Hertfordshire Healthwatch

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Information Directory First Edition


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Information Directory



About Us What We Do Enter & View Youth ServicesCharities

@HWHertfordshire HealthwatchHertfordshire hwhertfordshire Email: info@healthwatchhertfordshire.o.uk


Website: www.healthwatchhertfordshire.co.uk

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This Directory has been compiled to cover health and social care throughout Hertfordshire and will be widely distributed throughout this area. While we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. Healthwatch Hertfordshire and Excell Media do not specifically endorse any product, service or supplier advertising in this directory. Healthwatch Hertfordshire retains the right to subject any organisation advertising to scrutiny in accordance with its powers and responsibilities. Healthwatch Hertfordshire and Excell Media value the support of the advertisers in enabling this publication to be produced and distributed. Healthwatch Hertfordshire has not profited from the production of this directory.

About Us Healthwatch Hertfordshire is the independent consumer champion for health and social care in Hertfordshire. Healthwatch is committed to representing the views of Hertfordshire’s citizens. We work with voluntary and community sector organisations to ensure the voices of service users and communities are heard and represented. We also work with commissioners (the people who order services) and those delivering health and social care to improve services. We focus on important issues using evidence to determine our priorities.

What are our main functions? Healthwatch Hertfordshire is the independent consumer champion for health, public health, and social care in Hertfordshire. But what does that mean? Our role includes:

Gathering Evidence All of our work is based on what people tell us, either though email, telephone calls, at events we attend, social media, or by comments left on this website.

Challenging Health Inequalities We particually want to find out about the experiences of people who are disadvantaged in accessing services or may have difficulties complaining

Get People Involved We try to promote the involvement of Hertfordshire’s communities in improving and developing services In addition, we work with commissioners. We do this in a number of ways:

Representing the People of Hertfordshire We aim to help commissioners to plan and design services making sure that the views, experiences and needs of patients, carers and users are taken into account.



We highlight where services are doing well and also where they can be improved. We carry out visits to services to see how well they are working.

Healthwatch helps people to find information about local health and social care services

Escalation – We can also take concerns to the inspectors and regulators if necessary. We are here to ensure that YOUR voice is heard.

What We Do Healthwatch Hertfordshire is the independent consumer champion for health and social care in Hertfordshire. What is Healthwatch? In October 2012 a national lead body – Healthwatch England (HWE), was set up as an independent committee of the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Then in April 2013, the LINk in each area was replaced by a Local Healthwatch (LHW), which now work closely with Healthwatch England, its national body.

And in your area? A local Healthwatch is an independent ‘incorporated body’, with its own professional staff, but led by experienced and skilled volunteers. Healthwacth Hertfordshire was set up to represent the whole of the county.

Who does Healthwatch Hertfordshire represent? Patients, service-users of all publicly-funded health and social care services and their carers. Particularly those individuals and groups who find it most difficult to make their views and needs heard.

Who funds and commissions us? Hertfordshire County Council is funded by government to commission, and be responsible for monitoring the quality of Healthwatch Hertfordshire. Our funding covers the basic costs of running the organisation and the cost of fulfilling our statutory functions.

How independent is Healthwatch Hertfordshire? Despite being commissioned by the local authority, Healthwatch Hertfordshire is an independent body, able to critique any publiclyfunded health or social care service within the county, as well as services outside the area which are used by local residents.

What do we do? • We have the power to ‘Enter & View’ all publicly-funded health and social care services. • We lead a patient-led inspection regime that replaces the old Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT) inspections. • We can recommend investigation by the CQC, where it identifies an urgent need for close scrutiny of a service. •

We systematically gather views and experiences of patients, service users and the community as a whole on the quality of the health and social care services provided to them.

We are able to report the public’s’ views, circumstances and conclusions on services quality to council scrutiny committees; to CQC, the local and national regulators; and to other appropriate bodies.

• We have membership of Hertfordshire County Councils Health and Wellbeing Board where we are able to act as a ‘critical friend’. • We represents, at the Health and Wellbeing Board and generally, the interests and views of all the communities in the area.

What We Do What other services do Healthwatch Hertfordshire provide?

How do we work with national organisations?

Healthwatch Hertfordshire is accountable to Healthwatch England and work closely with that national body to provide a collective picture for it to carry out its role as national champion.

We provide opportunities for local people to discuss and report on aspects of health and social care provision in their areas, and systematically feed this information into commissioning processes.

• We promotes and support the involvement of patients and the public in the commissioning and provision of local health and care services. • We provides signposting information to the public about access to health and social care services as well as to advocacy services, when support in making a complaint is needed.

We also work with CQC locally to exchange information and raise issues and concerns.

How do we work with local voluntary and community organisations? Healthwatch Hertfordshire works with and involves voluntary and community sector organisations in our area, to ensure we fully engage with all parts of the community.

How do we make sure people get heard? By involving local voluntary and community groups and through running groups of our own to reflect patient and community needs. We also be use social media so people can use services like Twitter to share their views.

Who pays for Healthwatch? The Government pays Hertfordshire County Council to commission Healthwatch Hertfordshire, which is an independent charity.

Enter & View What is Enter & View? Enter and View is one of the statuary powers that Healthwatch Hertfordshire have. It involves us sending trained volunteers – called Authorised Representatives – to go to various health and social care locations and monitor and report on their findings. Paying particular attention to the needs of the people using those services, these reports are then used to help improve things where necessary, which means Healthwatch Hertfordshire Enter and View Representatives are able to have a powerful impact on the quality of the services provided throughout the county. ‘Enter and View’ is the opportunity for Authorised Representatives: To go into health and social care premises to see and hear for themselves how services are provided • To collect the views of service users (patients and residents) at the point of service delivery • To collect the views of carers and relatives of service users

• To observe the nature and quality of services – observation involving all the senses • To collate evidence-based findings • To report findings and associated recommendations – good and bad – to providers, CQC, Local Authority and NHS commissioners and quality assurers, Healthwatch England and any other relevant partners • To develop insights and recommendations across multiple visits to inform strategic decision making at local and national levels

Become an Enter & View Representative We are continually looking for people to become Enter and View Representatives. If you are interested in working with us to help improve services around the county, or would just like to find out more information about what the role entails, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch by calling us on 01707 275 978

Healthwatch Hertfordshire Youth It is important that young people are represented when it comes to Health and Social Care services. To do this Healthwatch Hertfordshire has a dedicated youth membership offer. Frankie, our Youth Health Ambassador is a young person himself and it is his job to hear young people’s experiences of using local services as well as to encourage involvement. With the help of other young people Frankie has developed a youth membership scheme. Anyone under the age of 25 who joins receives quarterly newsletters, volunteering opportunities, invitations to events and our Healthwatch Youth Membership pack which includes loads of giveaways!

@HWHertfordshire HealthwatchHertfordshire hwhertfordshire Email: info@healthwatchhertfordshire.o.uk Website: www.healthwatchhertfordshire.co.uk

If you are interested in becoming a youth member or would like to get in touch to let Frankie know about your experience of using health and social care services please see the contact details below:

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Are you in need of housing? Are you aged 55+? North Hertfordshire Homes has eighteen supported housing schemes across the North Hertfordshire district. If you would like more information please contact the Supported Housing team at: North Hertfordshire Homes, Supported Housing Team, Rowan House, Avenue One, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 2WW Telephone: 01462 704110 Email: supported.housing@nhh.org.uk www.nhh.org.uk

Your voice counts anoymous or not), will be featured on www.healthwatchhertfordshire.co.uk and used to make recommendations for change. You can also call 01707 275 978 with your feedback.

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Summary of your experience (A few key words)

Tell us more about your experience (We would like to hear what was good as well as what could be improved)

About you Name (leave blank if

Are you under 24? you want to remain anonymous)


(please include postcode)

Telephone No. (alternatively your email address)

Healthwatch Hertfordshire Douglas Tilbe House, Hall Grove, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL7 4PH For full terms & conditions please visit www.healthwatchhertfordshire.co.uk or alternatively call 01707 275978.

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