Are Electric Scooters Safe? 5 Things to Know Before You Buy!

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Are Electric Scooters Safe? 5 Things to Know Before You Buy!

With one of the highest pollution levels in the world, the need for alternative mobility options to reduce air pollution is at an all-time high in India. Electric scooters can be part of the solution. Two-wheelers are a preferred mode of commute in the country, and eco-friendly scooters with zero emissions can significantly reduce air pollution. However, a few incidents of EVs catching fire have made people wary about whether they should invest in an eScooter. Are Electric Scooters Safe? What You Need to Know So, are electric scooters safe? Here are 5 things you should know. 1. EVs Catching Fire is a Rare Occurrence While EVs have started gaining popularity in India in the last couple of years, they have been around for more than a decade. You might have already heard about global brands like TESLA and the extensive range of EVs they offer. And in the last several years, there have been only a few cases concerning the safety of these vehicles.

In fact, fires due to engine overheating and gas leaks are not uncommon in the case of mainstream fuel-powered vehicles. According to an international study where the sales data and fire statistics were analyzed, electric vehicles have up to 25 fires per 100,000 sales. The same in the case of fuel-powered vehicles is 1,529 fires per 100,000 sales. 2. Problem Most Often is with Battery Electric scooters are powered by high-capacity Lithium-ion batteries. Manufacturers experiment with the electrolyte used in the battery to try and provide enhanced riding range. In the majority of the cases, the battery is responsible for igniting the fire. Technically, the electrolyte and cathode react chemically to produce heat and gas that could lead to a fire. In other words, the safety concerns regarding electric scooters have a lot to do with the quality of batteries used by the scooter manufacturer. Using quality components and implementing stringent internal testing can help prevent this problem significantly and make the eScooters safer for the riders. 3. India Has Introduced AIS 156 Automotive Industry Standards (AIS) 048 is currently the common quality standard for EVs in India. However, in view of these recent incidents, India has introduced AIS 156, a more stringent quality standard for electric vehicles, including eScooters. All the common reasons that can lead to a fire in an electric scooter have been considered while creating the new quality standard. To comply with AIS 156, scooters have to undergo several tests such as overcharging, thermal shock, direct flame, water resistance, short circuit, etc., for maximum safety. It is only a matter of time before this upgraded quality standard becomes a norm in the Indian EV industry. 4. Basic Safety Precautions Can Help Too While the manufacturers and the government are primarily responsible for improving the safety standards of electric scooters in India, even buyers have a role to play. Like fuelpowered vehicles, one should follow the basic safety precautions and maintenance guidelines to avoid any unfortunate event. Some tips that can help are· Charge the battery before it reaches 0% · Avoid overcharging · Avoid charging at extreme temperatures · Use a quality charger, preferably one provided by the scooter manufacturer · Electric scooter batteries have a lifespan and should be timely replaced · Regular cleaning and maintenance is the key · Follow all the battery care instructions included in the product manual

5. Choose an Electric Scooter That is Right For You Last but not least, it is essential to purchase an electric scooter that perfectly matches your needs and expectations. This will prevent you from putting your scooter into situations that it is not designed for. Focus on factors such as the riding range, availability of charging points, charging duration, etc., to choose the best. Also, several startups are looking to benefit from the EV boom in the country. If you are planning to purchase your electric scooter from one such new brand, ensure that you do your research and confirm that you are buying a quality product from a reliable brand. We at eWheelers Mobility take adequate measures to select the best electric scooters in India. Explore from a wide range and choose the one that best suits your needs. Electric Scooters are Safe and Future-Ready It is completely natural for people to fear change. New things are generally confusing, scary, and difficult to accept. And when we talk about replacing fuel-powered vehicles that people have been using for several decades, it sure makes sense that people are not very willing to make the switch. On top of it, when there are news reports suggesting that EVs are not safe, it is another reason for people to avoid them. But as discussed above, electric scooters are, in fact, safer or at least as safe as any traditional fuel-powered scooter. The technology is evolving aggressively, and the safety standards will only improve with time. As a buyer, follow the basic safety guidelines to experience a new world of scooter riding and bid goodbye to fuel forever. For More Information, Visit: Contact Us: +918886656700 Mail Id:

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