snapshots from the 25 Anniversary Reception – Class of 1979 th

reception, please let the Alumni Office know who you’d most like to see and we will try to help you reach them. If you are interested in hosting a separate reunion for your own class, the Alumni Office staff will help you contact classmates, send out invitations, and arrange for a location

TOP: Jim Brintnell and Greg Pollard, alumni from the Control Engineering Technology – Systems program in 1979 enjoyed getting caught up.

on campus. Give us a call: 519.452.4285 or toll free: 1.800.661.ALUM or email: alumni@

MIDDLE: Dental graduates Anne (McAuley) Spriet and Jo-Anne (Collver) Clarke shared some memories together.


BOTTOM: Three graduates of the 1979 Legal Secretarial program reminisced about their Fanshawe days: Susan Martellotti, Tamra (Ewart) Wyatt and Rosanna (Desando) Travato.

For more Homecoming photos, please visit: www.fanshawec.ca/alumni Fanshawe College Alumni News Fall 2004


Fanshawe College Distinguished Alumni Awards Call for Nominations The Fanshawe College Distinguished Alumni Awards are presented annually to honour its accomplished alumni. One alumnus will be recognized from each of the following disciplines: Business, Technology, Community Services, Creative Arts and Design, and Health Sciences. In addition, an award will be presented to a recent graduate of not more than five years ago, from any program. This is your opportunity to recognize and nominate an outstanding employee or volunteer who is a Fanshawe graduate. Nominees must have achieved substantial career success and have demonstrated a strong commitment to others through contribution to their community or to society. In addition to proven career success, nominees should have significant volunteer participation with a charitable or not-for-profit organization. In the recent graduate category, the selection criteria are based on promising talent and commitment with a more immediate potential for success and contribution. Nominees must be graduates of a Fanshawe College diploma, certificate or applied degree program. Winners will be honoured at an awards ceremony held at Homecoming in October. Please complete this nomination form and include a brief letter of support. We will be pleased to contact the nominee directly for additional information. Your submission for this prestigious award is sincerely appreciated.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: MAY 16, 2005 Please complete the nomination form below and mail to: Fanshawe College, Alumni Office - Room D1043 1460 Oxford Street East, P.O. Box 7005 London ON N5Y 5R6 For more information please visit our website

www.fanshawec.ca/alumni or call (519) 452-4285

2005 Fanshawe College Distinguished Alumni Awards Nomination Form (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Name of Nominee Has nominee agreed to the nomination?



Program & Year of Graduation Address Business Phone


Home Phone (if known) Nominator:





LOST GRADS If you know any of these alumni from 1981, ask them to email our Alumni Office at alumni@fanshawec.ca, or call 519.452.4285 / 800.661.ALUM. A/C Refrig. Eng. Tech Bev Lepard Olojoke Olayinka Titus Olayinka David Holodinsky Advertising Art Denise Antaya Maureen Grahame Gina McGrotty Eva Mullo Ruth Sherwood Janice (DeBlock) Toonders Ada Wilton Air-Water Field Techy Errol Butler Magali Galvan Richard Palis Robert Stevens Ambulance and Emergency Care Darren Atikinson Joe Beasley Dee Beuerman Derik Granger Ian MacLeod Lori Robertson Tom Russell James Stockdale Bernie Backer Elizabeth (Harris) Muddle Architectural Techn Patricia (Brennan) McKnight Cornelius Verhoeven Richard De Ruiter Michael Haid Brian Pearson Clarence Streutker Roger Chayer Wayne Deangelis Lyle McGill Dallas Norman Audio Visual Techn David Foster Susan (Siewert) Deibler Garth Williams Murdena Robinson Behav. Science – Mental Health Carolyn Jewell Judith Morley Daniel Van Vugt Broadcasting – Journalism Mike Harrison Broadcasting-Radio Gary Byers Brian Little BroadcastingTelevision Cora Engel Ryan Susan Grundy Michael Holland Jill Mackie Barbara Murphy Christine O’Grady

Business Fred Ftizgerald Robert Julian Paul Millson Karen (Irwin) Prentice James Prentice Steven Pye Bashir Umar Richard Weir Business – Accounting Nancy Chalmers Ai Hua Chua Tamme Decker Davison Farid Dhanani Stephen Huff Gerald Kassies Laura Kuchan Marie Lefebvre John Lucas Julia Maynard William Rapp Carol Smale Teresa Adamo Helene Comeau Michael Couse Tracy Falkenham Stephen MacFarlane Florence Peddell Brian Smith Sandra (Torrens) Stocker Jasna Strizic Cheryl Strong Kelly Swanson Rudolfo Terracina Rudy Vandewiele Business – Data Processing Phil Rutledge Penny Abel Richard Barker Charles Browning Richard Connelly David Dunlop Aldo Gabriele John Gough Richard Grenier Lawrence Henry Shirley (Weir) Lagrou Daniel Tries Carolyn Worth Deborah Hodge Business – Finance Matthew Burbidge John Gay Mary Alice Glaves Cynthia Roth Thomas Keen Dinah Stensen Bradley Young Business – Information Systems Fernanda Albert Kim Barnes Malinda Brah David Brewster Sandra Deboer Paul Dickinson Lucy Drager David Gelencher Nipa Halim Joseph Hewgill Brian Hickmott

George Kentris Stanley Latawiec Murray McKenzie Tim Pasma Douglas Powers Linda Vandonger Janet Walker Business - Purchasing Howard Huy Kim McNames Margaret Pedlingham Dean Pollock Kevin Wayne Business – Marketing Peter Bell David Brown David Cameron Valerie Heron Business – Quantity Methods John Ferenc Paul Greenfield Business Administration Keith Beaver Robert Bourassa Joseph Camilleri Pandora Chan Marko Koskenoja Paul Notarandrea Charles Ognonnah Patricia Onah Jeanette (Sinclair) Rennie William Wilkinson Jacqueline Yen Dorothy Abbey Tomi Afolabi William Cunningham Mary Ferguson Todd Flannigan Pamela Larion Jamie McCallum Gordon Wylie Carpentry Brian Leese Richard Wray Child Care Worker James Alexander Jill Baird Allison (Toews) Brock Angela Cripps Eleanor Dreyer Mary Easton Mary-Lou Ensing Lauralee Fleming Valerie (Dubs) Good Lorie Goodner Julia Hilhorst Catherine Johnson Randy Lewis Nancy (Knill) MacQueen Mary-L (Daley) Quenneville Janice Serratore Victoria Turner Cheryl Walther Deborah Ward

Civil Eng. Techn Drafting Chris Peck Kathleen Watson Civil Eng. Techy Jeffrey Mustard Paul Rowe Thomas Bain John Ho Cynthia Lindner Civil Eng. Techy Municipal Wayne Frayle David Leung Steven Mansell Peter Bryan-Pulham Donald Johnson Murray Malott David Masurkevitch Civil Eng. Survey Techn Richard Evans Denis Farmer Constr. Eng. Techy Mgmt Mark Hipel Noel James Halliru Munir John Welch Constr. Eng. Techn Harold Burgers Thomas Haug Richard Norman John Popp David Ellis Charles Stewart Thomas Teather Control Eng. Techy Michael Taylor Alan Tomlinson Control Eng. Techy (Systems) Adrian Jobse Colin Mitchell Richard Tucker Dental Margaret Blom Susan Cameron Brenda Collier Karen Junek Victoria Kingston Christine Markham Kathryn Metcalfe Sonya (Verbeek) Anderson Karen Hagel Jacqueline Neizer Kimberly Tregoning Carol Unwin Margaret Brunton Nancy Horky Heather Murray Design (Fashion) Aruna Chari Lois George Margaret Lawrence Paula Marchand

of 1981 Denise (Jackson) Musclow Arlene Reist Linda Thibeault Catherine Thomas Debbie (Wilson) Hollingsworth Helen Kum Linda Markham Kathryn (Turford) Wreford Elizabeth McLean Design (Graphic) Barbara Fanson Diana Nordemann Angela Reiser Judy Dickson Design (Industrial) Donald Deming Ronald Faubert Gregory Moerner Linda (Bennett) Robson Randolph Ashbourne Design (Interior) Jean Ann Dearmon Maureen Dowswell Kerry Foster Pauline Gielen Virginia Haasen Debra (Abar) Kennedy Christine Lawrie Sally Jo McElveny Lynn Sandos Jane Templeton Cheryl Watson Elizabeth WeberMacDonald Shelley Arthur Suzanne Hill Teresa Hsu-Chan Maryann (Norry) McLellan Carolyn (Van Bavel) Sharbonneau Design (Landscape) Audrey Cunliffe Howard French Meredith McKim Jennifer Mountain James Nichols Anna Marie Dalton Susan Fitzsimons Michael Hensel Lynda Spencer Alan Van Haaster Bernard Westervelt Design (Urban) Diana Holmes Robert Evans Marla Limousin John Rovansek Robert Tofflemire Early Childhood Education Nancy (McCurdy) Campbell Ruth Campbell Cynthia CarpenterLindsay Heather Daniel Gloria Lawson

Catherine Foote Laura Mason Rosemary Nasswetter Betty Nuttall Odette Shoucair Deborah Sinkowski Hendrika Van Dommelen Rita Waechter Electric/Electronics Techn George Richards George Bober Stephen Coombs Kathryn Davis Chris Kravaris George Perenyi Louis Venerus Steve Baert James Edwards Gerald Gurnik Melbourne Johnston Electrical Eng. Techn Benson Gapsiso Luke Keuken Mike Spolarich Jim Antonopoylos Wayne Beard Michael Depoorter John Procyk Alan Storey Anthony Mathyssen William McCulloch James McCully Boris Sorokovsky Paul Wareing Kevin Christmas John Flaman Wil Heeren Kenneth McLean Barry Morrison Brian Keough David Panasiuk James Swarbrick Executive Secretarial Lori Copeland Francine Clavet Christine Cooper Mary (Dixon) Gibbons Catherine (Reid) Grasby Anne Grinnell Gwendolyn Kobe Brenda (Bowen) Mitchell Anita Vickery Kimberly Walkom Margaret White Joan Dertinger Debbie Jacobson Carolyn Schmit Farm Business Mgmt Paul Ensing Ronald Herming Wilfred Saarloos Mark Rell James Bowman Peter Helmuth Frank Middel Roger Steinmann John Werkema David Willis

Fine Art Carolyn Campbell Geoffrey Foran Karen German Terry Kerr Nancy Kury Linda Rumming Paul Toth General Arts and Science Rosann Bilyk Charles Bryans Neville Leslie John Leverton Richard Turner Mary Devlin Wada Garba Veronica Watson General Business Richard Kropf Anne Lauchland Chris Metcalfe Julie Tabone Health Records Techn Mary Anne (Karp) Lalonde Anne-Lee Metters Wendy (Newell) O’Bright Darlene Thomas Laura Thompson Hotel and Restaurant Mgmt Gregory Halsall David Sorbie Lynda Tingey Francine McFalls Kelly Mills Human Resources Mgmt Peter Deryk Industrial Mgmt Barbara Hawkins Garry Jewell Garry Dodman Law and Security Admin Shaen Armstrong Elizabeth Barrett Scott Clare Michael Krause Bruce Nedved Hindupur Rajagopalan Timothy Sbrizzi Janet Shaw William Van Evera Barbara Frank Michael Ledingham Barbara Lockrey Douglas Moyaert Warren Reynolds Legal Office Admin Aniela Choja Lesley Dinner Cheryl (Silcox) Finch

going beyond

ADVANTAGES you’re sure to

appreciate as a member of the Fanshawe College Alumni Association

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