2 minute read
Interview with Raquel Zamora
Szia Marbella Your new patisserie-florist in Marbella
Inspiration can come at any time, even when it seems least propitious... This is what happened to Raquel Zamora, a businesswoman from Marbella, who surprises us once again after confinement, with the opening of a new establishment that brings an original concept to the city, and in which the senses play a special role. We are talking about Szia Marbella, a charming flower and cake shop in the heart of the Golden Mile.
What is Szia? Szia is a unique place, for which we’ve used all our senses, never better said! It’s a mixture of aromas, flavours, and textures. A new concept in Marbella that aims to offer a unique shopping experience, with smells which evoke memories, where the importance of small details takes on its full meaning, and where you can enjoy beauty in its utmost splendour, through the products we bring directly to your table: from original aromatic or decorative bouquets, to freshly baked bread and croissants, and a wide variety of French pastries and healthy vegan cakes. All of this, together with decorative pieces and linen tablecloths that become the perfect complement.
How did you come up with the idea of creating this new concept? Szia is a project that I’d had in mind for months, but it finally took shape during confinement, as a way of bringing two lines of business I’ve always liked together in one concept: the world of flowers and the world of cakes. It’s a novel concept. For the flowers section, we invited Virginia Florista to participate in our project by putting her artistic touch to the different floral compositions we offer.
Out of curiosity… Why Szia? Where does the name come from? Szia is one of those words that, despite its simplicity, hides infinite beauty. It means ‘Hello’ in Hungarian, a combination of just four letters that mean so much… Szia Marbella is full of positive energy, eager to receive the most demanding customers, as well as the most charming. But it’s also a simple establishment, like the word that gave it its name; one you’ll probably leave with a smile... that smile prompted by the aroma of freshly baked bread, or the scent of freshly cut flowers.
EXCLUSIVERECIPE Bizcocho de naranja
INGREDIENTES : 5 huevos orgánicos 180 gr de harina organica tamizada 1 cucharada de levadura 180 gr de panela 110 gr de mantequilla organica la cascara de una naranja zumo de 2 naranjas
PREPARACIÓN: Precalentar el horno a 160 grados separar la yema de la clara de los huevos Batir las yemas de huevo y la panela hasta que ésta quede integrada y se haya triplicado el tamaño. mezclar la levadura y la harina, a continuación agregar la mezcla a las yemas de los huevos. Mezclar la mantequilla derretida, la ralladura de las naranjas y el zumo de las mismas. Batir las claras de huevo hasta que esten rígidas e incorporarlas muy suavemente a la mezcla anterior usando una espátula. Hay que tener mucho cuidado de no romper las claras. Preparar el molde untando un poco de mantequilla y hornear durante 35, 40 min
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