Issue 29: Coast to Coast

Page 22


One of Us Who says neuroscience can’t be light-hearted? Taking inspiration from the 80s political satire Yes Minister, Yogesh Movendane turns a breakthrough experiment into a comedic sketch. “What is it all about?”, enquired an anxious Mr Brain, the Minister for Neuronal Administrative Affairs (NAA). “A breakdown in communications I gather, Minister”, Sir Fireaway calmly answered. “It’s rumoured to be the inevitable calamity caused by an unforeseen crisis – an externally induced ischemia.” “An unforeseen crisis?! Why wasn’t I warned before? You’re the Permanent Secretary of NAA, aren’t you Fireaway?” fired away Mr Brain, still puzzled and even more anxious about the event. It so happens that Sir Fireaway could not have foreseen the injury, for it was a meticulously calculated attack by a group of scientists. The inquisitive intruders injected a hormone called ET1 to induce ischemia - a severe lack of oxygen. Unaware of the chaos breaking out in the NAA, the scientists were exploring the chances of a new therapy to restore lost connections in the brain. “Minister, it wouldn’t be an ‘unforeseen crisis’ if I could foresee the unforeseeable, rather it would merely be a prediction.” At this point, Sir Fireaway read out the report emanating from the ischemic injury. “Only a segment of the visual cortical circuit – very minor in scale compared to the great complexity of the interconnected neuronal circuit system – has been injured. Regrettably, however, every node appears to be broken. It’s the thin end of the wedge, Minister!” Mr Brain (like any other Minister heading a great department responsible for stability and sustainability) was not exactly pleased to hear about the disastrous damage done to function and structural integrity within the fabric of the NAA.

Glossary Glial cells – cells of the nervous system that perform a variety of “supporting roles” to the neurons. Astrocytes – a type of glial cells with star shaped structure, responsible for holding the neuronal network structure intact and functional. Glial scarring – a reactive healing process induced by injury in glial cells, which can be detrimental as the scar prevents a full recovery of the nervous system. NeuN marker – Neuronal Nuclear protein, a molecular marker expressed by maturing neurons.

22 Winter 2022 |

Illustration by Adelaide Grosse

“Fireaway, what set it off? I want a full independent investigation on the issue. See to it, would you?” ordered an aggravated Minister, worried about a glial scar which could potentially diminish any chance of neuronal regeneration. “With all due respect, Minister, we can’t see. If you could forgive my expression, we've been hit with a dose of ET1. It has constricted the blood vessels already. The visual cortex circuit is down,” replied a sarcastic Sir Fireaway. “Fireaway!“ rebuked the Minister, appalled by his sarcasm. “However, I’m fully seized of your intentions and I’ll set the wheels in motion,” responded a hasty Sir Fireaway. Meanwhile, the scientists Chubykin and Yu were discussing the possible outcomes of their study. “You know, Yu, if those reprogrammed astrocytes develop into functional neurons, we could actually propose a safe way to rebuild lost neuronal circuits,” said a hopeful Chubykin.

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