Facekianda edicao n5 Dezembro2013

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EDIçãO N° 5 dezembro 2013 subdivisãO canada

MADE IN canada

+ entrevista exclusiva!

panzo francisco dos santos

M.Arch., B.Arch., Dipl. A.T

“O Arquitecto do futuro”

Centralidade do Kilamba Kiaxi foi o tema da sua defesa de tese de mestrado na Universidade de Carleton em Ottawa, Canada



dezembro 2013


english version included!

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foto do mês

“Eu aprendi que a coragem não é a ausência do medo, mas o triunfo sobre ele. O homem corajoso não é aquele que não sente medo, mas aquele que conquista por cima do medo.”

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nelson madiba mandela

Facekianda | foto do mĂŞs | 3

Vol.5 | Dezembro 2013 | Canada

06 capa 08 entrevista Exclusiva 12 historial académico 14 comentário 16 retrospetiva 2013 18 foto reportagem



18 Edições passadas:

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4 | Sumário | Facekianda

Fotos: Emanuel Mensa from In Fokhus Productions | Aristóteles Dos Santos Panzo From: 80 Concepts Photography & Video Marketing | Hélder Marcelo | Tel: 945.049.180 | heldermarcelo@hotmail.com/facekianda@gmail.com Foto capa: francisco panzo, cidade do kilamba: Hélder Marcelo /Facekianda | © 2013 Facekianda, todos direitos reservados


editorial Nsoki - Meu anjo feat Nanutu

Marco Aragão Editor Chefe

Uma vez mais… Dezembro!


a, é Dezembro, quase natal, e quando olhamos para trás vemos onze meses perfilados um atras do outro neste train apelidado de 2013. Começa a contagem decrescente que vai ganhando velocidade até o despertar do novo ano, assim profetizada na Segunda Lei da Dialéctica, a eternal luta do novo sobre velho, desnudada na lei de Negação de Negação, a metamorfose do novo pelo velho. É por isso que gosto de um novo ano, me da essa sensação de uma nova oportunidade, aliás é mesmo uma nova oportunidade, realimentámos a fé para carregar novas esperanças. Neste ano de 2013 fomos abençoados com a morte de Mandela… queria dizer o desaparecimento físico do Madiba. Agora já temos ao lado de Deus uma estrela que vai interceder por África. Deixamos de ser o continente es-

quecido. Ya, todo mundo veio testemunhar a partida do Mandiba. Engraçado, tive a impressão que desta vez e finalmente África tirou o luto. Como a vida é irónica. As lágrimas secaram, as húmidas caíram com brilho a esperança como o orvalho numa manha de cacimbo. E assim em cânticos e danças celebramos a vida após vida. Ya, nunca estive tão seguro do futuro e nunca senti-me tão orgulhoso de ser africano. Quem sabe em memória de Mandiba não ganhamos o primeiro campeonato mundial de futebol em terras brasileiras? Um dos catetos do histórico triângulo de escravos, onde muitos dos nossos ancestrais fizeram a ultima morada debochando samba, orixás e bom futebol. Why not? “Impossible is nothing” Adidas. (porque não? “Nada é impossível” Adidas) Feliz Natal e Prospero Ano Novo, boas saídas e boas entradas.

View: 172,335 Nelson Freitas feat C4 Pedro - Bo Tem Mel

View: 965,419 Yuri Da Cunha - Atchu Tchutcha Ft. Dj Kadu

View: 135,553 Akuluwo

Editor Chefe: Marco de Aragão | Director de artes / Publicação: Hélder Marcelo Proprietário: Facekianda Communication Inc. | N. de registro: 210990743 Toront, ON, Canada PCA: Hélder Marcelo | E: facekianda@gmail.com | T: @facekianda | YouTube: Facekianda

A Revista Facekianda é uma produção do grupo Facekianda Communication Inc., em colaboração com Casa Graphixs. As nossas publicação são mensal e online. A produção é uma colaboração e coleção de informações publicadas por usuários do facebook. O projecto facekianda visa fortalecer e promover a angolanidade na diáspora e em Angola bem como indivíduos lusófonos. * As opiniões expressas pelos colunistas e colaboradores do Facekianda, não engajam a revista. Copyright © 2013 Facekianda. All rights reserved.

A Nova Mania da Angolanidade no Facebook.TM

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Facekianda | Sumário | 5



o arquitecto do futuro

Helder Marcelo


Director Geral

rancisco Panzo, um jovem angolano residente em Ottawa, Canadá que recentemente fez a defesa da sua tese de mestrado pela Universidade de Carleton sediada na mesma cidade. Francisco intitulado aqui na nossa revista como o Arquitecto Do Futuro, é um dos poucos jovens angolanos no Canadá que conseguiu com muito esforço, dedicação e perseverança alcançar um dos graus acadêmicos mais elevados do ensino superior. Francisco é um jovem com um futuro promissor tanto em Angola como no Canada. Francisco, é um orgulho para a nação angolana após uma tra-

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jectória educacional de sucesso. A formação de Francisco começou muito cedo, concretamente em 1985 quando iniciou a sua jornada na escola primária Groombridge em Harare capital do Zimbabwe. Passando alguns anos regressou a Luanda, Angola terra natal onde deu continuidade aos seus estudos, tendo passado por algumas instituições educacional do ensino de básico, incluindo a escola de ensino médio Alda Lara em Luanda capital de Angola. Foi em Angola onde Francisco aprendeu as bases fundamentais do ensino para a conquista do seu mestrado. No Canadá, em 1997 Francisco teve acesso a melhor qualidade de ensino jamais visto a nível mundial. Frequentou as escolas de ensino médio Lester B. Pearson em Ottawa capital do Canadá e Central Peel no distrito federal de Brampton ambas na província do Ontario. Em 2003, Francisco ingressou a faculdade George

Brown College (GBC) no curso de Arquitectura Tecnólogica no distrito federal de Toronto, capital da província Ontario. Após a conclusão da faculdade GBC em 2006, Francisco não parou por nem um segundo. Em seguida regresso ao distrito federal de Ottawa capital do Canadá onde ingressou na Universidade de Carleton em 2006 para a sua licenciatura em Arquitectura tendo concluído o mesmo com excelência em 2011. Logo em seguida, ingressou no curso de mestrado da mesma Universidade onde obteve um dos grau educionais mais elevado que foi o mestrado em 2013. Francisco festejou a sua conquista com os seus famíliares e amigos mas próximos. O Facekianda teve a oportunidade exclusiva de poder entrevistar Francisco e apurar mas detalhes acerca dos seus planos para o futuro.

Foto da capa: Hélder Marcelo | Tel: 945.049.180 | heldermarcelo@hotmail.com/facekianda@gmail.com Fotos: capa: francisco panzo, cidade do kilamba: Hélder Marcelo /Facekianda | © 2012 Facekianda, todos direitos reservados

Francisco dos santos


Nome: Francisco Dos Santos Panzo Signo: Escorpião Naturalidade: Luanda Profissão: Arquitecto Cor Favorita: Azul Filme: Training Day Actor: Denzel Washington Prato favorito: Cachupa Cantor: C4 Pedro Estilo de música: Kizomba Religião: Christão

Facekianda | entrevista 7


FK: When or where did your passion for architecture begin? FDSP: As far as I can remember I have always had the passion for architecture. I tend to believe that this passion started when I was eleven years old, still a young boy living in Luanda, Angola, when I discovered that I had the skills to draw and build things. So, as soon as I discovered that I possesed both of these talents I decided to find a field of study where I could better apply and develop such skills, which in turn led me to pick architecture. I also belive that being fortunate enough to travel around the world with my family and seeing and experiencing new cultures and new development inspired me in regards to what career I would want to have and that would allow me to contribute to the development of Angola as a country. FK: What educational institutions did you attend in Canada? FDSP: In Canada, I started my academic journey by frist attending Lester B. Pearson Secondary School, located in Ottawa, Ontario, then tranfered to Central Peel Secondary School, located in Brampton, Ontario, where I received my Ontario secondary diploma. After graduating from high school in 2003, I attended George Brown College, Casa Loma campus, which is a technical in-

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stitute located in the heart of the City of Toronto. At George Brown College I registered in their Architectural Technologist program which took me three years to complete. After graduating in 2006, I was led to continue my education by initially attending Carleton University’s Bachelor of Architectural Studies program, which I graduated from in 2011, and then the Masters of Architecture Program, on November 9th 2013, I reached my ultimate goal of obtaining my masters in architecture. FK: What was the title of your thesis project and why did you choose the Centralidade do Kilamba housing project as the topic for your thesis defence? FDSP: My thesis is entitled Ressurecting Luanda’s Ghost City: City of “Musseques.” I felt that I needed to respond to the negative conotations that I believe the international community has regarding the Centralidade do Kilamba housing project, known as Africa’s First Ghost City. This title highlights the need for me to create a solution that would allow people to inhabit the so called “Ghost City” with the low income residents of Luanda that require a solution to the existing housing deficit. Ever since I

decided to further my education by doing my Masters, I have known that I wanted to focus my research thesis on a topic that is related to Angola. It was only right to choose a topic of such nature because as a young Angolan man that has resided in canda for the past 16 years, I have always known that one day I would return to Angola. I was introduced to this topic


interview watching a video and reading several articles on both the CNN and BBC that talked about the Centralidade do Kilamba being a prosperous project that failed to meet its purpose of being a project comprised of affordable social housing for the low income citizens of Luanda. Instead of designing affordable housing for the less fortunate Angola’s that make less than $2 a day the Chinese firm CITIC that designed the project built luxurious apartments that were unaffordable for the general public. The apartments that were built were too expensive for most Angolans, that they were left empty and inhabited. This simple fact led the international community to refer to the

Kilamba housing development as being Africa’s First Ghost city. Hearing this from the international community gave me the desire to understand the what, why and how of the Kilamba housing project which in turn would allow me to apply an intervention within the existing context that would allow for lowincome families to afford inhabiting the housing development. Such intervention would also allow the government of Angola to avoid reducing and maintaining the price per unit that was initially stipulated. Using Centralidade do Kilamba asa topic is also a way for me to contribute to the ongoing national reconstruction efforts that is being let by the Angolan government for the past eleven years. FK: As an arhitect, how do you evaluate the Centralidade do Kilamba housing project? FDSP: As a housing project that was commissioned by the Angolan government with the purpose of resolving the housing deficit that exists in the city of Luanda, I rate Centralidade do Kilamba as being an amazing and very prosperous project that was unfortunately implemented in the wrong context. I say this as a person that has been residing in Canada for a long time. A project of such dimension, size and complexity if designed and built in Canada, would be successful because people would be able to afford the prices that were initially stipulated. But, in the context of Angola where the average citizen makes less than $2 a day, it was impossible for people to afford purchasing an apart-

ment with the prices that were initially stipulated. I believe what made the project go wrong and force the government to lower the prices per units was the fact that the Chinese construction firm CITIC failed to study and understand the reality of the context of where the project was to be built. If the designers did a thorough study initially, I believe that the project would not carry the negative connotation, Africa’s First Ghost City, which international communities prefer to see. The project in itself is breathtaking. As a project, the Centralidade do Kilamba Kiaxi housing project not only shows the government’s effort in bettering the lives of its people but also shows how fast Angola is growing as a nation. I had the chance to visit the housing project for the first time this summer and it was an experience that is hard to explain because just seeing how enormous the Kilamba project is, was enough for me to see how the Angolan government is working hard to eliminate the housing deficit that exist in the country as result of the civil war, that we as a nation underwent for several years. Being able to experience the reality of the apartments by entering them, also allowed me to see what was built. This only leads me to congratulate the government of Angola for the redeveloping efforts of the necessary infrastructures that are helping to eliminate the current housing deficit that exits within the nation of Angola. FK: In your own personal views, as an architect with an innovative vision and international education and experience, what would you do differently if you had the opportunity to participate in the development of the Centralidade of Kilamba housing project? FDSP: This is a question that I receive often when asked to dicuss my Masters Thesis research. As an aspiring architect, the only thing that I would do

Facekianda | entrevista 9

exclusive differently is what I believe led to the downfall of the project. If I were to be designing the project, I would better analyse what kind of project Luanda as a city needs and understand the history and contecxt of the people that were going to reside withing such project. I say this because an architect should design a project for a client based on the everyday lifestyle of the client in order to design a project that fits the purpose of what the client needs. In the context of Angola I believe that CITIC, as the designers and contractors of the Centrali-

dade do Kilamba housing project, should have taken time to better understand the dynamic of

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the city of Luanda and also of the people they were designing for: the less fortunate, low income citizens that currently for the most part reside within the Musseques (slums) that surrounds Luanda’s built urban core. Doing so would allow for people to not only be able to relate to the project as a whole but also afford inhabiting it. FK: What are your next steps now that you have completed your studies? Do you someday want to return to Angola and help in the national reconstruction process? FDSP: Yes, Now that I have managed to conclude my academic education here in Canada, I do intend to return to Angola and contribute to the efforts of reconstructing our beautiful nation. My next step is to move to Angola and take the knowledge and expertise that I was fortunate enough to learn here in several Canadian education institutions and apply them in Angola. In a few words I would I want to give back to the country and to the community that I was so fortunate to come from. I believe that every young person that is investing their time in getting a professional education should think of returning to Angola an contribute because I believe that as Angolans we all have an important role to play in the social redevelopment of An- gola as a nation that has gone though so much but is still standing strong, united and prosperously. FK: We know you were in Angola this summer and not only visited the Centralidade do Kilamba housing project, but you were also interviewed by the Angolan media. In this case how do you evaluate the real estate market in the country? FDSP: I was in fact fortunate to be in Angola this summer for four months and had the chance to visit the Centralidade do Kilamba housing project. While in Angola I also had the chance to be interviewed by TVZimbo’s own Armindo Laureano on his new program called Panorama and also by RádioMais (99.1FM) one of Angola’s most prominent radio stations to discuss my thesis research which is being considered as the first academic research paper

on Africa’s largest housing development: Centralidade do Kilamba. These interviews. The interviews led me to also have meetings with prominent government officials such as ministers, governors and the president of the Centralidade do Kilmaba himself, his Excellency Mr. Joaquim Israel Marques, which shows that people are really interested to know about what my research is all about. Visiting Kilamba this summer was an amazing experience. As I mentioned previously, it was a breathtaking moment that a person can only experience or describe after being there to see for themselves. Regarding the real estate market, I believe that with the construction of Centralidade do Kilamba Kiaxi housing project, and other housing projects the price of purchasing a property in Angola is at a good state because today in Angola the prices to own a house or even rent is low enough that most citizens can own a house. All this price lowering was driven by the construction of different housing projects, such as Kilamba, throughout the city of Luanda and the rest of the country. I believe that just this simple fact is a positive thing because it will allow for people to afford owning homes and thus resulting in the irradiation of the poverty stricken informal settlements (slums) that surround Luanda’s built city. FK: How do you intend to put into practice all the knowledge that you have acquired from all these long years of studying architecture? FDSP: I intend to apply my knowledge that was acquired in Canada to contribute towards the reconstruction of Angola. As I return to Angola I intend give my contribution in both the private and public sector, which will allow me to apply my knowledge in the same rhythm, in synch with what the government of Angola is already doing. I believe that as a nation we can only prosper and achieve the same goal of wanting to develop our countries infrastructure by working together. FK: Because you were recently in Angola, how would you assess the job market for new upcoming graduates? FDSP: While in Angola I was able to see the effort that the government of Angola is ensuring to include and incorporate recent


FK: What advice do you have for young people that are currently undecided about getting an academic education? FDSP: For all the youth as well as adults that are indecisive or unsure about obtaining an acedemic education, I say the hardest part is making that first step and once that sinitial step has been made, it only gets easier. I would like to encourage them to strive for an education because we all have the power and the strength to make a difference, not only in Angola, but in any part of the world that we reside. Getting an education not only widens our minds but also our dreams and our capacities. For all of those that are already following in similar footsteps, I want to encourage them to keep on going because joy and fulfillment always comes after hard work and dedication. We are more productive and we can contribute more in society when we are well educated and with good intentions of making positive changes that make a difference not only for us but also for others. FK: How would you describe your experience as a student at Carleton University? Would you recommend Carleton University to anyone? FDSP: Reflecting back on my experience at Carleton University’s Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism, certain keywords like dynamic, community and dedication come to mind. From the school’s faculty to

the various advisors, such as Prof. Roger family: my parents Mr. André Panzo and Connah, my thesis supervisor, I believe that Mrs. Josefa Francisco Filipe Dos Santos, everyone that I had the chance to meet dur- and my siblings Eduardo (Java), Maria ing my time as an undergraduate and grad- (Manina), Aristóteles (Aro), Michelle, Jouate student at Carleton, not only impacted sefine (Fina) and Thaya for their love and my experience by making me feel valued, support throughout this thesis year. Secbut also helped me develop and explore ond, I would like to express my sincere ideas and possibilities that will be benefi- gratitude to my thesis advisor and mentor cial for my future as an architect. From my Prof. Roger Connah, Associate Professor experience I believe that as a university, & Associate Graduate Director at Carleton Carleton strives to stay at the forefront of University’s Azrieli School of Architecture implementing modern ideas and trends that & Urbanism, and colleagues for the conenriches the learning process for students. tinuous support, guidance, encouragement, These new ideas and trends are seen in the patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and imdifferent symposium lectures that are regu- mense knowledge expressed to me, through larly held within the Carleton University’s the completion of the requirements for my School of Architecture where Masters of Architecture (M. Arch different professionals Professional) thesis. Prof. in the field, both at Connah’s guidance helped the national and me focus, enjoy, and international levpersevere throughout for all of those els, are invited my thesis writing that are already followto share their experience. Next, experiences, I would like to ing in similar footsteps, I which allowtake this time to want to encourage them ing students also express my to understand gratitude to the to keep on going benew developcurrent President cause joy and fulfillment ments within of the Centralithe field. As a dade do Kilamba always comes after hard satisfied student Kiaxi housing projwork and dedication. that graduated ect, his Excellency Mr. from Carleton UniJoaquim Israel Marques, versity’s Master of Arfor taking time within his chitecture program, I would busy schedule to assist my needs definitely recommend Carleton Uniduring the process of researching, by proversity to students that want an education viding me with crucial and necessary inforthat strives with potential to challenge their mation pertaining to the mentioned housing ideas in unique ways, and prepares them project that was needed for the completion for various challenges in the context of real of this thesis. I would also like to express life. At Carleton I was exposed to different my sincere gratitude to Alicia Breck, Jassources of knowledge that expanded my mine Nyaamine, and Acenario Manuel for personal horizon and understanding, which assisting me through the editing process ignited in me a desire to pursue and share of my thesis. Finally, I would like to take the values of learning and getting a good this time to also express my gratitude to education. his Excellency Ambassador Mr. Agostinho Tavares da Silva Neto and the Embassy of FK: Is there anyone you want to ac- Angola in Canada for the support and sponknowledge and thank that helped or soring me for the printing on my thesis. I encouraged you throughout the long, truly appreciated the help, dedication and difficult years it took to complete your encouragement expressed to me by everystudies? one mentioned above. The writing of this FDSP: Yes there were so many people that thesis would have not been possible withsupported me throughout these 10 years out the help of everyone. For that I say of studying architecture. First, I would thank you, and may God richly continue to like to take the time to thank my lovely bless all of you.

graduates in acquiring their first jobs. It is good to know that our government has recognized that new jobs must be created in order to include all Angolans that strive to contribute in the development of the nation. The fact that during my four months in Angola there were information rallies where the government officials took time to talk to the youth shows that the government recognizes that the youths that are being educated today are the leaders of tomorrow. In terms of jobs in my field of architecture, presently, Angola is being talked about around the world as being a gold mine due to the global recession that is happening around the world; No country is building infrastructure as fast and as much as Angola. This just comes to show how much of a powerful nation Angola is and how much effort the government is working to help the population of Angola.

Facekianda | entrevista 11

comentário historial académico

cisco panzo


historial académico / Academic history Chegada ao mundo arrived into the world Aos 26 de Outubro de 1982, nasceu Francisco Dos Santos Panzo na cidade de Luanda capital da República de Angola.

1982 October 26th, 1982, Francisco Dos Santos Panzo was born in the city of Luanda the capital of the republic of Angola.

ensino primário Primary school De 1985 á 1992, frequentou a escola primária Groombridge Primary School até a quarta classe em Harare, capital do Zimbabwe. De 1992 á 1994 continuou o ensino primário em Luanda , Angola.

1985 – 1994 From 1985 to 1992, attended Groombridge Primary School until grade four in the city of Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. From 1992 to 1994 continued attending Primary School in Luanda, Angola.

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ensino médio em angola High school in angola Frequentou o Ensino Médio na escola Alda Lara em Luanda, Angola.

1994 – 1997 Attended high school in Luanda, Angola at Alda Lara High School

ensino médio no canada High school in canada De 1997 á 2000 continuou o ensino Médio na escola Lester B. Pearson localizada na cidade de Ottawa, capital do Canadá, provincia do Ontario. De 2000 á 2003 concluiu o ensino Médio na escola Central Peel que se encontra localizada no distrito federal de Brampton, provincia do Ontario.

1997 – 2003 From 1997 to 2000 attended High School at Lester B. Pearson Secondary School that is located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. From 2000 to 2003 graduated from Central Peel Secondary School located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada.

carta do leitor

Francisco Panzo

Francisco festejou a conquista da sua formação académica depois de muita luta e perseverança. Francisco celebrated his accomplishment after much struggle and perseverance in the conquest of his academic training.

ensino Superior George brown college

ensino Superior carleton University

ensino Superior carleton University

Frequentou o curso de Arquitectura Tecnólogica na faculdade George Brown College no distrito federal de Toronto, capital da provincia do Ontario no Canadá. Francisco concluiu o curso com notas altas cujo o levaram a nomeação de cumprimentos de honra.

Ingressou no curso de Licenciatura de Arquitectura na Universidade de Carleton no distrito federal de Ottawa, provincia do Ontario no Canadá. Francisco concluiu a sua licenciatura com excelência.

Ingressou no curso de Mestrado de Arquitectura oferecido pela Universidade de Carleton no distrito federal de Ottawa, provincia do Ontario no Canadá. Francisco concluiu o mestrado com excelência.

2003 – 2006 Attended George Brown College at Casa Loma Campus Architecture Technologist program that is located in Toronto, Ontario (Canada), which he graduated with honors.

2006 - 2011 Attended the Bachelor of Architecture Studies program that is offered by Carleton University located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Francisco graduated with distinctions.

2011 – 2013 Attended the Master of Architecture Studies program that is offered by Carleton University located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Francisco graduated with distinctions

Facekianda | historial académico | 13


cisco panzo

cisco panzo


comentario.facekianda@gmail.com facebook.com/facekianda

durante a cerimónia de graduação na universidade de carleton em junho de 2011 Gosto 8

comentário 16

data publicada 9 de junho

mural maria panzo

Maria Panzo “Yeah another one, the Panzo’s are going to take over the world.” Pancha Panzo “Another Panzo on the top, congratulations.” Olga Jaime “Congratulation! I’m so happy for you. It’s good to see your brother’s doing well to God. Be the glory. Dany Patry “Parabéns Manucho. Não é facil chegar aí!”

Vua Daniel “Isto é de familía, boniteza e inteligência. Tudo de bom!”

Tatyhana Alexandre “Congratulations !!! I’m so proud of you!”

Teresa Paulo “Bless you and congratulations!”

14 | comentário | Facekianda

carta do leitor

Flavio Lunda Colaborador

Dear Fellow Angolans and Friends of Facekianda


et me just start by saying congratulations to you all. I am not quite sure what I am congratulating you on, but I am extremely certain that during the course of this exiting year, you have had accomplishments. Whether meaningful to you or to others, it’s still something that’s worthy of recognition. As we reflect back on 2013, we might realize that we could do a little more to lift the spirits of those that surround us and to encourage them to keep doing what they aspire to do even in the mist of fear and insecurities, maybe even inspire them to do better. Nobody is perfect and I deeply doubt that anybody will ever be. Therefore, wise constructive criticism is a gift that you can always offer where it’s welcome, however let’s not be overly judgmental towards one another as we move on to the new year of 2014. The year of 2013 was a year of accomplishments, although there were great losses, heartbreaks, and disappoints for many of us. We laughed and cried, we made

friends and also enemies, we were loved and also hated, we enlighten some and annoyed others. The point is, whatever you’re made of, not everyone will get it. You can only please one on either side of each concept. I think the most important question is; what side is yours? We all know the drill, with the new year comes new resolutions, let your resolution reflect a innovative construction to yourself first, and where it concerns anybody else it will all fall into place. Hard work sounds intimidating but big commitments start with smaller goal-setting exercises; that gym membership, that healthy diet that you want to get into, that sports club that you want to join, that dance class that you want to start going to; I can never overstress the importance of education in all of this. Whichever way your aspirations lean you, JUST DO IT. For now, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and let God bless us all.

Facekianda | comentário 15

comentário retrospetiva 2013

cisco panzo


Foto:keila Luciano

Maio Bonga summer festa 2013

O Kota Barceló onde vai cria sempre um movimento espontâneo cujo limite só os encantos do semba e da kizomba sabem responder na cumplicidade da noite e do espectáculo que quer ser sempre impar cada vez que acontece. É uma mística indelével toda vez que o Kota Bonga sobe aos palcos e ao contrario de Montreal ( a parte francesa do Canada) é pela primeira vez que a Cidade Toronto recebe este “icon” indescritível da cultura e da musica angolana.

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Foto:keila Luciano

A Massemba Productions em parceria com a ACO Comunidade Angolana do Ontario, organizou no decorrer do mês de Outubro uma claque de apoio ao jogador de basquetebol angola Carlos Morais. Carlos Morais (Kamoras) foi o primeiro jogador angolano a estreiar na liga da NBA. Na disputa pelo lugar na equipa do Toronto Raptors, Carlos Morais teve uma recepção calorosa por parte da comunidade angolana residente na cidade de Toronto.

Foto: rui da silva

outubro carlos morais “Vamos lá”

Foto:keila Luciano

Março High heels party

Zizi a Rainha do Salto Alto, foi a vencedora do grande prémio.

Março High heels party Carla Neto, foi eleita a Mulher de 2012

Março dj kadu

High heels party Magia Musical de Dj Kadu Faz Domingo Virar Sábado Na ressaca do “Long Week End”, a magia de Dj Kadu fez o domingo virar sábado em pleno fim-de-semana de Pascoa. Numa atmosfera de discoteca, a Casa do Açores ofereceu uma das melhores noites angolanas neste frigido arranque de primavera 2013 onde salto alto deslizou que nem sabrina com a mágica mistura musical de ritmos e sons proporcionadas pelo talentoso mwangolê.

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comentรกrio foto reportagem

cisco panzo


Foto:keila Luciano


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carta do leitor

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comentรกrio foto reportagem

cisco panzo


Foto:keila Luciano


20 | Foto reportagem | Facekianda

Facekianda | Foto reportagem | 21

comentรกrio elas

cisco panzo


Fotos:keila Luciano

Foto:keila Luciano


22 | elas | Facekianda

aniversariantes do mĂŞs

yauca de almeida 3 de dezembro

Dennis fernando 12 de dezembro

Vania delgado 10 de dezembro

teresa papa 3 de dezembro

Morena Alfico 19 de dezembro

Facekianda | elas | 23

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