DT Lookbook by Dmytro Tyschenko

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First fashion project 2021-2022

denim drapping

Design development


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Logotype making (graphic design course)





FMP & photoshoot

Denim Bag


Project concept These days, a lot of people do not think about freedom because in developed countries it is easily accessible. Freedom of choice is very important as it helps to determine our identity and destiny. Our decisions, even the smallest ones, shape us and define who we are. Freedom as an emotion allows us to feel confident in society and make the right decisions for our future independently, listening to our heart and not someone else’s instructions. In this project, I will endeavor to educate people about freedom, its importance, and its cost. To communicate my ideas, I will use different slogans and symbols to make initial ideas seen and understood. It important to me that its clear to my audience what my work is about. I will therefore explore visual elements and colors that associate with freedom. I intend to do this by drawing from my own experience of coming to live in the UK from Ukraine and seeing how people take freedom for granted. I will also look at international symbols for freedom such as the Greek Goddess of Libertas and the slogan ‘live free or die’ which is the official motto of US state New Hampshire. I will use international and Ukrainian symbols of struggle and fight, as well as objects that are associated with them. For example, grenades, bullets, fire, the letter “Ї”, Which is used in only Ukranian alphabet is currently being used as a way to communicate that “we are still here” in the occupied territories. I will use mixed media and photoshop to create my pattern collection, I am making these patterns with the idea in mind that they will be for one of my fashion collections that aims to communicate my cultural background and experience with an emphasis on freedom.

During the surface pattern design project, I learnt a lot of new things in Photoshop, understood the process of patterns creating, and improved my hard skills in digital type of work. It was interesting and helpful to me as a future designer. It was not easy for me to work in Photoshop, but I enjoyed it, as I explored Photoshop which is very useful in creative industries and I learnt one more skill, which will help me to express myself in fashion. I believe that I developed my creative mindset by experimenting with scanned and digital elements, as a digital way is more sustainable and allows people to create something crazy as they do not have any limits in Photoshop. I think that the digital format of work helps me to experiment more and develop my creative mindset. The collages with our surface patterns helped to realise some of my designs on the clothes, now my imagination works better. I also improved with critical thinking and problem solving, I think that these days I am working more independently by solving any issues by doing research which helps me to continue working and learn little details of the process. In the future, I am planning to develop my skills in various software, so I can push boundaries and solve problems in digital format. I will continue working in Photoshop, and explore other software such as Clo3D so I can work more sustainably and lose less time on planning and sewing. In the future, I can use those skills to create different surface pattern designs for fashion collections and I am really happy that I learnt this process, as this knowledge gives me new opportunities. This project did not make me consider my career options, but it was interesting and I learned a useful skill for my chosen career in the fashion industry. My project turned out very cool and I am really happy with the final result. I think that I was not expecting it to be cool I was just working more to make it better. I think that next time I will manage my time in a better way, create surface pattern designs faster as I explore this process, and learn more about Photoshop. has context menu

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