Eudaimonia magazine January 2021

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Eudaimonia magazine. A little bit of life for everyone.

Edited by Muskaan Ayesha and Faiq Rehman.

Contents An interview with Arvind Kywalya.2 Second wave of destruction! ...... 4 Warriors in disguise. ............. 6 Communication is an art .......... 8 An introduction to Pyrrhic emotions.10 Misbah .......................... 11 NRSK ......................... 13 Rutika Pandya ................. 15 Aurora.......................... 17

An interview with Arvind Kywalya. Muskaan Ayesha. Earlier than month, I had the opportunity to interview the fast-rising star, Arvind Kywalya. The UK based Indian singer, at the mere age of 20, has managed to pave his way into the heart of thousands of people with his voice.

me...and ever since music is the most important in my life." The star's inspiration in the industry is A.R Rahman and he's inspired by him not just as a singer but as a person in a whole. Remarkably, this is because of A.R Rahman's humbleness and devotion towards God. Similarly, Arvind's spirituality is admirable and he enjoys singing Bhajans (devotional songs.) He also hopes to collaborate with A.R Rahman in the next ten years, but the way in which I see it, it'll happen sooner! Arvind's most memorable performance was in 10th grade when he performed in front of his school. It was the biggest crowd he performed in front of. There were around a thousand people in the audience.

The interview was then written down for those who may have missed the live and prefer reading over listening. Below, I've summarized the basic information about him and where you can find him, his music and his covers. Arvind has been doing covers for the past two to three years and can play the piano as well as the guitar. At present moment, he's studying business accounting and finance In England while simultaneously doing his internship. Singing had started out as a hobby but after graduation, he plans on becoming a full time singer. The birth of this journey began when Arvind's mother had enrolled him in classical music classes at a young age, from which he started taking an interest in singing. But much to our surprise, he actually initially disliked making music until the age of 15, 16 when he started to write his own songs to express himself. He mentioned that: "The fact that I could express what I was feeling through music moved

Like every other artist, Arvind has stage fright but he overcomes it when the audience starts to give him a positive reaction and he begins to gets into the flow of the performance.

More of a personal opinion (but an opinion shared by many listeners, guaranteed) : Arvind sounds the BEST when singing a song by Arjit Singh. In fact, he does it so well that I have to wonder if he's not secretly Arjit Singh himself. If you don't believe me, listen to him for yourself!

Find his covers on Tiktok @arvindd.k And Instagram @arvindmusicc

And for an extra treat, scan this spotify code for his original song called "The essence."

If you missed the interview, you can find the video on Facebook by checking out the Gain radio international page. Or check the link in my bio @muskaan_ayesha_

also cannot ignore the fact that this is our reality and in order to make our reality a better one, we need to globally unite to put an end to this destructive pandemic.

Second wave of destruction! Sita Maharaj.

South Africa has been seen navigating through the tumultuous waters of the dreaded Covid – 19, with an incredible surge in infection and death rate, many of us are left in a state of panic and feelings of helplessness since the statistics is now inclusive of the names of our very own near and dear ones!

The South African government drills it into our head with every “family meeting” we have to mask-up, social distance and sanitize, however are those the only measures that we should be taking? No! the below are a few additional preventative measures that EVERYONE should be taking currently: Reduce trips to the stores – it’s not rocket science people, shops are a public domain, therefore we are highly prone to contracting the virus there. If you can afford to, then online shopping is the way, Checkers has launched a Sixty60 App which you may download on the app store and they deliver your products within an hour! however since most of us cannot due to varied reasons, we should buy essentials in bulk to ensure we are not always running to the shops! Groceries – Once you have purchased your essentials, ensure you sanitize the packets and its contents with alcohol based sanitizers

Sanitize footwear – whenever you get back to your home after shopping or any other outside activity (which I’d hope is government authorised) then ensure you sanitize your footwear prior to bringing it inside the house

Yes, we are tired of hearing the “C” word, be it on the News, social media, News portals or round table discussions with family, however whilst each of us harbours the sentiments of immense hatred towards this deadly virus which has caused such an uproar in our daily lives, we

Clothing – When coming home from work or shopping, take of your clothing, hang it on the washing line and make use of a spray sanitizer which works like a charm, alternatively wash the clothes and hang.

Showering – when taking a bath, ensure you mix a little Dettol or Savlon into your water and bathe with it, cleaning any extra residue that may be on your skin Washing of dishes – ensure this is being washed on a very high temperature with extra soap as you never know where this darn virus may be breeding

Household cleaning – Regularly clean the house so that no bacteria stays within the space that is supposed to be sacrosanct during this time, you can always mix some Dettol or Savlon into hot water and wipe counter tops, mop the floors with it, clean couches, chairs, tables, TV’s… almost every surface! Highly versatile and affordable I must say. Vitamins – this is really important to be taking right now so that our immunity strengthens, but why would we need this? So that our body is strong enough to resist the virus as well as handle it in the event that we do contract it. If vitamins are not easily available then stock up on fruits and veggies which are packed with Vitamin C goodness, such as the ever-so famous oranges, guavas, kiwi fruit, strawberries, papaya, kale and tomatoes

Steaming – this method I found is relatively easy, cheap and quick. Every afternoon one should boil some water and add a few droplets of eucalyptus oil or Vicks into it and steam, so that the

flavoured steam goes all the way into your nostrils and chest Spend a lot of time on your phone – this way we can connect with our loved ones instead of seeing them face to face, thus putting them and ourselves at more risk Be extra vigilant in public domains – which are inclusive of doctors rooms, hospitals, malls, restaurants and places of work too Covid 19 does not necessarily have to be all doom and gloom either, now more than ever, it is imperative for us to adopt a positive outlook no matter how dreary life may seem to be! There is so many good things in any event, such as not having your house messed up with a regular influx of visitors and no more lying about how we cannot attend a get together! or travel to see inlaws that you really don’t want to! If boredom creeps in then there is many things to keep you busy such as honing your skills via online training, learning a new skill – such as cooking, baking, gardening, knitting or DIY projects for the house (must say I did some of this), online games are a huge rage and I have to admit, they can keep one very busy! DSTV and Netflix has a well-stocked variety of some great movies as well as series for you to utilize or even a good old book or two may add a whole lot of knowledge and entertainment to your daily schedule! At the end of the day, one may meditate or do yoga to calm their nerves from all the negativity and anxiety surrounded by the circumstances caused by this pandemic. Whilst the Corona topic may sound bleh to a few, it would be beneficial to remember that contracting Covid 19 is not a stigma nor secret, so please can we stop behaving as if it is, inform who you have been in contact with to monitor their symptoms and quarantine so that they may detect early signs and prevent the spread of this! I don’t want to see any more of my loved ones die due to others’ ignorance and negligence, what about you?

Warriors in disguise. Ateeqah Khan.

She wears a smile on her face, she looks as if she is the happiest person on the planet, her patience, love, kindness and humanity is no match for the hardened souls of this world .She has her weak moments but she keeps her tears and her weakness between her and her lord. Who is she? she is a woman; yes, to some this may sound controversial, but woman are no less than men. She is a mother, wife, sister and friend. She plays a role in every relation and yes, she makes it her job to put everyone else’s happiness before her own with a beautiful smile on her face. The world doesn’t see it but she does face struggles even though her face or her behaviour may not show it. Men complain that woman seek equality and perks at the same time? Yes Sir, she sure has the right to this. Men do not go through the pain of monthly periods or labour pain so can men and women really equate to each other? I think not. Men and women are unique in their own way. However the quality to put others happiness before her own is a quality found mainly in women and is a heavenly quality to those around them; some may take it for granted and later regret this.

So why is she so special, you ask? She gets into an argument, man slaps the woman, she feels pain but everyone says he's right, "You’re the woman, you have provoked him." Let it be I, the woman getting angry and slapping the man then I have no home values, no respect. I don’t have a right to be angry and I should remain silent because as a woman, the goodness of my

character is measured directly to the extent of my silence in the face of oppression, brutality and mind you, deception as well.

If a man cheats it’s justified with ’He's a man, it’s in his nature. Forgive him and improve yourself. Maybe you weren’t good enough. Dress better, cook better, behave better, he's still a good father even after the example he just plastered onto his kids. Yet if I cheat, I am given the title of a whore, I have no right to seek the attention, love, care and support I am lacking at home .My husband is at no fault for his negligence towards me and our home. I’m supposed to always understand and now I am a bad mum. Then eventually the good dad suddenly tags his own kids as illicit accusing them to be illegitimate and as soon as his heartfelt interest suddenly arises in his own kids life, I am told I am no longer good enough as a mother to the kids I bore.

If I become financially independent and successfully own a business at a young age without being married then that too is a blunder, then I am a loose woman, slept her way to get there, too much education is bad for woman, she should be married first . I can’t be successful without a man by my side and the list goes on. Of course, no one will say that I have been through hardship in order to gain the success I have. If a man is successful at a young age then “Wow, what a hardworking successful young man." My husband doesn’t love me anymore, he's fed up with my ways, wants a divorce, not interested in fixing the marriage then it’s my fault, if I want a divorce then I need to bear the

hardship and stay in a marriage where there isn’t any marriage left. I have to put effort alone into a marriage, affect my kids in an unhappy environment to please the husband and society, for a woman’s love means to suffer in silence. My husband dies leaving me alone, struggling with kids. After 4 years I remarry and the taunts begin ‘Isn’t that too soon?’ "Maybe she was with him whilst her husband was alive," ‘‘she must have killed her husband," ’she’s a bad mum, she should have stayed single for her kids.' If my husband has to remarry a year after my death, he will be told it’s a good decision, he needs a partner in life, a motherly figure for his kids, he did good by moving on. No one will question his love for his dead wife or his rash decision impacting the life of his kids. These are not values, staying in an unhappy marriage doesn’t make you wife material, and lowering your values to save a marriage where only one partner puts in effort isn’t making your kids happy or teaching them any good values. Dear women, these are not values, some women ignore this when it comes to their sons ill-treatment of their daughter in laws, but shout out loud if their son in law ill-treats their daughter. Is this not pure hypocrisy ? These are not values or respect; these are disgraceful norms of the society which need to be changed. Let’s be grateful to our mums, sisters, wives and daughters whose hearts of gold keep putting our happiness before theirs without any complaint or need for reward but purely from the goodness of their souls.

Women sacrifice their happiness for their families and kids with beaming happiness from the depth of their heart. For in the happiness of the relations they keep lies their happiness.

We are women; we are not less human than men. The patience through life carried by women cannot be given measurement. Women deserve respect and gratitude. Salute to all women out there who are doing the best for their families, friends, and most importantly for their kids without asking for anything in return. For you are all definitely ‘Warriors in Disguise.’

Communication is an art Jay authentic. In a world where communication has been improved, what was once difficult has become simplified. You can imagine in a world where communication has been improved, what was once difficult has become simplified. You can imagine how communication has evolved throughout time. Smoke signals, to carrier pigeons, to morse code and so on, fast forward to today’s handheld devices.

Humans are social creatures, and so all these innovations have been implemented to simplify our social lives. These innovations have made it possible for us to have a conversation from anywhere in the world and regardless of what we may be doing.

fingertips and instant messaging, people rarely pay attention to their environment or even engage in genuine conversations. Everything seems to be rushed. What ever happened to the art of communication? Yes art, communication is an art that not many have mastered and our generation is not making it any easier.

What exactly is an art? Google’s Oxford Languages defines this as. “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” I refer to communication as being an art, because often times if not always, we

According to the Webster’s dictionary, “a conversation is a talk between two or more people” or “an oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions or ideas.” We ought to bear in mind that there is no conversation without an additional individual(s), unless of course we are referring to an internal dialogue.

While the innovations have helped make communication a little more manageable, they have also brought us into a Fastlane kind of world. With everything at our

simply have an idea in mind, we are the only ones who know what we desire to say, the full picture of our words is in our minds. Not everyone knows how to express that image into words, but communication really is an art. Every word is like a different paint color and the tone of speech is your brush. Remember, nobody can read your mind, whilst it is possible to come across like-

minded people, it is impossible for you to agree with them a hundred percent. Every person has been granted the gift of secrecy within their minds; nobody knows your mind except you, unless of course you choose to disclose your mind, but our minds offer us that power, the ability for secrecy, like an archive containing all sorts of files that sum up who we are. Your listener or audience is always your canvas, you decide what image you are going to paint. Just as with art, details play a very important role in communication, this especially applies when you are speaking to close friends, family or even in a romantic relationship. The image of what you seek to communicate remains in the confidentiality of your mind and unless

you choose to disclose it, it remains secret. It is always the duty of the speaker to paint an accurate image of what they seek to say. It is the responsibility of the speaker to ensure those listening to him/her understand them, but this is only possible if the speaker pays attention to the details they instill into their speech,

noting that every word is painting an image in the minds of their listeners. Communication or rather conversation is an art, while some may seem to naturally master it, others not so much. But just as with any other kind of art, it can be learned.

An introduction to Pyrrhic emotions. Pyrrhic Emotions, a community which came into existence on 1st April 2019 has members who write on topics given to them and often on some freestyle writing as well. The members are connected through WhatsApp and Instagram groups. Our goal is to make a community which doesn't just write and share like every other so called “Writer” or community page does on Instagram, instead we strive to give the most versatile yet relatable content for our people who follow us on our Instagram handle @pyrrhic.emotions. The upcoming pages feature some of our community’s writers.

I wander through deserts of vulnerability,


On days like these, I find gloom a well-known, wide yet silent city. A city full of residents with last name, animosity. This detest enfeebles me every time I try exploring past this city to the succeeding world, A world embellished with elation, enlightenment, exquisite jewels I had once yearned.

About: Misbah, a young adolescent, started writing at the age of 12 and has been writing since. She is very inquisitive; the reason she chose to study science.

And there's this dazzling white light that guides me through this

Rhymes do not bother her and in her, live two personalities, one always contradicting the other. Being an introvert, fails to befriend people but easily falls for characters she herself creates. If you find her in a corner by herself, initiate a conversation and trust me you'll change your best friend for a couple of months!

tunnel of a city


to dull a bit every time

that doesn't seem to end. Every so often, I try discovering the origin of this light and it seems to fade a bit,

I fail in my quest.

It is when I reach the end of this tunnel, when the light is almost about to vanish before I quench my thirst That I realise neither is there any city of residents with last name animosity, nor does any world of jubilance succeed the first, I figure out the tiny fragments of light glowing golden within me, The moment I unravel the mystery of the origin of this light, it dazzles brighter than before and bursts!


Crying in pain About: Nik, a 22-years-old aspiring writer and musician, has been exploring life through words for the last nine years. He doesn't write just for the sake of it, but to create a deep and meaningful impact. He's been a part of various anthologies and curator of such projects as well. With a humour coated demeanour, he surprises his readers when it comes to diversity, depth and thoughtfulness of his words, be it raps, lyrics, poems, stories or simply quotes.

Living in vain Plus I'm insane I don't know which is my way Heartbroken, shattered Life curve flattened I bleed words on paper She writes as if there is no one out there to help her Humans, animals

Always ready to try and bring in some innovation in a pretty stagnant and trend-following world, Nik is a determined and strong-headed enabler.

What's the difference?


I am a mirror for the society

If poems were humans

I show the struggle, the anxiety

They are all the same In my every reference

I show people hustling and fighting Not with each other but with their odds rightly I am pumped up every time I show what it's like, when every time by myself I walk a mile

Get personal or mesmerize your readers with your skills But what if all your poetries show up one day One being limping, one being cramping One being dead walking

Yes, I'm the one, the journey is mine

One being wounded badly

I've made my life look the way I wanted, all by myself

One just widening it's lips sideways and nodding "I'm fine"

When I walk past all these human forms of poetry I realize it's all about the battles being fought outside and within Seems like everyone is fighting, their words scream so But what's the reality, is it the same though? I've never seen a poetry crack a joke Laugh hard, cherish happiness Are they running out of emotions Or is it that these are not meant for poetries Is it that you always have to portray a poetry going for a war The war can be with anything which leads to your fall I understand writing is an art made just to express yourself

And one celebrating everything which it overcame

An Ode to the place where I live: (A Poem’s POV)

Rutika Pandya People would think it was an inconvenience Living within a heart, constantly pumping words of assurance; But I love staying here, in parts Some of my stanzas are miles apart, Dancing on a pair of beautiful lips, While some scratching on another poet’s fingertips. I love twisting and turning around the memory lane, About: Rutika, a 24-year-old, who has found her passion for writing since a few years has a separate passion for reading. Feeding her imagination with lumps of stories that she has read, perhaps you have in her a valiant reader because she will wholeheartedly read all your stuff. From reading countless novels and stories to writing abstract contact, she has been a part of many anthology projects giving us readers a pleasure time while reading her poems and stories. She dons optimism, which alone keeps her sane even if she goes the wrong way. Not only a versatile writer but also a very unusual manager at the table. Content:

I love lighting up nascent neurons of the brain. I don’t belong to a single place, I will show you how around the world, I happily pace. Flowing along the tears of pain, I leave the eyes, While becoming a traveller’s inspiration crystalized ice, My words turn hopefully towards the Sun, While a child’s imagination is let wildly run. Lurking within the corners of a slumbering city,

My punctuations marvel at the creative ability Of an empath on his way to the pages Trying to divide the world in ages Of ignorant survival to curious wars. I love how I dive into that sip of tea While a writer gazes at the world and agrees That I am an omnipresent verse Forming the core of his Universe, And yet I revolve around him, As if he is the most desirable sin. Sometimes I am trapped within the pages, But liberated upon the beautiful smile on the faces Of the readers that find a belongingness Among all the stanzas, drowned within their mess. I am an illusion, A subtle confusion. I exist in the poets’ mind, For the readers I am one of a kind, And yet, I have been residing in every form From hearts to pages, to pages torn. How do I glorify the place where I live in, For I exist only when I am believed in?

and my little daughter, chasing after them all


until they disappear come the morning after.

“Where did the cider sprites go mommy? Did they not like me, even a bit?” she asks me as I hug her tighter, “They went dancing on the breeze, my dear.” I answer, pointing at the moonlight, and my little one smiles just slighter, About: Aurora (@17_syllables_poetry), aged 23, Dutch native. Enjoys writing haiku and other Japanese poetry forms in English that are not traditional but certainly original.

“No, mama, they must have stopped dancing, for the time was right to go to sleep, the sun is up, and the world lighter.”

Content: Apple grove (sacred flow form poem)

Howling winds, winter moon and laughter.

Dancing cider spirits wassailing together,

Explanation: Apple grove is a sacred flow form poem describing a story of a mother and her daughter meeting with and discussing cider sprites. The sacred flow form follows a syllable set of alternating between 3, 6 and 9 syllables per line, and was created by another writer I met on Instagram

Ending note: The founder of eudaimonia magazine, Muskaan Ayesha, is beginning a new journey by introducing podcasts to her followers. Topics will range from mental health, writing tips and conversations about society. To add your valuable opinions and thoughts or just follow up on the progress of it send her an email on muskaanayesha15@gmail.comor instagram dm on @muskaan_ayesha_

Furthermore, the entire February she’s having a birthday month sale on her new book ”30/12/2020.” All major online retailers will have the book for FREE.

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