Roberta Distante: How I got a job in Denmark

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Roberta Distante from Italy, now working for Maersk Line, speaks about her experiences with getting a job in Denmark when she moved here‌

the International Staff Mobility of the same university. There I received the best support and counseling about the Danish job market, its dynamics, how to write effective CVs and cover letters, how to build a network - which is so important! This definitely eased the whole process.

What were your expectations for the Danish labor market (getting a job) before your arrival? My journey in beautiful Copenhagen started a long time ago, in September 2008. I started my PhD in Economics at Københavns Universitet after graduating from the University of Bologna and University College London. At that time, I chose Denmark for my postgraduate studies because of the perfect match between a good research environment and a high quality of life. My husband was hired at

How was it to find a job in Denmark? Finding a job in Denmark was not an easy task, but definitely not as difficult as I expected. I was very lucky in being able to exploit a great service offered from the University of Copenhagen to the spouses of international employees. Indeed, my husband is Associate Professor of Economics at KU and learned about the Dual Career ~ Spouse Network at

the same department as Assistant Professor. After spending some time back in Italy in 2012-2014, my husband and I decided to come back in the beginning of 2015. It was right then that I decided to switch to an industry job, as I felt it was about time to give a boost to my career path. In the beginning, I was afraid it would have been difficult due to my very limited knowledge of Danish. I believed that my PhD would have counted only to a certain extent, because of the

language limit. However, I was surprised to

How is the Danish employment culture

realize that many positions were available for

different from what you were used to?

internationals with my profile. I still believe it strongly depends on the background of the job-seeker: candidates

for are

quantitative selected





international audience, so knowing Danish is not a main prerequisite. Despite many companies being authentically Danish in major aspects, they promote and treasure cultural diversity in the job place.

In my case, both my academic legacy and my experience in the Italian job market mainly, made it difficult to draft effective CVs and cover letters for the Danish private job market. That is why I treasure the job counseling I received so much. My overall impression about the whole hiring process is very positive. I had very pleasant experiences; the hiring personnel was always very kind and I felt at ease each and every time, despite

How did you handle it - did you get help? I exploited the free counseling service provided by the Dual Career ~ Spouse Network of Københavns Universitet. Not only were they supportive in improving the application material, they also helped me understanding what kind of job I could be more fit given my background, ambitions and personal characteristics. So I started my job-

being involved in quantitative tests and long processes made of at least 3 steps. I learned very fast thanks to great feedback, and never got discouraged. I was positively surprised to realize how the Danes are less focused on mere formalities, while being truly interested in your personal qualities at least as much as in your professional skills. They are interested in the full picture, which I truly think to be a great approach in forming teams with valuable nuances.

hunting after the first sessions with the counselors. I used all the great functionalities of LinkedIn, as well as the main official public

Please tell us about your Danish

Danish job sources (e.g., Work in Denmark,


Jobnet, Jobindex). From there, I started learning more and more about the

My workplace is just amazing! I have joined a

companies based in Copenhagen that were

company, Maersk Line, with a long history of

interested in international candidates, so I

success, the core values of which perfectly

was able to target the most interesting ones

represent my ideal job environment. I am

for my career growth, and create job agents

having the opportunity to learn and being

from their web pages.

challenged, and I have been given a lot of responsibility since the beginning. This will most certainly provide excellent opportunities for





development. Furthermore, this is really an

whether this will be the place where we will

international environment. The employees can

live our entire life; however, I think that for

join different groups that favor cohesion and

people our age, with our qualifications, and

make the working life livelier, from the

willing to create a family, Denmark is

international society to many sporting clubs.

unequalled. We feel homesick from time to

Everything is studied to make the job place an

time, as we love our country and our culture.

exciting one. Also, I belong to a department

Unfortunately, these are hard times. Italy has

populated by open-minded, friendly and

so many structural changes to accomplish,

tremendously skilled people!

such huge rethinking of the welfare system, the job market, the way to seize on the manifold talents it was able to produce! Meanwhile, life flows and people like us look

What do you think about working in a Danish company? This is my first experience in a Danish company. What I find invaluable is the

for more stability and fulfillment abroad. Among the countries we had in mind to move to, Denmark was definitely the best choice for our needs.

approach to measuring performance and productivity independent of effective hours worked in a single day, the flexibility to choose your schedule, how respectful everyone is of your life outside work and your family needs. What I find extremely frustrating of many other job realities abroad is exactly this: little care of the employee’s instances and needs outside the workplace, measuring productivity by hours worked over time. So, dear Danes, please keep this culture and be proud of it!

Do you have good tips for other accompanying partners looking for a job? The best investment you can do is getting the support of career counselors since the beginning, and trust them. I know the Københavns Kommune, for example, gives such an opportunity offering career services, with a program dedicated to spouses. Depending on your background, you might want to consider learning Danish; your

Do you have ambitions in Denmark? My husband and I moved back to Denmark because we thought this to be a good place to raise our children. My daughter is enrolled in a Danish daycare, is learning Danish (and forcing us to consider learning it) and is of course building bonds to this place, which she recognizes as home. It is difficult to say

courses will be subsidized and free for some years. Finally, something that applies in general: always believe in yourself, even when things turn sour. When embarking in the job seeking process, one has to be prepared for many unexpected events, both very positive and very negative. Frustration is just around the corner and you have to accept it.

Never give up!

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