How to Repair Broken Garage Door Springs?

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You Open A Garage Door With A Broken Spring?

There's no secrecy that garage door significantly contributes to your home's security, offering peace of mind and protection for your precious belongings. Yet, it can be infuriating when it malfunctions. One common issue that homeowners face is a broken garage door spring. If you have a broken garage door spring in Sacramento, you might ponder if you can still open your garage door. The short answer is yes, but it's not prudent. In this blog, we will explore why and what you can do to fix the problem.

Understanding Garage Door Springs

Before diving into the main question, let's gain an understanding of garage door springs and their role. Here's what you need to know:

 Garage door springs countervail the door's weight, ensuring its flawless opening and closing every time.

 They make it easier to lift the door manually or with a garage door opener

 It typically consists of two springs: Extension and Torsion

Reasons to Avoid Opening a Garage Door with a Broken Spring

 Difficult To Lift

When you have a broken garage door spring, you'll immediately notice that your door is much heavier than usual. It's because the spring is responsible for balancing the door weight, making it easier to open and close. Without a functioning spring, you will have to use more force to lift the door. Doing so can put a strain on your back and arms and could cause an injury.

● Door Can Fall

Another significant risk of trying to open your garage door with a broken spring is that the door could fall unexpectedly. It's due to the spring, which prevents the door from lowering too rapidly or abruptly. If you try to lift the door and it falls suddenly, it can cause severe injury or damage to your car or belongings.

● Damaged Door Opener

Attempting to open a garage door with a broken spring can also cause damage to your door opener. The opener is not designed to lift the full weight of the door and can be overloaded by trying to do so. It can cause the opener to burn out or become damaged, resulting in costly repairs or replacement.

What Should You Do Instead?

Instead of trying to open a garage door with a broken spring, follow these steps:

1. Disconnect The Garage Door Opener: If your door is connected to a garage door opener, disconnect it to prevent accidental opening attempts.

2. Call A Professional: Contact a reputable garage repair Sacramento company to assess the situation and replace the broken spring.

3. Do Not Attempt Diy Repairs: Garage door springs are under a great deal of tension, and attempting to fix them yourself can lead to injuries or further damage.

Professional Garage Door Repair

 Regular Maintenance

With an intent to prevent a broken garage door spring, it's essential to have regular maintenance on your garage door and opener. It entails lubricating moving parts, tightening bolts and screws, and inspecting the door and opener for signs of wear and tear. Frequent maintenance can be a lifesaver, as it helps you address potential issues before they spiral into significant ones. This way, you can save precious time and money in the long haul. Enlist garage repair Sacramento professionals to ensure every part is functioning optimally.

● Upgrade Your Door

If your garage door is old or showing signs of wear and tear, it may be time to upgrade to a new door. Modern garage doors are designed with safety features that can prevent injuries and damage in the event of a broken spring or other malfunction. Furthermore, a new garage door can increase your home's curb appeal and value.

Final Thoughts

Experiencing a broken garage door spring can be incredibly inconvenient, not to mention a safety hazard. Trying to open the door without a functioning spring can cause injury or damage to your belongings, and it's not recommended. If you have a broken spring, it's best to call a professional for garage door opener repair in Sacramento. They have the knowledge and tools to fix the problem safely and efficiently. Regular maintenance and upgrading of your garage door can also help prevent future issues, keeping your home safe and secure.


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