2020 Drinking Water Quality and Consumer Confidence Report

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Eugene Water & Electric Board

A guide to your water quality This report is a summary of the quality of water we provided to our customers in 2020. We are happy to report that your water meets the safe drinking water quality standards as set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA). 1

Eugene’s water source


Water quality and wildfire


Watershed recovery fee


Where your water rates go


How we reduce the risk of lead in our drinking water system


How lead could get into your household drinking water


Copper and lead sampling results


How you can keep lead out of your drinking water


Taste and odor troubleshooting solutions


Steps you can take to maintain high-quality drinking water in your home


2020 Regulated Contaminant Results


Boil-water advisories


Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms


Neighborhood emergency water stations


Accessing emergency water from your water heater

For contacts and more information, see page 14. Para obtener contactos y más información, consulte la página 14.

Our water supply surfaces at Clear Lake, bubbling to the surface through many feet of natural volcanic “filters.”

Clean water starts at the source Eugene residents enjoy some of the highest quality drinking water in the world. The water comes from the pristine McKenzie River, which emerges from Clear Lake, high in the Cascade Mountains, before flowing 85 miles to the Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant in Springfield, where the Eugene Water & Electric Board draws water from the river. EWEB pays close attention to water quality impacts in our watershed. EWEB’s source water may be susceptible to different types of contamination throughout the watershed, from urban runoff and hazardous material spills in the urban areas, to sediment and other contaminants that could be released during slope failures associated with the Holiday Farm Fire. Climate change is another threat as the dryer and warmer weather encourages algae growth in rivers, creeks, and reservoirs within the watershed. For more information about potential sources of contamination in our watershed, the McKenzie River's susceptibility to contamination, and how we protect the watershed, visit eweb.org/sourcewaterprotection.

Water quality and wildfire In the aftermath of the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire, the safety and security of our community's source of drinking water is at risk. Wildfire can dramatically increase erosion in forests by reducing tree cover, increasing flooding, and causing ash, debris, and sediment to wash into the river.

The Holiday Farm Fire damage to the watershed has the potential to degrade water quality, increase treatment costs, and reduce the production capacity of the Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant for years to come if restoration efforts are not completed in key areas.


EWEB made the decision as soon as it was safe to enter the fire-impacted area that we would take early action to protect water quality. In a matter of days, EWEB, McKenzie River Trust, McKenzie Watershed Council, the Upper Willamette Soil & Water Conservation District, and other Pure Water Partners began working with landowners to keep toxic ash and hazardous materials from entering the river. We worked with our federal partners to get additional water quality monitoring equipment installed, which alerts us to high flows and sediment in the river hours before that water reaches the EWEB intake, so we can adjust treatment practices if necessary. Erosion control measures were installed to keep toxic ash and debris out of the river.

In spring 2021, we began more intensive restoration efforts, working with partners to replant nearly 100 acres of high-priority burned riparian and floodplain areas. In addition, EWEB has created incentive programs to help residents who lost homes in the fire to rebuild while reducing the impacts of development on the McKenzie River. We take on this work with the support and guidance of our Board of Commissioners, who represent our customer-owners. Over more than a decade of outreach and research, customers have expressed a clear and unchanging priority--ensuring safe, reliable drinking water remains the most important EWEB program.

Funding the recovery Thanks to years of efforts to manage costs and operate more efficiently, EWEB had the financial headroom to get this critical work started immediately; water cash reserves were used to get boots on the ground and fund priority restoration projects in the short-term. But the long-term work of planning and funding watershed restoration will require extensive financial resources through public and private partnerships to ensure that our community's most basic need for clean, safe, and abundant water is reliably met. At the March 2021 EWEB Board meeting, Commissioners approved a program that will pay for wildfire restoration projects in the watershed through a flat fee assessed to customer water bills beginning in mid-2021. These funds will be leveraged with other federal, state, and local money to scale up our recovery and restoration efforts. The community-funded watershed recovery and restoration initiative will supplement EWEB's McKenzie River Source Water Protection Program to safeguard drinking water for Eugene residents by addressing immediate risks such as erosion from high burn areas and redevelopment along the river, as well as longer-term resiliency investments to restore floodplain areas that are critical to water quality and habitat. The Watershed Recovery Fee will be assessed to all residential and commercial customers based on meter size. For most residential and business customers, the fee will be a flat $3 per month (based on a 1-inch or smaller water meter). Some customers, such as large businesses and those with extensive irrigation needs, will pay more ($4.50 to $30 per month) based on meter size. The fee will be in place for 60 months (5 years), at which time it will automatically sunset.

Healthy watershed, healthy people Watershed protection is the first and most fundamental step to protecting drinking water. Today's investments will save future costs in the form of increased treatment of fire-related contaminants and ensure that the McKenzie River remains wild and pure as well as provides the recreation, tourism, habitat, and multiple other benefits we might otherwise take for granted. Working together, we can rebuild stronger and smarter to safeguard this vital resource for generations to come.


Maintaining outstanding water quality through shared stewardship, ownership and commitment Generations before us made smart, sustainable decisions so that we can enjoy safe, clean drinking water today. Ensuring outstanding and reliable drinking water for the next generation of Eugene residents is a shared responsibility.

Your water bill supports clean, safe and reliable drinking water from source to tap Today, our community's drinking water is susceptible to threats from earthquake, wildfire, harmful algal blooms, pollution, and aging infrastructure. EWEB's source-to-tap drinking water programs are helping keep our water system prepared and adaptable to future changes. We have invested more than $30 million upgrading and expanding our Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant. We are replacing water mains, improving pump stations, planning for a second filtration plant on the Willamette River, and developing neighborhood emergency water stations. Over the next decade, EWEB plans significant upgrades to the existing water storage systems at College Hill and Hawkins Hill, and a new water storage facility near E. 40th Avenue and Patterson Street. The new water tanks will be built to robust seismic standards, providing 45 million gallons of resilient, safe water storage to Eugene residents. These projects comprise the backbone of the water system that serves all of Eugene-200,000 people-and would be needed after an earthquake in order to meet critical community needs, including fire suppression, public health and sanitation, and emergency response.

Drinking Water Quality Safe. Clean. Reliable. Your tap water costs about a penny a gallon. But there’s a lot more to your water bill than just water.

Source Water Protection Programs

3-Step Treatment Process

800 Miles of Pipes

25 Pump Stations

22 Storage Tanks

85,000 Samples Each Year

Your water bill supports clean, safe, and reliable drinking water from source to tap. 3

How we reduce risk of lead in our drinking water system For decades, we have tested our source water for lead. This testing shows that there is no lead in the water that enters the distribution piping. We also adjust the pH of the water to reduce corrosion in our pipe systems and to help prevent lead from leaching out of old household plumbing fixtures.

How lead could get into your household drinking water If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. EWEB is responsible for providing high quality drinking water to your meter, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline 1-800-426-4791 or at www.epa.gov/safewater/lead.

Copper Pipe with Lead Solder: Solder made or installed before 1986 contained high lead levels.



Service lines: There are no known lead service lines (including goosenecks) in our distribution system.

Household plumbing: The main source of lead in our community’s tap water is old household plumbing. Household plumbing is the homeowner’s portion of the service line which runs from the meter to your house and the type of internal plumbing and faucets used inside your home. Lead solder was often used in homes built or plumbed with copper pipes before 1986. Lead is also common in brass faucets and fixtures manufactured before 2014.

Meters: EWEB uses lead-free meters.

Faucets: Fixtures made prior to 2014 may contain leaded brass.

Copper Pipe with Lead Solder: Solder made or installed before 1986 contained high lead levels.


Copper and lead sampling results The state requires EWEB to collect samples from 50 high-risk residential water taps once every three years. The following table represents our most recent testing results from 2018. Contaminant

Action Level


90th Percentile Result

Samples Exceeding Action Level

Copper (ppm)





Lead (ppb)





Source of Contaminant Corrosion of household plumbing systems

How you can keep lead out of your drinking water Boiling water will not reduce or remove lead from water. Here are a few tips to reduce or eliminate exposure to lead in tap water: Flush your pipes. Before drinking or cooking, run your water for 30 seconds, until the water becomes cold or reaches a steady temperature. Use only cold water to drink, cook and make baby formula. Hot water makes it easier for lead to leach from your pipes into the drinking water. Clean your aerator every few months. Your faucet aerator can trap particles that contain lead. Consider buying low-lead fixtures. As of January 4, 2014, all pipes, fittings and fixtures must contain less than 0.25 percent lead. Learn how to identify lead-free products. Consider using a water filter. Contact National Sanitation Foundation International at 1-800-673-8010 or visit the website for information about certified water filters. Follow all filter maintenance instructions to keep your water safe.

Concerned about lead in your drinking water? Visit eweb.org/water-quality/lead to learn how you can have your tap water tested for lead and more information. You can also learn more by visiting the websites for Oregon Health Authority, Environmental Protection Agency, or Centers for Disease Control. 5

We work hard to ensure high-quality drinking water from source to tap. But sometimes the plumbing and fixtures in your home can affect the taste, odor or color of your water.

Funny color, taste or smell?

the issue in the cold Q Iswater, hot water, or both?

Hot only

Try these troubleshooting solutions:


Your water heater may need to be flushed or serviced. Most manufacturers recommend flushing or maintaining water heaters annually or every few years. Hiring a plumber may be required.

Cold only, or both hot and cold


Is the issue at all faucets inside and outside your home, or only some?

Some faucets


Clean the aerator screen at the troublesome faucets and then flush by running cold water for two minutes. If the issue is taste/odor, check it by filling a glass and then stepping away from the sink before you test it in order to ensure you are not observing odors that are from the drain.


Try our household flushing procedure on page 7. If the issue persists contact EWEB’s water quality team.

All faucets


Is the issue regarding high chlorine taste or odor?




EWEB is required to use chlorine in our water to control microbiological growth. Some people are more sensitive to chlorine taste/odor than others. Chlorine levels can fluctuate due to water age, water temperature, and other factors. You can filter your water, set a pitcher of water in your refrigerator overnight or add slices of lemon to help reduce chlorine taste/odor. Try our household flushing procedure on page 7 and/or call us for more information about chlorine in your area.

Questions about water quality? In a water emergency please call 541-685-7595. For water quality questions, please call 541-685-7861 or email water.quality@eweb.org. For general EWEB questions, call 541-685-7000 or visit eweb.org.


Household flushing procedure 1 Turn on your outside spigot closest to the street at high flow for 10 minutes or until the water clears. Check to see if the issue is present at the spigot before and after flushing.

2 After flushing the outside spigot, run the cold water faucets at high-flow throughout the house for 5 minutes or until the water clears.

4 3 After flushing the inside faucets, remove and clean faucet aerators then reinstall them.

Check the water from different faucets throughout the house. Do you still have the issue? Is it from all taps or is it localized?


If the problem persists contact EWEB Water Quality.

Steps you can take to maintain high-quality drinking water in your home Flush cold water faucets before using for cooking, drinking, or making baby formula. If a faucet has not been used for several hours or longer, run the water for 30 seconds to 2 minutes (or until the water feels cooler) before using the water for cooking or drinking. This will improve water quality by bringing in fresh water, and reduce lead levels if present in your home’s plumbing. Clean faucet screens. At the tip of most faucets you will find an aerator screen which blends air into the water, reducing water use. But it can also trap sediments and metals from your pipes and hot water tank. This can impact water quality and may block water flow. Routinely clean screens and replace them as needed. Twist off to remove. You may need a wrench to loosen the aerator. Maintain household water filtration devices. The water delivered to your home meets and exceeds all federal and state drinking water requirements. Installing a home water device is a personal decision. Always maintain filters according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Unmaintained water filters, including those found in your refrigerator, can harbor bacteria and/or release contaminants. Do not use hot tap water for cooking, drinking, or making baby formula. Hot water can help dissolve metals such as lead into your drinking water. Always start with cold water and heat as necessary. Maintain your hot water heater. Hot water heaters can cause discoloration, particulates and odor at the faucet. Most manufacturers recommend flushing or maintaining of water heaters annually or every few years. The typical life span of a tank-style water heater is 10 years.


2020 Regulated Contaminants Results Your water met or exceeded all state and federal drinking water health standards This report provides a snapshot of last year’s water quality. EWEB is proud to say that we have never violated a maximum contaminant level or any other water quality standard established by the EPA. For information on EWEB’s drinking water monitoring program call 541-685-7861 or email water.quality@eweb.org. The following contaminants were detected in the water. To view a comprehensive list of all the contaminants that EWEB tested for in 2020, visit eweb.org/Documents/water-quality/2020-testing-summary.pdf.



Detection Range

Probable Source

In Compliance?

Barium (ppm)



ND - 0.003

Erosion of natural deposits


Fluoride (ppm)



ND - 0.056

Erosion of natural deposits


Nitrate (ppm)



ND - 0.27

Fertilizer runoff; septic tank leaching; erosion of natural deposits


Test Inorganics

Disinfection Byproducts Total Trihalomethanes (ppb)



8.9 - 18.0 Highest LRAA=15.5

Byproduct of drinking water disinfection


Haloacetic Acids (ppb)



5.0 - 8.0 Highest LRAA =7.3

Byproduct of drinking water disinfection


Chlorine (ppm)



0.13 - 0.74

Added to control microbes


Total Organic Carbon (ppm)



0.35 - 0.70

Naturally present in the environment


TT<0.3 95% of the time


Highest result=0.035

Soil runoff



1 sample in the month of June**

Human and animal fecal waste


Microbiological Turbidity (NTU)

E.coli (/100 mls)


* The MCL for E.coli is exceeded if A) an E.coli-positive repeat sample follows a total coliform-positive routine sample, or B) a total coliform-positive repeat sample follows an E.coli-positive routine sample, or C) repeat samples are not collected following an E.coli positive routine sample, or D) any repeat samples are not analyzed for E.coli when it tests positive for total coliform. ** Out of 165 routine samples collected in June, one sample was positive for E. coli. However, the MCL for E.coli was not exceeded because all three required repeat samples were negative for both total coliform and E.coli.


Notes on EWEB dectected contaminants The following provides additional information about the contaminants that were detected: Chlorine EWEB adds chlorine to our water during the disinfection process to protect against microorganisms such as Giardia and E. coli. Fluoride / Barium These naturally occurring substances, found in the mineral composition of our watershed, were detected at extremely low levels — well below regulatory standards. Total Organic Carbon A measure of naturally occurring organic materials in water.

Copper Copper is found in natural deposits and is also widely used in household plumbing materials.

Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) Disinfectants are an essential element in drinking water treatment because of the barrier they provide against waterborne disease-causing microorganisms. DBPs form when disinfectants used to treat drinking water react with naturally occurring materials in the water (e.g., decomposing plant and other organic material).

Turbidity Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of water. It can interfere with disinfection. EWEB’s filtration process effectively removes turbidity.

Nitrate Nitrate is an essential component of living things and occurs naturally in surface and groundwater at concentrations up to 1-2 mg/L. At these naturally occurring levels, nitrate is not harmful to health.

E.coli E.coli are bacteria whose presence indicates that the water may be contaminated with human or animal wastes. Whenever E.coli bacteria are found in the water, multiple repeat samples are immediately collected in order to confirm the initial result. The E.coli result was not confirmed and EWEB remained in compliance with all drinking water standards.

Definitions and abbreviations 90th Percentile Value This means that 90 percent of the samples collected were equal to or below the value reported. NA Non-Applicable Highest Locational Running Annual Average (LRAA) The highest calculated average of multiple results at a single location in a 12-month period.

Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLG as feasible using the best available treatment technology.

ppb Parts Per Billion One part per billion corresponds to one penny in $10,000,000 or approximately one minute in 2,000 years.

Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) A measure of water clarity.

Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.

ppm Parts Per Million One part per million corresponds to one penny in $10,000 or approximately one minute in two years.

ND Contaminant not detectable using current monitoring equipment or methods.

Action Level (AL) The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment. 9

Treatment Technique (TT) A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.

Contaminants in drinking water sources may include: Microbial contaminants such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from wildlife or septic systems.

Inorganic contaminants such as salts and metals, which can occur naturally or result from urban storm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges and farming.

Pesticides and herbicides which may come from a variety of sources such as farming and forestry activities, urban storm water runoff, and home or business landscaping activities.

Organic chemical contaminants including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are byproducts of industrial processes. These substances also can come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff and septic systems.

Radioactive contaminants can occur naturally or may result from oil and gas production and mining activities.

What the EPA says about drinking water contaminants Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 or visiting the website. The sources of drinking water (both tap and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity.

Special health considerations Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as those with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (1-800-426-4791).


Boil-water advisories A boil-water advisory is a precautionary notice issued by a public drinking water system or by health authorities to consumers when a community’s drinking water is or could be contaminated by disease-causing organisms. It is a preventive measure that is intended to protect the health of water consumers when there is an actual or significant possibility that contamination may be present within the drinking water system. In 2020, EWEB issued five boil-water advisories due to loss of water pressure in the distribution pipes. The loss of water pressure can result in the backflow or infiltration of unclean water into EWEB’s water pipes, posing a potential risk to the health of our customers. Date 3/26/2020 7/27/2020 8/23/2020 9/18/2020 11/23/2020

Location Customers Affected Cross St. 3 Gillespie Butte 800 Pressure Zone 14 Shelton Ave. 2 Fairmount 975 Pressure Zone 34 Glenwood Dr. 1

In each case, the system was repaired and water pressure restored within a few hours. EWEB then collected water samples to test for the presence of bacteria. Results from these tests were available after 18 hours, and in all cases EWEB was able to notify the affected customers that the water was safe for consumption. The health of the community is our top priority and EWEB will continue to follow best management practices to reduce the risk of contamination entering the water system.

EWEB will leave a door hanger advising customers to boil their water as a precaution against any possible contamination as required by the Oregon Health Authority.

Once EWEB determines that there are no issues with the water, EWEB will leave a door hanger communicating water is safe to use and consume.

Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms We monitor the McKenzie Watershed for cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms throughout the spring and summer to make sure your drinking water is safe. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria that are found naturally in lakes, streams, ponds, and other surface waters. Blooms that impair water quality or generate toxins that are harmful to humans and animals are generally referred to as cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs).The McKenzie River can transport toxins from upriver reservoirs to the drinking water intake at the water treatment plant. If cyanotoxins are not removed during drinking water treatment, people can be exposed to cyanotoxins through their tap water. For many years, we have been monitoring Blue River Reservoir and Cougar Reservoir for cyanoHABs and toxins. Both reservoirs flow into the upper McKenzie River. In addition to sampling for toxins at and below the reservoirs, we also test for toxins in the lower McKenzie River at Hayden Bridge, where our treatment plant water intake is located. To learn more about cyanoHABs and to see the most recent monitoring results, visit eweb.org/HABs.


Get to know your neighborhood emergency water station Just as your household invests in emergency supplies, EWEB is making investments to make sure safe, reliable water continues to flow, especially in the days and weeks following a natural disaster or other emergency. We are working with community partners to develop an emergency water supply program that includes several permanent distribution sites located throughout the community using groundwater wells, as well as mobile water trailers. As of April 2021, five sites are operational: Prairie Mountain School - 5305 Royal Ave. Howard Elementary School - 700 Howard Ave. Eugene Science Center - 2300 Leo Harris Parkway Lane Events Center/Fairgrounds - 796 W 13th Ave. Sheldon Fire Station - 2435 Willakenzie Rd. Two additional sites are planned—near Churchill High School and near Roosevelt Middle School. Using the map below, locate the emergency water station nearest to your home and plan how you would get to the site in an emergency. Howard Elementary School Sheldon Fire Station

Prairie Mountain School

y, nc ! e rg ign me he s e an r t In k fo loo

Eugene Science Center

Lane Events Center Future Emergency Water Site

Did you know?

Future Emergency Water Site

Experts recommend that residents of the Pacific Northwest store 14 gallons of water per person in your household (enough for two weeks). Learn how to store and treat water, along with more emergency preparedness tips at eweb.org/emergencyprep.


Accessing emergency water from your water heater In an emergency such as a severe winter storm or an earthquake, your home’s water service may be temporarily unavailable. In addition to the water you have stored for drinking and cooking, your water heater could provide you with 30-80 gallons of water for sanitation and other emergency uses. Securing your water heater Water heaters can move or tip over if not securely anchored to the wall or floor. For a small investment of time and money, you can avoid spilling gallons of precious water that could be useful in an emergency. Purchase and install a strap or bracing kit from your local hardware store, or have a licensed plumber strap your water heater according to code. Accessing water from your water heater 1. Turn off your home’s water supply. In most homes, emergency water shut off valves are found in the basement, crawlspace, garage or outside the home’s foundation. Locate your shut-off valve before an emergency, so you’ll know how to access it quickly if needed. 2. Turn off your water heater’s power source. For electric water heaters, shut off the power by flipping the correct switch on your electrical panel. For natural gas water heaters, visit www.nwnatural.com for important safety measures. 3. Turn off your water heater’s water supply. Locate the water shut-off valve and turn it clockwise until it stops. This valve is typically located on the top of the unit. 4. Let air into your water heater. You can do this by opening the relief valve located on the side of the tank (flip the handle so that it sticks straight up or out), or by turning on hot water spigots in the main living area or upstairs in your home. 5. Locate the drain valve at the bottom of the tank and release water. Place a clean container under the drain valve spigot to capture water and turn the spigot or screw of your tank’s drain valve to the left. Wear gloves and eye protection and be careful as the water may be very hot. 6. Treat or filter any water that you use for drinking, cooking or hygiene. Water from your hot water heater can be used for sanitation purposes. In extreme emergencies when other sources of purified drinking water are not available, you may use water from your hot water heater for drinking, cooking or hygiene after following these steps: Boil water for at least one minute, or Put water in a sanitized container and treat with unscented chlorine bleach (1/8 teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water), or Use a personal water filter, making sure to follow manufacturer’s instructions. 7. When you’re ready to refill the tank with water, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. 13

Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 E. 4th Avenue | Eugene, OR 97401 541-685-7000 www.eweb.org

In a water emergency, please call 541-685-7595. For water quality questions or to request a printed copy of this document, please call 541-685-7861 or email water.quality@eweb.org. For general EWEB questions, please call 541-685-7000 or email eweb.answers@eweb.org. EWEB’s elected Board of Commissioners holds public meetings the first Tuesday of every month. Learn more at eweb.org/board. Para una copia de este informe en español, contáctenos en eweb.answers@eweb.org o 541-685-7000.


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