November 2019

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Shawnee Mission South High School 5800 w 107th St., Overland Park, KS, 66207 913.993.7500

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PROSECUTING THE PRESIDENT What is impeachment and how does it work? page 3


Patriot Staff

Table of Contents News


03. Prosecuting the President 04. Flex on ‘Em

Nichole Thomas Editor-in-Chief Alma Harrison Editor-in-Chief Evan Shibel Asst. Editor-in-Chief & Sports Editor Gini Horton Online Editor Ansley Chambers Opinion Editor & Copy Editor Annalie Polen News Editor Katie Hiebl Features Editor McKenna Pickering Arts & Entertainment Editor Naomi Mitchell Photo Editor Trinity Clark Asst. Photo Editor Emma Harding Asst. Photo Editor Reese Woods Multimedia & Video Editor Abby Cox Social Media Editor


05. Turkish Style Soccer 06. Underattended, Underappreciated


08. Zach’s Snacks 09. Bogart’s Big Heart

10. Peas in a Pod


11. Staff Editorial: Impeachment Epidemic 12. Crowd out of Control

Arts & Entertainment 13. Fall Events Calendar 14.15. Feeding Frenzy


Mission Statement “The Patriot” is a news magazine that aims to objectively present topics affecting Shawnee Mission South High School, as well as connect with readers on issues concerning the student body. Staff members reserve the right to express their views in the Opinion section. These pieces are labeled and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff as a whole, except the Staff Editorial, which represents the views of the editors. Each section editor designs their own section’s pages, unless otherwise specified. Under the First Amendment and Kansas Law, “The Patriot” staff is entitled to freedom of the press and neither the school nor district is responsible for any content or coverage. The staff encourages letters to the editor; they will only be published if signed. The Editorsin-Chief reserve the right to refuse or edit any letters for reasons of grammar, length and good taste.

Ben Curtis Elias Henderson Nathan Judd Miles McKenna Sarah Ohlde Catherine Gunnigle

Photographers Kyla Hunter Nic Camburako Haley Carter Paige Lambert Julian Peeples Landrea Van Mol Jack Wagner

Advisor Tucker Love

On the cover


What is impeachment and how does it work? The political cartoon depicts President Donald Trump along with former Presidents Bill Clinton, Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon as peaches to symbolize their impeachment trials. The donkey represents the Democrats against Trump. The elephant trunk represents the Republicans trying to save him. On page 3 is an explaination between the impeachment process and the removal process.

3 | NEWS

PROSECUTING THE PRESIDENT What is impeachment and how does it work? By Elias Henderson Reporter


mpeachment: you see it all over the news and your social studies and English teachers probably discuss it, but what does it really mean? And how does it affect us? Impeachment is the process when a legislative body (Congress) brings up charges against a government official. In America, since there are two parts of Congress, the task is split between the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is the section of congress which has 435 seats that are apportioned due to population by the state and is currently controlled by a democratic majority. The Senate, the arm of Congress in which each state receives two seats, however, is currently controlled by Republicans. “(In the impeachment process,) when the House of Representatives meets during its session, it will hear the evidence and will essentially act as a grand jury to decide whether or not there is enough evidence to go forward (to the Senate),” social studies teacher Scott Hirons said. If indicted, then the Senate holds a vote

on whether to remove the official from office. No U.S. president has ever been impeached and removed. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two U.S. presidents who have been impeached, but neither were removed. Andrew Johnson was tried and convicted of violating the Tenure of Office Act by removing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton from office. Bill Clinton on the other hand was acquitted on charges of lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstruction of justice. However, the most common name associated with the term impeachment, Richard Nixon, was never actually impeached. Nixon was implicated in the Watergate scandal in which aides paid by the President broke into the Democratic National Headquarters and were caught. Nixon initially denied involvement, but after a drawn-out investigation and the discovery of taped conversations indicting him, a grand jury appointed by a special prosecutor indicted seven of Nixon’s former aides on various charges related to the Watergate affair. The jury, unsure if

they could indict a sitting president, called Nixon an “unindicted co-conspirator.” Congress promised to impeach and remove him, so Nixon resigned before an official trial was completed. Due to this, technically, Nixon was never impeached, despite it being an almost certain eventuality. Trump has the opportunity to be the first president in American history to be impeached and removed, but he would have to overcome a republican majority Senate. Trump is also running for re-election in 2020. Previously, impeachment has had different effects on presidents. “[Johnson] was pretty hurt by impeachment and Ulysses S. Grant won the 1868 election without a whole lot of trouble,” Hirons said. However, Clinton wasn’t hurt by impeachment at all. “Clinton’s approval rating ended up increasing,” Hirons said.


Indicted No Yes

House Trial for Impeachment 2. Trump Currently awaiting House trial

Nixon Resigned from office

Senate Vote Removed or for Removal Indicted and Not Removed 3.

4. Clinton Indicted but not removed

Johnson Indicted but not removed

4 | NEWS


Construction of flex theater opens up new oppurtunities for South. By Sarah Ohlde Reporter


s students walk into South’s front entrance, construction workers are hard at work. Much of the courtyard is fenced off as construction equipment is being used to build the theater’s newest upgrade. According to administrator Nicholas Platko, the estimated completion date of the black box theater is spring 2020, but there is a chance the circle drive will be done by winter break. Drama teacher Mark Swezey said it was supposed to be done by winter break, but after running into problems with permits and construction, the completion date will be around April 1. The black box theater – sometimes referred to as the “flex theater” for the flexible seating and furniture arrangements – will consist of three floors. The first floor will be largely seating plus the stage. The second floor will consist of storage and some additional seating. The third floor will be entirely catwalks with lights, directionals and sound systems. The flex theater will also gain new tech like lighting and mics. “Seating will be on the three sides of the stage, whereas right now [there is only seating on one side of the stage]. You’re

Construction crew works to finish the new flex theater. The flex theater is projected to be finished by April 1. Photo by Jack Wagner Construction on the new black box and flex theater is progressing. Once construction on the theater is complete, there will be less chaos in the parking lot. Photo by Jack Wagner

more invested in the show because the setting is enhanced and intimate,” junior Morgan Lank said. While the experience will be different for the audience, actors will experience changes too. “It opens the door to do so many more varieties of productions,” Swezey said. South will be the only school in the district with a flex theater. Prior to construction, South had been without a second theater since 2015. “It will be on par with some of the colleges around here,” Platko said. “The theater program is really excited. It’s [going to be] better than most [black box theaters] I’ve seen.” Although it has been an inconvenience with construction going on in front of school, everyone will benefit from the new theater. Other music groups like choir, band and orchestra will also be able to use the new theater for smaller performances. Banquets for sports and extracurricular activities will also take place there. “I think it’s going to be magnificent,” Swezey said. “When I look at losing the little theater [four] years ago, it’s a nice payoff.”



Junior brings new overseas experience to the SM South Varsity soccer team. By Nathan Judd Reporter


unior Ravi Bilgen hasn’t taken the average path to get to the Varsity soccer team. When Bilgen moved from Wyandotte in third grade, he transferred into John Diemer Elementary School. He then stayed in the district until his freshman year when he got the opportunity to play on a Turkish professional team. He left his family and his friends to go to a country where he didn’t know the language and he hadn’t been to since he was a very young child. “I moved over there around August and then for about a month I slowly worked my way up through youth leagues, practicing with different teams every other day,” Bilgen said. He finally ended up going to Izmir, which is the third biggest city in Turkey and is located on Turkey’s Aegean coast. He he played for Altinordu FK, which is a semi-pro team that was founded in 1923. He played his first game against Fenerbache’s under 16 team, which is a semi-pro team based in Istanbul and historically one of the most successful clubs in Turkey. In his second game he played Başakşehir’s 16 and under team,

which is also based in Istanbul and was founded in 1990. He then played against Alanyaspor where he got his first assist, passing his teammate the ball for a goal. While getting ready for his next game, he tore his adductor tendon, which starts at the pelvic bone and attaches at the thigh and leg bones. This ended up taking around six weeks to recover from. “I had to come back because I got injured. They are pretty ruthless over

Bilgen: first row, second from right (Above) 2018-19 Altinordu team photo. (Below) Head coach Hüseyin Eroğlu (right) introduces Ravi Efe Bilgen to his new team, Altinordu FK, located in İzmir, Turkey. Photos courtesy of Ravi Bilgen

there. They want to make players. They want to create players and if a player isn’t doing well or doing their job, then they cut them,” Bilgen said. Bilgen rushed back from his injury, re-injured his adductor during practice and didn’t play another game for Altinordu FK. This resulted in him coming back to the U.S. for his junior year. “I worked very hard to get there, so seeing all of that hard work go to waste was very difficult,” he said. Bilgen is now one of the starting players on Souths’ Varsity soccer team and plays left winger. The Varsity soccer team currently has a record of three and seven. His adductor tendon is fully healed and he scored his first goal of the season as a penalty kick against Lawrence Free State on Sept. 24. After this soccer season is over Bilgen intends on trying out for Sporting Kansas City’s 18 and under team.



There is a lack of attendance at away games especially for sports that aren’t football or basketball. By Catherine Gunnigle Reporter


t’s 7 p.m. on a Friday night and the rumble of stomping feet on bleachers can be heard from the parking lot. Hands are full of baby powder, the student section is beginning their kickoff chant, cheerleaders are full of spirit; housed in South’s Shawnee Mission District Stadium, students feel at home. Looking into a sea of teenagers dressed in whatever theme Crowd Control picks, the bleachers are always packed at home basketball games. Big rivalry games can also have packed student sections whether it be at home or an away game. However, many students are asking why the attendance is so low for away games. “I feel like home games are easier to attend because they are typically closer and more of my friends go to them,” junior Olivia Riley said. Supporting a friend, significant other or sibling is great, but students typically don’t want to be stuck sitting with a

bunch of parents because so few students show up to these games. “I wish more people came to our away games. It would be nice to have our own fans in the stands of another team’s gym,” junior Erik Smith said. It is no secret that attendance at away games is low. With variables such as distance, time and personal reasons, there are many things that can keep students from supporting their Raiders, it is understood that away games aren’t easily attended. However, South hosts plenty of sports events that the students and staff can attend conveniently for free; however, many sports still maintain low attendance. “Honestly, it’s kind of sad when I think about how many people go to football games, but not other sports. It would be really cool to see people in the stands for girls soccer, but at the same time I am guilty of not being present at many sports events too,” sophomore Emma

Thurston said. Almost every club or extracurricular has events hosted at home that would love support from the student body. Ranging from PLS to tennis, there is everything in between. Soccer, gymnastics, swimming, debate, DECA and track would all love to have people there cheering them on. Friday night football is a common outing for most high schoolers. Right after kickoff, the black out student section threw baby powder and confetti in the air to signify the beginning of the rivalry game against East. Photo by Jack Wagner Very rarely do students show up to away soccer games, but at this East vs. South game, seniors Emily Lang, Taylor Burns, Carter Thompson, Elias Henderson and Will Kelly come to support the Raiders. The boys went on to tie the game. Photo by Trinity Clark

Very rarely do students show up to away soccer games, but this East vs. South game seniors Emily Lang, Taylor Burns, Carter Thompson, Elias Henderson, and Will Kelly come out to support the Raiders. The game ended in a 2-2 draw. Photo by Trinity Clark




RECAP A review of South’s Homecoming festivities.

Competing in the staff dodgeball competition during the Homecoming assembly, social studies teacher Tony Budetti throws a ball at his opponent. In this year’s competition, the social studies department defeated the math department. Photo by Naomi Mitchell Performing at the Homecoming assembly, Senior Hayley Robinson kicks her leg, a smile on her face. Robinson performed with her fellow Pacesetters. Photo by Naomi Mitchell Smiling, math teacher Vince LaVergne rides his bicycle in the Homecoming parade. Many of South’s clubs and sports particpated in the parade. Photo by Landrea VanMol Senior Avery Yarbrough laughs as she rides in the back of a truck, accompanied by Senior Mac Wissel, in the Homecoming parade. Both Yarbrough and Wissel were nominees for Homecoming court. Photo by Kyla Hunter

Check out more photos from Homecoming at


By Annalie Polen News Editor


s you see sophomore Zach Redick walk along the halls, you might notice his professional attire and sense of authority. Redick not only dresses professionally, but is very professional as he runs his own business. As a seventh grader, Redick first started his small snack business that has now grown to pop up shops, catering and even a food truck. Zach’s Snacks KC, Redick’s company, mainly does service in the Kansas City area, but also Overland Park. He also caters out of town occasionally, including places like Baltimore, Maryland. He has even catered for radio stations with up to two hundred people. “I started selling snacks at school and it just fired up from there,’’ Redick said. He went on to explain that he was able to get his name out there by selling burgers at First Fridays. “We’re famous for our burgers so we do First Fridays on 18th and Vine so we started that and then I started doing

Favorite Snack:

Clif Bars

business cards and handing them out,” Redick said. He now even has to hire employees and chefs for some of his catering events. “Having a teenage employer makes for a pretty different environment; [the employees] try to not say anything about it,” Redick said. With Redick’s dedication to his business, he has had to make some sacrifices. “I actually was playing football too at first, but now I have to step away this year so I can focus on my business right now like my sister did. She also has a business and she graduated a year early so she can focus more on her business before she went off to college,” Redick said. His sister, Laura Redick, is a fashion designer and does cosmetology. She just came out with a new lipstick and does fashion shows. The two siblings often do combined events where Zach provides the food for his Laura’s fashion events. Watching his older sister do all these

How long has he been doing business?

3 years

things for her business helped inspire Redick to be where he is today. He hopes to continue his business forever, but is not willing to stop there. He hopes one day, to run for office. “I already have my slogan in my phone. I want to be President because I know things need to change,” Redick said. Whether he will make it all the way to the office is unknown now, but it is clear that his dedication to his business has gotten him far. He works four or five times per week and tries to keep his events for the weekends. His average day includes him going to school and then going off to work or meetings. He even plans to come out with a new product called a Zach Pack that is similar to a lunchable. Zach’s Snacks KC is a prime example of Redick’s dedication and hard work. “Keep pushing and have faith,” Redick said.

Most Popular Snack:



BOGART’S BIG HEART New administrator connects with students. By Ben Curtis Reporter


ridays around South this year have carried a different atmosphere. While students and teachers arrive ready for the weekend, administrator Justin Bogart has added his own friendly touch to Fridays at South. Before school, during every passing period and even after the final bell rings, Bogart can be seen giving fist bumps to students and staff. A cheerful figure around the school, Bogart joined the administrative crew this summer. Bogart taught English and coached boys basketball at Mill Valley High School before becoming an associate principal at Leavenworth High School. In the four years he worked at Mill Valley, Bogart found his passion for leadership through coaching, but he felt something was missing. “I really enjoyed just being able to teach, [but] basketball was big… and fulfilled a lot of that leadership need I had,” Bogart said. Bogart left Mill Valley for an administrative position at Leavenworth High School. “I had always aspired to be a building leader,” Bogart said. “I determined it was a point in my career where it was

time to exert my influence in a positive way, building-wide, instead of just in the classroom.” About three years ago at Leavenworth, Bogart started fist bumping students on Fridays as a way to connect with the students. “It’s a good celebration to make it to the end of the week,” Bogart said. “School can be a great place for a lot of kids… Other times kids can really struggle coming through those doors and I just want kids to know that they’re welcomed.” South is a diverse school with students from numerous backgrounds. While Johnson County is a fairly wealthy area, students in the South attendance zone come from a variety of economic and familial situations. “I think it helps break down barriers and shows that the person is willing to connect and is approachable,” Arabic teacher Annie Hasan said. People can benefit from encountering and connecting with a friendly face when they enter the building. “We ask teachers to build relationships

In the hallway after first hour, associate principal Justin Bogart waits to greet students on “Fist Bump Friday.” Senior Emmanuel Mungai eagerly walks up to Bogart to give him a fist bump. Photo by Emma Harding

Bogart fist bumps senior Sam Aldeguer. Aldeguer was happy to receive a fist bump from Bogart. Photo by Kyla Hunter

with their students, because [we] know that by doing so, students have a greater chance to be successful. But what we asked teachers to do, we had to be prepared to do ourselves as administrators,” Bogart said. Administrators who care can change and improve school culture in great ways. Principal Todd Dain and the associate principals all use the media of the masses, Twitter, to be more accessible to students and parents. “I want [students] to know I’m an accessible person, so I put myself out there and [give] fist bumps on Fridays,” Bogart said. “Fist Bump Fridays” became a brief social media sensation thanks to Dain’s Twitter, sharing good culture throughout the school. Even after all the hype has gone away, Bogart will continue to reach out to the student body in his own unique way. So if you see Bogart, say, “hello,” and if it’s Friday, give him a fist bump. Bogart fist bumps senior Lily Murdock. Bogart fist bumps students every Friday and puts smiles on their faces. Photo by Kyla Hunter




Students aren’t the only ones with friends at school. By Gini Horton Online Editor

Photo Neum


indsey Mcfall and Travis Gatewood, two of the most iconic English teachers at South, have been married for four years. They met seven years ago when Mcfall transferred to South from North. “It’s always nice to brainstorm together and problem solve together and be a support system for one another,” Gatewood said. “Whether it’s dealing with new ideas or an issue at school, we have each other’s backs and support one another.” Though they don’t see each other all the time, Mcfall sometimes makes her way down to Gatewood’s room to say “hi”. “He brings me coffee every day. He stops at the Hyvee gas station and they sell Caribou coffee, so I get the vanilla hazelnut every morning. I stop by his room when I get here and get my coffee. So I had to get my coffee all last year, it was rough,” Mcfall said. With Gatewood working at the Center for Academic Achievement last year, Mcfall no longer has a pre-established relationship with her students. “Well obviously I prefer for him to be here,” Mcfall said. “It was different last year... He is also my best friend so it was like my best friend was gone.”


eventh hour biology teacher Julie McCormic can be found in the sewing room. “I have taken on the second teacher role in Ms. Neumans seventh hour so I enjoy it. It’s a sewing class so I plan on taking my sewing down there to work on,” McCormic said. “It’s just a fun time being able to build different relationships with people I don’t have in my classes or don’t see. And also have a fun time with friends” While she uses some free time during her plan period, McCormic also sees her coworkers outside of school. “We’ll watch TV, she’s a huge fan of RuPaul’s drag race, so we watch that show together, sometimes we’ll play video games, sometimes we’ll go out to eat, hang out, like friends do. Choir teacher Jon Duncan said.”



ot just the students are loud in the halls, passing by rooms 352 and 351 you’ll hear math teachers Andrea Dale and Julie Taylor talking to each other from their desks across the hall. “We hang out every passing period, sometimes on the way to the bathroom, on the way to lunch, after school when we make copies, before school sometimes we check in to make sure we’re ready for the day,” Taylor and Dale said, talking over each other, “Sometimes in the parking lot, we walk out together.” They have known each other for 12 years, they got their first lunch together at D’Bronx the day they met. Since then, both teachers worked at Shawnee Mission North teaching lower level math until Dale took the open position for AP Statistics at Shawnee Mission South. “We only had one year apart, it was a hard year,” Taylor said. “I didn’t know she was going to apply when she did, we had kind of talked about waiting until our tenth year, but then she applied before. She left and I quickly followed.”




Voters need to be properly informed before making decision that affect our nation. Staff Editorial 7/13 editors agree


hanks to an anonymous whistleblower, the last month has been one of turbulence for our nation. Sept. 24 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi initiated an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. This inquiry comes as a response to relations between Trump and Ukraine, which the whistleblower believed was important for us to know, leading to Trump releasing a transcript of his phone call with the president of Ukraine. Was the President using his office to find dirt on his opponent, former vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden? Is this the Democrats’ scheme to remove the President that they dislike? Is the whole thing being blown out of proportion? Will the President actually be impeached – let alone removed? Will our nation someday see the start of a fifth impeachment inquiry? These are questions that lack a definite answer, but require at least some attention. Most seniors and many juniors will be

able to vote in the 2020 election. With this right to vote comes the responsibility of being an informed citizen. This doesn’t mean watching a biased political talk show and calling it good. This means doing actual research into important issues using credible news sources – not just Twitter or Snapchat or even one single article from the New York Times or Washington Post; that isn’t enough. So much of our thought process is swayed by public opinion, which isn’t always factual. We may not be voting for what we think. We have to hold all elected officials to certain standards – especially a president. Observing people tear each other down on social media does not constitute gaining information. In order to truly make a responsibly educated vote, we need to put in more effort. Impeachment trials take a lot of time and energy, leaving less attention to other important issues. When impeachment is the world’s focus, the government can’t make as many changes, the media can’t cover as much news and political

Trump’s actions are constantly scrutinized my many members of the Democratic party including the members above: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

parties can only try to cover and protect themselves while demonizing the other side. The world becomes less productive while we wait around for mistakes to be corrected. There will always be corruption in politics, but our job as voters is to vote for the people we believe will cause the least amount of drama and instead create the most positive changes in our nation. The election of unfit candidates is the result of too many voters that don’t put in the time; however, voting and campaigning are all we are in control of. The only thing we can do is vote for the people we trust and hope we’ve fed ourselves factual information. It is our job to prevent this sort of thing, but not enough of us are taking it seriously.


C OUT OF CONTROL By Miles McKenna Reporter

The crowd is crucial to creating a positive atmosphere at sporting events.


he crowd is one of the biggest factors in sports. It can impact the outcome of games, the decisions by coaches and player performance. To avoid overtime when the team is down and with seconds left in the game, they may make the decision to go for the win. They would have the lesser advantage. This is where the crowd comes into play. The crowd is so powerful; they can change the decisions of the coaches. Whether to go for the win, go for the tie, when they need to call timeouts. It’s a factor that’s taken into thought by everyone. The crowd, otherwise known as the sixth man, also plays a huge role in player performance. When players have more adrenaline and excitement they tend to play better. It is the crowd’s job to create a positive and exciting atmosphere. Many players rely on their fans to bring that

excitement to the table every game. That is what makes the crowd such a big factor during any sporting event. Most people are aware of the crowd, but don’t realize the meaning or power that it carries. If a team had a crowd of 200 people for every game of the year, there is a good chance they would perform better than a team with no crowd. At the same time, the crowd can also play a negative role. Giving the team energy or excitement can come from taunts or chants at direct players on the opposing team. Doing so could cost your team a game or even a championship. The role of the crowd needs to be understood by everyone so that it can be used to the highest advantage. Why have the opportunity to help your team win, but not take it? Why risk the chance of costing your team a game or championship?

Students cheered for the Raiders after they won the game against Shawnee Mission North. The Varsity football players run over in excitement as students congratulate them on their win. Photo by Jack Wagner

Understanding this can give your team the best chance to win and even establish an advantage. Not only is the crowd a huge factor, but it can also bring people or an entire school together – athletes, band, cheerleaders, crowd, family and coaches. That is the power of the sixth man. It represents the culture and people of the school and has the ability to change the atmosphere from a hateful negativity to a kind and supportive positivity that we want to represent our school.


EVENTS CALENDAR November 1 Spooky Sprint Come and do a fun Halloween themed run at 6 p.m. at Hodge Park Amphitheater. You get a T-shirt and medal along with chip timing and live results with registering for the run. Afterwards there will be awards, free photos, costumes and food.

November 5 A Charlie Brown Christmas A production of the animated classic “Charlie Brown Christmas” will come to life at The Coterie Theatre on Nov. 5. A live jazz trio will be playing the original Vince Guaraldi arrangements. There will be a special encore of Snoopy’s Christmas Eve encounter with the Red Baron.

November 2 Fall Hayride You can go on hayrides any time during the autumn months, but on Sat., Nov. 2, you and your friends could go on a hayride at Heritage Park. Rides are from 4-5:30 p.m. Afterwards there will be a campfire with smores and apple cider. The cost is only $5 so bring your family and friends.

November 3 Day of the Dead Festival The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art Go to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art on Nov. 3 to learn and celebrate Mexican culture. There will be dance, music and artist demonstrations along with poetry readings during the day. No tickets are required.

November 16 November 9 KCTR Fall Harvest Celebration Go to the Ryan Banquet Hall in North Kansas City Parks Community Center and enter in a raffle to win a prize such as gift cards to: Chicken N’ Pickle, Jose Peppers or Betty Rae’s. The proceeds will go to one teacher’s classroom library. Don’t forget to RSVP for a ticket to get food.

November 23 Fall Mandolin Orchestra Concert The Mandolin Orchestra of Kansas City is performing a live concert on Nov. 23 at St. John’s United Methodist Church at 7 p.m.

By Katie Hiebl Features Editor

November 28 Holiday Lights Deanna Rose Take your friends and go see the Holiday Lights on Farmstead Lane from 5 - 11 p.m. at Deanna Rose Farmstead on Nov. 28 through Jan. 7.

Legendary Lights Ceremony On Nov. 17 the Legends Outlets will be hosting the 14th annual Legendary Tree Lighting Ceremony from 6-8 p.m. There will be hot cocoa and s’mores as well as holiday music and giveaways.

November 30 KBEQ Jingle Bell Bash If you like country music, go see Michael Ray, Carly Pearce and special guests: Hudson Drive at the Jingle Bell Bash on Sat., Nov. 30 at Arvest Bank Theater at the Midland.



FEEDING FRENZY Your guide to open lunch.

By Abby Cox & McKenna Pickering & Nichole Thomas Social Media Editor & A&E Editor & Editor-in-Chief

91st St.

95th St.

S Indian Woods Middle School

103rd St. Shawnee Mission South

Roe Park

107th Street/ Indian Creek Prky 435

110th Street

College Blvd.




10999 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS, 66211 9:10 minute travel time, leaving you 15:20 minutes to eat. A hidden location south of the highway, the route to this McDonald’s only hits one light, making the travel time the shortest of all destinations. Online ordering is an option, but if there isn’t a line for the drive-through, that is a faster option. Eating inside is risky considering you have to take time to fill your own drink and clean up your table. Taking the food back to South and eating in your car, the courtyard or the cafeteria are all ensuring a timely return to class.

Goodcents Deli Fresh Subs

4530 W 107th St., Overland Park, KS, 66207 10:46 minute travel time, leaving you 14:14 minutes to eat. Don’t let the times fool you; Goodcent’s is a tricky spot to eat. On any given day, the line could be extremely long, leaving you no time to eat. They have an online ordering system, which you should take advantage of. It will definitely save you the extra wait time. Because of the potential mess, it is not advised to eat in your car. It’s best to eat inside and hustle back to school when you are done.


• Make a plan before you go. • Order online if possible. • Leave immedietly when the bells rings. • Try carpooling, but make sure your driver is speedy and safe. • Even if you are running late, don’t speed. A ticket will only make you later.

* All times are taken from the average of two student time trials and the estimated time on Google Maps.

Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers 10690 Roe Ave., Overland Park, KS, 66207 11:34 minute travel time, leaving you 14:06 minutes to eat. This restaurant is the closest to South. They have two drive-through lanes, speeding up the process. Waiting inside can take longer than the drive-through depending on how many people have orders ahead of you. Overall, the drivethrough has proven to be quicker. Many students take their food back to school.


10700 Roe Ave., Overland Park, KS, 66211 10:54 minute travel time, leaving you 14:06 minutes to eat. Yes, students love going to eat at a gas station. QuikTrip is notoriously known for speedy cashiers. The route only has one traffic light if you go through the Freddy’s parking lot. Many students who buy their lunches here will take them back to school and eat in their car. Some take it with them to class. QuikTrip’s kitchen does have lunch options, but these take up valuable time. It is best sticking to Big Qs and ready-made taquitos.

S Sonic Drive-In

10701 Roe Ave., Overland Park, KS, 66211 10:54 minute drive, leaving you 14:06 minutes to eat. While it may seem like you have enough time to order – seeing as you have 14 minutes – the time it takes to get your food will swallow a lot of your time. Although, you can order ahead on the Sonic App. This did help save some time, but if you go on an unusually slow day, this is not necessary. The carhops do a great job at getting your food out ASAP.

Sprouts Farmers Market

9628 Nall Ave., Overland Park, KS, 66207 15:04 minute travel time, leaving you 9:56 to eat. Sprouts has been the sushi destination for all students on the newspaper staff. Not many would think to go here. The route is quick, although the time Google Maps showed bumped up the average. They have more to offer than most grociers. They have a sandwich and panini bar. Although this may not be the place for everyone, it has some nice snacks.

Chipotle Mexican Grill

6879 W 91st St., Overland Park, KS, 66212 16:36 minute travel time, leaving you 8:24 minutes to eat. If your goal is to make it back to class on time, do not go to Chipotle. Although this retaurant was the most popular in our Twitter poll, it is the most likely to make you late. Considering how many traffic lights are on Metcalf, it is a safer bet to take Lamar Ave. north to 91st Street. The only way to speed up the ordering process is to order online. The line will ensure a long wait, especially during the lunch rush.








Football: Varsity Playoffs



11.2 11.3 11.5

Cross Country: State Championship TBD Rim Rock Farm Rompin’ Stompin’ Raider 5K 7:00 a.m. SMS Stadium and Roe Park Clubs and Groups Picture Day During school


Academic Awards Breakfast



Football: Varsity Regional



11.9 11.9 11.11

Band: District Auditions

Olathe East High School Olathe East High School SMS Auditorium


NHS Induction Ceremony

All Day All Day 7:00 p.m.


NCAA Signing Date (non-football) Mr. AmeriCAN

7:00 p.m.


Football: Varsity Sectional




6:30 p.m.


Football: Varsity Sub-State



11.23 11.25-26

Winter Parent Athlete and Coaches Meeting

12:00 p.m.



Thanksgiving Break - No School


Football: Varsity State Championship TBD


Bowling Tryouts

3:15-5:30 p.m.College Blvd. Lanes

12.3 12.4 12.5 12.5

Choir: Winter Concert Band: Winter Concert Wrestling: Varsity Mixer (Girls) Orchestra: Winter Pop’s Concert

7:00 p.m. 6 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

SMS Auditorium SMS Auditorium Spring Hill SMS Auditorium


Winter Sports Pep Assembly

10:00 a.m.



Basketball: Girls Varsity Game

6:00 p.m.

Blue Valley North High School


Basketball: Boys Varsity Game

7:30 p.m.

Blue Valley North High School

Choir: District Auditions


No School

Only Varsity (home) events are on the calendar. For all other sporting events, check out the Sunflower League calendar: Helpful tip! For iPhones, use your built in camera app to scan the QR codes found throughout this issue.

6 p.m. TBA



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