Flaminfo issue 1

Page 5

The Organisers: The “Orgas” constitute another most important, yet almost invisible and fundamentally admirable, part of the crew. They do practically everything, from finding sponsorships to sustain and support EYP events like the one we are experiencing to mopping and counting how many metres of string are available for Teambuilding Games (and much, much more…). They essentially make sure everyone is comfortable and everything runs smoothly. Thank you, our dear Organisers!



Last, but definitely not least (it’s us!), are the Journalists, colloquially referred to as “Journos”. We are the folks documenting the Session. During the session you may see us creeping around with our cameras and notepads but fear not, that’s what we are expected to do! Although our utility is, alas, not always obvious, we are there to put the Session’s fragments organically together and keep it fun and upbeat. We bring sun and fun, lighten any tension and capture the moments of the participants, be it writing, photoshooting or video editing, to create a lasting recollection of the events and refuel the memories. And once this is properly done, it really is worth it.

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