Families Kent Sep/Oct issue 25 PRINT

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Familiesonline.co.uk Families Kent 1Issue 25 September/October 2022 familiesonline.co.uk FREETakeMeHome IN THIS ClubsHalfWhat’sEducationISSUEOnTerm&Classes Kent

Welcome Can you believe the kids are back at school already? It seems like just a moment since they were breaking up! We hope you had a fantastic summer. No doubt, some of you will be reluctant to get back to routine, whilst others will welcome it; either way, getting some hours back in your day is a great opportunity to make some plans and set goals for the coming months.

Familiesonline.co.ukFamilies Kent2 © Families Kent 2022. Families is a registered trademark of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road, Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without prior consent of Families Print Ltd. Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine but Families Print Ltd, its distributors, franchisees and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any consequences thereof. 3 News & Views 4-8 Education 9 Half term 10-11 Clubs & Classes 12-13 What’s On 14 Autumn Family Walks 15 Halloween Activity Cover image: depositphotos.com IN THIS ISSUE: CONTACT US: Editor: Rebecca Carr T: 07789 882467 E: editor@familieskent.co.uk Advertising sales: Amanda Biggs T: 07835 848066 E: amanda@familiespublishing.co.uk Next issue: November/December Booking deadline: 10 October To receive free copies of Families Kent for your school, club, class or venue, call or email us. Rebeccca Editor, Families KentCONTENTSAreyou looking for a new opportunity?* Would you like to try your hand at magazine Dopublishing?youthink you can grow a business? Are you interested in media and marketing? Would you like to work from home around your family and do something you love? Calling parents living in Kent! Get in touch today. Contact Rebecca for more details on 07789 882467 or email editor@familieskent.co.uk homeWorkfromCelebrating30yearsinprintFulltrainingprovided *Capital is required.

Starting or going back to school can be challenging for children (and parents) so check out our Education section for some great articles that will help, including the mysteries of phonics

Autumnexplained.can be a beautiful time of year for spending time outdoors so look for inspiration on where to enjoy some muddy walks around the UK when half term rolls around – presuming we have had some decent rain by then! And, if you want to keep your kids off screens as the nights draw in, check out our half term screen-free kids activities too.

Finally, in this issue, we have tonnes of Action Heroes Sets to giveaway! Apply for these loveable mini toy sets for your child at familiesmag.co.uk/go. By doing so, you’ll also ensure you receive our digital magazine with lots more content and goodies on offer.

More music education in schools

Twenty five million will be made available for schools to purchase musical instruments and equipment, including adapted instruments for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

To find out more visit www.kentcollege.com

Join fans from all over the world to celebrate favourite Roald Dahl characters, stories and moments. Get dressed up as your favourite Roald Dahl character at a Dahlicious Dress Up Day event being held at school, by community groups and libraries, or host your own by downloading the Roald Dahl Story Day VisitParty.

Schools will be asked to offer at least one hour of music curriculum a week. Every school will be expected to have a designated music lead or head of department.

Mimi has often credited her music teachers at Kent College with discovering her talent and encouraging her to consider pursuing a career in music.

Former student Mimi Webb returned to Kent College, Canterbury

Celebrate Roald Dahl Story Day

Mimi released her debut single “Before I Go” in April 2020 which featured on TikTok, gathering over 85 million views and has over 25 million streams on Spotify. Mimi continues her meteoric rise to pop stardom with two top 10 UK hits with ‘’Good Without’’ and ‘’House on Fire’’ and she recently performed live at the Platinum Party at the Palace to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Mimi joined Speech Day as a special guest of Mr Mark Turnbull, Head of Kent College, on stage during the ceremony and spoke of her determination to write songs despite her struggle with dyslexia. Mimi also took part in a Q&A session with students, which included describing a typical day in the life of a pop star and what advice she would give her younger self.

Tens of thousands of children will be given the chance to learn a new instrument as part of a new national plan for music education in the UK. The plan sets out the government’s ambition to give ‘every child the opportunity to develop a love of music.’ Made in consultation with music teachers and young people in the music industry, it involves a raft of new investments and measures to support music education.

www.roalddahl.com/roald-dahl-story-day for resources to decorate your home or classroom.

Former Kent College, Canterbury student Mimi Webb returned to the school in July to take part in the annual Speech Day

Every year, the life and works of one of the best children’s authors is celebrated on his birthday, 13 September. During his lifetime, Roald Dahl wrote twenty children’s books and published forty eight books altogether. He created over five hundred new words and character names and his books have sold more than two hundred and fifty million copies worldwide.

Familiesonline.co.uk Families Kent 3 NEWS & VIEWS

It can be useful to start a session by running through a video with your child. Depending on their age, you may want to run through the video first before looking over it with them. This also really helps you focus and ensures you have your head around the topic sufficiently to be able to help explain it further to your child or answer their questions.

If the methods that your child uses are not familiar to you, don’t worry. YouTube, BBC Bitesize, Oak Academy and IXL are your

Be honest with your child. You don’t know it all and nor should you be expected to.

I can’t help my child with this

Jemma Zoe Smith is Director of The Education Hotel (www.educationhotel.co.uk).

If your child is needing more help than you can provide, speak to their school. There may be a club they can attend or some additional support that they can access in the lesson. Play Hilden to

There may be some topics in which you feel you can very quickly assist your child without straining your own brain cells past the point of endurance. But if your child is struggling in multiple subjects, reach out to others. You may be able to ask other parent friends or your relatives for help.

If your child is struggling with something specific, reach out to the school and ask them if they can point you in the direction of some practice that you can do with your child. Remember you are all on the same team. Use parents evening to ask what topics are coming up and to find out when exams are. Forewarned is forearmed.

As children settle back in at school for a new academic year, parents also settle back into the routine of being called upon by their children to help them with homework. But what if you have very limited time, you are not across the school’s expectations or you simply aren’t familiar with the topic?

As a busy parent, you may only have a short amount of time in which to work with your child. Make sure that you both have clear expectations about what you will be able to achieve. If you only have twenty minutes, you may not be able to finish their homework together but you may be able to tackle a few key problems before they complete the rest themselves. So that your time with them is productive, set goals and a timer. Goals help you prioritise and the timer prevents you from watching the clock. Your child will also have your undivided attention during this time.

30 months.

At the end of each session, write down what you have covered in three bullet points. That way if your child gets another homework on the same topic, you can remember what you covered. These will also come in handy if you have a younger child or for end of year tests.

This year, I supported two students with exam preparation and covered over fifteen different subjects with them - only three of those subjects are my specialism. So here is what I have learnt about supporting children in subjects in which you are not confident yourself.

Play to your strengths

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Maybe one day the children can study science with you and the next they can cover maths with their friend’s mum.

Learn and

friends. Simply type in your child’s year and the topic that they are studying (often found at the top of the worksheet) and the subject e.g. Year 4 - bus stop method, maths, into Google.

By Jemma Zoe Smith

As a tutor, I get many requests from parents to tutor their child, even when that parent is a teacher themselves. It can be hard for some children to study with their parents and you don’t want it to lead to any strain in your relationship.

sessions at

Grange Exclusive parenting workshops Bespoke home learning materials And muchplus@hildengrange.co.ukmore! withANDLEARNPLAY,GROWthePlusProgramme The_Plus_Programme The Plus Programme is a comprehensive early learning programme designed by teachers for parents with children aged 6


Familiesonline.co.uk Families Kent 5 EDUCATION

The barn is set up with areas both indoors and out. The garden can be used in all weathers and an enclosed deck space provides freedom and security at the same time.

Find out more at www.junior-kings.co.uk CO-EDUCATIONAL | 3-13 YEARS | DAY & BOARDING “this traditional prep school brings out strengths, both academic and creative, so that by the time they leave they’re ready for the fast-paced senior school.” Register online at: www.junior-kings.co.uk/opendays Open Mornings for Nursery, Pre-Prep & Prep Sat. 15th October 2022 Sat. 18th March 2023 (Virtual Event) Junior King's_Families East Kent_Sept22.indd 1 02/08/2022 13:49:14

The School fosters active learning and full use is made of the extensive 80-acre grounds, with children encouraged to explore and have fun in nature at playtime and through Forest School.

The Little Barn Nursery at Junior King’s is the perfect place for a child to begin their educational journey.

Educational focus: Junior King’s, Canterbury

Inside, there are activities for children to develop skills across all areas of learning, such as the opportunity to share books, make marks (early reading and writing), through trying a range of creative and role play experiences (expressive arts and design), using tools such as scissors, pencils and paint brushes (physical development) and time to share their ideas with others (communication and language).

In their time in the nursery, children are engaged through wellplanned, purposeful play activities, with a dynamic range of learning experiences prioritised. French, Music, and Dance are all taught by specialist teachers and learning is enriched through a creative approach in all areas, providing the perfect foundation for later school experiences.

Junior King’s is an accredited Forest School and has been since 2008. All nursery children take part in the Forest School programme, undertaking practical, hands-on experiences in the School’s own woodland. It provides a unique opportunity to learn about nature and the changing seasons first-hand, allowing children the time and space to follow their particular fascination and work cooperatively in small groups.

The aim of the Pre-Prep Department is to provide a safe, caring, and nurturing environment where every child is an individual.

The nursery itself is a warm, welcoming, purpose-built setting where learning happens through play. Children are supported through a high child-to-staff ratio, ensuring they can thrive socially, emotionally, and academically.

In the outdoor area, children can also explore all areas of learning on a larger scale. They engage with nature by growing plants and vegetables and looking for wildlife (understanding the world), they can explore making marks in the mud with sticks or with chunky chalks on the tarmac (early writing) and develop their large physical skills through the challenge of climbing and swinging, balancing, and pedalling (physical development).

Staff enjoy getting to know each of the children in their care and help to lay down the foundations for a love of learning during these formative years by providing a breadth of different experiences to give children the confidence to be what they want to be.

Open Mornings are held throughout the year and the School welcomes families to book a visit during term time to experience the school in action.

When 9 year old Callum is given a certificate to adopt a panda for his birthday, the two come together... and pandemonium ensues! Velda the Awesomest Viking and the Voyage of Deadly Doom by David MacPhail, illustrated by Richard Morgan Velda might be small but she is certainly mighty. Nothing will stop her from taking to the high seas to earn her place on the dragon ship Valkyrie, along with a wonderful, colourful cast of characters. Alien in the Jam Factory by Chrissie Sains, illustrated by Jenny Taylor Get ready for aliens, jam, doughnuts, snails, one dastardly villain and a brilliant kid fizzing with ideas! Young inventor Scooter and his alien buddy Fizzbee team up to outwit Daffy Dodgy in a hilarious new adventure.

The children of Wigley Primary love having Noodle the Doodle at school and are thrilled that he’s coming on the class trip to the seaside. But will Noodle be on his best behaviour or will the day end in chaos? Perfect for young dog-lovers.

Dragon Storm by Alastair Chisholm, illustrated by Eric Deschamps and Ben Mantle Tomas can’t believe it when a mysterious stranger invites him to join a secret society and tells him that he has a very special power… he can summon his very own dragon! With a medieval setting and a strong dose of fantasy, this is the first in a thrilling new series.

Noodle the Doodle by Jonathan Meres, illustrated by Katy Halford

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The Marvellous Granny Jinks and Me by Serena Patel, illustrated by Selom Sunu When Jada Jinks finds a box of magic tricks in her granny’s flat, she uncovers her granny’s secret dream of becoming a magician. Inspired by the first black woman to be admitted to the Magic Circle, this is a fun, inclusive and magical story, with tricks!

Sarah Campbell is co-founder of Parrot Street Book Club (www.parrotstreet.com), an award-winning monthly subscription book club for children ages 5 to 14. Each subscription box includes a brand new book plus an activity pack inspired by that particular book.

By Sarah Campbell


When your child is ready to move on from picture books, there are some wonderful first chapter books aimed at children ages 5 to 9. Many are highly illustrated, with stories that will last over the course of a few reading sessions. Here are some of our recent favourites, all available through your friendly local independent store or www.bookshop.org

There’s a Dog in My Brain by Caroline Green, illustrated by Rikin Parekh When Danny made a wish to stay home instead of going to a family wedding, he didn’t expect to end up trapped in the body of a dog. Meanwhile, Dudley the dog is off on the adventure of a lifetime. He might look like a normal 10 year old boy, but can he behave like one?

Panda at the Door written and illustrated by Sarah Horne Pudding the Panda of Edinburgh Zoo really wants a family to take care of, just like her heroine, Mary Poppins.

Brilliant first chapter books for early readers

The Tindims of Rubbish Island by Sally Gardner, illustrated by Lydia Correy The first in a new series exploring our impact on the environment. Meet Captain Spoons, Mug, Jug, Brew, Skittle and friends, all residents of Rubbish Island, which the inventive Tindims have built entirely from thrown away items.

school starters planner. By Emma Lewry Play n’ Grow Holiday Club Tonbridge Themed craft cooking games outdoor play trips 8am to 6pm Mon-Fri during school holidays (excluding Bank Holidays) 07727 692645 I play.growholidayclub@gmail.com Ages 2-11 TWO funwaystolearnwithFMKC! Learn to read, write & music withlove 01732 457 100 SmallFREEVenue-basedKeyboardTuitionTRIAL!7OAKSgroups,4-8years www.funkymonkey.infoKeyboardHomeTuition5-89-12yearsStepbystepvideosatyourownpace!

English is a tricky language and sometimes the same letters make different sounds.

For example, ‘i’ can sound short as in ‘fish’ or have a longer sound like ‘eye’ in ‘find’. There are different groups of letters that make sounds: a digraph is two letters that go together to make one sound e.g. ‘ch’ in is three letters together making one sound e.g. ‘ear’ in As‘near’.children

• Read, read, read!

Supporting children learning to read can be as frustrating as it is magical.

guides families through starting school with courses, groups and

• Your child will be taught phonics in a specific way at school so ask them to teach you. It’s a great way for them to test their understanding.

Phonics is a way of teaching children to read and later write. It is based on the fact that letters and groups of letters make sounds and when we put those sounds together they make words.

Familiesonline.co.uk Families Kent 7 EDUCATION phonicsUnderstanding

Once children have learned the separate sounds, they then have to ‘blend’ them together to make the full word. For example, they hear or read ‘c’, ‘a’, ‘t’ and need to put the sounds together to make ‘cat.’

Oral blending is the skill to practise here. Oral blending means hearing separate sounds and putting them together without reading the letters too. It’s really helpful to practise lots of oral blending with your children from as young as the age of 2. For example, say separate sounds, a bit like a robot, and get your child to blend them together to make the word. You can do this in sentences e.g. put on your ‘c’, ‘oa’, ‘t’ or let’s go to the ‘p’, ‘ar’, ‘k’.

Try I spy with whole words split up or hide some pictures for children to hunt for. The idea is you say the sounds of the object in the pictures separately and they blend them so they know what they are hunting!

For you and anyone who has a child due to start school, here are some tips to get you both closer to full admittance of the phonics club! What is phonics?

Top Tips


Phonics is one of those things that feels like a secret clubsome people understand it and to others it’s gobbledegook! If you have a child at school, they’re part of ‘the club’ and they may look askance at you when you ask what a digraph or blending is.

• Practise blending - this can be the key to unlock entry to ‘the club!’

I hope these tips help you joining the Phonics Club!

• Practise recognising the sounds.

• Help children to spot when two or three letters work together to make one sound e.g ‘ai’ in ‘rain’ and ‘igh’ in ‘light’.

• If you’re stuck or worried, ask your child’s school for help.

Blending can be the key

This skill can be a real stumbling block for children because they are working so hard to recognise the sounds that they can’t put them together easily.

Emma Lewry is an Early Years teacher, headteacher and mother of two. Emma co-owns Every Day’s a School Day which a

develop their knowledge, they build up and put together all of the sounds they recognise in order to read and write.


Mastering times tables

• Rhymes are great for tricky multiplication facts such as ‘wakey wakey, rise and shine, 7 x 7 is 49;’

Use online games such as Times Tables Rockstars (https://ttrockstars.com). These are great to help develop speed and accuracy; Ask Alexa (or equivalent AI) to recite a times table or play a multiplication song and ask your child to try to beat it; Colour in the multiples on a 100 square; Rhymes are great for tricky multiplication facts such as ‘wakey wakey, rise and shine, 7 x 7 is 49;’

Write multiples on post-it notes or paper and make a game of aiming a ball at the correct answer; Match the question with the correct multiple choice answer; Use counters to represent a calculation. For example, children would need six counters to represent 2 x 3 and 3 x 2. Many children are used to this representation from Reception when they are taught arrays.

Zuzu Jordan is a Mastery for Maths specialist who has taught primary aged children for sixteen years and is interested in early years and home learning. For free homework and home learning resources, find the Facebook page edumateuk.

• Ask Alexa (or equivalent AI) to recite a times tables or play a multiplication song and ask your child to try to beat it;

learners learn best when they are ‘doing.’ When helping your child learn their times tables, mix up the methods. Play songs, colour code patterns in the answers and give them a way to use their hands such as using counters to represent times tables facts.

tables by rote for weekly tests was a feature of most of our school days. For some, these tests would bring on the cold sweats while for others they were an opportunity to shine. But, of course, it isn’t about drills just for the sake of doing well in the tests; times table fluency can determine how easily children can grasp new mathematical concepts, such as fractions.

To help schools target support, the government have introduced a statutory multiplication check for Year 4 pupils, which tests them on whether they can recall their times tables up to 12 x 12. This test consists of twenty five questions and the children are expected to answer them within six seconds; however, there is no pass mark. What can parents do to help?

• Match the question with the correct multiple choice answer;

• Use counters to represent a calculation. For example, children would need six counters to represent 2 x 3 and 3 x 2. Many children are used to this representation from Reception when they are taught arrays.

By Zuzu LearningJordantimes

• Use online games such as Times Tables Rockstars (https://ttrockstars.com). These are great to help develop speed and accuracy;

Familiesonline.co.ukFamilies Kent8 EDUCATION

It’s very useful to observe and work out your child’s preferred learning style - visual, auditory or kinaesthetic - so you can guide them in the most effective direction. Showing your child how to spot patterns and connections also helps them to apply their understanding to more complex calculations and word problems.

Auditory learners respond well to information in song forms or poems. Rhyming is a great way to help these types of learners to Kinaestheticremember.

Have you ever wondered why some children just ‘get’ things while others struggle?

Learning styles can explain why some children grasp new concepts more quickly just because of how the information is presented. The trick is to study the individual child and work out how they learn best.

• Write multiples on post-it notes or paper and make a game of aiming a ball at the correct answer;

Learning styles

Theorists continue to argue exactly how many styles there are but most agree that there are - visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners. A visual learner may like things coloured coded or written in different shapes. Mind mapping appeals to visual learners too and is a great way for them to see connections between subjects or information.

Try some of these ideas:

• Colour in the multiples on a 100 square;

This is a fun way for kids to learn about design and teamwork. All you need is a piece of paper, some pens, some counters (maybe toy figures), some dice and some rules. Involve your children in working out how the game works and create and decorate your board before playing!

Art and craft This doesn’t need to be overly complicated. Often keeping it simple is far better than creating something elaborate. Try making a paper boat and see how far it travels or create tealight holders out of old jam jars by gluing on pieces of tissue paper. These also make lovely presents for grandparents.

Design a board game

Easy experimentsscience

Screen-free rainy day activities

Painting Children love to paint but the mess can fill many parents with dread. Instead of using poster paint, try using watercolour paints which are easier to clean up. To change things up, get the kids painting on coffee filters, a canvas or ice cubes.

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Familiesonline.co.uk Families Kent 99 HALF TERM

There are lots of easy science experiments that can be tried at home with household items and they encourage kids to ask questions, make predictions and understand the world around them. Try making a lava lamp with water, food colouring and oil in a jar. Add an effervescent tablet and watch what happens!

By Isabell Fisher

It’s important that children are tech-savvy but there is very little evidence that screentime contributes to a child’s cognitive ability. Screens are so appealing because of their continually changing content so any activities that we attempt at home with the kids need to be equally appealing to little hands, eyes and brains. Here are a few activities that are easy to set up if you need to keep the kids entertained this half term or you’re stuck at home during a rainy weekend. You probably have most of what you need at home already.

Treasure hunt Choose something to be the treasure, hide it and then create a map for your kids to follow. Make it more interesting (and last longer) by having the map lead your little pirates to different locations where each location’s ‘treasure’ is a clue to the next location. To make the map look more ‘authentic,’ scrunch up the paper and stain it with a damp teabag.

Isabell Fisher is co-founder of Little Hands Learning, an educational and eco-friendly subscription box for children ages 3 to 6. For more ideas, visit www. littlehandslearning.co.uk/activities

Playdough This is a versatile toy but if the smell and texture of big-branded playdough is something you’re not keen on, there are some wonderful options for soft and scented playdough that doesn’t leave a greasy residue. Just check that the playdough has been UKCA tested before buying.

Coding As well as preparing them for the future, classes in coding and robotics teach children logical thinking, maths skills and complex problem solving.

Horse riding Offering both adventure and responsibility, this surprisingly vigorous activity in the great outdoors teaches children about empathy and caring for another living creature.

Languages By starting early, your child will learn faster and more easily; being bilingual improves problem solving skills, concentration and boosts brain power.

Music As well as the simple enjoyment, music classes are a great way to explore talent and develop abilities like patience and discipline. New Whatever their age, trying a new activity encourages a child to be adventurous and learn new skills. Age brings change, so keep looking for the next challenge.


Dance Not only great for physical health such as flexibility, co-ordination and strength, dance is also beneficial for mental health, as it helps with socialisation, as well as being creative and expressive.

The A to Z of clubs and classes

love music.

Interests Be led by your child’s interests when choosing an activity. If they enjoy doing an activity at home, they are more likely to commit to a regular class.

Make your child’s development fun

Learn to read, & Keyboard tuition for ages and 9-12 FREE TRIAL Call 01732 457100 www.funkymonkey.info


Familiesonline.co.ukFamilies Kent10 CLUBS & CLASSES


Quiet For the naturally quiet or physically small, chess offers children as young as age 4 the chance to make friends and improve self-esteem. Junior clubs operate throughout the UK. Rugby Rugby is a great way for children to exercise while learning respect and how to work and function as part of a team. We’ve put together an A to Z to help guide your selection process. TRY 0345RUGBYTOTS3130807 westkent@rugbytots.co.uk

Gymnastics A demanding sport, requiring perseverance and discipline, gymnastics develops strength, speed, coordination, flexibility and balance. Mastering complex physical feats helps children face and overcome fears.

Art and craft From painting to pottery, art and craft is great for exploring your child’s creative talents and for simply just getting messy outside of the home.

Exercise From toddlers up, children can get involved in regular, simple low-cost exercise classes like local mini-athletics and sports options or, junior park run clubs.


Judo Martial arts like Judo are especially suitable for the lively individualist, developing confidence, discipline, focus and fitness. They offer a constructive outlet for excess physical energy.

By Andrew Campbell Out of school activities offer your child the opportunity to try their hand at something new, develop an existing interest, have fun, get exercise and socialise and make friends outside of school.

Babies Music, movement and/or sensory classes are particularly suitable as they are designed to help your young baby’s social and physical skills develop. They are also a great opportunity to meet local parents.

Kitchen fun If you have an aspiring chef, cooking classes are great fun and will teach basic life skills and healthy eating. Online options are now available too.

Offers and trials Test your child’s interest in an activity with free taster days offered at the end of summer and free trials at the start of term. Performing arts Children who tomostimprovecommunicationsing/dance/act/play/learnskills,gainconfidence,academicperformanceandimportantly,canusetheseclassesletoffsteamandhavefun.


Book at www.perform.org.uk/try Try a FREE drama, dance and singing class CONFIDENCE BUILDING FUN

Football As well the most popular sport in the world, football is one of the most wellrounded, developing a host of physical, social and cognitive skills.

Visit www.funkymonkey.info and follow the links, or call 01732 457 100. Start an amazing musical journey this autumn.

Riverhead: Riverhead Village Hall, TN13 2EL

In the face-to-face classes, small groups (maximum 8) are taught how to play the electronic keyboard, read and write music. The well-balanced, gently progressive lessons delight and inspire children every week. A second option is, the prerecorded home tutorials. These enable a pupil to guide themselves with Funky Monkey Keyboard classes charming step-by-step videos and workbooks.

Yoga Ideal for the anxious or easily distracted, children learn to manage stress and develop concentration through breathing, awareness, meditation and healthy movement.

The term runs from September to December and children are welcome to try a free class at any point. To book a free no-obligation trial class visit www.perform.org.uk/

Hempstead: Hempstead Valley Community Centre, ME7 3PD Kings Hill: Kings Hill Community Hall, ME19 4LG

Faversham: West Faversham Community Centre, ME13 7RH

Swimming Ever popular, swimming offers a host of benefits including cardiovascular exercise, improving strength, flexibility, stamina, balance and posture.

Localtry venues available at:

Familiesonline.co.uk Families Kent 11 CLUBS & CLASSES Clubs & Classes News Play n’ Grow Holiday Club Themed craft, cooking, games, outdoor play and 8amtrips. to 6pm Mon-Fri during school holidays (exc. bankSouthborough,holidays). and Tonbridge Call 07727 play.growholidayclub@gmail.com692645 Ages2-11 Do you run kids’ clubs & classes? Why not promote your business to over 40,000 parents in Kent in our next issue? To book your space email: amanda@familiespublising.co.uk or call 07835 848066 Six issues per year delivered to local parents

Bexley: St John Fisher Catholic Church Hall, DA5 1AP

Langton Green: Langton Green Village Hall, TN3 0JJ Maidstone: St Pauls Church, ME14 2AN

Join the keyboardbestclasses in

Zumba A high energy combination of dance and exercise, these fun classes will get young ones moving with enthusiasm.

Tunbridge Wells: Christ Church Centre, TN1 1UT

Sevenoaks: The Parish Church of St Luke, TN13 1XT

Tonbridge: St John’s Church Centre, TN11 9HT

Kent this September Funky Monkey Keyboard Classes offer both home tutorials and faceto-face lessons for the beginner musician between the ages of 4 and How12. does it work?

Give the autumn term a confidence boost with Perform A common struggle shared by many children as they start school or return after the summer break is a lack of confidence, and this can stop them reaching their full potential. Whether you're looking for a confidence boost for your child or just a weekly dose of drama, dance and singing fun, Perform is back for the autumn term with two exciting productions for 4-7s and 7-12s.

How much does it cost?

“Perform is not a stage school” stresses Perform Principal, Lucy Quick. “Our classes teach life skills using fun confidence-boosting drama games which results in a celebratory end of term production. The primary aim of our classes is to develop what we call the 4Cs: Confidence, Concentration, Coordination and Communication."

Testimonials To ensure you choose the right class and get value for money, request testimonials from a provider, seek out other parents’ opinions and look online and on social media before signing your child up. Under the radar When researching options, keep in mind old favourites like cubs and brownies or the more unusual like sea cadets, fencing, photography and film making.

Virtual In the last two years, many providers have gone online, so if you can’t find a physical class locally, you’re sure to find something virtually.

Ashford: St Mary’s Community Centre, TN24 9LH

For face-to-face it’s a free trial and then £16 per 50-minute class, payable by term. There is a sibling discount available plus, keyboard hire. Pre-recorded home tutorials are £65 (includes £10 off) for 10 videos, workbook, pencil and a sticker set. You can do these any time to suit you. How to register your interest?

This term, Perform 4-7s will venture into The Magician's Chamber for some confidence-building fun with Merlin the Wizard whilst 7-12s will work on a funky festive performance of Ebenezer, based on Charles Dicken's classic, A Christmas Carol.

Xtreme For the child who thrives on adrenalin and risk, consider rock climbing, tree top walking, abseiling, orienteering, circus, go-karting, trampolining or even Parkour.



What's On Fun for all the family

Thu 17 September Visit Ightham Mote Sevenoaks, TN15 0NT An extraordinary story of 700 years of survival. A sense of magic surrounds this romantic medieval moated manor house. Set in tranquil gardens hidden deep in the Kent countryside. 10am-5pm.

Thu 8 to Sun 11 September Autumn Craft Fair Hever Castle & Garden, Edenbridge TN8 7NG Head to Hever Castle in September for a contemporary autumn craft fair organised by Craft In Focus. You will be able to discover around 180 exhibitors from the UK’s finest designer makers and contemporary artists at this craft fair based in the heart of the Kentish countryside. Craft in Focus have chosen specific designers for their individuality and innovation in contemporary design so you will be exposed to a whole host of British talent.

Every Monday Stay & Play Toddler Group Whitstable Umbrella Centre, CT5 1DD Stay & Play group for parents/ carers and under 5s. 9.30-11.30am. Book in advance at www.umbrellacentre.co.uk

Every Saturday Love Your Local Market Bligh’s Meadow, Sevenoaks, TN13 1DA The Market takes place in Bligh’s car park every Saturday, with a wide range of local goods on offer, from fresh bread to arts and crafts stalls.

Don’t forget to sign up for our digital magazine for more interactive content at familiesmagazine.co.uk/go

All listings correct at the time of going to print. Please check with the venue before visiting to ensure events are still going ahead and venues are open.

Local Libraries across Kent Listening to stories is a great way to develop and encourage young children to read books. Come and join storytime sessions for 3 to 4 year olds - it’s great fun!

Sport your spookiest costume to really get the most out of the trail. Young visitors can also take part in a garlic bulb planting workshop to try and ward off vampires and spot ghostly decorations around the grounds.

Enter different zones including witches, skeletons and bats to find letters spelling out a mystery word in return for a small prize – don’t miss the giant spider!

Local Libraries across Kent A free, fun and noisy way for under 3s to develop a love of language and a foundation for learning. Each session lasts about 20 minutes and includes the opportunity to join in with nursery rhymes and action songs.

Throughout September Dino Expedition Betteshanger Park, Deal, CT14 0BF Find your own fossils and learn about the collection of dinosaur fossils. With educational boards and games. Complete your session by Hunting the Hybrid dinosaur in the woods and have your photo taken with it. Book online at dinobetteshanger-park.co.uk/event/www.

24 Sept & 8 October Sevenoaks Artisan Craft and Gift Market The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks, TN13 1ZZ A fabulous Artisan Craft and Gift Market at the Sevenoaks Stag Plaza, right in the heart of Sevenoaks. Come and browse fabulous stalls featuring jewellery, artwork, health and beauty, fashion and accessories, soap and candles and many more local crafts and gifts. 10am-3pm, Free Entry.

Families Kent12

Throughout September & GruffaloOctober Sculptures Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest, Goudhurst, TN17 2SJ When you explore the National Pinetum you may spot the Gruffalo and his friends. Can you find them all? The Gruffalo, Fox, Mouse, Snake, Squirrel and Owl are spread out across the pinetum.

Get into the Halloween spirit this autumn half term with a family-friendly spooky trail at Hever Castle & Gardens.

Sat 24 & Sun 25 September Model Railway Weekend Spa Valley & Railway Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5QY Enjoy a gathering of model railways in a variety of different scales, come along to see layouts at Tunbridge Wells West, Groombridge and Eridge with trade stands too! 10am to 5pm.

Sun 18 CelebrateSeptember75Years of Subbuteo

The Forum, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 8YU Celebrate the role that Subbuteo has played in Tunbridge Wellsespecially if you were part of it. Have a go at playing. And find out what the future holds for Subbuteo in the town. This display and exhibition at The Forum (which has links to Subbuteo!) will be an opportunity for all ages to try out Subbuteo - or maybe to revisit the game after many years! 11am-5pm.

Listen to traditional ghost stories or take part in a trail in the Castle (included with Castle entry). And finish off your day with a ghostly face paint (extra charge applies). Find out more at www.hevercastle.co.uk

Fri 9 to Sun 18 September Visit Whitstable Museum Whitstable, CT5 1DB Examine the 8th oldest steam locomotive! INVICTA was built in 18 by Robert Stephenson soon after ROCKET. Why was a Whitstable diver ordered to the Crimea to blow up Russian navy ships? 10.30am4.30pm.

Throughout September & SuperwormOctober Trail Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest, Goudhurst, TN17 2SJ Join Superworm and friends on their brand-new adventure at Bedgebury Pinetum. Discover the small but mighty creatures in the much-loved story and learn about the everyday heroic feats of minibeasts in the forest. The new self-led trail features brightly illustrated panels and a trail pack full of fun activities. Ages 3-9.

Sat 8 to Sun 9 October Science Festival Kent Life, Maidstone, ME14 3AU Calling all budding scientists! Come and join Kent Life for a celebration of all things science! You can experience: George the Jurassic Dinosaur! Astronomy, Chemistry, Palaeontology, Forensics, Physics and Biology. Plus, Critter Corner: A chance to find out about bugs, snakes, spiders and other critters. And enjoy other great Kent Life activities including fun farm rides, indoor and outdoor play and painta-pot (small charge applied).

Spooky Halloween Half Term at Hever Castle

Sun 11 September Visit The Powell-Cotton Museum Quex Park, Birchington, CT7 0BH Complimentary tours will be available of Quex House and the Museum throughout the day according to demand. At the museum, you have a world of exciting objects to discover. Children can grab a backpack and discover the museum differently using fun tools and activities. Quex Gardens features sweeping lawns, winding woodland and a bountiful walled garden. Bring a picnic and enjoy! 11am-3pm.

To promote your local event, nearly new sale, parenting courses or community group in the next issue, email editor@familieskent.co.uk.



Until Sat 10 September Maise Maze Stanhill Farm, Dartford, DA2 7HD Buzz on over to Stanhill Farm this summer and help Queen Bee retrieve the missing jewels from her crown! HRH (Her Royal Honeyness) Betty the bee, thinks she is the queen and has taken to wearing a crown around the farm! £7, (under 4s go free). Mon to Sat, 9.30am to 5pm and Sun 10am to 4pm.

Sat 24 MinistrySeptemberofScience Live Join the presenters as they dive deep into the world of science and look at how science shapes the modern world we live in with a few loud bangs along the way! 2pm.

Pick your Own Pumpkins Rochester ME3 www.pyopumpkins.com9LU

Families Kent 13 WHAT’S ON

Sat 22 to Sun 30 October Halloween Week Leeds Castle, Maidstone ME17 1PL Spooky adventures await this October Half Term! Stay tuned for hair-rising, spine-chilling and eerie activities for you and your little ones to be frightened by throughout the grounds at Leeds Castle!

Check with the venue for dates, how to book and information about this years’ availability of pumpkins. Don’t forget your wellies!

A fun event for all the family!


Sat 17 September The Bubble Show Join Mr. Bubbles with his extraordinary soap bubbles in all shapes and sizes! The Bubble Show is a unique blend of magic, storytelling, and bubble art! Enjoy bubbles galore. Actor, storyteller, and Guinness World Record holder, The Highland Joker, is one of the top bubble artists in the world, bringing you an interactive, fun, international award-winning bubble extravaganza! Tickets: £12. 2.30pm. Ages 3-12. Sun 9 October I Spy With My Little Eye! Molly and Bingo the puppy are having a birthday party and, best of all, you’re invited! There’ll be a terrific treasure hunt, all your favourite sing-along songs and lots of fantastic games to play, including Molly’s favourite game, I Spy With My Little Eye! So put on your party clothes and come join us for what promises to be a magical day of fun and laughter. It’s going to be the best party ever! Tickets: £12. 2.30pm. Age 2+. The Orchard Theatre Dartford, DA1 1ED Box office: 0343 310 www.orchardtheatre.co.uk0033

EM Forster Theatre, Tonbridge, TN9 IJP Box Office: 01732 www.emftheatre.com304241

A fun interactive family concert of songs from hit musicals and films, performed by West End singers. The whole family can sing and dance along whilst enjoying bubbles, 11am. Ages 0-7.

Lots of varieties of pumpkin and squash available whether it’s for a Halloween display or for a yummy meal. Milebush Farm Maidstone ME15

Stanhill Farm Dartford, DA2 patchwww.stanhillfarm.co.uk/pumpkin-7HD

24-30 MagicalOctoberMerlin

Ages 2-7. Sun 2 Oct Baby Broadway family concert

Free family fun at Heritage Open Days


Sat 22 to Sun 30 October Halloween Fun Dover Castle, Dover CT16 1HU Myths, legends and monsters of English folklore await you. Be greeted by the ghoulish guide who will tell tales of ghostly goings on at Dover Castle. Try your hand at becoming a monster hunter with our range of hands-on training activities, and meet the comedy castle rat who will entertain you with stories and songs of his explorations of the castle. 10am-5pm.

The Fortune Theatre, Covent Garden WC2B 5HH This October half-term, take your children on a trip back in time as they discover a world of witches, wizards, magic and mystery. In Ancient Britain, Magical Merlin is the most miraculous wizard ever. So, when the baby King Arthur is born and jealous older sister, Morgan Le Fay, starts turning people into animals, it’s down to Merlin to save the day. Teaming up with brave Sir Lancelot and beautiful Princess Guinevere, the adventurers ride a fire-breathing dragon to The Lady of The Lake to discover where true power lies. But can they get back to Tintagel Castle before Morgan turns the baby Arthur into a hamster? With a spellbinding mix of magic, songs and dancing, Magical Merlin is a spectacular mini-musical sure to enchant the whole family. Ages 4–10. Visit atgtickets.com to book.

The produce they grow changes through the seasons from soft fruit to veg, they welcome the public to come and PYO!

Sat 29 & Sun 30 October Dr Frankenslime’s Trick or Treat Express! Spa Valley & Railway, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5QY Packed full of slapstick comedy, magic and mayhem - its set to be another sell-out show, departing from Tunbridge Wells West at 4.15pm and 6.15pn, returning approximately 1hr 15mins later. The performance is brought to you by the wonderful Radtastic Theatre.

Thu 6 to Sat 8 October Demon Dentist Don’t miss this electrifying tale, Live on Stage, from the West End

Assembly Hall Theatre, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2LU Box Office: 01892 www.assemblyhalltheatre.co.uk530613

Birchden PYO Pumpkins Tunbridge Wells TN3 9NR BirchdenPYOPumpkinswww.facebook.com/

Running from 9 to 18 September, Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture and allows families the chance to visit hidden places and try new experiences for free, including places that usually charge for admission.

Specialises in growing pumpkins, squashes, globe artichokes as well as combinable arable crops.

producers of David Walliams’ Gangsta Granny and Billionaire Boy, both nominated for an Olivier Award! It promises to be the most thrilling and hilarious adventure yet!

Sat 1 October Hulla Balloony Moon Time Long Nose Puppets offer up a marvellous moonlit show full of riotous rhyme, zany puppets and spiffy special cake; all iced with music and songs by Tom Gray. Little children will feel stuffed to the brim with magic. 10am, 11.30am.

Many events will adopt this year’s theme, Astounding Inventions, offering a celebration of the cutting-edge creations that make our lives easier, as well as the imaginative inventors behind them. There will be hundreds of free interactive activities for children, including dressing up, craft, woodland walks and railway rides. Heritage Open Days is brought to you by the National Trust with of the support of People’s Postcode Lottery. New events will be added to the festival directory every day. Find out more at www.heritageopendays.org.uk

Poor old Fox has lost his socks! Are they in the kitchen or inside the clock? And Rat-a-tat-tat! Who’s that keeping tired Rabbit awake? You can also join in with Pig and Hen’s game of hide-and-seek and discover the special surprise Postman Bear is planning for his friends. 10.30am, 1.30pm & 4pm, All ages. The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks, TN13 1ZZ Box office: 01732 www.stagsevenoaks.co.uk450175


Mon 24 to Tue 25 October Tales from Acorn Wood Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s beloved Tales from Acorn Wood stories are brought to life on stage for the first time in an enchanting lift-the-flap experience.

Sun 30 HalloweenOctoberatthe Mill Willesborough Windmill, Ashford, TN24 0QG Come along to this family event. Dress up in your best scary outfit. Tours of the mill. Face painting, crafts and story time. Family ticket is £10. 2-5pm.

Sat 22 to Sun 30 October Halloween Half Term Hever Castle, Edenbridge TN8 7NG See page 12 for more details.


Pick your Own Cheesemans Green Lane, Sevington, Ashford, TN25 www.pickyourownpumpkin.farm7HX



Saffery Farm Faversham ME13

Sat 22 to Sun 30 October Halloween Spooktacular Kent Life, Maidstone, ME14 3AU Enjoy a spooky week full of family fun and games. There’s pumpkin carving, creepy corner, fun farm rides and daily fancy dress competitions. 10am–5pm, pre-book online.

If you’re eager to visit the seaside, this stretch of coastline is the place for you.

Stowe In addition to Old Sarum, Stowe (www.nationaltrust.org.uk) is another walk in Buckinghamshire in the south of TheEngland.countryside is breath taking and the grounds of Stowe are no different. You can stroll around the lake and through the forest. Families are also allowed to walk their dogs as long as they are on a lead.

Brecon Beacons National Park

To explore the muddy countryside and learn about English history, you can take your family on a walk to Old Sarum (www. english-heritage.org.uk) in Wiltshire.

The Gritstone Trail, which runs from Disley to Kidsgrove, travels through Tegg’s Nose. The country park also has a tearoom you can enjoy at the beginning or the end of your walk.


Morden Hall Park (www.nationaltrust. org.uk) is an outdoor oasis in London. This is a great place to escape the concrete jungle with the whole family. There are even cafes along the way. As well as this, children under 5 can take part in the Park Explorers programme and enjoy story-led activities.

Last (but certainly not least) is the Seven Sisters Country Park (www. sevensisters.org.uk) in East Sussex.

Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Water Gardens

The great British countryside is full of stunning walks that are fun for the whole family. Here are ten examples that are suitable for getting the whole family outdoors. Why not have a day out this half term or take a short break near one of them? If we get decent rain during the autumn, these walks will also be delightfully muddy! And what child can resist a muddy puddle? So get your outdoor gear on, because you’re about to have a tonne of fun!

AUTUMNFamily-friendly walks for autumn

The whole family can enjoy a walk through Ham Gardens. From building birdhouses to playing in the Family Tasting Garden, the grounds offer lots of fun activities for children of all ages.

The South Downs National Park spans one hundred miles but you’re able to walk a fraction of the distance and come across a host of wildlife. Instantly recognisable, the chalk cliffs offer the perfect backdrop for your adventure.

The structure, otherwise known as the Iron Age Hillfort of Old Sarum, was first built around 400BC. For an experience like no other, wrap up warm and embark on a muddy walk to remember for years to come.

Tegg’s Nose Country Park (www.teggsnose.co.uk) in Cheshire is teeming with trails and families of all ages can enjoy exploring the grassy fields.

Old Sarum

Ham House and Garden

Brecon Beacons National Park

Morden Hall Park

Old Sarum

Ham House and Garden

There are lots of fun activities to do, from exploring Cantref Adventure Farm to running around the National Botanic Garden of Wales. Definitely a full day of fun….

Tegg’s Nose Country Park

Familiesonline.co.ukFamilies Kent14

Seven Sisters Country Park

The Welsh countryside is home to a multitude of walks. To get started, visit Brecon Beacons National Park (www.breconbeacons.org).

Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Water Gardens

A sight to behold, Ham House (www.nationaltrust.org.uk) is a seventeenth-century manor in Surrey.

Yorkshire is home to some of the most beautiful country walks in England, including Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Water Gardens (www.nationaltrust.org.uk). There are miles of walking paths on offer, from the Ripon and Fountains Abbey walk to the Lost Spa trail. Regardless of where you choose to walk, if it rains the grass will be green and the hills will invariably be muddy.

Watch out! Your spider is carefulcomplete…..nowitdoesn’trunoff!

Instructions:need:Step4: Once

It’s easy and fun to create your own decorations for Halloween!

Step 2: Allow the black paint to dry thoroughly. Once dry, give the spider eyes so it can see!

So get crafty with the kids. You’ll be able to gather what you need from around your home and from your recycling bin and paint, create and decorate to make your own family of spiders in no time. Your child will love developing new skills as they explore painting and sticking. And, under your supervision, they will develop fine motor skills as they practise with scissors. You will you have all eight legs, fold each leg in half to bend.

ü Wiggly


 Cutoutandkeep  



ü Cardboard

Step 1: First paint the cardboard tubes black.

Familiesonline.co.uk Families Kent 15



Step 3: To make the legs, start by cutting five slits about one centimetre apart on each side of the tube just over halfway up. The slits will make four spider legs on each side of the tube. There will be a spare piece of tube on each side which you will need to cut out. Paint brush Scissors Black paint eyes tubes spiders Halloween!

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