2nd Youth Summit - DEVE newspaper

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DEVE delivers THE V(I)P COMMITTEE Keeping in mind that DEVE committee was co-chaired by a VP, one would think that the delegates might be uncomfortable, or even axnious because of that. However, how can you stay anxious when looking at Ilias’ face? Enthusiastic, loud, energetic, we was always close to the committee to guide them together with Nasia and produce, ultimately, a solid resolution. Games, flipcharts, a mock GA and many more were featured. Through the three days the committee spent together, they bonded, laughed, struggled, worked, discussed until, in the end, their expectations were met in GA. The 2nd Youth Summit was actually Ilias’ last session in the EYP world, and DEVE should be proud enough to have offered him his very last, meaningful EYP grouphug.

First impressions about your chairs. what did the com-

“looked like a guy I know” “passionate” “good leader” “horrible handrighting”


mittee think of the strange new people...

The DEVE crossword! Look on the other side of the paper to find the words you must locate in the table. Summing up the experiences of the session: Good luck!

“Definition of a nice person” “Shy” “Easy to talk to” “Always there”

PED: SERIOUS AND HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS After the session, many incidents of PED have appeared to the participants, causing concern for worry in the organising committee, as PED is now considered one of the most dangerous, possibly deadly diseases. Intense research is being carried out on the field of medicine, but so far everything remains in experimental stage. Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself. -Symptoms: • Sadness • Consant chatting with people you met in the session • playing the session song in repeat • looking at session pistures over and over again • telling endless session stories to your friends (even though they might not be interested) - Duration Depending on the duration of the session, the bonds you created, the time you spent with your friends there, it can vary from the closing ceremony to several weeks after the ending of the session. -Cure • Group chats • Personalised albums and hashtagged photos uploaded gradually • Addiction to EYP and participation to as many sessions as possible

1. The abbreviation DEVE stands for.. 2. There was a big fat... 3. The number of delegates in your committee 4. Sb who gives money for a cause expecting to get sth in return 5. EYP’s unofficial anthem is the song... 6. Nasia is short for... 7. The president’s last name 8. Ilias-... Oikonomou 9. Ilias’ favorite energiser 10. Teambuilding

PED, or Post EYP Depression, is the most common eresult of paricipation in EYP sessions, as you probably have found out. Protect yourself and those around you. Get addicted to EYP!

by Athina, your journalist and by Nikos, your guest kouvala-iser

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