Euro Weekly News - Costa del Sol 9 - 15 February 2017 Issue 1649

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Ta rg et re ac he d! !!

But the fight goes on...

Full details on pages 44-45 9 - 15 February 2017



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Win a Car!


Top drugs cop jailed for hashish plot By Matthew Elliott The man who once led the fight against organised crime and the battle to stop drug gangs flooding the streets with narcotics, has been jailed for a plot to land hashish on a Marbella beach. The trial of Valentin Fernandez hit the headlines across Europe when he stood before the jury accused of colluding with Moroccan and French drugs gangs. Evidence of corruption at the highest levels of the Guardia Civil hit the organisation’s reputation hard and massively dented the public’s confidence. Lieutenant Fernandez is the former head of EDOA, the organised crime and anti-drug team, for the Costa del Sol. He was brought down, after years spent fighting drugs gangs and commendations for his actions, by a grubby plot to bring two

Photo by Guardia Civil

ISSUE NO. 1649

FOILED COP: Had been plotting to bring two tonnes of hashish ashore in Marbella. tonnes of hashish ashore at La Araña. Along with more than 30 others, including a former Malaga football player, he was eventually sentenced to 18 years in jail. He was convicted of conspiring to land the drugs, money laundering and also for passing on information that was crucial to the drugs gangs in their attempts to

evade detection. Jurors were given a report, nearly 300 pages in length,

which detailed the ring of corruption surrounding Fernandez.



9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


On the rocks MALAGA’S provincial court has dismissed an appeal from some of the mining firms operating quarries on the Alhaurin de la Torre side of the Sierra de Mijas mountains.

The companies have been ordered to pay €1.2 million to the Social and Environmental Quarry Foundation but have been reluctant to do so thus far.

Hairy horrors RESIDENTS of the Bellavista urbanisation in Benalmadena have been suffering the effects of a plague of pine processionary caterpillars, claiming that they fear to walk their dogs and access to some nearby areas is now impossible. The wiggling pests usually appear in spring but some have emerged early after a spell of unusually warm weather.

Priest dies THE funeral has taken place o f 8 7 - y e a r-o ld Catholic priest Father Francisco Echamendi who spent most of his working life in the same parish. The Bishop of Malaga,

J es u s Ca ta la , o fficia te d at the funeral at the church o f L a E n c a rn ac io n i n Marbella. Marbella mayor Jose Bernal was among the civic guests to pay their respects.


Hundreds enter EWN Win a Car competition HUNDREDS of entries have been flooding in for EWN’s fabulous ‘Win a Car’ competition. To enter is as easy as slipping behind the steering wheel of a new car! The prize is a Dacia Sandero Ambiance, a fivedoor offering from the French-owned brand that has become a global success story. The car is €10,456 in the showroom and hundreds of you have been filling in our EWN 2017 Win-a-Car survey. You not only win the car, but Abbeygate will insure it for 12 months and to top your day off there’s a celebratory lunch or dinner for two people courtesy of La Sala Banus. Our survey is in every one

of the six editions, and will not take you long - we estimate around eight minutes! You can enter through the paper using good old snail mail, or you can hand-deliver your entry as many of you are, or there’s the online version which is attracting most of our entrants because it’s simple, quick and easy. For the price of a stamp and a few minutes of your time, or go online and you could be helping us further improve Spain’s leading English-language newspaper. So why not give it a go? You have until March 23 and could be in with a chance of winning a wonderful prize. WIN A CAR: Why not give it a go?


Like mother, like daughter THE Public Prosecutor is requesting sixyear jail sentences for a Malaga mother and daughter accused of being ‘money mules.’ The two women are believed to have allowed unknown parties to use their bank accounts to move money into Spain from abroad and keep between 5 and 10 per cent of the transferred amounts as commission. Investigations began when a Portuguese businessman reported to the police in August 2015 that something strange had happened during a lorry sale. The bank account the money was reported to have been paid into was investigated and turned out to belong to a woman in Malaga. The account holder was found to have received 37 transfers between April and August that year amounting to €148,404 with nothing to justify the amounts, and to have withdrawn €147,009 in 58 separate transactions. In a similar fashion, her daughter was found to have received 14 transfers totalling €77,741 in June and July and to have withdrawn €75,156 in 25 transactions.

Cock-eyed cabbie A TAXI driver has been reported by the Guardia Civil for driving after drinking seven times the amount allowed for professional drivers. The 60-year-old cabbie was breathalysed at a traffic police checkpoint on the Antequera-Malaga road, with the result of 1.05 mg/l way above the 0.15mg/l permitted for drivers providing a public service. Although he was stopped during his usual working hours, he was not carrying any passengers at the time. While officers looked up from processing the report, they found that the pickled driver had fallen over and grazed his head.

Cosmic events ON Friday February 20 the snow moon, the New Year comet and a penumbral lunar eclipse will coincide for a cosmic spectacular. On that night, the sun, the moon and Earth will line up in an almost straight line, causing the Earth’s outer shadow, or penumbra, to eclipse the moon. The best time to see the phenomenon


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

SPANISH FACTS OF LIFE...3 Views differ greatly over whether the Spanish are more loving than the Brits. But rest assured on Valentine’s Day next Tuesday millions of locals and expats will be revealing their love to special ones.

Viva el amor! ALTHOUGH not a traditional fiesta, St Valentine’s Day is known as San Valentin in Spain, and is celebrated the same way as in the UK. Many Spaniards are convinced that it was only created to boost consumerism, though, and have dubbed Valentine’s Day as the Dia de El Corte Ingles (El Corte Ingles Day) in a sarcastic reference to the famous department store. Certain Spanish regions also celebrate their love on different days of the year. In Valencia, for example, October 9 is the most romantic day, when the Day of the Valencian Community coincides with the Day of Saint Dionysius, the patron saint of lovers. It is customary for

INSIDE VIEW News 1 - 50

Finance 55

Leapy Lee 69


Diada de Sant Jordi, Barcelona. men to gift their loved one a Mocadora, consisting of marzipan sweets handcrafted by local confectioners and wrapped in a silk scarf. In Catalonia, couples celebrate their love on April 23, St George’s Day, known locally as La Diada de Sant Jordi. Men present their sweetheart with a red rose while receiving a book in return, and a myriad of stalls selling the symbolic items spring up across the region.

72 - 84

Letters 86

Time Out

Latin lovers LATIN countries dominate the ranking of the most romantic nationalities in the world, with Spain coming in fourth behind the sensual samba of Brazil, the ooh la la of France, and the legendary passion of Europe’s most convincing Casanovas, Italy. The UK does not make the current top 10, which also features Argentina, the Lebanon, United States, Sweden, Ireland and India.

A recent history THE Anglo-Saxon tradition of giving flowers, sweets or other gifts to a loved one was introduced to Spain in 1948 by Jose ‘Pepin’ Fernandez Rodriguez,

is 12.44am, according to astronomers. Just one hour later, 3.53am, the New Year comet will make its closest pass by Earth on its trajectory and will be visible to the naked eye.

Red hot rejection A MALAGA provincial appeals court


Gibraltar 92

Health & founder of department store chain Galerias Preciados. His idea was promoted in a provocative article by journalist Cesar Gonzalez-Ruano, and Galerias Preciados followed this up with a Valentine’s Day-themed advert in the newspaper ABC.

has rejected Ryanair airline’s appeal against a commercial court decision which found it guilty of sexist advertising. The sentence determined that the design of a website offering flights and a calendar created by the airline, both featuring air hostesses in skimpy bikinis and provocative stances, went against women’s rights. The website showed images of hostesses accompanied by slogans including ‘red hot prices… and hostesses.’

Irishman arrested over death POLICE hunting the killers of a British man found dead at Malaga airport on the Costa del Sol last year have arrested a man in Cadiz Province. Steven Allford was found dead on a bench outside Malaga airport in October with his trousers pulled down, ham on his exposed buttocks and his genitals placed inside an empty tuna can. Fifty-eight-year-old James O’Byrne was arrested in Algeciras in connection with the death.


GIFT GIVING: Was introduced to Spain in 1948.

Police detained him under a European Arrest Warrant. The police operation to locate three other suspects two Finnish nationals and a Briton - continues. A video showing several men taunting Mr Allford the night he died was briefly posted on Facebook. It was discovered by Finnish police who tipped off their Spanish counterparts. The video was taken down soon afterwards.

This was accompanied by text praising “a pleasure of the spirit, a way to distinguish who we appreciate and, ultimately, a feeling of culture.” The campaign continued in the weeks leading up to February 14, calling on the wealthy to enjoy ‘the social elegance of a gift,’ the rest is history.


Social 97

Services 107

Man shot dead

Classifieds 111

ONE man was shot dead and another wounded in the shoulder after a brawl in a Malaga neighbourhood. The dead man, who has not been named but was 33, was shot when a fight erupted on Patio la Jabera in the Los Asperones area of the city. The gunman fled the scene along with accomplices in two vehicles, one of them a black Audi.

Motors 120

Sport 126

Postscript to ponder


The number of active fishing vessels in Spain, forming the third largest fleet in the EU. Around 50 per cent of these are based in Galicia, with 19 per cent in Andalucia.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Virtually abducted POLICE managed to stop a father from Zaragoza paying €10,000 to a criminal gang in Chile who falsely told him his son had been kidnapped. They said virtual kidnappings will start with a phone call to the anxious relative who may even hear a third party pretending to be the victim and to have been hurt by the gang. The kidnappers usually demand immediate payment and victims are often chosen at random with the gang acting aggressively to provoke an emotional reaction. Spain’s National Police say telltale signs can be a hidden or concealed telephone number or one beginning with +56, the STD for Chile from where many of these calls have originated.

Murder accused A NIGHTCLUB janitor accused of shooting dead a man in the Portuguese city of Coimbra has been found hiding in a shelter for the homeless in Galicia. Spanish police with their Portuguese counterparts swooped on the hostel in Vigo and arrested the man using a European Arrest Warrant.

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Around the nation in 7 stories

Postcard from ITUREN ITUREN is a town and tiny municipality in northern Spain in the Pyrenees. It’s made up of four small hamlets, one of them, also called Ituren, had just 518 inhabitants in 2012. That’s not a lot by any stretch of the imagination. But once a year it leaps to the top of any index measuring the oddest of local customs. Remember Morris dancers? Men with bells, ribbons and pigs’ bladders? Well, this lot knock them into a cocked hat. On the first Monday and Tuesday of February its men and boys take part in a procession through the locality dressed in sheepskins and conical hats with ribbons, while carrying whips. But that’s not all. Giant cowbells are strapped to their backs. And as they progress they are confronted by other villagers dressed as witches and demons who must scatter as they walk through. The ceremony, not surprisingly, has a lot to do with good and evil, light and darkness and so on. You may think it’s just quaint or done only for the tourists. But some researchers evidently think it could be one of the oldest carnival events in the whole of Europe. It’s certainly one of the strangest….

Doctors held in false limb scam DOCTORS are among 22 people arrested in Cadiz accused of defrauding more than €250,000 from the Andalucian Health Service. They face charges of embezzlement, fraud and falsifying documents. Police said false claims for prosthetic limbs and other items were made

and the equipment often sold on at inflated prices. Many people went without their limbs because of the scam, according to police, who say it operated from 2012 to 2014. Those arrested include a number of medical staff from the Puerto Real and Puerta del Mar de Cadiz Hospitals.

Train crash RELATIVES of 81 people killed in a high-speed train crash in Spain have received the backing of a highlevel group of MEPs. The Spanish inquiry into the 2013 crash in Santiago de Compostela was not independent, they said. Around 150 people were also injured in the accident. The MEPs said a fresh inquiry should be ordered.

Heroin gang TWENTY-NINE people have been arrested in the Spanish cities of Madrd, Pontevedra and Ourense as police cracked down on a gang responsible for heroin trafficking in Galicia. Officers found a laboratory where a high-grade drug was mixed before being sold on the streets. The heroin had come largely from the Balkans, Turkey and the Netherlands, police said. Among those arrested was a Spaniard who will be transferred to prison to serve a 14 year sentence and a Madrid surgeon who hid the drugs when it arrived in Spain.

Bowing out A BULLFIGHTER’S final departure if it comes in the ring can make national headlines. But the latest sad statistic is the death of a timber salesman from the Wirral in England’s north-west who fell in love with the sport and became known as El Niño. Peter Jones fought several times in the summer of 2001 after attending a festival in Salamanca. He finished his short-lived career without serious injury and remained deeply committed to the sport. His death at age 49 was revealed by colleagues at his local golf club.


Birthdays • Sandy Lyle, Golfer, February 9, 59 Scottish professional golfer who won the Open Championship in 1985 and became the first British golfer to wear the green jacket after winning the Masters in 1988. He also played in the European team at the Ryder Cup five times. • Holly Willoughby, TV Presenter, February 10, 36 Popular co-host of the ITV show This Morning along with Phillip Schofield. She also presents other shows including Surprise Surprise, Play to the Whistle and Meet the Parents as well as being a regular team captain on Celebrity Juice. • Burt Reynolds, Actor, February 11, 81 American actor most famous for the classic comedy films Smokey and the Bandit. Other films he has starred in include Boogie Nights, The Longest Yard, The Dukes of Hazzard and Heat. Twice married he and second wife Loni Anderson adopted a son. • Robbie Williams, Singer, February 13, 43 Shot to fame as one of the five members of boy band Take That until he left in 1995 to launch his solo career. So far in his successful solo career he has released 19 albums, six of which are among the biggestselling albums in the UK. The 1.6 million tickets for his Close Encounters Tour sold out in just one day. • Angel Di Maria, Footballer, February 14, 29 Argentinian winger/attacking midfielder who currently plays for Paris SaintGermain. He has also played for Real Madrid and in 2014 signed for Manchester United for a record-breaking £59.7 million. Capped 80 times for his country he scored the winning goal that won Argentina the Olympic gold medal in 2008. • Jane Seymour, Actress, February 15, 66 British actress who starred in the American TV series Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman. Has appeared in films Somewhere in Time, East of Eden and Bond film Live and Let Die. She has won two Golden Globe Awards, an Emmy and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Wacky races A DRAMATIC 15-minute high speed car chase on the A-383 road near San Roque resulted in the arrest of two individuals who were carrying seven kilos of marihuana in the boot of their vehicle.

Bad smell THE company responsible for collection, transportation and disposal of raw sewage from the Costa del Sol’s wastewater treatment plants is under investigation after a large amount of the waste was found dumped near a wind farm in Campillos.

Seaside scheming MARBELLA Council has announced that two canine beaches, three areas allowing people with reduced mobility to enter the sea, and outdoor libraries have been incorporated into its 2017 Beach Plan, which is subject to approval from the Junta de Andalucia.

Large payout after botched operation Photo by Shuttersto

AN insurer has been ordered to pay €10,000 to a woman after a botched operation on her breasts. After the removal of the bandaging the woman said the implants had not been well positioned in the breast tissue. The women underwent a number of surgical procedures in an attempt to solve the problem but they were unsuccessful. When the surgeon who carried out the initial operation later died, a second surgeon informed the woman she would need reconstruction. She was also told she would have to pay for the surgery and the cost of a surgical team. The woman subsequently complained to the Spanish equivalent of the patients’ ombudsman who took action on her behalf.

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Sapphire anniversary MANY people look to retire at the age of 65 but Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 90 has served an incredible 65 years as monarch which is now a record from any British ruler although amazingly she is only the 43rd longest reigning monarch of all time. King Sobhuza of Swaziland who was born in the 19th century and lived until 1982 served an amazing 82 years and 254 days but looking at 20th century European dynasties, Her Majesty actually faces no competition. Quite understandably, she is cutting back on her public duties and it must be remembered that Prince Philip is now closing in on his 96th birthday, so it is clearly important that the royal couple take care of each other’s health as they draw nearer to their platinum (70th) wedding anniversary in November of this year. There is no question the couple have enjoyed a life of privilege but equally, they (or more correctly the Queen) have been incredible ambassadors for Britain and have been in the public eye for so very long. We at Euro Weekly News salute and congratulate Her Majesty on this incredible achievement.

Now we want to hear your views. IMPLANT OPERATION: Didn’t go according to plan.


Police pitted against furious firemen By Matthew Elliott FURIOUS firefighters have engaged in the first round of crucial negotiations with the local government. EWN has been covering the simmering tensions since the Andaluz Fire Union locked horns with Malaga City in December. The union is demanding better pay, less hours and the immediate sacking of the chief of the fire brigade, Jose

Cruz Romero, who heavily lost a confidence vote. The confirmation that formal negotiations are underway is the first positive sign seen in more than six weeks. During that time firefighters have audaciously sounded their horns each day at 11am outside the Malaga Council headquarters and dramatically draped fire-engines in pirate flags. Their actions have sparked tensions among other council employees. Officials suspect some

municipal workers of sympathising with the firefighters and allowing them to decorate public buildings with provocative slogans supporting the cause. Councillors have even pitted the police against the fire department, demanding they make arrests for vandalism over various pro-firemen grafitti works cropping up across the city. Two park wardens are being investigated for colluding with the firefighters.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

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9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Your chance to Win a Car An opportunity to have your say You don’t have to say you love us to win Only one entry per person WELCOME to the 2017 Euro Weekly News Reader Survey. We are continuously examining ways to further improve Spain’s leading English-language newspaper and we want you, the reader, to take part. Fill in this simple survey which will help us make decisions about the content and structure of the EWN in the future. It does not matter whether you are a regular or casual reader, nor do you have to agree with our firm belief that we are the best. All of your opinions will help us to improve what we offer both readers and advertisers in the future across all six editions of the newspaper widely distributed each week from Valencia to Costa del Sol, as well as Mallorca and inland. What’s more, if you fully complete the survey in today’s issue, which will be republished until March 23, 2017, or answer it online and send it back to us no later than March 30, 2017, then you stand the chance of winning this brand new car in our prize draw. So what are you waiting for?

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THE GRAND PRIZE: Dacia Sandero Ambiance 1.1 litre 75cv, Glacier white Worth €10,456

Celebratory Lunch or Dinner to remember for 2 people


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Incognito hero cop

Local heroes MALAGA’s Local Police celebrated their 175th anniversary on February 8. The force has been serving citizens since 1842, with 10 officers killed in the line of duty.

Popular port GOOD news for business establishments in the Benalmadena Port as results show that footfall in the port increased by 110,000 visitors (equivalent of 4 per cent) over 2015 figures.

UK visit LOOKING to investigate the possibility of cooperation in the areas of technology and aerospace, a delegation from Malaga representing business and other organisations in the city visited Bath and Bristol.


SPEED CAMERAS: Are not a deterrent for speeding motorists.

A deadly start to 2017 By Matthew Elliott A YOUNG boy was killed in a car accident on the MA-20 highway near Malaga. The four-year-old died at the scene after his parents’ car spun off the road and collided with the median. Both parents were hospitalised. The father suffered severe trauma but both are conscious and in a stable condition. The boy had a twin brother who was fortunately not in the car at the time. A preliminary Guardia Civil investiga-

tion has found that the boy was not properly secured to his legally mandated booster seat. It is unknown whether that was his parents’ fault or a problem with the seat itself. The accident has provoked further soul searching on how to improve safety at the Carlos Haya tunnel. Dozens of crashes have occurred at the same spot over the years, with many cars driving at 120kph despite the 80kph speed limit. With almost 30,000 fines issued since speed cameras were installed in 2015 this has

provided little deterrent. More than 80,000 vehicles pass through the tunnel each day. The vast majority now know precisely where the speed camera is and immediately accelerate above 100kph the second they pass it. The tragic death comes amid a terrible start to the year on roads across the Costa del Sol. The first victim of 2017 was a New Year’s Eve partygoer in Malaga. In the past few weeks one crash claimed two lives in Estepona, while a Finnish motorcyclist was killed near El Chorro.

AN off-duty police inspector became a hero on his day off when he saved a young man from jumping off the Puente Nuevo bridge in Ronda. The quick-thinking officer wasted no time in grabbing the distressed 20-year-old, who was dangling above the river 120 metres below. The youngster had climbed underneath the railings and was preparing to jump when the inspector intervened. He actually had to physically pressure the jumper into submission when he began to fight back and reach towards the bridge. Fortunately more police arrived as the two struggled on the ground and an ambulance took the troubled young man to Comarcal hospital. The police inspector refused to cash in on his heroism, instead preferring to remain anonymous.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


EWN Exclusive

By John Smith THE British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley holds an incredibly important position now that Britain intends to leave the European Union as he represents the UK in one of its most important European trading partners and whilst in Malaga today (February 3) granted Euro Weekly News an exclusive interview. Mr Manley spent the day travelling between Madrid, Malaga and Marbella firstly to visit the English Cemetery and then to discuss Brexit at a special event organised by the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain. He is often mentioned in the media but generally articles concentrate on what he is saying today and in this interview, he agreed to give more of an insight to the history of the man himself as well as his current role. He entered service with the Foreign

and Commonwealth Office in King Charles Street London in 1990 and has worked his way through the service with two postings to the Embassy in Brussels, one to the British Consulate in New York, two periods of secondment to the European Union and most recently a return to London where he was Director of European Affairs and Head of Counter Terrorism in the FCO. Whilst one might assume that the role of counter terrorism would sit with the Police and Security Services, the Foreign Office also has to have a very close involvement in such matters especially when British citizens suffered as happened in both Bali and Mumbai. In the days when the government would simply pick a new Ambassador to post overseas, many were the times when the ‘old boy network’ came into play but for several years the majority

Photo by Euro Weekly News

British Ambassador Simon Manley speaks to the Euro Weekly News

SIMON MANLEY: At St George’s Church, Malaga. of such posts have been advertised as new jobs. Spain is one of the most important positions in the diplomatic service worldwide, with more consulates than any other country because of the size

of the expatriate population and the enormous amount of trade which occurs between our two countries. His role is just not just a commercial one nor indeed as an observer of expatriate and tourist needs as a lot of

this is dealt with at ground level with the consulates but because of his background he has close relationships with the Spanish government over matters of security and there is also considerable co-operation in matters of criminality. A general conversation confirmed that it is a little frustrating for him to be unable to give any guaranteed information concerning Brexit and how it will affect Britons in Spain as until negotiation are completed no-one knows what the results will be although it is government policy to try to have the case of expatriates agreed at the earliest opportunity. Part of his role is to try to explain to the government and civil servants in the UK, the hopes, expectations and fears of those British passport holders loving in Spain and the need for their wishes to be incorporated into any Brexit negotiations.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



Search for Lisa back on

Sprucing up

GUARDIA CIVIL investigators in Algeciras have announced that a new search for the remains of missing expatriate Lisa Brown is underway. The 32-year-old from Alexandria in Scotland disappeared from her Guadiaro home in November 2015. Six people have been arrested over the course of the investigation, including Ms Brown’s boyfriend Simon Corner, 34, and 51-year-old Stephen Jackson, both of whom remain behind bars in Spain and the UK, respectively.

THE fairgrounds at La Cala de Mijas will finally be given proper car parking spaces. The council will create 231 spaces for cars and another 47 for motorhomes.

Climate children CARLOS HAYA: The man had been in hospital for 23 days.

Drugs coma man dies in hospital A MAN who swallowed a bag of drugs during a police raid on a suspected drugs den has died in hospital after more than 20 days in a coma. Police swooped on an address in Plaza Palmilla in Malaga last month. The property had been under surveillance since last October when police investigations confirmed it was being used for dealing in drugs. Police entered the premises and the man, in his 50s, is then believed to have swallowed the pack-

age. As police arrested the main resident in the apartment officers realised the man, who is Spanish, was choking. Attempts were made to remove the bag, but the men went without oxygen for a time and then lost consciousness, lapsing into a coma. He was taken by ambulance to the Carlos Haya Hospital where he remained for 23 days. The post-mortem examination confirmed he died of asphyxia.

SCHOOLCHILDREN in Alhaurin de la Torre learned all about climate change and how they can do their bit to tidy up and reduce pollution.

Braille class DOZENS of blind people attended the first session of a braille reading course in Alhaurin de la Torre. It was organised by ONCE, which helps blind people all across Spain.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Valentine’s Day celebration in Puente Romano Enjoy a beautiful Valentine’s Day dinner by the Mediterranean coast. Have a romantic dinner with your loved one on Tuesday night and enjoy a four-course St. Valentine’s dinner menu. Special menu available on 14th of February from 7.30pm. Set menu price 58€ per person, drinks not included. For reservations please contact us: 952 820 900 or

For those who love to dance the night away we have a special Pre-Valentine’s Party ‘Partners in Crime’ in La Suite Club on Saturday 11th of February. Club opens from midnight. Entrance is free of charge.



E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Estepona work AT last, work on the road surface and pavement areas of the Avenida Puerta del Mar in Estepona has been completed after one year of planning and activity.

New station DUE to the cramped area that it currently occupies which doesn’t allow for expansion or training the Benalmadena Council has decided to raise funds to build a new fire station to serve the town.

Malaga fire COMPLAINTS by local residents about a derelict piece of wasteland in the Calle Ferreria de Heredia Malaga were justified when two abandoned vehicles on the plot caught fire and had to be extinguished by the fire brigade.


English teacher running length of Europe By Joanna Quaintmere IN August 2016 Aleks Kashefi, a science teacher from Buxton in Derbyshire, started what was to be an epic 6,200km solo adventure to run the entire length of Europe, a distance of almost 150 ultra-marathons. His incredible journey began at the most northern point of mainland Europe, Nordkapp in Norway, deep within the Arctic Circle and will finish at the southernmost tip of Europe, the Punta de Tarifa in Spain on February 18. Now three-quarters of the way along and running up to 50km a day, Aleks’ self-supported journey has taken him through freezing cold conditions, rough terrain, pouring rain (but of course some days of sun!) with him sleeping outside almost the entire way; literally running into new and often tough challenges at every step, each of which he has faced with charm, good grace and humour, but more importantly amazing courage.

ALEKS KASHEFI: Keen to share his story to provide inspiration to other people. Aleks has been lucky to have had the support and generosity of several strangers along his route so far, be it with an offer of a place to rest, food, company on a run or simply a cup of coffee, and all who without hesitation have showed kindness and

compassion to someone they have never met - something he is deeply grateful for. Aleks has maintained a blog throughout his trip complete with wonderful photography to share his experience in thoughtful, witty and insightful posts, beautifully told

snippets of his various challenges, including his tent breaking on the first day of his adventure to falling in a river and injuring his leg. Though a very humble man, and certainly not one who needs or likes the fanfare, he is keen to share his

story in the hope that he will provide inspiration to people, especially his former students; to encourage them and others to be brave, to step out of their comfort zones and take on more challenges. In his own words “where these actions lead isn’t important, but the inspiration it may provide others to get outside, to have less and do more, that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things.” He is also hoping to raise awareness and donations for three incredible charities: The Stroke Association, The Thomas Theyer Foundation, and Mountain Rescue England and Wales. Currently running through Spain, Aleks expects to pass through Granada, Velez-Malaga and Malaga during the last legs of his journey before finally arriving in Tarifa. Please support him in his incredible and amazing adventure by donating on his Virgin Money Giving page at: rope.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

By Matthew Elliott TUESDAY February 7 marked what would have been the 25th birthday of Amy Fitzpatrick, who went missing as a teenager from the Costa del Sol in 2008. In commemoration of the date her father and aunt have called for a cold case investigation into her disappearance and they held a candlelit vigil outside the Irish parliament. Dublin-born Amy has been missing for over nine years now having last been seen leaving a friend’s house on New Year’s Day 2008 in Mijas Costa. Christine Kenny, a sister of Amy’s father Christopher, said she wants a “set of fresh eyes to have a look at this case.” “I’m not going to get into the specifics but there were too many coincidences, things that just didn’t fit. I

Cold case call truly believe this wasn’t a flash-inthe-pan incident. I don’t think it was planned or anything but these things don’t just happen out of nothing,” she told

Amy’s father and aunt have called for a cold case investigation to be carried out.

AMY FITZPATRICK: Was last seen on New Year’s Day in 2008.

Amy’s mother Audrey has long campaigned in Spain to keep the case alive, making frequent visits to the Costa del Sol from Dublin.


Smuggling ship is put up for sale A NOTORIOUS drug ship is set to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The Germanbuilt Just Reema has been anchored at Malaga port since she was used to smuggle in 15 tons of hash in 2015. The Port Authority of Malaga reckon they can scoop up a substantial windfall with the auction. Minimum bids start at €220,000 and moneyminded merchants think Just Reema could go for up to €400,000. Just Reema was the subject of auction in September 2016, but was deserted at the stands when the port got a little greedy on the price, having initially wanted at least €450,000. She is worth roughly €250,000 in scrap and was built in 1978. The drug-running ship was manned by six Syrians and three Indians, all of whom are languishing in a Costa del Sol prison. The 15 tons of hash they attempted to smuggle in alongside 150 tons of salt had a street value of more than €25 million.

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Maid driven to steal THE police have arrested a 49-year-old usurer in Malaga whose extortionate demands allegedly drove a maid to steal from her employers. The victim was arrested on January 18 for stealing from the home where she worked. The woman confessed, explaining she had never stolen before but the pressure she was subjected to by a moneylender had left her with no choice. She said she had borrowed €600 and had so far paid back more than €6,000.


Panga off the menu ONE of the major food suppliers catering for Spanish public institutions such as hospitals has confirmed it has removed the panga fish from its menus.

Two Malaga hospitals will now be evaluating the statement from Serunion.

C onc e rns ha ve be e n ra is e d a bout the c onditions in w hic h the fish are farmed, mostly on Vietnam’s Mekong river, given that contaminants and pollutants are freque ntly found in its waters. Although Spain’s Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, has said no risk exists and there is no need for alarm, there are growing calls for people to be told if they are eating panga, sometimes called white catfish or grey sole.

The Spanish company Serunion, which caters for nearly 3,000 outlets, has now revealed it does not serve the fish. In a statement it said the process of withdrawing panga from its menus had been going on for some months and was now complete. The action had been taken to “anticipate possible measures that may be taken in the future by the relevant agencies,” it said.

In Malaga, two hospitals said they would be evaluating the statement from Serunion and ensuring the relevant specialist departments within the hospitals were involved in decision making about the issue and any possible adverse effects on health. Patient safety and health remained a top priority, they said.

PANGA: Concerns have been raised about the way the fish is farmed.

Copyright Hong Vo Shutterstock + Pic of fish Wikipaedia


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Ambassador visits English Cemetery By John Smith THE oldest Anglican cemetery in Spain is the English Cemetery in Malaga which shares a plot of land with St George’s Anglican Church and it was to there that British Ambassador to Spain Simon Manley made a special visit. Covering over 8,000 square metres and containing more than 1,000 graves, the cemetery was founded by William Mark in 1830 and was owned by the British Government for more than 150 years but as it was beginning to fall into disrepair, an agreement was reached whereby the cemetery, but not the church, would come under the control of the English Cemetery in Malaga Foundation. Treated as an important historical site, the City of Malaga assists in its upkeep by supplying gardeners and renovating the area generally whilst the church continues to hold worship every Sunday and most Wednesday’s although the chaplaincy which includes a church in Velez-Malaga

Euro Weekly News


CEMETERY VISIT: Saw the party lay down flowers. does not have a full time vicar but relies on locums such as Canon Bruce Duncan who will return to the UK at the end of February. Accompanying the Ambassador was British Consul in Malaga Charmaine Arbouin, Malaga’s mayor Francisco de la

Torre Prados and President of the Foundatio, former British Consul Bruce McIntyre, as the party toured the cemetery laying flowers at the graves of William Mark and British writer about Spain Gerald Brennan on the 30th anniversary of his death.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Casares tourism THE Western Costa del Sol Association has allocated €38,000 for the town of Casares to spend on their tourist infrastructure including audio guides and other technology.

Taste of Malaga THE organisation Sabor a Malaga (taste of Malaga) which promotes products from the province will for the first time take 12 local wineries to the National Wine Fair (Fenavin), which will be held in Ciudad Real in May.

Drug arrests MORE members of a local family were arrested in connection with drug offences in the Atunara area of La Linea in an ongoing investigation which saw other family members arrested in October.

Clean up WORK has been undertaken by the local council to improve and clean the streets and pavements in parts of Manilva as well as Duquesa Port.


Pupils to get on their bikes By Eleanor Hawkins MIJAS Council has told local schoolchildren to get on their bikes and go to school. Due to the popularity of a cycle to school project tested in November, the Mobility and Transport Department has announced that from now until March 21, 78 fifth and sixth year primary pupils will be escorted to their schools one day per week. Pupils from Tamixa, Maria Zam-

CYCLE SCHEME: Pupils are being encouraged to cycle to school.

brano, Virgen de la Peña, Los Campanales, Las Cañadas, El Chaparral and San Sebastian schools are taking part and are accompanied on their routes to and from school by secondary students from Sierra de Mijas school and Local Police officers. The project, department head Nuria Rodriguez explained, aims to encourage sustainable transport methods and physical exercise and increase the children’s knowledge of the highway code.

Obituary: Michael Rainey (1941-2017) LEGENDARY British fashion designer and retailer Michael Rainey, who has been living in the Albaicin neighbourhood of Granada for the last two decades, has died aged 76. Born in Sydney, Australia, on January 21, 1941, he arrived in Torremolinos as a teenager with sister Shelagh. She later opened a nightclub there and still lives in Mijas. In the early 1960s he made his way to London where aged just 24 he set up his menswear boutique Hung On You in Chelsea. It was described by rock journalist Nik Cohn as “simultaneously the last fling of dandyism and the first intimation of hippie, of the strangenesses to come.” With his flowery, hedonistic

designs he quickly made a name for himself, rising to fame on the London fashion scene as The Beatles, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, Terence Stamp, Eric Clapton and Pete Townshend beat a path to his door, becoming avid wearers of his gear. His wife at the time, Jane, worked at Vogue and her sister Alice later became engaged to Clapton. In 1966 Michael moved the shop to the Kings Road but this did not prove successful, and he ended up selling the business in 1969, eventually moving to the Maltese island of Gozo for a period. HUNG ON YOU: The boutique Michael opened in London.

After a jaunt with the Gettys in Marrakech, he and Jane moved to the Welsh Marches, and started a family, having two sons and two daughters. Following his separation from Jane in 1984, Michael worked in a number of roles, taking jobs variously as a taxi driver, fruit picker, a saw mill worker and as an English teacher in Tokyo, as well as later fathering a third son. He finally settled in Granada where he bought a house overlooking the Alhambra Palace, letting out holiday apartments in his hotel, La Casa del Aljibe. In 2001 he married Monica Andrada-Vanderwilde Borrajo and the couple had two daughters together. Michael passed away on January 29, 2017.

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Row rumbles over waiting list times A PATIENT was left waiting 68 hours in the emergency room of a Malaga hospital, according to claims by a health union. It also said more than 20 patients were left waiting in the emergency room for longer than 24 hours. The medical union, the SMM, said the situation during that period in the hospital’s emergency area was “worrying, alarming and unacceptable.” In a statement the SMM said it had also been told about one 71-year-old woman with a broken thigh who was left in a wheelchair overnight. In response, hospital managers have denied the situation was as critical as claimed by the union. It admitted that three patients had waited longer than 24 hours for a bed to become free but this was governed by the speciality they required. They also added there had been an increase in the number of doctors and nurses allocated for emergency department shifts.


British expat helps Essex police in murder case John Smith A REPORT on the Essex Police Facebook site has revealed that a 50-year-old man who lives in southern Spain has returned to the UK to make a voluntary statement to the police concerning the murder in 2015 of convicted fraudster John Palmer. Nicknamed ‘Goldfinger’ because of his involvement

in melting down some of the gold stolen from the infamous Brinks-Mat robbery, Palmer was in his garden when shot but initial investigations did not spot the gunshot wound as he had previously experienced open-heart surgery. He was awaiting trial for fraud, firearm possession and money laundering after being arrested in his second home in Tenerife. Detective Chief Inspector Stephen Jennings of the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate said: “I am satisfied that Mr Palmer ’s murder bears all the hallmarks of a professional contract killing involving organised crime.” “Extensive public appeals have yet to provide information which has been able to assist my team in bringing any charges against the per-

Photo: Paul Townsend flickr


MURDERED FRAUDSTER: John Palmer with wife Marnie. son or people responsible for Mr Palmer’s death.” “It has been widely reported that Mr Palmer had been involved in crime both in the UK and Europe and I contin-

ue to examine the links between his lifestyle and the manner in which he was killed.” No charges have been laid against any party to date.

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Photo Credit


SLAUGHTER: Ten griffon vultures were killed by a single pylon in November.

Power lines targeted By Matt Ford CASARES Council is negotiating with electricity companies in order to avoid a repeat of the incident in November 2016 that saw 10 griffon vultures killed by power lines. A technical analysis of the town’s black spots has been produced in which the presence of predatory birds is highlighted. Other than the griffon vulture, the Sierra Crestellina is

also home to booted eagle, short-toed snake eagle, Bonelli’s eagle and Egyptian vulture, with groups of black kite, white and black stork and even black vulture passing through during periods of migration. Casares sits directly in the flight path of hundreds of thousands of birds as they migrate to and from Africa in spring and autumn. The report pinpoints lines originating at the Pedregales substation and heading to-

wards the Sierras Crestellina and Utrera for urgent action to “meet the requirements of environmental management.” The technician for the council’s Environmental department, Cristobal Garcia, said: “These are not large investments, and moreover it is a legal obligation. “Unfortunately, things are not being done with the required speed, even though we have presented a record of all the deaths.”



9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Trial by jury announced By Eleanor Hawkins A MAN accused of drowning a three-year-old boy in an irrigation pond in the Montes de Malaga is to be tried by jury. The defendant faces a 20year prison sentence requested by the Public Prosecutors Office. The public and private prosecutions (representing

the boy’s mother and his father) believe that the defendant, who lived with the child’s mother, carefully plotted his murder in advance either through jealousy or because he considered him an impediment to the couple’s relationship. This suspicion is backed up by the fact that a few days before the victim’s death, the defendant telephoned his father, who lived

in Ceuta, and asked him to take the child to live with him full time. After spending the morning with the boy’s mother, the defendant collected the child from school at 3pm on February 9, 2015. Later that afternoon he reported that the boy had gone missing from a shopping centre. The child’s body was found in an irrigation pond in the hills.

Cannabis lobby group A TRIO of cheeky French nationals, two men and a woman who ran a registered association in favour of the legalisation of cannabis, based in Marbella, have been arrested by National Police for selling drugs. Officers having been alerted to an address where drugs were being sold illegally, ascertained that it was linked with the pro-cannabis association and having kept it under surveillance, they interviewed a number of individuals who had purchased drugs from the property.

When they entered the building police discovered 1,115 grams of marihuana, 117 grams of hashish and 55 grams of cannabis resin - all stored in a counter and separately packaged and identified - as well as €698 in cash and a number of key cards that were suspected as being used for the cashless purchase of drugs. In addition to this, they also discovered a laboratory for the production of marihuana plants which was already illegally connected to external electric and water supplies.



9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Britain beyond Brexit By John Smith THE British Ambassador to Madrid, Simon Manley, visited Marbella on Friday February 3 as a guest of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain (BCC) to present his view on the topic ‘Britain beyond Brexit.’ A packed room at the Marbella Country Club listened to representatives of the BCC, and Marbella Mayor Bernal before Mr Manley rose to give his address. As was to be expected, he was not in a position to give any concrete information concerning the British government’s negotiating position nor could he confirm the future of expatriates in Spain, but he was very upbeat and confident in his expectations and explanations. He commenced by saying that the government had made it clear it intends to respect the will of the people, as the majority had voted to leave the

erant Global Britain. The Ambassador acknowledged that negotiations will be difficult as we are all sailing in uncharted waters and we need to remember that any negotiation will have to take into account not just what we want, but what the rest of EU wants as well. We share the same values and will continue to work together both in business and on a personal basis.

Photo by Euro Weekly News


European Union and now that the initial White Paper giving the government the right to invoke Article 50 has been passed, the next step will be to obtain a final vote from the Houses of Commons and Lords. The next two years are important to all Britons and whilst we have to face change, this is the chance to create a new future in a respected and tol-

AMBASSADOR Manley taking questions.

Free trade is important and it is worth reflecting on the fact that Britain has done much to help the creation of Spain in the past, both through investment, industrialisation and as allies during a number of wars in the 19th century in particular. One thing that the British government is committed to is to settle the situation of expatriates and the EU as quickly as possible, as it understands how worrying this lack of knowledge can be. With 18 million tourists from the UK spending €16 billion a year in Spain, coupled with British purchases which show a €10 billion imbalance in favour of Spain, there is no question that Britain is an incredibly important market and trading partner, especially as it has such a large population of expatriates as well. According to Mr Manley, capitalism is about the share of wealth and neither country needs new trade barriers to make relationships difficult and with British companies investing €66 billion in Spain and employing 250,000 people, there is every reason to expect Spain to want to negotiate a decent agreement. The government understands that many people felt let down when they were unable to vote in the referendum, but that is changing for future general elections and the Embassy and its consulates around Spain are reporting feedback from expats to the government which will help to inform negotiations.


HEALTH SERVICE: Public funds were embezzled.

Health service fraud accused are named POLICE have revealed further details of the arrest of 13 people in a plot to defraud the health service in Andalucia of more than â‚Ź250,000. Nine others are also being investigated for their part in the alleged scam but were not detained. The charges will range from the embezzlement of public funds to fraud and the falsification of documents. Prosecutors claim orders for highly expensive prosthetics and other equipment were drawn up but the materials were not delivered to those pa-

tients who needed them. Instead they were sold on to third parties for profit. Police have suggested one individual was forced to undergo an amputation because they were not supplied with the equipment they needed. The arrests were carried out as part of Operation Venel which was led by police in Cadiz. Among those under investigation are Rafael Pereiro, of the Puerta del Mar and Puerto Real hospitals and his predecessor at the Puerto Real, Maria Angeles Prieto.

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



Take over is better late than never

PUBLIC FACILITIES: Almost 200 urbanisations will be managed by the council. By Eleanor Hawkins MIJAS Council has announced a project which should see it take over maintenance of the almost 200 urbanisations within its borders, some of which have been waiting 40 years. Mayor Juan Carlos Maldonado, accompanied by Town Planning councillor Andres

Ruiz and Infrastructures councillor Jose Carlos Martin explained the first step is to study the infrastructures and conditions of each urbanisation. This allows for calculation of the exact cost of taking over, making necessary additions and providing services and maintenance. Once costs are laid out, the council will be able to gradual-

ly include them in its budgets as of 2018 and take over management of the public facilities on the urbanisations one at a time. The mayor said “We’ve committed to taking over the urbanisations, which residents have demanded for years. Mijas people have the same rights and deserve the same services regardless of where they live.”

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


HBOT treatment proves beneficial MIGUEL LÓPEZ JORDÁN, eight years old, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy and associated conditions, received treatment during December 2016 and January 2017 at Vithas Xanit Internacional through the Vithas Xanit Regenerative Centre. To enable Miguel to receive the treatment The Smile Foundation, CLC World Resorts and Hotels (CLC World) charity, generously donated accommodation for Miguel and his mother at the Benal Beach resort in Benalmadena. Miguel’s treatment - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) - involves the introduction of 100 per cent oxygen into the body within a pressurised room. The patient then breathes in pure oxygen for determined periods of time. Mónica Jordán Rodríguez, Miguel’s mother, says that the

THE ENGLISH CEMETERY: Syd Weldon, Simon Manley, Tom Tarr and Bruce McIntyre.

Age Care Association JOSE LUIS MELLA (left): With Miguel and Mónica Jordán Rodríguez.

treatment “has improved Miguel’s mobility - with less retraction of his limbs he is able to stretch out and grasp things with his hands. His ability to communicate has also improved with more rapid and clear speech.” The treatment is expensive and not available within close proximity of Miguel’s home in Baza, Granada. It was kindly donated by the Vithas Xanit Centre for Regenerative Medicine. The added expense of

accommodation also means that the treatment is not economically viable for the family on a regular basis. Jose Luis Mella, President of The Smile Foundation, explained, “When we heard of the problems faced by Miguel and his family, we were only too happy to provide accommodation for them at CLC World resort, Benal Beach. Seeing the improvement in Miguel’s wellbeing demonstrates how worthwhile this has been.”

REPRESENTATIVES from Age Care Association were invited to attend an event on Friday February 3 at the Cementerio Ingles (The English Cemetery) in Malaga. Simon Manley CMG, the British Ambassador to Spain was visiting the cemetery to pay tribute and lay flowers to William Mark 1824-1936, a former British Consul and who at the time was terribly upset by the burial rights of nonCatholics. It was due to his persistent efforts he was eventually given permission to create a cemetery for non-Roman Catholics on a sight in Malaga near St George’s Anglican Church. Syd Weldon and Tom Tarr, president and vice president of Age Care, accompanied by Bobby Griffiths, publicity officer were delighted to attend and be part of the occasion. Bruce McIntyre MBE, a former British Consul is a patron of Age Care Association and also president of the now English Cemetery in Malaga Foundation, and has been instrumental in safeguarding the cemetery by agreeing with the British government the foun-

dation of a Spanish charity established to preserve, maintain and administer the cemetery as part of Malaga’s historic heritage. It is a beautiful sight with many rare trees and deserves to be preserved. Funds are raised by corporate sponsorship, donations and fundraising. The ambassador, the mayor of Mijas Juan Carlos Maldonado and the current British Consul Charmaine Arbourin, as well as other local dignitaries, also paid tribute and laid flowers on the grave of Gerald Brenan CBE 1894-1987 a British writer and historian who spent much of his life in Spain. He was awarded his CBE in the Diplomatic Service and Overseas list in 1982. His ashes are buried in the cemetery as are those of his wife. Bruce escorted the ambassador and the mayor giving them lots of historical information about the Cemetery. Age Care Association is a voluntary organisation run entirely by volunteers and was pleased to have been invited to the event and meet the British Ambassador and the mayor of Mijas.



9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Spanish account Bank: Banco Sabadell Account Name: Leo James Bermejo Account Number: ES69 0081 0597 0900 0602 1116 Swift: BSAB ESBB Tony Christie shares Leo’s story Thanks fo a fighting

A LONG-TIME resident of Mojacar showed up for the busking efforts organised by the Bradley family. Tony Christie, best-known for his recording of ‘Is this the way to Amarillo,’ helped support Fin and Richard Devlin. So Fin & Rich Devlin busked away for Leo the Lion. Tony Christie gave them the thumbs up, very kindly donating and offered to share Leo’s story on his social media. Fin & Rich raised £412 for Leo!! Get well soon brave Leo!

By Simon Firth

SUPPORT: Tony Christie with Fin & Richard.

Former Real Madrid footballer supports Leo FORMER Real Madrid defender and S pan i sh y o u t h t e a m p la y er, L e o Bermejo, is the latest celebrity to support the fight against cancer of his four-year-old namesake, Leo ‘the lion’ Bermejo. As well as sharing the player ’s name, young Leo loves football and his favourite team also happens to be Real Madrid. Bermejo, the player, a tough leftbac k i n t h e 9 0 ’s, s h a re d a tw e e t pos t e d b y t h e E u ro We e k ly Ne w s asking him to help the youngster in his fight against cancer. The tweet said: ‘Could you RT (retweet) to help a young football fan like yourself? His favourite team is Real Madrid!’

His favourite team is Real Madrid.”

LITTLE Leo Bermejo is made of the right stuff. He cannot talk but he is a happy, energetic fouryear-old who just a day ago underwent a long operation at Merseyside’s famous Alder Hey Hospital. The surgeons’ task was to cut away the tumours in young Leo’s brain that have hampered every step of a life that has barely started. As his mother Karen says, Leo is a fighter. “He is so happy and when you see him he is playing and laughing. He does everything.” But the tumours Leo is battling are caused by a rare cancer that mostly attacks children, boys in particular and often those under four.

And when they grow they grow very fast. This is why this brave youngster can’t speak because they have already damaged that part of his brain. But Leo, who has fought back after one major operation now faces his toughest battle of all. Once the Alder Hey surgeons have done their work, there is no more that can be done for him anywhere in the UK. Conventional radiotherapy would be too damaging to his young brain. His only hope, and the option that offers him the chance of ridding himself of the tumours once and for all, is a treatment called proton therapy. And the specialist unit which has worked on SPNET tumours before, is in the US, in the Midwestern state of Oklahoma. “It’s Leo’s best chance,” says

SPNET tumours and tr

Leo Bermejo (left) with striker Sergio Leon.

THE cancer that is attacking Leo goes by the acronym SPNET. Its victims are children, often boys, and those under four years of age. The characteristic is that the tumours grow and grow fast. They are located in the cere-

brum, the part of the brain that governs Leo’s speech, his emotions, his voluntary muscular movements and even his ability to reason and solve problems. SPNET tumours are extremely malignant. After Leo’s first operation in Pamplona, the

1 7500 €

leothelion3 or giving Leo g chance!


Karen. “Proton beam therapy is his only remaining option. “Oklahoma is the best possible place for this kind of treatment so I have to do everything I can to get him there.” US specialist Dr Andrew Chang has already been in touch with Alder Hey and is waiting for Leo to recover sufficient strength to make the trip to the US. “With proton therapy,” says Karen “Leo can still progress. He will have the chance to learn again, to move his right side and regain some speech. “And he won’t have the problems that will affect his organs in the future. “This is Leo’s last hope for a life and we have to take it.” The other hurdle that the family need to cross, with the help

of an army of supporters from Spain, the UK and in some cases, far flung parts of the world, is the money. And that is where you, our readers and advertisers, come in. To pay for his stay and the several bouts of treatment he needs, team Leo - that’s mum, dad Jose and sister Sofia, along with their family friends and his supporters like every one of us they need to raise €175,000. The plight of this little boy, who will not give up, has touched the hearts of thousands. When Euro Weekly News found out we began featuring the plight of this brave family in our papers and on the web. The other hurdle that the family needed to cross, with the help of an army of supporters from Spain, the UK and in some

energies, the positively charged protons can destroy cancer cells without being so damaging to Leo’s body. The treatment allows the surgeon greater control when delivering the right dose. There are thought to be less than 40

UK account Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland Account Name: Alda Keefe Account Number: 17485819 Sort Code: 16-24-06

LION WALKABOUT: Raised €443. cases, far flung parts of the world, has been the money. And that is where you, our readers and advertisers, have helped… in droves. STOP PRESS: As we went to print Leo’s family revealed the target has been hit, thanks to a final boost provided by an anonymous donor. Any extra funding for Leo will now go towards the extensive rehabilitation his young body and mind will need. From all of us, there remains only one thing left to say… COME ON LEO!!! Remember, you can use Leo’s bank account if you want him to receive every bit of your donation or visit www.go

reating them with proton therapy signs that they were re-emerging took just nine weeks. And they do not stay in the same place. Once the tumours have been removed, conventional radiation on a young brain is damaging. So for Leo the answer is proton therapy. At high



*until we went to press

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



such specialist units in the world and there is nowhere in the UK with such a facility. One of the few such treatment centres is in Oklahoma where you, our readers and advertisers, are helping to send Leo!

Answering the call for little Leo HUNDREDS of you have been answering the call to help Leo win this fight against such an aggressive cancer. Leo’s mum Karen told EWN: “I do not even know what to say, except thank you, to each and every one of you, whether it was by donating, helping me manage things to take the weight off, delivering tins, posters, publishing Leo’s story, sharing his page, tweeting... every single thing, big or small, has made this happen.” She added: “I feel so much stronger with all of this support behind our family.” Celebrities have been helping out, many of them retweeting to keep Leo’s profile as high as possible. Comedian Keith Lemmon, boy band 911 and mixed martial arts world champion Michael Bisping are just a few of those getting involved. Closer to

MICHAEL BISPING: Martial arts world champion. home, everyone has been pulling the stops out. Here’s just a few who deserve a thank you: Spectrum FM, a massive €1,000: all the staff at Euro Weekly News, another €1,000: Peter and all his team at Currencies Direct, another huge €1,000: Jackie Butcher’s ‘lion’ walkabout which raised €443: the lovely girls at Bugbusters: the gorgeous and generous Jan at Telitec: the wonderful Steve and Sharon at Spanish Property Choice: Ian and the dynamic

team at La Sala: Solutions Marbella: Terry at Premier Heating: Shaun from Planet Positive: a generous donation from Matt in England: Ian at Cocina Plus: Gary at Expats in Villajoyosa Faustina: Manuela from Higueron Spa: not forgetting the readers of EWN and the listeners of Spectrum FM: the community of Mojacar all of whom put donations in ranging from €5 to €5,000 and finally the people from other parts of Spain who are following Leo on our Facebook page.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Advertising feature

Risk Free - 12 per cent per annum return Welcome to the weekly news from Hola Credito, Spain’s leading short term lender. In our weekly column, we want to introduce our latest option which will earn investors 12 per cent interest per annum. WE are still in the business of advancing loans against luxury items but are also looking to offer a brand new service to investors in Spain by introducing peer to peer lending where we match lenders with borrowers. The advantage of this service is that it allows investors to be involved in a secure operation which will generate much larger returns than can be obtained from banks or from traditional investments. Very simply, we are offering those with spare resources the chance to purchase current prefunded loans, with the security of the asset associated to the loan. These loans are generally set at 50 to 70 per cent of the current value of the asset, so the element of risk is greatly reduced and in the event of a default, the item will be sold at auction. Each loan is set for six months and will generate 12 per cent interest per annum and investors can choose from a range of different loans which will already be in place. What’s more, every time a new loan is creat-

ed, we will send details to our investing customers who will then have the opportunity to become involved by taking part in the loan. You can invest in as many or as few of the loans as you wish and each will be in place for no longer than six months. Some borrowers will repay the loan earlier and in that scenario, you will receive the amount of interest due up to the date of repayment and as soon as any loan is repaid, interest and the capital will be transferred to your bank account. Naturally discretion is paramount and we will not pass any personal information about the other to either investors or borrowers. People always need to borrow and here is an interesting chance for those with some spare cash to benefit from this financially appealing opportunity. RISK ELEMENT: Is greatly reduced. Photo by iQoncept Shutterstock

For more information about how you can be an investor or a borrower contact Hola Credito via WhatsApp on 672 381 908 by email or by calling 951 319 538.

SAN PEDRO: Volunteers are needed to help out in the shop.

Butterfly Children need you THE Butterfly Children Charity has nine shops across Spain that help to raise funds and awareness for the charity’s projects. The San Pedro shop is just one of them and they are on a mission to find volunteers as unfortunately at the moment it does not have enough. The shop relies on volunteers to enable to provide a daily, reliable

and quality service to the public. The charity are reaching out to you to ask for your help. Do you have time to help or do you know anyone who has? There are many different jobs within the shop to suit each person and shifts are flexible, because the shop is open mornings and afternoons. Any amount of help is ap-

preciated even if it is only two hours. Please consider helping this vital charity, the butterfly children families need your help. Anyone wishing more information or who can offer help can contact Antonia, the shop’s manager, on 637 744 217 or email her at sanpe Thank you for giving the butterfly children wings!


Keeping warm at ADANA THE charity ADANA was able to keep the dogs in its care warm and snug during the cold weather recently thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous supporter. More than 40 insulated ‘igloo’ kennels were purchased from that kind donation and together with the warm blankets donated by ADANA supporters the dogs, especially the pups, were kept warm and snug on the cold winter nights when temperatures at the shelter fell below zero. ADANA was delighted to receive a visit recently from Oana Cornila and Emilian Pogaci, and their daughter, from Ladbrokes Coral

Group in Gibraltar, especially as they brought a cheque for €300 for the charity. Oana and Emilian have been supporters of ADANA for many years and the charity thanks them for their very kind donation. Shop manager and vice-

More than 40 insulated ‘igloo’ kennels were purchased. president, Maria Cawsey, has reported that sales at the shop in Calle Padre Cure Estepona have increased in the last three months and that the shop brought in €27,000

in donations for second hand items of all kinds during the past year, an improvement of over €3,000 on the previous year. The Board expressed its thanks to Maria and her team of ladies who have kept the shop open six days a week for many years. The ADANA shop is open from 10am until 2pm and is well worth a visit. The charity will host a coffee morning on Friday February 24 in Plaza Manilva, Estepona from 11am. Feel free to pop along and enjoy a coffee whilst supporting the charity at the same time. For more information about the charity visit

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Masons of Andalucia have commited to raising €60,000 for Butterfly Children IN 2015 the Masons of Andalucia gave DEBRA, the Butterfly Children charity, a three-year commitment to raising €50,000 for the cause. Within two years they have shown that they are true to their word by raising a staggering €40,000. Entering their final year they are hoping to exceed their target by raising a further €20,000. At the Mason’s annual assembly meeting they presented Nieves Montero, the president of DEBRA, and Luis Lima, a Butterfly Child, with a cheque for €20,000 bringing the total funds raised in two years to €40,000. All of the 25 Masonic lodges raised funds by organising various events in their local areas and on an individual level Keith Spitalnick collectively ran 1,500km to raise €2,000. As they enter the final

year of their commitment Giles Crawford remains positive, “We hope to raise a further €20,000 increasing our target amount to €60,000.” These funds are extremely important to DEBRA because it enables them to directly support the Butterfly Children

families living in Spain. Luis summed up the importance very simply by saying “If DEBRA did not exist we would have to fight the disease and all the problems that it brings, alone.” In addition Nieves Montero stressed the significance of the role the Masons

have played “Thanks to the awareness you have created we can be assured when a baby is born within Andalucia someone in their family circle will know to contact us, so we can be there to comfort and guide them through the challenges ahead.” DEBRA’s projects provide support from its team of nurses, social workers and psychologist. For example, their ‘well-being’ project gives families, hospitals, schools, etc. daily access to the team via telephone and email and when a serious problem arises the ‘DEBRA at home’ project allows the team to travel to a child and family to deal with the problem directly. In addition to the funds, it must not be forgotten how important raising awareness is and today, thanks to the Masons, more people know what butterfly skin is. Find out more or donate online at LUIS LIMA (bottom centre): Receives the €20,000 cheque on behalf of the charity.


Costa del Sol DFAS lectures THE Costa del Sol Decorative and Fine Arts Society (DFAS) has two upcoming events. On Monday February 13 lecturer Jon Cannon will present The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces – Religious Architecture of the World. This will be held in the Salon Varietes Theatre in Fuengirola starting at 4.30pm. The second, A Fairytale of Barcelona: An inspirational journey through the city’s past, present and future, will be presented by lecturer Rafael Anderson. This will be held on Tuesday February 14 at 10.30am in The Danish Club, Urb. Haza del Algarrobo, Ctra. de Mijas, Mijas Visitors are welcome to attend either lecture and tickets cost €10. For more information contact Yvonne Sjokvist on 952 858 952 or 617 368 414 or visit www.costadel


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



Church marriages

Racist crimes

GAY COUPLES: Can now be married in church.

GAY couples can now have church weddings in Norway with each pastor now free to c h o o s e whether to marry samesex couples.

Natural growth THE Telenor Group reported revenue growth of 1.1 per cent for 2016. Telenor is one of the

world’s largest mobile telecommunications companies and last year saw 214 million mobile accesses.

No entry TWO senior MPs were refused visas to Russia resulting in the cancellation of a two-day trip to Moscow. Norway wants answers on why the visas were refused.

Air bases AIRLINE SAS has announced plans to set up bases in Ireland, London and Spain, allowing it to keep up with low-cost rivals and be more competitive.


Extremist arrests POLICE have detained two people

ion polls following the allegations.

Spanish head SPANISH film director Pedro Almodovar, has been named a head of the jury at this year ’s Cannes film festival.

Forced out?

Top spot

PRESIDENTIAL hopeful François Fillon may have to step down as more investigations are launched into claims he gave fake jobs to his wife and children. He is falling in the opin-

NANTES has been named the best city to work in France. A study by a national newspaper ranked it the best city out of 98 towns and cities apart from Paris.


Poor babies

Shed tragedy CARBON monoxide poisoning is believed to have been the cause of death of six teenagers found dead in a shed after a garden party. The owner of the shed found the youngsters. His son and daughter were among the victims.

THE number of racist incidents fell last year in France according to the latest figures by the interior ministry. Whilst anti-Semitic a nd ant i - Musl i m cr i m es f el l , crimes committed against Christian places of worship rose in 2016.


on suspicion of plotting attacks on refugees and Jews. Police made the arrests during a series of raids investigating a potential right wing extremist organisation.

Welcome Fritz FRITZ is the newest member of the family at Berlin zoo. The little polar bear was named Fritz after a lo-

cal radio station ran a competition to name the bundle of fluff.

Tagging plans THE German government has approved plans to use ankle tags to monitor extremists who are considered potentially dangerous. The propos a l w ill now ne e d to be passed by parliament.

OVER 40 per cent of babies in Brussels are born in poverty and families earning below €867 per month. The figures come from births between 2004 and 2010.

Costly power

ANTWERP’S diamond sector increased last year dealing in 5 per cent more diamonds; some 202 million carats valued at around $48 billion. The industry’s recovery is expected to increase in 2017.

ELECTRICITY in Belgium is set to double in costs by 2030. This was the conclusion of an investigation produced by the federation of industrial electricity consumers.


Bus concern

Passports cancelled

VOLVO is looking into claims its buses are being used to transport prisoners in the occupied West Bank. The company produces reinforced buses in Israel for use of transporting passengers and had an agreement they should not be used for prisoner transport.

AROUND 300 Dutch nationals have seen their passports cancelled since autumn 2014, as part of the country’s counter terrorism plans.


Part timers

Rape rise

Ikea’s help THE boss of Ikea’s stores in the US has urged staff impacted by President Trump’s controversial travel ban to contact the company which has offered free legal advice for those who may need it.

Top names FIGURES just released show that Alice was the most popular baby girl name in Sweden in 2015 for the fifth year running, with Oscar the top name for boys.

Climate goals SWEDEN has set its climate goals for up to 2045, introducing a new climate law that will come into force in 2018. It aims to have zero net emissions by 2045.

Dangerous dive DUTCH television presenter Freek Vonk required a three-hour operation and more than 100 stitches after being bitten by a shark whilst diving with reef sharks off the Bahamas coastline for a new television programme.

Trump’s discrimination PRIME MINISTER Mark Rutte has called US president Donald Trump’s ban on people from seven Muslim countries entering America “discriminatory.” He said the decision conflicts with western values.

THE eldest living person in Belgi um has been nam ed as Fernande De Raeve who i s aged 110. I t com es f ol l owi ng t he death of Alicia Van den BergheCorveleyn, who was 112.

Sparkling industry


MORE Dutch women work part time hours than anywhere else in Europe. The preference for part time starts early on with many women in their 20’s and without children going part time.

Old age

THE number of rapes reported last year doubled from the number in 2014, to 744 rapes according to figures. The Danish National Police said this rise was partly due to the better recording of rape incidents.

Going renewable ENERGY giant Dong has announced it will stop coal use and switch to renewable energy sources. Dong is currently the biggest wind power producer in Europe. They reported a net profit of 12.8 billion kroner (€1.7 billion) for 2016.

Mixed swimming SEPARATED swi m m i ng f or m en and wom en has been scrapped by Aarhus City Council after offering female only swimm i ng sessi ons f or near l y 10 year s. I t was m ai nl y used by Muslim women.

Underage marriage D E N M A R K i s b a n n i n g m a rriage under the age of 18. The new bill also states that youngsters under the age of 18 who marry abroad will not have their marriages recognised in Denmark.


Costa del Sol

9 - 15 February 2017


business & legal

€463 million

Quote of the Week

€231 million is the total amount that Take-Two Interactive will be paying to take over Spanish company Social Point.

the balance in Take-Two shares. Horacio Martos and Andrés Bou co-founded Social Point in Barcelona 2008. The company has gone on to become one of the world’s leading developers of online social games.

Photo Credit: Richard Sandoval flickr

Phones used for Olympic medals

OLYMPIC MEDALS: Some of the winners. AN idea originally raised last year has been turned into reality as the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Committee has announced that its medals will be made from metals obtained from the recycling of old and obsolete mobile phones. They expect to need to produce 5,000 gold, silver and bronze medals and with a need for two tons of metal to allow this, they hope to obtain as much scrap material as possible, especially as Japan does not have

Since Social Point’s inception, Horacio and Andrés have remained faithful to their original vision of connecting players through social gaming, and providing the most enjoyable, immersive playing experience. Prior to

If you mop the floor, or you’re the managing director, a nice pat on the head goes down well occasionally. Just as a kick up the backside is required sometimes.” The late Sir Ken Morrison founder of the supermarket chain.

large deposits of minerals and metals. Anxious to show that it is committed to sustainable production, the committee hopes to reduce costs by collecting these old phones from offices and stores starting in April of this year. One saving already in place is that the gold medals are no longer made from gold, but are silver which is gold plated as silver costs around €16 per troy ounce, whilst gold costs €1,100 per troy ounce.


Discovery channels AFTER some fairly robust rounds of negotiation, Sky and Discovery channel have reached an agreement so that the 12 channels which include Eurosport and TLC will continue to be screened by the satellite broadcaster.

Inflation up THE Spanish National Institute of Statistics has revealed that inflation in January 2017 was 3 per cent, which is up from 1.6 per cent in the previous month and was caused mainly by the increase in the cost of electricity and fuel oil.

Mercadona expansion IN anticipation of the opening of its first stores in Portugal, super market chain Mercadona has announced that it will first build what it refers to as an innovative centre in Matosinhos within the next six months to allow it to study the local market.

Insider trading investigation AFTER announcing the German and London Stock Exchanges were considering a merger, financial investigators flagged up the fact Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter purchased stock in the Boerse to the value of €4.5 million prior to the

announcement.This now means German prosecutors are investigating Herr Kengeter on suspicion of insider trading although he and the Boerse insist he was simply exercising a right to purchase the shares before the merger had been discussed.


is the amount that Facebook and subsidiary Oculus have been fined in the US for using software for its virtual reality headset without obtaining approval from the developer. A EURO WEEKLY NEWS 6 PAGE SPECIAL SECTION // WWW.EWNBUSINESS.COM

US firm invests in Spain By John Smith THE success of Grand Theft Auto, one of the best-selling computer games of all time which was created by a team of two Scotsmen and an Englishman saw their company Rock Star Games become a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive which has an annual turnover of €2.2 billion. Now Take-Two, the Nasdaq listed company has announced that it will be taking over Spain’s privately owned Social Point which produces games for mobile phones and tablets and will be paying €163 million with


founding Social Point, they qualified at the same universities before working as computer analysts and consultants in the tech sector. One of their games, Dragon City has become extremely popular and some 50 per cent of all downloads and revenue comes from the USA which is why the company appealed to Take-Two, especially as it has 50 million followers worldwide. This is a major step into the mobile gaming world for the American company as it looks to continue its growth and market domination.

Bartering in Asturias

THANKS to the decline of the coal mining industry in the autonomous community of Asturias in northern Spain, unemployment rocketed with few opportunities for the younger generation unless they moved to larger and more prosperous areas. Those who have remained however have looked to the past and are producing various food and drink products in the traditional ways and have developed a form of bartering which allows them to move their products on, even if finances are strained. There is even an online bartering community known as Rastru which allows members to offer their goods in exchange for those that they need.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group PLC 696.50 1.85 Admiral Group PLC 1841.00 6.00 Anglo American PLC 1342.50 10.00 Antofagasta PLC 815.00 1.50 Ashtead Group PLC 1614.00 -8.63 Associated British Foods PLC 2395.50 -11.00 AstraZeneca PLC 4372.50 14.50 Aviva PLC 494.60 1.53 Babcock International Gr 888.00 0.00 BAE Systems PLC 587.25 3.58 Barclays PLC 230.85 2.00 Barratt Developments PLC 496.80 -4.50 BHP Billiton PLC 1404.25 6.50 BP PLC 479.00 0.40 British American Tobacco PLC 4977.00 14.50 British Land Co PLC 586.75 1.00 BT Group PLC 306.78 -0.51 Bunzl PLC 2127.50 -2.00 Burberry Group PLC 1642.50 1.00 Capita PLC 484.00 -2.20 Carnival PLC 4282.00 -7.00 Centrica PLC 225.70 -1.10 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1791.50 -3.00 Compass Group PLC 1437.50 -6.00 ConvaTec Group PLC 247.75 0.29 CRH PLC 2836.00 -13.00 Croda International PLC 3347.00 -12.00 DCC PLC 6352.50 -65.00 Diageo PLC 2211.25 -1.50 Direct Line Insurance Gr 354.20 -2.30 Dixons Carphone PLC 299.75 -4.90 easyJet PLC 932.00 -7.00 Experian PLC 1556.50 1.00 Fresnillo PLC 1486.00 17.00 GKN PLC 345.00 -2.10 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1552.25 5.00 Glencore PLC 312.65 3.15 Hammerson PLC 550.25 0.00 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1373.00 -7.00 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 1922.50 -6.00 HSBC Holdings PLC 684.30 -0.90 Imperial Brands PLC 3766.50 29.00 Informa PLC 656.75 -4.50 InterContinental Hotels Gr 3748.50 8.00 International Consolidated 478.20 -6.30 Intertek Group PLC 3457.00 0.00 Intu Properties PLC 268.10 -0.60 ITV PLC 204.20 -1.40 Johnson Matthey PLC 3161.50 -21.00 Kingfisher PLC 337.65 -1.00

% CHG. 0.27 0.33 0.75 0.18 -0.53 -0.46 0.33 0.31 0.00 0.61 0.87 -0.90 0.47 0.08 0.29 0.17 -0.17 -0.09 0.06 -0.45 -0.16 -0.49 -0.17 -0.42 0.12 -0.46 -0.36 -1.01 -0.07 -0.65 -1.61 -0.74 0.06 1.16 -0.61 0.32 1.02 0.00 -0.51 -0.31 -0.13 0.78 -0.68 0.21 -1.30 0.00 -0.22 -0.68 -0.66 -0.30

NET VOL 42.92 59.99 305.62 204.88 79.71 67.92 346.49 473.74 28.16 504.08 6,139.69 400.39 564.18 1,228.09 218.42 147.15 1,034.85 14.69 62.68 488.46 17.98 1,661.99 21.05 190.49 53.77 93.35 14.43 11.53 237.75 171.16 526.25 264.45 62.41 93.53 143.80 380.96 3,071.32 88.61 66.88 31.17 1,687.70 150.66 99.12 19.15 448.31 9.53 96.89 975.79 36.08 224.20

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Land Securities Group PLC 1000.50 -3.00 Legal & General Group PLC 237.60 -0.50 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 66.33 0.46 London Stock Exchange Gr 3188.00 -11.00 Marks & Spencer Group PLC 336.20 -3.90 Mediclinic International PLC 797.00 8.50 Merlin Entertainments PLC 479.80 -1.70 Micro Focus International PLC 2239.00 0.00 Mondi PLC 1760.50 -6.00 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 239.55 -1.00 National Grid PLC 933.15 5.06 Next PLC 3864.00 -22.00 Old Mutual PLC 209.30 -0.10 Paddy Power Betfair PLC 8535.00 0.00 Pearson PLC 643.75 0.50 Persimmon PLC 1956.50 -15.00 Provident Financial PLC 2659.50 2.00 Prudential PLC 1600.00 -0.50 Randgold Resources Ltd 7120.00 265.00 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 7067.00 -61.00 RELX PLC 1448.50 6.00 Rio Tinto PLC 3412.00 22.00 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 667.75 -3.00 Royal Bank of Scotland Gr 226.60 -1.90 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 2280.25 -5.00 Royal Mail PLC 407.70 -1.60 RSA Insurance Group PLC 580.75 1.00 Sage Group (The) PLC 630.50 0.50 Sainsbury (J) PLC 262.50 -2.30 Schroders PLC 2954.50 -3.00 Severn Trent PLC 2250.00 3.00 Shire PLC 4461.25 0.00 Sky PLC 1005.50 1.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 1203.50 -8.00 Smiths Group PLC 1510.50 2.00 Smurfit Kappa Group PLC 2133.00 -10.00 SSE PLC 1487.50 7.00 Standard Chartered PLC 806.50 4.90 Standard Life PLC 353.90 -2.30 St James's Place PLC 1074.50 -6.00 Taylor Wimpey PLC 170.75 -1.85 Tesco PLC 196.40 -0.90 TUI AG 1188.50 9.00 Unilever PLC 3276.50 8.00 United Utilities Group PLC 914.75 1.00 Vodafone Group PLC 193.38 -0.70 Whitbread PLC 3954.50 -14.00 Wolseley PLC 4950.00 -10.00 Worldpay Group PLC 280.60 -1.90 WPP PLC 1833.50 -13.00

% CHG. -0.30 -0.21 0.70 -0.34 -1.15 1.08 -0.35 0.00 -0.34 -0.42 0.55 -0.57 -0.05 0.00 0.08 -0.76 0.08 -0.03 3.86 -0.86 0.42 0.65 -0.45 -0.83 -0.22 -0.39 0.17 0.08 -0.87 -0.10 0.13 0.00 0.10 -0.66 0.13 -0.47 0.47 0.61 -0.65 -0.56 -1.07 -0.46 0.76 0.24 0.11 -0.36 -0.35 -0.20 -0.67 -0.70

NET VOL 50.68 750.67 18,805.60 14.69 436.76 101.23 94.26 27.31 75.38 1,060.36 307.71 19.49 124.93 3.61 326.89 72.65 27.94 383.17 144.37 148.49 181.75 379.47 438.93 2,826.62 301.73 151.97 104.11 164.40 508.60 15.89 24.80 114.68 449.06 246.19 37.43 7.70 133.50 1,241.54 104.85 47.71 1,328.79 2,049.68 76.40 179.25 75.91 3,566.16 17.29 14.84 403.79 158.13

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PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 177,48 0,37% 0,66 106M 175,04 0,49% 0,86 104M 78,04 2,00% 1,53 70M 129,08 0,43% 0,55 676M 162,4 0,09% 0,14 100M 93,28 -0,52% -0,49 54M 113,57 1,21% 1,36 214M 31,32 0,45% 0,14 157M 41,54 0,34% 0,14 179M 76,43 0,34% 0,26 65M 83,54 0,11% 0,09 346M 29,7 0,07% 0,02 262M 240,95 4,57% 10,54 95M 137,98 0,75% 1,03 167M 175,82 0,71% 1,24 167M 36,52 -0,44% -0,16 172M 87,18 3,06% 2,59 311M 113,64 0,06% 0,07 308M 124,24 0,83% 1,02 101M 64,29 0,17% 0,11 176M 63,68 0,81% 0,51 491M 52,36 -0,83% -0,44 69M 32,09 1,13% 0,36 194M 87,41 -0,40% -0,35 224M 117,78 0,13% 0,15 32M 109,65 1,19% 1,29 90M 161,87 0,69% 1,11 153M 48,58 0,62% 0,3 197M 86,08 4,59% 3,78 160M 66,5 -0,30% -0,2 204M 110,3 -0,28% -0,31 174M





Most Advanced Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. The Medicines Company Collectors Universe, Inc. Paylocity Holding Corporation Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc. Fortinet, Inc. Pixelworks, Inc. Beasley Broadcast Group, Inc. LEAP THERAPEUTICS, INC. Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. Flex Pharma, Inc.

$ 16.44 $ 45.96 $ 24.92 $ 34.98 $ 4.10 $ 37.72 $ 3.55 $ 8.40 $ 6.79 $ 16.14 $ 4.46

3.72 ▲ 29.25% 7.96 ▲ 20.95% 4.13 ▲ 19.87% 5.06 ▲ 16.91% 0.56 ▲ 15.82% 4.54 ▲ 13.68% 0.41 ▲ 13.06% 0.95 ▲ 12.75% 0.76 ▲ 12.60% 1.72 ▲ 11.93% 0.46 ▲ 11.50%

$ 3.86 $ 2.75 $ 2.44 $ 15.67 $ 2.96 $ 10.93 $ 11.60 $ 3.04 $ 108.90 $ 5.05 $ 9.58

1.24 ▼ 24.31% 0.72 ▼ 20.75% 0.54 ▼ 18.12% 3.20 ▼ 16.96% 0.59 ▼ 16.62% 2.04 ▼ 15.73% 1.99 ▼ 14.64% 0.50 ▼ 14.12% 17.74 ▼ 14.01% 0.75 ▼ 12.93% 1.39 ▼ 12.67%

Most Declined Pulmatrix, Inc. Vanguard Natural Resources LLC Pernix Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. Aceto Corporation Vanguard Natural Resources LLC FireEye, Inc. Kirkland's, Inc. Vanguard Natural Resources LLC athenahealth, Inc. Neos Therapeutics, Inc. GoPro, Inc.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Bank of England rethinks forecasts Photo Credit: Bank of England

By John Smith THOSE who predicted that the UK economy would not be adversely affected by the Brexit decision were dealt a blow by the Bank of England which gave a very gloomy forecast immediately following the referendum decision.

The Bank expects the economy to sustain reasonable growth over the next three years. Now just over six months later, the situation is definitely reversed with the Bank having to completely review its growth forecast upwards yet again to a figure of 2 per cent for 2017 which is only marginally lower than the forecast in May 2016 when it was assumed that Britain would remain in the EU. The Bank had previously said that following the referendum result, its actions had done a great deal to stave off a possible disaster and now suggests that higher internal spending by

BANK OF ENGLAND: The Monetary Policy committee. the government as revealed in the Chancellor’s last budget review has helped to make the figures look better than expected. Looking further forward the Bank also expects the economy to sustain reasonable growth over the next three years thanks to a stronger than ex-

pected world economy, cheaper credit options and a decision by the British public to reduce savings as borrowing is cheaper. These revelations therefore accounted for the fact that there was no hike in the interest rates which continue at a low of 0.25 per cent, al-

though many analysts expect this to be increased sooner rather than later. Wages have not increased according to expectations so that any cut in unemployment is currently unlikely to see an increase in inflation which is still at an acceptable level, but this is subject to the pound recovering

Saving their bacon AFTER reports that due to the appalling weather in parts of Spain there would be a shortage of a number of vegetables and fruit in British supermarkets, news is now coming in of a bacon shortage in the USA. There may well be a sudden surge in downloads of the video game Aporkalypse - Pigs of Doom, but there has been something of an online panic as Twitter users worry about the latest news from the US Department of Agriculture that reserves of frozen pork bellies had fallen significantly. It appears that despite President Trump’s fear that the country is being swamped by Muslims, that sales of pork bellies from which American Bacon is mainly produced have risen considerably. America has been experimenting with bacon recently and the advent of bacon cheesecake, ice cream, smoothies, cupcakes, doughnuts and popcorn coupled with the introduction of all-day breakfasts by major chains has meant that most fresh pork meat has been sold rather than frozen and put into storage. According to the Department of Agriculture report, stocks have dropped from 22 million kilos to just over eight million kilos in a year which has triggered some fear about prices and scarcity of tasty porcine comestible.

Photo Credit: Ververidis Vasilis Shutterstock

BACON SHORTAGE: This little piggy went to market. Whilst it is possible that Danish producers will be looking to increase their production, representatives of American pig councils have acted swiftly to advise that the number of pigs in America is greater than ever, although there may be some short term price increases, On a more serious note, any shortage

which results in price rises must be considered counter-productive and in Zambia several years ago, there were a number of deaths when one particular type of maize was in short supply and many people refused to consume an alternative and different coloured maize which was supplied as aid by the US Government.

further against the dollar and euro and with the expectation that consumer spending will begin to tail off. Should inflation begin to increase above acceptable levels then there is little doubt that a speedy increase in the base rate will be implemented. In many ways these announcements come as something of an embarrassment for both the Bank of England and Governor Mark Carney who recently indicated that he would not leave his post until Brexit has been completed. If the government and industry cannot rely upon forecasts from the most influential of financial institutions in the UK, then the economy itself could be damaged, especially at a time when Britain is trying to negotiate itself out of the EU and into new trade deals with countries worldwide. Now that approval has been given in Parliament for the government to proceed to invoke Article 50, the next step will be to review the contents of the White Paper covering the government’s overall strategy for Brexit and market reaction to that may well give a strong pointer to how accurate these latest forecasts may be.

A different fashion connection NOW that Sports Direct seems to have ridden out the tide of negative publicity about its treatment of staff, owner Mike Ashley is reported to have gained control over an 11 per cent stake in fashion chain French Connection. It would appear that he now has access to 10.7 million shares in the company which may be ripe for a takeover by using an unusual form of investment known as a ‘contract for difference’ which gives him a very strong position to either benefit from a sale to a third party or if he wishes to make an offer himself. The bulk of his new shareholding came from asset managers Schroders and it is known that Sports Direct which owns a number of clothing brands such as Lonsdale and Everlast offers a number of French Connection items in its stores. The main shareholder of French Connection with 42 per cent is founder Stephen Marks, but he has been under considerable pressure from a consortium of business shareholders as the company has been making consistent losses for the last five years. The introduction of Mike Ashley could mean that French Connection could well be ripe for a significant change in its fortunes in the not too distant future.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Sala Group presents new CEO Commenting on his appointment he said, “I’m honoured to have been chosen for this very exciting opportunity. This is a group that has achieved unparalleled success since its foundation. To be offered the chance to lead our 300 employees to greater success is a challenge I am greatly looking forward to.” Steve Hampson who has been CEO since 2012 commented, “Fede is an excellent fit for our business, his local and international experience will prove invaluable as the group formalises our expansion plans for 2017/18.” Hampson will remain with the business as a director focusing on International and Strategic Affairs. Sala Group currently operates six locations worldwide, with a pipeline of proposed projects for 2018. It has gained acknowledgement as one of the premier hospitality groups in Spain and Europe.

THE prestigious hospitality company Sala Group has announced ambitious expansion plans and the appointment of a new CEO. The expansion will include further beach clubs and a possible strategic alliance with a prominent global hospitality group, taking the company into the next phase of its very ambitious growth plans.

Sala Group currently operates six locations worldwide. The new CEO, Federico González, took up the position on February 6. He holds a law and economics degree from Deusto University in Bilbao and an MBA from INSEAD business school in France. He brings his extensive corporate experience to the group, having worked previously for Audi UK, among others, as well as his broad experience as an entrepreneur and property developer.

Photo Credit: Sala Group.

FEDERICO GONZÁLEZ: Brings extensive corporate experience to the group.



Bla Bla Car says ha ha A COMPANY which was founded in France and has offices around the world, Bla Bla Car has just fought off a claim made in court by the Spanish Confederation for Bus Transport (Confebus) which asserted that it was improperly acting as a transport company. It argued that car sharing of this type was helping to depress the market for bus and coach journeys and therefore should be banned in Spain. Bla Bla Car, however denied it was a transport company but simply a social network that brings together drivers and passengers who wish to share the cost of their journey and it makes a charge for the introduction. The matter was heard before a Madrid court which ruled those drivers using Bla Bla Car are not employees of that company, nor are they in the main professional drivers touting their business for hire and reward. In addition, it ruled they were not looking to make a profit from the journey but were simply sharing the costs incurred. Confebus does have the right of appeal against this service and city councils who feel that this business undermines their local bus services could also decide to take action against the company in the future.

Losing mental capacity whilst living abroad by Stone King Charlotte Macdonald Contact me at

MANY UK expatriates living in Spain own properties in the UK and have pensions and investments in the UK. They rely on their UK assets to maintain their lifestyles (and those of their families) in Spain. If they can no longer manage their affairs in the UK due to a loss of mental capacity, it can cause many difficulties.

You can choose a person or people, who you trust, to act for you when you are no longer able. The best way to avoid the legal and practical difficulties that can occur with the loss of mental capacity is to plan for it in advance by drawing up a document called a ‘Lasting Power of Attorney’ (‘LPA’).

An LPA must be made while you have full mental capacity.

What is an LPA? An LPA is a legal document that enables you to appoint one or more attor-

neys to act for you when you are no longer able to act for yourself. Your attorney can be a professional,

such as a solicitor or a family member or friend. There are two types of LPA: ‘Health and Welfare’ or ‘Property and Financial Affairs’ An LPA must be made while you have full mental capacity. It is therefore important to make one while you are in good health. Why should you get an LPA? You can choose a person or people, who you trust, to act for you when you are no longer able. If you lose your mental capacity and do not have an LPA, then your family (or the authorities) will have no choice but to make an application to the Court of Protection to appoint a ‘deputy’ to look after your affairs, which can be time consuming and costly. Will my LPA be recognised in Spain? Unfortunately there is no international type of LPA which is guaranteed to work in both the UK and Spain. The advice we give to our clients at Stone King, is that if you have assets in both Spain and the UK, your only safe option is to appoint attorneys in both jurisdictions.

If you would like to discuss LPAs contact Charlotte Macdonald or Dan Harris at Stone King LLP by email or by telephone on +44 (0)1225 337599.

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol




Love and intimacy VALENTINE’S Day might not be Christmas or Easter, or all that big in Spain, but it has something very special that may make February 14 the best day of the year. Valentine’s Day is about love, intimacy and sharing them with the person you care about most. Your soul mate, other half, significant other, or whatever cheeky nickname you have for each other when you’re all alone. Because Valentine’s Day is about spending time with the person you love, or perhaps are simply trying to get with, so many incredible options are on the table. You don’t have to see the in-laws, or spend huge amounts of money, or go somewhere you don’t want to. All you should do is what makes you as a couple happy. And fortunately there’s as many different types of couples as there are stars in the sky. So buy chocolates and flowers, eat, drink, and dance by all means. But Valentine’s Day is also your chance to be creative, to set surprises, and let magic happen. On February 14 more than any other it’s the little things that count. Whether that’s dressing up nice, going somewhere posh, taking a stroll down memory lane, or just offering a giant hug. And for all you singletons out there, Valentine’s is about love whoever you are. So celebrate it with anyone you care about! There’s never too much love to go around.


9 - 15 February / Costa del Sol


Valentine’s Day – the ori By Eleanor Hawkins THOUGH many may believe today that Valentine’s Day was invented by makers of chocolates, greetings cards, jewellers and florists, the origins go back way beyond the times of modern retail. There are two main theories on how Valentine’s Day came into existence and both date back to Ancient Roman times. The first, more popular and romantic of the two revolves around a bishop, Bishop Valentine. Emperor Claudius II is said to have banned Roman men from marrying during wartime, and the bishop was arrested, jailed and eventually executed on February 14 for performing secret weddings. Legend has it that he signed a letter written to his jailer’s daughter ‘from your Valentine.’ The second, meanwhile, believes it to have evolved from a raucous Roman pagan fertility festival, Lupercalia, celebrated on February 15 which involved men stripping naked and spanking young maidens with the skins of previously sacrificed animals in hopes of boosting their fertility. King Henry VIII officially declared February 14 as the holiday of Saint Valentine’s Day in 1537 and it became a generally honoured day of celebration of love (minus the blood, dead animals and spankings, in public at least.)

KING HENRY VIII: Declared Valentine’s Day a holiday.



Valentine’s in numbers • MORE than 35 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sold each year for Valentine’s Day. • Seventy-three per cent of people who buy flowers for Valentine’s Day are men. However, in the US 15 per cent of women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day. • Valentine’s Day is often said to be the best day of the year for florists, and is also the second best holiday for greetings card producers. About one billion Valentine’s cards are exchanged each year. • Around 3 per cent of pet owners will give Valentine’s Day gifts to their pets according to retail statistics. • Women buy about 85 per cent of all Valentine’s Day gifts. • On average there are 220,000 wedding proposals every Valentine’s Day. • An average of 11,000 children are conceived on Valentine’s Day each year. Durex reports that condom sales rise 20-30 per cent around February 14, while home pregnancy test purchases peak in March.

9 - 15 February / Costa del Sol




9 - 15 February / Costa del Sol


REBEL A LITTLE: And do whatever the two of you do best.

Alternate Valentine’s treats YES there’s the chocolates, the cards, the dinner date, flowers, dressing up and dancing. But surely there are ways to make Valentine’s Day a little bit more individual. Something special to the two of you, rather than the billions of other couples celebrating February 14. One of the best things about being a couple is those little peculiarities, favourite things, word plays and looks that nobody in the world understands but you. So why not embrace them on Valentine’s Day instead of falling in line with someone else’s vision of fun?

It could be that silly film, berated by the critics but beloved by you. A card game you used to play when you were young and too skint to go out. The song you played on the jukebox, or sung at karaoke, when you’d cobbled together enough for a night on the town. It could be anything, something that only the two of you could imagine. One of the millions of little things that make you a proper couple, not just a pair of individuals. This is love after all, so rebel a little and do whatever the two of you do best, with all the laughter in the world.


The language of love By John Smith FOR those who have discovered love with someone who doesn’t speak the same language, we thought that it might be helpful to translate the phrase ‘I love you’ into 10 different languages and hope that they may of assistance to at least some of our readers. Amharic Afekrishalehou Bengali Ami tomake bhalobashi. Cantonese Moi oiy neya Esperanto Mi amas vin Gaelic Ta gra agam ort Gujrati Hoon tane pyar karoochhoon. Japanese Ora omee no koto ga suki d Korean Tangshin-i cho-a-yo Philipino Mahal ka ta Thai Phom Rak Khun In case your love is out of this world, in Klingon the phrase is qamuSHa' Euro Weekly News accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the translations, the way in which a person addressed by any of these phrases may react and specifically disassociates itself in the event of any face slapping.

9 - 15 February / Costa del Sol



E W N 9 - 15 February / Costa del Sol

Valentine’s revenge

Be the best Valentine


NOT everybody loves Valentine’s. Especially people recently made single. Last year a slightly bitter Chinese man who was angered by seeing couples everywhere he went decided he’d had enough. A keen cinemagoer he knew exactly what to expect when he tried to escape from the love festival each year... rows upon rows of couples ruining his film. So he decided to buy up all the odd-numbered seats in a Shanghai cinema to stop couples sitting together. Other singletons quickly joined him and soon cinemas across the city had all their odd-numbered seats bought by chuckling online netizens.


By Eleanor Hawkins COUPLES all over the world are preparing to celebrate Valentine’s Day once again and those of us lucky enough to live in Spain have more options than most when it comes to romantic, memorable ways to mark the day. Whereas in the UK for example the weather will condition any plans for a special day, the Mediterranean climate means, while definitely not bikini weather, an outdoor celebration is likely to be possible. From a romantic walk or picnic on the beach or a boat ride to a skiing trip or a hot air balloon flight, just about anything is possible here when it comes to making your beloved’s day a perfect one. Yet before you start splashing out on roses and cava and booking that helicopter ride, stop and think about your sweetheart’s tastes and possible desires. It’s oh so very easy to make a big, clichéd

ROMANTIC DINNER: A perfect way to mark the day. gesture and leave her (or him, come on ladies if we want equality we need to do our bit too!) cold and clammy if she’s scared of flying for example and you go for the above. It may well be that your other half would prefer something smaller that shows you put some thought and work in

rather than a characterless, expensive gift. In the run-up to the day, try to look for hints of what could go down well. If in doubt, you can always rope a close friend or family member (sworn to secrecy, obviously!) in to help with ideas. Of course, you can never go wrong with the old faith-

fuls: flowers, cards, chocolate, teddy bears, perfume, jewellery, dinner or a hotel stay. Once you have an idea of what they would really appreciate, check out this paper for the best places to wine and dine her (or him!), have a relaxing getaway or buy that special gift.


E W N 9 - 15 February / Costa del Sol


Valentines around the world THE Western traditions we are accustomed to are not the only ones followed, in fact customs for February 14 differ greatly around the world. In Japan, it is women rather than men who feel the pressure on February 14 and, in this case, it’s all about chocolate. Ladies must gift chocolate to almost everyone, from loved ones to family to colleagues, and there are different quality chocolates depending on who they are for (all the way down to the cheap, crap ones for unpopular workmates!). Men, however, are not completely let off as they have to return the favour with gifts on White Day (March 14) when by an unspoken rule they must gift something worth two or three times the value of their Valentine’s chocolates. South Korea takes the above a step further by celebrating some sort of loverelated theme on the 14th of every month. January 14 is Candle Day, April 14 Black Day (for singles), May 14 Rose Day, June 14 Kiss Day, July 14 Silver Day, August 14 Green Day, September 14 Music Day, October 14 Wine Day, November 14 Movie Day and December 14 Hug Day. What an enthusiastic lot! In Taiwan the Japanese tradition is round the other way: men give gifts on Valentine’s Day (February 14) and women return the favour on White Day

VALENTINE CARDS: Customs are different around the world. (March 14). Denmark and Norway had a tradition called Gaekkebrev long before they embraced Valentine’s Day customs. Men send women funny little poems of rhyming love notes anonymously, giving the number of letters in their names as the only clue as to their identity. If the recipient guesses who sent her the card,

she wins an Easter egg but if she guessed wrong she owes an egg to the sender. In Finland and Estonia, Valentine’s Day is more a celebration of friendship than of romantic love. Friends exchange cards and gifts with the greeting ‘happy Friend’s Day.’ It is still a popular day to get engaged or married though.

Unusual cards WITH the ability to design your own Valentine’s Day card online from a huge range of websites, there’s no more excuse not to find the perfect one for your loved one. Luckily that means you can also opt for a bit of humour or the personal touch you simply won’t find in a supermarket or newsagent. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, try these ideas. ‘Forget Valentine’s Day. I love you every single day.’ Or perhaps the more accurate ‘There’s nobody on earth I’d rather lie in bed with while I look at my phone.’ The limit is your imagination, so why not choose a wacky Valentine’s Day card this year stamped with your own sense of humour?


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

It’s a big and nasty world out there folks LEAPY LEE SAYS IT

OTHERS THINK IT CAN’T quite believe I’m doing Trump again this week but the man is such wonderful column fodder, I find him almost impossible to resist. At least the court order, reversing his blanket ban on travellers from seven Muslim countries proved one thing. That no man, even the president of the United States, is in fact an island. Hopefully the overruling by the federal judge, finally convinced the naïve whingers (‘one dangerous finger hovering over the red button’ etc) that there are a considerable number of factors involved before decisions of this magnitude can be implemented, even in a retaliatory mode. Dr Strangelove he ain’t!

Although Russia may be a little more blatant, and somewhat less subtle, I also agree with Trump that, if the situation calls for it, most countries are very capable and do most certainly engage in assassinations, including the UK.

It’s a big nasty world out there, and we just may need big and nasty people to make sure we survive in it.” To my mind there is no doubt that Stephen Ward, who featured in the Christine Keeler/Mandy Rice scandal of the 60’s was topped, before he could blow the whistle on one or two characters (highly rumoured to be royalty) being participants in the sex

orgies involved. I am also convinced that the tragic Dr Kelly was murdered on orders from the government, prior to revealing the lies and false information concerned in the weapons of destruction issues that ultimately led us into the war on Iraq. James Bond and his licence to kill appointment is actually not far from the truth. I think the assassins of the CIA and British secret service, are far more lethal and mercenary than the romantic 007 ever was. So full marks to PDT for once again speaking out. However shocking his statements may seem,

my message to the so-called patriots, who think their countries are whiter than white and couldn’t possibly be involved in such unacceptable practices, I say get a life. It’s a big nasty world out there, and we just may need big and nasty people to make sure we survive in it. Keep the Faith. Love Leapy. JAMES BOND: His licence to kill is not far from the truth.



9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Advertising feature

Neater Heater stops cold winters spoiling your dream NINE years ago two British expats, Richard and Tony, were looking for affordable heating when they stumbled, accidentally, on a brand of Norwegian convector heater that couldn’t be bought in Spain. Not only were these wall-mounted heaters discreet and stylish, but they were also packed with ‘Es’: efficient, effective and economical. Recognising a huge gap in the market that these attractive affordable heaters would fill, Richard and Tony established Neater Heater which has been heating the Casas and Apartments of shivering expats ever since then. “We all come out to Spain for the good weather and lifestyle,” says Tony “yet everyone is caught out by the cold winter nights in their spectacularly non-insulated Spanish homes. We all come from the UK where we had radiators and fires, and that is what most British

expats still want. A decent oil or gas central heating system is going to set you back thousands of euros just to install it, so most people opt for unhealthy gas estufas, or electric heaters. The problem with most electric heaters, is that the cheap ones are always expensive to run, and ugly, whereas any decent ones always cost a fortune to install. Neater Heater can have most homes up and running with affordable, stylish, economic Neater Heaters, for less than €1,000. The cost obviously depends on the size of hose and the size of heaters. Or they can be bought individually according to your requirements. Starting out in their home region of the Costa Blanca Richard and Tony searched for, and found, businesses that were happy to become agents for Neater Heater. “We hope to cater for all types of Customer.” explains Richard “Some

people are comfortable with computers, and are quite happy to buy from our online shop, with free delivery. But many want to shop in the traditional way, look at the heaters and talk to someone about their requirements. These customers can go to one of our numerous outlets from Javea, Moraira, Calpe, all the way down through Benidorm, to several around Torrevieja, Murcia, Antas and now, we are happy to say, our latest outlets in the Costa Del Sol, and in Portugal. If you live in certain parts of the Marina Alta, Torrevieja, or Murcia, we even have agents who can visit your home and offer advice, sales and an installation service.” “Our website will let you know all about our products, and the FAQ section will hopefully clear up any questions you have. It has an online shop, and also tells you the location of the

outlet, or agent, nearest to you. Including details for our newest Spanish distributor in the Costa del Sol: The Bed Warehouse, Calahonda.

DISCREET AND STYLISH: The heaters are more affordable.

COSTA DEL SOL Heaters available for purchase at our online shop with free home delivery WWW.NEATERHEATER.ES OR Tel. 634 312 171

Taking spa pools to the next level THE most advanced swim spa systems are now available in Spain. Aquapool Spas is proud to announce they are official stockists in Spain of Endless Pools. The first versions have already arrived and are now on show in the San Pedro de Alcantara showroom. Customers are already getting excited over these state-ofthe-art spas and two more are due to arrive in March. Endless Pools Fitness Systems are unlike any other: there is no other name in aquatic fitness that is as highly regarded as Endless Pools and they have been industry pioneers and leaders for nearly 30 years. Their spas allow users to swim and exercise against a broad deep current that can be adjusted to different speeds, strokes and ability. What puts them in a class above normal jetted swim spas is their ability to powerfully circulate a water flow of up to 26,000 litres per minute and even simulate the effect of open water swimming. Endless Pools also have the unique Underwater Treadmill system allowing you to walk, jog or run on the treadmill and burn as many calories as exercising on a dry-land treadmill. Designed by BMW, these spas are the height of luxury and will transform any home, but they also have numerous benefits as they can give an all-round work out. They offer extensive training possibilities, but can also as-

ENDLESS POOLS: The future of aquatic fitness spas. sist those with injuries or limited mobility by involving minimal impact on joints and easing muscle soreness. You can find out more about the Endless Pools Fitness Systems at Aquapool Spas in both San Pedro de Alcantara and Fuengirola. In the new mood room, introduced at Aquapool Spas San Pedro, you can see the spa systems in action on the 8x4m projector screens and even arrange to try it for yourself. Pre-order discounts are now also available. The professional team at Aquapool Spas,

which has been established for 14 years on the Costa del Sol, will assist you in any way possible and there are more than 45 spas on display in the showrooms. For those looking for smaller spas, the range starts from €2,995, with all products of the highest possible quality from the largest American manufacturers. Service, maintenance and full spa support is also available. The new Propel 2017 model has just arrived in stock and for this month only there is an amazing €3,000 discount on it.

So don’t delay, change your life and improve your health with a spa from Aquapool Spas. Aquapool Spas Fuengirola Showroom Catra. Mijas 2, Fuengirola Marbella Showroom Calle Carril de Picaza 17, Pol. Ind. San Pedro Tel: 952 927 811 or 951 917 199 Visit:


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Food: Truth or Scare 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45pm Oxford Street Revealed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Father Brown 4:00pm I Escaped to the Country 4:45pm Royal Recipes 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Would I Lie to You? 9:30pm EastEnders 10:00pm Death in Paradise 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:30pm BBC London News 11:45pm Question Time 12:45am This Week 1:30am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:35am BBC News

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm James Martin’s French Adventure 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Tonight 9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm The Cruise 10:00pm Unforgotten 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:45pm The Late Debate 12:10am Tipping Point 1:10am Jackpot247 4:00am Tonight 4:25am ITV Nightscreen Text-based information service.

7:00am Flog it! Trade Secrets 7:30am Wanted Down Under Revisited 8:15am Royal Recipes 9:00am An Island Parish 9:30am Great British Railway Journeys 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Cash in the Attic 2:25pm Beat the Brain 2:55pm Landward at the Royal Highland Show 3:25pm Italy Unpacked 4:25pm Tropic of Capricorn 5:25pm A Place to Call Home 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great American Railroad Journeys 8:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 9:00pm The Great Pottery Throw Down 10:00pm After Brexit: The Battle for Europe 11:00pm Match of the Day 11:30pm Newsnight 12:15am SAS: Rogue Warriors 1:15am Panorama 1:45am Spy in the Wild

8:00pm 100 Days 8:30pm Top of the Pops 9:00pm Britain’s Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney 10:00pm British History’s Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley 11:00pm Love and Betrayal in India 12:00am The Nazis: A Warning From History 12:50am Attenborough and the Giant Egg David Attenborough returns to the island of Madagascar on a very personal quest. 1:50am Top of the Pops 2:25am Britain’s Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney 3:25am British History’s Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley 4:25am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more. More depth, more range, more to stimulate the. mind.

7:00am You’ve Been Framed! 7:25am Who’s Doing the Dishes? 8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am You’ve Been Framed! 10:35am Psych 11:25am Scorpion 12:25pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 1:25pm Emmerdale 1:55pm Coronation Street 2:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 3:00pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:00pm Judge Rinder 7:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 7:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Release the Hounds 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am American Dad!

7:00am 7:25am 8:25am 9:30am 10:30am 10:55am 11:25am 11:50am 2:05pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:20pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 1:05am 2:05am



In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Inspector Morse Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory Rising Damp On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat Britain’s Busiest Airport - Heathrow Lewis Love and Marriage The Knock Drama series following the dangerous investigations of an HM Customs and Excise unit. ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:00am 1:55am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Countdown A New Life in the Sun A Place in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds Escape to the Wild Parenting for Idiots 60 Days in Jail Britain’s Greatest Hoaxer Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

7:00am World Cup Top Goalscorers 7:15am Gunsmoke 8:20am The Saint 9:25am Quincy, M.E. 10:30am The Professionals 11:30am Ironside 12:35pm Gunsmoke 1:45pm Snooker 6:15pm Storage Wars Texas 6:45pm Storage Wars Texas 7:15pm Storage Wars Texas 7:45pm Snooker 12:15am Navy Seals 1:20am FYI Daily 1:25am Navy Seals 2:30am The Saint Sixties adventure series about suave freelance troubleshooter Simon Templar. 3:40am British Touring Car Crashes and Smashes Motor sports short film. 3:50am ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 4:00am Teleshopping Shopping from home.

9:15am 9:25am 9:50am 10:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm

2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 12:05am

Wissper Peppa Pig Toot the Tiny Tugboat Toby’s Travelling Circus The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders and Bodge Jobs 5 News Lunchtime Police Interceptors: Smash and Grab Special Home and Away Neighbours NCIS The Vanished Family: Aurora Teagarden Mystery 4 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun The Great British Benefits Handout Changed My Life Get Your Tatts Out: Kavos Ink Tantastic: 50 Shades of Orange

7:30am Extraction 9:15am Furious 7 11:35am G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra 1:40pm The Mummy 3:50pm Taken 3 5:45pm Tomorrowland 8:00pm G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra 10:00pm Furious 7 12:20am Taken 3 2:20am Extraction

8:05am 10:10am 11:50am 1:40pm 3:35pm 5:25pm 7:15pm 9:00pm 10:45pm 12:45am 2:45am

1941 Meatballs Three Amigos! Click Ride Along 2 Dope Police Academy Ride Along 2 Superbad Trapped Brüno Gay style icon Bruno leaves Austria to cause chaos and controversy in the USA. 4:15am Ali G Indahouse


7:00am Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts 7:10am Made in Chelsea 8:00am Hollyoaks 8:30am Coach Trip 9:00am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 9:30am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:00am Rules of Engagement 10:30am Rules of Engagement 11:00am Baby Daddy 11:30am Baby Daddy 12:00pm Charmed 1:00pm Charmed 2:00pm How I Met Your Mother 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Baby Daddy 5:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:00pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6:30pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Coach Trip 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:30pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 11:00pm Chewing Gum 12:05am Tattoo Fixers

7:00am Football Gold 8:00am WWE SmackDown! 9:00am Premier League Legends 9:30am Premier League Legends 10:00am Barclays Premier League World 10:30am One2eleven 11:30am Barclays Premier League World 12:00pm The Premier League Years 2:00pm One2eleven 3:00pm Premier League Legends 3:30pm Premier League Legends 4:00pm One2eleven 5:00pm 20 Years of Super League 6:00pm Rugby Super League 7:00pm Super League Final Gold 7:45pm Super League Final Highlights 2016 8:00pm Rugby League 11:30pm Premier League Match Pack 12:00am La Liga Show 12:30am Football’s Greatest 1:00am Premier League Match Pack 1:30am La Liga Show

7:00am 8:40am 10:20am 11:55am 1:45pm 3:35pm 5:25pm 7:15pm

7:00am 1:00pm 1:10pm 1:20pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:40pm 2:50pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm

9:00pm 10:45pm 12:15am 2:00am

3:30am 5:45am

Jenny’s Wedding Mojave Just Jim The Trust The Cell Goat Jenny’s Wedding Mojave A troubled Hollywood star retreats to the desert and has a run-in with a homicidal drifter. The Trust The Culling The Cell The Culling Five college friends battle supernatural forces at a remote farmhouse after a chance encounter with a strange little girl. Our Little Sister Everest: Special The likes of Jake Gyllenhaal, Keira Knightley and Josh Brolin talk about disaster epic Everest.

7:00pm 7:15pm 7:30pm 7:45pm 8:00pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am

Cricket Cricket Gold Cricket Gold Cricket Gold Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Cricket Gold Cricket Gold Cricket Gold Cricket Classics Cricket Classics Cricket Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest Cricket Classics Barclays Premier League World Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Live Premier League Darts Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Great Sporting Moments Great Sporting Moments Super League Highlights Darts Gold

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

10:15am Food: Truth or Scare 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45pm Oxford Street Revealed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Father Brown 4:00pm I Escaped to the Country 4:45pm Royal Recipes 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Room 101 10:00pm Not Going Out 10:30pm Tracey Ullman’s Show 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show 12:25am Uncle

7:00am Flog it! Trade Secrets 7:30am Wanted Down Under Revisited 8:15am Royal Recipes 9:00am School Swap 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Cash in the Attic 2:25pm Beat the Brain 2:55pm Landward 3:25pm Italy Unpacked 4:25pm Tropic of Capricorn 5:25pm A Place to Call Home 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great American Railroad Journeys 8:00pm Big Dreams Small Spaces 9:00pm Mastermind 9:30pm Only Connect 10:00pm Birds of Paradise 11:00pm QI 11:30pm Newsnight 12:05am Further Back in Time for Dinner 1:05am Francis Bacon: A Brush with Violence 2:25am The Cult Next Door

8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day’s events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Top of the Pops Tony Blackburn and Gary Davies present the weekly chart show, first broadcast on 17th March 1983. 9:00pm The Good Old Days Leonard Sachs chairs the old-time music hall programme, first broadcast on 17th January 1978. 10:00pm Arena 11:00pm Girl in a Band: Tales From the Rock ‘N’ Roll Front Line 12:00am Girls in Bands at the BBC 1:00am Top of the Pops 1:30am Arena 2:30am Girl in a Band: Tales From the Rock ‘N’ Roll Front Line

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm James Martin’s French Adventure 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm The Cruise 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm Fishing Impossible 12:10am The Wine Show 1:10am Jackpot247 4:00am Freeze Out 4:50am ITV Nightscreen

7:00am You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7:25am Who’s Doing the Dishes? 8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 10:00am You’ve Been Framed! Gold 10:35am Psych 11:25am Scorpion 12:25pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 1:25pm Emmerdale 2:30pm You’ve Been Framed! Gold 3:00pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:00pm Judge Rinder 7:00pm You’ve Been Framed! Gold 8:00pm Totally You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Run, Fat Boy, Run 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am Family Guy

7:00am 7:25am 8:25am 9:30am 10:35am 11:00am 11:30am 11:55am 2:05pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:20pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 7:55pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Countdown A New Life in the Sun A Place in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown The Last Leg The Fake News Show First Dates Hotel

9:00am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am Wissper 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:50am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00am Toby’s Travelling Circus 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm Cowboy Builders and Bodge Jobs 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Benefit House: Me and My 26 Kids 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:20pm NCIS 4:20pm A Teacher’s Obsession 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild 9:00pm Celebrity Carry on Barging 10:00pm Cruising with Jane McDonald 11:00pm When Live TV Goes Horribly Wrong 1:00am Super Casino

7:00am Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts 7:10am Made in Chelsea 8:00am Hollyoaks 8:30am Coach Trip 9:00am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 9:30am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:00am Rules of Engagement 11:00am Baby Daddy 11:30am Baby Daddy 12:00pm Charmed 1:00pm Charmed 2:00pm How I Met Your Mother 2:30pm How I Met Your Mother 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Baby Daddy 5:00pm How I Met Your Mother 5:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Coach Trip 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm This Means War 12:00am The Big Bang Theory 12:30am The Big Bang Theory 1:00am Tattoo Fixers

9:30am Premier League Legends 10:00am One2eleven 11:00am Barclays Premier League World 11:30am Premier League Matchpack 12:00pm Football’s Greatest 1:00pm One2eleven 2:00pm Barclays Premier League World 2:30pm Premier League Matchpack 3:00pm Premier League Legends 4:00pm One2eleven 5:00pm Premier League Legends 6:00pm Premier League Matchpack 6:30pm Barclays Premier League World 7:00pm The Fantasy Football Club 8:00pm Football 11:15pm Barclays Premier League Preview 11:45pm The Fantasy Football Club 12:45am Barclays Premier League Preview

Sporting Funnies Gunsmoke The Saint Quincy, M.E. The Professionals Ironside Gunsmoke Snooker Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Snooker Above the Law FYI Daily Above the Law The Saint Drama series about the adventures of suave troubleshooter Simon Templar. 2:25am Tommy Cooper Comedy and magic from comedian Tommy Cooper. Guests include horror film superstar Vincent Price. 3:55am ITV4 Nightscreen 4:00am Teleshopping Shopping from home.

10:50am Marvel’s Avengers Assemble 1:15pm Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation 3:30pm Deadpool 5:30pm Spy 7:35pm Marvel’s Avengers Assemble 10:00pm Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation 12:15am Deadpool 2:10am Spy

7:00am 8:40am 10:20am 12:05pm 1:55pm 3:45pm 5:30pm 7:15pm 9:00pm 10:45pm 12:30am

7:00am 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:15pm 8:30pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:00am 1:00am

9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 12:40am

12:00am 1:30am 2:30am 2:35am 3:40am 5:30am

In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Inspector Morse Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory Rising Damp On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Agatha Christie’s Marple Blue Murder Captain Corelli’s Mandolin FYI Daily Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Inspector Morse Rory Bremner’s Great British Views


7:00am 7:10am 8:15am 9:20am 10:25am 11:25am 12:35pm 1:45pm 6:15pm 6:50pm 7:15pm 7:45pm 12:15am 1:15am 1:20am 2:15am

7:50am 8:20am 9:55am 11:30am 1:15pm 3:20pm 5:20pm 7:15pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 1:00am 2:50am

Big Hero 6 Special Hot Shots! Hot Shots! Part Deux Me Him Her Raising Helen Sisters The Devil Wears Prada Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Magic Mike XXL Sisters The Night Before Search Party

Mojave Jenny’s Wedding The Trust The Cell Goat Friend Request Jenny’s Wedding The Trust Friend Request The Cell The Culling Five college friends battle supernatural forces at a remote farmhouse after a chance encounter with a strange little girl. 2:00am Mojave A troubled Hollywood star retreats to the desert and has a run-in with a homicidal drifter. 3:40am Our Little Sister

1:15am 1:30am 2:30am 2:45am 3:00am 4:00am 5:00am

Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Sporting Greats Boxing Gold Cricket Sky Sports Years Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Cricket Time of Our Lives Super League Gold Super League Gold Rugby League Super League Gold Super League Gold Cricket Super League Highlights Super League Gold Cricket Super League Highlights Super League Gold Cricket Cricket Cricket

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

7:00am 11:00am 12:30pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:10pm 2:15pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:55pm 5:05pm 5:10pm 5:15pm 7:55pm 8:55pm 9:45pm 10:15pm 11:15pm 11:28pm 11:30pm 12:55am 1:20am 3:00am 3:05am

8:35am 8:50am 9:10am 9:30am 10:05am 10:25am 10:30am 11:30am 12:25pm 12:55pm 1:00pm 2:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:20pm 11:20pm 11:35pm 1:40am 4:00am

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live The Best Dishes Ever Football Focus BBC News Weather Nitro Athletics Bargain Hunt Shrek 2 BBC News Regional News Weather Six Nations Rugby Union Let it Shine Casualty Let it Shine Taboo BBC News Weather Match of the Day This Country Passion Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News The latest national and international news stories, followed by Weather.

7:30am Magic Town 9:10am The Lavendar Hill Mob 10:30am Coast 11:00am Britain’s Secret Seas 12:00pm Homes Under the Hammer 1:00pm A Cook Abroad 2:00pm Quo Vadis 4:45pm Flog It! 5:30pm Final Score 6:30pm Mastermind 7:00pm University Challenge 7:30pm Only Connect 8:00pm Welcome to Hull City of Culture 2017 8:30pm George III - The Genius of The Mad King 9:30pm Dad’s Army 10:00pm Terry Pratchett Back in Black. 10:50pm QI XL 11:35pm Behind the Candelabra 1:30am A Royal Affair 3:40am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

8:00pm Natural World After 25 years, wildlife cameraman Colin StaffordJohnson revisits a gang of crested black macaques on the paradise Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the only place they can be found in the world 9:00pm A303: Highway to the Sun The A303 is the road that passes Stonehenge on the way to the beaches of Devon and Cornwall. 10:00pm Treasures of Ancient Egypt 11:00pm The Young Montalbano 12:45am Top of the Pops 1:20am Top of the Pops 1:50am Joy of Disco 2:50am Boogie Fever: A TOTP2 Disco Special 4:20am Sounds of the 70s

7:20am King of Queens 7:45am King of Queens 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25am Frasier 9:55am Frasier 10:25am The Big Bang Theory 10:55am The Big Bang Theory 11:20am The Big Bang Theory 11:45am The Simpsons 12:20pm The Simpsons 12:50pm Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 1:55pm Come Dine with Me 4:30pm A Place in the Sun 5:35pm Location, Location, Location 6:35pm Grand Designs 7:30pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm Penelope Keith’s Hidden Villages 9:00pm Great Canal Journeys 10:00pm 2 Guns 12:10am Riddick 2:15am The Last Leg 3:10am Hollyoaks Omnibus

9:25am Noddy in Toyland 9:40am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:55am Shimmer and Shine 10:20am Peppa Pig 10:40am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:20am Access 11:35am Police Interceptors 2:00pm Benefits: Can’t Work, Won’t Work 3:00pm Benefits 4:00pm The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 5:00pm The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 6:00pm Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 7:00pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 8:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 9:00pm NCIS 9:55pm 5 News Weekend 10:00pm Football on 5 11:00pm Football on 5 11:30pm World’s Biggest Diamond Heist 12:30am Police Interceptors 1:00am Super Casino

Mr. Bean Horrid Henry Teen Titans Go! Bear Grylls Survival School Adventure Time ITV News Alphabetical Guess This House River Monsters ITV News and Weather Dance Dance Dance Rugby Tipping Point Regional News and Weather ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Ninja Warrior UK The Voice UK Through the Keyhole ITV News and Weather The Bourne Ultimatum Jackpot247 Who’s Doing the Dishes?

7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am Emmerdale Omnibus 9:45am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:15pm Ninja Warrior UK 1:15pm Take Me Out 2:35pm You’ve Been Framed! 3:10pm Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 4:10pm FYI Daily 4:15pm Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 5:05pm Snow Dogs 6:05pm FYI Daily 6:10pm Snow Dogs 7:05pm Evan Almighty 8:05pm FYI Daily 8:10pm Evan Almighty 9:00pm Scorpion 10:00pm Knocked Up 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Knocked Up 12:40am Family Guy 1:10am Family Guy 1:35am Family Guy 2:05am American Dad! 2:35am American Dad! 3:00am Release the Hounds 3:50am Teleshopping Shopping from home.

7:00am On the Buses This bold, bawdy and brash sitcom hit British screens in 1969. 7:25am Murder, She Wrote Drama series about a sleuthing writer who solves murder mysteries. 8:20am Murder, She Wrote 9:20am Murder, She Wrote 10:30am The Sign of Four 12:40pm Columbo 2:45pm Inspector Morse 5:00pm Lewis 7:00pm Midsomer Murders 9:00pm Doc Martin 10:00pm Midsomer Murders 12:00am Lewis 2:05am Blue Murder 2:55am ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 3:30am Teleshopping Innovative, value-formoney products brought directly to you at home.

8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am

11:20am The Top Ten Show 2017 11:35am Ant-Man 1:40pm The Dark Knight 4:20pm The Golden Child 6:00pm The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 8:00pm Ant-Man 10:00pm The Dark Knight 12:35am Blade 2:50am Max Payne

12:05pm 1:05pm 1:35pm 2:05pm 2:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:05pm 7:10pm 7:45pm 12:15am 1:15am 1:20am 2:20am 3:30am


The Professionals Quincy, M.E. Bundesliga ITV Racing: The Opening Show The Professionals Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars ITV Racing: Live from Newbury Every Which Way But Loose FYI Daily Every Which Way But Loose Storage Wars Snooker Mars Attacks! FYI Daily Mars Attacks! The Wine Show Tommy Cooper Comedy and magic from comedian Tommy Cooper. In this edition, guests include Michael Bentine. Teleshopping

11:30am Drillbit Taylor 1:20pm Year One 3:05pm The Top Ten Show 2017 3:25pm Pitch Perfect 2 5:25pm Zoolander 2 7:15pm Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 9:00pm Pitch Perfect 2 11:00pm Zoolander 2 12:50am Entourage 2:40am South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

7:00am 7:20am 7:45am 8:05am 8:35am 9:00am 9:35am 10:00am 10:35am 11:00am 11:30am 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:30am 1:35am

7:00am 8:40am 10:15am 12:00pm 1:45pm 3:35pm 5:20pm 7:10pm 9:00pm 10:45pm 12:30am



Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Young and Hungry Young and Hungry Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Hop How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Young and Hungry Young and Hungry The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Bridesmaids Gogglebox Gogglebox

Jenny’s Wedding The Trust The Cell Mojave The Angry Birds Movie Friend Request Jenny’s Wedding The Cell The Angry Birds Movie Friend Request The Culling Five college friends battle supernatural forces at a remote farmhouse after a chance encounter with a strange little girl. Mojave A troubled Hollywood star retreats to the desert and has a run-in with a homicidal drifter. The Trust


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 12:30pm 4:00pm 6:15pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 11:30pm 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:30am 5:00am

7:00am 1:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 8:15pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 11:30pm 12:00am 1:00am 1:15am 1:30am 2:30am

3:00am 4:00am 5:00am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League Legends Premier League Legends Sporting Records Barclays Premier League Preview The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Football Gillette Soccer Saturday Football EFL Goals Nissan Game of the Day Nissan Match Choice Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football

Cricket Live Scottish Cup Cricket Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Spanish Football Gold Football Football La Liga Spanish Football Gold Cricket’s Greatest Cricket La Liga La Liga Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. Cricket Cricket Cricket Day four of the Test between India and Bangladesh at Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium.

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.

78 E W N

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

8:30am Match of the Day 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am The Big Questions 12:00pm Sunday Politics 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:10pm Weather for the Week Ahead 2:15pm Spy in the Wild 3:15pm Six Nations Rugby Union 6:00pm Songs of Praise 6:35pm BBC News 6:50pm Regional News 6:55pm Weather 7:00pm The Big Painting Challenge 8:00pm Countryfile Winter Special 9:00pm Call the Midwife 10:00pm British Academy Film Awards 2017 12:00am BBC News 12:20am Regional News 12:25am Weather 12:30am American High School 1:10am Celebrity Apprentice USA 1:55am Celebrity Apprentice USA

7:00am A to Z of TV Gardening 7:45am Big Dreams Small Spaces 8:45am An Island Parish 9:15am The Edible Garden 9:45am Countryfile 10:45am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:15pm Nigel Slater’s Dish of the Day 12:45pm Nigelissima 1:15pm MOTD2 Extra 2:00pm Nitro Athletics 3:00pm The Winslow Boy 4:40pm Money for Nothing 5:10pm Flog It! 6:00pm Ski Sunday 6:45pm Catch Me If You Can 9:00pm Dragons’ Den 10:00pm Special Forces Ultimate Hell Week 11:00pm Match of the Day 2 12:00am Live at the Apollo 12:45am Women’s Six Nations Highlights 1:15am All Good Things 2:50am Question Time 3:50am Holby City 4:50am This is BBC Two

9:20am 9:45am 10:05am 10:25am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm

7:00am You’ve Been Framed! 7:25am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:10am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:40pm The Voice UK 2:00pm 2awesome 2:05pm Guidance 2:40pm Fame High 3:00pm Third Wheel 3:15pm Third Wheel 3:30pm La Story 3:50pm The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 4:50pm FYI Daily 4:55pm The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 6:10pm The Haunted Mansion 7:10pm FYI Daily 7:15pm The Haunted Mansion 8:00pm Coyote Ugly 9:00pm FYI Daily 9:05pm Coyote Ugly 10:00pm Ibiza Weekender 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am American Dad! 1:00am American Dad!

12:30pm 1:25pm 1:35pm 4:00pm 4:45pm 5:45pm 7:05pm 7:15pm 7:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 12:15am

Horrid Henry Teen Titans Go! Adventure Time ITV News Countrywise Peston on Sunday Gino’s Italian Escape: Hidden Italy Chopping Block ITV News and Weather Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express All Star Family Fortunes Ninja Warrior UK The Voice UK Regional News and Weather ITV News and Weather Dance Dance Dance Lion Country: Night and Day The Good Karma Hospital ITV News and Weather Rugby Rugby

8:00pm Wagner’s Ring Cycle - Das Rheingold 10:35pm James May at the Edge of Space James May always wanted to be an astronaut. Now, 40 years after the first Apollo landings, he gets a chance to fly to the edge of space in a U2 spy plane. 11:05pm The Sky at Night A look at the world of astronomy. 11:35pm The Horizon Guide to Space Shuttles 12:35am British History’s Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley 1:35am Michael Grade’s History of the Pantomime Dame 2:35am Len Goodman’s Big Band Bonanza 3:35am Horizon For centuries we have dreamt of reaching the centre of the Earth.

7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:35am 10:35am 11:40am 1:55pm 3:55pm 4:55pm 5:00pm 5:45pm 7:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm


1:05am 2:55am 4:40am 5:30am

On the Buses Heartbeat Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Sherlock Holmes Columbo Carry on Matron FYI Daily Carry on Matron Wycliffe Midsomer Murders This Time Next Year Tonight at the London Palladium Birds of a Feather Birds of a Feather features two sisters Sharon & Tracey. Joanna Lumley: The Search for Noah’s Ark A Touch of Frost A Touch of Frost May the Best House Win May the Best House Win

7:15am King of Queens 7:40am King of Queens 8:05am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Sunday Brunch 1:30pm The Simpsons 2:00pm The Simpsons 2:30pm George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 3:35pm A Place in the Sun 4:40pm Location, Location, Location 5:45pm Channel 4 News 6:15pm Mrs. Doubtfire 8:30pm The Jump 10:00pm Homeland 11:05pm 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 12:00am 127 Hours 1:50am How to Get Fit Fast 2:40am I Do at 92 3:35am Hoarder SOS 4:25am Building the Dream 5:15am Phil: Secret Agent Down Under

7:00am I Want That Car 8:00am Rugby Sevens World Series Highlights 8:30am The Professionals 9:35am Ironside 10:40am Quincy, M.E. Another case for LA County’s sleuthing chief coroner. 11:45am The Saint Drama series about the adventures of suave troubleshooter Simon Templar. 12:45pm Shed and Buried 1:45pm Snooker Coverage and reaction from the latest Snooker event taking place. 6:15pm Storage Wars 6:40pm The Snooker Mavericks 7:45pm Snooker Coverage and reaction from the latest Snooker event takingplace. 12:15am Out for Justice 1:15am FYI Daily

8:15am 8:30am 8:45am 9:00am 9:30am 9:45am 9:55am 10:25am 10:30am 10:35am 10:45am 11:20am 12:20pm 1:00pm 1:55pm 4:30pm 6:15pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 11:35pm 2:15am

Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Paw Patrol Blaze and the Monster Machines Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Shimmer and Shine Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Football on 5 Football on 5 The Hotel Inspector Seabiscuit Alvin and the Chipmunks Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Magic Makes You Laugh Out Loud 5 News Weekend TV’s 50 Greatest Magic Tricks When Magic Goes Horribly Wrong Super Casino

12:50pm Captain America: Civil War 3:20pm Charlie’s Angels 5:10pm Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 7:00pm The Huntsman: Winter’s War 9:00pm Captain America: Civil War 11:30pm The Matrix 1:50am Die Hard 4.0 4:10am King Arthur

7:00am Rude(Ish) Tube 7:20am How I Met Your Mother 7:40am How I Met Your Mother 8:05am Melissa and Joey 8:35am Melissa and Joey 9:00am Baby Daddy 9:30am Baby Daddy 9:55am The Goldbergs 10:25am Hollyoaks Omnibus 12:55pm Coach Trip 1:30pm Coach Trip 2:00pm Coach Trip 2:30pm Coach Trip 3:00pm Coach Trip 3:35pm The Jump 5:05pm The Big Bang Theory 5:35pm The Big Bang Theory 6:05pm The Big Bang Theory 6:35pm The Big Bang Theory 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Men in Black 10:00pm Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 11:00pm Your Highness 1:00am Tattoo Fixers 2:05am The Inbetweeners 2:40am The Inbetweeners 3:15am Gogglebox

7:00am 8:40am 10:25am 12:10pm 1:55pm 3:55pm 5:35pm 7:15pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:45am

7:40am The Man 9:10am The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult 10:40am The House Bunny 12:25pm Sister Act 2:15pm Dad’s Army 4:00pm Get Hard 5:45pm Welcome to Me 7:20pm Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 9:00pm Dad’s Army 10:45pm The Hangover 12:30am Top Five 2:20am Balls of Fury



Mojave Jenny’s Wedding The Cell The Angry Birds Movie Miracles From Heaven Friend Request The Trust The Angry Birds Movie Miracles From Heaven Friend Request Mojave A troubled Hollywood star retreats to the desert and has a run-in with a homicidal drifter. The Culling Five college friends battle supernatural forces at a remote farmhouse after a chance encounter with a strange little girl. The Cell


7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:30am 1:30pm 4:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 8:40pm 10:40pm 10:50pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 4:15am

7:00am 1:00pm 3:30pm 3:45pm 4:00pm


6:10pm 6:25pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:00am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 3:00am 3:30am

Football Football Football Football Football Football The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Live Nissan Super Sunday Live Nissan Super Sunday EFL Goals Spanish Football Gold Football Spanish Football Gold Spanish Football Gold Pl Match Highlights Pl Match Highlights Scottish Cup Football Goals on Sunday Pl Match Highlights Pl Match Highlights Scottish Cup Football Pl Match Highlights Pl Match Highlights One2eleven One2eleve

Cricket Live Scottish Cup Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Spanish Football Gold A chance to relive some of La Liga’s best moments. Football Leganes host Sporting Gijon at the Estadio Municipal de Butarque in La Liga. Spanish Football Gold Football Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket Cricket Classics Cricket Classics Cricket Cricket Classics Cricket Classics

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45pm Oxford Street Revealed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Father Brown 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm The Farmers’ Country Showdown 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Inside Out 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Behind Bars 10:00pm New Tricks 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Have I Got Old News for You 12:30am The Graham Norton Show

7:00am My Life in Books 7:30am Wanted Down Under Revisited 8:15am Royal Recipes 9:00am Great Interior Design Challenge 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 2:00pm Women’s Six Nations Highlights 2:30pm Beat the Brain 3:00pm Landward 3:30pm Italy Unpacked 4:30pm The Blue Planet 5:20pm A Place to Call Home 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great American Railroad Journeys 8:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 9:00pm University Challenge 9:30pm An Island Parish 10:00pm SAS: Rogue Warriors 11:00pm Cradle to Grave 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather 12:15am Hospital 1:15am Sicily: The Wonder of the Mediterranean

8:00pm 100 Days 8:30pm Reel History of Britain 9:00pm The Big Painting Challenge Entertainment series searching nationwide for the best amateur artist in Britain. 10:00pm Art of France 11:00pm The Girl From Ipanema: Brazil, Bossa Nova and the Beach 12:00am Order and Disorder with Jim Al-Khalili 1:00am James Clerk Maxwell: The Man Who Changed the Modern World 2:00am The Secret Life of Rockpools 3:00am The Girl From Ipanema: Brazil, Bossa Nova and the Beach 4:00am Art of France

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm Regional News and Weather 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm James Martin’s French Adventure 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Regional News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm The Martin Lewis Money Show 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm The Halcyon 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm Regional News and Weather 11:40pm Peston on Sunday 12:40am Through the Keyhole

7:00am You’ve Been Framed! 7:25am Who’s Doing the Dishes? 8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Coronation Street 10:35am Psych 11:25am Scorpion 12:25pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 1:25pm Emmerdale 1:55pm Coronation Street 2:30pm Coronation Street 3:00pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:00pm Judge Rinder 7:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Family Guy 10:30pm The Great Indoors 11:00pm American Dad! 11:30pm American Dad! 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am Family Guy

7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:35am 10:35am 11:05am 11:30am 11:55am 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:20pm 5:55pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

12:00am 2:15am 3:10am


In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Inspector Morse Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory Rising Damp On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Long Lost Family The Bletchley Circle Series based on a group of four former Bletchley Park code breakers. Prime Suspect 1 The Knock ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:35am 10:05am 10:35am 11:05am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

7:00am 7:55am 8:50am 9:50am 10:50am 11:55am 1:00pm 1:30pm 1:55pm 2:25pm 2:50pm 3:55pm 4:55pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:35pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:05pm 12:05am 1:05am 2:05am 3:05am 4:00am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News A New Life in the Sun Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown Fifteen to One A Place in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Title Food Unwrapped First Dates The Wedding Day My Millionaire Dads and Me

8:30am Milkshake Monkey 8:35am Noddy: Toyland Detective 8:50am Paw Patrol 9:00am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am Digby Dragon 9:30am Peppa Pig 9:50am Wissper 10:00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Info Not Available 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm False Pretences 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm World Rally Championship 2017 9:00pm Winter Road Rescue 10:00pm The Railways That Built Britain, with Chris Tarrant 11:00pm Hannibal 1:30am Info Not Available

7:00am Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts 7:10am Made in Chelsea 8:00am Hollyoaks 8:30am Coach Trip 9:00am Rude(Ish) Tube 9:30am Rude(Ish) Tube 10:00am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:30am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 11:00am Rules of Engagement 11:30am Rules of Engagement 12:00pm Charmed 1:00pm Charmed 2:00pm The Big Bang Theory 2:30pm The Big Bang Theory 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Baby Daddy 5:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:00pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6:30pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Coach Trip 9:00pm Knight and Day 11:00pm Celebs Go Dating 12:05am First Dates Abroad 1:10am The Big Bang Theory

Gunsmoke The Saint Quincy, M.E. The Professionals Ironside Gunsmoke Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Storage Wars Quincy, M.E. Ironside The Professionals The Saint Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Rugby Parking Wars Exit Wounds FYI Daily Exit Wounds Bundesliga Rugby The Professionals The Saint Teleshopping Shopping from home.

7:00am 8:50am 10:55am 12:40pm

7:00am Jenny’s Wedding 8:40am Miracles From Heaven 10:35am The Angry Birds Movie 12:20pm The Cell 2:05pm Mojave 3:45pm The Landlord 5:20pm Miracles From Heaven 7:20pm Friend Request 9:00pm The Angry Birds Movie 10:50pm The Landlord A landlord buys a tenement house and plans to throw the tenants out and build a new house for himself. 12:30am Friend Request 2:10am Jenny’s Wedding After deciding to tie the knot with her long-term lesbian partner, a woman must finally open up to her conservative parents. 3:50am The Cell

3:05pm 4:45pm 6:45pm 9:00pm 11:25pm 1:00am

8:00am 9:50am 11:50am 1:40pm 3:45pm 5:15pm 7:00pm 9:00pm 11:05pm 12:35am 2:05am 3:50am

Wild Wild West Serenity Swordfish Avengers: Age of Ultron Tracers Self/Less Enemy of the State Avengers: Age of Ultron Rambo Twister

Spud Working Girl Nine Months The Intern Grimsby Police Academy The Devil Wears Prada The Intern Grimsby Brüno Team America: World Police Stage Fright


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:15pm 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:40pm 6:50pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 12:00am

7:00am 1:00pm 1:30pm 1:45pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 11:30pm 12:00am 1:00am 1:30am 1:45am 2:00am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am 5:00am 5:30am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw Goals on Sunday Pl Match Highlights Pl Match Highlights Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest The Premier League Years Pl Match Highlights Pl Match Highlights Scottish Cup Football Premier League Legends One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven Pl Match Highlights Pl Match Highlights Scottish Cup Football Premier League Gold Premier League Gold Premier League Gold Scottish Cup Football Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 Football Scottish Cup Footbal

Cricket Scottish Cup Football Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Scottish Cup Football Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Sporting Greats Cricket Live Rotterdam 500 Tennis Super League Fulltime 2017 Cricket Super League Fulltime 2017 Super League Gold Super League Gold Cricket Sporting Rivalries Sporting Rivalries Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Countryfile Winter Diaries 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45pm Oxford Street Revealed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Father Brown 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm The Farmers’ Country Showdown 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm The Moorside 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Pretty Woman 1:40am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:45am BBC News

7:30am Wanted Down Under Revisited 8:15am The Farmers’ Country Showdown 9:00am Great British Menu 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 2:00pm Coast 2:15pm Super League Show 3:00pm Landward 3:30pm Italy Unpacked 4:30pm The Blue Planet 5:20pm A Place to Call Home 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great American Railroad Journeys 8:00pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 9:00pm Further Back in Time for Dinner 10:00pm Andrew Marr, My Brain and Me 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather 12:15am Special Forces Ultimate Hell Week 1:15am SAS: Rogue Warriors 2:15am Our Dancing Town 3:15am Francis Bacon : A Brush with Violence

8:00pm 100 Days 8:30pm Weird Nature, Marvellous Motion 9:00pm Planet Earth II Wildlife documentary series presented by David Attenborough. 10:00pm Life of a Mountain: A Year on Blencathra 11:00pm After Brexit: The Battle for Europe 12:00am D-Day: The Last Heroes Two-part series in which historian Dan Snow examines how two years of meticulous planning, espionage and the analysis of millions of three-dimensional aerial photographs helped the Allied Forces gain a foothold in northern France. 1:00am Swim the Channel 2:00am Bought with Love: The Secret History of British Art Collections 3:00am Beautiful Thing: A Passion for Porcelain 4:00am Planet Earth II

7:00am Countdown 7:45am King of Queens 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05am Frasier 10:35am Frasier 11:05am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 1:00pm Channel 4 News 1:05pm A New Life in the Sun 2:05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Fifteen to One 5:00pm A Place in the Sun 6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Super Slimmers: What Really Happened Next 10:00pm 24 Hours in A and E 11:00pm The Great British Skinny Dip 12:05am This is Us1 1:00am My Granny the Escort

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm Regional News and Weather 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm James Martin’s French Adventure 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Regional News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Save Money 9:00pm Tales From the Coast with Robson Green 10:00pm Secret Life of Dogs 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm Regional News and Weather 11:40pm The Chase 12:40am The Investigator: A British Crime Story 1:40am Jackpot247

7:00am You’ve Been Framed! 7:25am Who’s Doing the Dishes? 8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Coronation Street 10:35am Psych 11:25am Scorpion 12:25pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 1:25pm Emmerdale 1:55pm Coronation Street 2:30pm Coronation Street 3:00pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:00pm Judge Rinder 7:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 7:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Hell’s Kitchen 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 11:50pm Family Guy 12:20am Family Guy 12:50am American Dad! 1:20am American Dad!

7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:30am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 11:55am 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:20pm 5:55pm 6:20pm

7:00am 7:55am 8:50am 9:50am 10:50am 11:55am 1:00pm 1:30pm 1:55pm 2:25pm 2:55pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:05pm 7:35pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm



9:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 2:10am 3:05am 3:30am

In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Inspector Morse Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory Rising Damp On the Buses This bold, bawdy and brash sitcom hit British screens in 1969. Heartbeat Drama, set in the North Yorkshire moors in the 1960’s. Murder, She Wrote Drama series about a sleuthing writer who solves murder mysteries. Midsomer Murders Wycliffe Prime Suspect 1 The Knock ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 12:05am 12:55am 1:55am 2:00am 3:00am 3:50am 4:00am

Gunsmoke The Saint Quincy, M.E. The Professionals Ironside Gunsmoke Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars The Car Chasers Hogan’s Heroes Hogan’s Heroes Ironside The Professionals The Saint Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special Benidorm Out for Justice FYI Daily Out for Justice Last Man Standing FYI Daily Last Man Standing The Saint ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping Shopping from home.

8:20am Thomas and Friends 8:30am Milkshake Monkey 8:35am Noddy: Toyland Detective 8:50am Paw Patrol 9:00am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am Digby Dragon 9:30am Peppa Pig 9:40am Peppa Pig 9:50am Wissper 10:00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Info Not Available 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:15pm Family Secrets 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Winter Road Rescue 9:00pm Inside Windsor Castle 10:00pm Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh 11:00pm Celebrity Carry on Barging 12:00am Extraordinary People

7:00am 7:10am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm

8:00am 10:30am 12:05pm 2:05pm

7:00am The Landlord 8:45am Everest: Special The likes of Jake Gyllenhaal, Keira Knightley and Josh Brolin talk about disaster epic Everest. 9:15am The Angry Birds Movie 11:05am Anything for Love 12:50pm The Top Ten Show 2017 1:10pm Friend Request 2:55pm Miracles From Heaven 5:00pm The Lego Batman Movie: Special 5:30pm The Angry Birds Movie 7:15pm Anything for Love 9:00pm Friend Request 10:45pm Miracles From Heaven 12:40am Jenny’s Wedding 2:25am The Cell 4:15am The Landlord A landlord buys a tenement house and plans to throw the tenants out and build a new house for himself.

4:40pm 6:30pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 1:35am 3:30am

Independence Day I Am Wrath Run All Night Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Dante’s Peak Independence Day Run All Night Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Road House The Salvation

7:05am The Monster Squad 8:35am Spud 2: The Madness Continues 10:15am Billy Madison 11:50am Dude, Where’s My Car? 1:20pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 3:20pm Me, Myself and Irene 5:20pm Daddy’s Home 7:05pm Rock the Kasbah 9:00pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 11:00pm Daddy’s Home 12:45am Blazing Saddles 2:30am Stir Crazy

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 12:35am 1:05am

Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts Made in Chelsea Hollyoaks Coach Trip Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Charmed Charmed The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Coach Trip The Goldbergs Tattoo Fixers Valentine’s Special Celebs Go Dating The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Gogglebox


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:20am 11:40am 12:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:40pm 6:50pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:15pm 8:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:50pm 12:00am 1:00am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Mnf Pre-Game Show Mnf: Highlights Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 Premier League Gold Premier League Gold Premier League Gold Football One2eleven One2eleven Mnf Pre-Game Show Mnf: Highlights Premier League Gold Premier League Gold Premier League Gold Premier League Review Scottish Football Round Up Football Gold Gillette Soccer Special La Liga World Premier League Gold Premier League Gold Premier League Review Scottish Football Round Up

7:00am Cricket Classics 8:00am Time of Our Lives 9:00am Super League Fulltime 2017 9:30am Super League Gold 9:45am Super League Gold 10:00am Cricket’s Greatest 10:30am Cricket’s Greatest 11:00am Live Rotterdam 500 Tennis 5:00pm Cricket’s Greatest 5:30pm Cricket’s Greatest 6:00pm Sporting Greats 6:30pm Sporting Greats 7:00pm Super League Fulltime 2017 7:30pm Live Rotterdam 500 Tennis 11:30pm Super League Fulltime 2017 12:00am Ashes Best Days 2:00am Cricket World Cup Classics 3:00am Sporting Rivalries 3:30am Sporting Rivalries 4:00am Cricket Classics 5:00am Cricket’s Greatest 5:30am Cricket’s Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time.

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Countryfile Winter Diaries 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Wanted Down Under Revisited 12:45pm Oxford Street Revealed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Father Brown 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm The Farmers’ Country Showdown 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm Who Do You Think You Are? 10:00pm The Real Marigold Hotel 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm A Question of Sport 12:15am Film 2017

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm Regional News and Weather Up to the minute regional news and weather updates. 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm James Martin’s French Adventure 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Regional News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm Regional News and Weather 11:40pm UEFA Champions League Highlights 12:40am It’s Not Rocket Science

7:00am My Life in Books 7:30am Wanted Down Under Revisited 8:15am The Farmers’ Country Showdown 9:00am World’s Most Extraordinary Homes 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 2:00pm Countryfile 2:25pm Beat the Brain 2:55pm Landward 3:25pm Wild Shepherdess with Kate Humble 4:25pm The Blue Planet 5:25pm A Place to Call Home 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Great American Railroad Journeys 8:00pm Hairy Bikers Chicken and Egg 9:00pm Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 10:00pm Hospital 11:00pm Common Sense 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather 12:15am Dragons’ Den 1:15am George III - The Genius of The Mad King

8:00pm 100 Days 8:30pm Reel History of Britain 9:00pm Capability Brown’s Unfinished Garden 10:00pm Roots 11:35pm Wild China 12:35am The Truth About Meteors Scientific Documentary 1:35am Archaeology: A Secret History Scientific Documentary 2:35am Treasures of Ancient Egypt Scientific Documentary 3:35am Wild China Wild China explores the natural history of one of the world’s most mysterious and diverse countries by looking at some its remotest reaches and most visually stunning scenery.

7:00am You’ve Been Framed! 7:25am Who’s Doing the Dishes? 8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am The Cube 10:35am Psych 11:25am Scorpion 12:25pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 1:25pm Emmerdale 1:55pm You’ve Been Framed! 3:00pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:00pm Judge Rinder 7:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 7:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Through the Keyhole 11:00pm Plebs 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am American Dad! 1:00am American Dad! 1:30am Two and a Half Men

7:00am 7:25am 8:25am 9:30am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 11:55am 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:20pm 5:55pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:35am 10:05am 10:35am 11:05am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:10am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News A New Life in the Sun Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown Fifteen to One A Place in the Sun Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location No Offence Four Rooms with Sarah Beeny The Mega Brothel Walking the Nile

7:55am 8:05am 8:20am 8:30am 8:35am 8:50am 9:00am 9:15am 9:30am 9:40am 9:50am 10:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 2:15am 3:10am


In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Inspector Morse Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory Rising Damp On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs ITV3 60’ Factual TBA Wycliffe Prime Suspect 2 The Knock ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping Innovative, value-formoney products brought directly to you at home.

7:00am 7:55am 8:45am 9:20am 9:50am 10:50am 11:55am 1:00pm 1:30pm 1:55pm 2:25pm 2:50pm 3:25pm 3:55pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:05pm 7:35pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 12:05am 1:05am 2:05am 3:10am 4:00am

Gunsmoke The Saint Hogan’s Heroes Hogan’s Heroes The Professionals Ironside Gunsmoke Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Hogan’s Heroes Hogan’s Heroes Ironside The Professionals The Saint Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars River Monsters Heroes and Villains: Caught on Camera Above the Law FYI Daily Above the Law Sports Life Stories The Wine Show The Professionals Teleshopping Shopping from home.

Little Princess Fireman Sam Thomas and Friends Milkshake Monkey Noddy: Toyland Detective Paw Patrol Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Wissper Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Wright Stuff GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5 News Lunchtime Info Not Available Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Killer Collector 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight A New Life in Oz GPs: Behind Closed Doors Climbing the Property Ladder Extraordinary People

7:10am 8:50am

Cellular AVP: Alien vs. Predator 10:45am Extraction 12:20pm Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 2:40pm Tomorrowland 4:50pm The Mummy 6:55pm Everest 9:00pm Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 11:25pm Precious Cargo

8:50am Spud 3: Learning to Fly 10:25am Galaxy Quest 12:15pm Sister Act 2:05pm Hot Shots! 3:40pm Big Daddy 5:20pm Ride Along 2 7:10pm Starsky and Hutch 9:00pm Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 10:45pm Ride Along 2 12:35am Office Space 2:15am Krampus 4:00am Life


7:00am Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts 7:10am Made in Chelsea 8:00am Hollyoaks 8:30am Coach Trip 9:00am Rude(Ish) Tube 9:30am Rude(Ish) Tube 10:00am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:30am Brooklyn Nine-Nine 11:00am Rules of Engagement 11:30am Rules of Engagement 12:00pm Charmed 1:00pm Charmed 2:00pm The Big Bang Theory 2:30pm The Big Bang Theory 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Baby Daddy 4:30pm Baby Daddy 5:00pm How I Met Your Mother 5:30pm How I Met Your Mother 6:00pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6:30pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Coach Trip 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm Timeless 11:00pm Celebs Go Dating

7:00am Football Gold 7:15am Football Gold A chance to relive some classic matches from English football’s top flight. 7:30am Football Gold 7:45am Football Gold 8:00am WWE Experience 9:00am Premier League Legends 9:30am Premier League Legends 10:00am One2eleven 11:00am Live Rotterdam 500 Tennis 5:00pm Football’s Greatest 5:30pm Football’s Greatest 6:00pm Football’s Greatest Teams 6:30pm Football’s Greatest Teams 7:00pm Premier League Legends 7:30pm Live Rotterdam 500 Tennis 11:30pm Barclays Premier League World 12:00am Premier League 100 Club 12:30am Barclays Premier League World

8:40am Mojave A troubled Hollywood star retreats to the desert and has a run-in with a homicidal drifter. 10:20am Friend Request 12:05pm The Angry Birds Movie 1:50pm Miracles From Heaven 3:50pm Anything for Love 5:35pm The Landlord 7:15pm The Angry Birds Movie 9:00pm Friend Request 10:45pm Up for Love 12:35am Miracles From Heaven 2:35am The Landlord 4:20am The Culling Five college friends battle supernatural forces at a remote farmhouse after a chance encounter with a strange little girl. Dark horrorthriller.

9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:15pm 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:15pm 7:30pm 7:40pm 7:50pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 8:45pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 11:30pm

Sky Sports Years Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Time of Our Lives The Premier League Years Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest Premier League Legends Premier League Legends One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven One2eleven Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket Gold Cricket Gold Cricket Gold Barclays Premier League World Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Cricket Gold

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

PUPPY LOVE: A happy ending as Valentina finally finds a new home.

Valentine’s Story Marbella Moments by Nicole King

Photo by Dorottya Mathe Shutterstock

VALENTINA arrived at Triple A on February 14 2016 in a plastic bag found in the rubbish, together with four other puppies who were already dead. No more than six days old, she survived only thanks to Triple A volunteers fostering her and nursing her back to health. When I first heard people talking about ‘Triple A’ I thought it was an Alcoholics Anonymous Association and mused to myself at the thought of them probably being quite busy in a city with so much bar action. I soon found out however that Triple A is actually the only place to take a stray cat or dog in Marbella, particularly if you want it to have any chance of being found or adopted and not, like in other places, destined to be put down before you have time to investigate your pet’s whereabouts. Like many, I love dogs and I have a few of my own. I share in the sadness of animals being put through cruelty and abandonment and worry knowing that it’s up to our community to keep Triple A going; they depend on our charity. I also know that even if you don’t like dogs, we still need Triple A and it’s a simple question of math. There are more than 500 animals at Triple A at any given time, at three poops a day each totals 1,500 poops,

equivalent to 10,500 a week and 42,000 poops a month! You don’t have to have read my column last week to know we can’t even pick up litter off the ground as we walk by; let alone deal with poop! And all those stray dogs in the bins! Not very five star… and I don’t think our community would be in favour of putting the animals down… Anyway, back to the story. Our surviving puppy, aptly named Valentina to honour the day she was rescued, had still not found a home with this next Valentine’s day fast approaching. In desperation, Lily, one of the volunteers, decided to bring Valentina back to the Marbella Now TV show, with the conviction that she would find her a home before Valentine’s Day; and it worked. Thanks to Valentina being in the right place at the right time, whilst waiting patiently ‘to go on stage’ everything fell into place, as if by magic. A young couple living in Ojen saw Valentina and it was love at first sight; within the week they had gone to Triple A, adopted Valentina and taken her home. The moral of this story is, I suppose, that no matter what horrors you’ve lived through, hopefully you’ll find a friend or two to help you through and always believe that if you get yourself out there and mingle with the crowd, your story can also have a very, very happy ending. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all xxx @_NicoleKing_

TRIPLE A: Lovingly cares for abandoned animals.



E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol




Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:

Hospitals make mistakes as well MY wife died early last year after being treated with chemo at a Spanish hospital. My wife was very well before the last treatment, she was strong and apart from the breast cancer very healthy. On the day of her treatment I sat with her, she was well. The following day she was gardening, cleaning, cooking and she was well. The next day my wife got ill, was taken to hospital, when I was allowed in the medico said there was no point going to her bed as she was dead. He said they had done their best to save her but the chemo was too strong for her heart, he asked me if I wished to see her body and that is all he said. I was told I could collect the body at any time and to get an undertaker. There was no inquest, my wife at her family’s request was sent to the UK for burial. I am very concerned as the chemo should not have been so strong, a mistake was made and there should have been an inquest as my wife died very suddenly. Killed, I believe, by the medication. I know whatever I say will never bring my wife back, but I write this letter to inform others that a hospital that can kill without any comeback is very frightening: the hospital can be very cavalier in their treatment and not worry about the results. In the UK with all its faults if a person dies suddenly there is always an inquest, but here there seems to be no concern. Stephen (Almeria)

No sympathy I FEAR the Palma Airport taxi drivers are on the road to nowhere with their protests over the planned new bus routes to tourist resorts. As a dad who frequently travels from the UK with a family of five, and is fleeced for two taxis as a result, I have little sympathy with the drivers. Not when they trouser the thick end of £100 for two taxis to Magaluf one way. Not when some of them bid skywards of €300,000 for a Calvia taxi plate this summer - a record I’m told. I applaud the extra choice people will now have as to how to get to their holiday destination. Taxi drivers would be far better served exploring ways of meeting the needs of their everyday punters - rather than robbing them.

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

ernment accused of an indiscretion, “Well he would wouldn’t he?” Vivienne Pimm

Pro-Mr T

TRAINING PROGRAMME: Is needed to inform cyclists how to behave on the roads.

Cyclists have to abide by the rules IT appears that Mojacar wants to promote cyclist groups for winter training. Not a bad idea for the local economy, but there needs to be a training programme for these cyclists and a set of rules published for them on how to behave on the local roads. The groups do not obey some of the basic rules of the road: give way at roundabouts, overtake on the left, keep to the speed limit, give way at pedestrian crossings.

Top of that wishlist is having taxis and private hire cars that seat more than four persons. Of course, the real fun and games will start when the super consumer-friendly Uber hit Mallorca. I - and many of your readers I suspect - can’t wait, Richard Chew (Calvia and Yorkshire)

Just jealous AN article recently stated motorhome users avoid campsite fees by wild camping along coastal areas. The article referred to Aguilas and San Juan. What the critics fail to comprehend is we motorhomers contribute to the local economy by patronising supermarkets, restaurants, bars, and fuel stations etc., all along the Spanish coast. This also contributes to Spanish taxes! When we need to empty and refill our services, we pay small fees at the

Last season I saw in Garrucha an elderly gentleman stranded in the middle of a crossing whilst a group of 30+ passed behind and in front of him and only inches away. Yes, let them train here, but they should also respect other road users especially whilst on the town’s roads. I asked a local cycling tour guide why groups disregarded the rules. His answer was a Gallic shrug. Stan Black

local service stations. The majority of us are considerate by not parking in front of local residences. We dispose of our refuse at the dedicated collection points, clean-up our pet faeces, and generally leave the areas as we find them. We enjoy the freedom that our vehicles allow us. Campsites are congested, expensive, and do not obey health and safety regulations, to name a few! Perhaps the people that object to our presence are jealous of our way of life, they are certainly NOT local businesses. Yes there are the Coastal laws that do not allow camping on the playas. However, if we do not erect awnings, or put out tables and chairs, we are not breaking camping regulations. Many towns and villages all over Spain provide free facilities to encourage motorhomes to stay in their area. I own a motorhome and live locally. My pleasure is exploring different provinces all over Spain. I also spend

many weekends in my vehicle, along the local coastal areas with our friends. If you have a valid complaint, I suggest you call the local authorities so they can deal with the culprits, not print biased objections!! Dave (Turre)

Anti-Mr T DON’T be fooled. Trump is a long long way from being squeaky clean. I have dug very deeply in to his past and there are so many things in there that lead me to believe he is no better than the Clintons. He has had dealings with organised crime in the past and more recently many people are still wondering why a rape case against him was so suddenly dropped. Of course Trump denies everything. But as a notorious lady once said several years ago about a certain prominent member of the gov-

WE should be thankful to those who gave the hacked emails to Wikileaks, otherwise the general public would have had no idea about the extent of the corruption and the dubious donations to the Clintons. The Clinton Foundation even accepted $25 million from the terrorist funding Saudis. There was the Whitewater property investigation during which Vince Foster mysteriously died before he could help with enquiries, etc etc. CNN even rigged the debate in Hilary’s favour. No doubt these revelations contributed to her loss, though of course the Russians are blamed! At least with Trump what you see is what you get and he could even avert WW3. Robert Segal (Palma, Mallorca)

Do we care? OH how I love reading the Letters page in the EWN every week. RJ Dworakowski lamented like a modern day Mr Chips about incorrect grammar in a speech from Theresa May. Very commendable, but do we care about pronouns after prepositions, whatever they are? No!! The content is the key and making the point understood surely. No doubt he will be berating me about this little piece. Don’t bother sir. Secondary Modern was my final college of knowledge. Then there’s another letter from (Mr Name Withheld ) telling us all to stand up and be counted. Embrace it he says. Stand high enough and it will now make a difference. OK Mr Name Withheld. I’ll show you mine if you will show me yours!! Philip (San Fulgencio)

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



SPONSORED BY Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.







Women’s wit

I do not admire young actresses whose foreheads cannot move.”

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) There may not be enough time to do everything you want, so why can’t you just reorganise your life so there is? Not as easy as it sounds, Pisces, unless you learn the magic word: no. Know your limits and stick to them. If you’ve got this far with a partner you will know it’s meant to be.

Kathleen Turner, Actress

Famous quote

Everybody you fight is not your enemy and everybody who helps you is not your friend.” Mike Tyson, Boxer

World of English

ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Extra pressures at work leave you feeling less than energetic. Check on your health and don’t go overboard with the physical activities. Set out to become more active, socially, and maximise on relaxation. With an eye to the summer and holidays, start planning a getaway. Who will you take with you?

In just two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday.”

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) Social activities are likely to change at



Saturday February 4




Saturday February 4




Friday February 3



















GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Although health should be good, energy may be a little low. A bit of a mystery surrounds a close friend and your opinion may be sought. Hold fire until all the facts are known and you are sure a person has been honest with you because someone may try to keep you in the dark

Saturday February 4


Sunday February 5














the last minute. If energy levels are not as high as normal, use this week for planning. With holidays in mind, the summer seems far away but maybe a weekend trip will fill the gap. Spending time with an old friend reminds you of how things used to be.


4 27

(January 21 - February 19)

A feeling that you should totally commit yourself to something or someone this week should be avoided. You will come up against



Tuesday January 31











a brick wall if a situation is forced. Time is all that is required to see things change for the better. to get the right answer. CANCER (June 22 - July 23) The temptation to run round like a headless chicken is strong this week. There seem to be so many demands on your time that things become confusing. Be sure you are getting enough rest because this time of the year can be fraught for you. LEO (July 24 - August 23) A situation could become complicated if you do not plan ahead. With a little thought and planning, matters can be kept simple which is always desirable. Be choosy about the company you keep because a bad character could taint by association. VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) A lost cause tries to demand your attention, but you must try to see the situation for what it is. Sentimentality should not come into business or be allowed to upset your home life. What is past should remain so, do not torture yourself. Bring your mind and spirits up by looking forward to summer holidays. LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Ruts are awful things to get into but even

more difficult to get out of. Being cosy is one thing, but getting bogged down, mentally and physically, is another. All you need is to keep your optimism alive and use your imagination. Perhaps you are spending too much time with an older person or someone who has a dim outlook on life. SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) Are you suffering from winter blues? Although it is a common feeling at this time of the year, keep optimistic. There is so much to look forward to, in fact, that you are spoilt for choice. Although your social life may be in a bit of a rut, some sparkling moves from you will get things moving. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Recent events have perhaps left a gap in your social life that is hard to fill. Patience is needed because it would be foolish to rush into something new if your heart is involved. Concentrating on work and other people will alleviate any loneliness. CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) A loss of patience with a situation shows this week but is not to your advantage. Whatever you feel, be subtle in your approach. Try to see your position clearly and the result will be that you realise you have more control than you thought. Seeking advice while being honest and telling the full story serves best.


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol




The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 sixletter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (SENATE) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.



This week in history 1809 – Charles Darwin, author and naturalist, was born in Shrewsbury. 1847 – Thomas Edison, the American who invented the electric light bulb, phonograph and motion picture camera, was born in Ohio. 1929 – The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini gave political independence to the Vatican City and granted sovereignty of the area to the Pope. 1966 – The UK government announced it was to build a new nuclear reactor at Dounreay power station in the north of Scotland. 1971 – The British Government launched the new decimal currency. 1975 – Margaret Thatcher was chosen by the Conservative Party as its new leader. 1978 – Anna Ford became the first female newsreader to join ITN. 1979 – Nottingham Forest signed Trevor Francis in Britain’s first £1 million transfer deal. 1983 – Prized stallion and derby winning horse Shergar was stolen from stables in Ireland. 1984 – British ice dancing couple Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean won the Olympic gold after scoring maximum points for their Bolero performance. 1990 – Nelson Mandela, aged 71, was released from prison having served 27 years after he was given a life sentence for attempting to overthrow the apartheid government. 1993 – The dead body of two-year-old James Bulger was found on a railway embankment in Merseyside after he was murdered by Robert Thompson and John Venables, both aged 10. 1995 – The first British-born American, Michael Foale, and first black astronaut, Dr Bernard Harris, walked in space as they tested out a modified space suit. 1996 – The IRA planted a bomb that exploded in the London docklands area. 1999 – US President Bill Clinton was acquitted of perjury and obstruction of justice at his impeachment trial.

How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case R) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.

1 Limbic 2 Inside 3 Stream 4 Shifty 5 Barred 6 Gantry 7 Feeble 8 Tenure 9 Borate 10 Bruise 11 Bitten 12 Nimble 13 Winter 14 Diatom 15 Answer 16 Wretch 17 Zodiac 18 Sierra 19 Crises.








Alicante TODAY: MAX 15, MIN 8 - C Fri - 15 10 C Sat - 15 11 Sh Sun - 17 12 C Mon - 17 10 C Tues - 17 10 C Wed - 16 10 C

Bilbao TODAY: MAX 14, MIN 5 - C Fri - 14 5 C Sat - 13 5 C Sun - 15 8 C Mon - 15 8 C Tues - 15 7 C Wed - 15 7 Cl

Almeria TODAY: MAX 17, MIN 9 - CL Fri - 16 9 C Sat - 16 11 C Sun - 18 11 C Mon - 18 11 C Tues - 18 11 C Wed - 17 11 C

Madrid TODAY: MAX 11, MIN 0 - C Fri - 10 2 C Sat - 10 4 Sh Sun - 14 5 Sh Mon - 13 5 Sh Tues - 13 4 C Wed - 13 5 C

Barcelona TODAY: MAX 13, MIN 4 - S Fri - 12 8 Sh Sat - 13 9 Sh Sun - 14 11 Sh Mon - 14 12 Sh Tues - 12 10 Sh Wed - 13 9 Sh

Malaga TODAY: MAX 17, MIN 11 - CL Fri - 14 8 Sh Sat - 15 12 C Sun - 18 12 Sh Mon - 17 10 Sh Tues - 18 9 C Wed - 19 9 C

Benidorm TODAY: MAX 15, MIN 7 - CL Fri - 15 10 Cl Sat - 15 11 Sh Sun - 18 12 C Mon - 17 11 Sh Tues - 17 11 Sh Wed - 16 10 C

Mallorca TODAY: MAX 13, MIN 4 - S Fri - 15 8 C Sat - 15 10 C Sun - 17 10 C Mon - 17 10 C Tues - 17 9 C Wed - 16 8 C







Cl: Clear



Costa del Sol

S: Sun


F: Fog

C: Cloudy

Sh: Showers

Sn: Snow

Th: Thunder

Euro Weekly News strives for accuracy, but cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of published forecasts

TARGET: • Average: 9 • Good: 12 • Very good: 18• Excellent: 23

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION cede cedi deft dice diet dive edit feed iced teed tide tied vide vied cited edict feted fetid deceit defect device deceive evicted DEFECTIVE

NEW ON DVD Deepwater Horizon Directed by: Peter Berg Starring: Mark Wahlbert, Kurt Russell, Kate Hudson, John Malkovich

The story is based on the real events of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. A technical failure causes a disastrous blowout as burning oil spreads fire across the deck leaving the crew on board the rig fighting for their survival. Electrician Mike Williams risks his own life to help his colleagues as they struggle through the debris in their attempt to get off the rig. Mike’s distraught wife Felicia watches helplessly as events are transmitted live on television leaving her uncertain as to whether her husband will make it out alive.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition


Code Breaker





Across 1 Work is about, employ a partner (6) 4 Endures ultimate on Saturday (5) 8 College head is impolite and vulgar (5) 9 Fuming, angered, confused (7) 10 Voter changes role, etc (7) 11 Carry On comedian facing Egghead (4) 12 Cossack’s hidden purse (3) 14 You'll get this eye infection in the first year of school (4) 15 A lair in an Arabian seaport (4) 18 She's an official prosecutor in the States (3) 21 Tom's initial request for a job (4) 23 Outflow from newly formed lake takes time (7) 25 Telling off could start a beating (7) 26 Fruit begins another pleasant picnic, let's eat (5) 27 Go through the letters for something charming (5) 28 Tom Daley possibly having little time to entertain (6) Down 1 Arcane religious order embraces returning queen (6) 2 Let up on nouveau rich (7) 3 Mixed paste around small plant (8) 4 Old stringed instrument from hilly region (4) 5 A letter for Socrates (5) 6 Doctor should end nude's rash (6) 7 Accepts big furry beasts (5) 13 Squid generating a calm air (8) 16 Model, a former girlfriend, has sufficient (7) 17 Fastens twigs (6)






1 Ailed, 4 Hamper, 9 Gadwall, 10 Panic, 11 Reed, 12 Spanner, 13 Cot, 14 Ammo, 16 Stem, 18 Sue, 20 Illicit, 21 Urge, 24 Spire, 25 Leisure, 26 Diesel, 27 Sheet. Down: 1 Angers, 2 Lodge, 3 Drab, 5 Appraise, 6 Penance, 7 Record, 8 Blast, 13 Concrete, 15 Malaise, 17 Missed, 18 Still, 19 Resent, 22 Rouse, 23 Bias.

QUICK Across:

19 Side with gal in trouble (5) 20 Give in about fast time (6) 22 Turbulent times for pound (5) 24 A herb that makes many sick (4)

Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 3 represents B and 23 represents X, so fill in B every time the figure 3 appears and X every time the figure 23 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

Across 1 Culmination (6) 4 Detachment used for security (6) 9 Regard highly (7) 10 Yellow citrus fruit (5) 11 Irritating (8) 13 Prejudice (4) 14 Latin American music (5) 17 Worthless material that is to be disposed of (5) 20 Make docile (4) 21 Showing reason or sound judgment (8) 25 Circular stringed instrument (5) 26 Person working in the service of another (7) 27 Capable of being farmed productively (6) 28 Rely upon (6)

Down 1 Cattle pen (6) 2 Norwegian playwright (5) 3 Madagascan lemurs (3-4) 5 Friendly state (4) 6 Leftovers (7) 7 Connections (5) 8 Astonish (4) 12 Acquired (3) 15 Colourless gas (7) 16 Donkey (3) 18 Hold back (7) 19 Tried and proven to be useful or correct (6) 20 Shin bone (5) 22 Posing no difficulty (4) 23 Courageous (5) 24 Neither warm nor very cold (4)

English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

1 Plenty, 4 Cover, 8 Recur, 9 Regular, 10 Stories, 11 Pail, 12 Ski, 14 Peru, 15 Nick, 18 Sob, 21 Afar, 23 Outrage, 25 Impress, 26 Alike, 27 Guess, 28 Permit.

Down: 1 Peruse, 2 Enclose, 3 Terminus, 4 Cage, 5 Villa, 6 Rarely, 7 Cross, 13 Initiate, 16 Cranium, 17 Daring, 19 Boost, 20 Detect, 22 Ample, 24 Fees.

ENGLISHSPANISH Across: 1 Lifeboat, 7 Dress, 8 Piece, 9 Lombrices, 11 Viaje, 12 Italy, 14 Painless. Down: 1 Lid, 2 Fregonas, 3 Bisabuela, 4 Amphibian, 5 Deer, 6 Delegate, 10 Uvas, 13 Yes.


Across 1 Boot (4) 3 Spark (from fire, electricity) (6) 7 Envolver (con papel) (4) 8 Places (6) 10 Teléfono (9) 13 To jump (leap) (6)

14 Sabio (acción, techo, persona) (6) decisión) (4) 5 Científico (9) 15 Raffle (draw) (6) 6 También (4) 16 Remover (sopa) (4) 9 Hembra (6) 11 Those (4) Down 12 Ciervo (4) 1 Tazón (cuenco) (4) 2 Viajero (9) 4 Altura (de edificio,

E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Swimming Lessons

By Claire Fuller AFTER a month of writing letters to her husband and hiding them in the many books he has around the house Ingrid Coleman goes missing from a beach in Dorset. Left behind husband Gil and their two daughters Flora and Nan are left wondering what happened to her. It is presumed that Ingrid drowned, however Flora never believed this and when Gil sees a woman through a shop w i n d o w 1 2 y e a r s l a t e r, who he thinks may have been Ingrid, the family start to question whether she really is dead. As Flora attempts to find out what happened to her mum will she discover her hidden letters and would their content help her to uncover the truth?

TOP 10



Valentine’s Day Facts

THE annual celebration of love, Valentine’s Day on February 14, is once again upon us. Are you a hopeless romantic who goes all out or a staunch cynic who lets the event pass by? Whether you celebrate the event or not here’s a look at some interesting facts you are bound to ‘love.’ 1. Say it with flowers A trend started by the Victorian, red roses are the traditional flowers people often associate with Valentine’s Day. The colour red is synonymous with love, romance, passion and desire. The favourite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love, an estimated 198 million roses are produced for Valentine’s Day each year. 2. Saint Valentine of Rome According to legend Emperor Claudius II had banned marriage and Saint Valentine, a priest from Rome, was imprisoned and sentenced to death for performing weddings in secret. Whilst in prison he healed Julia, the blind daughter of his jailer, and was said to have wrote her a Valentine card which he had signed ‘Your Valentine.’ 3. Will you marry me? Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular days of the year for marriage proposals with around 10 per cent happening on that date. According to a recent survey by Chillisauce 51 per cent of women want their partners to simply ask “Will you marry me?” however 15 per cent want a ‘techie proposal’ from their partner using some sort of device to ask the question and/or record the occasion.

his wife ‘Je suis desja d’amour tanne, Ma tres doulce Valentinee’ (I am already sick of love, my very gentle Valentine). Believed to be the oldest existing Valentine card it is held in the manuscript collections of the British Library. Around one billion cards are sent every year worldwide. 8. For the love of chocolate Chocolate has long been a Valentine gift favourite and in the late 1800’s Richard Cadbury created ‘eating chocolates’ from the pure cocoa butter left over from the extraction process of their palatable drinking chocolate. The marketing genius then packaged them in lovely heartshaped boxes that had cupid and rosebud designs on them. 9. Heart on your sleeve Have you ever heard the expression ‘to wear your heart on your sleeve?’ It hails from the Middle Ages where young men would pluck the name of a young woman from a bowl in order to decide who their Valentine would be. They would then pin the name onto their sleeve where they would wear it for a week so that everyone could see it 10. All by myself Not everyone has found their true love so how will singletons spend Valentine’s Day? According to a Chillisauce survey 68 per cent of women will hit the town with their friends with only 32 per cent spending it alone. In stark contrast only 31 per cent of men will hit the town whilst 69 per cent will spend it alone. The majority of single men spending it alone said they would stay in and watch TV or play video games.

WITH LOVE: Red roses are traditional Valentine flowers. 4. Love poems A poem written by Geoffrey Chaucer, author of The Canterbury Tales, is believed to have been the first written connection between Valentine’s Day and love. He wrote a 700-line poem in honour of King Richard II and Anne of Bohemia which included the line ‘For this was Saint Valentine’s day, when every bird of every kind that men can imagine comes to this place to choose his mate.” 5. Top gifts A survey by Chillisauce has revealed what the women they surveyed thought would be their ideal gift for Valentine’s Day. Their favourite gifts included a holiday (27 per cent), car (17 per cent), spa treatment (15 per cent) and jewellery (13 per cent).


6. ‘I do’ The beginning of the year is not popular for weddings. According to the Office for National Statistics between 1995 and 2013 there was on average 313 number of week day weddings (not a Saturday) but when St Valentine’s Day fell on a week day the average number of weddings more than trebled to an average of 1,039. Celebrity couples who got hitched on St Valentine’s Day include Liam Gallagher and Nicole Appleton, Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone and Phil Bronstein. 7. Sent with love The sending of Valentine’s cards can be traced back to the 15th century Frenchman Charles, the Duke of Orleans. Imprisoned in the Tower of London after the Battle of Agincourt he wrote to



• Average: 16

4 letters: 1 point 5 letters: 2 points 6 letters: 3 points 7 letters: 5 points 8 or more letters: 11 points

• Good: 22 How many English words can you find in the Boggled grid, according to the following rules? • The letters must be adjoining in a ‘chain’. They can be adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. • Words must contain at least four letters and may include singular and plural or other derived forms. • No letter may be used more than once within a single word, unless it appears twice. • No vulgarities or proper nouns are permitted.


• Excellent: 40

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION docs dove doves extra extant eaves earn etna entrant entrants entrap enrapt cove coves covet covets coat cess avow avocet avocets aves arms arts arty eaten anew ante antra antes ants item items cite cites cists

Word Ladder PART


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

• Very good: 31


Move from the start word (PART) to the end word (LOAD) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.







E W N Costa del Sol

9 - 15 February 2017




Russia and Gibraltar

Princess Royal carries on

Firearm fear lockdown

RESPONDING to criticism in the United Nations regarding Russia’s apparent annexation of the Crimea from Ukraine, the Russian Ambassador to that body suggested that Britain should “clean its conscience” by “giving back” Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands and the Chagos islands in the Indian Ocean before passing judgement on Moscow.

BUCKINGHAM PALACE has confirmed HRH the Princess Royal has agreed to extend her Royal Patronage of the Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival for a further three years which may cause further complaint from the Spanish government as happened when she was first involved. The fifth annual festival will take place November 16 to 19.

PARTS of Gibraltar around the Varyl Begg Estate were under police lockdown as a young man was spotted in the area brandishing what appeared to be either a working firearm or a BB gun replica. A local male aged 24 was found to be the cause of the anxiety and despite the fact he was in possession of a toy machine gun, he has been remanded in custody.

Lion Dance a roaring success but do help Leo the Lion OCEAN VILLAGE in Gibraltar celebrated Lunar New Year with a special event which attracted hundreds of local people and tourists to see lion dances, Kung Fu demonstrations and Tai Chi displays organised by the Gibraltar Chinese Association. Chinese New Year is China’s most important traditional festival and is celebrated across much of Asia and in parts of Europe and the USA where there is a large ethnic Chinese population. This year is the Year of the Rooster and is considered to be a Fire year and those Roosters born in 1957 which include Dawn French, Stephen Fry, Donny Osmond and Jools Holland are said to be trustworthy, with a strong sense of timekeeping and responsibility at work.

Photo by Ocean Village

By John Smith

The Lion Dance.

As the Lion Dance is such an important part of the celebration for millions around the world, spare a thought at this time for little Leo Bermejo, also known as Leo the Lion whose family from Almeria are desperately trying to raise money so that he can undergo life-saving treatment in the USA. Read more about Leo’s plight in the various Euro Weekly News articles on our website, join with thousands of others at www.face and donate even a little to his appeal at the fundraising page: The appeal has now raised nearly €100,000 which means that the family can travel to Oklahoma to commence proton treatment after a third operation is performed on the frail four-year-old in Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool.

THE Gibraltar Minister for the Environment Dr John Cortes travelled to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew to attend the launch of the 10th anniversary International Garden Photographer of the Year (IGPOTY) Exhibition and book, at the Nash Conservatory. IGPOTY is the most acclaimed international botanical photography exhibition, attracting great interest from gardeners and plant lovers as well as photographers. This year’s competition alone saw around 20,000 entries. Dr Cortes, who in his 20 years as Director of the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens was a regular visitor to Kew was invited to write the introduction to the special 10th anniversary publi-

Photo by HM Government of Gibraltar

A visit to the Royal Gardens cation and was requested to be present at the launch which was attended by all the winning photographers, including the overall winner Lee Acaster, and senior representatives of Kew Gardens, IGPOTY, and the Royal Photographic Society.

The exhibition attracts great interest from gardeners and plant lovers as well as photographers.

A SCENE from the photographic exhibition.

Following on from the 2016 Bicentenary of the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens at the Alameda, the exhibition will be brought over to Gibraltar later this year.

Customs seize cigarettes WHILST undertaking a routine patrol in local Gibraltar waters, officers of the Gibraltar Customs Marine Section spotted an RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) with high powered engines close to the western end of the runway and moved to intercept the craft. Two Spaniards aged 24 and 33 were arrested on board as when searched, it became apparent that they were involved in smuggling, so the vessel and the 12 cases of cigarettes which it contained were seized. The two men have been released on bail to appear before the Magistrates Court at a later date.


E W N Costa del Sol

9 - 15 February 2017



Advertising feature

Eliminate fat cells the easy way with The Box THE BOX MARBELLA is revolutionising the weight loss world. This unique, patented system is CE certified and was developed in the UK. It is unlike any other and is now available exclusively in the Andalucia Region. The Box eliminates fat cells from all areas of the body in a simple and harmless way helping clients to lose fat from those stubborn areas. A simple session is between 30-45 minutes in which you wear a comfortable wrap connected to ‘The Box.’ Using Cryo Reduction Therapy, liquid ice flows around the wrap giving a cool, soothing sensation. It is this liquid ice technique that is so unique and effective. Unlike other systems which suck up, pinch or scan small areas, The Box is able to harmlessly remove the fat.

You will see a reduction after the first session, although some prefer a series of treatments to get the desired result. There is no bruising or pain, no injections and no special diets. Even better the system is completely portable allowing you to have treatments in the comfort and privacy of your own home. The Box can be used on almost any part of your body with both women and men already seeing the benefits. It is able to reduce fat, give a facelift, remove cellulite and even eliminate acne and spots. However, this system is not just for those looking to improve their appearance, it can help with sports injuries and help keep athletes fit. It is common to place ice cubes on sports injuries, but The Box takes this idea to the next level with the liquid ice

to book your free consultation, being able to maintain temperatures call the professional and qualified down to as low as minus 20 degrees team at The Box today. centigrade, giving a skin/internal The Box Marbella wrap temperature of minus five deTel: 604 287 441 grees if required. This constant temVisit: perature helps to deal with the injury Email: quicker, bringing sports people, athletes and the public back to fitness in record times. Footballer Christain Restrepo from Columbia is a regular user of The Box and said: “If I used other recovery equipment I would be out for weeks. With The Box I know in a few days I will be able to train again. I have used this at home and in the car it is so simple and easy. No ice cubes and back to fitness in days.” THE BOX: Eliminates fat cells the easy For more information or way.




Ask The Doctor

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Nursing crisis hits the UK

Brought to you by

Hip pain

DOCTORS’ SURGERY: Many people have fears of a physical examination.

SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. THIS week we’ve asked the doctor about hip pain, a common problem for many especially in the colder months. -What are the most common causes of hip pain? There are many things which can cause hip pain. The most common is osteoarthritis of the hip, when the components of the joints like bones and tendons degenerate over time. Other common causes are infections or injuries. -Are there any specific exercises to help prevent or improve the pain? There are different exercise routines which can help to control the pain and stop it from progressing. Yoga and pilates exercises and certain exercises in the swimming pool, especially low impact ones, can help a lot. -Many elderly people seem to suffer from hip pain. Is it something which we will all suffer in the end, in other words, is there no way to avoid it? Over time deterioration

of the hips is inevitable and osteoarthritis is bound to appear. This appearance can, however, be delayed or the severity reduced with certain rehabilitation exercises and by avoiding being overweight and following a balanced diet. -How can hip pain be cured, is there any medication? Pain-killers, anti-inflammatory medication and muscle relaxers can be used to help keep the pain under control. Physiotherapy is also vital to help control the symptoms. -Will surgery be necessary in the end? Sometimes and with the pass of time the damage produced is so severe and causes so many symptoms, especially pain and mobility limitations, that surgical intervention is required. This often consists of implanting a prosthesis.

If you have any questions for Dr Perez Belmonte, please send them to:


Are you scared of going to the doctors’ surgery? DO you put off that trip to the doctor for fear of bad news? If you do, it seems you are not alone. A report suggests that a third of us delay appointments with middle-aged men being the worse culprits. Women in general are more likely to attend screenings and seek medical help, with men more likely to suffer symptoms for longer.

Smokers, drinkers and those overweight are less likely to want to hear bad news about their health. The report by 2020 health said many had fears of the physical examination and the hospital and medical environment and around a third of those questioned avoided the doctors because they had a fear of finding out they may have

serious illnesses such as cancer. Researchers said smokers, heavy drinkers and those who are overweight, were less likely

to want to hear bad news about their health and feared they would be told to change their lifestyle.

THE NHS in the UK is reporting a staff shortage with some 24,000 nursing vacancies currently available across the country. It comes as the number of European nurses moving to the UK to work has fallen by more than 90 per cent since the Brexit vote in June last year. The Royal College of Nursing said it relied on EU nurses and was calling for guarantees that EU nationals within the NHS can remain working in Britain after Brexit. At the end of last year, plans were also announced by the government that posts will be filled with some 2,000 apprentice nurses as part of a new nursing scheme that will see young people combine on the job training with studying for a degree.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

More cancer cases THE number of cancer cases in Spain has increased more than expected. The latest figures show 247,771 new cases were recorded in 2015, with 148,827 of these in men. Released to mark World Cancer Day, the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) said the increase can be attributed to the aging population with more people living longer. Smoking, alcohol, obesity and physical inactivity were also leading to a more unhealthy nation and an increased risk of cancer. A rise in the cases of viral infections such as Hepatitis C and Papillomavirus, can also be factors in increasing cancer cases. The most diagnosed types of cancer in 2015, i n -

IT seems there is an app for everything nowadays, particularly relating to your health from checking your blood pressure, to predicting the best times to try and conceive. But what if an app on your phone could warn you if you were about to get ill? Well this could soon become a reality as scientists in America are working on a smart device that can warn you up to half a day in advance gathering information from wear-

cluding both sexes, were colorectal (41,441 cases), prostate (33,370), lung (28,347), breast (27,747) and bladder (21,093). Miguel Martin, president of the SEOM, said: “The current situation in Spain is such that one in two men and one in three women will have cancer of some kind throughout their life,” although he insisted this does not mean they will die from the disease. Survival figures for cancer patients (an average of 53 per cent five years after diagnosis) have also improved, although thanks to great medical improvements in treating some tumours, the survival rates are even higher, such as in breast cancer. The specialist said one third of cancers could be prevented: “Some people think that cancer is random and it is inevitable, but this is not true as there are risk factors that when addressed we can reduce the chance of cancer.” Martin added the key is healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercising regularly, minimising alcohol intake, not smoking and avoiding obesity.

CANCER: Increase can be attributed to the aging population.

Advertising feature

What is more important, the person or the picture? By Estelle Mitchell WE are incredibly lucky to live in a time where we can see more, know more and fix more within the human body than ever before. But with all this medical power must surely come medical responsibility? Dark Ages I completed my physiotherapy training over 30 years ago and back then, in the dark ages, an MRI scan was not an easy thing to get. Before ordering one we had to: 1. Know what we were looking for. 2. Prove that answering this question would affect treatment. It was a BIG deal.

So I have never relied very heavily on them – I use the large range of clinical assessments I was taught with an occasional MRI to answer a specific question: Is this tendon completely torn or just damaged? Or, can I treat this patient or do they need a surgeon? Recent research There are three recent pieces of research that have really made me question the value we place on MRI scans versus a proper clinical assessment. 1. A small study with one patient given 10 MRI scans. This one person received 29 different findings. There was one finding common to nine of the 10 scans. 2. A larger study looked at people with no back pain – 70 per cent of 20-year-olds had disc ‘bulges.’ 80 per cent of 50-yearolds have ‘disc degeneration.’ 3. And the last one is a huge study from the USA showing 42

App to predict illness able health trackers which monitor heart rate and body temperature. The team at California’s Stanford University is working on the app, and have tested the theory on 43 volunteers who wore a smart watch for up to 11 months.


Analysing the data they found that as people start to become ill their heart rate and skin temperature went up and their blood oxygen levels dropped. By using this information it can give the user a first warning that something isn’t quite right.

per cent of patients received at least one ‘useless test.’ Too much or too little In the medical profession we are far more concerned about doing too little than doing too much. It’s the diagnosis that you missed that haunts you. But the person sat in front of you can tell you far more than their pictures. In the USA they are changing their model to longer visits with the primary physician focusing on teaching the patient how to help their condition. Death rates for these towns are half of the state average. Could a longer appointment, with less tests and less surgery actually make you live longer? For more information, including the studies referenced here please check out our blog or our Facebook page, Bodyworks Health Clinic or call us on 952 883 151.

By getting this heads up people could plan better and prevent aggravating the illness and hopefully have a quicker recovery. The app could also be used to track the health of the elderly or those with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and act as a warning system for carers or family members. The scientists are confident the app will be on the market within the next few years.

9 - 15 February 2017


A host of choices with La Sala THERE is a lot going on with the La Sala group at the moment as they look to expand their very succesful chain of bars and restaurants and this has led to some very attractive and special offers. In their exceptional bar and restaurant on the luxurious Sunborn Yacht Hotel in Ocean Village Gibraltar they are ‘raising the steaks’ by offering a mouth-watering Chateaubriand or Fillet Steaks for two plus a bottle of Izadi wine on Mondays and Tuesdays for just £25 per person based on two sharing. There is also a very special Adele tribute at the same venue on St Valentine’s Day February 14 and no doubt she will be singing

some of the more romantic pieces from the Adele songbook such as Love Song. If you want to know more or to make a booking visit If you can’t make it to Gibraltar then don’t worry as the recently refurbished La Sala Puerto Banus will welcome their very own Frank Sinatra from the locally based and much appreciated Rat Pack on St Valentine’s night and he will be accompanied by a number of leggy showgirls! Then a few days later and in a slightly more sensual show, La Sala Banus will be presenting a sizzling Tango evening on February 18. For bookings visit

Costa del Sol




Major artists added to 22nd Fuengirola Music Festival Photo Credit: Louise Palanker flickr



By John Smith FOLLOWING the recent announcement that British icon Sting would be playing in Fuengirola, a host of additional stars have been announced to play at the 22nd Fuengirola Music Festival by Mayor Ana Mula. Some of the best-known international names include the legendary Beach Boys, Jamie Cullen and Michael Nyman whilst the Spanish contingent will include the reformed La Oreja de Van Gogh, Vivancos, Muchachito Bombo Infierno and a number of local bands. There is however already some controversy as it was announced that Rone Iniesta of Spanish band Extremeduro would be performing at the Festival but this is denied categorically on the band’s website. A number of the concerts will be performed within the walls of the Sohail Castle which makes for a very intimate atmosphere, whilst other concerts for bands who

LEGENDARY: The Beach Boys will be performing. are expecting a much larger audience will be presented in a specially built area below the castle and overlooking the sea. Last year a number of bands including Simply Red appeared on this temporary stage but so successful was it that the whole

area is to be expanded to allow for more people to attend. Details of tickets and dates are not yet complete. Running through June and July this promises to be one of the most exciting musical events on the Costa del Sol.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


The Wedding Day is coming THE daughter of Little Geranium proprietor and chef Steven Saunders is to appear in a heart-warming documentary to be broadcast on the UK’s Channel 4. Serena Jordan (previously Saunders) took over the Sheene Mill, a picturesque wedding venue previously run by her parents, four years ago. The 17th century mill in Melbourn, Cambridgeshire, ended up in administration following the divorce of her parents in 2006. She then married her partner Adam Jordan there, and the wedding is the subject of The Wedding Day, which will air the day before Valentine’s Day. Serena told The Cambridge News: “It was pretty intense, the Renegade Productions filming team followed us for the best part of a year. “The documentary ended up being really funny - it showed a bit about each of our families as well as the wedding itself and our decision to take the Sheene Mill on.

THE WEDDING DAY: A heart-warming documentary. “I worked at the Sheene Mill from the age of 11; it has been the home to so many of my happy memories, from my childhood swims in the river, to the recent years.” Steven himself also appears in the film alongside current partner Michele,

with the pair having successfully developed The Little Geranium, located in La Cala de Mijas, into one of the most renowned restaurants in the area. The Wedding Day airs on Channel 4 on Monday February 13 at 11pm CET.

Classic piano in San Pedro VENEZUELAN-born pianist and recent recipient of a Latin Grammy for best classical album, Gabriela Montero will be playing in San Pedro Alcantara on Thursday February 23. Having played in major concert halls around the world and at the inauguration of President Obama in 2008, she is known not only for her performances of wellknown classics, but also her ability to improvise on those classics to produce her own special brand of music. The performance in San Pedro of this

multi-a w a rd wi nner who i s al so an Ambassador for Amnesty International and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children is expected to be well attended. She w ill appear at t he Audi t or i o del Trapiche de Guadaiza in Avenida Oriental, San Pedro and tickets for the 7pm performance will cost between €20 and €35 and may be purchased in advance by calling 689 000 944 or 654 013 232 and will also be available at the venue one hour before the concert.

Art show in Benalmadena THE Castillo de Bil Bil in the Avenida Antonio Machado, Benalmadena is used as a cultural and exhibition centre and is hosting an exhibition of paintings by Griselda Giachero entitled Atmospheres until February 28. Her paintings are in oils and water colours and the exhibition is open Monday to Friday 11am to 1pm and 6pm to 8pm.

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

A special place for Valentine’s Photo Credit; Philip Bird LRPS CPAGB Shutterstock


By John Smith IF ypu are looking for somewhere very special for St Valentine’s Day, then you should consider the brand new Jacks Smokehouse in Puerto Banus which reopens its doors on February 14 with a new design, decor, menu, wine and cocktail list. This isn’t a facelift, it’s a completely new culinary concept for the Costa del Sol with meats cooked low and slow to produce some of the all American style flavours and tastes that everyone loves.

EXCITING PORT: The iconic Puerto Banus. There is a new central bar for eating, drinking or just schmoozing whilst upstairs is a newly designed dining room

with a terrace and its own bar so you can enjoy the sights of the exciting port and keep your eyes open for celebrities,

yachts and luxury cars. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner from 10am to midnight every day, with a DJ and regular live music this will soon become a must for couples, families and groups. To make sure that you can be there with your loved one on opening night, email in, call 952 813 625 or visit the website or Facebook sites to make a reservation. It’s been a while coming but to quote a well-known saying ‘change is hard at first, messy in the middle and at the end gorgeous.’

SOCIAL SCENE Expo Jurassic visits Malaga THOSE who have children fascinated by dinosaurs might be interested to know there is a travelling exhibition featuring animatronic dinosaurs at the Malaga fairground which will be open until February 26. According to the organisers, Expo Jurassic occupies 1,000sqm in three different sections and amongst imagined vegetation and scenery will be replicas of a number of dinosaurs including Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Diplodocus and Protoceratops said to be lifelike enough to fool many. There will be information about the age of the dinosaurs, a film and a sand box where the youngest visitors can dig for fossils. The exhibition is open 5pm to 9pm seven days a week but on weekends is also open from 10am to 2pm. Entry is €7, children under three years of age are free.

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Photo Credit:


SOULMAN: Damon Robinson on stage.

Damon visits JoysLive By John Smith THERE is always a lot going on at JoysLive in Puerto Banus, not only with regular appearances from some extremely high quality local musicians as well as Piano Man Paul Maxwel but major international acts are regularly booked. February 18 and 19 see the venue hosting singer, songwriter, musician and finalist in the Spanish version of The Voice, American-born soulman Damon Robinson. Originally born and brought up in the USA but

now happily resident in Granada, Damon, like many other funksters cut his musical teeth in gospel at his local church but has gone on to develop a career writing and performing a range of different types of music. Having released his first solo album Seasons of Love, Damon will be performing free of charge for just two nights at the number one Puerto Banus nightclub JoysLive and his show promises to be both exciting and entertaining. For details of all that is happening, visit

Access to the historical sites IN December, the Bovedas Roman Baths, the Basilica Vega del Mar and the Roman Villa of Río Verde within the municipality of Marbella were closed for maintenance but they have now been reopened to the public. According to the Department of Culture, Education and Historical Heritage the days and times for free guided tours for each site will be

constant for the rest of this year and are; Roman Baths, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 11am by appointment only at the Municipal Cultural Office. Basilica of Vega del Mar, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 11.15am to 2pm. Roman Villa, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10.30am to 1.30pm.

Love in the spotlight THE Estepona Department for Women isn’t necessarily convinced that St Valentine’s Day is all sweetness and light as far as women are concerned and is organising a workshop on February 14 to consider the situation. Entitled ‘Substitutes of Love’ the workshop which runs from 10am to 1.30pm is free of charge and takes place at the Women’s Delegation, located at the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre in Estepona. The aim of the workshop is to study how men and women have been educated differently in the loving processes, and the psychological repercussions that this has had on many relationships. Participants will consider whether women have been socialised so that love is the fundamental axis of their lives and in this workshop they will be able to reflect on a number of questions. For more information and registration, contact the Women's Information Center at Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, or call 952 80 47 04 or email: delmujer.psicologico@


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Good Food, Good Wine and Good Friends WITH GARRY WAITE


HANKS to the client that contacted me a couple of weeks ago. A ye a r o r so a g o he ca me to Spain to buy a restaurant/pub. He succeeded in buying a relatively well-established premises and has run it (under management) with some success, but is not happy with the way things are now going. Having been open since the beginn i n g o f l a st y e ar h e h a s reached stagnation and wanted my help to revitalise the operation if possible. We sat down to discuss where he felt t h a t t h i n g s w e re g o in g wrong. Most clients come back with the same answer, “We need more clients!” Often that is not the main problem. Costs are normally the base problems of most businesses. Overstaffing, wrong type of staff, no control over food and beverage costs/sales. The p r o b l e m wi t h o p e n in g a business without knowledge can be dangerous. Even if you have some experience in the industry in your home country, you soon find out it i s d i ff e r e n t i n a fo re ig n country. After a l l y o u n e e d an In d ia n scout in Indian country!! We started with his figures. I asked him if he was making money and he said yes. But a closer look showed me that this was not the case. Without doing a full stock take I did a guestimate based on purchases and sales and a rough idea of stock-in-hand. It showed that sale of food had cost 45 per cent. Ideally it should be around 35 per cent or lower. Wine sales were good, but again with his prices he should have been making 75- 80 per cent. The bar was much the same. Analysing these figures would help to understand where the losses were.

CULINARY DIRECTION: The choice of menu and chef is inseparable.

Kitchen management was the first area to look at. The Chef was not passionate about what he was doing. Therefore he had no care for his product. His costings were wrong and his wastage too high.

Instead of utilising his ingredients he would throw away items that c ould ma ke mone y in the right hands. One of the problems was that the owner, while not having any kitchen experience, enforced a

menu that he thought was commercially viable, on to the C hef who had a l ot more to offer and had explained to his boss that the food he was being made to serve had little artistic content, very high costs a nd little r oom t o i ncr ease on profitability. I had decided that the problems were not all down to bad kitchen management - although this certainly needs looking at - but more a lack of culinary direction. We are at this moment in deep discussion on how to improve the quality and performance of this operation and I will keep you informe d on our pr ogr ess ever y week in this column. • WHILE I can see what London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, is trying to do by imposing a ‘bed tax’ on the Capital’s hotels, I tend to agree with Ufi Ibrahim, the Chief

TASTING NOTES: A big brooding boisterous red, place as international influences FOR MY WINE spot this week, the kind that makes steaks melt. The fruit is present and the growing middle class inI’m travelling further than the but sits beneath the oak which imparts rich chococreased, so increasing demand for Ribera and Rioja wine producing late-coffee-toasty primary notes. With a name like the beverage. By the turn of the areas. How many of you were Chêne (French for oak) one wouldn’t expect any21st century, demand was inaware that India produces thing else. creasing at a rate of 20-30 per wines? cent a year. The city of Nashik in Viticulture was believed to the state of Maharashtra geographically in the middle of the have been introduced to India by Persian traders some time in country, is called the ‘Wine Capital of India.’ the fourth millennium BC. Historians believe that these early The wine producing areas tend to be in the middle to the plantings were used mostly for a style of grape juice rather than south of the continent although the Punjab and Kashmir in the the production of an alcoholic beverage. Some religious text north, are quite prolific producers. India produces Sparkling mentions at least one alcoholic drink that may have been wine wines, Whites and of course Reds. While there are locally grown related - Sura - which seems to have been a type of rice wine grapes, the majority of the reds are Caberthat was fermented with honey. The first known mention of net Sauvignon, Malbec and Shiraz. There grape-based wines was in the late fourth century BC. is a wine maker who makes white wines The modern wine market in India is small; annual per capita from red grapes, one of only three proconsumption of wine in the country is a mere nine millilitres, apducers in the world who do this. proximately 1/8000th that of France. Winemaking has existed throughout most of India’s history but was particularly encouraged during the time of the Portuguese and British colonisation of the subcontinent. The end of the 19th century saw the phylloxera louse take its toll on the Indian wine industry followed by religious and public opinion moving towards the prohibition of alcohol. Following the country’s independence from the British Grover-Zampa Empire, the Constitution of India declared one of the Chêne. government’s aims was the total prohibition of alcohol. The picture is of one of India’s top red Several states went dry and the government encouraged vinewines. Most of them need decanting as yards to convert to table grape and raisin production. In the they can pack a punch. 1980s and 1990s, a revival in the Indian wine industry took

Would Ghandi have approved?

There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” George Bernard Shaw

Executive of the British Hospitality Association, that a bed tax in London would be an “absolute folly” and said that it would add additional costs for tourists, as well as harm already hard-pressed hospitality and tourism businesses, making it even harder for them to compete with overseas operators. Already one of the most expensive cities in the world, London could lose even more of its competitiveness. • O N TH E O TH ER SIDE of the coin, there is a restaurant in Madrid that really lives up to its’ name. The Robin Hood. Its mission is simple - to charge the rich and f eed t he poor. Payi ng customers at breakfast and lunch foot the bill for the restaurant to serve dinner to homeless people, free of charge! The restaurant opened in early December, and is run by an 80-year-old Catholic priest, Ángel García Rodriguez, whom everyone knows simply as ‘Padre Ángel.’ Outside, there’s a sign listing the house rules: Patrons are allowed to sing as they please, as long as it doesn’t disturb other customers. They can use the free wi-fi and borrow a cell phone if they need to make a call. They’re free to bring their own food and order only drinks, if they prefer. Or t hey can t ake over t he kitchen for a birthday party or other special celebration. You see there are still a few good people in this world!! • ON THAT NOTE I will bid you farewell until next week and should aspiring restaurateurs need some help or advice, please do not hesitate to contact me. A toast to Good Food, Good Wine and Good Friends.

Garry Waite is a well-known foodie and restaurateur as well as a Hospitality Management Consultant. If you are contemplating setting up an operation in Spain, or indeed having problems with an existing project contact him on


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol






Advertising feature

Create a unique heart of your home Before

burning to gas and electric fires, eco-friendly bio-fuel fires, and a huge variety of outdoor fires for the patio or terrace. Greg has seen his company go from strength to strength as he gathers acclaim throughout the expatriate community for his singular expertise. Whatever your favoured style, classic and traditional; sleek and ultramodern; for business or pleasure, Unique Fires has the skill, experience and artistry to bring it to life. Greg’s knowledge is also at your disposal if you are looking for advice on how to best channel the energy of your home, understand the latest technologies, and make your home more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly. So to get cosy and warm this winter, call Unique Fires today and arrange for your free no obligation survey from one of the finest fireplace experts in Spain.


UNIQUE FIRES: Transform the look and feel of your home. sired look and finish of the client, Greg listens attentively to your vision and will work tirelessly to ensure that it soon becomes a reality.

After the design has been finalised, you can choose the type of fireplace you want with Unique Fires offering everything from wood-

Unique Fires Tel: 951 277 443 or 610 654 422. Visit: Email:

Ornamental tree with fruit By Graeme Tyrrell IF you want an attractive ornamental tree that also provides fruit, you may consider growing a loquat tree. Loquats are a handsome tree with well-structured branching easily maintained with minimal pruning. The large thick leathery feather shaped glossy leaves are attractive all year round. They flower in autumn under the right conditions and the fruit forms over winter. Different varieties ripen a little earlier and later allowing the harvest season to be extended. They are hardy when established, needing minimal watering in summer and provide a heavenly scent throughout the garden in autumn. They are not usually a large tree, tending to be three to five metres high at maturity but they can grow to 10 metres in good soil conditions. They grow well in natural soils with some compost added and mixed into the surface soil at planting time. In colder climates the tree is grown as an ornamental species. It will not flower with-

Photo Credit: Olaf Speier Shutterstock.

UNIQUE FIRES is this year celebrating 10 years creating an intimate and welcoming environment by installing their ‘unique fires’ in homes on the Costa del Sol. Many people are amazed at just how much difference a perfectly placed and designed fireplace can make to their home ambiance and state of mind. Greg, the sole proprietor at Unique Fires, knows just how important that special touch can be, which is why he is renowned across the Costa del Sol for his professional attitude and unparalleled attention to detail. Collaborating with some of Spain’s finest interior designers and architects allows Unique Fires to offer you elegant, highly-individualised designs while Greg’s years of practical experience fitting and installing fireplaces, expertise and personal attention to detail, ensures that you will have the home of your dreams with a unique fire at its heart. Unique Fires prides itself on taking care of each of its clients, from inquiry to installation, and any desired after care or changes. Considering the importance of home comfort and the de-

FRESH FRUIT: Harvesting the Loquats. out hot summers and the fruit fails if the frost bites them, but the tree is hardy. In the warmer Mediterranean climate they will flower and produce delicious fruit. The small white flowers are heavily perfumed. They flower prolifically in autumn, displayed in bunches in a grape like fashion. The yellow to orange coloured fruit individually resemble an apricot. They grow in bunches however that usually ripen progressively rather than all at one time. Different varieties have varying characteristics in colour,

size and taste, but in general they have a smooth skin with delicious flesh, surrounded by a very large seed or multiple seeds in the centre. The taste of the fruit is like a scented tropical flavour. There are various recipes for using the fruit that have been developed in China, India and Japan. The fruit can be used in pie recipes, as jam or jelly, for sweet sauces and chutneys. The leaves are also used in herbal medicine. Trees are readily available in Spain and are known as nisperos.


9 - 15 February 2017

Costa del Sol


Top tips to stop your dog biting

Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

PERSONALLY I believe that all dogs can bite, but they do not really want to! Here are 10 top tips to prevent a dog biting you, or anyone else for that matter! 1. Read the dog’s body signals - licking, yawning, shaking as if wet. A dog will do these things if they begin to get a bit unsettled. Give your dog the chance to get away, settle down, have a quiet moment and things are less likely to escalate. 2. Do not expect a growl. Many dogs decide that growling is a waste of time. Why? Because when they growl, they get punished. Instead,

Scooby, Thomas and Jason are moving to Denmark YJPTO

READ THE SIGNS: Dogs can have bad days too!

David THE Dogman


they don’t bother to growl and just bite anyway. 3. Biting is a sign of patience pushed too far. Some dogs have lower tolerance than others, of course, but unless a dog has learned to bite they would rather get away from a situation. Let them take themselves off to a quiet place if they want to. 4 . Tea c h y o u r c h ild re n well! Use the free Kennel Club Safe and Sound game, or buy the Blue Dog DVD. G et K e n d a l S h e p h e rd’s b o o k T h e C an in e C o mmandments, a book to help

Get your dog used to people and their ways from early puppyhood. children understand and be understood by dogs. Children cannot read dog warnin g s ig n a ls u n til th ey are w ell in to th eir tee n age y ea rs ! D o n o t le a v e the m unsupervised together. 5. If a dog has bitten once, they are likely to do it again. This doesn’t mean you should panic and rush for euthanasia or rehoming. Be aware of the

situation that caused the bite. Get professional help from a qualified behaviourist immediately. 6. Hugging and kissing can be threatening to a dog. Obvious? Not to many. Even if your dog is used to your loving attention they may not see it that way one day. 7. Always read the signs. Dogs can have bad days too! How can we tell if a dog is in pain, has a bad tummy, or is really tired or achy? Usually dogs will not show the signs until the pain is extreme. Be ready to help your dog by taking them to the vet if you see signs of unusual or grumpy behaviour. 8. He only nipped. Not a dog bite then? A snap is often a deliberate miss. Take action by getting professional help now. Your dog was clearly feeling under pressure and needs help to feel less stressed. 9. Socialise, socialise, socialise. Get your dog used to people and their weird ways from early puppyhood, and keep practising! 10. Do not assume that your dog would never bite. They all can if they are put in the right (or wrong!) circumstances.

AFTER spending much of their lives near Adra in Spain, Scooby, Thomas and Jason are moving with their homeowners to spend more time in Denmark on the Western coast. The three pure white German Shepherds - Scooby aged eight years, Thomas aged four years, Jason aged three years - are some of the domestic pets of a Danish couple who live partly in Spain. Last year the dogs met Bragi, one of our experienced housesitters and after spending two months with him caring for them at the Spanish villa they bec a me ve ry fond of hi m . Thi s year when owner Maggie decided to move them to Denmark as their more permanent home she wanted them to be cared for by an experienced sitter. She was happy that Bragi one of the HouseSitMatch housesitters was available to care for the dogs while she travelled abroad. Having a familiar housesitter at home with them, meant that she could relax in the knowledge they were with a n e xpe rie nc e d pe ts it t er who knows them well. Bragi loves the dogs, and tells me they are real characters each one - “They’re great fun to care for!” he said.

Scooby, Thomas and Jason. Do you need a house or petsitter? Get in touch. Housesitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and petsitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either housesitter or homeowner now with a 20 per cent off introductory offer using coupon code PERFECT20. To f i nd a house or pet si t t er go t o

Housesitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and petsitting and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a petsitter go to or call Lamia on 00 44 (0) 777 214 2742.

Dog Marleys want reggae A NEW study carried out in Scotland by the SPCA and the University of Glasgow has revealed that reggae and soft rock are the preferred sounds of dogs in shelters. Heart monitors were used on shelter dogs to keep track of their stress levels while different musical genres, including Motown, pop, soft rock, classical and reggae were piped through the kennels. Although in a similar way to humans the results showed that different dogs preferred different musical styles, hinting that hounds have their own tastes for more than just

lamb chops, reggae came top of the list for reducing stress levels. Professor Nell Evans said: “Overall, the response to different genres was mixed highlighting the possibility that our canine friends have their own individual preferences. That being said, reggae and soft rock showed the highest positive changes in behaviour.” Following the study, the SPCA is planning to install sound systems in its kennels.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Trump’s state visits will fit in nicely Nora Johnson

Breaking Views Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

DONALD TRUMP has provoked massive hysteria recently, particularly concerning his proposed state visit. However, as Brexit Britain prepares to launch itself back into the big wide world of global commerce, isn’t it time to take a more pragmatic view - just as we did with the state visits of the leaders of China and Saudi Arabia? And as for Her Majesty who has been asked over the decades to host tyrants, dictators and despots such as Presidents Mobuto (Zaire) and Ceausescu (Romania), she’ll take a brash billionaire from New York effortlessly in her stride. However, one question remains for the future: what happens when Trump’s burnt through all his political capital and his frustration

about his isolation starts to show? Will he accept the limitations of his position, or go down a slippery, more authoritarian slope? And if he does, should the UK condone it by pretending nothing’s happened? The answer to that surely lies in his campaign. When the Republican Party ‘ditched’ him, he just turned on them and kept going, seemingly incapable of backing down. On this side of the pond, someone else who seems unlikely to back down is the former Portuguese police chief, Goncalo Amaral, who falsely accused Kate and Gerry McCann of covering up their daughter’s death. With Portugal’s Supreme Court throwing out their libel case against him, Amaral could now sue them for extensive damages. Nonetheless, it seems we are no nearer to discovering the truth about Madeleine. Just as in my latest crime thriller, No Way Back, (as you know, all profits to Costa

del Sol Cudeca cancer charity), a Kate McCann-like figure is so obsessed with closure and peace of mind in her unending search for the truth about her own missing daughter she’d maybe contemplate blackmail, even murder. Whatever the outcome, Kate McCann surely needs closure, too. Whether she finds it only time will tell. Who knows what the future holds... And, finally, to return to Trumpland on foretelling the future, one former news anchor who appeared on Sky News during US election night coverage declared: “I couldn’t foresee this result.” Her name? Krystal Ball.

DONALD TRUMP: Has provoked massive hysteria recently.

Nora Johnson’s psychological/ suspense crime thrillers ‘No Way Back,’ ‘Landscape of Lies,’ ‘Retribution,’ ‘Soul Stealer,’ ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.99; £0.99) and iBookstore. All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity.

Befuddled by English language Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man COMPUTERS are now such an integral part of everyday life you can’t imagine being without them but they can also be annoying so and sos when they decide to go wrong. Well not even when they go wrong, just when they do not do what you want them to do. I have an iPhone and use iCloud to store my photos and other bits and they are meant to automatically download to my PC which is quite new and runs on Windows 10. This means that I should have all my photos available on all my devices ... except I haven’t because, for some reason, they won’t show up on my PC. I’ve tried everything. I’ve installed the latest updates of everything. I then checked on the internet and it told me to uninstall everything and do this, that and the other but still it doesn’t work. I got in touch with Apple and they said it was a Windows problem and guess what Microsoft said? Yup, spot on, they said it’s an Apple problem. So after all that I am no better off. I’ve probably spent a month trying to sort it out (not all day everyday) but I’ve basically given up on it because, to be honest, I can’t be arsed anymore.

The English language befuddles me sometimes. For instance, what’s the difference between a serviette and a napkin? They are both the same aren’t they? The dictionary says they are, so why have two words for the same thing? And, of course, a napkin is also what we put babies in. How about afters, dessert, pudding, sweet? Is it a class thing? I have ‘afters’ and the snotty cow that lives over the road has dessert? Just wondering... I often get grumpy with restaurants as you know. I make no apology for it as they continue to do the most stupid things to wind me up. One of my favourite places closes in November and reopens again in February so we popped in for something to eat. When I looked at the menu the prices on quite a few items had gone up. Now, of course you are wondering, how would you know? You wouldn’t remember the prices of stuff on a menu and you are quite right I don’t. In fact, I didn’t have a clue what the prices were except instead of having new menus printed in their break, the idiots just tippexed out the old price and wrote the new one in. Seriously, how dumb is that? I would never have known but now I’ve got the hump, not because the price has gone up, but because of their laziness in disguising their increases. I will be on Talk Radio Europe Friday 10 at 11.30am having a bit of a Trump grump. Listen, call in or email


Costa del Sol

9 - 15 February 2017











E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol







9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol







E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol





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0034 00 34 6649 49 4449 49 1104 04 or 0034 694 442 423






BOOKS AIRFLOW Air conditioning for cooling and heating units. Professional, fully guaranteed installations. Tel: 952 443 222 AIR CONDITIONING repairs and servicing. Airflow. 952 443 222 (248475) AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and repairs. Quality machines. EsoSense movement sensor supplied and fitted for 80 euros. Coin meters supplied and fitted from 260 euros. For other energysaving products, visit Tel 952 935 513 (241504) AIR CON repairs & installation. Tel Jim 652 023 012 AIR CONDITIONING HEATING. BE WARM THIS INTER. PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS FOR OVER 20 YEARS. ENVIROCARE 952 663 141 - 670 409 759 www.envirocare ALL AREAS COVERED (247804) ECONOCOOL – Samsung Air Conditioning from only €550. Service, Repairs & Re-Gas from €50. Top Quality Installations. All Areas Covered. Chris – 662 427 396 econ ANTONIO ENTERPRISES – Air-Conditioning Installation & Repairs. 602 593 267 / 600 456 350 (250422)






SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER TOO improve your living environment. ian@solar Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (238665)


Costa del Sol

9 - 15 February 2017

ANTIQUES WANTED! All types of antiques, paintings, jewellery, watches, silver etc. Any condition. Immediate cash settlement. For more information call into Anthony’s Antiques and Jewellers shops, extensive premises at C/Ramon y Cajal 40, Fuengirola. Mobile 609 529 633. Telephone 952 588 795 (201522)

BUILDER is looking for jobs 671 801 005 (Whatsapp) See on Facebook Reform Costa del Sol (250429)

DAMP PROOFING DR DAMP leaking roofs, damp walls, all mould cured. All work guaranteed. Call 689 515 558 (232930)

PROJECTS, constructions, new buildings, extensions, reforms, licences, legalisations, interior design. 680 700 430 (248576)



BLINDS ACE OF SHADES - Vertical, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also black-out blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730) BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (233420)

RESIDENTIAL/Commercial projects, kitchens, bathrooms, general reformations. Competively priced. Architectural services available. www.adva – 951 965 309, 664 871 133 (253076) ANTONIO ENTERPRISES – New Builds. Full Renovations. Reasonable Rates 602 593 267. www.completehome (250422)


ACE OF SHADES - All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and manual operation, also recover service available, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730)



ALL BUILDING works, all trades. Retired Builder/Handyman. Barry 676 143 789 / 602 669 240 (249734)

SWINGLES CASAS SL. For all your building needs. Visit www.swinglescasas. com for more details or call 952 428 067 / 666 960 262 (250335)

ALMOST ANYTHING, tiling plumbing & painting. Marbella to Fuengirola. Speak to Gareth 690 841 188 (250434)

JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. bathrooms / kitchen reforms, repairs, plumbing, carpentry, painting, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423 (250272)

HANDYMAN – any work undertaken, good rates, Torremolinos – Marbella. No Job too Small. Gareth 603 159 827 (250462)

IMPRINTED CONCRETE (driveways & patios). All paving work & terracotta tiling, floor tiling & screeding. Many more Building Services available. 603 236 650 Free quotes: (243280)

ALL METALWORK UNDERTAKEN – New Fabrication & Repairs/Alterations. Work Guaranteed. Reliable. 14yrs on Coast. Steve 655 040 648 (250463)

GENERAL BUILDER. Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (References available) (248892) CONCRETE – OZBUILD. The specialists of printed concrete. Reseals, Brickwork, Tiling, Plastering, Screeding. 13 Years in Spain. Competitive Prices, Quality Finish. 952 426 074/606 745 920 (248600)

For daily news visit


PLASTERING PLASTERING, rendering, dry lining, coving, suspended ceilings. Fitted kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. All work guaranteed. 689 515 558 (232930)

PLASTERING, all aspects covered, skimming, rendering, screeding, covering, tiling, Dean 691 044 287 (233418)

BUSINESS OPP. t – The Business for Europe. Both men & woman. (250284) FOR SALE SPANISH SL PROPERTY COMPANY based in Ronda includes building with offices & existing client base. Good Investment. Possible finance available. For more information contact 602 584 024 email or 628 588 256 email (250487)

BUY & SELL SUPERPOOL EST. 1985. Pool tables, boxing and mini-vending machines on profit share, also new/second hand domestic tables and accessories. Tel 629 530 233 - www.superpool (248874) WANTED all furniture and household items. Best prices. 697 511 071 (251384) DECLUTTER, cash paid for small/medium furniture, antiques,decanters, brass, copper and other ornaments. Tel: Howard 608 121 817 (253087) WANTED TOP DESIGNER LABELS (Hermes, Chanel etc) Handbags, Furs, Jewellery, Clothes, Shoes. CASH WAITING. Contact 677 397 395 HOUSE CLEARANCE SPECIALISTS, FULL OR PART CLEARANCE. ALL FURNITURE WANTED, WE PAY MORE. TEL 634 324 914 OR EMAIL houseclearanceman@h (253015) HOUSE CLEARANCE: Quick, Friendly & Affordable house clearance. Cash for your quality furniture! 622 290 009. info@lepartic (251392) COMPLETE BEDROOM SUITE in green bamboo QUICK SALE. Telephone 689 194 527 (250473) THE WAREHOUSE – We buy a Single item to a Full House Clearance – 602 610 103 (248891)


CAR HIRE ALH RENT A CAR – SHORT & LONG TERM RENTALS FROM €9.90 A DAY. INSURANCE INCLUDED IN OUR PRICES. - TLF: 638 846 909 or reservasalhrenta (242734) SIMPLECAR rent a car Carretera de mijas 4,5 Centro nórdico 952 580 580 628 469 037 (247827)

CARAVANS PARKING, STORAGE & SALES. Caravans - Motorhomes - Boats - Cars and Vans etc. Short / long term - Safe & secure, drop off & collections. Excellent rates, discount for long term, 5 mins from Fuengirola. Established 25 years. / 679 786 669 / 606 101 807 (239435)

CARPENTERS CARPENTER cabinet maker, Irish. Available for all types of property maintenance, plumbing, painting, electrical, kitchens and bathrooms renovated etc, 30 years experience, very reliable. Tel: 952 441 955 / 677 087 575 (233419)

CHIMNEY SERVICES CHIMNEY SWEEP. Clean reliable professional. All types, special price for more than one. Chris 608 337 497 (232455)T1 APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (241526)

CHURCH SERVICES BENALMADENA Elim Family Fellowship. Sundays 11am. or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627 (0)


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol




DOG TRAINING METS dog training club, Fuengirola. Glyn 605 121 831 / Jeff 692 832 250 (250304)

CLEANING SERVICES UPHOLSTERY and steam cleaning sofas, carpets etc… JA Cleaning Services 626 357 955 (249674) ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable service 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email ac (253107) RUGS fitted carpets, upholstery including leather cleaned on site 693 028 325 (253107) OVEN CLEANING, domestic, commercial, complete fittings, let professional do hard dirty work. From 40€. 632 569 282 ovencleani (241395) CARPETS, UPLHOLSTERY & CAR INTERIORS professionally cleaned. Latest chemicals, attack stains, wine, beer, tea, coffee, vomit, oil, grease, gum etc. 30 years experience SWIFTCLEAN 663 783 362 (250464)

FENCING CHAIN LINK FENCE erectors, general builders, all types of welding fabrication. Tel: 655 218 466 (248701)

CALAHONDA LANGUAGE CENTRE. Established 1987. Beginners Spanish Course Starts 27th February 2017 . 60 hours in 6 weeks, mornings. Give your Spanish a good kick start. Maximum 5 students for guaranteed results. Also higher level groups and private classes. calahondalan 952 931 176 (240681) PAINTING CLASSES in Arroyo de Miel. All levels welcome. Contact Nancy 651 431 026 (251399)

DOMESTIC APP. REP. DOMESTIC Appliance repairs washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, water heaters, gas / electric, professionally repaired. Christian 608 337 497 (243751)

DRAINS BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / BLOCKED drains? Call Clearflow. CCTV Inspections. Drain Location. HP Jetting. Repairs & Installations. More than 30 years on the Coast. All major credit cards accepted. Telephone 952 885 661 / 630 200 600 (250454)

MARBLE FLOOR (2.50€/m2) WHY PAY MORE .WE CLEAN, CRYSTALLISE, SEAL THEN POLISH YOUR MARBLE TO HIGH GLOSS, NON SLIP. PROFESSIONAL GUARANTEED, FAST SERVICE. 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE. ALSO REPAIRS DAMAGES TO MARBLE, CLEAN AND SEAL TERRACOTTA TERRACES, COVERS ALL COSTA DEL SOL. TEL: 671 244 683 (232888) T1 MARBLE FLOORS polished. Fast service. Reliable, family run. TERRACOTTA CLEANED and sealed. Wooden floors treated. No job too small. Family run. Cleansol 10am 10pm 7 days all areas. 952 930 861 / 607 610 578 Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437) MARBLE polishing, crystallizing, lasting, high shine. Regrinding, restoration of salty, dead floors. Cyril, 634 455 064 (233300)


DRESSMAKER DRESSMAKER – Alterations Bridal Wear, Evening Wear. Door to Door service. Contact Mary 696 171 281 (250418)

GARDENING PROFESSIONAL garden services from Fuengirola to Estepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and landscaping, free quotes, competitive prices. Contact Andrew 600 259 981 Andrew@gar (242556) GARDEN & POOL MAINTENANCE – from under €120 per month products included see more on RICARDO 637 160 129 (253090) ARBOLISTA Tree surgery, No. 1 for trees and palms, on the Costa since 1998. 600 260 534 - 952 117 486 Kit Hogg C.G.Arb (250274) TOP-JARDIN. No tree too tall, palm & tree pruning - removal - pests bio treatments. Town hall licence process advice. Timber logs. Mulch. Urban veggie gardens. Visit us or call Andres mob 686 948 552 / 631 181 971 (232442) GARDEN & POOL Maintenance. Private Villas & Communities. Professional & Reliable Service. 602 424 974 (247807)



HOUSE and Business Cleaning very reliable www.costa4clean Contact Vanessa 602 492 930 (247816)

HOUSE CLEARANCE: Quick, Friendly & Affordable house clearance. Cash for your quality furniture! 622 290 009. info@leparti (251392)


CLEANING & Maintenance Services No Job too Small. Reliable. Call Adrian 640 350 479 (241379)

IRIS-IRRIGATION and landscapes. New Installations and problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden constructions. Tree surgeon. Clearing and maintenance. 676 747 521 (251403)


PC DOCTOR Computer Sales & Repairs in any Language. 24HR IT Support. 20 Years on the Coast. We come to wherever YOU are – Home or Business. 952 591 071 (248887) COMPUTER help. Patient teacher. PC sales, set up, repairs, problem solving, internet TV boxes. Kindle, Ipads, Internet, email. 30 years experience. 21 years on the coast. Friendly and reliable. Dave 952 664 713 (253056)

SELLING a FAMILY GOLF CLUB SHARE La Quinta Marbella. For more information call +49 698 98920 or +49 1717 34 7100 shops@om (253005)

HEALTH & BEAUTY FUENGIROLA, Myofascial Release. J. Schaegen, Specialized in treating neck, back & extremity disorders, 30 years in Practice. 652 291 224 www.body (247599) SAYAN MASSAGE. Your best traditional & tantric massage for ladies and gentlemen. 952 586 339 - 608 977 260 (248717) SKIN specialist NHS registered. Treats all kinds of skin problems. Consultion 70 euros. Dr Eva. Fuengirola/Calahonda 664 747 267 (250251) WEIGHT WATCHING? If so come & join the best weekly weight loss meetings. 663 674804 facebook/MyWeighSpain

ADDICTION THERAPY ADDICTION THERAPIST: Alcohol-Drugs. British Qualified with Personal Experience. Charlie. 634 989 480. (249603) STOP SMOKING NOW!! 90% SUCCESS WITH BIORESONANCE THERAPY 652 430 383

BEAUTY TREATMENTS BOTOX AND FILLERS From €95. Covers the Costa del Sol and inland. 609 347 086. (247809)


COMPUTERS COMPUTER PROBLEMS SOLVED. Error messages fixed, viruses removed. Repairs and upgrades available. Laptops in English. Kindle, iPad & Android help. One-toone training. Experienced, reliable service. Paul 630 652 338 / 952 493 859 (232338)


BS ELECTRICAL, All electrical work, rewires, Boletins, Endesa helpline, professional genuine service, Call Sean 952 961 108, 669 070 011 (240700)T1


FURNITURE ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (250415)

ALL electrical installations & repairs. Tel Jim 652 023 012 (248601) AUTHORISED & Qualified Electrician. All types of electrics. 20years Experience & Reliable. Call Frank 669 009 821 (253236) ANTONIO ENTERPRISES – Installation and Repairs 602 593 267 / 600 456 350 ENGLISH ELECTRICIAN Fully qualified, reliable, domestic/commercial work undertaken. 602 494 347


FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, cash waiting, reliable. 645 334 512 (253107)

GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (253220)

CLASSIFIEDS DENTISTS NHS REGISTERED DENTIST in Fuengirola. Specializing in Zircon crowns, bridges etc. Free check up! - 689 887 019 (253250)


HOME DELIVERIES SHIPMENTS of all British & Irish home favourites; Crisps, nuts, confectionary etc. AAA Couriers T: +44 2838 840 345. E:

HOT TUBS / SPAS HOT TUBS, new, used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. 691 973 131 / 952 793 398 (253091)

HOUSE CLEARANCE FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, cash waiting, reliable. 645 334 512 (253107) WANTED all furniture and quality household items. Cash paid, same day collection. Best prices, call 697 511 071 (253107) CASH paid for your unwanted house or garage items. Please call 600 041 434 (248893)


WE CLEAR houses, apartments, garages, bars, storage units. Tel 656 187 140 bri (250306)

ABBEYGATE INSURANCE If you are renewing your policy or looking for new cover. Call us, as we are the only Insurance Company in Spain to offer protection on your no claims bonus. Call 952 893 380 (68259)


ABBEYGATE INSURANCE Make the right choice and join the thousands of expatriates who have. We provide a friendly personal service, for all your home, motor, health, travel or marine insurance. Call 952 893 380 (68259) HEALTH INSURANCE Competitive prices, English worded policies. Pay monthly or annually. All levels of cover. Premiums from €25 a month. Tel: 956 795 453 Abbeygate Insurance (68259) ABBEYGATE INSURANCE Car insurance exclusive for expatriates, save up to 50%. Find out about our price pledge on UK plated cars. Home insurance from €50. Tel: 952 893 380 (68259) EU INSURANCE DIRECT Extra Special Offers. Up to €50 cash back for car and home insurance (conditions apply) for new customers. For all your Insurance Needs and the Best Price and Best Cover in English, call Wendy on 952 830 843 / 676 098 464 email in (248459) MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 902 123 153, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 902 123 153 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726) LSM INSURANCE. No fat singing blokes or trumpeting telephone´s, just professional service at the best prices for all your insurance needs including car, household, commercial, life, health and travel. Tel 952 578 008 or f or a quotation (250433)

INTERNET INTERNET IN BENALMADENA We specialise in Internet in the Benalmadena Area at PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BEATEN. Shop in Benalmadena open 9.30 – 5pm Call us NOW on 952 576 262 (250475) GET YOUR business noticed online! Make sure that expats in Spain can find your product, service, restaurant, bar or shop. Contact Spain’s newest and brightest online directory TODAY. Call 952 561 245 or email mark.w@euroweek for more details

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

INTERPRETER INTERPRETER, TRANSLATOR & TEACHER – English, Spanish & French. 695 909 025 (248901)


MOBILE HOMES WANT TO RELOCATE? We can transport your home and install on to a 12 month park from £4,995. Annual site fees from €3,000 Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70 (85143) BRAND NEW WILLERBY Siena 32m² home sited within a stylish gated community, 45 minutes from Malaga airport £19,995 Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70 (85143) WILLERBY COTTAGE 28x10 sited in ‘La Serrana Hills’ of Pizarra, site open all year round, swimming pool, only £13,495. Want to view? Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70

LOANS HOLA CREDITO. Instant short term loans against your valuables. Quick, easy and always discreet. Tel 900 123 457 (241174) LOANS AVAILABLE on all types of paintings, jewellery, watches, silver etc. Any condition. Immediate cash settlement. For more information call into Anthony’s Antiques & Jewellers shops extensive premises at C/Ramon y Cajal 40, Fuengirola. Mobile 609 529 633. Tel: 952 588 795 (SE) (201522)

24/7 LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH emergency / appointment. Doors opened without damage, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured, 24 hour honest, fast and reliable service. Call Paul 657 466 803 (248853) T1 ENGLISH 24/7 LOCKSMITH/SAFE ENGINEERS. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE, CALL DAREN OR BOB 952 660 233 / 667 668 673 WWW.SECURITYOFS PAIN.COM (241275)

MISCELLANEOUS WOODY´S LOS BOLICHES. Greeting Cards, mail to and from the UK. Worldwide courier and Passport renewals. All adverts taken for the Euro Weekly News- display or classified. Open 9.00-2.00PM (Monday to Friday). Special hours apply August and Xmas. One street behind the Confortel, just off Plaza San Rafael, Los Boliches, on C/Poeta Salvador Rueda 93. Tel: 952 471 877


MOSQUITO SCREENS MOSQUITO NICK No1 Specialist for Mosquito Screens for all types of windows and doors. PRICE PROMISE/NEVER BEATEN ON PRICE!!! All types of screens: sliding, pull-down, pleated, fixed and ARCHED available in all colours including wood grain. Call Nick at 647 072 861, www.mosquitonick. ws (236655) (T1) ACE OF SHADES - Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730)

MOBILITY scooters, electric wheelchairs, wheelchairs, walking frames, etc, for sale and rent. Large selection of quality used scooters at competitive prices. Rascal vantage X, Rascal Veo X, Shoprider Sovereign, Pride Go Go, Neo 4 and 8, Mercury Prism, Pride XL8, Rascal 388, Rascal 329, Rascal 125 Wheelchair, Shoprider electric wheelchair breaks up for boot, Rascal 330 electric wheelchair as new condition at considerable saving, Rascal turnabout electric wheelchair, plus many more all with guarantee. New and used wheelchairs for sale at competitive prices. Brand New Pride Go Go Mobility Scooters All models just arrived huge savings on retails prices. Rentals from 55 euros weekly. New mobility scooter batteries supplied and fitted. Mobility scooters bought for cash. www.mobilityscoot email info@mobilityscootersdi Tel 609581139 (250351)

MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (253200)

SENIORWORLD - MOBILITY scooters, wheelchairs, stairlifts, nursing beds, rise ´n´ recline chairs and a large range of daily living aids for sale or hire. Visit our showroom in Los Boliches - or call on 952 663 131 or 670 964 181 for advice & best prices. (251391)


MORTGAGES FLUENT Finance Abroad Are you looking to release equity in your home here in Spain? Need to pay IBI, Community Fees, Taxes, but don’t have the cash available now to do this. Do you want to sell your property for what it is worth but don’t have the ability/time frame due to cash constraints? Do you want an alternative to the Banks who are costly and slow? Call us now on +34 691 179 445 +34 952 961 952 or email ronald@fluentfinanceabroad.c om Come and visit us in our San Pedro office (250459)




FOR SALE SELLING YOUR SPANISH CAR? PHONE Bill Brady for the best cash price. Stay safe and phone Bill on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 billbrady (236580) BILL BRADY CARS has been established on the Costa del Sol since 1986, in which time he has helped thousands of expatriates to buy or sell their quality used Spanish cars and also keeping all the documentation simple so you understand all that is going on (which is important). You can contact Bill direct on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 or bill (236580) MASSIVE SAVING DIESEL Citroen Picasso 1.6 HDI 2011 from private owner only 53’000 Klm (32’000 Mls) metallic silver a very well kept car and a great all round family MPV New ITV (MOT) and price WAS 7’995€ NOW 6’995€. 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (236580) MASSIVE SAVING DIESEL Toyota Auris 2012 one private owner 55’000 Klm (34’000 Mls) full service history from Toyota main service just been done polar white lots of extras on this car ideal costa car and also a very scarce car. WAS 10’995€ NOW 9´500€ 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 bill (236580)


AUTOMATIC gearbox specialist. Transmatic. All models including classic cars, serviced, repaired and reconditioned. Also 4x4 transfer boxes and power steering Call/fax 952 796 166 / 952 805 804 email: transmat (251347) GT AUTOS Mijas – ITV´s, Servicing and Repairs. Diagnostics; Engines, ABS, Airbags, Aircon. 952 462 852 – 622 252 570 (250302) ECU Remapping. Tuning for gains in power / Economy. More power, less fuel, lower emissions. Mobile 634 436 532 (249693)

For daily news visit

DIESEL Citroen C-4 1.6 HDI. 2014 Mdl. from private owner low Klm. full service history, polar white black velour trim lots of extras. Full warranty till November 2017. Save a fortune from the new price at only 10’995€ 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 bill (236580) MASSIVE SAVING ESTATE Ford Focus 1.6 Inj. 2013 bought from Ford Estepona and from lady owner 46’000 klm (28’000 Mls) metallic silver, climate control, electric pack, it´s been used for the school runs it´s a big saving at WAS 9’995€ NOW 9’695€ 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (236580) MASSIVE SAVING Kia Rio 1.2 Concept 5 door 2014 Mdl. From private owner (not a rental car) full service history and 7 years warranty metallic black, cream interior, bluetooth and lots more. Look at this massive saving WAS 7’995€ NOW 7’500€ 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 billbrady (236580) GREAT BUY Hyundai I-20 2010 5 door from private owner only 38’000 Klm (24’000 Mls) with full service history just had full service from Hyundai metallic blue, perfect small family car great economy , LOOK its only 5’995€ 952 838 842/608 950 221 bil (236580)


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

AUTOMATIC/Diesel Ford Mondeo Ghia 2.0 Ltr. TDCI 2005 5 door, new ITV. 96’000 Klm. (60’000 Mls) Used only as holiday car, sunroof, half leather interior, climate control, alloy wheels, parking sensors, and lots more only 4’995€ 952 838 842/608 950 221 billbrady (236580) 2007 Citroen Belingo multispace 1.6 hdi, 240,000 kms, in very good condition throughout, aircon, new ITV, great multi-purpose vehicle. 3´995€ 653 777 073 (241693) 2005 KIA CARNIVAL 2.9 diesel automatic, seven seater, twin side doors, silver, climate control, alloys. In excellent condition inside and out. Fully legal Spanish LHD, 5,995€, 653 777 073 (241693) AUTOMATIC 2003 Citroen C5 2l diesel automatic in silver, with alloys, aircon, very good condition throughout. ITV October 2017 2´995€ 653 777 073 (241693) 2010 Alpha Romeo 159 station wagon 1.9 JTD 6 speed diesel, in metallic black, new tyres, new MOT and tax, insured, right hand drive on UK plates, ideal return to UK, 2 keys, 120, 000 miles, full alpha history, alloys , in perfect condition inside and out, 3,995€ 653 777 073 (241693) MERCEDES cl 500, 2001 coupe auto, with every conceivable extra, inc assisted door closer, double glazed, sat nav, in dark metallic blue with black leather, drives and looks perfect, this car cost new 1000.000€ priced to sell at 6,995€ 653 777 073 (241693) FORD FUSION 2004 1.3 petrol, silver, new ITV, in very good condition inside and out, 5 door 5 speed manual, electric windows, air-con, priced to sell at 1,995€ 653 777 073 (241693) 2006 Pick-up VW 6 seater twin cab single wheel 2.5 diesel, 6 speed, aircon, alloy body, 170´000 kms. Must be seen, like new 653 777 073 FORD MONDEO 2004 2.0 tdci Ghia, in metallic blue, new tyres, new itv,6 speed 140 bhp, alloys climate control, excellent runner in great condition, to sell quick 1,995€ 653 777 073 (241693)

For daily news visit


2009 MERCEDES C220 cdi original factory amg, RHD on Spanish plates, 80,000 miles with full service history, 2 keys, silver with black leather, in perfect condition inside and out, 9,995€ 653 777 073 (241693)

ITEM FOR SALE HEADLIGHTS for LHD Tiguan, as new BARGAIN €300, Cost €800 – 650 421 338 (251405)


2008 Ford Focus Sport 5dr diesel, all extras including leather, alloys, satnav, climate control, only 64´000kms from one owner, 2 keys etc 7´995€ 653 777 073 (241693)

LEXUS ES 350 (2007), Gib Reg, Immaculate condition, fully loaded, ONLY 50,000 miles. €9,500 ONO. 629 482 670 (250480) MERCEDES C CLASS T220 CDI 7G-Tronic, 2014, Obsidian Black, 7G-Tronic, 89,000kms. For more information contact 602 584 024 email or 628 588 256 email (250487) FORD FOCUS 1.6 TDI 2014, 58,000kms (36,000miles), 1 Owner, €9,950 – 655 827 333 (250490) FORD FIESTA 1.4 DIESEL 2013, 48,000kms (30,000miles), 1 owner, €8.750 – 655 827 333 (250490)

WANTED all cars vans and anything interesting also classic cars, bikes, etc, with or without paperwork considered, same day decision, cash waiting, 653 777 073 (241693) SIMPLY THE BEST – TOP prices paid for any secondhand cars. Jeff 639 416 333 (251388) Buy or Sell your car online. All makes & models LHD/RHD. Spanish/UK Reg. (249723) LINCOLN Navigator, 2005, 47,000 miles, UK reg, 6 speed auto, 4X4, 7 seats, 1 previous owner, black with cream leather, 22” chrome wheels, full electric pack including side steps, long MOT & tax, just serviced, beautiful looking car. 10995€ Tlf 602 533 508 (251409)



MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, repairs, ITVs & diagnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (247810) BRITISH MECHANIC WORKSHOP family run business since 2000 in Mijas Costa Fuengirola. Servicing Repairs, ITVS, Full Engine Rebuilds, Body Work Repairs, Recovery Service, Paperwork Transfers. Checks on all cars & 4x4. CALL TODAY 605 407 369 / 951 914 025 (250263) LEO´S AUTOS, MIJAS COSTA. Repairs & servicing to all makes of cars, light commercials, also ITV´s, exhausts etc. Plus home call outs. T: 952 917 353 / 722 291 198. (249581)


KARAOKE “Everything You Need” Rent, Buy or Update Your Songs in All Languages. “costasongs” 664-540-154. (232947)

NAUTICAL PUERTO BANÚS – Moorings for rent. 8, 12 & 15 meters. 662 379 483 (240400) PUERTO BANUS – Moorings wanted to buy. 0032 473 815 789




WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)

CARS AND VANS, ANY REGISTRATION, INSTANT CASH, FINANCE/EMBARGO UK OR SPANISH 693 028 325 (253107) CARS WANTED, all registration numbers, any age, runners/non-runners, finance, embargoes no problem 687 049 592 or 622 156 022 (248692) T2 CARS, VANS UK OR SPANISH BOUGHT FOR CASH. FREE COLLECTION IN SPAIN/UK. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 OR 952 669 701 (253107) WANTED CARS AND VANS, FREE COLLECTION, SAME DAY 693 028 325 (253107)


LIVE MUSIC with DAVID CHRISTIAN-CLARK from solo Spanish Guitar to Dance band, performing for exclusive private events from Gibraltar to Nerja.Call 00 350 540 367 29 or e-mail dav for details.Over 30 years’ professional experience. (250296)

ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job too Small. 952 667 074 (251389)

ABBEYGATE INSURANCE. No automatic annual increase on our Motor Insurance, renewal policies. Call 952 893 380 (68259)

COCKROACHES, ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Guarantee. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Nigel 606 008 940

“SIMPLY THE BEST” on the coast. Forget the rest, have the job done right. Call Sam. 18 years Mijas. 952 666 025 / 629 546 128. You’re worth it. (232930)

PERGOLAS/DECKING PERGOLAS, Decking and Thatched Gazebos. Best quality and prices. Installations. For free quotation call 686 322 328 (243344)


PEST CONTROL Best Prices Great Service BRITISH & LEGAL 0034 684 217 181 WWW.LOCALPEST.ES

YOUNG DOMESTICATED cats rescued from the killing station need kind homes. Fully vaccinated and neutered. We will also deliver to England for a donation to the charity. Please give one of these beautiful cats a home so we can save more from death. Can be seen without obligation at Cat and Dog World Kennels. Tel. 630 197 435 (93398) HAVING problems with your dog? We can show YOU how to educate your dog. Private and group classes. If you are short of time we have a pickup & home delivery service from Benalmadena to Marbella, so we are able to see you at our Pet Nursery. Professional with 20 years of experience. Tel: 670 604 172, Web:; Email: (253202)

CHARITIES ACE CHARITY “El Refugio” in La Cala de Mijas is a registered charity. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the Town Hall or the Andalucian government. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appointment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320)

CLASSIFIEDS ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call 952 113 467, available from 10.00am until 14.00pm. (93319) SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public week-ends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at anytime. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 www.sepe (93321) AT SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So if you are having a clear-out, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about re-homing, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website www.sos-an or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317) ARCH - THE ANDALUCIAN RESCUE CENTRE FOR HORSES WELCOMES VISITORS AND VOLUNTEERS TO THEIR STABLES ON SATURDAYS FROM 10 - 12 OR BY APPOINTMENT. COME AND HELP OUT, OR SPONSOR OR ADOPT ONE OF OUR HORSES, DONKEYS OR MULES. WE ALWAYS NEED HELP WITH FUND RAISING TO LOOK AFTER THE ABANDONED AND ABUSED ANIMALS. OUR AIM IS TO RESCUE, REHABILITATE AND REHOME. WE ARE A SMALL FRIENDLY TEAM - WHY NOT JOIN US. FIND US IN ALHAURIN EL GRANDE, BEHIND THE VENTA MIRALMONTE ON THE ROAD FROM ALHAURIN TO COIN, (A404), URB.VIÑA BORREGO, FOLLOW THE YEL-


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



CAT AND DOG WORLD KENNELS AND CATTERY, superb licensed facilities, viewing welcome. Tel: 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. (241623)


WWW.INMOANDALUZ.CO M is always looking for realistically priced inland properties to sell to our interested buyers. Tel 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 (244876) WWW.INMOANDALUZ.CO M. Bargain inland properties for all budgets, fincas, village homes, apartments and villas. Legal building plots. 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 (244876)


EURODOG Boarding Kennels & Cattery. Under new ownership by animal loving family. Large kennels and exercise yards, fully licensed and sanitary approved. Safe, secure and caring environment. Inspections welcome anyt ime. 5 minutes from Fuengirola 679 786 669 / 952 464 947 /


THE DOG MOVER. Licensed transporters. Two handlers, so never alone. 651 581 067 / 0044 (0) 7875 947230. www.thedog (228731) ACCOMPANY your pets to their new home. Fully licensed pet transport service. Denise 952 197 187 / 696 233 848 PET TRANSPORTATION by road. Fully DEFRA/OCA/ TRACES compliant. Complete service by professional licensed kennels. 630 197 435 (241623)

PETCARE PET HOTEL. Alhaurin el Grande. Holiday accommodation for dogs and cats. Heated/Air conditioned kennels available. Tel: 952 112 284 / 685 400 216 Find us on Facebook at Petcare Spain (243370) LAGUNA KENNELS AND CATTERY. Your pets lovingly cared for by English mother and daughter.Near Coin. lagu Tel 952 112 021 / 606 838 983 (253083)


PLUMBER for all your plumbing. Water heaters, bathrooms, tiling. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Construction work. Glen 669 073 773 (253089) PLUMBING. Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / drain (248852) ANTONIO ENTERPRISES – Plumbing Services. 24HR Call out. 600 456 350 (250422)

PRINTERS BUSINESS cards, flyers, posters, magazines, design, canvas, exhibition equipment, signage, vehicle branding Eyeprint: 951 310 395 (248903)

PROFESSIONAL SERV. PRO VENT. Kitchens, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Windows, Glass Curtains creatively designed and expertly fitted. Visit our showroom in La Cala or call 639 727 188 for a free quotation. From inspiration to installation (248719)

PROPERTY TORREMOLINOS MONTEMAR 3 Bed, 2 Bath duplex apartment, For Sale or Rent. Contact 677 817 867 (250273)

ACCOMMODATION RETIRED gent has en-suite double room to rent close to Feria ground in Fuengirola. 250€ PM plus half bills. Phone 653 897 413 (251402)

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE MR MAINTENANCE For ALL your Property needs No Job Too Small 647 460 155 (253196)

ATTRACTIVE 2 Bed, 2 Bath, Ground Floor Apartment in DON ALBERTO Mijas Costa. Fully Furnished to high standard. Close to Pool, Air-Conditioning & in a very safe position. 185,000 Euros. +447850 746171 om (253193) TORREBLANCA Large 4 Bedroom Townhouse. Fully Furnished. Near Beach/Amenties. ONLY €285,000. 603 343 014 (250465)

PROPERTY TO LET LONG TERM RENTALS. Super prices, no commission. Apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, shops, offices, bars, restaurants. Coast & inland. Tlf 679 111 522 (253100)


NATIONAL / INTERNATIONAL 15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 24th February. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (248848) EUROPE SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (236581) USA SPECIALIST Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (236581) STORAGE SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (236581) LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (236581) PROFESSIONAL LOCAL REMOVALS AT AFFORDABLE RATES. 1/2 DAY FROM €90. FULL DAY FROM €175. WE ALSO PROVIDE A FORTNIGHTLY DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE TO UK AND EUROPE (INCL SCOTLAND). WORLDWIDE SHIPPING TO USA, AUSTRALIA, ETC AND FULL STORAGE FACILITIES. TEL (0034) 952 578 507 OR (0034) 637 892 278 / EMAIL garymoveit@ya (253088) BRITONS REMOVALS - UKSpain-UK. Regular Fully Registered Removal & Storage Service for over 30 years. Tel 618 984 570 or 914 143 164 (242465)




MOVING BACK TO UK? Removal vehicle departing weekly throughout the year. Excellent, professional service & great rates. Ring (0034) 665 089 244 or (0044) 01922 682 667 & see www.elite-euro (93139) UK - SPAIN - Anywhere Europe! Masses of experience. New clean vehicles. Insured with Royal Sun Alliance. Genuinely CARING service. FULL and / Part moves. ONLINE QUOTES!! www.bmceuro Tel: UK 08456 443 784 / ES 634 344 787 FIND US ON FACEBOOK! (243375) MOVING MATTERS SL – removals and storage. Local or to and from the UK/Ireland/Portugal and across Europe. Over 16 years experience. For free quotation Tel 951 311 118. (241617) LOCAL & International Removals Regular Schedules 952 816 582 move@freinternation (253105) NO JOB TOO SMALL. Large van traveling to and from Benidorm, Alicante & Malaga regularly every two weeks. AAA Couriers T: +44 2838 840 345. E: (249585) MAN VAN Removals, 20Euros/Hour 3 Vans available, Tel David 696 810 618 / (248401)

MAN AND VAN MAN & VAN Removals, Clearances. 100% reliable. Always punctual. 20€ per hour. 622 020 856 (241247) BIG VAN (removal) always on time. 100% reliable. 20€. P.H. - 633 277 270 (248897) 2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. Also House Clearances. 651 081 610 (248894) THE VAN MAN. Cheap and cheerful. €20 per hour. 677 251 025 (248380)


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

HANDYMAN & VAN – Small removals, clearances. Ikea collection & assembly, experienced & reliable. €20 hourly – 603 257 612 (253004)

STORAGE REMOVAL BOXES Large, med, wardrobe, bubble wrap, tape, collect or delivered. Local and international removals also undertaken. 952 239 110 / 632 702 306 (244093)

FOR SALE LOS BOLICHES STOREROOM/TRASTERO 9 mtrs, safe & secure. €3,900. 655 774 112 English/Spanish (250488) STORAGE Marbella Dry Secure 952 816 582 (253105) STORAGE lowest price guaranteed. Packaging materials Self Storage Marbella 952 811 311 (242608)

ROLLER SHUTTERS ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours available including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730)


ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (233420)


CARPENTRY CARPENTER cabinet maker, Irish. Property maintenance, plumbing, painting, electrical, kitchens. Bathrooms renovated etc. 30 years experience. Very reliable. 677 087 575 (233419)

FURNITURE FRENCH POLISHING REPAIRS, restoration etc. restore your valuable furniture to its former glory. Tel 647 579 519 / 952 499 944 (241249)

SEWING ALL STYLES Curtains, upholstery, soft furnishings and bean bags made to measure. Sensible prices. Also repairs / alterations. All areas. Call 672 800 887 or email judein (253094)


For daily news visit



CLASSIFIEDS NEW YEAR, new job? JobFinder Spain adds a fresh and friendly approach to finding your ideal role. We are looking for all types of staff so upload your CV at or call us on 951 400 234 LOOKING for quality staff? JobFinder Spain can help you, efficiently and cost effectively. Find out how at www.jobfind or just call 951 400 234 (253013) MARBELLA Design Academy is expanding and is looking for an INTERIOR ARCHITECT/DESIGNER. The successful candidate must be fluent in English and be educated to at least BA degree level. You need to be a team player, have exceptional organisational skills and very good knowledge of CAD, 3D MAX and Adobe. Please email your CV to cv@de (251390)


DO YOU CARE? If so, why not join our team of carers who work in the UK. Earn from £952 - £1,456 for 2 weeks. Good written/spoken English, British or EU Passport required. Contact Sandra on 658 965 204 or email s.field@con (253024)

Good knowledge of Networks, WordPress, Analytics and proficient programming in PHP and CSS. Please email your CV to

EARN 300€ to 2,500€ per month working with a reputable British PLC. Flexible Hours. No Selling. Local Training & Support. For more information go to (250266) MARBELLA Design Academy is expanding and is looking for a GRAPHIC DESIGNER. The successful candidate must be fluent in English and be educated to at least BA degree level. You need to be a team player, have exceptional organisational skills and very good knowledge of Adobe. Please email y o u r C V t o cv@design CLEANER REQUIRED Elviria Area. Friday & Saturday mornings. Contact 649 716 924 MARBELLA Design Academy is expanding and is looking for an IT PROFESSIONAL. The successful candidate must be fluent in English and have exceptional organisational skills.


SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or rosan

SOLAR SOLAR Hot water installed from €1995 incl. www.adva - 951 965 309, 664 871 133 (253076)

STORAGE DRY & Secure Storage – 35 cubic metre units inside warehouse. 24/7 access. 616 337 996 (250424)


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

POOL MAINTENANCE, repairs, friendly, reliable service. Estepona, Malaga, inland regrouts, heaters. 678 791 495 / 951 295 699 www.sparklen (241243) T3

SITUATIONS VACANT Maintenance, Repairs & Renovation. Professional & Reliable Service. All Areas. info@per 650 348 785 (248413) WESTARPOOLS. Pool construction, renovation, repairs and heating. 619 246 372 / POOL HEATING, COVERS AND ROLLERS. SWIM IN A HEATED POOL ALL YEAR ROUND. PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS FOR OVER 20 YEARS. ENVIROCARE 952 663 141 – 670 409 759 www.envirocare ALL AREAS COVERED (247804) QUALITY Astral Pool Heaters from €3,995 +IVA fully installed! Removable Pool Safety fencing from €59,95 per linear metre +IVA fully installed! – 951 965 309, 664 871 133 ANTONIO ENTERPRISES – Pool Heating. Builds. Repairs. 602 593 267. www.complete (250422)





E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


UPHOLSTERY ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, 27 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable. 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 acservs@out (253107) UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 693 028 325 (253107)

THERAPISTS CHANGE your thinking, change your life. Psychotherapist Philip Jameson. Adults, adolescents, families. 635 276 140 (253086) LIFE COACHING, stress, depression, other problems. 24 years experience. Contact 634 369 414 / info@thewaychris / theway (236862) CONFIDENTIAL Counselling via Skype/Phone or Riviera del Sol private clinic. 610 068 804 (250413) QUALIFIED COUNSELLOR, English speaking. Adults & Children. Contact Nancy 651 431 026 (251399)

TRANSLATOR OFFICIAL translations. All languages. 952 789 204. Mobile 654 613 094. sanpedrotransla (249621)

TUITION MARBELLA DESIGN ACADEMY: Validated programmes. Bachelor of Arts degrees awarded by Middlesex University London. (241409) MATHS TUTORING, Exam Results, Intensive Half-Term Support, KS3, GCSE (€40 phr), A-Level, IB (€50 phr), MalagaSan Pedro. 663 706 271

CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)


REPAIRS WASHING machine repairs. No fix No fee. Call Joe: 686 271 836 (248601)

WATER WELLS WATERWELLS/BOREHOLES, free preliminary survey with “Minas” and “Medio ambiente” regarding licence application. Comprehensive quote prior to site visit. Email enquiries: Web site:

WINDOW TINTING MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Legal. Solar Reflective tint for glass curtains, balconies, yachts. Stop fading, heat & glare. 958 496 571 – 644 546 176 (238665)


REPAIRS – TV’s, Plasmas, LCD’s, Digi – Boxes, Video, HiFi and microwaves. Free estimates, can collect. 35 Years experience. John 952 491 723 or 600 706 201 (250261)


CRISTAL, sex goddess, nympho, hot and orgasmic. A real fireball, as well as a kind and caring woman. Inbound and outbound calls. 24 hours VISA. 608 949 543 (250283) MIRAFLORES, Natasha, sweet and passionate black girl. Beautiful, slim and horny. I’m the lover you’ll live your wildest fantasies with. I love playing erotic games. 24h. 650 237 102 (250283) SADOMASOCHIST. Fully equipped dungeon. Professional service and equipment (Cross, iron, straightjackets) 650 237 145 (250283) BUTTERFLY GIRLS, high quality inbound and outbound calls. 8 sex-goddesses are waiting for you. 24h. Striptease, lesbian, orgies, porn films and toys all available. VISA. www.butterfly 951 274 723, 648 814 653. (250283) WANTED. Girls aged between 25 and 35, preferably English speaking for Fuengirola’s busiest adult relax apartment. (See Fuengirola Port’s advert in adult section for further details.) If interested please phone 663 645 432. Discretion guaranteed. Excellent money paid daily. (248736) FUENGIROLA. Oriental young beautiful Japaneses. Complete services. Outcalls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (247687) BENALMADENA - LAURA 28, slim brunette. Sexy model. Warm and friendly. Fluent English. Incalls & outcalls. 633 744 422 MATURE elegant lady. Voluptuous bust. All services. Only hotel and home visits. 687 387 680 (243921)


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FEMALE MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for your enjoyment in the city centre, eight young ladies for unforgettable moments. Open 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and information call 620 366 817. (238512) T1 RIVIERA. I’m Vicky, a 25-yearold Brazilian nympho with fire in my veins. I love hot passionate sex. Call me! I’m waiting for you! 616 368 985 (250283)

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experience to ladies, couples, and gentlemen. Indulge your fantasy, be a voyeur, or simply enjoy very special pleasures with us. Private apartment in Nueva Andalucia or out calls 685 189 518

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9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol




E W N 9 - 15 February 2017

Costa del Sol




Advertising feature

Helle Hollis celebrates 35 years on the Costa HELLE HOLLIS is celebrating its 35th anniversary on the Costa del Sol on February 16. The Danish car rental company, founded in 1982 by Holger Helle, is today a prosperous business with over 1,300 rental cars in peak season distributed between the Head Office at Malaga Airport and the local branch office in Fuengirola. One of the characteristics of the company’s 35-year history is that Helle Hollis is always first with new initiatives in the car rental industry: “We were the first to introduce smoke-free cars after demand by our customers,” said Managing Director Hans Hugo From, “and last year we became the first company in Malaga to have environmentally friendly hybrid cars in the fleet.” Another key factor of the company’s success is very high customer satisfaction, which is achieved by always listening to customer feedback. “Helle Hollis has truly service-minded staff and all employees have many years of experience. Several have been involved from the very beginning of the company. We provide a personalised service and always do a little extra for the customer

HEAD OFFICE: Helle Hollis celebrates 35th anniversary this month. to get a stress-free start to their holidays and have a great car rental experience. “We offer a fast lane service, free Wi-Fi in the waiting areas, a self-service point where customers can print boarding cards and even scales if they need to weigh luggage before the return journey.”

When the client reserves their car, there is no fine print and no hidden fees upon arrival. Bookings can be made online on the userfriendly website, which is now also available in a new mobile version. In 1997 Helle Hollis was the first car hire company in Malaga with something as exotic as a website.

Now they are on version number 10. But whilst it is at the forefront of technology, Helle Hollis still offers the personal touch and clients can of course still book the old fashioned way via phone with the staff speaking English, Danish, German, French, Russian and Spanish. Having so many loyal customers made Helle Hollis launch the Home Owners’ Club which currently has over 12,000 members. The Club members enjoy a number of unique advantages including earned bonuses and discounts. In the anniversary week from February 13-19, all customers will receive a little ‘anniversary gift’ with their car rental: “We provide car rental made-to-measure and this will be the theme of the anniversary. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal customers, without whom we wouldn’t have a 35th anniversary to celebrate,” concludes Hans Hugo. Helle Hollis Tel: 952 245 544 Visit: Email:


What documents do I need to take in my car? WHEN you drive a vehicle on Spain’s roads, it is compulsory for you to carry certain documents with you in the vehicle. The ITV Card Official document which relates to the technical inspection of the vehicle, the Inspección Técnica de Vehículos, or ITV. ITV Report Once your vehicle is four years old it will have to undergo the mandatory ITV test. The ITV report details what happened during that inspection. Permiso de Circulacion The Permiso de Circulacion is similar to what we might refer to as the log book for a vehicle, which contains information

such as the number plate, the vehicle owner and other details. There are also some documents which are not compulsory, but it is advisable that you carry them with you too. Insurance Policy Carrying the insurance policy is NOT compulsory as the information is contained on a central computer, however, if you are involved in an incident you will need to know your policy details for the Accident Agreement. It is mandatory that the documents you carry are the originals, not photocopies. The only copy allowed is one stamped and certified by a Notary.

9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol




E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol

Much has been happening


Classic Car Club of Andalucia


INTER still hangs around us but nothing seems to stop the members of The Classic Car Club of Andalucia keeping busy and enjoying themselves and their cars. Since our last column much has been happening in the classic car world. The ‘Retro Malaga’ show held over a Friday to Sunday weekend was a great success and an excellent show. Plenty of ‘Autojumble’ type stands where all sorts of bargains were lurking under the cover of the odd Seat gearbox or old Lucas headlamp. One just had to ‘rummage’ to find something useful, rare or just special! The trade stands were good too with, would you believe, three different companies offering rechroming and other types of metal refinishing. One of these companies is in Malaga, one in Leon and one in Valencia. The club stands and single-marque stands had plenty of cars on show but, rather like the UK classic shows, the best cars were to be found in the car park just outside which was reserved for classics. I think there is no doubt that the CCC of A will take a stand there next year. In our last column I did suggest that I would go deeper into what is, and what constitutes, a ‘classic’ car. It’s something that I get asked a great deal, particularly by would-be members and it’s something that often causes great debate in the classic car world and in the CCC of A in particular. Whatever anyone says, there is no absolute definition of what qualifies as a classic car. Many clubs have their own definition or interpretation. However, it is generally accepted that, in order to qualify, the vehicle should be 25 years old, be in good condition and come from an interesting or pedigree lineage. However, there are many exceptions to this! Some countries go to 20 years old as a defining

JEC DAY OUT: Lunch was enjoyed at the restaurant overlooking Lake Viñuela.

age, some go to 30. And, we’re talking of ‘classic’ cars only, not veteran or vintage cars which have different rules altogether. ‘Age alone doth not a classic make’ is a well known mantra and is very true. There is also now a great following, and understanding or recognition, of ‘modern classics’ which is even more difficult to define. Such cars as the Mercedes E-class, coupe or cabriolet, fit into this category as do Porsche 911s, Aston Martins, the sporting Jaguars, Rolls Royce and Bentley. In fact, even most new versions of these models can acquire classic status immediately because of their lineage and pedigree. There is also an understanding in many parts of the classic car world that, if a vehicle is less than 25 years old but has come from a model line that has been in continuous production for over 25 years, then that can be acceptable. A fine example of this is the ubiquitous and evergreen Porsche 911 which, although is a totally different car to when it was first produced in 1964, has retained the same shape or silhouette and has been the product of constant development of the same basic concept. It’s still a rear-engined 911 with a direct link to its illustrious ancestors and thus has instant classic status. Other examples are the Lotus (or Caterham) 7 and the Bentley Turbo R, to name but a few! “Age The Mazda MX-5, which was alone modelled on our own Lotus doth not a Elan of the 60’s, is a very acclassic make” ceptable classic. They is a well-known were first produced in mantra and 1989 (28 years ago) is very true. and, although well developed, have kept their shape, lines and design features constantly throughout that period and they are still being produced. The CCC of A has a number of members owning them and they are very wel-

come, whatever the actual year of registration might be. This all changes and gets much more definitive and precise when one wants to compete in Historic motorsport. Then the rules are way tougher and scrutineers and inspectors exist to ensure that competing cars keep to very strict and well defined rules, especially when it comes to modifications and even more so, ‘period’ modifications. Therein lies a different story! The 2017 Sherry Tour The Club has a superb four-day classic car tour of the Sherry areas and has been visiting Vejer de la Frontera, Puerto de Santa Maria and Cadiz. Running over this last weekend, we know the event was a huge success and had a very full entry enjoying some spectacular scenery, countryside and incredibly quiet roads. We will have a full report and photos of this event in our next CCC of A column. Last weekend, a number of CCCA members went along to the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club (JEC) who held a very enjoyable classic car run that started near Velez-Malaga and finished with an excellent lunch at the Pantano Restaurante overlooking Lake Viñuela. Coffee and ‘Malaga Dulces’ were taken in the oldest inn in Andalucia, the Alfarnate Inn, after a spectacular climb up out of Periana and through Alfarnataje. A very enjoyable day out and well organised by Philip and Jane Wray of the JEC. The pictures with this article are from that JEC day out and I would like to thank Andrew BuckHonour for these. Talking of photographs, the CCC of A is joining forces with top photographer and regular Kodak Gold judge, Paul Yaffé, to start a photographic competition for members. Paul Yaffé is generously sponsoring, and taking a keen interest in, this competition which was announced to the Club last night at the Club night and dinner at El Chaparral Golf Club. There will be a monthly and an annual competition for members producing the best photographs, taken at Club events, and these will be featured on the Club’s website and in this newspaper.

People can start to submit their photos now and we will publish full details of the competition in the next CCCA column / page in two weeks time. Now would be a good time to treat yourselves to that new SLR although, seeing Paul’s examples, it’s not difficult to get award-winning photo shots from your mobile phone! On the subject of mobile phones, many of us use them now for Satellite Navigation systems and, although the CCC of A frowns on their use for its events, it understands that they are sometimes essential to find the start of an event or to recover and find a finish hotel if, perhaps, one may have gone wrong somewhere…? I have come across a great new free Navigation App called simply ‘Waze’ which I am very impressed with. I have always stuck with TomTom or Garmin before, which are certainly not cheap, and so I do recommend you taking a look at this one. Still on the subject of mobile phones and iPads, how many times have you missed the results of, say, the Monte Carlo Rally or other events? You’d love to see a rerun on TV of some of those special stages in the snow and ice. Well, download the free App ‘Red Bull TV’ and you can see much of these things ‘on demand.’ A good example is indeed the Monte and most WRC events. Really good stuff! Incidentally, the 2017 Rally Monte Carlo was won by Sebastian Ogier in his M-Sport Ford Focus. As I write this the Monte Carlo Historique Rally is led on the last day by Michel Decremer and Yannick Albert in their Opel Ascona 2000. Good luck to them as they prepare for the last two stages. That’s it until our next column in two weeks’ time.

Ian Giles

Further information on Classic Car Club of Andalucia events can be found on the Club’s website Membership of this vibrant club is open to anyone owning a genuine classic car here in Spain. Saca tu coche clásico del garage y diviértete con el.

E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Advertising feature

Support your Spanish dream ARE you a skilled and driven expat looking for lucrative job opportunities in the UK that will allow you to live out your dreams of a life in Spain? Have you had trouble finding a position that offers proper wages for the hard work you put in? Fortunately Cambs Contractors is well aware of the tough environment many expats find themselves in while living in Spain. It has dedicated itself to helping people like you unleash your potential, and earn good money while you’re at it. A family-run business based in the UK with more than 40 years’ experience in haulage and recruitment, Cambs Contractors is looking for drivers. It wants to hear from people interested in guaranteed, flexible and profitable work at a location which suits them. Having lived in Spain

Photo by Matushchak Anton/Shutterstock


DRIVERS WANTED: For lucrative opportunity. themselves, owner Steve Ambrose and his family, are all too familiar with the financial plight many expats can find themselves in. That is why they have developed a driver-friendly employment programme designed to benefit you. Average weekly earnings in the UK are between £800 and £1,000 per week and many drivers who choose Cambs Con-

tractors go for a few weeks or months, earn their money while based near their family back home, and then return to Spain with enough cash to support a life in the sun. Interested? Contact Cambs Contractors today on +44 1487 842165 or +44 7846624312, email them on k or visit their website


E W N 9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol


Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: • After last weekend’s opening Six Nations Rugby Union wins by England (19-16 v France), Scotland (27-22 v Ireland) and Wales 33-7 v Italy), the second round matches feature Italy v Ireland and Wales v England on Saturday, followed 24 hours later by France v Scotland… all live on TV. • Moving to the other code of rugby, and the 2017 Super League starts tonight with St Helens v Leeds Rhinos followed tomorrow by CastlefordLeigh and Widnes-Huddersfield with Salford-Wigan and Catalan Dragons-Warrington playing on Saturday. •Meanwhile, the former Hull FC player and Hull KR chairman and coach, Colin Hutton, has died aged 90. • Saturday’s PL football matches include Arsenal (4th)

versus Hull City (18th), recent conquerors of Liverpool (5th) who play Spurs (2nd) and Burnley versus leaders and inform Chelsea, who comfortably beat the Gunners last Saturday to go 10 points clear at the top of the table. • On Sunday, it’s Bournemouth, whose last game ended in a 6-3 defeat at Everton, against Manchester City (4th) who beat Swansea 2-1 last Sunday with a 92nd Jesus goal. Relegation-threatened Crystal Palace (19th) visit Stoke, Sunderland (bottom), who walloped hapless Crystal Palace 4-0 at Selhurst Park in their last game, meet Southampton and Swansea (17th) take on struggling Leicester who were outplayed when losing 3-0 to Manchester United last Sunday. • In the Championship tomorrow night, Sheffield Wednesday (6th) play Birmingham, followed on Saturday by Brighton (2nd) v Burton Albion, Wolves v leaders Newcastle, Derby v Bristol City, Leeds (4th) v Cardiff, QPR v Huddersfield (5th) and Reading (3rd) v Barnsley. • It’s Peterborough v

© Craig Watson

Wins for England, Scotland and Wales

SCOTLAND v IRELAND: Stuart Hogg’s second try. Sheffield United (top) and Scunthorpe (2nd) v Shrewsbury in FL2; there’s a Devon derby in FL2 involving Plymouth (2nd) and Exeter and north of the border, Celtic play Inverness CT, Hearts meet holders Hibs and Morton take on Rangers in 5th round Scottish Cup-ties. • Here in La Liga, Real Madrid (top by a point) visit Osasuna and Alaves welcome Barcelona (2nd) on Saturday,

and Sevilla (3rd) go to Las Palmas on Sunday. • And don’t forget that the first legs of eight Champions League quarter-final ties take place on February 14/15, with 16 first leg encounters in the round of 32 in the Europa League next Thursday. • Two golf tournaments start today - the AT/T-Pro-am at Pebble Beach and the Maybank Championship in Kuala Lumpur.

• Tomorrow, the first round of tennis’s Federation Cup gets underway at venues all over the world while on Monday four WTT tour events commence in Argentina, Holland (Rotterdam), USA (Memphis/Tennessee) and Qatar (Doha). • And the Swedish motor rally also begins tomorrow morning in Varmland FACT FILE: • The Williams sisters are now close to winning an in-

credible £100m in combined career prize money. Following her recent Australian victory, Serena has earned £67m while Venus has collected £29m. • Of the 6,675 international cricket matches ever played, only New Zealand have scored fewer runs for the loss of that many wickets than England’s recent collapse in India when eight players dismissed for just eight runs in the final T20 encounter last week. Back in 1979, England lost eight wickets for 11 runs against the West Indies. • Gianfranco Zola has finally celebrated his first win as Birmingham City’s manager… 1-0 over Fulham. • Napoli have recorded their biggest-ever Serie ‘A’ away win… 7-1 at Bologna. • Celtic are 27 points clear of Aberdeen at the top of the SPL (67-43); Inverness CT are bottom with just 18. The biggest points-margin by a championship winning team is 31, achieved by PSG in France last season. Celtic won the SPL in 2013-14 by 28 points. • Cameroon beat Egypt 2-1 in the final of last Sunday’s African Cup of Nations.


9 - 15 February 2017 / Costa del Sol



Advertising feature

More than 10 years’ experience THE CostaLessGolf SL office is based in Fuengirola, Malaga, Spain and the company has been established in Spain since 2005. CostaLessGolf SL prides itself on having extensive knowledge of the very best golf courses and green fees at greatly discounted rates, 3*, 4* and 5* accommodation, car hire with fair fuel policies, private luxury airport and golf transfers and top brands of golf club rental sets. Its services are provided not only along the Costa del Sol but throughout all of mainland Spain including the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands, Portugal, Italy, France and Turkey. CostaLessGolf SL is a member of IAGTO (The Global Golf Tourism Organisation) and strives to develop the very best working practices within the golf industry and develop good working collaborations and service partners within all areas of the global golf tourist industry. With over 10 years of experience, CostaLessGolf SL has an outstanding proven track record and excellent working relationships with the

COSTALESSGOLF S.L TEAM: Guarantee to provide the best for less. resorts, golf courses, hotels, transfer, car hire and golf club rental services, which in turn give you the client the very best package for the

lowest price available. CostaLessGolf SL guarantee to provide our clients with the best value for their individual budget, espe-

Spanish national bowling squad get their revenge

NATIONAL SQUAD: Won the test match convincingly. INDALO BOWLING CLUB recently hosted a friendly match between bowling clubs from the Malaga area and the Spanish National Squad. The selected players from the Malaga region were from Miraflores, Benalmadena, Benavista, La Posada, Don Pablo and Lauro Bowls Clubs against the National Squad consisting of bowlers from Teide-Tenerife, Indalo, Quesada, Vistabelle, San Luis, Emerald Isle, El Cid, Benitachell, Javeo and Lauro. The Malaga clubs took along some very enthusiastic supporters but the Spanish squad, with many new additions, were really up to

avenge their defeat of last year and play was very competitive and exciting. Eventually they won the test match convincingly from eight pairs, eight triples, eight rinks (fours) and eight singles matches, 25 games out of 32. Everyone agreed that it had been a thoroughly enjoyable weekend with Indalo Bowling Club providing a very fitting venue for this prestigious event. A gala dinner was held at the Tropical Oasis Hotel and Margaret Kain, representing the Malaga clubs, and Graham Cathcart, manager of the Spanish squad, thanked everyone involved for making it such a successful event.

cially in these difficult economic times, but without compromising on quality and very high standards. With flexible conditions clients

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E W N Costa del Sol

9 - 15 February 2017

A crowd of 72,000 saw the New England Patriots storm back from a 25-point deficit to beat Atlanta Falcons 34-28 to win the Super Bowl for a fifth time.


The Costa Del Sol’s best guide to local sport


Girls are on top at Miraflores! THE Club Drawn Pairs competition took place this week at Miraflores LBC with the qualifying rounds in wonderful balmy weather conditions but finals day, which was planned for Thursday, was postponed until Saturday because of rain. The early rounds saw some very closely contested matches with only a single shot difference deciding the winners. The semi-finals saw Mike Detheridge and Jenny Bull up against Lynda Hall and Carol Cooke, while the other saw Ann Rowley and Brenda Collier play Esther Gatter and Linda Cordner. The match between Mike and Jenny and Lynda and Carol was extremely close and in the end Lynda and Carol edged it

Marbella Rugby Club clinch a victory against Almeria DRAWN PAIRS: Some excellent bowling was played. 15-14. While the other match saw Ann and Brenda win convincingly 18-9 with Esther and Linda conceding after 17 ends. Both matches exhibited some excellent bowling. Finals day arrived and Lynda and Carol raced out of the blocks to lead 10-0 after three

ends. Ann and Brenda fought back but were unable to restore the deficit despite some fantastic bowling all round. In the end Lynda and Carol won comfortably 27-10. Club president James Tyrer praised all the players for their efforts.

MARBELLA RUGBY CLUB hosted a gripping match against an Almeria team who were fighting to climb out of the relegation zone. The record turnout helped give the home team the edge in the opening stages, who dominated their opponents in the opening minutes, scoring in the seventh and 15th minute to lead 8-0. Almeria had the chance to claw back, but in a play that left one of their players unconscious, Marbella captain Kike Gonzalez was able to hit them on the break and put his team 15 points ahead.

A controversial forward pass which went unnoticed allowed the visiting team to get on the scoreboard at the 31 minute mark. This gave life to a team reeling from the strong Marbella start, and just before half-time, the score was 15-14. The second half started much the same as the first, with the home side striking twice in the early minutes to go 23-14 ahead. This time, the visiting side took the initiative and pressed hard, forcing a foul and bringing the score to 23-21. However, in the end, the final score was 31-21 for the home side.

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