Families Kent Nov/Dec PRINT issue

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Issue 26 November/December 2022 familiesonline.co.uk Kent FREETakeMeHome
Parties Christmas
Gift Guide


Some of you love it and others find it overwhelming….we think you all know what we’re talking about! Yes, the festive season is just round the corner and it’s not too soon to start planning. Start with our gift guide in this issue. If you fancy a festive family city break before Christmas – which could also double as a gift-buying opportunity – then investigate some of the cities that put on the best show in the lead up to the big day.

As things get increasingly busy, it’s important that you don’t burn out before Christmas even arrives. Take a look at our tips for lightening your load in the run up to the big day.

Plus, we also feature musing on your child’s future education, why you should learn about Black History Month, party ideas for the winter and tip for buying gifts for birthday parties on a budget.

Finally, especially for you, we have Christmas gifts, as well as tonnes of Weebles to giveaway! Apply for these adorable wiggly, wobbly mini-toys at familiesmag.co.uk/go. By doing so, you’ll also ensure you receive our digital magazine with lots more content and goodies on offer.


Editor, Families Kent

Congratulations to all our winners from the July/August issue. You can find a list of winners at https://bit.ly/JArecipients

© Families Kent 2022. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families Print Ltd. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine but Families Print Ltd, its distributors, franchisees and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequences thereof.

November/December 2022Families Kent2 3 News & Views 4-5 Education 6-9 Parties 10 Festive City Breaks 11 Family Theatre 12-13 Christmas Gift Guide 14-15 Christmas 16 What's On Cover image: depositphotos.com IN THIS ISSUE: Editor: Rebecca Carr T: 07789 882467 E: editor@familieskent.co.uk Advertising sales: Amanda Biggs T: 07835 848066 E: amanda@familiespublishing.co.uk Next issue: January/February 2023 Booking deadline: 5 December To receive free copies of Families Kent for your school, club, class or venue, call or email us. CONTENTS T&Cs applyMagazine Apply at familiesmag.co.uk/go Christmas gifts to give away! Nature Curious Activity BoxAnnual Subscription (6 boxes) Worth £120 Tinted Lip Balm Kits 3 available Worth £19.99 Empowering Book Bundle 5 bundles Worth £16.98 each Confidence Booster Book Bundle 5 bundles Worth £15.98 each Grown ups Grown ups Kids Kids Contact us

Exciting new setting in Tonbridge for Play ‘n Grow Childcare

Play ‘n Grow Childcare offer good quality care in a small setting at The Angel Centre in Tonbridge.

They offer childcare for children aged 0-11 years in either their nursery, crèche or holiday club in Tonbridge.

They believe that children are like flowers and that they need love, care and attention in order to learn to play and grow to the best of their ability.

Open for 50 weeks of the year from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, with a holiday club running during Kent school holidays at Bishop Chavausse Primary School, Tonbridge. There will also be a couple of two-hour crèche spaces available on a daily basis.

To find out more or to register your interest, email Sarah at playngrowchildcare@gmail.com.

More info at www.playngrowchildcare.co.uk

Tax-Free Childcare: parents underusing

The government has published its latest statistics for Tax-Free Childcare showing that half of all open accounts are not even used.

Whilst the new HMRC figures show more families opening accounts than previously, only fifty percent of open accounts are being used which means that thousands of families and children are missing out on money earmarked for childcare support. In addition, recent HMRC research estimates that less than half of eligible families are opening an account to claim the support.

For every £8 paid into a Tax-Free Childcare online account, families automatically receive an additional £2 in government top-up, up to £500 every three months or £1,000 if their child is disabled.

To register, search Tax-Free Childcare on www.gov.uk

Get your child a letter from Santa

All children love to receive a letter addressed to them in the post. And what could be more special than a letter from Santa? Here are two ways of making this happen.

Royal Mail Letter to Santa

For children to receive a FREE letter from Santa via the Royal Mail children must post their letter to Santa in an envelope with either a first or second class stamp and addressed to Santa/Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland, XM4 5HQ. The letter must include your child’s full name and address.

Check the deadline for posting the letter to Santa at www.royalmail.com/christmas/letters-to-santa

NSPCC Santa Letter

Children can also receive a personalised reply from Santa via his elves at the NSPCC in exchange for a donation to the charity.

The letter is ordered online. Check the deadline at https://letterfromsanta.nspcc.org.uk

Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Anti-Bullying Week takes place from 14 to 18 November.

The week will kick off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 14 November, during which adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique.

The theme of ‘Reach Out’ is about empowering children to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

Whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, let’s reach out and offer support to each other. Reach out to someone you trust if you need to talk. Reach out to someone you think is being bullied. Reach out and consider a new approach.

The Anti-Bullying alliance website has a free parent pack offering advice and tools to support families.

To get involved, visit www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk

the most and many more

Reasons to teach black British history in schools

Black British history is British history. Not only is this phrase true but it is necessary to acknowledge.

The teaching of black British history in schools is imperative. It is important for every student to understand and acknowledge the contributions that Black Britons have made to this country.

During Black History Month in October, a few black Britons are generally spotlighted during school lessons. But it’s by embedding black British history throughout the curriculum, in all key stages and throughout the year, that it will be possible to deliver a more accurate view of British history in general.

There are many reasons why the teaching of black British history is crucial. The focus of schools first and foremost should be their students. The integration of black British history into the curriculum will give all students a sense of identity and representation.

Learning about important figures like John Blanke, Mary Prince and Olive Morris gives children the opportunity to find a way in to history by getting to know real people. What follows is greater engagement and interest from those children in topics that previously they may not have felt were relevant to them.

Furthermore, teaching black British history helps alleviate any inequality within the curriculum. By not teaching children about the contributions made by black Britons to British society, it’s as if they are deemed to be unimportant and trivial.

So teaching black British history is inclusive and helps children feel seen, heard, understood and represented.

The benefits of teaching students about black British history are plentiful, not least helping to prevent racism and ignorance from a young age. Educating students on both black British history and the black British lived experience also helps dispel any stereotypes, preconceived notions and bias that children may have towards black Britons. It also allows for students that are not of Afro-Caribbean descent to understand, empathise and engage with different cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds.

Teaching black British history allows children to understand our collective British history better.

Ilhan Rayen Awed is from The Black Curriculum (www. theblackcurriculum.com), a social enterprise founded in 2019 to address the lack of black British history in the British curriculum. It delivers arts focused black history programmes for children ages 8 to 16 which aim to give them a sense of identity, provides teacher training and encourages young people to mobilise and facilitate social change.

Outside the classroom

The importance of teaching black British history should extend outside the classroom too. Although diversifying the school environment is key, as educators, parents or carers, it’s helpful to learn about black British history in our everyday lives.

One of the best ways to do this through reading. Reading provides many benefits for children and young people as it allows them to foster imagination whilst also improving their focus and concentration. Reading books with black protagonists or that are written by black authors also provides students with a sense of identity and representation.

A great resource that can be used to teach black British history is the Black Curriculum’s new book series which includes: Migration: Journeys through Black British History, Places: Important Sites in Black British History and Legacies: Black British Pioneers. Each book features the stories of the people, places and journeys that have shaped Britain. These books are both educational and engaging with bold illustrations and activities and are perfect for readers to continue their learning outside the classroom.

November/December 2022Families Kent4
EDUCATION Collect adorable tv characters like CoComelon, My Little Pony & Bluey Magazine Apply at familiesmag.co.uk/go *while stocks last Styles may vary T&Cs apply Start your wiggly, wobbly Weeble collection! Get your FREE toy now*

Educating for the future with Montessori

Children are often asked what they want to be when they grow up. From farmers to flight attendants, astronauts to doctors, the answers are always a mix of familiar careers. But astonishingly, over two thirds of children joining primary school this September will end up in jobs that don’t yet exist. Think back thirty years - there were no social media managers or Bitcoin traders!

Today’s workplace is rapidly changing. As Richard Riley, former Secretary of Education, said:

‘We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.’

It’s a challenge and mainstream education will be required to adjust. Is an education system that focuses mainly on teaching children academic subjects outdated? Focusing on tests and exam results will not deliver for a future which will need creative, flexible problem-solvers who can collaborate.

The visionary educational pioneer, Maria Montessori, recognised this when she wrote,

‘Education must no longer be mostly imparting knowledge but must take a new path, seeking the release of human potentialities.’

In Montessori education, children are guided by a teacher trained in child observation and development. Classrooms provide open-ended, handson activities where children choose tasks appropriate to their stage of development.

With activities so targeted to each child’s individual needs and interests, children are engaged and motivated to concentrate, persevere and develop self-discipline. In addition, the activities

are designed to encourage children to think flexibly and come up with creative solutions. In the early years, this may simply be how to unbuckle their shoes or share a snack. Later, it may be an exploration of the Jurassic period or a novel approach to solving quadratic equations.

Mixed-age classes with children aged up to three years apart is another key feature of Montessori education. Younger children learn from older role models and older children benefit from the experience too. In this mini community, children share resources, put things away ready for someone else after they have used them and help each other. This fosters social collaboration and builds emotional intelligence.

Age is just a number

In a Montessori environment, children with a three-year age span work alongside each other, choosing and taking part in activities as and when they are developmentally ready. This is in sharp contrast to mainstream approaches which typically require children to learn the same things at the same time, in the same year group.

Developmentally, there can be a marked difference in the abilities of the youngest and oldest children in a standard classroom and how readily they can pass set milestones and tests.

With Montessori, children develop capacities at their own pace, building on a firm foundation of what they can already do.

Mistakes are viewed positively as an opportunity to find a different way of doing something, whereas sometimes mainstream approaches can make children feel that ‘getting it right’ is all that matters. When mistakes are valued as part of the learning process, a child’s confidence grows, they are able to try new things and contribute their ideas, exemplifying the fact that everyone has a unique perspective to offer.

Louise Livingston has over thirty years’ experience in education and a background in educational neuroscience. She is Head of Training at the Maria Montessori Institute (www. mariamontessori.org), which offers Montessori teacher training, online short courses and the Maria Montessori School for ages 2 to 12 in London.

Play n’ Grow Childcare

Exciting new setting opening at The Angel Centre, Tonbridge for children from birth to five years.

Holiday clubs also available in The Angel Centre and Bishop Chavasse Primary School in Tonbridge.

your interest today. Email Sarah at playngrowchildcare@gmail.com

November/December 2022 Families Kent 5 EDUCATION
www.playngrowchildcare.co.uk CrecheNursery,and Holiday Club Qualified & experienced staff Ages 0-11yrs 50 weeks 8am to 6pm SPACES AVAILABLE Do you run a nursery or childcare setting? Why not promote your business to over 40,000 parents in Kent in our next issue? To book your space email: amanda@familiespublising.co.uk or call 07835 848066 6 issues per year delivered to local parents

Indoor party ideas for winter

The skies might be dull and gloomy but that doesn’t mean your child should miss out on a fabulous birthday party! However, it is probably best to head indoors to avoid a washout, freezing cold kids or limited day light.

Here are some ideas for indoor parties during the winter months:


Rather than you climbing them, let the party goers climb up all the walls they want at a climbing centre. You can usually find one fairly close, and it’s a perfect party place for energetic kids. They offer a variety of climbing structures to choose from, so they’re great for children of all ages. If everyone’s new to the sport, then go for the party package, which typically includes instructions and all the gear to keep them vertical for hours. Take a look at Clip 'n Climb in Tonbridge.

Go to the Theatre

There are always plenty of holiday plays and puppet show performances during the winter season. Take the party goers out to a matinee, then afterwards, head out for a pizza. Make invitations look like a playbill and include autograph books with pens for goody bags – they may come in handy after the show!


Poolside fun

Invite kids to shed their coats, put on their swimsuits, and dive right into some summer-style fun at a wintertime pool party. Most local leisure centres and fitness centres offer great party packages and many now have water flumes which add to the excitement. This option is guaranteed to keep active youngsters fully occupied and catered for in a warm environment.

Cooking up a storm

Kids of all ages will enjoy the mess, the creativity and the tasting involved when put in charge of preparing their own party food. If you are not up for this culinary challenge you will find there are now plenty of very good local providers of cooking parties for kids.

Hit the ice

Take advantage of all the pop up ice rinks that appear in the winter or any permanent indoor rinks that are within striking distance of your home. You may be able to hire one of the teachers at the rink or from a skating club to teach beginners the basics and pros some new tricks. These parties are most appropriate for children who have mastered skating alone.

6 WHERECLIMBING MEETSTHEMEPARKTonbridge is home to the biggest Clip n Climb in the WORLD Book your session now: www.clipnclimbtonbridge.co.uk | 01732 753330 UNIT 4 TON BUSINESS PARK, 2-8 MORLEY ROAD, TONBRIDGE, TN9 1RA

There’s likely to be a minimum age below which children cannot skate unaccompanied by an adult, so you may need to be on the ice with your group of children. Ideally you need to be fairly competent on the ice yourself or bring other adults along to help out, as you may be required to support the kids that are less confident. Make sure you give parents appropriate instructions about how to dress their children for the party too.

Laser action

Laser Tag parties are ideal for kids to let loose and enjoy action-packed fun. Your local centre will usually offer packages including your group’s own area overseen by a marshall.

Disco time

Disco parties are great for older children and can include lots of fun and energetic party games. Keep the furniture from being trampled on by clearing the room first. Alternatively, find a local hall and get in mobile disco with DJ and sit back and watch them practice their moves.

Bounce to a trampoline park

Trampolining has come a long way. Trampoline parks can be massive with literally acres and acres trampolines, all interconnected so the kids can bounce all over the place. There are walls they can bounce off, giant foam pits they can dive in to, slam dunk basketball with launch pads and more. Most of them have viewing or ‘relaxing’ areas and cafes so you can keep an eye on the action.

Face painting or an art party

Face painting is a great addition to any party and is a great timefiller. The best thing about it is its broad appeal - tots as young as two can join in the fun whilst older children will love using the paints on each other, to get into a character or to complement a fancy dress outfit. You can also lay out a few craft tables at which they can be creative. If you don’t have all the kit or the requisite

skill then there are plenty of local face paint party entertainers available at reasonable rates.


We’re not all cut out to be perfect party hostesses, so if the thought of trying to entertain a bunch of excitable little people fills you with trepidation, an entertainer could be just what you need. When you consider what you’ll spend on add-ons to try and keep the party goers entertained, they usually work out to be fairly cost-effective.

Fun-packed parties at

‘n Climb Tonbridge

For a fun-packed birthday party with a difference, Clip ‘n Climb Tonbridge has the answer!

With climbing for all abilities and lots of exciting challenges, Clip ‘n Climb provides the perfect environment for your child on their special day.

The standard party package is £23 and includes all equipment hire, climbing session, a designated party room, digital invitations, unlimited juice and party food.

A minimum of 10 is required at weekends. Party slots are available during the week and no minimum number is required. A discounted price of £18 is available for party packages booked during term time on a Thursday.

For more information and to book call 01732 753330 or visit www.clipnclimbtonbridge.co.uk

A Rugbytots party is a fun-filled way to celebrate your child’s birthday or any other special event.

Distinctive and dynamic, their parties place the emphasis on play, with plenty of party games and group participation.

Parties are available for children aged 2 to 7 years. Invitations are provided and the party will be run by a Lead Coach and an Assistant. The party will last for 1 hour and you can provide your own entertainment to carry on afterwards if you wish.

A size two leather Rugbytots rugby ball is provided as a gift for the birthday boy or girl and Rugbytots merchandise is available to buy which can make a great addition to a party pack.

To find out more or to book a party contact Rugbytots West Kent on 03453 130807 or westkent@rugbytots.co.uk www.rugbytots.co.uk

November/December 2022 Families Kent 7
Rugbytots parties available in West Kent PARTIES Would you like to feature your party business in our next issue? Call Amanda on 07835 848066 for more information.

Bir th da y Par ty

Countdown Planner

your party the

months before

Set a budget and a date

Make a guest list

Book a venue/ entertainer


Don’t forget cost of venue, party entertainment, food and decorations

Popular options may need to be booked even earlier!

weeks before

Sort out the party bags

Plan party games

Send out reminder by email

TIP Allow research time and get the birthday boy or girl to help.

Don’t just leave this to chance. Roughly plan enough games to last for at least half the party.

way using


Send out a ‘save the date’ by email

Pick your theme

Plan the party food you wish to order


Ask for an RSVP.

Choose a theme your child loves.


your child to hand out invites at school/ nursery.

days before

Buy party food

Pick up cake

Write list/timings for party day


Reconfirm party food if ordered from a supplier.

plenty of time to get to the venue…



Decorations can make or break the party vibe!

Enjoy the day and take lots of pictures!

our cut-out planner and checklist!
6 weeks
4 weeks
★ Prepare invitations ★ Buy/make
decorations ★ Order cake ★
✸ TIP✸
✸ TIP Par tyDa y ★
✸ TIP 1-2
✸ TIP ✸

Birthday presents on a budget

Party invitations are a thrill for children, less so for presentbuying parents! However, fun does not have to be expensive. Here are some great gift ideas that will delight the recipients without breaking the bank.

The present box

Buying gifts throughout the year (during the sales or ad-hoc promotions) and setting them aside saves money and avoids the last-minute panic shopping dash. Great gifts to keep an eye out for are the mini Orchard Toys games (www.orchardtoys. com), which are usually not gender specific, cater for a broad age range and retail at £5.35. Look out for craft or gardening kits, books and outdoor games such as skipping ropes, hula hoops, goalie gloves or frisbees, which have lasting play value.


Multi-packs can be divided up to create gift sets, which can be very cost effective. Mix and match the items to suit the age and interests of the birthday child. For younger kids, a bundle of ten books (The Works usually sell ten books for £10), a party pack of bubbles or a bumper pack of assorted playdough make a great gift.

Savvy shopping

High street discount shops all stock very well priced toys, craft items and books. There are also some good resources online such as www.poundtoy.com and The Entertainer (www.thetoyshop.com).

Favourite ‘go to’ gifts

Presents that get children outdoors or being creative are always a win; something like a magnifying glass and a bug identification

book (which come in under £10), ‘scavenger hunt’ type cards, a kite, pavement chalks or a gardening or craft kit.

‘Non toy’ gifts

Children are often inundated with toys on their birthdays, so a fun t-shirt or some funky socks can work well, especially if you can find something featuring their favourite superhero or TV character. These can be very reasonably priced in high street chains and most supermarkets and parents will be pleased you’ve bought their child something to wear.

Club together

Club together with other parents in the class and buy one larger toy, voucher or experience. The birthday child will get a much bigger present and it will have cost you each less.

Creative gift-wrapping can zing up the contents and it doesn’t have to cost a thing. Use pages from an old magazine or street map, leftover wallpaper or personalise a brown paper bag with lots of colour.

For more birthday party tips, read Tamsin’s blog at www.icecreamandjelly.com or Insta @icecreamandjelly_uk.

Fiver parties

Whilst these might feel a little lacking in imagination, ‘fiver parties’ are increasing in popularity and it’s easy to see why.

Popping a £5 note in an envelope removes the need to worry about your budget and hunt down a suitable gift. And let’s face it, how often does the birthday child play with every single gift they receive from a classful of guests?

‘Fiver parties’ give parents the chance to buy something larger that they know the birthday child really wants and saves the risk of duplicate or unwanted gifts.

Freed from the mountain of presents, which can seem a bit much sometimes, fiver parties place the focus on the more inclusive experience of sharing time, games and tea with friends.

Another plus point is that fiver parties can introduce a child to money management. Once the birthday child has experienced the excitement of a fistful of cash, there’s a lesson in choosing whether to save or spend, then working out what they can afford to buy.

November/December 2022 Families Kent 9

Festive family city breaks

It’s the MOST wonderful time … of the year! It sure is! And what better way to experience Christmas with little ones than on a city break? Our friends at Tested by Tots have identified some of the most family-friendly UK cities in which to experience the full magic of Christmas.


Glasgow holds all the festive fairs that you would expect from a city but it also offers a range of theatre and entertainment for little ones. From a variety of pantos to Children’s Classic Concerts such as The Night Before Christmas, there is plenty to keep you entertained.


Travel by Santa Trains (www.svr.co.uk/ events/santatrains22) from Kidderminster to Arley to see your favourite characters in pantomime. Twenty minutes away, Bodenham Arboretum’s (www.bodenhamarboretum.co.uk) live nativity play is superb.


Nottingham’s festive markets offer something for everyone, from retro style to a sparkling Winter Wonderland! Trinity Square is a city highlight and last year it contained a specially constructed Christmas village which offered visitors the chance to relax with hot chocolates in a number of igloo-style domes. A unique experience!



A beautiful, picturesque city that truly embraces the spirit of Christmas.

Alongside its regular markets, the city holds an annual Christmas Festival. This year’s Festival will run from 2 to 4 December. In addition, Durham will be full of festive music, seasonal storytelling, Carols in the Cathedral, a children’s Lantern Procession and so much more.


www.allevents.in/kidderminster/ christmas


Perhaps not the first destination that comes to mind when you think about Christmas but Norwich has lots of festive charm, including the most anticipated Christmas attraction in the UK - The Tunnel of Light! As one of the largest of its kind in Europe, the Tunnel of Light consists of more than fifty seven thousand LED bulbs and over five and a half miles of cabling!



Why not celebrate Christmas with a trip to a festive castle? Cardiff Castle has a fantastic Christmas festival with incredible shows such as Santa’s Wish, Castellana and The Nutcracker, all performed in the round. Plus, there’s the usual spectacular Christmas Market and Winter Wonderland.


Tested by Tots checks out and recommends only products and services that are genuinely child-friendly. For hints and tips on holidaying with children, including holiday packing checklists, go to www.testedbytots.com


This city goes big when it comes to Christmas with light shows, displays, markets and a Georgian experience. The kids won’t believe their eyes!



Winchester Cathedral’s Christmas Market is widely recognised across Europe and is inspired by German Christmas markets. The Cathedral is at the heart of the city’s festivities, lighting up in celebration with Christmas services and other festive activities that carry on into the New Year.



Exeter city comes alive this time of year with an ice rink and Winter Wonderland plus the usual carol concerts and pantomimes. Drive twenty minutes and you’ll also find Pennywell Farm (www.pennywellfarm.co.uk) which boasts one of the best live nativity and Christmas experiences in Devon.


November/December 2022Families Kent10
https://bit.ly/glasgownightbeforexmas Winchester Cathedral Christmas Market Norwich Cardiff Belfast Glasgow

What's On Pantos & Family Shows

Assembly Hall Theatre

Tunbridge Wells TN1 2LU Box Office: 01892 530613 www.assemblyhalltheatre.co.uk

Mon 21 Nov

Rhythm of the Dance Christmas Special

Enjoy this festive journey and let the magic of Christmas begin with all your favourite festive songs being performed live by world class musicians, star vocalists and world champion dancers.

Sat 10 to Sat 31 Dec

Jack and the Beanstalk Fee Fi Fo Fum... Tunbridge Wells is in for some fun! Full of marvellous moo-sic, cow-ntless costumes and an udderley ridiculous Dame with giant size jokes!

The Brook Theatre Chatham, ME4 4SE Box Office: 01634 338338 www.medwayticketslive.co.uk/ the-brook-theatre

Fri 2 to Sat 24 Dec

The Lighthouse Cat’s Christmas Adventure

With interactive puzzles, songs, dances, and larger than life characters, this show is designed to fuel the imaginations of small children and gently stimulate their senses. It’s the perfect introduction to theatre for young audiences.

Thu 8 to Sat 31 Dec Snow White Journey to meet Dame Dotty, Herbie the Huntsman and the magnificent seven as we journey through the enchanted forest together. This year’s fairy-tale pantomime will take you on a thrilling adventure for all the family.

EM Forster Theatre Tonbridge School, TN9 1JP Box Office: 01732 304241 www.emftheatre.com

Sun 20 Nov Hulla Balloony Moon Time

Long Nose Puppets offer up a marvellous moonlit show full of riotous rhyme, zany puppets and spiffy special cake; all iced with music and songs by Tom Gray (of the band Gomez). Little children will feel stuffed to the brim with magic. Hulla Balloony Moon Time is based on the book ‘Pat-a-Cake Baby’ winner of the Mal Peet Children’s Award at the East Anglian Book Awards. Written by Joyce Dunbar and illustrated by Polly Dunbar. £12. Ages 2-7

Fri 9 Dec to Mon 2 Jan Beauty & the Beast

A handsome prince is cursed to spend his life transformed into a hideous beast. Discover if Belle and her mum - the ‘glamorous’ Dame Darcy Derrière’ and the Village idiot, Phillippe Philoppe - can outwit the arrogant bully Clarence Casanova and lift the curse. Starring the hilarious ’Tom Swift’ as Phillippe, ‘Rhys Whiteside’ as Casanova and ‘John Martin’ as Dame Derrière.

Creative Folkestone Quarterhouse Folkestone, CT20 1BN Box Office: 01303 760 740 www.creativefolkestone.org.uk

Thu 1 Dec

The Naughty Fox Snuggle up in a magical den with comfy creatures Honk, Splash and TaWit TaWoo - as they teach The Naughty Fox a very important lesson: it’s better to share. Ages 0-5.

Tue 13 Dec

Mrs H & the Sing-Along Band Christmas Special

An amazingly festive Christmas special from Folkestone favourites Mrs H & the Sing-along Band!

A full line-up of Mrs H favourites including members of Red Snapper, Beth Orton and The Leisure Society will bring together elements of Folk, Soul, Afro, Latin, Dub, comedy and theatre with a dash of Yuletide magic.

Gulbenkian University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NB Box Office: 01227 769075 www.thegulbenkian.co.uk

Tue 6 to Wed 21 Dec

Under The Frozen Moon

In this heart-warming tale, a young girl sets out on a quest to confront the dragon under the ice who has hoarded all of the fires and lights for himself. With lively poetry, transforming sets, atmospheric live music and exciting puppetry; Under the Frozen Moon brings to life a beautiful world of ice and adventure.

Malthouse Theatre, Canterbury, CT2 7JA Box office: 01227 287234 www.malthousetheatre.co.uk

Mon 19 Dec

The Nutcracker

Stunning dancing, lavish costumes, much loved music and crystal-clear storytelling will young and old alike.

Accessible and fun for children and families, immersing them in the spectacular world of professional dance.

The Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone, ME14 1PL Box office: 01622 758611 www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk/ Hazlitt-Theatre

Sat 26 Nov to Sat 31 Dec

Sleeping Beauty

See the theatre transform the much-loved classic story into a fun-filled family pants, fun of songs, dances and even a fire dragon.

The Kings Hall Herne Bay, CT6 6BA Box Office: 01227 374188 www.thekingshall.com

Wed 21 to Thu 29 Dec

Nativity The Musical

Every child in every school has one Christmas wish, to star in a Nativity, and at St Bernadette’s School they’re attempting to mount a musical version! Only trouble is teacher Mr Maddens has promised that a Hollywood producer is coming to see the show to turn it into a film. Join him, his teaching assistant the crazy Mr Poppy, hilarious children and a whole lot of sparkle and shine as they struggle to make everyone’s Christmas wish come true.

The Marlow Theatre

The Friars, Canterbury CT1 2AS Box Office: 01227 787787 www.marlowetheatre.com

Fri 25 Nov to Sun 8 Jan

Sleeping Beauty

Don’t miss this fun-filled family pantomime Sleeping Beauty starring TV favourite, Ore Oduba (Strictly), West End Superstar Carrie Hope Fletcher (Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cinderella), Jennie Dale (CBeebies’ Swashbuckle), Marlowe legend, Ben Roddy and rising star, Max Fulham (Crackerjack).

The Orchard Theatre Home Gardens, Dartford DA1 1ED Box Office: 0343 310 0033 www.orchardtheatre.co.uk

Thu 24 to Sun 27 Nov

The Tiger Who Came to Tea Join the tea-guzzling tiger in this delightful family show; packed with oodles of magic, sing-a-long songs and clumsy chaos. Don’t miss this

stunning stage adaptation of the classic tale of teatime mayhem… expect to be surprised! Ages 3+.

Sat 10 to Sat 31 Dec Cinderella

You shall go to the ball this Christmas with the spectacular family pantomime, Cinderella. Starring singing sensation, recording, radio and television star George Shelley making his pantomime debut as Prince Charming, Cinderella is a family treat not to miss!

The Stag Theatre

London Rd, Sevenoaks TN13 1ZZ Box Office: 01732 450175 www.stagsevenoaks.co.uk

Fri 9 Dec to Sun 1 Jan

Alice In Wonderland

West End stars Melissa Jacques, Nikki Bentley, Rosie Glossop, Billie Hardy and Jacob McIntosh join Silly Billy aka Ant Payne, and the The Stag Sevenoaks favourite dame (according to him anyway)

Jamie Alexander Wilson will take audiences down the rabbit hole and into the hilarious world of Wonderland.

Trinity Theatre

Royal Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1JP Box Office: 01892 678 678 www.trinitytheatre.net

Sun 20 Nov

The Smartest Giant In Town

Based on the bestselling book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. This heart-warming tale about friendship and helping those in need is brought to life in a musical, puppet-filled adventure. Ages 3+.

14 to 18, 20 to 24 & 26 Dec to 2 Jan

The New Musketeers

Trinity Theatre tells the unknown, possibly, newly written comedy tale set in the world of the Three Musketeers. On a routine mission across the channel, the three are lost in a shipwreck! Their servants are left with no masters and a critical operation to complete, watch them as they jump into action. Will they fool the king? Can they save the day?

16, 17, 20, 22 to 23, 27, 28 & 30


The Aliens Who Saved Christmas

This fast-paced family funfest is a joy from start to finish. It is Christmas Eve on the planet Slurp when friendly aliens Sniff and Splat accidentally receive an urgent radio message from Santa’s elves calling upon the extra-terrestrial pals (in error) to help get the presents ready in time for 25 December. The SOS was actually meant for the Queen of England! This realisation doesn’t stop the Slurpers in their hapless but well-meaning mission.

November/December 2022 Families Kent 11 CHRISTMASWhat’s On CHILDREN’S THEATRE
Please say you saw these listings in Families Kent Magazine!

Barekind Bamboo Socks

These jolly Bamboo socks are great stocking fillers that save endangered animals too. Bright and colourful, they will brighten up your children’s feet, while 10% of the profits are donated to help save the animal on the sock. £7.50.





Spread a bit of festive joy by being good both to your family and the planet this year. These gorgeous gifts for kids and adults will make everyone’s day without costing the earth.

Elf Letters

We’re all for an advent calendar that encourages children to read! This one has daily, personalised Elf letters directly from a North Pole Elf. Read the stories every day to find out what happens in the North Pole as Santa and the elves get ready for Christmas. £25.99.


Nature Curious Subscription Boxes

Buttercup’s Nature Curious activity subscription boxes encourage children to explore the British wildlife on our doorsteps. Their eco-packaged worksheets and nature prints with augmented reality are designed and printed in the UK. £20 per month with bonus access to an online community.


Families has an annual subscription to give away! Apply at familiesmag.co.uk/go

Kabode Alphabet Children’s Bedding

This gorgeous natural children’s bedding from Kabode is designed to inspire big dreams. The Alphabet collection makes it fun for your child to learn their ABCs and the playful design is decorated with colourful letters. Made from 100% certified organic cotton. £44.95.


Play Kits Subscription Boxes

The Play Kits imaginative subscription boxes help parents make the most of playtime and support pre-school brain development. Created with leading child development experts, these are built to last and are made with sustainable wood, organic cotton, non-toxic paint and baby-safe plastics. From £80.


Bake at Home Gingerbread People

Cake or Death’s Bake At Home

Gingerbread People make the perfect gift for little bakers. Delivered through your letterbox, each kit comes complete with delicious ready-made gingerbread dough, a cutter and recipe card. £15.


November/December 2022Families Kent12

Families Giveaway

JOGB Luxury Candle

A JOGB luxury candle is a lovely treat for someone who has everything (else)! They are artisan-made, eco-friendly candles, made using 100% natural luxury fragrances from quality essential oils. Available in three gorgeous fragrances: Relaxing SLOJO, Uplifting GOJO and Sensual MOJO. £65. www.jogbliving.com

DIY Lip Tint or Cheek Balm Kit

Let the makeup lover in your life design their own allnatural lip tints or cheek balms. These DIY kits have gorgeous ingredients and are plastic-free. £19.99. www.acalaonline.com

Families has three kits to give away! Apply at familiesmag.co.uk/go

Target Wool Blanket

Warm up with the Tartan Blanket Co.’s 70% recycled wool blankets which are as good for you as they are for the planet. They are made from a mix of at least recycled wool and preloved, recycled fibres. Available in a range of beautiful designs and colours. £65. www.tartanblanketco.com

We loved these games

Halo Water Bottle

Perfect for fitness fanatics, Halo insulated bottles are compact and lightweight. Designed to be incredibly handbag (and even coat pocket)-friendly, Halo is a bottle you will never leave at home, making hydrating on the move that little bit easier. From £22. www.halobottle.com

A Race in Time Board Game

Blast through history with this fantastic new family board game A Race in Time. From Aristotle to Angelou, from Caesar to Columbus, answer facts about 120 amazing heroes as you travel through the ages, from the Egyptian pyramids to the Space Race. Move along the game board by guessing the correct History Hero and enjoy a battle of wits to win the best 5 History Hero cards. Ages: 8+ £29.95


History Heroes Card Game

Also from History Heroes, their awardwinning range of card games are ideal stocking fillers, from famous explorers to British kings and queens. With thirteen different packs to choose from and 40 heroes in each pack, they are great for learning and testing your knowledge of famous people in history from King Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II, Galileo to Neil Armstrong and Florence Nightingale to Rosa Parks. Ages: 8+. £9.99


November/December 2022 Families Kent 13

Lightening the mental load this Christmas

Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for parents. The pressure to create the perfect experience for everyone builds into a behemoth balancing on a plate of mince pies, threatening to crumble at any minute.

The upward comparison with Insta-perfect mums and crafting geniuses, let alone the constant narrative in the press, on television and on social media, means the mental load reaches an all-time high during the festive season and it’s well documented that mums bear the heaviest burden.

The sheer volume of things to think about and do can quickly lead to high-stress, low mood and burnout and not enjoying a minute of Christmas.

It’s very British to need to present the perfect picture. But when you realise that you can’t control everything, including the actions of your extended family or your delivery man, it can be truly liberating!

How to create your ‘perfectly imperfect’ Christmas

Here’s a few tips on how to manage the mental load this Christmas and feel good about it too.

Grab a pen and paper and write a list of the top three things that mean the most to you this Christmas.

Focus on those first. Doing a few things well will feel better than spreading yourself too thin and doing lots of things, just ‘ok’.

Ask for and accept help - it’s a sign of strength, not a weakness.

Slow down to speed up. Running on caffeine at one hundred miles per hour is detrimental to your mind and body. Slowing down and taking some deep breaths or even indulging in a movie, will help you reset, re-energise and get some headspace.

Ask yourself what your children really want and need this Christmas and focus on that rather than succumbing to the pressure to spoil them or compete with peers.

Reduce your time on social media. It’s amazing how many hours you’ll get back.

Avoid too many excesses. Don’t deprive yourself of a glass of fizz and a few mince pies but counter them with a family walk in the fresh air or a healthy breakfast or lunch.

And don’t forget to give yourself the gift of self-care so that you can enjoy Christmas too.

Chloe Lowe is founder of @parentlistapp (www.parentlist. app), the app for busy parents who want to find joy in parenting.

Enjoy a wild adventure at Trinity Theatre this December

Go on a wild adventure with musketeers and aliens this Christmas at Trinity Theatre in Tunbridge Wells.

In their most ambitious Christmas season yet Trinity presents something for everyone this December. The New Musketeers, is a brand-new family comedy set in the world of the Three Musketeers… sort of. When a shipwreck leaves the famous swordsman lost at sea, their foolish servant’s decide to wear the famous uniforms and head for London. Will they fool the king? Will they save the day? Will they even work out which end of the sword to use?! Full of silliness and laughter, The New Musketeers is a rip-roaring comedy adventure with brilliant music and terrible sword fighting. Ages 7+.

There is something for smaller theatregoers too. Zany, interactive and downright joyous, The Aliens Who Saved Christmas will have your little ones entranced as they (alongside their lovable, bonkers characters) help the elves in the North Pole build gifts in time for Christmas Eve. Ages 2+.

Visit www.trinitytheatre.net to find out more and to book tickets.

Glide, slide and skate on Bluewater’s ice rink

It’s set to be an extra-special festive season at Bluewater, as its much-loved outdoor, undercover Ice Rink returns for Christmas 2022.

The Ice Rink will sit under a clear roof, making it the perfect activity come rain, snow, or shine this festive season. It will open from Thursday 17 November until Sunday 1 January 2023.

Offering plenty of fun for guests of all ages, the Ice Rink will be running quiet sessions, as well as parent and toddler sessions for budding skaters.

Penguin and seal skating aids will be available for little ones and the ice rink’s party nights are back by popular demand - with live DJs playing classic party anthems to soundtrack your skating session.

Pre-booking is advised and for details of times, special sessions and prices, visit www.bluewater.co.uk

November/December 2022Families Kent14

Choosing and caring for your Christmas tree

We all want a fabulous Christmas tree that lasts as long as possible. Here are some tips for selecting and maintaining your tree.

How do I select a tree that’s the correct height for my room?

Measure the distance between your ceiling and floor, which gives you the vertical height limit. Take a note of the height of your tree stand. Deduct the height of the stand from your vertical height limit and you have the maximum possible height of tree that your room can accommodate. Take these measurements with you. Doing this preparation will ensure you don’t end up coming home with a tree that is too tall.

Is my tree fresh and how long will it last?

A healthy tree will have bright and shiny needles, not dry and dull. If you spot any grey sections, that’s a sign of dehydration which means that the tree is not that fresh.

If the tree is fresh, the needles should not break easily and should be hard to pull off. If the trunk is sticky and there is any sap residue, the tree is fresh. Also, the tree should be heavy, which means it is freshly cut and still contains all its water.

Which trees typically survive longest?

Choose Douglas or Nordmann Firs as the best options. If cared for well, they can last for about six weeks before withering, offering the best longevity throughout the Christmas season.

Lower the temperature in the room where you put up your tree, as this really slows down the drying process and keeps your tree fresher for longer.

What are the best watering tricks?

Your tree will need one litre of water per three cm of the stem diameter. That means a fresh cut tree can consume four to five litres a day. Watering is critical, especially for Norway Spruce trees.

Check the water level daily and never let it go below the tree’s base. Without water at the tree’s base, the tree will dry out within a week. The temperature of the water is not that important and no, you can’t overwater your tree, it will absorb only as much as it wants.

How to give a fading Christmas tree new life

Give your tree a good trim which will reduce the number of water-requiring branches. Keep the room as cool as possible and move your tree to the darkest place of the room.

With thanks to Fantastic Services for this article (www.fantasticservices.com).

November/December 2022 Families Kent 15
CHRISTMAS Under the Frozen Moon Half a String presents CHRISTMAS ‘22 thegulbenkian.co.uk A heart-warming, seasonal tale for ages 3+ 6-21 Dec Gulbenkian, Canterbury 2782-Christmas-Ad-For-Families-87x130mm-AW.indd 1 28/09/2022 10:33

What's On Fun for all the family

To promote your local event, nearly new sale, parenting courses or community group in the next issue, email editor@familieskent.co.uk.

Don’t forget to sign up for our digital magazine for more interactive content at familiesmagazine.co.uk/go

All listings correct at the time of going to print. Please check with the venue before visiting to ensure events are still going ahead and venues are open.


Ongoing Baby Rhymetime

Local Libraries across Kent

A free, fun and noisy way for under 3's to develop a love of language and a foundation for learning. 20 minutes of nursery rhymes and action songs.

Ongoing Storytime

Local Libraries across Kent Listening to stories is a great way to develop and encourage young children to read books. Come and join storytime sessions for 3 to 4 year olds - it’s great fun!

Every Monday

Stay & Play Toddler Group

Whitstable Umbrella Centre, CT5 1DD www.umbrellacentre.co.uk

Stay & Play group for parents/ carers and under 5s. 9.30-11.30am. Book in advance at

Every Saturday Love Your Local Market

Bligh’s Meadow, Sevenoaks, TN13 1DA

The market takes place in Bligh’s car park every Saturday, with a wide range of local goods, from fresh bread to arts and crafts stalls.

Weekly Playground Sessions: Creative Play Local Libraries across Kent Free weekly sessions for children aged 0-24 months and their parents or carers in libraries and early years settings across Kent.

Weekly Stay and Play with Messy Children’s Centres across Kent www.kent.gov.uk/education-andchildren

Weekly stay and play for pre-school aged children and guardians. Fun, messy, play in a safe envionrment.

Every Monday Stay & Play

St Mary’s Platt, Sevenoaks TN15 8FH www.facebook.com/ groups/130174805898448

A fun preschool playgroup in term time and exciting events in the holidays £3 per family.

Every Wednesday Kids’ Club Lockmeadow Entertainment Centre, Maidstone, ME16 8SF www.facebook.com/ LoveFoodMaidstone Kids club for under 5’s with toys, games and drawing.

Throughout Nov & Dec Gruffalo Sculptures

Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest, Goudhurst, TN17 2SJ

When you explore the National Pinetum you may spot the Gruffalo and his friends. Can you find them all? The Gruffalo, Fox, Mouse, Snake, Squirrel and Owl are spread out across the pinetum.

Throughout Nov & Dec Superworm Trail

Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest, Goudhurst, TN17 2SJ

Join Superworm and friends on their adventure at Bedgebury Pinetum. Self-led trail features brightly illustrated panels and a trail pack full of fun activities. Ages 3-9.

Throughout Nov & Dec Trainmaster Venues across Kent www.trainmaster.co.uk

Train lovers come along to an event by booking an hour of play. Refreshments are available. Various dates are available.

5 Nov

Childrens Bonfire Party Reuthes The Lost Gardens, Sevenoaks TN15 0HB events.reuthes.com/event/bonfirenight-childrens-party Kids party songs with plenty of fun and games throughout the night.

Sat 5 Nov

Medways Fireworks Night Heritage Park, Gillingham ME7 5DH www.visitmedway.org

One of Medway’s biggest firework displays. The fireworks will be timed to music that crowds are sure to recognise, making this a fun night out suitable for all ages.

Sat 5 Nov Quex Park Fireworks Finale Birchington-on-Sea, CT7 0BH www.quexparkfireworks.co.uk

Enjoy live music, watch the bonfire light up and marvel at two brilliant displays.

Sat 5 to Sun 6 Nov

Fireworks Spectacular Kent Life, Maidstone, ME14 3AU www.kentlife.org.uk/event/ fireworks-spectacular

Join in with the countdown to a spectacular firework display. Activities include a fairground, glow sticks galore, a licensed bar and food concessions.

Sat 12 Nov

Kids Cinema: Frozen Sing-along Queens Hall Theatre, Cranbrook School, TN17 3JD

Enjoy the Disney classic Frozen on a massive 270” screen and sing along to all your favourite Elsa and Anna Songs.

Sat 12 Nov to 8 Jan Winterland Bluewater, Greenhithe, DA9 9ST www.bluewater.co.uk/ winterland-2022

A magical extravaganza, with winter-themed rides, games and attractions galore. Plus, this year, welcome the new Observation Wheel for unbeatable views above Bluewater and Kent! Book online.

Thu 17 Nov

Bach to Baby St. Peter’s Methodist Church, Canterbury, CT1 2BE www.bachtobaby.com

Critically-acclaimed classical concerts for babies and their grown ups. Outstanding musicians put on exhilarating performances where babies can ‘join in’ with as much noise as they like!

Fri 18 Nov to Mon 2 Jan Hyde Park Winter Wonderland London, W2 2UH www.hydeparkwinterwonderland.com

The jewel in the crown of London’s festive calendar is back with thrilling rides, attractions, games, food and drink cabins. Highlights include the giant observation wheel, UK’s largest outdoor ice rink, a Magical Ice Kingdom and Zippos Christmas Circus. Book first.

Fri 18 Nov to Mon 2 Jan

Skate Tunbridge Wells Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2LU

www.assemblyhalltheatre.co.uk/ whats-on

Open seven days a week (closed 25 Dec), the outdoor ice rink and festive stalls are only a five-minute walk from the train station and town centre offering spectacular views of the beautifully lit park. Save £2 per ticket by booking in advance of the day.

Fri 18 Nov to Mon 2 Jan

Parent & Toddler Ice Skating Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2LU

www.assemblyhalltheatre.co.uk/ whats-on/parent-toddler-iceskating Sessions for parents and under 4s to enjoy the ice rink! Open from 12pm to 4pm weekdays, 10am to 2pm weekends and Fri 23 Dec. Book tickets online and save.

Sat 19 Nov to Mon 2 Jan Christmas at Hever Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, TN8 7NG www.hevercastle.co.uk/whats-on/ hever-castle-christmas

This Christmas enjoy the magical Christmas Lights experience, explore the ‘Festive Forest’, meet Father Christmas and much more. Events may need pre-booking.

Sun 20 Nov

Dino Day

The Pottery Box, Tonbridge, TN9 2RN

www.thepotterybox.co.uk/product/ dino-day

Enjoy a roaring day out. Each child receives a sweetie goodie bag. Booking includes up to 1 hour slot in a booth for up to 4 people along with a choice 2 pieces of selective pottery to paint.

Wed 23 Nov

Read & Paint

Slap n Dash, Hawkhurst, Cranbrook TN18 4RT www.slapndash.com

A session of reading a story and painting a piece of pottery to the theme of the story.

Fri 25 Nov to Sat 24 Dec


Bluewater, Greenhithe, DA9 9ST www.bluewater.co.uk

Believe – The Secret of Santa’s Little Reindeer has returned! Bring the little ones along to enjoy a mix of Yuletide activities, including meeting some very special reindeer, Norbert; preparing ‘reindeer food’ for Christmas Eve and a one-to-one with Santa. All children will receive a gift to take home. Book online.

November/December 2022Families Kent16

Sat 26 Nov to Fri 23 Dec

A Tudor Christmas

Ightham Mote, Ightham, TN15 0NT www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ighthammote

Immerse yourself in a Tudor Christmas at Ightham Mote, with music, lights and scents, inspired by the history of the property.

Sat 26 Nov to 2 Jan Sparkle and Wonder: A 1920s Christmas

Scotney Castle, Lamberhurst, TN3 8JN www.nationaltrust.org.uk/scotneycastle/features/christmas-atscotney-castle

Get ready for cocktails and Christmas trees, feather boas and flapper dresses as you step back 100 years to the glitz and glamour of a Roaring Twenties Christmas at Scotney Castle.

Sun 26 Nov

Rustic Christmas Wreaths Bore Place, Chiddingstone, TN8 7AR www.boreplace.org/whatson/4372/rustic-christmas-wreaths

Taking inspiration from nature, explore the Bore Place grounds, foraging for natural winter foliage to use to create your own beautiful wreath to hang on your door.

Sat 26 Nov to Sat 24 Dec

Mission Christmas

The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, ME4 4TZ www.thedockyard.co.uk/whats-on/ mission-christmas

Join in on a magical, interactive journey into Santa’s substation, hidden deep in the Dockyard and uncover the secrets of how every child is found each Christmas Eve.

Sat 3 to Sun 4 Dec

The Snowman and the Snowdog Betteshanger Park, Deal, CT14 0BF www.betteshanger-park.co.uk/ event/thesnowman

Betteshanger welcomes the stars of one of the greatest British TV programmes and one that for many, defines the magic of Christmas.

Sat 3 to Thu 22 Dec

Penshurst Place Presents: The Machine That Goes Wrong Penshurst Place, TN11 8DG www.penshurstplace.com

Join in on selected dates as they bring back their panto-style performances in the beautifullydressed medieval Baron’s Hall.

Sat 3 to Mon 2 Jan Puttin’ on the Ritz: Family Outdoor Trail Scotney Castle, Lamberhurst, TN3 8JN

Get out in the elements together and explore our winter garden in this family trail inspired by our 1920s Christmas theme. - an ideal way to channel some of that Christmas exuberance and excitement! Once successfully completed there is a small prize at the end. 10am-3.30pm, £3 per trail.

Sun 4 Dec

Orpington Santa Dash Priory Gardens, Orpington, BR6 0HH

www.orpington1st.co.uk/events/ orpington-santa-dash-2022

Join hundreds of santas and run, jog, walk or wheel your way round the beautiful Priory Gardens in the annual Orpington Santa Dash. A fun and festive way for you and your family to get fit this Christmas.

Wed 7 Dec Stories & Rhymes

Maidstone Museum, ME14 1LH www.museum.maidstone.gov.uk/ whats-on

Listen to a story and rhymes, join in with actions, and make a themed paper craft to take home. Under 5’s.

Thu 8 to Thu 22 Dec Santa’s Castle Tonbridge Castle, TN9 1BG www.castlemas.com/booktickets

Come and immerse yourself in the magic of Christmas through this interactive theatrical experience.

Wed 7, Thu 8 & Sat 10 to Sun 11 Dec Elf The Musical Dreamland, Margate, CT9 1XJ www.dreamland.co.uk/whats-on Coming to Margate for a limited run, ELF follows the story of Buddy, who goes on a journey to New York trying to find his birth father, causing mischief along the way. This festive, family musical will delight audiences.

Mon 12 Dec

Bach to Baby Festive Family Concert

The Assembly Rooms, Faversham, ME13 8PG

Magical music, festive frolics, sparkles and spices, oh my! Grab your family, harness up your fastest reindeer and meet us at a Bach to Baby concert for the perfect prelude to the holiday season!

Thu 15 Dec

Bach to Baby Festive Family Concert

The Drive Methodist Church, Sevenoaks, TN13 3AB

Magical music, festive frolics enjoy a Bach to Baby concert.

Sat 17 Dec

Decorate a Christmas Biscuit Ightham Mote, Ightham, TN15 0NT www.nationaltrust.org.uk

Decorate your very own Christmas bauble biscuit. Unleash your inner star baker and decorate your very own bauble biscuit. Suggested donation £2.50.

Sun 18 Dec

The Kent Christmas Cracker 5 Mile & 2 Mile Fun Run

Betteshanger Country Park, Sholden Near Deal, CT14 0BF www.nice-work.org.uk/races/kentchristmas-cracker

Dig out your festive running gear and enjoy the great Christmas race atmosphere here on this traffic free tarmac road course.

Mon 19 Dec

Children’s Woodcraft Decoration Workshop

Knole Park, Sevenoaks, TN13 1LW www.nationaltrust.org.uk

Get in the festive mood and make your own keyring and a set of hanging decorations for Christmas using a piece of Knole’s woodland as your canvas. All materials and refreshments included. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Thu 22 Dec

Bach to Baby Festive Family Concert

St. Peter’s Methodist Church, Canterbury, CT1 2BE

Magical music, festive frolics, sparkles and spices, oh my! Grab your family, harness up your fastest reindeer and meet us at a Bach to Baby concert for the perfect prelude to the holiday season!

November/December 2022 Families Kent 17 WHAT’S ON



Fri 18 Nov to Mon 2 Jan Christmas At Bedgebury Wadhurst, TN17 2SJ www.forestryengland.uk/ Christmasatbedgebury

Enjoy an after-dark trail. There are over a million twinkling lights and seasonal sounds that will surround you along the illuminated trail.

Thu 24 Nov to Sun 1 Jan Glow Wild 2022 Wakehurst, Haywards Heath RH17 6TN www.kew.org/wakehurst/whatson/glow-wild-2022

An enchanting winter lantern trail featuring a brand-new route and packed full of surprises.

Fri 25 Nov to Sun 1 Jan Christmas Lights at Leeds Castle Maidstone, ME17 1PL www.leeds-castle.com

A brand-new Christmas trail featuring enchanting illuminations and Christmas music. Over a million lights, lasers and seasonal soundtracks will fill the air with festive fun in the gardens of Leeds Castle. Discover sparkling tunnels of light, dancing waterside reflections and trees drenched in jewel-like colour.

Thu 1 to Sat 31 Dec

Glow Illuminations at Cobtree Manor Park Aylesford, ME20 7AG glowarts.seetickets.com

An immersive, night-light trail full of joy and wonder, all inspired by this year’s theme of ‘Nature After Dark’.

Explore the Enchanted Woodland as it comes alive in a kaleidoscope of colours celebrating all the beauty, colour, and magic of Mother Nature when the sun goes down.

2 to 4, 8 to 11, 15 to 18, 20 to 23 & 27 to 30 Dec

Enchanted Walmer Walmer Castle and Gardens, Deal, CT14 7LJ www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/ whats-on/enchanted-events

Explore the grounds and gardens to discover a magical world of illumination, sound and colour.


Sat 12 Nov to Sat 24 Dec

Ruxley Manor Father Christmas Orpington, Sidcup, DA14 5BQ www.ruxley-manor.co.uk/grotto

Make Rudolph’s magical reindeer feed in the Grotto stables. Join Mother Christmas in her sewing room to make your very own tree decoration. Meet Father Christmas privately with your family, in his Grotto and receive a special gift.

Sat 12, Sun 13 Nov & Sat 19 Nov to 24 Dec

Father Christmas Magical Christmas Grotto Reindeer Centre, Bethersden, TN26 3EQ www.reindeercentre.co.uk/ christmas-grotto

Meet Father Christmas in his magical Christmas cabin. All children will receive a wrapped gift. Walk through his enchanting 150ft animated magical grotto, through eight separate scenes, this will lead through into the big Christmas animal barn.

Fri 18 Nov to Fri 23 Dec

Polar Express Spa Valley Railway, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5QY www.spavalleythepolar expressride.com

The family will experience gloriously immersive theatre on a train as you make your way slowly North. Father Christmas will board the train and you’ll receive the a gift.

19 & 20, 25 to 27 Nov, 2 to 4 Dec & 7 to 24 Dec

Father Christmas at Hever Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, TN8 7NG www.hevercastle.co.uk/whats-on/ hever-castle-christmas

Nothing says ‘Christmas’ quite like a visit to Father Christmas at Hever Castle. Travel through the land of Christmas, meet cheerful elves and wander along the paths until you get to Father Christmas’ toy workshop to meet the big man himself! Pre-book only.

Fri 25 Nov to Sat 24 Dec Meet Santa Bluewater, Greenhithe, DA9 9ST www.bluewater.co.uk

Each family will get a private session with Santa and children will receive a wrapped gift of an age-appropriate book to take home. Book tickets online for selected dates. Suitable for children aged 18 months to 10 years, but it is fun for all! £14.50 per child, £5.50 per adult. Relaxed sessions available.

Sat 26 Nov to Sat 24 Dec Christmas at Kent Life Kent Life, Maidstone, ME14 3AU www.kentlife.org.uk

Part of your visit at Kent Life will be to meet Father Christmas in his magical grotto. Children will be invited to select a gift of choice from the toy shop.

Thu 1 to Thu 15 Dec Santa’s Grotto at Polhill Polhill, Sevenoaks TN14 7AD www.polhill.co.uk/santas-grottoexperience

Each child will enjoy an experience with Santa, receive a special present and have the opportunity for a photo with Santa – the perfect memento from the day!

Play n’ Grow Holiday Club

Southborough, and Tonbridge

Themed craft, cooking, games, outdoor play and trips.

8am to 6pm Mon-Fri during school holidays (exc. bank holidays).

Call 07727 692645 play.growholidayclub@gmail.com

Ages 2-11

Sat 3, 10 & 17 Dec

Father Christmas’s Fireplace Maidstone Museum, ME14 1LH www.museum.maidstone.gov.uk

Meet Father Christmas in his cosy library, leave your wish with him and receive a present!

Sat 3 to Fri 23 Dec

Visit Father Christmas Hop Farm, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge TN12 6QF www.thehopfarm.co.uk/events/ father-christmas-at-the-hop-farm Your visit to father Christmas includes one free photo per booking, Christmas story telling and a Christmas gift.

Sat 3 to Sat 24 Dec

Meet Santa at the Kent & East Sussex Railway Tenterden, TN30 6HE www.kesr.org.uk

The Santa train experience includes a 70-minute festive train journey with complimentary refreshments plus on-board entertainment.

Sat 3 to Sat 24 Dec

Santa Safari

Fenn Bell Conservation Project, Rochester, ME3 8RF www.fbcukproject.co.uk/product/ santa-safari Climb aboard the Santa Safari, where you will be taken through the zoo and down to the magical winter wonderland where you can meet Father Christmas. Your Santa ticket also includes entry to the zoo.

Sat 3 to Sat 24 Dec

Father Christmas at Godstone Farm Godstone Farm, RH9 8LX www.godstonefarm.co.uk

A Father Christmas visit includes the choice of a brilliant toy from his charming toy shop, gingerbread decorating plus entry to farm all day including the indoor play barn.

Sat 3 to Sat 24 Dec

Father Christmas in Tunbridge Wells Calverley Park, Royal Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1SJ www.fatherchristmasinkent.co.uk

Discover an authentic log cabin, surrounded by Christmas trees, which is home to Father Christmas and his naughty elves!

Sat 3, 10, 17, Sun 4, 11, 18 Dec & Mon 19 to Sat 24 Dec Santa’s Grotto

The Wildwood Trust, Herne Bay, CT6 7LQ www.wildwoodtrust.org

Included in the Grotto visit you get an exclusive 5-minute family visit with Santa, a luxury soft toy gift and a mounted photo.

Sun 18 to Fri 23 Dec

Santa At Salomons Estate Tunbridge Wells, TN3 0TG www.tickettailor.com/events/ markerstudy

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of activities. After visiting Santa in his cosy grotto, head off on our secret trail in the frosted grounds of Salomons.

3 to 4, 10 to 11, 17 to Fri 23 Dec Meet Father Christmas

Reuthe’s The Lost Gardens of Sevenoaks, TN15 0HB

Make your way through the festive trail and Father Christmas will be meeting children in his Woodland Grotto at the end.


Thu 10 Nov

Hever Christmas Fair

Hever Castle & Gardens, Edenbridge, TN8 7NG www.hevercastle.co.uk/whats-on Find gifts, gadgets, textiles and decorations.

Fri 11 Nov to Sat 24 Dec

Canterbury Christmas Market Canterbury, CT1 2TF www.canterburychristmasmarket. co.uk

There will be festive food and drink offerings, live characters, and also live music at the weekends. Various locations around the City.

Various dates in Dec Christmas Markets

Reuthe’s The Lost Gardens of Sevenoaks, TN15 0HB

https://reuthes.com/whats-on/ The market will be open from 10am-2pm (later on select days) with a wide range of local small businesses. Perfect to pick up those Christmas presents!

Sat 3 Dec Christmas at the Castle Whitstable Castle & Gardens, CT5 2BW www.whitstablecastle.co.uk/event/ christmas-the-castle

Traditional Christmas fair with stalls outside selling Christmas gifts, holly wreaths etc plus Santas grotto. The Orangery Tearooms will be serving light lunches, mulled wine and mince pies all day.

Thu 8 to Thu 22 Dec


Tonbridge Castle, TN9 1BG www.castlemas.com/booktickets Fun packed festivities. Get swept away by the magic of live performance in the magnificent Igloo Theatre or browse through the delightful wooden chalets of Mistletoe Town and enjoy a drink in the toasty warm Jingle Bell bar.

Sat 10 Dec

Christmas Craft Market

Maidstone Museum, ME14 1LH www.museum.maidstone.gov.uk Come and see the lovely gifts and goodies that will be available and then to explore our galleries. FREE

Learn to read, write & love music. Keyboard tuition for ages 5-8 and 9-12 years. FREE TRIAL available.

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November/December 2022Families Kent18
November/December 2022 Families Kent 19 AWESOME ANAGRAM Unscramble the letters to discover things you will enjoy this Christmas! When you’ve finished, unscramble the circled letters to spell a special message! 1. STVIINGI TASNA 2. CRADEOIGNT HET TERE 3. HTSICMRSA UNLHC 4. GTINTGE RTPEENSS 5. IGNSNGI RSLACO Answers:1.VisitingSanta2.Decoratingthetree 3.Christmaslunch4.Gettingpresents5.SingingCarols. Theanswertothespecialmessageis:Haveagreattime! ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ Santa has lost Rudolph in the snow. Can you help Santa find him by drawing a path to his hiding place? SANTA’S MAZE ❆ KIDS' ACTIVITIES Can you solve the picture clues and put them in the crossword? PICTURE CROSSWORD 3 7 1 2 4 6 5 87 5 6 1 2 3 4 9 8 9 Never want to miss another issue? Sign up now familiesmag.co.uk/go IT’s FREE!

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