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Cilj ostaja isti The Goal Remains the Same Exo_knjizica_tisk.indd 1

13.11.2007 11:49:49





29. 11.

30. 11. delavnica workshop Urjenje Coaching 10:00 | različne lokacije different locations

1. 12. delavnica workshop Urjenje Coaching 10:00 | različne lokacije different locations pogovor discussion Umetnost in pornografija Art & Pornograpy 17:00 | SEM

2. 12.

Dave St-Pierre Pornografija duš Bare Naked Souls 20:00 | Stara elektrarna

Bojan Jablanovec Štiri smrti (Zavist) The Four Deaths (The Envy) 21:00 | Stara elektrarna

dogodek event Dark Art Night 22:00 | grad Kodeljevo

(1. novoletna) zabava (1st newyear) party Slovo od 1/3 Farewell to 1/3 22:00 | Stara elektrarna

projekt v živo live project Vsak drugacen, vsi na istem All different All in the same boat 14:00 | Glej Janez Janša FAKE it! 20:00 | Studio Viba

Wayn Traub Maria-Dolores 20:00 | Stara elektrarna pogovor po predstavi talk after the performance Traub + Jablanovec

Mette Ingvartsen 50/50 18:00 | PTL pogovor po predstavi talk after the performance Ingvartsen + Janša

GLEJ - Gregorčičeva 3 | STARA ELEKTRARNA Old Power Station - Slomškova 11 PTL Dance Theatre Ljubljana - Prijateljeva 2 | LUNA PARK GRAD KODELJEVO Castle Koblarjeva 34 | STUDIO VIBA - Stegne 5 | kavarna SEM SEM coffeehouse - Metelkova 2 Festivalska točka druženja + informacij Festival meeting&info point: KAVARNA SEM, VSAK DAN, EVERY DAY 10:00 -17:00 rezervacija vstopnic in informacije booking & info: INFO@EXODOS.SI, 041 211 185, 051 269 906 (samo za dogodke v stari elektrarni only for the performances in old power station). nakup vstopnic: URO PRED DOGODKOM NA PRIZORIŠČU PREDSTAV. cena vstopnice: 7 EUR - DIJAKI, ŠTUDENTI, UPOKOJENCI, UMETNIKI; 10 EUR - OSTALI. opozorilo: PRIZORIŠČA SO MAJHNA, PREDSTAVE ZANIMIVE. PRAVOČASNO POSKRBITE ZA VSTOPNICE! ticket sales: ONE HOUR BEFORE THE PERFORMANCE AT THE EVENT VENUE. admission: 7 EUR - PUPILS, STUDENTS, PENSIONERS, ARTISTS; 10 EUR OTHERS. note: ADVANCE PURCHASE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

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13.11.2007 11:50:27

Čas med obdobji merimo različno. Včasih nam leti, drugič se vleče, zgodi se da celo stoji. Odvisno predvsem od tega, kolikšen je naš energetsko-čustveni vložek, kakšna so naša pričakovanja in naša razočaranja. Obdobje med 12. in 13. festivalom Exodos je bilo predvsem dolgo in, milo rečeno, zahtevno. To je bil čas razočaranj in spoznanj, pa tudi čas, ki je omogočil novosti, zahteval odločitve in spremembe. Zahvaljujem se vsem, ki ste ob nerazumljivi odločitvi ministrstva za kulturo izrazili podporo festivalu Exodos. To nam je dalo dodatno moč in utrdilo prepričanje, da je mednarodni festival Exodos pomemben za slovenski kulturni prostor, saj odpira nova obzorja in nove poglede. Pred nami in vami je 13. Exodos. Z 1/3 načrtovanega programa – vse želje se ne uresničijo vedno, a ne? – v novi obliki, z novim konceptom, z novo ekipo, z novimi avtorji, z novimi predstavami, v novih prostorih, v novem času. Le cilj ostaja isti: Narediti dober festival, ki bo nam in vam prikazal nekaj novega, lepega, drugačnega in nepozabnega. Nataša Zavolovšek direktorica Festivala

The time between periods is measured in various ways. Sometimes it flies and sometimes it drags; it even happens that it stands still. It all depends primarily on the volume of the invested energy and emotions, on our expectations and disappointments. The period between the 12th and the 13th Exodos Festivals was above all long, but also demanding, to put it mildly. It was the time of distress and recognition, but also the time that has led to novelties and called for changes and decisions to be made. I would like to express my thanks to all who have encouraged the Festival after the incomprehensible decision of the Slovene Ministry of Culture to withdraw its financial support. This encouragement has strengthened us and hardened our conviction that the Exodos International Festival of Performing Arts is important for the Slovene cultural space – for it is opening up new horizons and new perspectives. Here comes the 13th Exodos Festival, with only one third of the planned programme – well, not all wishes can always be fulfilled, right? – in a new form, with a new concept, a new team, with new artists, new performances, in new venues, in a new time. Only the goal remains the same: to prepare a good festival during which everyone will see something fresh, attractive, different and unforgettable. Nataša Zavolovšek Director of the Festival

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13.11.2007 11:50:27

Janez Janša

FAKE it! 29. 11. | Viba film | 20:00 režija directed by: JANEZ JANŠA ustvarjalci izvajalci creators-performers: LEJA JURIŠIĆ, JURIJ KONJAR, MANCA KRNEL, TEJA REBA, DEJAN SRHOj asistent režije direction assistant: SAMO GOSARIČ svetlobno oblikovanje lighting design: MIRAN SUSTERŠIČ tehnični vodja technical director: BORUT CAJNKO izvršna producentka executive producer: KATJA STUŠEK proukcija production: ZAVOD EXODOS koprodukcija co-production: MASKA Zahvala: vsem, ki ste odgovorili na vprašalnik o ključnih avtorjih in predstavah sodobnega plesa, Studiu Oktober in Viba filmu. Thanks to all who have answered the questionnaire about the key contemporary dance artists and productions, to Studio Oktober and Viba Film.

Izhodišče so predstave sodobnega plesa, ki jih Slovenija ni nikoli videla in jih najbrž tudi ne bo, če ne zaradi ekonomskih določevalcev programiranja hiš z mednarodnim scenskim programom in festivalov scenskih umetnosti, pa zaradi gole in stvarne biološke minljivosti ustvarjalcev. Podobno kot srečujemo ponaredke na črnem trgu izdelkov, bodo tudi na trg sodobnega plesa lansirani ponaredki del nekaterih ključnih koreografov druge polovice 20. stoletja. Projekt na neposreden način reflektira tudi eno prevladujočih interpretacij nacionalne kulture – teorijo zamudništva. Janez Janša ustvarja avtorska scenska dela, npr. Camillo Memo 1.0; Miss Mobile; Mi vsi smo Marlene Dietrich FOR; Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilcki – rekonstrukcija; Slovensko narodno gledališce, pa tudi interdisciplinarna, npr. First World Camp; Triglav na Triglavu. Je avtor monografije Ponavljanje, norost, disciplina – celostna umetnina Fabre. Redno izvaja delavnice in predava na evropskih in ameriških univerzah ter v umetniških središčih.

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The starting point of this production are contemporary dance productions that Slovenia never saw and probably never will see - if not because of the economic facts defining the programming in houses with international stage programme and at festivals of performing arts, then because of the bare, factual biological transience of creators. As we can find counterfeits of products at the black market, similarly we intend to launch counterfeits of works of several key choreographers from the second half of the 20th century to the contemporary dance market. The project also directly reflects on one of the prevailing interpretations of the Slovene national culture, i.e. the theory of lagging behind. Janez Janša has been creating theatre productions (We Are All Marlene Dietrich FOR; Pupilija, Papa Pupilo and the Pupilceks - A Reconstruction; Slovene National Theatre), as well as multimedia works (First World Camp; Triglav on Triglav). He wrote a monograph JAN FABRE – The Discipline of Chaos, The Chaos of Discipline.

13.11.2007 11:50:27

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13.11.2007 11:50:29

Če si ne moremo privoščiti originalov, plešimo ponaredke. If We Cannot Afford Originals, Let's Dance Counterfeits.

Foto: Janez Janša

Wayn Traub

MARIA-DOLORES 30. 11. | Stara elektrarna Old Power Station | 20:00 pogovor po predstavi talk after the performance Traub + Jablanovec zasnova, scenarij, režija concept, script, directed by: WAYN TRAUB glasba music: WIM DE WILDE izvršni producent executive producer: WOUTER CROENEN produkcija production: TONEELHUIS koprodukcija co-production: VZW WAYN TRAUB, LA BÂTIE (CH), VOORUIT, STUK, VICTORIA, CENTRE DES ARTS SCÈNIQUES gledališce theatre igralki actress: LUDMILLA KLEJNIAK, SIMONNE MOESEN besedilo text: MARIE LECOMTE, SIMONNE MOESEN, WAYN TRAUB scena set design: WAYN TRAUB kostumi costumes: ULRIKE GUTBROD film movie glavni igralci main actors: MARIE LECOMTE, DOLORES BOUCKAERT, WAYN TRAUB, JEAN-BENOIT UGEUX, ENO KROJANKER, JEAN SEGANI poezija poetry: JEAN-BENOIT UGEUX umetniški direktorji art-directors: POL HEYVAERT, BRECHT VANHOENACKER, WAYN TRAUB kostumi, maska costumes, make-up: SKY VANDERHOEK

Ta "gledališko-filmska" predstava pripoveduje o nenavadnem trikotniku med Geert, bolno Poly in igralko Marie ter o njenih vajah za mirakel o noseči Mary in ljubosumni nuni Dolores. Maria-Dolores je opera muzikal, filmični mirakel, genialno plastenje zgodb, glasbe, mizanscen, poezije, gibanja in ritma. Wayn Traub je po izobrazbi filmski ustvarjalec, po poklicu pa gledališki. Pri 24-ih napiše Manifesto of Animal Theatre, prvi korak na svoji poti raziskovanja oblik ritualnega gledališča. Po produkcijah konec 90-ih (Pošasti, Waynova nevihta in MizanTraub) ustvari samosvojo trilogijo: Maria-Dolores, Jean-Baptiste in Le comeback de Jean-Baptiste. V sezoni 2006/7 se pripravlja na veliko novo produkcijo N. Q. Z. C.

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In this ‘theatre-movie’ performance, Traub tells the story of an extraordinary triangular relationship between Geert, the sick Polly and actress Marie. The latter is rehearsing a miracle play about the pregnant Mary and the jealous nun Dolores. Maria-Dolores is an opera-musical, a filmic miracle play, ingenious layers of stories, music, mise-en-scene, poetry, movement and rhythm. Wayn Traub is a film-maker by training, but his real vocation lies in the theatre. At the age of twenty-four he wrote his Manifesto of Animal Theatre, the first step in his on-going search for a contemporary form of ritual theatre. After a first series of productions at the end of the 1990's – Beasts, Wayn Storm, and Les Mises-en-Traub – he created his self-willed trilogy Maria-Dolores, Jean-Baptiste, and Le comeback de Jean-Baptiste. In the 200607 season he is in preparation for a new large-scale creation, N. Q. Z. C.

13.11.2007 11:50:31

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13.11.2007 11:50:33

Če narediš res dobro predstavo, gre občinstvo domov očiščeno, "krščeno". Kaj komu pomeni ta izkušnja, je njegova stvar. If you make a really good production, your audience goes home 'baptized'. What they do with that experience is their business.

Foto: Wayn Traub

Dave St-Pierre

PORNOGRAFIJA DUŠ BARE NAKED SOULS 1. 12. | Stara elektrarna Old Power Station | 20:00 ustvarjalci creators: EUGÉNIE BEAUDRY, ENRICA BOUCHER, GENEVIÈVE BÉLANGER, JULIE CARRIER, KARINA CHAMPOUX, FRANCIS DUCHARME, SARAH LEFEBVRE, VÉRONIQUE LAVALLÉE, CAMILLE LOISELLE-D'ARAGON, EVE PRESSAULT-CHALIFOUX, MARIE-EVE QUILICOT, PATRICK SIMARD, EMMANUEL SCHWARTZ, DAVE ST-PIERRE alternacije in alternation with: EMMANUELLE BOURASSA BEAUDOIN, ALEXIE LEFEBVRE, JULIE PERRON, AUDE RIOLAND, ERIC ROBIDOUX, DONALD WEIKERT koreografija choreography: DAVE ST-PIERRE režiser predstave in inspicient stage & technical director: BENOÎT BISAILLON vodja tehnike, svetlobno oblikovanje technical manager, lighting design: ALEXANDRE PILON-GUAY administracija administration: SUZANNE BENOIT Projekt so podprli: Svet za umetnost in književnost Kanade, Svet za umetnost in literaturo Kanade, Plesna Agora, Tangente, Ministrstvo za kulturo in komunikacijo Quebeca, Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve. This project received support from: Conseil des Arts du Canada, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, L'Agora de la danse, Tangente, le Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec et le Ministère des Relations Internationales.

Plesalci in koreograf delajo šest ur na dan, zvečer pa predstavijo sad svojega težkega dela. Vzamejo si pravico delati napake, improvizirati, razstaviti svoje delo, se znova sestaviti … skratka: ustvarjati. Občinstvo ima pravico, da se odziva, opredeljuje, jih hipno vzljubi ali zasovraži. Sama uprizoritev je delo v nastajanju. Laboratorijski preizkus. Naraščajoče tveganje. Preizkušanje občinstva. Dave St-Pierre sodeluje s koreografi, kot so Harold Rhéaume, Jean-Pierre Perrault, Estelle Clareton, Pierre-Paul, mednarodno pa se uveljavi z Danielom Léveilléjem. St-Pierra kot koreografa zanima neoekspresionizem, združevanje prvin gledališča, plesa, performansa. La pornographie des âmes je prvi del Sociologie et autres utopise contemporaines, "triptiha o človečnosti, ljubezni, življenju in smrti" .

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The dancers and the choreographer will work six hours a day, and then at night, will present the fruit of their hard work. They give themselves the right to make mistakes, to improvise, to deconstruct their work, to rebuild themselves, in one word, to create. Spectators have the right to react, take sides, to immediately love or hate it. The representation itself is a work in progress. Lab-testing. Increased risk. Audience testing. Dave St-Pierre colaborated with coreographers such as Harold Rhéaume, Jean-Pierre Perrault, Estelle Clareton, Pierre-Paul and Daniel Léveillé. As coreographer St-Pierre is influenced by the neo-expressionism combining three art forms: theater, dance and performance. La pornographie des âmes is the first part of Sociologie et autres utopise contemporaines, ‘the triptyc of human, love, life and death’ .

13.11.2007 11:50:37

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13.11.2007 11:50:38

Kdaj bomo videli gole ljudi hoditi po ulici, igraje na tubo, z goreÄ?imi ritmi? When will we see naked people walking down the streets, playing the tuba, with their asses up on fire?

EugĂŠnie Beaudry. Foto: Dave St-Pierre

Mette Ingvartsen

50/50 2. 12. | PTL Dance Theatre Ljubljana | 18:00 pogovor po predstavi talk after the performance Ingvartsen + Janša koreografinja, izvajalka choreography, performance: METTE INGVARTSEN glasba music: DEEP PURPLE, LEONCAVALLO, CORNELIUS zvok sound: PETER LENAERTS Zahvala Thanks to: Podevil, Berlin, P.A.R.T.S, Hannah Sophie Hohlfeld, Mårten Spångberg, Bojana Cvejić.

Solo tematizira ekspresivnost skozi telesne gibe, ne skozi čustva. Ingvartsenova, "napravljena" v preprosto oranžno skodrano lasuljo, raziskuje v plesu vse oblike telesne govorice. Pri tem uporablja kode, sposojene iz rocka, opere, cirkusa; obrazne in telesne izraze pa deformira do živalskosti. Zvoke, ki segajo od Deep Purple do Leoncavalla, preoblikuje v geste in geste v telesna pričevanja. Mette Ingvarsten študira na P. A. R. T. S. ples in koreografijo. Na plesno sceno zapaženo vstopi s predstavo Manual Focus. Njene koreografije: Solo Negatives, Manual Focus, Out Of Order, 50/50, The Making Of, The Making Of so na eni strani čutne in čudne, na drugi popolnoma skladne. Kljub mladosti ima že dobro razvito lastno plesno govorico, tako v solističnih kot skupinskih delih.

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This solo approaches the theme of expressivity through physical practice, and not through emotion. Sporting a simple orange curly wig, Ingvartsen explores every form of body language in dance using codes borrowed from rock, opera and the circus, deforming facial and body expressions to the point of animality. Sounds ranging from Deep Purple to Leoncavallo are transformed into gestures, and gestures into physical states. Mette Ingvarsten trained as dancer and choreographer at P.A.R.T.S. She made a well-noticed entrance to the dance scene with the short piece Manual Focus. Her choreographies – Solo Negatives, Manual Focus, Out Of Order, 50/50, The Making Of The Making Of – are on the one hand sensuous and bizarre, and on the other hand perfectly composed. In spite of her youth she already has a welldeveloped dance idiom of her own, in both solos and ensemble works.

13.11.2007 11:50:40

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13.11.2007 11:50:42

ÄŒeprav manifesti pripadajo preteklosti - je tu YES MANIFESTO. In spite of manifestos belonging to the past - here comes YES MANIFESTO.

Foto: Peter Lenaerts

Via Negativa

ŠTIRI SMRTI (Zavist) THE FOUR DEATHS (The Envy) 2. 12. | Stara elektrarna Old Power Station | 21:00 besedila, prizori texts, scenes: BARBARA KUKOVEC, KATARINA STEGNAR, PETRA ZANKI, GREGA ZORC, DYLAN TIGHE, BOJAN JABLANOVEC izvajalci performers: BARBARA KUKOVEC, KATARINA STEGNAR, PETRA ZANKI, GREGA ZORC koncept, scena, režija concept, set design, directed by: BOJAN JABLANOVEC producentka producer: ŠPELA TROŠT produkcija production: VIA NEGATIVA koprodukcija co-production: GLEJ podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, MO Ljubljana supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the City of Ljubljana

Biblijska zgodba o Abelu in Kajnu je paradigmatska zgodba o zavisti: zaradi božje ljubezni brat ubije brata. V gledališču pozicijo boga (božje ljubezni) zaseda občinstvo. Kdo od igralk in igralcev ga bo prepričal? Tista, ki se poistoveti s karizmatično Pino Bausch, ali ona, ki spomni na performans Ritem 0 Marine Ambramović? Morda igralec, privržen Timu Etchellsu, ali pa …? Via Negativa raziskuje osnove teatralnosti. Izhodiščna točka vsakega projekta je eden od sedmih smrtnih grehov. Naloga igralca je, da raziskuje in uprizori svoje osebno razmerje do greha. Rezultate raziskave VN vsako leto prikaže v obliki gledališke predstave. Osmo leto bo raziskavo zaključila predstava Via Nova, sinteza materiala vseh sedmih let.

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The Biblical story about Cain and Abel is a paradigm about envy: one brother kills his sibling for God's love. In the theatre, the audience took the position of God (God's love). Who amongst actresses and actors will persuade it? The actress who identifies herself with charismatic Pina Bauch or that who reminds us of The Rhythm 0 by Marina Abramović? Maybe the actor devoted to Tim Etchels, or…? Via Negativa investigates the basics of theatricality. Backgrounds of its research are fundamental human characteristics integrated in the concept of seven deadly sins. The task of a performer in VN is to investigate and to perform different forms of his/her personal attitude towards sin. VN presents its work annually with a theatre performance. The VN project will be concluded in 2009 with a performance Via Nova, which will integrate the material from the past seven years.

13.11.2007 11:50:45

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13.11.2007 11:50:46

Koga moramo ubiti, da nas bo občinstvo ljubilo? Božja razsodba je v vaših rokah … Whom do we have to kill in order to gain the love of audience? The power of God's judgement is in your hands…

Foto: Marcandrea

projekt v živo live project

VSAK DRUGACEN, VSI NA ISTEM ALL DIFFERENT ALL IN THE SAME BOAT 29. 11. | Glej | 14:00 Premiera dogodka, katerega ustvarjalci ste vsi imetniki zavrnjenega projekta, ki kljub dobri zasnovi ni dobil finančnih sredstev ministrstva za kulturo. Gre za minimalistično predstavitev vsakega zavrnjenega, tako da bo izstopila ideja, na kateri temelji … Morda bo imel pri občinstvu 13. Exodosa več sreče. The premiere of an event featuring creators whose projects were left without financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia despite their good concept. The artists will prepare minimal presentations of their rejected projects highlighting their basic ideas… Perhaps they will win more approval from the Exodos Festival audience.

delavnica workshop

URJENJE COACHING 30. 11., 1. 12. | različne lokacije different locations | 10:00-19:00 Delavnico vodijo mednarodno priznani strokovnjaki: Ivana Ivković (dramaturginja, sourednica knjige Demokino, Hrvaška), George Skalkogianis (producent, soustanovitelj skupine La, la, la Human steps, umetniški vodja, Kanada), Bojana Kunst (filozofinja, teoretičarka, dramaturginja, Slovenija). Njen namen je odpreti dialog o procesu nastajanja predstave avtorjev in ustvarjalcev, ki pripravljajo ali razvijajo svoja dela oz. si želijo kritično reflektirati svoje dosedanje delo. Prijava je bila možna do 1. novembra. Coaching kot orodje praktične dramaturgije poteka v sodelovanju med zavodom Exodos in Maska Simpozij.

This workshop will be given by internationally-renown specialists: Ivana Ivković (dramaturge, co-editor of the book Demokino, Croatia); George Skalkogianis (producer and co-founder of La La La Human Steps, artistic director, Canada); and Bojana Kunst (philosopher, theorist, dramaturge, Slovenia). It aims at opening a dialogue with artists and creators about their ongoing work and to critically evaluate and reflect on their future creations. The application deadline was 1 November. In co-operation with Exodos Ljubljana & Maska Simpozij.

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13.11.2007 11:50:49

pogovor discussion

UMETNOST IN PORNOGRAFIJA ART & PORNOGRAPY 1. 12. | Kavarna SEM SEM coffeehouse | 17:00 O umeščenosti seksualnosti in pornografije kot relevantnih tem umetnostnega diskurza v slovenski gledališki in širši umetniški prostor se pogovarjamo skupaj z gosti voditeljice Tanje Lesničar-Pučko. A discussion about the place of sexuality and pornography as relevant topics of art discourse in the Slovene theatrical and wider artistic space. Moderated by: Tanja Lesničar-Pučko.

dogodek event

DARK ART NIGHT 1. 12. | grad Kodeljevo Kodeljevo castle | 22:00 D&G Show (Dick and Greta Show), neodvisna glasbena skupnost, pripravlja celovečerni dogodek, pestro in ekskluzivno zmes glasbe, petja, vizualne umetnosti, plesnih in teatralnih performansov. Zasnova izvira iz knjige Black Erotica, ključno vlogo pri celotnem šovu pa ima režija – pod njeno taktirko se razvije spektakel, sodobni kabaret, v katerem obiskovalci dejavno sodelujemo. Vodilna tema sobotnega druženja so temačnost, erotičnost, obscenost; nastopajoči naj ostanejo skrivnost; zapovedana obleka je kostum oz. maska, katere vodilo je Skrijem, da odkrijem. Opozarjamo na Destricted, prvo zbirko kratkih filmov na temo seks in umetnost, katerih avtorji so: Marina Abramović, Mathew Barney, Marco Brambilla, Larry Clark, Gaspar Noé, Richard Prince, Sam Taylor - Wood.

D&G Show (Dick and Great Show), an independent music community, is organising an all-night event, an assorted and exclusive mixture of music, singing, visual art, dance and theatre performances. The concept of the show is based on the book Black Erotica and the crucial role is played by its director assuring that the event turns into a real spectacle, a contemporary cabaret with active participation of audience. The leading ideas of this Saturday's gathering are obscurity, eroticism, obscenity. The actors and performers shall remain secret. Dress code: a costume and/or a mask inspired by the theme of Hiding to Expose. Mind the Destricted, the first short film collection bringing together sex & art created by Marina Abramović, Mathew Barney, Marco Brambilla, Larry Clark, Gaspar Noé, Richard Prince, Sam Taylor - Wood.

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13.11.2007 11:50:49

Pokroviteljica celotnega Festivala donator

partnerji partners

medijski pokrovitelji media sponsors

pokrovitelji sponsors

uradni prevoznik po ljubljani official carrier in ljubljana

uradni letalski prevoznik offical flight carrier

Podpora: MO Ljubljana, Odd. Za kulturo. Supported by: the City of Ljubljana.

Zavod Exodos Ljubljana Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana T: 01 431 03 44 F: 01 431 03 44 S: www.exodos.si E: info@exodos-festival.si Zavod Exodos Ljubljana je član organizacije IETM, F. I. T. in mreže Transdance, soorganizator Balkan Dance platforme. Exodos Institute Ljubljana is a member of IETM, F.I.T., and Transdance Network, co-organiser of the Balkan Dance Platform. Produkcija Production ZAVOD EXODOS Ljubljana. Direktorica Festivala Festival Director: NATAŠA ZAVOLOVŠEK. Umetniški svet Artistic Board: PRIMOŽ JESENKO, BARBARA HRIBAR, JEDRT JEŽ, SAMME RAEYMAEKERS, NATAŠA ZAVOLOVŠEK. Izbor gostov Traub, Ingvartsen Guests selectors: BOJAN JABLANOVEC, JANEZ JANŠA. Tehnični vodja Technical Director: BORUT CAJNKO. Odnosi z mediji, koordinatorica Festivala Media Relations and Festival Coordinator: KATJA STUŠEK. Koordinatorica Urjenja Coaching Coordinator: ANDREJA KOPAČ. Vodički Guideresses: URŠA LIKAR, TINA VOJNIČ. Celostna podoba Visual identity: PHANT&PUNTZA. Spletno oblikovanje Web design: ŽIGA PREDAN. Scena Set design: IRENA PIVKA. Foto Photo: NADA ŽGANK. Besedila Text: NATAŠA ZAVOLOVŠEK (uvodnik introduction), INGE PANGOS (adaptacija adaptation) Prevod Translation: BORUT CAJNKO Urednica Editor: INGE PANGOS. Tisk Print: STANE PEKLAJ. Ljubljana. November 2007.

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13.11.2007 11:51:00

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