20th Europa Cinemas Conference Resume

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the filmmaker curated an exhibition for us and we had a performance and events outside of the cinema. This allowed us to attract new users. In our opinion, anyone can do this. We are not more publicly funded than any other cinemas we know. We are not a big arts centre, but we find ways to achieve those cross-over projects. Two years ago, we ran a VR festival to try to attract the tech crowd as well, to cross-over with innovation.

Joséphine Létang – Managing Director, Carbec Media, La Toile, France La Toile is not a cinema but a VOD platform for cinemas, so they can present, on their own website, VOD programming alongside their own programming. ‘NetfLux’, for example, is the platform of the Cinéma Lux in Caen. We propose four or five films a month. We think cinemas should be more involved with VOD as they are the cinema preference makers. When people watch the film at home, they keep that link with the cinema. It’s a bit like a cine-club or a video club, online. This allows spectators to look more into films. Some people can’t come to the cinema like young parents, or someone who has had an accident and has mobility issues. This has been forgotten, this link between the cinema and the spectator. It is a great tool for building audiences. We’ve got four countries working together in France, Germany, Picl in The Netherlands and Net Kino in Norway. We are working in collaboration, thinking about the link between VOD and cinema. We exchange best practises and look at the varied markets.

20th Europa Cinemas Conference


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