Flock - issue 3 - How to be a better business

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In good company If there’s one thing that Flock elicits it’s the start of a conversation; whether that’s a new business relationship being struck up, a different take on tackling a commercial issue or pushing a personal perimeter, Flock is recognised for getting a collective conversation going.

We don’t look for rights and we don’t seize upon wrongs: we look for balance and we respect and value everyone’s input. We were recently in good company to talk about the triple bottom line approach to business and the major shift to purpose-driven consumerism that’s mirroring the increasingly prominent buying power of Millennials and Gen Z.

Flock | How to B a Better Business had a significant impact on all of those that joined in our conversation around businesses doing it better, with a purpose and with their people and the planet in mind. Due to the network’s support, many of the burgeoning conversations at the event have since become actions with effects. We saw tangible outcomes from Citywire, Gold Key Media and Leaders in Sport, who have all taken the next step to elevating their business focus away from pure profit to become a more socially conscious company. We always welcome leaders, influencers and thinkers to be part of Flock’s community of conversations and conversationists. If that sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you as our 2022 events are planned and the conversations lined up ready for more good company and companies.

Stephanie Hall Group Director of Sales & Marketing


Heard about Flock? PAGES 4 ——5

Flock is a peer-to-peer network of like-minded business people. Exclusive Collection created Flock, its peer-topeer network, in 2019 to build relationships with key stakeholders across industry sectors. Membership to the community is by recommendation or invitation and comprises of senior business figures, entrepreneurs, and Exclusive’s key partners. By joining the network, friends of Flock gain access to insights from sporting elites and relevant thought leaders, share best commercial practices and have a candid interaction with one another. There are also proven commercial benefits of becoming a member with many new business relationships formed and ideas formulated. To develop our network, we encourage recommendations from our community. We also accept approaches from unaffiliated individuals — if they have a likeminded outlook and profile they will enjoy the benefits, knowledge and networking Flock is synonymous with.

Our objectives •

To share community best business practices, advice and help through an engaged and creative network of business leaders.

To share insightful digital content and standout events providing business knowledge by leading experts.

To provide opportunities for businesses to form new relationships and collaborate on shared commercial goals

To gain specific insight and learnings around Exclusive Collection’s core values: high performing teams, B Corp, wellness and innovation.

To learn more, contact: Sam Regan Head of Heard & Herd sam@exclusive.co.uk 07464 543964




In good company

B Corporation Exclusive Collection

How to B better

10 — 11

12 — 15

16 — 19

The great migration

A better workplace

A global conversation

20 — 23

24 — 29

30 — 31

Souled or sold out

Questions from the kids

Take home tips & Resources

Written and curated in partnership with Andrew White, Triggerfish



B Corporation Exclusive Collection

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We’ve committed to being a socially conscious business and have joined more than 4,000 other organisations who are proud to have been certified as B Corps.

We announced the news at Flock which also gave us the opportunity to showcase, share and consider the many changes we want to make across the group. As the first hotel brand in the UK to achieve the B Corp certification, it’s as exciting as it is daunting as there is so much we want to do. The B Corp certification addresses the entirety of our operations and covers five key impact areas of Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers. The process of certification is rigorous and to achieve B Corp status we had to reach a benchmark score of over 80 while providing evidence of socially and environmentally responsible practices relating to energy supplies, waste and water use, worker compensation, diversity, and corporate transparency. To complete the certification, and most significantly, we changed our Articles of Association at Companies House to embed our commitment to purpose beyond profit.

Kate Sandle, Director of Programmes and Engagement of B Lab UK, says: “We are delighted to welcome Exclusive Collection to the B Corp community. This is a movement of companies who are committed to changing how business operates and believe business really can be a force for good. We know that Danny and the Exclusive team are going to be a fantastic addition to the community and will continue driving the conversation forward. “We are pleased to have B Corps of all shapes and sizes as part of our community – from startups to multinationals and across many different industries. Business is a powerful force and B Corps demonstrate that you can do good in any sector. Welcoming Exclusive Collection is an exciting moment because they have an opportunity to lead the way within the hotel and hospitality industry. We and the rest of the B Corp community are really pleased to support Danny and the team in paving the way for a new way of doing things.” Danny goes on to say that...

Kate Sandle, Director of Programmes and Engagement, B Lab UK alongside Danny Pecorelli, Managing Director, Exclusive Collection


It’s been a long but rewarding process to achieve B Corp certification and we’ve learned so much and have so much we still want to do. We are now embarking on a new chapter for the Collection where we will build on the good that we’ve been doing for the last 40 years and looking at how we can do it even better. B Corp is a community that we are very proud to be associated with and we too will play our part in helping to educate and spread the word that success in business is as much about people and planet as it is about profit.

PAGES 8——9 Chris Hines MBE

How to B better Kicking off any Flock event requires a big personality and some serious business or sport credentials. The latest iteration of Flock, How to B a Better Business, marked a new chapter for Exclusive Collection as we shared the news that we had become a certified B Corp amongst another very senior audience.

Chris proved to us all that having a passion is one of the biggest contributors to successful change. And in a forum of leaders passionate to make a bigger impact on the planet and its people, Chris not only kicked off the event, but he sent out the rally cry for change. As the founder and former Director of Surfers Against Sewage and Sustainability Director at the Eden Project from 2001-2007, Chris gave a rousing start; who knew sewage could be a catalyst for change and lead to a £5 billion spend on the UK’s coastline and an ear in Parliament and the European Parliament and Commission?

To see Chris’s presentation: Click here

Chris’s approach to change is considered and fact-based, a subtle needling that has been proven to lead to Government listening by: •

Creating a conducive environment for change by using the media, relevant regulators, and politicians to educate, provoke and share fact based knowledge.

Knowing the message, repeating the message and staying on message.

Negotiation, remaining a constant voice with a constant message communicated well with friends and foes of change.

Celebrating positive outcomes – however big or small – keeping the campaign and passion for change enlivened.

Throughout his career and campaigning, Chris has demonstrated a profound understanding of the balance between the social, environmental and financial aspects of sustainability and is recognised as one of The Daily Telegraph’s Eco Heroes. Chris brought some very serious credentials along with an extraordinarily engaging personality giving us the perfect platform to talk, share and learn about How to B a Better Business.


Chris Hines, MBE (the self proclaimed Moaning Bloody Environmentalist) more than fitted the bill as the person to lead our conversation around how we can all take steps to become a more socially conscious business focused on the triple bottom line – people, planet, and profit.

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The great migration

As we turn towards recovery, workers across the globe are re-evaluating who they work for and why they work for them. The phrase ‘The Great Resignation’ now joins ‘The War for Talent’ in everyday HR speak as employees move roles in order to progress, get promoted and broaden their experience in entirely new sectors. More than just having expectations around salary and benefits, employees want their work to serve a greater purpose and make a bigger impact: people want a career with an organisation that doesn’t just ‘seem to care’ instead favouring a company that ‘really does care’. The pandemic has intensified the recruitment and retention challenge for companies as employees look to express themselves and connect their personal values to their careers, and thereby gain a sense of purpose. The days of choosing a job based on salary, location and benefits are gone as people migrate to companies with whom they have demonstrable shared values: the great migration is upon us.


Employees in the corporate world feel “disengaged”; they are agitating for decisions and behaviours that they can be proud to stand behind and gravitating toward companies that have a clear, unequivocal, and positive impact on the world. McKinsey Quarterly

A better workplace What are our employee expectations of the future

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Emma Dadswell Operations Director director for Handle Recruitment

Handle Recruitment provide leading entertainment companies, social networks, global media brands, sports bodies, retailers, and tech platforms with talent solutions that make a difference. Under the title ‘A better workplace - what are our employee expectations of the future’, Emma Dadswell, Business Operations Director for Handle Recruitment, shared their newly commissioned research on employee expectations and progressive practices to attract the best talent. The evidence for people looking to work for organisations with a purpose was making headlines back in 2016 and led Handle Recruitment to realise that its premise of ‘great people powering great brands’ had been flipped on its head to ‘great brands power great people’. The days of roles being based solely on remuneration and location are long gone as Millennials and Gen Z seek purpose over pay cheque.

Having a purpose in business has been exacerbated over the years and it flooded to the fore when the pandemic struck, and people had time to reflect not just about their purpose at work but their purpose in life too. Add to the fact that people are migrating to new roles and the impact of Brexit, and we face one of the largest deficits of talent in history. The new realities of post-pandemic hiring means that people, employees both past and present, are now driving an organisation’s HR agenda. Companies who want to grow their talent and attract high performing individuals need to address the voice of their employees and potential employees. Drawing on Handle’s research*, employees cry for brands to have a purpose is palpable.

*Survey based on 1000 employees (25-45 years old)

What does a great brand mean to you? (5 very important — 0 not important)

3.3 You could describe your colleagues as friends

3.9 The company has a social purpose



The company has a sustainable product

You share the same values as the leaders of your company


2.4 The company has a well-known / strong social media presence

4.4 The company is focused on equality, diversity and inclusion

3.7 You have a strong affiliation with your company product

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Why would you not work for your favourite brand?






The work they were carrying out was unethical

They didn’t have a strong diversity policy

They weren’t environmentally sustainable

They didn’t offer mental health support

They didn’t offer flexible working

2020’s displacement of regimes and workplace practices means that people are used to flexible working, so much so it is a requisite: 70% of people want to work for an employer that allows for flexible working.

However, flexible working is no longer just about being allowed to work from home. It’s the ability to flex and fit to an individual’s lifestyle; whether that’s to encompass family life and obligations or to enable personal interests too.

The results point to employers needing to adapt to and embrace a policy for individuality and mass customisation By creating an environment that allows for total flexibility around the people that you want to hire and by being willing to negotiate with every individual to address their personal needs.

In order to adapt to attracting the right talent in a smaller talent pool, organisations need to consider the following... The audit Understand your internal sentiment and what’s important to people. Employer branding Live your message by engaging with your teams and showing a genuine interest in them and their mental health too. In addition to allowing for full-flex, employers must create a diverse and inclusive workforce to enable a wider talent pool, drive innovation, improve competitiveness and show genuine care and compassion for people.

Are you fit to hire?

Define your talent strategy

Retain your best talent

Create attraction tools that deliver

Your employer brand Energise your onboarding

Strengthen your selection process


Level-up your interviewing

The pandemic has dominated our lives and our thoughts for some time and has changed how people live and migrated how they work. While its impact has been devastating it has also brought about positive change in people practices by focusing on individuals and embracing inclusion, diversity, and equality too. Businesses have been propelled forward - the future of work has changed, and employees are driving the HR agenda.

To see Emma’s presentation: Click here

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To frame things better and to get a grasp on the numbers try considering your own impact upon the planet by using footprint.wwf.org.uk Have those smaller figures immediately become more digestible? Add in getting your family involved, influencing your friends to make even the smallest of changes and you’ll see impact is possible: one voice added to another soon builds a conversation, volume, and noise.

At the recent COP26 hopes were high that the event would deliver more action on the goals of the Paris Agreement. Of the thousands of conversations held in Glasgow there was a palpable desire to speed up action on climate change at all levels, from governmental to sector specific and within individual organisations. It’s also very clear that COP26 reshaped the agenda for global business: with net zero now a norm for companies and a movement being led by Britain’s businesses. More than half FTSE100 companies are now committed to eliminating their contribution to climate change by 2050 and globally over 5,200 companies of all sizes have now joined the UN Race to Zero, representing sectors such as transport, technology, manufacturing, retail and finance.


A global conversation You’ll no doubt have heard how your organisation is trying to limit its impact on the planet. But the reality is that those big numbers and bold statements are hard to comprehend and it’s tough trying to envisage how you too can play your part when such drastic global action is required.

Sarah Duncan, our moderator for How to B a Better Business, brought the importance of planet to life with a poignant presentation on the influence that businesses are having on the planet and conversely the positive impact that businesses large and small can contribute to. Citywire’s Sustainability Director, Radhika Budhiraja Chhatwal, highlighted the actions that her organisation is taking to stave their impact upon the planet. Her presentation reiterates the importance of how small steps can make a big collective impact. Regardless of the size or the scope of the organisation, every effort helps - be that a family member, family unit, company or nation.

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Reckitt, a member of Flock and a multinational consumer goods company, has an ambition to be net zero across its value chain by 2040. The company has already reduced operational greenhouse gas emissions by 53% per product, in part by switching to renewable energy, an approach driven by science-based targets. All of Reckitt’s factories in Europe, India and the USA, as well as in its hygiene business, are now using 100% renewable electricity.

At Reckitt, our purpose is to protect, heal and nurture in the relentless pursuit of a cleaner and healthier world. We have an ambition to be net zero by 2040, ten years ahead of the 2050 target, and are proud to stand with other FTSE companies as part of Race to Zero. Only by working together will we address the climate crisis and realise a clean and healthy future for all. Laxman Narasimhan, CEO of Reckitt

What the Flock? Why not gather your team and kick off the internal conversation: ‘As companies focus on their ESG priorities, should executive compensation be used as a motivator for speeding up change?’

Radhika Budhiraja Chhatwal Sustainability Director Citywire Citywire provides news, information and insight for professional advisers and investors around the world.


Sarah Duncan Business Sustainability & Ethical Marketing Advisor Author of The Ethical Business Book Sleeping Lion Through training, consultancy and guest speaking, Sleeping Lion’s mission is to help businesses understand the commercial and moral benefits of sustainable and ethical business practice (ESG).

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Souled or sold out Why purpose matters in business

Customers and employees are increasingly demanding that brands have a soul and are driven by purpose, while also delivering social and financial value in tandem. OLIO, Ella’s Kitchen, Innocent, Gallagher, all part of Flock, were on hand to bring their brand stories to life and highlight how purpose now sits at the heart of their brand and business strategies. We learned from Mark Cuddigan, CEO of Ella’s Kitchen how the company has defined its purpose, placing it front and centre of its brand and business strategy, with a focus on improving children’s lives through developing healthy relationships with food. And Saasha Celestial-One Co-Founder & COO of OLIO shared her abhorrence for waste and how it has informed and created one of the world’s top food-sharing apps that connects neighbours with each other and with local shops so surplus food and other items can be shared, not thrown away: sharing more and wasting less.

Recent research* underlines that 71% of people would opt to buy from a purpose driven organisation over an alternative if both price and quality were exactly the same. The findings also emphasise that 86% of respondents trust an organisation that is led by purpose. Just as consumers are more likely to buy from, trust, champion, and defend companies with a strong purpose; the same message is being echoed by employees who want to work for organisations driven by purpose over profit. CSR alone no longer cuts it - businesses are having to adapt, address and implement change at the heart of their strategy as they face a new more conscious consumer, activist employee and investor who want to see a positive impact on the planet and society.



Having a clear purpose - based on personal values and one that’s consistent with an organisation’s actions – is the foundation stone upon which today’s business reputations and performances are built.

Brands that act with integrity and show clear societal contributions will attract loyal consumers. Organisations that create opportunities for meaning and purpose for their employees will attract the best talent. And companies with high ESG standards and commitments will attract an outsize share of capital for generations to come.

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Afdhel Aziz,Founder and Chief Purpose Officer at Conspiracy of Love, a Certified B Corp

Just as Flock creates conversations so too does the growing collaborative of purpose led businesses. From B Corp and The Better Business Act, organisations are coming together to use business as a force for good that can have a serious impact. Creating a purpose-driven business or decision requires action, decision making and cultural changes from the top. And it is not just businesses that are getting in on the action and creating purposeful change in the world. At the height of the pandemic, Manchester United striker Marcus Rashford campaigned to extend the free school meals programme for low-income families in England over the summer holidays and forced the Government into a spectacular U-turn.

Alongside this, #PlayersTogether was launched by the 20 Premier League captains to aid the fight against Covid. This contribution fund has been used to distribute money to where it has been needed most during the crisis: helping those on the NHS frontline, as well as other key areas of need. Whether it’s a global business or a professional sports player, purpose is an undeniably key driver in the force for good and impactful change.

What the Flock? Why not gather your team and kick off the internal conversation: “If purpose is the new darling of business has profit become the pariah?”

Saasha Celestial-One Chief Operating Officer OLIO Founded in London, OLIO has become a way of bringing together residents in cities across the world that suffer from food inequality. Users post pictures of uneaten food and their location, and a user agrees to take it off their hands.

We need to collectively shrink our consumption in the primary marketplace.

Ella’s Kitchen was founded with a mission to improve children’s lives through developing healthy relationships with food. Ella’s Kitchen’s organic baby and toddler food is sold in supermarkets across the world.

I don’t think a CEO’s responsibility stops with the company they are running – I think it’s a wider responsibility to all the companies you come in to contact with including your partners and your suppliers.


Mark Cuddigan Chief Executive Officer Ella’s Kitchen

Questions from the kids

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Datchet St Mary’s Primary Academy, Year 6 pupils ask some of our industry leaders a few tough questions on what they are doing for the world.


How much single use plastic do you use a year?

We use lots and lots of paper, it’s all recyclable and we are beginning to deliver using electric vehicles. We don’t wrap anything in plastic; we have an office full of plastic, but are not a company who uses an awful lot of plastic in our products. Except the strapping around a stack of magazines, this is plastic and needs looking at, I will pledge to look for an alternative solution. Chris Horn, MD, Gold Key Media A short time later, Chris let us know that his company is now looking at a paper strapping alternative that is compostable, recyclable and eco-friendly. This is a direct result of being asked Annabella’s question.


Are you using Fairtrade ingredients in your products?

Yes we do, but not exclusively. We believe chocolate is an indulgent product and should taste amazing. We can’t buy Fairtrade chocolate for all the different types we make. So when it is not Fairtrade it is certified with other certificates of assurance such as Rainforest Alliance and Cocoa Horizons. If we could get it all Fairtrade, we would, as long as it tastes amazing and is certified we are good. We will continue to support our supply chain, it is critical to ensure the farmers get a fair price, it is part of our company ethos. Bruce Alexander, MD, Montezuma’s Chocolates


The idea of paper straws helps the environment but how can we make them easier to use so they don’t bend as they go in the carton?

We have recently switched all our straws from plastic to paper which has been a huge undertaking. It seems a very simple thing but the reason we have used plastic in the past is the usability of it. Switching to paper straws, the amount of research and development that has gone in to try to make straws that go into the cartons effectively and kids don’t chew them is mindblowing and we are still on that journey because we haven’t finished it yet. But we’ve made the decision to move to paper straws because it is the right thing to do, and get there quickly. Making them a bit firmer so they go into the cartons easier, and kids when they chew them they can continue to use them, is an on-going challenge, but I can promise you that we are absolutely committed to getting it right because we don’t want things that don’t work perfectly and it’s a really obvious next step for us as a business. I think we should be proud we have switched to paper straws but as ever with sustainability that is never the end of the journey there is always further steps to take. Douglas Lamont, CEO, Innocent Drinks


Danny Pecorelli, MD, Exclusive Collection

Food & Products


What do you end up doing with all your food waste?

We are not doing particularly well on food waste. We decided quite a few years ago to put in rocket composters in the kitchen gardens, and it has been an unmitigated disaster because the waste streams got mixed up, there was cling film in, the chefs weren’t engaged, the gardeners weren’t engaged so we have taken a step back. We have signed up with OLIO for Pennyhill Park and across the rest of the Exclusive Collection. We are going to work through the estate but also what we have done is, we have a Graduate Management Scheme with Exclusive and we’ve given one of the project groups Food Waste so I can’t give Freya a brilliant answer but I can promise her our brightest brains are working on it.


How does your business benefit the earth?

So I think the first thing that we’ve done as a large global investor is we’ve committed to be carbon net zero by 2050 and that is across our whole portfolio. We own a lot of businesses and assets across the entire world so we pledge to work with our companies to help them to become net zero too. A good example is Scotia Gas Networks, SGN, we are investing in them so they can get a head start on changing their gas network to be able to deliver hydrogen so while we are investing in a firm that is an emitter of carbon the idea is to help them accelerate into hydrogen. This is one of the ways we are working to make the world better.

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Spencer George, Head of People and Culture, OTPP


What do you do to help the environment?

What do we do to help the environment, that’s a very big question actually and a journey we have only just started on officially. We have appointed a Sustainability Director who has been driving that for the past 12 months. We have started with our offices doing some basic simple things but when it comes to engineering we have some really bright brains focused on our products. They use electricity so how can we make them more efficient, we are looking at the plastics they are made from but not only us, also our supply chain. We design and develop our products but somebody else makes them so our job now is to dive down the levels to see what they are doing and how we can help make that better. The other side is what we can do with the product when it is finished. So lots of people just throw them away at the tip but we are looking at how we can get them back from customers to recycle the products within them to either to reuse them in a new product and that might mean pelleting up the plastic or reusing actual parts. And what can we do with spare parts, we run engineering challenges to see what our people can make new from them. Or potentially refurbish an item and pass it on to a new market for us like in developing countries. Phil Bigland, Director of Business Services, Dyson



Are you only being green for your company and using nongreen products at home?

Kate Sandle, Director of Programmes and Engagement, B Corporation


You can only try as hard as you can, we are all only human. So I do make mistakes, I have forgotten my reusable coffee cup and used un-recyclable cups in the past but I keep trying as hard as I can and would encourage everyone to do the same.


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By how many percent has the use of fossil fuels gone down in your company and if not why?


That’s an interesting question. I’m quite new to working at Amazon and I don’t know the answer. I know that Amazon do a huge number despite the huge growth to work on this and there are huge number of groups working on various sustainability projects. For example, a larger number of electric vans have just been ordered in the UK so there are lots of things going on. I will do my best to take back what I have heard at this event and come back and be able to answer some of these questions. I promise to do my very best and look into it. Guy Emmerson, Senior Manager Consumer Talent Acquisition, Amazon


Have you planted any trees, if so how many, and if not do you plan to in the future?

In the Surrey Hills, which is not too far from your school in Datchet, we are pioneering a project to bring together the land owners who have the land, the nature, the trees, the hedgerows and bring them together with corporate businesses that have money and we’d like these corporate businesses to invest directly into nature. So their money would be able to buy the trees, little saplings, that as they grow suck the carbon out of the atmosphere. So we are bringing together the nature side and the money side into partnership so we can plant more; create hedgerows, ponds and wetlands to create a better natural environment. Ben Holden, MD, Ethical Compass

Power Lex

Do you use wind turbines to power your factories?

Tamara Roberts, CEO, Ridgeview Wine Estate


No we don’t. To be honest we could put some big wind turbines in to help us protect the vines from frost, that would be amazing, but our neighbours would absolutely hate us for it, because they come on at 3am and when frost is there, there’s not a lot of wind either, so not very helpful. But we do have EV and various others and we do recycle all our waste water from on-site and the family homes. We do whatever we can to minimise waste.

Take home tips

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We asked a couple of our speakers to share some easy to action tips on how they can bring better practices into their homes and personal lives.

Sarah Duncan Author of The Ethical Business Book

Saasha Celestial-One COO OLIO

Mark Cuddigan CEO Ella’s Kitchen

Understanding your own personal impact on the planet really helps put everything into perspective.

Create an ‘Eat Me’ box in your fridge and put it at eye level front and centre - anything nearing the end of its shelf life should be put in the box so that it’s not forgotten about!

Investigate what your pension is invested in. Most of us are investing in companies that do not fit with our values. If we all put our pensions into a proper ESG fund we would change the world. It is the most powerful thing any of us could do to protect the planet.

Try using tools like WWF’s Carbon Footprint calculator or the Earth Overshoot Day calculator to get individual conversations going at work and at home.

Familiarise yourself with the Zero Waste Hierarchy - at the top is ‘Refuse’ refusing what you don’t need (whether it’s free snacks on an airplane, or bottles of shampoo at a hotel) can help to stop waste at the source. Your freezer is your friend! Bread, milk, berries - anything you’re not going to eat in time, freeze. Also, I batch cook on the weekends, and freeze single portion servings of veggie chilli, minestrone etc. so that during the week I can just grab a tub and have soup & salad for lunch!

Resources Several of our speakers and contributors suggested the following reading which may prove useful.


The Ethical Business Book Sarah Duncan

Legacy James Kerr

The Ancient code of Togetherness Owen Eastwood

Green Swans John Elkington

Zero Waste Home Bea Johnson

The Good Life Goals sdghub.com/goodlifegoals

Boardroom 2030 Activation Kit boardroom2030.org

Sustainability Related Book Summaries ethicalbusinessblog.com/library

Free B Impact Assessment app.bimpactassessment.net

General Resource Links ethicalbusinessblog.com/general-resources

Earth Overshoot Day Calculator footprintnetwork.org

Better Business Act betterbusinessact.org

WWF Environmental Footprint Calculator footprint.wwf.org.uk

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