Adria Forum 2018 - President's Vision

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President’s Vision

Dear applicant, If you are reading this it means you are thinking of applying to Adria Forum 2018 and we couldn’t be more excited sharing with you our vision for this Forum. Before you read through this document we must advise you though - whether you agree with our ideas or are just curious on how this will turn out, do apply! And if you completely disagree with them, well, apply even more, because what we really want is different opinions, unique personalities and we will definitely provide you with a safe space to discuss and develop your own ideas! 2

Vision for the Session A United Officials Team - It is key to create a supportive and fun environment in the Session and we want to achieve that during pre-session and during the session! We want to foster communication and ownership of the session by providing the ability for the officials to work together in working groups before the session to develop their projects and vision. We also want to do proper officials teambuilding, not only thoughout CJO day but also in night activities every day and during the free day (yes, there is a free day!). Moreover, during CJO day, prepare to be introduced to “modules for officials” in which for a part of the day, the leadership of the session and all the interested officials will be giving modules about a broad spectrum of areas and not just for their respective team! Empowerment - The theme of the Forum reads “Empowerment for Equality” and that is just what we want to achieve. We want to give every participant the opportunity to leave their mark in the Session and the other participants. Through working groups, feedback strategies, lots of space for discussion, a horizontal officials team and opportunities for the participantes to show their unique skills and personalities, we intend to create the perfect supportive environment for everyone to try, fail sometimes, and succeed some other times without feeling pressured or judged at any point.

Fun and Well-being - all the participants of the session are volunteers and we want to take care of them because you can not learn or develop with 2 hours of sleep and a terrible headache from working too much! There will be no pressure from the leadership. We want you to have fun, enjoy your time, be chilled and explore your potential the way you want to, without overthinking or overworking! Take some “me” time, do meditation, go running, take a nap if you need one. We will do our best to try and provide you with all the opportunities and support to make sure you are always well and enjoying.


Vision for the Chairs Team Academic diversity - We want to make sure that there are topics that interest every participant, from healthcare and science and technology topics to human rights and development. We also want to make sure that the delegates have the time and support to develop critical thinking skills as well as have contact with all the different areas of discussion so they can take the most out of this experience. Empowerment - yes, again! But it’s that important! Besides empowerment for the officials, we want to empower the delegates too and the best people to help us do that are the chairpersons and we will be working closely together in the chairs team to find the best strategies to do that! A safe space - this session is your chance to try all the different ideas you have been meaning to try without any fear of judgement. The board will take on a fully supportive role, always ready for duscussing any ideas you have and using their past experience to help you. Everyone fails and it’s only by failing a couple times that you gain the ability to do something extraordinary and Adria Forum will be a safe place to try new things and develop new skills!

Vision for the Board Equality - We are aiming for a full horizontal board in which the board’s responsibilities are split through the three board members and they develop their own projects with support from the other board members! The board will be part of the leadership, join the leadership meetings and further develop the session’s vision and especially the chairs team vision! All decisions will be discussed and taken together. Creativity - We want Adria Forum to explore all the potential changes and improvements that can be made in a Session to achieve our goals and vision. We want to shift things a bit and explore the individuality and empower all the participants of the session and that takes a lot of creativity. We are looking for brave individuals with a sharp mind and a will to discuss and debate all the details of the Forum from the pre-session to CJO day to GA and hopefully come up with some surprises!


We are looking for: - 8 Chairpersons - 2 Vice-Presidents Deadline: October 6th 2018, 23:59 CEST Where to apply: Our official Members Platfrom Page

Contact Laura Teixeira - Session email -

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