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潮汐劇場 Tide Cinema 林昶宇 Chang-Yu, Lin

潮汐與劇場,大海與月亮。隨著潮水漲起,水進入了結構體, 撐起了浮沉的劇場並拉開了棚,月亮出現在天空的中央。這樣 的場景不是偶然,自然的力量互相牽引最後又指涉回運行的天 體。我覺得其中有一個讓人們重新感知河岸空間與自然潮汐的 機會。

Tide and the cinema. Moon and the sea. They share something in common. As the tide gets high, water flows into the man-made structure, holding up the volume, stretch out the canopy, and the moon would appear right in the middle of the night sky.

我後來在思考我畢業設計想傳達什麼。我藉由遺址結構創造了 一個建築系統。但我把動線與照明的決定權交給了自然。一個 隨著當天海潮與月向變化的劇場。在人造與自然之間,遺構與 當代之間,漲退之間。如何將這些事情串起並回應人的感知是 我畢業設計在想的事情。

I created an architectural system. However, the walkway and lighting are controlled by nature. A cinema varies with daily lunar phases and tide levels. Capture the movement of nature, and make them into poetic scenes.

Moon track

Active Canopy

That is the intention of my graduation design.

Floating Cinema

Ruin structure

Stairs of Windmill /

我想從一個以前的模型開始講。假如說建築是一層膜,處理人跟外界自然的關 係,那麼建築跟人如何感知外界環境有密不可分的關係。我做一個感知外界的 模型。我做了ㄧ支樓梯,連著風車。風車有一個陽台,在 2 樓,入口的正上方。 但螺旋梯轉了一圈半,因此,如果沒有風的吹拂,那這個樓梯沒有辦法上得去。 他變成一個必須經過風的許可才上得去的樓梯。 我對這件事情的理解是我創造了一個系統,但我把某部分的決定權交給了自然, 這個案子我把動線交給了風,因為我覺得動線是建築中最重要的部分。沒有了 風,這個東西就沒辦法成立,沒有樓梯,也難以察覺到風。 這件事情變成了我畢業設計的一個起點,人跟自然,建築跟場地的關係可以如 何依存。 At the very beginning of my graduation project, I made a spiral ladder connected to a windmill. The balcony locates right upon the entrance, however, the ladder makes one and a half rotation. This means, without the wind, there would be no chance to get to the balcony. A ladder controlled by the wind. I made an architectural system in this project, but the core of it ( the ladder ) was controlled by nature. Without nature, the project is useless, however, without the ladder, it is also impossible to visualize the wind. This is the original intention of my graduation project.

01 M2 Tide

02 Moon Track

Natural condition / Love River & Moon 在高雄燈會的前一個晚上,我偶然路過這塊基地。基地是燈會的主舞台。反而是河面對岸,月亮緩緩的從東面升起,越過國賓大廈, 映在水面上,隨著水波蕩漾。我覺得這是很戲劇性的時刻。我開始思考關於自然條件、人文節慶、場地,它們三者之間的必然性。 I accidentally walked through this place before the night of Kaohsiung lantern festival. The main stage of the festival was located here. However, all the lanterns were not lightened yet. Suddenly, Moon rose slowly from the east side of Love river, going across the tower, and reflected on the water. It was a dramatic moment. Therefore, I started to think about the natural condition, festival, and the site. How can they be connected?

Site location /

基地位於高雄二二八公園 ( 原高雄地下街 ),臨愛河下游段出海口。 基地下方一公里左右就是駁二藝術特區。因此基地沿岸有許多小型 展演活動發生。基地上有一個小碼頭,提供愛之船停泊。 2019 與 2020 高雄市燈會皆在這裡舉辦。

The site lies in Kaohsiung 228 memorial park. ( used to be underground street. ) It is closed to the estuary of Love river. Pier 2 Art Zone is 1 km away from the site, therefore, lots of activities happen here.




Site Histroy / Kaohsiung Underground Street /

基地選在高雄地下街,在愛河下游臨出海口。1979 年建成,1980 年初 期興盛,1989 年因為一場火災被燒毀。它是一個地下三層,15 米的結 構體,有電子遊樂場、冰宮等當時流行的機能。 燒毀後愛河水滲入牆體,當時地面層的人工湖也被打破以用來救火。由 於當時的技術無法修復,在 1995 年被填成了現在的 228 公園。 對我而言基地的這段歷史很特別。它從一個愛河口的紅樹林,經歷了港 築工程、地下街興建、燒毀,自然與人造物不斷的交互對抗,試圖在愛 河與人造地盤與都市防洪找到一個平衡。 我決定讓被燒毀並滲水最嚴重的人工湖下方結構與電影院的結構再次露 出,水面沿著舊結構體上下游移,像是尺標不斷標記著河水的動態。我 開始想在人造結構物與不斷變動的河水面之間可能的量體狀態。

The site locates in Kaohsiung Under Street, built-in 1979 and burned down in 1989. It was a signature landmark in the 1980s. However, there were some technical problems that could not be overcome at that time. The government buried the under street into a park. I try to let the ruined structure be seen again. As the water flowed in, a conversation between man-made and nature was started.

Ruin, Tide, and Architecture / 潮汐與結構體之間存在一種動態。水面隨著結構體上下游移,像是尺標一樣記錄著愛河的漲退。我開始嘗試在這種條件下可能的量體狀態。 我做了一個模型,依附在舊的結構體上,沿著柱子隨著漲退潮上下浮沉。同時我藉由繩索連結量體與舊結構體,讓某些建築構件隨著位移產生動 態。 I made a model, which would float along the pillars of ruin. By connecting pillar and the new model with rope, part of the model could be active because of the movement.

Low Tide

我最一開始想的是棚子,隨著潮水漲退而開 闔的棚子。 後來開始嘗試有沒有別的建築構件也能因此 產生改變,這邊也嘗試藉由地面材質的不同, 退潮的時候可以產生一些有趣的,像地形一 樣的空間。

High Tide

Movement and Architectural system / 隨著潮水漲起,量體會像是一個孤島。 我在想它可以成為一個什麼樣的 program。 退潮時連結道路系統,成為一個公共的廣場, 但漲潮時又可以獨自運作。 由海潮控制建築本身的時序。 而這樣的房子可以傳達什麼樣的空間氛圍 ? 這是我當時在思考的事情。

建築構件的改變應該是要具備目的性的。 應該如何藉由動態的構件改變一般的劇場狀態,如何藉由這種動態去傳達更感知性的場景與氛圍。我試圖解構劇場元素與對應潮汐的自然動態,將 它們重新組構成一個更具張力的狀態。 The purpose of capturing natural movement should be clarified. How to change a normal cinema by the movement? How to deliver a more perceiving atmosphere? By deconstructing and re-constructing these elements, I tried to make it a more powerful state.

Site Plan

Old structure wall

Low Tide

High Tide

Emerging Walkway / structure wall of ruin

基地下方一公里左右就是駁二,因此通往港口的這條沿岸道路很重要。 我在想除了利用潮汐來改變建築自身的構件狀態,它能不能也變成重新建構河岸動線的要素。 我把原先用來阻斷河水的結構牆打掉 1.7 米,在上方架設了一個步道。在退潮時步道會高於水面 20 公分,但漲潮後,步道則會被淹沒。 我想讓原本人造與自然很明確的那條界線變成一個比較模糊的狀態。 一條在潮水退去,月升月落間會出現的一條岸邊動線。 The sidewalk on the river bank plays an important role in Kaohsiung. It connects the port and Pier 2 Art Zoom which are tourist attractions. I rebuild a new sidewalk by knocking down the old structure wall in 1.7m and set a new deck on it. The old structure wall used to separate the man-made land and water. I try to erase the border between them. As the tide goes up, the walkway would vanish beneath the water. As the tide gets low, the walkway would appear.


Floating Pier

2F Plan

1F Plan

2F Plan

1F Plan

Cinema Perspetives


我在面對河的那側做了一條會升起、下降的 簷廊。連結人行步道與下方的步道。 在潮水最低的時候,簷廊會放下,略高於河 面 20 公分。觀眾可以由此進入劇場,穿越下 方的步道。看著月亮從河岸東側慢慢升起。 At the riverside, I made an active walkway beneath the eaves. Connecting the river bank and sidewalk below. The walkway would drop when the tide gets lower. Letting the audience enter.


簷廊放下時的步道 The ative walkway drop down.

簷廊會慢慢升起,此時下方的步道差不多接 齊水平面。 月亮位於國賓飯店右側,慢慢上升。 屋頂中央的棚也緩緩展開。月光主要還是由 東側進入劇場。

As the tide goes up, the active walkway would rise slowly. The canopy on the roof would also stretch out slowly.


外側走廊與內部發亮的劇場 Interior shining cinema.

簷廊幾乎升起。東側的開口闔起。 下方的步道被潮水隱沒。 月亮越過國賓大樓,屋頂的棚慢慢展開,些 許的月光從天棚進入劇場。 As the tide goes up, the active walkway almost closed. Sidewalk vanished in water. Moonlight gradually shines in the cinema through the canopy.


舞台背景是簷廊後方的愛河 City as cinema background.

棚子張到最開,月亮位於天空正中間。 月光從中央進入劇場。 觀眾可以從劇場底部的黑色金屬看見反射的 月光。暗示著天空中月亮的位置。 抬頭可以看見月亮在劇場的正上方 Moon in the middle of the night sky. Canopy stretch to maximization. Moonlight shines into the center of the cinema. Everyone can see the moon through the canopy.

月亮出現在劇場天空的中央 Moon in the middle of the night sky.

Cinema Sections / Moon track / Time

Perspectives / Time

01 18:00 - 22:00

02 22:00 - 02:00

我在方形的劇場量體加了一塊會隨漲退潮開闔的板,退潮時它會放 下,變成一條簷廊,接起下方的步道。隨著潮水慢慢漲起,月亮從東 邊慢慢出來,簷廊會隨著潮水慢慢淹過步道的時候關上,棚子也會慢 慢的張開。隨著動線慢慢的閉合,劇場的中心會越來越明亮,直到棚 子張到最開的時候,月亮會出現在天空的正中央。我在舞台的前方, 也就是劇場的正中央用黑色的金屬做了一個下沉的小廣場。藉由反射 暗示月亮的位置。

01 02:00 - 06:00

Tide and the cinema. Moon and the sea. They share something in common. As the tide gets high, water flows into the manmade structure, holding up the volume, stretch out the canopy, and the moon would appear right in the middle of the night sky. The walkway is also active by the tide. As tide gets lower, the walkway would drop down and connect the sidewalk on the river bank.

01 18:00 - 22:00

02 22:00 - 02:00

03 02:00 - 06:00

Basic Movement /

Rope System / 我藉由繩索連結遺址結構與棚。 當量體隨著潮水浮沉時,建築構件也會隨之改變。 量體與結構柱脫開 25cm,繩索從其中穿過。藉由上端與下端分別連結的構件配合漲潮與退潮 不同的動態,分別在中央與端點拉伸與收縮,建構基本的動態架構。 Connecting ruin structure and canopy by rope system. Architectural elements move, as volume floats with tide.

Floating Pier / Low Tide

Floating Pier / High Tide


Floating Pier /

我在下方的另一個量體裡放進了碼頭 展演空間 跟一個小的咖啡廳。主要就是將原本基地上的 一些機能重新收束到這個量體。 量體本身浮在被燒毀的電影院上方,像是一艘 船。隨著漲退潮前進後退。我在入口的地方做 了一個水池,可以隱約的看到下方的遺構。 我在這個劇場下方的樓梯上做了一個 anchor ,隨著潮汐的漲退游移,退潮的時候會接上露 出的步道,跟其他量體串接在一起。這個時候 它會很接近愛河的河面。隨著月亮慢慢的東昇, 它會有點像是在跟著月亮移動,在潮水最高的 時候靠岸。

I re-accommodate original pier and peddlers into a volume, floating on water, right above a theater ruin. I made an anchor on the stairs below, and connect to the floating pier. Therefore, the pier moves back and forth because of the tide, like following the moon track. As the tide gets low, the pier would be very close to Love river.

Pier /


Lobby /


Cafe' /


End /

我藉由遺址結構創造了一個系統。但我把部分的動線與照明交給了自 然。一個隨著當天海潮與月相變化的劇場。 在人造與自然之間,遺構與當代之間,漲退之間。如何將這些東西串 起是我畢設一直在想的事情

I created an architectural system. However, the walkway and lighting are controlled by nature. A cinema varies with daily lunar phases and tide levels. Capture the movement of nature, and make them into poetic scenes. That is the intention of my graduation design.

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