ESTIEM Magazine | Autumn 2018 | Leadership in the 21st century

Page 22


EXPERIENCES OF A LEAN SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT PROJECT During and after my Lean Six Sigma (LSS) crash course in München in May 2018, I had mixed feelings regarding the upcoming Lean Six Sigma project. I was lucky to have landed a job in the Finnish worldleading company Konecranes, which specializes in the

Antti Sinkkonen Local Group Lappeenranta

manufacturing and service of cranes and lifting equipment for ports, shipyards and other industrial environments. However, I felt quite uncertain, as it would be the first time I would work as a project leader and have the true responsibility of a project and its outcome. I also knew that I would be on a very tight schedule and working with products that I had never seen before, in a totally new industrial environment. Looking back now it sounds very interesting and an excellent opportunity to learn, as it was! Assembled horizontal gear reducer Currently I am working in the Strategy Quality Development team of the company, which for example arranges Lean

The title of my project is “Capacity assessment & FMEA

Six Sigma trainings for the whole company world-wide and

analysis of gear housing machining”, FMEA stands for Failure

manages the overall quality development processes and

Mode and Effect Analysis. I am focusing on the machining

projects through all business units. Originally, I applied only

of the gear cases e.g. housings. Currently, there are two

for a Green Belt project but ended up doing a lot more than

large machining centers used to machine the casted gear

just the project: I have been conducting a comprehensive

housings so they can be assembled into a ready gearbox.

data analysis as a part of a Master Black Belt project and

In picture two you can see a Burkhardt+Weber machining

developing a Lean Six Sigma project portfolio management

center which is similar to what the gear factory uses. The

tool for Konecranes.

objective of my project is to evaluate the available capacity

All of the above has helped me with my own project

in terms of theoretical working hours and actual machining

and working parallel on something else other than my

hours in order to reflect upon whether there is enough

own project has allowed me to look at the project from

capacity to meet customer demand in the long run. The

different angles and gain knowledge from people around

other part of the project is to assess the risks involved in

me. For all you future Green Belts, I suggest to occasionally

the machining process that may cause long-term machine

take your eyes from your own work and spend some time

downtime and thus have a big financial impact on the whole

thinking about what you are really doing and trying to


achieve. Headless pounding and frustration will not get you anywhere, I can tell you that. The project that I am conducting is for the Hyvinkää gear factory (CHG). The gear factory produces gearboxes and transmission parts of gears for industrial equipment. As you might know, port cranes are gigantic and the largest ones can lift 1200 tons high in the air. As it can be understood the gearboxes of these kind of products cannot be small either. Here’s a picture of a gear box. To give you some scale, the largest ones I have so far seen at the factory are some three meters long and weigh up to 1000 kg, so certainly we are not talking about small objects. Burkhardt+Weber machining center

22 ESTIEM Magazine | 55th issue - Leadership in the 21st century

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