Euro Weekly News - Axarquia 21 - 27 July 2016 Issue 1620

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ISSUE NO. 1620

21 - 27 July 2016

Stop Press



Coast united

Tourist blunder Jet set at the Balcon

THE coast once again had to unite in respect for victims of terrorism in France with moving speeches, promises to

fight barbarity and minutes of silence held all over Axarquia and Costa Tropical. See page 2

TORRE DEL MAR Air Show is just a week away and the organisers have presented the official poster and are gearing up for action. See page 4

Animals rescued A COUPLE was arrested in Velez-Malaga for alleged cruelty after they were found to

have 39 cats and 13 dogs in a sorry state within their properSee page 7 ty.

Drivers in luck CAR owners and visitors are in luck as Frigiliana’s public car park has finally reopened after remaining closed almost permanently since 2010. Parking has been a major problem in the vilSee page 9 lage for years. By Matthew Elliott Armed police and explosive experts swarmed across Nerja on Tuesday, evacuating the iconic Balcon de Europa over fears of an imminent terrorist attack. A local business owner notified the authorities after seeing an unattended suitcase strapped tightly to a public bench at approximately 2.30pm on July 19. Police were quick to act on the ‘suspicious package’ as the country and continent remains on high alert following a wave of terrorist atrocities. Local officers and special agents from TEDEX, the Spa-

nish national security branch dedicated to defusing explosives, worked swiftly to evacuate the surrounding area which includes Nerja’s prime attractions. Hundreds of perplexed people were forced to abandon the crowded terraces, while the touristic hotspot remained in lockdown for two hours amid a frenzy of speculation. A few streets away, however, a single South Korean tourist was tucking into some food before returning to the area to reclaim her bag, which it emerged she had tied to the bench for safekeeping and to enjoy the Nerja ambiance without lugging it around.

Red-faced she pushed her way through to police and admitted that the rogue item was simply her suitcase and that she was due to visit Granada next as part of a classic tourist pilgrimage. After clearing it with the search team, police eventually returned the hapless holidaymaker’s luggage and decided not to press any charges, possibly considering the public embarrassment enough punishment for the day. With France, Belgium and Germany all experiencing recent attacks, authorities in Spain have raised the terror alert level and enhanced local security measures.

It appears as though tourists might unwittingly fall foul of the new regime, however, with Nerja’s South Korean bungler following in the footsteps of a Japanese couple rescued from a busy Barcelona motorway tunnel having wandered in playing a video game.

Bad example A NERJA lifeguard has lodged a complaint with the police after allegedly being attacked on Sunday by a father who ignored

red flags and repeated warnings not to swim and whose daughter later had to be rescued from the water. See page 10


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


What to do in an emergency YOU will find in this week’s edition of Euro Weekly News a very handy double page showing numbers to call in case of emergency of any type. Take the double page spread and keep it handy but telephone numbers are no use, if you don’t speak Spanish and don’t know simple phrases to explain what your problem is. As a newspaper dedicated to assist expatriates to assimilate into the Spanish way of life we want to try to help everyone to be able to communicate basic information especially in the case of an emergency where time is of the essence. Next week therefore we will be publishing an easy to follow guide, advising you of what to do in the event of a death, a break in, an injury, a problem with the local council

and a number of other matters which may be easy to deal with in the UK, but could be handled quite differently in Spain. Did you know for example that if you have a joint bank account in Spain and your partner dies, the account will be frozen as soon as you tell the bank? In that case how will you pay for the funeral? This is the sort of information you will need together with a very basic guide to the meaning of relevant Spanish words. Once you have had a chance to read this next week and you feel that we have missed anything that might be of assistance, we always welcome readers’ letters raising the questions which we will endeavour to answer.


United in silence

SHOWING RESPECT: Councils and locals took to the streets carrying French flags with black ribbons. By Eleanor Hawkins THE coast fell silent on Friday (July 15) as towns and villages across Axarquia and the Costa Tropical held tributes to the victims of the Bastille Day attack in Nice the evening beforehand.

In Velez-Malaga, Almuñecar, Motril and many other areas, councils, French residents and visitors and locals took to the streets carrying French flags with black ribbons to express their disgust at the massacre, which saw 84 people killed and

303 injured as a terrorist in a rented lorry ran through crowds gathered to celebrate the traditional festivities. Mayor of Motril Flor Almon summed up the feelings of the whole coast, stating: “We wish to strongly condemn this terror-

ist act. We also want to show our condolences and respect for the victims and their families. We cannot understand how lives can be brutally ended for extremist ideas and this cannot happen again in Nice or anywhere else in the world.


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Tammy Friesen flickr

Should the bull running in Pamplona be stopped?



Your papers, your views Our readers have been expressing their views about sexual abuse and bull running in Pamplona which appeared on our website Here are a few of your comments some of which have had to be cut due to size but we are always happy to hear from everyone.

Stop it How much longer will running of bulls in Pamplona continue? This newspaper talks about a bunch of drunk idiotic men chasing bulls through towns, and their barbaric deaths, as normal. Why is this violence perpetrated on sentient creatures allowed in 2016? Spain should be dragged into the 21st century. Shame on them for continuing the medieval massacres. You can have culture and tradition without cruelty. Sharon

Musical shift

San Fermin Pamplona. By John Smith THE week of the bull running in Pamplona started with a demonstration by 75 young men and topless women, all wearing just pants, fake bull horns and covered in fake blood, protesting against cruelty to bulls. It ended with numerous injured and allegations of five violent sexual attacks including a rape and 11 claims of sexual assault. It seems young men, many fuelled by alcohol or drugs or simply pure adrenalin and machismo, took it upon themselves to consider the body of any young woman an open invitation to transgress by touching them intimately. Unlike Mardi Gras in New Orleans where women parade topless and kiss men to obtain beads in a general atmosphere of sexual frisson, the feast of San Fermin is quite different and has become an increasing nightmare for innocent women living and working in Pamplona since the brutal murder of a young nurse during the festival eight years ago. Now, banners appear in the streets saying “No sexual harassment!”; “Assault is not flirting. Be careful!”; “No sexist assaults”; “Enjoy yourselves and let others enjoy themselves” and the city council says it is doing all it can to stamp out sexual assaults on women by increasing the number of CCTVs in operation and policing the streets. With such large crowds and a finite number of police officers (said to be 3,400) and the fact there is activity al-

most 24 hours a day, it is almost impossible to guarantee the safety of women in Pamplona and sadly they have to be very careful and effectively provide their own protection during the week. According to The Guardian Aritz Romeo, city councillor for public safety, and women’s groups in Pamplona are doing all that they can to prevent assaults and he is quoted as saying “I think the reasons are basically cultural;

they’re rooted in the false belief that men are superior to women and women are there to satisfy them. It’s a sexist and patriarchal culture. We in the council are not in favour of that culture and that’s why we believe while the police response is important, so is raising awareness to prevent it. Inequality between people is at the root of it all.” He also told the newspaper “If you break the law in Pamplona, you will pay

for it. We’re working to tell people if you touch a woman’s backside, you’ll wind up in a police cell.” Despite this rhetoric, 2016 has seen a terrible backwards step as far as violence to women is concerned. Much has been made of the ‘alien hordes’ from Arab States who attacked women across Germany on New Year’s Eve but the whole of Europe is beginning to see an outbreak of violence against women, both random and in the home which had seemed to be dying out. Pamplona isn’t by any means the worst culprit but might just be an example of how society is moving the wrong way and in this particular case by starting with a number of topless girls and good looking lads to attract attention for what many consider to be a worthy cause, has perhaps actually delivered the wrong message to those travelling to Pamplona from all over the world. This of course raises once again the matter of whether bulls should be treated in such a way and whether a civilised society should allow often drunken idiots to take their lives in their own hands by running in front of over excited agents of death. This year has seen three more deaths around bull running towns and the death of a young bull fighter. If innocent women can be protected from assault then perhaps this is the most telling argument for banning the bull running regardless of the number of people who want to join in or the financial benefits it brings to the city.

Those who love the torture and killing of innocent animals obviously have no morals and don’t care about anything, so what can you expect from these people if they grope women? Ban the festival and change it to a musical festival! Wizza

Human interest When this world stops the abuse of children and humans we can perhaps worry a little about blood sport. Unfortunately most of these people would pass a poor human in the street but aid a dog! Pathetic. Mark

Defenceless animals These events need to serve as a lesson to anyone else that wants to be cruel to a defenceless animal (you know, the type of bull that doesn’t wield knives). Mike

Protect women Good to know that someone is making a stand for the innocent women who get attacked whilst macho men get excited, risking their own lives in such a stupid and pointless exercise. Margo


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Sun, sea and… planes David Acosta Allely /

News 1 - 15

Featured News 3

Finance 21 - 26

Stocks 22

Leapy Lee 27

Useful Local No’s 28 - 29

AGUILA PATROL: One of the teams due at the show. By Eleanor Hawkins

Daily TV 32, 34, 36

Letters 35

Our View 37

Time Out 38 - 39

Health & Beauty 40 - 41

Social Scene 42 - 43

Property 44

Homes & Gardens 47

Pets 48

Services 50 - 52

Classifieds 53

Motoring 54

Sport 55 - 56

TORRE DEL MAR is gearing up for its much-awaited air show, which will be filling the sky with aircraft and impressive displays on July 29-31. The event’s poster was officially presented on Tuesday (July 19) by the local authorities, with Velez-Malaga Mayor Antonio Moreno Ferrer explaining that an estimated 30 planes

and pilots from the UK, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Belgium are due at the show. While Friday 29 will be used mainly for rehearsals, the main activities will be the Sunset Air Show on Saturday evening with British patrol Aero Sparks making the most of the sunset for a stunning visual display and main displays on Sunday with appearances by some of Europe’s best air patrol teams and a wing walking display.

The show is expected to attract hundreds of visitors to the area and has been praised as a great idea to attract tourists from near and far to visit Torre del Mar. Malaga Provincial Council deputy Francisco Salado congratulated the organisers for their initiative, stating: “The show will benefit Torre del Mar and the province as it helps us adapt to the demands of the tourist market by providing more than just sun, sand and sea.”

Time to take action LOCAL authorities attended a meeting last week with the government delegate for Malaga Province Miguel Briones and Costa del Sol Municipalities Commonwealth head Margarita del Cid to discuss ways to increase security and reduce problems caused by looky looky men.

The meeting was held at the request of various town councils, which have been complaining of the situation regarding illegal street vendors and was attended by mayors and police chiefs from the Local and National Police forces and the Guardia Civil. The group agreed to up collabora-

tion and coordination between the state and municipal police forces to use all available resources to combat the problem, Briones reported. Measures will be put into place immediately to “guarantee citizen security in these important summer months,” the delegate promised.



21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

A red flag means no swimming By Eleanor Hawkins A FOREIGN tourist was rescued from the sea in Nerja on Saturday (July 16) after ignoring red flags which were being displayed along the coa st d u e t o b a d s e a

conditions. Luckily, lifeguards on duty ac te d q u ic k ly an d p re vented the swimmer from b e in g th ro w n o n to t he rocks. They later reported, however that he could have been seriously injured or

Fair king and queen wanted FOLLOWING tradition, Nerja is now accepting applications for those who dream of becoming the king and queen of the annual fair. To enter the competition, applicants must be single and over the age of 17. Anyone who is not originally from Nerja will be required to provide documents to prove

they have lived there for at least two years. Organisers of the annual fair will provide the clothing for the gala during which the king and queen will be chosen. Application forms can be filled in at Fotos Guerrero on Calle La Cruz between now and September 2.

perhaps even killed. Red flags mean swimming is banned due to sea conditions, contamination or other dangers and breaking this ban can result in a fine ranging from €100 to €3,000.

Friendly con NATIONAL POLICE nabbed 17 members of a criminal group in Almuñecar, specialising in ‘affectionate’ muggings of the elderly in Malaga City and Marbella. Nine men and eight women, aged between 21 and 40, have been arrested, and six cars impounded. They approached vulnerable pedestrians pretending to know them or requested directions or other help, before stealing jewellery, etc. while hugging or kissing victims.




E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical


Start to get fit this summer

BEACH AEROBICS: The campaign was presented with an exhibition. By Eleanor Hawkins LA HERRADURA will be hosting a beach aerobics campaign which begins tomorrow, Friday 22, and will run until August 26 to encourage locals and visitors to get their pulses

racing on Friday evenings. The campaign was presented last week on Plaza de la Independencia with an exhibition to coincide with the start of festivities in honour of the Virgen del Carmen, and local council deputy Juan Jose Ruiz Joya and

one of the aerobics instructors explained the sessions will start at 8pm every Friday at the sports facility at the beach. Everyone is invited to take part in the sessions, organised by La Herradura Mind and Body Fusion Association.


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Animal cruelty couple arrested OFFICERS of the National Police arrested a couple in Velez-Malaga on Tuesday morning (July 19) for alleged animal cruelty after finding 39 cats and 13 dogs which were said to be malnourished, sick and abandoned inside the couple’s residence.

Blood donations required NERJA is hosting a blood collection at El Salvador church tomorrow, Friday 22, from 10am to 2pm and 5.30pm to 9.30pm. The Malaga regional transfusion centre has called for donations, stating: “on our own behalf and that of all patients, we thank you in advance for your assistance as more than 250 donations per day are needed to meet our hospitals blood needs. We hope your help can help save lives.” Those interested in giving blood who have lived in the UK are advised to check first as European restrictions regarding mad cow disease are strictly followed in Spain.

Beaches safe but flagless CARCHUNA and Calahonda beaches have voluntarily given up their blue flags as the ELA (Autonomous local entity) cannot pay for the lifeguard service required. A lth o u g h t h e m o n e y is there, explained ELA president Concepcion Abarca, the conditions of the local entity’s status mean it cannot sp e n d m o r e th a n € 80,00 0 h o we v e r t o th e service would cost at least €130,000. However, Abarca said, bathers can be rest assured that there will be lifeguards on duty a n d t h e b e a ch es will be as safe as ever. Whereas the Q for Quality flags, which will remain, only require two lifeguards per post, the blue flags insist on there being three.

The animals have received veterinary attention and are being taken care of by various associations and animal hospices from Malaga to Granada. The National Police said that they were originally alerted about the sit-

uation by an animal hospice which alleged that there were a number of malnourished and sick animals inside a central residence in the town which is in Axarquia. During the investigations the officers located the house and once an

inspection was made with a vet on the scene they were able to confirm that various cats and dogs were in need of urgent treatment. Almost all of the animals that were rescued didn’t have microchips or any veterinary records.

The police operation concluded with the arrests of the owners, a 53year-old man and a 58-year-old woman, for animal cruelty which could have been avoided if they had looked after the animals properly and had them regularly checked.


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Proud to fly Q flag

PARKING PROBLEM: Streets are pretty but hardly suitable for vehicles.

Parking at last By Eleanor Hawkins PARKING, a long-standing problem for visitors to Frigiliana, has just improved as a Granada company has bought almost half the spaces within the public car park which had been closed since the builder went bust in December 2010. Although extremely pretty, the village’s streets are most-

ly narrow and sloping meaning they are not at all suitable for parking, causing frustration for those who have decided to drive up for a visit in the past. Now, Banco Santander, which repossessed much of the car park building, has sold 241 of the spaces to the company, which has opened

151 up for public use and put the rest up for sale, local mayor Jose Antonio Gonzalez explained. “We’ve met many possible buyers and negotiated with the bank to get a reasonable price. This is a basic service tourists visiting Frigiliana need to be able to use,” the mayor said.

MOTRIL has raised its blue flag on Playa Granada after passing the final inspection from the authorities last week, the council has reported. This, said Beaches councillor Alicia Crespo, is a proud moment for the town as the flag proves the quality of the beach and services and will hopefully attract even more tourists to the area. Local Mayor Flor Almon praised the Tourism and Beaches department for its work and commented that the town also has five Q for Quality flags on its beaches.




E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Farmers want dams to be built THE Axarquia Irrigation Platform, which consists of farmers and associations from all over the area, has refused to just sit and wait for results and continues to

hunt for ways to solve problems even though the regional government insists there is no drought risk. The platform has now put a

proposal to Elias Bendodo, head of Malaga Provincial Council, which suggested building a network of dams at the top of the main rivers in the area to avoid

relying on La Viñuela reservoir alone, which Bendodo promised to study. This, the group has said, is one of the things which need to be

done in the near future to guarantee that mango and avocado farms are not left waterless if it continues to not rain and reservoir levels continue to fall.

Lifeguard attacked By Eleanor Hawkins STRONG winds and difficult sea conditions made the weekend a tough one for Nerja lifeguards, one of whom ended up injured after allegedly being attacked by an angry father. Although red flags were flying banning bathing on Sunday (July 17), the lifeguard explained that a family on Calahonda beach ignored his warnings and insisted on swimming. Twenty-one-year-old Antonio Gonzalez said “I spent all afternoon telling people swimming was forbidden because of the red flags, but some took no

CALAHONDA BEACH: The red flag was flying.

notice. I told one group in particular over and over again to stay out of the water but three men and a nine-year-old girl insisted on getting in then got into trouble.” The lifeguard called for a jetski at La Torrecilla beach, which went to the rescue. However as soon as the young girl’s father got out of the water, the lifeguard said, he went straight over and hit him in the face, leaving him with injuries to his mouth, nose, chin and neck. “After he calmed down he said he was sorry nerves had got the better of him, but that’s no excuse,” stated Gonzalez.


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Landlord tenant identity requirements AS security around the world continues to tighten, landlords of properties rented to tourists in Malaga Province must now inform police prior to each change of tenancy, even if it occurs daily. Following the recent launch of the Andalucian Tourism Registry, with now contains more than 5,660 properties in Malaga, the provincial council

now requires that proprietors must also register on the police’s Lodging Registry and provide details regarding the identities of tenants. Incredibly, since the police have no electronic means of collating and storing this data yet, the information must be submitted by telephone for the time being.


Expanding waists By Matt Ford FOR a part of the world where the weather is so conducive to spending time outdoors, Andalucia surprisingly heads the list of Spanish communities in terms of childhood obesity, and Malaga is at the fore. Around 10-12 per cent of the province’s children are officially obese, with a further 25-30

per cent overweight, and the shocking figures reveal that the number of well-padded whippersnappers has tripled in the last two decades. Experts say that a combination of “increasingly sedentary” leisure habits, combined with a “prevalence of pre-cooked and junk foods” has been exacerbated by the recent recession which has left poorer families resorting to cheap, nutritionallypitiful products.

LIFESTYLE LARD: Not enough exercise and too much junk food impact on a child’s weight.

Battling the beach spot baggers TORROX sparked complaints two years ago when it approved one of the first by-laws which allow police officers to confiscate items used to save spots on the beach in the mornings. This was agreed upon after complaints of people who get up first thing in the morning, pop down to the beach to set up camp then go home for a few more hours in bed. The beaches, the council said, are

public and the first come first served rule cannot be bent by bagging space with umbrellas and the likes. Therefore on Thursday (July 14) the Local Police began removing items with no apparent owners present, with 50 collected from Ferrara beach alone. Those who lose their possessions in this way will have 14 days to claim them but will have to pay €30 to recover them.


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



On the wagon By Matt Ford

SIN RIDERS: Aiming to raise awareness of alcohol-free beer.

Photo Credit Markus Mainka/Shutterstock

BIKER groups tend to be associated with counterculture, rock music, and alcohol, but a group of aficionados who ride under the moniker ‘SIN Riders’ are aiming to change that stereotype, and they motor into Malaga on Friday, July 22. Supported by the Directorate General of Traffic and the Brewers’ Association, the twowheeled troop are aiming to raise awareness that alcohol-free beer is a beverage which ex-

ists, with the annual campaign having already bowled through Madrid, Gijon, and Murcia. Events rev up on Friday, with the bikers making a tour of some city centre bars, inviting adults to a free zero-alcohol beer, although the main event takes place on Sunday, with more than 500 bikes expected to congregate at the Explanada de Martiricos, near the Rosaleda Stadium, to take in a gig by AC-DC tribute act Black Ice, after which the hirsute teetotallers will continue their easy ride up to Valladolid.

Piqued pilots to go on strike PILOTS at Spanish carrier Air Europa have called a strike from July 30 until August 2, slap bang in the middle of the peak tourist season, in a move sure to cause disruption at the country’s major airports, including Malaga. Employees of Spain’s thirdlargest airline, which is based in Mallorca and owned by travel firm Globalia, are in a lather over the company’s decision to outsource some of their vehicles to one of the parent company’s other subsidiaries, Aeronova, to assist in the creation of a new budget brand. Globalia plans to have Air Europa operate long haul

Alive streaming RESIDENTS living close to the Arroyo del Café in the Bellavista district of Malaga are in a paddy about the state of the stream, which only carries a trickle of dirty water, due to the legions of rats, mosquitoes and cockroaches they believe are breeding in it before entering their houses. The neighbours have formed a group calling for the council to clean it up, since they reckon the accumulation of rubbish in the channel is attracting the pests. The name of the stream is attributed to a restaurant that existed upstream, which offered coffee when it was not widely available in southern Spain.

DOWNSIZED: Air Europa faces staff cuts. flights, while Aeronova has been renamed Air Europa Express and is to operate short haul and regional routes in order to reduce costs, despite not being part of Air Europa and having its own employees. Pilots’ union SEPLA presented the official call to strike to the Directorate General of Employment on Friday, July 15, after the disgruntled

employees were unable to reach an agreement with the airline, and said they would maintain a “minimum service” during the four-day action, although they stopped short of detailing what this might entail. The pilots are particularly peeved about Air Europa’s decision to hand its fleet of medium haul Embraer 190 jets to its low cost little broth-

er, since this means less work and less wages for them. According to SEPLA, if the Air Europa Express deal did not exist, their own fleet would require 144 pilots, half of which would be captains promoted internally, and half co-pilots on new contracts, but now they will only require 110, meaning 17 people will miss out on promotion, with

Suspected drug peddlers arrested by National Police A MAN and a woman, aged 32 and 27 respectively, have been arrested by the National Police in Motril suspected of running a smallscale hashish sales point. Investigations began some months ago after police detected much toing and froing from a building in the town at all hours of the day and

night and suspected the visitors could be buying drugs there. Upon searching the property, 1.105 kilos of marihuana plant hearts, 870 grams of hashish, 242 packets of tobacco, €3,045 in cash, tools used to prepare drugs and an air gun were found.

Getting sporty by the beach SPORTS fans and those interested in getting fit will be pleased to know that Torrox Council is laying on free aerobics, zumba, afrosamba timba, cardio kickboxing and pilates classes by the beach in the evenings

throughout the summer. The classes are aimed to encourage locals and visitors to exercise and will be held on the seafront in Ferrara and El Morche from Mondays to Fridays.

some who had been told that they would receive a step-up having now had their agreements cancelled. The problem-solving pilots had presented various plans to Air Europa, demonstrating how profit could be improved by giving current employees more flexible working conditions, salaries, or days off. Following a fingers-in-ears

approach from company bosses, the pilots have now taken the extreme step of striking in defence of the people that will probably lose their jobs, and others that will not be promoted, while they are also hot under the collar regarding an arbitrary modification to the airline’s schedule which was announced with insufficient notice.


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Please go, Pokemon POKEMON GO, the ‘augmented reality’ cultural phenomenon that is sweeping the globe and introducing previously sedentary gamers to the twin horrors of sunlight and physical exercise, has finally been launched in Spain. Even the most reclusive of players may now be lured from their hobbit holes to hunt and train Pokemon, in order to join a craze which has seen millions take to the streets and interact with the invisible dinosaurs, birds, rats, snakes, dragons, and other critters that now infest our towns and cities. The game uses your smartphone’s GPS and clock to make Pokemon ‘appear’ around you, with the aim to travel around the real world nabbing the colourful blobs before training them, building up their strength and enabling them to fight each other. The Diocese of Malaga wasted no time in jumping on the


Better access Photo Credit Policia Nacional.

By Matt Ford


VELEZ-MALAGA, which hopes to be included in the Accessible Municipality Awards competition, has spent €1,338,502 on works to improve the town for the disabled over the last year, Town Planning councillor Cynthia Garcia reported.

Thrown out CIUDADANOS political party has confirmed it has expelled Jose Antonio Moreno, the councillor who was caught driving while three times over the alcohol limit, but he did not intend to step down.

Road works POLICE WARNING: Just a few days in, and it already feels like year seven of the craze. bandwagon, as it tweeted: “If you are also playing #PokemonGo, discover that there are many #Pokestop churches. Which one have you found?” Ana Medina, spokesperson

for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Malaga said: “We’re not sure how many of our churches are included, but we’re pretty sure that there are quite a few, and our objective is that people

share the Pokestops located in Christian churches in the city on social media.” Other Malaga landmarks where players can find Pokestops, places that allow you to

collect items such as ‘Poke Balls,’ or gyms to train their multi-coloured army, include La Rosaleda stadium, the main Cathedral entrance, and the Malagueta bullring.

WORKS have been carried out by the regional government to resurface two roads between Alfarnate and Colmenar, Public Works and Development delegate Francisco Fernandez España has reported.


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



A bittersweet moment for the oldest shop in town By Eleanor Hawkins

THE third oldest shop in VelezMalaga, the Rio de la Plata haberdashery, will be closing its doors at the end of the month

after 87 years in business as the owner is retiring. For the last few days, the owners have set up a surprising display in the window of the store on Calle Juan Lisbona

Zapata consisting of old photos, sewing machines and a poster for its first sale in 1936, which lasted two weeks and offered all stock at one peseta per item.

Torrid tie-dying EMPLOYEES on Malaga’s metro ‘network,’ the majority of which is still not in action, are on the warpath over their uniforms, particularly the mandatory donning of ties for men and neck scarves for women. There is no problem when the staff are driving one of the trains, since they are equipped with air-conditioning, but when they must disembark and NECK TIES: It’s far too hot. work at one of the stations, especially those lo- ers should be allowed to cated above ground, the do their job in the abtemperature apparently sence of neckwear and ‘exceeds the threshold of commissioning an exterwhat is tolerable.’ nal body to produce a Trade Union CCOO ‘ t h e r m o h y d r o m e t r i c ’ were quick to leap on analysis to determine if board and give voice to the temperature inside the grumblers, yawping the ovenlike uniforms that the wretched work- represents an occupation-

al hazard or not. The answer, unsurprisingly, was yes, but Malaga Metro’s bigwigs were quick to pass the buck on to the Junta de Andalucia regional government, since it is apparently up to them whether the purgatory is to continue or not, although they have provided extra drinking water since the cheesed-off cravatsporters submitted the results of the ‘scientific’ study. On Monday, July 18, the Junta’s Ministry of Infrastructure confirmed that it had already told Malaga Metro to pull the plug on neckwear during July and August, and the concessionary announced that the change would be actioned next week.

Although this is the end of an era and a bittersweet moment for the Piedrola family, which at one point owned five shops, three in Malaga City, one in Torre del Mar and one

in Velez, the retiring owners are proud that the shop is closing due to retirement having survived the ups and downs of business for almost nine decades.


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Advertising feature

A historic referendum

LEGAL ASSISTANCE: All customers can access information and advice. ON Thursday June 23, the people of Britain voted for a British exit, or Brexit, from the European Union in a historic referendum. This decision has prompted jubilant celebration whilst sending shockwaves through the global economy. Over the next two years or so, Britain will negotiate its exit under article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER BRITAIN EXITS THE EU? Through the withdrawal negotiations, nothing will change for British expats in Spain because the UK will remain part of the EU during this transitional period. However, what happens after Britain has left the EU and how this may affect you is still unclear. LEGAL ASSISTANCE SERVICE Whilst many questions remain unanswered, Línea Directa would like to remind all its customers that its Legal Assistance service comes as standard in all their insurance policies. If you have a query you can call one of their lawyers. They offer information and advice on a wide range of matters such as taxes, purchase and rental of property, inheritance, family, etc. As the Brexit

negotiations evolve, their legal team will keep abreast of all the latest developments relating to events occurring in the Spanish territory and those to which Spanish legislation is applicable. 24-HOUR ASSISTANCE FOR EMERGENCY LEGAL CONSULTATIONS Should you require an immediate legal consultation which, due to the gravity of the matter in hand, cannot wait Línea Directa offer a 24-hour legal advice service. Regardless of the time of day, they can provide immediate specialist legal advice for emergency incidents relating to you, your family or your home. IN ENGLISH The service is entirely in English. From the drafting and revision of legal documents to negotiations with third parties and/or opposing parties. Línea Directa can’t provide all the answers to the questions raised by the Britain’s exit of the EU, but they can provide sound legal advice for their expatriate customers living in Spain. Hopefully you found the information provided in this article of interest. If you would like to contact Línea Directa please call 900 123 026. More information on Línea Directa can be found online at


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Foreign concern SWEDES were quick to express their opinions on Boris Johnson’s appointment as the new Foreign Secretary with many quick to mock him, although Swedish Ministers have kept quiet for now.

Religious medicine SWEDEN: A doctor has been accused of denying one of his patients antibiotics after he refused to join the Catholic Church. The doctor was forced to leave his locum job after continually trying to make patients join the church.


Squirrel ambush A BOY, aged three, needed hospital treatment after being attacked by six squirrels after trying to feed one in Cornwall.

Traffic free MAYOR SADIQ wants to ban all traffic from Oxford Street by 2020 as part of his commitment to tackle air pollution in the capital.


A T WI T T E R troll w ho ha rassed and bullied the mother of murdered toddler James Bulger, has been sentenced to jail for three years. The 20-year-old also contacted her pretending to be her dead son.

A PO LL shows t hat t he populist far-right AfD party has seen party support drop to its lowest level since the start of the year after the results of the EU referendum.

Illegal raid

SAVAGE SQUIRRELS: Clearly they are not as cute and cuddly as they look.

A PO LICE r ai d on a squat in east Berlin in June to clear squatters out, which l ed t o a vi ol ent backl ash from the far-left scene, was declared illegal by a court as the building’s owners did not have legal authorisation to evict the squatters.

SWEDEN:A man whose car was hit by a train and pushed 400 metres along the track in western Sweden, has died. The man was conscious immediately after the accident but later died in hospital. No one was injured on the train.

Life changing meeting A DISABLED Palestinian refugee, who gained fame af t er a di scussi on on refugees with Angela Merkel br ought her t o t ear s, has spoken about how meeting the Chancellor has changed her life.

Flying high

Full cover NORWAY: Students at a school in Troms will be allowed to swim wearing fullbody covering swimsuits, also known as burkinis. The measure has been introduced following talks with parents, teachers and representatives from Norway’s Refugee Board.

Gruesome find

Popularity sinks

Troll jailed

Train crash

NORWAY: Airline Norwegian has posted a gross profit of 930 million kroner (€99 million) for the second quarter of 2016, twice as much as during the same quarter last year. However it does not take into account losses incurred when it was forced to cancel services at the beginning of July.


TWO children playing on the banks of the river Rhine found the remains of a body in a bin bag. The 12 and 14 year- ol d f ound i t washed ashore near the Zoo Bridge.

Gap in the market A PROPERTY developer is planning Britain’s smallest new build house in a 12ft-wide space between two houses in Oxfordshire. But residents have objected saying it is not rig h t fo r s o me o n e to live s ome where so small.


DUTCH DROP: The team fall in rankings to 26th place.

Footie rankings fall THE Dutch national football team has fallen 12 places on the latest Fifa rankings of the world’s best football teams and is now in 26th place. The low ranking comes after the recent European football championships.

King offence A MAN’S been sentenced to 30 days jail, 16 suspended, and given two years probation for insulting king WillemAlexander with comments on Facebook.

DUTCH PRESS He was arrested for the crime of ‘offending the dignity of the monarch.’

More athletes THE Netherlands is sending a team of 241 athletes to next month’s Olympic Games in Rio, with 21 of the 28 sports

Country of choice

at the games represented. They sent 178 athletes to the London games, and returned with 20 medals.

A REPORT following the EU r ef er endum i n t he UK has shown t hat f or t hose Brits already packing their bags in anticipation of Brexit, Germany is the top destination of choice.

Officer arrested

Racist attack

A POLICE officer in The Hague has been arrested for leaking information about possible marihuana plantation locations to criminals and helping them steal drugs. He’s also suspected of corruption, burglary and being a member of a criminal organisation.

A MUNICH m an was hospi t al i sed i n t he wor st racist attack in years. The man, with African heritage, stepped in as he saw a group of white men abusing Somalis. After he intervened he was then attacked.


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


RUSSIAN P RESS FEDOR KONYUKHOV: Has broken the world record with his solo round the world hot-air balloon flight.

Unorthodox priest BREAKING the world record for a solo hot-air balloon flight around the world is another day in the life of Fedor Konyukhov who has set out from Australia in a 52-metre tall balloon. The 65-year-old heavily bearded adventurer is a celebrated survivalist and ordained Orthodox priest.

Calamity cocktail ONE of the Kremlin’s favourite news presenters declared that a chaotic cocktail of random drinks from different countries would be the best drink for a Brexit toast. Dmitry Kiselev reckoned whisky was too separatist and German beer too close to Merkel’s immigration policies as many in Moscow celebrated the vote.

Faithful fanatics MORMON missionaries have resolved to stay in Russia despite tough new measures restricting religious evangelising aimed at preventing the spread of terrorist ideology. The fantastical cult will now have to follow strict guidelines as it preaches the word of Joseph Smith, a convicted 19th century conman.

Jumping Judas LONG JUMPER Darya Klishina has been denounced as a t r ai t or following her attempt to compete as a neutral in the Rio Olympics. Russian athletes have been blocked from participation at the games due to institutionalised doping but the American- based Kl i shi na proved she was clean.

Tough trade ECONOMIC concerns have forced the Russian government to reluctantly sell off some of its assets in the largest privatisation move since the 1990s. One trillion rubles (€13 billion) of assets are expected to be flogged as the Kremlin scrambles to make up a gaping budget shortfall.

Lying lawmen POLYGRAPH tests may soon be used to help iron out corruption among public officials under a programme proposed by the Russian public chamber. Civil servants and public figures would be targeted by the scheme, which was used in 2011 to reform the nationwide police force.

Prudent power A CRACKDOWN on needless public spending is continuing with public officials now being barred from using cars of more than 150 horsepower. Other luxury items will be restricted as part of an ongoing campaign which has seen president Putin cut his own salary and that of other top figures. LONE LEAPER: Darya Klishina.


Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 July 2016











BP counts the cost of oil spill By John Smith WHEN, in April 2010, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded, leaving 11 fatalities and the greatest environmental pollution in American history, not only were owners BP responsible for capping the well but also the clean-up costs and subsequent fines for damages. Now, the company is finally able to count the financial cost of the disaster

Quote of the Week

$61.6 billion (€55.3 billion) is the amount that it will have cost BP following the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig disaster.

and although there may be some additional claims against the company, it believes they will not impinge upon the amount of money spent to satisfy all of the claims against it. BP says it has since changed its entire policy and outlook and has more than $45 billion (€40 billion) towards the costs by selling assets. It will be able to manage all its costs whilst satisfying the needs of investors and the

Volkswagen’s evidence to us was just not credible but the government has lacked the will to hold VW accountable for its actions.” Louise Ellman MP Chairman of the Transport Select Committee.


CCOO speaks

ADVENTURE APP: The virtual reality treasure hunt is a hit.

Pokémon is Go THE Nintendo Company has seen its biggest share price in 30 years after the international launch of a special Pokémon Go App for mobiles with the value of the company jumping by a staggering 70 per cent, giving it a worth of just under £20 billion (€24 billion). It originally seemed the Pokémon concept would be short lived but it continues to survive going from strength to strength and generating significant profits for the Pokémon Company, 32 per cent owned

by Nintendo and Niantic a Google based company. The partners invested $30 million (€27 million) to produce the virtual reality treasure hunt where players hunt monsters appearing on their smartphones. It’s already top of the free-to-download App chart. The App is free, but profits will be made by players purchasing Pokéballs through Apple or Google who receive 30 per cent of every purchase, this could run into millions of euros a day worldwide.

A SUGGESTION to meet the required deficit in the Spanish economy by making companies pay tax in advance based on anticipated profits has been rejected by the Secretary General of Spain’s largest trades union the CCOO as being unworkable and little more than a joke. Small businesses are still not fully recovered from the weakness of the economy, so those in trouble who actually pay a much higher percentage of tax than conglomerates and large companies could simply fall by the wayside and damage the economy more.

Google in Europe THE EU is unimpressed with Google and is now criticising it for abusing its position to block advertising from competitors and unduly use its powers to promote companies and comparison sites in which it has an interest. Google of course denies any wrongdoing but the EU does seem to be determined to reduce its ability to hold back its rivals.

Reduced or zero fines possible PORTUGAL and Spain have been told by Pierre Moscovici, the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, that provided they are prepared to demonstrate both an ability and willingness to reduce their financial deficits in accordance with EU objectives, there may be the possibility of reducing the proposed


$6.2 billion (€5.6 billion) is the higher than expected profit reported by JP Morgan Chase for the second quarter of 2016.


business & legal


fines considerably or possibly to zero. If a country is heavily in deficit, then to add a fine equivalent to 0.2 per cent of the deficit hardly seems a sensible way for them to recover their financial position, especially when Spain in particular continues to operate without a majority government.

Federal Government who they recently paid $20 billion (€18 billion) in order to settle all claims and fines in what is the largest ever settlement between the US Government and a single company. Brian Gilvary, BP chief financial officer said in a statement when announcing the final bill “Importantly, we have a clear plan for managing these costs and it provides our investors with certainty going forward.”




Cloud coverage A COURT hearing in the USA has ruled that Microsoft should not be required to give the government access to its servers in other countries which will be seen as a major victory for the company which wants to protect its cloud computing services. In 2014, a New York court agreed to grant the US Department of Justice the rights to obtain information from a server in Ireland in order to obtain evidence in a drug investigation but Microsoft instantly appealed and has now had that original ruling overturned.


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group PLC 584.50 2.64 Admiral Group PLC 2025.00 17.00 Anglo American PLC 817.60 -18.30 Antofagasta PLC 502.50 -5.50 ARM Holdings PLC 1721.50 533.00 Ashtead Group PLC 1134.00 4.00 Associated British Foods PLC 2796.50 5.00 AstraZeneca PLC 4539.75 36.49 Aviva PLC 383.60 1.50 Babcock International Group 967.00 8.50 BAE Systems PLC 538.50 1.00 Barclays PLC 150.60 0.85 Barratt Developments PLC 412.05 2.30 Berkeley Group Holdings 2646.50 24.09 BHP Billiton PLC 973.25 -23.20 BP PLC 453.70 -3.45 British American Tobacco PLC 4846.25 11.00 British Land Co PLC 626.50 -2.50 BT Group PLC 400.65 0.80 Bunzl PLC 2348.50 2.00 Burberry Group PLC 1271.00 8.51 Capita PLC 987.00 12.00 Carnival PLC 3483.50 10.00 Centrica PLC 235.65 0.30 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1529.50 -5.00 Compass Group PLC 1446.00 -2.00 CRH PLC 2213.00 9.00 DCC PLC 6762.50 75.00 Diageo PLC 2116.00 18.00 Direct Line Insurance Group... 343.25 3.60 Dixons Carphone PLC 331.15 3.30 easyJet PLC 1153.00 13.00 Experian PLC 1460.00 -12.00 Fresnillo PLC 1827.00 -32.00 GKN PLC 285.15 5.00 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1650.25 0.50 Glencore PLC 181.62 -4.30 Hammerson PLC 532.50 1.00 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1258.00 14.00 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 2539.50 -1.00 HSBC Holdings PLC 484.07 4.95 Imperial Brands PLC 4047.75 57.09 Informa PLC 744.25 5.00 InterContinental Hotels Gr 2891.00 22.00 International Consolidated 433.85 11.90 Intertek Group PLC 3601.50 3.00 Intu Properties PLC 280.05 -1.90 ITV PLC 191.50 3.04 Johnson Matthey PLC 3158.50 10.00 Kingfisher PLC 335.20 3.40

% CHG. 0.45 0.85 -2.19 -1.08 44.83 0.35 0.18 0.81 0.39 0.89 0.19 0.57 0.56 0.92 -2.33 -0.75 0.23 -0.40 0.20 0.09 0.67 1.23 0.29 0.13 -0.33 -0.14 0.41 1.12 0.86 1.06 1.01 1.14 -0.82 -1.72 1.78 0.03 -2.31 0.19 1.13 -0.04 1.03 1.43 0.68 0.77 2.82 0.08 -0.67 1.61 0.32 1.02

NET VOL 52.57 15.01 541.86 141.92 3,391.32 48.29 8.95 102.48 216.97 22.92 137.52 5,398.78 312.02 25.46 629.32 1,776.53 75.08 118.18 513.65 9.61 80.74 28.78 6.19 387.61 28.23 117.59 19.18 6.86 224.93 105.57 61.17 195.90 112.85 125.99 225.68 314.02 5,284.01 30.33 8.59 8.37 1,961.23 296.69 23.01 24.33 864.93 35.65 134.36 784.43 14.54 293.14

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Land Securities Group PLC 1042.00 -3.00 Legal & General Group PLC 191.25 2.60 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 55.91 -0.03 London Stock Exchange Grp 2667.50 17.00 Marks & Spencer Group PLC 330.60 5.50 Mediclinic International PLC 1067.00 -1.00 Merlin Entertainments PLC 468.80 2.90 Mondi PLC 1431.50 5.00 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 181.45 -0.10 National Grid PLC 1090.50 1.00 Next PLC 5185.00 55.00 Old Mutual PLC 205.20 2.10 Paddy Power Betfair PLC 8567.50 -5.00 Pearson PLC 964.75 3.50 Persimmon PLC 1576.00 5.00 Provident Financial PLC 2584.00 13.00 Prudential PLC 1298.50 10.00 Randgold Resources Ltd 8735.00 -80.00 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 7471.50 -1.00 RELX PLC 1403.00 9.00 Rio Tinto PLC 2419.75 -50.32 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 745.00 0.50 Royal Bank of Scotland Grou... 185.20 1.20 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 2114.00 -3.50 Royal Mail PLC 508.00 2.00 RSA Insurance Group PLC 487.00 8.40 SABMiller PLC 4425.00 -0.50 Sage Group (The) PLC 662.75 10.00 Sainsbury (J) PLC 230.70 1.50 Schroders PLC 2573.00 25.00 Severn Trent PLC 2471.50 21.00 Shire PLC 4855.50 29.00 Sky PLC 886.50 19.50 Smith & Nephew PLC 1304.50 6.00 Smiths Group PLC 1230.50 7.00 SSE PLC 1598.00 12.00 Standard Chartered PLC 599.40 -0.70 Standard Life PLC 288.50 4.10 St James's Place PLC 854.50 7.50 Taylor Wimpey PLC 145.65 1.70 Tesco PLC 166.70 0.62 Travis Perkins PLC 1543.00 22.00 TUI AG 948.00 -13.50 Unilever PLC 3606.00 22.00 United Utilities Group PLC 1026.50 7.00 Vodafone Group PLC 228.22 0.35 Whitbread PLC 3714.00 18.00 Wolseley PLC 4120.50 12.00 Worldpay Group PLC 282.85 1.20 WPP PLC 1673.50 7.00

% CHG. -0.29 1.38 -0.05 0.64 1.69 -0.09 0.62 0.35 -0.06 0.09 1.07 1.03 -0.06 0.36 0.32 0.51 0.78 -0.91 -0.01 0.65 -2.04 0.07 0.65 -0.17 0.40 1.76 -0.01 1.53 0.65 0.98 0.86 0.60 2.25 0.46 0.57 0.76 -0.12 1.44 0.89 1.18 0.37 1.45 -1.40 0.61 0.69 0.15 0.49 0.29 0.43 0.42

NET VOL 62.67 839.91 9,032.81 1.74 247.57 6.79 36.41 44.87 295.21 233.70 10.98 251.40 .90 54.74 59.44 3.70 239.22 40.85 49.80 108.63 259.37 119.78 1,491.09 311.96 56.52 144.98 25.84 172.67 166.70 5.94 21.19 58.09 559.70 67.12 73.37 86.77 443.25 147.32 70.62 668.01 634.85 44.05 111.17 118.67 62.66 1,977.43 20.41 10.66 127.04 94.29

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COMPANY MMM 3M AXP American Express AAPL Apple BA Boeing CAT Caterpillar CVX Chevron CSCO Cisco KO Coca-Cola DIS Disney DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil GE General Electric GS Goldman Sachs HD Home Depot IBM IBM INTC Intel JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase MCD McDonald's MRK Merck MSFT Microsoft NKE Nike PFE Pfizer PG Procter & Gamble TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies UNH UnitedHealth VZ Verizon V Visa WMT Wal-Mart

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 181.40 +0.50 +0.28% 2.5M 63.78 +0.17 +0.27% 3.7M 98.78 -0.01 -0.01% 30.1M 132.39 +0.84 +0.64% 2.9M 80.70 +0.64 +0.80% 4.6M 107.03 +0.33 +0.31% 6.2M 29.82 +0.06 +0.20% 17.8M 45.63 -0.06 -0.13% 10.6M 99.80 -0.17 -0.17% 5.8M 67.16 +0.30 +0.45% 2.5M 95.12 +0.17 +0.18% 10.3M 32.88 +0.25 +0.77% 42.3M 161.64 -0.90 -0.55% 3.1M 134.78 +0.24 +0.18% 5.3M 159.78 -0.50 -0.31% 4.5M 35.07 -0.13 -0.37% 23.7M 123.00 -0.18 -0.15% 7.2M 64.18 +0.06 +0.09% 17.6M 123.61 -0.32 -0.26% 3.7M 59.63 -0.02 -0.03% 8.2M 53.70 -0.04 -0.07% 32.0M 57.87 -0.62 -1.06% 9.2M 36.77 -0.15 -0.41% 25.1M 86.01 +0.14 +0.16% 8.5M 118.64 -0.10 -0.08% 1.5M 105.50 +0.36 +0.34% 2.8M 141.33 +0.49 +0.35% 3.7M 55.84 0.00 0.00% 13.9M 78.30 +0.16 +0.20% 8.2M 73.67 -0.03 -0.04% 6.0M





Most Advanced SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc. Vanguard Natural Resources LLC Vanguard Natural Resources LLC Vanguard Natural Resources LLC Ardelyx, Inc. Capital Product Partners L.P. Optibase Ltd. Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. RadiSys Corporation Yintech Investment Holdings Limited Cerulean Pharma Inc.

$ 7.55 $ 8.45 $ 4.53 $ 4.39 $ 9.99 $ 3.41 $ 7.4001 $ 27.28 $ 5.39 $ 15.88 $ 2.28

2.98 ▲ 65.21% 1.95 ▲ 30.00% 0.69 ▲ 17.97% 0.57 ▲ 14.92% 1.24 ▲ 14.17% 0.41 ▲ 13.67% 0.7501 ▲ 11.28% 2.76 ▲ 11.26% 0.53 ▲ 10.91% 1.43 ▲ 9.90% 0.19 ▲ 9.09%

$ 2.11 $ 28.66 $ 7.39 $ 2.2041 $ 4.39 $ 3.61 $ 14.97 $ 5.43 $ 6.25 $ 9.44 $ 14.2601

0.18 ▼ 7.86% 2.01 ▼ 6.55% 0.46 ▼ 5.86% 0.1358 ▼ 5.80% 0.27 ▼ 5.79% 0.22 ▼ 5.74% 0.91 ▼ 5.73% 0.33 ▼ 5.73% 0.36 ▼ 5.45% 0.54 ▼ 5.41% 0.7499 ▼ 5.00%

Most Declined Covisint Corporation Fossil Group, Inc. Quotient Limited Optical Cable Corporation China XD Plastics Company Limited Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc. MyoKardia, Inc. SPI Energy Co., Ltd. InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. 21Vianet Group, Inc. Citizens First Corporation


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


New Chancellor rejects austerity By John Smith IN the run up to the Brexit referendum, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne warned the nation that in the event of a leave vote carrying the day, he would be forced to take emergency action to further cut spending and to introduce higher rates of taxation. The new Chancellor, Philip Hammond who has reportedly had his eyes set on this job for some time, has immediately rejected such a knee jerk reaction and has indicated that he will study the economy and take action as and when needed but most likely this will occur at the planned Autumn Budget statement. In 2010, Britain had one of the worst budget deficits in the European Union and Mr Osborne decided to make it his crusade to not just cut the deficit but to bring it to surplus by 2020 which meant ongoing cuts in investment in all of the ministries and therefore in the economy itself. Towards the end of his time in post, even he had recognised that this was not going to happen and it looks as if the new government will endeavour to pump some life back into the economy. It is going to be a difficult project as the initial reaction from the financial world was to drop British stocks as if they had a disease, knock the value of the pound and look to move business away from the UK to other parts of Europe. After three weeks and a change of government,

The Bank of England has a very important role to play in the economy.

PHILIP HAMMOND: The new Chancellor of the Exchequer.

astute (or perhaps avaricious) investors have seen that there are profits to be made in buying depressed shares, that the pound isn’t quite as bad as they thought and many are keeping the bulk of their investment and banking staff in the UK. The Bank of England was expected to drop interest rates to 0.25 per cent, but it didn’t which has given some encouragement to foreign investors and makes no difference to individuals as they still have to pay exorbitant interest rates to lenders who frankly would be thrown out of the temple for usury should Jesus return to walk the earth! The panic is more or less over for the time being, so the government does have some breathing space, but it needs to be very careful how it proceeds as international finance is a lot like a row of dominos, knock one and the rest will tumble. Having been given its independence, the Bank of England has a very important role to play in the economy and if it does cut interest rates and continues with a controlled policy of quantitative easing then, provided there aren’t any surprises from say Scotland, then there will be a chance for the economy to settle and possibly grow.

IT has been announced that Japanese company Softbank has made an offer of £24 billion (€28.8 billion) for British technology firm ARM which directors are going to recommend that shareholders accept. This will give encouragement to those who said that business would continue following the decision to leave the European Union, although others may compare this to the descendants of a stately home owner who have to sell the family silver in order to survive! ARM has been a huge success since being founded in 1990 in Cambridge where it designs microchips which are used in most smartphones around the world including Apple and Samsung. The Japanese company Softbank is run by entrepreneur Masayoshi Son and is without doubt one of the world’s largest technology companies. Having recently ‘gobbled up’ Vodafone Japan and American company Sprint, it still has sufficient funds to pay the bulk of the acquisition from funds held, although it will also take advantage of a loan from Mizuho Bank. According to the board of ARM,

Masaru Kamikura flickr wikimedia

A huge investment from Japan

SOFTBANK: Young actor Shōsuke Tanihara with Masayoshi Son. the investment will allow the company which will remain in the UK to double its 3,000 strong work force

within the next five years as it will concentrate on expanding its invention and development areas.

The new government is pleased to see further investment from a nonEuropean source even though Mrs

May had previously mused as to whether it was good for the country to see so many companies being taken over by foreign investors. Even if the government has reservations about such a sale, there is little it can do to stop it, unless it is in a position to prove that it was not in the national interest to allow such a sale to go through, which would be difficult to justify. There were originally three major UK-based technology companies based in Britain’s ‘Silicon Valley’ of Cambridge. First to be purchased was Autonomy which was taken over by Hewlett Packard, followed by CSR which was taken over by chipmaker Qualcomm and now ARM looks to be the last of the triumvirate to be sold to a foreign investor. The BBC has reported that one of the original founders of ARM Hermann Hauser said: “This is a sad day for me and a sad day for technology in Britain. 2ARM is the last British [technology] company that has a global reach. It gave Britain real strength. It was a British company that determined the next generation microprocessor architecture.”


Another EU agreement to stop tax evasion By John Smith THE European Union and Monaco signed an agreement aimed at improving tax compliance by private savers on July 12 which will require that financial information is exchanged automatically between the Principality and the Union. This is part of an on-going programme which has seen similar agreements struck between the EU and Andorra, Liechtenstein, San Marino and Switzerland and when ratified is due to come into force in January 2018. The agreement upgrades a 2004 agreement that ensured that Monaco applied measures equivalent to those in an EU directive on the taxation of savings income. The aim is to extend the automatic exchange of information on financial accounts in order to prevent taxpayers from hiding capital representing income or assets for which tax has not been paid. Three parties

The aim is to prevent taxpayers from hiding income or assets for which tax as not been paid.”

signed the document, Peter Kažimír, Finance Minister of Slovakia and President of the European Council; Serge Telle, Minister of State of Monaco; and Pierre Moscovici, European Economic Commissioner. Basically, the agreement provides for Monaco to meet exactly the same standards of transparency and exchange of information as if they were full members of the EU. Such information may include release of names, addresses, tax identification numbers and dates of birth of each member state’s residents with accounts in the Principality, as well as other financial and account

balance information. Slowly but surely, it is becoming more difficult for private individuals to avoid the payment of tax in their place of domicile, although no doubt those who are really rich will still be able to settle in low tax areas such as Monaco and Switzerland whilst corporations and even cartels will endeavour to hide their profits through technicalities and loopholes although even they are beginning to feel the pinch. Most of the UK Overseas Territories as well as Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey had already agreed to recognise this programme although whether they will continue to do so once Britain does leave the European Union is just one of the many questions that need to be answered when final exit negotiations take place, especially as some of those territories were named in the recent Panama revelations and Spain continually accuses Gibraltar of being a tax haven which it in turn denies.

Credit Gareth Milner flickr

21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



I don’t even know where to begin LEAPY LEE SAYS IT

OTHERS THINK IT BIT hard to work out where to start this week. Probably finding myself in a similar position as our new prime minister! I did consider the speed Theresa May met up with Nicola Sturgeon was almost bordering on the obscene. The statement issued afterwards was even more so. Do the rest of the British public have to now actually wait until some sort of appeasing deal can be worked out with Scotland and the EU before we are able to invoke Article 50 and get on with the new future the majority of the UK voted for? If this is a sample of the new tough leadership and firm decision making we’ve been told to expect,

we’re in trouble already. In a wholly democratic event, the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU. That should be the end of the story. If others are not happy with the result, let them hold their referendums or whatever’s and if necessary butt out, allowing those who elected to leave, to get out and get on with it. Any dithering can only be detrimental to our new role in world affairs and is a disgraceful, non-democratic action, instigated by petulant losers who are now busy throwing their toys out of the pram; which is perfectly OK as long as those elected by the British public can be trusted not to scrabble about on the floor picking them up. Horror, sympathy and sorrow at the tragic events in Nice this week. How many of these same atrocities will have to take place in the UK before we declare war and really be-

gin to do something about it? GB naturally stopped its enemies entering the country in world World War 2. If it was common sense then, why are the same policies not being instigated now? Interesting to see the coup was thwarted in Turkey mainly due to the public taking to the streets and siding with President Tayyip Erdogan. I suppose that wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that untold thousands of them are already packed for the trip to Europe!? Just a thought.

Keep the faith. Love Leapy,

THERESA MAY: Already getting friendly with Nicola Sturgeon.

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Let Off-Plan Property Deposit Refunds be of assistance to you IF you are one of the many who paid over a deposit when deciding to buy an off-plan property in Spain and then the developer went bankrupt or disappeared and you lost your money then all is not lost. In a number of circumstances, it is perfectly possible to obtain a refund of what you have lost thanks to a ruling by the Spanish Government and the involvement of a savvy group of lawyers and advisors. Sheldon Grossmith was caught in exactly this situation and as a real estate agent based in Spain not only did he have a good idea of the law, but also knew a very astute and successful lawyer who helped him recover his funds. Now, through his company OffPlan Property Deposit Refunds based in Estepona, Sheldon and his Spanish associate Hector Alvarez are offering expatriates and Spaniards the opportunity to recov-

er their funds, even if, as is often the case, they were lost 10 years ago. The answer is very simple and that is that the banks with whom the original deposit was lodged could well be responsible in law for the refund of the monies lost, provided that they didn’t insist that monies lodged were covered by bank guarantees, separate insurance policies or in escrow accounts. Almost none of the money lost was ever in a ‘safe haven’ and this is where OPP can assist. Sheldon still remembers how sick and upset he felt when he thought that he had lost such a large sum and wants to help others recover what in some cases could be their life savings. He isn’t totally altruistic as he will make a charge for putting this together, but purely on a no win no fee basis! Those who have suffered a loss are invited to contact him

SHELDON GROSSMITH: Helping others to recover lost deposits. with a copy of the original purchase contract and proof of payment (as well as where it was paid to). A decision as to whether there is

a viable case to prosecute can be made very quickly and if the decision is positive then it is intended that there will be a three way agreement, signed between the per-

son losing the money, OPP and the lawyer who will undertake the case. Once they proceed, it is likely that it will take 12 to 18 months to obtain a final court ruling and in the event of the judge making an award to the person whose money has been taken, there will be a 15 per cent charge (plus IVA) from OPP and the lawyers will keep any interest that has been awarded by the court. Should the case be unsuccessful, then no costs are charged to the client. OPP was formed at the beginning of 2016 and only advertises in Euro Weekly News from which it has received a number of enquiries and is currently actively pursuing more than 30 cases. So if you are interested in finding out more, visit www.Off-PlanPropertyDepositRe or call Sheldon on 642 740 708.


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Useful loca I can smell gas...



(Fire, Police, Ambulance or Civil Protection) Multilingual 112 Ambulance 061 Crime report 902 102 112 Guardia Civil 062 Local Police 092 National Police 060/091 Fire 080 Coastguard 900 202 202

GUARDIA CIVIL • 062 Almuñecar Motril Nerja Rincon de la Victoria Torrox Velez-Malaga

as Someone h .. broken in.

958 639 420 958 834 812 952 520 091 952 401 141 952 538 008 952 507 462

Nerja Health Centre Outpatient Torre del Mar Hospital Santa Ana Motril Velez-Malaga Axarquia Hospital

951 289 662 951 289 328 958 038 200 951 067 000

FIRE BRIGADE • 080/085 Almuñecar Motril/Costa Tropical Nerja Provincial Consortium Rincon de la Victoria Velez-Malaga

958 632 121 958 601 920/744 952 558 091 952 402 221/222 952 501 130

UTILITIES ELECTRICITY Endesa free phone 800 760 909 Note: For electrical faults dial the number that appears on your electricity bill as it varies depending on area

GAS Repsol Nerja Almuñecar


LOCAL POLICE • 092 Almuñecar Motril Nerja Rincon de la Victoria Torrox Costa

952 524 195 958 630 575

958 639 943 958 834 875 952 521 545 951 212 223 952 539 828

Aquagest Andalucia – Rincon de la Victoria Axeragua Torre del Mar Motril Nerja Velez-Malaga

952 407 197 952 543 334/346 958 600 360 900 813 810 902 136 013 902 216 021

21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

l numbers I h a v e lo st m y p a ss p o r t. ..

My car ha s been stolen ..



I need to c ancel my credit card... In th e e v e n t o f a d e a th w h o d o I c a ll ?

UK PASSPORT 917 146 300

Emergency UK passports UK passport information

BRITISH CONSULATE British Consulate Malaga Irish Consulate Fuengirola

902 109 356 952 475 108


TOWN HALLS Motril Nerja Rincon de la Victoria Velez-Malaga Almuñecar

958 838 300 952 548 400 952 402 300 952 559 100 958 838 614

4B (Visa / Mastercard) American Express Diners Club Red 6000 Servired (Visa / Mastercard) Visa

AIRPORT Malaga-Costa del Sol airport

TOURIST OFFICES Motril Nerja Almuñecar Rincon de la Victoria Velez-Malaga

902 114 400 900 814 500 900 801 331 915 965 335 902 192 100 900 991 124

913 211 000

SUPPORT GROUPS 958 825 481 952 521 531 958 631 125 952 407 768 952 541 104

AA Nerja Age Concern infoline Women’s aid Domestic violence helpline

657 180 373 971 934 085 900 200 999 016 (in 52 languages)




E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


New PM ‘Well-heeled’ Cassandra Nash A weekly look - and not entirely impartial reaction to the Spanish political scene

SPAIN’S media is currently immersed in the country’s political impasse but nevertheless it paid attention to the succession of Theresa May following the self-defenestration of Cameron, Boris and Gove. There was much interest in May’s shoes although ideology apart, many women will give her a sporting chance strength on those kitten heels alone. Compared with Spain’s female politicians she scrubs up better than most, with the possible exception of Dolores de Cospedal and Cristina Cifuentes. De Cospedal allegedly hankers after the key to the Moncloa Palace but in the unlikely event of Mariano Rajoy’s defenestration, it ought to go to Cifuentes. Remember that you read it here first.

Gamesmanship Charlie Bard /

WHAT do the PSOE and Pedro Sanchez hope to gain by refusing to abstain or arrange for absences during Mariano Rajoy’s investiture vote? After all, 74 per cent of PSOE voters believe this is the lesser of two evils. Rajoy has successfully

Ignorance is bliss LEO MESSI earned a 21-month prison term for tax fraud although he said he left everything to his father. It may be true but the judge decided his ignorance was deliberate and therefore no excuse. So what about acting president Mariano Rajoy’s who claims to be unaware of the tax fraud, money-laundering, kickbacks, corruption and illegal party funding. Are we supposed to believe Rajoy’s professed ignorance wasn’t equally delib-

played a long game but unless socialists start thinking of voters and the country instead of themselves, it will be ‘game over’ for the PSOE.

Double trouble FAMOUS political tandems usually end in divorce. Bulganin and Khrushchev; Harold Wilson and George Brown; Felipe Gonzalez and Alfonso Guerra; Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, except B and K, it’s the name that comes first that belongs to the stayer. That brings us to Pablo Iglesias and Iñigo Errejon, by the same yardstick it doesn’t look good for Errejon.

Advertising feature

Your chance to live the good life SERENITY and exclusivity are two sides of the same coin and both are the hallmarks of the tranquil luxury on offer to fortunate lodge owners at the Homestead Lake Country Park, who are able to peacefully enjoy one of the UK’s most gorgeous holiday parks. Ideally situated in the lovely village of Weeley, just a few miles from the golden beaches of the alluring Essex coast, this elegant, family-run Country Park is specifically catered to the needs and desires of those with an appreciation for nature, peace of mind, and a welcome retreat from hectic city living. A splendid variety of luxurious lodges are now available for purchase in a rare opportunity for mature and discerning people who value both privacy and good company, the possibility of relaxing in nature with a terrific book, and partaking in fishing, country walks and a vibrant village lifestyle. Lodges are all built to an extremely high specification, forging a new standard in luxury leisure accommodation, while the park itself boasts magnificent scenery replete with mature trees, lush greenery, a large fishing lake and two other man-made

COUNTRY PARK: Offers a truly unique natural experience and magnificent scenery. lakes offering a truly unique natural experience in harmony with local wildlife. A k e y a ttra c tion for the ins ightful

lodgers at the Homestead Lake Country Park is the inherent exclusivity of the project. There are no young families or rau-

cous noise-makers, there is a large gated entrance and round the clock security, and lodgers share a similar philosophy of respect, consideration and simply living the good life. The friendly family-run development offers excellent personalised services and interested applicants the opportunity to partake in a serious investment for their f ut ur e, bot h f i nanci al l y and f or t hei r greater health, both mental and physical as they enjoy the tremendous and healing benefits of country living. So should you be interested in securing a l uxur i ous pr i vat e l odge i n one of Britain’s finest and most exclusive Country Parks then now is your opportunity. The exclusive nature of Homestead Lake Country Park means that such chances don’t come along too often so why not contact them today to find out more information about this rare possibility. You can find out everything you would like to know simply by visiting their website at i m, em ai l i ng t hem at lodges@home, or simply calling the team on +44 1255 833 933.


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Right on the Money 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Fake Britain 12:45pm Neighbourhood Blues 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Red Rock 3:25pm Escape to the Country 4:25pm Garden Rescue 5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Celebrity MasterChef 10:00pm New Blood 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:30pm BBC London News The latest news, sport and weather from London. 11:45pm The Insider 12:35am This Week

8:30am The Hairy Builder 9:00am The Great British Sewing Bee 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Pressure Pad 2:45pm Coast 3:15pm An Island Parish: Falklands 3:45pm David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 4:10pm Africa 5:10pm Michael Palin’s New Europe 6:10pm Antiques Roadshow 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm The Hairy Builder 8:00pm RHS: Tatton Flower Show 2016 9:00pm Full Steam Ahead 10:00pm The Refugee Camp: Our Desert Home 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:30pm Newsnight 12:15am The Somme 1916 - From Both Sides of the Wire 1:15am Panorama

8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day’s events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Top of the Pops David Jensen presents the pop chart show, first broadcast on 4 March 1982. 9:00pm Yellowstone 10:00pm The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II with Dan Cruickshank 11:00pm Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict 12:30am Sinatra: All or Nothing at All An up-close and personal examination of the life, music and career of the legendary entertainer. 2:25am Top of the Pops

7:10am Dare to Believe 7:15am 3rd Rock from the Sun 7:40am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Frasier 10:30am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am The Simpsons 11:55am Dare to Believe 12:00pm The Simpsons 12:30pm Come Dine with Me 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm Fifteen to One 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm The Question Jury 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Inside Out Homes 10:00pm 999: What’s Your Emergency? 11:00pm Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:00am Dare to Believe

9:15am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00am Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm To B&B the Best 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm A Housekeeper’s Revenge 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Secrets of Underground Britain 9:00pm On Benefits: Life on the Dole 10:00pm The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door: Living in Fear 11:00pm Big Brother 12:05am Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Right on the Money 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Fake Britain 12:45pm Neighbourhood Blues 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Red Rock 3:25pm Escape to the Country 4:25pm Garden Rescue 5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Celebrity MasterChef 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm New Tricks 12:35am Entrapment 2:25am Weather for the Week Ahead

7:00am Right on the Money 7:45am Garden Rescue 8:30am The Hairy Builder 9:00am The £100k House: The Final Fix 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm Show Boat 2:45pm Coast 3:15pm An Island Parish: Falklands 3:45pm David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 4:10pm Africa 5:10pm Michael Palin’s New Europe 6:10pm Antiques Roadshow 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm The Hairy Builder 8:00pm Rhs: Tatton Flower Show 2016 9:00pm Athletics: London Anniversary Games 11:00pm Clare Balding Meets... Jessica Ennis-Hill 11:30pm Newsnight 12:00am Artsnight

8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day’s events from a global perspective. 8:30pm BBC Proms 2016 10:30pm The People’s History of Pop 11:30pm When Pop Went Epic: The Crazy World of the Concept Album 12:30am Totally 60s Psychedelic Rock at the BBC 1:30am The People’s History of Pop Series telling the story of pop music through fans’ memories and memorabilia. 2:30am When Pop Went Epic: The Crazy World of the Concept Album 3:30am Totally 60s Psychedelic Rock at the BBC 4:30am This is BBC Four

7:15am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:25am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:50am Dare to Believe 8:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25am Frasier 9:55am Formula 1 11:40am Salvage S.O.S 12:05pm Car S.O.S 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Couples Come Dine with Me 1:55pm Formula 1 3:40pm Travel Man 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm The Question Jury 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Gogglesprogs 10:00pm Celebrity First Date 11:00pm Friday Night Dinner 11:35pm Rude Tube 12:35am Man Down 1:10am Wanderlust 2:55am Dare to Believe

8:50am Noddy: Toyland Detective 9:00am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00am Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm To B&B the Best 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm A Husband’s Confession 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Cricket on 5 9:00pm America’s Hidden Pyramid City 10:00pm Big Brother: Live Eviction 11:30pm Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:30am Lip Sync Battle

10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Real Stories with Ranvir Singh 9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm The Investigator 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm Drive 12:40am Columbo: The Bye-Bye Sky High Iq Murder Case

7:00am Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm The Dark Knight 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm The Dark Knight 1:00am Family Guy

7:00am Doctor in the House 7:25am Heartbeat 8:30am Where the Heart is 9:35am The Royal 10:40am Judge Judy 11:05am Judge Judy 11:30am Judge Judy 11:55am Murder, She Wrote 1:00pm Love Your Garden 1:25pm Love Your Garden 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm The Royal 4:10pm Where the Heart is 5:15pm Doctor in the House 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm Man About the House 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Endeavour 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Wycliffe Drama series about a Cornish detective. 1:05am Inspector Morse

7:50am 8:45am 9:50am 10:50am 11:50am 12:50pm 2:00pm

7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am

9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Gino’s Italian Escape: Islands in the Sun 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Doc Martin 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm Total Recall 1:45am Jackpot247 4:00am Murder, She Wrote 4:50am ITV Nightscreen

7:00am Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Emmerdale 10:00am Coronation Street 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 2:15pm Coronation Street 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm The Bourne Identity 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm The Bourne Identity 12:20am Family Guy

7:00am Doctor in the House 7:25am Heartbeat 8:30am Where the Heart is 9:35am The Royal 10:35am Judge Judy 11:55am Murder, She Wrote 1:00pm Love Your Garden 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm The Royal 4:05pm Where the Heart is 5:15pm Doctor in the House 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm Man About the House 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Birds of a Feather 9:30pm Birds of a Feather 10:00pm Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs 10:30pm Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Wycliffe

7:00am British Touring Car Crashes and Smashes 7:10am Gunsmoke 8:00am Minder 8:55am Ironside Drama series about a wheelchairbound San Francisco detective. 10:00am Quincy, M.E. 11:00am Ax Men 12:00pm Tour de France Highlights Gary Imlach and Chris Boardman present highlights of stage 18. 1:00pm Tour de France Live 5:30pm Storage Wars New York 5:55pm Ironside 6:55pm The Saint 8:00pm Tour de France Highlights 9:00pm Octopussy 10:05pm FYI Daily 10:10pm Octopussy 11:40pm Renegades 12:40am FYI Daily

7:00am Football Gold 7:30am WWE Main Event 8:30am WWE From the Vault 8:45am WWE From the Vault 9:00am Super Heroes: Ali Williams 9:30am Live Super Rugby 11:30am Live Super Rugby 1:30pm Ali Williams Super Heroes 2:00pm World Matchplay Darts 5:00pm Premier League Legends 5:30pm Premier League Legends 6:00pm Football’s Greatest 6:30pm Footballs Greatest Teams 7:00pm Boxing Gold 7:30pm Darts Gold 8:00pm Live World Matchplay Darts 11:00pm Darts Gold 11:30pm Darts Gold 12:00am Sporting Triumphs

3:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm


10:05pm 11:05pm

11:10pm 12:45am

Minder Ironside Quincy, M.E. Ax Men The Chase Gunsmoke Tour de France Highlights Tour de France Live Ironside The Saint Tour de France Highlights Gary Imlach and Chris Boardman present highlights of stage 18. The Motorbike Show Henry Cole presents the programme for motorcycle enthusiasts. For Your Eyes Only FYI Daily A round-up of the latest entertainment news. For Your Eyes Only Out for Justice


1:30pm 1:45pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 2:30pm

7:00pm 7:30pm


11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am 12:45am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! World Matchplay Darts Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold World Matchplay Darts Motorsport Mundial Barclays Premier League World Live World Matchplay Darts Sporting Mavericks Premier League Legends Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Super League Highlights


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Best bands

I’ve never seen ONE Christmas Day afternoon a couple of years ago a good friend and I, whilst in a state of advanced festive refreshment, started talking about rock concerts we would like to have seen. Having witnessed most of the renowned live acts of the 70’s at various times (The Who, Bruce Springsteen, The Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Van Morrison, Eagles, Paul McCartney, Queen) my first pick for the ‘wished I’d have seen them’ category was, quite obviously, The Beatles. “Saw them,” said my friend and noting the look of surprise on my face added: “At The Cavern. A few times actually when I lived in Liverpool.” Wow, what a thrill to have been there virtually at the dawn of a musical phenomenon that changed popular culture. My second selection took a slight liberty. I saw the Rolling Stones when they put on a great show at Wembley Stadium in 1982, but confessed for a longing to have seen them in their mid-60’s pomp with the accompanying arrogance and anger. “Saw them,” was the reply from across the table, “Liverpool Empire 1965. Very loud and rowdy.” So that was the two most famous rock bands of the 60’s he had seen in their first incarnations when stardom beckoned, a pretty impressive claim to have on your concert-going CV. For my third choice there was only one person left to go to. Here we could muse together on the opportunity that hardly came to anyone on our side of the Atlantic and practically no one on the European continent for that matter, seeing The King, Elvis Presley. “Seen him,” he said, to which I instantly replied, “Oh come on. Elvis never played a concert outside of the United States.” “I know that,” said my friend, “that’s why it was lucky I saw him in Las Vegas.” Noting the incredulous look on my face he explained, “I was working over there in 1973.” To quote the great Eric Morecombe, himself half of another fantastic live act: “There’s no answer to that.” But between us eventually there were live acts in common we both felt sorry to have missed. I regretted very much never seeing The Band about whom Bob Dylan (for who they were a backing group in the mid-60’s) once said, “They were the only group good enough to be called simply The Band.” Talk-

Credit Jim Summaria Wikimedia

By Neil Sambrook

THE WHO: Still playing and singing songs of teenage angst.

“At school friends of mine took extra paper-rounds and washed every car in the street to raise funds for David Bowie or Led Zeppelin tickets.”

ing of Dylan my friend had never seen him, but being the devotee I am I have attended a number of his shows, two of which are at opposite ends of my personal concert spectrum. The ‘86 show at the NEC in Birmingham was the worst concert by a major performer I have been to, but his 2009 show in the same city is right up there with the very best. When I was at school friends of mine took extra paper-rounds and washed every car in

the street to raise funds for David Bowie or Led Zeppelin tickets, two acts I never saw and sadly never will, that being a time when it was generally accepted that The Who were masters of the concert stage and I count myself very fortunate to have seen two stunning shows in 1975 and 1976, which left me in no doubt their acclaim was well deserved. Others I am sorry to have missed are The Byrds, Joni Mitchell, Linda Ronstadt and, despite seeing various editions of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, never saw the four of them together. Another group who I would dearly loved to have seen are The Rat Pack, Frank Sinatra and his motley crew of associates. Their carousing, interaction with the audience and virtuosity living on in the performances of Rod Stewart, Bruce Springsteen and Michael Buble, a trio of renowned live performers which from experience I can vouch for. All this talk of live shows has started me thinking about my next one. Yes, you’ve

guessed it The Who with who I have a date with in Birmingham later this year. On the face of it there is something faintly ridiculous about two men into their 70’s playing and singing songs of teenage angst, but when Pete Townshend blasts out the opening chords of ‘Substitute’ and Roger Daltrey does his bellowing, there is no other place on earth I would rather be. But whoever our favourite live bands are we should never under-appreciate the concert experience. I have lost count of the times I have been to a show and thought how well I know this song and the many different circumstances in which I have heard it, and suddenly I am in the same room, albeit a very big one, as the Eagles playing Hotel California. In moments such as those we become elevated by the music forgetting about how far away the car is parked, the drive home or work tomorrow, which is surely the essence of every great live concert.



E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30pm Mary Berry’s Absolute Favourites 1:00pm BBC News 1:10pm Weather 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:45pm Faster, Higher, Stronger 2:15pm Athletics: London Anniversary Games 6:15pm Toy Story 7:30pm BBC News 7:40pm Regional News 7:45pm Weather 7:50pm The Getaway Car 8:40pm The National Lottery 9:30pm The Musketeers 10:25pm BBC News 10:40pm Weather 10:45pm Mrs Brown’s Boys Live 11:15pm Peter Kay: 20 Years of Funny 12:15am The Wedding Video 1:45am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:50am BBC News

7:25am The Women’s Football Show 7:55am Coast 8:35am The Valley of Gwangi 10:10am Taking Flight 11:10am Homes Under the Hammer 12:10pm Natural World 1:00pm The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure 2:00pm Day of the Evil Gun 3:30pm Escape to the Continent 4:30pm Flog It! 5:30pm Full Steam Ahead 6:30pm Gardeners’ World 7:00pm Newsnight Special 7:50pm Proms Extra 8:30pm Dad’s Army 9:00pm The Marvellous World of Roald Dahl 10:00pm Keith Richards: The Origin of the Species 11:00pm QI XL 11:45pm Versailles 12:45am I Am Number Four 2:25am Far From Home 3:50am This is BBC Two

8:00pm The Search for the Lost Manuscript. Medieval art historian Dr Janina Ramirez tells the incredible story of a book hidden for centuries in the shadows of history, the first book ever written in English by a woman - Julian of Norwich in 1373. 9:00pm Who Were the Greeks? 10:00pm Beck: The Weak Link 11:30pm Sinatra: All or Nothing at All 1:35am Gershwin’s Summertime: The Song That Conquered the World 2:35am ...Sings Bond 3:35am Top of the Pops

7:05am Motorsport 7:30am Gillette World Sport 8:00am Tenerife Blue Trail 8:25am Motorsport 8:50am Dare to Believe 8:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:55am The Morning Line 10:55am Formula 1 12:25pm The Superhumans Show 12:55pm Formula 1 3:30pm Channel 4 Racing 5:45pm A Place in the Sun 6:30pm Channel 4 News 6:55pm Grease 9:00pm Alan Carr’s Grease Night 11:00pm The Inbetweeners Movie 12:50am Dare to Believe 12:55am Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 1:55am [REC] 3: Genesis 3:20am Dare to Believe 3:25am Hollyoaks Omnibus

9:25am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:00am The Saturday Show Live 12:10pm Police Interceptors 1:00pm Benefits: Can’t Work, Won’t Work 2:00pm Benefits 26 Kids and Claiming. 3:00pm Benefits: Yorkshire Dole 4:00pm Benefit Beauty Queens 5:00pm The World’s Strongest Man 6:00pm The World’s Strongest Man 7:00pm The World’s Strongest Man 7:55pm 5 News 8:00pm Cricket on 5 9:00pm NCIS 9:55pm 5 News 10:00pm Big Brother 11:00pm The Expendables 1:05am Super Casino 4:10am Big Brother 5:00am Now That’s Funny

7:00am Breakfast 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am Sunday Morning Live 12:00pm Homes Under the Hammer 1:00pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:10pm Weather for the Week Ahead 2:15pm Homes Under the Hammer 3:15pm Escape to the Country 4:00pm Animal Super Parents 5:00pm Eat Well for Less 6:00pm Lifeline 6:10pm Songs of Praise 6:45pm Pointless 7:30pm BBC News 7:50pm Regional News 7:55pm Weather 8:00pm Countryfile 9:00pm Fake or Fortune? 10:00pm The Secret Agent 11:00pm BBC News 11:20pm Regional News 11:25pm Weather 11:30pm Live at the Apollo 12:15am Dinner for Schmucks

7:15am A to Z of TV Gardening 8:00am Great British Garden Revival 9:00am Gardeners’ World 9:30am Countryfile 10:30am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:00pm A Cook Abroad 1:00pm Lorraine Pascale: How to be a Better Cook 1:30pm The Olympic Journey 2:00pm Talking Pictures 2:30pm Rear Window 4:20pm Natural Curiosities 4:45pm Flog It! 5:30pm New Zealand: Earths Mythical Islands 6:30pm Clare Balding Meets...Heather Stanning and Helen Glover 7:00pm Reel Steel 9:00pm Robot Wars 10:00pm Dragons’ Den 11:00pm Fixing Dad 12:00am Horizon 1:00am Countryfile 1:55am Holby City 2:55am This is BBC Two

8:00pm BBC Proms 2016 9:15pm Playing Beethoven’s Fifth Another chance to hear a live performance from the BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall of one of the most popular and frequently performed violin concertos of all time, Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor, recorded at the first night of the BBC Proms in 2005. 10:00pm Classic Albums 11:00pm Arena 12:00am Definitely Dusty 1:00am The Secret Life of Waves 2:00am Yellowstone 3:00am Classic Albums 4:00am Arena A daily magazine programme which looks at the world of arts and entertainment.

6:20am Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 6:30am Countdown 7:15am Shipping Wars 7:40am Shipping Wars 8:00am King of Queens 8:30am King of Queens 8:55am Frasier 9:25am Frasier 9:55am Dare to Believe 10:00am Sunday Brunch 1:00pm Formula 1 4:30pm Athletics 5:00pm Dare to Believe 5:05pm A Place in the Sun 6:05pm Toy Story That Time Forgot 6:30pm Finding Nemo 8:30pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Saddam Goes to Hollywood 10:00pm The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 12:05am Friday Night Dinner 12:40am Dare to Believe 12:45am Formula 1 1:45am Escape From Alcatraz 3:40am Born on the Same Day 4:35am Superfoods: The Real Story

7:00am Milkshake! 10:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30am Access 11:40am Now That’s Funny! 12:40pm Now That’s Funny 1:40pm RV - Runaway Vacation 3:30pm Dennis Strikes Again 5:00pm The World’s Strongest Man 6:00pm The World’s Strongest Man 7:00pm The World’s Strongest Man 7:55pm 5 News 8:00pm Cricket on 5 9:00pm Puppies Make You Laugh Out Loud 2 9:55pm 5 News 10:00pm Big Brother 11:00pm Lip Sync Battle 12:00am 20 Moments That Rocked Pop 1:30am Lip Sync Battle 1:55am Super Casino 4:10am GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5:00am Now That’s Funny 5:50am Wildlife SOS

10:25am Murder, She Wrote 12:20pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 1:20pm ITV News and Weather 1:25pm The Wine Show 2:30pm Big Box Little Box 3:00pm Doc Martin 4:00pm The Chase 5:00pm Midsomer Murders 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:15pm ITV News and Weather 7:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:00pm Catchphrase 8:45pm The Amazing Spider-Man 11:20pm ITV News and Weather 11:35pm Inside Man 1:50am Jackpot247 4:00am Murder, She Wrote

7:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:30am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:40am Coronation Street Omnibus 1:35pm Celebrity Catchphrase 2:35pm Ninja Warrior 3:35pm The Flintstones 4:35pm FYI Daily 4:40pm The Flintstones 5:20pm Nanny McPhee 6:20pm FYI Daily 6:25pm Nanny McPhee 7:15pm Liar Liar 8:15pm FYI Daily 8:20pm Liar Liar 9:00pm Burlesque 10:00pm FYI Daily 10:05pm Burlesque 11:25pm Family Guy 11:55pm Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:55am American Dad! 1:25am American Dad!

7:00am On the Buses 7:25am Where the Heart is 8:15am Where the Heart is 9:20am Inspector Morse 11:35am Rosemary and Thyme 1:10pm Agatha Christie’s Marple 3:10pm The Belles of St. Trinian’s 4:10pm FYI Daily 4:15pm The Belles of St. Trinian’s 5:05pm Agatha 6:05pm FYI Daily 6:10pm Agatha 7:00pm Midsomer Murders 9:00pm Lewis 11:00pm A Touch of Frost Frost is being considered for promotion into the Uniform Division. 1:10am The Jury

7:15am 8:00am 8:25am 9:25am 10:25am

7:00am Football Gold 7:15am Football Gold 7:30am World Matchplay Darts 10:30am Football 11:00am Football 1:00pm Live Hungarian Grand Prix Qualifying Qualifying from the 2016 Hungarian Grand Prix at the Hungaroring. 3:35pm Football 4:05pm Football 6:00pm Football 8:30pm Football 9:00pm Cricket 10:00pm Cricket 11:00pm Football 11:30pm Football 12:00am Major League Soccer 2:00am World Matchplay Darts

11:25am Murder, She Wrote 12:20pm Judge Rinder 1:20pm ITV News and Weather 1:25pm Rebound 2:25pm Long Lost Family 3:30pm Love Your Garden 4:30pm Midsomer Murders 6:30pm Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 7:30pm Local News and Weather 7:45pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 9:00pm Quantum of Solace 11:05pm ITV News and Weather 11:15pm I Am Legend 1:05am River Monsters

7:00am The Cube 7:50am Emmerdale Omnibus 11:00am Coronation Street Omnibus 1:50pm Take Me Out 2:50pm Catchphrase 3:30pm Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure 4:30pm FYI Daily 4:35pm Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure 5:20pm King Kong 6:20pm FYI Daily 6:25pm King Kong 8:55pm The Wedding Planner 9:55pm FYI Daily 10:00pm The Wedding Planner 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am Bordertown 1:00am American Dad! 1:30am American Dad!

7:25am 8:20am 9:25am 10:25am 12:45pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:05pm 5:10pm

7:00am 7:25am 8:10am 8:55am 9:55am

1:00pm Live Hungarian GP: Pit Lane Live 1:30pm Live Hungarian Grand Prix 4:30pm Live Hungarian GP: Paddock Live 5:15pm Sporting Triumphs 5:30pm Premier League 100 Club 6:00pm Time of Our Lives 7:00pm Darts Gold 8:00pm Live World Matchplay Darts 10:00pm Darts Gold 10:30pm Sporting Triumphs 10:45pm Sporting Triumphs 11:00pm Football 1:00am World Matchplay Darts

Ax Men Motorway Patrol Motorsport UK Shed and Buried Storage Wars New York 10:55am Southern 100 Road Race Highlights 12:00pm Tour de France Highlights 1:00pm Tour de France Live 5:30pm Storage Wars New York 5:55pm Monster Carp 7:00pm The Motorbike Show 8:00pm Tour de France Highlights 9:00pm A View to a Kill 10:05pm FYI Daily 10:10pm A View to a Kill 11:40pm The Game of Death 12:40am FYI Daily 12:45am The Game of Death

6:15pm 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:10pm 12:20am 12:25am 1:40am 3:05am 4:25am 5:15am

Wycliffe Heartbeat Heartbeat Inspector Morse A Touch of Frost Agatha FYI Daily Agatha Blue Murder at St. Trinian’s FYI Daily Blue Murder at St. Trinian’s Sunday Night at the Palladium Doc Martin The Booze Cruise Out of Sight FYI Daily Out of Sight Wire in the Blood Wire in the Blood May the Best House Win May the Best House Win

10:55am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 8:00pm

9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 12:10am 1:40am 2:10am

Tommy Cooper Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Motogp Highlights Monster Carp The Motorbike Show Tour de France Highlights Tour de France Live The Wine Show A magazine show especially for wine lovers. Storage Wars Storage Wars Tour de France Highlights Unforgiven FYI Daily Unforgiven Motorway Patrol Tour de France Highlights



21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:

Banish the bullfighting now THE July 14-20 edition had an article where it is announced there will be a workshop to be a bullfighter. I am appalled that there still is such a thing. No matter what people say that it is a tradition (meaning something that is there a long time, but that can change!) it remains extreme animal torture and cruelty to a mammal. And mammals have the exact same feelings as humans, like fear, anxiety and pain. During this workshop they will definitely use calves (yes, baby cows) to stab them with spears. What a disgusting and disgraceful school. Shame on the mayor of Antequera to let this happen. He also expressed his condolences for the recent death of Victor Barrios. Nobody deserves to die, but Mr Barrios CHOSE to go into the ring to torture and kill bulls. In this case he got killed instead (although the bull was also killed and they even want to kill its mother, how silly’s that!) A death of a toreador only happened after 30 years. In contrary of all the bulls that get killed every year (roughly 70,000 in fights and God knows how many in “practice”). I would say “those who kill by the sword die by the sword.” All of this cruelty has to stop now. It gives this beautiful country a bad taste to most of the world. Chantal Buslot, Belgium

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

Sheer hypocrisy TO be sure the vast majority of those expats ‘appalled’ and ‘horrified’ by the bullfighting tradition are a great stain on our society. There appears to be an urgent and indulgent psychological need to feel superior to others with no real understanding of the facts. Now there is a terrific and promising Spanish campaign against bullfighting, chiefly led by young environmental and animal rights activists who promote and live lifestyles in accordance with the values of non-violence. I’d readily wager that many of these expat opponents happily eat meat procured from the supermarket, thus contributing to an ongoing genocide of literally billions of animals and destroying our environment. They then have the audacity to go online

and moan about something that pales in comparison to the carnage they engage in every day? Give me a break. As for the lack of sympathy for Victor Barrios, the deceased bullfighter, I presume the ‘karma crowd’ are also vocally critical of dead British soldiers in Iraq, gleefully celebrating every roadside bomb? I’ll hold my breath. Jim Roarty, Murcia

Feline concerto MY beautiful, golden eyed, young ginger cat Bertie has convinced me he’s turned on by Mozart, especially his magical slow movements, which also

A fish called Leapy LEAPY I enjoyed your comment in the Euro Weekly about Nicola. I agree with everything you say and I am a Scot. Born in a small village north of Aberdeen called Cruden Bay, the last place the Vikings attacked in the north of Scotland and lost. King Malcolm defeated Cnut and after that the Vikings moved south. Also it was the first place where an oil pipeline came ashore from the North Sea rigs. I now live in Lincolnshire but am proud of my heritage and am not a supporter of Nicola. I call her a dictator, as you say it’s a very fishy business in the Scottish Parliament however, if left in the open long enough fish goes off. I do believe the Scottish people will see through the dictator and end up bombing her out. Scott Cruden

Rocking success

Delusional dingbat YOUR columnist, whatever name he goes under, is clearly delusional. Can he supply links to all the claims he makes about the prognostication of a series of world events? He appears to think he is a latter-day Nostradamus. As to his chequered past, what a load of codswallop. His biography states “He then settled in Saudi Arabia.” He would have needed a visa, for which the people for whom he was going to work would have applied, and it probably would have been refused. As for opening a pub in Saudi, that alone shows how delusional he is. With the recent Brexit, there are more than enough ‘muck-rakers’ in England, so please dump the one-hit wonder. Bill Hall, Torre del Mar

40 years. Are there any Spanish still there, if so can they remember how to speak their national tongue? Atentamente Anthony Goddard

BULLFIGHTING TRADITION: Being challenged in a campaign by environmental and animal rights activists.

obsess his owner. Last week Bertie and his mate Mickey (grey and white and a totally different personality) were rolling over in a friendly fight. From the radio came the warm seductive tones of the Clarinet Concerto slow movement. The cats separated suddenly; Bertie leapt onto my chair, stretched his front paws on my chest, closed his golden eyes and adopted a smiling expression. No, I wasn’t imagining things, I’m willing to swear he seemed seraphic, we were both under Mozart’s spell. Today a repeated experience with the slow movement of the Sinfonia Concertante for violin and viola. His expression seemed almost more ecstatic than last week. To attempt to prove my theory, a few hours later I played a CD of the same movement. I could hardly believe that this had exactly the

same effect on Bertie as before. What do readers of my letter think? To query Shakespeare, could music be the food of love for animals as well as humans? Maybe Bertie’s name should be changed to Wolfie! Mary Groser

Pot meet kettle I WAS amused to read a letter in the Euro Weekly News Issue 1619, headlined ‘Horrible English hypocrites.’ A lady wrote, including lots of (sighs) how the English in Spain don’t learn Spanish, only shop in English shops and eat in only English bars and restaurants. I’m English, I’ve lived here since 2001, my Spanish is not as great as it should be and my Spanish grammar is

atrocious, this I have to admit, however, I do speak Spanish in shops, etc. and indeed any other time it’s necessary so to do. I shop in Spanish shops as I couldn’t possibly afford to shop in English ones and eat and drink in both Spanish and English restaurants and bars, depending on what I’d like to eat on the day, just as I would in England. However, what really amused me is that she keeps referring to English rather than British, obviously all Welsh, Scottish and Irish she knows speak perfect Spanish. For someone, supposedly, so obviously enwrapped in the Spanish culture, I’m surprised she sends her letter in English to a free English, sorry, British newspaper. Finally, she lives in Torremolinos, which when I was last there on holiday many years ago, has been an English, oops, British stronghold for more than

GOSH the power of publicity! Knitted Knockers Spain has certainly come a long way since my friend Karen and I formed the group here in Andalucia. Thanks to the Spanish and English language press, plus being listed on the international web site of knit we’re now supplying knitted prosthesis to women who have undergone surgery for the removal of a breast in many parts of Spain. Volunteer knitters, like donations, are always welcome but the yarn used to knit or crochet a knocker must be 100 per cent mercerised cotton. If you require further information or you want a knocker then contact: Maggie

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Rip Off Britain 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Panorama 10:00pm Forces of Nature with Brian Cox 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Have I Got Old News for You 12:15am Have I Got a Bit More News for You

4:20pm Natural Curiosities 5:10pm Michael Palin’s New Europe 6:10pm Antiques Roadshow 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm The Hairy Builder 8:00pm Great American Railroad Journeys 9:00pm University Challenge 9:30pm Only Connect 10:00pm The Somme 1916: From Both Sides of the Wire 11:00pm Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather

8:30pm The Wonder of Animals 9:00pm Time Shift Timeshift revisits Britain’s railways during the era of nationalisation. 10:00pm Norman Wisdom: His Story 11:00pm The Real White Queen and Her Rivals 12:00am The Joy of Data 1:00am A History of Art in Three Colours 2:00am Who Were the Greeks? 3:00am Norman Wisdom: His Story 4:00am Rude Britannia

1:05pm Come Dine with Me 3:05pm Dare to Believe 3:10pm Fifteen to One 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm The Question Jury 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Dispatches 9:30pm Superfoods: The Real Story 10:00pm Eden 11:00pm Naked Attraction 12:05am Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 1:00am Bodyshockers

12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

To B&B the Best 5 News Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Perfect Seduction 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Cricket on 5 Police Interceptors Unleashed 10:00pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 11:00pm Big Brother 12:05am Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

2:45pm Red Rock 3:25pm Escape to the Country 4:25pm Garden Rescue 5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm The Living and the Dead 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Imagine... 12:50am Forces of Nature with Brian Cox

8:00pm 3:20pm Africa 4:20pm Natural Curiosities 8:30pm 5:10pm Michael Palin’s New Europe 9:00pm 6:10pm Antiques Roadshow 10:00pm 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm The Hairy Builder 8:00pm Great American Railroad Journeys 9:00pm Inside the Factory: How Our Favourite Foods are Made 10:00pm New Zealand: Earths Mythical 11:00pm Islands 12:00am 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Wild France with Ray Mears 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Brief Encounters 11:00pm ITV News 11:45pm Benidorm 12:45am In Plain Sight 1:30am Jackpot247

4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Family Guy 10:30pm Bordertown 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm American Dad! 12:00am American Dad!

1:55pm Heartbeat 3:00pm The Royal 4:00pm Where the Heart is 5:10pm Doctor in the House 5:40pm On the Buses 6:15pm Man About the House 6:50pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 8:55pm Wycliffe 10:00pm Secrets From the Asylum 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Liverpool 1

12:45pm Gunsmoke 1:50pm Tour de France Highlights 2:50pm The Saint 3:50pm Minder 4:55pm Quincy M.E. 6:00pm Ironside 7:00pm The Saint 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm River Monsters 10:00pm Escape From New York 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Escape From New York 12:05am Open Range

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 9:00pm Love Your Garden 10:00pm Holiday Horrors: Caught on Camera 11:00pm ITV News 11:40pm Davina Mccall: Life at the Extreme 12:40am In Plain Sight

5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Mom 10:30pm Mom 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 11:45pm Family Guy 12:15am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad!

3:00pm The Royal 4:05pm Where the Heart is 5:10pm Doctor in the House 5:45pm On the Buses 6:20pm Man About the House 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Wire in the Blood 1:40am Inspector Morse

8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 10:00am You’ve Been Framed! 10:30am Psych 11:20am Royal Pains 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 2:15pm You’ve Been Framed! 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Hell’s Kitchen 11:00pm The Vampire Diaries 11:55pm Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy

7:00am Doctor in the House 7:25am Heartbeat 8:30am Where the Heart is 9:25am The Royal 10:30am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:25am Judge Judy 11:55am Murder, She Wrote 12:55pm Love Your Garden 1:55pm Heartbeat 3:00pm The Royal 4:00pm Where the Heart is 5:05pm Doctor in the House 5:40pm On the Buses 6:15pm Man About the House 6:50pm Heartbeat 7:50pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Agatha Christie’s Marple 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Wire in the Blood 1:35am Inspector Morse 3:30am Teleshopping

11:00am 11:30am 11:45am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:55pm 11:00pm 1:00am 1:30am 3:30am

Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw World Matchplay Darts Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Football The Premier League Years Cricket Football Football The Premier League Years Football

World News Today The Wonder of Animals Sacred Wonders of Britain Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered History documentary aiming to uncover the extraordinary truth of the boy behind the golden mask. Inside Claridge’s Fossil Wonderlands: Nature’s Hidden Treasures

12:30pm Come Dine with Me 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:35pm Glorious Goodwood 5:00pm The Question Jury 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Child Genius 10:00pm Gogglesprogs 11:00pm Celebrity First Date 12:05am 999: What’s Your Emergency?

11:45am 12:45pm 1:55pm 2:50pm 3:50pm 4:55pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:05pm 11:10pm 12:00am 1:00am

1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:50pm 12:50am

Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS A Bone to Pick: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Cricket on 5 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Botched Up Bodies

The Chase Gunsmoke Pawn Stars The Saint Minder Quincy M.E. Ironside The Saint Pawn Stars Monster Carp Universal Soldier: Regeneration FYI Daily Universal Soldier: Regeneration Born to Raise Hell FYI Daily

9:00am ATP Tennis Toronto Highlights 10:00am Spanish Gold 10:30am Sporting Triumphs 11:15am Football 2:45pm Football’s Greatest Teams 3:15pm Football Gold 3:30pm Football’s Greatest 4:00pm ATP Tennis Toronto Highlights 5:00pm Live ATP Masters : Toronto 1000 5:00am Football’s Greatest An icon at Real Madrid.

Gunsmoke Minder Ironside Quincy M.E. Ax Men The Chase Gunsmoke Pawn Stars The Saint Minder Modern-day reimagineering on the classic comedy-drama. Quincy M.E. Ironside The Saint Pawn Stars Pawn Stars British Superbike Championship Highlights The Motorbike Show Firefox FYI Daily Firefox The Big Lebowski FYI Daily

7:00am Football Gold 8:00am WWE Experience 9:00am ATP Tennis Toronto Highlights 10:00am Spanish Gold 10:30am Sporting Triumphs 10:45am Sporting Triumphs 11:00am Sporting Heroes 12:00pm Boxing Gold 12:30pm Darts Gold 1:00pm Sporting Triumphs 2:00pm ATP Tennis Toronto Highlights 3:00pm Football’s Greatest 4:00pm Football 6:00pm Football’s Greatest Teams 6:30pm Football 5:30am Football’s Greatest Teams

WEDNESDAY - 27 JULY 10:15am Countryside 999 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Fake Britain 12:45pm Neighbourhood Blues 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Red Rock 3:25pm Escape to the Country 4:25pm Garden Rescue 5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm Eat Well for Less 10:00pm Saving Lives at Sea 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm A Question of Sport 12:15am Room 101 12:55am Weather for the Week Ahead

7:45am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:10pm 3:05pm 3:25pm 4:25pm 5:10pm 6:10pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:10am 12:15am

Garden Rescue The Hairy Builder The Hairy Builder The Best Dishes Ever Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live Lifeline Pride and Prejudice Coast Africa Natural Curiosities Michael Palin’s New Europe Antiques Roadshow Eggheads The Hairy Builder Great American Railroad Journeys Mastermind Gardeners’ World Versailles Boy Meets Girl Newsnight Weather People Just Do Nothing

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm The Wonder of Animals 9:00pm Yellowstone 10:00pm Masters of the Pacific Coast: The Tribes of the American Northwest 11:00pm Ocean Giants Documentary taking a look at whales and dolphins, nature’s supreme vocalists. 12:00am Burma, My Father and the Forgotten Army 1:00am The Real White Queen and Her Rivals 2:00am Time Shift 3:00am The Toilet: An Unspoken History

8:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25am Dare to Believe 9:30am Frasier 10:30am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am The Simpsons 12:30pm Come Dine with Me 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:35pm Glorious Goodwood 5:00pm The Question Jury 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm The Three Day Nanny 10:00pm 24 Hours in A and E 11:00pm Man Down 11:30pm 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 12:35am Eden

7:00am 10:15am 12:30pm 2:10pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

12:00am 1:00am

2:00am 4:10am


Milkshake! The Wright Stuff Big Brother 5 News Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Secret Liaison 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Secrets of Great British Castles GPs: Behind Closed Doors Ultimate Celebrity Power Couples 2016 On Benefits: Life on the Dole Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Super Casino Secrets of Underground Britain Now That’s Funny

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Wild Animal Reunions 10:00pm Long Lost Family 11:00pm ITV News 11:45pm Holiday Horrors: Caught on Camera 12:45am In Plain Sight

7:00am 7:50am 8:45am 9:50am 10:50am 11:50am 12:50pm 1:55pm 2:45pm 3:50pm

4:55pm 5:55pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:10am 12:15am 1:45am 3:10am

21- 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

US in Trump’s safe hands They had obviously thought this through. Camouflage and black against a white background, very smart.”

Colin Bird A weekly look Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-thewall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

I WAS flicking through TV channels the other night, in the vain hope I might find something that was either not a multi shown repeat, or didn’t feature Ant and Dec, when I chanced upon a movie that I could not actually remember seeing before. I had no idea what the title was, but it was certainly not one that seemed familiar. I had probably not bothered to watch it in the past, because it was one of those chest thumping, look how great we are, American blood and guts war films. Not my favourite type of entertainment. It had been running for some time, but what had me riveted was the sequence I had tuned in to. It seemed that a group of

THOUGHT PROVOKING: An interesting scene from the war film on TV. tough as old boots US Navy Seals, penguins or whatever, had been dropped into Bosnia to rescue a downed American pilot who had witnessed some nasty goings on. It was imperative that he

evaded capture because he was certainly not going to be invited round for tea and offered a ginger nut if the Bosnians collared him first. Picture the scene. There is snow on the ground with the entire land-

scape a white blanket, and in come the American choppers, clack clacking to a stirring musical background. Cut to the rescue squad on board, all wearing standard camouflage gear – and get this - blacking their faces

with whatever it is they black their faces with. They had obviously thought this thing through. Camouflage and black against a white background. Very smart. No one would spot them, at least not if the Bosnians happened to be taking a break in Corfu. I mean, you could not make this up and it was supposed to be serious stuff. Then I had a thought. If Donald Trump has taken note of this movie and is elected as the next President of the United States - thereby becoming Commander in Chief of the armed forces – perhaps parachuting troops into Syria wearing Alpine gear is not entirely out of the question.

2016 seems likely to be a year of pain and intolerance Credit Infrogmation Wikimedia

John Smith Random thoughts... IT seems that the year 2016 could go down in history as the worst so far in the 21st century as the world appears to be ‘going to hell in a handbasket!’ There’s a breakdown of law and order across Europe with terrorism accounting for hundreds of deaths so far. In the case of Turkey, they don’t need home-grown terrorists (which without doubt exist) when they have an increasingly authoritarian government and an army staging a half-cocked coup. The referendum could lead to the break up of both the UK and the EU and whilst I was derided by some for saying the British public knew more about voting for acts on Britain’s Got Talent than making a rational decision on our future, stories abound of people who thought that they were making a protest vote against the government

THE WORLD’S WOES: A sign of the times. rather than placing a vote that decided the future for generations to come. Racism is more blatant than ever and it seems the referendum result appears to have given certain people the feeling they can abuse anyone who isn’t white and speaks with a regional accent. Right wing politicians are gaining strength across Europe whilst in the UK

the Labour Party appears ready to implode with the openly lesbian Angela Eagle being insulted for her sexual preferences by so-called open-minded supporters of Jeremy Corbyn whilst the Brighton and Hove branch of the party has been suspended for the manner in which ‘moderate’ officials were ousted in an apparent coup and the whole mat-





Theresa May and Justine Greening.

Mrs May, remember the expats IT’S of some relief to see the Conservative party has managed to conduct its leadership election in such a way that rather than wait until September, there was a quick decision to appoint Theresa May as leader once the other candidates either dropped out due to insufficient votes or resigned. Whilst it’s common knowledge Mrs May was critical of Gordon Brown taking on the Prime Minister role without calling a general election, this is a different situation as the country needs stability, both for its economic prosperity and in negotiating a sensible and well organised withdrawal from the EU. The make-up of the new cabinet, a mixture of old and new as well as Leavers and Remainers, indicates Mrs May intends to oversee the Brexit rather than overrule the result. Her new ‘Minister for Exiting’ David Davis has already indicated ‘the button is likely to be pressed’ by the start of 2017. The delay, allows the government to formulate a strategy on what it hopes to achieve and how, especially as it would like to see Scotland onside rather than fighting for independence. The main problem it faces is from the 27 member states it’s divorcing and whilst Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, said he wants to see a friendly parting, only time will tell. All we hope is that whilst negotiating, the government remembers us and the one million plus expats living in EU countries.

ter is under investigation. Police in the US have been accused of racist killings of Afro Americans whilst officers in turn have been massacred by snipers. In the wings, Donald Trump sits hoping to become President. Battles continue in Syria and Yemen with reports of sporadic fighting in different African states, especially newly independent South Sudan and terrorists have even struck in the home of Islam, Saudi Arabia where the majority are Sunni Muslims and Russia has just sold missiles to Shia opposition Iran. Happily Spain has escaped much of the difficulty that other countries have experienced and even seems to manage to stagger on after two inconclusive general elections as if having an interim government isn’t a problem. One wit has noted everything’s got Now we worse after David Bowie’s death and want to we can’t blame sunspots, which often hear your views. presage violent activity, as it’s suggested the sun may be calming YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE down temporarily which could - YOUR OPINION lead to a mini ice-age similar to that experienced in the 17th century.

E W N 21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




Word Ladder


Fri Sat Sun -


















Tuesday July 12

7 33

26 41



Fri Sat Sun -

MAX 30C, MIN 24C

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) The more you can offload, the happier you’ll be. As you attract kindred spirits, you’ll be able to look forward to the weekend whirl with family and friends. In the lead-up to the weekend, try to be patient with those who seem to be pulled in other directions. The weekend’s full moon sets the scene for a useful exchange of ideas.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) You will be ready and waiting for whatever you’ve organised. Then, without warning, you could have to backtrack or make other plans - you might even encounter some undeserved criticism. But no matter what happens, the weekend will definitely make up for any workday muddles. Meanwhile, if you’re a


13 21



MAX 31C, MIN 22C

Fri Sat Sun -


32 21 S 31 22 S 32 22 S

Mon - 31 23 S Tues - 31 22 S Wed - 31 22 C





Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 30 23 S Tues - 31 24 S Wed - 30 23 S

30 23 S 31 23 S 30 23 S




35 22 S 35 23 S 35 23 S

Mon - 34 22 S Tues - 34 23 C Wed - 33 23 S

Cl Clear,

F Fog,

Sh Showers,

Sn Snow,

C Cloudy, Th Thunder

How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case D) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.


TARGET: • Average: 17 • Good: 23 • Very good: 33 • Excellent: 43

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION dept dips nips pend pens pent pest pets pews pied pies pine pins pint pits sept snip sped spew spin spit step tips wept wipe wisp inept pends penis pewit pined pines pints piste snipe spend spent spied spine spite swept swipe tepid wiped wipes instep pewits sniped spinet spited swiped stipend WINDSWEPT


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

11 14

Mon - 30 24 S Tues - 31 24 S Wed - 32 23 S


Mon - 30 23 S Tues - 31 25 S Wed - 30 24 Sh

30 22 S 30 22 S 31 23 S




TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) There will be enough hurly-burly to cope with at work, let alone elsewhere, so don’t even think about doing everything single-handedly. Cooking, hosting and being all things to everyone shouldn’t be your version of the perfect week. Teamwork is the way forward, so take the lead and be sure that everyone gets happily involved.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) With so much to think about, will it really be a wonder if something or someone gets left out? It’s not just the glitz that’s inspiring the action, but certain thankless tasks which are bound to crop up. Whatever the planets get up to, there’ll be no stopping Friday and Saturday’s enchanting delights.

Friday July 15



32 22 S 31 23 S 30 24 S



S Sun,

ARIES (March 21 - April 20) As you top up your spirits with some extra ideas, don’t be surprised if a couple of items drop out of sight. If you seriously want to minimise niggles and hassles, then ask friends or relatives to lend a hand. It’s a great week for togetherness, so ensure that you celebrate in style.

sombre Saturn in your own sign is a warning not to lose your cool, particularly on Tuesday and Thursday. Otherwise, you can expect a weekend of quality and frivolity.





Mon - 31 24 S Tues - 30 24 C Wed - 30 23 S

29 22 S 30 23 S 31 24 S

mixer and mingler, you’ll be swept off your feet.

(June 22 - July 23)

LOTTERY Saturday July 16

Mon - 34 20 S Tues - 33 22 S Wed - 32 22 S



Benidorm TODAY: Fri Sat Sun -

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) This week’s potent presence of

Saturday July 16

MAX 31C, MIN 24C


SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Whatever your plans, or however you intend to enjoy the weekend, there’ll be laughter, fun and plenty of action. Refuse to be distracted or upset by any of Monday or Wednesday’s twists and turns.


Fri Sat Sun -


36 22 S 36 23 S 35 23 S




SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) On a personal and financial level, wait for further developments before you reach or activate any important decisions. As you draw near the final phase of this year, the best results will come from spending as much time as possible with loved ones, or those who’re on your creative wavelength.


Fri Sat Sun -

Barcelona TODAY:

MAX 36C, MIN 24C


Mon - 32 24 S Tues - 35 24 S Wed - 33 24 S

30 23 S 31 23 S 30 23 S





Fri Sat Sun -

especially if you’re shopping for bargains. Happily, everything is coming together, so don’t let everyday niggles spoil your longterm plans.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) This week’s change of planetary powers will allow you to find exactly what you’re looking for,

MAX 31C, MIN 24C

Almeria TODAY:

Good news should come your way this week. Regardless of how you mark it, you'll be surrounded by caring hearts. Sunday’s full moon is one of two this year associated with journeys, homely connections and good fortune. Despite some workaday hassles your efforts will be well starred.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) You won’t avoid the occasional mishap, but if you’re tactful on Tuesday and chill out on Wednesday, the lead-up to the weekend’s partying will see you go after whatever you want. Personal and financial discussions will remind you that life is what you make it. Just ride life’s waves with confidence.




LEO (July 24 - August 23) Many happy moments will keep you on your toes. With warming wishes in the wind, and a charming touch of luck, don’t panic if certain events don’t match up to your high standards. Just be Leo-proud that you’ve got what it takes to make things tick. Unfortunately you can’t afford to assume that everything will run to time.

for next 7 days




Saturday July 16

Sunday July 17











14 36

15 52









Weather Alicante

Move from the start word (NEWS) to the end word (CAST) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.



Answers 1. AER LINGUS, 2. SEVEN (1970, 1980, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1996), 3. The highest PEAKS/MOUNTAINS in Ireland, 4. HIBERNIA, 5. GIVE IRELAND BACK TO THE IRISH, 6. PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON, 7. SHERGAR, 8. CORK, 9. MARY ROBINSON, 10. BALLET/DANCE



21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition

Code Breaker

Quick Across 1 Send off mail (8) 4 Blocks (4) 8 Drinking chocolate (5) 10 Dog breed (7) 11 Very bad (7) 12 Having the most positive qualities (4) 14 Consider to be alike (6) 16 Legally binding command (6) 19 Close by (4) 21 Settle conclusively (7) 24 Forsake (7) 25 Anatomical trunk (5) 26 Facts and figures (4) 27 Joins (8) Down 1 Made known or openly avowed (8) 2 State of sudden fear (5) 3 Expensive (6) 5 Otherwise known as (5) 6 Underside of footwear (4) 7 Take a chance (6) 9 South American rodent (5) 13 Liberal (8)






Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 4 represents B and 15 represents X, so fill in B every time the figure 4 appears and X every time the figure 15 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS CRYPTIC Across: 1 Refutes, 5 Busts, 8 Plain, 9 Certain, 10 Twain, 11 Theme, 12 Brass, 14 Macho, 19 Trams, 21 Alter, 23 Precede, 24 Again, 25 Rests, 26 Suggest.

Down: 1 Report, 2 Flatter, 3 Tonga, 4 Second, 5 Biretta, 6 State, 7 Sander, 13 Systems, 15 Herbage, 16 Stupor, 17 Caters, 18 Gannet, 20 Abets, 22 Twang.

QUICK Across:

15 Angry outburst (6) 17 Head of state (5) 18 Untamed horse (6)

English - Spanish

20 Precise (5) 22 Smooth fabric (5) 23 Rod used by a magician (4)


The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

Across 1 Madrina (9) 8 Toll (on road, bridge) (5) 9 Discutir (5) 10 Rivers (4) 11 To love (4) 15 Wide (street, river, trousers) (5) 17 Slow (vehicle, music, progress, pulse) (5) 18 Pedir perdón (9) Down 2 Opal (5) 3 Honey (from bees) (4) 4 Trampa (para cazar) (4) 5/16 Huevera (3,3) 6 To park (automobile) (7) 7 Dormitorio (7) 12 Less (5) 13 Hervir (agua, leche) (4) 14 Bandera (de país, ciudad) (4) 16 See 5


1 Packages, 4 Drop, 8 Share, 10 Realise, 11 Tractor, 12 Test, 14 Obeyed, 16 Nectar, 19 Cubs, 21 Oppress, 24 Instead, 25 Often, 26 Eats, 27 Produces. 1 Position, 2 Agent, 3 Errors, 5 Ruins, 6 Peep, 7 Battle, 9 Awake, 13 Presents, 15 Easier, 17 Treat, 18 Border, 20 Upset, 22 Proud, 23 Fine.

ENGLISH-SPANISH Across: 1 Rinse, 4 Mosca, 7 Several, 8 Trillizos, 12 Capullo, 14 Meals, 15 Snail.


Down: 1 Rabo, 2 Nos, 3 Envelopes, 4 Martillos, 5 Sello, 6 Aqui, 9 Racha, 10 Foam, 11 Azul, 13 Ola.

Cryptic The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (FELLOW) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.



LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Assert 2 Seamen 3 Estate 4 Timbre 5 Easier 6 Newest 7 Barfly 8 Client 9 Blurry 10 Feline 11 Nettle 12 Enable 13 Notice 14 Inlaid 15 Latent 16 Granny 17 Winter 18 Loaves 19 Please

Across 1 Plant, part of First Amendment (6) 4 Unusual exit (3-3) 9 Steered clear of a free journalist (7) 10 In court it heard about church tax (5) 11 A wee dram for a toddler (3) 12 Hold downs and arrests in builders (9) 13 Salad ingredient used as a missile? (6) 15 About to ring to withdraw (6) 19 View of weird lap dances (9) 21 Writer starts particularly enjoying news (3) 22 Bathed before Indian master (5) 23 Concentrate and find out (7) 24 Row boat around the lake (6) 25 Turning blue, he’s getting runs (6) Down 1 Initial course for sporting official (7) 2 High up in the terminal of the airport (5) 3 Support Red Nose production (7) 5 Plant inside the monastery (5) 6 Not in queue plan (7) 7 “Arduous journeys take real energy” King 16 Choose Egyptian god for the daughter of hammer... (5) said, initially (5) Agamemnon (7) 19 ... from the Socialist’s tables (5) 8 Love Germany’s first poet (5) 17 Medication was our connection, so they 20 Endless alcoholic drink for the good-for14 Horseman dispatched, we hear to a say (7) nothing (5) Sumerian city (7) 18 Handed Labour leader a small 21 Produce cheap fruit (5)


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 July 2016



Can you think yourself fit? had as the mental imagery of the activity helps the brain ‘rehearse the skill’ and teaches it to activate more of the muscle.

COULD you become fitter just by thinking about exercise? A BBC 2 show that aired in Britain tested the latest science on how to stay healthy without breaking into a sweat and it appears that a technique called mental or motor imagery could work. It involved imagining yourself exercising and is used by athletes to give them the edge over rivals. To test the theory volunteers, including some who couldn’t exercise because of health problems, were given a mental exercise to do five days a week for a month. Beforehand, the strength in their calf muscles was tested with volunteers pushing as hard as they could with their legs against a weight machine

which recorded the force. An ultrasound took an accurate reading of their muscle size and mass before an electrical impulse was sent through their bodies to measure how much of their muscle they were actually using. Following that they then had to imagine themselves pushing against the machines at least 50 times five times a week while not moving. After a month, they did the same test and results found their strength had improved by an average of 8 per cent, with one woman seeing her strength increase by 22 per cent. The scientists said that muscles hadn’t grown but the volunteers were actually using more of the muscle fibres they

Bed closure denounced

Is your skin revealing a healthy glow?

AROUND 11,000 hospital beds will be closed this summer in Spain. The Nurses’ Union Satse, warns this is around 10 per cent of beds as a result of the summer’s cuts, criticising that this will involve fewer services and professionals to cover citizens. Satse said the closure will result in an increase in waiting lists, both medical and surgical, and ‘bunching’ of patients in an emergency, forcing professionals to serve them in areas not authorised such as in hallways. In addition to bed closures, hospitals have fewer professionals as they’re not properly replaced when staff take leave.

MUSCLE MATTER: Mental imagery helps activate more of the muscle.

WHAT does your face say about your health? From rosy cheeks to patches under the eyes, experts say your complexion can reveal a lot about your lifestyle. Facial colouration seems to be the most important in determining how healthy someone looks. Research has identified that faces with lighter, redder, and yellower skin were seen as the healthiest and there is some biological processes associated with these colours. Lighter skin is associated with the ab ility to ab s o rb mo re vita min D . Greater redness may indicate more ef-

fic ie nt c irc ula tion a nd blood supply to the skin and people w ith ye llow e r s kin te nd to have healthier diets, rich in fruit and vegetables. Tanning also increases skin yellowness and makes faces appear healthier, but the yellowness brought about from a healthy diet is obviously preferred to tanning.

SKIN COMPLEXION: Can reveal a lot about you.




Ask The Doctor

21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Brought to you by

Sore and itchy


Not as much needed SHORT and strenuous bursts or longer more moderate exercise? Experts vary in their advice on how you should exercise to reap the

most benefits to lose weight but a new study has compared the effects of varying amounts of vigorous and moderate exercise. The results found the ‘lowest effective dose,’ the smallest amount of exercise to make a difference to health, was the equivalent of 105 minutes a week which is below NHS guidelines in the UK of 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. The scientists said a previous Harvard University study sug-

gested people should undergo 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week, but another 15-year study found it made no difference. Their study showed short bouts of sweat-inducing activity amounting to just 35 minutes a week were found to reduce the risk of dying from heart disease. They said that whilst exercise was important and key to better health, people maybe did not need to do as much as they think to see benefits.

BE ACTIVE: An important aspect of staying healthy.

SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. This week a reader has asked the doctor about a rash on her neck which she thinks could be caused by the hot weather: DEAR doctor, This year it seems to have got very hot very quickly and the last few days I’ve had a nasty sore rash on my neck which I think might be because I’ve been sweating a lot. It’s really itchy, gets very red when I’m hot and feels very rough. Do you think I’m right and it’s a heat rash or caused by sweat, or could it be something else? What can I do to relieve the itchiness? The only thing that seems to calm it down a bit are very cold showers but afterwards my skin feels even rougher, are there any particular creams I can use on it? I’ve been taking hayfever pills but don’t know if I should really be doing that, what do you think? Once I get rid of this rash, is there anything I can do to stop it coming back? The doctor replied: It’s true that high temperatures and sweat can irritate some peoples’ skin and cause dermatitis, particularly those with light-coloured

skin. It’s caused mainly by exposure to heat. If, however, rashes appear without seeming to be related to the heat or after eating certain foods, taking medicines or being bitten by an insect they should be studied to rule out other causes. The first step would be to visit a specialist in allergies. Heat-related skin problems tend to calm when the temperature goes down, so avoid spending too much time in the sun and take frequent showers to remove sweat. After a cold shower, dry skin carefully and apply moisturising lotion but stay away from corticoids. Antihistamine creams can help keep itching under control and can be used for long periods when needed but should really be prescribed by a specialist in allergies. Children in particular should see a specialist in paediatric allergies. Unfortunately there’s no way to prevent rashes other than avoiding long exposure to heat and sun and keeping skin moisturised.

If you have any questions for Dr Perez Belmonte, please send them to:


Super burger can boost your health A LONDON-based nutritionist and chef has developed what is claimed to be the world’s healthiest burger. Libby Limon’s ‘nutri-burger’ is packed with over 50 superfood ingredients such as hemp protein powder, duck egg, chaga mushroom, sesame seeds and coconut oil. It is served with a matcha gluten-free bun and a beet, fermented soybeans, quinoa and mushroom patty and with purple and orange sweet potato fries and a healthy shake. The meal also provides over 100 per cent of the recommend-

ed daily allowance of fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C and iodine and is rich in B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. According to laboratory reports, it is the equivalent of eating 1.5kg of blueberries and 3kg of cooked broccoli. Due to the highly nutritional value of the meal, experts claim it is the perfect hangover cure and can boost the immune system, improve digestive function, detox the liver and balance hormones. You can download the recipe and make the guilt-free meal yourself or try it at the Magpie and Stump pub in London.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 July 2016





Pleasurable trip to La Rioja THE Phoenix Club are off to the La Rioja region from October 14 to 18 for a five day, four night mini break. Logroño is a city in northern Spain, on the Ebro River. Well off the beaten tourist trail it’s the capital of the autonomous community and province of La Rioja, a charming, tiny region four hours north of Madrid. Famous for its red wine and stopover on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage that cuts across northern Spain, Logroño has plenty of undiscovered merits and allures of its own. Perfectly situated between cities like Bilbao, Pamplona, San Sebastian, Burgos and Zaragoza, it’s well worth a stop on any trip around northern Spain. Modern gastro-bars and old-world taverns rub shoulders with each other in and around the old quarter of Logroño. La Rioja is also famous for its pincho bar scene. Pinchos are Northern Spain’s take on tapas, small portions of food served up (usually) skewered to a slice of bread. There are hundreds of pinchos to choose from with some bars offering many varieties, while others are famous for just one. They’re usually cheap, when paired with a glass of local red wine, it’ll cost around €2.50. The best reason to visit Logroño, and what distinguishes it from many other cities in Spain, is the wine culture. La Rioja is one of the biggest wine producing regions in Spain and it can be found everywhere, from winestomping festivals, to the autumn harvest and even a wine battle (Batalla del Vino), an annual food fight with wine. With hundreds of wineries to visit in La Rioja and Logroño you can learn everything about wine production.

Photo Credit Juanje 2712 Wikimedia

By John Smith

UNDISCOVERED MERITS: The church of San Bartolome is one example of the beautiful architecture in Logroño. Logroño is perfectly sized, you can walk everywhere and as a pilgrim on St James Way or simply for a nice walk in the surrounding vineyards and mountains. Beautiful and imaginative architecture combined with narrow medieval streets and quaint shops and cafes, Logroño has it all. Top it off with some of the best wine and food in

Spain for jaw-dropping low prices, and you really can’t get any better. If you’re looking for an undiscovered city oozing charm and tranquillity, come along with the Phoenix Club in October. The first night will be at the 4* Hotel Alfonso in Toledo, two nights at the 4* Palacio de la Rioja in Alfreo and then the 4* Exe Coloso in Madrid.

The price is €300 per person based on a couple sharing or a single supplement of €120 and includes bed and breakfast, coach cost, driver gratuity and a guide in Logroño. Early booking is essential and payment of a non-refundable €100 per person is required. For more information or to book call Gail on 951 067 723, visit or email The Phoenix Club is a registered association raising funds for three local charities and Help4Heroes in the UK. They meet every Tuesday at the restaurant La Vega in Torre del Mar from 122pm. Bookings/payments can be made from 12.15 onwards.


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Two Phoenix Club trips in August By John Smith WHILST a number of voluntary organisations close down for the summer, the Phoenix Club in Torre del Mar is keeping going and has two trips planned for August. First there is a shopping trip to Gibraltar on August 5 at a cost of €12 with pick-ups at the A1 Garden Centre, Torre del Mar bus station and fin a l l y a t Al g a r r o b o L id l at 8.30am. The bus will be parked in Morrisons car park and will leave

Gibraltar at 4.30pm. Due to visa restrictions on entering Gibraltar, please advise if you a re a n o n -E U c itiz e n w he n you book. Also it is important to remember to bring with your EHIC card, just in case, and passports are essential. Children under 12 can join this trip at half price but as seats are allocated on a first come first served basis. It is important that booking is made as soon as possible and paid for in advance.

Then on Tuesday August 16 there will be a trip to Fuengirola Market and Iceland. There will be a visit to the enormous street market in Fuengirola with plenty of time to shop, have lunch then a quick trolley dash around Iceland which is only a hop, skip and a jump away from the town centre. The cost for this trip is €15 with children half price leaving Algarrobo Lidl a t 9a m re turning from Fuengirola at 5pm. Early booking is recommended if

you like a particular place, as seat num ber s ar e al l ocat ed on a f i r st come, first served basis and payment would be appreciated as soon as possible. The Phoenix Club is a registered association raising funds for three local charities and Help4Heroes in the UK. They meet every Tuesday at restaurant La Vega in Torre del Mar situated just behind the Repsol Garage, between noon and 2pm and you can book or pay from 12.15pm onwards.

Something different ANYONE with an interest in sports or horses is in for an exciting afternoon on Saturday (July 23) on Playa Granada in Motril at the Fifth Horse and Carriage Trial Competition. Not just your usual horses sporting bobbles and pulling a cart full of pretty ladies, this is the stuff of sweat and gritted teeth with an obstacle course to put horses, drivers and grooms through their paces as they race to find the quickest way through mazes and out the other side without knocking anyALCAZABA OF MALAGA: One of the attractions included in the pass.

Malaga swipe card for tourists THE City of Malaga has finally introduced a new swipe card for tourists. Malaga Pass, which includes entry to 24 museums and monuments along with offers and discounts in local businesses, places the city at the front of the pack as it is also able to be downloaded to mobile devices. Tourists who choose Malaga as the destination for their holidays can now benefit from this new service and discover the

Lux Mundi Torre del Mar DURING July, the Centre will be only be open to the public in the morning from 10am to 1pm whilst in August, the centre will be open on Tuesdays and Fridays for the coffee morning.

main tourist attractions of the city without having to wait around in queues all day for tickets. The new service was unveiled by Francisco de la Torre, mayor of Malaga, in the Alcazaba on July 18 in an official act that was attended by many professionals of the tourism industry from all along the coast. The basic prices for the card are €28 for one day, €38 for two days, €46 for three days and €62 for a whole week.

Summer fair TORRE DEL MAR’S annual fair in honour of Santiago and Santa Ana kicks off today (Thursday 21) and will run until Tuesday 26. Highlights of the festivities include a gala event on Friday evening at 11pm at the official ‘caseta’ in the fairground where this year’s ‘Misters and Misses’ will be chosen and a traditional procession carrying images of the patro n s a in ts th ro u g h th e s tre e ts from 7pm onw a rds on Tuesday. Music and activities will be running at the fairground every evening, with a final party and firework display at 11.30pm on Tuesday 26.

thing down or getting stuck en route. Organised by the Motril Carriage Club, Andalucian Equestrian Federation, Amigos del Caballo Costa Tropical association and the local council’s Sports department, the event is likely to attract some stiff competition as it is a classifier for the Andalucian Championship. The competition, divided into three categories depending on the number of horses in each team (one, two or four) will run from 6pm to 11pm.



Music for Animals THE Fifth Annual Music Festival for Axarquia Animal Rescue will be held at Sirocco Puente Don Manuel from 1.30pm for 12 hours on August 28. Nine local bands are giving their time free of charge to help the charity. Admission is just €6 (50c an hour or 67c a band!). There will be a bar, food stalls (catering for carnivores to vegans), a well-being zone, children’s entertainment, face painting and glitter tattoos. Visit www.axarquiaani or call 650 193 777 for more info.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 July 2016

V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E W W W . E U R O W E E K LY N E W S . C O M



The UK has the most millionaires John Graham

quality of life which includes owning a holiday home, in the sun. The recent stamp duty increases in the UK now make owning a second home or holiday home in the UK much more expensive but this does not apply to owning a second home in Spain. Being a full EU member or not will in the long-term have little effect on holiday home sales to UK buyers and if you follow all of my top tips you should still be in a stronger position to attract UK buyers to buy your property now and in the future.

The property expert

UK BUYERS are the number one foreign buyers of property in Spain and in this week’s article I want to sum up my Brexit top tips for EWN readers, on selling your property to UK buyers. Politically and physically nothing has actually changed. The UK is still a full member of the EU and will be for at least another two years. What has changed is the exchange rate of the pound to euro, now trading at around 1.20, so obviously Spanish property is a little more expensive today for UK buyers. If EWN readers decide to discount their asking price a little, UK buyers could be attracted to buy your property now.

SECOND HOME: Millionaires love to own a holiday home in the sun. Looking at the UK market after the Brexit vote, we shouldn’t underestimate their continued buying power. It may surprise you to

know that the UK is home to more millionaires than anywhere else. According to official figures there are currently over

two million millionaires in the UK. The official forecast is that by the year 2020 the UK will be home to around four mil-

lion Millionaires. That’s a lot of buying power in any language and we should remember that millionaires like to enjoy a good

John Graham is a Fellow of The Architecture & Surveyors Institute. If you would like a private consultation on how best to buy or sell your property or would like a UK professional home survey, please contact John by email

SUPREME SPAIN: Increasingly popular with foreign buyers.

Top of the pops A HIGHLY respected property portal website has reported that Spain has emerged as the most popular country for foreign buyers in June, eclipsing the USA which has typically dominated the rankings throughout the year. Almost one eighth of all the enquiries from foreign residents looking to buy a home in a different country on The Move Channel were directed towards Spain, seeing it claim first place in the popularity poll ahead of the US and the UAE. Interest in Spain had cooled slightly in the past year and the first quarter saw France, Portu-

gal and Italy perform well while Spain struggled to regain its former glory. “Spain, however, is not just a European lifestyle favourite, but a sought-after opportunity for investors. The country’s economy has been steadily growing each quarter since Q3 2015, with property prices also having bottomed out in key areas. Even with the pound weakening in the wake of the Brexit vote, the euro has weakened too, meaning that property remains good value for buyers in the UK and elsewhere, boosted by mortgage rates at their current lows,” said Dan Johnson, director of the site.


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



pcruciatti /

Mother Theresa, new iron lady or the UK’s Angela Merkel? Nora Johnson

Breaking Views Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

WHAT a day: Monday July 11. As one p o l i t i c i a n st e p p e d d o w n (Brexiteer Andrea Leadsom), another stepped up (Labour’s Angela Eagle) , a n d a n o t h er (D av id Cameron) stepped back, handing over Number 10’s keys to Theresa M ay. A d a y o f ‘ Ma yh em, ’ y o u might say? So, Theresa May, a Remainer who kept her head down in order not to become too tarnished by association with the ludicrous Project Fear ended up on top. Doubtless she will have to spend quite a w hile h a v i n g t h e sp lin te rs re moved from all that fence sitting she did over the EU. As to whether she’ll be a ‘heal-

NUMBER 10: At least Larry hasn’t run away yet.

Scary Facebook Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man I DON’T do Facebook and I don’t do Facebook for a reason. I actually have an account because years ago I signed up I but don’t use it. The reason I don’t use it is because it’s scary intrusive and I don’t like being told what to do. For instance, there is an advert on TV for toilet tissue and at the end of the ad it says follow us on Facebook … are you mad? Why on earth would I want to follow a company that makes loo rolls on Facebook? Maybe if I subscribed to ‘Faecesbook’ I might have some interest but otherwise none, nada, nothing! How can you have 500 ‘friends’? I understand a bit if you are famous or something, bands etc. so people can see where you are performing or want to be a fan but a normal person having 500 ‘friends’ is nonsense! I bet all you Facebookers out there don’t even know half the people who are your ‘friends’ on there.

Yeah, yeah, I know you post lovely photos and tell people that your home is going to be empty for the next two weeks; all important stuff. If I want to send my family photos, that’s what I do, I send them to my family. I don’t send them to 250 friends of friends who then decide to ‘like’ my pics. The scariest thing about Facebook is how it suggests people you might want to be ‘friends’ with. I decided the other day to have a look at my account and there they were pages of suggestions of people I may like to connect with. I don’t allow this app to access my email address book or my contacts so I was amazed to see the name of a lady that I vaguely remembered because she had a very unusual name. I had met her once. She worked in Sunglasses Hut in Santa Monica 20-odd years ago, and at that time I had a lot of shops in the UK and if I saw an outstanding salesperson I would say ‘if you ever come to the UK here’s my business card, give me a call.’ I received an email from her saying ‘nice to meet you and if I ever come to the UK I’ll get in touch’ and that was it.

ing’ Mother Theresa figure, we’ll just have to wait and see. She has talked about more inclusion and bringin g t he count r y t oget her (though, t hankf ul l y, no Thatcherite quote from St Francis of Assisi from this – like Angela Merkel - clergyman’s daughter). As for the Margaret Thatcher Mk2 label (or the UK’s Merkel), w ith the cur r ent t hr eat of j obs moving abroad because of uncertainty, consumer confidence at a 21-ye a r l ow, hi gh st r eet sal es plummeting and awareness that any trade deals must wait until after the UK’s formal Brexit, she’s clearly got a challenging in-tray. And not least the fear among Leavers (the 17.4 million who vote d une q ui vocal l y t o Leave) of dragging out Brexit or watering it down in any way, not to mention that the resulting internecine warfare in the Tory party would make the current Labour, err, mayhem look like a teddy bears’ picnic.

Finally, a piece of good news and resounding win for ‘Remain’ is that Larry, the No.10 cat, hasn’t done a runner like so many others around him. Following in the paw prints of several Downing Street moggies, his role as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office is “to keep Whitehall pests at bay.” (Let’s hope he stays up to, umm, scratch to keep at bay any potential disillusioned, disaffected Leavers) Reportedly, Larry’s being kept in so he can’t escape and grab a seat on the EU gravy train. Collared, in other words, so he can’t flea? Nora Johnson’s thrillers ‘No Way Back,’ ‘Landscape of Lies,’ ‘Retribution,’ ‘Soul Stealer,’ ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/ eBook (€0.89;£0.79) and iBookstore. All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity.




21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical





At last we had some rain! Dick Handscombe

Gardening Corner By Spain’s best known expatriate gardening author living in Spain for 25 years.

WEDNESDAY July 13 was cooler as a result of clouds and a little rain for many readers, even a heavy storm for some. The cooler day was welcome after a week that started with the highest temperatures of the year so far and saw plants benefit from a cooling wash to remove some engrained dust as well as natural irrigation. But looking at the advanced weather forecasts from Marbella to Barcelona that might be all the rain there is until August. Interestingly I just threw away an old article that indicated that the heaviest months for rain back in 1999 were March, July, September, October and November and there was some rain every month. Yes in those days garden maintenance was less onerous. Doubt if it was enough to enable water tables to rise significantly so

WATER RELIEF: A welcome and beneficial sprinkling of rain for plants. maintain daily walks around the garden checking there are no plants wilting and the soil around their lowest roots has not started to dry out. If so, give immediate remedial watering. If you are facing regular crisis from plants wilting or local water restrictions check out some of the several hundred ideas described in the book

‘How to use less water in your garden’ available from Amazon Books. Out of interest I have just checked what the weather was like on July 13 the year we did our epic 52-day walk across the Spanish Pyrenees. The text of our book about this retirement odyssey describes day 30 as a day of rest alongside the large public

Fill your garden with butterflies IF you would like to see your garden filled with the colours and fluttering of butterflies there are a number of p l a n t s y o u c a n choose to create a refuge for them and encourage them to stay. Buddleja davidii (commonly known as summer lilac or butterfly bush), verbena bonariensis, lavender, perennial wallflowers, marjoram, papavers and poppies, phlox, foxgloves, rhodanthemums and dahlias are all known to be particularly attractive to butterflies. If you wish to see a variety of different species flying past your windows choos e m o r e t h a n o n e o f these plants and group them together in blocks. Their bright colours will be sure to bring winged visitors along, but to encourage them to stay keep your

plants well watered to help them produce lots of nectar

and make sure the flowers don’t wilt.

swimming pool in Pont de Suert with 33 degrees centigrade in the shade. Tomorrow we would start the 21.5 day walk across Cataluña having already conquered Navarra and Aragon. It would be sure to be another 33 degrees in the shade if we could actually find any shade on rocky mountainsides. But by then we were acclimatised to

long hot days. In the end it only rained six times and three of those were on weekly rest days. The walk followed paths and tracks along the northern border of Spain, zigzagging into France a few times for a few kilometres and passing through wonderful scenery and villages every few days to clean up.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 July 2016


How does divorce affect dogs? David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

DIVORCE is a sad fact of life. These human problems can cause stress to dogs too. A dog is a social animal bonded to a family routine and a way of life, that relies on us for their mental, physical and emotional welfare. Dogs of course are frequently denied consideration when it comes to difficulties in relationships. When couples shout and argue with each other this will indeed affect the dog (and also the cat). Ou r b l a c k e r moo d s and tantrums will have an advers e e ff e c t o n o u r p et dog. Nervous behaviour is often caused by the own-

STRESSFUL SPLIT: Can impact a dog’s life too. ers’ actions. Whenever I am called to a home where owners have

a howling, barking, destructive, digging, house soiling dog or one showing

symptoms of an anxiety related behaviour, where it is apparent that the dog has an inability to cope with life, I always ask if there has been a death, separation or indeed a divorce which could have triggered the problems as this behaviour is a typical expression of canine anxiety. Another extreme behaviour pattern I have observed is dogs going to the bottom of the garden, and staying close to walls which is often seen when a dog’s instinct tells it that it is dying. In the wild dogs leave their packs and go away to die. I always ask the owner of the house if there are any known medical problems, if none are known and a separation has taken place then these behaviour patterns must be considered as an expression of extreme canine anxiety.

Travelling in cars with pets MORE than nine million people in Spain own a pet and many travel with them in cars at some point, especially during the holidays. It’s important to know how to travel safely with pets as they can distract drivers and cause accidents if not correctly restrained within the vehicle. Spanish traffic laws, although not very clear, stress pets must be restrained inside cars in a way that they can’t move about, fall or destabilise the vehicle. Pets on the loose or on someone’s lap could cause injuries and be a traffic risk. Dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, birds… 49.3 per cent of homes in Spain now have

some sort of pet according to the National Petfood Producers Association (ANFAAC). So how exactly should we go about safely taking them for a drive? The RACE (Royal Automobile Club Spain) has proved how important it is to restrain pets correctly through trials and crash tests simulating a head-on collision at 50 km/h with dummies of an adult driver and pets. These are the safest: Harnesses are best for dogs, they should restrain the pet and be attached to the seatbelt or the Isofix system, if the car has one. Straps attached to a dog’s collar should never be used.

For large dogs, it’s better to put them in the boot with a grating running from the ceiling to the floor that meets DIN 754102 regulations. Another option is a dog carrier. Place large ones sideways in the boot or medium and small sized pet carriers can go on the floor in the back, as close as possible to the back of the front seats. Tests found carriers strapped with a seatbelt tend to break and pets go flying in accidents. Never leave pets suffering in the heat inside a closed car. Don’t forget to give them enough water and food and stop for a bit of exercise every two hours.


Gus the show dog is in his twilight years House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a pet-sitter go to www.Housesit or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865 521508.

SPLENDID SHOW: Gus needs a little care in his mature years. I N hi s heyday Gus was a splendid show dog winning pr i zes at Cr uf t s i n hi s prime. Latterly he began experiencing night-time urinar y i ncont i nence and seem ed st r essed by t he whole experience, constantly licking his genital area until it was sore. His owners consulted a vet who explained the probl em was l i kel y t o be hormone related and because he was now 10 year s ol d t hi s was unl i kel y t o go away although he was prescribed medication to help stem the flow. This would work for the better part of the day. Otherwise Gus is a very fit dog full of life and enjoying exercise. He is very active. But at night when he and his muscles are very rel axed he has acci dent s i n the house. So he now wears dog nappies at night which seems to work for all concer ned. Gus i s pr event ed

from constantly licking and causing a raw sore genital ar ea, and hi s owner s can prevent any accidents in the house. When t he house- si t t er s come to care for Gus in his home, because his owners pr ef er f or hi m t o r ecei ve per sonal car e at hom e t o minimise his stress, they are gi ven cl ear i nst r uct i ons, shown what to do at night to put on the nappy, and given t he l ocal vet ’s det ai l s i n case he presents any other problems while the owners are away. House-sitting can be winwin for both parties, free house and pet-sitting for pet owners and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Regi st er now wi t h a 20 per cent off introductory offer using coupon code PERFECT20. To find a pet-sitter go to


E W N 21 - 27 July 2016

Axarquía - Costa Tropical









21 - 27 July 2016/ Axarquía - Costa Tropical




E W N 21 - 27 July 2016/ Axarquía - Costa Tropical







Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 July 2016


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E W N 21 - 27 July 2016

Axarquía - Costa Tropical



C AL L : 9 5 2 8 9 3 3 8 0 Clarkson Quote of the Week


Motoring shorts

“You can tell when a car firm is desperate to find things to say about their car: it has a laminated front windscreen, single front passenger seat, and manually adjustable door mirrors. So it's a very good car so long as you want something that's equipped like a Romanian jail.” Some might say...

Modern world

The reliable robins By Matthew Elliott IF you’re on the lookout for a reliable motor then a new report from J D Power based in the UK should certainly be able to help. Their Vehicle Dependability Study measures the volume of problems reported by original owners over the course of the past year after one to three years of purchase. The trusty Skoda raced to the top of the chart with an average of just 66 problems per 100 vehicles across the course of the year, beating off Suzuki and Kia into second and third place with 79 and 80 problems each. Vauxhall finished a surprisingly strong fourth with 90, edging out Peugeot and Volk-

SUPERIOR SKODA: Top of the dependability study.

swagen who shared fifth, a good result for the under-fire German manufacturer. Ford, SEAT, Toyota and Nissan made up the rest of the top 10, just ahead of French

Less is more

IN the looming battle of the automatons language has become the new weapon as Jaguar announces it would prefer to avoid the term ‘driverless cars,’ instead preferring ‘driver-focused autonomous technology.’ Rather than seeing the driver take a literal and metaphorical backseat, Jaguar plans to use artificial intelligence to augment and safeguard the driving experience. This would involve benefits like autonomous lane changing using satellite technology to predict the quickest, safest route, and warning of hazards around corners, also offering stability control and adapting for weather conditions.

brands Citröen and Renault. Japanese brand Honda finished marginally ahead of Korean rivals Hyundai, while major movers Jaguar and Volvo will look to

improve on their joint 16th positioning. Heading up the bottom of

the field are Mercedes, BMW and Audi who all registered more than 150 problems, while Land Rover came last with a fairly disastrous 197 problems per hundred vehicles.

DRIVERS in Spain should employ a little more care in the near future as the Smartphone game making waves across the world debuts in the country. ‘Pokemon Go’ is an augmented reality game that sees users looking at the world through their Smartphone and trying to kill random creatures that pop up on screen. Supposedly highly addictive for those with attention deficit disorders, police across the world have issued warnings as pedestrians blithely wander into traffic and drivers crash into trees. Consider it similar to texting whilst driving or walking, but infinitely more dangerous as people become engrossed in this state-ofthe-art visual experience, actively bringing users immediate surroundings into play.

Golf cart of the future MERCEDES have been busy designing the golf cart of the future, dubbed “a real sports car” and have finally released the new model. With a range of 50 miles and a top speed of 19mph, the MercedesBenz Style Edition Garia Golf Car boasts a sublimely unique design with a high-tech interior and could even be road legal in the USA courtesy of a full lights

and indicator set. Designed in classic Mercedes style the golf car features a refrigerator and stowage tray, the rear spoiler doubles as a golf bag holder, while the pedals are marked with a ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ sign to indicate the brake and accelerator for the 3kw electric motor, extendable to 11kw for short bursts.

There is an integrated 10.1 inch touchpad where players can see the layout of the course and their positioning, even using an electronic scorecard. Windscreen wipers, heater and headlamps can be activated easily in ‘sports’ mode. Only two show examples have been officially produced but there are surely plenty more to come very soon.

GOLF CAR: A new hightech future for the golf cart.


21 - 27 July 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Great Britain, Pakistan and a Swede: a great winning trio! Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria

FOR sports lovers everywhere, last weekend was terrific with some great competitions, brilliant performances and achievements and excitement aplenty. GOLF - Sweden’s Henrik Stenson won his first ever major title by carding a record overall score of 264 (20 under par) to win the 145th Open Championship at Troon. The ‘Golfer of the Year ’ beat American Phil Mickelson by three shots with two more Americans, JB Holmes and Steve Stricker third and fourth. Rory McIlroy, the best placed Brit, was fifth. And despite some horrendous weather at times, over 180,000 spectators attended the four day event. • Next week it’s the 98th PGA competition from New Jersey (July 28-31). FOOTBALL - After suffering a humiliating 1-0 defeat against Gibraltar’s parttimers Lincoln Red Imps, in the first leg of their Champions League qualifying tie, Celtic (hopefully) turned things around at Parkhead in last night’s return leg. Elsewhere, Welsh nonLeague club New Saints battled hard and long before losing over two legs to the Cypriot champions, Apoel Nicosia. • England’s youngsters are doing well in the U19 European Championship. They’ve already defeated Holland and France (both by 2-1); they play Croatia this week and face Spain on July 27. • Coming up soon (from July 26) we have the interna-

tional Champions League competition featuring AC Milan, Barcelona, Celtic, Chelsea, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester City, PSG and Real Madrid. • Dutch striker Vincent Janssen has joined Tottenham Hotspur for £17m from AZ Alkmaar and Chelsea have signed N’Golo Kanté from Leicester for £30m. Could Riyad Mahrez join him at the Bridge? • A Chinese consortium is set to take over West Bromwich Albion for £150m. We’ll wait and see! • And Cristiano Ronaldo has donated his Euro 2016 Championship winning bonus of €275,000 to two children’s cancer foundations. Top man. CRICKET - Pakistan won the first Test by 75 runs, their first victory over England at Lords for 30 years. Pakistan captain Misbahul-Haq (aged 42) scored a

HENRIK STENSON: The 2016 Open Championship winner.

DID YOU KNOW Over 10,500 competitors from 205 nations will participate in 28 different sports at 10 venues at the Summer Olympics in Rio.

century in his first innings but got a duck in the second. England seam bowler Chris Woakes took 6-70 and 5-32 (alas to no avail) while Yasir Shah claimed 10 wickets (six and four) for the winners. Also Stuart Broad grabbed his 350th Test wicket. • The second Test starts tomorrow at Old Trafford. TOUR DE FRANCE There was carnage towards the end of the Bastille Day stage when yellow jersey leader Chris Froome and other riders, a cameracrew car and police motorcycle were

involved in a crash. Everyone involved escaped serious injury. The following day, several mindless, brainless seemingly French yobos (that’s what they are) threw objects and even a flare at riders as they sped by. • Meanwhile, Mark Cavendish has won four stages so far. His overall tally is 30, just four behind all-time stage-winner Eddy Merckx. Froome started the final week with a lead of one minute, 47 seconds over Bauke Mollema with GB’s Adam Yates a distant third. The race ends on the Champs Elysees in Paris on Sunday. • Spain’s Alberto Contador has quit the race through illness.

FORMULA ONE - This weekend it’s the Hungarian Grand Prix from Budapest where Lewis Hamilton will be chasing two wins in succession following his victory at Silverstone a fortnight ago. The World champion is just one point behind Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg in the race for the 2016 driver’s title. TENNIS - Last weekend holders Great Britain (without Andy Murray but with Kyle Edmund outstanding) beat Serbia (minus Novak Djokovic) 3-1 to reach the semi-final of the Davis Cup. They now face Argentina at home in September for a place in the final. HORSE RACING Jockey Frankie Dettori is chasi ng down 3,000 f l at race winners. He rode his first - Lizzy Hare - at Goodwood i n June 1987 and woul d l ove t o r each t he m i l est one at t he sam e course later this month. And Barry Geraghty will be out of the saddle for up to six weeks after breaking an arm. OLYMPIC GAMES Runner Jo Pavey, 42, will be the oldest British athlete in Rio. It will be her fifth Olympic Games. Jessica Ennis-Hill, 30, Mo Farah, 33, Christine Ohuruogu, 32 and Greg Rutherford, 29, are also in the 80-strong GB athletics team. Following the withdrawal by top golfers, three tennis stars will not go to Rio due to the Zika virus. They are Tom as Ber dych, Mi l os Raonic and Simona Halep. More could follow. The gam es t ake pl ace from August 5-21, followed by the Paralympics from September 7-18. BOXING - Multiple world champion Manny Pacqui ao m ay come out of retirem ent t o have one more fight before t he end of t he year.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 July 2016

SPAIN continues to dominate the Moto GP standings after Marc Marquez stormed to victory in Germany for a seventh successive win.


Axarquía’s best guide to local sport


Golf International Nerja Society Anoreta Monday July 11

Baviera Tuesday July 12

Individual Stableford Overall Winner Brian Hollinrake

Individual Stableford Overall Winner Ian Paterson Ladies 1st Diana Elliott 2nd Jackie Viles Men 1st Mike Callaway 2nd Cliff Elliott 3rd Clive Akid Best Front 9 Rob Nicholson Best Back 9 Graeme Birch Two’s Jackie Viles 10


Ladies 1st Marisa Elias Garcia 29pts 2nd Diana Elliott 28pts Men 1st Pete Thompson 35pts 2nd Cliff Elliott 33pts Two’s Marisa Elias Garcia 2, Carlos Villen 2, Granville Hirst 5 & Ana-Maria Junquera 5 It was another hot day but that’s probably not news! The top scorers on the day did have something in common; they were both hungover. Maybe everybody should give it a try? Brian also had only had three hours sleep after returning from the UK.

Those who walked were very aware of the heat but the rest were glad of the breeze the buggy’s motion created. It was an Individual Stableford competition and despite the heat the winning scores were 33 and above. There was only one ‘two,’ scored by Jackie on the 10th. Cool beers in the clubhouse were very welcome. Hcp19 39pts Hcp24 36pts Hcp 5 33pts Hcp17 34pts Hcp24 33pts Hcp20 33pts 18 pts 17 pts BAVIERA GOLFERS: Cooled down with beers in the clubhouse.

Another hot summer’s day in paradise! It was forecast to be 37 degrees so buggies and lots of water were the order of the day.

ANORETA GOLFERS: Enjoyed another hot day.

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