Everything Knoxville January 2020 Edition

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Judy Irmen Publisher + Editor in Chief


Tom Irmen Director of Sales + Marketing

Kendra Menendez Editor + Administration

Meredith Hancock

The hardest part of keeping your health and fitness resolutions for the New Year is getting started. Discover for yourself how these Fitness Together clients, with the help of the team of expert trainers at Fitness Together, are keeping their New Year's health and fitness resolutions for 2020.

Design + Production Contact Information P.O. Box 432 Vonore, TN 37885 Phone: 865.856.6463 Reach us Online info@everythingknoxville.com www.everythingknoxville.com Hours of Business Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

19 believeRX

Food and Recipes................................................ 18

27 Ms. C’s Bed & Biscuits

Random Acts of Flowers................................ 27

Discover how they’re raising the bar in pharmacy. Providing your pet a happy and safe experience while you’re away from home.

29 The Gift Haus

CH Interiors & Gifts is now The Gift Haus, and everything is on sale so they can start new.

36 Superior Carpet & Rug Cleaning Discover a new, higher level of clean in the New Year.

50 Tailored Living Master closet trends for 2020.

Insights & Highlights........................................ 32

Everything Knoxville is distributed in Downtown Knoxville and select residential communities including Sequoyah Hills, Bearden, West Knoxville, Farragut, Concord and Hardin Valley

Calendar of Events............................................. 60 Travel.......................................................................... 62 For Entrepreneurs............................................. 64

IKAP Independent Knoxville Area Publishers

From the Publisher


of a New Year is a great time to make changes. For instance, it might be beneficial to change how you handle your finances and maybe start saving more. Or maybe your home needs a change in its décor to update its look. Or you might want to make some Photo by D. Roberts Photography positive changes in your own look and feel. Whatever your focus will be for 2020, it is important to make a commitment and then follow through on it. Fitness is one of the top resolutions for the New Year, and what better way to get fit than to visit Fitness Together and have their team put you on track to better



health. In this issue, we highlight some of the Fitness Together clients and their motivational stories, as well as highlighting the trainers. Fitness Together offers a truly customized approach along with nutritional counseling, a fitness routine, and motivation. By working their program, you can be on your way to a healthier lifestyle and keep your weight and health resolutions. So now that all your resolutions have been made and you begin the New Year, remember to focus on the follow through. We at Everything Knoxville wish all of you a very happy and prosperous 2020. Make it your year!

Judy Irmen


Photo by D. Roberts Photography

New Year, New Closet January is Get Organized Month and what better way than with a closet designed just for you? Receive two complimentary valet rods with January closet purchases. Let McKenry help you get organized in 2020.

Chris McKenry - 2019 Designer of the Year

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Make a Commitment to Finally Keep Your Healthy Living Resolutions in



HY DO WE find it so difficult to keep the healthy lifestyle resolutions we routinely make each and every year? Our goals were meaningful and achievable. Some of us wanted to lose weight, improve our heart health, lower our blood pressure, and more. These were resolutions that, if achieved, could have had a significant impact on our health, well-being, and longevity. But without commitment, resolutions can soon become just another wish. In this month’s issue of Everything Knoxville, we are excited to share with you the healthy living success stories of people who, very much like you, are achieving their own personal fitness goals. And while their stories and goals are varied, their common trait is their commitment to the program at Fitness Together, Knoxville’s only true personal private training studio, has set out for them.

Glenda Mabry

Five years ago, after a couple of knee surgeries, I found myself inactive and at my heaviest weight. I needed direction, motivation, and accountability. I knew about healthy eating but needed the exercise component. Fitness Together has been fabulous in helping me with individual training needs. They have modified lots of workouts and adjusted for all my limitations. And the results have been very gratifying. My fitness levels are now well above average. It hasn’t always been easy, but I believe it has been worth all the hard work because I feel great. I am so appreciative of the team at Fitness Together for assisting me in the right direction and their constant encouragement. And thanks to them, exercise is now a regular part of my life.

Jan Berry

The first time I exercised was after our second daughter was born in 1970. I ran about 1/4 mile and thought I would die. I kept exercising: Running and swimming in the 1970s, running, water skiing, aerobics, and weight l i f t i n g in the 1980s, and step aerobics, water and snow skiing, and weight lifting in the 1990s. When I turned 50, I started injuring myself when I would push myself too hard, so I quit exercising as often. I gained weight and started having knee and hip problems, and I was told I needed to have my hip replaced. Although I was still able to do “normal” activities, I wanted to regain enough vigor and personal fitness to be active in sports and hiking, so I joined Fitness Together in 2013. The personal trainers are truly personal. They get to know you, understand how to motivate you, and encourage you to stay committed to good health. I lost 20 pounds and reduced my body fat from 33% to 26%. I’m 70 years old now and in the best shape of my life. I have good energy and look forward to my personalized training sessions. I play tennis, walk, hike, swim, and generally enjoy life! I am ranked number five in the world in indoor rowing for my age and weight!

Emily Vreeland

I am a 79-year-old retired clinical social worker and happy grandmother. Being outdoors feeds my soul and keeps me physically active. I’m fortunate that I’ve never had any serious health issues, but at the time I found Fitness Together, my weight was at an all-time high, and I was feeling tired and frumpy and somewhat discouraged about myself. Driving home one day the new Fitness Together sign “One Client, One Trainer” caught my eye, so I pulled up. I signed up that day. In addition to being impressed with the concept and the convenient location, Fitness Together owner, Andrew Henderson, said they would guide me and give me the necessary tools but reaching my goals depended on my commitment and hard work. I’ve been working out at Fitness Together for more than 10 years, and I’m more fit than ever before in my adult life. I recommend Fitness Together to everybody I know.

Photos by D. Roberts Photography

Becca Plank

I am a 27-year-old law student at the University of Tennessee. In my spare time, I love to paint and do all things creative, and I love being outdoors. I have ADHD and anxiety, and I’ve always managed my mental health, energy, and stress levels with exercise and sports. After graduating from college, I had a hard time maintaining fitness levels and was not motivated to go to the gym on my own. Working at a stressful job, eating poorly, and not getting enough sleep ultimately caused me to gain some weight, and I was extremely unhappy with my physical and mental health. My parents, Tom and Kathy, had been going to Fitness Together for several years and suggested that I give it a try. For about a year now, I’ve been going twice a week, and it has helped me hold myself accountable for my fitness. In recent months, I’ve been at such a good enough fitness level that I’ve added a weekly run into the mix! I feel about as strong and fit as I did in high school and early college; it’s an incredible feeling. Anyone who’s looking for incredible trainers who are excellent at adapting a workout to any level of fitness should give Fitness Together a try.

Lisa Burnett

Dustin Burnett

I’m a 36-year-old screen printer and owner of Nothing Too Fancy and Nothing Too Fancy Print Shop with my beautiful wife, Lisa. In recent years, my fitness level was pretty much sedentary. I gained nearly 100 pounds in 10 years from being minimally active and eating garbage. I was in denial about my appearance and weight. I saw a picture of myself from last summer and knew it was time to make a change. I have always enjoyed working out but was always a pretty bad eater. Lisa, on the other hand, has always been a pretty “healthy” eater, but she hated going to the gym. We made a deal: I would focus on eating healthier if she would commit to going to the gym. That’s where Fitness Together came in. After talking with a friend and fellow Fitness Together client, I thought it would be the perfect fit. I couldn’t have made a better choice. So far I have succeeded in achieving several intermediate goals on my journey to my ultimate weight loss goal. And I’m eating healthier, more active, and my mental well-being is great. The Fitness Together team is awesome!

John Hoffman

A former athlete, I enjoy being outdoors and spending time with family, friends, and our dog, Elvis. But it was when I took a hike with friends to House Mountain and had to stop to rest several times while my friends had no trouble at all that I knew I was out of shape. I was in denial. I was ready to make a change, but I was hesitant to repeat the same old gym experience again. Fitness Together was different; we would be held accountable by our trainer. Not only did I hit my first goal at one year, but I was also able to achieve a major life goal. When signing up, overall health was certainly a goal, but my husband and I also hoped to improve our chances of starting a family. We had been trying to have kids for more than a year and a half before starting at Fitness Together. We both knew that if we were healthier, our chances would be better. We found out in August we’re expecting our first child; a baby girl is due in May. Our continued devotion to exercise and eating better will just make the pregnancy and parenthood better for all of us. We would 100% absolutely recommend Fitness Together to everyone.

After a 30 year career in the medical device industry and teaching, my overall level of fitness was reasonably good, although I was beginning to see declining strength and balance coupled with modest weight gain. I also had a severely arthritic knee from a sports injury that hampered my ability to exercise, and I was inconsistent with my exercising when going it alone. I didn’t know appropriate exercises to accomplish my objectives and was injuring myself doing exercises incorrectly. Fitness Together provided me with quality training, using good technique that was age sensitive. They enabled me to get as much as possible out of my bad knee for as long as possible and provided great pre-hab/re-hab support when I had knee replacement surgery. I’ve recovered from knee replacement, recovered from recent hernia surgery, and am able to play/run with my grandchildren, travel the world, and enjoy life. I strongly recommend Fitness Together to anyone. There is something of benefit for everyone, from a young athlete to us elders who were athletic legends if only in our own minds. They provide expertise, accountability, camaraderie in the health journey, and deliver results.

Susan Hoffman

My life as a stay-at-home mom evolved with time, and today I am a volunteer with the Integrative Healthcare Program at the University of Tennessee Cancer Institute. Prior to retiring I had been working out with one of the gym teachers and some fellow employees. While I had reasonably good stamina and strength, my spouse recommended trying Fitness Together to add variability to my workouts, as well as some adjustment as a function of strength/endurance gains. I found that the trainers were able to work the same or related muscle groups in different ways and keep my programs interesting while continuing to make progress. Fitness Together was convenient to my home, and I found the trainers to be motivating and to genuinely care how I was doing. It has been roughly 13 years since I first started with Fitness Together. During that time, I have gone through two bouts with breast cancer and a serious back injury. Because of my training, I recovered faster and was able to resume doing many of the activities that I really enjoy. The folks at Fitness Together were caring and compassionate and gently pushed me to be the best that I could be. I have recommended Fitness Together to many friends and acquaintances. I believe it to be nearly impossible for anyone other than a trained trainer to adapt workouts to compensate for injuries and to keep programs dynamic and fun over an extended period of time. continued ...

TRAINERS: Andrew Henderson

What I love most about personal training is getting to congratulate someone on doing something that they didn’t think they could do. The first time a client does a pull-up, completes a 5K, 10K, or a marathon, or steps on the scale and sees a number lower than what they’ve seen in 20 years is what keeps me excited to improve at what I do! My advice for making 2020 your best year yet is to dream BIG and set goals that will truly inspire, challenge, and excite you. When your WHY is big enough, you’ll find that the daily disciplines of exercise and healthy eating become a little easier to stick with.

Margaux Cowan-Banker

It’s rewarding to see people tap into a potential they didn’t know they had, whether working towards weight loss, athletics, or other pursuits. I love seeing how this changes people’s lives in profound ways. When we believe we can do great things, we do great things, and if I can help clients realize this, then I’m at my happiest. Embrace an attitude of balance and commitment to all the various aspects of a healthy lifestyle in 2020. It’s only when we take care of the many little things that the big picture successfully comes together. Being your fittest, healthiest self means prioritization and the knitting together of nutrition, activity, recovery (sleep/relaxation), and emotional needs.

Jay McLucas

I truly enjoy helping people feel better and look better. I encourage people to be the best version of themselves in 2020. Being healthy is being happy. Get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to be your best.

Evan Simpson

I love being a personal trainer because I enjoy tapping into the potential people often didn’t realize they had. I love meeting and engaging with new people, building relationships, and watching them better themselves. The most important advice I can give someone hoping to improve their health and well-being is to just be consistent. If you consistently show up no matter how you feel that day, you will see results.

Rufus Ross

I enjoy being a personal trainer because I enjoy helping people reach their health and fitness goals. It is very fulfilling when a client hits a breakthrough or accomplishes something they thought they couldn’t do. It’s all about feeling better, looking better, and being healthy and happy! In 2020, start off small. You don’t have to do anything too drastic. Just start with a 10 minute walk a day, drink one less soda a day, try and stretch for five minutes a day, add in one or two vegetables a day. Just make a few small changes, and over time, they will make a big difference. And finally, if you fail or mess up, don’t beat yourself up over it. Just get back on track and focus on the present, not the past!

Tanya Bruner

I wake up every single day excited to help people create the best version of themselves and to share my love and knowledge for all things health, fitness, and proper nutrition. Here are a few recommendations on how to make 2020 your fittest and healthiest year yet: 1. Eat more veggies: Shoot for three one-cup servings or more per day. 2. Make sleep a priority: Seven to nine hours per night. 3. Try something new, like a small group fitness class: Fitness Together offers a small group personal training program called PACK. 4. Drink more water: Drink half an ounce per pound you weigh.

Chip Gibson

I love inspiring people to live vibrant, healthy lives. As a trainer, I have the opportunity to influence someone’s life. Motivating people to make positive changes and showing them the tools to thrive physically and mentally is a unique opportunity I don’t take for granted. Seeing a client walk out of a session feeling more confident with a smile on their face makes my day. If you want to make 2020 the year you take charge of your health and well-being, stop procrastinating. In a word – start. If you eat healthy, get moving. If you exercise regularly but eat terribly, then focus on your nutrition. We all say we’ll exercise or eat better “when we have time.” Guess what? Everyone’s busy. Make time! Get off your phone/tablet/ TV and go to bed earlier. Don't make watching your favorite TV show or meeting up with friends for happy hour a priority. Prioritize yourself, because if you don’t take care of you, you can’t take care of others. Investing in your health, a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes a day, is all it takes. Get moving and push away from the table before you’re “stuffed.” Beginning is the hardest part. What are you waiting for?

Shea Sims

Reflecting back over the past 12 years as a fitness professional and thinking about why I’ve chosen to stay in a field where the hours are long, the “hustle” to stay relevant with the newest science and research is never ending, and the need to stay on your “A” game is crucial to retention, I still believe I’m fulfilling my life’s calling. Earlier this year my mother passed away, losing her battle to brain cancer. During that period of time, I was in awe of the overwhelming outpouring of love and support of those whose lives she touched. She had a spirit unlike anyone I’ve ever known, and she lived and loved with everything she had... every day. My passion is to make a difference in the lives of those clients I come in contact with each and every day, even if it doesn’t necessarily relate to exercise. If they walk away from our session feeling better than when they arrived, I’ve helped make a difference. As many look to make New Year’s resolutions, try to remember that each day is a gift. Change is hard, so start small. Acknowledge the victories, as well as the failures, and grow from each of them. Most importantly, above anything else, don’t give up… don’t EVER give up! If you are ready to commit like these clients and make more than a resolution but a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, be sure to contact the pros at Fitness Together today.

Mac Bowers

Being a trainer means more than counting sets and reps; it means becoming a part of your client's journey and their story. I get to be there for it all and get to watch them accomplish more than they ever managed was possible. To make 2020 you best year yet, I recommend that you should have fun, set goals, drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, and accept a challenge that will help you reach your fullest potential.


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Here’s a Healthy New Year’s Resolution That is Easy to Keep B Y K R I S TA B R E W S T E R , C O - O W N E R O F AQ U A C L E A R WAT E R SY S T E M S


HILE MANY of us are

reflecting on our fondest memories from this holiday season, others of us are busy contemplating our resolutions for the New Year. It probably comes as no surprise to the majority of us that nearly two-thirds of all resolutions we will make this year include health and fitness goals. It may also come as no surprise to you that only a very small percentage of well-intentioned people will actually keep their resolutions. There are no limits to the excuses we offer as to why we were unsuccessful in keeping our resolutions. But at Aqua Clear Water Systems, we can offer you a fool-proof resolution for 2020 that you’ll be guaranteed to keep. If you’re like the majority, your 2020 resolutions will include eating healthier and exercising. Eating healthier should include evaluating everything we eat and ingest, and that includes drinking water. I can already hear many of you saying that your home’s drinking water meets the minimum standards set by a government agency. Really? Minimum standards? At Aqua Clear Water Systems, we have earned a reputation for almost two decades of delivering the cleanest and healthiest water to families just like yours all across East Tennessee. It’s really a no brainer. Think about it. You’re selecting healthier foods for your family, including organically grown vegetables and fruits, organically raised poultry, beef, and pork, and yet your

family is drinking water, the most important resource for sustaining life, that only has to meet minimum government standards. And if you’re cooking and bathing in this same water, you’re ingesting it into your body orally or by absorption through your skin. Why not let our family help your family make and keep one of the most important New Year’s resolutions that you will likely make in your lifetime? It all starts with a simple phone call to set up a free, no-obligation, in-home consultation. If your family could benefit from our extensive selection of water treatment solutions, our experienced project supervisors will recommend the system that is best for your family. At Aqua Clear Water Systems, you have our personal assurance that you will receive a level of service that will exceed your expectations – and a level of service that you might have thought no longer existed in today’s generic retail marketplace. All of our quality water treatment systems are manufactured to the highest standards by worldwide, industry leader Kinetico, with the world’s most efficient water softener. Each of our systems is backed up by one of the best warranties available, and each system requires no energy

and is designed to last far longer than the competition. As a wife, mother, and grandmother, I know how important your family’s health is to you. That’s why, along with my husband, David, and my son, Jonathan, we and our team of more than 40 pure water experts teamed up with Kinetico to launch Aqua Clear Water Systems nearly two decades ago. We have literally delivered nothing but the cleanest, purest water available anywhere to many thousands of families just like yours all across East Tennessee. If you’re prepared to make an easy New Year’s resolution in 2020 that will enhance the health of every member of your family, call me today to setup your no-cost, nopressure consultation. Our experts will help you discover affordable water treatment options that will deliver on your healthy New Year’s resolution for 2020. Let us change your water; it will change your life.

Aqua Clear Water Systems 1767 Kevin Lane Lenoir City, TN 37772 865.225.6555 www.aquaclearws.com



The Proper Care and Feeding... of Your Shoe Collection


B Y C A R R I E M C C O N K E Y, W W W. C A R R I E M FA S H I O N C O N S U LT I N G . C O M

T’S RARE to meet a man or woman who proclaims a keen dislike for shoes. Most enjoy their ready availability, varying price points, myriad styles, and, most importantly, the fact that their foot size typically remains the same. About the only problem folks have with this hoardingapproved wardrobe staple is how to store them. Follow the three tips below to keep your shoe collection in tip-top shape! 1. Avoid a big pileup No matter whether you’re blessed with ample closet space or are called to be more creative, avoid storing your footwear in piles... on the floor, in a corner, or even within a large plastic tub. The gravel, dirt, dust, and sticky stuff acquired from walking surfaces can stain or damage your shoes if they are messily nestled against each other. 2. Make storage work for you Place your daily workhorses within reach for those rushed mornings before work, and stash the special occasion stilettos in the handy but harder-to-reach areas of your closet. Systematize your shoe arsenal to fit your lifestyle and how your mind works, and categorize it in a way that pleases you and leads to the easiest selection process. Do you think in terms of color? Purpose? Type of footwear? The right answer is the one

use the handy and budget-friendly packaging the shoes came in). Before storing, check the uppers, heels, and soles for any issues to determine if they need help from a professional cobbler. Keep your shoes dusted, shelter them from sunlight, and stock your own polish and brushes for regular touch-ups. Pro-actively maintaining and organizing your footwear will save money and time, ensuring your shoes are ready to hit the road when you are. And you’ll be guaranteeing a positive first impression to boot. (Pun intended!)

that works best for you. 3. Show your shoes some love When freeing your feet at the end of the day, allow your shoes to cool off and air out for a couple of hours. Stuff your good leather footwear with cedar shoe trees or acid-free tissue paper while they are still pliable (or

Closets by McKenry

201 Center Park Drive, #1070 Knoxville, TN 37922 865.249.6382 2019 Closets Designer of the Year – Interior Design Society

The East Tennessee Fishing Show & Expo


Fishing Show takes place January 23-26 at the Knoxville Expo Center on Clinton Highway. Celebrating 10 years, the East Tennessee Fishing Show welcomes Clay Dyer, the most admired fisherman of all time. Other pros attending this year include Shaw Grisaby Wesley Strader, John Murray, Mike DelVisco, Scott Manning, John Crews, Edwin Evers, and more. New this year, the Fishing Show will have Fly Fishing, Bass, Crappie, Striper, and Catfishing. Also, your chance to win a Lowe Boat! Tickets are $10, children 8-12 are $8, and children under 7 are free. Purchase tickets at the door or online at www.easttnfishingshow.com. There will be easier entrance this year with three ticket booths available. Parking is free. Appearance One of our biggest things this year is the appearance of Clay Dyer. He is the most 10


inspirational fisherman of all time. Clay fishes the Bassmaster Open and gives 50+ inspirational talks each year to companies, churches, non-profits, and schools. Clay’s motto is “If I can, you can.” Duck Dynasty star Tim Guraedy, known to the show’s millions of hardcore fans as “Mountain Man,” returns to the show again this year on January 25 & 26. Family Friendly Event Nature Nick’s Animal Adventures is a fast-paced educational wildlife show. The show will feature five to six trained exotic animals. Nature Nick and his animals have been featured on Fox & Friends, Good Morning America, CNN, and The Today show. New This Year More than 200 vendors with products for Bass Fishing, Crappie, Stiper, Catfish, and Fly Fishing.

Mercury & Lowe Boat Away Register any day of the show to win a boat. Attendance is not necessary to win drawing. Winner will be announced on Facebook and on our website. Additional Events » Thursday: First Responders & Military Day. All military and First Responders get $2 off admission with proper ID. » Friday: Lady Anglers Day. The first 200 women through the door receive a free Fishing Show hat. » Saturday: Junior Anglers Day. The first 200 children through the door receive a free fishing rod. » Sunday: Mercury & Lowe Boats Giveaway. Register any day of the show to win the boat. You do not have to be present to win. For more tickets or more information, visit www.easttnfishingshow.com.


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Happy New Year and Happy New Hardwood Floors in 2020! B Y VA L E R A TO M E S C U , F O U N D E R & P R E S I D E N T O F E U R O P E A N F I N E H A R D W O O D F LO O R S


OU’VE PROMISED existing floors, you are invited yourself again and to discover the European Fine a ga in, yea r a f ter Hardwood Floors difference. year, that this was the year European Fine Hardwood that you were finally going Floors is unlike most other to do something about your hardwood flooring companies home’s tired, worn, dented, you may have encountered in scratched, and UV damaged the past thanks to its founder, hardwood floors. Remember Valera Tomescu. The quality when they had that showcase of craftsmanship they provide quality look that you were comes from the influence of so proud of? Now you neatly Valera’s grandfather, who was arrange area rugs on your a fine woodworking artisan in once beautiful hardwood Svetlana and Valera Tomescu Europe. Valera’s grandfather f loors i n a n at t empt t o guided his grandson’s passion camouflage the wear and damage. for woodworking in the old-world tradition, One of the most important components providing a level of craftsmanship that is of your home’s interior décor, hardwood seldom experienced today. flooring creates one of the most important Valera and his team have based their impressions g uests experience when commitment to quality on Valera’s early entering your home. An elegant foyer or life experiences combined with today’s entryway featuring distinctive hardwood cutting-edge f looring technologies from flooring provides a welcoming atmosphere the number one name in the hardwood and a lasting memory. And while alternative f looring industry: Bona. The worldwide f loor coverings such as vinyl, tile, and recognized leader, Bona provides artisans carpeting go in and out of fashion, hardwood like Valera with the very best hardwood flooring offers a sense of timelessness. finishing products in the world. Bona also If you are contemplating installing new offers in-depth training and education for hardwood floors in 2020 or refinishing your the industry’s very best craftsmen. In fact,

Valera has been recognized by Bona as a Certified Craftsman, an honor offered by Bona to only those few hardwood flooring professionals who have distinguished themselves. It’s a much coveted award earned by very few craftsmen. If you have made a New Year’s resolution to add new hardwood f looring to your home or to refinish your existing hardwood floors, why not discover the European Fine Hardwood Floors difference for yourself? European Fine Hardwood Floors offers new hardwood f looring, hardwood f loor refinishing, water damage repair, staining, and more – all at affordable rates. Also, be sure to ask them about their dust-less refinishing experience that removes 99% of the dust resulting from indoor sanding by using high capacity vacuums located out-ofdoors, as well as their low or no-odor finishes. Enhance your home’s décor in 2020 by calling Valera and his team at European Fine Hardwood Floors today.

European Fine Hardwood Floors 865.640.3680 www.knoxvillehardwoodrefinishing.com

Nate Bargatze: Good Problem to Have Tour February 1 at 7 pm at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium


F R O M Old Hickory, Tennessee, rising stand-up comedian Nate Bargatze is selling out shows across America. On March 26th, Nate’s first solo one-hour Netflix special, The Tennessee Kid, will premiere globally. Nate followed in the showbiz footsteps of his dad, a former clown turned world class magician whose influence is seen on Nate’s 2015 debut special Full Time Magic and his debut album Yelled at By a Clown. Nate’s half-hour Netflix Special, The Standups, premiered on July 4, 2017, to rave reviews. In addition to touring the country as a headliner, Nate toured in arenas with Chris Rock on his 2017 Total Blackout Tour. He currently has a deal with 20th Century Fox to develop his own TV show. Nate’s comedy is both clean and relatable, evident in his six appearances on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, following four appearances on Late Night with Jimmy 12


Fallon. He appeared on Conan four times, was a recurring guest on @midnight, and had his own Comedy Central Presents in 2011. Off screen, Nate was part of Jimmy Fallon’s Clean Cut Comedy Tour and has done live shows for the troops in Iraq and Kuwait five times. He regularly performs at Bonnaroo, SXSW, Oddball Comedy Festival, Sasquatch, Clusterfest, and the JFL Montreal Comedy Festival, where he’s received critical acclaim multiple years in a row. Nate was featured as one of Esquire’s “Best New Comedians” by Jim Gaffigan, one of Marc Maron’s “Comedians to Watch” in Rolling Stone, one of Variety’s “10 Comics to Watch” for 2015, and as #1 on Vulture’s “50 Comedians You Should Know” in 2015. His debut one hour special, Full Time Magic, premiered on Comedy Central that spring, followed by his debut album, Yelled at by a Clown, which reached #1 on the iTunes Comedy Charts and remained on Billboard’s

Top Ten Comedy Charts for weeks. Nate will be performing at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium at February 1 at 7 pm. Tickets are $38 and $53 at the Knoxville Coliseum box office. These prices include all taxes, applicable fees, and service charges. Tickets can be purchased in person at the KCAC box office or through Ticketmaster. com or on the Ticketmaster app. Tickets purchased through Ticketmaster are subject to additional service charges. For more information, visit www.knoxvillecoliseum.com.

2020 Calendar of Events at Biltmore Winter at Biltmore – January 6 through March 31 In the early months of the year, Biltmore offers a peaceful retreat following the hectic pace of the holidays. Discover our great indoors in Biltmore House, America’s largest home. Tickets may be purchased at www.biltmore. com or by phone (800-411-3812). Kids 9 and younger get in free with a ticketed adult. Downton Abbey: The Exhibition – Now through April 7 Downton Abbey: The Exhibition continues its run at Biltmore through April 7. This immersive exhibition features set recreations, costumes, and exclusive multimedia elements, providing guests with a chance to step inside the world of the global television phenomenon and feature film. The exhibition transports guests on an incredible journey through the grand home of Downton Abbey, providing an inside look into the world of the Crawleys and those who served them. Biltmore Blooms – April 1 through May 21 Biltmore’s gardens, designed by renowned landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, come to life with immense floral displays featuring thousands and thousands of tulips across the estate. Biltmore’s restaurants will include special menu items, with the Winery offering specialty tours. Easter Egg Hunt – April 12 The Easter Rabbit makes his annual appearance on Biltmore’s Front Lawn on Easter Sunday. Highlighting the day are the grand Easter Egg Hunts. Children 9 and younger may attend the hunt for free when 14


accompanied by an estate pass holder or a ticketed adult. Biltmore Gardens Railway – May 22 through September 27 Biltmore Gardens Railway returns to the estate for the summer. This enchanting botanical model train display features smallscale replicas of the estate’s structures, including Biltmore House, the Lodge Gate, and even a small version of the Conservatory itself. Individually hand-crafted, the structures are created from natural elements such as leaves, bark, and twigs, much of which has been collected from estate grounds. With 800 feet of rails and trains traversing six separate lines at different eye levels, this is a one-of-a-kind, fun-for-all-ages garden experience. 24th annual Biltmore Summer Concert Series – Select dates Biltmore House and the Blue Ridge Mountains serve as backdrop for musical experiences during Biltmore’s annual concert series. Concerts take place on the South Terrace of Biltmore House. The concert line-up will be announced in spring 2020. 46th annual Christmas at Biltmore – November 6 through January 9, 2021 Holidays arrive at America’s largest home in style. More than a century ago, George Vanderbilt chose the holiday season as the time to unveil his new home to family and friends. This year’s Christmas at Biltmore promises another extravagant celebration, complete with dozens of Christmas trees, miles of ribbon, garland, and lights. Festive

menus in our restaurants and holiday wine tastings make for a memorable visit. 37th annual Candlelight Evenings at Biltmore – November 6 through January 10, 2021 Candlelight, firelight, and live music bring holiday warmth to Biltmore House’s extravagant holiday décor during these nighttime tours. Candlelight Christmas Evenings include a self-guided candlelight tour of Biltmore House, next-day visit to the gardens, Antler Hill Village, and Biltmore Winery. Evening guests can also take advantage of Antler Hill Village & Winery to enjoy free wine tastings. About Biltmore Located in Asheville, NC, Biltmore was the vision of George W. Vanderbilt. Designed by Richard Morris Hunt, America’s largest home is a 250-room French Renaissance chateau, exhibiting the Vanderbilt family’s original collection of furnishings, art, and antiques. Biltmore estate encompasses more than 8,000 acres, including renowned gardens designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, the father of American landscape architecture. Today Biltmore includes Antler Hill Village, which features the award-winning Winery and Antler Hill Farm, the four-star Inn on Biltmore Estate, Village Hotel on Biltmore Estate, Equestrian Center, numerous restaurants, event and meeting venues, and Biltmore For Your Home, the company’s licensed products division. To learn more about Biltmore, call 877-BILTMORE or visit www.biltmore.com. Photo courtesy of The Biltmore Company

Knoxville Symphony Orchestra Events

Singin’ in the Rain: Film + Orchestra January 11 at 8 pm Knoxville Civic Auditorium Singin’ in the Rain – the greatest musical of all time according to the American Film Institute, with a legendary cast including Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. Experience it as never before, projected on the big screen with live orchestral accompaniment.

Mozart and Mahler January 16 & 17 at 7:30 pm Tennessee Theatre This Masterworks program features two monumental Viennese composers, separated by a century: Mozart and Mahler. Mahler said, “A symphony must be like the entire world. It must contain everything.” Mahler’s First Symphony, nicknamed “Titan,” is a musical and spiritual journey featuring musical depictions of the universe, springtime, a funeral procession of animals, a klezmer band, and one of the most dramatic finales in all of music. Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 will be performed by prize-winning guest artist Aristo Sham. He has been featured in the Channel 4 programme, The World’s Greatest Musical Prodigies. Aram Demirjian: Conductor Aristo Sham: Piano Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 23, K. 488 Mahler: Symphony No. 1 (‘Titan’) 16


Night with the Arts: A Concert in Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. January 19 at 6 pm Tennessee Theatre A concert in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. featuring the Knoxville Symphony Chamber Orchestra and Carpetbag Theatre. Free and open to the public!

William Shaub and Friends: The Young Beethoven and Folk Music January 22 & 23 at 7 pm Knoxville Museum of Art The Concertmaster Series, featuring the new KSO concertmaster William Shaub and various guest artists, includes intimate performances held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the KMA’s Ann and Steve Bailey Hall. Seating is general admission.

Beethoven Begins January 26 at 2:30 pm Bijou Theatre As we embark on Beethoven’s 250th year, we “Begin” with an exploration of Beethoven’s early years as a young phenom, newly arrived on the music scene in Vienna and trying to make his mark. This program also

features a new concert format, combining chamber music and orchestral music. Any understanding of Beethoven’s spirit has to include his string quartets, of which the Principal Quartet will perform Opus 18, No. 6, followed by his oft-overlooked, unbearably beautiful Violin Romances. Of his many gifts to music, perhaps Beethoven’s most significant one was redefining the genre of the symphony. While Symphony No. 1 did not yet contain the stormy drama with which we associate Beethoven, it both was a musical nod to his mentor Haydn and hinted at what was to come in the not distant future: A clear game-changer for the music world. Aram Demirjian: Conductor Ruth Bacon: Violin Zofia Glashauser: Violin KSO Principal String Quartet Beethoven: String Quartet, Op. 18, No. 6 Beethoven: Romance No. 1 for Violin and Orchestra Beethoven: Romance No. 2 for Violin and Orchestra Beethoven: Symphony No. 1

The Q Series at the Elks Lodge January 29 at 12 pm Elks Lodge The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra presents the KSO Q Series at The Elks Lodge in West Knoxville for classical music Wednesdays! This concert features a onehour performance by the KSO Principal String Quartet and the KSO Principal Woodwind Quintet, and tickets include lunch.

Concertmaster and Friends January 30 at 7 pm Blackbox Theatre Concertmaster and Friends: The Young Beethoven and Fold Music will be at the Blackbox Theatre, Athens Area Council for the Arts, located at 320 North White Street in Athens. For more information, visit www.knoxvillesymphony.com.

Ditch the “List” in 2020 J



of the year to take on that long list of nagging household “things to do” that gets sidelined by summer family vacations, inclement weather, sports playoffs, waiting for the needed materials to go on sale, and the holidays. The only thing that seems to be getting done is the addition of even more items to your growing “things to do” list. At Personal Space Construction, we specialize in helping homeowners tackle annoying projects that are taking forever to complete or that just never get started. Perhaps it’s maintenance items that you have been delaying because you lack the time or the know-how. Keep in mind that deferred maintenance can end up costing you even more in the long run. Are your utility bills higher than they should be? Maybe your home has inadequate insulation or your windows have cold winter air entering your home from poorly performing windows and doors? Is your home dated? Would you like to restore that same showroom quality look to your home that it had when it was new? Or perhaps it’s time to improve your home’s curb appeal? A fresh coat of quality paint, updated lighting, and new plumbing fixtures are just a few of the

BEFORE things you can do to freshen up things. Increasing area home valuations is another reason to consider enhancing your home’s value, particularly if you are considering selling your home in the future. And if your home isn’t meeting your needs, avoiding the hassle and costs of selling your existing home, buying a new one, and then moving, renovation and updating might make more sense. Great places in the home to start are the kitchen and baths. If you find yourself in agreement but overwhelmed or in over your head, why not contact the professionals at Personal Space Construction? Personal Space Construction

AFTER has decades of experience in home design, construction, and renovation and employs only the most experienced tradesmen. From concept to completion, Personal Space Construction is your total turn-key solution to your growing “things to do” list. Regardless of the size of your project, Personal Space Construction can help you transform your wish list into reality. And you can make it happen today with one simple phone call to 865-271-7998.

Personal Space Construction 865.271.7998 www.personalspaceconstruction.com





VERY YEAR many Americans

establish New Year’s resolutions, setting their sights high with the turn of the calendar, but few of them are able to sustain those resolutions. According to online global activity data analyzed by Strava, most people report failing their resolution by January 12. Additionally, a study conducted by the University of Scranton found that just 8% of resolvers could stick to their pledge for two years without slips. New Year’s resolutions are very difficult to maintain, especially if you are trying to build a healthier lifestyle. According to a 2019 Marist Poll, two of the top resolutions are losing weight and eating healthier. To sustain a nutritious diet, consumers need to identify food options that are not only healthy, but also delicious and convenient. Protein is essential to a wholesome, balanced diet, and turkey is an excellent source of protein. Low in fat and packed with an abundance of minerals, turkey is perfect for many tasty, easy-to-prepare meals for individuals and families. Consumers can cook tacos with ground turkey, turkey burgers, spaghetti with turkey meatballs, turkey sheet pan dinners, turkey sausage, or turkey skillet kits in less than a half hour and enjoy a convenient, nourishing meal. No matter which form of turkey consumers are choosing, they are often hung up on a common question: White meat or dark meat? You cannot go wrong either way, according to nutritionist Dana Harrison. She notes that white meat is a great source of lean protein,




low in fat, and low in calories. However, the calorie disparity is not that large. For a threeounce serving, any part of the turkey falls within a 160- to 190-calorie range. While dark meat has a higher concentration of fat than white meat, those fats could help you feel more satiated by your meal. Dark meat is also higher in certain other nutrients, including iron, zinc, B vitamins, and selenium. Ultimately, Harrison recommends that consumers simply eat the option they prefer taste-wise because white meat and dark meat both fit into a healthy, adequate, and balanced diet. For those wanting healthier options for their families, there are a wide variety of products, including ground turkey, breast cutlets, tenderloins, and turkey meal kits. The Honeysuckle White and Shady Brook Farms brands provide an array of healthy turkey recipes, such as Southwest-style chipotle turkey tenderloin with roasted veggies, sweet and spicy turkey tacos, and white turkey chili. For consumers on the go who want the health halo of turkey breast but need something speedy to whip up for dinner, the company also recently introduced Turkey Skillet Kits. Each kit includes four turkey breast cutlets – hand-seasoned in a flavorful blend – along with an internationally inspired gourmet sauce sauté packet, and they cook in fewer than 15 minutes. Ground turkey is another quick, versatile dinner option. With 28 grams of protein and only one gram of fat per serving, 99% fat-free ground turkey breast provides a foundation

for a wholesome entrée, such as tacos or chili. For families on the go, oven-ready turkey meatloaf is simple to prepare and perfect for busy schedules. Keeping track of the food you are consuming can help you lose weight and determine if you’re eating enough in each food group. And with modern technology at our disposal, diet monitoring is a breeze. Online food calculators, such as the tool on WebMD, enable consumers to count calories and grams of fat, carbohydrates, and protein from thousands of different foods. There are numerous mobile apps that allow you to track your exercise accomplishments, in addition to your dietary goals, to stay on pace with your resolution. Upholding a healthy diet with balanced, wholesome meals only takes a few simple steps. Smart shoppers plan meals before heading to the store and stick to the outside perimeter of the supermarket to purchase fresh ingredients, including vegetables, fruit, and lean meats. Moreover, a consistent mealplanning routine saves time and money by eliminating extra trips to eat out and cutting out the need to order delivery. This is the year your New Year’s resolution does not have to end in frustration. Armed with a grocery shopping game plan and modern technology to monitor nutrition and wellness progress, consumers can be ready to maintain a healthy routine. Even on the busiest of nights, convenient and healthful turkey meal options ensure you can enjoy an appetizing dinner while keeping your resolution.

For Your Health’s Sake, Select a Single Family Pharmacy in 2020 BY ELLEN PHILLIPS, PHARMD & FOUNDER OF BELIEVERX


LDER ADULTS represent approximately 12% of our entire population yet consume more than one-third of all prescription medications, visiting their community pharmacy twice monthly on average. It is further estimated that nearly a third of these seniors use multiple pharmacies. There may be a variety of reasons that many older Americans are using more than one pharmacy. Oftentimes their physician, when filling a prescription, may direct a patient to a particular pharmacy. Perhaps it’s a matter of convenience or a new patient incentive, but using multiple pharmacies is fraught with potential danger to not only seniors, but to others as well. Most people who fill prescriptions may be unaware that there is no nationwide database that informs your pharmacists of every medication that you are taking, which could result in a potentially dangerous interaction. Even your physician may be unaware of the medications that your other healthcare providers may have previously prescribed for you. If your doctor is unaware of all the medications you take, the effects of your new medication may be altered by a medication that you are already taking but that your prescribing physician may be unaware of. When you have more than one prescription to be filled, getting them all at one pharmacy is not only more convenient, but it is far



safer too, lowering the risk of negative drug interactions. A single pharmacy, on the other hand, can result in better and more regular communication between yourself and your pharmacist, which can improve medication adherence, the understanding of the benefits and possible side effects of the prescription drugs prescribed, and minimize the confusion related to medication management. The use of a single pharmacy provides you with the opportunity to engage with a trusted pharmacist. It will allow you to experience the highest level of personalized care available. At believeRX, we monitor the potentially harmful drug interactions and can suggest safer alternatives. And by being aware of your personal health issues, we can evaluate whether your current medications are in fact working effectively. The use of a single pharmacy may also help you feel more comfortable when asking questions about your medications and health issues, including allergies, which can prevent possible complications. A single pharmacy can also save you both time and money by searching for less expensive, yet safe and effective options. At believeRX, we maintain your complete medication record, including over-thecounter medications, providing you a single, complete source for all your medications, reducing the potential for a dosage error. We also send you friendly reminders when you’re due for a refill.

believeRX is completely committed to improving the overall health of every member of your family and is equally committed to serving our senior community. And while generic drugs may help you to save money, there shouldn’t be anything generic about your selection of a pharmacy. Choose your pharmacy professionals as carefully as you select your other healthcare professionals. Select one that you can trust and then make them an important part of your total healthcare team. Discover the difference that believeRX can make in every member of your family and a new level of compassionate caring that you may have thought no longer existed in today’s often generic medical marketplace. believeRX… “Raising the Bar in Pharmacy”


9627 Countryside Center Lane Knoxville, TN 37931 865.214.6672 www.mybelieveRX.com

INTRODUCING J. Kevin Buchanan, MD




you eat, you’re staying active, but you’re still unhappy with your body shape. Sound familiar? That stubborn problem area on your waistline can be annoyingly resistant to diet and exercise. That’s where the truSculpt® 3D procedure can help. Developed by Cutera, the global pioneer in performance and innovation within the cosmetic and aesthetic laser device field, the non-invasive, truSculpt® 3D procedure can help you sculpt your body by quickly and easily targeting both large and small problem areas. We recently interviewed J. Kevin Buchanan, MD, Knoxville area’s family practice physician and truSculpt® 3D practitioner, to discover just how this revolutionary, new, state-of-theart medical breakthrough can help patients treat those problem areas around their midsections. EK: Dr. Buchanan, truSculpt® 3D uses radio frequency technology to help decrease circumference and diminish fat in patients. Tell our readers just how this technology works. Dr. Buchanan: truSculpt® 3D uses conductive radio frequency to achieve selective and effective disruption of the subcutaneous fat tissue, the fat that lies directly beneath the skin, while maintaining comfortable surface temperatures. EK: Just how safe is truSculpt® 3D? Dr. Buchanan: truSculpt® 3D, which is FDA cleared, is a safe, non-invasive body sculpting technology, where the temperature of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are maintained at comfortable levels while consistently achieving the best results. EK: How quickly will clients see visible results? Dr. Buchanan: Visible results can usually be seen as soon 6 to 12 weeks, with maximum



Family Practice Physician, truSculpt® 3D Practitioner

HALF THE COST OF COOLSCULPTING Abdomen & Flanks: $1,000 Neck & Chin: $300 Arms: Starting at $500 Legs: Starting at $500

benefits at 12 weeks. Some clients report seeing results in as little as 4 to 6 weeks. EK: How much fat thickness reduction will patients experience? Dr. Buchanan: Clients can expect fat reduction of targeted areas of up to 24%. EK: Is it possible to treat more than one problem area per session? Dr. Buchanan: Yes, it is possible to treat multiple areas in a single session, including the neck, upper arms, abdomen and flanks, back, and thighs.

EK: Should clients experience any discomfort or downtime after the procedure? Dr. Buchanan: Some clients may experience some redness of the skin that typically resolves itself in 8 to 12 hours. Others report soreness of the treatment area that may last for a few days. There is no restriction on activity following the procedure. EK: Treatments are administered by an NP or medical assistant under your personal supervision, correct? Dr. Buchanan: We have a nurse practitioner, two medical assistants, and myself who are all trained and certified to perform the truSculpt® 3D procedure. EK: How can our readers who are interested learn more about the truSculpt® 3D? What is the best way to reach you? Dr. Buchanan: Call Ashley Burchfield at 865-675-1953, ext. 224 for more information or to schedule a free consultation or visit www. tru3dbody.com.

Farragut Family Practice 11130 Kingston Pike, Suite 7 Knoxville, TN 37934 865.675.1953 www.farragutfamilypractice.com

Discover a Perfect Smile in 2020


F YOU FIND yourself compar-

ing your smile to others whose smiles exhibit beautiful, straight, white teeth, then perhaps it’s time you discovered just how easy it can be to achieve a whiter, brighter, straighter smile. After all, how many of those people whose smiles you envy were actually born with that perfect smile? Probably not many as you think. Let’s consider teeth straightening first. Did you know that there is a procedure – in fact, the most advanced teeth straightening system available anywhere – that has already helped more than six million people achieve straighter, more natural looking smiles? Called Invisalign, these transparent aligners incrementally adjust your teeth without the use of wire braces. Invisalign is the world’s most advanced clear aligner. By combining 20 years of research and data from six million smiles, you can trust Invisalign to deliver the smile that you deserve. Invisalign is a modern, fully digitized experience designed to help you achieve the smile you want, the way you want it. Unlike other competitive clear aligners, Invisalign aligners use a proprietary SmartTrack® material that offers treatment times that are up to 50% faster. Patients report that Invisalign

aligners fit and feel better. Also, innovations in the Invisalign procedure move more smiles with greater predictability and control than competitive aligners. Perhaps what you will appreciate most about the Invisalign system is that it is administered and supervised by your family dentist and not some third party dentist or orthodontist who will recommend your treatment without ever having met you. After all, who knows you better than your family dentist?

To learn how Invisalign can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted, call Heritage Family Dentistry at 865-816-9211 today to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation evaluation.

Heritage Family Dentistry 11121 Kingston Pike, Suite C Farragut, TN 37934 865.816.9211 www.hfdsmiles.com

The Clear Alternative to Braces

Dentistry for Your Family

Now Accepting New Patients | 11121 Kingston Pike, Suite C, Farragut, TN 37934

865.816.9211 | www.hfdsmiles.com

» Family Friendly Dentistry » Cosmetic Dentistry » Crowns & Bridges » Dental Implants » Implant Dentures » Prevention & Gum Treatment » Invisalign® Orthodontics » Mercury-Free Restoration » Digital Radiograph Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE


Kick off 2020 By Getting Outdoors and Enjoying State Parks ARTICLE COURTESY OF BPT


modern life means spending more time indoors. In fact, Americans spend roughly 90% of their time indoors, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This has had numerous direct and indirect health impacts, from respiratory issues due to poor indoor air quality to reduced physical activity due to an indoor sedentary lifestyle. People of all ages are starting to make a change, embracing the outdoors for all the benefits it can provide to their mental and physical health. Since there are opportunities for getting outdoors nearby wherever you live or travel, there’s no better time to commit to getting outside than in 2020. First Day Hikes A new year offers 365 days of opportunity, and what better way to start your outdoor goals than with First Day Hikes on New Year’s Day at a state park near you? State parks in all 50 states are offering free, guided First Day Hikes run by outdoor experts who want to help you explore the best the park has to offer. Visit www.stateparks.org to find a local participating park and enjoy New Year’s Day making memories outdoors while exercising and connecting with nature. The distance and rigor vary depending on the park and the program, but all hikes have one goal: To create a fun experience for the whole family while fostering an appreciation for the outdoors. Explore local treasures year-round It’s easy to take for granted what’s in your own backyard, and state parks are a reminder of the beauty of the different seasons while offering ample amenities that make exploration easy any time of year. Once you visit, you’ll want to return again and again to cherish the scenery and create many more memories with your family. Whether it’s a family picnic, a guided group hike, bird watching, rock climbing, or simply a calm walk listening to the sounds of nature, there are many activities to explore at state parks. Check out the month’s park programs run by knowledgeable state park staff and volunteers to see what may be of interest to you and your family. Discover different parks throughout the U.S. In the United States, there are 6,792 state park areas comprising 18,694,570 acres. These parks offer 14,672 trails more than 52,603 miles total length – that’s more than twice around the Earth at the equator! Whether you’re exploring your local park or looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors while traveling, there’s a state park nearby that is sure to bring the wonder of nature to your family. Every state park has different opportunities, from hiking, biking, and equestrian trails to swimming, marinas, and ski slopes. The best way to get acquainted with a state park is to visit it and see for yourself. Wear comfortable shoes and consider packing a water bottle and protein bar for your hike and you’ll be ready to enjoy nature to the fullest. Start 2020 with a First Day Hike and let this be the year you commit to getting outdoors and enjoying state parks. You’ll feel a deeper connection with nature and your loved ones, all while making lifelong memories. 22


Bobby Todd Knoxville Winter Sale

Huge Winter Sale Sale Begins January 2nd

25% to 70% OFF Select Merchandise Beat the Winter Blues at the Bobby Todd Annual Winter Sale


Store-wide savings up to 70% OFF original prices on select furniture, antiques, lamps, pillows, artwork, tabletop, home accents, Christmas décor, and much, much more!

HOP BOBBY TODD at 4514 Old

Kingston Pike for the annual Winter Sale starting Thursday, January 2nd, for savings up to 70% off select merchandise. The annual Winter Sale includes select furniture, antiques, lamps, pillows, artwork, gifts, home accessories, jewelry, and Christmas décor. Look for savings of 25% to 70% off select red-tagged merchandise. All Christmas merchandise will be 60% off the original price starting Thursday, January 2nd. Bobby Todd Knoxville offers the most unique, whimsical, and vintage inspired holiday décor available in Tennessee, so we encourage you to shop early for the best selection. All Christmas merchandise will be on sale through Saturday, January 18th. The Bobby Todd Winter Sale is the perfect time to find that perfect accessory or furniture piece for your home at incredible savings. Now is the time to purchase that piece you have been thinking about, because it is probably on sale. Every January Bobby and Todd host the Winter Sale to keep the Bobby Todd inventory fresh and current. New home and gift market finds and a fresh shipment of antique furniture and accessories will be brought into the store in February. Bobby Todd is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 to 5 and is conveniently located in the iconic UP and Down Gas Station at the corner of Lyons View and Kingston Pike in the heart of the Bearden shopping district. For more information, call 865-249-6612.

Bobby Todd

4514 Old Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 865.249.6612 www.bobbytoddantiques.com

Shop Early for Best Selection! 4514 Old Kingston Pike | Knoxville, TN 37919 | 865-249-6612

www.bobbytoddantiques.com Open Tues.-Sat. 10-5

Zoo Knoxville Offers $5 Off Winter Admission


OO KNOXVILLE is offering $5 off general admission tickets during Kroger Discount Days now through February 29. During Kroger Discount Days, guests can discover why winter is an enjoyable time to visit the zoo. Many animals, including red pandas, river otters, elephants, gorillas, red wolves, lions, and tigers, enjoy the cooler temperatures. On days when the temperature drops below 40 degrees, some animals will be moved indoors, but visitors can still see most in their indoor viewing areas. Discounted tickets can be purchased at the zoo ticket window during regular zoo hours and online at www.zooknoxville.org. Discounted admission tickets must be used by February 29 and cannot be combined with any other promotion, discount, or coupon. Zoo Knoxville is a non-profit entity situated on 53 wooded acres just east of downtown Knoxville. Zoo Knoxville features exhibits of wild animals in natural habitats and is world renowned for its efforts in conservation and species survival. It is nationally accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and is committed to the highest standards in animal care and well-being, ethics, conservation, and education. Knoxville’s largest attraction, the zoo is currently open from 10 am to 4 pm daily. Admission and ticket sales stop one-hour before the zoo closes. For more information, visit www.zooknoxville.org. Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE





remember the hit TV show Dukes of Hazzard. For those who are too young to know, the show revolved around two cousins, Bo Duke (John Schneider) and Luke Duke (Tom Wopat). They lived in the fictional Hazzard County, Georgia, with their uncle Jesse (played by the legendary Denver Pyle) and their hotter-thansummer cousin, Daisy (played by Catherine Bach). They hot-rodded all across the county, evading the crooked sheriff and county commissioner while still finding themselves in the middle of some sort of trouble. It was good, clean television fun that kids loved and was a guilty pleasure for adults. Shows like that are sorely missed in families’ homes today. When I learned that John Schneider had recently released a new gospel album (Recycling Grace), a new book (My Life, My Way), and had a new movie coming out (Christmas Cars), I had to talk to him. About the book, Schneider shared: “The book is a real inside look at what it’s been like being me; having a dream at a very early age, which I think we all do. I just think life and love wants to talk us out of it. But I started in theater when I was eight years old. I’ve had a passion for doing exactly what I’ve been doing ever since. I explain that to people, because there’s a tendency for people to think you just kind of appeared on the scene when they were first aware of you. Well, as they say, that’s kind of the tip of the iceberg. There’s a whole lot of stuff underneath that got you to that point. “So I talk about that and talk about the tenacity of a 16-year-old skipping school and climbing a fence so I could talk my way onto the Smokey and the Bandit set and into the movie. I talk about… did I really bring a six pack of beer to the Dukes of Hazzard audition? Well, yeah. I talk about that and what led to that decision and how that worked out and how it might not have. “I talk about music; talk about what it was like on the set and talk about relationships with the different people on the set. It’s kind of like an opportunity to hang out with me over the last 40 years.” I had read a story about Schneider elsewhere about how Johnny Cash introduced him to Christianity. I wanted to hear it straight from Schneider, so I asked him about it. “Well, John was really the first Christian I had met that wasn’t concerned about trying to appear to be nicer than Jesus. And it’s an important designation, because what a lot of Christians don’t know or don’t remember is how syrupy and saccharin and phony they can sound to someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. ‘Oh, how are you doing?’ ‘Oh, I’m just blessed. I’m so blessed. And this wonderful.’ “Well, come on. Sometimes it’s not. Sometimes you might say, ‘Well, I think I must have slept through my blessing today because I feel like crap.’ Johnny was a man; he was a scarred, flawed, wonderful Christian man who didn’t have to pretend everything was just great. I had seen a lot of the other. “Prior to working on Stagecoach – that’s where John and I met – he had actually done the Dukes of Hazzard album for that, but we’d never met. We met when we did Stagecoach together, and we became friends right away. I got to see how he treated people. And I got to see a really terrific, honest-about-everything man who also believed in what Christ was like and to say, ‘Jesus is my Lord and Savior’. Then I guess there’s something to it. “My agent at the time would say the wagons were circling. So I’d been surrounded by Christians and church folk, and they were kind of like the church lady from Saturday Night Live. There’s nothing 24


less attractive to a fledgling Christian than the church lady. So I like to think God put Johnny in my life so I could see what it was really like. And I did. I lived it live with Johnny and June for a little over a year, and it was great. I never saw a dishonest moment with Johnny Cash. It was great, and it’s a lesson we could all take. Don’t cover up your scars, because scars are really what attract people to the truth, because life ain’t easy, but it’s worth it. If it is easy, I question the value of the path you’re on or the validity of the path you’re on.” There is much more to this interview that can be read at www.boomerocity.com. Randy’s first interview was at the tender age of 13 with none other than Col. Tom Parker. Thirty-six years later he founded the webzine, Boomerocity.com, and has conducted close to 200 interviews with some of the most interesting people in music.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

Winter Sale Save on all Winter Apparel & Unadvertised Specials Throughout the Shop Through January 31, 2020

Sweetwater Flower Shop




N B E H A L F of all of us here at

Sweetwater Flower Shop, we would like to wish each of you and your family a joyous and prosperous 2020. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and encouragement during our nearly 56 years in business. This New Year’s season is a very special time of the year, and to show you our appreciation for your many years of loyal support, we would like to invite you to take advantage of our New Year’s sales specials during January. During the entire month of January, you will discover unadvertised specials all throughout the shop. It’s our way of saying thank you to all of our faithful customers. During your visit, be sure to browse our wide assortment of floral arrangements, all designed and handmade by me personally, along with a large selection of beautiful gifts, including ladies’ apparel, scarves, designer handbags, designer-inspired jewelry, home décor items, and much more that will make perfect gifts for almost every occasion. Be sure also to visit our University of Tennessee room, which features a wide selection of UT women’s clothing, accessories, jewelry, ornaments, wall hangings, clocks, and lamps. For all of your Big Orange fans, Sweetwater Flower Shop is sure to have just the right “Go Vols” gifts for friends and family members. Sweetwater Flower Shop also offers gift certificates for your shopping convenience. We look forward to your visit during January and for the opportunity to share our New Year’s greetings with each and every one of you. Happy New Year everyone!

Sweetwater Flower Shop 118 W. North Street Sweetwater, TN 37874 423.337.6623

118 W. North Street Sweetwater, TN 37874


at the Tennessee Theatre January 28 • 8 PM January 29 & 30 • 7:30 PM January 31 • 8 PM February 1 • 2 & 8 PM February 2 • 1:30 PM


XPERIENCE THE acclaimed new production of the legendary musical Miss Saigon, from the creators of Les Misérables . This is the epic story of a young Vietnamese woman named Kim. In a bar run by a notorious character called The Engineer, Kim meets an American G.I. That encounter will change their lives forever. Featuring stunning spectacle, a sensational cast of 42, and a soaring score, including Broadway hits like “Last Night of the World,” “The Movie in My Mind,” and “The Heat is On in Saigon,” this is a theatrical event you will never forget. For more information, visit www.tennesseetheatre.com. Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE


Tips for Picking the Perfect Pet



pet for your family begins with doing your homework beforehand to determine the age, size, and temperament of your ideal dog or cat. The whole family can share in the matchmaking fun. Will your newest family member be an independent feline or a playful, social cat? A rambunctious, energetic dog or a laid-back lap pup? Will you fall in love with a beautiful long-haired cat or a domestic shorthair? Will you choose a gorgeous long-coated dog or a wash-andwear short-coat type? “If you are planning to bring a new pet into your family, take advantage of tools such as the Purina Dog and Cat Breed Selectors to help narrow down your choice,” suggests Dr. Kurt Venator, Purina Chief Veterinary Officer. “It also helps to look for a pet that has been fed a high-quality dog or cat food that provides optimal nutrition for a long, healthy life.” No matter where your search lands you – at a pet shelter, rescue organization, or breeder – meeting potential pet companions is exciting. Purina is proud to support pet adoptions through the Purina Shelter Champions Partner Program. The 49 shelter partners located across the country adopted out 187,473 dogs and cats in 2018, making a sizable effort in finding forever homes for adoptable pets. Here are four questions to consider in your search for the right pet. You may find the pet chooses you. 1. What is your family dynamic? Does your family have young children under the age of seven? If so, a medium- or large-sized dog or



an adult cat may be a better match than a kitten or puppy or a toy or small-sized dog that could be hurt during rowdy play. Are you an older adult seeking a companion? Consider an adult cat or a lap dog. If you choose a puppy or kitten, be prepared to educate children about safe handling. Do you have other pets? Try to find out if the cat or dog you are considering gets along with other pets. 2. What is your lifestyle? Do you work long hours with little time to exercise an energetic young dog? For some dogs, a short daily walk or backyard romp is ample exercise, yet others need a vigorous workout to stay conditioned and relaxed. Keep in mind that kittens and puppies require a time investment to train and help them develop into healthy, well-balanced adults. 3. Where do you live? Whether you live in an apartment or a house with a small or large fenced yard factors into the type of dog you choose. For example, if your neighbors are in close proximity, you probably don’t want a dog that frequently barks. A dog or cat that sheds a great deal may also impact your selection. 4. Why do you want a pet? Are you seeking a companion, a protector, a sporting or hunting dog, an active dog to run with you, or a friendly dog to be a playmate with your children or other pets? Maybe you want a kitten or puppy to grow up with your children? As you filter through the type of cat or dog that will work best for your family, you are halfway there to choosing a forever best friend. Life is better when you share it with a pet.

When You’re Away From Your Pet


ET OWNERS are often faced with

the dilemma of “what to do with Fido when away from home.” You could take him with you, but what about hotel restrictions, travel-induced pet illness, and runaway pets? You could ask a neighbor, friend, or family member to care for your dog. This is well-meaning, but pets can escape or become seriously ill because of lack of reliable, frequent, and knowledgeable supervision from the part-time caretaker. A better option is to have professional care for your pet. The question then becomes, “Do we board or hire a pet sitter?” » Is my dog nervous or scared around unknown people? » Is my dog aggressive or overly shy around other pets? » How long will I be away from home? Ms. C’s offers full-time, knowledgeable, and experienced team members who provide dependable, secure, and safe pet care with the exact same schedule (6:30 am to 6:30 pm) seven days per week, including Sundays and all major holidays. To make your boarding experience a success: » Every facility has unique philosophies

and schedules. Set up a tour and prepare a list of questions to ask at each facility. » Make certain that all vaccinations are updated at least eight days prior to boarding. » Arrange a “pre-meet and greet” and then daycare at least once prior to boarding for Fido to become acquainted with the staff, play yard, and suites. We can then determine his preferred suite size and location. If Fido is a rescue and clings to your side, daycare is vital prior to boarding. This provides us the opportunity to evaluate temperament and find suitable playmates. Get acquainted daycare assures Fido you will always return. We offer daycare Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7:30 am to 6 pm, plus half days Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to noon. Our goal is to provide your pet with a happy and safe experience, enabling you to enjoy your time away knowing that your pet is loved and cared for.

Ms. C’s Bed & Biscuits

2145 Beals Chapel Road Lenoir City, TN 37772 865.986.6325 www.MsCsBedandBiscuits.com

The Next Best Thing to Home




Flowers After Hours 2020



is a great time to plan all the fun and fulfilling activities that you, your friends, and your co-workers can partake in during 2020! Flowers After Hours at Random Acts of Flowers Knoxville is not only a unique happy hour experience – it also provides a wonderful opportunity to give back to our community! The popular Flowers After Hours series gives attendees the chance to participate in a hands-on demonstration led by a local florist. After the demo, they are guided through the process of creating beautiful floral arrangements – one to keep and another that will be delivered to an individual in a local healthcare facility. The flowers that our participants take home are a lasting reminder of the personal moment of kindness and encouragement that they sent into the world! Individuals and groups can sign up for Flowers After Hours by going to the Random Acts of Flowers website (RAFKnoxville.org ), clicking on the events tab, and choosing which of the event dates fit within their schedule. Also, Random Acts of Flowers is offering a

“2020 Flowers After Hours Subscription” that offers all six of the 2020 Flowers After Hours events for the price of five! Each Flowers After Hours event has a seasonal theme; coffee, water, and light appetizers are provided; and is BYOB for participants 21 and over. If you are interested in booking a private Flowers After Hour event, please email info@RAFKnoxville.org or call 865633-9082. Private parties are perfect for birthday parties, bridal showers, reunions, and corporate team-building! If you want to make an impact with

Random Acts of Flowers by volunteering or making a donation, please call us at 865-6339082, email us at info@RAFKnoxville.org, or visit our website at www.RAFKnoxville.org.

www.RAFKnoxville.org Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE


Jump Start Your Wellness Resolutions in Myrtle Beach ARTICLE COURTESY OF BPT


are turning to healthy resolutions for the New Year, why not give yourself a head start by planning a trip that will help you relax, recharge, and refocus on your top wellness goals? Fortunately, there’s a location that can provide everything you need for focusing on your health – from opportunities to be more fit and active to places to relax and unwind: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Great deals on lodging and activities throughout the Myrtle Beach area will inspire you to kick off your wellness program right away. Here are just a few ways you can make the most of Myrtle Beach while getting your resolutions off to a great start. Stay active What’s better than a great workout in the great outdoors? You can stroll along the shoreline, bike the Waccamaw Neck Bikeway, hike a trail at Myrtle Beach State Park, or take an outdoor yoga class. You can also enjoy some of the world’s most challenging and beautiful golf courses, like the Dunes Golf and Beach Club. Want to be on the water? Enjoy a two-hour kayak tour at Black River Outdoors throughout Myrtle Beach’s waterways to feel close to nature while staying active. You could enjoy fishing off



the 2nd Avenue Pier or experience a thrill by renting a jet ski from Action Water Sportz.

For those who find creative pursuits relaxing, the museum offers art classes.

Relax and unwind One of the many reasons Myrtle Beach is ideal for a wellness retreat is that the destination offers a getaway that is tranquil, peaceful, and serene. If your wellness resolution is to unwind more in 2020, look no further than Myrtle Beach as your go-to destination for relaxation. Sink into a Himalayan Salt Stone massage at the Cinzia Spa, where handcarved warm salt stones gently soothe away the accumulation of stress and tension while bringing the body and spirit into balance. Or you can plan an entire day of spa treatments at Awakening Spa, including facials, wraps, and aromatherapy, on your own or with a partner or friend. You can just relax and soak up the sun on one of many beautiful beaches or while enjoying a sailboat charter or riverboat tour of the Intracoastal waterway. Your idea of relaxation might include bathing in beauty. If so, spend a day at Brookgreen Gardens to enjoy both the natural outdoor beauty, as well as the world-class sculptures. The area is home to dozens of art galleries for your perusal, as well as The Burroughs and Chapin Art Museum, which features southern artists in a wide range of different media.

Eat healthy While eating healthy on vacation can be challenging at times, the Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina makes it simple with an abundance of fresh, ocean-to-table seafood offerings. Head to Myrtle Beach’s own Hook & Barrel restaurant to enjoy a fresh take on dining with distinctive seafood dishes and local produce in its ethereal, eco-friendly environment. You can’t get any fresher than the wide selection of seafood at Wicked Tuna in Murrells Inlet, or try the inventive new take on elevated Southern fare at the Rivertown Bistro in Conway. As you head into the New Year, commit to your resolutions to be a better and healthier you in 2020. Destinations like Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, make it easy to stick to your wellness resolutions while on vacation, providing plenty of water sports activities along 60 miles of pristine coastline with plenty of places to walk, bike, and relax, plus endless, fresh seafood offerings available. There’s no reason sticking to your resolutions can’t be both fun and good for you! For more information about all the ways you can enjoy your resolutions, visit www. visitmyrtlebeach.com.

Greetings in 2020, Knoxville! B


journey, it is always wise to reflect on past experiences to realize the value of lessons learned and cherish the memories made. From our roots as “Cranberry Hollow” and the tea room in Lenoir City, to re-opening in Farragut and focusing on interiors and gifts, and then embracing the transition of ownership to a new mother-daughter team two years ago, one thing has remained constant: Our loyal customers! As we begin a new year and a new decade, we would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude for your encouragement for the changes we have made to our product offerings and marketing and, most importantly, for inviting us into your homes and hearts through your continued strong support as CH Interiors & Gifts customers and friends. Our history has been, and our future will be, a story of adaptation to both economic fluctuations and changing family situations. It’s undeniable that, even without a degree in economics, the “retailpocalypse” of the last decade has resulted in fewer and fewer traditional retailers in our local communities. But why have they disappeared? The major cause is the growth of the online marketplace that allows shoppers to purchase from retail websites offering the conveniences of stored credit card information and free doorstep delivery within two days. At CH Interiors & Gifts, our strategy in this rapidly evolving retail environment has been to create a unique retail shopping experience that simply can’t be replicated online; one where loyal customers who love to visit time and time again throughout the year, excited for seasonal merchandise changes while trusting that the project quality and service remain high. Our team strives to engage all five senses during your shopping experience: Immerse yourself each season and holiday, where colorful vignettes display unique gifts that you can see and feel the quality of the merchandise we hand select with you in mind. Listen to seasonal music that you remember as a child. Smell the delightful fragrances of hand-crafted designer candles. Enjoy the taste of the many gourmet food items we offer that make your event extraordinary or make great hostess gifts. You simply can’t compare a virtual experience to a visit to CH Interiors & Gifts – especially when greeted by our friendly Shopdog Sadie! We also strive to prioritize our faith and family while balancing business decisions, which enable us to give back to local charitable causes. After two years of analyzing trends, gathering customer and community

feedback, and defining our niche in the local marketplace, we have decided to re-brand and seek out a new location that would allow us to thrive in the changing retail environment, expand our customer base and services, and continue to honor our loyal customers by retaining a unique, personalized shopping experience. With the long-term goal of offering a carefully curated collection of delightful décor and gourmet goodies in a setting that enables us to display merchandise creatively, artistically gift wrap, personalize custom orders, and offer special events such as tastings and classes, we will be closing our doors at 12556 Kingston Pike in mid-February. This decision also coincides with Kristen’s timetable to undergo what she prays will be a final operation for the rare condition which brought her to Tennessee nearly 10 years ago for specialized treatment. So, for reasons both business and health related, our biggest sales ever now begin on all remaining inventory and the search is on for a new retail home for a re-opening later this year as “The Gift Haus.” As these first weeks of the new year are also our last at our current location, we would love

to see you in store (bring the coupon for extra savings!) and wish you the best in 2020! Also, be sure to follow us for news and updates on Facebook at The Gift Haus and on Instagram @thegifthausknox.

Darlene, Kristen & ShopDog Sadie

The Gift Haus

12556 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37934 865.288.7887 The Gift Haus @thegifthausknox Monday – Friday 11am - 5pm & Saturday 10 am - 4pm

Out with the Old so we can start New! is now

We are closing our doors at 12556 Kingston Pike in mid-February! EVERYTHING is on SALE! (Well, except the Shopdog!) Everything Knoxville readers:

Enjoy an EXTRA 10% OFF all advertised sales and unadvertised in-store promotions!

Unlimited uses through January 31, 2020. Present original coupon at each purchase for redemption.

Open Monday–Friday 11am – 5pm & Saturday 10am – 4pm The Gift Haus @thegifthausknox

@thegifthausknox Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE


Season Highlights at the Clayton Center for the Arts AS

A GATHERING place for the community and its visitors and as the home of the Maryville College fine and performing arts program, the Clayton Center for the Arts provides opportunities for the lifelong expression and appreciation of the arts. The Center plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of life, bolstering cultural and economic vitality, strengthening tourism, and expanding the educational offerings for our community and region. The diversity of our community is to be reflected on our stages, in our galleries and in our audiences. Through its relationship to Maryville College, the Center will provide educational opportunities designed to attract and nurture artists of all ages. The programming is of the highest caliber and features the arts from around the world.

Bandstand Musical | January 30 at 7:30 pm Photo by Jeremy Daniel

2020 Season Highlights Bandstand Musical January 30 at 7:30 pm The Tap Pack February 6 at 7:30 pm The Chieftains: The Irish Goodbye February 14 at 7:30 pm National Geographic Live: Life on the Vertical March 6 at 7:30 pm The Play That Goes Wrong March 10 at 7:30 pm Tickets on sale January 6

The Tap Pack | February 6 at 7:30 pm Photo by Simon Arnand

The Choir of Man US Tour April 3 at 7:30 pm Tickets on Sale January 27 All performances take place at the Ronald and Lynda Nutt Theatre at Clayton Center for the Arts, located at 502 E Lamar Alexander Parkway in Maryville. Tickets can be purchased at the Clayton Center box office Monday through Friday from 10 am to 6 pm, by calling the box office at 865981-8590, or online at www.claytonartscenter. com. For more information, call 865-981-8590 or visit www.claytonartscenter.com.

The Chieftains: The Irish Goodbye February 14 at 7:30 pm

The Play That Goes Wrong March 10 at 7:30 pm | Tickets on sale January 6 Photo by Jeremy Daniel



National Geographic Live: Life on the Vertical | March 6 at 7:30 pm Photo by Mark Thiessen

The Choir of Man US Tour | April 3 at 7:30 pm

Do You Have a Story? B Y Y V O N N E M A R S H , C F P ® , C PA



keep coming: A couple from church running through their life savings, a husband with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, a dad suffering a debilitating stroke. The one thing they all have in common is that no one had longterm care protection. Now they just hope their life savings don’t run out paying for the huge health care costs Medicare doesn’t cover. In the work I do, this is the defining issue for today’s generation of retirees. So let’s face these costs head-on and make informed decisions! In Knoxville, assisted living costs more than $3,600/month and full skilled care is more than $7,000/month, according to the 2018 Genworth Cost of Care Survey. Layering that cost on top of most Americans’ retirement savings is not a realistic option. Even if you have the means to pay for it yourself, you need to consider: » Taxes: When you withdraw money from your retirement account to pay for care, you also have to pay the tax on that withdrawal. If you’re in the 22% tax bracket, you’d have to withdraw $4,615/month to cover the tax and the $3,600/month assisted living cost. You’d have to withdraw $8,975/month to pay the tax and the $7,000/month full skilled care cost. » Medicare: Part B and Part D premiums are based on taxable income. All of those extra taxable withdrawals can force you into paying more for Medicare. » Timing: What if the stock market has taken a downturn at the same time you need to pay for care costs? Having to “sell low” can severely limit how long your money will last. » Income needs: You may already be using your retirement assets for monthly income. Selling those assets to pay for care will reduce your monthly income sources. » Legacy: Perhaps you wanted to leave your hard-earned savings to your grandkids instead of paying it out to a health care agency. If you don’t want to spin the roulette wheel of good health, let us help you weigh your options. Protecting your assets from the unknown is just prudent financial planning. We are hosting small group gatherings where we will discuss the book by Peter Stahl, Top of the First; The Convergence of Health Care and Financial Planning. You’ll learn how to protect yourself and your family, plus take home a book to keep. Space is limited, so call today.

If you or your parents don’t have a long-term care plan yet, then attend our small group discussion of the book:

The Convergence of Health Care and Financial Planning By Peter Stahl Your book to keep!

Thurs, January 23rd at 3 pm Tues, January 28th at 10 am At Our Office

Light refreshments will be served. Seating is limited – call or email today.

865.622.2162 | bethany@marshpros.com 504 Ebenezer Road • Knoxville, TN 37923 • www.marshwealth.com

Thank you for a

wonderful 2019!

Wishing you

the best in 2020. Holiday Decor now on sale!

Marsh Wealth Management, LLC Fiduciary Registered Investment Advisor 504 Ebenezer Road Knoxville, TN 37923 865.622.2162 www.marshwealth.com

Financial Planning & Investment Advisory Services are offered through Marsh Wealth Management, LLC (“MWM”), an independent investment advisor registered with the state of Tennessee. Yvonne Marsh is an Investment Advisor Representative of MWM in the state of Tennessee. Marsh Professional Group, LLC is a TN registered public accounting firm and a separate legal entity from MWM. For a detailed discussion of MWM and their investment advisory fees, see the firm’s Form ADV on file with the SEC at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.

12814 Kingston Pike ~ Farragut ~ 671-6627 M-F: 10-6 ~ Sat: 10-4 www.thetownframery.com Located one block west of Renaissance Center/Farragut






More than reasonably priced, high-quality solid wood furniture handcrafted by their own Amish craftsmen, Amish Elegance is also your home to a large selection of exquisite home dĂŠcor items, including lighting, art, home accents, and more. Amish Elegance, 613 N. Campbell Station Road in Knoxville, 865.392.6000, www. amisheleganceknox.com.


This vintage 1979 abstract sculpture of a woman by Klar Sever is just one of hundreds of home dĂŠcor items you will discover in addition to name brand furniture, Oriental rugs, and art items at prices up to 90% their original retail prices. Available at Premiere Consignment, 320 Lakeside Plaza in Tellico Village, 865.458.9721, www.premiereconsignment.com.


Discover delicious keto-friendly, gluten-free, and other specific diet-friendly foods and desserts from Carpe Diem Baked Goods. Available exclusively at believeRX, 9627 Countryside Center Lane in Knoxville, 865.214.6672, www. mybelieverx.com.


This rustic, modern dining table perfectly blends the warmth and charm of wood with the streamlined appearance of glass. Customizable with 10 wood finishes and 13 glass options for a dining table as unique as you are! Available at Decorating Den Interiors | Kozar Design Team, 521 Lovell Rd., Suite 205 in Knoxville, 865.392.6222, www.SandyKozar. DecoratingDen.com.




Ready for some rave reviews of your skin? This is a collection of transformational, award-winning products beauty experts cannot stop talking about. Use this system to customize your daily regimen by adding your other favorite SkinMedica® products for the appearance of smoother, brighter, more evenlooking skin. When skin care works, it’s worth it. Appropriate for all skin types. System includes TNS Essential Serum®, HA5® Rejuvenating Hydrator, and Lytera® 2.0 Pigment Correcting Serum. Available at Southeastern Dermatology, 1930 Pinnacle Pointe Way in Knoxville, 865.474.8800, www.drdoppelt.com.


These simple yet elegantly designed deer will recreate the beautiful elements of nature within your home. Their natural and enduring beauty transcends the winter season and makes an extraordinary addition to your home’s décor. Available exclusively at Sweetwater Flower Shop, 118 W. North Street in Sweetwater, 423.337.6623.


Did you hear that CH Interiors & Gifts is now The Gift Haus? Before we relocate, we have to sell it all! Great deals on remaining seasonal and everyday inventory, décor, florals, foods, furniture, displays, and fixtures the entire month of January. The Gift Haus, 12556 Kingston Pike in Knoxville, 865.288.7887.


Magnolia Home Fragrance by Joanna Gaines: Bloom, Dwell, Gather & Love scents in candles, room fresheners, diffusers, lotions, and soaps are available at The Town Framery & Gifts, 12814 Kingston Pike in Farragut, 865.671.6627, www. thetownframery.com.



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Creating dream kitchens for families like yours for over 14 years 10539 Lexington Drive, Knoxville, TN 37932 *Limited time offer. Some restrictions apply. See store for details. Offer cannot be combined with other offers. No cash value. All homeowners must be present and loans are provided by Green Sky Credit Services located at 1791 Northeast Express Way., Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30329.

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A New Year’s Wish to You



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Knoxville Opera Presents



Juliet February 14 • 7:30 PM | Tennessee Theatre


N 16TH CENTURY Verona, passionate, star-crossed lovers are doomed by their feuding families and conspiring circumstances. This unique presentation of the opera includes dramatic readings from Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet in English throughout the performance. Yulan Piao and Mackenzie Whitney star as the ill-fated paramours. Charles Gounod’s sensuous, thrilling opera is the perfect accompaniment to a romantic Valentine’s weekend! » Language: Performed in French with projected English translation » Running time: 2.5 hours, with 1 intermission » Maestro Salesky’s Opera Preview starts 45 minutes prior to each performance » Students are invited to take photos with the cast on stage immediately following the performances! For more information, visit www.tennesseetheatre.com.



through, Now that Christmas is ssings on you. We wish New Year’s ble family to Although friends and ttered, sca e hav their own homes ll we Remembering their s are wishes and warm feeling all that really matters. at our But now as we glance and rugs, home’s soiled carpets mories, Cherish your holiday me don’t give them a shrug. and call Just pick up the phone g Cleaning, Superior Carpet & Ru new leaving They’ll restore them to gleaming. them fresh, bright, and is filled with ar Ye We pray this New and dreams, , wonderful hopes, wishes perior Special thanks from Su , ing ean Cl g Carpet & Ru m. we made a great tea

As our special New Year’s gift to you, the professionals at Superior Carpet & Rug Cleaning would like to introduce you and your family to a new, higher level of clean in the New Year. As our way of helping you welcome in the New Year, we are offering you a 20% discount on all Oriental and area rug washing on all orders placed on or before January 31, 2020. Take advantage of this special one-time offer to have your rugs professionally cleaned in our state-of-the-art rug washing boutique, where your rugs will be washed using our proprietary 11-step rug washing process. This is a limited time offer, so call today. (Restrictions apply.) Why not let Superior Carpet & Rug Cleaning help keep your resolution to provide your family with the gift of a healthy, clean home in 2020? Also, be sure to ask about our pickup and delivery service. (Some restrictions apply.)

Superior Carpet & Rug Cleaning 865.691.5686 www.superiorofknoxville.com info@superiorofknoxville.com

January in the Garden BY LISA GRUGIN


T H A S B E E N an interesting year. Mother Nature continues to behave erratically, and I don’t think that is going to change. I suggest that you make a New Year’s resolution to stop fighting with her, because I can guarantee that it is a battle you are going to lose. Here are some things that you can resolve: 1. Don’t fight, cuss, and berate the soil. Yes, it is clay. No, it isn’t what you are used to if you came from somewhere that had real “soil.” You aren’t in Kansas anymore Toto, so learn to look at the positive. I don’t want to hear that “you can’t grow anything in this soil,” because if you look around you, it is obvious that isn’t true. Clay is hard, but it also holds nutrients. The secret is amending it, and not with sand. Sand + clay = brick. 2. Start reading plant tags so that you know where to plant something in your yard. Better yet, buy your plants from a source that knows plants! The secret of a successful yard or garden is putting

the right plant in the right place, and most people don’t always know how to do that. Every single day I see plants that are struggling because they are planted where they do not belong. 3. Don’t overplant. Look at the mature size of the plant on the tag and realize that it is probably going to get even bigger. A cute little three gallon plant isn’t going to seem nearly as cute in five years when you can’t see out your windows. Those seven plants you stuck in a bed that had room for three are going to get crowded and unhealthy, and you are going to be pulling at least part of them up. That tree that you planted 18” from your house is going to crack your foundation. 4. Don’t base your plant purchases on price alone. Landscaping adds a lot to the value of your home, so take the time to find healthy plants that are suitable for your area. It isn’t a bargain if it dies. 5. Research your landscaper. Here is an actual phone conversation from this week:





Me: “How can I help you?” Landscaper: “I’m looking for some plants that I need to install this week and I wanted to know if you have them.” Me: “Sure, what are you looking for?” Landscaper: “I need some hollies.” Me: “Ok, what kind?” Landscaper: Silence. “Is there more than one kind?” Folks, there are literally hundreds of kinds of hollies. Some will get 2’ tall, and some will get 20’ tall, so please make sure your landscaper knows plants. We get customers every week who are spending more fixing landscaping mistakes than they would have spent to get it done right the first time. 6. Be realistic about the amount of time you are going to spend on maintenance. You may enjoy planting, pruning, weeding, and mulching now, but you are going to get older and things are going to happen. You can drive down any street and see yards that have gotten completely out of hand because people got busy or old or sick, and nature reasserted her dominance. Now I have that out of my system, so let’s talk about things that you can do in your yard this month. » Do a walk-through of your yard and make notes on what needs to be done in the spring. What should to be pruned, divided, moved, removed? Remember to look up, down, and all around for problems. » Keep weeding! Remove weeds before their roots are halfway to China, and put down a preemergent to keep them from coming back. Most herbicides do not work in the winter, so hand weeding is best. It is also a good way to vent some frustration. » Cold, nasty days are great for planning and dreaming. What do you want your yard to look like? What plants do you want to grow? Come on in and let’s make a plan! » There are several plants that can be pruned in the winter, but please educate yourself! I know that the Crepe Murdering is about to begin, and it makes me want to beat my head against a wall. I have a handout on pruning that I will be happy to give you a copy of, and there are numerous tutorials on the internet. Stop, don’t chop! » Don’t forget the birds. Keep feeders clean and full, and do the same with birdbaths. Stop by, call, message us on Facebook, or email us with any questions you may have. Happy New Year!

Meadow View Greenhouses & Garden Center 9885 Highway 11E Lenoir City, TN 37772 865.986.7229 www.meadowviewgreenhouse.com

Why Not Stay Cool and Dry in 2020?


LTHOUGH MOST family events have moved indoors

for the winter, you’ve got plenty of time to surprise your loved ones this New Year with a special resolution that will provide unlimited out-of-door events in 2020 that the entire family can actually enjoy all year-round. Winter is the perfect time to install the totally unique underdeck ceiling system from Undercover Systems under your home’s existing raised decks. This underdeck system will ensure that this year’s events will be protected from unexpected and unwanted rain, snow, and the searing summertime sun. “Winter is a great time to weatherproof all of your out-of-door events in 2020,” said Jim Conn, owner of Undercover Systems. “Throughout the entire process, our skilled craftsmen work with you, each step of the way, until your project is completed to your satisfaction. And because your project will be completed this winter, you can begin enjoying your new outdoor spaces at the first sign of spring.” Undercover’s patented underdecking system helps to extend your family’s out-of-doors experience. You’ll appreciate Undercover Systems’ attention to detail, which comes from their years of experience, as they help you craft a seamless transition from your home’s interior to your new out-of-door living spaces, which will perfectly complement your existing architectural and landscaping plans. Also, you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your home’s underdecking system was installed using components engineered by Undercover Systems specifically for your project and not the generic, one-size-fits-all, off-the-shelf components found at the big box stores used by the competition. A complaint-free member of the Better Business Bureau, Undercover Systems offers homeowners the peace of mind that they deserve in a building contractor. Why not surprise your family in 2020 with a New Year’s resolution to enjoy unlimited and memorable out-of-door family activities this year? Call Jim Conn today at 423-267-0091 and let the memories begin.

Undercover Systems

423.267.0091 www.UndercoverSystems.com Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE




These wide spreading blue junipers can take you from depressed to delighted. The other happy news is that they are easy care, low maintenance plants when properly sited. That site would be sunny and well drained, with plenty of room for these shrubs to grow. Other site considerations would be where the pearlescent blue foliage provides eyepopping contrast for other winter interest selections, such as deciduous hollies with brilliant red berries or other evergreen plants with gold or dark green foliage. Junipers make stunning backdrops for redtwigged dogwood or coral bark Japanese maple. You may also wish to consider placing them where a few snipped branches won’t be missed, as they make fabulous additions to holiday wreaths, swags, or table centerpieces. Most of the plant tags and online i n fo r m at i o n a b o u t j u n i p e rs g ro ss l y underestimate their mature size, especially since these durable shrubs can live quite a long time. Their substantial bulk is not necessarily a drawback. It makes them candidates for including in perimeter plantings for privacy or for impact on the large-scale planting, so place accordingly. The three junipers described in this article



have similar growth habits, with plume-like branches flung from a central growing point, and while height may not be an issue in the gardener’s lifetime, the expanding width might make pruning necessary. It can be done judiciously and invisibly. Simply follow the “offending” branch back to its origin where it forks from the trunk or a larger branch then remove at that juncture. Repeat until the plant is reduced as needed, and the graceful feathery habit will be preserved. ‘Angelica Blue’ is a form of Chinese juniper, Juniperus chinensis. Its branching habit is nearly horizontal, so the height may stay fairly constant once it reaches six or seven feet, but the width will continue to expand to 10 feet or more. ‘Holbert’ is another Chinese juniper, and while similar to Angelica Blue, its feathery limbs are larger and have a more dramatic angle as they soar from the trunk. In our gardens in Jackson, it is about eight feet tall and nearly twice that wide! ‘Grey Owl’ is thought to be a selection from the native eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana. Don’t let that name fool you, as the foliage is also a silvery blue. This form is usually listed as growing to three feet tall and six feet wide, but this information is ridiculously wrong. Its widespread use

in the landscape throughout the years has demonstrated that it can reach 10 feet tall and wide. ‘Grey Guardian’ is a sport from ‘Grey Owl’ that has demonstrated a more compact growth habit with the same icy hue and a finer texture. It is advertised to be between two and three feet in height and have a dense spreading habit of five feet, but it has not been around long enough for anyone to know if those numbers are accurate over the long haul. These junipers can be susceptible to bagworms. But is a very good and organic product when used early in the attack, so don’t let that one pest dissuade you from enjoying these plants. Their beauty will snap you out of the ho-ho-hum of winter drear. The UT Gardens include plant collections located in Knoxville, Jackson, and Crossville. Designated as the official botanical garden for the State of Tennessee, the collections are part of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The Gardens’ mission is to foster appreciation, education, and stewardship of plants through garden displays, educational programs, and research trials. The Gardens are open during all seasons and free to the public. For more information, visit www. ag.tennessee.edu/utg.

Photo by C. Reese

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Fully Enjoy Your Home’s Outdoor Living Spaces This Spring



creating popular outdoor “rooms” such as porches and lanais with kitchens complete with large, permanently installed grills, refrigerators, work areas, luxurious fireplaces, beautiful lighting, and even artwork specially made to be weather-proof. But flying and biting insects often prevent homeowners from fully enjoying their new outdoor living spaces. Well, the solution is retractable screens. When combining indoor and outdoor spaces, these innovative retractable screen solutions enhance and promote your outdoor living experience by providing both shade and protection from annoying, biting insects, allowing family and friends to spend more time on patios. Large, motorized screens are a perfect example of how to blend function with comfort. These screens can be recessed into the beams or walls of a building, thereby staying truly hidden when fully retracted. And the best part about using retractable screens is that these screening solutions don’t diminish your views or your home’s esthetics, as the screens are in place only when needed. For the ultimate in elegance, many of the available retractable screen solutions can be blended into virtually any architectural style. These retractable screens are available in a variety of custom colors and wood grain finishes that help blend your screens with your home’s interior or exterior color schemes. The screens can also be programmed to come down and retract with sun and wind sensors and can be connected to your home’s general building automation system to have the screens come down at a specific time of day when extra shade or insect protection is needed. Why not make a New Year’s resolution this year that your entire family can enjoy? Create a season of memorable out-of-door living experiences with family and friends in 2020 with retractable screens from Screens of East Tennessee. For more information about retractable screen options, visit www.phantomscreens.com.

A breath of fresh air for your home Screens of East Tennessee 865.919.1615 steve@tennesseescreens.com

Screens of East Tennessee 865.919.1615 www.tennesseescreens.com www.phantomscreens.com



The Dogwood Arts House & Garden Show Returns to the Knoxville Convention Center February 14-16


M O R E than 40 years, the Dogwood Arts House & Garden Show has showcased the evolution of trends in home improvement, landscape design, décor, and more. The 2020 Dogwood Arts House & Garden Show will be at the Knoxville Convention Center on Friday, February 14, through Sunday, February 16. The show hours are 10 am to 6 pm Friday, 10 am to 7 pm Saturday, and 10 am to 5 pm Sunday. Hundreds of exhibitors will offer innovative new ideas for your home and garden at the show. Attendees will stroll through beautifully landscaped Grand Gardens created by local landscape design firms. The Art Market will feature unique art, jewelry, and handmade products from local and regional artists. On stage, television personalities and local experts will provide tips on lifestyle, interior design, cooking, home improvement, and gardening. See what’s blooming at the Garden Markets and bring the kids to the Children’s



Creation Station, which will feature fun crafts and entertainment just for them. You’ll even spot some favorite children’s TV characters on the show floor. The 2020 Dogwood Arts House & Garden Show is presented by ORNL Federal Credit Union. This event is the largest fundraiser for Dogwood Arts and helps keep 99% of Dogwood Arts events free to all each year. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors 65+ and military, and FREE for children 12 and under. Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at www.dogwoodarts. com in advance. Purchase your tickets at any ORNL Federal Credit Union location and receive a $1 discount. For more information, call 865-637-4561 or visit www.dogwoodarts.com. Dogwood Arts, presented by ORNL Federal Credit Union, is a 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to promote and celebrate our region’s art, culture, and natural beauty.

Photos provided by Dogwood Arts




wreaked havoc on my home. After all the holiday cooking, the parties, and a full-time toddler on the loose, just looking at the mess around me was enough to send me back under the blankets with my eyes shut tight denying the reality of the disaster at hand. But, since hiding wasn’t really an option, I eventually faced the “ultrafun” monstrous task at hand and plunged into getting my home back under control. After saying goodbye to our Christmas decorations, reorganizing each room, and wiping most every surface, it was time to tackle the floors. A short time later, my tile and grout and carpets were good as new, and all traces of the party and the season had disappeared. All I needed was to wipe the tile and grout with hot water and to simply vacuum the carpets. The credit for this easy clean-up goes to my husband, John. Two years ago John

tile & grout

showers & glass doors

applied a special sealer to our hard surfaces and Teflon guard on our carpets. Because he had been proactive in protecting our floors, it was easy to bring all our surfaces back to perfection with minimal effort. Perhaps this holiday season was particularly brutal to your home as well, and you need to call in some professionals. If it’s been a while since your carpets were cleaned, or if they experienced some abuse this season, you will want to address the problem before it gets out of hand. After an intensive deepdown sanitizing clean, which ensures the entire carpet structure is clean and sanitized, you may opt to apply a Teflon guard. This additional step acts as a layer of protection to the carpet fiber to reduce wear, as well as to repel soil. But what about your home’s tile and grout? This is where Surface Doc really shines. Using state-of-the-art equipment,


Surface Doc uses a perfect combination of pressure, heat, and extraction to remove all foreign contaminants from floors, leaving them deep-down clean and sanitized. Homeowners are then offered the option to seal, which further protects the integrity of the floor and makes maintenance a breeze. We are so impressed with our sealer, and know that you will be as well, that we guarantee it. This year make a New Year’s resolution that you can keep. With our help, keeping your surfaces clean this year has never been easier. Get your home in tip-top shape for the New Year and call John at Surface Doc today at 865-567-1986 or visit www. SurfaceDoc.com.

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The Impressions – Tennessee Music Pathways Marker at Bessie Smith Cultural Center in Chattanooga

From L to R: Fred Cash, Sam Gooden, and Cheaa Mayfield (son of the late Curtis Mayfield)

From L to R: Fred Cash, Sam Gooden, and the family of the late Curtis Mayfield – wife Altheida and son Cheaa Mayfield


influential and significant groups in African-American music, The Impressions founding members included Chattanooga residents Arthur Brooks, Fred Cash, Richard Brooks, and Sam Gooden. Their hits from the 1960s and 1970s bridged doowop, rhythm and blues, gospel and soul music. Some of their songs addressed African-American identity issues and became civil rights anthems. In 1953, Arthur Brooks, Gooden, and Cash, together with Catherine and Emanuel Thomas, formed Chattanooga-area doo-wop group Four Roosters and a Chick. Experiencing very limited success, Gooden and the Brooks brothers went to Chicago in 1957 while Cash and the Thomases remained in Chattanooga. At a Chicago YMCA, Richard Brooks met Jerry Butler, who joined the trio, bringing his friend Curtis Mayfield. Renamed The Impressions, they recorded a song that Butler had written in partnership with Richard and Arthur Brooks, “For Your Precious Love.” A dramatic, proto-soul ballad, it became a No. 3 R&B hit and No. 11 pop hit in 1958 and has since been revived many times. Butler quickly emerged as the star of The Impressions and went solo after their third single. The last concert with the original line-up was in Chattanooga. The remaining members then persuaded Fred Cash to join the group. Without Butler, the next four singles failed to chart. Bookings declined, and Mayfield rejoined Butler as a guitarist, songwriter, and backup singer. In 1960, Mayfield co-wrote Butler’s first No. 1 R&B single, “He Will Break Your Heart.” Buoyed by that success, Mayfield brought The Impressions to New York. They secured a contract with ABC-Paramount, and their first ABC single, “Gypsy Woman,” became a No. 2 R&B hit. The follow-up “It’s All Right,” reached No. 1. In February 1963, the Brooks brothers left the group, leaving Mayfield, Cash, and Gooden. 44


Tennessee Music Marker at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center Mayfield became a prolific songwriter. Using falsetto for dramatic effect, his vocals were set against Cash and Gooden’s gospel harmonies, giving The Impressions their distinctive sound: Sophisticated, yet celebratory. Mayfield’s work would turn increasingly political, but it was never exclusively so. Commercially astute, he didn’t alienate radio play. The Impressions’ hits included “Keep on Pushing,” “Woman’s Got Soul,” “We’re a Winner,” “This Is My Country,” “Fool for You,” and “Choice of Colors.” The Impressions’ best known song, “People Get Ready,” was selected No. 24 on Rolling Stone magazine’s “The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time” list. It was a 1998 inductee into the Grammy Hall of Fame, and in 2016, it was selected for preservation in the National

Recording Registry. In 1968, Mayfield started Curtom Records, bringing The Impressions to the label. In 1970, he left the group for a solo career but continued to write for them and produce their records until 1976. Gooden and Cash replaced Mayfield with several lead singers, including Leroy Hutson, Ralph Johnson, and Reggie Torian. The Impressions continued to place records on the R&B charts until 1987. In 1983 and occasionally thereafter, Butler, Mayfield, Cash, and Gooden performed reunion shows. Richard and Arthur Brooks returned when The Impressions was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1991. For more information on Chattanooga, visit www.chattanoogafun.com. Photos courtesy of the Chattanooga Convention & Visitors Bureau


Home Improvement New Year’s Resolutions N THE SPIRIT of the New Year, you

may want to make some improvements to your home that will make it more beautiful, efficient, clean, and green. Luckily, you don’t have to plan for a major renovation to make these changes. Here are a few home improvement resolutions to consider. De-clutter The New Year is the perfect time to streamline your stuff. Go room by room and clear out anything you don’t use, wear, or love. Determine which items you will donate or purge and avoid adding more stuff you don’t need. By eliminating the excess, you’ll feel better all around. Think green Begin by cutting energy use in your home. Review utility bills to see where you can make adjustments. Update light fixtures with LED bulbs, seal drafty windows, turn off lights, and be mindful of the temperature in your home when you are not there. Create a new space If you’ve been thinking about turning a spare bedroom into a fitness room, guest room, or office, make a resolution to get started on your project. A fresh coat of paint, a

colorful area rug, and some new light fixtures can breathe new life into your old space. Reorganize the garage Take some time to clean up, reorganize, and use this space more efficiently. Sliding garage storage shelves might be the solution for housing all the stuff that has accumulated. With everything tucked away neatly, you can access your vehicle with ease. Make better use of your pantry On the next rainy or snowy day, when you find yourself at home, tackle the pan-

try. Empty all the contents and discard any expired items. Consider installing glide-out shelving for easy access, increased storage, and better organization. Update your light fixtures If you’ve had the same light fixtures in your home for the last 15 years, a few updates might be needed. New pendants, chandeliers, and overhead lighting can completely transform the look of your home. Focus on one room at a time to keep costs down. Create a safety checklist In addition to making things more beautiful and efficient, there are a few things you should do to ensure your home is safe. On every floor of your house, be sure you have fire and carbon monoxide detectors. Also, have your dryer vent and fireplace cleaned to avoid potential issues. Be realistic, but motivated, in putting your plan into action. In 2020, resolve to love the home you’re in by making some small changes.


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Young-Williams Animal Center Raises $90,000 for New Spay Shuttle, Asks Community to Donate During Season of Giving

Young-Williams Animal Center CEO, Janet Testerman, receives $45,000 from local businessman Eric Barton, founder of the Angels Over America foundation


Eric Barton presented a $45,000 donation from his Angels Over America Foundation to support Young-Williams Animal Center’s efforts to replace the shelter’s aging Spay Shuttle. Young-Williams Animal Center announced that it raised an additional $45,000 to match the donation by Barton and issued a challenge to the community to raise another $45,000 by the end of 2019. The new shuttle, which will cost $367,000, will help enable the shelter to perform more low-cost and convenient spay/neuter surgeries in the community and help prevent the birth of unwanted animals – up to 30,000 homeless pets in Knoxville every year. “ We are incredibly grateful for Eric Barton’s generous donation that set the bar for us to raise a total of $90,000 to kick-start our efforts to purchase a much-needed, new spay shuttle,” said Janet Testerman, CEO of Young-Williams Animal Center. “We are grateful for all the donors and supporters who stepped up to match his gift, and I challenged the community in this season of giving to help us raise $45,000 by the end of 2019 to get us a third of the way toward our goal.” The Spay Shuttle performs approximately 4,000 surgeries per year, but the aging vehicle has had major maintenance issues, forcing the cancellation of surgery days. The Spay Shuttle is a mobile surgical clinic that 46


increases access to low-cost surgeries by setting up at local parks and library branches, as well as Knox County Health Department locations. On every trip it takes, the shuttle also serves as a rolling promotion to spay and neuter your pets. Barton, a local entrepreneur and businessman, established the Angels Over America Foundation in 2014 to direct his family’s charitable efforts, which include outreach to veterans, education, and animal welfare. “The mission of Young-Williams Animal Center is ‘a home for every pet,’” said Barton. “A proven way to reach that goal is to stop unwanted litters that create even more homeless pets. The Spay Shuttle takes the services directly to the pet owners in their communities, which is very effective in increasing the number of spay and neuter procedures. We are thrilled to help get the new shuttle rolling, and I encourage everyone to pitch in so we can continue the important work of the Young-Williams’ Spay Shuttle.” To donate, community members can visit www.young-williams.org, click on “Donate,” and select for the donation to support Spay/ Neuter Solutions. Gifts also can be made by check and mailed or delivered in person to Young-Williams Animal Center, located at 3201 Division Street in Knoxville. For more information about charitable donations, please contact Stephanie Eastman Vozar, Director of Development, at 865-215-6664

or seastmanvozar@young-williams.org. To learn more about Young-Williams Animal Center spay and neuter solutions, call 865-2156677 or visit www.young-williams.org. About Young-Williams Animal Center The vision of Young-Williams Animal Center is “a home for every pet.” It is the municipal shelter of the City of Knoxville and Knox County, and in 2018, the center took in more than 9,000 animals. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Young-Williams Animal Center serves the needs of lost, unwanted, abandoned, and neglected animals. The center’s mission is to lead the community to end pet homelessness, promote animal welfare, and enhance the human-animal bond through the shelter and placement of animals, spay/neuter initiatives, and public education of companion animal issues. Young-Williams Animal Center reminds pet owners to spay and neuter their pets. Young-Williams Animal Center’s main facility is located off Sutherland Avenue at 3201 Division Street. Young-Williams Animal Village satellite adoption location and public spay/neuter program is located at 6400 Kingston Pike. Both locations are open seven days a week from 10 am to 6 pm. The shelter closes from 1 to 2 pm for an hour of quiet time for the animals. For more information, call 865-215-6599 or visit www.young-williams.org.

Discover an Affordable Home Update for 2020 B Y A A R O N H U N T, CO - OWNER OF PREMIERE CONSIGNMENT


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T H E A R R I V A L of the New Year, it’s time to act on one of your top resolutions for 2020: Updating your home’s interior. No doubt you have begun considering new color schemes, wallpaper, tile, carpeting, and hardwood flooring, but what about your home’s furnishings, art, accent rugs, and home décor? Updating your home can be an expensive undertaking, and if you’re closely watching your budget during retirement, like most of us, you’re likely in search of cost-effective solutions to your New Year’s updating resolution. Here’s how Premiere Consignment can help you. Premiere Consignment takes delivery of gently used, name brand furniture, home décor items, art, and Oriental rugs every day from homeowners who have relocated here from other areas of the country, in addition to items from homeowners who have downsized and who are changing things up as well. Premiere Consignment features art from wellknown regional and national artists, furniture from Henredon, Lane, La-Z-Boy, Bernhardt, Hooker, Stickley, Drexel, Bassett, and more, and quality Oriental rugs from Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and beyond. One other thing you’ll discover at Premiere Consignment is savings of up to 90% off original full retail pricing, providing you with the financial incentive to tackle any New Year’s home updating resolution. Interested? The best place to start is by making a list of furniture, art, décor, and area rugs you are considering in your home’s update. Second, visit Premiere Consignment with your list. We can show you the inventory we have on hand and contact you in the future when we take delivery of the other items on your list. The other way is to visit us often, as new inventory items arrive almost every day. If you’re ready to act on your New Year’s home updating resolution or have items to sell, why not visit us today at Premiere Consignment in nearby Tellico Village and begin enjoying that new upscale, showcase quality look you’ve been dreaming of for 2020? Premiere Consignment

320 Lakeside Plaza Loudon, TN 37774 865.458.9721 www.premiereconsignment.com

Low Maintenance, High Curb Appeal: Top Exterior Home Trends of 2020 ARTICLE COURTESY OF BPT


are thinking of selling your home this year or simply looking to update certain elements, investing in your exterior will deliver a return on your investment in both resale value and enjoyment. From siding and garage door to the landscape and patio, there are many opportunities to refresh the outside of your home for style and function. The top trends of 2020 are all about bringing fresh ideas to tired spaces, updating with the latest product innovations, and ensuring your exterior gets as much love as the interior of your home. Indoor-outdoor living With a strong desire to expand living space, homeowners are investing in decks and patios that have a seamless flow from indoor to outdoor. Products such as Royal® Building Products’ Zuri® Premium Decking offer all the beauty of real hardwood flooring without the maintenance. Zuri’s variety of rich colors allows homeowners to create intricate designs and inlays that add an upscale look that can be completely customized. Screened porches with floor-to-ceiling windows and sliding doors are popular, as well as porch/deck hybrids that can be designed to feature built-in kitchens, fireplaces, and seating. To further personalize the space, homeowners are mixing textures and materials, including metal, wicker, and wood, in outdoor furniture and features to create individualized style. Mixing styles and designs Following the popularity of farmhouse styles in the last decade, homeowners continue to create a hybrid look that incorporates select modern farmhouse designs, as well as elements of midcentury modern and industrial influences into the exterior home design. Mixed-use siding is at the forefront of this trend. Board and batten siding mixed with stone continues to gain popularity for a modern farmhouse look. Another popular design is mixing clapboard siding with textures of shake or vertical style of board and batten to create visual interest and balance. Black windows add a modern industrial look along with a sleek metal garage door to pull together the overall design. Exterior colors and accents Across the country, darker, more pigmented colors are transforming homes with show-stopping appearances that stand out from a sea of beige that was so popular in the past. The traditional red front door is being replaced by statement doors that define an entryway with style and class. Black and blue doors are trending, as well as designs that feature glass and iron elements. Dutch-style doors are also popular for 2020 and beyond. In addition to a statement front door, homeowners are thoughtful about entryway décor, adding personalized doormats, house numbers, and door knockers, as well as changing out decor seasonally. While dark colors are trending nationwide, pastel colors are popular for coastal homes. Light blue is just one example that looks striking paired with white PVC trim in exterior applications. Royal Building Products Celect Canvas, an unpainted version of the brand’s cellular PVC siding, is an ideal low-maintenance option for coastal homes that need durability for harsh weather. The siding can be customized with hundreds of beachy paint color options to suit your individual style.

Minimalist maintenance Homeowners are continuing to invest in design solutions for their exteriors and yards that require little to no maintenance yet allow them to fully enjoy outdoor living. They are opting for high-quality products using durable materials such as limestone, gravel, and bamboo. Garden bed designs incorporate pavers, rocks, evergreen plants, and annual plants to achieve a low maintenance exterior that still delivers on curb appeal. Above all else, homeowners are looking to make exterior designs their own in 2020. New builds and home renovations that utilize durable materials are a top trend, and the sky’s the limit when it comes to design. For more exterior design inspiration, explore the photo gallery at www.royalbuildingproducts.com/gallery. Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE


Master Closet Trends for 2020 C

LOSETS: Everybody has them,

and a good closet system can certainly make your life easier and more organized, especially master closets. Well-thought-out and organized master closets not only help maximize storage capacity, but they also increase the value of your home. In fact, for the past few years, master closets have been one of the top 10 elements people look for when buying a new house. If you’re thinking about renovating your master suite or building a new house, here are a few trends for 2020. His and Her Closets – Create perfect harmony with your significant other with his and her closets. Women are adding touches of glamour with chandeliers and mirror accents. Men prefer less glamour but want to display and easily find items like special hats or ties. With two walk-in master closets, each person can create a custom design that meets their individual needs. If it’s one large walk-in closet, create sides that are mirror images, so neither partner gets more storage than the other. Equality does breed harmony. Ditch the Dresser – To make more room in the bedroom, homeowners are saying

A countertop above a set of double drawers provides a landing zone for daily items or a charging station

goodbye to their dressers. Incorporating drawers and shelving in the closet allows for space and versatility to store your entire wardrobe. Drawer storage in the closet provides an out-of-sight organization while lending an attractive, smooth finished look. The master closet is now designed to be onestop-shop when it comes to getting dressed. Counters – If you have the luxury of space, an island provides the perfect place for a landing zone of daily items. If there isn’t enough space for an island, have a contrasting or matching countertop placed above a double set of deep drawers. Homeowners are

often using this space not only as a landing zone, but also as a charging station by placing an outlet just above the countertop. Built-In Hampers – It is hard to get excited about a new closet design when you still have your plastic hamper collecting all of the dirty clothes. Built-in hampers continue to be popular. They conveniently conceal the mess – and odor – while giving easy access to dirty laundry. A 30” wide hamper will hold two mildew-resistant bags, while a 24” wide has only one bag. Whatever your style, Tailored Living of Knoxville will design a custom closet that fits your needs. As whole-home organization specialists, Tailored Living also has innovative storage solutions for the pantry, laundry, home offices, garage, and more. Make 2020 the year of organization.

Tailored Living featuring PremierGarage 865.947.8686 www.TailoredLivingKnoxville.com

Jo Koy: Just Kidding World Tour February 7 • 8 PM | Bijou Theatre


of today’s premiere stand-up comics, Jo Koy has come a long way from his modest beginnings performing at a Las Vegas coffee house. The comedian, who pulls inspiration from his family, specifically his son, sells out arenas and theaters across the world. In 2017, Koy broke a record for the most tickets sold by a single artist with 23,000 tickets and 11 sold-out shows at The Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall in Honolulu. In response, the mayor’s office in Honolulu proclaimed November 24th as “Jo Koy Day.” The comedian continued his record breaking streak by being the only comedian to sell out six shows at The Warfield in San Francisco. He then broke the attendance record at Club Regent Event Centre in Winnipeg with four sold-out shows. In 2019, Koy sold out five shows at the San Diego Civic Theatre, the most consecutive sold-out shows for a comedian. He recently became the only comedian to sell 17,000+ tickets with more than 30 shows (in one year) at the Brea Improv. He was given the prestigious “Stand-Up Comedian of the Year” award at the 2018 Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal. He has had four highly rated and successful comedy specials on Comedy Central and Netflix. 50


His 2019 Netflix special, Comin’ in Hot, is currently streaming worldwide. Koy is on a mission to educate the masses on how to raise a millennial, the intricacies of Filipino traditions, and more! In 2019, the comedian reached number one on the Billboard Charts for his stand-up comedy album, Live from Seattle. He can also be heard on his weekly podcast, The Koy Pond with Jo Koy by Starburns Audio. Listeners can dive in each week as Koy welcomes friends and fellow comedians to share their hilarious insights on life. Koy has appeared on more than 140 episodes

of Chelsea Lately as a season regular roundtable guest. Other appearances include The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, The Late Late Show with James Corden, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Last Call with Carson Daly, Lights Out with David Spade, @midnight with Chris Hardwick, Beat Bobby Flay, The Breakfast Club, Celebrity Page TV, World’s Funniest Fails, and Sean in the Wild. Today the comedian tours around the world on his Just Kidding World Tour with all-new material. For more info on the podcast or album, visit www.jokoy.com.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Presents 38th Annual King Week Celebration WE

W O U L D L I K E to invite you to join us for our upcoming commemoration. Our theme, Let Freedom Ring: Through Social Justice, Economic Empowerment, Love, Peace, and Unity, is attributed to the dream and the dreamer who affirmed, “Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.” Since 1982, the MLK Commission has been organizing a special celebration each year for the Knoxville area to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The weeklong celebration focuses on providing education and leadership training for adults and youth and promotes reconciliation through peaceful conflict resolution. Part of the celebration also includes stories of racial struggles with emphasis on non-violence, equality, and love.

2020 Events

6th Annual Gallery of Arts Tribute & Opening Ceremony January 3 from 5 to 9 pm at the Emporium Center The MLK Gallery of Arts Tribute will kick off the 2020 King Week Celebration. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission is partnering with the Arts & Alliance of Greater Knoxville to provide this annual occasion. The Galley of Arts Tribute is a juried exhibition developed to recognize local artists and, most importantly, honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Fine art will be displayed in the Atrium and North Wall galleries of the beautifully-restored Emporium Center, which is located in Knoxville’s downtown arts anchor location. The exhibit will be showcased from January 3 through January 31 and will feature works by African and African American artists that reflect the themes of Unity, Community, Love, Racial Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Civil Rights. Interfaith Prayer Service January 15 from 12 to 1 pm at Community Evangelistic Church This year’s interfaith service will be held at the Community Evangelistic Church. This very special lunch-hour service will feature leaders from a variety of faith groups to produce a true spirit of interfaith worship. Musical selections will underline the interfaith theme, followed by lunch, offered free of charge. 52


Leadership Educational Symposium January 16 from 8:30 to 11:30 am at Rothchild Catering & Conference Center Providing a forum for dialogue and exchange of information about social justice issues, the morning’s activities will include panel, group, and roundtable discussions. You simply do not want to miss this educational leadership opportunity. Following the symposium is the Leadership Awards Luncheon from 12 to 2 pm, which will bring citizens from all segments of Knoxville together to honor special people who have made a difference in our community, along with a special keynote speaker to provide inspiration.

Teachers and professionals attending this program will deal with strategies educators can use to close the achievement gap, as well as strategies for facing a diverse student body. All professionals are welcome, and Knox County teachers will receive five credit hours of in-service training credit.

Community Forum January 17 from 7 to 8:30 pm (refreshments served at 6:30 pm) at the Beck Cultural Exchange Center T h e D r. M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g , J r. Commemorative Commission partners annually with the Oak Ridge Environmental Pe a c e A l l i a n c e ( O R E PA ) t o h o s t a Community Forum. Please join us for an evening of fellowship, conversation, and music that will enrich the experience.

Night with the Arts featuring the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra and the Carpetbag Theatre January 19 from 6 to 8 pm at the Tennessee Theatre The MLK Night with the Arts original stage production performed by the Carpetbag Theatre will share the stage with the Knoxville Symphony Chamber Orchestra and MLK Holiday Tribute to create a night filled with multi-faceted artistic expression. It will be a magnificent Celebration of the Arts fit for a “King!” The presentation will include some of our areas most talented singers, dancers, actors, and poets provided by the Carpetbag Theatre. The MLK Holiday Choir will be featured, and the inspiring and uplifting sound of the Knoxville Symphony will light the stage.

Youth Symposium January 18 from 8:30 am to 2 pm at Austin-East High School A day packed with fun, activities, free food, entertainment, and much more! The MLK Commission Youth Symposium team has again partnered with the Knoxville Chapter of Jack & Jill of America to provide a day of youth development and leadership training. We intend to continue to nurture and develop the next generation of leaders who will be inspired to reweave the fabric of our community for future children and youth. This year as well, Jack and Jill will once again present an oratorical contest concurrent with the breakout sessions for middle and high school students. The Jack and Jill program is designed to inspire and encourage teens, ages 13-18, to embrace and value the art of public speaking. Teacher In-Service Training January 18 from 8:30 am to 2 pm at the Sarah Simpson Professional Center The purpose of the MLK Teacher In-Service program is to provide a very special training session for teachers and other professionals that tie in directly with the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

YWCA Race Against Racism January 18 from 11 am to 2 pm at the YWCA Phyllis Wheatley Center The mission of this annual program is to eliminate racism by holding the Annual Race 5K Run/One Mile Walk along Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue.

MLK Memorial Parade and Memorial Tribute Service January 20 at 10 am at Midway Chilhowee Park The purpose of the parade is to offer the community a visual and audible display in tribute to the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The parade will begin at Midway (Chilhowee Park), which is located at 3300 E. Magnolia Avenue. The entrance is directly off of North Beaman Street, parallel to Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue. The MLK Parade route will end at Harriet Tubman Street, where the Memorial Tribute Service will take place at Overcoming Believers Church (211 Harriet Tubman Street). We invite you to join us as we Celebrate and Commemorate. For more information, visit www.mlkknoxville.com.

Learn the tools and strategies for playing bridge – a fascinating card game that NEVER gets boring! The weekly lessons are for you if you have never played before or have played in the past and are looking for a refresher course.

$7 per lesson. Registration is not required but is highly recommended.

Register today by calling 865-386-7308 or visit www.knoxbridge.org/classes. Knoxville Bridge Club 7400 Deane Hill Drive | Knoxville, TN 37919 865.386.7308 | www.knoxbridge.org



Standard Knitting Mill in 1947


Sewing room in 1955


related industry in Knoxville was a cotton spinning factory built by William Oldham in 1833. The factory was located along First Creek and featured dams that were destroyed in 1838. Starting in the late nineteenth century, the apparel factories and cotton mills in Knoxville grew to be among the area’s largest employers. Knoxville Woolen Mills, the city’s first major textile manufacturer, was founded in 1884. For the next 25 years, it would become the city’s largest employer, producing thousands of yards of product daily. In November 1885, Brookside Mills was founded and opened in North Knoxville. Brookside took raw cotton and transformed it into thread and fabric on machinery equipped with 6,000 spindles. By 1895, the company had more capital and overhauled buildings to increase production. By 1902, Brookside passed Knoxville Woolen Mills to become the city’s largest employer. Inspired by Brookside’s expanding success and capitalizing on the growth of the working class, several other textile mills opened at the turn-of-the-century: Cumberland Knitting Mills, Knoxville Knitting Mills, Knoxville Cotton Mills, and Riverside Woolen Mills. But the one with the most staying power would be Standard Knitting Mill (Standard). Standard was founded in 1900 on Washington Avenue with 50 employees and was housed in a small one-story building. Standard initially knitted cotton ribbed underwear and would be an industry leader in every underwear trend for more than 80 years. Eventually employing almost 4,000 people and producing more than a million garments per week, it would earn Knoxville the title of “Underwear Capital of the World.” Throughout the 1920s, the owners of Standard provided many services to its employees. Some of these services included providing milk at cost to their employees, providing a public library extension, and regularly hosting a number of lunchtime activities, including music concerts, sidewalk bowling contests, and carnivals. During the holiday season, the mill closed for a week 54

Photo courtesy of the McClung Collection

Photo courtesy of the McClung Collection

Standard Knitting Mill and Knoxville’s Textile Industry


Standard Knitting Mill 1400 Washington Ave

to provide a vacation for employees. Standard provided a number of health services for its employees with an in-house medical and dental clinic. A new employee was required to undergo a physical examination, which included examining the teeth and tonsils. If the employee’s teeth needed work, they were informed that they must undergo treatment at the mill’s dental clinic. The cost for treatment was provided to the employee at a reasonable cost that was deducted from their wages. If it was necessary to have one’s tonsils removed, the employee was required to have them taken out before they could start work. If, for a legitimate reason, the employee could not pay for the surgery, Standard covered their medical costs. Standard owners also kept records of when its employees were absent due to illness and provided nurse home visits. Every morning the foreman of each department took the absentee list to the in-house medical clinic and a nurse would be dispatched to the employee’s home to evaluate them. If the nurse reported a need for a doctor, the mill would send someone. If, for financial reasons, the employee was unable to pay, the mill paid for the doctor visit. Standard started each shift with one minute of silent prayer when all employees stopped work. The tradition started during World War I, having a period of hiatus until World War II. The tradition continued until Standard closed in 1989. Standard also had a “25-Year Club,” which honored employees who had worked for the mill for 25 years. In 1975, the club had 1,264 members. By the mid-1940s, the textile industry was so widespread in Knoxville that it was estimated that almost 30,000 or 1/4 of all Knoxville residents either had a direct family connection or knew of someone connected within the industry. By the mid-1950s,

Miller’s Healthknit from 1952 the industry began to show a decline. New competition overseas, the high cost of labor, outdated equipment, and popularity of synthetics aided in this decline. Brookside Mills, one of the city’s largest employers at one time, closed in 1956. Standard continued to grow in popularity throughout the 1950s, becoming Knoxville’s largest employer and claiming to be the second largest knitting mill in the United States. By the 1980s, Standard began to experience hard times, blaming foreign competition and inefficiencies of its large older facility. After a period of layoffs, the factory shut down in 1989, officially ending Knoxville’s domination of the large­scale textile manufacturing. A New Future Travelers along I-40 near downtown Knoxville cannot miss the only remaining structure associated with Standard Knitting Mill (circa 1945). For many years, the neglected site has been a feature on the annual Knox Heritage list of endangered historic properties. Broken windows and overgrown grounds have become the most noticeable features for this high visibility property. Knox Heritage has been encouraging stakeholders to make the redevelopment of the structure a top priority since its condition has a negative impact on the surrounding historic neighborhoods. Knox Heritage itself has prepared a National Register nomination to submit to the Tennessee Historical Commission for review. A mixed-use development combining office, retail, and residential tenants would add to the city’s tax base and spur on the renaissance underway in the surrounding historic neighborhoods. Great news regarding the future of this building began circulating in mid-December 2019. WRS Inc., a South Carolina real estate firm, bought the Standard Knitting Mill building for conversion into a mixed-use development. Knox Heritage preserves structures and places of historic or cultural significance for our community. Established in 1974 as a non-profit educational corporation, our organization works to protect and raise awareness of what is beautiful and irreplaceable in East Tennessee.

Smoky Mountain Service Dogs Highlights from 2019


we were able to provide seven wounded veterans with mobility assistance service dogs during the year: US Army Veteran Malcolm with “Spirit,” US Army Veteran Charley with “Dagger,” US Army Veteran Rafa with “Cade,” US Army Veteran Jim with “Tracker,” US Army Veteran Randy with “Thor,” US Marine Veteran Mac with “Trooper,” and US Air Force Veteran Billy with “Boomer.”

remaining space. When completed, our new Veteran/Canine Training Center should allow us to double the number of wounded veterans and families we can serve. At the opening, we will honor many donors and businesses that have provided their time and resources, often at no cost to SMSD. Just to name a couple: HIS Security of Knoxville, who donated all labor and materials for our security/monitoring system, and Altar’d State of Maryville, who donated all labor and materials for our internet and telephone capability.

Last year

Mac & Trooper


Jim & Tracker Facilities Progress This time last year we had just broken ground. Thanks to the efforts of so many, especially Bill Taylor, Board Architect, Jim Goyert, Facilities Development Coordinator, and Darrell Wilkerson, our Facilities Manager, we are hopeful of holding a Grand Opening in the March/April time frame. Our SMSD Veteran/Canine Training Center will be approximately 6,500 square feet, with a kennel area of 2,500 square feet, indoor training of 2,700 square feet, and grooming area, feeding area, med/exam area, conference room, and offices taking the 56


Volunteers and Donors This incredible journey would not be possible without the volunteer and giving spirit of individuals, organizations, corporate entities, and grantors. We currently have approximately 160 community volunteers serving in many capacities. Many handle our dogs, but volunteers also write our grants, keep our books, do community events, and cut the grass on our 10 acres. SMSD volunteers are the best!

We have also been blessed by significant growth in our donor base. Our Sustaining Partners (apologies to any I miss) are the foundation of our financial well-being. These entities have committed to supporting our mission each year: Altar’d State, Choice Spine, Citi Bank, Gary Lindsey Foundation, Good Neighbor Shoppe, Remington Partners, Isotek, LLC, Natural Pet Supply, PawTree, PetSafe, Pull for Our Veterans, TN State Bank, Smoky Mountain Jeep Club, Weigel’s, Vanquish Worldwide, and American Valor Foundation. To assure all donors that we operate in the manner that we declare, we enlisted Ingram, Overholt, and Bean, P.C. to conduct our 2018 Audited Financial Statement. To quote them, “In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Smoky Mountain Service Dogs, as of December 31, 2018, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We will also be conducting another audited financial statement for the year 2019.” Our Staff and Board of Directors Along with volunteers and donors, our staff represents a huge part of our service house foundation. We and those we serve are blessed by the commitment and talent of our staff, including Lead Trainer Susan Randall, Canine Program Manager Heather Wilkerson, Staff Trainer Tom Greco (US Army Veteran), and Cassie Krause, Staff Trainer. With an eye to the future, we also brought on board Darrell Wilkerson as Facilities Manager/Dog Trainer. Board of Directors Laurie Birt with Hooligan joined your Board as leader of the SMSD Community Events Team, and John Fearn joined with a focus of increasing our marketing/fundraising capability. Other members of the Board are Mike Kitchens – Chair, Larry Denney – Vice Chair, Steve Rieth – Treasurer, Pat Chappell – Secretary, Deb Sciarretta, Judy Handley, Carla Werner, Bill Taylor, Romano Sims, and Suzy Kitchens – Chair Emeritus.

National Exposure Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, is putting together a wonderful documentary on service dogs. They will feature three veterans with PTSD dogs and four veterans with mobility assistance service dogs. SMSD was selected as the organization to provide the mobility assistance piece. Interviews were held with Jason/Freedom, Billy/ Lucy, Bradley/Bella, and Chad/Brice. This should be coming out in 2020 nationally, and we should have a preview in 1Q. SMSD was also selected by country western singer Tim Montana to be a recipient, along with Special Ops Xcursions, of his Tim Montana and Friends Sporting Clays Shoot, which was held in September at Nashville Gun Club. More recently SMSD was honored on the field and jumbotron at the UT vs. Vandy football game as part of UT’s Salute to Veterans Week. Bradley Walker and family with “Bella,” Chuck Stewart and family with “Sadie,” trainers Susan, Tom, and Cassie, along with Mike and Suzy, represented SMSD.

SMSD was approved by Tennessee State Legislature for a Specialty License Plate. We must presale 1,000 before they will be manufactured and made available. We are currently around 220, so we have work to do. Information on obtaining the plate is on our website. Robert Tino did the artwork.

Our Canines Currently we have 21 wonderful canines in training: Whiskey, Tango, York, Gunner, Crockett, Cowboy, Banjo, Tucker, Toby, Hunter, Blair, Duncan, Jewell, Sandy, Tango, Grizzly, Beau, York, Ray, Duke, and Blaze

Blaze & Banjo

Dates to Save in 2020 » Grand Opening SMSD Veteran/Canine Training Center – TBD » June 13 – SMSD Challenge Golf Tournament » August 20-22 – Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion » October 17 – SMSD “Night for Patriots” fundraiser » Pull for Our Veterans Sporting Clays – TBD » Gary Lindsey Memorial Bass Tournament for SMSD – TBD » Fishing for Soldiers for SMSD – TBA We are currently working on our submission for Reaccreditation with Assistance Dogs International. Our original five-year accreditation expires in October 2020. We will submit by the end of February. Once submission is approved, an international representative will do the on-site evaluation. For more information about the Smoky Mountain Service Dogs, call 865-408-3070 or visit www.smokymountainservicedogs.org. Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE




HROUGHOUT THE history of

rock and roll, there have been many notable artists who have not only expressed their faith, but have also gone as far as recorded gospel albums or, at least, albums heavy with religious/spiritual themes. In the ’60s and early ’70s, Elvis recorded His Hand in Mine, How Great Thou Art (the title song gave him his only Grammy), and You’ll Never Walk Alone. In the ’70s, Bob Dylan, B.J. Thomas, Dion, America’s Dan Peek, and Grand Funk’s Mark Farner recorded gospel albums. In country music, even more artists have recorded gospel albums. In more recent years, other artists have proclaimed their faith by way of recording albums of faith. Journey keyboardist/ songwriter, Jonathan Cain, has recorded his second gospel album (third if you count his Christmas album). After Journey’s Knoxville concert last year, Cain and I talked backstage about (among other things) his yet-to-be-released album. He ran a couple of possible titles by me and asked my opinion as to which title I liked best. I gave my answer, and we went on to discuss other things. Fast forward to May. The album lands. Different title. No offense was taken, but I was curious what led Cain to the title he selected. He called me from his Florida home, and as we finished our small talk, I led with that question. “We decided to go with More Like Jesus just because the song had gotten so much attention. It was everybody’s favorite song, and I just felt like it was a good statement to make in this crazy, intolerant time we live in.” When asked for the story behind the album, Cain replied: “Well, More Like Jesus was written at the tail end of What God Wants to Hear. It was so bold and different than the other music on What God Wants to Hear that 58


I decided I would make it a cornerstone for the new album, and all the music seemed to be bold and confident. It was sort of just very upbeat, intense in a lot of ways. Songs like Unleashed just have this joy and this confidence about them as kingdom-minded music. I think, in a lot of ways, it’s very kingdom minded. “So What God Wants to Hear is just kind of a first attempt at asking the Lord to lead me into a worship place. And then there was the confidence that came from the obedience that led me to this boldness on this second album. I’m really happy. Kingdom Come Down on Me – there are songs on this record that, to me, are for everyone. Every worshiper that is going through something, there’s a song for everybody on this album.” Cain says that response to the album has been great. “People love it. I’ve been on iTunes, and they say there’s not a bad song on the album. And More Like Jesus is definitely a departure. Even my kids like it. It’s a joyful song. It’s progressive. It asks some questions about your faith, and I think that it does it in a positive way. You have to prepare in your hearts. I mean, that’s one thing everybody talks about Jesus’ birth. Are

you ready to prepare for Jesus? And I think that’s one thing that I found – that there’s preparation that goes into it for sure.” Which song on the new album would Cain point to as its calling card? “To me, I would have to say Unleashed. It’s a great place to go, because it is sort of a kingdomminded worship song in a way. We can go to a place where we become unleashed, that we will be totally free, that through worship we would find true freedom. And I think that truly is the spirit of this album.” In addition to touring with Journey next year, I asked Cain what else was on his radar. “Paula and I have a daily show we minister on together on Daystar called Paula Today with Paula White-Cain. I’m having fun with her getting in that lane and doing the preparation to ministering together. “We have a project coming called Prayer Glories. I recorded my Christmas album – a live version of Unsung Noel at New Destiny, and we’re excited to finally put that out and release it. There’s a possible Amazon Prime situation that might happen. I think I’m working on that angle. More video. There’s a prayer piano worship I’m also going to be releasing next year where I’m just playing free form worship music on the piano.” There is a lot more to this conversation that you can read at www.boomerocity.com. Randy’s first interview was at the tender age of 13 with none other than Col. Tom Parker. Thirty-six years later he founded the webzine, Boomerocity.com, and has conducted close to 200 interviews with some of the most interesting people in music.


January 1-5: Knoxville’s Holidays on Ice in Market Square. January 3: First Friday on Market Square, Gay Street, The Old City, and Downtown North beginning at 5 pm.

January 21: Knoxville Jazz Orchestra meets the Jeff Hamilton Trio at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm.

January 26: Knoxville Symphony Orchestra Chamber presents Beethoven Begins at the Bijou Theatre at 2:30 pm.

January 22: The Second City at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm.

January 26: Young Pianist Series featuring Alvin Zhu at the Sandra G. Powell Recital Hall in the University of Tennessee’s Natalie Haslam Music Center at 2:30 pm.

January 6: Mighty Musical Monday Vintage Film Celebration at the Tennessee Theatre at 12 pm.

January 23 & 24: The Black Jacket Symphony presents Led Zeppelin at the Tennessee Theatre at 8 pm.

January 8: Drumline Live at the Tennessee Theatre at 7:30 pm.

January 23-26: East Tennessee Fishing Show & Expo at the Knoxville Expo Center.

January 11: Knoxville Symphony Orchestra: Singin’ in the Rain: Film + Orchestra at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium at 8 pm.

January 24: Harlem Globetrotters Pushing the Limits World Tour at Thompson-Boling Arena at 7 pm.

January 14: Jonny Lang with GA-20 at the Bijou Theatre at 7:30 pm. January 15: Citizen Cope at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm. January 18: WWE Live! at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum at 7:30 pm. January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

January 25: Chocolatefest Knoxville at the World’s Fair Exhibition Hall from 9 am to 5 pm. January 25: Run 4 Their Lives Knoxville 5k Walk and Run at UT Gardens from 10 am to 12 pm. January 25: Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons at the Tennessee Theatre at 8 pm.

January 27: Lost Dog Street Band with Casper Allen at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm. January 28: Ripe with the New Respects at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm. January 28-31: Miss Saigon at the Tennessee Theatre. January 28-30 at 7:30 pm and January 31 at 8 pm. Also on February 1 at 2 & 8 pm and February 2 at 1:30 pm. January 30: Brett Young: The Chapters Tour at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium at 8 pm. January 30: Spafford with CBDB at the Bijou Theatre at 8 pm. January 31: Josh Turner at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium at 8 pm.

New Exhibitions Opening at the Emporium Center on January 3 THE ARTS & CULTURE

Alliance is pleased to present five new exhibitions at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville from January 3-31. A reception will take place on Friday, January 3, from 5 to 9 pm as part of First Friday activities downtown to which the public is invited to meet the artists and view the artwork. Most of the works are for sale and may be purchased through the close of the exhibition. The opening reception features music by Kelle Jolly & The Will Boyd Project. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Gallery of Arts Tribute in the Main Gallery The MLK Gallery of Arts Tribute exhibition will kick off the 2020 King Week Celebration (January 15-20). The Ryan Blair D r. Ma r t i n Lu t h e r King, Jr. Commemorative Commission is partnering with the Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville to provide this sixth annual exhibition. The Gallery of Arts Tribute is a juried exhibition developed to recognize local artists and, most importantly, honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The exhibit will feature works by local artists reflecting the 2020 theme, “Let Freedom Ring: Through Social Justice, Economic Empowerment, Love, Peace, and Unity.” Works in the exhibitions may also be a reflection of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and have pertinence to the themes of Unity, Community, Love, Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Civil Rights.

The Big Camera! and A1LabArts: Camera Obscura II in the Balcony Gallery This juried call for artwork features photo and time-based media such as collage, mixedmedia, darkroom work, digital manipulation, historic processes, and more by local and regional artists. Awards will be chosen by the public with a Best in Show: The Cathy &

Bernie Award of $500. In collaboration with Donna Moore, John Allen, and Anna Lawrence, The Big Camera! is an ongoing project: A modified enclosed cargo trailer that functions as an extra-large (6’x10’) format camera, as well as a portable classroom and community outreach vehicle for A1LabArts. The Big Camera! was made possible in large part through the Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grant. The group has taught classes or demonstrated photography in places such as the Community Law Office’s youth art program, the Emporium Center, Central Filling Station, and area K-12 schools. The Big Camera! is intended to share the magic of photography though making its principles hands-on, allowing photography to come alive in a new way for many who encounter it. Regina Tullock: Cityscapes, Landscapes & Waterscapes on the North Wall Regina (Gina) Tullock has explored the ways life becomes art for the past 28 Regina Tullock years, beginning with her work as a middle school educator. Through her professional career, Tullock has nurtured young people to give expression to their creativity through art, drama, and photography. Her pioneering work with students, at a time when computers first developed into a viable artistic medium, paved her own way to her current mode of artistic expression. Through combining photography, graphic art, and an artist’s eye for texture, color, and composition, Tullock creates photographic prints that take on the look and character of oil paintings. Her work blends both a photographic realism with an artistic interpretation, creating a medium that uniquely engages the viewer to experience a deeper truth behind what meets the eye. In this new exhibition, Tullock focuses on various scenes in and around the Knoxville area and East Tennessee. Her work documents the natural world and seeks to reveal the deeper beauty contained within. The Art of Stephen R. Hicks in the Display Case Stephen R. Hicks has been a full-time artist since 2010. He works in several genres, including sculpting clay, driftwood carving, exotic leather,

and acrylic painting. His clay sculptures are inspired by ancient prehistoric art, and his driftwood carvings increase awareness of Stephen R. Hicks recycling through use of organic material from local lakes and rivers. He loves that art has no limits. Hicks has shown works in numerous local and regional exhibitions, including at the Knoxville Museum of Art and with HoLa Hora Latina’s Casa Hola gallery at the Emporium Center. Gale Stryker: RavenzWould: Whispered the Passerby… in the Atrium Artist statement: Early on a January morning in 2018, I called my friend Carol, whose husband had passed away some months before. Gale Stryker It seemed right that we should collaborate: She having a sudden large and empty house and me suddenly losing my studio. We created a very energetic symbiotic liaison, each working on our own healing processes. This exhibition is the end result of my personal healing, growth, and choices. Ravens, according to folk lore, are the harbingers of change, so it therefore seemed like an appropriate title to a celebration of personal change, as well as an exploration of my artistic barometer. Returning to the canvas after a long hiatus proved to be satisfying and a little surprising. I decided to abandon the brush, in large part relying on a potter’s best tool: The hands. There is very little brush work here, relying on instinct, color saturation, mass, texture, and a creative energy born of turbulence… a rather large body of work sprung into being. I hope the viewer finds within these works a bit of themselves, a memory, a feeling, a chuckle; there is no wrong answer. The exhibitions are on display at the Emporium Center, located at 100 S. Gay Street in downtown Knoxville. Exhibition hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Please note that the Emporium will be closed on Monday, January 20, for the holiday. For more information, contact the Arts & Culture Alliance at 865-523-7543 or visit www. knoxalliance.com. Januar y 2020 EVERYTHING KNOXVILLE


How to Find a Bucket List Worthy Sailing Adventure A R T I C L E C O U R T E SY O F B P T


HAT’S ON YOUR bucket

list? A ride on the Orient Express? R a f t i n g t h r o u g h t h e G ra n d Canyon? Following Marco Polo’s Silk Road? How about a voyage on a legendary fourmasted windjammer that is still sailed by hand, with a rich history and heritage that spans almost 90 years? If your fondest dreams are more about the journey than the destination, a trip on a historic sailing ship in the Caribbean may be just the adventure you’re looking for. Finding an authentic sailing ship for your nautical adventure is not out of reach. Sea Cloud Cruises sail the traditional way – by hand. The Sea Cloud is designed for up to 64 passengers, with a crew of about 60. You can watch the ship’s sailing crew climb the rigging and work the sails as you journey to smaller ports and unique destinations in a luxurious, intimate setting – and you can even volunteer to help work the ropes if you like. A 360-foot windjammer with 29 sails and a main mast towering to 184 feet, the tall ship was built in 1931 as a private yacht for heiress and founder of General Foods Marjorie Merriweather Post and husband Edward F. Hutton. Shipboard guests included the rich and famous, such as author James Michener. The ship was restored in 2011 by a group of German businessmen seeking to retain the original opulence and beauty of the ship. Guests can enjoy collections of photos from past journeys for a peek into the ship’s history or peruse the ship’s log for tales of voyagers who made vast fortunes. Every journey provides an “Open House” cocktail hour where guests can view all the staterooms, including the luxurious cabins created for the heiress and her husband. Other cabins have more modern furnishings, most with picture windows, and some with doors opening to Caribbean breezes on the Promenade Deck. Travelers enjoy impeccable personal service, with many crew members staying with the 62


line for more than 10 years and some even more than 30 years. While the settings may be the ultimate in luxury, the on-board experience is informal, with no assigned seating at meals, a casual dress code, and an intimate atmosphere. American and European guests mingle and relax while enjoying Michelin-star quality meals out on the deck or inside the gorgeous dining room, featuring fresh seafood and produce obtained during the voyage at Caribbean ports like St. Barts, the British Virgin Islands, or Bequia Island in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The Caribbean has been Sea Cloud’s destination since the beginning, so the long-lasting contacts between the company and local suppliers provide the best quality products for unforgettable meals. The smaller size of the ship allows her to visit lesser-known ports of call, far from typical tourist destinations. Often small Zodiac boats are used to let passengers visit quiet island beaches or indulge in a little snorkeling. The Caribbean offers ideal sailing due to the east-to-west prevailing trade winds, making it the perfect destination for the Sea Cloud yachts. On most of the 7- to 14-day Caribbean itineraries, half the day is spent sailing, allowing guests to enjoy the pure beauty of the sailing ship and revel in the journey. For those who

love to sail, it’s a dream come true. Passengers can visit the ship’s deck any time, stopping at the bridge to speak to the captain or the officer on duty 24/7. The engines only run when needed, such as for maneuvering, using low-sulfur diesel, so the entire trip is a great example of sustainable tourism. Travelers seeking a longer voyage can travel the crossing from Europe to the Caribbean, which is a two-and-a-half-week trip and the adventure of a lifetime for the true sailor. The Sea Cloud spends summers sailing the Mediterranean, but winters are prime for some of the best sailing in the world – following in the wake of buccaneers throughout the islands of Lesser Antilles and other unique Caribbean destinations. The best way to truly appreciate the Caribbean is on an authentic sailing ship. A second ship, Sea Cloud II, is more modern but still sailed the traditional way, by hand, with 23 sails and a 188-foot main mast. The Sea Cloud II carries up to 94 guests, with a crew of about 65. The company will christen a third ship in summer 2020. To learn more, call 1-888-732-2568 or visit www.SeaCloud.com. View stunning videos at www.SeaCloud.com/en/yachts/ films and take an onboard visit with a virtual tour at www.SeaCloud.com/en/yachts/ virtual-tours.

No Time to Manage Your 401(k)?

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Our month-to-month subscription service is as low as $35, depending on your account size. Source: Aon Hewitt Help in Defined Contribution Plans: 2006 through 2012

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504 Ebenezer Road • Knoxville, TN 37923 • www.marshwealth.com Financial Planning & Investment Advisory Services are offered through Marsh Wealth Management, LLC (“MWM”), an independent investment advisor registered with the state of Tennessee. Yvonne Marsh is an Investment Advisor Representative of MWM in the state of Tennessee. Marsh Professional Group, LLC is a TN registered public accounting firm and a separate legal entity from MWM. For a detailed discussion of MWM and their investment advisory fees, see the firm’s Form ADV on file with the SEC at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Small Business B Y TO M I R M E N


are accustomed to making, and oftentimes breaking, New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps it’s the holiday eating frenzy we engage in that is responsible for the fact that 60% or more of all resolutions are health and lifestyle oriented. Well, here’s a new resolution twist for 2020 that you may not have previously considered. If you’re a small business owner, how about a resolution to create a second set of resolutions just for your business? Sound far-fetched? Not if you’re serious about your success. I’m not clairvoyant. I didn’t see this last recession coming or anticipate its depth, breadth, or longevity even after the so-called experts confirmed its existence. I don’t know what the future holds, and neither do the so-called experts. One thing I am certain of is that in the absence of a plan, you’re likely to experience lackluster results that often occur when you place your business on autopilot. I think most of us would agree that general

economic conditions have improved dramatically during the course of the last several years. I think most of us would also agree that we expect these conditions to continue to improve. I think we could further agree that there are steps we could take that could improve our businesses and enhance

their value propositions for our existing and potential new customers. New Year’s resolutions for our small businesses make perfect sense for entrepreneurs who want to successfully navigate 2020’s twists and turns, increase sales, and put even more daylight between them and their competition. For the health of your small business in 2020 and beyond, it makes perfect sense to create New Year’s resolutions that are designed to help you prosper. Also, consider this: Not making resolutions to prosper amounts to making a resolution to allow your business to continue to tread water in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace. No matter what 2020 delivers, New Year’s resolutions can enhance marketplace gains while diminishing marketplace dips. For your personal health and well-being, as well as that of your small business, make and keep both sets of resolutions in the New Year.

New this year! General admission ticket holders have the option of also purchasing individual sampling tickets. The sampling tickets are $1 each and can be exchanged at any chocolatier booth for one of their samples. Sampling tickets can be purchased at the door with cash or credit card while supplies last. The Little Miss Chocolatefest Pageant will be held at 10 am. Every child deserves a chance to dress up and walk across the stage if they want to, especially when it is for a great cause like Ronald McDonald House Charities of Knoxville. The pageant is open to children ages 4-10, and you must pre-register your child by January 20. Registration is

$10 per child. The fee is used to purchase crowns, sashes, treat bags, and prizes for the kids. Check-in time is between 9 and 9:30 am. Contestants will be admitted free into Chocolatefest. One parent or guardian will be admitted free. All other guests will be required to make the $5 donation for general admission into Chocolatefest, which is donated directly to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Knoxville. Please note that there will not be a dressing room available. There are restrooms on-site at World’s Fair Exhibition Hall for touch-ups if needed. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.chocolatefestknoxville.com.

For your personal health and well-being, as well as that of your small business, make and keep both sets of resolutions in the New Year.

Chocolatefest Knoxville January 25 from 9 am to 6 pm at World’s Fair Exhibition Hall

IT ’ S

C H O C O L A T E indulgence… for a great cause! Join us as we enjoy amazing chocolate from area chocolatiers, restaurants, and bakeries to help raise money for Knoxville’s Ronald McDonald House. The best way to enjoy Chocolatefest is in the Sweet Spot! Tasting tickets are $25 per person and include admission into the Sweet Spot at your designated tasting time, where you will be waited on hand and foot by the Chocolatefest waiters. The waiters will bring out each chocolate item while the emcee will discuss who made it, what it is, and where you can get more! Traditionally our tasting tickets sell out. Occasionally we have some to sell at the door, but it is rare, so do not wait to purchase your tasting ticket! If you prefer not to choose the VIP tasting ticket, you can still enjoy Chocolatefest! You can purchase a general admission ticket into the shopping area for a $5 donation to Knoxville’s Ronald McDonald House and come in and shop the Main Street Shopping vendors and Chocolatiers. General admission tickets are only available at the door with cash or credit card. We will not sell out of general admission tickets. Children age five and under are free. 64


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Photo by D. Roberts Photography



CULPSURE IS an FDA-cleared laser treatment that

destroys excess fat cells on the abdomen, lovehandles, inner and outer thighs, back rolls and bra fat, buttocks, and under the chin. The innovative technology behind SculpSure is based on heating targeted fat cells to the point of permanent destruction. Once the fat is destroyed, it is naturally eliminated from the body. During the ensuing 6 to 12 weeks, the treated areas will shrink to their new shape. For patients, this means a quick and simple end to stubborn fat. Compared to other treatments, it disperses the heat gradually throughout the layers of fat for more natural results, and there is not a risk of dimpling, sharp demarcations, or dents between what is treated and not treated.


Each SculpSure treatment lasts 25 minutes from start to finish. According to studies, one treatment is said to reduce fat cells by 24%. The short treatment time means that a patient could literally come in for a treatment during their lunch hour and return to work without any disruption in their schedule.


SculpSure offers the advantage of being a relatively painless procedure. Most patients feel a tingling sensation intermittently

Before SculpSure

After SculpSure

Before SculpSure

After SculpSure

Board Certified Dermatologist

throughout the treatment, which is generally well-tolerated. »

Fat cells treated with the SculpSure laser are heated to 42 to 47 degrees Celsius or 107 to 116 degrees Fahrenheit – just a little warmer than a hot shower. These temperatures do not damage the skin and can be used on virtually any skin type.


While not FDA cleared as a skin tightening treatment, patients have noted improved skin texture and skin tightening as SculpSure uses heat, which is known to stimulate collagen.


SculpSure is highly customizable, and just about any area of the body can be treated.


Studies suggest that SculpSure has a 90% patient satisfaction rate, and its RealSelf.com “worth it” rating is 85% by patients.



Wondering if SculpSure is the right fit for you? An ideal candidate is someone who has stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. Candidates should also live a healthy lifestyle. Southeastern Dermatology is the first dermatology office in Tennessee to offer this revolutionary treatment. For more information about SculpSure or other treatment options, visit www.drdoppelt.com or call 865-474-8800 to schedule a consultation.

Before SculpSure

Before SculpSure

After SculpSure

After SculpSure

1930 Pinnacle Pointe Way | Knoxville, TN 37922 | 865.474.8800 | www.drdoppelt.com

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