Annual Report 2022-23
We’re on a mission.
Family Resource Center strengthens the lives of children, families, and community.
Our Vision. The Family Resource Center is founded on the belief that children and families are vital to the richness and quality of life within San Joaquin County. The center staff is committed to the compassionate support of children and families in need of social support and training services. We believe that direct personal action will make a difference in the family life within our community.
The Need for child care
The growing cost of child care, and the need for parents to join the workforce, makes finding quality child care a priority for those living and working in San Joaquin County. The child care slots, currently available, are vital for the success of the San Joaquin County workforce.
Child Care Referrals
Referrals to all local families (both on and off our Child Care Payment programs) help parents and guardians find quality, affordable, and suitable care options for their children. These referrals support parents to go to work, find new career opportunities, and attend school/training to further their careers.
Supports all
Child care is and will continue to be an essential service, vital to the economic success of San Joaquin County. When families have access to child care that meets their needs, they are able to contribute to the local economy and community well-being.
Parents receiving child care payment assistance are… 74% Working Parents 16% Searching for Work 5% In School or Training 5% Other
Our Work
Our goal at Family Resource Center is to have children learning, parents earning, and our community thriving!
+7,019 44
San Joaquin County children served
The children enrolled in Family Resource Center programs and services are just the beginning of the lives impacted by our agency’s work.
million dollars
Redistributed back into the community. Through Family Resource Center’s programs and services, the money we receive goes directly back into the hands of the community we serve; helping families, Child Care Providers’ businesses, and the San Joaquin County economy.
Community outreach events attended
The Resource and Referral Program, along with our outreach staff, ensures that Family Resource Center can share our resources throughout San Joaquin County; lowering the barrier to access and increasing our reach within the community.
Supporting Child Care Providers
Our various programs support local Child Care Providers, including licensed Child Care Centers, Family Child Care Homes, Exempt Centers/Sites, and Family, Friend and Neighbor Providers.
Local Child Care Providers served
Family Resource Center programs support licensed Family Child Care Homes, Child Care Centers, Exempt Centers/Sites, and Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers. With the support, resources, and reimbursements for the child care that is provided, Family Resource Center helps Providers sustain and grow their small businesses.
Concrete support
We know that the tangible resources we help distribute are some of the most valuable to our community.
4,046,669 Meals and snacks served
Via the Child Care Food Program. The USDA Child and Adult Child Care Food program reimburses Child Care Providers for the meals they serve to the children in their care.
+22 Provider supply distribution events
In total reimbursement to participating Child Care Providers for the health and developmentally nutritious meals and snacks provided to the children this year. 2,718 virtual monitoring visits were completed while we were still under the Federal pandemic declaration. Family Resource Center administers the Child Care Food Program in the following 15 Counties across CA: San Joaquin, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Yolo, Placer, Sutter, Sacramento, Stanislaus, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Yuba and El Dorado County.
Books and activity kits
Have been distributed to children and families who participate in our programs and within the community.
67,562 calls 607 text messages 658 emails 6
Because kids.
San Joaquin residents connected to local help and resources through 211 211 San Joaquin, a program of Family Resource Center, connected community members with information on over 4,000 health and human service resources. 3,859 callers identified as having children ages 0-5 in the home. 211 San Joaquin helps children and families through
Care Coordination. Referrals to families included resources to child care payment assistance, developmental screenings, oral health support services, financial support via CalWORKs, home visitation programs, food pantries and many other services.
Training for the Future
We care about children and the adults who care for them.
Facilitated hours of parent and provider trainings
The trainings provided by our Resource and Referral Department, California Child Care Initiative Project, Preventative Health and Safety, and other programs give parents and Child Care Providers the skills and tools needed to help prepare a developmentally and educationally healthy generation for the future.
2 Parent and 2 Child Care provider cafes were facilitated
Trauma Informed Care trainings
When child care providers and families are trained in Trauma-Informed Care, they can offer a healthier, more engaged, and complete method of child care in their businesses and homes.
Allowing a safe, non-judgmental opportunity for parents and caregivers to build their protective factors while engaging in conversations about what it means to keep children safe and families strong, while also building parent leadership.
Family Resource Center’s Special Events Children & Youth Day
Held each May and designed to increase community awareness of services and opportunities available for children, from infants through teens. This event draws in over 3,000+ families each year.
Child Care Provider Appreciation Day 8
Held each May, is a day where we encourage all residents of San Joaquin County to recognize Child Care Providers who nurture, teach, and care for children in multiple settings across the County.
Because Kids Awards
are held each November in special recognition to those who care about children in SJ County. The Awards recognize those whose tremendous action is making a positive difference in the lives of children and youth.
Local Support Means the World to Our Families
While the programs and services at Family Resource Center continue to grow and adapt to meet the needs of San Joaquin County families, we still rely heavily on donations from the community. We are grateful for this support in allowing us the means to provide the extra services and resources that are needed most.
Our Fundraising Dollars go to... 10
direct resources extra services our programs
How We are Supported Donations
Financial contributions to Family Resource Center support our fundraising goals. Donations from private and business donors help Family Resource Center expand our programs, supply extra services like Provider Curriculum Kits and Parent Cafes, and provide direct resources like books and child development materials.
Social Awareness
In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, the Family Resource Center leverages social media as a tool for connecting with our community and supporters. Through various platforms, we keep our audience informed about upcoming events and share the latest news. Being engaged in the realm of social communication not only keeps us well-informed, but also serves as a strategy for expanding our network of donors. 11
Special Events
Events keep us connected to our donors and the general community. You can learn more about these events on page 8.