Resolution booklet of the 11th National Conference of EYP Latvia

Page 16

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With Roma migrants struggling to intergrate and facing increasing abuse, France is proposing voluntary repatration as the solution. How can the EU act to ensure the social and economic inclusion of its largest ethnic minority? Submitted by: Anete Āzena, Ausma Cīrulniece, Daniels Dakars, Anna Hagarová (CZ), Krista Hūna, Dāvis Mednis, Margarita Nikolajeva, Sintija Nīcgale, Sabīne Ščegoļeva, Niks Bērziņš (Chairperson, LV), Tuna Dökmeci (Chairperson, TR) The European Youth Parliament Latvia, A. Deeply concerned that Roma people face discrimination regarding education and housing, B. Realising that the lack of valid identification papers among Roma results in denial of medical service and police protection, C. Further noting that the Roma are disadvantaged in the labour market due to ethnic discrimination, D. Deeply disturbed that the aforementioned facts aggravate poverty and cause lower living standards, E. Observing that the lack of a common Roma identity, caused by differences in language, culture and religion, hinders the efforts to integrate Roma people in society, F. Noting with deep concern that crimes committed by Roma people worsen their image in Europe, G. Fully aware that the Gypsy Law often prevents the Roma from complying with the written law of the Member States, H. Noting with regret that the previous attempts made by individual Member States to deal with issues concerning the Roma have been perceived as a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, I. Expressing appreciation for the recent creation of an EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies by 2020,


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