The Benefits of a Fake ID and How to Use It Wisely

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The Benefits of a Fake ID and How to Use It Wisely Having a fake-identity is great; it opens a world of opportunities for those in need. Here we look at the benefits of it and how to use it wisely so you can make the most of it. According to some estimates, almost 30% of all students nationwide own, or at some point will have a fake-identity. That’s almost one out of three. According to statistics, there are over 70 million college students nationwide. One-third of that makes plenty of fake-identity cards out there.

The benefits of a fake ID Having a fake-identity is like going on a fast lane to adulthood. There are plenty of benefits, but at the same time responsibilities as well. Some of the most notable benefits are:  It will get you inside bars and nightclubs.  Renting stuff  Dating (present yourself as the bit older)  Buy beer or other alcoholic beverage for you and your friends.  Help you get a job as an adult and get paid as such.  Gamble

How to use it wisely? Just that the authorities don’t make a big fuss from it, it doesn’t mean that you should go wild with it. On the contrary, just because there haven’t been major incidents or big frauds committed with fake IDs that is why police haven’t taken a firmer action against it. To that end, we have assembled few rules that will prevent you from getting into trouble. 

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Act normally. Just because you have a fake ID, doesn’t mean that you now own the world and you are entitled to everything. The point is not to stand out so that people don’t start raising questions about who you are and what you do. If you present yourself as a grown-up, try and behave as such. Don’t show your fake ID to a police officer or an officer of the court. That can get you into a more serious trouble. Using your fake-identity and telling people you are still in college don’t go hand to hand. Best case scenario say that you are a postgraduate.

Don’t try to open a bank account with your fake ID. That’s a really bad idea that can get you into a world of mess and possibly prison. Furthermore, if you somehow succeed to open a bank account and try to get a loan. Then you can multiply the trouble by ten as you will open yourself to possible criminal charges.

How to get a good one? The best ones are virtually indistinguishable from the real ones. However, the trick is to get your fake-identity from a company that has perfected that and has the proper technology. The fact that a fake ID service is ranked at page one on Google doesn’t necessarily mean it’s one of the best. Instead, you should look for other factors that determine whether a service is as good as advertised. Start reading fake ID reviews. To be more precise, start with real users fake ID reviews, not some sponsored and posted by paid bots. To that end, you can even go and look for fake ID reviews on third parties websites that take good care who writes the reviews and if they are real or not. Other than that you can see if it is a real business and can be easily contacted. The best ones are open about what they do and will gladly answer all of your questions. Another trait is that they have an active SSL certification. The fake services won’t bother with that stuff. That’s how you distinguish the good ones from the rest.

Final words Stick to these recommendations and the chances are that you will be fine, as a third of all American students are. Not just fine, but you will have a ton of fun as you will be able to harness the benefits of being an adult without being one.

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