Do You Know How Does a Garage Door Open?

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How Does a Garage Door Work?

A garage door is a significant part of a house maintenance system, providing security and increasing the aesthetic value of the house. Most homeowners are unaware of the working of their garage doors. When something goes wrong, they attempt DIY solutions despite being clueless, resulting in more damage, expensive repairs, and replacements. Consulting with an expert in garage door installation in Sacramento can help. Professionals have the best equipment and proper training in technical aspects.

This Guide Will Help You Understand the Working of a Garage Door.

1. Opener and Keypad

The garage door opener uses matching radio frequencies for the door opening and closing. Automatic garage doors provide comfort in operating the door while sitting in your car. However, if your neighbor has the same system, they may open your garage door using their remote. Fortunately, we have a solution for this too.

Your automatic garage door allows you to adjust the frequency of your choice. This means as long as your neighbor doesn’t know it, you are good to go. Most homeowners have code-based keypad systems installed outside their houses. Choose a unique code to operate your door. Consulting an expert in garage door opener repair in Sacramento can guide you about the remote settings.

2. Springs and Track System

Automatic systems also need springs to handle the door because it’s heavy. Springs are a necessary component that opens the door without putting strain on the system, which can collapse due to pressure causing injury or damage. Garage doors use extension springs and torsion springs. Extension springs help open and close the door effectively while torsion springs twist to operate smoothly for the opening and closing.

The springs and track system require thorough maintenance, to ensure the smooth flow of garage doors. Since they take too much pressure because of their weight, malfunctioning is common. However, they are too heavy and dangerous to replace without professional help. If you have broken garage door springs, consulting with an expert in broken garage door springs in Sacramento can help. Experts check the track system and clean it for smooth functioning. Dirt or debris affects how well the door functions.

3. Photo Eye Sensor

Since a garage door is heavy, using a photo eye sensor is efficient and effective. The photo eye sensor works by shooting the beam from one side to another for smooth working. The photo eye sensor cannot work if there’s an interruption. However, due to poor maintenance, the photo eye sensor may become dirty or damaged affecting its functioning which compromises your home security. Consulting with professional technicians and scheduling an inspection can help.

Since garage doors play a significant part in the home security system, knowing it’s working and handling the maintenance is necessary.


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