Euro Weekly News - Costa del Sol 28 August - 3 September 2014 Issue 1521

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In memory of James Foley See Page 27

ISSUE NO. 1521


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Objective USA

MARBELLA is planning an offensive on New York – a charm offensive. A local delegation, headed up by Mayor Angeles Muñoz, will be heading to New York for

meetings with tour operators and airlines to try to raise the profile of not just Marbella but the whole of the Costa del Sol, on the other side of the pond. Turn to Page 4



E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

INDEX News 1 - 55 Letters 56 Property Supplement 57-72 Finance 73 - 78 Leapy Lee 79 Daily TV 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92 Time Out 93 - 96 Health & Beauty 98 - 100 Food 101 - 105 Homes & Gardens 107 Services 109 - 112 Classifieds 113 - 120 Motoring 121 - 123 Sport 126 - 128

Mayor of Estepona (centre) with directors and employees of Selwo Aventura.

Tourism prize for Selwo Aventura

THE mayor of Estepona, Jose Maria Garcia Urbano, has presented the Tourism Prize for 2014 to the Parques Reunidos Company, which is responsible for Selwo Aventura, for its part in promoting the town. The park has been open since 1999 and has had an important economic impact on the town due to the number of tourists it attracts every summer. The councillor thanked the director of the park, Maria Jose Marañon, and all of her

team who have played such an important role in raising Estepona’s profile. Garcia Urbano went on to say: “Selwo is a leisure activity which generates employment for the town and which differentiates our town’s offer for tourists.” He also underlined the fact that the summer camps and youth activities which Selwo organises, help to make the youth more aware of the need to respect the environment.


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Better communication LOCAL POLICE in Marbella have 110 new digital radios which will allow them to have radio cover in areas which could not previously be reached. For the safety of the officers the new radios also have integrated geo-locators.

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

THE plot where The World Marbella is to be built will have multi-million-euro homes as well as top-of-the-range residential facilities. The project will have 112 innovatively designed flats and will be built using all the latest technologies and materials. The exclusive complex will also have a spa, gym, clubhouse, a

swimming pool, recreational areas, padel and tennis courts, a mini-golf course and a track for running or cycling. Each of the five buildings will be named after a continent to symbolise Marbella’s international community. The project, proposed by Sierra Blanca Estates, will be built just off the Golden Mile and will be offering

flats from 323 metres up to 742 metres, ranging in price from €1.3 million to €3.4 million. The design of the flats will also be varied between duplexes, penthouses and ground-floor maisonettes. The project is presently in the advanced planning stage and awaiting final approval before it can apply for building permissions.

Big Brother MALAGA City is to install cameras on the main access roads to the city to limit the amount of heavy lorries which come in through Avenida Andalucia and Ciudad Jardin. Joined squares CASARES is to renovate the Plaza del Llano. The square is to be extended to join with Plaza Marcelino Camacho and get a fountain, trees and new urban furniture, among other things.

Costa del Munich UNTIL September 7 residents and visitors to Fuengirola can enjoy all the charms of Munich at the Fuengirola beer festival. There is German cuisine to be had as well as traditional music and beer.




More allotments MIJAS Council has opened up another nine allotments to add to the 46 it already has in Las Lagunas and the 43 in La Cala. They have proved very popular with the elderly who like to grow their own vegetables.

American rumour A LARGE American real estate company is rumoured to be interested in investing around €200 million in the Marbella area to buy properties taken over by banks.

Taxi troubles LOCAL POLICE in Marbella will have a permanent unit dedicated to regulating the taxi sector after the summer is over. In July there were 250 checks on taxi licences and 110 files were opened for irregularities. SPAIN’S OLDEST: Dating to before 1215.

Spain’s oldest Bull Run in Cuellar

Hilton rider THE main rider to Paris Hilton’s contract at the Olivia Valere nightclub was that she wanted several fans in the DJ booth as she refuses to sweat or be seen to sweat. Faithful to Marbella KING FAHD’S widow Jawhara al-Ibrahim has stayed faithful to her usual holiday plans and spent time at her palace in Marbella. She has been seen around town and shopping in Puerto Banus.



Marbella’s global village


Donkey charity ON Saturday, September 6, there will be a charity dinner for the El Refugio del Burrito (donkey refuge). Dinner at the restaurant Club Nautico in Benalmadena Port will cost €25 per person.



HE last week in August marks the beginning of Spain’s oldest Bull Run. The Encierros de Cuellar (Cuellar bull runs) in Segovia date back to before 1215 when there was an argument raging between the Catholic Church and its bishops in the area. The bishops wanted to attend the bullfighting festivities, which took place on the outskirts of the town, but the Church considered it ‘undignified’ and so their attendance was banned. The bishops then found a loophole in the new regulations and this was that they could attend if the entirety

Quote of the Week Do you not know who I am?’ King Mohammed VI of Morocco after the Guardia Civil stopped his boat in the water just off Ceuta - an area commonly used by illegal immigrants and smugglers - on suspicion of being a people smuggler. The misunderstanding was rapidly cleared up after a call to King Felipe VI.

of the festivities took place in the centre of the town. For this to be possible, and for the bishops to obey the edict of the Church, the herd had to be brought into the centre and set off from there. Thus was born the first of the Encierros, with the people of the town helping to take the bulls from one part of the centre of the town to its bullring. The modern-day bull runs are not dissimilar to the ones of the 13th century, one of the few differences being that these days they take place as part of the Feria of Cuellar and the Catholic Church does not mind if its bishops attend.

Number of the week


per cent is the amount that Spain has grown in the last quarter. This is the country’s highest growth rate in the last six years and the fourth consecutive quarter that the economy has grown since the recession began. Chancellor Merkel of Germany has already congratulated President Rajoy on his austerity measures.

Drink-driving A HIT and run driver who ran over and killed a 27-year-old man on Avenida Velazquez, in Malaga capital, has been charged with drink-driving.

Good drug habits MARBELLA has received confirmation that it has won a government prize for excellence in the way it handles its drug prevention programmes. There is to be a prize-giving ceremony at the end of the year.

Virtuoso surprise CORDOBA violinist Paco Montalvo surprised and delighted the audience at the Cristina Szekely estate agency concert in Marbella, organised by the Marbella Association of Friends of Music.

And finally... Olmeda de la Cuesta, in Cuenca, is offering plots of land for just a few hundred euros, so long as buyers promise to build on them within the first two years. This is a move by the local council to save the shrinking village from extinction; at the moment it only has around 35 residents.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Officers save pool toddler

OBJECTIVE: Marbella delegation heading to New York.

Mission to New York

From Front Page This is not the first time that Marbella has tried to take a bite out of the Big Apple; in 2010 Mayor Muñoz visited the city to try to attract investors but didn’t have very much success. This time things will be different, assured Muñoz. She has a hectic four-day schedule in which she will be meeting key companies which actually have the power to make a difference to the town. After all, if Marbella is good enough for the First Lady, then it should be good enough for other Americans.

TWO Local Police officers in Mijas have saved a twoyear-old boy who fell into a swimming pool. The boy’s grandfather, a Russian, said the boy was under the water for between one and two minutes so the officers performed basic lifesaving techniques while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The incident took place in the community pool of the urbanisation where the grandfather lives. He lost track of the boy for just a few minutes and then saw him in the pool and immediately fished him out and called the emergency services. The police were the first to arrive on the scene and took charge, performing first aid until the medics arrived, stabilised the boy and took him to the Costa del Sol hospital.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Two people injured in horse and carriage accident in Marbella TWO people were injured when a horse and carriage flipped over in the centre of Marbella which was carrying two passengers at the time. The horse broke free after one of the carriage attachment arms broke off.

The incident took place on Avenida Ricardo Soriano when part of the horse’s harness broke making the animal panic and resulting in the carriage being flipped onto its side. The driver and one of the passengers, a middle-aged man,

Pickpocketing gang caught in Malaga

had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance. The horse, still panicking and now on Notario Luis Oliver, then kicked a Seat Ibiza blowing out its back window but not hurting the occupants. The horse was slightly injured but will make a full recovery as will the carriage driver and the passenger.


Lack of risk assessment AFTER six years of decreasing, work related accidents are on the rise again in Malaga capital. Worker’s syndicates blame the rise on individual company’s lack of investment in risk assessment.

HANDBAGS AND SUNGLASSES: Among the items stolen.

NATIONAL POLICE in Malaga have dismantled an itinerant gang which specialised in stealing and pickpocketing while their victims were distracted. Seven people have been detained, one of them a minor. Among those detained is the person considered to be the leader of the gang and another two people who have cases pending for very similar crimes. During the investigations police raided two residences of members of the gang and confiscated, among other things, €1,150 in cash, eight smart phones, bank documents,

13 pairs of top of the range sunglasses and handbags, a camera and a gold watch. Police investigations began in the middle of July when they became aware of the presence of a gang whose MO was always the same: they would go to places where there were a lot of people and use this as a distraction to steal from tourists who weren’t paying attention to their things. On one occasion they waited by a cash point and stole from the people who they knew to be carrying cash. So far the police have been able to connect the gang to around 13 different thefts.

Dog training FUENGIROLA Council has announced that the municipal dog training school will be starting up again on September 1. Anyone interested in taking classes with their dog can sign up at Parque Guau Guau in Los Pacos.

Mijas oil REPSOL is considering a moratorium on looking for gas off the Mijas coast. The lack of a full permit and the cost of the operation have delayed the search again.

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FRONT CAR: Was pushed 15 metres.

DRUGS HAUL: 159 kilos of hashish.

THE Guardia Civil in Mijas have detained two people under suspicion of drug trafficking after a spectacular chase along the AP-7. The detainees were trying to transport 159 kilos of hashish by the ‘go fast’ method, which consists of using fast

accelerating therefore pushing the car in front around 15 metres forward until it broke through the toll barrier. The car was occupied by four tourists on their way to the airport after having spent a week in Marbella on holiday. After being chased some distance by Guardia Civil patrol cars the traffickers eventually had to stop, as their car had three punctured tyres from a police stinger strip and was damaged from shoving the car in front so

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

Spectacular drugs chase


1,000 public works ESTEPONA Council has reached 1,000 works completed within its neighbourhood renovation plan (12 months, 12 neighbourhoods) which started in January.

Archidona jail THE prison in Archidona, which is completely built and only needs equipment and personnel in order to open, will not be opening this year. The reason given by the council is the lack of public servants with which to staff the jail.

Soup town ANTEQUERA has hosted the national competition for Porra Antequerana (a sort of very thick gazpacho) which has brought hundreds of people to the inland town. The judges commented that the participation this year had been the highest so far.

vehicles to outrun the police, in a top of the range Mercedes. The driver had been detained before in La Cala de Mijas when he was trying to transport 568 kilos of hashish. When the alleged drug trafficker’s vehicle was stopped at the toll booth on the AP-7 it accelerated suddenly after seeing two Guardia Civil officers approaching. Ignoring the instructions of the officers to stop, it smashed into the car in front and continued

violently, but not before it had made several attempts to escape, even crashing into two Guardia Civil patrol cars. When officers searched the car they found 159 kilos of hashish in the boot. Both of the detainees are Moroccan, aged 28 and 48, and resident in Spain. The two stand accused of crimes against public health, drug trafficking, reckless driving and harming an authority figure.



E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Ministry’s advice on rape creates storm THE Ministry of the Interior’s advice to women on how to avoid rape has created a storm on Twitter. Users of the social media website have denounced the advice as chauvinistic and laying the blame on the victims. Among other things the advice recommends that women should buy a whistle to call for help and avoid using lifts if there is a stranger in them as well as sitting near the driver on a deserted bus and always closing their curtains when at home. People have taken to the site to send messages back to the Ministry of the Interior like “Let’s see if we can all finally understand that the crime is not the victim’s fault,” and “It is



RIDICULOUS ADVICE: From the ministry of the interior. unacceptable that a public ministry should be giving such out of touch advice!” Several PSOE delegates have also shown their disgust at the advice saying that it further victimises the victims by making it seem as though they could have avoided the crime if only they had had a whistle.

The PSOE secretary for equality, Carmen Monton, commented that the attitude of the government was outdated and would get them nowhere in the modern world and agreed with a tweet which had come in stating “Instead of teaching women how not to be raped, why don’t we teach men not to rape?”


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Belgian virtuoso Louis Fiers has passed away ON July 28, the Belgian jazz musician Louis Fiers passed away in Malaga. Louis Fiers was considered one of the biggest jazz phenomena in Europe. He played together with many renowned artists including Count Basie, Bill Coleman, Sydney Bechet, Toots Thielemans and Bill Haley. In 1983 Louis traded Belgium for Spain, where he founded the Blue-Note

in Fuengirola near the Paseo Maritimo, where he himself played the organ and the piano, together with his jazz combo.

When Dario Poli, the composer of the song ‘Marbella, Marbella’ was looking for a way to promote the city of

A GIFT: The mayor received a painting.

NATO personnel in Benalmadena A GROUP of NATO personnel paid a visit to Benalmadena. Mayor Paloma Garcia Galvez welcomed the personnel from the Geilenkirchen air base in Germany, members of which spent a week holidaying in Benalmadena. The NATO/AWACS Travel Group presented the mayor with a painting depicting a Boeing E-3 Sentry, otherwise known as AWACS, which is equipped with an airborne early warning and control system and a radar that allows it to distinguish between hostile and friendly aircraft hundreds of kilometres away.

The NATO air base in Geilenkirchen is home to approximately 20 of these impressive aircraft. “We are proud that this group of military personnel and their companions has chosen to holiday in Benalmadena,” said Galvez. “I hope they have enjoyed Benalmadena and what it has to offer and I also hope they go back to Germany with a sweet after-taste thanks to the hospitality of our neighbours, the quality of our services and to the excellence of Indigo,” remarked the mayor. The NATO group stayed at Hotel HTB Torrequebrada and their visit was organised by the travel agency Indigo DMC Group S.L. During their stay, the group, made up of nationals from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Greece and the United States of America, among other countries, visited Castillo El Bil-Bil, Parque de la Paloma, Estupa Budista, Granada and other places throughout Andalucia.

Marbella and the Costa del Sol, he came into contact with Louis. He was very impressed by Louis’s arrangement of the song and the way Louis’s fingers seemed to float above the piano keys. He introduced Louis to the Cuban singer Yanela Brooks, which resulted in a successful cooperation between Louis’s jazz arrangement and Dario’s music. The last years of his life, he lived a solitary life in the hills of Alhaurin El Grande with his wife and his many beloved pets. Even in his last days, he was still working hard to refine his piano playing, making plans for a new CD album as well as teaching music. The pianist from Bruges, jazz organist and vibraphonist reached the age of 80.


Russian promotion DESPITE recent troubles, Andalucia is to go ahead with its promotional campaign in Russia. The campaign will promote general tourism as well as that which specialises in gastronomy, culture and health among other types.

Alzheimer centre THE Antequera Alzheimer centre is to open before the end of the year. The building was finished in 2009 but economic problems have prevented the controlling company from opening until now.


LOCATION: Perfect place to end the summer.


el Mar offers clients the ideal location to enjoy the breathtaking Mediterranean. This Saturday, 30th August, will be the last night to enjoy this spectacular summer setting and listen to the incredible duo of Georgie O’Neill and Emi performing soulful melodies throughout the evening. With a delicious set menu for 50€ per person, Del Mar is the perfect place for a romantic dinner or a celebration with friends! Del Mar continues into September to be open for lunches, where guests can indulge in a diverse menu offering a mix of Oriental and Southern Spanish gastronomy; freshly caught fish and sushi and sashimi from the sushi bar, and a large selection of salads and meats from the grill complete the menu. For casual dining our gourmet pizzas hit the spot. Sundays continue to have live music by the

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

Last night of the Summer, Saturday 30th August



SUNSET MAGIC: Such a romantic setting. fabulous Gitane, most famous for their Ibizan ‘Café del Mar’ album, delighting customers with a perfect blend of easy listening, sunset music. Lunches on the beach are for relaxing with friends and family and Del Mar offers the perfect combination... delicious cuisine for all tastes plus the perfect background music by Gitane. Puente Romano’s Beach Club Del Mar offers guests elegance and sophistication in a relaxed, luxurious ambience. Open every day for lunch and on Sundays with live music. Reserve the last night of the summer on Saturday 30th August on 952 820 900/Tara 630 962 852 or for lunchtime reservations.

w w w. p u e n t e r o m a n o . c o m


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Police grab bull by the horns POLICE have uncovered a marihuana plantation in a private bullring in the Almogía area of Malaga. The ‘plaza de toros’ (bullring), is located within the grounds of a country estate in Los Pilones. It had effectively been converted into an enormous greenhouse housing hundreds of marihuana plants, with plastic sheeting covering the arena. The operation, codenamed ‘verde y oro’ (green and gold), resulted in six arrests, among them an ex PSOE (socialist) councillor, Manuel Aranda. Aranda is the brother of Diego, an Izquierda

Unida political party member arrested last April after police found 180 marihuana plants in his home. The case was dropped when the judge considered that no crime had been committed. Sources close to the socialist politician have stated that Manuel Aranda is in no way connected to the plantation found at Los Pilones, and that he did not even have access to the estate. In a statement they said: “[Manuel Aranda] was only lending a hand to the tenants by helping to maintain solar panels and a water well on the property due to his friendship with

the estate’s owners.” The police’s suspicions were raised when they noticed the plastic sheeting covering the bullring, and a man patrolling the boundaries of the farm. After months of investigation, Coín’s Judicial Police together with customs officers launched a raid on the estate, and discovered an organised operation that points to the cultivation of the drug for shipment abroad. The raid produced six arrests including Aranda, 500 growing marihuana plants and a large quantity of cut plants. Initial estimates report over 50 kilos of marihuana were seized.


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28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



Beaches awarded quality distinction BENALMADENA beaches have been awarded the prestigious Q for Quality distinction given by the Spanish Tourism Quality Institute (ICTE). For the first time in history, the Q for tourism quality flag is to fly on


Extortionist caught

Benalmadena beaches. This prestigious award is given to beaches in Spain that meet the highest quality standards and are safe, clean, accessible and environmentally friendly and are being constantly improved to ensure customer satisfaction. The first flag was recently raised by Mayor Paloma Garcia Galvez on Playa Fuente de la Salud. “This award is a testament to the

excellent job done by the Municipal Government to revitalise and preserve our beaches,” said Galvez. The Q for Quality distinction guarantees quality first aid and safety services, quality leisure services, clean beaches and that beach bars meet strict control standards. ICTE conducts thorough inspections to guarantee that beaches awarded the Q for Quality distinction

NATIONAL POLICE in Malaga have detained a man under suspicion of extorting several neighbours of the capital. He would leave notes threatening to set their houses on fire and demanding money.

200 calls EMERGENCY services (112) attended to around 200 calls during the Malaga fair. The majority of calls were for medical assistance and only 43 were for security incidents.

Best fair MALAGA has had its best fair in the last eight years. All hotels were 94 per cent full that is 4 per cent more than last year. The rise in the number of visitors was also felt in the bars and restaurants of the city.

ANNUAL CEREMONY: Held at Casa de la Cultura.

Photographers annual awards BENALMADENA Mayor Paloma Garcia Galvez extended her warm congratulations to the Costa del Sol Photographic Society on their annual awards ceremony. Organised by the Foreign Residents Department of Benalmadena Council, this year’s ceremony was held at Casa de la Cultura in Arroyo de la Miel and attended by almost 50. Alan Jones was crowned best photographer of the year, while Eleanor Smith

and Peter Hayward were awarded the gold medal. Ken Arnold walked away with the silver medal and Debra Coleman and Monique Tovey-Mansfield earned the bronze medal. Mayor Galvez with Foreign Residents councillor Adolfo Fernandez and Costal Del Sol Photographic Society President Carl Hall, congratulated the organisers, winners and said the competition had become a point of reference for professional photographers.

BENALMADENA BEACHES: The first quality flag was raised by the mayor. comply with rigorous national and environmental regulations. Furthermore, once they have earned the award, Spanish beaches are required to pass a meticulous annual review

to maintain it. “This is great news for Benalmadena, because the distinction acknowledges the quality services we offer to the tourists on our beaches” said Tourism

councillor Fernandez. Furthermore, the Q for Quality award guarantees that Benalmadena beaches will be part of all ICTE tourism marketing campaigns.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Marbella card scam NATIONAL POLICE in Marbella have detained five members of an itinerant gang which swindled nearly €60,000 with stolen bank cards. The gang, all aged between 22 and 34, would choose its victims, mainly elderly people, when they went to take money out of a cash point and would make them believe their card had been swallowed by the machine and then help them to get it back, in this way obtaining their PIN numbers. Once they had all the relevant information they would make clone cards and use them fraudulently in

LUXURY GOODS: All bought with cloned cards. luxury goods shops, night clubs, and brothels or just take cash out from the cash points.

The detainees were residents of Marseilles, France, but would come to the Costa del Sol, where they would remain for a week, to commit their crimes. Investigations began last summer when a foreign resident went to the National Police in Marbella and denounced that they had been the victim of identity theft and that there were unknown charges being made on their bank cards to the tune of around €3,000. The card had been used in all sorts of places which the victim never visited. Investigators were able to discover that the culprits were all of Maghreb origin and residents in France but GREEN LIGHTS: Using only solar power. would come to Marbella to play out their scams. A police search of their bulbs which have a life of come from the absence holiday residence produced around 60,000 hours and of an electricity bill, but €3,500 in cash, luxury a charge life of around also from the easy clothing and shoes, two 10 hours when full. installation as there were tablets, perfumes and Fontalba went on to no cables to have to bury other luxury goods. comment that the and therefore no road Police investigations into savings would not only had to be dug up. the matter are ongoing.

Mijas goes even greener with solar street lighting MIJAS Council has gone even greener by installing solar street lighting on the road that links El Coto to urbanisation Campomijas. Jose Francisco Ruiz Fontalba, councillor for Energy and Efficiency, commented that the installation was done after receiving several petitions from residents in the area who were complaining about the lack of lighting on that particular road. The three street lights are five and a half metres tall and have 30 watt led


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Marbella solidarity for Alzheimer’s MARBELLA Council is supporting the Association of Athletes for a Cause (ADC) in the donation of money to the AFA (Association of Alzheimer Sufferers). Manuel Cardeña, councillor for Social Wellbeing, was present at the handing over of a cheque for €6,216 to AFA, the money was collected by

AFA MEMBERS: Presenting their cheque.

the ADC during a sponsored swim from the Puente Romano hotel to the El Faro beach approximately six kilometres - in which around 260 people took part. Seven hundred people took part in the post sponsored swim event which was a dip off the beach of the Puente Romano hotel.

Council to clean up lakes in El Capricho park LAKE CLEANING: Will be thorough.

MARBELLA Council has promised to clean up the lakes in the El Capricho Park. Councillor for Parks and Gardens, Eloy Ortega, commented that this action came under the council’s brief to conserve, maintain and value all the parks and green areas in the municipality. The councillor then went on to underline the fact that the El Capricho Park was one of the more beautiful parks of the town and the intention of the council was to recover the lakes so that the neighbours and residents of the town could, once again, enjoy them. He added that the filtration system, which has been causing problems of late, would be replaced. The rocks, which are dirty and covered in algae, will be removed for a special cleaning process before being replaced. Ortega also indicated that the area surrounding the lakes would receive new benches and other urban furniture like bins. Works should begin this week and be finished around the beginning of September before the school year starts as many students from the nearby high school often visit the park.


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Murdered journalist never to be forgotten THERE is a black ribbon on the front of the Euro Weekly News today. There is another at the top of the page that has been left blank for the journalist James Foley. His family and friends are in mourning because he was murdered in Syria by an IS jihadist with a London accent. He was a hostage killed in cold blood because he was an American, because he had a brother in the US air force, but he was also slaughtered because he was a journalist. So the Euro Weekly News is in mourning, too, for James Foley and is donating a page in his memory. We now ask the world media to come together and follow suit by donating the cost of a full page in their respective newspapers. James Foley risked his life by going to Syria and was taken hostage while

doing his job. Fanatics and oppressors fear journalists because swords kill, but the words they write and speak outlive them. Once those words have been absorbed, there is no effective way to erase them from the mind of a reader, a listener, a viewer. It is hoped to use the money that is raised to fund a ‘James Foley Scholarship’ to assist young journalists who are taking their first steps in the profession. Please help us to ensure that James is not forgotten. Help us to celebrate his life and what he achieved with the full support of the world press. For details of how to make a donation, please contact Dean Harrison at Euro Weekly News, directly at or on +34 952 561 245.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




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Marbella campaign for cardiovascular health THE Spanish Association for Cardiovascular Health, in collaboration with Philips, has initiated a campaign in Marbella to make the public more aware of the need to improve their lifestyle habits in order to attain cardiovascular health. There was a demonstration of CPR methods which the Marbella councillor for Health, Alicia Jimenez, visited in Puerto Banus.

DEMONSTRATION: CPR technique at Puerto Banus.

Keeping Malaga’s beaches clean A CAMPAIGN to keep Malaga’s beaches clean launched by the city council early in June has been gathering momentum. Entitled ‘Málaga, ¡cómo te quiero!' (Malaga, oh how I love you!), the movement has already reached more than 18,000 people with its message to keep Malaga’s beaches clean and free from litter. In particular, the council is encouraging people not to leave cigarette butts and

KEEPING BEACHES CLEAN: Handing out ashtrays. the shells of pipas - the ever-popular sun-flower seeds that Spaniards

Three detained for slavery POLICE in Cadiz have detained three businessmen, one from Malaga, who employed foreign workers who they would force to work seven days a week in exchange for food, board and the promise of a residence permit, but with no money. In a press release the National Police stated that one of the businessmen stands accused of 10 crimes against worker’s rights and favouring illegal immigration.

The other two businessmen stand accused of aiding and abetting, faking documentation and favouring illegal immigration. The 12 illegal workers, all from Pakistan, have also been detained. The businessmen claimed they didn’t pay their workers cash as they were paying back costs of travelling to Spain and their residence paperwork. The authorities claim this was indentured slavery.

devour in their hundreds on the beaches. Already, more than 18,000 containers to keep the stones and shells of nuts and other snacks, as well as over 1,000 handy pocket-ashtrays have been distributed amongst locals. The aim of this initiative is to instil a greater sense of community spirit and responsibility in keeping our public spaces clean. The campaign has proved most popular with Malaga’s children, who have really taken the message on board. The hope is that the next generation will show pride in their local communities and beauty spots, keeping beaches and parks clean for everybody to enjoy.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Take care around the pool THE tragic death of a two-year-old boy in a Mijas, Andalucia, swimming pool has thrown into sharp focus the issue of swimming pool safety. Part of the dream of living in the warm sunshine of Spain is access to an outdoor swimming pool. The pleasure of splashing into the pool, floating on a lilo, doing a couple of laps and putting the week’s stresses behind you is a great reward. However, with pool ownership comes great responsibility. Children are naturally drawn to water, but it is impossible for a parent to watch a child every single moment of their life. It only takes a second for an accident to happen and the results can be devastating. Installing a pool safety fence gives you, your family and if you rent out your villa, your guests, peace of mind. In the most basic common sense terms, if a child cannot get close to the pool, then they simply cannot get in. Community pools are regulated throughout Spain, with specifics on

Euro Weekly News offer the advice below. Cut it out, keep it safe, think of that little bit more you can do to ensure that your pool is safe for your family and all your visitors.

Pool safety hints:

POOL SAFETY: Private pools should have a safety fence and a gate. the height of fences, gates, child proof locks and no climbing areas, but private pools are not. Euro Weekly News believes that this situation has gone on long enough, the life of a child is far beyond that of a removable fence and lockable gate. A safety fence around your pool is entirely sensible, it affords protection for children and small pets, it is a moral issue for many owners who know they have done

all they can to prevent accidents. In France, the law states that all private pools should be equipped with a safety fence and gate with a self-closing latch, failure to comply carries fines of up to €220,000. We call on our readers to call, email, text, whatsapp and that old fashioned mode of communication, write a letter to their political representatives and demand that Spain adopt an enforceable policy similar to that of France.

• Secure your pool with appropriate barriers. Surround your pool with a four-foot high fence or barrier with a selfclosing, self-latching gate. Place a safety cover over the pool or hot tub when you are not using it and remove any ladders or steps that you use for access. • Keep children under active supervision at all times. Stay in arm’s reach of younger children. Select a responsible person to watch the water when the pool is in use - never allow children or weak swimmers to swim alone. Have young or inexperienced swimmers wear a floatie if playing near the pool. • Ensure everyone in the home knows how to swim. Take pleasure in teaching those who can’t swim how to, or, if too busy enrol them in a local swimming class. • Enforce rules and safe behaviour, such as ‘no diving,’ ‘stay away from drain covers,’ ‘swim with a friend’ and ‘no running.’ • Make sure everyone in the home knows how to respond to emergencies by having appropriate safety equipment and taking water safety, first aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) courses.


SELWO MARINA: One of the highlights of the visitors’ trip.

Foreign journalists visit Benalmadena BENALMADENA Council seeks to promote Benalmadena around the world as a popular tourist destination. A group of Abu Dhabi journalists travelled to Benalmadena and paid a visit to the town’s most beautiful places of interest. Organised by Turismo Andaluz, the Costa del Sol Tourism Department and

Dog training area in park PARQUE BENAMAINA is to have a dog training area. Benalmadena Council is to set up a special dog training area called Circuito Agility, said Parks and Gardens councillor Jose Antonio Serrano. The 580-square metre area is to have a fully equipped training circuit. The project includes a 180-square metre dog toilet and a 250-square metre area where dogs can exercise and play. “The Council wanted to set up an area for dog owners to train and walk their dogs in a specially designated and fully equipped area that meets their needs,” said Serrano.

the Department of Tourism of Benalmadena Council, the press trip saw 15 Abu Dhabi journalists arriving in Benalmadena to become acquainted with what the town has to offer in terms of entertainment, culture and gastronomy. The foreign visitors were welcomed by local Tourism councillor Adolfo Fernandez who encouraged them to enjoy their visit and Benalmadena’s tourist attractions. “Benalmadena Council and the Tourism Department are working to

promote press trips, which give us an excellent opportunity to promote our town as a tourist destination in foreign markets,” said Fernandez. Once back home, the visiting journalists will write about the wonderful time they had in Benalmadena in Abu Dhabi media and help the town become a popular tourist destination in the future. One of the highlights of their trip, which has also taken them to other places in Andalucia, was a visit to the unforgettable Selwo Marina Delfinarium.

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Join EWN and say NO to sexism and YES to equality for women FURTHER controversy over the Spanish political establishment’s outdated views on women and sexual assault has arisen after comments made by a mayor to a radio station that seem to disparage accusations of rape. Francisco Javier León de la Riva, the Partido Popular (PP) mayor of Valladolid in central Spain, has been forced to apologise for comments made to the Onda Cero radio station on Thursday about women falsely accusing men of rape. The mayor said he would think twice about getting into a lift alone with a woman for fear of false cries of rape. Referring to a recent unsolved case in his city, De la Riva wholeheartedly condemned all forms of violence, but said it was

impossible to station a police officer in every park, and that women should think carefully about where they go at 6 o’clock in the morning. He added: “Sometimes it’s the other way around. Imagine you are in a lift with a girl who is out to get you. She rips off her bra or skirt and runs out screaming that you tried to assault her.” Reaction to the mayor’s comments was fierce and immediate, with some taking to social media to demand his resignation. On Friday, Valladolid Town Council issued a statement through Twitter, saying: “The mayor wishes to clarify his words which have been misinterpreted and taken out of context. He apologises for any offence caused.”

#EWN_NO_MEANS_NO EWN Gets It - Do You?

SHOW OF SOLIDARITY: EWN ladies strip off in protest. Editor’s note: Euro Weekly News (EWN) has concerns over the misogynous views of an elected official who belongs in the Dark Ages. We question the motives behind the mayor’s retraction. He

has not actually apologised for what he said. Instead, he has placed the blame on others (women, perhaps?) for ‘misinterpreting’ his words. At the EWN group, we are concerned that the outdated views of men

in high places, just like Mayor de la Riva, are contributing to the continued erosion of women’s rights. Until society is reconciled to the fact that a woman’s body is owned by no one but the woman herself, that

she has the right to wear what she likes; has the right to go where she likes; and has the right to do what she likes without fearing lewd stares and sexual violence, EWN will continue to campaign for equality. Equality in the workplace, equality at home, and equality in public places. Instead of telling our daughters what not to wear, we should show our sons how to respect their female peers. Equality means equality: and ‘No’ means ‘No’! Join EWN’s campaign: #ewn_no_means_no EWN would love to hear readers’ views on this controversial subject. Twitter storm...Page 20


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

Advertising feature

Hola Credito cooks up a restaurant expansion Welcome to the weekly news from Hola Credito, Spain’s leading short-term lender. In our weekly column we look at different lending solutions that Hola Credito offers. This week: a business loan from Hola Credito helps a restaurant business to grow. TIMING is critical in making the most of business opportunities, especially in the highly competitive restaurant trade. Hola Credito was able to help one Madridbased client refurbish his restaurant, increasing the number of diners he could cater for and his profits at the same time. “Our restaurant has been doing very well, full most nights, and very popular with locals and tourists alike,” said the client. “But we have been running out of space in the kitchens and also wanted to update a balcony area and add more tables there. Traditional lenders are really nervous about the restaurant trade, and our bank was taking too long to approve a loan. We needed to act quickly.” The client had heard about Hola Credito from a business colleague who had used it for a short-term loan, and emailed for advice. He suggested using his Classic 1964 Mustang as security for a loan, and was amazed at how fast the company

agreed. “I was able to finish the refit and expansion in less than four weeks, and the terms of the agreement were really good. In our trade, cash flow is everything, so the Hola Credito loan really helped us take our business a step further.” Puerta Banus based Hola Credito ( operates throughout Spain, using reliable, secure courier services. As an online company with low overheads it can offer its clients exceptional interest rates, which it calculates daily, so clients only pay interest for the time they need the loan. Hola Credito accepts a range of luxury assets as security for loans, like watches, jewellery, luxury cars and boats, which are all valued by experienced professionals. All items are stored in secure conditions, and once the loan is repaid the items are returned using the same discreet, secure process.


Made-up mugging NATIONAL POLICE in Benalmadena have detained a man for allegedly falsely reporting that he had been the victim of a mugging when he was actually playing sports.

He claimed that a man had threatened him with a gun and then took his mobile phone, watch and keys to his house and car. He also said he had tried to locate the phone via

Fantasy film in Estepona ESTEPONA has once again hosted the Costa del Sol’s International Fantasy Cinema Week. This year, Malaga composer Antonio Meliveo was recognised for his contribution to the industry. In his speech the mayor of Estepona, Jose Maria Garcia Urbano, underlined Meliveo’s ‘magnificent trajectory’ and the quality of his work in film. During the ceremony

Prize-giving ceremony Estepona’s municipal band played a selection of famous film tracks.

satellite tracking. Several months later, he received the insurance payout. The man, 42, had originally claimed that while he was playing sports he saw two individuals trying to break into a house and tried to dissuade them. They then approached him and stole his possessions. The man even gave descriptions of the two ‘assailants’ and what they were wearing. The police began an investigation and discovered that his account of events was untrue and he had received a pay-out from his insurance company. He was still using the mobile phone which he claimed had been stolen. Falsely claiming to being the victim of a crime is considered a serious offence and is legislated for under Article 457 in the Spanish penal code. It can carry a custodial sentence of between six and 12 months.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Benalmadena pay tribute to Isco BENALMADENA is to pay tribute to local footballer Francisco Alarcon ‘Isco.’ Council authorities unanimously passed a resolution to rename the municipal football field El Tomillar after Real Madrid footballer ‘Isco’ who was born in Arroyo de la Miel in 1992. “Isco is one of the best sport ambassadors Benalmadena has. The success he enjoys has put our municipality on the map, especially in the world of football,” said Mayor Paloma Garcia Galvez.

After playing for Malaga CF between 2011 and 2013, Isco signed a five-year contract with Real Madrid before the start of the 2013-2014 season of La Liga and has since won a Champions League, a Copa Del Rey and a UEFA Super Cup. “There is no doubt Francisco Alarcon is the best sportsman ever born in our town. His achievements in the world of sports are unquestionable, but Isco is more than that. He is still that little boy that would spend the afternoon playing football on Calle Las Flores and a quality player thanks to his perseverance and the sacrifices he has made,” said Citizens’ Participation these discounts and not the Councillor Ana Macias. “Isco has not forgotten residents of Estepona,” commented the PSOE where he comes from or (socialist party) delegate his childhood friends. “He has shown the for the town Julian Lopez. He has made a formal Benalmadena youth that it request to the mayor, Jose is possible to grow both and Maria Garcia Urbano, to personally reach the same agreement professionally through hard with the hospital for work and sacrifice,” she added. Estepona residents.

Discount wanted FOLLOWING a deal made between Marbella Council and the Costa del Sol hospital for the residents of Marbella to get a 40 per cent discount on parking, Estepona Council is now asking for the same deal. “We don’t understand why the residents of Marbella should enjoy


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Advertising feature

Ask the Optician - How do contact lenses work?

CONTACT lenses are really popular in the summer, when people want to play sports, enjoy nights out and wear fashion sunglasses, so in this month’s article we wanted to give you an overview about what they are, how they work and how you can care for them. What are contact lenses? Contact lenses are very thin, domed discs made up of complex plastic materials. They are positioned in front of the transparent outer layer of the eye called the cornea to focus images onto the retina at the back of the eye in the same way that a spectacle lens does. They stay in place by floating on the film of tear fluid covering the surface of the eye and are practically invisible when worn. Who can use them? Contact lenses are available to correct most conditions for which glasses are prescribed, including long and short sight,

presbyopia and astigmatism and almost everyone can use them comfortably and safely. What are the most popular type of lenses? Soft contact lenses - they are very pliable and soft, which makes them easy to get used to and comfortable to wear, although they do need careful handling. Soft contact lenses cannot be dislodged very easily from the eye so they are ideal for sport. How should you care for them? Keep them really clean, read the instructions carefully and make sure you follow them properly in order to avoid complications and make sure you are replacing them as frequently as necessary. Specsavers Opticas offer contact lens health checks, lifestyle advice and also a free trial so you can make sure that the lenses suit you before you buy.

James Foley

Journalist murdered for reporting the news 18.10.1973 - c19.08.2014

‘Fanatics and oppressors fear journalists because swords kill but the words they write and speak outlive them!

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28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



Taxis in Benalmadena now equipped with meters TAXIS in Benalmadena are now equipped with taximeters. The devices will improve the quality of the service taxis provide, according to Transportation Councillor THE fun wasn’t under the boardwalk, but rather in it on the evening of Wednesday 20th, at Positively Pink’s fashionista fundraiser ‘Ladies Only High Tea Party’ at The Boardwalk Marbella. Julyana Tonello Ramos, of Lust Dresses, generously donated €1,000 worth of stunning outfits which were auctioned off after a catwalk showcase with other gorgeous designs by Zuba of Puerto Banus. Local models and friends of The Boardwalk modelled for the event. Former ‘Dublin Housewives’ reality TV participant, fashion swimwear designer and top Irish model Virginia Macari donated an aptly pink, jewel-studded, one-of-akind swimsuit fit for the stars, which she designed especially for the event, modelling it herself. Charley Caradas, Director of The Boardwalk, made the highest bid and became the proud owner of the suit. Compere for the evening was Howard Holland, keeping things running smoothly with a great sense of humour. Pat Jay, who is an active committee member for Positively Pink, gave an informative and inspiring talk on how

Rafael Obrero. They represent a step forward in the modernisation of the sector and Benalmadena has worked closely with neighbouring municipalities in the past few months to equip

taxis with the devices, he said. Thousands of tourists holiday in Benalmadena every year, so it is only fitting that the town has a modern and quality taxi service, remarked

Obrero. Benalmadena became one of the first municipalities in Malaga Province to comply with the regulations concerning public transportation set forth in Decree 35/2012 by passing

Positively Pink at The Boardwalk

LADIES ONLY: For High Tea important it is to start screening much earlier than the usual 50 to 70 year age group, when most medical services offer testing. Pat explained that funds raised for Positively Pink allow them to offer a consultation, physical examination, a mammogram and/or ultrasound and health education, support throughout biopsies, and treatment as well as psychological support to those who need it. The programme currently helps about 1,000 women per year and is carried out in

Virginia Macari conjunction with Clinica Medicare in La Cala de Mijas, who provide their time, clinic space and expertise free of charge for the charity. Last year they set up ‘Positively Blue’ for men offering prostate and chest screening. Christie, Pat and Charley with cheque for €1,805

Pat also stressed the importance of the support of individuals and businesses who help the charity raise funds by organising events for them. She said Positively Pink is always looking for new events and supporters who would like to hold events for them. Anyone interested in supporting the charity in any way can contact Pat on 610 774 408 or email her at: Astra the belly dancer provided some sensuous entertainment as the pink bubbly flowed and the famous High Tea nibbles, which can be sampled daily at The Boardwalk from 1-5pm, went down a treat. Organiser Christie Holland showed flair and passion in her organisation of the event and said it had been a great success and was grateful for the support of all who attended the fun evening. In just two hours, €1,805 was raised for Positively Pink.

the new taxi ordinance almost a year ago. Benalmadena taxis are to charge the same fares as those in Fuengirola, Mijas and Torremolinos, said the councillor.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol COSTA DE ALMERÍA

Factory funding BENAHADUX has been given a cash injection to restore the site of the former San Jose brickyard. The funding will enable recovery and reforestation of the land.

News from our editions With six editions and read by more than half a million people, EWN is Spain’s largest free local English-language newspaper

EMERGENCY services in Roquetas rescued a woman and two children aged six and nine from a fire in a flat in Roquetas de Mar. The residents were unhurt.

ENCARNA RODRIGUEZ QUINTANS has officially announced her intention to be a candidate for the position of mayor of Adra for the Socialist party.

Mozzie free feria AREAS around Almeria City have been treated with pesticides as part of an initiative called ‘una feria sin mosquitos.’ Almeria City spends €11,000 on keeping the city bug free.


Waiting times DESPITE some users complaining of long waiting times at Torrevieja’s La Loma Health Centre, Torrevieja Salud says the average wait is just 47 minutes, lower than last August and that they have not received any complaints.

Job assault A MAN has been arrested in Alicante for the rape of two women who applied to a fake job he advertised online. Both women were sexually assaulted after being invited for an ‘interview.’

Trader complaints TRADERS in Torrevieja’s Calle Maria Parodi are calling for the city to make improvements to the road. They say they have been ‘abandoned’ and complain the street has remained open to traffic in the summer.

Help wanted HELP Vega Baja need volunteers for their San Miguel, Torrevieja and La Marina offices. If you can donate a few hours each week call Richard on 966 723 733.


Early settlers

Traffic fines GUARDIA CIVIL traffic police fined 3,576 drivers in the Valencian Community last year. The majority were sanctioned for driving under the influence of drink or drugs or without a licence.

Refuse annoyance

New PSOE mayor?

before a packed house. Parrita sang his greatest hits and most recent songs.

STUDENT volunteers supervised by Alicante’s archaeological museum located 11 new tombs in Calpe’s mediaeval Ifach settlement. This brings the number of documented burial places up to 53.

Roquetas house fire

MAYOR of Arboleas, Cristobal Garcia, has expressed his displeasure at the inadequate refuse collection by Ferrosur during the fiestas, describing the situation as “intolerable.”


Tight budgets NUDIST HOTEL: Gaining in popularity.

Nudism popular on the islands THE Balearic’s only nudist hotel has doubled its clientele this summer. It opened in 2013 and this year has tourists from as far away as Australia and South Korea. The hotel, Naturplaya, is part of the INF (Spanish and International Federation of Nudism) and has had great success due to its privileged location, near Sa Canova de Arta, and for its tranquillity. Alvaro Segura, director of the hotel, commented that the average stay is of two weeks on half board at a price of between €1,200 and €1,600. The average

guests are usually couples in their fifties who are looking for a quiet time to commune with nature. Despite being a nudist hotel clothes are not optional everywhere, for hygienic reasons they must be worn in the restaurants and main reception everywhere else, the pool or gardens, they are optional. Segura commented that the islands could become a popular tourism destination for nudists as they have everything to offer this sector of the industry.

BENIDORM’S streets are thronged at night, but tourists are spending less than last year said the owners of bars, pubs and discos. Instead they are looking forward to mid-September when the British return.

Country dances JAVEA’s Portitxol dance group is organising a weekend of traditional dancing on September 13 and 14 for beginners and all levels. More information at or on 636 656 642.

Fingers crossed DENIA town hall faces a €40 million compensation claim from owners of land used for the hospital. Unless the courts uphold its appeal there could be a budget setback, the Finance councillor admitted.

Spanish classes

Public transportation

REGISTRATION is now open for adult Spanish classes for foreigners in San Fulgencio. Those interested should contact the town hall before September 19.

SINCE August 15, as many as 20,000 beachgoers visiting Playa de Cantarrijan have used the public transportation service organised by the Junta de Andalucia, said the Incumbent Regional Government Delegate Inmaculada Oria.

REAL VALLADOLID beat Real Mallorca 21 at Estadio Jose Zorrilla on the first match day of the 2014/2015 football season of Liga Adelante (Second Division). The Real Mallorca goal was scored by Cendros on the 64th minute.

Rewarding excellence

Near drowning

THE international classical guitar competition Andres Segovia organised in La Herradura is to be awarded a special prize at the international guitar fair to be held in Malaga in September for its excellence and contribution to the world of music.

A FIVE year-old boy is in a critical condition after being rescued from his hotel pool in Palmanova - he nearly died from drowning, but was found just in time. He is in a critical condition in the ICU at Son Espases hospital.


Book presentation PROFESSOR Francisco Velasco Rey is to present his first novel titled ‘Lo que pudo haber sido’ (What could have been) today at Palacete de la Najarra in Almuñecar at 9.30pm.

Teaching success ESCO Director Miguel Angel Rodriguez is to hold a conference tomorrow at Palacete de la Najarra titled ‘Como llevar una vida de 5 estrellas y no morir en el intento’ covering topics related to motivation and success in personal life.

Unforgettable show MORE than 1,000 people enjoyed a memorable flamenco concert at Parque El Majuelo in Almuñecar. Vicente Castro ‘Parrita’ put on a wonderful show


First defeat

Home game REAL MALLORCA is to play Las Palmas in their first home game at Iberostar Estadio on Sunday August 31 at 9pm. Las Palmas beat UD Llagostera 2-0 in their first league game.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Stories making headlines in Europe


BRITISH PRESS Lucky escape

Boozy vegetables

Burka gangsters

NORWAY - A driver was lucky to be alive after he lost control of his car and crashed into the entrance of Kiellands Hus shopping centre in Oslo. Police at the scene commented that he had had a lucky escape.

A BRANCH of Tesco supermarket has swapped vegetables for booze as it prepares for the Reading festival. They are expecting business to be better than Christmas and so got rid of their vegetable aisle in favour of a bigger booze aisle.

A GANG of five who wore burkas to take part in a smash and grab in Selfridges last year have received a collective sentence of 58 years in prison from Kingston Crown Court. They made away with 142 designer watches.

Slow loris

Second hand boa

Breivik book NORWAY - Jens Breivik, father of convicted mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik - of Utoya infamy is to publish a book about his role as the father of the country’s most notorious terrorist.

Spotify award SWEDEN - The founders of the popular Spotify music sharing system, Martin Lorentzson and Daniel Ek, have won the International Swede of the Year award for their contribution to music.

KALO, a Slow loris, has been flown more than 5,000 miles from the Maldives to Monkey World in Dorset where he has been adopted after being confiscated in a drugs raid.

JAMIE and Emily Pharro, from Lincolnshire, returned home from their honeyA WOMAN had to be moon in Italy to find their taken to hospital with a entire house covered in broken leg after she was Post-it notes. They had left trapped under the Jungle their keys with a friend in Express at Longleat safari park order to feed the cat and he when it derailed. The miniature decided to play the classic prank train was carrying 155 passengers on them. KALO: Now at Monkey World. when it came off the tracks.

Train derails

Smelly fish SWEDEN - The third Thursday of every August, marks the start of the fermented herring season, known in Sweden as Surstrommingspremiar. This food is apparently the worstsmelling food on earth.

Skint youth DENMARK - The mayor of Copenhagen, Frank Jensen, is calling for improvements to be made to the Kodbyen part of the capital in order to attract more business to the area. Recently the area has attracted the young and the hip but no money.

Four captives DENMARK - A Dane is reportedly among the four new captives being held by the same militant organisation in Syria, ISIS, which beheaded the American journalist James Foley.

CHARLIE WISE was stunned when she opened the boot of her new car to find a three foot long boa constrictor nestled into the back. At first she assumed it was a toy but then it flicked its tongue at her. The snake belonged to the previous owner.

Post-it prank

RUSSIAN PRESS McCrack down CITING breaches of food sanitation rules by fast food giant McDonalds the Russian food safety watchdog is conducting unscheduled checks on the restaurants around the country, in particular in the region of Sverdlovsk where the complaints originated.

No salmon DUE to a countrywide ban on many foreign food imports IKEA in Russia will soon be missing two of their signature items RESTRICTED: The Russian ruble.


Scandinavian cheese and salmon. A spokesperson for IKEA has commented that they will not be replacing them with local products.

Flag vandals FOUR people who climbed a skyscraper in Moscow to place the Ukrainian flag on its spire could be charged with vandalism. The flag was attached to the Seven Sisters building and stayed there for almost three hours.

Rocket tensions DESPITE escalating tensions between the two countries, two Russian built RD-180 rocket engines have been delivered to the US as previously agreed. NASA uses the engines to help the launch of an array of government satellites into space.

Convertibility problems AS part of a package of measures to prevent Moscow from making further aggressive moves in the Ukraine, the EU has proposed restricting the convertibility of the Russian ruble.

PRESS Unknown detention TWO German journalists were cuffed and jailed for three hours the day they arrived in the troubled suburb of Ferguson, St Louis. The police have given no reason for their arrest but the two journalists say it was for taking pictures.

Special session KATRIN GORING ECKHARDT, leader of the green party, has called for a special parliamentary session following the announcement that Germany is to break its rules and deliver weapons to an active conflict zone.

Drunken nap A PENSIONER in BadenBaden got a shock when she found a naked woman in her bed. Finding the front door open, the woman had wandered drunkenly into the house and decided to take a nap before going home.

Old bomb A SECOND World War, 500 kilo bomb had to be set off in a controlled detonation in the middle of the A-3 - one of Germany’s busiest traffic corridors - in the Frankfurt area. It left a 20 metre crater.

Ebola scare APPROXIMATELY 600 people were held for several hours in emergency quarantine conditions at a Berlin Job centre after a WestAfrican woman collapsed with a high fever and other Ebola symptoms. It turned out to be a stomach bug.

Doctor arrested BAVARIAN police have arrested a doctor under suspicion of drugging and abusing several medical test volunteers. A search of his home produced a massive amount of photographs showing the violation of at least four women.

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on YOUR business, bringing breaking deals, promotions and news on the day to YOUR online audience whilst increasing YOUR audience by linking into our social media sites. Together we are just a click away from increasing OUR online audience.

Stars shine on at La Sala THE stars keep on shining at La Sala Puerto Banus. The latest big-name act is 2012 X Factor finalist Chris Maloney, who will be playing live at the piano restaurant this Sunday and then again on Tuesday, September 30. Chris, who showed tremendous talent to reach the final, was mentored by Gary Barlow. To book a table at one of the coast’s most buzzing venues, call 952 814 145 or email

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



Dogs on the local beat LOCAL POLICE in Benalmadena have a new police dog unit. The dogs are to provide a support

service in operations aimed at clamping down on the illegal drugs trade and to participate in workshops

SALES POINTS: Police shut down 17 in July.

Malaga drugs sale points dismantled

THE National Police dismantled 17 points of sale for drugs in Malaga City in the month of July. A total of 33 people were detained for crimes against public health and drug trafficking. Officers also confiscated a total of €24,349 in cash as well as 203 grams of heroin, 77 grams of cocaine, 1,407 kilos of hashish, 991 grams of hashish and nine grams of ecstasy.

ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED: Gerry Coleman and Montana Elizabeth Patterson.

Congratulations to Montana and Gerry!

THE team at Euro Weekly News congratulate Montana Elizabeth Patterson and Gerry Coleman on their recent engagement. Montana, daughter of The Beat’s owner Debs, and Gerry, son of Gerry and


Izzy (Mijas Playa, Albert’s and so many other successful venues along the coast) announced their engagement yesterday. We would like to wish them and their adorable daughter, Sapphire, the very best for their future together.

at local schools to raise awareness among Benalmadena’s youth about the harmful effects of drug abuse. The dog unit, presented by Deputy Mayor and Security Councillor Concepcion Tejada, is made up of two German shepherds, named Jako and Kino, and a Belgian Malinois named Naff, which have been especially trained to sniff out hashish, marihuana, heroin, LSD and cocaine. The police dogs are to be deployed in areas like Puerto Marina, near schools and at meeting points for young people. Social Welfare Councillor Salido congratulated Tejada for making it possible for Benalmadena to have a police dog unit. “We have a programme to fight drug addiction and I would like to point out the importance of the role these dogs will play in combating illegal drugs trade in our municipality,” said Salido. “I would like parents to know that children will now be better protected against drug use thanks to these police dogs,” he remarked. Although the unit only has three dogs, there are plans to obtain and train more in the near future.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

A note from the


Still living on a different planet


HAT planet do they live on? Politicians, that is. A furore has been caused by official Ministry guidelines on how to avoid rape. Measures include having a whistle with which to summon help, avoiding using lifts if there is a stranger in them and sitting near the driver on empty buses. Campaigners on gender issues point out that this advice seems to put the blame for attacks on the victims rather than the perpetrators. Then to compound the controversy, Francisco Javier León de la Riva, the Partido Popular mayor of Valladolid, made comments on radio that appeared to denigrate women’s accusations of rape. He said that he would think twice before getting into a lift with a woman for fear of being falsely accused of rape. He was forced to apologise. This raises the wider issue of how

sexist is ‘macho’ Spain. Although women certainly have more freedom then they did a few decades ago, and there are many women in the professions, business and politics, old attitudes still persist. A woman’s place continues to be in the home for many, even when they work as well. It is women who have to look after the home and bring up the children, that is just the way it is. And for far too many men, women are still viewed as a possession. At its worst, that leads to the disgraceful toll of domestic violence in Spain. If a woman is ‘disobedient’ many men view it as only too natural to turn to violence, with appalling results. So far this year in Spain, 38 women have died at the hands of their partners or ex-partners. That will continue as long as StoneAge attitudes persist. Politicians should be trying to change those attitudes, not espousing them.


Mica Paris to play Joys Puerto Banus FOLLOWING the unprecedented revival of interest in music from the 90s, Puerto Banus’s famous Joys Live piano bar/ nightclub, on the seafront has booked the queen of soul and legendary vocalist Mica Paris to perform on September 24 and 25. EWN’s exclusive interview with Mica revealed a passionate woman whose talents reach far beyond her incredible vocal capabilities. Author, TV presenter and TV/theatre actress, Mica said she first visited Marbella about five years ago to open James Hewitt’s Polo House. She said she loved the Marbella social scene, which she likened to London: international, lively and very welcoming. She said she thoroughly enjoyed that trip and is looking forward to her return to perform at Joys. Mica will be showcasing two of her new songs, which she has just finished mixing and will be releasing through the Freemasons record label, plus all her

SOUL QUEEN: Mica Paris. greatest hits from the 90s. “The greatest inspiration for my songs is found in observations of life, people and relationships and in the stillness of observing these. There is an endless supply of ideas for my songwriting. I like to find ways to make things better. There’s a lot to be said for empathy and a good song


Torremolinos favourite TORREMOLINOS continues to be Andalucia’s most visited town during the summer months. It receives most of its national tourism from other places in the region followed by visitors from Madrid and Cataluña.

New road WORK is set to begin on the road to the future auditorium Felipe VI in Estepona. It will be 400 metres long and 15 metres wide and should be completed in the next two months.

can bring this out in people,” Mica said. She added that she believes in the transformational power of personal development. “Your inner self has to be on point so that what comes out creatively isn’t distorted,” she explained, adding that forgiveness has been one of her greatest life lessons. “I’ve also learned that actions should be based on working towards the greater good. Once you master that, life becomes really exciting and joyful. I absolutely love my life and live it fully. “Time is really precious. You should try to live every moment like it’s your last and believe in what really moves you.” Make sure you put September 24 and 25 in your diary, an unforgettable night is guaranteed.


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WE DO! 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol E W N



E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

Health service a real shock for pensioner DESPITE having always been more than happy with the Spanish health system, I feel duty bound to warn people of a most worrying occurrence. A neighbour of mine who has grave medical problems was sent by ambulance by the local clinic to El Toyo hospital. On presenting her social security card she and her friend were informed that her treatment would not be covered and that she would have to pay. The hospital did a scan and transferred her to Torre Cadenas hospital where the crisis was resolved. Currently back in Torre Cadenas, a registered letter arrived at her home address invoicing her for in excess of €600, covering two ambulance journeys, scan and observation. She has been a resident here for more than eight years and has ‘residencia.’ She is on the padron, is a pensioner, a tax-payer, registered disabled and in receipt of home help as authorised by the Spanish social worker. The bill she received claimed that if she didn’t pay in full within 15 days the money would be deducted from her bank account. Only threat of legal action by her friend, a fluent Spanish speaker, has averted this charge. Be warned! Obviously the economic situation in Spain is bad, but preying on and discriminating against vulnerable people is not to be tolerated, particularly when the British Government is paying into this country’s social security system on our behalf. Shelley Symonds, Carboneras (Almeria)

Double standards MANY years ago Mijas Town Hall took down the advertising billboards alongside the ‘carreteras’ because they were a distraction to the motorists. It seems that a change in policy has them erecting giant billboards along the same roadways, especially a most notorious stretch of double bends leading




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Letters for Your Say should be emailed to, posted to Euro Weekly News, C/Moscatel 10, P-62, Polígono Industrial, Arroyo de la Miel, 29631 Benalmadena, Málaga, Spain or faxed to 0034 952 440 887

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

Muslims. Therefore, according to the land whose symbol is ‘In God we trust,’ they are of no significance whatsoever. Or could it be a case of ‘the customer is always right?’ Jon Allso, Valencia

Same old story THIRTY-FIVE years ago I brought up three kids to a background of “He started it! No I didn’t! Yes you did!” There used to be a saying that you don’t poke a snake unless you can cope with the result. Now we hear the UK is sending taxpayers’ money to Gaza for humanitarian aid to terrorists who vow that Israel should not exist. As my late Father-in-law used to say, “The mind boggles!” Ziggy, Alhaurin el Grande (Malaga)

Free-for-all SOME hideous people are apparently abandoning black cats because they do not look good in selfies. Personally I prefer my own black cat to any selfish selfie . Deirdre Baxter (by email)

into La Cala de Mijas from Fuengirola (next to the chemist between the Oasis and Buganvillas urbanisations). This has taken lives in the past and caused many injuries in crashes. Does this now mean that they consider profit before safety? Terence Charles Bly (by email)

Long way round I AM faced with a quandary: do I sell my property in Mallorca or not? The reason for the quandary is the lack of direct flights from Glasgow after October. If you live north of Manchester there are no direct flights until March 2015. For the Christmas holiday period we are flying from Glasgow through London City airport to get to Palma. Do the Spanish not want any northern British to come and spend money here? Cyprus begins to look attractive since we can get flights there. Dr James Sommerville (by email)

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

Figure it out THE Arabs invented zero? Complete ignorant nonsense from the politically correct brigade. The concept of zero, along with true algebra and the 10 base (decimal) system was invented around 630AD by the Indian mathematician Bramagupta. Arabs trading with India referred to the decimal system as ‘Indian figures.’ The truth regarding all the rubbish spouted about Arab science, medicine, architecture is just that: rubbish. All these things

already existed in the RomanoGreek societies of the Middle East, North Africa and Spain and were stolen by the invading Muslims and claimed as their own. Desmond Johnson (by email)

Word play HOW fickle we are when it comes to defining freedom fighters and terrorists! In the Second World War the French resistance carried out heroic deeds against the Nazi occupying forces who had virtually made them prisoners in their own land. I imagine Adolph considered them to be terrorists. Ah! But we won. The Palestinians trapped in the Gaza strip with no hope for any kind of future fight back against the oppressors but they are (officially) terrorists not only according to the Israelis but also Nobel Peace prize winner Barack Obama. Personally, I can see no difference except these freedom fighter/terrorists are Arab

A FRIEND and I, chatting in English waiting in the x-ray department of our area’s Specialist centre, were approached by a woman with a bandaged leg. She looked like a tourist and wanted to know how to get hold of her x-ray plates. She was sent there by the local health centre after her ankle, twisted a couple of days earlier, had swelled alarmingly. She had been told to return with the x-ray results, she said. I went to the information desk and asked on her behalf, but learnt that doctors access x-rays online and plates are not usually developed. Off she went, slightly put out, as she was already irritated after having been warned by the Urgencias doctor not to put her weight on her foot. If she wanted to walk on it she should get crutches, she was advised. On asking for crutches, she was told to hire them from one of the many establishments specialising in this type of thing. It was a disgrace, she moaned. Now I was irritated: “Do you know how much a private x-ray and consultation would have cost you?” I asked. She shrugged and had the grace to look a little shamefaced. I think she’d already done pretty well out of our system, don’t you? (Name and address supplied)

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

PROPERTY Look no further for a home. 16-page special starts here...





E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Advertising feature

For the highest quality and a unique design Greenlife Estates is perfect


REENLIFE ESTATES SL has been promoting highest quality real estate developments of unique architectural design for more than 35 years and are well recognised and highly respected within the luxury property development and luxury property sales industry. They specialise in designing opulent residential complexes and villas, always under their own highly stringent, trademark protocols. For example Greenlife Estates only undertake construction on the very best and most desirable locations, always perfectly situated in ample spaces between green zones to allow residents to enjoy a feeling of space and the natural beauty of the Costa del Sol. Using their trademark, highly aesthetic designs and only the very best materials with no expense spared on quality finishings, Greenlife Estates SL

GREENLIFE: Specialise in luxury property developments. offer properties that continue to increase in value and appeal over time… offering the perfect investment opportunity for savvy buyers. Many clients wishing to resell properties they purchased through Greenlife Estates, return to avail of their professional and helpful support and often are found the perfect new home by the company as well as a top price for their old one. Since Puerto de Cabopino, their very first collaborative project on the coast in 1995, they have

gained experience, momentum and renown and have gone on to develop symbolic developments in Marbella such as Elviria Hills, Greenlife Village, Pueblo del Rio, La Trinidad and Imara, where the concept of combining tourist and residential complexes was born and flourished in their distinctive style. Elviria Hills for example, not only offers exceptional detail and quality, but also a nine hole, par three golf course, complete with a

golf club, driving range, golf and tennis school, plus two clay tennis courts, a gym, management service and a restaurant with a Michelin star which was awarded in 2005. Set amongst beautiful scenery with magnificent views, the Imara complex stands at the foot of

Marbella’s iconic La Concha Mountain. It offers the best of architectural design, timeless elegance and sensuality and is unmistakably eye-pleasing. Each of the apartments combines spaciousness, brightness and functionality and is a perfect example of Greenlife Estates’ hallmark style. Greenlife Estates cover all areas between Sotogrande and Cabopino and can be contacted with your requirements or queries at:, via their webpage at: or in their office located in the Elviria Hills urbanisation on: 952 831 248 or 618 640 435. Spanish, German and English are spoken and their office is open Monday to Thursday 09.00 until 18.00 and Fridays 09.00 until 15.00. Greenlife Estates Sl, Urb. Elviria Hills, Avda. las Cumbres s/n, 29604 Marbella

Sareb ends first half of 2014 with €1.6 billion in revenues SAREB closed the first six months of 2014 with an impressive €1.6 billion in revenues. As much as 74 per cent comes from both the sale

and management of financial assets and 26 per cent from real-estate assets, as reported by Sareb, government-owned company responsible for

the management of assets transferred by BFA-Bankia, Catalunya Banc, NGC Banco-Banco Gallero and Banco de Valencia. It acquires property development loans from Spanish banks in return for government bonds. Debt cancellation during the first half of 2014 added up to €1.6 billion. This year’s goal is to cancel €3 billion in debt, 50 per cent more than in 2013. Moreover, Sareb sold 8,104 properties until late June through retail channels and the target for 2014 is 11,000 properties. “Data confirms the strengthening of the management company as one of the major players in the real estate market,” said Sareb. CEO Jaime Echegoyen said that the data corroborates some of the economic recovery also felt in financial and real estate markets.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


CONSTRUCTION SECTOR: It rose by 7.0 per cent in second quarter.

Construction increasing CONSTRUCTION in Spain increased by 7 per cent in the second quarter of 2014. According to recent estimates made by Eurostat, the statistics office of the European Union, no other country in the EU increased its construction output like Spain thanks to a 7 per cent increase between April and June. In addition, Spain was also the fourth country in the EU with the sharpest increase in its construction output in June (+6.8 per cent). However, Spain saw a 2.9 per cent decline in its construction sector on a month-on-month basis compared to May and this represented the second largest

decline seen in the EU. Both in the EU and the Eurozone, construction output is said to have fallen by 0.6 per cent between April and June 2014, while it dropped by 0.5 per cent on a yearon-year basis in the EU and by as much as 2.3 per cent in the Eurozone. In monthly terms, the most substantial decreases in construction output were witnessed in Hungary (-7.5 per cent), Spain (-2.9 per cent), Romania (-2.6 per cent) and Slovakia (-2.3 per cent), while the largest increases were registered in Poland (+2.7 per cent), Germany (+1.2 per cent) and Czech Republic/UK (+1.1 per cent).

Property sales in Spain on the up PROPERTY sales in Spain have increased, though prices continue their downward trend. According to the latest data released by Spanish notaries, transactions in Spain have grown by 16 per cent compared to 2014. However, figures also indicate that property prices have dropped by 5.7 per cent. Despite that, real-estate experts agree that the Spanish property market will continue to recover. On the other hand, apartment sales increased by 11.6 per cent and the average square metre price is estimated at â‚Ź1,214, which represents a 5.7 per cent decrease when compared to 2013 and a 35.7 per cent price

SPAIN: Changes in tax laws have increased the number of property sales. drop compared to 2007. According to Spanish notaries, the increase in the number of sales is a result of changes in tax laws and a stabilisation of monthly sales. For instance, there was not a substantial difference

between the number of properties sold between January and June 2014 and the number of transactions in that same seven-month period in 2013, with 29,171 this year and 27,958 a year ago.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




e ur at fe


ng isi rt ve Ad

M P ro ar ww w. be Ma pe rty lla rb el la BOB CALLAN YOUR MARBELLA PROPERTY INSIDER Ma De ns io BARGAIN Beachside Villa Deal Carib Playa – Sea Views ns al .c



OUTDOOR SPACE: Pool and terrace.


ARBELLA property finder – Marbella property broker Bob Callan, who specialises in finding luxury property deals for discerning clients, says: “An opportunity has arisen to purchase a luxury beachside villa in Carib Playa, Marbella, with sea views, and priced to sell at €750,000,” and still open to offers for a quick sale. This luxury villa features marble floors, double glazing, air conditioning hot/cold, fitted wardrobes, Sat-TV and alarm. It is a very well furnished property with the option of purchasing the luxury furnishings separately. This renovated modern style villa, with stunning sea views, is located in the upmarket area of Carib Playa, East of Marbella. It is approximately 600 metres from some of the best sandy beaches and beachside chiringuitos Marbella has to offer. Nearby you will also find all facilities including supermarkets, golf courses and

LUXURY: Elegant, spacious lounge.

Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Built: 345m² Plot: 710m² Terrace: 95m²

OPTION: Furnishings can be purchased separately.

Priced To Sell At €750,000 And Still Open To Offers Contact Bob Callan For More Info On This Amazing Deal

FULLY EQUIPPED: Bright and airy luxury kitchen.

LOW MAINTENANCE: Pool area leads to a well-planted garden.

international schools. A bright entrance hall with large panoramic window, boasting stunning sea views, welcomes you to this exceptional bungalow-style villa. From the hallway you have access to a spacious, elegant

dining area gives access to a paved terrace with salt water pool and outstanding sea views. The 8x4m salt water pool area leads to the nicely planted, lowmaintenance garden. The sleeping area consists of three bedrooms and two

living room with a marble fireplace and wood burning fire. There are marble columns dividing the lounge from the dining area, behind which is a fitted kitchen with breakfast area. Leaving the lounge and

bathrooms on one bungalowstyle level. The fourth bedroom with bath is located on the lower level, which leads to a garage with space for three cars and also access to the utility and storage room.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




28 August - 3 September 2014 /Costa del Sol

business & legal


STAT OF WEEK SPAIN became the world’s eighth-largest agro-food exporter in 2013 and the sixth-most important in the EU. Total exports for last year reached a record €36.37 billion.

Work and family life MORE than 97 per cent of Spanish women work on parttime contracts. Many struggle to combine family responsibilities with the need to bring in money but find some companies are more accommodating than others. Repsol, which has 1,200 employees working from home,

is the best Spanish company in this respect and encourages teleworking, found an International Institute of Political Science survey. Dairy products company Leche Pascual came second for its teleworking scheme, flexi-hours and reduced working days. Vodafone was third, again

Freight train blues as sector shrinks SPAIN’S rail freight sector shrank by half in the last decade while Europe’s increased by 4 per cent. Progress is being hindered in a strategically important sector, say the country’s seven independent freight operators. They lay the blame squarely on state rail operator Renfe, which they accuse of disloyal competition since the 2006 deregulation. “Renfe Freight practises predatory and disproportionate price strategies that have plunged the sector into an untenable situation,” said Juan Diego Pedrero, director of the

Association of Private Railway Companies (AEFP). Despite multimillion losses these are offset by Renfe’s other operations, Pedrero complained. Renfe Freight had restricted the development of private sector operators, he said, allowing them to acquire only 20 per cent of the market since 2006. Neither was deregulation accompanied by better infrastructure, Pedrero continued. Spain’s track width is different, sidings are too short for foreign trains and timetables are incompatible with international logistics, he said.

thanks to flexi-hours but also for allowing more time for breastfeeding during the first year after giving birth. Spain’s worst employers for reconciling work and family life were Mediamarkt, followed by Tolsa, Port Aventura, Carrefour, Auchan and El Corte Ingles, the Institute found.


usiness extra

Employment opportunities ANYONE looking for a job should go to Madrid, the Basque Region or La Rioja, which have more employment opportunities than any other Spanish region found an Adecco survey.

Helping hand THE Judicial General Council agreed to provide extra judges for Vigo and La Coruña courts until December 31. They will deal with cases centring on mis-sold Nova Galicia Bank preference shares.

An open and shut case THE Spanish government has not advised Brussels of the possible reopening of the Garoña nuclear power station. The plant was closed down in December 2012 and formally decommissioned in July last year. Nuclenor, jointly owned by Iberdrola and Endesa, have now applied for an operating licence valid until 2031.

The Commission is aware of changes in Spanish legislation that allow an operator to apply for a new licence within a year of shutdown, said Energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger. Any decision now rests with the Spanish government acting on the recommendations of the Nuclear Safety Council (NSC), Oettinger explained.


HOME WORK: Some companies are more accommodating.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




C O M PA N Y PRICE(P) 3i Group PLC 387.00 Aberdeen Asset Mngmnt 426.50 Admiral Group PLC 1445.00 Aggreko PLC 1720.00 Anglo American PLC 1585.00 Antofagasta PLC 812.50 ARM Holdings PLC 938.50 Ashtead Group PLC 984.50 Associated British Foods 2831.50 AstraZeneca PLC 4280.00 Aviva PLC 519.00 Babcock International 1182.50 BAE Systems PLC 439.00 Barclays PLC 221.50 Barratt Developments 366.00 BG Group PLC 1180.00 BHP Billiton PLC 1940.00 BP PLC 481.00

C H A N G E ( P ) % C H G. 0.30 0.00 0.10 0.00 -1.00 0.00 -10.00 0.00 -17.00 0.00 -0.50 0.00 11.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 -11.00 0.00 6.50 0.00 -2.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 -2.70 0.00 2.00 0.00 3.20 0.00 8.00 0.00 -27.00 0.00 1.25 0.00

NET VOLUME 1,047.72 2,830.63 757.14 389.04 2,485.06 1,197.55 2,919.65 1,049.28 337.61 1,779.67 4,195.60 1,124.51 7,125.46 40,042.99 2,725.88 2,660.77 6,295.56 14,780.88

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Units per €

US dollar ....................................................................1.31911 Japan yen ...............................................................137.255 Switzerland franc ..............................................1.20887 Denmark kroner.................................................7.45535 Norway kroner....................................................8.15059 • Tel: +34 952 906 581 C O M PA N Y


British Amrcn Tobacco British Land Co PLC British Sky Broadcasting BT Group PLC Bunzl PLC Burberry Group PLC Capita PLC

3515.00 726.50 856.50 376.50 1449.50 1452.50 1205.00





C O M PA N Y MMM 3M Co AXP American Express Co T AT&T Inc BA Boeing Co CAT Caterpillar Inc CVX Chevron Corp CSCO Cisco Systems Inc DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil Corp GE General Electric Co GS Goldman Sachs Group Inc HD Home Depot Inc INTC Intel Corp IBM International Business Machine... JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase and Co MCD McDonald's Corp MRK Merck & Co Inc MSFT Microsoft Corp NKE Nike Inc PFE Pfizer Inc PG Procter & Gamble Co KO The Coca-Cola Co TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies Corp UNH UnitedHealth Group Inc VZ Verizon Communications Inc V Visa Inc WMT Wal-Mart Stores Inc DIS Walt Disney Co

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 144.13 88.88 34.50 127.46 107.31 127.11 24.65 65.86 98.50 26.15 175.47 91.03 34.94 190.41 103.10 58.49 94.45 59.17 45.15 79.29 28.92 83.39 41.12 93.75 109.39 83.78 48.64 216.09 75.73 90.49

-0.37 -0.26 -0.14 -0.04 -0.66 -0.82 -0.24 -0.44 -0.78 -0.28 +0.32 -0.12 -0.21 -0.82 -1.09 -0.01 -0.08 +0.32 -0.07 +0.35 +0.10 +0.11 -0.29 -0.19 -0.67 +0.01 -0.23 +0.34 +0.18 +0.11

-0.26% -0.29% -0.40% -0.03% -0.61% -0.64% -0.96% -0.66% -0.79% -1.06% +0.18% -0.13% -0.60% -0.43% -1.05% -0.02% -0.08% +0.54% -0.15% +0.44% +0.35% +0.13% -0.70% -0.20% -0.61% +0.01% -0.47% +0.16% +0.24% +0.12%

1.5M 2.8M 14.3M 2.4M 4.6M 3.2M 22.5M 2.8M 8.1M 22.8M 2.7M 6.9M 21.2M 1.9M 5.1M 10.2M 3.6M 5.2M 18.3M 2.9M 16.3M 7.0M 11.2M 1.4M 2.4M 2.1M 10.0M 1.8M 4.1M 4.8M




C H A N G E ( P ) % C H G. -18.00 -5.00 0.50 0.30 -9.00 -13.00 -6.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

NET VOLUME 1,281.23 2,099.90 2,833.79 10,420.38 507.95 1,638.57 956.94



$ 12.53 $ 13.31 $ 3.10 $ 133.36 $ 20.90 $ 2.0999 $ 11.20 $ 5.87 $ 43.66 $ 32.89 $ 2.04

4.84 ▲ 62.94% 1.63 ▲ 13.96% 0.37 ▲ 13.55% 15.61 ▲ 13.26% 2.17 ▲ 11.59% 0.1999 ▲ 10.52% 0.99 ▲ 9.70% 0.46 ▲ 8.50% 3.31 ▲ 8.20% 2.46 ▲ 8.08% 0.15 ▲ 7.94%

$ 8.31 $ 32.56 $ 31.52 $ 79.96 $ 2.43 $ 22.56 $ 16.77 $ 6.83 $ 5.19 $ 8.41 $ 9.80

0.56 ▼ 6.31% 2.02 ▼ 5.84% 1.90 ▼ 5.69% 4.49 ▼ 5.32% 0.13 ▼ 5.08% 1.17 ▼ 4.93% 0.83 ▼ 4.72% 0.33 ▼ 4.61% 0.25 ▼ 4.60% 0.39 ▼ 4.43% 0.44 ▼ 4.30%

Most Advanced Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. Cadiz, Inc. Celgene Corporation Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. TrueCar, Inc. Supertel Hospitality, Inc. The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Fresh Market, Inc. TOP Ships Inc.

Most Declined Commercial Vehicle Group, Inc. ZS Pharma, Inc. Constant Contact, Inc. World Acceptance Corporation EveryWare Global, Inc. Revance Therapeutics, Inc. Ltd. IntriCon Corporation Paragon Shipping Inc. Innocoll AG Aemetis, Inc


C O M PA N Y PRICE(P) Carnival PLC 2127.00 Centrica PLC 321.45 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1335.00 Compass Group PLC 973.00 CRH PLC 1415.00 Diageo PLC 1752.50 easyJet PLC 1320.00 Experian PLC 1030.00 Fresnillo PLC 930.50 Friends Life Group Ltd 315.50 G4S PLC 256.50 GKN PLC 345.00 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1432.50 Glencore PLC 361.00 Hammerson PLC 604.00 Hargreaves Lansdown 1152.50 HSBC Holdings PLC 644.00 IMI PLC 1315.50 Imperial Tobacco Group 2581.50 InterContinental Hotels 2350.00 International Consldtd ... 339.00 Intertek Group PLC 2777.00 Intu Properties PLC 306.20 ITV PLC 202.50 Johnson Matthey PLC 3025.00 Kingfisher PLC 306.50 Land Securities Group 1090.00 Legal & General Group 237.00 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 75.75 London Stock Exchange 1990.00 Marks & Spencer Group 434.50 Meggitt PLC 466.70 Mondi PLC 1005.00 Morrison (Wm) Sprmrkts 179.00 National Grid PLC 888.50 Next PLC 7005.00 Old Mutual PLC 192.50 Pearson PLC 1132.50 Persimmon PLC 1321.50 Petrofac Ltd 1129.00 Prudential PLC 1440.00 Randgold Resources Ltd 5000.00 Reckitt Benckiser Grp 5262.50 Reed Elsevier PLC 956.50 REXAM PLC 497.50 Rio Tinto PLC 3412.50 Rolls-Royce Holdings 1035.00 Royal Bank of Scotland 359.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 2512.50 Royal Mail PLC 443.00 RSA Insurance Group 430.00 SABMiller PLC 3225.00 Sage Group (The) PLC 398.00 Sainsbury (J) PLC 307.00 Schroders PLC 2337.50 Severn Trent PLC 1947.50 Shire PLC 4280.50 Smith & Nephew PLC 1028.00 Smiths Group PLC 1296.00 Sports Direct Internatinl 680.00 SSE PLC 1505.00 Standard Chartered PLC 1222.00 Standard Life PLC 372.00 St James's Place PLC 758.75 Tesco PLC 248.50 Travis Perkins PLC 1788.00 TUI Travel PLC 364.00 Tullow Oil PLC 711.00 Unilever PLC 2632.50 United Utilities Group 892.00 Vodafone Group PLC 205.00 Weir Group PLC 2592.00 Whitbread PLC 4357.50 Wolseley PLC 3190.00 WPP PLC 1254.00

CHANGE -1.00 -1.30 4.00 3.50 -22.00 -10.00 -5.00 -5.00 -16.50 0.40 1.90 -1.40 -5.00 -1.90 0.00 21.00 3.30 -5.00 -13.00 12.00 0.80 12.00 1.80 -0.40 18.00 -2.20 6.00 -0.40 1.01 24.00 -0.90 0.00 -11.00 1.40 -2.50 20.00 -0.20 3.00 7.00 0.00 6.50 -2.00 60.00 -1.50 -0.30 -40.50 -15.00 -2.70 -4.50 9.50 0.60 -10.50 0.30 -0.60 14.00 -17.00 -31.00 -6.00 9.00 -1.00 -23.00 0.50 -0.80 0.00 2.50 20.00 0.00 -5.50 -18.00 2.50 3.25 -25.00 -1.00 -8.00 -2.00

% C H G. VOLUME 0.00 463.88 0.00 5,325.14 0.00 317.89 0.00 1,770.28 0.00 1,758.59 0.00 1,586.18 0.00 1,314.31 0.00 1,481.90 0.00 959.37 0.00 3,205.07 0.00 5,539.35 0.00 4,753.04 0.00 5,372.01 0.00 19,521.16 0.00 1,499.09 0.00 520.79 0.00 54,321.38 0.00 318.63 0.00 1,096.40 0.00 384.31 0.00 6,313.91 0.00 204.17 0.00 1,140.79 0.00 7,442.84 0.00 176.34 0.00 5,394.29 0.00 1,201.20 0.00 12,020.90 0.00 128,366.50 0.00 535.45 0.00 2,092.07 0.00 1,086.95 0.00 626.34 0.00 5,134.16 0.00 4,434.18 0.00 215.48 0.00 11,073.97 0.00 1,586.98 0.00 714.09 0.00 837.87 0.00 3,705.65 0.00 242.49 0.00 817.58 0.00 2,688.84 0.00 1,308.10 0.00 2,602.97 0.00 3,993.15 0.00 6,904.65 0.00 2,193.71 0.00 1,764.48 0.00 2,320.88 0.00 1,064.62 0.00 1,995.38 0.00 3,937.76 0.00 516.15 0.00 364.25 0.00 1,631.48 0.00 2,479.52 0.00 621.46 0.00 564.55 0.00 2,868.85 0.00 3,724.23 0.00 2,786.54 0.00 524.68 0.00 17,348.20 0.00 429.54 0.00 1,507.49 0.00 1,614.44 0.00 1,380.98 0.00 1,314.67 0.00 93,343.97 0.00 310.96 0.00 278.07 0.00 762.72 0.00 2,430.67


28 August - 3 September 2014 /Costa del Sol



Lost cigarette duty going up in smoke CIGARETTE sales fell by 47 per cent in Spain over the last five years. Twenty-four per cent of the Spanish population aged over 15 admitted to the 2012 National Health Survey that they smoke each day, compared to almost 30 per cent in 2000. Partly this is due to the success of anti-smoking laws and greater awareness of the health risks involved. But increased tax on cigarettes, a steady source of income for governments everywhere, has done as much as either of the former to discourage smoking. A KPMG survey for leading cigarette companies found that 8.8 per cent of the cigarettes smoked in Spain are contraband. When added

to tobacco brought legally into the country by travellers, this means that no tax is paid on 11.3 per cent of all cigarettes smoked in Spain. That in turn means that the taxman loses out on €718 million a year. Meanwhile, low-cost brands account for 11 per cent of the market with best-selling makes like Elixyr, Golden America or Winfield costing between €3.95 and €4.10 for 20, compared to €4.8 charged for Marlboro over the counter or €4.95 from a machine. Cheaper lines were once overlooked by the big cigarette companies, but Altadis - formerly Spanishowned and now part of Imperial Tobacco - has seen sales of the relatively cheap Brooklyn brand soar.

CIGARETTE SALES: Have fallen by 47 per cent in Spain over past five years. Like Fortuna, they are made in Logroño at the last cigarette factory on the Spanish mainland; a further factory remains open in Cantabria although this manufactures cigars. In 2009, Altadis made and sold 2.5 million packets of Brooklyn - just 0.06 per cent of the Spanish market - worth €6.7 million. By 2013, this had

risen to 38.1 million packets with sales of €148.4 million and a market share of 1.6 per cent. The Logroño factory now employs 560 staff, compared with 650 in the past, prompting Altadis CEO Juan Arrizabalaga to admit that he “fears” for its future. Not from

the point of view of profitability, as it is one of the most productive Imperial Tobacco factories. What most worries Arrizabalaga are those changing habits: the market is shrinking, he explained to a Spanish interviewer, and Europe could soon need fewer factories.

An advertising spin… EXPORTS UP: Although foreign demand has slowed down.

No need to mind the gap SPAIN’S trade gap rose to €11.9 billion in the first six months of this year. That is twice as much as during the same period last year, the Economy ministry announced. Although exports increased by 0.5 per cent to €119.3 billion, an all-time high since records were first kept in 1971, imports totalled €131.1 billion. There has been a cutback in foreign demand in recent months, analysts explained, owing to an economic slowdown in Germany, France and Italy. Added to the continuing dispute with Russia, this

brought a 1.2 per cent reduction in exports in June. European ‘lethargy’ did little to assist exports, said junior Trade minister Jaime Garcia Legaz who admitted that if Europe failed to grow it would be difficult to reach the export levels of the preceding years. Despite the apparent slowdown last June was Spain’s second-best ever, he emphasised, with exports of €20.6 billion, compared to €15.6 billion at the onset of the economic crisis in 2008. The country’s exports had also remained stable.

THERE is no such thing as a guaranteed return on advertising. All you can do is set your stall out leaving every box ticked. The ability to catch on to something popular is often down to luck, but if you are not in the game you cannot win. Barely scratching a living, a young salesman was asked by his supplier if he was interested in selling hoops without sticks to propel them. Its purpose was explained to him: “You place it around your waist and by gyrating you keep it from falling. This was fun,” he was told. “It also slimmed the waist. The ladies would love it.” The salesman was cynical but added it to his wares. During his calls on retailers, he explained the purpose of the hoola-hoop. Few were interested until the novelty was

Talking shop Mike Walsh Mike Walsh was for 20 years Regional Assessment Manager for the Guild of Master Craftsmen, Britain’s biggest quality assurance body for businesses. • 966 786 932

demonstrated on TV. From that point on the country went wild for hoola-hoops. Shops couldn’t meet the demand. Imagination goes a long way. The HMV advert with the Jack Russell listening to its master’s voice was judged the world’s best advertisement. I recall two or three adverts that I saw as a child. Guinness was successful with their image of a toucan, a colourful tropical bird. “What one can do toucan do.” It sticks in the mind like 1950s Jaguar Cars; ‘Grace,

Space and Pace.’ Three simple words that sum up excellence and value for money. Idly glancing through LIFE magazine as a 16year-old, hardly a cheap magazine to advertise in, I was fixated by a blank page. A misprint? No, in small print at the bottom of the page a message: ‘We were just about to show you a picture of our millionth Volkswagen. Sorry, we just sold it.’ Can you do as well? Again and again we continue to do things the way we have always done them, even when they are not working as well as we hoped. If every business owner paid as much time pondering the criteria for a winning advert as he focuses on the pools or football fixtures, he might come up with an advert that rivals can only envy.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Record numbers FOREIGN tourist numbers to Spain were up 5.9 per cent in July year-on-year according to the Toursim Ministry. A record total of 8.3 million foreigners visited the country, it said.

New offer TELECOM ITALIA plans to outbid Telefonica for Vivendi’s Brazilian subsidiary Global Village Telecom (GVT). The Italian operator has offered €7 billion in a deal handing Vivendi a 20 per cent stake in Telecom Italia.

Pricey oil OLIVE oil prices could shoot up as a continuing drought in parts of the country hits crops. It has been forecast the olive yield could be 40 per cent lower than 2013.


Little sponges can benefit from some early financial absorption Loose change A look at finance for females

Jane Plunkett

ADULTS are always going on about how smart kids are. How many times have we heard about how young children just seem to absorb information like little sponges? Or how they remember things after it has only been mentioned once. Some kids, if brought up in a multi-linguistic household, are even capable of speaking two or more languages by the age of three. So why is it that when it comes to the matter of money many

parents avoid the topic and feel children just couldn’t get their little heads around the concept? According to research just out, however, if parents want to help kids gain a better grasp of money management, it’s essential to talk to them about cash. Apparently kids whose parents frequently talk about family finances feel smart and comfortable around money. The research reveals that kids who are educated about money matters are more prone to saving their own money so they can go to college. Kids whose parents frequently talk about setting financial goals say they are ‘savers,’ while kids whose parents frequently

Basis of AGM accounting Q. When we had an AGM with our lawyers we asked for a detailed You and the breakdown of the incoming monies, the Law in Spain same as the outgoing expenses. We were By David Searl told this is against Spanish law. I asked other lawyers locally and they are not aware of such a law. In accounting, if you have only a total with no detail, then monies could be removed from income and no one would know. Also, in your column in the EWN you said it is against the law for postal ballots to be permitted at an AGM. Does this also include email contacts? Our lawyers are trying to bring in a tick-box format for our next AGM instead of the usual sponsors system we have used in the past. A. G. H. (Costa Blanca) First, it is not lawyers who control your Community. It is the members’ vote at the AGM. The President and Administrator carry out the decisions made. Second, you should have a detailed breakdown of income as well as expenses. This is basic accounting. You must make a motion and vote at the next AGM. Make sure you get it on the official published Agenda beforehand. Third, good luck to your lawyers and their tick-box e-mails. I like the idea, but they will not be allowed. It is not a ‘sponsor’ system. It is a ‘proxy’ when a person assigns someone else to vote. Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.

discuss budgeting say they are very or extremely smart about money. Talking openly about money management to kids gives children confidence and the early financial education has a very positive impact on future money management. The bad news is, however, that

it appears parents are favouring boys over girls when it comes to financial matters. Some 58 per cent of boys say their parents talk to them

about setting financial goals, compared to 50 per cent of girls. And 80 per cent of parents with a boy think he understands the value of money, but only 69 per cent of parents with a girl think the same. But whether girls or boys, what’s vital is that all parents acknowledge the importance of discussing money with their kids at least once a week. Chose moments throughout the day to share some money management skills with kids; in the supermarket, at the cash machine, opening household bills no kid is too young to learn some of these things. MONEY TALK: Discuss with children.

‘Five-a-day’ could help beat Russian ban FRUIT and vegetable exports rejected by Russia will be withdrawn from the market and donated to charity. Brussels has also agreed to alleviate losses resulting from the Russian government’s 12-month veto of EU imports with a €125 million cash allocation. The ban arrived as fruit and vegetable production peaked and this will help to stabilise prices and compensate growers who lack storage options or alternatives to the now-closed Russian market. “All growers of the concerned products, whether in producer organisations or not, will be eligible to take up these market support measures,” said Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos. Grants will be made available between now and November, he announced. “The impact of Russia’s sanctions can be assessed in several ways,” Agriculture minister Isabel Garcia Tejerina recently told a radio interviewer. “We are analysing exports,” she said. “Last year we exported currently-affected products worth €337 million to Russia. Between January and May we are talking

FRUIT: Will be donated to charity. about €107 million.” What worried her most was a possible deterioration of EU prices, as they accounted for threequarters of the market: “That’s the market we must work to protect.” Russian consumers were going to miss ‘irreplaceable’ products, predicted Garcia Tejerina who also reminded Spaniards to eat their recommended ‘five-a-day.’ Both Spanish cooperatives and the EU farmers’ union Copa-Cogeca, while welcoming the European Commission’s response, warned that national funding would be needed in addition to EU funds.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Not deserving of a statue T

HOUGHT I’d leave out the Mid-East fiasco this issue, give a bit of time for the Nationals to catch up! So, in a week where we were told that Brussels is about to ban the sale of certain types of vacuum cleaner, lots of fatty foods are now miraculously good for us; Mariella Frostrup recommends taking someone else’s husband on holiday (wot!?) and Louise Mensch informed the media she’d rather see Ed Miliband eating a bacon sandwich than look at Karen Danczuk’s cleavage (no comment!) they’ve decided to erect a bronze statue to deceased songstress Amy Winehouse. Can anyone in God’s name tell me why? This was a young lady, with the good fortune to have been born with a considerable talent, who subsequently managed to squander it all, by leading a life of drugs abuse, alcoholism, and a sheer debauchery unequalled REAL DEAL: Churchill did merit a statue. by any other show biz


OR Sara Stilo of Black Frog Divers in Torrox, Axarquia, there is little foundation to the image of tourists often portrayed in the press. She said: “Regardless of what the tabloids say, I find that both British on holiday and those living here are really great. “The majority are relaxed, easy going and fun loving! They are great people to hang out with and I love their hilarious and unique sense of humour.” Shannon Edwards of Shannon’s Nails and Beauty in Almeria said: “I don’t think you can really generalise. There are good and bad tourists wherever you go but a lot can also depend on the area. Some areas attract different people looking for different scenes and sometimes that contributes to bad behaviour.” Laura Hepburn from Let’s Eat Restaurant in Benimar Commercial Centre on the Costa Blanca felt that a lot of the bad press Brits abroad receive is true. Working in a restaurant she says they regularly see drunken Brits when they lock up: “It’s a bit embarrassing to admit it, but it always seems to be the British you see stumbling around. Sara Stilo However, Laura



individual since Fatty Arbuckle. She was a terrible example to our young people and completely wasted her time on this earth in a way that was nothing short of pathetic. And some idiots want to preserve her legacy by erecting a (very expensive) statue in her memory? Give us a break. It was exactly the same situation with George Best. Best was another extremely lucky young man, born with a natural talent millions of young men would die for. And how does he thank his creator for this wonderful natural blessing? Sweeps it all away on a tsunami of drink and drugs also squandering a precious liver transplant en route. Alright, I am completely aware that alcoholism is a disease and we should perhaps feel a certain sympathy for people caught up in its clutches, but no one forced a bottle or a needle into these peoples’ arms or mouths, it was all initially a matter of their own choice and frankly I think

immortalising these talent wasters in bronze, is nothing short of a disgraceful reflection of the priorities held by certain members of our money squandering local council members. Actually this whole past month has been a bit of an ‘ealth and safety lunacy drive. No more than two children to an adult at swimming pools. Donkey rides banned from some beaches. Workers told they couldn’t wear open toed shoes in summer and, although nothing to do with ‘ealth and safety, a real humdinger in the light of Brussels’ appalling waste of taxpayers’ money. Specifically it has now been announced that Britain is to donate £1.6 million (€2.01 million) to fund bin collection on the Caribbean island of Cuba! I dunno, sometimes I really do despair of it all. Thanks for all the correspondence. Sorry we can’t publish all of them. I’m delighted to say - there simply isn’t enough space! Just had a thought. What about Leapy Lee immortalised in bronze somewhere? No? Ah well. Keep the faith. Love Leapy.

Don’t believe all you read Reading the British tabloid press, lurid tales of bad behaviour seem to follow Brits abroad. We asked if badly behaved tourists are as bad as they are made out to be…

STREET TALK does not think that affects expats living and making a living in Spain: “I don’t think it tars us all with the same brush at all.” Amanda from Amanda’s Restaurant on the sea front in Altea, Costa Blanca, said: “It is just a few Brits that give all of them a bad name.” Having spent years working in Benidorm, she said the town can be home to drunken holidaymakers. “Rules seem to go out of the window in Benidorm and I think all inclusive hotels have a lot to answer for as holidaymakers over indulge and drink too much thinking it is all free. That is also then detrimental to other businesses as people don’t then leave the hotels and visit local bars and restaurants.”

Alan White from Euro Dog on Mijas Costa said: “When the British get bad publicity it’s always the minority letting down the majority. Then we are all unfortunately tarred with the same brush. British expatriates living in Spain are in general a very positive part of the community LAURA from Let’s Eat here.”



Shannon’s Nails and Beauty


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Neighbourhood Blues 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Animal Saints and Sinners 12:45pm Fake Britain 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 8:50am Animal Park 9:20am Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 10:00am Escape to the Continent 11:05am Gardeners' World 11:35am HARDtalk 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm BBC World News 1:00pm Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain 1:30pm Climbing Great Buildings 2:00pm Breakaway 2:45pm Cash in the Attic

ITV 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm The Chase 2:30pm ITV News and Weather Mary Nightingale with the latest headlines from around the world.

CH4 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am The Big Bang Theory 12:00pm Come Dine with Me 12:30pm Come Dine with Me 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:10pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Phil Spencer: Secret Agent

CH5 8:35am Thomas and Friends 8:50am Noddy in Toyland 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Toby's Travelling Circus 9:45am Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00am Tickety Toc 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm On the Yorkshire Buses 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours

THURSDAY TV SKY 1 6:30am Airline USA 7:00am The Real A&E 7:30am The Real A&E 8:00am Dog Squad 8:30am Dog Squad 9:00am Futurama 9:30am Futurama 10:00am Futurama 10:30am Futurama 11:00am Hector and the Search for Happiness Special 11:15am Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder 1:00pm Got to Dance 2:30pm Million Dollar Arm

3pm 3:15pm Perfection 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:30pm Hairy Bikers' Meals on Wheels Back on the Road 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

3:15pm The Chef's Protege 3:45pm Celebrity MasterChef 4:30pm Coast 5:15pm Britain by Bike 5:45pm Great British Railway Journeys

3:00pm Judge Rinder

6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Athletics

6:00pm Gift Wrapped 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Tonight: The Food We Eat

6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News

9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Harbour Lives 10:00pm Prom Crazy: Frocks and Ferraris 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm The Cube

9:00pm Location, Location, Location 10:00pm Stammer School: Musharaf Finds His Voice 11:00pm First Time Farmers

Studio courtroom show where criminal barrister Robert Rinder rules on real life cases.

4:00pm Secret Dealers 5:00pm Tipping Point

3:40pm Countdown 4:30pm Deal or No Deal 5:30pm Win it Cook it What dish would you make with cheese triangles, turkey rashers and a tortilla wrap?

3:15pm NCIS US drama following the navy's dedicated federal agency.

4:10pm The Other Wife

3:00pm The Simpsons 3:30pm The Simpsons 4:00pm Football's Funniest Moments 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders

Includes sport and weather.

6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm The Railway: First Great Western

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm Burned Alive: Anatomy of a Murder 10:00pm Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm Suspects

9:00pm Modern Family 9:30pm Modern Family 10:00pm Glee 11:00pm Stella

9pm 9:00pm DIY SOS The Big Build 10:00pm Who Do You Think You Are? 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Motorway Cops

10:00pm Natural World Wildlife documentary.

11:00pm Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad 11:30pm Newsnight

Fly-on-the-wall-style crime drama series focusing on the work of three London detectives.

12am 12:35am The Hunted Tough action thriller starring Tommy Lee Jones. 2:05am Holiday Weatherview Detailed weather forecast. 2:10am BBC News

12:20am Horizon 1:20am Melvyn Bragg's Radical Lives 2:20am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

12:40am Benidorm 1:30am Jackpot247 Join the presenters live and play roulette on your telly. 4:00am Tonight: The Food We Eat 4:25am ITV Nightscreen Textbased information service. 5:15am Britain's Best Bakery

12:00am Star Paws: The Rise of Superstar Pets 1:05am Worst Place to be a Pilot 2:00am One Born Every Minute USA 2:50am The Hoarder Next Door 3:45am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses 4:40am Time Team Special 5:35am Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking

12:00am Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 1:00am Super Casino 4:10am The Royals 5:00am Nick's Quest 5:20am The Great Artists 5:45am House Doctor

12:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 3:00am Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 4:00am Road Wars 5:00am Stargate Atlantis







8:00pm Snog, Marry, Avoid? 8:30pm Snog, Marry, Avoid? 9:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 10:00pm Comedy Fest Live 2014 11:00pm Cuckoo 11:30pm Siblings 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am Family Guy 1:10am Family Guy 1:30am Cuckoo 2:00am Siblings 2:30am EastEnders 3:00am Comedy Fest Live 2014 4:00am Cuckoo 4:25am Siblings

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm BBC Proms Masterworks 10:10pm A History of Britain by Simon Schama 11:10pm Francesco's Italy: From Top to Toe 12:10am Everyday Miracles: The Genius of Sofas, Stockings and Scanners

1:10am King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons 2:10am Al Murray's Great British War Movies 3:10am The Cricklewood Greats 3:55am A History of Britain by Simon Schama

11:25am The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:25pm Emmerdale 12:55pm Coronation Street 1:25pm You've Been Framed! 1:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:00pm The Millionaire Matchmaker 3:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:05pm The Real Housewives of Atlanta 7:00pm Dinner Date 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Wonderful World of the X Factor 10:00pm Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 12:20am The Magaluf Weekender

10:30am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:25am Judge Judy 11:55am Judge Judy 12:20pm A Touch of Frost 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:00pm The Royal 4:05pm Hamish Macbeth 5:15pm Barbara 5:50pm Duty Free 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm Blue Murder 12:40am Cracker

9:05am Police, Camera, Action! 9:35am Kojak 10:40am Magnum, P.I. 11:40am The Sweeney 12:40pm Alias Smith and Jones 1:45pm The Professionals 2:50pm Cycling 3:50pm Kojak 4:50pm Magnum, P.I. 5:55pm The Sweeney 6:55pm Alias Smith and Jones 8:00pm Cheers 8:30pm UEFA Europa League Live 11:00pm Cycling 12:00am Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

5:00pm Rude(Ish) Tube 5:30pm Rude(Ish) Tube 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm How I Met Your Mother 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm Suburgatory 10:30pm The Inbetweeners 11:00pm Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy 2: Tales From Painted Hawaii 11:35pm The IT Crowd 12:10am New Girl




Professor Mark Miodownik continues his odyssey of the stuff of modern life.

SKY MOVIES Action 7:15am Stealth 9:25am Tombstone 11:40am Appaloosa 1:45pm The Last Samurai 4:25pm The Fast and the Furious 6:15pm 2 Fast 2 Furious 8:10pm The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Teenage car-racing addict Sean is sent to live with his dad in Tokyo.

10:00pm The Fast and the Furious 11:50pm 2 Fast 2 Furious Former LA cop Brian now makes his living driving in illegal street races in Miami.

1:45am The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 3:35am The Last Boy Scout 5:25am Point Last Seen

6:30am Turbo: Sky Movies Special 7:00am Lola Versus 8:35am Our Idiot Brother 10:10am Best in Show 11:50am Grown Ups 2 1:40pm Wedding Crashers 3:45pm Look Who's Talking Now! 5:30pm 10 Years 7:20pm Our Idiot Brother 9:00pm Grown Ups 2 10:50pm Wedding Crashers 1:00am In a World... 2:45am Mr Woodcock 4:20am The World's End Special A special look at the comedy from the creators of Shaun of the Dead.

4:50am Feels So Good

7:10am The Mean Machine 9:15am Hustle and Flow 11:15am Flesh and Bone 1:25pm Captain Phillips 3:45pm Pride and Glory 6:00pm The Mean Machine 8:05pm Bullitt 10:00pm Captain Phillips 12:15am Pride and Glory 2:30am Falling Down Things become too much for a reserved father as life's annoyances push him to breaking point.

4:25am Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead Ex-gangster Andy Garcia is forced into a final job for former boss Christopher Walken, but taking it on proves to be the biggest mistake he's ever made.

7:45am Free Samples A disillusioned law student mans an ice cream truck for the day as she bids to sort her life out.

9:10am Dead Poets Society 11:20am Best Man Down 1:00pm Now is Good 2:45pm One Fine Day 4:40pm Austenland 6:20pm Les Miserables 9:00pm Cruel Intentions 10:45pm 50 First Dates 12:30am Being Flynn 2:20am Surviving Christmas At Christmas, rich loser Drew takes a nostalgic trip out to his old family house.

4:00am Les Miserables Special 4:30am Dead Poets Society



6:30am Saving Mr. Banks Special 7:00am The Last Keepers 8:35am Enough Said 10:15am The Washington Snipers 12:00pm The Last Keepers 1:45pm Enough Said 3:30pm Baggage Claim 5:15pm Thor: The Dark World 7:15pm The Last Keepers

7:15am Gunsmoke 8:15am Gunsmoke 9:15am Tarzan and The Huntress 10:35am Tarzan and the Lost Safari 12:10pm Fort Dobbs 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm The Left-Handed Gun 5:55pm Charro! 7:50pm I Died a Thousand Times 10:00pm Band of Brothers 11:30pm Band of Brothers 12:40am City Slickers 2:40am The Girl 4:10am City Slickers

A teenage outcast discovers she has extraordinary powers in this charming family fantasy.

9:00pm Thor: The Dark World 11:00pm Baggage Claim 12:40am Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero 2:20am The Washington Snipers 4:00am Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero 5:40am The Internship Special


ALLEGED CLAIMS: According to law, people are innocent until proven guilty.

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



British justice or a celebrity witch-hunt

Nora Johnson

Breaking Views A Costa del Sol resident for a number of years, Nora is the author of psychological suspense and crime thrillers. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

WITH yet another celebrity being fingered - the 73year-old Cliff Richard - over an alleged assault dating back to the 1980s, you have to ask yourself when is this celebritytargeting going to end? So far, we’ve had Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris, Freddie Starr, Gary Glitter, Jim Davidson, Dave Lee Travis, Bill Roache and PR chief, Max Clifford. What a roll call! Whilst I don’t condone what Cliff Richard or his fellow celebrities might be accused of, I do have some

problems with the handling of investigations. First off, the lack of anonymity given to those faced with historical sexual offence claims. According to common law, people are innocent until proven guilty, and they should be entitled to anonymity, at least until a court orders otherwise. When the mere fact of an arrest (which the police and the tabloids have every interest in widely publicising) can effectively kill someone’s career, the balance is in the wrong place. It’s simply wrong and flies in the face of justice for their accusers to be able to make, anonymously, public accusations. In Cliff Richard’s case, David Crompton, Chief Constable of South Yorkshire police, has been

fingered himself over his handling of the criminal inquiry. His officers tipped off the BBC about an imminent search of the singer’s Berkshire home - a search that may have been illegal. David Davis, the Tory MP, said the force should not have confirmed Richard’s identity to the BBC: “It lays the process of law and order open to becoming a machinery for injustice.” Geoffrey Robertson QC called for an independent inquiry, accusing the police of “treating Cliff Richard as though he were a bank robber or a mass murderer.” Why were the police searching Richard’s home anyway? The alleged incident took place almost 200 miles away in the 1980s. And we all know how

hard it is to convict someone beyond reasonable doubt decades later. It’s been claimed that so much has been spent investigating historical sexual offence claims that there’s insufficient funding left for current cases. Would the police be pursuing these individuals if they weren’t celebrities? Is there maybe here a bit of envy of the ‘rich and famous’ and the perception that their reputations should be trashed long before the case reaches a courtroom?

Nora Johnson’s thrillers Retribution, Soul Stealer, The De Clerambault Code ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.89; £0.77) and iBookstore. Profits to Cudeca.

Establishing radio communications In the first of a new series of columns Euro Weekly News welcomes Nicole King of Mi Marbella radio…


HEY say Spain is different, but that’s not true – it’s very different. And Marbella? Well, we’re off the charts different; the very fact that 137 different nationalities call this home and live in harmony is unique in itself. This is exactly what brought me back from Madrid to Marbella when the crisis hit Spain a few years ago. Why look abroad when Marbella’s 27-kilometre stretch of coastline puts the whole world at our feet and infinite opportunity on our doorsteps? Whilst studying the local market many things became apparent, one of them being that Marbella, under the guidance of Mayor Angeles Muñoz and her team, offers limitless possibilities for social and economic exchange and growth. As my dad always used to say: “It’s not what you know and it’s not who you know that matters, it’s who knows you!” And I believe that our relatively small community will benefit greatly by getting to know each other better, by forming closer relationships, between ourselves and our town hall and by pooling our talents. Another thing became clear; a radio programme is an excellent showcase to share information about a business,

Viva Marbella... With

Nicole King of Mi Marbella radio association, group or club and to connect with new prospective clients, associates or just friends. It’s also an ideal vehicle for our town hall to further communicate with us and understand our needs, and makes for not only great and varied interviews but will undoubtedly open many new doors. The town hall and RTV Marbella have embraced the idea, as has everyone who loves Marbella as we do. They too see the enormous potential of creating a direct line of two-way communication for a better mutual understanding. To this end, together with the help of Myra Azzopardi Swainson, Founder and President of C.A.B. and paralegal with over 30 years of experience on the coast, we will ensure you get the right answers to matters such as how to sign up on the town census ‘empadronamiento’, renew a driving licence, local voting procedures, local laws,

WORKING TOGETHER: The town hall and RTV Marbella. tax, inheritance, building permits, healthcare options; anything that concerns you and is of interest. Roz James of will be a regular guest to help keep us updated on ‘What’s On’ and all local events. Local personalities such as Kristina Szekely and German Borrachero will be popping in to chat about the Marbella cultural and social scene and so much more! But the star of the show, is you: Mi Marbella is your Marbella, so I hope that

you’ll tune in locally to 107.6 fm from Wednesdays to Fridays, or worldwide online at as of 3.30pm. (Also transmitting for the Manilva/La Duquesa area thanks to Castle Radio on 89.2 fm). You can email your thoughts, feedback or interview requests to MiMarbella, and follow us on Facebook: & Twitter @_NicoleKing.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Neighbourhood Blues 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Animal Saints and Sinners 12:45pm Fake Britain 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 8:50am Animal Park 9:20am Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 10:05am The Big Allotment Challenge 11:05am First Time on the Front Line 11:35am The Travel Show 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm BBC World News 1:00pm Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain 1:30pm Climbing Great Buildings 2:00pm Breakaway 2:45pm Cash in the Attic

ITV 6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm The Chase 2:30pm ITV News and Weather


CH4 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am The Big Bang Theory 12:00pm Come Dine with Me 12:30pm Come Dine with Me 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Phil Spencer: Secret Agent

CH5 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Toby's Travelling Circus 9:45am Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00am Tickety Toc 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm Cowboy Builders 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours

SKY 1 6:00am Airline USA 6:30am Airline USA 7:00am The Real A&E 7:30am The Real A&E 8:00am Dog Squad 8:30am Dog Squad 9:00am Futurama 9:30am Futurama 10:00am Futurama 10:30am Futurama 11:00am Got to Dance 12:30pm Got to Dance 2:00pm Got to Dance

3pm 3:15pm Perfection 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:30pm Hairy Bikers' Meals on Wheels Back on the Road 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

3:15pm The Chef's Protege 3:45pm Celebrity MasterChef 4:30pm Coast 5:15pm Britain by Bike 5:45pm Great British Railway Journeys

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Secret Dealers 5:00pm Tipping Point

6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Young Vets

9:00pm Mastermind 9:30pm Sweets Made Simple 10:00pm The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 10:30pm Gardeners' World 11:00pm The Perfect Morecambe and Wise 11:30pm Newsnight

3:40pm Countdown 4:30pm Deal or No Deal 5:30pm Win it Cook it

3:20pm NCIS

6:00pm Gift Wrapped 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street

6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News

6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm On the Yorkshire Buses

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm Got to Dance

9:00pm Harbour Lives 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Doc Martin 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm The Invention of Lying

9:00pm The Million Pound Drop 10:00pm Micky Flanagan: Back in the Game 11:00pm The Last Leg

9:00pm Marston's Brewery: One Ale of a Job! 10:00pm Celebrity Big Brother 11:35pm Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side

9:20pm Got to Dance 10:00pm A League of Their Own 11:00pm 50 Ways to Kill Your Mammy

US drama following the navy's dedicated federal agency.

4:20pm Blind Trust

3:30pm The Simpsons 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm Modern Family 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport

9pm 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Scrappers 10:00pm Boomers 10:30pm Big School 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Outnumbered

The award-winning gang show that takes a joyful, offbeat look at the world.

11:50pm Virtually Famous

Tag along with Irish presenter Baz Ashmawy and his lovely mammy Nancy as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime. First stop is Las Vegas, followed by LA.

12am 12:05am Would I Lie to You? 12:35am EastEnders Omnibus A chance to catch up on the week's drama in Albert Square. 2:30am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather forecast. 2:35am BBC News

12:05am Reading Festival Highlights 1:35am The Secret History of Our Streets The stories of archetypal streets in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. 2:35am This is BBC Two

1:30am Jackpot247 Join the presenters live and play roulette on your telly. 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 4:40am ITV Nightscreen Text-based information service.

12:40am Scary Movie 2 2:00am Anna and Katy 2:30am The Inbetweeners USA 2:55am Desperate Housewives 3:35am Revenge 4:20am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses 5:15am The Hoarder Next Door

12:35am Celebrity Big Brother 1:15am Super Casino 4:05am Celebrity Big Brother 5:20am The Great Artists 5:45am House Doctor

12:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 3:00am Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 4:00am Road Wars 5:00am Stargate Atlantis







8:00pm Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth be with You 8:45pm Doctor Who 10:00pm Cuckoo 10:30pm Siblings 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Josh 12:15am Family Guy 12:40am Family Guy 1:00am Family Guy 1:25am Comedy Fest Live 2014 2:20am Cuckoo 2:50am Siblings 3:20am Sexy Beasts

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Friday Night at the Proms 10:00pm Blondie's New York... And the Making of Parallel Lines 10:50pm Blondie @ Glastonbury

11:25am The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:25pm Emmerdale 12:55pm Emmerdale 1:25pm You've Been Framed! 1:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:00pm The Millionaire Matchmaker 3:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:05pm The Real Housewives of Atlanta 7:00pm Dinner Date 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm The X Factor: Your Top Ten 10:00pm The Matrix 12:45am The Magaluf Weekender

10:50am Judge Judy 11:15am Judge Judy 11:40am A Touch of Frost 1:55pm Heartbeat 3:00pm The Royal 4:00pm Hamish Macbeth 5:05pm Barbara 5:40pm On the Buses 6:15pm On the Buses 6:50pm Heartbeat 7:50pm Murder, She Wrote 8:55pm Wycliffe 10:00pm The Great Train Robbery 11:00pm Blue Murder 12:35am Cracker

9:40am Kojak 10:40am Magnum, P.I. 11:40am The Sweeney 12:40pm Alias Smith and Jones 1:45pm The Professionals 2:50pm Cycling 3:50pm Kojak 4:55pm Magnum, P.I. 5:55pm The Sweeney 6:55pm Alias Smith and Jones 8:00pm Cycling 9:00pm Storage Wars 9:30pm Storage Wars 10:00pm Casino Royale 12:40am Spy Game

3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Melissa and Joey 4:30pm Melissa and Joey 5:00pm Rude(Ish) Tube 5:30pm Rude(Ish) Tube 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Suburgatory 9:00pm How I Met Your Mother 9:30pm How I Met Your Mother 10:00pm Die Hard 4.0 12:40am Rude Tube



The Friday lunchtime set at the festival by legendary New York group Blondie.

11:45pm Synth Britannia 1:15am Blondie's New York... And the Making of Parallel Lines 2:05am Blondie @ Glastonbury The Friday lunchtime set at the festival by legendary New York group Blondie.

3:00am Synth Britannia

SKY MOVIES Action 5:25am Point Last Seen 7:00am Excalibur 9:30am Dante's Peak 11:25am The Peacemaker 1:35pm Assault on Precinct 13 3:35pm A Good Day to Die Hard 5:20pm Batman Begins 7:50pm The Day After Tomorrow 10:00pm A Good Day to Die Hard 11:45pm Batman Begins 2:10am Crank 3:45am Ghosts of Mars 5:30am Sam Churchill: Search for a Homeless Man

Comedy 6:30am Oz the Great and Powerful: Premiere Special 7:00am The Hot Flashes 8:45am Notting Hill 10:50am The Man 12:15pm This is the End 2:05pm Ali G Indahouse 3:35pm Nacho Libre 5:10pm Napoleon Dynamite 6:50pm Notting Hill 9:00pm This is the End 11:00pm Ali G Indahouse 12:35am The Man 2:05am Boat Trip 3:45am Caddyshack 5:25am Napoleon Dynamite

6:25am Loss of Faith 8:05am Bad Company 10:15am Argo: Sky Movies Special 10:35am Derailed 12:35pm 96 Minutes 2:25pm Runner Runner 4:10pm Bad Company 6:20pm Brake 8:05pm Derailed 10:00pm Runner Runner 11:35pm Training Day 1:40am Basic Instinct 3:50am Out of Sight Sexy crime caper based on the novel by Elmore Leonard, with terrific chemistry between stars G Clooney and J Lopez.

6:45am The Top Ten Show 2014 7:00am Giant 10:20am Under the Tuscan Sun 12:20pm Gorillas in the Mist 2:35pm Sleepless in Seattle 4:25pm Lincoln 7:05pm Forces of Nature 9:00pm Sleepless in Seattle 11:00pm Shirley Valentine 1:00am Dangerous Minds 2:50am Victim A young criminal rethinks his life when he falls for a country girl who has moved to London.

4:30am Les Miserables Special 5:00am Paradise, Hawaiian Style



6:00am Pacific Rim: Sky Movies Special 6:30am Fast and Furious 6 Special 7:00am Decoding Annie Parker 8:45am Baggage Claim 10:30am Magic Magic 12:15pm Violet and Daisy 2:00pm The Last Keepers 3:45pm Baggage Claim 5:30pm Gravity 7:15pm Decoding Annie Parker 9:00pm Gravity 10:45pm Violet and Daisy 12:30am Magic Magic 2:15am Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero 4:00am The Last Keepers 5:45am The Internship Special

7:55am Gunsmoke 9:00am Gunsmoke 10:05am Charro! 11:55am The Left-Handed Gun 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Good Day for a Hanging 5:40pm Bad Men of Tombstone 7:10pm The Oklahoman 8:45pm Navy Bound 10:00pm Band of Brothers 11:10pm Band of Brothers 12:30am McQ 2:35am Timecode 4:15am Terry Wogan Presents the Very Best of the Ed Sullivan Show


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



Advertising feature

Megacall is a global leader in cutting-edge telecommunications


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Advertising feature

Don’t be confused - trust Robsat


INCE the change of the Astra 2 satellite back in February 2014, there has been a lot of confusion as to which alternative system is best. A high percentage of the expatriate community have been more than perturbed about losing their favourite British TV channels or having to pay through the teeth to keep them. Robsat based in Alhaurin el Grande have a wealth of experience to keep you reliably connected. They have been installing and supplying satellite TV for over a decade and cover all of the Costa del Sol including inland areas. They have extensive knowledge of all satellite and IPTV systems and are happy to explain the best option for you. No Internet? Even if you don’t have an internet signal at home or in your office or

ROBSAT: Have a wealth of experience to keep you reliably connected.

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E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30pm The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 1:00pm BBC News 1:05pm Weather The latest weather information. 1:10pm Football Focus 1:50pm Saturday Sportsday 2:00pm Bargain Hunt Game show in which two teams compete for the best bargains before they go up for auction.

BBC TWO 7:00am Odette 8:50am Stage Struck 10:25am Living Planet 11:20am Living Planet 12:15pm Great British Railway Journeys Documentary series in which Michael Portillo travels the length and breadth of the country by train. 12:45pm Great British Railway Journeys 1:15pm Rowing

ITV 7:00am CITV 9:25am ITV News 9:30am Weekend 10:25am The Hungry Sailors Dick and James Strawbridge sail around Britain to discover fantastic food. 11:25am Murder, She Wrote Drama series about a sleuthing writer who solves murder mysteries. 12:20pm ITV News and Weather 12:30pm Columbo 2:25pm Peter Andre's 60 Minute Makeover

CH4 7:05am The Hoobs 7:30am Transworld Sport 8:25am Mobil 1 The Grid 8:55am The Morning Line 9:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:25am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:50am Frasier 11:20am Frasier 11:50am The Big Bang Theory 1:05pm The Simpsons 2:10pm Gadget Man 2:40pm Channel 4 Racing

CH5 6:10am House Doctor 6:35am House Doctor Home improvement series that works its magic on neglected homes. 7:00am Milkshake! 11:00am Access 11:10am Police Interceptors Documentary series profiling the work of a highspeed police interception unit in Essex. 12:10pm Police Interceptors 1:10pm Burning Hills


SKY 1 7:00am All Aboard: East Coast Trains 8:00am Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew 9:00am The Fantasy Football Club 10:00am The F1 Show 11:00am Soccer A.M. 1:00pm World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars WWE Superstars brings you matches involving wrestlers from both Raw and Smackdown. 2:00pm Got to Dance

3pm 3:00pm Escape to the Country 4:00pm Youth Olympics Highlights All the latest highlights from the Youth Olympics.

5:00pm Final Score

5:10pm Come Dine with Me

4:00pm The Man in the White Suit 5:20pm Coast

3:25pm Weekend Escapes with Warwick Davis 3:55pm Tipping Point 4:55pm I Never Knew That About Britain 5:25pm King Ralph

6:00pm Natural World

7:20pm Local News and Weather

3:15pm Alec Guinness Talking Pictures A compilation of TV clips featuring Alec Guinness.

First to host in Salisbury is Natasha Conti, who's laying on a 'summer fete', complete with hilarious prizes, and has asked her guests to dress in country casuals.

3:00pm Guns of the Magnificent Seven Action and adventure film.

5:05pm Rio Bravo

3:50pm Got to Dance 4:30pm Modern Family 5:00pm Modern Family 5:30pm Modern Family

6pm 6:20pm BBC News 6:30pm Regional News 6:35pm Weather 6:40pm Pointless 7:30pm Tumble 8:45pm Doctor Who

8:00pm Cricket on 5

6:00pm Modern Family 6:30pm The Simpsons 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

7:00pm Flog It! 8:00pm Proms Extra 8:45pm Dad's Army

7:30pm ITV News and Weather 7:45pm The Chase 8:45pm The X Factor

6:10pm Come Dine with Me 7:15pm Come Dine with Me 7:40pm Channel 4 News 8:10pm Sarah Beeny's Double Your House for Half the Money

9:15pm Ancient Egypt: Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings 10:15pm Andrew Marr's Great Scots: The Writers Who Shaped a Nation 11:15pm QI XL

10:00pm Through the Keyhole 11:00pm ITV News and Weather

9:05pm Grand Designs 10:10pm Lockout

12:00am TOTP2 1:00am Marnie 3:05am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

1:30am Jackpot 247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Jeremy Kyle presents the American version of his popular talk show. 4:40am Nightscreen

12:00am The Accused 2:05am Sean Lock: Lockipedia Live 3:00am The Last Leg 3:45am Homeland 4:40am Hollyoaks Omnibus

12:10am Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Psych 1:10am Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heart-thumping casino experience every night. 4:10am Celebrity Big Brother 5:00am House Doctor

12:20am Hawaii Five-0 1:20am Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 2:20am A Touch of Cloth 3:10am Road Wars 4:00am Road Wars 5:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse







8:00pm Great Movie Mistakes 9:00pm World's Craziest Fools 9:30pm Top Gear 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm Russell Howard's Good News 12:00am Family Guy 12:22am Family Guy 12:44am Family Guy 1:06am Family Guy 1:28am Family Guy 1:50am Family Guy 2:12am Family Guy 2:35am Sexy Beasts 3:05am Comedy Fest Live 4:00am Russell Howard's Good News

8:00pm Human Planet

12:15pm Take Me Out 1:30pm You've Been Framed! 2:00pm You've Been Framed! 3:05pm The X Factor 4:05pm The X Factor 5:10pm The X Factor 6:10pm Wonderful World of the X Factor 7:10pm The X Factor: Your Top Ten 8:15pm Jurassic Park III 9:15pm FYI Daily 9:20pm Jurassic Park III 10:00pm The Xtra Factor 11:05pm Happy Gilmore 12:05am FYI Daily 12:10am Happy Gilmore

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am World Kitchen 8:00am Carry on Jack 9:00am FYI Daily 9:05am Carry on Jack 9:55am The Royal 11:55am Carry on Screaming 12:55pm FYI Daily 1:00pm Carry on Screaming 2:00pm Hidden Treasure 4:00pm A Touch of Frost 6:00pm A Touch of Frost 7:55pm Lewis 10:00pm Midsomer Murders 12:00am Bomb Girls

2:50pm World Rally Championship Highlights 3:50pm British Superbike Highlights 4:50pm British Touring Car Championship Highlights 6:20pm Police Academy 3: Back in Training 7:20pm FYI Daily 7:25pm Police Academy 3: Back in Training 8:00pm Cycling 9:00pm On Her Majesty's Secret Service 10:00pm FYI Daily 10:05pm On Her Majesty's Secret Service 11:55pm The Wild Bunch

9:30am Rules of Engagement 10:00am Rules of Engagement 10:30am Suburgatory 11:30am Rude(Ish) Tube 12:30pm How I Met Your Mother 1:30pm Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2:30pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm Melissa and Joey 4:30pm Made in Chelsea NYC 5:35pm The Big Bang Theory 6:35pm How I Met Your Mother 7:30pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8:00pm The 100 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 1:15am Virtually Famous



Wildlife documentary.

All the very latest local news and weather.

Highlights coverage of England's summer season.

8:55pm 5 News The latest news coverage.

9pm 9:30pm The National Lottery 10:20pm Casualty 11:10pm BBC News 11:25pm Weather 11:30pm Match of the Day

A round-up of the latest news headlines and a national weather forecast.

11:15pm Parenthood

James Mather and Stephen Saint Leger codirect this science-fiction action movie, in which a reluctant anti-hero is co-opted on a rescue mission in outer space.

9:00pm Burned Alive: Anatomy of a Murder 10:00pm Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm Paddy McGuiness: Saturday Night Live

9:00pm A League of Their Own 10:00pm There's Something About Mary Hilarious slapstick comedy about a man so tormented by memories of a missed high school date with a beautiful girl that he hires a detective to trace her several years later.

12am 12:55am The Football League Show 2:15am Weather for the Week Ahead 2:20am BBC News

Human Planet reveals the reality of life and nature on the grasslands, the terrain which feeds the world.

9:00pm Tales From the National Parks 10:00pm Crimes of Passion 11:25pm Britain's Lost Colosseum 12:15am Rome's Lost Empire 1:45am Kings of the Ring Danny Leigh explores the elemental drama of the boxing movie.

2:45am Human Planet 3:45am Tales From the National Parks

SKY MOVIES Action 5:30am Sam Churchill: Search for a Homeless Man 7:15am Jaws 4: The Revenge 9:00am Sahara Matthew McConaughey steps into Dirk Pitt, the intrepid marine explorer's shoes.

11:10am Hellboy 1:30pm X-Men Adaptation of the long-running Marvel comic book series.

3:30pm X2 5:50pm The Wolverine 8:00pm X-Men 10:00pm X2 12:20am The Wolverine 2:30am The Transporter

Comedy 5:25am Napoleon Dynamite 7:05am The Dukes of Hazzard 9:05am The World's End Special 9:35am The Hangover Part III 11:30am We're the Millers 1:30pm So Undercover 3:20pm The Top Ten Show 2014 3:35pm Analyze This 5:25pm Analyze That 7:10pm The Way Way Back 9:00pm The Hangover Part III 10:45pm We're the Millers 12:40am The Dukes of Hazzard 2:35am For a Good Time, Call... 4:05am The Ladykillers 5:55am Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot

6:00am Angel Flight Down 7:40am Dead Again 9:40am Last Passenger 11:30am The Sum of All Fears 1:40pm Proof of Life Engineer Peter Bowden is snatched by professional terrorists in the South American jungle.

4:05pm Black Hawk Down Brutally authentic war action detailing the covert US mission in Somalia that became a bloodbath.

6:35pm All Things to All Men 8:15pm Cold Comes the Night 10:00pm Proof of Life 12:25am Killing Them Softly 2:05am Black Hawk Down

5:00am Paradise, Hawaiian Style 6:40am The Great Gatsby Special 7:00am Borrowed Time 8:40am Knife Fight 10:30am Sparkle 12:30pm Life of Pi 1:00pm One Chance 2:50pm You've Got Mail 4:55pm The Bodyguard 7:10pm One Chance 9:00pm You've Got Mail A comic tale of romance on the internet.

11:00pm The Bodyguard 1:20am Ask the Dust 3:25am The English Teacher 5:05am The Top Ten Show 2014



6:00am Gravity: Sky Movies Special 6:30am Fast and Furious 6 Special 7:00am Decoding Annie Parker 8:45am Baggage Claim 10:30am Violet and Daisy 12:15pm The Last Keepers 2:00pm Magic Magic 3:45pm Baggage Claim 5:30pm Gravity 7:15pm Decoding Annie Parker 9:00pm Gravity 10:45pm Violet and Daisy 12:30am Magic Magic 2:15am Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero 4:00am The Last Keepers 5:45am Pain and Gain: Sky Movies Special

6:00am Navy Bound 7:15am Gunsmoke 8:15am Gunsmoke 9:20am Mara Maru 11:15am Bad Men of Tombstone 12:45pm Good Day for a Hanging 2:25pm The Oklahoman 4:00pm Sherlock Holmes in Washington 5:25pm Terror by Night 6:35pm The Three Stooges in Orbit 8:15pm The Three Stooges Meet Hercules 10:00pm Ocean's Eleven 12:15am Wild Things 2:20am Ocean's Eleven 4:20am Off Set 5:35am Michael Caine Off Set


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 8:35am Match of the Day 10:00am BBC News 11:00am Sunday Morning Live 12:00pm Wanted Down Under 12:45pm Helicopter Heroes Down Under Documentary series looking at the life-saving work of British flying doctors in Australia. 1:15pm MOTD2 Extra 2:00pm BBC News 2:10pm Weather for the Week Ahead 2:15pm Bargain Hunt

BBC TWO 7:00am Countryfile News and stories concerning the heart of the British countryside. 8:00am Monty Don's Italian Gardens 9:00am Gardeners World 9:30am The Beechgrove Garden Scotland's favourite gardening programme. 10:00am The Football League Show 11:20am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:50pm Rowing 2:45pm Triathlon The latest sporting coverage.

ITV 7:00am CITV 9:25am ITV News 9:30am Weekend 10:25am May the Best House Win 11:25am Murder, She Wrote 12:20pm ITV News and Weather A round-up of the latest news headlines and a national weather forecast. 12:30pm Dirty Britain 1:30pm Long Lost Family 2:30pm The Borrowers

CH4 7:10am How I Met Your Mother 7:35am How I Met Your Mother Lily applies for an art scholarship without telling Marshall. 8:00am Ironman 2014 8:30am Ironman 2014 9:00am Frasier 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Sunday Brunch 1:30pm George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 2:35pm The Big Bang Theory

CH5 7:00am Milkshake! 10:50am Access 10:55am Police Interceptors 11:55am Police Interceptors 12:50pm Police Interceptors 1:50pm Police Interceptors Documentary series profiling the work of a high-speed police interception unit in Essex. 2:50pm Vertical Limit


SKY 1 7:00am The Hour of Power 8:00am Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew 9:00am All Aboard: East Coast Trains 10:00am Inside RAF Brize Norton 11:00am World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars 12:00pm WWE Experience 1:00pm Ashley Banjo's Secret Street Crew 2:00pm The Middle 2:30pm The Middle

3pm 3:00pm Best of Homes Under the Hammer 3:30pm 24 Hours on Earth 4:30pm Escape to the Country

5:00pm World Equestrian Games All the action from the World Equestrian Games.

4:20pm The X Factor 5:35pm All Star Family Fortunes Vernon Kay hosts the high-octane game show, which sees two star guests and their families competing in a bid to win up to 30 thousand pounds for a charity of their choice.

Series which helps prospective buyers find their dream home in the country.

5:30pm The Great British Bake Off

3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm The Simpsons 4:30pm The Three Musketeers

5:10pm Monster House

6:35pm Deal or No Deal 7:30pm Channel 4 News

6:55pm Sweet Home Alabama

Young DJ and his pals set out to discover what bloodcurdling secrets lie behind the front door of the scary house across the street.

3:00pm Futurama 3:30pm Futurama 4:00pm The Simpsons 5:00pm The Simpsons 5:30pm The Simpsons

6pm 6:30pm Songs of Praise 7:05pm Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole 7:35pm BBC News 7:50pm Regional News 7:55pm Weather 8:00pm Nature's Miracle Orphans

7:00pm Flog It! Antiques show which helps amateur auctioneers, collectors and bargain-hunters make a saving.

8:00pm Equator

6:35pm Tipping Point 7:35pm Local News and Weather 7:45pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Come on Down! The Game Show Story

Includes sport and weather.

8:00pm How Britain Worked

Melanie only has to sort out one final detail before her glitzy marriage to the son of New York's mayor: her divorce papers from Jake. The childhood sweethearts split years ago, but Mel soon finds out that the spark is still there.

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Got to Dance 8:20pm Got to Dance

9pm 9:00pm Countryfile 10:00pm The Village 11:00pm BBC News 11:15pm Regional News 11:20pm Weather 11:25pm Match of the Day 2

9:00pm Dragons' Den 10:00pm The Two Amigos: A Gaucho Adenture 11:00pm Him and Her 11:30pm Starter for 10

9:00pm The X Factor 10:00pm The Great War: The People's Story 11:00pm ITV News and Weather 11:15pm Prom Wars 12:15am The Cube 1:15am The Store

9:00pm Time Team Special

1:00am The Science of Sleep 2:40am Countryfile 3:40am Holby City 4:40am This is BBC Two

3:15am Motorsport UK 4:05am British Superbike Championship Highlights 4:55am Nightscreen

12:00am Another 48 Hrs 1:50am Paradise: Love 3:50am First Time Farmers 4:45am The Million Pound Drop 5:40am Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking

1:05am Prisoners out of Control 1:55am Super Casino 4:10am Royal Pets: One's Best Friend 5:00am House Doctor

12:00am Road Wars 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 3:00am A Touch of Cloth 4:00am Road Wars 5:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse







8:00pm Great Movie Mistakes Not in 3D. 8:15pm Doctor Who 9:05pm Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 11:00pm Family Guy 11:45pm Cuckoo 12:15am Siblings 12:45am American Dad! 1:30am Sexy Beasts 2:00am Cuckoo 2:30am Siblings 3:00am Russell Howard's Good News 3:30am Russell Howard's Good News 4:00am Josh

8:00pm The Sunday Prom: Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra 10:10pm Imagine

7:55am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:55am Coronation Street Omnibus 1:20pm America's Got Talent 4:00pm The Little Vampire 5:00pm FYI Daily 5:20pm The Little Vampire 5:50pm The X Factor 7:05pm The Xtra Factor 8:05pm Year One 9:05pm FYI Daily 9:10pm Year One 10:00pm The Xtra Factor 11:00pm Utterly Outrageous Celebrity Weddings 12:00am The X Factor

8:15am The Mirror Cracked 9:15am FYI Daily 9:20am The Mirror Cracked 10:25am Heartbeat 12:35pm George and Mildred 1:35pm FYI Daily 1:40pm George and Mildred 2:30pm Evil Under the Sun 3:30pm FYI Daily 3:35pm Evil Under the Sun 4:55pm Columbo 6:55pm Inspector Morse 9:00pm Lewis 11:00pm Wycliffe 12:05am The Breakfast Club

1:20pm FYI Daily 1:25pm Paths of Glory 2:10pm All Quiet on the Western Front 3:10pm FYI Daily 3:15pm All Quiet on the Western Front 5:15pm Police Academy 3: Back in Training 6:15pm FYI Daily 6:20pm Police Academy 3: Back in Training 7:00pm The Motorbike Show 8:00pm Cycling 9:00pm River Monsters 10:00pm Waterworld 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Waterworld 12:45am Hell on Wheels

9:55am Melissa and Joey 11:00am Hollyoaks Omnibus 1:30pm Made in Chelsea NYC 2:30pm Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3:30pm Suburgatory 4:00pm The Mindy Project 4:30pm New Girl 5:00pm The Big Bang Theory 6:00pm The 100 6:55pm Rude(Ish) Tube 7:55pm 3 Men and a Baby 10:00pm Made in Chelsea NYC 11:00pm Almost Royal 11:35pm The Big Bang Theory 12:35am Virtually Famous



Tony Robinson uncovers the shocking truth behind some of the most gruesome events of the 19th century, when criminals would break open graves at night to steal freshly buried bodies.

10:00pm Tower Heist

9:05pm 5 News The latest news coverage.

9:10pm The World's Deadliest Storms 10:00pm Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm Death Sentence

9:00pm Got to Dance 10:00pm Hawaii Five-0 11:00pm An Idiot Abroad This week, Karl Pilkington journeys to Mexico where he'll visit Chichen Itza.

12am 12:25am Boomers 12:55am The Painted Veil 2:50am Weather for the Week Ahead 2:55am BBC News

Investigative documentary series in which various aspects of the arts are explored.

11:10pm Miss Bala 1:00am Blondie's New York...and the Making of Parallel Lines 1:50am New York Rock at the BBC 2:50am Blondie @ Glastonbury 3:45am Imagine Investigative documentary series in which various aspects of the arts are explored.

SKY MOVIES Action 4:10am Chain Reaction 6:10am Pacific Rim: Sky Movies Special 6:40am The Top Ten Show 2014 7:00am The Lone Ranger Unmasked 7:30am Deep Impact 9:40am Iron Man 3 11:55am Men in Black 1:40pm White House Down 3:55pm Deep Impact 6:00pm Iron Man 3 8:15pm Men in Black 10:00pm White House Down 12:15am Executive Decision 2:35am Transporter 2 4:10am Murphy's Law

Comedy 5:55am Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot 7:25am Wild Hogs 9:20am Big Daddy 11:05am The Internship 1:15pm Identity Thief 3:15pm Here Comes the Boom 5:15pm Ghostbusters II 7:15pm Big Daddy 9:00pm The Internship 11:10pm Identity Thief 1:10am Jackass: The Movie 2:55am Jackass: Number Two 4:40am The Top Ten Show 2014 5:00am Ghostbusters II

4:30am Crave 6:30am Deep Family Secrets 8:10am The Suspect 9:55am I Against I 11:25am Zero Dark Thirty Special 11:40am Eden 1:30pm The Bone Collector 3:35pm Murder by Numbers 5:45pm S.W.A.T. 7:50pm Déjà Vu 10:00pm The Bone Collector 12:05am Boyz 'n' the Hood 2:05am Murder by Numbers 4:20am American Gigolo

5:20am Be My Valentine 7:00am Life of a King After 20 years in prison, an ex-con takes a job as a janitor in an inner-city school.

8:45am Hitchcock 10:30am Million Dollar Baby 12:45pm Sunshine on Leith 2:35pm The Butler 4:55pm Dead Poets Society 7:10pm Sunshine on Leith 9:00pm The Butler 11:15pm Million Dollar Baby 1:35am All Good Things 3:25am Vamps 5:00am Dead Poets Society



6:00am Pacific Rim: Sky Movies Special 6:30am Gravity: Sky Movies Special 7:00am Decoding Annie Parker 8:45am Baggage Claim 10:30am Magic Magic 12:15pm The Last Keepers 2:00pm Baggage Claim 3:45pm Violet and Daisy 5:30pm Gravity 7:15pm Decoding Annie Parker 9:00pm Gravity 10:45pm Magic Magic 12:30am Violet and Daisy 2:15am Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero 4:00am The Last Keepers 5:45am The Internship Special

6:00am Off Set 6:35am The Three Stooges Meet Hercules 8:20am The Three Stooges in Orbit 10:00am The Moonlighter 11:30am Sherlock Holmes in Washington 12:55pm Terror by Night 2:10pm Abandon Ship 4:00pm The Texican A wanted outlaw risks arrest to track down the man who murdered his brother.

5:40pm Kona Coast 7:15pm Cattle Town 8:35pm The Fighting Lawman 10:00pm Rome 11:10pm Wyatt Earp 2:45am The Thin Red Line


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am The Housing Enforcers 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Street Patrol UK 12:45pm Caught Red Handed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 7:05am Homes Under the Hammer 8:05am Animal Saints and Sinners 8:50am Animal Park 9:20am Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 10:05am The Stuarts 11:05am Animal S.O.S. 11:35am Click 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm World News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Triathlon Grand Final

ITV 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm Jo Frost Family Matters 2:30pm ITV News and Weather A round-up of the latest news headlines and a national weather forecast.

CH4 8:10am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am King of Queens 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss 12:00pm Location, Location, Location 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Celebrity Coach Trip 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Win it Cook it

CH5 5:00am House Doctor 7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours


SKY 1 6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 7:00am The Real A&E 7:30am The Real A&E 8:00am Futurama 8:30am Futurama 9:00am Futurama 9:30am Futurama 10:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm Hawaii Five-0 1:00pm Hawaii Five0 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

3pm 3:15pm Celebrity Pressure Pad 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm A Taste of Britain 5:30pm Flog It!

3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm Modern Family 5:00pm Futurama

3:30pm The Chef's Protege 4:00pm Celebrity MasterChef 4:45pm Nature's Weirdest Events 5:45pm Great British Railway Journeys

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm Who's Doing the Dishes?

3:10pm Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Deal or No Deal

6:15pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm University Challenge

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street

6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News Includes sport and weather.

9:00pm University Challenge 9:30pm Only Connect 10:00pm Alex Polizzi: The Fixer 11:00pm Him and Her 11:30pm Newsnight

9:00pm Tonight 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Long Lost Family 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm Michael Flatley: A Night to Remember

9:00pm Jamie's Comfort Food 9:30pm Gadget Man 10:00pm Royal Marines Commando School 11:00pm 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

9:00pm Police Interceptors 10:00pm Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm Under the Dome 11:55pm Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side

9:00pm Duck Quacks Don't Echo 10:00pm 50 Ways to Kill Your Mammy 11:00pm Glee

3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm My Neighbor's Secret

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Inside Out

6:00pm 5 News The latest news coverage.

6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm The Billion Dollar Wreck Hunt

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:00pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9pm 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Panorama 10:00pm New Tricks 11:00pm BBC News 11:25pm Regional News 11:30pm Weather 11:35pm 21 Up New Generation

Comprehensive coverage of the day's important national and international news stories.

12am 12:35am Football Focus 1:15am Live at the Apollo 2:00am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 2:05am BBC News The latest national and international news stories, followed by Weather.

12:15am Weather 12:20am The Two Amigos: A Gaucho Adenture 1:20am Dragons' Den 2:20am Great War Diaries 3:20am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

12:40am All Star Family Fortunes 1:35am Jackpot 247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Jeremy Kyle presents the American version of his popular talk show. 4:40am Nightscreen

12:00am Pakistan's Streets of Shame 1:00am How to be a Billionaire 2:00am Paradise: Faith 3:55am Scandal 4:45am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses

12:55am The World's Deadliest Storms 1:55am Super Casino 4:10am Once Upon a Time 5:20am The Great Artists 5:45am House Doctor

12:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am Hawaii Five-0 3:00am Hawaii Five-0 4:00am Road Wars 5:00am Stargate Atlantis







10:00pm The Human Tissue Squad 11:00pm Uncle 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:22am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad!

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Great British Railway Journeys

10:45am Judge Judy 11:10am Judge Judy 11:35am Judge Judy 12:00pm Hidden Treasure 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm The Royal 4:05pm Hamish Macbeth 5:15pm Barbara 5:50pm Never the Twain 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm A Touch of Frost 11:00pm Trial and Retribution 12:00am Cracker

11:40am The Sweeney 12:40pm Alias Smith and Jones 1:45pm The Professionals 2:50pm Cycling

9:00pm Horizon 10:00pm Return to Betjemanland 11:00pm Metroland 11:50pm Bright Lights, Brilliant Minds: A Tale of Three Cities 12:50am The Wonder of Animals 1:20am Beauty of Anatomy 1:50am The Golden Age of Trams: A Streetcar Named Desire 2:50am Horizon

1:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:00pm Millionaire Matchmaker 3:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:05pm The Real Housewives of Atlanta 7:00pm Dinner Date 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm The X Factor 10:00pm Happy Gilmore 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Happy Gilmore 11:55pm Plebs 12:25am Plebs 12:55am Two and a Half Men

4:00pm Melissa and Joey 4:30pm Rules of Engagement 5:00pm The Tomorrow People 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm New Girl 9:00pm The Mindy Project 9:30pm Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:00pm The 100 11:00pm Virtually Famous 11:50pm Rude Tube 12:50am How I Met Your Mother




Animated adventures of a hapless CIA agent and his family.

1:07am American Dad! 1:30am The Human Tissue Squad 2:30am Don't Tell the Bride 3:30am Uncle An out-of work musician is forced to look after his 12-year-old nephew when his sister is busy.

Documentary series in which Michael Portillo travels the length and breadth of the country by train.

Coverage of a cycling event.

3:50pm Kojak 4:55pm Magnum, P.I. 5:55pm The Sweeney 6:55pm Alias Smith and Jones 8:00pm Cheers 8:30pm Cheers 9:00pm Motogp Highlights 10:00pm The Motorbike Show 11:00pm Ax Men 12:00am Bundesliga

SKY MOVIES Action 6:00am Secrets of Skyfall 6:30am Skyfall: Modern Day Bond 7:00am The Marine: Homefront 8:45am Fire with Fire 10:35am Last Action Hero 1:00pm Born to Race: Fast Track 2:45pm Stealth 4:55pm Mean Machine 6:40pm K-19: The Widowmaker 9:00pm Fire with Fire 10:45pm The Top Ten Show 2014 11:00pm Dredd 12:40am Mean Machine 2:25am Thor: The Dark World Special 2:55am Stealth 5:00am Pain and Gain: Sky Movies Special

5:00am Ghostbusters II 7:00am Black Sheep 8:40am Top Secret 10:25am The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 12:15pm Starsky and Hutch 2:05pm The Campaign 3:40pm Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 5:10pm The Pink Panther 7:10pm The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 9:00pm Starsky and Hutch 11:00pm The Campaign 12:30am Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 1:55am Weird Science 3:35am The Witches of Eastwick 5:35am The Pink Panther

4:20am American Gigolo 6:30am Malpractice 8:20am Hick 10:10am Signs 12:10pm Trance 2:05pm Black Rain 4:25pm Miami Vice 6:50pm Out of Sight 9:05pm Swordfish 11:00pm Trance 12:45am Black Rain 2:55am Falling Down 4:50am Red Rock West Michael drives from Texas to remote Wyoming on the promise of a job.

5:00am Dead Poets Society 7:15am The Barbarian and the Geisha 9:05am Against the Ropes 11:05am Romeo and Juliet 1:10pm The Great Gatsby Special 1:40pm Now is Good A terminally ill teenager makes a list of ambitions to fulfil in her final months.

3:30pm Empire of the Sun 6:05pm Cloud Atlas 9:00pm Chicago 11:00pm Dangerous Minds 12:45am The Right Stuff 4:00am Gandhi



6:00am Gravity: Sky Movies Special 6:30am Pacific Rim: Sky Movies Special 7:00am Violet and Daisy 8:45am Decoding Annie Parker 10:30am Magic Magic 12:15pm Violet and Daisy 2:00pm The Last Keepers 3:45pm Magic Magic 5:30pm Gravity 7:15pm Decoding Annie Parker 9:00pm Gravity 10:45pm Gravity: Sky Movies Special 11:00pm Violet and Daisy 12:35am Magic Magic 2:15am Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero 4:00am The Last Keepers

9:15am Cattle Town 10:40am The Fighting Lawman 12:10pm Rose of Washington Square 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Tarzan's Hidden Jungle 5:30pm Arctic Flight 7:00pm Fort Vengeance 8:30pm The Wild One 10:00pm National Lampoon's Vacation 11:55pm Tango and Cash 1:55am National Lampoon's Vacation 3:50am Tango and Cash 5:35am Michael Caine Off Set


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am The Housing Enforcers 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Street Patrol UK 12:45pm Caught Red Handed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 7:05am Homes Under the Hammer 8:05am Street Patrol UK 8:50am Caught Red Handed 9:20am Fake Britain 10:05am The Men Who Made Us Spend 11:05am Food and Drink 11:35am HARDtalk 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm World News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm The Super League Show 2:45pm Coast

ITV 6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm Jo Frost Family Matters 2:30pm ITV News and Weather

CH4 8:10am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am King of Queens 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss 12:00pm Location, Location, Location 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Celebrity Coach Trip 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Win it Cook it

CH5 6:10am House Doctor 6:35am House Doctor 7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours

TUESDAY TV SKY 1 6:30am Airline USA 7:00am The Real A&E 7:30am The Real A&E 8:00am Futurama 8:30am Futurama 9:00am Futurama 9:30am Futurama 10:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm Hawaii Five-0 1:00pm Hawaii Five-0 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

3pm 3:15pm Celebrity Pressure Pad 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm A Taste of Britain 5:30pm Flog It!

3:00pm Cash in the Attic 3:30pm The Chef's Protege 4:00pm Celebrity MasterChef 4:45pm Nature's Weirdest Events 5:45pm Great British Railway Journeys

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm Who's Doing the Dishes?

6:15pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Young Vets

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Emmerdale

9:00pm Tricks of the Trade 10:00pm Super Senses: The Secret Power of Animals 11:00pm QI 11:30pm Newsnight

9:00pm Harry at 30 10:00pm Gems TV 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather

3:10pm Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Deal or No Deal

4:15pm Do No Harm

3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm Modern Family 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm Cricket on 5

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm Cowboy Builders 10:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

9:00pm The Simpsons 9:30pm The Simpsons 10:00pm There's Something About Mary

3:15pm NCIS A team of special agents, operating outside the military chain of command, must investigate any crime.

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders

6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News Includes sport and weather.

9pm 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm In the Club 11:00pm BBC News 11:25pm Regional News 11:30pm Weather 11:35pm 21 Up New Generation

Round-up of the day's news.

11:40pm Yes or No: The Debate

Comprehensive coverage of the day's important national and international news stories.

9:00pm Dogs: Their Secret Lives 10:00pm Worst Place to be a Pilot 11:00pm Ramsay's Hotel Hell Gordon Ramsay travels across the USA to fix struggling hotels, motels and bed and breakfasts.

An elite team of police forensic evidence investigation experts work their cases in Las Vegas.

11:00pm Celebrity Big Brother

Hilarious slapstick comedy about a man so tormented by memories of a missed high school date with a beautiful girl that he hires a detective to trace her several years later.

12am 12:35am Scrappers Three groups of scrappers from Brooklyn, New York collect and sell scrap metal. 1:05am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 1:10am BBC News

12:20am Hotel India 1:20am The Super League Show 2:05am John Bishop's Australia 3:05am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

1:35am Jackpot 247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Jeremy Kyle presents the American version of his popular talk show. 4:40am Nightscreen

12:00am Royal Marines Commando School 1:00am Pokerstars.Com PCA 1:55am Hard Knocks 2:50am KOTV Boxing Weekly 3:20am Transworld Sport 4:20am Mobil 1 The Grid 4:45am Ironman 2014 5:15am Ironman 2014 5:40am Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking

12:05am Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 1:05am Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 1:55am Super Casino 4:10am Once Upon a Time 5:00am Nick's Quest 5:20am The Great Artists 5:45am House Doctor

12:20am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:20am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:20am Hawaii Five-0 3:10am Hawaii Five-0 4:00am Road Wars 5:00am Stargate Atlantis







8:00pm World's Craziest Fools 8:30pm World's Craziest Fools 9:00pm Barely Legal Drivers 10:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 11:00pm Sexy Beasts 11:30pm EastEnders 12:00am Family Guy 12:22am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:07am American Dad! 1:30am Sexy Beasts 2:00am Don't Tell the Bride 3:00am Comedy Fest Live 4:00am Don't Tell the Bride

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 9:00pm World War I at Home 9:30pm The Secret Life of Books 10:00pm Tales from the Royal Wardrobe with Lucy Worsley 11:00pm The Fruit and Veg Market: Inside New Spitalfields 12:00am Human Planet 1:00am A History of Britain by Simon Schama 2:00am Tales From the National Parks 3:00am World War I at Home 3:30am The Secret Life of Books 4:00am Tales from the Royal Wardrobe with Lucy Worsley

12:25pm Emmerdale 12:55pm Coronation Street 1:25pm Coronation Street 1:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:00pm Millionaire Matchmaker 3:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:05pm The Real Housewives of Atlanta 7:00pm Dinner Date 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm The Cube 10:00pm The Matrix 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm The Matrix 12:40am The Job Lot

10:35am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:20am Judge Judy 11:50am Hamish Macbeth 1:00pm Wycliffe 2:05pm Heartbeat 3:05pm The Royal 4:10pm Hamish Macbeth 5:20pm Faith in the Future 5:50pm Never the Twain 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm Trial and Retribution 12:00am Cracker

11:35am The Sweeney 12:35pm Alias Smith and Jones 1:40pm The Professionals 2:45pm Police, Camera, Action! 3:15pm Police, Camera, Action! 3:50pm Kojak 4:50pm Magnum, P.I. 5:50pm The Sweeney 6:55pm Alias Smith and Jones 8:00pm Cycling 9:00pm River Monsters 10:00pm Public Enemies 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Public Enemies 12:50am Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

4:00pm Melissa and Joey 4:35pm Rules of Engagement 5:00pm The Tomorrow People 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm How I Met Your Mother 9:00pm How I Met Your Mother 9:30pm How I Met Your Mother 10:00pm New Girl 10:30pm The Mindy Project 11:00pm The Big Bang Theory 11:30pm The Big Bang Theory 12:00am Almost Royal




SKY MOVIES Action 5:15am The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone 7:00am Any Given Sunday 9:50am The Transporter 11:35am Hulk 2:05pm Gangster Squad 4:10pm Drop Zone 6:05pm The Saint Simon Templar is a debonair master thief with a talent for disguise.

8:15pm The Transporter 10:00pm Hulk 12:25am Gangster Squad 2:25am Drop Zone 4:10am The Saint Simon Templar is a debonair master thief with a talent for disguise.

5:35am The Pink Panther 7:35am Struck by Lightning 9:05am Why Stop Now? 10:40am The Cable Guy 12:20pm Admission 2:10pm Our Idiot Brother 3:45pm Arthur 5:25pm Arthur 2: On the Rocks 7:20pm Syrup 9:00pm Admission 11:00pm Our Idiot Brother 12:45am The Cable Guy Recently dumped Steven just wants peace, quiet and cable entertainment.

2:35am Coffee Town 4:15am Saving Mr. Banks Special 4:45am Conception

4:50am Red Rock West 6:30am Loss of Faith 8:10am Locked in 9:40am Ripley's Game 11:45am Twisted Detective Jessica recognises a murder victim as an old flame.

1:35pm Captain Phillips 4:00pm My Brother the Devil 6:00pm The Chamber 8:00pm Bad Company 10:00pm Captain Phillips 12:15am Scream 2 2:20am Fear 4:00am Murder at 1600 5:50am Angel Flight Down A two-year-old girl with a small object trapped in her throat is flown to Denver hospital.

4:00am Gandhi 7:10am Desk Set 9:00am Love and Honor 10:45am Promised Land 12:40pm Awakenings 2:45pm Love Actually 5:05pm St Elmo's Fire 6:55pm Dangerous Liaisons 9:00pm Love Actually Romcom following the interconnected lives of a group of loved-up, and lovelorn, Londoners.

11:20pm Promised Land 1:15am 42 3:30am The Break-Up Gary and Brooke are blissfully happy together in their Chicago condo.

5:25am Giant



6:00am Gravity: Sky Movies Special 6:30am Hugh Jackman: Becoming Wolverine 7:00am Violet and Daisy 8:45am Decoding Annie Parker 10:30am Magic Magic 12:15pm Violet and Daisy 2:00pm The Last Keepers 3:45pm Gravity 5:30pm Magic Magic 7:15pm Decoding Annie Parker 9:00pm Gravity 10:45pm Violet and Daisy 12:30am Magic Magic 2:15am Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero 4:00am The Last Keepers 5:45am Jack the Giant Slayer Special

9:25am Arctic Flight 10:55am Fort Vengeance 12:20pm The Wild One 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Tarzan's Savage Fury 5:40pm Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. Gregory Peck stars as a British naval captain during the Napoleonic Wars.

7:55pm The Wrong Man 10:00pm We are Marshall 12:30am Land Raiders 2:25am We are Marshall 4:50am Ed Sullivan Presents: Rock 'N' Roll Revolution: The British Invade America Featuring the best of the British pop stars who found stardom in the US on the Ed Sullivan show.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

BBC ONE 7:00am Breakfast 10:15am The Housing Enforcers 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Street Patrol UK 12:45pm Caught Red Handed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News The latest national and international news stories, followed by Weather. 2:30pm Regional News All the latest local news. 2:45pm Doctors

BBC TWO 7:00am Homes Under the Hammer 8:00am Street Patrol UK 8:45am Caught Red Handed 9:15am Fake Britain 10:00am Coast 11:00am Scotland Votes: What's at Stake for the UK? 12:00pm BBC News 12:30pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain 2:30pm Climbing Great Buildings

ITV 4:40am Nightscreen 6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 12:25pm ITV News 12:30pm This Morning 1:30pm Jo Frost Family Matters 2:30pm ITV News and Weather

CH4 8:10am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am King of Queens 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss 12:00pm Location, Location, Location 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Celebrity Coach Trip 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Win it Cook it


CH5 6:10am House Doctor 6:35am House Doctor 7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm Cowboy Builders 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours

SKY 1 6:00am Airline USA 6:30am Airline USA 7:00am The Real A&E 7:30am The Real A&E 8:00am Futurama 8:30am Futurama 9:00am Futurama 9:30am Futurama 10:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm Hawaii Five-0 1:00pm Hawaii Five0 2:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

3pm 3:00pm Cash in the Attic 3:30pm The Chef's Protege 4:00pm Celebrity MasterChef 4:45pm Nature's Weirdest Events 5:45pm Great British Railway Journeys

3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Tipping Point 5:00pm Who's Doing the Dishes?

3:10pm Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Deal or No Deal

3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm A Sister's Secret

3:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:00pm Glee 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama

6:15pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 7:00pm Two Tribes 7:30pm Eggheads 8:00pm Young Vets

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm Coronation Street 8:30pm International Football

6:00pm Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News

6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm Ultimate Police Interceptors

6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Futurama 7:00pm Futurama 7:30pm The Simpsons 8:30pm The Simpsons

9:00pm Hotel India 10:00pm Horizon 11:00pm Some Vicars with Jokes 11:30pm Newsnight

11:20pm ITV News at Ten and Weather Round-up of the day's news. Followed by a national weather forecast and the latest news and weather in your region.

9:00pm Sarah Beeny's Double Your House for Half the Money 10:00pm Grand Designs 11:00pm The Gypsy Matchmaker

9:00pm Countdown to Murder 10:00pm Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm Wentworth

9:00pm Flintoff's Road to Nowhere 10:00pm An Idiot Abroad 11:00pm Glee

12:20am Super Senses: The Secret Power of Animals 1:20am Who Do You Think You Are? 2:20am Doctor Who 3:40am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

12:00am Through the Keyhole 1:00am The Cube 1:55am Jackpot 247 4:00am British Touring Car Championship Highlights 5:15am Nightscreen

12:00am 999: What's Your Emergency? 1:00am Ramsay's Hotel Hell 1:55am Paradise: Hope 3:30am The Ladykillers 5:05am Sarah Beeny's Selling Houses

12:00am Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side 1:00am Celebrity Big Brother 2:00am Super Casino 4:10am Once Upon a Time 5:00am Nick's Quest 5:20am The Great Artists 5:45am House Doctor

12:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 1:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 2:00am NCIS: Los Angeles 3:00am Hawaii Five-0 4:00am Hawaii Five-0 5:00am Stargate Atlantis







8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Motorway Cops 10:00pm Live at the Apollo 10:30pm Live at the Apollo 11:00pm Football Fight Club 12:00am Family Guy 12:22am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:07am American Dad!

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Great British Railway Journeys 9:00pm The Wonder of Animals 9:30pm Beauty of Anatomy 10:00pm Bright Lights, Brilliant Minds: A Tale of Three Cities 11:00pm Wild China 12:00am Dreaming the Impossible: Unbuilt Britain 1:00am Pavlopetri - The City Beneath the Waves 2:00am The Wonder of Animals Ants. Episode 4. 2:30am Beauty of Anatomy 3:00am Wild China 4:00am Bright Lights, Brilliant Minds

12:25pm Emmerdale 1:25pm You've Been Framed! 1:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:00pm Millionaire Matchmaker 3:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:00pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:05pm The Real Housewives of Atlanta 7:00pm Dinner Date 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm I Don't Know How She Does it 10:00pm FYI Daily 10:05pm I Don't Know How She Does it 10:50pm The Hot Desk 11:00pm American Pie 12:00am FYI Daily

10:35am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:25am Judge Judy 11:50am Hamish Macbeth 1:00pm Wycliffe 2:05pm Heartbeat 3:05pm The Royal 4:05pm Hamish Macbeth 5:15pm Faith in the Future 5:50pm Never the Twain 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Lewis 11:00pm Northern Lights 12:00am Cracker

9:05am Police, Camera, Action! 9:40am Kojak 10:40am Magnum, P.I. 11:40am The Sweeney 12:45pm Alias Smith and Jones 1:45pm The Professionals 2:50pm Cycling 3:50pm Kojak 4:55pm Magnum, P.I. 5:55pm The Sweeney 6:55pm Alias Smith and Jones 8:00pm Cycling 9:00pm River Monsters 10:00pm River Monsters 11:00pm Hell on Wheels 12:00am Green Street

2:00pm How I Met Your Mother 2:35pm How I Met Your Mother 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:35pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm Melissa and Joey 4:30pm Rules of Engagement 5:00pm The Tomorrow People 6:00pm How I Met Your Mother 6:30pm How I Met Your Mother 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm How I Met Your Mother 9:00pm Big 11:05pm Rude Tube 12:05am Made in Chelsea NYC




3:15pm Celebrity Pressure Pad 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm A Taste of Britain 5:30pm Flog It!

6pm 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Fake Britain

Includes sport and weather.

9pm 9:00pm The Great British Bake Off 10:00pm Our Zoo 11:00pm BBC News 11:25pm Regional News 11:30pm Weather 11:35pm A Question of Sport

Comprehensive coverage of the day's important national and international news stories.

12am 12:05am Room 101 12:50am The Stepford Wives 2:15am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 2:20am BBC News The latest national and international news stories, followed by Weather.

Animated adventures of a hapless CIA agent and his family.

1:30am Siblings 2:00am Cuckoo 2:30am Sexy Beasts 3:00am The Human Tissue Squad 4:00am Don't Tell the Bride

SKY MOVIES Action 4:10am The Saint 6:10am In the Line of Duty: Smoke Jumpers 7:45am The Last Samurai 10:20am Pain and Gain 12:35pm Tombstone 2:50pm Anaconda A film crew is hijacked by Sarone, a madman intent on capturing the biggest snake in the Amazon.

4:25pm Dante's Peak 6:20pm The Last Samurai 9:00pm Pain and Gain 11:15pm Django Unchained 2:05am Last Action Hero 4:20am Firewalker Two soldiers of fortune team up with a wealthy stranger to hunt for treasure in a lost Aztec city.

4:45am Conception 6:30am The Lone Ranger Unmasked A look behind the scenes of Disney's liveaction adventure The Lone Ranger, starring Johnny Depp.

7:00am The World's End Special 7:30am Hyde Park on Hudson 9:10am Stand Up Guys 11:00am There's Something About Mary 1:10pm Grumpy Old Men 3:05pm Grumpier Old Men 4:55pm Here Comes the Boom 6:50pm Notting Hill 9:00pm There's Something About Mary 11:05pm Stand Up Guys 12:45am The to Do List 2:35am Scary Movie 3 4:05am Someone Marry Barry 5:35am Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot

5:50am Angel Flight Down 7:25am Eden 9:05am Brake 10:40am The Island 1:00pm The Temp 2:40pm Runner Runner 4:15pm Brake 5:50pm The Island 8:10pm The Lookalike A pair of drug peddlers go in search of a woman to play a crucial part in a deal. Crime.

10:00pm Runner Runner 11:35pm Scream 3 1:35am American Psycho 3:25am Single White Female 5:25am Deep Family Secrets

5:25am Giant 8:45am Battle of the Year 10:40am Tootsie 12:40pm Best Man Down 2:15pm 50 First Dates 4:00pm Sense and Sensibility Elinor is pragmatic and ironic, while younger Marianne is more passionate and wilful.

6:20pm Les Miserables 9:00pm New Year's Eve 11:00pm 50 First Dates 12:50am Surviving Christmas At Christmas, rich loser Drew takes a nostalgic trip out to his old family house.

2:30am Cherry 4:20am Sense and Sensibility Elinor is pragmatic and ironic, while younger Marianne is more passionate and wilful.



6:00am Henry Cavill: Becoming Superman 6:30am Gravity: Sky Movies Special 7:00am Violet and Daisy 8:45am Decoding Annie Parker 10:30am Magic Magic 12:15pm Violet and Daisy 2:00pm The Last Keepers 3:45pm Magic Magic 5:30pm Gravity 7:15pm Decoding Annie Parker 9:00pm Gravity 10:45pm Violet and Daisy 12:30am Magic Magic 2:15am Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero 4:00am The Last Keepers

9:40am Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.

A teenage outcast discovers that - like the rest of her family - she has extraordinary powers.

5:45am The Internship Special

Gregory Peck stars as a British naval captain during the Napoleonic Wars. Historically accurate drama co-starring Virginia Mayo.

11:45am The Wrong Man 1:50pm Gunsmoke 2:55pm Gunsmoke 4:00pm Tarzan's Greatest Adventure 5:40pm Band of Angels 8:05pm Hell Bent for Glory 10:00pm Nowhere to Run 11:55pm Menace II Society 1:45am Nowhere to Run 3:40am Menace II Society 5:15am Off Set Actor Michael Douglas talks frankly about Hollywood, his award-laden career, and relationships with his father and his wife.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




our a







Famous quote

This week

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.’

Dr. Seuss

in history 30 B.C: Cleopatra commits suicide. Following the defeat of her forces against Octavian, Queen of Egypt Cleopatra takes her own life possibly with an asp, a poisonous Egyptian serpent. 1666: Great fire of London breaks out. The fire started on Pudding Lane near London Bridge and the flames soon spread to Thames Street. The blaze scorched more than fourfifths of the city, reportedly killing 16 people. 1939: Nazi Germany invades Poland. German troops attack Poland without a declaration of war. The German Luftwaffe bombs Polish cities, including Warsaw. 1950: British troops arrive in Korea. Britain sends 63,000 troops to support the United Nations force led by the United States. The British force includes the 1st Battalion of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and 1st Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment. 1972: Prince William of Gloucester killed in plane crash. Prince William, grandson of King George V of the UK, dies after his light aircraft crashes and bursts into flames while taking part in an air race near Wolverhampton. He was 30. 1973: J.R.R Tolkien dies. English writer, philologist, university professor and poet Tolkien dies at age 81 in Bournemouth. Tolkien rose to fame as the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. 1986: Britain’s oldest twins turn 100. May and Marjorie Chavasse threw a joint party to celebrate their 100th birthday and received telegrams from the Queen. May, who cared for wounded soldiers in France during World War I passed away before turning 101.

Women’s wit A good man is hard to find; a hard man is good to find.’ Mae West

World of English Seen on a medical report: The patient has no previous history of suicides.

K a k u ro

Costa del Sol weather for next 7 days













Alicante TODAY:




Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 29 23 S Tues - 29 22 S Wed - 28 22 Cl

31 23 S 30 23 S 30 23 S


MAX 33C, MIN 24C


Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 31 23 S Tues - 29 23 S Wed - 29 23 S

31 23 C 32 23 S 31 25 C

Mon - 28 23 S Tues - 28 23 S Wed - 28 23 S

29 23 S 29 23 S 29 24 S



Fri Sat Sun -

MAX 27C, MIN 22C

26 22 S 26 22 S 26 22 S S Sun,


Mon - 25 21 Cl Tues - 25 20 S Wed - 24 20 C Cl Clear,



Fri Sat Sun -

32 23 S 31 22 S 29 22 C


Mon - 29 22 Cl Tues - 29 22 S Wed - 30 22 S



Fri Sat Sun -

33 21 S 33 21 Cl 31 21 S


Mon - 31 18 S Tues - 32 19 S Wed - 32 19 S

33 18 S 33 19 S 33 19 S



Mon - 29 19 S Tues - 28 19 S Wed - 29 21 S



MAX 34C, MIN 20C


Fri Sat Sun -


Mallorca SUNNY MAX 34C, MIN 20C







Fri Sat Sun -

Fri Sat Sun -


Barcelona TODAY:



Almeria TODAY:




33 19 S 33 19 S 34 19 S C Cloudy,



Mon - 31 18 S Tues - 32 18 S Wed - 32 19 S Sh Showers,


Fri Sat Sun -

36 23 C 34 22 C 34 23 Cl

Sn Snow,


Mon - 33 22 S Tues - 33 21 S Wed - 31 21 S Th Thunder




Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.











Saturday August 23

Saturday August 23

Saturday August 23

Friday August 22

Saturday August 23







24 11
















17 18







6 24

















E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Getting a romantic situation wrong could cause a humourous moment this weekend. I am not telling you this so you can avoid it. You could do with a good laugh right now. Planning ahead is your preferred method but sometimes it is the last-minute decision that brings the best results. SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) The thing that you have to tackle this week is uppermost in your mind, but don't dwell on it. Write it down and what you intend doing about it, then put it away. Relax and get on with other things. When you do come to take it out again and face the situation it will be so much easier. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Imposing restrictions on someone else also imposes restrictions on you. Why? Well, you have to hang around and see that your wishes are followed and take further action if they are not. Wouldn't it be easier to find some kind of compromise? CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) Avoid getting involved in other people's arguments. There is no way that you can come out a winner if you do. Taking a step backwards is sometimes the best thing. You have been down this path before, and did your intervention do any good? Go and trim the roses or sort out those rockery stones instead. AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) The need to be popular midweek could see you veer off track on a business matter. You have been warned and will be able to avoid it if you wish. Do not under- estimate how much hassle a wrong move could cause you. On the domestic front, you are able to fully relax and enjoy good company.



















LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Bundle, 2 Deeper, 3 Caught, 4 Prefer, 5 Arenas, 6 Sought, 7 Bearer, 8 Cheers, 9 Neatly, 10 Barked, 11 Degree, 12 Tilted, 13 Perked, 14 Follow, 15 Luster, 16 Peered, 17 Poison, 18 Curled, 19 Devour

IF IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK: Taking a more forceful approach with an authority figure will work only in short bursts. Nagging on and on won't, but you do need to get your point across. August 28: Jack Black, 45. Film actor. This actor, comedian, voice artist, producer and musician was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor for his role in School of Rock. He also co-founded the band Tenacious D.

Your Stars

September 1: Barry Gibb, 68. Singer. He and his brothers, Robin and Maurice, formed the classic disco group the Bee Gees. They sang hits like Staying Alive and How Deep is Your Love.

August 29: Chris Hadfield, 55. Astronaut. This Canadian astronaut gained a huge fan base on social media sites by posting prolifically from space. He also sang the David Bowie hit Space Oddity, in space therefore making him a legend. August 30: Cameron Diaz, 42. Film actress. Diaz shot to fame for her role in There’s Something About Mary and The Mask. Before that she modelled for Calvin Klein.

FLICKR BY El Hormiguero

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) You are very much in two minds about how to deal with a personal situation. Ask yourself which approach will help and which will do nothing. Although you want to shout at someone and feel negative at times, hold fire.

H ex a g r a m

SET five years after the first film (2010), the Viking village of Berk has buried the hatchet with dragons, who now peacefully live among villagers as pets and working animals. Son of the Viking Chief and his best friend Toothless spend their days exploring new worlds. One day, they discover a secret ice cave with a herd of wild dragons led by an enigmatic dragon rider and find themselves in a race against time to keep the peace in their kingdom. Directed by Dean DeBlois, stars Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett and Gerard Butler. Run time 102 minutes, rated PG.



August 31: Pablo Motos. Television presenter. Motos is perhaps best known for his current show El Hormiguero in which he interviews visiting celebrities. He got his start in show business on the radio and won a Microfono de Oro in 2007 for his work.

September 2: Salma Hayek, 48. Film actress. This Mexican actress gave a memorable performance as Frida Kahlo in the 2002 film about the painter’s life. She supplied the voice for Kitty Softpaws in Puss in Boots. September 3: Charlie Sheen, 49. Television actor. Before infamy for drugs and general bad behaviour Sheen starred in the hit show Two and a Half Men. He is the highest paid actor on television.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) As someone is not showing the required amount of interest in your activities, you need a plan. Telephoning them and pointing out what you have achieved is one way, but it's not cool. Getting a few people together and using someone else to blow your trumpet for you is better.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) By using your intuition midweek, you will be able to solve a small problem at the weekend. Thinking ahead sometimes seems a waste of time to you because circumstances have a way of changing, but it makes sense to put in a bit of extra effort if you are able to avoid aggravation.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23) A business colleague may be less than honest with you. When it is a small matter you are used to them bending the truth. This is not, however, something that you will want to let go by, so stay on your toes. On the home front, you tend to be snappy with loved ones because you are feeling stressed.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Having been dashing about like a mad thing, you find this week a refreshing change. Only when you slow down do you realise how much you have been doing and just how tired you have become. There are some social engagements that you would not miss for the world, however.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) A mistake seems a small thing until someone notices it. Although you feel that they are making a mountain out of a molehill, it still leaves a nasty feeling. Get out and do something completely different at the weekend. Not only will it blow the cobwebs away, but it will also put in perspective any negative thoughts.

LEO (July 24 - August 23) Looking for answers? They are there if only you go to the right source. There is no 'quick fix' this week and you need to delve deeper to get the information you need. It will be tempting to take a short cut but,believe me, it will not be worth the hassle in the longer term. Once you have the right facts you are truly in charge of what happens next.


1. Deep, Around the World, Steam and Stay Another Day were all UK Top 10 hit singles for which English pop boyband? 2. Deepdale is the home ground of which League One football team? 3. In boxing, what name is given to the stance where the fighter has his right hand and right foot forward, leading with right jabs and following with a left cross right hook? 4. What is the name of the 20 metres (66 ft) tall contemporary sculpture, designed by Antony Gormley, which is located in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear? 5. What is the name of the former US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel who was a National Security Council staff member during the political scandal of the late 1980s known as the Iran–Contra affair? 6. What was the name of the American singer-songwriter and guitarist who won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year in 1970 for Games People Play and was again nominated for the award in 1972 for Rose Garden? 7. Which 1955 film, directed by Elia Kazan, loosely based on a 1952 John Steinbeck novel, starred American actor James Dean in his first major screen role? 8. Which American actor played the title role in the 1960s live action television series Batman? 9. Which American adult animated sitcom created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, follows the exploits of four boys, Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick? 10. Which Leonard Bernstein/Stephen Sondheim musical, first produced on Broadway in 1957, was inspired by William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet?

Nonagram How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case M) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.

TARGET: Average: 12 Good: 15 Very good: 22 Excellent: 27

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION abet, able, abut, bale, bare, bate, bear, beat, beau, beep, beer, beet, belt, beta, blat, blue, blur, brae, brat, brut, burl, burp, lube, pleb, rube, tabu, tuba, tube, abler, baler, beaut, beret, betel, blare, blear, bleat, bleep, bluer, blurt, brute, buret, plebe, rebel, rebut, ruble, table, tubal, tuber, abrupt, beater, berate, brutal, burlap, butler, rebate, treble, upbeat, retable, pubertal, REPUTABLE

Word Ladder ROCK


Move from the start word (ROCK) to the end word (SALT) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.


How to train your dragon 2

The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (JUMPED) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.

1. EAST 17, 2. Preston NORTH End, 3. SOUTH Paw, 4. Angel of the NORTH, 5. Oliver NORTH, 6. Joe SOUTH, 7. EAST of Eden, 8. Adam WEST, 9. SOUTH Park, 10. WEST Side Story.




28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




For more information about the sponsor go to


Unscramble the name of a top British athlete: I’M A MILD AGE Unscramble the name of a woodwind instrument (two words): SO CAN A GIRL

Play on Words

LONG DEW papers (7) 5 Sack the Spanish roll (5) 6 Fights cases (5) 9 Tongue-in-cheek advice to enter cast (5,1,3) 14 Churchman, the Queen and the journalist admired (7) 15 Dresser for a group of

ministers (7) 16 See Lear another way, free (7) 19 It's rowdy in Hanoi's youth area (5) 20 Went out with old hat (5) 21 Virginia allowed a manservant (5)

Code Breaker


Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 6 represents H and 23 represents Z, so fill in H every time the figure 6 appears and Z every time the figure 23 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

Across 1 Investigate thoroughly (8) 5 Blemish (4) 9 Once more (5) 10 Most profound (7) 11 Aged (3) 12 Cheerful (5) 13 Commerce (5) 14 Gets rid of (5) 17 Slender (4) 19 Retained (4) 21 Having a sharp inclination (5) 24 Moving very fast (5) 25 Have sovereign power (5) 27 Green vegetable (3) 28 Ape (7) 29 Perfection (5) 30 Replete (4) 31 Accentuated (8)

Down 1 Attains (7) 2 Clearly detailed (5) 3 Irritate (6) 4 Hug (6) 6 Get ready (7) 7 Name of a book (5) 8 Monies owed (5) 15 Head covering (3) 16 Outstanding (3) 18 Occurring at the beginning (7) 20 In a confused mass (7) 21 Vapour (5) 22 Anticipate (6) 23 Express approval of (6) 24 Rigidly formal (5) 26 Thoughts (5)

English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.


Answers: Long over due, United States

Down 1 Locates exotic milk sugar (7) 2 Upright chalet I built (7) 3 Fashionable to be covered in fat? That's hard to see (5) 4 Tramp, one in collection of



Across 7 Fast rally reveals star-like qualities (6) 8 Thomas to include a fruit (6) 10 Diluting agent is less thick (7) 11 Material moved to and fro, so we hear (5) 12 Pot's turned over for card game (4) 13 Prepared meals for a Massachusetts seaport (5) 17 Elgar composition revised to be fit for royalty (5) 18 Go South for beer at a special price (4) 22 Make a speech with nothing but speed (5) 23 Spain's victory, as I've read is hard to pin down (7) 24 Gymnastic events for Spielberg, perhaps (6) 25 Cuts and rewrites verses (6)


LAST WEEK’S SOLUTIONS CRYPTIC Across: 1 Pass, 4 Scale, 9 Okapi, 10 Abolish, 11 Element, 12 Tiers, 13 Abroad, 15 Berate, 18 Skate, 20 Listens, 23 Narrate, 24 Abide, 25 Diets, 26 Scab. Down: 2 Amateur, 3 Seine, 4 Scanty, 5 Apostle, 6 Exile, 7 Bone, 8 Chaste, 13 Absent, 14 Average, 16 America, 17 Aliens, 19 Acrid, 21 Slaps, 22 Sees. QUICK Across: 1 Plasma, 5 Bebops, 8 Data, 9 Sinister, 10 Debris, 11 Packet, 12 Grow, 14 All, 15 Hide, 16 Upbeat, 18 Rarely, 20 Carefree, 22 Envy, 23 Rested, 24 Resist.

Across 1 Buildings (houses, offices etc) (9) 8 They (emphatic, to avoid ambiguity) (5) 9 Button (on garment, machine) (5) 11 Herramienta (4) 12 Bull (farm animal) (4) 14 Blue (4) 16 Helados (4) 19 Clear (5) 21 Both (5) 22 Pillows (9)

Down 2 Pain (in body) (5) 3 Puño (4) 4 Bucket (pail) (4) 5 Afuera (3) 6 Lechuga (7) 7 Inglés (7) 10 Wave (3) 13 To hear (3) 15 Cebra (5) 17 Elbow (4) 18 Room (in a house) (4) 20 Todo (en su totalidad) (3)

Down: 2 Leave, 3 Sparrow, 4 Assistant, 5 Bin, 6 Basic, 7 Pretend, 11 Polar bear, 13 Replace, 15 Harness, 17 Erect, 19 Lives, 21 Red. ENGLISH-SPANISH Across: 1 Syrup, 4 Depth, 7 Aun, 8 Aceptar, 9 Religioso, 13 Alcalde, 15 Ajo, 16 Tiles, 17 Susto. Down: 1 Seas, 2 Rinse, 3 Platillos, 4 Dieciseis, 5 Pet, 6 Harm, 10 Seals, 11 Last, 12 Pozo, 14 Col.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

TEN ODD FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TRAFFIC A TRAFFIC jam can ruin anyone’s day, especially when there seems to be no need for it, so here are a few facts to help you understand what is going wrong. 1. The way we merge makes a big difference When most people have to merge into traffic on another road, or lane, they first brake and then speed up to merge into traffic. According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation that is wrong. We should wait until the last moment and then change lanes quickly with no slowing or speeding up so as not to confuse other drivers and make them brake. 2. Summertime and accidents The hour change isn’t just annoying it’s the most dangerous time to be on the road. The period of adjustment that follows the change increases the rate of accidents by around 16 per cent.

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Heartache and hope BOOKS

PUBLISHED in 2013, And the mountains echoed is the third novel of Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini. There is nothing 10-yearold Abdullah would not do for his younger sister Pari, the only person in the world who can make him happy. When Pari is sold at the age of three to a wealthy and childless couple in Kabul, Abdullah is devastated and determined not to be separated from her.

And the mountains echoed is a heartbreaking and inspirational tale of heartache, hope, friendship and the everlasting bonds of love. Though the separation of the two young siblings is the heart of the book, the novel is also a haunting and memorable portrayal of wartorn Afghanistan and provides invaluable insight into the life of Afghan

App of the Week MINDJET FOR ANDROID free If Evernote and Catch are more about notes, Mindjet is more about richer brainstorming sessions, making good use of the large tablet screen to organise your thoughts and make them understandable for future reference.

where they solved nothing but they tried much like the modern world of conferences. 6. Parking meters were designed to control traffic flow Most cities weren’t designed with the car in mind and, as such, the car messed them up. The solution was to find somewhere for all the cars to get off the road and stop messing up the flow: the traffic meter was born to discourage drivers from leaving their cars in one place for the whole day.

expatriates. Hosseini is also the author of The Kite Runner (2003) on which the 2007 eponymous American drama film is based.

7. Billboards change the way people drive Studies at the Institute for Road Safety of the Netherlands have shown, unsurprisingly, that drivers spend more time looking at the board than at the road. They also found that people remembered the last billboard they had seen more clearly than the last traffic sign. 8. Finland has a sliding scale ticket system Police in Finland ticket a speeding driver not related to the speed but related to their income - they tap directly into the national tax register and fine the driver accordingly.

3. You are causing the traffic jams Researchers at the University of Exeter have found that just one person braking can have a massive effect on the traffic around them. Braking has a domino effect and carries through to around 15 cars - all slowing down for no reason. 4. Traffic jams created modern city layouts Long ago, cities sprang up around a single centre like a river but, in modern times, cities are becoming sprawling masses with several districts due to businesses establishing themselves on the outskirts so that customers can reach them easily and park.


9. More lanes don’t always mean less traffic The amount of traffic on a newly expanded road usually goes up due to people’s impression that it will be faster unfortunately everyone has the same impression.

TRAFFIC JAMS: One person braking can have a domino effect. 5. Horse manure Traffic pollution is not a new problem. In the late 1800’s London was almost buried

Sudoku Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

beneath horse manure, as all the traffic was horse-drawn, and this prompted the first international urban planning conference -

10. Traffic mimics the behaviour patterns of bacteria and slime mould Researchers at the University of Tokyo found that if they placed bacteria on a ridged road map it would follow the streets and motorways in the same way as human drivers do - even getting into traffic jams.

Boggled How many English words can you find in the Boggled grid, according to the following rules? The letters must be adjoining in a ‘chain’. They can be adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Words must contain at least four letters and may include singular and plural or other derived forms. No letter may be used more than once within a single word, unless it appears twice. No vulgarities or proper nouns are permitted.



Average: 18

Just Joking Question: What did one toilet roll say to the other toilet roll? Answer: “People keep on ripping me off!” Q: What says “Eoo?” A: A cow with no lips. What goes up and down stairs without moving? Carpet.

Good: 23 Very good: 33 Excellent: 40


4 letters: 1 point • 5 letters: 2 points 6 letters: 3 points • 7 letters: 4 points 8 or more letters: 11 points

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION aerate, unseat, user, taus, teas, tear, teat, text, treat, tare, tares, tart, taxes, taxer, tater, etas, eras, eater, exert, sate, sung, suet, snug, seat, sera, sere, sear, sextet, guns, gnus, gate, rate, rates, area, areas, ares, axes, ague, attar, tease, teaser, erase, ease, tags, tetra, tetras


ets P

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol





Being agile… for all dogs David THE Dogman

Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

AGILITY most of you have seen on the television. This is where dogs run through tunnels and go over jumps and weave in and around poles. What can you expect to see? Jumps, hurdles, long jumps, weaving poles and a three metre ‘A’ frame. No agility course would be complete without the tyre hoop, the famous tunnel and see-saw. The equipment is made to the highest

safety standard and to Kennel Club Specification. Can any dog do this? Yes and all breeds and sizes provided the dog does not have a physical disability, such as hip dysplasia, and is not overweight. It is not fair to jump a fat dog. If you have any doubt about the fitness of your dog then seek advice from your vet. Is there an age limit for the dog or owner? Children are most welcome to bring their pets. There is no age limit for dogs and pups are encouraged for the tunnel work, see-saw and dog walk plank. Of course heelwork, sit, down stays, send-away is part of the lessons as is walking the dog off leash on the left or right.

Equipment for dog and handler The most important thing is good footwear, shoes that you can run in and have a good grip. Also wear clothes you can run in comfortably I recommend trousers for the ladies. For the dog, although an ordinary check collar or half check are both good for heelwork practice, these are not suitable for agility. The correct collar is a leather or webbed buckle collar. Leads should be fairly long and made of leather, nylon or rope, not of chain, which can get caught up in the jumps. Next week I will tell you a little about training your pet for agility.

For your local radio frequency log onto www.talkradioeurope. com.

It’s good to get second opinion IN any field of business, professionals aim to provide the best knowledge, experience and equipment to be able to provide excellence. No-one, however, is capable of doing everything. A second opinion is exactly what it says: a different person in the same field gives his or her opinion. There is nothing wrong with asking for a second opinion and your veterinarian should understand and provide you with all necessary information; blood tests, x-rays etc. In making an appointment you should specify it is for a second opinion because it will take time to process the information. The second opinion might be the same as the first.

There might be other, newer approaches to the problem as to diagnosis or treatments. Sometimes it just needs a fresh look at the whole situation. Maybe it needs your own language to understand what exactly is going on. It gets complicated when the first and second opinion contradict each other. Be very careful because you

are tempted to follow the second opinion as you doubted the first one. My advice would be to get a third opinion and then go for the option on which two of them agree. Nowadays the internet is often used as a second opinion. Most veterinary sites offer information and there are many forums on which problems and

solutions are discussed. Although it will give you information, it can also make it very confusing. If your dog sneezes it does not mean he has a tumour in the nose! I wish you all a wonderful summer and remember: Don’t COOK your dog. By Nazli, of Pointer Veterinary clinic, Estepona.

Staying in touch - send pet snaps from home By Lamia Walker of HousesitMatch AS a petsitter I like hearing creative ways of helping homeowners stay in touch with their pets at home while they’re away, or helping with re-entry after holidays. Here are some top tips for the pet housesitter, perhaps useful for the owners too: 1. Ask for a Meet & Greet - meet before the housesit if possible. 2. Keeping in touch - Ask the owner how to keep-in-touch, e.g. social media, email. 3. Key contacts keep key phone numbers and documentation to hand. 4. Regularly share pet snaps - it is great to have friendly snaps of the pets. I share via email, Instagram or Facebook by private

message depending on the owner’s preference. 5. Write out feeding and other routines make a daily guide with the owner. 6. Garden specifics learn specifics about the garden, e.g. pet no go areas. 7. Date the post date and store the post safely; ask if you should forward any letters. 8. Clean up after the pets - organise around the food bowls, owners like a tidy welcome. 9. Buy fresh milk and bread - tea and toast is a returning holidaymaker’s treat! Download your Free Easy Guide to Housesitting from here 1 To find a petsitter go to www.HousesitMatch. com or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865 521508


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




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Using cotton buds is not a good idea

MOST doctors advise against using cotton buds to clean your ears. While there are people out there who claim sticking a cotton bud into their ears will remove excess wax, chances are your doctor will tell you there have been many catastrophes resulting from using cotton buds, ranging from punctured eardrums to impacting wax deeper into the ear canal thus occluding the ear. There seem to be no limits to human imagination, and stupidity, and some of the most interesting items ever used by people to clear their ears and later seen in the doctor’s office include hair pins, tweezers, paper clips or even toys. The bottom line is that nothing should ever be placed inside the ear to remove dirt, wax or debris, because it could damage the ear canal or result in hearing loss. The ear canal has cells than naturally produce cerumen, otherwise known as ear wax. Ear wax accumulates faster in some people and sometimes builds up causing decreased ability to hear and even pain. While a bud may seem like a good

COTTON BUDS: Commonly used by people to clean their ears. idea and an excellent alternative to spending hours waiting in the doctor’s waiting room, it may actually do more harm than good. Why? Because not only is the eardrum easily reachable with a bud, but is also extremely delicate. It can be easily ruptured even by the gentlest pressure. More often than not, the ear canal does not need to be cleaned, as wax loosens and falls out on its own while we sleep. If there is excessive wax build-up, a trip to the doctor may be needed. But do not ever stick anything into your ear canal.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

Eating meat may be bad for you and also impacts on the environment THERE are a number of reasons why it is probably a good idea to go vegetarian and swap that steak for a salad. Eating meat may harden your blood vessels. Some studies have found that a compound found in red meat - carnitine - may cause the hardening or clogging of the arteries, otherwise known as atherosclerosis. It is no secret that some red meats are high in saturated fat, which increases LDL cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, eating meat increases your risk of developing type two diabetes. According to endocrinologist Dan Nadeau at Hoag Hospital in Irvine, California, 3.5 ounces of red meat daily lead to a 19 per cent increase in diabetes risk. In addition, meat has been found to be rich in iron and, if eaten in excess, iron can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, at least according to

RED MEAT: Increases your risk of developing diabetes. a study conducted at UCLA. Moreover, excessive consumption of red meat may increase the risk of colorectal cancer in some people. But it is not just that; meat has

been found to impact the environment more than any other food humans eat. Livestock require considerably more land, food, water and energy than plants to raise.

SMILING EYES: Vitamin A and beta-carotene protect from damaging sunlight.

A diet for healthy eyes is just as important WE often forget about our eyesight and the importance of caring for our eyes, but a healthy diet is just as important for our eyes as it is for the rest of our body. Foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges and grapefruits, help reduce the risk of cataracts. Kale is a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are related to vitamin

A and beta-carotene and is believed to protect eye tissues from damaging sunlight and reduce the risk of cataracts and degeneration. Beta-carotene is also found in plentiful amounts in carrots, pumpkins, spinach and cabbage. Salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also help alleviate dry eye and the vitamin D can prevent against degeneration of the eye.

In fact, it is estimated that producing a quarter pound hamburger requires at least six pounds of grain and forage, 52 gallons of drinking water and 74 square feet for grazing.




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


BOTOX: Effective.

New use for Botox SLEEPLESS NIGHTS: Can be caused by noisy evenings.

Stress and insomnia rise during the summer months WHILST many can take the summer off and enjoy the Spanish lifestyle, a report has found that those having to continue working can suffer from increased stress and lack of sleep. In the summer months the noise of the bar terraces, nightclubs and continual fiestas, causes cases of stress and insomnia, tripling in some of the most affected coastal areas.

Main symptoms include chronic fatigue, irritability, poor performance and even anxiety attacks according to Nascia, which works on combating stress and related problems. “It’s not just a problem of lack of sleep, but extends to all areas of the affected day, incapacitating the sufferer to carry out normal activity,” said Nascia director Muñoz Gacto. “The problem should be treated with a

programme performance to prevent the person from entering a vicious circle in which anxiety or stress are the protagonists.” In Barcelona 68 per cent of its citizens at some point are exposed to decibel levels reported at double the allowable rate. In most coastal and tourist areas such as Benidorm, Malaga and Almeria, many people are affected each year by the increased noise.

BOTOX could be an effective new treatment for those suffering from stomach cancer. Known for its antiwrinkle effect, researchers say it can also slow tumour growth as in laboratory tests Botox was successfully used in suppressing stomach cancer in mice by blocking nerve signals that stimulate cancer stem cells. An early clinical trial involving human patients with stomach cancer in Norway is now being planned with scientists saying the results were promising with Botox offering fewer side effects than most cancer treatments and being relatively cheap.

Top donors have 6,000 kids A GROUP of around 500 sperm donors have fathered more than 6,000 children between them with some having 20 children each. That’s according to figures released by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) of donor records held by clinics in the UK.

Before 2005, men who donated their sperm for fertility treatment could remain anonymous and their offspring were only entitled to get basic details of the donor but now new laws are in place allowing people the right to find the identity of their biological fathers.

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28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol








Costa del Sol’s best guide to local restaurants

KID CREOLE: Delighted to be back in Marbella.


A personal interview with Kid Creole

RIDICULOUSLY talented and successful, yet approachable and genuine to the bone. That is the impression left by Robert August Darnell Browder, aka Kid Creole of Kid Creole and the Coconuts. Warm, open, humorous, expressive, honest, thoughtful, balanced, positive and wise are just a few attributes that come to mind after talking to him. Euro Weekly News asked what his secret is to remaining grounded, positive and humble and where he gets his easy going, yet infectious energy. He laughed and said: “Our time on this earth should be spent wisely. Some people let their problems overpower them. There is a Tahitian

saying that I live by, it is my mantra: ‘Eat life or it will eat you.’ So I suggest you take life and turn it into what you want it to be. The trick is to turn the burdens into positives and that’s what I try to do… it’s been working so far!” Kid Creole and the Coconuts took to the stage at Puente Romano, Marbella for their Fiesta Tropical, presented by Costa Cosmetica, which he promised would be a night of feel good music, get up and dance vibes, with plenty of horns, rhythm, and boogying. Special guests joined Kid Creole to create some interesting fusion with this master of old school funk. They were excited about how their style combination would sound and feel. August explained the Creole of Kid Creole means combination or

amalgamation… and describes the broad range of different styles he likes to experiment with and blend. It also quite aptly hints at the fascinating mixture of elements that sparkle within his larger than life character. August said he was delighted to be back in Marbella and was very proud of what the band would be presenting along with Chico Castillo and the Gipsies at Puente Romano, adding he felt very lucky to still be in business after such a long and rewarding career and that many times when he thought he may start to ease out of gigging, the band would suggest another tour and their enthusiasm would bring their back his insatiable mojo to do “Just one more gig.”


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

Joys Live talks to… Mayte HOW did you start as an entertainer? I started a long time ago, after the boom of karaoke across the Costa del Sol. Someone saw me and invited me to do something more serious, what seemed to be just for fun, and which turned into a professional career. So that was my beginning at a legendary place, a piano bar called Old Joys, exactly 20 years ago! I loved singing, and after that I took some music lessons as classical training in the Conservatory, but what really taught me was direct contact with the audience. The audience really taught me how to perform and to entertain. My English then was only good enough to say ‘Good Evening’ and ‘Thank you!’ What do you love about performing on the Costa Del Sol? First of all, I love my profession. I can’t conceive of a life without music - I also like to meet people and connect with them. I have had the chance to meet great people, not just visitors, but great artists where I shared the music on stage, who gave me the privilege to collaborate on many occasions. The Costa del Sol is a place that attracts many artists who love to perform here. So I was a lucky girl who sang with artists like Jocelyn Brown, the great George Duke, the incredible band Kool and The Gang, Chaka-Khan, just to mention a few! Who are your musical influences? I’m a very soulful girl, haha!! I love Soul, R&B, my mentor is the greatest Stevie Wonder. I remember the best present I ever had, was a ticket to see him in Marbella. My first concert when I was 12years-old and I couldn’t believe it!! But also I am very lucky to have great people around me, musician

Rock, Pop from all years, I’m so very grateful for those days.

La Negra Mayté loves her profession. friends like the band, The Mix ( John, Christian, Nestor, Klaus, Graham ) Andy Anderson, Jesus León, Mel Williams, my lovely friend Mato (RIP)… and some others who taught me a very important thing about this business to be a good entertainer

you must learn not just what you really love to sing, but also what makes audiences happy. The people who come every night to see you. I discovered great music tunes, like all those wonderful classic standards, Swing, Jazz,

What makes performing at Joys Live so special ? After all these year, this place never ceases to amaze me. The power, feeling, ‘Solera’ (Spanish definition) of this piano bar with more than 30 years history that has a way of reinventing itself is incredible!!! And why I like singing here is that it enables me to discover new artists and learn more from them and this wonderful music business. And it’s always a pleasure to work with a great entertainer like Paul Maxwel.

Thank you very much for the opportunity Euro Weekly News, and I look forward to seeing you all at Joys Live!!! : )) La Negra Mayté




E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Greek yoghurt: good for you, bad for the planet GREEK yoghurt - the thicker and more protein-packed version of yoghurt - has been everywhere lately. This type of fermented milk product, strained to remove whey, is on the rise in the UK. In fact, Greek and Greek-style yoghurt is the fastest growing sector of the UK yoghurt market. The delicious cultured food was originally made in England by immigrants such as the founders of Tim’s Dairy. The business, which still exists, is currently run by four brothers whose Greek Cypriot uncle started making yoghurt in a small London workshop in 1949, and now makes up to 10,000 litres of Greek-style yoghurt a day. But here’s a new dollop of truth that might sour your taste buds: when Greek yoghurt gets strained, it leaves a waste product called acid whey, a liquid substance consisting of water, lactose, protein and yoghurt cultures.

DELICIOUS YOGHURT: Its popularity is on the increase in the UK. Modern farmers reports that whey acid is so environmentally toxic that it is illegal to dump it.

Once it gets into the waterways, it consumes so much oxygen that aquatic life significantly dies off.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


Now ibraltar G © EWN MEDIA GROUP Gibraltar on a sunny day seen from across the bay.

Speed cameras THE Royal Gibraltar Police caught 635 people speeding in just two weeks which has prompted the Government to give the green light for speed cameras to be deployed on the Rock.

Claim dismissed EUROPEAN environmental minister, Janez Potocnik, has confirmed the EC’s decision dismissing Spanish claims that Gibraltar had breached EU environmental legislation.

€2.8 million SEVERAL businesses are to be moved from their premises at North Mole by the government which will spend around €2.8 million on brand new warehouses for relocation.

Splash over THE Summer Sports Programme came to an end last week with the traditional Summer Splash event.

Cardboard boats

WHAT’S ON V FRIDAY, August 29 is time for the Gibraltar Beer Festival which is being held at the Bayside Sport Complex from 7pm to midnight. Tickets are available from Lewis Stagnetto and cost £20.00. THE Gibraltar Fair is on, all over town and with many fairground attractions, until the weekend.

THE sixth annual Charity Cardboard Boat Race was held again with success and a high level of participation at Ocean Village. The winning craft was from O’Reilly’s for the fifth consecutive year.

Gibraltar fair THERE is still time to visit the Gibraltar fair which ends this weekend ahead of National Week. There are bumper cars, a Viking ship and all sorts of other fun rides for all the family to enjoy.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

omes& gardens






Advertising feature

Check out PoolGobbler Pro for a pristine swimming pool you can use all-year-round


F your pool is constantly littered with insects and debris in these warm, breezy and dusty days it’s because you haven’t yet installed the PoolGobbler Pro pool surface skimmer. This simple piece of equipment works automatically in any shaped swimming-pool by pulling all floating debris into the ultrafine filter bag, keeping the pool surface cleaner, brighter and healthier. “Customers only need to connect it to one of the inlet jets where it can stay the entire year’, said Nick Walker who sells ‘PoolGobbler Pro’ through his www.poolworld website, The device works while the pool pump is on by gathering the debris and filling the bag. Once it is half-full, it can be safely and quickly replaced from the edge of the pool. The technology of PoolGobbler Pro uses the force of the in-streaming water to create a circular flow capturing floating debris in its filter bag. The floating

COMPACT: Means you can still enjoy swimming at any time.

SURFACE CLEANER: The PoolGobbler Pro is a simple device to help keep your pool clean. debris is then trapped, before it sinks, so the need for vacuuming is dramatically reduced. In addition to solid debris, a portion of sun cream and even perspiration will be collected by the ‘PoolGobbler Pro’ leaving a crystal-clear water pool. This cleverly designed,

inexpensive device is easy to install and does not require electricity. Being compact and neatly positioned, means that customers can enjoy swimming at all times. Fitting and assembling the PoolGobbler Pro is easy since there are no tools required. Full

instructions are included and help is always at hand. Nick says: “We recommend ordering through our website, where there is also a video showing the PoolGobbler Pro at work,” adding “if PoolGobbler Pro appeals to you, we offer a money-backguarantee, giving you two weeks

Act fast before the rains By Dick Handscombe


LTHOUGH the recent weather has been a little cooler due to extensive cloud cover and heavy early morning dews there has yet to be noticeable heavy rains. Lets look at jobs to be done before they arrive. I suggest the following: 1. Collect as much rain as possible in water tanks, butts and black builder’s buckets. 2. Loosen up all the unmulched soil surfaces around the garden.

3. Do a weeding as soon as seemingly dead weeds spring to life and dry weed seeds start to germinate. 4. With the damp, hibernating snails could well emerge so be watchful and place eco snail pellets around young vegetables. 5. Many fruit trees, especially in moderate sized gardens and in containers, could do with a shaping and sizing. 6. The water in many garden ponds looks a little green but an ecological anti-algae and flocculating agent will soon have the

water sparkling clear again. 7. Cut the dead flowers off lavender plants. 8. Blackberries could well swell up to a good size during September so harvest from the garden and local hedgerows. 9. Salad leaves as normal lettuces or cut and come again mixes were difficult to keep going by mid-July but after the rains start sowing or transplanting plantlets for autumn, Christmas and spring. 10. Developed shrubs and perennials that could die back during dry periods,

once heavy rain has fallen catch up on pruning . If you experienced severe problems during the summer from the drought it might be useful to purchase a copy of ‘How to use less water in your garden’. It is available from Amazon UK £3.99 and from Amazon es for €4.25. The Book Depository also stocks the book. By the way a main message of the book is ‘How to have a better garden with half the water.’ © Dick Handscombe

to test it out.” PoolGobbler Pro usually costs €59.95 and from just over €1 per week for filters. As an introductory special offer to Spain, the Poolgobbler Pro is being offered for sale for €39.95 with two free filter bags. Orders can be placed directly via our website at For further information, please contact +351 920-012-645 (Portugal) or by e-mail: Poolworld Solutions Palheirinhos - 310Z 8800-210 Tavira, Algarve - Portugal




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28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




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28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol




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28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol





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BENALMADENA - Large studio near marina/Lidl. Fully furnished, pool & gardens. 677 817 867 (229912)

AIR CONDITIONING FAIR PRICE air conditioning, installations and regassing. Tel James 652 023 012 AIRFLOW Air conditioning for cooling and heating units. Professional, fully guaranteed installations. Tel: 952 443 222 (224974) AIR CONDITIONING heating installation, servicing, repairs and regassing, 24/7. Prompt reliable service 620 020 232, 951 165 090 AIR CONDITIONING repairs and servicing. Airflow. 952 443 222 (224974) SPECIAL OFFER! FREE FITTING ON OUR TOP MODEL Fujima 12000 mf air conditioner, suitable for larger bedrooms or lounges. This is a model that does not need pannual servicing. Usual price 798€, now 595€ fitted incl IVA. Koldair 635 059 456 AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and repairs. Quality machines. EsoSense movement sensor supplied and fitted for 80 euros. Coin meters supplied and fitted from 240 euros. For other energy-saving products, visit Tel 952 935 513 (207729)

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ANTIQUES WANTED! All types of antiques, paintings, jewellery, watches, silver etc. Any condition. Immediate cash settlement. For more information call into Anthony’s Antiques and Jewellers shops, extensive premises at C/Ramon y Cajal 40, Fuengirola. Mobile 609 529 633. Telephone 952 588 795 (201522)

EL TALLER DE MENIA SC: we restore furniture, antiques, works of art. Free quotes, - 610 830 740 (229955)

CONCRETE - OZBUILD, Specialist imprinted concrete. Reseals, repairs, brickwork, tiling, plastering, screeding. 11 years in Spain. Competitive prices, quality finish. 952 426 074 / 606 745 920 / (223209)

ANTIQUES WANTED. Anything with age considered, cash paid for, lamps, clocks, paintings, LPs, bric-a-brac etc. Also design furniture. Houses, gardens + garages cleared. Ring 677 276 956 or 637 119 214 if no response ring 951 047 328. Better still email to with images and contact number. (201608)

BATHROOM RENOVATION SPECIALIST. Joseph 625 199 313 / (215982) GENERAL BUILDER. Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 952 662 745 / 635 913 885 (References available) (223191)


HAVE a better quality life in your own house. We adapt it for your needs. Free advice. 617 074 567 John (229973)

BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (224771) ACE OF SHADES - All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and manual operation, also recover service available, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730)


SWIFT MULTISERVICES. All aspects of building works undertaken with over 30 years’ experience. Professional, trustworthy & reliable. Call 674 845 852 (229932)

BATH REPAIRS BATHOLOGIST. Specialist in repairing chipped baths or refurbishing old/worn baths. No mess or disruption. 678 808 837 (220839)

DAMP PROOFING DR DAMP leaking roofs, damp walls, all mould cured. All work guaranteed. Call 689 515 558 (215594)



ACE OF SHADES - Vertical, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also blackout blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730)

SOLAR BLINDS SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER TOO improve your living environment. Solar Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (220231)

BOATS PUERTO BANUS - Moorings for rent. 8, 12 & 15 meters. 662 379 483 (220871) PUERTO BANUS - Moorings wanted to buy. 667 319 249 (220871) FOR RENT: 12 metre berth BANUS. Good location - Big discount for 2014. Contact: 0044 7768 028400 / email gillnor (229930)

KITCHENS and bathrooms, plastering, tiling and all general building works. 14 years on the coast, top quality finish and guaranteed. Call 649 335 566 or 952 590 760 (220774)

PLASTERING, rendering, dry lining, coving, suspended ceilings. Fitted kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. All work guaranteed. 689 515 558 (215594)

PLASTERING, all aspects covered, skimming, rendering, screeding, covering, tiling, Dean 691 044 287 (229992)

BUSINESS FOR SALE OCCASIONS card and gift shop, Mojacar Playa. Going concern. All year round trade. Serious offers only. Contact Anji: 950 478 539 or 636 678 950 (227638)

BUSINESS OPP. DEALERSHIPS available for safety pool fencing. Only one dealership will be offered for every 100km radius. Including the only ‘NoHoles’ pool fencing system in the world suitable for rentals. Tel 952 810 443, (229844) GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PHONE 00353 87916 4023 / 00353 86848 6077 INFO LINE +34 965 020 520 HEALTHYHEART59@GMAIL.COM (220768) PERSONALISED gift business for sale. Prime position in La Carihuela. Little competition, big profits. 651 627 885 (229201)

BUY & SELL CD and DVD collections large or small. TC will buy them all. Telephone 652 072 600 (229181)

VARIOUS ITEMS FOR SALE: Glass dining table on handmade marble base with 6 chairs, 2 sofas beige/white, 1 extensible as double bed, 2 leather-armchairs brown with teak-wood, 2 hand-made benches made of light wrought iron with pillows, 1 Duxiania-bed 180/200 cm, turquoise, with mattresses. 1 Chinese vase. Everything in very best condition. Tel. 952 81 68 39 (229022) SECOND hand shop buy & sell. Tim’s established 1992. Atalaya (San Pedro). New opening hours. Monday-Friday 10.30am-7.00pm. Saturday 10.30am-2.00pm. 666 903 499 (228642) PALLET greeetings cards 15,000, 850 euros negotiable. Call Matthew 600 605 337 (228644)

CARAVANS PARKING, STORAGE & SALES. Caravans - Motorhomes - Boats Cars and Vans etc. Short / long term - Safe & secure, drop off & collections. Excellent rates, discount for long term, 5 mins from Fuengirola. Established 25 years. / info@eu 679 786 669 / 606 101 807 (218617)


Superpool est. 1985. Pool tables, boxing and mini-vending machines on profit share, also new/second hand domestic tables and accessories. Tel 629 530 233 - (223819) FOR SALE. Pools/Heating. Florida Titanium pool heat pump for sale p.w.o. €600 ono. 605 206 394 (220154)

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUILDING SERVICES PH BUILDERS. Full or Part Reforms. Bathrooms, kitchens, plumbing, tiling, electrics. Tel 600 204 433 / 952 565 168 (229070) ALL REFORMS. Big and small professional service. Competitive prices. 605 206 394 (220154) SWINGLES CASAS SL. For all your building needs. Visit www.swinglescasas. com for more details or call 952 428 067 / 666 960 262 (224893) JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. bathrooms / kitchen reforms, repairs, plumbing, carpentry, painting, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423 (220298)

Price per word: 0,42€ + IVA minimum 15 words - Discount: Book 10 weeks, get 2 weeks free - Deadline: 4pm Mondays Contact: Phone (0034) 952 561 245 • Fax (0034) 952 440 887 • email •


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

CAR HIRE CAR HIRE long & short term, no extras Tel 634 029 878 (224992)

CARPENTRY CARPENTER cabinet maker, Irish. Available for all types of property maintenance, plumbing, painting, electrical, kitchens and bathrooms renovated etc, 30 years experience, very reliable. Tel: 952 441 955 / 677 087 575 (202841) IRISH CARPENTER, doors, decking, floors, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms. General property maintenance. Established 2002. Tel 952 196 457 or 696 064 019 (221146) CARPENTER, Pergolas, Decking, Guttering, Kitchens, Doors, Wardrobes, Shelving, Tiling, Bathrooms, Decorating and Wallpapering. Tel 664 385 610 (221002)

CHIMNEY SERVICES APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (215840)

CHURCH SERVICES BENALMADENA Elim Family Fellowship. Sundays 11am. Elimfami or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627 (0)

COMPUTERS LAPTOP HELP LINE. Notebooks, netbooks and tablets repaired, software updates, Internet and email problems solved. Refurbished laptops for sale. Web page designed and maintained. 952 564 274 / 677 702 501 (220138) COMPUTER PROBLEMS SOLVED. Error messages fixed, viruses removed. Repairs and upgrades available. Laptops in English. Kindle, iPad & Android help. One-toone training. Also, low cost, reliable internet TV solutions, even for slow connections. Experienced, reliable service. Paul 630 652 338 / 952 493 859 (215502) COMPUTER HELP EVERYTHING MACBOOK. Stephen on 672 754 116 (229167)

CURTAINS CURTAINS, BLINDS, UPHOLSTERY, a complete service. Mary 675 813 348 (220206)

DANCE FREE TASTER CLASS IN POLE FITNESS! Come join us for an open evening in pole fitness on Monday 1st September 78pm. Get fit & toned with the new fitness craze. Call 656 993 743 or add Aerial Dance Spain on Facebook to register. Mijas Costa area (229023)

DRAINAGE DRAINS: Our fully equipped vehicles are ready to deal with any problem, water jetting, water leak detection, CCTV, roots removal, relining and more. Discounts for urbanisations. Now incorporating solar hot water, salt pool systems, central heating & general plumbing. Pipetek. 674 632 344 / 617 198 888 / 952 897 516 (223198) T1

UPHOLSTERY and steam cleaning sofas, carpets etc… JA Cleaning Services 626 357 955 (200771) CARPET & UPHOLSTERY PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE WET OR DRY CLEAN, HONEST,RELIABLE SERVICE. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 (220839)



PRIVATE Detective, free preliminary meeting, full confidentiality. English spoken 632 515 570 (229200)

DOMESTIC APP REPAIRS DOMESTIC Appliance repairs washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, water heaters, gas / electric, professionally repaired. Christian 608 337 497 (207492)


ALMOST ANYTHING, Tiling plumbing & painting. Based in Elviria. Speak to Gareth. 690 841 188 (224338)


THE SPORTS SHOP, Fuengirola. Tel 952 473 530. Specialists in golf prizes. Gift sets, pens, key rings, metal spoons & beer tankards, pins & medals. Large selection of ladies & hole in one prizes. Try our new embroidery service, free artwork, best prices, quality & machinery. (229715)

ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ALL electrical installation work and repairs. On the coast 12 years. All work guaranteed. Call Jim 652 023 012



GARDENING PROFESSIONAL garden services from Fuengirola to Estepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and landscaping, free quotes, competitive prices. Contact Andrew 600 259 981 Andrew@garden-profession (215793) GARDENER for private homes, communities, tree pruning, pool maintenance, garden design. Specialist in water systems. Tel: 666 953 892 (220302) GARDENER. Jose 683 342 104 (224482)

BS ELECTRICAL, Boletins, Rewires, Fault Finding, Endesa helpline, 33 years experience. Sean 952 961 108 / 669 070 011 / www.bselectrical .eu (222640)


JUST FLOORS. Fitting service, wood, carpets, laminates, tiles & vinyl. Decking repaired, etc. MIJAS 663 131 593 (229207)

MAN with small van for all your needs, English/Spanish speaking translations, waiting in offices for you etc, based in Marbella (all the coast) 678 817 145 (222367)

BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (224404)

ELECTRICIAN on coast for 11 years, repairs and installation, including boiler repairs. Call James 652 023 012 (224846)

OVEN CLEANING, domestic, commercial, complete fittings, let professional do hard, dirty work, from 35€. 632 569 282 oven (223165)



GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (221449)



TONY’S MARBLE RESTORATION SERVICE. Marble and terrazo floors, professionally refurbished, quotations without obligation. +34 620 726 875 (223162)

CLEARFLOW DRAIN SERVICES. All drain problems solved. More than 25 years on the coast. Leak detection, leak and repair. Clearflow Group. Telephone 952 885 661 or 630 200 600 (229558)


TAROT Reading. African Spiritualist solves problems - love and business. Tel: Ibrahim 626 502 803 (220266)

ARBOLISTA Tree surgery, No. 1 for trees and palms, on the Costa since 1998. 600 260 534 - 952 117 486 Kit Hogg C.G.Arb (220299)


ELECTRICIAN 16th Edition BS7671 qualified, 25 years experience. Rewires, extra sockets, lights, fault finding etc. Contact Call Ian 650 151 569 (215809) JIB Graded Electrician. Home-intelligence, network-engineering etc. Loves a challenge! 602 494 347 (229025)

FLOOR POLISHING MARBLE FLOOR (2.50€/m2) WHY PAY MORE .WE CLEAN, CRYSTALLISE, SEAL THEN POLISH YOUR MARBLE TO HIGH GLOSS, NON SLIP. PROFESSIONAL GUARANTEED, FAST SERVICE. 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE. ALSO REPAIRS DAMAGES TO MARBLE, CLEAN AND SEAL TERRACOTTA TERRACES, COVERS ALL COSTA DEL SOL. TEL: 671 244 683 (215511) T1 MARBLE FLOORS polished. Fast service. Reliable, family run. TERRACOTTA CLEANED and sealed. Wooden floors treated. No job too small. Family run. Cleansol 10am 10pm 7 days all areas. 952 930 861 / 607 610 578 Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)

HANDYMAN ALL trades repairs, retired professional. 676 143 789 / 602 669 240 (220895)

HEALER EXPERIENCED spiritualist medium, healer & qualified bereavement counsellor. British lady, Elizabeth 678 252 575 / 951 242 683 (229936)

HEALTH & BEAUTY Ladies, I have a new range of anti-chafing Knickers, very cool and comfortable in hot weather. Call me to find out more 602 685 061 (229215) SAYAN MASSAGE. Your best traditional & tantric massage for ladies and gentlemen. 952 586 339 608 977 260 www.masajes (220286) MOBILITY SCOOTERS, wheelchairs, hoists, rise recline chairs, electric adjustable beds, commodes, walking aids, all you need to make your life easier. All available for sale or hire, long or short term. Tel 633 127 901 / / (224274)

ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (215526) EXPRESS Metalwork Services. Gates, grilles, rails and scissor gates. 952 590 748, 617 065 636. Facebook Express Metalwork (229162)

JM NURSING CARE. Registered nurses and qualified carers working across the coast. We specialise in care with the elderly, dementia patients and learning disabilities. Free consultation and good rates available. For more information call 634 153 763 / 634 022 981 or email us at jmnursing (220844)

CLASSIFIEDS SPORTS MASSAGE AROMATHERAPY, Hot Stones, Lymph Drainage, Reflexology, Reiki, Nueva Andalucia and home visits. Carol ITEC Tel 653 139 558 (229710)

BEAUTY TREATMENTS BOTOX AND FILLERS - From €95. Covers the Costa del Sol and inland. 609 347 086. www.beauti (229705)

CHIROPRACTORS FUENGIROLA, Myofascial Release. J. Shaegen, Specialised in treating neck, back & extremity disorders, 30 years in Practice. 652 291 224 (229729)


DOCTORS ARE YOU YOUNG and have plenty? Donate ovules, your generosity will be rewarded. Clinica FIV Marbella. 951 087 975

MASSAGE TORREMOLINOS, massage, 90 minutes €40, Los Alamos. 698 201 262 (220184) PROFESSIONAL SPORTS MASSAGE 12 years experience. 1 hour €35, 1.5 hours €50, Elviria. Wendy 952 852 330 or 634 310 821. Mobile service + €10 (215508) REINA Sport & Health. Experienced professional physiotherapy, osteopathy. “Oxygen pain therapy”. Professional sports massage. Personal trainer. Calahonda - Riviera home visits, hotel. 618 515 487 (220437)

OSTEOPATH OSTEOPATH Chris Howard, BSc (Hons) Ost. La Cala de Mijas. Established over 10 years in Spain. Diagnosis, advice, treatment for all types of pain/injury. Qualified, Registered, Insured. 952 050 180 / 679 501 367 (220110)

PSYCHOLOGISTS ANXIETY, depression, couple, child, adolescent therapy, sextherapy. Hernandez Psicologos. Psychologists and Psychiatrists in Marbella, Fuengirola and Malaga. We speak English and Spanish. Tel 722 561 791 (220032)

HOLIDAY LETS FREE LISTINGS for Holiday Rental Villas (221428)


WANTED FURNITURE & household items houses gardens garages cleared top prices paid fast reliable service 639 229 607 / 649 977 723 (224841) FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, cash waiting, reliable service. 678 808 837 (220839) WANTED all furniture and quality household items. Cash paid, same day collection. Best prices, please call 693 028 325 (220839)



HOT TUBS / SPAS HOT TUBS, new, used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. 691 973 131 / 952 793 398 (229841)

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol 24/7 LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH emergency / appointment. Doors opened without damage, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured, 24 hour honest, fast and reliable service. Call Paul 657 466 803 (216650) T1




ABBEYGATE INSURANCE Make the right choice and join the thousands of expatriates who have. We provide a friendly personal service, for all your home, motor, health, travel or marine insurance. Call 952 893 380 (68259) HEALTH INSURANCE Competitive prices, English worded policies. Pay monthly or annually. All levels of cover. Premiums from €25 a month. Tel: 956 795 453 Abbeygate Insurance (68259) ABBEYGATE INSURANCE Car insurance exclusive for expatriates, save up to 50%. Find out about our price pledge on UK plated cars. Home insurance from €50. Tel: 952 893 380 (68259) EU INSURANCE DIRECT Extra Special Offers. Up to €50 cash back for car and home insurance (conditions apply) for new customers. For all your Insurance Needs and the Best Price and Best Cover in English, call Wendy on 952 830 843 / 676 098 464 email (229688)

ABBEYGATE INSURANCE If you are renewing your policy or looking for new cover. Call us, as we are the only Insurance Company in Spain to offer protection on your no claims bonus. Call 952 893 380 (68259)


HOSTING - Carrier grade data centre in Elviria, two diesel generators, multiple backbone symmetrical carrier-class connections, BGP4 routing, aircon, secure facilities. For dedicated housing or hostings with serious bandwidth and 99.99% uptime, we can host your servers and applications in our data centre in Elviria. Feel free to visit us to discuss your needs. 951 055 676 www.mercuryinter (224327) GET YOUR business noticed online! Make sure that expats in Spain can find your product, service, restaurant, bar or shop. Contact Spain’s newest and brightest online directory TODAY. Call 952 561 245 or email serena@euroweeklynews .com for more details.

INTERPRETER INTERPRETER & TRANSLATOR. French, Spanish & English. 632 515 570 (229194)

LAWYER FUENGIROLA - SOLICITOR - Legal Advising. Real Estate Purchase/Sale - Tax - NIE/Residence. 670 756 228 - (229956)

LOANS HOLA CREDITO. Instant short term loans against your valuables. Quick, easy and always discreet. Tel 900 123 457 www.holacredi (224321) LOANS AVAILABLE on all types of paintings, jewellery, watches, silver etc. Any condition. Immediate cash settlement. For more information call into Anthony’s Antiques & Jewellers shops extensive premises at C/Ramon y Cajal 40, Fuengirola. Mobile 609 529 633. Tel: 952 588 795 (SE)


WOODY´S LOS BOLICHES. Greeting Cards, mail to and from the UK. Worldwide courier and Passport renewals. All adverts taken forthe Euro Weekly News- display or classified. Open 9.002.00PM (Monday to Friday). Special hours apply August and Xmas. One street behind the Confortel, just off Plaza San Rafael, Los Boliches, on C/Poeta Salvador Rueda 93. Tel: 952 471 877

MOBILE HOMES WE BUY, Sell, remove all types of mobile homes. We pay CASH and cover all of Spain. More details call Suzi Caley 616 250 727 / 951 063 059 or email (215521) WANT TO RELOCATE? We can transport your home and install on to a 12 month park from £4,995. Annual site fees from €3,000 Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70 (85143) BRAND NEW WILLERBY Siena 32m² home sited within a stylish gated community, 45 minutes from Malaga airport £19,995 Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70 (85143) WILLERBY COTTAGE 28x10 sited in ‘La Serrana Hills’ of Pizarra, site open all year round, swimming pool, only £13,495. Want to view? Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70 (85143)

24/7 MOBILITY MOBILITY SCOOTERS, electric wheelchairs, wheelchairs, walking frames for sale and rent. Delivered to home or hotel at very competitive prices. Part exchange considered. Always a good selection of quality used mobility scooters in stock with guarantee.We have large scooters with a range of up to 40km. Medium scooters with a range of up to 30km and small scooters that can go into your car with a range of 8-12km. We also stock electric wheelchairs with a range of 30km and one that folds to go into your car with a range of 12km. New wheelchairs always in stock and used ones at considerable savings. Mobility scooters bought for cash. Mobility scooter batteries supplied and fitted. For same day delivery phone 609 581 139. email / www.mobili (201565)



MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 MOSQUITO SCREENS, call Mosquito Nick tlf 647 072 861 (224378)




952 83 21 73 608 658 785

MOBILITY THE MOBILITY WIZARD. The only company in southern Spain that specialises in repairing and maintaining mobility scooters, power chairs and mobility products. Authorised repair agents for most European manufacturers. Most repairs carried out at your place of residence, batteries analysied and replaced if needed, tyres supplied and fitted. Summer’s coming, has your mobility scooter been serviced lately? Full service and inspection at your home for just €60. Large selection of mobility scooters available for sale and rent, no deposit required and free delivery. We also offer roadside assistance, we will come to your rescue if you’re unfortunate enough to have a breakdown or puncture, keep this number handy! Tel 633 127 901 / / (224274)


MOSQUITO SCREENS ACE OF SHADES - Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730)


CAR SERVICES MECHANIC workshop & mobile. All work undertaken. ITVs done. Reasonable rates. Prompt, reliable services 24/7. 620 020 232, 951 165 090 AUTOMATIC gearbox specialist. Transmatic. All models including classic cars, serviced, repaired and reconditioned. Also 4x4 transfer boxes and power steering Call/fax 952 796 166 / 952 805 804 email: (224315) BRITISH MECHANIC WORKSHOP. Repair, service & ITV to all makes of cars, vans and 4 x 4s. Call Steve 951 914 025 or 605 407 369. Poligono Las Perales, Mijas Costa. britme

FOR SALE ROBERTSON CARS... Summer Saver 4x4 Automatic Toyota RAV 4. 2006 2 litre VVTI ‘Sol’ Tiptronic, Spanish plates, kept in outstanding condition by lovely British lady owner and her dog Gertrude, only 82,000kms (approx 51,000mls), fitted legal towbar, ABS, ESR, PAS, cruise and climate control, CD, electric windows/locking etc. Looks great in graphite with alloy wheels, it cost new 32,000 euros, was 10,995 euros, now 9,995 euros. Samantha or Gordon Robertson (The Car Couple) Tel 608 658 785 or 952 832 173 see photo


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

ROBERTSON CARS... Summer Saver Diesel Fiat Punto 1.3JTD, 2007, only 53,000kms. Spanish plates, 5 door, hatchback, British Navy skipper owner set sail leaving Spain, air conditioned, CD player, electric windows, locking, alarm, easy and economical. Ahoy!!! Was 4,500 euros, now 3,995 euros. Samantha and Gordon Robertson (The Car Couple) 608 658 785 / 952 832 173. See photo on (224426) ROBERTSON CARS... automatic and diesel Citroen C3 2008 1.4HDI Audace, 70BHP, sensodrive, Spanish plates, Belgian lady owner leaving Spain, beautiful burgundy, 4 door, small, easy automatic and diesel economy, doesn’t get better than this 5,995 euros. Samantha or Gordon Robertson (The Car Couple). Tel 952 832 173 or 608 658 785 / (224426) ROBERTSON CARS... automatic Audi A3 attracion, only 47,000kms, 2004 model, 5 door, Spanish plates, beautiful blue, air con, this is a quality car with service history that has been looked after, lady owner leaving Spain, bargain price 5,500 euros. Samantha or Gordon Robertson (The Car Couple) 952 832 173 / 608 658 785 (224426) ROBERTSON CARS... only 12,000kms. HYUNDAI i10 Comfort 2013 1.2,still with manufacturer’s warranty, Spanish plates, elderly English owner returning to UK, 5 speed, 5 door, CD player, air con, electric windows and locking, easy to drive and park, a wee beauty in bright red, cost new 12,500 euros, like new, our bargain baby 8,995 euros. Samantha or Gordon Robertson (The Car Couple) 608 658 785 / 952 832 173. See photo on (224426) ROBERTSON CARS only 25,000kms, new facelift Seat Ibiza 2012 model, 1.4 reference, 5 door, hatchback, Spanish plates, English owner’s work relocation forces sale, graphite, grey, air con, electric everything, CD, like a new car condition. Save on new price, now 8,500 euros. Samantha or Gordon Robertson (The Car Couple) Tel. 952 832 173 (224426) ROBERTSON CARS… Coming September 2013 model Ssangyong Korando D2OT Eco. Limited 4x2, one Scottish lady owner, Spanish registered, still has manufacturer’s warranty. See it soons. (224426)


ATTENTION all expats with a Spanish car to sell. We pay the top price for genuine low kilometre Spanish cars. Samantha or Gordon Robertson (The Car Couple) 952 832 173 or 608 658 785 email (223164)

DIESEL Ford C-Max 2.0 TDCI, 2005 Mdl from private owner, 6 speed, only 91,000klm (57,000mls), metallic silver, a very scarce MPV. Ideal for the family, looks and drives great, look only 4,995€. 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (222367)

CHEVROLET Matiz, white, 5 door, 100,000kms, new clutch, full service, very economical, 2,495€ 672 550 037 (222389)

BMW X-1 S-drive 1.8 Diesel 2013 one private owner (not ex rental) bought from main dealer Marbella and still covered by BMW warranty Polar white black velour trim. Sat/Nav. Tinted windows, Rear parking sensors, great alloy wheels save a fortune at this price only 23’995€ 952838842 608950221 or (222367)

WRANGLER Jeep 2004, only 44,000mls, 4 new tyres, bronze, black soft top, excellent condition, 6,750€. 672 550 037 (222389) CAMPER VAN, 6 berth, Iveco Concorde full spec, 3 ltr diesel, 109,000kms, immaculate, 2000, 22,000€ 672 550 037 (222389) AUDI CABRIO 2004, 2.5 petrol, 5 speed manual, red with black leather, 136,000kms, must be seen, 7,995€. 672 550 037 (222389) AUTOMATIC Opel Astra 1.6 petrol 2007, only 103,000kms with service history, excellent condition, 4,995€ 672 550 037 (222389) ASTRA Estate 1.7dti, 2007, black, 120,000kms, very clean car, 4 new tyres, bargain, 5995€ 672 550 037 (222389) JAGUAR XJR 4.0, supercharger, metallic blue with cream leather, lhd on UK plates, 50,000kms, 4950€ 672 550 037 (222389) JAGUAR XJ6 3.2, 1998, 85,000kms, metallic black, stunning, 4 new tyres, excellent condition, 4,995€ 672 550 037 (222389) CITROEN Jumpy 9 seater minibus, 2007, 2.0HDI, diesel, metallic blue, 190,000kms with history, 6,995€ 672 550 037 (222389) NISSAN 350z, 2005, 6 speed manual, metallic black, 170,000kms with full history, 4 new tyres, 8,995€. 672 550 037 (222389) BILL BRADY CARS has been established on the Costa del Sol since 1986, in which time he has helped thousands of expatriates to buy or sell their quality used Spanish cars and also keeping all the documentation simple so you understand all that is going on (which is important). You can contact Bill direct on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 or (222367) AUTOMATIC Honda Civic Sport 1.8 Inj 2008. This is a very scarce car, only 63,000klm (39,000mls), ITV (MOT) 2016, paddle, triptronic full electric pack, alloy wheels, metallic bronze. Yes it’s only 7,995€. 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (222367)

MERCEDES Coupe diesel automatic E-250 CDI. 2011 (face lift model). From private owner only 34,000klm (22,000mls), metallic silver/black, half leather interior, too many extras to list, save a fortune on new price at only 29,995€. 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (222367) PRICE SLASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VW GOLF 1.4 TSI 5 door, 6 speed 2008 from private ownr, 68,000km (42,000mls), service history, metallic silver, charcoal velour trim, alloy wheels, a very scarce car WAS 8,500€, NOW 7,995€. 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (222367) 4x4 DIESEL Hyundai Terracan 2004/5 2.9 CRDI from private owner, only 93,000km (53,000mls), service history, a very clean jeep with alloy wheels, bull bars, side steps, two bar, tinted windows, a great work horse and much more, for only 5,500€. 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (222367) MERCEDES SLK 230 Kompressor ‘97. Automatic, cabrio, silver, UK reg. LHD, 200,000kms €3,500. In very good condition. INFO: Nancy Tel 634 000 472 (229991) JAGUAR XJS 4 litre celebration convertible 1996, automatic, 48,000 miles, stunning in metallic turquoise with cream leather interior and black mohair parahood, left hand drive, Spanish plates, ITV to March 2015, rear last of line module in beautiful condition, 24,950€. tel 694 415 056 (228661) MERCEDES 160, 45,600km, A/C, AUTOMATIC, built 2003, from private, first hand, in best condition. Tel. 952 81 68 39 (229022)

INSURANCE ABBEYGATE INSURANCE. No automatic annual increase on our Motor Insurance, renewal policies. Call 952 893 380 (68259) WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)

For daily news visit



MECHANIC workshop & mobile. All work undertaken. ITVs done. Reasonable rates. Prompt, reliable services 24/7. 620 020 232, 951 165 090 (229508)

YOUNG DOMESTICATED cats rescued from the killing station need kind homes. Fully vaccinated and neutered, free of charge. We will also deliver to England for a donation to the charity. Please give one of these beautiful cats a home so we can save more from death. Can be seen without obligation at Cat and Dog World Kennels. Tel. 630 197 435 (93398)

MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, repairs, ITVs & diagnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (224998) BRITISH MECHANIC WORKSHOP. Repair, service & ITV to all makes of cars, vans and 4 x 4s. Call Steve 951 914 025 or 605 407 369. Poligono Las Perales, Mijas Costa. britmechanicspain@ (217674)


WANTED HUSBAND & WIFE TEAM. Painting/Interior design. Free estimates. Graham - 607 923 486 (222271) PAINTING, Plumbing and General Build Works, Refurb and Reforms at competitive prices. Free quotation contact tel: 625 200 205 (229232) I BUY ANY CAR. 602 533 508 (223880) CARS AND VANS, ANY REGISTRATION, INSTANT CASH, FINANCE/EMBARGO UK OR SPANISH 693 028 325 (220839) WANTED. CARS & JEEPS & camper vans for cash. All makes, LHD, any condition. 693 357 000 (224394) CARS, VANS UK OR SPANISH BOUGHT FOR CASH. FREE COLLECTION IN SPAIN AND UK. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 OR 952 669 701 (220839) WANTED, we will give instant decision on your car, over 50 cars in stock from 1,500€. Call for an instant decision and professional service 672 550 037 / (222389)

SUPERIOR decoration services. Interiors & exteriors, paper hanging, detailed work & paint finishes. Discounted wall coverings. Quality workmanship at highly competitive prices. Free quotations, check us out on 952 455 551 / 695 875 118. Email: (229836)

PERGOLAS & DECKING PERGOLAS, Decking and Thatched Gazebos. Best quality and prices. Installations. For free quotation call 686 322 328 (224383)


CAR, VANS BOUGHT WITH OR WITHOUT PAPERS. CASH WAITING 678 808 837 (220839) WANTED CARS AND VANS, FREE COLLECTION, SAME DAY 693 028 325 (220839) CARS wanted, private buyer looking to buy any very, very good value cars. 678 318 865 (229206)

MUSIC DAVE C CLARKE, guitarist, vocalist, pianist, ex-Cunard. Specialising in popular Spanish guitar. Available solo or combo. Parties / weddings / class restaurants, dinner dances. Huge repertoire. Details 687 627 434 (220340)

NAUTICAL Swim in clear waters or sail for a couple of hours. 617 074 567 PUERTO BANUS, 8m mooring for rental. 630 614 252 (228645)

PAINTERS/DECORATOR “SIMPLY THE BEST” on the coast. Forget the rest, have the job done right. Call Sam. 18 years Mijas. 952 666 025 / 629 546 128. You’re worth it. (215594)


COCKROACHES, Wasps, Ants, Rats, Termites, Fleas, Bedbugs, Palm weevil, All Pest Problems. Call LOCAL PESTPLAGUICOSTA, the British Company you can trust. Registered with Malaga Sanitary Department. Tel 952 449 591 or 684 217 181. Best price Guarantee, open 24/7 (224412) T1 COCKROACHES, ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Guarantee. 23 years serving the coast. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Nigel 606 008 940 (223163)

ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call Marjorie 952 79 74 05 or 636 934 146 (93319) ACE CHARITY at El Refugio Kennels always needs volunteers to help with dog walking. It’s good exercise, a couple of hours any morning of the week. Foster and permanent homes also needed for our many inmates! Vivien 639 991 079 (93320) SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public weekends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at anytime. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 (93321) At SOS Animal Refuge we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So if you are having a clear-out, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about re-homing, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317)


FOR SALE CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES with pedigree and passports, available all year, parents can be seen. Call 952 112 870 / 654 285 667 (221448)

KENNELS - Boutique Dog & Cat Hotel and much more … Facebook page: POSH PETS SPAIN. Tel: 952 597 035 (224385) LAGUNA KENNELS AND CATTERY. Your pets lovingly cared for by English mother and daughter. Near Coin. lagunakennels@hot Tel 952 112 021 / 606 838 983 (224847) STEFANIE’S KENNELS AND CATTERY, Estepona. Fully licensed, Junta approved, est. 1986. Viewing welcomed 952 790 943 w w w. s t e fa n i e s ke n n e l s . c o m (219547) CAT AND DOG WORLD KENNELS AND CATTERY, superb licensed facilities, viewing welcome. Tel: 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. (223161) PETCARE PET HOTEL. Alhaurin el Grande. Holiday accommodation for dogs and cats. Heated/Air conditioned kennels available. Tel: 952 112 284 / 685 400 216 Find us on Facebook at Petcare Spain (220208) STEFANIE’S KENNELS AND CATTERY, Estepona. Fully licensed, Junta approved, est. 1986. Viewing welcomed 952 790 943 w w w. s t e fa n i e s ke n n e l s . c o m (220224) EURODOG BOARDING KENNELS & CATTERY. Under new ownership by animal loving family. Large kennels and exercise yards, fully licensed and sanitary approved. Safe, secure and caring environment. Inspections welcome anyt ime. 5 minutes from Fuengirola 679 786 669 / 952 464 947 / (224322)



WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM is always looking for realistically priced inland properties to sell to our interested buyers. Tel 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 (220102), see our main advert on page 58 (229250)

ANIMALCOURIERS - A kind, caring, friendly service between Spain/UK. Flights from Malaga or road from Costa del Sol for your Pet Travel. ASK us about SPECIAL FLIGHT DEALS for this summer for your pet to accompany you on a MONARCH FLIGHT back to England to visit the family maybe? / 0044 1483 200123, 0034 635 155 962 or for a quotation. (223230)

MIJAS DOÑA PILAR. Beautiful villa for sale. Have a look at our website. (229163) EL SOTO DE MARBELLA luxury 3 bedroom duplex penthouse for sale on this superb development with it’s own golf course, gym, sauna, spa and tennis courts plus a very popular on site restaurant. Fantastic views and quality finish. Price only 260,000 Euros. Contact Paul 627 134 866 (224942)

ACCOMPANY your pets to their new home. Fully licensed pet transport service. Denise 952 197 187 / 696 233 848 (229707)

STUNNING Four Bedroom Villa with Pool. La Cerquilla. Only 1,495,000 Euros! 951 106 908 (229943)

LOOK NO FURTHER for your pet transport. We offer a service to travel with/without your pets/furniture. Pets from GBP295 including vet checks. Various vehicles to cater for your needs. 952 596 213 / 665 150 227 spainukspain@hot (218548)

TORREBLANCA REDUCED, Townhouse, 3 double beds, with parking and comm pool. Now 167,000€. Call 654 579 780 (229979) REDUCED! 2 Bedroom Modern Townhouse. Nueva Andalucia. ONLY 185,000 Euros! 951 106 908 (229943)

PET TRANSPORTATION by road. Complete service from professional licensed kennels. 630 197 435 (223161)

MARQUES DE ATALAYA, luxury resale 2 and 3 bedroom apartments with spa & gym / www.marquesdeatalayaresales. com / 0034 671 174 408 (220904)

THE DOG MOVER. Licensed transporters. Two handlers, so never alone. 680 781 699 / 0044 (0) 7875 947230. www.thedog (220443)

PLUMBING THE Irish plumber for all your plumbing requirements, complete bathroom reforms, all areas covered. 7 days, reasonable rates. 605 206 394 (220154) T1

PLUMBER: All aspects, gas/electric boilers. Kitchens, bathrooms, repairs & installations. Gary 669 615 334 / 952 576 296 (215706) CITY AND GUILDS, QUALIFIED PLUMBER. All areas covered. Adrian 677 063 272 30 YEARS ON THE COAST. I cover all aspects of plumbing & general maintenance. Graham 607 923 486 (222271) PLUMBING. Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 /

POOL TILING REPLACE your broken swimming pool tiles without draining your pool by utilising the very latest in underwater grouting and adhesives, quickly and efficiently. Call Lee at AquaTile Tel. 69 7529 677 (229713)

PROPERTY FOR SALE PLOT FOR SALE - Los Flamingos, magnificent sea views 1414 m2. 629 907 476 (220346)

PET-COURIERS.COM – If you love your pet try us first – we are the best. Door to door service throughout Europe. Specialised vehicles – bespoke service. Full legal service including documentation if required. For further information call or e-mail us: Tel: (0034) 651 033 670 or (0034) 637 066 227. Email: or (206497)

PLUMBER: Water heaters repaired, replaced same day. Full bathroom and kitchen reforms, previous work can be seen. References available. Mark Allan - 608 454 778 / 952 937 244 (215702)

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol see our main ad under “swimming pools” 951 965 309

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PRO VENT. Kitchens, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Windows, Glass Curtains creatively designed and expertly fitted. Visit our showroom in La Cala or call 639 727 188 for a free quotation. From inspiration to installation (224278)


GOLDEN MILE classic villa, sea views, 2,900,000€ beautifully decorated, no offers call John 602 515 031 (228652) BENALMADENA Marina: Fully furnished detached penthouse, 177m2. Huge terrace with jacuzzi, bar, BBQ and garden areas. 2 bedrooms, possibly 4. Lovely sea and marina views. 425,000 Euros. Best offer will be accepted by end of August. Owner direct, emigrating. 604 226 758 (229199) IF you are special like-minded people and not afraid of a 1km uphill track, read on! All legal, fenced 4,000m2 with large villa. Swimming pool, detached guest room, double garage, €99,000. Interested? Campanillas. 647 776 217 (229017) LOOKING for the best bargains? Our new property auction and quick sell season starts in August. Take a look on Tel 606 101 878 (229859) FRONT LINE beach villa, 6,900,000€ fabulous 6,000m2 parcel, call Harry 602 515 031 (228652)


FAIRWAYS Marbella Property Management, Real Estate, Property Maintenance, letting service. Tel 693 596 558,, (220344)


ELVIRIA, MARBELLA. Spacious duplex apartment, 1st floor, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Excellent condition. 8 minutes’ walk to the best beaches. Near shops. €210,000. No agents. 654 396 652 / 600 473 683 (229909)

SUNNY 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, furnished apartment north of San Pedro. Lovely sea views. 650pm. Tel 670 635 201 (229733)

ZAGALETA villa, south gate entrance, 3,400,000€, sea views, call Tony 602 515 031 (228652) MARBELLA ELVIRIA 952 833 551 (229840) WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM. Bargain inland properties for all budgets, fincas, village homes, apartments and villas. Legal building plots. 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 (220102) ALHAURIN de la Torre, Urb. Pinos, Villa 2 floors, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 380m2 built, garage, pool, sauna, barbecue, plot 1,400m2, fully legal, 420,000 euros. 678 371 313 (229030)

FABULOUS villa, 3 + 1 + 2 bath, private pool, gardener included, with ocean views. 652 073 651


NEED a quicker sale? Then you need For a free valuation Tel 606 101 878 (229859)

PUMPS/WELLS WATERWELLS. Waterwell drilling, well pumps, irrigation, pump tests, pressure pumps. SL. Established on the coast since 1995. Web page Enquiries 629 978 801 / fax 952 793 250



EL ROSARIO (MARBELLA). Beautiful detached villa, 2 double bedrooms, 120m2 build, air con, garden, parking. €950/month. Long & short lets 661 626 281 (229021)

BENATALAYA! Two Bedroom. Middle floor, West Facing. Only 249,000 Euros! 951 106 908


GET your apartment/villa/garden ready for summer. All aspects covered. Coast & campo. 661 717 894 (221329)

MODERN 4/5 bedroom townhouse, Bel-Air. Secure gated community, parking, gardens, pool, rental income. 1.4km to beach, local shops. €320,000. 629 907 476 (229220)

ALOHA Puerto Sol Hotel: 1st line, beach and Marina views. Fully furnished 1 bedroom apartment with hotel facilities. 140,000 Euros. 604 226 758. Owner direct, emigrating


MONTE DUQUESA, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, large diner, apartment to rent. Either short term €500 per week or long term €500 pcm. 661 233 837 (223129) PUEBLO LA CAMPANA Mijas/Fuengirola: Four bed townhouse furnished, two pools, 800 euros month. No bills to pay. 0044 7949 589539 / (224999) LONG TERM RENTALS. Super prices, no commission. Apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, shops, offices, bars, restaurants, warehouses, industrial estates. Coast & inland. Tlf 679 111 522 (220958) COUNTRY HOUSE, Cartama. Free accommodation, return help. Suit couple 699 199 805 (229223) EL ROSARIO (MARBELLA). Beautiful detached villa, 2 double bedrooms, 120m2 build, air con, garden, parking. €950/month. Long & short lets. 661 626 281 (229732)



REMOVALS Local and International. Full and part loads taken please call 952 816 582 (201301) EUROPA SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 www.combi (220091) USA SPECIALIST Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 www.combi (220091) STORAGE SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (220091) LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 CAR TRANSPORTER, call for excellent rates. Fully insured, professional service. 951 319 320 / email / JDS EURO TRANSPORT. Email: / 0034 637 066 114 / 0044 7884 908929 MOVING BACK TO UK? Removal vehicle departing weekly throughout the year. Excellent, professional service & great rates. Ring (0034) 665 089 244 or (0044) 01922 682 667 & see (93139) 15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 5th September. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (224780)


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

INTERNATIONAL and European Removals. Expert removals worldwide. www.uni Tel: 951 247 834 (229718) UK - SPAIN - Anywhere Europe! Masses of experience. New clean vehicles. Insured with Royal Sun Alliance. Genuinely CARING service. FULL and / Part moves. ONLINE QUOTES!! www.bmceuro Tel: UK 08456 443 784 / ES 634 344 787 FIND US ON FACEBOOK! (207584) MOVING MATTERS SL – removals and storage. Local or to and from the UK/Ireland/Portugal and across Europe. Over 16 years experience. For free quotation Tel 951 311 118. www.movingmat (220948) CAR TRANSPORT AND RECOVERY. UK-SPAIN-UK. Established 5 years. Do you need your car transported? We also transport boats, plant and machinery. Fully insured. Call Steve on 0044 7961 988424 or email sunshinecar

For daily news visit



MAN AND VAN VAN AND MAN. Removals, clearances. Experienced and 100% reliable. €20 per hr. Paul 622 793 989 (220139) MANVAN REMOVALS €20 / hour, 3 vans available. House clearances. Storage from €10 / week. Tel David 696 810 618 (208088) 2 MEN, Van €30 hour. Always on time 651 081 610 (220004) MAN & VAN Removals and transport, all areas covered 100% reliable 952 816 582 (224878) THE VAN MAN. Cheap and cheerful. €20 per hour. 677 251 025 (215820) MAN & VAN. 100% reliable. 637 066 114 / 695 060 154 (224382)

STORAGE REMOVAL BOXES Large, med, wardrobe, bubble wrap, tape, collect or delivered. Local and international removals also undertaken. 952 239 110 / 632 702 306 (44093) FIRST MONTH €1. Packing materials. Self storage Marbella. 952 811 311 (229188)


ROLLER SHUTTERS ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (224771) ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours available including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730)

SECURITY WIRELESS, Neat, Photo, Video, 24hr security links. / 661 219 469 (229954)

SERVICES SEWING ALL STYLES Curtains, upholstery, soft furnishings and bean bags made to measure. Sensible prices. Also repairs / alterations. All areas. Call 672 800 887 or email (229231)

SIGNS & DESIGNS CHANGE THE COLOUR OF YOUR CAR WITH A VEHICLE WRAP! Plus all types of Signage & Embroidered Workwear www.sign 952 796 299 / 639 133 135 (218606) SHOP signs, vehicle signs, banners, window signs, 952 930 547, 603 464 582, www.signdsign1. com (215579)


WE are looking for building contractors. 634 079 898 (220868) Tired of travelling to work to the same old telemarketing job? 10 Native English speaking Telemarketers required to work from home and no selling involved. 1400 euros basic salary, weekly bonuses & commissions, OTE 1600 to 1800 per month. Full training provided at our bookings office in Marbella. Please send your CVs to totaljobsspain@ (229922) MARBELLA area, Chef wanted for busy Irish bar/restaurant. Phone 634 787 655 info@caf (229027)

CARPENTRY CARPENTER cabinet maker, Irish. Property maintenance, plumbing, painting, electrical, kitchens. Bathrooms renovated etc. 30 years experience. Very reliable. 677 087 575 (202841)

AB Real Estates requires commercial agents for their office in Marbella. Must speak Spanish and any other languages. Experience is a must! Send your CV to: anto (229013)


WANTED mature part time English speaking lady driver with car, call Harry 602 515 031 (228652)

FRENCH POLISHING REPAIRS, restoration etc. restore your valuable furniture to its former glory. Tel 647 579 519 / 952 119 190 (200802)

SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or (201533)

WINDOW COIN WINDOWS Aluminium windows, Doors, PVC Blinds, Mosquito screens, Canopies, Glass Factory, shower screens etc. All at village prices. Spanish owned business. English 646 066 351

DO YOU CARE? If so, why not join our team of carers who work in the UK. Earn from £910 £1372 for 2 weeks. Good written/spoken English/ British or EU Passport required. Contact Sandra on 658 965 204 or email (221355)



CLASSIFIEDS STORAGE STORAGE - Large warehouses containers. Dry and secure €50 per month. Professional packing and removal service. www.dfeuro Tel David 696 810 618 (215504)

SWIMMING POOLS POOL MAINTENANCE, repairs, friendly, reliable service. Estepona, Malaga, inland re-grouts, heaters. 678 791 495 / 951 295 699 (222393) T3 Maintenance, repairs, professional and reliable service, all areas from €70 per month. 650 348 785 (222276) POOL safety fencing, covers, heating, reforms, regrouts, construction, accessories 951 965 309 / 664 871 133 (224947)

CONSTRUCTION / MAINTENANCE AFFORDABLE POOL MAINTENANCE - Professional maintenance from only €80 per month (exc. chemicals) Call Splash Pools on 952 591 053 - open 8am to 4pm (229605)

TENNIS DO you have your own (non-clay) tennis court? Would you like a game 2 or 3 times a week? Do you live near Riviera del Sol? Good level of ability. Gerard 619 884 918 (229827)

THERAPISTS LIFE COACHING, stress, depression, other problems. 24 years experience. Contact 634 369 414 (206835) PSYCHOLOGIST: Depression, panic attacks, hypnosis. Dr Frank Stahl. Tel: 609 503 021 (224783)

TILING TILING AND REFORMATION of kitchens/bathrooms. Free estimates. Graham - 607 923 486 THE TILE WIZARD. Professional tiling service. Bathrooms, kitchens, terraces, design and install. We do it all. Call 637 382 599 (229932)

TRANSLATIONS OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS. ALL LANGUAGES. TEL. 654 613 094 (222109) INTERPRETER, a price you’re happy with. Susan 640 558 148 (224482)


CLASSIFIEDS DON’T UNDERSTAND? I can help you communicate with lawyers, courts, doctors, paperwork, builders, etc. Professional translator/interpreter, 15 years experience. Christina 607 501 408 email

TROPHIES LASER ENGRAVED Trophies, Prizes, quality glass engraving service, competitive prices, with 40 years experience. Trophies, medal, badges from 1€. THE SPORTS SHOP, Fuengirola. Tel: 952 473 530 (229043)

TUITION MATHS TUITION. Maths graduate, 6 years international school experience. €35/hour + €10 to travel. (221428)


REPAIRS WASHING machine repairs. No fix No fee. Call Joe: 686 271 836 (224846)

WEBSITES LEAD GENERATION, Fresh Data, Google, Facebook, Web Design and Hosting. James 672 519 371 (229941)

WINDOW TINTING MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Legal. Solar Reflective tint for glass curtains, balconies, yachts. Stop fading, heat & glare. 958 496 571 – 644 546 176 solarshadetinting (220231)

SPAIN needs English teachers! Get qualified now! 4-week TEFL courses in Malaga. Accredited by Trinity College and the British Council. www.tefl-in-spain / 951 956 784 /


FEMALE MARBELLA CENTRE – the ideal place for your enjoyment in the city centre, eight young ladies for unforgettable moments. Open 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and information call 620 366 817. (220321) T1 NEAR Calahonda, Viky, naughty schoolgirl, punish me, I’m a good student, best natural French, all positions, trios, couples, parties, erotic massages 602 690 036 (220161) RIVIERA. Welcome to our world of desire, passion and relaxation. Gorgeous women to fulfil your intimate erotic fantasies. Toys, porn, discreet. www.but 24h. 951 274 723 / Whatsapp 650 237 102 (220161)


MIRAFLORES, Daniela, cinnamon skin, discreet, kinky, natural breasts, tempting nipples, total pleasure, no taboos. Fantasies. Your best lover. 24h 602 690 036 (220161)


SKY PROBLEMS / Installers don’t turn up when they promise to? Can’t or won’t sort out your satellite problems? Then call Steve @ Scansat. We supply and install full Sky Systems, Digiboxes, Dishes, Sky cards UK/Irish. Dish relocations and TV extensions. For a fast reliable service call Steve 676 533 209 problem solved! (206166) DIGI BOXES SKY+HD. Retrieve Missing Channels. New/used boxes unbeatable prices inc warranty. Tel 653 061 472 (229795) UKIPTV – 40 + UK Channels. 20 + Radio Stations. Free 14 day Catch-up. Contact Europe’s Leading IPTV Provider to obtain our limited timem offer. Special Offer: STB €129.95. Monthly Cost €14.95. Prices exclude IVA. / Tel. 951 063 888 Quote SP101 (221708) REPAIRS – TV’s, Plasmas, LCD’s, Digi – Boxes, Video, Hi-Fi and microwaves. Free estimates, can collect. 35 Years experience. John 952 491 723 or 600 706 201 (229689)

UPHOLSTERY CARPET & UPHOLSTERY PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE WET OR DRY CLEAN, HONEST,RELIABLE SERVICE. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 (220839) CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN

28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol CALAHONDA, Maria, young Bulgarian, 25, true Eastern doll, sweet, sensual, mischievous, slim with small breasts and pert bottom. 24h 951 274 723 (220161) RIVIERA, a woman to satisfy you, a master to enslave you, a transvestite to fulful your fantasies, call 650 237 102 for it all. By appointment, visa, home visits, whatsapp NEAR Elviria, Julia, Russian, gorgeous blonde, very slim, excellent manners, will fulfil your most intimate desires. New positions, French, no rush 951 274 723 (220161) RIVIERA, Nicole, 20, model body, cinnamon skin, brunette, natural breasts, no taboos. Come meet me. 24h 602 690 036 (220161) NEXT Puerto Banus, Monika, Venezuelan, cute, petite, slim, big breasts, masseuse/escorting, available any time, around Costa del Sol. Call in/out. 602 465 775 (228651) NUEVA ANDALUCIA, new, Vanesa 21, complete, hotel callouts, discreet. 635 024 765 (228623) ESTEPONA, Valeria. Beautiful lady, pleasure, 110 natural breast, honey mouth, magic massage, guaranteed orgasm. 602 585 427 (229210) FUENGIROLA - Oriental, sexy, young ladies. All services with everything ready waiting for you. 693 988 340 (229905) TORREMOLINOS, Lorena, 30, from Puerto Rico, tender girl, all services. 634 291 968 (229891) MARBELLA, Spanish, Norma, 25, discreet, 24 hours, hotel/house callouts. 690 004 754 (228627)




BENALMADENA - LAURA 28, slim brunette. Sexy model. Warm and friendly. Unique experience. Fluent English 633 744 422 (227153)

BENALMADENA. Young lady, 35, attractive, sexy, educated for gentlemen 30 euros. Tel. 634 209 427 (224977)

HOT, sexy, playful blonde kitten. 38 years. All services and outcalls. 645 898 573 (220185)

ORIENTAL, European friendly, multiorgasmic hot, horny, full service, guarantee, luxury villa, Las Chapas, near Calahonda 679 126 231 (224917)

NUEVA ANDALUCIA. Super new, 2 obliging friends, Raquel 26, Paula 24, Hotel callouts, discreet and private. 674 679 757 (228623) TORREMOLINOS, Maika, 43, naughty girl, complete, come and taste me. 645 464 781 (229883) MARBELLA, novelty, beautiful lady, elegant, slim, brunette. Hotels and visits only. 698 329 112 HOT, Sexy, Kinky Couple!! 622 922 554. Private penthouse or visiting all areas. 24 hours.

ANASTASIA. Tall beautiful blonde. Elegant, friendly & upmarket, but unequivocally kinky! Luxury apartment or very discreet prompt outcall. 622 244 961. 24 hours RUSSIAN SISTERS, SPECTACULAR BODIES, ALL SERVICES, PLEASURE GUARANTEED, €30. FUENGIROLA, 603 256 702 (224356)


MATURE elegant lady. Voluptuous bust. All services. Only hotel and home visits. 687 387 680 (220134)

ESCORT/MASSEUR. Extremely tall, dark, handsome. VWE. Discreet penthouse and outcall. 24 hours. 633 339 087.

ABIGAIL, sexy sensual mature English lady, 38f breasts, offers relaxed friendly incalls in private location. For a sexy sensual encounter, please ring me 639 729 679. Please check out my recently published autobiography, click on www.anaughtytalefrom (229887)


CALAHONDA, Karina, 34, Mulata, sculptural body, pretty, sensual, “love goddess”, erotic massage, toys & domination. You won’t forget. 680 383 620 (201696)

NEW TRANSVESTITE - MALENA in Marbella. Sexy, blonde, XXL breasts, natural French ends in my mouth. 21cm active without pain, erotic massage. /id1954 647 988 647 (229028)

VOLUPTUOUS, discreet, sexy, passionate, playful brunette. All services, outcalls. 40 years. Near Banus. 666 014 674 (229018)

FUENGIROLA, new brunette transvestite. Active, 130, gifted and passive, French kisses, breasts, without condom, white, holidaymakers, 24 hours. Fuengirola entrance, 15 Gladiolos Street, near McDonalds an Carrefour. 661 095 433 (229726)


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



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28 August - 3 September 2014 /Costa del Sol




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Tools from 3D printer make car manufacturing easier at Opel FOR some, it may still seem like a long way off, but it’s already part of everyday life at Opel: assembly tools produced by a 3D printer are an increasingly important part of the production process. A six-strong team led by Virtual Simulation Engineer Sascha Holl prints plastic assembly tools in Rüsselsheim which are used in Opel manufacturing plants across Europe. Cheaper and quicker to produce, these tools are being used at Eisenach for the assembly of the Adam and its new Adam Rocks stable-mate. And this is just the beginning - Opel experts predict the use of tools from a 3D printer will continue to grow. “In the future, more and more 3D assembly tools will be integrated into the production process,” says Sascha Holl. For production of the Adam Rocks, to be launched in September, the Eisenach carmakers use an assembly jig - a specific, fixed frame made by a 3D printer to produce the vehicle name logotype on the side window. And for the windshield, a 3D-printed inlet guide is also used to simplify the mounting process and help ensure a precise alignment. Other tools from the printer are used to fasten the chrome step plate on Adam Rocks door openings and install the standard Swing Top

3D PRINTING: Already part of everyday life at Opel. canvas roof. Around 40 such assembly aids and jigs are used in Eisenach. This equipment was developed on the computer during the development phase of Adam Rocks. “It enables us to quickly adapt the parts. If something changes on the vehicle, we can easily modify the tool with just a few clicks,” explains Holl. “The 3D printing process enables us to produce every imaginable form and shape. Unlike conventional manufacturing technology, we don’t have to accept any limitations.” The Virtual Engineering Team in Rüsselsheim only has to reach into their bag of

tricks when it comes to the maximum size of parts built. Using sophisticated technology to join a number of smaller elements, it is possible to produce larger parts. For instance, when developing an assembly aid for the side sill or rear spoiler of Adam Rocks. During 3D printing, plastic is melted and laid down in successive layers, each just 0.25 mm thick. The plastic used is light, robust and versatile. Hollow spaces and overhangs are automatically treated with a filling material, which is later washed away in a type of dishwasher. “The process is comparable to bridge or

balustrade construction,” says Holl. “There high or protruding elements must also be shored up and supported until everything has hardened off. Only then is the supporting framework removed.” The small number of jigs required in final assembly was previously made by hand in an elaborate process using

a milled cast and resin. Thanks to 3D printing,

the production cost of these aids is now reduced by up to 90 per cent. In addition, the printed tools are ready to use after just about eight hours, and are up to 70 per cent lighter in weight. Another advantage is that these aids can be mechanically and chemically processed. For example, they can be drilled, milled, sanded, varnished and bonded, or connected and combined with various other materials. Ergonomic fine-tuning can also be carried out on a PC in a matter of minutes. “We can adapt the tools for each assembly situation, as well as make them user-friendly for our colleagues on the line,” adds Holl.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol


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Mercedes-Benz S500 price revealed THE price for the new Mercedes-Benz S500 plugin hybrid has been revealed. Customers will be able to buy it from October with a price tag that starts at €112,200 in Spain. “The new S500 plug-in hybrid offers our customers the entire range of innovations that make our new S-Class so successful, and thanks to its intelligent operating

strategy ensures outstanding driving pleasure and dynamism combined with the highest efficiency. “Moreover, it allows completely emission-free driving for up to 33km,” said Ola Källenius, Executive Vice-President for Sales at Mercedes-Benz Cars. “The S500 plug-in hybrid is the first luxury saloon with the performance of a

S500: Available for purchase from October. V8 and the fuel consumption of a compact model. The greatest challenge in this is to translate highest efficiency into superior performance “In this respect there is a highly interesting parallel with our successful Formula 1 racing car, which likewise has a turbocharged V6 engine and hybrid drive,” added Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber, member of the Daimler AG Executive

Board responsible for corporate research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development. The car offers a system output of 325 kW and 650 Nm torque, and in just 5.2 seconds sprints from 0 to 100 km/h and can drive up to 33km purely electrically. The certified consumption is 2.8 litres/100 km, which corresponds to 65g CO2/km emissions. Key elements of this impressive

output are the V6 biturbo and the intelligent hybrid drive. Following the S400 hybrid and S300 Bluetec hybrid the S500 plug-in hybrid is the third hybrid model in the new S-class. Its new high-voltage lithium-ion battery can be externally recharged via the charging socket in the right side of the rear bumper. In order to strengthen the customers’ trust in the new, innovative ID drive system, for the S 500 plugin hybrid Mercedes-Benz is for the first time issuing a certificate and thus a promise to perform for the high-voltage battery and

plug-in hybrid components (e.g. e-machine and power electronics). This ensures that every technical malfunction within a period of six years after initial delivery or registration, or up to a mileage of 100,000 kilometres, is corrected by Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes has ensured that the car is as simple to drive as any other automatic. For in everyday use it moves just as easily as any other automatic transmission car. In the background the energy management system automatically selects the ideal combination of internal combustion engine and e-machine.


E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

Junior football finals MALAGA’S provincial football finals for the under 11s and under 12s are to take place on August 30 at the El Pinar stadium in Alhaurin de la Torre. A total of 24 teams will take part, 12 from each category, representing the best junior footballers the province has to offer. The championship has been organised by the Futbol Club Deportivo Lauro (FCDL) in cooperation with the council’s sports department and the main prize, for each category, is the Lauro Cup. FCDL is to present two teams, the Alevin Preferente, which is the under 11s and the 1 Benjamin, the under 12s. The competition will start at 9.30am and should go on until around 8.45pm, when the prize-giving ceremony will take place.


Tottenham top of the table Tony Matthews

International Sports

Nico Rosberg.

A former football player and the world’s most prolific author of football books (more than 100 published), Tony is also the sports reporter for Spectrum Radio and lives in the Cabrera mountains.

Costa de Almeria

FOOTBALL - It’s been League Cup 2nd round action this week and among the ties already played have been Aston VillaLeyton Orient, BirminghamSunderland, Bradford City-Leeds, Burton Albion-QPR, GillinghamNewcastle, MK Dons-Manchester United and Walsall-Crystal Palace. This evening Spurs (2-1 up) meet ASL Limasol and Hull (1-0 down) play Lokeren in the return legs of their Europa League qualifying matches. And on Saturday and Sunday it’s back to the Premiership, with plenty of big games including Burnley-Manchester United, Everton-Chelsea, Leicester-Arsenal, Liverpool-Tottenham and Manchester City-Stoke.

The pick of the Championship fixtures are Blackburn-Wolves, Brighton-Charlton, Derby-Ipswich, Middlesbrough-Reading and Sheffield Wednesday-Nottingham Forest; PNE play Sheffield United in FL1 and it’s Portsmouth-Newport and AFC Wimbledon-Stevenage in FL2. Meanwhile, Chelsea (2-0 winners over Leicester), top-of-the-table Spurs (4-0 victors over QPR) and Swansea (who beat Burnley 1-0) all have 100 per cent records in the Premiership. Below-par Manchester United drew 1-1 at Sunderland, Arsenal scored twice in the last 10 minutes to draw 2-2 at Everton,

West Ham won 3-1 at Palace and there were draws for WBA at Southampton, Newcastle at Villa Park and Stoke at Hull. Manchester City played Liverpool on Monday. In-form Nottingham Forest lead the Championship; Fleetwood Town and Morecambe top Leagues 1 & 2 and Inverness Caledonian Thistle (1-0 winners over Celtic) head the SPL. SOCCER SHORTS - Atletico Madrid beat Real Madrid 2-1 on aggregate to win Spain’s Super Cup... Lionel Messi scored twice in Barcelona’s 3-0 opening day La Liga win over Elche... Cameroon striker Albert Ebosse (24) has died

in hospital after being struck by an object thrown during a game in Algeria.... the summer transfer window closes on Monday with over £800m (€100.2m) changing hands! FORMULA 1 - Last Sunday, Red Bull registered their 50th Grand Prix victory when Aussie Daniel Ricciardo won the Belgian Grand Prix at Spa. Nico Rosberg booed on the podium after ‘deliberately’ clipping Lewis Hamilton’s car on lap two, which effectively ended the Mercedes race - was second and Valtteri Bottas third. Rosberg leads the driver’s championship by 29 points. * The next Grand Prix is in Italy on September 7. TENNIS - Andy Murray is in his best physical condition of the year as he prepares to try and win a second US Open title which has started at Flushing Meadows, New York. GOLF - Jamie Donaldson won the Czech Open to qualify for Europe’s Ryder Cup team. The eagerly-awaited clash with the USA starts on September 23 at Gleneagles.


28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol



FootGolf Marbella Nations Cup Ken Durante of FootGolf Marbella explains the new sport… WHEN we first started talking to people about creating a permanent home for fast-growing sport, FootGolf, many people thought we were either mad or we were swearing at them. FootGolf is a combination of soccer and golf. You play with your foot and a football on a

regular golf course. It’s simple and fun for an individual and for the whole family! Since we established our permanent home at El Campanario Golf and Country House, we have had nothing but great feedback from all the players. As a club one of our aims has always been to promote the sport and as we were in the midst of summer we felt that this would be a great

ALL AGES: Footgolf is fun for all the family.

opportunity to bring together all the nationalities who either live here permanently or who happen to be here on holiday – so the Nations Cup was born. The event itself was better than we had anticipated, attracting a host of established players from Valencia, Sevilla and other parts of Spain. Players, who have competed internationally, were not only a bonus, but also a challenge for the other teams, who had entered the competition. In all, we had teams representing Argentina, UK, USA, Belgium, Holland and, of course, Spain. The competition itself was hotly contested with teams being split into two pairs who each contested each hole. Needless to say, it was not just the weather that was hot, but some heated discussions came about, as players

both as individuals and teams, strived to make sure they were the best. Finally, it was Argentina who won both the individual and team event, with the presentation

lunch going down a storm at the club. We are holding a European Cup Event in November, but players are always welcome on Sunday, Monday and

Thursday. Please have a look at our Facebook page (FootGolf Marbella) or our website www.footgolfmarbella. com.

E W N 28 August - 3 September 2014 / Costa del Sol

Sport Costa del Sol’s best guide to local sport


Belgian F1 Nico Rosberg was booed on the podium after ‘deliberately’ clipping Lewis Hamilton’s car on lap two. TO READ MORE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.EUROWEEKLYNEWS.COM

Big birthdays at Benavista BIG birthdays are in the air at the moment! First of all, Benavista Bowls hosted Mick Jones’s big bash when friends

and members came together to welcome him to the ‘OAP club’. Secondly, happy birthday to Mum, Kathy, born on 1/9/19, an auspicious occasion for all her adopted family at Benavista Bowling Club. Kathy comes out regularly to stay with her daughter and son-in-law, Hazel and Phil, and has joined the bowling club. The start of the season



BIRTHDAY BASH: Mick Jones (centre) celebrated his 65th birthday. is nearly here, with the annual derby against Superbowl. The first big event, the FAB Andalucian

Championships, will be held in Almeria. A number of Costa del Sol bowlers will take part.

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Then it’s the Costa del Sol Ladies and Gents 2wood pairs at Benavista at the start of October.

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