Eurosite Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Factsheet: Lundy Island

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Legal status Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) No Take Zone (NTZ)

Eurosite Factsheet Marine and Coastal Protected Areas l l +31 13 5944 400


Lundy Island is the largest island in the Bristol Channel between England and Wales on the west coast of Britain. First designated as a Marine Nature Reserve in 1986, Lundy automatically became an MCZ in 2009 when the Marine and Coastal Access Act was passed. Lundy SAC has the same seaward boundary as the MCZ covering 3070.95 hectares.

LUNDY ISLAND Bristol Channel - United Kingdom Management techniques

As an offshore island with a limited resident population, Lundy is a showcase for MPAs and marine wildlife – as a special place there is a lot of willingness and enthusiasm to ensure protection. A governance structure is provided by the well-established and proactive management partnership made up of nine statutory authorities and non-governmental organisations involved in the management of the site. The partnership is also supported by an Advisory Group made up of local stakeholders including divers, fishermen, boat companies and other users. This is underpinned by a management plan for the site. Fisheries are well managed around the Island through zoning including a no take zone which is enforced by the Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority. Resident wardens provide information, advice and guidance for visitors to the Island about the marine life including guided walks and snorkelling safaris which helps to promote best practice and awareness.

Issues and challenges

Resourcing is the key issue for the site – to ensure management, enforcement and continue funding for wardens. Funding is also required in order to gather the further evidence needed to underpin future management actions.

Habitats and species protected • • • •

Spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) Reefs Submerged or partially submerged sea caves Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time • Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Information and videos

Lundy is notable for all five British shallow inshore species of stony coral; Devonshire cup coral (Caryophyllia smithii), and the nationally rare Scarlet and gold star coral (Balanophyllia regia), Southern cup coral (Caryophyllia inornata), Carpet coral (Hoplangia durotrix) and Sunset cup coral (Leptopsammia pruvoti). The site also supports many notable kelp and red algae communities.

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