Eudaimonia Magazine September 2021

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A little bit of life for everyone in collaboration with pyrrhic emotions

Eudaimonia Magazine A little bit of life for everyone. In association with Pyrrhic emotions

Please, No By Ateeqah Khan Learn to respect the feelings of others. Many people sometimes really mean no! Maybe they don’t want to eat, don’t want to go out, and don’t want to talk to others. A lot of men don’t understand the meaning of no, Instead they assume the woman may need or want attention and hence they persist and persist and finally when true feelings from the heart the opposed accepts and they get what they want from them then Abuse and Dump. This is not only the case with men but with women too. A lot of women too Persist and force men to do as they want, Act the way they want, Give them what they want etc.; some women do this by faking their own tears. In the due of doing this when people really cry it’s hard to know or believe that it’s a serious matter. When someone does something for someone else, be it their mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Friend or spouse do it from the bottom of your heart. If someone doesn’t want you in their life accept it, Don’t Force the matter till you get what you want. When it comes to men and women, Men get raped and women get raped and their level of trauma is on another level but it’s another way of looking at the idea of accepting and gracing a simple No from someone. The dominance and Pride that Takes over certain people, some rape and get their way Some pretend to love and get their way and some women even take advantage of the law and lie of abuse just to get their way. The prophet PBUH says -" None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself" (Sahih Bukhari,Vol 1, Book 2 , No15) .

We can’t change the world or society but it begins with us our behaviour, by doing bad we create a generational curse so by doing good we can create a happiness thread not so? If your buddy isn’t feeling good lately , and you have an outing planned and they cancel last minute respect their feelings , some people have phobias or problems may have created anxiety which could have led to claustrophobia , Which isn’t a joke it’s a serious matter . Why force kids either? Yes, it’s our duty to teach them between right and wrong, Instil good values and so forth, but plenty parents and relatives nag and even bribe their kids, "Hug me and i will give you a sweaty "Ever heard this before? Have you ever wondered what this would instil into a child, How it could influence his behaviour as an adult? And if any of us have to oppose this behaviour, we would bear a hearing of lectures, Justification as well as be accused of disrespect. There are men and women as well as kids really struggling with emotions and that’s because we don’t respect or we make fun when someone tells us anything In honesty of their bare feelings thus sometimes we make it hard for them to express themselves at all, And then we have those who just use the law and circumstance to their advantage. While some women are out there being abused others accuse and frame men to get their way. And yes Men are taught that in order to be masculine they have to be harsh, they can’t cry or have feelings. And the women and men who are really facing all these challenges have been Shooshed by the actions of this world as follows .That women got exposed lying if i speak the truth now they might think im lying too? Do we not see how

this pride and ego is making life hard for others? That person may really need help and may not be taken seriously due to this type of actions. As a man- I can’t say anything or else my friends and family will laugh and say what kind of a man am I? Time has lapsed and people are dying from a deadly virus worldwide, isn’t this eye opener? Isn’t this the time to respect others, their feelings, Try to improve ourselves and our thoughts? It can’t be emphasized enough that being a good human being, having human decency and respecting others the way we would like to be respected and treated could allow everyone to fight their inner battles and be happy truly from within. Everyone has different needs and different flaws, if we support each other, Respect each other’s feelings, not expect perfection and do well for others without show off or hoping for benefits in return wouldn’t that give us the most happiness in life? The joy of doing something that makes another person happy is Amazing. Men and Women Were not created to compete or dominate. The Quran says “And we have created you in pairs “Holy Quran 78:8. We cover each other’s flaws. We can do what the other cant for each other and to help each other. Let’s put these good teachings into perspective regarding how we treat others. Next time you ask someone something and their response is No please , Respect that and rather try to understand what their problem, feeling ,principle or preference is in that particular regard. Do not try to be domineering; whatever good is meant to come your way will come either way. Nothing is nobler than kindness and good character. Leave such an imprint on others that

when they remember you or something reminds them of you it brings a smile to their face.

The story of the bees Anonymous. My dad has bees. Today I went to his house and he showed me all of the honey he had gotten from the hives. He took the lid off of a 5 gallon bucket full of honey and on top of the honey there were 3 little bees, struggling. They were covered in sticky honey and drowning. I asked him if we could help them and he said he was sure they wouldn't survive. Casualties of honey collection I suppose. I asked him again if we could at least get them out and kill them quickly, after all he was the one who taught me to put a suffering animal (or bug) out of its misery. He finally conceded and scooped the bees out of the bucket. He put them in an empty Chobani yogurt container and put the plastic container outside. Because he had disrupted the hive with the earlier honey 🍯 collection, there were bees flying all over outside. We put the 3 little bees in the container on a bench and left them to their fate. My dad called me out a little while later to show me what was happening. These three little bees were surrounded by all of their sisters (all of the bees are females) and they were cleaning the sticky nearly dead bees, helping them to get all of the honey off of their bodies. We came back a short time later and there was only one little bee left in the container.

She was still being tended to by her sisters. When it was time for me to leave we checked one last time and all three of the bees had been cleaned off enough to fly away and the container was empty. Those three little bees lived because they were surrounded by family and friends who would not give up on them, family and friends who refused to let them drown in their own stickiness and resolved to help until the last little bee could be set free. Bee Sisters. Bee Peers. Bee Teammates. We could all learn a thing or two from these bees.

It's written in the fate For some go insane

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To commemorate the world of words

And some just sit back and Which is dear to us wait Where each emotion will For their fortunes to turn give you an adrenaline their way rush But what do us writers do? To crash into guts of crust We script our own stories For a quest to make every That make our fate word count Whether it be on a Every word unbound to the notebook or a slate fount We make our own plates to A project where lies the serve our own selves ambition The victory we know Alongside masterpieces of That we won in our heads many Penning down the sketch That sank in a hope to get Of the battle we won noticed And what we lost Writers Bank is where we We know the cost sail on a ship, with a Our words are a cruise well polished celebration Getting their works Of the literary world published in various How our emotions run anthologies down the nerve The store meets with Making it priceless wonders of these forever!

For everyone, From writers to compilers To publishers and where the end meets the reader The reviews help you know their work better What words they've conveyed, what message they cater You just got a form to fill To register for the book you compiled with the quill With all the fellow co-authors and the reel characters they live Ain't much as such to spread the word There's Instagram which traverses through seas like a traveller nerd It'll reach out to people, make it visible beyond boundaries Just like your pieces are not bound to any boundaries And with the case being that Who would not want hear about his/her talent Imagine someone recommending, "Oh, you should read this book. That is lit!" So why not? We won't shy from Praising your work on another place which is Amazon Anywhere else you want an impression? Just a word and say no more, sir! Another medium to medium the sourcing is Medium And the store is on that shore too With utmost detailing Elaborately discussing On how fascinating And praiseworthy Your work is Remains the core of the store It would be unfair of a good read to not be on Goodreads

We got that covered too Afterall, how do you keep count of the books you need Offering honest reviews of books and compilations What's better to talk about for a reader than the book they've just finished

Writers Bank comes to your rescue, helping you add books to your TBR list! And what lies behind the journey, is one kind of a story in itself to behold All hands together, facing the storm The family is of people who have risen to the dawn And found light in the dark The artistic features not only limited to Instagram But what is looked up to as another open platform which is YouTube And like the visibility goes from part of the world, to another So does the spectrum of rebellious creativity travels like a globe trotter From writing different shades of feelings and expressions To capturing the world and painting the unimagined Illusions are always better for us because the reality is sometimes fake too

That's why just a thought of someone's imaginary space Becomes a topic for everyone to bring it to reality Nothing that holds it behind The age, the place you hail from As long as you are true to your art You gonna always have our heart Which is why, Pyrrhic Emotions is a peaceful place of art While sometimes we let the think tank free Spilling everything that would cross it's cells Making it a self crafted soul on paper

The family which keeps the purpose together Is the family which really matters Nik, Misbah and Aurora first holding the scattered world Hence, the emotions are Pyrrhic With the addition of Rutika Pandya a year later, seemed like it was destined to become something else As she herself left no stone unturned in serving the purpose Being well the asset and the management's backbone Holding the group when it hit it's lowest Perfection, second to none Just like the dedication of a mother Towards holding and caressing her baby And the assistance which keeps it up and working Gliding through several ups and downs Pyrrhic Emotions is a group we are proud of

Not to forget, the man behind the sublime creation Our own squad member An amazing web designer Pratik Tagde doing an excellent job With our ideas, turning them into a well working store To sum it up, it's a digital store for writers, compilers and publishers finding a special place And a platform for co authors to pour whatever lies in their solace Every book becomes a part of the family That writes their own victory - Pyrrhic Emotions.

We feel the blessing Of having the quality To write down about what we feel And we know the experience is surreal and exquisite It becomes more fun To mingle with like mindedness Artists and their artworks Where co-creating becomes a paradise of sorts So, we decided to grow The community went a step ahead with a venture A portal that aims to become a friendly place for artists Adding more glory to our writing culture After brainstorming ideas and innovations To make Pyrrhic Emotions A better place for more improved outcomes Nik came up with the concept of a portal This beautiful portal Is a virtual reflection Of our writers' picturisation The colours bringing it to life Soothing the readers eyes and minds Welcoming the readers Into all the newly written pieces by the Pyrrhic family of writers To quote the legacy of lost voices We have a haiku from Aurora, one of our founding members It cost us too much Our own pyrrhic victory That is why we write And the portal just depicts that fight for right to write Scrolling down through all the write-ups That cover every genre and emotions We have a list of prompts Prepared from just a spark from our members thoughts Which then is onto the others to fill the pot however they want

T h e por t al m ade n ot j u s t for th e s ak e of i t B u t car r yin g a p u r pos e in i t’s ve r y r oot T o b e com e an all i n cl u s ive platfor m for ar ti s t s f r om ar ou n d t h e w or l d to com e cl os e r T ak i n g u n de r i t’s u m br e l la, a col labor ative i n i ti at i ve cal l e d U n it e d W r it e r s Ch am b e r (I n s tagr am h an d le : u w _ ch am b e r )

When we say art, we mean all the creative domains From the literary world, to paints Sketches, digital art and photography

How would it benefit? By being easily accessible and time saving Whether it's a contest, or a community prompt You have your own account to easily submit your writeup

Every creation comes with an idea and a purpose So we have a section called 'About us' Which gives an insight about the warm community of Pyrrhic Emotions Mostly visible on Instagram, and trying it's hands on YouTube as well to reach a wider audience @pyrrhic.emo tions @weup_aff

A community of art and artists never walks alone It offers a range of services to its members and viewers A grand and creative collaboration with the magazine Eudaimonia So brilliantly handled by Muskaan Ayesha Which helps give exposure to artists from all over the world With a noble cause To provide visibility to underrated artists Eudaimonia has won our hearts Instagram handle of the collaboration: @pyrrhic.en.eudai monia

Another service that you can look for Is reviews for books and anthologies that we offer With a cherry on the cake A special feature for co-authors on the webpage And not to forget A lifetime involvement In the Pyrrhic Emotions family Instagram handle where you can support the initiative: @writersdotbank An efficiently working community or a page Also has ups and downs holding its hands Where there was no direction for the batch Three people had the determination to make an impact Nik, Aurora and Misbah together built a plan And started off with the clan Later joined by Rutika, taking it to exceptionally new heights Belief in art, and friendship took the artists to what we are today, all because of the might! In a way, Pyrrhic Emotions wrote it's own victory Even though we lost a few people along the way but that's now a part of the history The man who showed his class with designing the portal Is our very own writer member Pratik Tagde, putting in all the efforts and time Giving the web page an amusing design And the venture, a hype!

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