18-19 Annual Report

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about us impact report year in photos programs self-sufficiency housing forsyth free tax new century ida road to empowerment events day of service giving stews-day winter wonderland golf tournament family film fest budget team board of directors staff volunteers & interns advisory board supporters

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In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared war on poverty, establishing Community Action Agencies across the United States under many different names, but with the same purpose: to eliminate poverty and help people help themselves.

Housing Services, Forsyth Free Tax, New Century IDA, and the Road to Empowerment Series – all created and executed with the idea that with proper support, anything is possible. We are proud of our clients and how far they have come, and we thank you for being a key As one of the first Commu- part of their journey to self nity Action Agencies to be -sufficiency. established over fifty years ago, Experiment in Self- We recognize the struggles Reliance (ESR) has worked so many people face in hard to eliminate poverty. Winston-Salem/Forsyth Every year, we are fortu- County, and we are nate to be able to assist committed to working over 4,000 individuals and with our clients, partners, families through Self- funders, and greater Sufficiency, Inspire 340, community to tweak and

Adam Neiberg Board Chair

identify new ways to create a brighter future for our clients and future generations. Thanks to you, for the past 54 years, ESR has been able to empower our community to envision a different life for themselves and give them the tools they need to make their dreams a reality. We look forward to continuing our partnership and creating a community where everyone has access to resources they need.

Twana W. Roebuck Executive Director

Winter Wonderland Fundraiser, February 2019

Receiving SunTrust Foundation’s 2018 Lighting the Way Award November 2018


For most of his life, Dequincy struggled with maintaining a stable income, housing, and transportation. “I was homeless, I was jobless,” he said, “but I was fortunate enough to meet Susan Bowen [his ESR Success Coach] through a counselor” at the home where he was staying. A native of Dillon, South Carolina, Dequincy had previously lived in Winston-Salem and had tried an ESR program in 2001, saying that at the time “it was a great help” to him. But when he moved back to Dillon in the mid-2000’s, he began dealing with some of the same financial hardships, and a friend suggested he make a change. Since returning to WinstonSalem and beginning ESR’s SelfSufficiency Program, Dequincy has seen his life improve in a variety of ways.

“I’m more confident. I [now] know that things take time. You must put effort into them and ask for help.” Susan connected him with the organization Wheels 4 Hope, through which he was able to obtain a vehicle for a small fee; he now has a reliable mode of transportation. He also found better housing and was approved for a credit card to improve his credit score. Dequincy currently works fulltime at Dean Foods, which provides him with quality health care and retirement benefits. “Dequincy came into the program knowing what his goals were, he just needed help knowing how to get there,” Susan said, “We made a good team and now he is in a better position for his future.”

The Self-Sufficiency Program allows individuals to work oneon-one with their Success Coach to customize a plan to meet their goals for becoming self-sufficient. Through careful planning, support, accountability measures, and independence, clients elevate themselves above the poverty level, realize their potential, and achieve self-reliance. The program can entail vocational and educational advancement, housing assistance, transportation, financial counseling, employment preparation, and social and economic literacy training. Additionally, participants can qualify for tuition assistance, childcare funding, housing, and transportation services.

Based on a Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) cycle, the two-year program is intended for individuals below 125% poverty as defined by the HHS Poverty Income Guidelines. While federal metrics for poverty serve as a qualifier for this program, the United Way provides a free service to determine individual qualification for various community action agency programs.

▲$13,942 of clients obtained standard, affordable housing

The Inspire340 initiative (formerly known as the Priority Schools initiative) seeks to strengthen the parent or guardian relationship with the child and the child’s school, and in doing so, increase the economic and social self-sufficiency of the parents and improve the foundation for the child. This initiative works to overcome generational poverty and increases family stability on social, economic, and psychological levels, leading to positive increases child’s academic interests and performance. ESR connects directly with the families of four priority elementary schools: Ashley, Easton, Forest Park, and Petree. By focusing on early intervention in students’ academic careers, ESR makes a difference in the lives of the underserved children of Winston-Salem. Through a partnership with the Reynolds American Foundation and Winston-Salem Foundation, ESR is working to uplift all members of the younger generation that will one day lead Forsyth County to further success.

Tarena had recently become unemployed and was struggling to provide for her family, when she discovered ESR’s Self-Sufficiency Program via a presentation at her children’s school. “I am so grateful that I met [Success Coach] Norma Lucas...we made an instant connection,” she said. Now that she has a full-time job and is more financially literate, Tarena says she is a better parent and a more independent person. Going forward, Tarena has ambitious plans: “I see myself as an entrepreneur…I feel so confident about my future.”

Like tens of thousands of Americans, Michelle was a veteran experiencing homelessness. A single mother of three with few saved resources and struggling to receive what was owed from the Veterans Administration, she felt she had no place to turn.

Thanksgiving. Ms. Bradford set up a big dinner with turkey and stuffing and everything. The kids were the happiest they’d been in a year—they had somewhere to live, and they even had presents under a tree.”

“I had three kids, no where to live, no money, no food, and no car,” she said. “If it wasn’t for ESR, I don’t know where we’d be right now.” With the help of Success Coach Juanita Bradford, Michelle secured permanent housing and began creating a plan for attaining permanent housing and a sustainable income. “They never treated me like they were giving me a handout. They really just gave me the boost I needed to be more successful,” she said. She received a housing voucher

from the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF), and now she and her family are living in their own apartment, and received a car from a generous donor, Gloria Banks. “We moved in the day before

Now, Michelle not only has safer and more reliable transportation to get to her job and to get her kids to school, but she also was able to attend financial literacy classes at Sunnyside Ministry. “I now have money and savings, a really good budget—I learned so much, and I never would’ve done that before.” Michelle said she would tell others going through similar situations, “You can’t give up. The help is there but you have to want to change.”

Left: Success Coach Juanita Bradford with client Michelle, her son, and Shelter Monitor Bryon Harrison; Right: Car donor Gloria Banks with Executive Director Twana W. Roebuck

The Housing Program aids clients in taking the first step to leave poverty and become self-sufficient: securing affordable permanent housing. By implementing a “housing-first� philosophy, ESR is able to serve more than 200 households annually. This approach moves away from a focus on transitional housing. Under the new premise, once stable housing is obtained, other needs can begin to be addressed. The barriers that often cause difficulty for clients are criminal, rental, or credit histories, a lack of financial resources, and a lack of access to affordable housing. The program takes a holistic approach by linking educational, vocational, health, and child care components that we believe contribute to housing stabilization. Success Coaches work one-on-one with clients to create a customized plan.

$17,786 of clients completed education/training

Additionally, ESR manages four different housing sites in Forsyth County. At these locations, ESR provides refuge for those in need while working to create long-term solutions to homelessness and poverty.

Navigating tax preparation can be daunting for anyone, especially if you have never had to worry about filing your taxes before. As a single mom with a lot of responsibilities, Nancy is thankful that figuring out how to make sure her taxes get done and done correctly isn’t something else to worry about.

“It was very relieving to get all this done. They knew what had to be done and just took over and got things done.” For the second year in a row, Nancy was able to take advantage of the free tax preparation offered by ESR’s Forsyth Free Tax Program. The program helped ensure her taxes were done correctly by IRS-certified volunteers and that she was able to get every tax credit for which she qualified.

The volunteers helped Nancy through the process, making her feel welcomed and supported. “They didn’t give you that feeling that you were putting them out in any way.” The free tax preparation helped Nancy save on average $270 in tax prep fees, which Nancy says was helpful financially. But the peace of mind knowing her taxes are complete and done correctly keeps her coming back each year. “With the taxes and everything, I am very grateful, and if there is someone else in my position, I am able to tell them exactly where they can go to get the help they need.”

3, 981 clients $4.57 million $1.45 million A graduate of the New Century IDA program, Dierdre Hill is a long-time volunteer with ESR and an Intake Coordinator with Forsyth Free Tax. “Because ESR gave me a hand up, I want to extend my hand to help lift the next person up.” During tax season, Dierdre volunteers to welcome clients when they arrive to the tax site, ensures they have the necessary materials, and answers questions clients may have about the process. Forsyth Free Tax is run almost entirely by volunteers, and Dierdre’s role is essential to the efficiency of the program. In addition to the Intake Coordinator role, the tax program volunteer roles include tax preparer and quality reviewer.

The Forsyth Free Tax initiative provides free tax preparation and filing for low to moderate income individuals and families in Forsyth County. This program is specifically salient in helping individuals and families take full advantage of the credits for which they qualify. For example, many households qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This credit often goes unclaimed, but can average around $2,531 per refund, making a significant impact on the lives of individuals and families. Each client additionally saves approximately $273 by filing with Forsyth Free Tax, and over $4.57 million in total refunds have been realized by clients this past tax season by using this service.

Nearly 4000 individuals are served through ESR’s collaboration with partners and funders. This collaboration is known as the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Engagement Committee. By offering nine sites for free tax preparation, Forsyth Free Tax works to overcome transportation barriers to optimize accessibility. More than one hundred volunteers come from all parts of the community, including Wells Fargo, AARP, Wake Forest University, Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston-Salem State University, Salem College, and many other organizations. Volunteers are IRS-certified and trained to use IRS-approved software to prepare and file income tax returns. In addition to tax preparation services, the community sites offer Asset Building Counseling and linkages to other asset-building programs available in the community, such as ESR’s New Century IDA program, Financial Literacy Counseling, and more.

Lanique first came to New Century IDA because she wanted help putting the principles in place to help her get a home and maintain a home. After eleven financial literacy classes, $1500 in savings, countless meetings with her Success Coach, and a lot of hard work, Lanique has done just that.

Lanique, who now has a 750 credit score, credits what she learned in the IDA financial education classes and working with her Success Coach. “I had to work to get a 750, and you have to maintain it, too.” Her go-to strategies? Paying your bills on time and being mindful of spending. “I asked myself, ‘Do I want this? Do I need this? Can I afford this?’ Lanique participated in the eleven financial education classes, taking to heart the information and incorporating what she learned into her every day life. Having the

extra set of eyes, her Success Coach, to look at her budget helped Lanique make ensure she was budgeting correctly. Although she had always budgeted, she now knew exactly where her money was going because she diligently tracked her spending. “For first-time homeowners, this experience is invaluable,” says Lanique. The road was long and tough, but she was determined to make a change and achieve her dream of homeownership, and that is exactly what she did.

Today, Lanique is a proud homeowner, instilling in her and her family a sense of stability that hadn’t existed before. Now, she will accept nothing less, and neither will her children. Having never thought about assets moving forward, Lanique and her family now have a home that can be passed through generations.

New Century IDA (Individual Development Account) is an asset-building initiative that focuses primarily on promoting homeownership, obtaining higher education, and opening small businesses. The IDA program works to eliminate generational poverty by encouraging families and individuals to accrue assets.

Erin owns and operates Ease, a wellness studio in Winston-Salem that promotes holistic health and wellbeing through yoga, meditation, and a practice called ortho-bionomy. She started the small business as a side job, and was able to grow it into a fulltime operation, but she needed a little help expanding and sustaining the company. ESR’s small business IDA program helped her create a business plan, provided her with matching funds, and connected her with local businesses offering free services like website development, marketing, and legal assistance. “My business coach helped me shift my mindset from one of what can I do, to how can I move in a direction of stepping away from the business and still generating revenue,” Erin said. For other first-time small business owners, she said, “Take it one step at a time. You don’t have to wait until you know every detail— you’ll learn along the way.” Photo: Allison Lee Isley/Winston-Salem Journal

In connection with Crosby Scholars, New Century IDA participants with at least $300 in an IDA savings account who are seeking to invest in higher education can receive matching funds to be used towards tuition. Clients pursuing the education-track take online financial literacy courses through the FDIC’s Money Smart Program so as not to overwhelm their schedules, and homeownership and micro-enterprise clients attend financial literacy courses at ESR. In addition, the Working Group meets monthly to implement programs and provide wrap-around services for clients. A new addition to the New Century IDA Program is the implementation of the micro-enterprise initiative in starting their own small businesses can receive up to an 8:1 match on their savings. One of the key components of the New Century IDA program is assistance in raising client’s credit scores in order to qualify for homeownership; poor credit due to lack of financial literacy is a common barrier to homeownership for many. ESR also assists participants in lowering the debtto-income ratio through teaching budgeting and saving strategies. Success Coaches work with individuals to create a plan that involves financial literacy classes along with a strategy to learn to budget, improve their credit score, pay down their debt, and learn how to maintain their asset.

For years, Allan struggled with his finances. After finding himself homeless, he knew something had to change. Allan learned about the opportunities for homeless individuals through ESR’s Housing Services program and Samaritan Ministries, and through hard work and his trustworthy Success Coach Teresa Simmons, Allan has been able to turn his life around. “I don’t trust people all that well, and I sort of don't open up to people and I don’t take suggestions very well from strangers. But with Teresa, I have put all my trust in her and I have prayed a lot, too…that God would put people in my life like Teresa, and those prayers have been answered.”

While participating in the Housing Services Program, Allan

enrolled in financial education classes through ESR’s Road to Empowerment Series. Thanks to a grant from Novant Health and in collaboration with Samaritan Ministries and the Hawley House, clients like Allan learned how to budget, manage their money, and how to use credit wisely. “Before I have the money, I have been shown how to save, how to spend, how to pay bills, how to reestablish credit. I know what to do. But I have all the confidence in the world that I will have all the tools I need and that I’ll use them.” In early 2019, Allan was able to move into an apartment of his own. “It has been slow and it has been hard, but it has been worth it. And I couldn’t be more pleased with all the help I have gotten.”

The Road to Empowerment initiative is a financial literacy series that seeks to empower individuals to reach their financial goals through education in assetbuilding and career advancement. This free ESR service offers opportunities for community members to learn more about topics including financial security, job preparation, banking services and credit, renter’s rights, and other subjects of community interest. These courses are taught by ESR staff and experts from the community. As part of the series, attendees can receive giveaways including gift cards, bus passes, and more, as well as complimentary refreshments. This program allows individuals to feel more empowered, confident, and prepared to enter and excel in the workforce and to overcome barriers keeping them from success.

-Belinda, Road to Empowerment participant

Place Matters is an initiative started by United Way that recognizes and proactively works to combat one-size-fits-all solutions for community development and advancement. Place Matters is facilitated in conjunction with United Way partners with the LaDeara Crest neighborhood, Liberty East Restoration, Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County, Ashley Elementary, and the Salvation Army. ESR works with these partners and representatives from the community to determine which courses and programs would serve most beneficial. This initiative allows the community to reflect on its own goals and work with ESR and other non-profit partners to strategize how to best achieve these goals.

Yolanda, a LaDeara Crest resident, participated in all three Road to Empowerment classes offered as a part of Place Matters in fall 2018. The classes, held at Naomi Jones Resource Center, consisted of Budgeting, Cooking on a Budget, and Decorating on a Budget. “It is truly a special place filled with people who are doing good,” said Yolanda, who serves as the Community Liason for the LaDeara Crest neighborhood. She sees participating in the classes as an opportunity to de-stress and learn valuable information. “This is brain food. [This is] something you can take with you throughout life. ‘Stop and think’ classes.”

As a Community Actions Agency, ESR strongly values service to others. ESR’s annual Day of Service encourages staff and community members to spend a day at local non-profits for a day of volunteering and engagement. This event connects ESR with different aspects of need within Winston-Salem, and helps us learn more about the

missions of other local non-profit organizations. In honor of ESR’s 54th anniversary in September 2018, dozens of individuals lent their time and energy at the SECU Family House, Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County, SECCA, Forsyth Humane Society, Habitat ReStore, Senior Services, Family Services, ESR, and Samaritan Ministries.

Giving Tuesday is a national campaign that encourages making donations to non-profits on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. ESR takes part in this campaign every year with Giving Stews-day, in which participants donate in order to sample and vote in a stew cook-off! Board members, staff, and other community members donated stew and funds in support of ESR’s programs, enjoyed some delicious stew, and challenged friends and family to do the same.

In February 2018, ESR hosted its annual Winter Wonderland fundraiser at the Wake Forest Innovation Quarter to honor donors and celebrate the winter season. The fundraiser was an opportunity to raise funds for ESR’s programs and services, as well as a time of fellowship and thanksgiving for donors, partners, and friends. Participants were able to connect with staff, clients, and community

partners while learning about the impact of ESR’s services. "It was a great time and a packed event at the Innovation Quarter as we celebrated and educated the attendees about the positive impact ESR has on Winston-Salem and Forsyth County residents," Board Chair Adam Neiberg said.

After two rain dates due to hurricanes Florence and Michael, ESR held its annual Charity Golf Tournament at Winston Lake Golf Course on Friday, April 12, 2019. Golfers played in foursomes at the tournament, which was sponsored by BB&T, R.J. Reynolds, Peterson/ Gordons Architects, and I.L. Long Construction Company. This was ESR's fifth annual tournament, and the agency

wishes to express its gratitude to all our lead sponsors, another 37 hole and tee sponsors, our golfers, and all our other supporters.

In collaboration with the Forsyth County Public Library and Great Commission Community Church, ESR hosted its third annual Family Film Fest: Outdoor Movie Series. These free events held in July and August allow the families and youth of Winston-Salem to gather and enjoy educational games, free popcorn, community outreach, and a movie. In addition to fun activities, information is

provided about early childhood and elementary education enrollment, immunization requirements and locations, and other community resources. The movies are exciting, kid-friendly films provided by the Forsyth County Public Library, and Spanish subtitles are used to offer an inclusive experience. This year, ESR showed the criticallyacclaimed films “Coco” and “The Lego Batman Movie.”

$683,152 $324,102

$228,838 $147,785 $120,830 $108,516 $89,250 $76,195 $50,000 $26,240 $19,073


Front row: David Rose, Naomi Blackmon, Eva Gray-Allen, Minnie Ervin, Pastor Gloria Samuels, Rebecca Bender, Adam Neiberg, Chester David, Tonya Bellanger, Amatullah Saleem, Phillip Carter, Robert Hinshaw Back row: Diane Fitzhugh, Brian Burley, Jose Perez, Marsha Davis Not pictured: Rev. Dr. Michael W. Robinson, Katie Lefelar, LaShun Huntley, Diana Bozzuto, Leslie Winbush, LaMonica Sloan Wilhelmi

Left picture: ESR Directors—Executive Director Twana W. Roebuck, Director of Programs and Operations Fred Bazemore, Senior Finance Director Debra Perkins (77 combined years of service) Right picture: ESR Administration—Debra Perkins, IDA Program Manager Hilda Moore, Fred Bazemore, Development and Agency Relations Manager Victoria von Dohlen, Executive Assistant Deborah Austin-Thomas, Finance Assistant Keith Ferger, Housing Services Manager Pamela Ingram, Twana W. Roebuck, Self-Sufficiency Program Manager Sherri Paysour Not pictured: Forsyth Free Tax Program Manager Shirley Abdullah, Employee Relations Manager Manya Stewart

Front row: Teresa Simmons, Debra Perkins, Sherri Paysour, Victoria von Dohlen, Twana W. Roebuck, Juanita Bradford, Pamela Ingram, Janet McDowell Middle row: Karen Spaugh, Deborah Austin-Thomas, Willa Hines, Norma Lucas, Melinda Hash, Anthony Wright, Patricia Casey Back row: Bryon Harrison, Luna Williams, April Marlin, Keith Ferger Not pictured: Shirley Abdullah, Fred Bazemore, Susan Bowen, Josefina Cazares, James Cherry, Sharon Cunningham, Kena Gentry, Karen Forrest, Eric Glenn, Clarence Johnson, Johnnie Johnson, Shadowe Magaraci, Hilda Moore, Marie Roberts, Kimberly Simms, Manya Stewart, Jasmine Talley

Above: Wake Forest School of Business Masters in Management students Maddie Barber, Chloe Wilborn, Will Wong, Deanna Caperton, and Tory Gunsten; Below, clockwise: West Forsyth High School intern Drew Myers, Wake Forest SNIP intern Ben Tellefsen, Winston-Salem State intern Antonio Smith, Winston-Salem State intern Martine Thompson, Winston-Salem State intern Zoe Imes-Thomas, tax program volunteer Lucia Ramirez, community volunteer Dierdre Hill

Tax prep volunteers Chris and Bob

Wake Forest SPARC Volunteers

Doug Atkinson, Chair Tamika Bowers Ritchie Brooks Kurt Gehsmann

Dr. Brenda Latham-Sadler Dr. Karen Roseboro Dr. Eric Sadler

Tommy Hickman Sharon Jeffries-Jones Andrea Jenkins

Kent Wallace-Meggs Win Welch Mary Williams

Wake Forest School of Business tax prep volunteers

Wells Fargo tax prep volunteers

Board Chair Adam Neiberg pinning Advisory Board member Dr. Eric Sadler with his Louise G. Wilson Legacy Society member pin

20 Somethings Doing Something Shirley & Leonard Abdullah ACEY Group Thomas & Jean Adams Agape Faith Church Dr. Betty Alexander Allegacy Benefit Solutions

Ola Ashford Augsburg Lutheran Church Jay Bailey M & F Bank Gloria Banks Fred Bazemore BB&T BB&T Lighthouse Project Tonya Bellanger

Brian Burley Rachelle Burrell John W. Burress, III Cahill & Swain Alan & Lisa Caldwell Cannon & Company Capital Bank Carolina Cruisers Phillip Carter

Marcia Z. Cole Florence Corpening Country Club Golf Center Covelli Enterprises CycleBar Richard Daniels Darda Financial Services DataMax Chester David

Allegacy Federal Credit Union Emma Allen/Emma Allen State Farm Sharon D. Anderson Anonymous Alicia Anthony Cecil Anthony

Rebecca Bender Bethlehem Baptist Church Bobo’s Deli & Grill Body & Soul Susan Claire Bowen Clifton Bowie Nick & Diana Bozzuto Dr. Vivian H. Burke

Carving Board Patricia Casey Charles Chambers Chick-fil-A Chronicle Media Group Kay F. Clark Clark S. Brown & Sons CMJ Container Service

Marsha Davis Richard Davis DD Adams for Congress Dorsett Heating & Air Crista Douthit C. Dowell Efird & Marie Hine Fund English’s Bridal

& Formalwear Jakay & Minnie Ervin Ervin’s Beauty Services Keith Ferger Financial Pathways of the Piedmont Diane Fitzhugh Rise N Fly Bid Whist Club Fleet Feet McDara & Ragan Folan

Kurt Gehsmann George Foundation Annie Ginyard Girl Scout troop 41054 Golf Galaxy James Gordon Great Commission Communion Church GrimeGuru Hanesbrands

Willa Hines Pearline Howard I.L. Long Construction Co. Pamela Ingram Thomas Ingram Innovative Technology & Cloud Intown Donutz Annie Wade Irving Ivery Cason’s

Quander & Rubain, P.A. Kappa Alpha Psi Claudia Goodson Kennedy Kennedy, Kennedy, & Kennedy Keona's Boutique Jack Kimel King’s Crab Shack Krankies

Food Lion Forsyth County Public Library Forsyth Technical Community College Friday Night Crew James & Alinda Gadson Gregory & Catherine Gatto

Happy Hill Neighborhood Assn. Cleveland & N.S. Harding Brittany Haste Sylvia Hauser Linda C. Hayes Mark Henderson Tommy & Patricia Hickman Dierdre Hill

Handmade Jewelry Joyce Jackson Edith Cabell Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Francis James Richard James Peter & Janice Jennings John Jessup Johnnie Johnson Donna Jones

Lacy Foundation Dr. Brenda Latham-Sadler Katie Lefelar Linda Little Love Out Loud Daniel & Mona Lovette Shadowe & Sam Magaraci Marty & Holly Marion

Marsh and McLennan Agency Dr. Keri Mathis & students Marie Matthews Judge Lisa Menefee Carl Miller Minority Business Expo Lynne Mitchell Helen C. Monroe Agnes Moore

Noble’s Grill Old Town Auto Works Omega Psi Phi Panera Bread Paparazzi Accessories Gwendolyn Parker Pat's Body Shop Sherri Paysour Paz Studios Debra & Jeff Perkins

Timothy & Catherine Price Quality Education Academy (QEA) RAI Services Co. Deloris Reaves Reynolds American Foundation Dr. Sydney Richardson Rev. Dr. Michael & Dr. Claire Robinson

Dr. Eric J. Sadler Amatullah Saleem Pastor Gloria Samuels Shoemaker Glass & Mirror Shot to the Head Photography Arlene Simmons Ski & Tennis James T. Smith

Hilda Moore Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church Mt. Sinai Full Gospel Deliverance Center Adam & Rebecca Neiberg Network for Good New Communion Marla Newman Dennis & Pam Newman

Perry Peterson Peterson/Gordon Architects PF Chang’s Pine Needles Xpress Rodney & Ashley Pitts Play It Again Sports PNC Foundation Leon & Mary Porter Powerhouse Baptist Church

RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co. Dr. Mae Rodney Bobby & Twana Roebuck David Rose Rotary Club of Winston-Salem Steven & Anna Rubin Runway Men’s Wear Russell Funeral Home S & L Painting

Wanda Starke David & Iris Starkey State Farm Wayland Chad Stephens John & Gwendolyn Stewart St. Leo’s Catholic Church St. Peter’s World Outreach Center St. Stephen Missionary

Church Richard Strong Linda Sullivan Sunshine Beverages SunTrust Foundation Sweet Aromaz Lenithia Tillman Tobacco Drone Company Trinity Transport

Wake Forest Athletics Wake Forest Innovation Quarter Wake Forest University Bernard Wallace Bernie Wallace Ralph & Anne Walter R. H. Warren Joe & Rubin Watson

Wildlight Wellness Collective Paula Williams Gloria Wilson Winston-Salem Chronicle Winston-Salem Dash Winston-Salem Foundation

Joyce Truitt Truliant Federal Credit Union Randall & Claire Tuttle Dr. Leila Vickers David & Victoria von Dohlen Village Juice Village Tavern

Webster Bros. Hardware Wells Fargo Advisors Wells Fargo Foundation West End Auto Clinic Harden & Janet Wheeler Wheels4Hope Whitley Reavis Insurance

Winston-Salem State University Benny L. Wofford Mildred Wood WSNC 90.5 FM Xcaret Mexican Grill & Cantina XPO Logistics

Karl F. Yena YMCA of Northwest NC Our apologies if you contributed to ESR over the 2018-2019 fiscal year and were omitted from these pages. We deeply appreciate your support!

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