Council & Community Issue 11 – February - March 2015
Intrepid footpath vigilantes Robin Moody and David Miller, with Woodland Trust approval, have replaced the rotten frame of this Eynsham Wood information board and fixed it at the A40 entrance to tempt you in. Image Robin Moody Are you feeling a little jaded as another bright new year takes on a familiar look? Eynsham News is guaranteed to bring the sparkle back. Our contributors have excelled themselves with a stream of stories and perspectives – almost every one of them from people who live and work around you. Do you remember why you came to live here – or can you put a finger on why you have stayed so long? The Eynsham Futures group (overleaf) would love to hear your insights, so look out for a chance to build a vision together when they get in touch next month. 1
In this issue • • • • • • • • •
Eynsham futures Making connections Contact sheets Public services Home front Over to you Local people Recreation, group updates What’s On:
2 3 4 – 5 6 – 9 10 – 11 12 – 13 14 – 15 16 – 18 19 – 20
Eynsham futures
Embracing & managing future change in Eynsham – Posy Parrinder has an update on our Neighbourhood Plan. Keep in touch at www.eynshamfutures.org.uk The whole parish has now been officially designated as a Neighbourhood Area for the Plan. If you are a resident/business in the more outlying areas of the parish such as Barnard Gate we would particularly like to hear from you. The Steering Group met twice before Christmas. The first meeting set up smaller task groups of volunteers to start looking at the information we need to collect on such issues as housing need, business development, educational, health and other infrastructure provision, plus aspects of the environment and history/heritage in Eynsham. Pending wider public endorsement, we have appointed some interim leaders to move the project forward. This leadership group will plan the way we engage the wider community – residents; workers; pupils; businesses; schools, health and service providers; and village organisations. We have already started talking on an informal basis to many in the wider community. We will also be formulating a project plan, seeking funding, setting up a website/blog/social media and working closely with the District Council. One of our first priorities is to call a public meeting around mid-March, to outline the project and start
the consultation process. Please watch out for notices around the village and at Eynsham Online. Volunteers to deliver handbills to households would also be very welcome. The number of people wanting to get involved continues to grow. We have a wealth of experience and talent in this village! A second special meeting of the Steering Group was addressed by Vincent Goodstadt, a village resident who is a professional town planner. He gave us much good advice and guidance. He also clarified a number of issues in response to our questions. Vincent has worked on numerous Neighbourhood Plans in his professional capacity. We are most grateful for his input. Further enquiries to interim chair of the Steering Group email: eynshamfutures@gmail.com
Reader survey Many thanks to those who took the time to write in with their thoughts on Eynsham News – anonymous or not. Prize draw winners Ray & Charmian Church have written: “What a lovely surprise – when answering the front door recently to see you standing there to present me with a present – Christmas cake (our favourite sort of cake) for letting Eynsham News team know how we enjoy the magazine… [and] appreciate the efforts for producing this very useful magazine. Thank you.” We always do our best to follow up suggestions – please feel free to get in touch at any time. EYNSHAM NEWS is published by a local, not-for-profit voluntary group, set up solely to produce a community newsletter of broad general appeal. Free delivery to every household is arranged by volunteers. Eynsham News is also online, for family and friends around the country and overseas: visit http://issuu.com/eynsham1/ Local contributions are always welcome. Next issue will be out on 30 March – copy deadline Friday 13 March.
• • •
Editor Joan Stonham, 28 Beech Road Eynsham OX29 1LJ: eynsham.news@gmail.com Distribution coordinator Pam Breeze: 01865 880725 Advertising / sponsorship Sandy Hellig: 07551 876285, email sandy.hellig@gmail.com
Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the News Group. Inclusion of an advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product, service or event.
In brief
Making connections
AMBER BRIXTON, Ben Copelin, Jemima HegertyWard, Caitlin McManus, Kushal Nayee and Jacob Stockford from Bartholomew School won Politics in Action day 2014 and a visit to the Houses of Parliament. Asked to devise a project to improve a council service or benefit the community – allowing for local authorities’ financial pressures – they came up with a car pooling plan to help reduce congestion, particularly on the A40 between Witney and Oxford. CLIVE HELLIER: Kay and family wish to thank everyone who came to the funeral on 13 November. This was much appreciated as they don’t live locally. FRED WRIGHT’S family are organising a Garage Sale at Charfield, Cassington Road on Saturday 21 March, starting at 10:30. All proceeds will go to support the Village Hall, in memory of Fred. JOSIE AWARD: Age UK Oxfordshire have a new award in memory of Josie Smith. It will go to an inspirational individual each year as part of the Dignity Every Day Awards, to recognise those who are championing issues important to them and working to make a difference in their local community. STUART GRIFFITHS, local resident and Chief Executive of Birmingham Hippodrome, has received an OBE for services to the arts in Birmingham. TRISH PARTLETT, Mich Harraway, Kiri Weller, Kristy Smitten and Rohanna Evans are raising money for Oxford Radcliffe Children’s Hospital with a London to Brighton 100k walk/jog on 23–24 May. Sponsor them at www.justgiving.com/theoxfordtwistedblisters/ YASMIN OLDFIELD, Jonty Briggs and Aidan Moore have all received a bronze certificate in the County Council Volunteer Award Scheme for their support to Eynsham Youth Club. Well done, guys!
Margherita Pierini is a trustee of the Mike Nightingale Fellowship – www.mikenightingalefellowship.org We live in Eynsham and we held a fund-raising gala dinner at the Siemens Crystal building in London on 6 June last year. We had 150 guests, nearly 40 of them from Eynsham. We transported them by coach and they helped to make the evening a huge success. We raised £20,000 which is contributing to our costs, supporting young people in Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa. What is exciting is, we are working on the idea of twinning Hout Bay with Eynsham, to support future initiatives. We have already had visitors from Cape Town, one of whom gave an inspiring talk to Eynsham Youth Club. Several Eynsham people have visited Hout Bay and are interested in supporting our activities there. So it has been a busy and inspiring year! However, we hope to carry through another event in 2015. We are organising the Oxford Welsh Choir to come and sing at St Leonard’s Church on 28 November and it would be good if you could note the date, though still a way ahead. Evenlode DIY have kindly offered to sell the tickets; they will be available from 1 September.
Eynsham churches
ST LEONARD’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND Vicar: The Revd Morey Andrews 01865 881323 Curate: Revd Kath Cooke 01865 855320 Church Office & Secretary: Jan Macdonald 21 High Street 01865 883325 email stleonards_stpeters@btconnect.com SUNDAY SERVICES Holy Communion 09.00, Morning Service 10:45, Evening Service 18:00 WEEKDAYS Monday Prayer Meeting 07:00, Wednesday Communion 09:30
Allotments: John & Sara Bannister, 01865 880324 Bartholomew School: Witney Road, 01865 881430 Carnival: Julie Jordan 22 Back Lane, 01865 880042 Chemist: Lloyds Pharmacy 64 Acre End Street, 01865 881283 Childcare: Health Visitors, 01993 881887 Chiropody: Baptist Church Hall 2nd Monday, 01865 880871 Dentists: 4 Cassington Road, 01865 880047 Dogs: WODC, 01993 861020 – see page 9 Electoral Services: WODC, 01993 86152 Eynsham News: see page 2 Fire Station: Station Road, 01865 881337; emergencies 999 Flooding: early warning 0845 988 1188; sandbags WODC 01993 861000 (out of hours 0845 3039706) Gas: enquiries 0845 835 1111, leaks 0800 111 999 Grass Cutting: Parish Council, 07956 901622 Hazeldene Close: open space and street lights Remus Management Ltd, 0121 766 1480 Library: 30 Mill Street, 01865 880525 Market: St Leonard’s Church Hall, 01865 880928 Medical Centre: Conduit Lane, 01865 881206 Pest Control: WODC, 01993 861060 Planning: applications WODC 01993 861420 Play Areas: Parish Council, 07956 901622 Playing Fields: Management Committee Ann Cross, 01865 880712 Police: Village Hall Back Lane, incident reporting 101, emergencies 999 Post Office: 39 Mill Street, 01865 881159 Primary School: Beech Road, 01865 881294 Recycling: District Council, 01993 861025 Road Repairs: Oxfordshire Highways, 0845 310 1111 – emergency reports only, Social Care (OCC): 0845 050 7666, emergencies 0800 833408 Sports Centre: Back Lane, 01993 861830 Street Cleaning: WODC Street Scene 01993 861020 Street Lights: 24 hour fault line 0800 317802 Toilets: Back Lane Car Park/Oxford Road, 01249 822063 Waste Collection: WODC, 01993 861020
ST PETER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Parish Priest: Father Martin Flatman 01865 881613 / 07719 646790 / frmartinflatman@gmail.com Parish Deacon: Rev Chris Blackman 01865 881718 SUNDAY SERVICE Sunday Mass 10:00 Saturday Mass of Sunday 19.30, Tuesday Holy Hour 16:30, Benediction 17:05 EYNSHAM BAPTIST CHURCH Minister: Revd Zoltan Biro 01865 881670 Church telephone / answerphone: 01865 882203 Church Secretary: Denise Launchbury, 82 Shakespeare Road 01865 881128 / eynsham.baptists@btinternet.com Church Treasurer: Bob Thiele 01865 426203 SUNDAY SERVICE with Junior Church 10:30; Songs of Praise 2nd Sunday of month 15:00.
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Our willing team of volunteers help people with shopping, prescriptions, odd gardening & household jobs, or reading. If you’d like some assistance just get in touch! You can call 07443 564516 and leave a message at any time or speak to one of our co-ordinators from 10:00–14:00. Why not give us a ring if you need some practical help or fancy a chat? Email if that suits you better: info@egnn.org.uk
Local councils
Halls for hire
EYNSHAM PARISH COUNCIL (EPC) Richard Andrews 01865 880106 Jane Baldwin: 01865 435129 Gordon Beach (Chairman) 01865 880979 Andrew Bickley 01865 884496 Sue Brown 01865 464267 Patricia Crowley: 01865 731303 Peter Emery 01865 731199 Verity Hughes 01865 880243 Sue Johnson 01865 731613 – see page 6 Andy Mosson 01865 880889 Sue Osborne 01865 880285 Nick Relph 01865 464264 David Rossiter (Vice-Chair) 01865 881568 Dennis Stukenbroeker 01865 880609 Paul Wilding 01865 423556 Email formula: firstname.lastname@eynsham-pc.gov.uk PARISH CLERK Rachel Faulkner, 1 Glovers Close Woodstock OX20 1NS: 07956 901622 email clerk@eynsham-pc.gov.uk OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (OCC) Charles Mathew: 01865 882205 County Hall: 01865 792422 WEST OXFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL Your WODC representatives hold a ‘surgery’ every 1st Wednesday 18:30–20:00 at the Bartholomew Room. Peter Emery: 01865 731199 Edward James: 01865 731009 Peter Kelland: 01865 880028 Council Offices: 01993 861000
For details and interactive maps visit Eynsham Online Baptist Church Hall: Bartholomew Room: Berry Sports Hall: Primary School Hall: Red Lion: Scout Headquarters: Social & Sports Club: Sports Pavilion: St Leonard’s Hall: Tolkien Room & garden: Village Hall: White Hart Function Room
Lombard Street 07900 066471 Market Square 07956 901622 Back Lane 01865 731090 Beech Road 01865 881294 Market Square 01865 882903 Back Lane 01865 881787 Swan Street 01865 881234 Oxford Road 07956 901622 Thames Street 01865 880107 Abbey Street 07919 605544 Back Lane now with Wi-Fi 01865 881624 Newland Street 01865 880711
independent estate agents
Local grants NEED, HARDSHIP OR DISTRESS? Eynsham Consolidated Charity can make money grants, help to provide items or services, or back up help from other quarters. EDUCATIONAL GRANTS – do you qualify? Bartholomew Educational Foundation makes money grants to people under 25 for books, equipment, travel, etc. All enquiries are dealt with in absolute confidence. You can apply, either for yourself or for someone else who may be in need of help. Write to the Clerk, Robin Mitchell, at 20 High Street, Eynsham OX29 4HB, or email robinmitchell255@gmail.com For more information visit Eynsham Online www.eynsham-pc.gov.uk > Popular Links > A–Z Services > Grants 5
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Public services
Sue Osborne – Chair, Footpaths Committee At the beginning of November, I finally submitted the application for the Definitive Map Modification Order to Oxfordshire County Council’s Countryside Service, in the hope that a short section of Footpath 206/10 can be reinstated as a public right of way. There is a very long waiting list for DMMOs, but I will keep you informed of progress as and when I hear it. Thanks especially to everyone who helped by submitting their witness statements. Please join me in keeping your fingers firmly crossed! Meantime do keep walking, keep reporting and enjoy the winter.
Dennis Stukenbroeker – Chair, Planning Committee
Sue Johnson joined the Parish Council in January. All council contact details are listed on page 5. I came to work in Oxford as a midwife in 1981 and moved to live in Eynsham in 1983; and, apart from 2 spells away, I have lived here ever since. My daughter went to the Primary School here in the 1990s and I was involved at that time with the Parents’ Association. I have been managing GP Surgeries since 1995 (Cogges, Deddington & Cheltenham) and have very recently retired. My husband and I really appreciate and use the facilities this village and the surrounding countryside have to offer in terms of shops, public transport, clubs etc. I have been involved in lots of local activities when time allowed such as running, the gym, yoga, community choir and we have an allotment. Now that I am no longer working every day, I will have time to become more involved with the community and I hope that the experience I have will be of benefit on the Parish Council.
Grants for groups
The Parish Council has approved the following grants for 2015/6, with funds to be paid out in April or May. • • • • •
Eynsham Neighbourhood Care Scheme £400 GreenTEA £300 OASIS £300 Royal British Legion £100 West Oxon Citizens’ Advice £400 6
Eynsham Parish Council Planning Committee has objected to plans that could add 84 new homes to the village. Gladman Developments Ltd has applied for outline planning permission (14/01863/OUT) for 49 one to four bedroom houses on 5.55 acres of land west of Station Road, currently used as horse paddocks. JA Pye (Oxford) Ltd, which owns the 3.24 acre woodland to the west of Fruitlands, made an outline application for 21 two, three and four bedroom houses in July 2014 (which the Parish Council opposed) but have now submitted an amended application (14/1009/P/OP) reducing the number to 19. Both the Gladman and Pye applications would include just under 50% affordable housing. The Planning Committee said both sites were classed as ‘unsuitable’ for development by West Oxfordshire District Council and there was no local support for the projects. Most village residents who responded to the district council’s online consultations said Eynsham’s infrastructure, including roads, schools, health care and sewers, could not cope with any further development on this scale. Thames Water responded saying its sewer may not have sufficient spare capacity to accommodate the proposed Station Road development. The Committee also expressed concern about the impact the Gladman development, which is partly within the Chil Brook flood plain, would have on the flood risk to residents in the Station Road area as well as the southern aspect of the village. Both developers argue that the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 is out of date and that the district council has not identified five years’ worth of sites against their housing requirements, so they are entitled to planning permission under the ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’ contained in the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework.
The Planning Committee also objected to a plan (14/02371/PN56) to convert Pinkhill House, a two storey vacant office block, into 16 one- and twobedroom apartments. The Committee said the site, on Southfield Road in the industrial estate off Stanton Harcourt Road, was unsuitable and suffered noise pollution from neighbouring industrial buildings. The applicant, Pinkhill House Ltd, is relying on a 2013 Government amendment to planning legislation allowing a change of use from offices to residential units without consent from the local planning authority. The local planning authority, West Oxfordshire District Council, is considering the proposals – details are on their website. A note on the County Council’s proposal for a youth assessment centre appears on page 8 overleaf.
Richard Andrews – Parish Council Vice-Chairman Thanks to those who kindly volunteered to help spread grit on village pavements if we have ice or snow this winter. Of course, it may not happen – but here are some tips that may be useful to any resident: • Don’t be put off clearing snow and ice from paths by fear someone may fall: walkers have a responsibility to take care themselves. • Early in the day is easiest and most effective • Don’t use water – it may refreeze • Scatter salt on the area you’ve cleared • If you’re short of salt, use ash or sand • Pay extra attention to steps and steep pathways • Spare a thought for frailer neighbours too – it could be you one day.
Witney road
The County Council proposes to install a zebra crossing on Witney Road, to provide a safe pedestrian facility for children attending Bartholomew School. See plan above; dotted area shows proposed re-surfacing limits. To help the decision whether or not to proceed with this proposal, all comments would be much appreciated (both for and against) by 30 January. Should approval for the crossing be granted, construction is expected to take place during July / August 2015. For more information or to comment on this proposal please write to Mike Wasley, Senior Engineer (Design: Local Transport Scheme), Oxfordshire County Council Environment & Economy, Speedwell House, Speedwell Street, Oxford OX1 1NE; or email mike.wasley@oxfordshire.gov.uk The Parish Council will give up to £3,000 towards the scheme subject to the results of public consultation; to Council’s agreeing the final scheme; and to having the legal ability to financially support the project.
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Be in the know You can now sign up for email updates from the District Council when a planning application is registered within 500 metres of your home, and even track its progress or submit your views online. You can also sign up for weekly reminders about which bins to put out and alerts on any collection changes. Just follow the simple registration steps at: www.westoxon.gov.uk/beintheknow
Litchfield farm We offer an environment to suit everyone; a quiet and comfy end, a children’s play area, plenty of seating and a brand new meeting/eating room available to book. We host Drop-In Clinics with experts on hand to answer questions on subjects including IT, Gardening, Home Styling and more. We also host local groups who support carers, business etc. Stationery and greetings cards from top British Suppliers. Contemporary, artisanal and individual gifts for you and your home. Tried and tested equipment in our new cookshop area. Children’s gifts from brands like Jelly Cat and Melissa & Doug. Great coffee, homemade cakes and food available all day. 32 Mill Street, Eynsham 01865 731717 www.eynsham-emporium.co.uk
Eynsham Dental Care
The County Council has submitted a planning application for construction of a residential children’s home: new assessment centre building and associated external recreation areas and car parking at Litchfield Farm Land, Merton Court, Eynsham OX29 4QF. You can view all the documents and comment online at http://myeplanning.oxfordshire.gov.uk using reference R3.0020/15; the deadline quoted is 2 February. County Cllr Charles Mathew adds, Please let us know urgently if you would like to join the liaison committee between the Children’s Centre and local residents. It it envisaged that an inaugural meeting will take place before this planning application is considered. You can call me on 01865 882205 or email charles.mathew@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Sporting stars
The search is on to find sports coaches, clubs and unsung heroes deserving of recognition in the 2015 West Oxfordshire Sports Awards.
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Nominations are being taken for Sports Coach of the Year, Sports Club of the Year and Unsung Hero Awards, run by the District Council to recognise the contribution and commitment of individuals and achievement of clubs in West Oxfordshire. Talented local athletes also have the chance to apply for a GLL Sport Foundation grant to help with costs such as training. Applicants need to participate at county level or above and grants on offer range from £100 to £1,250. As well as funding, award winners will receive free access to Council-owned leisure facilities in the District to assist with training. The grants are available through the Council’s leisure contractor, GLL Better. Details of how to make a nomination for an award or apply for a grant are available on the Council’s website: www.westoxon.gov.uk/leisure or by calling 01993 861080. The deadline for all nominations and applications is Friday 20 February.
Above, a map of dog bins supplied by WODC. The Parish Council spends over £2000 of our council tax on emptying dog bins so would be glad to see them used … For a new approach to canine issues see page 13.
You asked about ...
The free Tappins service T2 still takes shoppers to Abingdon Tesco and back, on Tuesdays only – route and timings follow. The return trip leaves at 13:20, visiting all stops in reverse order. 10:36 Eynsham Market Place 10:38 Mill Street 10:39 Spareacre Lane (Spar Shop) 10:44 Witney Oxford Hill/Cogges Turn 10:50 Corn Exchange 10:55 Ducklington Shop 10:56 The Bell PH 11:03 Stanton Harcourt Village Hall 11:06 Harcourt Arms PH 11:10 Bablock Hythe Bus Stop 11:12 Northmoor Red Lion PH 11:15 Standlake The Bell PH 11:28 Appleton Netherton Road 11:30 Village Hall 11:37 Gozzards Ford Black Horse PH 11:42 Arrive at Abingdon Tesco We can’t guarantee to answer all your queries but you won’t know unless you ask! Feel free to get in touch with local news and information too – we’d love to pass it on. Our contact details are on page 2. 9
EYNSHAM POST OFFICE – NEWS / MAGAZINES 39 Mill Street, Eynsham OX29 4JX: 01865 881159 Mon - Fri 09:00 – 17:30, Saturday 09:00 – 12:30 Free personal banking with all major banks Business banking with Co-op – Santander –Barclays – Clydesdale – BOI Foreign Currency / Euros & Dollars, Travellers’ Cheques Travel Money Card Plus – 0% commission Passport and ID photos; Passport Check & Send; on the spot Travel Insurance; Motor Vehicle Licence; Rod Licence Mobile E-Top-Up & Vouchers – International Calling Cards Gift Vouchers / Postal Orders / MoneyGram – Parcel Force Cards / Stationery / Toys / Dry Cleaning / Laundry Fax / Photocopy – Video Transfer National / Health Lottery – Free 24 hour ATM
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Kay and Harold Jerred write to pass on their thanks to all who supported the Christmas Bazaar for Baphumelele in the township of Khaleyitsha, South Africa – a home for orphaned or abandoned children, many of them HIV positive, which Eynsham Baptist Church and the village have supported since 2003. A special mention to Eynsham Country Market for providing the cakes for refreshments, which are much appreciated by all. We were able to send a cheque for £1,525 to the home, for which they are extremely grateful. Do look at the many ways they are trying to help themselves if you have a minute – visit http://baphumelele.org.za/
Spring clean 2015
Jane Stephenson has an update from Eynsham Area Waste Watchers (EAWW) Hopefully you had a wonderful Christmas with some treats, a bit of luxury and even a few presents. Did you end up with items you no longer need, or do you need to make room somewhere? If so, please bring your unwanted, usable goods to our SWAP SHOP at the Sports Pavilion on Saturday 14 March from 10:00–11:30. Over the last three Swap Shops held in Eynsham YOU have saved 1416 kg of unwanted items going to landfill – the equivalent of 118 grey wheelie bins full to the brim or the weight of a 4-berth caravan! Things left at the end of events are carefully sorted by our helpers then taken for re-use, for example to West Oxford Animal Rescue Charity Shop or the clothes & book banks in Back Lane car park Eynsham, or to Emmaus (furniture & electricals) and Break-Through (kitchenware & lamps) in Oxford. Items which cannot be further re-used or re-homed are taken to Dix Pit – but usually in one car, rather than around 40 wheelie bins! To continue running these successful events we need your help and could do with more volunteers on the day (or even committee members? we meet only twice a year). We also want to keep the Swap Shops FREE but we do rely on donations (maybe 50p per adult?) to cover the Pavilion hire. For more information please call Liz on 01865 884496 or email jane.meet@gmail.com – hope to see you there.
5 star treatment
A feature from our sponsor, Eynsham Dental Care
Take your pick of free activities and courses at the Beech Road Centre, for children under 5 accompanied by an adult. Bookings / enquiries: 01865 880686. MONDAY 13:00–14:30 Messy Mondays. TUESDAY 09:30–11:30 HENRY course. Family health & nutrition – 8 week rolling programme, bookable. 13:00–14:45 Eynsham Baby Group. For expectant parents & parents with babies up to one year; includes a health visitor clinic. WEDNESDAY 10:00–11:15 Baby & Me. Five-week course for new parents, bookable. 12:00–14:00 Childminder Group. The family room is available free to childminders & those interested. THURSDAY 09:30–11:00 Ring a Roses. Music, dance & play. 12:15–14:15 Pre-GCSE English. Book in with Abingdon & Witney College tutors to help improve your English. FRIDAY 10:00–11:00 Baby Weaning Group. For babies aged 4–6 months, with community nurse: 20 February, 20 March. 13:00–14:30 Stepping Stones Well-being group. Bookable course with crèche.
The main A40 Eynsham Mon-Sat 8.30 – 5.30 Sun 10.00 – 4.30
Eynsham Dental Care have been given the highest possible award of 5 out of 5 stars in a recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission. The CQC randomly inspect healthcare providers and undertake a thorough investigation into aspects such as ‘Treating people with respect and involving them in their care’ and ‘Caring for people safely and protecting them from harm’. The standards of treatment and cleanliness were given the top rating possible. Owner of Eynsham Dental Surgery, Robert Hughes says: “I am incredibly proud of our achievement as a team. We have all worked very hard behind the scenes to make sure that we continue the very high standards we have set ourselves and I would like to thank every member of staff for their valued contribution.” January offers a great time to get your mouth checked. The dentists check your teeth, but there is so much more to having a dental check up. Mr Hughes says: “We pride ourselves on good communication and technical excellence. Our team have been together for so long we feel like one big family. As you step from the convenient car park straight into the front door you get a sense of this relaxed but professional attitude.” Eynsham Dental Care provides all you need from a local dentist – from simple white fillings to orthodontics and implants. “It is important to take time to sit down with you as an individual to explain your care in every detail and always provide you with a written estimate for any planned treatment,” Mr Hughes says, “We like to get to know our patients so we can provide personal care that is second to none.” Tucked away in Cassington Road at the bottom of Newland Street, Eynsham Dental Care quietly care for many of the villagers and free parking means there is no need to get cold and wet on your visit. They currently have spaces available and for everyone under the age of 18 it is absolutely free on the NHS. New private patients can benefit from a check-up, x-rays, clean, polish and full written treatment planning service for just £50. The friendly reception team, Ali, Rose and Jane are always at hand to take your call for more information or to book an appointment. You can also visit Eynsham Dental Care’s website to find out about who they are and what they can offer: www.eynshamdentalcare.com
Home grown bedding. Selection of pots & containers. Plus a well-stocked pet care section & many other items Telephone: 01865 883394
Eynsham Dental Care is your local dentist. creating smiles in West Oxfordshire for over 30 years. You can contact them on 01865 880
Jane Tomlinson reflects on her contribution for our colouring corner
If I say ‘green man’ there’s a damned good chance you’ll think of a pub or an alien from Mars. But think again for a minute. Think of a woodland spirit and remember what was painted on that pub sign… In Europe, the leafy face of the Green Man appears carved as a gargoyle on and in churches – look under the font rim in St Leonard’s [ed] – and in ancient documents. He may be a pagan deity from as far back as neolithic times, subsumed into subsequent religions across the globe, as so many ancient rites and traditions always have been. But wherever he appears, he is a leafy, strong, fertile, playful, woodland or forest-dwelling deity and appears to satisfy a universal human need. The characters of John Barleycorn, Jack-inthe-green, Robin Goodfellow and Puck may all come from the same now-lost spirit who only exists as faint whiff in our collective folk memory. I love the idea that a deity who may have been created, worshipped and feared by the same people that built, for example Silbury Hill and walked the Ridgeway still has a relevance in our lives.
Business links
Yoga Class
Eynsham village hall
Thursday 9.30am Starts 18 September Mixed ability Learn to de stress and relax Hazel: 07931 743785 Variety of poses/ sequences www.hazelfaithfull.co.uk Hard or easy options Come along & try first class: £5 bring this advert
Whole Voice
unlock the potential of your natural voice A great way to develop yourself, your voice production and your singing ability. One-to-one – voice workshops – group work for schools – businesses – charities – therapists Web: www.annelryan.co.uk Telephone: 01865 880858 FaceBook: Anne L Ryan Twitter: @movingtone LinkedIn: Anne L Ryan
Could your company offer a student a placement for one week this spring? Work experience helps students’ transition from school to work or further education, helps them make decisions about the future and prepares them for the world of work. Bartholomew School is always looking to establish new links with local companies. If you think you may have a place for one of our Year 10 or Year 12 students from Monday 27 April to Friday 1 May, please contact Linda Williams: 01865 733334/careers.4054@bartholomew.oxon.sch.uk
Shaun Rowland Building Contractors Ltd Family run business est. 1989 Covering all aspects of construction work Small works, Extensions, Renovations, Loft conversions, New builds (NHBC registered builder) For a free quotation or advice - Telephone: 07957 360516 Email: shaun_rowland@icloud.com For more information please visit our website www.shaunrowlandbuilding.co.uk
Dead central
Second opinion
“On the stairs from the semi-basement (it was said) one of my predecessors lost his life by running down them and hitting his head on the woodwork above… The house was said to be haunted. All we encountered was a mysterious clapping, when all the children were asleep. We never saw the lady with her flower basket on the landing.”
I share the concerns of the disgruntled coach who wrote in the last Eynsham News about dog fouling on the playing fields and dogs off the lead damaging footballs. Rather than being irresponsible, however, I wonder how many people have simply bitten off more than they can chew by inviting a dog into their lives; and feel too committed to re-home it when they realise. Dog ownership can have a lot to recommend it but the negative aspects – of which cleaning up after the dog is not necessarily the worst – should be highlighted. A Google search suggests the cost of owning a dog is £1,000 a year or £16,000 over its lifetime. And even if you can afford to own the dog you still need to put in time to train it. A barking dog will win you no friends in the neighbourhood. Back in the 1980s there was widespread media coverage of research showing that dog ownership was good for the owners’ health (lower blood pressure, better recovery after major health events). This research is still being quoted, though the findings have not been replicated recently. The jury is still out on this matter. Dogs may relieve stress but they can also cause a great deal of stress. So before you decide to get a dog, before you give into the pester power of children, before you think that granny or grandad needs a puppy for company, seek advice from people who know about these matters. And if you’ve let the children or a friend take the dog out minus poo bags, or left a filled bag where it shouldn’t be, or gone out in the dark without a torch to spot and clear up the dog mess... it may be time to polish your dog management skills. And you might enjoy your dog more if you do. Local sources of help/ advice include:
Good luck to the new tenants of St Leonard’s House. The Rev Peter Ridley has a few tales from earlier days
Logs for labour The Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment Logs for Labour programme promotes sustainable use of wood-fuel by running events where volunteers help to manage woodlands in return for logs. Events are fully insured, 2–3 hours long and can involve coppicing hazel, thinning trees, or piling up brash. All you need to bring are sturdy gloves and shoes and a handsaw. Enquiries to Riki Therivel: 01865 243488 / www.oxonwoodfuel.org.uk
Would you like to join a Logs for Labour day in Eynsham Wood, to support the Woodland Trust management plan as it enters its 16th year? Please get in touch with Riki if you’re interested – details above.
Northmoor Productions Typesetting Illustration & Graphics
“A busy working mum and new-ish dog owner on a very steep learning curve” has another look at canine issues
Crackerjax, Mill Street:
01865 881506
Evenlode DIY, High Street:
01865 881392
Eynsham Dog Stop, Old Witney Road: 01865 731517 Medivet, Mill Street:
01865 883007
Eynsham Area Dog Walkers: information sharing and support at www.facebook.com/groups/Eadow/ HJ Agility Training (Cassington):
07742 919054
Oxfordshire Animal Behaviour Centre (N Leigh): 07809 562526
telephone: 01865 880243 email: paul@eynsham.demon.co.uk
Witney & Hanborough Dog Training Society: 01993 705929 13
doctor wanted to stay with the patient in the ambulance he offered me a seat in the helicopter. I jumped at the chance! The patient was taken off to hospital and we made our way across fields of mud to reach the helicopter. I was given a brief talk about the take off and equipment, etc. before being shown to my seat. Head phones on, audio test done, harness fixed. We were ready to go. The pilot and HEMS paramedic talked to me all the time I was on the flight and even gave me a bird’s eye tour on the way back to Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital. I had to take the obligatory “selfie” from the air amongst other pictures and videos to show my husband and children. The pilot and medic spoke to me all the time and even gave me a bird’s eye tour on the way back to Oxford. I had to take the obligatory “selfie” from the air amongst other pictures and videos to show my husband and kiddies. It made an amazing story for NYE – much more exciting than any others I’ve experienced anyway! If any one is over 18 years old and interested in becoming a CFR they should contact South Central Ambulance Service for an application form: email cfr@scas.nhs.uk or call 0800 587 0207 or visit: www.southcentralambulance.nhs.uk
Community First Responders (CFRs) are local volunteers who attend emergency 999 calls. Dawn Walker applied after reading about this in Eynsham News and qualified last October. On New Year’s Eve I went out with a paramedic ambulance crew as part of my training and had a very busy shift. On one emergency the air ambulance was called to assist with a trauma call. The Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) arrived on scene with a critical care trauma doctor on board. The team worked together to treat the patient prior to being transferred to hospital. The doctor decided the patient would travel to hospital by land ambulance not helicopter. As the
Thanks to Debra Warwick for a touch of magic on Acre End Street in December.
Greens Funeral Services Established 1866
An independent family owned business, with five generations of experience, offering a dignified 24 hour service, with our personal attention to detail. Private Chapels of Rest Funeral Directors: Ian Green and David Ashton 8 Bridge Street Witney Telephone 01993 776486 21 High Street Eynsham Telephone 01865 880837 Golden Charter pre-paid plans available
Paddington’s choice
Eynsham Country Market co-manager Sue Butler-Miles prepares for 2015; story and photos Jennifer Harland
If you were lucky enough to see Paddington over Christmas, you may well have watched enviously as the loveable bear tucked into his marmalade sandwiches. Whatever goes on in deepest Peru, we think our local marmalade-makers have the edge over anywhere else in the world. A comfort in moments of stress or tranquillity can be yours to sample for free as ECM re-opens after the annual January break. Five cooks currently supply the Market with marmalade and have been producing stock to last until next Christmas! Come along and sample their 2015 vintage on Thursday 5 February from 09:00–10:30 in St Leonard’s Hall. Jars come in various sizes and start at around £2.50.
Country Market suppliers have had to brace themselves to absorb more bureaucratic regulations, though the aim is to protect both suppliers and customers, especially those who experience dietary allergic reactions. At all times a list of 14 allergens* is now displayed at Market and you will find their inclusion in any sweet and savoury items recorded on the product label. We have, in fact, been unwittingly including some of these under different names, for instance sulphites which are found in raisins and dried apricots. * celery; cereals containing gluten e.g. wheat; crustaceans; eggs; fish; lupin (rarely used and in Eynsham more likely to appear in a non-edible posy of summer flowers!); milk (which may appear on our labels as ‘butter’, ‘cheese’ or ‘yoghurt’); molluscs; mustard; nuts; peanuts; sesame seeds; soya and sulphur dioxide (or ‘sulphites’).
BARTHOLOMEW PLAYERS celebrate their 40th Birthday in 2015 and are looking to put on some really cracking shows to celebrate! Some of us have been very busy over Christmas reading various plays and we hope to have May’s production decided by the end of January. Meetings are now under way on Wednesdays at 19:45 in the Village Hall, so please do come along. This will give you a good chance to see if there is a part suitable for you – either acting or non-acting! Enquiries Trisha Leopold: 01865 731489 BIKE SAFE’s annual Barn Dance takes place at the Village Hall on Saturday 7 February 19:00–23:00 with the acclaimed ‘Mouse & Trousers’ 7 piece ceilidh band. Tickets £10 including supper from Evenlode DIY (no sales at the door). Enquiries Richard Sonley: 01865 880307 / richard.sonley1@btinternet.com EYNSHAM COMMUNITY CHOIR is open to singers, men and women who enjoy singing for fun. There are no auditions; the only essential ingredient is enthusiasm to sing your heart out. We sing community songs from around the world, folk, ballad, chants, rounds, harmony, music hall, jazz and gospel. We meet on Thursdays 19:30–21:30 in The Music Room, The Gables, Queen Street (with a half-term break on 19 February). Contact Anne Ryan: 01865 880858 / eynshamcommunitychoir@gmail.com MERIDIAN PILATES follows a long-established, rigorous, yet gentle discipline that will help you develop leaner, longer-looking muscles, whilst establishing core strength and stability and restoring balance to your body. It’s a full-body workout designed for everyone, whatever your age, body shape or fitness. Group sessions every weekday at Eynsham Emporium, details from Jane McDonald: 07930 343156.
DIRTY CARPETS? UPHOLSTERY? For carpet, rug & upholstery cleaning in Eynsham at the most competitive rates Call
GRIMEBUSTERS 01993 868924 01865 726983 16
RUN FOR FUN with Marisa Keeley on Thursdays 10:00–11:00 starting from the Sports Centre. Enquiries: 07811 891313 / marisa.keeley@btopenworld.com No New Year’s resolution necessary! Come and join our social ‘beginners’ running group anytime. Men and women welcome, any age. Our expert (Run England qualified) trainer makes it easier than you think to get going and what’s more it is FREE! No one wants to start but everyone ends up pleased that they’ve made the effort to get out, get fit and enjoy our great outdoors. We meet every Thursday at Bartholomew sports hall, come rain or shine. Some of us have been ‘beginners’ for years while others have graduated to the Eynsham/ Witney Roadrunners. Every ability is catered for, from ‘65, never ran’ to 25 and already exercising three times a week. There’s no obligation to turn up every week – we know people have busy schedules – but it’s better if you can. For beginners we start mostly walking with short intervals of running – you’ll be surprised how quickly you will be running for longer. SCOUTING REUNION: we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Eynsham Scouts HQ’s official opening on Friday 20 March. This will be an informal occasion, with a buffet at 19:30 and no long speeches – all past & present members welcome. Contact Sandra Scott: 01865 464341 / mark@eynshamscoutsarchive.org.uk St PETER’S PANCAKE FEAST returns on Saturday 14 February 10:30–13:30. Pancakes with various fillings will be available and make a good lunch or a brunch. Given the date, perhaps we will see a few people falling in love with one another at the Feast? One never knows the effect a few delicious pancakes can have! UNDERSTANDING ROMANTICISM: study day in the Tolkien Room.
• Date: 31 January 10:30–16:00 • Cost: £30 including tea and coffee • Enquiries: Caroline Cochrane 01865 883140 In the second half of the 18th century a cultural earthquake began to take place across the arts: reason and restraint were giving way to fantasy and feeling in music, painting and literature... Part two of our feature on Eynsham pubs returns overleaf. Each of our locals was asked what makes them special and we hope you’ll be tempted to try them out. Thanks again to Lorna Marrison for the charming sketches.
The White Hart 31 Newland Street Eynsham Under New Ownership Geoff Powell reports on recent / current / future projects
Great Ales, Great Food, Great Company!
SANTA SUCCESS: Eynsham Rotary and Santa had a very successful December collecting in new and established areas. We were welcomed by residents of Eynsham, Cassington, Freeland, Church & Long Hanborough, Sutton and Stanton Harcourt and received very generous donations approaching £2,000. This will be used towards local Rotary projects throughout 2015.
3 en-suite letting rooms Function room for hire Lovely pub Garden
BE SAFE, BE SEEN: Eynsham Rotary donated a new bike and accessories for the District Council cycle safety poster competition at the end of 2014. Our President, Pauline Lowe, was proud to present the prizes to Hannah Temple of Stanton Harcourt CE Primary school, just in time for Christmas.
Telephone: 01865 880711 email: whiteharteynsham@gmail.com
Private dining and cookery classes at 1 High Street, Eynsham Ready meals lovingly prepared, available fresh or frozen Delicious food prepared for all occasions Contact Sandy for more info: 07551 876285 /sandy@cornucopiacooks.co.uk
NEW HOME FOR EYNSHAM ROTARY: An increase in membership means we have outgrown the facilities at the White Hart. From January our regular meeting place will be the Evenlode, Old Witney Road. Meetings are still held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month starting at 19:30. Guests and potential new members are always welcome – enquiries 01865 701017/ membership@eynshamrotary.org.uk CHARITY FILM EVENING: Eynsham Rotary’s next fundraising event will be a charity film show with supper at the Village Hall on Saturday 14 March, hosted by John Richards. What’s Up Doc? is a 1972 comedy starring Barbra Streisand and Ryan O’Neal – so a good film with good food and with good company and a social evening not to be missed. Look for full details on our website www.eynshamrotary.org.uk and on Twitter @eynshamrotary and at Eynsham Online.
P Bruno Car Repairs 25 years of providing a Sterling service Oxfordshire’s friendliest Family owned and run garage. Maintaining vehicles to the highest standards since 1989. Specialists in providing MOT’S, Servicing and repairs to most makes. Holding the IMI level 3 certificate for Hybrid and electrically powered vehicles. Appointments can be arranged to fit in with your schedules. Free Local Collection & delivery
Finally, we wish you all a happy and successful 2015. Eynsham Rotary look forward to completing the Eynsham Fishponds Project, another attempt at a winning carnival float and more social events, fund raising and community activities in the area. 17
Hours: 8am–5pm Monday to Friday. 8.30am–12.30pm Saturday CALL US NOW 01865 883 413 Unit 7 Bottom Yard Oakfield Ind Est, Eynsham Visit our website: www.pbruno.co.uk
The Red Lion, The Square is where customers sip their drink outside and watch the world go by: they get a ringside seat for weddings too, as it stands beside the church. Managed by John Green, the pub is now owned by Hawthorn Leisure. Live music is staged most weekends, while Eynsham Folk Group and Ukulele Band use the function room at the back. Food is not served here but John prides himself on some fine real ales. The Swan Hotel, Acre End Street dates back to 1720 and was originally a coaching inn. It’s now a friendly familyrun pub with five en-suite letting rooms, two bar areas, a restaurant, patio, large rear garden and car park. Sky Sports, darts and pool are available and functions for up to 30 can be arranged. Reasonably priced home cooked food is served 12:00–13:45 and 18:00–20:00 on weekdays and traditional roasts on Sunday. The Talbot Inn, Oxford Road lies on the east of Eynsham, near the Thames and toll bridge. It’s a charming Arkle’s pub run by Tony Viney, offering 11 letting rooms, a cosy little bar area, and a restaurant – the food, which includes an imaginative children’s menu, is also pretty good. The deck beside the Wharf Stream provides an ideal place to enjoy a drink on a warm day. Quiz nights and live music rate as big attractions too. The White Hart, Newland Street is the oldest pub in Eynsham. It’s here that Eynsham Morris meet, filling the bar with laughter and music whenever they get together. [Apologies for the muddle over carol singing in our last issue – Ed] Licensee Jane Dearie has quite a reputation as a cook, so food served here is home cooked and from locally sourced ingredients. A small function room at the rear, which overlooks the pub’s attractive garden, is used by the local Probus. 18
RW CARPENTRY Over 20 years’ experience in a wide range of carpentry services for home and businesses - no job too big or small. Contact us for a free site visit and quotation. email robbie@rw-carpentry.co.uk www.rw-carpentry.co.uk call Robbie on 07980 620566
What’s on January 25 28 29 30 31
Specialising in the letting of property in the Eynsham/Witney area Professional advice Free market appraisal Competitive fees
Litter Pickers, Baptist Church Hall 13:45. Arts Group, Bartholomew Room 19:30. AGM – new members welcome. Enquiries: 01865 722989 Organic Group, St Leonard’s Hall 19:30. Planning your vegetable garden. Enquiries: 01993 868693 Community Cinema – page 18 Understanding Romanticism – page 16
For individual service call Christopher Dodds - 01865 883108 cnd@abbey-rentals.co.uk 11b High Street Eynsham www.abbey-rentals.co.uk
A home-based florist specialising in stunning bespoke flower arrangements. We have experience over a range of budgets and guarantee fresh flowers every time whatever the occasion. Call Charmaine on 07733 324369 email info@fusions.org.uk
4 Council Drop-in, Bartholomew Room – page 5 4 History Group, St Leonard’s Hall 19:30. Richard O Smith, Oxford Eccentricity. 7 GreenTEA, Eynsham Emporium 10:30–12:00. 7 BikeSafe Barn Dance – page 16 8 Gatehouse Volunteers: home-made food & warm clothing for the Oxford shelter. Enquiries: 01865 881346 9 Friends of Helen & Douglas House, The Talbot 19:30. Quiz night. Enquiries: 01865 883464 10 Women’s Institute, St Leonard’s Hall 19:00. Beryl Mann, The Fjords of Chile. Enquiries: 01865 882011 11 Garden Club, Village Hall 19:30. Sam Mallet, Planning & Planting Borders. Enquiries: 01865 882417 14 Pancake Feast, Tolkien Room – page 16 18 Carers’ Group, Eynsham Emporium 11:00. Contact Pamela Richards: 01865 881396 18 Eynsham Society, Village Hall 20:00. AGM. Enquiries: 01865 880563 19 History Group, St Leonard’s Hall 19:30. Graham Bannell, Revitalisation of Older Buildings. 21 Fishponds Volunteers, Station Road 10:00. 22 Litter Pickers, Baptist Church Hall 13:45. 25 Arts Group, Bartholomew Room 19:30. Alan Kearney, Composition and Design. 28 Community Cinema – page 18 19
For General Building of the highest quality Extensions & Conversions Renovations & Refurbishments Friendly, Conscientious & Reliable - With local references Telephone: 01865 880441 Mobile: 07976 880253 Stevecreaseybuildingservices.co.uk email: stevecreasey3@btinternet.com
March 4 Council Drop-in, Bartholomew Room 18:30. 5 History Group, St Leonard’s Hall 19:30. Anney Harris, Beatrix Potter. 8 Fishponds Volunteers, Station Road 10:00. Contact Verity Hughes: 01865 880243 9 Friends of Helen & Douglas House, The Talbot 19:30. Quiz night. Enquiries: 01865 883464 10 Women’s Institute, St Leonard’s Hall 19:30. 92nd birthday party with Edmund Quigley’s magic. 11 Garden Club, Village Hall 19:30. Duncan Coombes, Colour & Texture in the Garden. 14 Swap Shop, Sports Pavilion – page 10 14–15 Arts Group, Bartholomew Room. Members’ exhibition – prints 18 Carers’ Group, Eynsham Emporium 11:00. 19 History Group, St Leonard’s Hall 19:30. Steve Parrinder, Eynsham Abbey Stones. 20 Scouting Reunion, Scout HQ – page 16 21 Garage Sale for Village Hall – page 3 22 Gatehouse Volunteers: home-made food for the Oxford shelter. Enquiries: 01865 881346 22 Litter Pickers, Baptist Church Hall 13:45.
Floral designs for every occasion Bouquets, plants, cards and accessories Local deliveries and e-florist service
image © Geoff Powell 25 Arts Group, Bartholomew Room 19:30. 27 Community Cinema – page 18 These listings are open to all community groups and we welcome photos too – see page 2 for contact details. Next issue will be out on 30 March – copy deadline Friday 13 March.
Our sponsors Thanks to Eynsham Dental Care, Eynsham Garden Centre, Electrical Hire & Sales (Oxford) Ltd and the Eynsham Churches; relevant features continue. Printed in Eynsham by Berforts Information Press 20
37 Mill Street, Eynsham OX29 4JX 01865 881624 www.mille-fleurs.co.uk
Visit Eynsham Online at www.eynsham-pc.gov.uk
Thanks to all our advertisers for supporting Eynsham News in 2014/5. The new advertising year begins in April – first issue out on 25 May. Full details of the options will be circulated towards the end of March.