Estes Park News, June 7, 2024

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XXIV-1225 Friday, June 7, 2024 Estes Park News is printed weekly and is free online daily for the most current updates. FREE 48 PAGES Serene Scene Young male moose at Sprague Lake in RMNP.
by Marsha Hobert See page 11 & 20

5,800 copies were printed this week, and distributed FREE to hundreds of Estes Valley locations including Allenspark, Glen Haven & Lyons. A National Online Audience With Loyal Local Readership

Ph: (970) 586-5800 Fax: (970) 692-2611

Opinions of our columnists are not necessarily the opinions of this newspaper. Owners/Publishers: Gary & Kris Hazelton

Editor: Kris Hazelton Office Manager: Tim Buck

Tech Operations: Andrew Donaldson

Advertising: Jordan Hazelton

Press releases:

All editorial, photo content & graphic design is copyright of Estes Park News, Inc. & can not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Estes Park News, Inc. ©2024 For subscription information contact us.



by 4:00

Police Department Update: Internal Affairs Investigation Records

In February I shared an update about the Town’s efforts to review records management practices in the Police Department for Internal Affairs (IA) Investigations. This came after developing concerns about potential inconsistencies and noncompliance with retention policies. To take a closer look, we hired the firm LPDV1 to audit past practices and make recommendations for achieving best practices moving forward. We have received this report, which is available at

To summarize the findings, LPDV1 determined that some IA records of substantiated investigations were destroyed earlier than required because the PD followed an informal practice of destroying substantiated IA records on a 10-year schedule while the requirement of the Town’s policy, as well as the PD’s own policy, was to retain them for 10 years after an employee’s separation. Specifically, 18 substantiated internal affairs files were destroyed between 1990 and 2018 when the Police Department destruction practice and Town records retention policies conflicted. This should not have happened; compliance is critical to our mission to serve and protect. Additionally, the Police Department has been retaining certain records longer than specified by the Colorado Municipal Records Retention Schedule, which is the Town’s adopted policy.

It is important to note that the audit did not find any evidence to infer that the Police Department destroyed the internal affairs files with any intent other than following the incorrect and unwritten internal retention practice of destroying substantiated IA files ten years from the date of the complaint. This finding is supported by the fact that different evidence custodians carried out the practice over nearly thirty years.

In addition to the retention concerns, the audit also identified instances of undocumented access to the IA files in the Police Department’s Evidence Room by a single Records Custodian, former officer Eric Rose. While serving as the designated IA Records Custodian from 2008 through his passing in 2021, it appears that Rose entered and exited the evidence room to manage IA files without signing in or out in accordance with the Police Department practice of logging all entries into the area. This included 16 instances between 2008 and 2018 when he prematurely destroyed files.

While we found no evidence of improper destruction of IA records since 2018, it’s imperative that we implement safeguards to ensure proper management, retention and access moving forward. We are currently pursuing LPDV1’s recommendations to bring IA records management in line with best practices. The most critical recommendations pertain to adhering to the Colorado Municipal Records Retention Schedule and collaborating with the Town Clerk, the Town’s official records custodian. Furthermore, we are in the process of acquiring software designed to document and manage the complete lifecycle of internal affairs investigations and their records, identifying the proper retention schedule, and allowing proper internal controls.

While gathering evidence for the IA records audit, the Town recovered portions of the two sustained IA investigations for Eric Rose. It is important to note that the original complete records for these two substantiated IAs were apparently destroyed by Rose based on the department’s practice explained above. After finding these remaining portions of the two sustained IA investigations, I reached out to Jensen Hughes, the consultant that conducted the 2022 investigation to determine if any personnel had knowledge of

Rose’s involvement in domestic abuse prior to his death. I asked the firm to reopen its investigation, consider the newly recovered information on Rose’s IAs, and determine if there are any changes to its original findings. The sustained complaints were both from 2004 and pertained to policy violations related to evidence management, responsibility on duty, and supervision of other officers. The IAs were not related to domestic violence. Jensen Hughes determined that the new information did not change the original finding –that there was no knowledge among PD personnel of Rose’s involvement in domestic abuse. The complete 2022 Jensen Hughes report, along with the addendum completed this month, are available at We are also working to implement several recommendations made by both Jensen Hughes and LPDV1 that will improve the checks and balances for IA records management including reassigning custodial duties to a non-sworn custodian to eliminate any conflict of interest that a sworn officer could face. The PD is also researching the feasibility of implementing digital access controls and installing surveillance cameras for the evidence room.

While the IA records investigation has uncovered some unfortunate facts, it also identified several strengths in the agency’s practices. The information we have gained supports our continued commitment to providing the highest level of service to our community. The work we are doing represents significant strides in our pursuit of continuous improvement. I’d like to acknowledge the efforts of many members of Town staff in supporting these investigations, as well as Police Chief Stewart’s leadership, and our entire Police Department’s continued commitment to protecting and serving our community. I am confident in this team to carry this excellence into the future.

June 18 July 4


July 12-14

2 » Friday, June 7, 2024
space: Monday
Noon Classifieds: Deadline Wed. by Noon Estes Park News, Inc. is Independent & locally family owned. Our Main Headquarters is at 1191 Woodstock Drive Suite #1 Mail: PO Box 508 Estes Park, CO 80517
Final submissions:
A few of the many summertime events in Estes Park, Colorado!

Trail Ridge Road Opens For The Season

Timed Entry Permit Reservations

Required For Trail Ridge Road 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park is open for the season. Due to melting snow on the road and the potential for freezing temperatures visitors should be prepared for icy conditions. At this time, nightly closures will not be implemented. However, because weather conditions may change rapidly at higher elevations, park visitors should be prepared to adjust travel plans accordingly at any time and are encouraged to call the park’s Trail Ridge Road recorded status phone line at (970) 586-1222. Park staff will update the recorded line when/if the road status changes.

Alpine Visitor Center, Trail Ridge Store and the large adjacent parking area are closed to all uses. Visitors must adhere to the barricades. Visitors entering the closure area will be cited.

Timed Entry Permit Reservations In Place

Rocky Mountain National Park has a timed entry permit reservation system in place during certain times of day. There are two types of reservations available. One option is for the Bear Lake Road Corridor, which includes the entire corridor and rest of the park. This reservation period is from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Another timed-entry option is for the rest of Rocky Mountain National Park, excluding the Bear Lake Road corridor, and includes Trail Ridge Road. This reservation period is from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Permits is-

EVFPD firefighters generally respond to medical calls in their personal vehicles, allowing for a faster response. On other incidents, firefighters respond to a fire station to respond in department apparatus with specialized equipment.

During the week of May 26th, 2024, the Estes Valley Fire Protection District (EVFPD) responded to 15 calls for service. This included:

• Alarm Activation: 7

The charge(s) are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

On 5/26/2024 at 10:04 p.m. police contacted a 30 year old male from Highlands Ranch, CO in the 1100 block of W. Elkhorn Ave. due to a call that he was violating a protection order. On scene the male was charged with a violation of that protection order, he was arrested and

sued using the reservation system will allow park visitors to enter the park within two-hour windows of availability. The reservation system will apply to all areas of the park. To learn more visit

Trail Ridge Road historically opens on Memorial Day weekend; last year the road opened on May 26. The earliest the road has opened was on May 7, 2002; the latest June 26, 1943. Trail Ridge Road is the highest continuous paved road in the United States, climbs to 12,183 feet and connects the towns of Estes Park and Grand Lake. Trail Ridge Road officially closed for the season last year on October 18.

National Park Service plow operators began clearing the snow in the middle of April. Crews from the west side of the park and crews from the east side of the park move along the road and eventually meet at the Alpine Visitor Center. The visitor center is the highest in the National Park Service, sitting at 11,796 feet above sea level. Spring storms often impact plowing activities. This year, May storms with significant winds at higher elevations hampered snow plowing operations. Plow operators have encountered additional snow accumulation, significant wind resulting in deep snow drifts, freezing cold temperatures and ice.

For more information about Rocky Mountain National Park visit or call the park’s Information Office at (970) 586-1206. For a recorded status line on Trail Ridge Road please call (970) 586-1222.

• Odor Investigation: 1

• Potential Illegal Burn: 1

• Assist: 1

• Emergency Medical (assist EPH): 2

• Oven Fire: 1

• Mutual Aid: 1

• Swiftwater Rescue – unfounded upon arrival: 1

Estes Valley Fire

transported to the Larimer County Jail.

On 5/29/2024 at 7:09 p.m. a 32 year old Estes Park male who was wanted on a warrant, turned himself in at the Estes Park Police Department located at 170 MacGregor Ave. The warrant was for failure to appear on a misdemeanor charge. He was booked and later released with a new court date.

Friday, June 7, 2024 « 3

CPW Investigating Cow Elk Attack On Girl In Estes Park

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is investigating a cow elk attack on an 8-year-old girl in Estes Park last Thursday afternoon. Family members reported the girl was riding her bike in a neighborhood around 1 p.m. when the female elk started charging the girl from approximately 60 yards away. The elk caught up to the victim and stomped on her multiple times. The girl was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and released later that day.

A wildlife officer responded to the attack area and found a cow elk and young calf. The elk became aggressive towards the officer. The officer hazed the elk by firing a non-lethal bean bag round and the elk’s aggressive behavior dissipated. The officer stayed on scene to monitor the situation for several hours. On Friday, the officer returned to transport the calf to the CPW Health Lab where veterinarians and wildlife specialists will care for the newborn.

cow elk.

“This is an unusual and unfortunate situation where a young girl was playing outside, far from the calf, and a cow elk became aggressive to protect her newborn,” said Jason Duetsch, Area Wildlife Manager for CPW. “While it is a natural reaction for cow elk to be very defensive during calving season, it is not often they hurt someone, especially a child. We’re happy the girl is recovering from her injuries and wish her continued healing.”

Officers will haze cow elk in the area as necessary to discourage interactions with neighbors.

Signs warning of aggressive elk behavior have been placed in the area. Pets should be onleash at all times to avoid conflicts with

Late spring through early summer is considered calving season for Colorado’s elk population. During this time, cow elk can display aggression towards people and pets to protect their calves from perceived threats. Conflicts are common with cow elk and cow moose when they have young nearby, and conflicts increase until their young can stand and move around on their own. Always leave young wildlife alone, especially during calving season. It is not unusual to find calves and fawns alone, as the mother may temporarily leave the calf to find food.

CPW Urging Awareness Of Aggressive Cow Elk In Estes Park Following Second Attack

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is urging Estes Park residents and visitors to be aware of aggressive cow elk after a 4year-old boy was attacked Monday. This is the second cow elk attack in less than a week in Estes Park.

Witnesses reported to CPW the boy was at a playground near Stanley Park around 1:30 p.m. Two elk calves were hidden nearby in a rock area, unbeknownst to families using the playground. As the boy was playing, a cow elk suddenly charged and stomped on him multiple times. A family member

told CPW they scared the cow elk off the boy and took him to a hospital, where he was treated and released Monday evening.

When a CPW officer responded to the scene, they found multiple cow elk in the area. The officer hazed the elk using non-lethal bean bag rounds to encourage the elk to leave the park. The elk have moved to another location. The playground is closed indefinitely. Parts of the Lake Estes Loop trail are also closed. CPW has placed signs warning of aggressive cow elk in the area. While newborn calves are immobile, cow elk can become aggressive towards perceived threats. People are encouraged to be aware while recreating outdoors that calves could be hidden nearby. Cow elk can charge from many yards away. Please respect trail closures and signs warning of aggressive elk. Never disturb young wildlife, even if they appear to be alone, as the mother is most likely nearby searching for food.

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Signs warning of aggressive cow elk have been placed in Estes Park. EP NEWS

Be Aware And Use Caution During Elk Calving Season

Elk calving season takes place each spring. During this time, female elk, or cows, become irritable and highly protective of their young calves. Though they may look harmless, like the bull elk during the rut, cows are extremely dangerous during calving season. Known calving areas should be avoided and caution should be exercised at all times during calving season.

The bird sanctuary along the Lake Estes Trail and the Stanley Park area are common places for the elk to give birth, however births can take place in any area. For safety it is important to obey the “trail closed” signs and take a different route. Be watchful in residential

neighborhoods, as people have been injured at their homes by walking out the door and unknowingly getting between a cow elk and her calf.

Safe elk and wildlife viewing means keeping a safe distance and following these helpful tips:

Be aware of your surroundings. Elk are everywhere and you never know when you may be near a cow and calf.

If you see that a trail is closed during calving, obey the warning and head the other way.

Elk are wild animals which must be ob-

served from a safe distance to avoid injury or death. If an animal is carefully watching you and appears “jumpy” when you move, you are too close. Keep pets secured on a leash and do

not allow them to bark at, lunge at, or chase wildlife.

Never block traffic. Move your vehicle to a safe place completely off the roadway to watch elk.

Elk know no boundaries, but people do. Respect private property when viewing wildlife.

Mule deer can also be aggressive during fawning season, which typically occurs just after the elk calving season.

Be sure to supervise small children near elk.

Protective elk that are endangering people should be reported to the Estes Park Police Department at 970-5864000. The Estes Park Police Department does enforce wildlife laws that include laws against feeding or harassing wildlife, or allowing one’s pet to harass wildlife.

Elena’s Barking Lot and Estes Park Garage Door are excited to announce The Lake Estes Dog Walk!

The Lake Estes Dog Walk is a fundraising event that is organized to support Miss Rooftop Rodeo candidate, Elena Nedobukh, Paint Estes Pink and Crowns for the Care! All the proceeds will be donated to the Estes Park Health foundation. The event is free, but we do ask to make a donation during the event or purchase a raffle ticket. The raffle will be held after the walk near Lake Estes Marina. 3 prizes total!

The winner gets $150 gift card to Estes Park Pet Supply for the pet and a $50 gift card to Himalayan Curry and Kebab for the owner!

The event will be held on Sunday, June 23rd at 11 AM. Everyone will gather by the dog park and we will walk to the right after the underpass to Lake Estes Marina. Raffle tickets are $25 each. Raffle tickets are on sale now until June 23rd. Only the raffle ticket holders may participate in the Raffle. Scan the qr code to purchase the ticket. Please print your ticket and bring it with you to place it into the Raffle jar. Please refer to for more information.

Hope to see you all on June 23rd at 11 AM by the Dog Park, pink attire is encouraged!

Friday, June 7, 2024 « 5
Photos by Kris Hazelton/EP NEWS

Street Improvement Projects Begin In June

Contractors for the Town of Estes Park will begin the 2024 street improvement projects on Town-owned streets in June, weather permitting. Working hours will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Local access will be maintained during the work, although there may be brief periods where private driveways are not accessible. Please drive with caution and follow the guidance of any traffic control flaggers who may be directing traffic.

Coulson Excavating, Inc., will begin the 2024 Overlay and Patching Program in mid-June, and the initial work will focus on completing West Elkhorn Avenue between Old Ranger Drive and Big Horn Drive. The tentative schedule for West Elkhorn Avenue is as follows:

Concrete Repairs: June 10-12

Asphalt Milling: June 17-19

Asphalt Paving: June 20-21 and 24-25

Striping: June 26-28

Traffic disruption will be minimal during concrete repairs with lane shifts and short duration flagging operations during lane closures. Traffic patterns will shift to full lane closures during milling and paving operations with a one-way configuration. Detour routes will be signed for traffic to utilize Big Horn Drive, West

Wonderview Drive, and Valley Road. Access to local businesses and public parking lots will be maintained during construction to the extent possible. There will be short durations during paving where access to a driveway may not be possible.

Coulson will return in July and August to complete patches and other overlay work throughout Town. Roads identified for overlay improvements include Pine Knoll Drive, Stonegate Drive, and Valley View Road. This program is not expected to result in any full road closures, but lane closures and local detours will be necessary to complete the work. All work is part of the 2024 Street Improvement Program (STIP), which aims to maintain the street system Pavement Condition Index (PCI) at 80 (good condition). The plan receives its funding from the 1% sales tax approved by voters in 2024 and includes extensive preventative maintenance that will preserve good road conditions throughout the Town. For more information, or to view the 2024 project map, please visit or contact the Public Works Department at 970-577-3587 or

Vote The Colorado Primary June 25

All Eligible Voters - Republican, Democrat, Unaffiliated.

Detailed information can be found on the Colorado Secretary of State website: Qs/primaryElectionsFAQ.

Larimer County election information can be found on the county clerk’s website:


All eligible voters may vote in the pri-

maries, including UNAFFILIATED voters for all major and some minor parties. You may select a preference for a particular party’s ballot at any time by visiting or by making the selection on any paper voter registration form (before June 6 if you want your ballot mailed to you).

The County Clerk begins mailing ballots June 6, 2024. Mailed ballots must be received at the County Clerk’s office by 7:00 pm on Election Day June 25th Register to vote online before June 17th to receive a mailed ballot.

The Sparkling Spa

Weekly and bi-weekly hot tub service for the Peak to Peak region 720-465-5501

6 » Friday, June 7, 2024
Weekly service $70/visit Bi-weekly service $80/visit

Vendors Wanted

More than 500 people are expected on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024, at the Estes Park Event Center for the annual Treasure Tables shopping day. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. your table will be seen by hundreds of shoppers getting ready for the holidays. Don't miss this event, which has taken place annually for more than a decade. Vendors include artists, crafters, foodies and those selling household goods. Treasure Tables is offered by P.E.O. Chapter IY (our scholarships support female students) and is funded by vendor fees. It's a win-win! So contact us now to get the best location and get ready for big sales on Oct. 26. For vendor information contact

Stanley Home Museum and Education Center Presents “Vino on the Veranda” with Cornelius Bond Friday June 21, 2024 Everyone knows of Bond Park, but do you know who he was?

Please join us for an enchanting evening, mingling with friends while enjoying wine and hors d’oeuvres on this lovely veranda with stunning views of the mountains.

Soon you will be immersed in the stories and life of Cornelius Bond, a reenactment talking about his role in creating the road from Loveland to Estes Park and his relationship with F.O. Stanley.

Our knowledgeable guides will be on hand for guests wishing to tour this wonderful 1904 Georgian Colonial Revival home.

Limited tickets are available at $35; and reservations are required.

All proceeds support the Historic Stanley Home Foundation. Reservations can be made at or call (970)235-0062

The museum shuttle will pick-up and drop-off all guests from the North side of the Estes Park Visitor Center, 500 Big Thompson Ave. every 15 minutes starting at 5:30pm.

Friday, June 7, 2024 « 7


is excited to announce that the Outside Summer Pet Photo Studio is open! This is a fundraising event to support Miss Rooftop Rodeo candidate, Elena Nedobukh, Paint Estes Pink and Crowns for the Care.

All the proceeds will be donated to Estes Park Health foundation during the month of June! Pictures are taken by appointment only.

Please contact Elena’s Barking Lot via email: or text: 970 586 0340 to set up an appointment. Thank you for your support!

Make The Taffy Shop #1

The Taffy Shop has been a beloved focal point of Estes Park’s downtown since 1935. Generations of locals and visitors stop to watch candymakers create the store's iconic Estes Park Salt Water Taffy in a range of flavors from the tried-andtrue lemon, vanilla, and peppermint, to the fanciful blueberry, chocolate cherry, and orange creamsicle.

Recently a group of independent restauranteurs, travel bloggers, and food writers nominated The Taffy Shop as one of the best in the nation.

“The Taffy Shop is in the running to be named “Best Candy Store” in the country, in USA Today’s 10 Best Reader’s Choice Poll, which is beyond exciting for the

business and the town as a whole,” said Estes Chamber President Colleen DePasquale. “Seeing our members recognized on such a grand scale is extremely validating to the decades of hard work they’ve put into their craft, we’re simply thrilled for them,” DePasquale added. Before the leaderboard closed, The Taffy Shop was sitting in second place. Now it’s up to the town to help push them to glory by voting before the end of the week [pro tip: you can vote one time per day] at

If you’re planning to vote, better hurry, polls close on Monday, June 10 at noon ET. The winning store, as determined by your vote, will be announced on Wednesday, June 19.

8 » Friday, June 7, 2024

My mom grew up in Des Moines, Iowa, which is where my family usually went for vacations and holidays. We stayed at Gram and Gramps’s house with its one bathroom upstairs. Downstairs there was a “hinkle room,” called such after Dr. Hinkle's cascara pill, a laxative, circa 1930. The little loo was just big enough for a toilet and miniature sink, built into what used to be a closet next to the kitchen. It was so tight in there, a tall person sitting on the throne would find his knees pushed up against the closed door, his elbows touching either wall. Even though it was a bathroom, it was a wee (wee) room that seemed built for an imp and I imagined it was sprinkled with fairy dust. That was the magic of Grandma’s house.

We loved going to Gram and Gramps’s with its three fresh pies on the pie shelf, the attic full of hidden treasures, the porch swing suspended from sturdy chains on the screened-in porch, the hammock in the back yard, Gramps’s garden, Gram’s flowering bushes and bird bath, the gravel driveway, the massive trees and Winky the cat.

Because we were a family of many staying in a house with few bedrooms, my two sisters and I shared a bed upstairs, sleeping three-across the short way. In an effort to cool the room during the stifling heat of summer, the adults put a fan in the window above the bed. That fan taunted us from its window frame, tilting toward us, whooshing and shaking menacingly, its child-eating blades spinning wildly. I knew that as soon as I fell asleep the fan would tumble forward and spill onto us, tangling sheets and hair…and worse. Needless to say, the fan never fell from its roost.

My young fan fear developed when my family lived in a house without air conditioning. Back then fans were big, square units that sat on the floor. They weren’t on pedestals, they didn’t hang from the ceiling and they didn’t oscillate. (The only time I ever use the word oscillate is when referring to a fan. Osculate, on the other hand, was a word we used with giggles in college. We wished each other felicitous osculations* for birthdays. But that doesn’t have anything to do with fans, so we’ll leave osculations for now.)

Those boxy, oversized floor fans made a significant difference in the temperature of a room on muggy summer afternoons. The delight for us kids was to get down in front of the fan and vocalize a long, low, drawn-out “aaaaaaaaaaaaah-

hhh.” The rapidly rotating fan blades would cut through our voices and create a percussive staccato that entertained us no end. We could make our voices sound like snare drums!

You’d think our parents would have been thrilled to have the kids settled in front of a fan, together and accounted for, rather than running reckless through the house, our sticky little bodies making sweaty marks on everything we touched.

But no. We laid on the floor on our tummies, propped ourselves up on our elbows, and were warned not to have too much fun. “Don’t get too close,” Mom cautioned us. Keep a safe distance from the fan. Fingers, hair, tongues (don’t think too much about it)—could get caught in the blades. I heard Mom loud and clear, even over the reverberating hum of the fan with its knob set to high. To this day I tense when someone nears a fan with its dangerous blades whirring just this side of mutilation.

After that blot of angst staining my childhood, I should have an aversion to floor fans, yet I will take fan-cooled air— or better yet, an open window—rather than air-conditioned air every time. With fan-air I don’t have to wear a parka indoors to ward off goosebumps like I do in a place that is artificially conditioned. I just need a room to get cooled down a bit, not made into an arctic igloo with ice cycles dangling from the ceiling.

I thought of my mom the other day when our dog Chance—the most adorable dog on the planet—wanted to scope out the little fan we had running in the dining loft. I watched closely as he curiously sniffed all around it. I worried that an ear might get sucked into the fan—never mind that fans blow out, they don’t suck in. I was channelling my mother. When Chance went in for the doggie lick, I stopped him. “Don’t get too close,” I said. “You could get electrocuted if you lick that fan.” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes that said, “You spoil all my fun” and he plopped down a safe distance from the fan, elbows clunking against the hardwood floor. Then his puppy dog eyes spoke to me again.

“Where’s my treat? I did what you said.”

I didn’t give him a treat but I promised felicitous osculations later.

You may let The Thunker know what you think at her e-mail address,

© 2024 Sarah Donohoe

Friday, June 7, 2024 « 9

House District 49 Candidate Coming To Estes Park

On Saturday, June 8, Lesley Smith, Democratic candidate for Colorado House District 49, will be at the Estes Valley Library Hondius Room for a meet-and-greet from 3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Lesley currently serves as a CU Regent. With her Regent’s term ending in 2024, Lesley is running for the HD 49 seat in the Democratic Primary on June 25.

Lesley has worked as a scientist and educator at the University of Colorado for many years, and also served on local school boards in addition to her Regent position.

Major areas of policy in Lesley’s race for HD 49 include education, climate and environmental issues, protection of public lands, and affordability of housing and healthcare.

Please come to meet Lesley and ask her your questions in person! Also check out her website at

Are you or someone you love experiencing any memory loss due to a diagnosis of dementia? Would you both benefit from being together in a stress free, understanding environment joining others for coffee/tea, snacks, activities, music and supportive friendship? We invite you to our Memory Café at St. Bartholomew’s Church (880 MacGregor Ave.) from 10:00-11:30. It is free and open to the community. This month’s Memory Café is Thursday, June 13th Our theme is School’s Out – Summer Fun where we will be remembering how it felt to be let out of school and enjoy summer fun! For more information call St. Bart’s church at 970-586-4504 or Jane at 970-430-8105.

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Memory Café

Wool Market: Free Family-Friendly, Fibery Fun This Weekend

The Town of Estes Park is ready to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of Wool Market with family-friendly fun for everyone. The event takes place this Saturday, June 8 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, June 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Estes Park Events Complex, 1125 Rooftop Way. Free and open to the public, the Wool Market is a signature event of the Town of Estes Park, and is presented by sponsor Long Thread Media.

As in prior years, the Market will include dozens of vendors in the Event Center selling their wares, including

yarns, fibers, fleeces, tools, and finished goods such as apparel and home decor. Livestock shows will feature sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas, and rabbits.

Guests can also enjoy sheep shearing and fiber art demonstrations.

Families will enjoy horse and wagon rides, a petting zoo with photo opportunities, and craft tables for children – all free of charge. Food trucks will offer fair food, treats and more for purchase.

More information can be found at Don’t miss the fun!

Friday, June 7, 2024 « 11
Located at Camp St. Malo ~ 10758 CO HWY 7

Estes Valley Photo Club May Contest Winner Scott Meyer

Scott Meyer is the winner of the May Estes Valley Photo Club contest with this wonderful photo of a bull elk with a magpie that had just landed on its back. Scott said, "I saw this healthy-looking bull elk in Moraine Park. While he was posing on a grassy hill, a magpie flew in and landed on him. It was a fortunate capture!”

Why not join the Estes Valley Photo Club for your chance to have your photograph appear in an issue of EP News! Please find us on Facebook under Groups and then select Estes Valley Photo Club. You do not need to be a resident of the Estes Valley to join. We wel-

come all members!

All members have the opportunity to enter our monthly photo contest. We are now accepting submissions for the June Photo Contest. Email submissions to

Here are the rules:

You must use the hashtag #estesvalleyphotoclubcontest

Each member can enter two photographs.

The photographs must be taken in Colorado. Please state general location. DO NOT include specific locations. You may enter any subject.

No watermarks or logos.

12 » Friday, June 7, 2024
Photo by Scott Meyer

Sketching And Painting Nature Class To Benefit Avian Research & Rehab

Have you ever wanted to draw and paint the creatures in the natural world? If so, here’s your chance. Scott Rashid, the director of the Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute (CARRI), is an accomplished watercolor artist (among other things) who creates unique bird paintings.

Scott and members of CARRI will be teaching Sketching and Painting Nature to raise money for the avian research and rehabilitation that they do. Starting June 18th at 8:30 a.m. and every Tuesday morning throughout the summer, attending artists will be in the field sketching and then in the studio creating watercolor paintings. The subject matter will include birds, animals, trees, flowers and more.

Each morning, we will meet upstairs at the Estes Park Bank Building 255 Park Lane, which is also where the indoor

painting portion of the classes will be held. We will then move to an area outdoors and sketch in nature for about an hour. After that, we will return to the studio and create watercolor paintings for the rest of the morning.

Attendees will need to bring sketch books, pens, or pencils and their watercolor supplies, as well as the proper attire to be outside for an hour. To attend Sketching and Painting Nature, go to and click the link to attend Creative Watercolor Workshop and then click Sketching and Painting Nature. Each three-hour class is $49.95. If you need materials, we will provide them for an extra $10.00.

See you upstairs at the Estes Park Bank Building, 255 Park Lane, Estes Park. Looking forward to drawing and painting on June 18th and every Tuesday thereafter.

Friday, June 7, 2024 « 13

Members Of CARRI To Present Summer Speaker Series

Members of the Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute, CARRI, would like to introduce our first-ever Summer Speaker Series. Throughout the summer CARRI’s director Scott Rashid will be presenting live lectures upstairs at the Estes Park Bank Building each Wednesday starting the 19th of June. There will be a total of 12 lectures in the series. Presentations will begin at 7:00 p.m. and last about an hour.

During the speaker series, Scott will present on a variety of subjects including Hummingbirds, Great Horned Owls, American Kestrels, Northern Goshawks, Owls of Northern Colorado, Small Mountain Owls, Bluebirds and more. Each week Scott will discuss the details of the specific species or group of birds and the work that members of CARRI are doing to learn about these birds and find ways to increase their numbers.

The first presentation will be “Hummingbirds, Jewels of the Summer.” During this presentation, Scott will discuss the hummingbirds that can be found in Northern Colorado. The species include the Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Calliope Hummingbird, Black-chinned Hummingbirds and several others. He will also discuss the amazing adaptations that only hummingbirds have, including their unique

ability to fly in any direction, including backwards, the fact that they cannot walk and what their colored throat patch is used for. You will see images and videos of the bird’s courtship activities, feeding, nest building and the females feeding their young.

You will also learn the proper mixture of sugar and water to fill your feeders, how often to clean them and what to clean them with, and the question we get most often, when do we take our hummingbird feeders down?

Join us to learn all of this and more about the Jewels of the Summer. To attend one or all of these presentations, go to and click the link Summer Speaker Series. Ticket are just $10.00 per lecture and can be purchased at the door or online.

Scott Rashid has been working with wild birds for more than 40 years. Some of the species that he has studied indepth includes Great Horned Owls, Northen Goshawks, Flammulated Owls, American Kestrels, Northern PygmyOwls Barn Owls, Hummingbirds and more. Scott has published seven books and multiple papers regarding the subjects that he will be discussing during the speaker series.

See you on June 19th upstairs at the Estes Park Bank, 255 Park Lane in Estes.

14» Friday, June 7, 2024
Scott Rashid

Creative Watercolor Class Offered June 22 & 23

For those of you who have always wanted to learn how to paint using watercolor or want to continue painting in watercolor or maybe see some techniques that you are unfamiliar with, here’s your chance. On June 22nd and 23rd, KC Benson, Greg Miles and Scott

Rashid will be holding a two-day watercolor workshop upstairs in the Estes Park Bank Building at 255 Park Lane in

Estes Park. To attend the class go to KC Benson’s website at and click the green bar at the top of the page.

The workshop will begin at 9:00 a.m. Saturday the 22nd with each instructor introducing themselves, showing their art and then presenting their specific approaches to watercolor painting. After which, the attendees will have time to practice those techniques while creating their own works of art.

Scott, KC and Greg are accomplished watercolorists that create remarkable works of art. Scott produces works that depict birds of all species, KC paints amazing landscapes and Greg captures the essence of people and places in his im-

pressive paintings.

As the three artists depict different subject matter, have unique painting styles, and use varying techniques to create their works of art, the attendees will watch KC, Greg and Scott produce paintings in real time.

The second day attendees will have the afternoon to paint, as the instructors assist with any questions that may arise.

Those attending the workshop will benefit from the individual attention the instructors will provide, enabling participants to expand their technical knowledge of watercolor painting.

Scott’s work is a combination of Cubism and Realism. Like the cubistic painters, Scott is interested in showing multiple views of his subject in each painting. Unlike the cubists, Scott wants his work to be realistic, or at least recognizable. Each of his paintings depicts three birds, often of the same species, and if it fits in with the composition, a landscape, enabling the viewer to see what habitat the bird can be found in.

KC creates one-of-a-kind landscapes. His brilliantly colored works of art depict locations within the Estes Valley and Rocky Mountain National Park and areas from the deserts of Arizona, New Mexico or elsewhere in the Southwest.

Many of KC’s landscapes depict dramatic skylines reminiscent of what we routinely see from the Estes Valley.

While watercolor is Greg’s first and preferred medium, he enjoys working in

all types of mediums. Technically, his work is non-narrative representational imagery with abstract elements. He wants it to have strong, intense color on precise images with tremendous contrast. He also enjoys the bold use of light and shadow, negative space, lost edges and emotion coupled with color and form. He frequently only tells part of a story – using partial images, thus allowing the viewer to become engaged in the piece.

Those attending should bring watercolor paint, watercolor paper, brushes, containers for water, subject matter you might want to paint, lunch and snacks. See you on the 22nd at 9:00 a.m. upstairs in the Estes Park Bank Building at 255 Park Lane.

Friday, June 7, 2024 « 15 Member SIPC Derek Vinge Financial Advisor 501 Saint Vrain Lane Suite 202 Estes Park,
970-586-9078 Dreaming Up the Ideal Retirement Is Your Job. Helping You Get There Is Ours. To learn more about why Edward Jones makes sense for you, call or visit a financial advisor today. Derek Vinge Financial Advisor 501 Saint Vrain Lane Suite 202 Estes Park, CO 80517 970-586-9078 Mark Purdy Financial Advisor 1186 Graves Avenue Suite C Estes Park, CO 80517 970-586-9969
CO 80517
KC Benson Greg Miles Scott Rashid
16 » Friday, June 7, 2024 We Know They Say Elk Charge But...
Photo by Deena Sveinsson Elk calf and mama photo by Zachary Bergen. Tender Moments

Estes Valley Residents Assoc. To Meet This Sunday, June 9

The Estes Valley Residents Associations (EVRA) would like to cordially invite the public to our Residents Open Discussion and Topics Meeting. EVRA was recently founded by and on the behalf of residents to ensure a positive quality of life in the Estes valley.

WHEN: Sunday, June 9th

TIME: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

LOCATION: Estes Valley Library

335 E Elkhorn Ave., Estes Park, CO

Hondius Room (1st floor)

The mission is to preserve and enhance the quality of life in the Estes Valley through nonpartisan education, advocacy, and action on topical issues.

EVRA wants to give a voice to residents, separate and apart from the various special interest groups that exist. Please come and decide if you want to become involved in this important organization. Friday, June 7, 2024 « 17 MAY NOT GROW ON TREES, BUT IT 4.75 7 MONTH TERM % APY* 4.50 17 MONTH TERM % APY* MONEY GROWS HERE. SAVINGS RIPE FOR THE
CULTIVATE INCREDIBLE SAVINGS Limited time offer. *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The minimum balance to open the 7-month or 17-month certificate and earn the advertised APY is $500. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals. At maturity, the 7-month CD will convert to Premier Members’ 6-month regular, fixed-rate CD and the 17-month CD will convert to Premier Members’ 12-month regular, fixed-rate CD, and will earn the prevailing interest rate in effect at time of renewal. This special rate offer is not available for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Rates apply to personal and business accounts only. Membership

Aviation Club Meeting June 12

The Estes Park's Aviation Club's speaker for it's next Wednesday, June 12th meeting is Eric Cain. His topic is the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first man on the moon in 1969. The Apollo 11 mission was an amazing accomplishment that many people (especially younger people today!) know little about the technology that NASA had to invent and apply in a very short time. Spoiler alert - the mission came perilously close to not succeeding!

Eric Cain is an Aerospace Engineer with over 20 years of experience in both Aviation and Space systems Design, Development, Test and Operations on various programs including the soon to launch Dream Chaser spacecraft. He has worked at Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Sierra Nevada Corporation and Sierra Space before founding Updraft Aerospace, LLC where he now consults for companies across the industry to develop new systems and serves as a

mentor and coach for young professionals seeking to expedite their path to becoming engineering leaders in the Aerospace field.

The Aviation Club's meetings are normally held the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the American Legion Hall Post #119 (www.Estes Park American Legion Hall Post The meetings start at 6:30 and are usually done around 8:00 p.m. The public is always invited to the meetings. All are invited to come at 5:30 for a social hour with members and to meet and greet our speaker. The Legion offers food and beverage for purchase during this time. For more information contact Neal Standard, Estes Park Aviation Club Program Coordinator, at

This Friday is the perfect time to explore new artwork in the local galleries in Estes Valley. Come out and see what’s new, meet interesting people and enjoy good company. There are show openings, live music, artist meet & greets, demonstrations and tasty treats. Bring a friend or come and meet some new friends and perhaps find a delightful piece of art to take home with you. More info at The Estes Arts District’s Presents FIRST FRIDAY! Art Groove

18 » Friday, June 7, 2024

News From The Art Center of Estes Park

Upcoming Classes:

Painting with Cathy Goodale-June 19

Cell Phone Holder-Saturday, June 8

Baskets – Twined, Coiled & PlaitedThursday, June 13 & Thursday, June 20

“Wonderful Watercolor Landscapes” with Kathleen Lanzoni June 14 and June 15

“Introduction to SoulCollage®” with Mary Mesropian-June 17

“Flower Frenzy” with Sandy Fritz-June 21

“Nuno Felt Wrap”-June 21

For more details on all of these classes, or to register, please visit our website at

Current Exhibit

“FACE of Fiber in the Rockies” & “Hand to Heart Textures” June 7-July 13, 2024.

Opening Reception June 7th, 5-7 p.m. (Award presentations 6:00 p.m.)

The annual FACE of Fiber in the Rockies Exhibit is celebrating its 11th national fiber exhibit. This exhibit and sale have become a destination show because of the diversity of textiles that are displayed. This year is no exception!

The Art Center of Estes Park will host the 2024 FACE of Fiber in the Rockies exhibit from June 7-July 13, 2024. The Fiber Arts Council of Estes (FACE) is ex-

cited to exhibit 52 fiber pieces from 26 fiber artists from twelve states and one fiber pieces from our Winner’s Circle, award winner from our 2023 show. We will also be hanging pieces from our three judges, Jean Scorgie, Margaret Tullis, and Barb Gardner. The artwork in the FACE 2024 exhibit and Award Winners can be found on Facebook and Youtube after the opening. The FACE of Fiber exhibit will share the exhibit space and opening reception with the Art Center’s featured artist Pauline Bustamante and her guest Michelle Ridley, both fiber artists.

This show is an Invitational-Juried show. The artists displaying their work in this exhibit were peer nominated. These nominees were asked to submit examples of their work which were juried. Twentysix artists were selected for the FACE of Fiber in the Rockies 2023 exhibit. They were selected for the quality of their work, their originality, and variety of methods.

Awards will be given for Best of Show, three Excellence Awards, three Judges Awards, and three specialty Awards spon-

sored by three national organizations –Complex Weavers, Surface Design Association, and the Handweavers Guild of America. A special award, Patty Volker Award, sponsored by the Estes Valley Area Weavers Guild, will be given for Excellence in Weaving, in memory of the

beloved Estes weaver and founding member of FACE, Patty Volker.

The FACE committee, Lis Lord, Pauline Bustamante, Sue Doylen, Barb Richards, Deb Coombs, Anne Sneary, Deb Lane, and Chris Switzer want to extend a hand of gratitude to the Wool Market, and the Art Center of Estes Park for the networking opportunities you have provided us to help make Estes a fiber destination. Our tradition of yarn bombing on Elkhorn for couple weeks is cancelled due to the construction downtown, we appreciate the Town of Estes Park for their support for this event. And to the Art Center, thank you for providing a home for this exhibit, we are very proud to have the exhibit at the gallery!

Satellite Exhibits: Estes Park Health, US Bank, with newly hung exhibit of artwork by Connie Schmidt and exhibits at VERT, Snowy Peaks Winery, and at the Bank of Estes Park. The public is invited to visit these exhibits

Social Media:

The Art Center can be viewed not only on our website at but we are on Facebook at Art-Centerof-Estes-Park and Instagram at artcenterofep.

The Art Center of Estes Park is a nonprofit organization which provides a facility to support the work of local and regional artists, striving to promote exhibition, education, and excellence in the visual arts. Proceeds benefit the artist and contribute to the Art Center’s education and community outreach. The Art Center is located at 517 Big Thompson Avenue, in Middle Stanley Village, below Safeway and above Subway. For more information, please call the Art Center at 970-586-5882 or visit our website at Friday, June 7, 2024 « 19
20 » Friday, June 7, 2024

The RMNP Twins Of 2023

and gather around her. It was just enough for her baby to recover, get her feet under her, and struggle back to solid ground.

they would nurse together.

They were barely visible, hidden in the red willows along Big Thompson River near the edge of Moraine Park. That morning of May 29, 2023, the twin moose calves were beginning their third day of life, and their mother was letting them venture to the river for the first time.

At sunrise in Rocky Mountain National Park before my morning RMNPhotographer Tour, I stood shoulder-to-shoulder with several photographer friends, our lenses extended, camera’s clicking as the twins emerged from the willows. The river, high from the previous day’s snow melt, was rushing strong as the baby moose moved wobbly legged along the edge. Mother moose stood and watched as they ventured a few steps into the water. The first one caught in the current, her legs pulled from under her. Falling, she thrashed fighting to keep her nose above water. Mother moose moved into the stream to break the current causing the water to slow

For a week, we watched from the roadside, capturing images of the two cinnamon phase babies. The twins began to fill out just a bit, always under the watchful eye of their mother. As they reached one week old, mother moose al-

Then, on the morning of June 4, our hearts were disappointed as we stood with our cameras at our sides realizing the moose had moved on. Strong enough, mother moose had taken the twins away from the swift running river into the forest. It had been a treasure she had given us, one week of watching her babies from wobbly legged newborns to

lowed them to wander from the willows into more open areas. With such freedom, the twins would romp, chasing each other, jumping over fallen trees, stumbling sideways then running strong, returning to their mother where

week old youngsters running and playing among the pines.

One week later on June 11, I was with guests on a RMNPhotographer Tour taking sunrise photos at Sprague Lake. The morning was bright with the yellow sun peeking over the front range to turn the hints of clouds a reddish hue, and then another gift was given.

Standing in the middle of the lake was a moose cow feeding on the submerged grasses. In the sunrise, she was a silhouette as her head lifted, water rained down around her, soft grasses hanging

rounded by familiar faces all capturing images of the twins.

For over an hour, mother moose shared her babies with us. The moose calves played in the water, mother moose glancing back to watch over them. They danced and ran, nuzzled their noses together, and watched with curiosity at the many people watching them.

For the next two weeks, we saw them periodically in the area around Sprague Lake. So precious, so special, and then once again, they were gone.

Two months later, they reappeared at Sprague Lake. The cuteness of the cinnamon colors had begun to fade and their size had tripled. Nearing mother moose’s dark brown/gray coloring, they had begun to look like miniature adult moose.

So happy to see them, I took a few photos, but mostly I sat and watched.

The twins were a gift of the summer of 2023. Mother moose let us photograph them. She was a patient yet protective mother. The twins will remain with their mother for one year. If mother moose is pregnant again, she will drive them off in this spring having raised them to independence. If she’s not pregnant, they may stay with her throughout the summer before moving off on their own.

Either way, this spring I will be watching for mother moose and her twins, hoping to see them one last time, before they move off into the forest as independent moose.

from her mouth.

Then, when the morning brightened, suddenly she turned running through the water toward the opposite edge of Sprague Lake. A couple walking the trail stopped, frozen in place. The cow splashed into the tall grass as two small bodies stood to greet her.

My heart leapt as I said to our RMNPhotographer guests, “The twins.” The twins were fuller, almost thick, looking healthy with their reddish color. As we rounded the lake, we could see mother moose leading them back into the waters to feed.

It was another gift, the twins alive and doing well in a wilderness that can sometimes be unforgiving. While I shot their family portraits, as if magic, more of my photographer friends began to arrive. Within a few minutes, I was sur- Friday, June 7, 2024 « 21

Exciting Historical Reenactments At The Stanley Home Museum

The Stanley Home Museum and Education Center is proud to present our unique Vino on the Veranda trio of historical reenactments on the evenings of June 21, July 12 and Aug 9. We will have a different, entertaining program at each event, with reenactments of F.O. and Flora Stanley family members and contemporaries.

Cornelius Bond will be the focus of the first reenactment. We all are familiar with Bond Park, but who was Cornelius Bond and how is he associated with the Stanleys? These questions and many more will be answered by Tom Bryant portraying Mr. Bond on the evening of Friday June 21st

At the second Vino on the Veranda on Friday July 12th, Lucy and Sam Franklin will portray two of the many children that enjoyed being entertained at the Stanley Home. They will retell stories of F.O. Stanley’s playful spirit and the fun games he played with them that would have them all laughing.

At the third Vino on the Veranda on Friday Aug 9, Fran Jones will portray Chansonetta, F.O.’s only sister and well-

known photographer, and Lucy Franklin will reenact Dorothy Emmons, Chansonetta’s daughter. You will hear stories of the visits that they made to Estes Park and a romantic interest Dorothy had for a young man here. You will also be able to see original postcards, paintings, and letters written by both Chansonetta and Dorthy during their many travels. All our Vino on the Veranda events enable guests to enjoy wine, beer and refreshments while admiring the stunning mountain views from this gorgeous 1904

Georgian Colonial Revival home. Our knowledgeable guides will be happy to provide tours of the home throughout the evening.

Guests will be picked up by the Stanley Home Museum shuttle on the North side of the Estes Park Visitor Center starting at 5:30 p.m. The shuttle will continuously run every 15 minutes, with the reenactments starting at 5:15 p.m.

For more information on these fun events, consult or contact us at 970-235-0062.

Set Sail For Love At Estes Park’s Pride In The Park June 15th

Anchors aweigh and prepare to embark on a voyage of love and celebration at Estes Park’s Pride in the Park event on June 15th, 2024! With a festive “Love Boat” a theme, this event promises a day packed with joy, community, and Pride from noon to 5 p.m. at the Bull Pin, followed by an exhilarating after party at Lonigans. This exciting event is proudly co-produced by Pirate Face Productions and the United Methodist Church of Estes Park.

Daytime Festivities: Starting at noon, Pride in the Park will kick off with a lively Rockout Workout to get everyone energized and in the spirit of celebration. Attendees are encouraged to don their brightest cruise, beach, and luau attire to add to the festive atmosphere. This free event is open to everyone and offers a variety of activi ties and entertain ment, including: Rockout Workout: Be gin the day with Flora Melby and her highenergy workout that com bines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with drumming. It’s the perfect way to kick off the festivities and get everyone moving.

Thanks From Stanley Home Staff

Resource Tables: Access valuable information and support at our resource tables, dedicated to community support and inclusivity.

After Party Extravaganza: The celebration continues at Lonigans for an after party that promises even more fun and excitement. For just $20 all night, join us for:

Drag Queen Bingo: Hosted by the fabulous Brittany Blaze from Denver, this bingo session is sure to be a highlight with plenty of laughs and entertainment from 8-10 p.m.

Live Band – Jingle Jangle Jabroni: Dance the night away with Estes Park’s hottest new band, Jingle Jangle Jabroni plus one Hot Yoni, as they take the stage and keep the party going from 10:30

Pride Port Punch Card: Set sail on a pub crawl adventure, visiting local businesses that proudly support the LGBTQ+ community and allies. Collect punches on your card at each port of call, and enter the raffle for exciting prizes upon completion at 7 p.m. at The Bull Pin. Pride Port stops include Raven's Roast, Ed's Cantina, Avant Garde Aleworks, Cousin Pat's Grill and Lumpy Ridge Brewery.

Live Music and DJ: Groove to the beats with live music from Just Jill, Nicky Wag & The Rabble Rousers and DJ Torae Today spinning the hottest tracks, ensuring a lively and upbeat party throughout the day.

Guest Speakers: Be inspired by our special guest speakers, who will share words of encouragement and unity. Featuring Rev. Ann Lantz, RisingBuffalo Maybee, Lars Sage, Jenn Bass, Summit Stone & more!

Games: Limbo contest, Cornhole, Hula Hoop, Bowling, Arcade Games

Pride in the Park is a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together, celebrate diversity, and show support for the LGBTQ+ community. With the Love Boat theme, we’re excited to create an inclusive, festive, and welcoming atmosphere with a bit of nostalgia for all attendees.

Event Details:

When: June 15th, 12:00-9 p.m.

5 p.m. pub crawl

7 p.m. raffle drawing with full punch card

Where: Starting at the Bull Pin, Estes Park, CO

Dress Code: Bright Cruise, Beach and Luau attire

After Party: Lonigans, 8 p.m.-12:30 a.m. featuring Drag Queen Bingo hosted by Brittany Blaze followed by live music from Jingle Jangle Jabroni plus one Hot Yoni (only $20 entry all night!)

Mark your calendars, prepare your best “Love Boat”-themed outfits, and join us for a day of love, Pride, and community spirit. Don’t miss this opportunity to support local businesses, enjoy fantastic entertainment, and celebrate Pride Month in Estes Park.

Stay tuned for updates and get ready to embark on a journey of love and Pride!

22 » Friday, June 7, 2024
Thank you to all our guests who toured the home and helped us celebrate F. O. Stanley’s birthday this past weekend. We hope you enjoyed your visit and will come again. Friday, June 7, 2024 « 23

What’s Happening At The Estes Valley Library


Mondays - Thursdays, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Fridays & Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sundays, 1 - 5 p.m.


Ⓡ: Registration required. Visit to sign up.


Book Club for Mortals:

When My Time Comes Ⓡ

Thursday, June 13, 10 - 11:30 a.m., Wasson Room & online

Discuss end-of-life issues and our shared mortality. June’s featured title, When My Time Comes, is written by renowned radio host Diane Rehm and candidly and compassionately addresses end-of-life care and the right-to-die movement.

Psychological Thrillers & the Queen of Twists: Author Talk with Freida McFadden Ⓡ

Thursday, June 13, 6 - 7 p.m., online

Grab your popcorn and join us for a virtual talk with Freida McFadden, the author of the bestselling suspense and thriller The Housemaid series. Presented with the Library Speakers Consortium. An Evening with Aimie K. Runyan Ⓡ

Friday, June 14, 6 - 8 p.m., Fireside Theater

Don’t miss this signature Friends of the Library Foundation fundraising event with internationally bestselling author (and Estes Park local) Aimie Runyan. Tickets can be purchased at

Unpacking a History of Systemic Racism in the American Education System with Tiffany Jewell Ⓡ

Thursday, June 20, 12 - 1 p.m., online

Author Tiffany Jewell will share lessons and firsthand knowledge about experiences Black and Brown students face in school as she presents her new book, Everything I Learned About Racism I Learned In School. Presented with the Library Speakers Consortium.


Tech Help with Digital Navigators of Larimer County

Wednesday, June 12, 1 - 7 p.m., Dream Study Room

Thursday, June 13, 1 - 7 p.m., Dream Study Room

Wednesday, June 19, 1 - 7 p.m., Dream Study Room

Thursday, June 20, 1 - 7 p.m., Dream Study Room

Build your digital skills, including using your smartphone, accessing websites and accounts online, improving online communications, and more. Service offered in Spanish on Thursdays. Appointments and drop-ins available. Presented by AmeriCorps service members.


Across the Atlas to Nepal with Pietro Simonetti Ⓡ Friday, June 21, 6 - 7:30 p.m.,

Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies

Pietro Simonetti, author and adventurer, will join us to discuss his 2023 humanitarian expedition to the remote Upper Mustang region of Nepal, along with two books that connected to his journey: The Rhythm of Breath by National Geographic photographer Michele Dalla Palma, and Ghosts of Our Perception by Simonetti himself. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.


Adventure Begins with Dungeons & Dragons Ⓡ

Saturday, June 8, 1 - 4:45 p.m., Wasson Room

Join us for a D&D 5e One Shot Adventure, with premade characters and a predesigned dungeon crawl challenge. Refreshments provided. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.

Adventure Begins in the Dark: Glow-in-the-Dark Painting Ⓡ Tuesday, June 11, 1 - 2 p.m., Hondius Room

repeated Tuesday, June 11, 2 - 3 p.m., Hondius Room

Use black lights, UV tape, and UV paint to create illuminating glow-in-thedark paintings. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.

Adventure Begins with A Message in a Bottle Ⓡ

Wednesday, June 12, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m., Makerspace

repeated Wednesday, June 12, 3 - 4 p.m., Makerspace

Decorate glass bottles with glass etch cream and stencils, then craft a message for your bottle by using glass quills and wax seals. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.

Adventure Begins with Live Action Role Play Ⓡ

Wednesday, June 19, 2 - 5 p.m., Hondius Room

Learn what LARPing (or Live Action Role Play) is all about with Timothy Vickery of Amtgard, then make a short foam sword and participate in a mock battle in Bond Park. Participants must be 14 years old. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.

Lego Club: Adventure in Legos Ⓡ Saturday, June 22, 3 - 4 p.m., Hondius Room

Explore different building and engineering challenges with Legos. This month, we’ll be building adventurous scenes. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.

Book vs. Movie Club: Jumanji Ⓡ Saturday, June 29, 11 a.m. - 1:15 p.m., Reel Mountain Theater

Book or movie—which did you like best? We’ll discuss the book, then watch the movie adaptation. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Read-

ing Program event.


Library Storytimes

Babies: Thurs., Fri., & Sat. at 10 a.m.

Preschoolers: Thurs., Fri., & Sat. at 10:30 a.m.

Storybook Explorers: Sat., June 8 at 11:15 a.m.

Read to Therapy Dog Annie: Thurs., June 20 at 11 a.m.

Outdoor Storytime Adventures: MacGregor Ranch Museum Ⓡ

Wednesday, June 12, 10:30 - 11:15 a.m., MacGregor Ranch Museum

Learn all about trees! Join us for books, songs, rhymes, and a learning activity designed for littles ages 5 and under and their caregivers. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.

Early Childhood Music Ⓡ

Saturday, June 15, 11 - 11:30 a.m., Hondius Room

Children ages 6 and under (and their caregivers) are invited to join Annaka Hogelin, musician and music educator, for songs, movement, rhythm, and fun.

Outdoor Storytime Adventures: Stroller Stories Ⓡ

Wednesday, June 19, 10:30 - 11 a.m., Visitor Center Parking Garage

Dress for the weather and enjoy a lakeside, strolling storytime. We’ll stop along the way to share stories, rhymes, and songs. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.

Colorado Natives: Our State’s Animals Ⓡ Tuesday, June 25, 1 - 2 p.m., Estes Park High School Auditorium

From the high mountains to the open plains, Colorado is full of great habitats for feathered, scaly, and slimy neighbors. Learn about our state’s wildlife and meet animal ambassadors! For ages 5 and up. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.

Outdoor Storytime Adventures: MacGregor Ranch Museum Ⓡ

Wednesday, June 26, 10:30 - 11:15 a.m., MacGregor Ranch Museum

Learn all about horses! Join us for books, songs, rhymes, and a learning activity designed for littles ages 5 and under and their caregivers. An “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading Program event.


Monday, June 17, 6:30 - 8 p.m., Wasson Room

View the agenda and packet materials at


Cliffhanger Used Books

Cliffhanger Used Books, located next to the Post Office, is operated by the Friends of the Library Foundation, offering gently-used books, movies, and music at discount prices. Open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Ⓡ: Registration required. Visit to sign up.

24 » Friday, June 7, 2424
“Grab” A Kit & “Go” Try A New Activity, Skill, Or Book!

Need a project to pass the time? Want to try a new skill, or add a book to your home library?

Check out the Estes Valley Library’s free Grab & Go kits!

Designed to take home, Grab & Go kits include fun activities, useful and practical items, or just copies of great books for you to keep. Library staff keeps kits stocked for community members of all ages, adding new ones each month.

One kit that’s moving quickly (they might even be all snatched up by the time this article hits the press!) is the Energy Efficiency Kit. Provided by Platte River Power Authority through partnership with the Town of Estes Park and the Library, the box contains items like LED light bulbs, a WiFienabled smart socket, a kitchen faucet aerator, and

In June, we’re giving away copies of the 2024 One Book One Valley title, The Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel. These books were made available for checkout to Library patrons this winter and are now ready to be adopted into a forever home. While one might describe their condition as “gently used,” it’s because they’re no strangers to captivating readers!

several other efficiency-oriented goodies. Missed out on this one? Check back – we often restock kits of all kinds. For example, we recently restocked our Mini Forest Animal Water Painting kits. Relax for a few moments, connect with your artistic side, and color naturethemed images. The only ingredient you’ll need to add is water – all other supplies are provided.

Ready to see what’s available and reserve a kit? Visit to view the full list. Simply submit your name and email address for the kit you’d like, and we’ll send you a note when it’s ready to pick up at the Library.

Free Help For Those Interested In Becoming A U.S. Citizen

If you currently have your legal permanent residence card (green card) and are interested in becoming a U.S. citizen, there is FREE help for you! The Citizenship Project is a partnership of multiple Estes Park nonprofit organizations working together to help eligible community members obtain U.S. citizenship. Free services include: screening for eligibility, citizenship classes, interview practice, English practice, legal assistance, help with completing and submitting your application, and much more! Please contact The Estes Park Learning Place at 970-5770020 OR EVICS (se habla Espanol) at 970-586-3055 to get started! You may also communicate your interest by signing up online at: bit.yl/eplp-citizenship

Si tiene su tarjeta de residencia permanente legal (tarjeta verde) y está interesado en la ciudadano estadounidense, ¡hay ayuda GRATIS para usted! The Citizenship Project es una asociación de varias organizaciones sin fines de lucro de Estes Park que trabajan juntas para ayudar a los miembros elegibles de la comunidad a obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense. Los servicios incluyen: evaluación de elegibilidad, clases de ciudadanía, práctica de entrevistas, práctica de inglés, asistencia legal, ayuda para completar y enviar su solicitud, y mucho más. ¡Comuníquese con The Estes Park Learning Place al 970-577-0020 O EVICS (se habla español) al 970-5863055 para comenzar! También puede comunicar su interés a: bit.yl/eplp-citizenship

Friday, June 7, 2424 « 25

We live in a world greatly needing compassion. We watch newscasts reporting tornadoes, earthquakes, landslides, floods, wildfires, military attacks and other tragedies that rip through cities, states, even nations, destroying properties, destroying and, devastating lives of multitudes. Accidents end the lives of individuals, leaving heartbroken loved ones. We watch appeals on television by hospitals showing children and others needing the help of people who care. Add to those the phone calls appealing for funds to help caregivers, policemen and firemen, veterans, hospitals, and other worthy persons who may fall on hard times. Then we witness the animals that have been neglected…pets, elephants, mustangs. Topping it off right now are political figures appealing to our feelings for consideration…even sympathy…and help.

How do we react to these calls for us to ‘care’…and participate? Author Max Lucado says that Jesus may view many, even religious people, like this: “Your lips know no prayer, your heart no compassion, but you’ll go to church (when church-goings in fashion). Just give me a tear, a heart ready to mold, and I’ll give you a mission so bold, that a fire will be stirred, where there was only death, and your heart will be flamed by my life and my breath.” We remember the (non) response of two ‘religious people’ in Jesus’ story of the ‘Good Samaritan’. Many such have lived since. Sadly, the response of many is “I’ve got troubles of my own. I can’t worry about or help those other folks!”

Or what about our feelings toward others whose lives are not marked by such ‘news-gathering’ reports, but are disadvantaged in other ways? Gloria Hope Hawley pictured Jesus’ spirit of compassion, stated in Matthew 25…“I was hungry and you gave me food, etc.” in more current scenarios: “And He said, ‘I was afflicted with cerebral palsy and you listened to my faltering speech and gently held my flailing hands, I was born with a Downs Syndrome child and your church welcomed me. I was retarded and your love reached out to me. Inasmuch as you did it unto these you did it unto me.’” Jesus taught: “Be compassionate as your Heavenly Father is compassionate.”

But how can we help, in this day of so many calls and needs for compassion? One thing we must do is to ‘be selective’. What recipients most available are worthy of our support? There are many really trying to help themselves, but just falling short, so they might be among those we help. We’re aware of migrants crossing our borders. Most have suffered much, perhaps they will be on our list. Certainly we should begin with those needs nearest us. Remember the ‘cobbler’, whose children had no shoes. We must be compassionate to family members, meeting their needs, before ‘investing’ massively in the lives of others. The old adage, ‘Charity begins at home’ certainly is true.

But how do we begin helping these and others with compassion? First of all, begin by listening to people. This is often harder to do, than simply ‘giving’ something to them. Simon and Garfunkle’s song: ‘The Sounds of Silence’. “I saw people…hearing without listening…” Steven Stroud, once Boulder’s Victim’s Advocate for the Sheriff’s department, noted: “The one thing I keep hearing survivors say, is that they want to have an ear, someone who will listen to what they have to say…without being criticized for how they feel.” Paul Tournier, a noted mental-health expert, says “Because so few people listen, most conversations are dialogues of the deaf!” That’s one reason doing our ‘charity’ in person can do greater good. We can meet and listen to them, and give.

However, there are other needs that are beyond our personal presence. As Christ’s servants, good citizens, and genuinely caring people, we will do our best.

Bob Lewis

Chorale Broadway Concert

Rescheduled For This Saturday, June 8

The snow is gone, the skies are blue, and the Estes Park Chorale is ready to treat the Estes Park Community to its spring concert of Broadway favorites and special musical treats. We hope you can join us on Saturday, June 8 at 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies. Any tickets sold previously will be honored, and at the door tickets sell for $10.00

The Luciana Quartet and the Simpatica Quartet as well as a sextet of ladies will add their favorite selections. Randy Welch and Nelson Burke hope you’ll

Eight numbers by the entire Chorale span the decades from the 1920s through today. Artistic Director, Denise Stookesberry, hopes the audience will join the delight the singers feel with the variety of vocal selections as well as a broad range of soloists and ensembles. Chris Wood, Bob Gunn, and Patricia Arias have special solo performances.

“get it” with “A Musical,” from the musical “Something Rotten.”

Michelle Gergen-Wisner faithfully accompanies all rehearsals and underscores the vocal music in concert. Steve Tice will keep the rhythm going with supporting narration.

As previously reported, about half of the Chorale members returned last weekend, having performed in Carnegie Hall in New York City with composer John Rutter in “Magnificat.” More to report on their trip soon.

If you would like more information on the Chorale or to make a donation, visit our website: New members are always welcome and our next season will begin shortly after Labor Day.

Jackson Emmer At American Legion Post 119 This Monday

Jackson Emmer is an award-winning songwriter whose work blends humor with heartache, and tradition with exploration. Emmer’s writing is often compared to that of John Prine and Guy Clark. He has toured the US since 2009, collaborated with Grammy-winners, and co-written 50+ songs with folk music legend, Tom Paxton.

Jackson will soon perform at Estes Park's American Legion Post 119 (850 North Saint Vrain Avenue). The concert will take place this Monday, June 10 at 6:00 p.m. Advance tickets can be purchased at Please visit to learn more.

26 » Friday, June 7, 2024
June 7 – June 13

Catch The Celtic Spirit At The Senior Center On Tuesday

Everyone is invited to a free concert by local musicians Celtic Spirit on Tuesday, June 11, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. at the Estes Park Senior Citizens Center (EPSCC), 1760 Olympian Lane. Light refreshments will be provided, and you can bring your lunch or order one ahead (see details below). Donations to thank the musicians are welcome.

Nancy Maple and Nan Lederer lead their band Celtic Spirit with lively music from Northumbria, Scotland, and Ireland. Nancy plays the fiddle and the bodhran, an Irish drum, while Nan also plays the fiddle. Jerry Santesteban plays guitar and bass, and Rex Armstrong adds to the Celtic feel with the concertina, Irish flute, and penny whistle. Nancy says, “Our music is just like what you might hear in an Irish pub.” Celtic Spirit also plays at Coffee on the

Rocks, Snowy Peaks Winery, Twisted Griffin Irish pub, and at private parties and other events. You can see them at Coffee on the Rocks this summer on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:003:00 p.m. If you want to book them for your event, contact Nancy Maple at 970443-2415 or

If you want to order lunch for the concert, Tuesday’s meal will be BBQ pork ribs with baked beans and coleslaw, a Senior Center favorite. You need to order by 1:00 p.m. on Monday, June 10. The meal costs $7 for EPSCC members and $11 for non-members. You can become an EPSCC member for $35 per year to get lunch discounts and enjoy many programs and activities. For more information or to order a meal, please call the Center at (970) 581-2195.

Hans Hielscher Organ Concert At Presbyterian Community Church

Sunday, June 16th at 2 p.m.

Hans Hielscher, organist at the Marktkirche in Wiesbaden, Germany, will give an organ concert at the Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 16, at 2:00 p.m.

Mr. Hielscher is an internationally known musician and concert organist. He has been the organist and carillonneur since 1979 at the Wiesbaden Marktkirche, the Lutheran Cathedral in Wiesbaden, Germany. He has performed on

Estes Park Senior Citizens Center Menu

June 10 – 14

Monday, June 10 Denver Omelette (ham, mushrooms, onions & green peppers) w/ Hash browns & fruit

Tuesday, June 11 BBQ Pork Ribs (4) w/ Baked Beans & coleslaw

Wednesday, June 12 Chicken Salad Croissant w/ Potato Salad

Thursday, June 13 Chicken Parmesan w/ Spaghetti, garlic bread & side salad

Friday, June 14 Signature Salad w/ (8 grilled) Shrimp (greens topped w/ tomatoes, corn, cheese, craisins, pecans & croutons) w/ ranch dressing

June 17 – 21

Monday, June 17 Breakfast Croissant (scrambled eggs w/cheese topped w/ bacon) w/ Hash browns & fruit

Tuesday, June 18 Fried Chicken (3 pc) w/ Mashed Potatoes, gravy & vegetables

Wednesday, June 19 Texas Cheesesteak (roast beef w/ onions, mushrooms & cheddar cheese on TX toast) w/ green petite salad

Thursday, June 20 Chicken Primavera w/ Pasta, garlic bread & side salad

Friday, June 21 Fish & Homemade Chips w/ Pasta Salad

Meals are $7 for current 2024 EP Senior Citizens Center members and are by reservation only. (Or 3 meals for $20; use pre-paid meal tickets.) Exact cash or check payment required. Reservations must be made by 1:00 PM at least one business day in advance. Note, if you want to reserve a meal for Monday, June 10th, you need to call before 1:00 PM on Friday, June 7th. For reservations call 970-581-2195 and leave a detailed message. Pre-paid meal tickets and membership forms are available at the Estes Park Senior Citizens Center located at 1760 Olympian Lane.

The Center is OPEN Monday thru Friday 10 – 1

TriFit M-W-F 10:30-11:15 AM Circuit Balance Class Monday 1-1:45 PM

Mahjong Tuesday 10 – 2 Yoga Thursday 10:15 - 11:15 AM

Live Music & Presentations Tuesday @ 12:00 – 1:30 (TBA)

Aspen Club Presentations & Blood Pressure Check 2nd Wednesday (TBA)

Two Bridge Groups: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wednesday of the month & Every Thursday 12:30 – 4:30 PM

Reserved Meals-to-Go delivered to your vehicle or EAT at the Senior Citizens Center Check out our website: or call for the latest information

many radio and television broadcasts and has produced 22 CD recordings. He conducts annual organ recital tours around the world. Mr. Hielscher has provided several well-received concerts at the Presbyterian Community Church and is here on a return engagement. The concert is open to the public and is free. The church is located at 1700 Brodie Avenue, just west of Fish Creek Road. Friday, June 7, 2024 « 27

Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo Float To Be Followed By Riderless Horse

Nelson lived in Estes for about two years. He was already immersed in the community, including a local Rotary Club, the Rodeo, and the EPH Foundation.

Fundraising group honors missing member

When the ladies in pink wave from their float to promote the Crowns for the Care and Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo campaign supporting Estes Park Health during the annual Rodeo Parade in Estes Park, an important member of the team from last year will be remembered in a special way.

A riderless horse will be following the Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo float to represent Gary Nelson, the former Director of Perioperative Services at Estes Park Health who died earlier this year following a hard-fought battle with renal cancer.

In 2023, Nelson was an integral part of the Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo campaign which raised a recordbreaking $113,618.20 for a new DEXA (dual-energy Xray absorptiometry) machine for the Diagnostic Imaging Department at EPH.

Nelson served as the liaison between the Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo and the Rodeo itself. He kept the group aware of parade plans, rodeo activities on Paint Estes Pink Night, and passed the boot to raise more money during the rodeo. He also contributed to the fundraising himself and rode on the float in the parade.

Development Committee. “We have gotten saddle bags with his picture on them to hang over the horse and other pictures that will be hung on our float. His cowboy hat will be laying on the saddle.”

Nelson lived in Estes for about two years. He was already immersed in the community, including a local Rotary Club, the Rodeo, and the EPH Foundation.

“We were all amazed at how Gary inserted himself in such wonderful groups, roles, volunteering, and his work,” Unruh recalled. “He was always smiling and even though his prognosis wasn’t good, he never made you feel bad for him. He was positive and lived his last few months with joy!”

2024 Crowns for the Care Campaign

For more information about this year’s Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo campaign, go to

This year, Crowns for the Care is raising funds to purchase a Philips EPIQ Elite ultrasound machine. This system will allow our on-site radiologist to perform needleguided biopsies at Estes Park Health, bringing significant advancements in our ability to di-

“Gary became so much a part of us last year, we felt we needed to do something to have others remember him and recognize his contribution to a hugely successful campaign,” said Sherry Unruh, Chairperson of the Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo/Paint Estes Pink Committee of the Estes Park Health Foundation Fund

Gary Nelson and Dr. Jennifer McLellan ride on the Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo float in the 2023 Rodeo Parade. Photo by

Wendy Rigby/Estes Park Health

agnose breast cancer quickly and efficiently.

The EPIQ Elite features an exceptional level of clinical performance, workflow, and advanced intelligence that will save women time in finding out their diagnosis, as well as ease their mind and speed up advanced care as needed. As part of its strategic plan, Estes Park Health is aiming to create a more female-friendly diagnostic imaging center, and as eighty percent of all breast cancers are diagnosed in women over the age of fifty, this is an important health concern for the Estes Valley’s older population.

100% of donations given to Crowns for the Care benefit this cause. Give today

Estes Park Health To Be Featured In Upcoming Podcast

On Thursday, May 30, Estes Park Health CEO Vern Carda was interviewed for an upcoming podcast produced by The Institute for Science & Policy, part of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. The award-winning podcast is called “Laws of Notion.”

Producer Kristan Uhlenbrock and writer Carson Frame came to EPH to talk to Carda about his experience during the historic 2020 wildfire season. Evacuating an entire hospital during the first part of the COVID pandemic was quite the undertaking.

“‘Laws of Notion’ is centered around communities facing difficult choices, and it emphasizes nuance, science, and critical thinking in the face of complex

issues,” Frame said. “For season four, the topic is wildfire. We’re focusing on the historic 2020 Colorado fire season and the larger picture around fire, landscapes, and people.”

To learn more about the podcast and the Institute for Science & Policy led by Executive Director Uhlenbrock, go to https:\\

“In our podcast, we push against our preconceived beliefs and think critically about the world around us,” the podcast producers explained. “Each season, we’ll tell a story about an issue facing a community, where there are no easy answers. Listen to explore the interconnections between science, policy, and our human nature.”

Dr. Nicholaus Mize Leaving EPH Physician Clinic

for five years. For the past year-and-a-half, he has served as Medical Director of the EPH Physician Clinic.

“The patients I get to work with have been my favorite part of working at EPH,” Dr. Mize said. “I’ve appreciated being able to be part of their healthcare journey for the past five years. I’ll miss them.”

A plan is in the works for Dr. Mize’s replacement. The new provider will be assuming Dr. Mize’s patients.

“Dr. Mize is a good person and a good clinician,” noted Estes Park Health CEO Vern Carda. “I will miss him as a leader, a physician, and a colleague.”

The change in jobs is a family-oriented decision for Dr. Mize. He and his young family recently moved out of Estes Park down to the valley. His new job will offer him a much shorter commute.


28 » Friday, June 7, 2024
Estes Park Health file photo Gary Nelson is remembered in a new mural on the second floor of Estes Park Health. Photo by Wendy Rigby/Estes Park Health Gary Nelson is shown alongside Sherry Unruh at the 2023 Rooftop Rodeo Parade. Photo by Wendy Rigby/Estes Park Health Kristan Uhlenbrock, Executive Director of The Institute for Science & Policy at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science interviews Estes Park Health CEO Vern Carda about the hospital's experience during the 2020 wildfire evacuation. Photo by Wendy Rigby/Estes Park Health Internal Medicine specialist Nicholaus Mize, DO, is leaving Estes Park Health in late July/early August to take a job with UCHealth Orchards Clinic in Loveland. Mize has been part of the EPH staff Nicholaus Mize, D.O., is one of Estes Park Health’s internal medicine doctors.

Estes Park Residents And Visitors Should Be Cautious Of Wild Bird Droppings

Avian Flu causes growing U.S. outbreak

As the U.S. begins preparing stockpiles of millions of vaccines against the highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1), Estes Park Health reminds residents and visitors to avoid contact with wild bird droppings.

“H5N1 bird flu, also known as avian influenza, is primarily transmitted from birds to humans through close contact with infected birds or their secretions,” explained Michael Ryon, RN, Estes Park Health Interim Infection Prevention Manager. “While the virus can be found in bird feces, the risk of transmission from bird droppings on golf courses is generally low; however, it’s essential to take precautions.”

Wild birds (like ducks and geese) can shed viruses in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. These birds like to congregate on Estes Park’s golf courses, so golfers who handle balls, clubs, or even disc golfers who handle frisbees, should not touch their face and should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer to cut down on risk.

According to the CDC, bird flu has a fatality rate of about 50% of the known

Local Author & Artist Releases New Children’s Book

Book signing and launch event to be held Friday, June 7 from 5-7 p.m. at Bear & Bee Makers’ Studio & Boutique

As summer arrives, Estes Park children’s book author and artist Sue Kalaher wants to share her love of nature, art, and magpies. Kalaher will officially release her first book “Maggie the Magpie” book one of a picture book series illustrated by Kalaher on June 7. She is inviting the public to join her for her

Those precautions include the following:

Avoid direct contact: Refrain from touching bird droppings or contaminated surfaces.

Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly after being outdoors, especially if you’ve touched any potentially contaminated areas.

Wear protective gear: If you work in areas with bird feces, use gloves and other protective equipment.

Monitor your health: If you experience flu-like symptoms after exposure, seek medical attention promptly.

While H5N1 is rare in humans, it can be severe.

The CDC has reported that a third person in the U.S. has now been infected with bird flu originating from sick cows.

cases in humans. Bird flu can cause fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches.

book signing and launch party at Bear & Bee Makers’ Studio & Boutique in the Stanley Village Shopping Center on June 7, from 5-7 p.m. There will be special giveaways and tasty treats.

Noises of squawking pierce the clear sun filled sky, joyful and loud. Flashes of black and brilliant white fly across the sky as you look up. What is that? What do I see and hear? It's a magpie, smart and curious about everything. She has a story to tell and she's here to share it. Welcome to her world!

“I hope this book will inspire children to explore the natural world around them,” said Kalaher. “And to always remember to say ‘Hi’ to a Magpie.”

The book is currently available for sale at and Bear & Bee | Makers’ Studio & Boutique, 541 Big Thompson Ave., Suite 201, Estes Park.

Estes Park Jazz Big Band To Present Concert

The Estes Park Jazz Big Band will present its first outdoor concert of the summer on Wednesday, June 12, starting at 7:00 p.m. The free concert will be held at Performance Park, Estes Park’s outdoor performance facility located on west Elkhorn Avenue. Audience members are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets.

Chuck Varilek will direct the local jazz band which is in its 33rd year of providing music for Estes Park residents and visitors.

The band will feature music from the Big Band Era with the swinging sounds of Stan Kenton, Benny Goodman and Tommy Dorsey. In addition, newer music for big bands will also be performed.

Wednesday’s program will feature popular favorites, including “Eager Beaver,” “Margie,” “A String Of Pearls,” “Satin Doll” and “Stompin’ At The Savoy.”

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of composer Henry Mancini. Both the Village Band and Jazz Big Band will be performing his music at each summer concert. The Jazz Big Band will present the theme from “Mr. Lucky” at this concert.

The Estes Park Jazz Big Band is made up of musicians from Estes Park and surrounding communities.

For more information about the band or the concert, please contact Chuck Varilek at 970-227-8704. Friday, June 7, 2024 « 29
Health experts say refrain from touching bird droppings or contaminated surfaces. Wild birds (like ducks and geese) can shed viruses in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Photos by Michael Ryon, Estes Park Health These birds like to congregate on Estes Park’s golf courses, so golfers who handle balls, clubs, or even disc golfers who handle frisbees, should not touch their face and should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer to cut down on risk.
30 » Friday, June 7, 2024 Mountain Brokers 1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park Office: 970-586-5324 39 Memory Lane, Glen Haven $712,000 Call Javier/Maria $575,000 Call Kirk or Bianca 34 Pale Blue Way $649,000 Call Kirk or Bianca $540,000 Call Kirk or Bianca Price Improvement Open House Sat & Sun 11am-2pm Kirk Fisher Broker Owner CRS, CMAS, CLHMS 970-586-1000 Javier Gomez Broker, CRS, CMAS 970-213-8692 Bianca Bismark Broker 970-586-1000 Maria Gomez Broker 970-213-9479 Renee Hodgden Broker, SRES, ABR 970-232-6231 Dave Kiser Broker 970-231-2989 Dave Lasota Broker 970-412-7283 Kim Lemirande Broker, SRS, CMAS, GRI 970-481-1880 Carla SprengWebb Broker 480-695-9293 Cindy Miller Broker, ASP, ABR, CDPE 970-888-1654 Ryan Leahy Broker 970-556-0205 Elizabeth Lanning Broker 719-985-1016 321 Big Horn #E4 $470,000 Call Javier/Maria New Price! Air Conditioning! Open House Sat & Sun 11am-2pm 169 Streamside, Glen Haven $550,000 Call Javier/Maria 0 Marys Lake Rd $325,000 Call Javier/Maria 135 Canyon River Dr., Drake $795,000 • Great opportunity • Live in one and rent the other Call Ryan 1621 Jacob Rd $690,000 Call Javier/Maria 2280 Valerian Lane $1,400,000 • Modern Cabin Amazing Views • 3 Bed 3 Bath Call Carla 2101 Ridge Rd $1,245,000 • Big Views • North End • 3 bed 2 Bath Call Dave 1680 Ptarmigan Lane $2,850,000 • Detailed Custom Home with Views! • Workout Room, Wine Cellar & Office Call Carla New Listing Brandon Albrecht Broker 907-290-6709 Open House Sat & Sun 11am-2pm Open House Sat & Sun 11am-2pm Water Rights on Big Thompson River

Monday, June 10 at 10:30 a.m. in the Hondius Room, Estes Valley Library

Mountain Gardening Trends w/ Lynnly Cahoon, Larimer County Master Gardener

Estes Park is a challenging area to garden: rocky soil, dry and windy, critters both above and below ground, a short growing season, and a winter with fluctuating tem-

peratures and snow cover. Challenging does not need to be equally frustrating! This presentation will discuss mountain gardening trends. Covering native and adapted non-native plants, easy native plant combinations, pollinator, bird and rain gardens and fire resistant landscaping. All are welcome. Friday, June 7, 2024 « 31 1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park Javier Gomez Broker 970 213-8692 Maria Gomez Broker 970 213-9479 THE GOMEZ TEAM Mountain Brokers 39 Memory Ln., Glen Haven $712,000 169 Streamside $550,000 1621 Jacob Rd $690,000 0 Marys Lake Rd $325,000 321 Big Horn #E4 $470,000 MOTIVATED SELLER Open House Jun. 8 & 9 11am–2pm Open House Jun. 8 & 9 11am–2pm NEW LISTING PRICE IMPROVEMENT 523 SAINT VRAIN LANE, ESTES PARK CALL/TEXT 970-231-8570 1673 Black Squirrel Drive ~ $1,195,000 631 Meeker Drive ~ $1,295,000 NEW NEW CHRISTIAN COLLINET BUYING‐BUILDING‐SELLING REAL ESTATE in Estes Park Since 1985 Pung the "REAL" in REALTOR. Gary Murphy ‐ 970.556.5038
Meeting Features Mountain Gardening Trends
Estes Park Garden Club June

Westover Homes Tour Benefits Crossroads Ministry

Event is Saturday, June 15th

Take the opportunity to be inspired by the creative beauty embodied in the houses built by Westover Homes while benefiting Crossroads Ministry at the same time. On Saturday, June 15th, come take a tour of a few Westover Estes Park homes within proximity of each other north of Highway 34. The price is $25 and the proceeds go to benefit Crossroads.

Tickets are available online at or Crossroads will also have tickets available the day of the tour. Each participant will need to stop by the offices of Crossroads Ministry at 1753 Wildfire Road to pick up a map, wristband for entry into the houses, as

New Listing

well as grab a few delicious goodies and a drink before beginning the tour.

“The Home Tour is a fundraiser for Crossroads, so come out and show your support for the work Crossroads is doing in the community,” said Melissa Westover.

The hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., but this is not an all-day affair. You can spend an hour or two or as little time as you like admiring the beauty and architecture while learning more about the important work of Crossroads Ministry. There will be representatives from Westover Construction and Crossroads Ministry at every house.

“The Westover Construction team has been building beautiful houses for the past 30 years, so now is a perfect opportunity to take an inside look at the masterful craftsmanship that goes into their

work,” Executive Director of Crossroads Ministry Brian Schaffer emphasized. “I’m planning to be at the Crossroads building most of the day and would love to show you around our place as well.” Westover builds custom homes, additions, and can help with remodeling. This tour may provide you with some ideas for your own mountain home. Tickets are limited, so sign up soon. Westover Homes and Crossroads Ministry hope to see you there.

32 » Friday, June 7, 2024 Mike Richardson Broker/Owner GRI, CNE, ABR, NAR Green Designation (970) 215-2722 Mindy Stone Broker Associate CMAS mindystone99 (970) 449-2645 Aaron Busche Broker Associate CMAS, SRS, ABR, CNE (970) 470-9962 Vlad Volk Broker Associate volk.vlad0031 (720) 296-4544 1190 Marys Lake Road 701 Pole Hill Road Million dollar views!!! 5 bedrooms / 3 full baths. The entire home is focused on the awe inspiring mountain views. Main level has open concept kitchen, dining room, living room with moss rock gas burning fireplace, laundry room plus 2 bedrooms with access to private decks and 1 full bath. Upper level offers a loft and large primary suite with private balcony, walk in closet, walls of windows to take in the breathtaking views & full bath with walk in shower and soaking tub. Lower level is an accessory dwelling with private entrance, kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath. Enjoy exploring 4.13 treed acres full of rock outcroppings. Decks on all sides of the house plus fenced in backyard. Attached 2 garage with additional 20 x 11 workshop/art studio completes this mountain getaway. Bring your toys: located just steps from the national forest for unlimited hiking, biking, camping & 4 wheeling. Start living your mountain dream today! $1,099,000 • Main level living • 2 bedrooms / 2 full bathrooms • Freshly painted • Private fenced patio • Attached 1 car garage Move in ready, only $475k 514 Grand Estates Dr. I-2 • 4 bedrooms / 3 bathrooms • Separate living lower level • 1 acre with mature pines • Walk into Rocky Mountain National Park Won't last long at $882,500! 2645 Cumulus Drive • Riverfront living, grab your fly rod & kayak! • 2 bedrooms / 1.5 baths • 7.4 acres, hike on your own property • Nicely updated Call for your private tour today, $628,000 2117 West Highway 34 • Commercial / retail space • 2 - 30 x 17 garage bays • 22 x 10 office space with bathroom • Perfect for mechanics, extra storage, retail warehouse, or park your toys and cars in your private garage $275,000 1205-1207 Graves Ave.
• Rare income opportunity to own property with 3 cabins with transferrable STR licenses in Estes Park! • Outstanding rental history • All 3 cabins have been completely remodeled • Two car garage offers storage/parking Don't let this golden opportunity pass you by, call today for an appointment to tour this unique gem! $1,295,000

June Is National Homeownership Month

building memories for years to come. Homeownership also fosters commu-

many. While average home prices continue to rise nationwide, and affordable housing is a conversation happening all over our state, there are resources available that may help in purchasing your new home. Estes Park Housing Authority and CHFA have specific programs to help Estes Valley residents in their dream of homeownership.

Your local Estes Valley REALTORS®

nity stability and improvement. Living in one place for an extended period naturally cultivates a sense of community pride and belonging. This increased engagement leads to stronger connections and better community cohesion and a safer, more supportive environment for all residents.

The Estes Valley has become a dream destination for homeownership for

work hard to help our community navigate the homeownership experience, providing critical support and serving as a trusted advisor through one of the biggest financial decisions of your lifetime. We advocate on the local, state and national levels for bipartisan tax bills and solutions to aid in the affordability and inventory solutions. We’d love to tell you more. Friday, June 7, 2024 « 33 1861 RAVEN AVENUE H3 $529,000 • BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR Meticulously remodeled literally from top to bottom • 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths •Upper and lower decks • Walk to Lake Estes trail 640 MACGREGOR AVE. $479,000 New Lower Price • 2 bedrooms • 2.5 baths • Real wood fireplace • Sounds of the creek • Walk to town 1600 WAPITI #10 $830,000 • 3 ensuite bedrooms • Spacious loft • Extra large lot • Walking distance to Lake Estes Biking/walking path • Golf course location LISTED BY TOM THOMAS 603 Park River Place – $715,000 1315 Alpenglow Lane – $725,000 970-232-5511 523 Saint Vrain Lane, Estes Park LORI SMITH 1035 S TREAMSIDE D RIVE , G LEN H AVEN $699,000 WATERFRONT CABIN ON 2 ACRES 1861 R AVEN AVE A8, E STES PARK $615,000 PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP SHOWS, IMMACULATE CONDITION OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 9 11AM –2PM UNDER CONTRACT
owning your residence
substantial benefits that go beyond just having a place to live. Homeownership instills a sense of pride and security, which are significant intangible benefits contributing to an overall higher quality of life. Additional benefits range from building generational wealth to
Purchasing and

Rocky Mountain Highland Coffee Company Opens In Estes Park

From the heart of Colorado’s majestic mountains, owners of Rocky Mountain Highland Coffee Company invite you to embark on an extraordinary journey with their freshly roasted coffee, where every cup sparks the imagination and ignites the spirit of adventure.

Rob Warren (Gabby), Baz (Tina), Don Darling (Larraine), and David Bard (Morgan) recently opened their new business, Rocky Mountain Highland Coffee Company, Inc. (dba) Highland Coffee Co. at 433 S. Saint Vrain Ave, Estes Park. When asked where the concept of their new business cames from Don said, “One of our owners started roasting coffee flavors at our elevation in Estes Park a couple years ago and invited three of us to join the effort and start to roast commercially. We are now currently roasting premium quality coffee beans in our clean, cool dry climate of Estes Park. Our coffee is healthy and tasty because of how and where we roast it. We have testimonies from coffee lovers who previously had to give up coffee because of mold and other complications. However because of the cool dry climate here, our coffee is clean and free of these complications. So now those coffee drinkers can once again enjoy a delicious cup of healthy great tasting coffee.” This organization has been recovering missing and abducted children for over 30 years. Your purchase of Highland Coffee Company coffee supports rescue missions to save missing, exploited and sex trafficked American children. Two of the owners are board members of ARC so this cause is very near and dear to all of their hearts.

Highland Coffee Co. offers 14 flavors for every coffee drinkers delight. Their coffee is as unique as each of the owners....mysterious, courageous, honorable, magical and filled with folklore. They are proud to be veteran and woman owned.

When asked what their hopes and future plans for their business are, they said, “Our hope has always been to have fun building this business, to roast amazing coffee and give back to our community. We are business owners, government workers, people who save children caught in human trafficking, builders living in this town for over three decades, and we all care.”

At Highland Coffee Co., they have sev-

eral master roasters who ensure quality of each and every roast and the owners have connections with growers from around the world. Their coffee beans, sourced from the finest coffee-growing regions around the globe, are meticu-


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Inspiring Others to Live Their Dream in Estes Park

lously roasted to perfection, unlocking their unique flavor profiles and aromatic nuances. Each cup is a testament to their passion for craftsmanship and their commitment to delivering an exceptional coffee experience.

Owners are pleased to announce that a portion of every sale of Highland Coffee goes towards ARC (Association for the Recovery of Children, recoveryofchil-

Highland Coffee can be purchased online at and sent anywhere in the country. It can also be picked up by appointment at 433 S. Saint Vrain Ave. This great coffee is available to all at their website or if you have a business and would like to purchase coffee wholesale for your own business, you can do this online after setting up an account. Either way, this coffee is the best tasting coffee and it's extra special because it’s roasted locally.

For more information, please call 970480-1812 or go to

Peak To Peak Concert Series Presents Q2 Strings And Rocky Recorders

Step back in time for an afternoon of elegant, courtly music! Two local music ensembles Q2 Strings and Rocky Recorders will per form on Saturday, June 15th at 2:00 p.m. at the Shepherd of the Moun tains Lutheran Church, 2000 Ptarmigan Trail in Estes Park. A reception will follow the concert to meet the musicians. The Peak to Peak concert series is sponsored by the Oratorio Society of Estes Park. The performance is free, although donations are gratefully accepted.

The Q2 Strings ensemble will perform Michael Haydn’s Quintet in C Major and CPE Bach’s Duet for two violas. Mary Jo Andrews, Marti DeYoung, Kathy Horn-

bein, Jonquil Thoms, and Karen Olson will be playing in the ensemble. The name Q2 Strings reflects that the group plays in quartets or quintets. The group has been together for over twenty years with about 10 years for the current members.

The Rocky Recorders will perform music mostly from the Baroque and Renaissance periods (with a few surprises!) by composers including Bach, Knecht, Schein, Holborne and Gibbons. The current members of the consort are Marti DeYoung, Kristi Fjare, Steve Pearson, Mark Richardson, and John Wolf. The consort performs on sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor and baritone recorders as well as occasional other instruments.

34 » Friday, June 7, 2024 970.586.2950 170 S. St. Vrain, Estes Park, CO 80517 Abbey Pontius Broker Eric Blackhurst Broker Associate Bruce Chalmers Broker Associate BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ENHANCING BUSINESS IMAGE $142,500 2625 MARYS LAKE RD S2 INVESTMENT OR FULL TIME LIVING

Three Alternatives To Your To-Do List

My college roommate used to leave post-it notes all over our apartment with to-do lists. Personally, I much prefer a day planner. I’d been using one since high school to keep me from losing my marbles. In an era when everything was just starting to go digital with online calendars syncing to PDAs and BlackBerry task lists, we discussed the move to ditch paper. “I could never,” my roommate said. “There’s just something so satisfying about physically crossing off an item that brings me so much pleasure.” I couldn’t have agreed more.

And except for that one brief month when I tried very hard to convince myself to “go green” and “get with the times” by putting everything exclusively into my Google calendar—during which I forgot about at least six different meetings—I’ve kept it old school ever since. Turns out, my roommate was instinctively onto something when it comes to checking items off a to-do list. Neuroscience now shows we get a tiny hit of dopamine every time we do so. Which probably explains why I keep not just daily to-do lists in my planner but also weekly, monthly, and yearly—sometimes I like to double and triple check boxes to make myself feel extra accomplished. But if you’ve ever been to one of my yoga classes, you know what I’m about to say: We’re called human beings not human doings for a reason.

No matter how much joy the crossing off of items on your to-do list might bring, it can still feel overwhelming at times. Because, well, there will never be a shortage of things to do. If you’ve been feeling like your post-it notes are taking over your home, I want to suggest a few alternatives:

1) Your To-Be List

This is like a to-do list except instead of focusing on tasks or actions, you focus on the kind of person you want to be. Ask yourself, “How do I want to feel today? What adjectives describe the version of me I most want to show up as?” I’m willing to bet money you’ll never write something like rushed, annoyed, or short-tempered. Yet, that’s often how we feel when we focus only on everything we want to get done. And while your ex-

perience may not always go as you’d intended, there is power in setting your intention and bringing yourself back to it throughout your day.

2) Your Ta-Da List

Think of this as a reverse-engineered to-do list. Keep a running list of all your accomplishments throughout the day. Made your bed? Write it down. Started the laundry? Did the dishes? Wrote the client proposal? Filed your taxes? Write it all down. Then at the end of the day, review your list and mark off each item. Soak in the feel-good neurotransmitters of crossing things off your list without the overwhelm of 526 things left to do staring back at you—you’ve already done them! Go you!

3) Your Won’t-Do List

Maybe you need to create some space in your calendar for the things you do want to do, or maybe you’re just tired of wasting time on a bad habit. Regardless, a won’t-do list might be for you. Ask yourself, “What am I not willing to spend my time and energy on today?” Netflix? Stressing about the family reunion? Scrolling Facebook during work hours? Feeling like crap after binge eating an entire extra-large pizza? Commit to it on paper. Or maybe it’s items that can be outsourced or *gasp* simply left undone. Things like folding the kids’ laundry when they can do it themselves (or not) or baking 136 dozen cookies for the bake sale when you can buy them at the store—let yourself off the hook already. You can’t do it all. Give yourself the grace of accepting that. Honesty, you can pry my paper planner and all its to-do lists out of my cold, dead hands, BUT these alternatives help me remember I am first and foremost a human being, not a human doing, and I hope they do the same for you.

If you try one of them for yourself, share your experience with me at I love hearing how these articles are impacting you. And if you want more of this type of content, subscribe to my mailing list. I send emails weekly with recipes, journal prompts, inspiring stories, and just enough scientific knowledge to make you feel smarter at the next trivia night.

2024 Lake Estes Fishing Derby Winners

8 and Under: Koen Humphrey

9-15 Years Old: Boden Holmes

16 Years Old and Up: Seth Richmond

Youngest Catch: Arik Lohr

Oldest Catch: Linda Barthlama

Overall Biggest Fish: Liam Hendricks

The lake was stocked with 2-3 pound trout a few days before the

derby, which is held annually during the Colorado Parks and Wildlife free fishing weekend.

Assistant Marina Manager Bert Chrastil recalled, “Some of the bigger fish were caught by kids in the 9-15 year old category, and they were quite excited bringing their fish for us to weigh. Participants and staff both had a great time at the derby!”

"Family History From A British Perspective"

The Estes Park Genealogical Society will meet on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. in the Hondius Room of the Estes Valley Library. This program was rescheduled from last October.

Rowan Reynolds will present a “how to” guide for researching English family history. She will describe the make-up of the UK and its main genealogical records – the ancient Domesday Book, parish records, civil registration, and census records with some historical background on each. Rowan also touches on manorial records and wills. Along the way she will include anecdotes from her own family history. Her program includes some extras - the value of photos, family heirlooms and graveyards. Rowan is committed to answering your British genealogy questions. She stated, “If I don’t know the answer, I will find a person who does.” If you have questions about your family’s historical connection to England and doing English genealogical research, this is the program for you!

Rowan Reynolds was born and raised in the Midlands of England. As an adult

she lived in a small village near Bristol in the Southwest of England. She moved to Colorado in 2009 with her family. Said Rowan, “I’ve always had a strong interest in history and genealogy. My Parents were from the Second World War generation. My earliest recollections are of my mother telling me stories about her family who were all impacted in various ways by the War. My Dad preferred studying medieval history which mainly involved exploring castles and other ancient monuments. He took me with him! This background led me to take history as my university degree. I am especially interested in social history and how world events impact ordinary people. This always comes up in my presentations, and I believe this is an extension of our family histories.”

The EPGS meets the second Thursday of every month from January through November in the library, offering a wide variety of programs and workshops. For more information go to EPGS meetings are free and open to the public. Come join us! Friday, June 7, 2024 « 35

Crowns For The Care Candidate Breeyan Edwards

Estes Park Health Foundation’s Crowns for the Care contestants compete for the title of Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo each year by participating in our fundraising competition, where the highest-earning philanthropist is crowned during Pink Night at the Rooftop Rodeo. All proceeds directly benefit cancer care in Estes Park.

hosting a music video-themed bingo fundraiser at The Barrel in Estes Park. After participating in the same event at a women’s conference, she knew she wanted to track down the DJ to bring the fun locally.

The event is free to attend. The Barrel will be open to the public and bingo

This week we are introducing candidate Breeyan Edwards.

Breeyan is a proud Estes Park native and consistently champions local causes.

“All of our projects take a lot of working hours to bring a vision to life,” she says about how the community rallies together to support one another in times of need. “I am so fortunate that I get to raise my kids here, while living my best life with my amazing husband. I love our community and am grateful for all the people that make up our village.”

Participating in Crowns for the Care 2024 has reminded Breeyan that she has three people in her close circlepeople she sees and interacts with on a daily basis - who are breast cancer survivors. “Here I am, part of this community for so long, and not until I got involved with Crowns for the Care did I realize how close this cause hits home for me.”

cards may be purchased for a donation to Breeyan’s Crowns for the Care campaign. Prizes will be awarded to winners, and a silent auction will be held for gift baskets donated by local businesses.

“It would be my privilege to earn your support as I raise funds for this year’s initiative and compete to be your 2024 Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo. Especially when we talk about oncology and cancer screenings, I think it is so important for people to receive care in a facility and setting that they can find healing and peace in,” she says. “Many of the cancer fighters I am honored to know either spent a lot of time away from home or had to travel often to receive care and treatment.”

Crowns For The Care Candidate Kate Arterburn

Estes Park Health Foundation’s Crowns for the Care contestants compete for the title of Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo each year by participating in our fundraising competition, where the highest-earning philanthropist is crowned during Pink Night at the Rooftop Rodeo. All proceeds directly benefit cancer care in Estes Park.

Rooftop Rodeo is a fun way to raise funds for our hospital and ensure that we continue to have the ability to provide high quality healthcare services to our residents.”

Bringing her community commitment and go-getter spirit to Crowns for the Care in 2024, Kate’s mission is to honor

This week we are introducing candidate Kate Arterburn.

Born in Kansas and educated in Iowa, Kate lived all over the United States during her 28 years in the Army. While on assignment in Korea she met her husband Dave, a helicopter pilot stationed at the same base. Together they have two grown sons. The Arterburns moved to Estes Park in 2021 and have quickly made deep roots within the community.

You will often find Kate hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, where she and Dave are working to complete as many trails as possible. She also enjoys creating quilts and scrapbooking in her free time.

the memory of her sister. “I lost a sister to breast cancer, so I have a personal interest in ensuring that women diagnosed with cancer are able to receive the best care available at our local hospital.”

Arterburn will spearhead the second annual Crowns for the Care Charity Golf Tournament on June 19, with prizes, giveaways and camaraderie for everyone involved. Registration closes June 7.

“I want to be a part of providing as much care as we can right here in Estes Park,” Breeyan said about her reasons for joining the Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo competition in 2024. “The passion and care that the committee and candidates share for our community is a heartwarming reminder of the good we can do with a simple conversation.”

This passion inspired her to jump right in and participate, for the three survivors in her life, and to benefit the community she so dearly loves.

On June 13th from 5-7 p.m. Breeyan is

You can help Breeyan in her quest to bring state-of-the-art cancer care services to Estes Park. “It’s important for our community to have local services and our local providers to have the tools they need to care for patients.”

To support Breeyan and her campaign for female-friendly cancer care visit - please mention ‘Breeyan Edwards’ in the comments field of your donation.

You may also support her by writing a check to “Estes Park Health Foundation” with Breeyan’s name on the memo line and mailing it to EPH Foundation at PO Box 3650, Estes Park, CO 80517.

To learn more about Paint Estes Pink, visit or email

Kate’s civic affiliations include serving as incoming president of the Estes Park Newcomers Club for 20242025 - the organization she credits for her quick integration into the Estes Valley Community. She also works as an ambassador to the Estes Park Visitor's Center and is a volunteer at the Estes Park Museum.

“Finding important ways to get involved has been really great,” she says.

In addition, Kate serves as president of the local chapter of Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O Sisterhood), a U.S.-based international women’s organization with a primary focus on providing educational opportunities for female students across the world.

“Although I'm fairly new to town, I’ve worked to become integrated into the community and enjoy finding ways to support the town and the various organizations that operate in Estes Park. Mrs.

She’s also partnering with American Legion Post 119 in Estes Park for the “Listening at the Legion” concert series. On June 29 the Poudre Valley Playboys will perform, and proceeds will benefit the Crowns for the Care campaign and Estes Park Health Foundation. Tickets are on sale now.

“This is the first time we've lived in a small town, and one of the reasons we chose Estes Park was access to a quality hospital in Estes Park Health,” she says, highlighting that her support by competing in 2024’s Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo is fundamental to being part of the community itself.

To learn more about Kate’s upcoming events you can visit her on Facebook and support her campaign directly at - please mention ‘Kate Arterburn’ in the comments field of your donation.

You may also support Kate by writing a check to “Estes Park Health Foundation” with Kate’s name on the memo line and mailing it to EPH Foundation at PO Box 3650, Estes Park, CO 80517.

To learn more about Paint Estes Pink, visit or email

36 » Friday, June 7, 2024

Crowns For The Care Candidate Katie Bohlke

Estes Park Health Foundation’s Crowns for the Care contestants compete for the title of Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo each year by participating in our fundraising competition, where the highest-earning philanthropist is crowned during Pink Night at the Rooftop Rodeo. All proceeds directly benefit cancer care in Estes Park.

back up into the valley after one of her own medical procedures, highlighting that “it was so painful to go up in pressure.”

As is the case for many of us in Estes Park, breast cancer runs in Bohkle’s family. The disease took the life of her

This week we are introducing candidate Katie Bohlke.

Katie grew up on a dude ranch in Estes Park. She is the hospitality manager for Rooftop Rodeo and happy to be a 2024 Crowns for the Care participant. When asked why people should donate to her campaign, she said she wants to not only bring in a ton of money for cancer care in Estes Park, but would truly enjoy the crown itself, too. “I always wanted to be a rodeo queen,” she says. “And this cause is near and dear to my family.”

Katie’s history with horses and rodeo is fundamental. She began working as a wrangler at age 15 and completed a bachelor’s degree in Equine Sciences at Colorado State University. Before she could even drive a car, she was training her first horse: a wild, unbroke mustang.

grandmother, who may have benefited from early detection, which is a primary goal of the foundation’s campaign to fund imaged-guided needle biopsy technology. By the time she was diagnosed, the cancer had metastasized and spread throughout her body.

Additionally, both her mother and aunt were diagnosed with breast cancer at age 55. Thanks to early detection and high-quality health care services, they are both cancer-free today.

Her history of giving back and caring for those in need is also long-standing. While attending Colorado State, Katie was involved with the university’s first therapeutic riding course, which offers instrumental therapies to those with physical, cognitive and social impairments, and trauma victims.

“Horses are very good at healing people,” she said.

Katie is committed to supporting Crowns for the Care and the Estes Park Health Foundation because she understands the importance of local treatment and its impact on patients. She recalls how painful it was to travel down and

Katie is championing this cause for her family and in honor of her friend and beloved Estes Park resident, Gary Nelson.

Nelson was a cherished part of the Estes Park Health team who lost his battle with cancer in January of this year.

“Cancer took Gary way too fast. He was such a happy, present soul and a truly amazing person who is deeply missed. When Rooftop Rodeo comes, he’ll be even more missed.”

To support Katie’s campaign directly visit - please mention ‘Katie Bohlke’ in the comments field of your donation.

You may also support her by writing a check to “Estes Park Health Foundation” with Katie’s name on the memo line and mailing it to EPH Foundation at PO Box 3650, Estes Park, CO 80517.

To learn more about Paint Estes Pink, visit or email

California Woman Shares Her Care Journey That Started At Estes Park Health

Cynthia Dragovich was visiting Estes Park in 2022 when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer by one of Estes Park Health’s hospitalists. Dr. Christopher Ryan was instrumental in getting her the help she needed near her home.

She wanted to share her gratitude for his compassion and timely help. Connecting our patients with the expert medical care they need is an important part of the EPH mission.

“My journey with ovarian cancer started in a small town in Colorado,” Dragovich wrote. “Not feeling well, I went to the ER at Estes Park Health where they determined I had COVID. But the doctors in this small 20-bed hospital were not satisfied that my symptoms matched a COVID diagnosis. Several days and CT scans later they found the real disease. On September 8, 2022, at our first meeting with the new doctor on call, we were given the news that I had ovarian cancer. Dr. Christopher Ryan (a UC Davis graduate) asked where we would like to get treatment and we said UC Davis which is close to our Yuba City home. He immediately set out to find the best doctor. He returned saying he had called the doctor who was in surgery, but she would call him back. We thought that was nice but knowing how hard it is to get into UCD we were skeptical that he would hear back or get prompt action.

Within a couple of hours Dr. Ryan returned to tell us that if we could get to California soon, we could see Dr. Rebecca Brooks. I was released from the hospital, we packed up, and our son drove us home. We arrived home in California on Sunday and had our first appointment with Dr. Brooks on Tuesday, September 13. Yes, from diagnosis to treatment in five days! We knew immediately that we had the attention of the best. Then, from chemo to surgery and

more chemo, Dr. Brooks has been a guide and a partner in my care decisions.

My treatments were not enough to put my stage four cancer into remission, but I have had almost two years of time with my family and dear friends during which I have celebrated living. Never have I had to look back and think, ‘If only I hadn't had to wait weeks for an appointment, or many days for scheduling surgery, or weeks for tests and infusions. Maybe things would have been different.’ Each step of the way I felt like I was important and at the top of every list of needed treatment.

My hopes and prayers are that every woman with this sneaky disease could have an equal experience. For some it could result in remission or possibly even a cure. Early diagnosis and treatment are the keys.”

Estes Park Health thanks Dragovich for sharing this important story.

Knitting & Crocheting Get-Together

Everyone is welcome to our free knitting and crocheting get-togethers! We meet in the Hondius Community Room at the Estes Valley Library.

Our next 2024 meeting date is:

Friday, June 7, 2024, 3:00-5:00 p.m. (Wool Market!)

Bring your woolly project, and let’s craft together.

If you’d like to learn to knit, we can teach you! It’s free.

Just show up! We’ll provide yarn and knitting needles for you to use during the meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Daley at email Friday, June 7, 2024 « 37
Dr. Christopher Ryan is one of the hospitalists at Estes Park Health. EPH file photo

Time To Sign Up For Nan Ryan Invitational Golf To Benefit Junior Golf

Now is the time to sign up for the 21st annual Nan Ryan Invitational golf tournament, Saturday, July 27, at the 9-hole Lake Estes course.

Tee off between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Entry fee of $30 for passholders and $45 for non-passholders includes 9-hole greens fees, tournament fee, a $20 Gift Certificate from Hunter’s Chophouse, fruit and snacks, prizes for winning teams in all divisions and for special events, and a gift for each player.

All proceeds from the tournament benefit the Estes Park Junior Golf Program. Last year the tournament raised a record $8300, bringing the total raised by the tournament through the years to $64,455!

“We hope to exceed that this year,” stated Ryan. “The money raised helps to buy golf equipment for the junior program participants, assists with scholarships for those who need financial assistance, and helps players participate in tournaments. We were also able to help purchase the very popular golf simulator at the Rec Center, and give a $5,000 scholarship to an Estes Park High School Senior in 2024.”

Format of play is a 4-person 9-hole scramble. You can sign up as a single, with one or more players, or as a team of four. Divisions for men, women, mixed and juniors. There is no entry fee for junior golfers aged 17 and under.

There will be a raffle for a Callaway stand bag, retail value $250, a Callaway Men’s Right Hand Driver ($499), a Cleveland RTX6 Zipcore wedge ($169), a Ladies Accuflex Pro LD #5 wood, and various other items. Raffle tickets are $5 or 5 for $20.

In 2023, the winning teams were Women’s – Casey Burke, Susan VanHorne, Patti Moroney-Hoag and Julie Kopp; Men’s – Ben James, Don James, Mike Manson and Bobby Daisy, and Mixed – Mike and Judi Cunningham and Carla and Drew Webb, who defended with 2022 title. The winning junior team was Ray Sanchez, Josh

Brage, Mark Brage and Mike Dan, and the all Junior team title went to the Firestone team of Booth Hayes, Dom Calvetti, Cayden Hajek and Aiden Wood

“We want everyone playing to have fun,” stated Ryan, “and we will have the usual unique challenges on various holes throughout the round.”

Entry forms are available at the 18-hole Estes Park Golf Course or the 9-hole Lake Estes Golf Course.

For more information contact Nan Ryan at 217-257-5718 or

Estes Park Men’s Golf Association Results For June 3, 2024

Congratulations to John Krueger for first place in the Low Net match this week, with an outstanding net 64!

Pos. Player Total Net

1 Krueger, John 64

T2 Arms, Allen 69

T2 Keyworth, Tom 69

T4 Wagner, Al 70

T4 Myers, Ed 70

T6 Johnston, Michael 71

T6 Poznic, Steve 71

T6 Nosbish, Larry 71

T6 Butler, Robert 71

T6 Haught, Chris 71

T11 Nagl, Steve 73

T11 Brown, William 73

T11 Galloway, Roger 73

T11 Quinn, Matt 73

T11 Wilson, Steve 73

T11 Tracy, Joshua 73

T17 Campbell, Mark 74

T17 Bryson, Mike 74

T17 Wilczek, Robert 74

T17 W addell, Robert 74

T17 Yarbrough, Virgil 74

T17 Strong, Adam 74

T17 Leymaster, Kreg 74

T17 Ennis, Steven 74

T25 Unruh, Rodney 75

T25 Stanford, Dwight 75

T25 Little, Ron 75

T25 Fink, Tony 75

T25 Boyle, Pat 75

T25 Tessler, John 75

T25 Brown, Dustin 75

T25 Tritico, Guy 75

T33 Burke, Nelson 76

T33 Jameson, Jim 76

T33 Gengler, Stan 76

T33 Holmquist, Jack 76

T33 Erwin, Roger 76

T33 Harding, Robin 76

T33 Hanchett, Charles 76

T33 Smith, George 76

Estes Park Women’s Golf Results For June 4, 2024

The Estes Park Women’s Golf Association played T&F on Tuesday. This game counts only the net scores on the holes beginning with the letters “T” or “F”. 1st place winner was Judi Cunningham

Tied for 2nd – Kay Boyle and Linda Bowie

Tied for 4th – Calle Russell and Cindy Haines

Tied for 6th – Colleen Logan and Dot Dorman

Tied for 8th – Bonnie Rumsey, Marianne Casey and Jennifer Gergen

If you would like more information about the Estes Park Women’s Golf Association, please contact Diane Butler at New members are welcome!

Save The Date For Nebraska Picnic 2024

It’s that time of year when the Cornhusker fight song bellows through the valley. Mark your calendar so that you can plan to attend the 5th Annual Nebraska Picnic on Sunday, July 14 at the Presbyterian Community Church, 1700 Brodie Avenue, Estes Park (please note the change in location). We will gather at 4:00 p.m. and start serving at 4:30 p.m.

If you have any connection to Nebraska, whether a local or a visitor, come meet your fellow Cornhuskers for a fun gathering. Wear your Nebraska gear proudly as we sing the Husker fight song.

“Big Red” hot dogs, as served at the stadium, will be provided (while they last), along with plates, napkins, utensils and condiments. Kool-Aid, invented in Hastings, Nebraska, will be free flowing at the Kool-Aid stand, as well as water. We request that you bring a potluck item to share and lawn chairs.

Please RSVP to We hope that you will be able to join in the fun. Donation jars will be available for any contributions to help defray the cost of the event.

38 » Friday, June 7, 2024
Last year’s winners

Hilltop Guild Awards $11,800 In Seven Scholarships

The Hilltop Guild in Allenspark awarded $11,800 in seven scholarships this year to four high school students from Lyons High School and three from Estes Park High School.

The Guild's 2024 Philanthropic Committee (Carol Halsey, Donna Squyres and Barbara Swanson) reviewed 29 applications from students meeting application criteria interested in attending an accredited college, university or technical school. The scholarships were presented at award ceremonies in May.

Through the Guild’s fundraising activities (including the annual Bazaar which takes place this year on Aug. 3) and generous donations, funds for seven scholarships totaling $11,800 were available for 2024.

"These scholarships demonstrate our commitment to the community while honoring the Guild’s original purpose for education and benevolent activities," said Susan Steele, vice president.

The following are this year’s awardees from Lyons High School: Michael Ping, University of Colorado, Hilltop Guild 2024 Scholarship; Josie Gaines, Colorado State University, Barbara Coles Memorial Scholarship; Abe Vasquez, Colorado Mesa University, Gerald Halsey Memorial Scholarship; Grace Crawford, University of North Dakota, Marjorie McCulloch Memorial Scholarship.

And from Estes Park High School: Calvin Larson, Western University, Hilltop Guild 2024 Scholarship; Elliott Flavin, Aims Community College, Scholarship in Honor of Bob Snell; Miqmar Dolma, Colorado University, Marjorie McCulloch Memorial Scholar-



The scholarship won by Elliott Flavin is new this year. It was offered to a student whose field of interest is the trades. The scholarship is being offered by longtime Guild member Judee Snell in honor of her husband, Bob.

"Some months back (maybe even a couple of years ago) I looked around at our community and said to myself:

'Where are all of the handymen, trades people of reputation, folks who can be called on to perform services in an aging community?'

"My husband is a Jack-of-all-trades but has only limited areas of expertise.

When furnaces or cars die or plumbing fails, we need reliable service people; folks who often can be their own boss," she said. "The demand is huge in our smaller communities.

"I then decided to offer a scholarship of my own to offer in honor of Bob's 75th birthday," said Judee. "I wanted it to go to a student who was enrolling in a trade school. Elliott Flavin of Estes Park High School fit the bill."

On Monday evening May 3, Judee and Bob attended the scholarship award ceremony in Estes Park and shook Elliott Flavin's hand and presented him with $1,500 toward his education.

"We hope he will return in the next couple years with his certification in Auto Mechanics," added Judee. "He told us there is a waiting list at both schools in Longmont and Denver so apparently other young folks are anticipating a good future in the trades, too."

For more information on Hilltop Guild and the annual bazaar on Aug. 3, go to

Annual Friends Of Folk Festival June 18 At Performance Park

Special scholarship opportunity for anyone with a passion for the arts

The Friends of Folk Festival celebrates Dick Orleans’ legacy with music and community. This Festival is held in the style of Dick’s “Friends of Folk” nights where both professionals & amateurs perform. The event will take place on Tuesday, June 18 at Performance Park from 4-10 p.m. and the concert is free!

2-Tell us about how you are going to use the scholarship money.

3-Tell us about how you and your art (creative) work will contribute or impact your community.

Submit your application before the June 14th deadline. The scholarship winners will be announced during the festival. We'd love to make you a recipient so submit your application now!

Trailblazer Fiber Construction Update Spring/Summer 2024

It’s time for a community update as Trailblazer, with your invaluable support, continues planning the final phase of its fiber broadband buildout.

The project has reached a pivotal milestone by completing the majority of the

2024 Scholarship Opportunity Scholarship funds have been established with Dick’s passions in mind. Anyone in the Estes Valley with a passion for the arts can apply for this scholarship simply by providing your contact information and answering a few questions on the application form on the Friends of Folk event page.

1-Tell us about your creative work.

The Estes Arts District’s mission with Friends of Folk Festival is to grow the event into a well-executed, professional level festival while still maintaining Dick Orleans’ original vision of promoting new emerging artists. Dick Orleans was always supporting others to pursue their art, whether music or photography ¬or anything! He inspired so many and we want to keep that energy going. We miss you Dick!

in Trailblazer based on the number of registrations from residents and businesses in a location.

Inflation has exponentially increased the cost of doing business for Trailblazer, as it has for most other compa-

main construction in our designated service areas. These areas include most parts within the Estes Park Town limits, extending north to Glen Haven and progressing along Highway 7 towards Allenspark. While this is the backbone of the fiber network, we still have a long way to go to bring service to everyone, particularly those in more remote locations. The desire for service has been overwhelmingly positive. Our installa-

nies and families in recent years. As a result, Trailblazer is actively seeking broadband funding through various grants to assist with rising material and construction costs in rural buildout areas. Trailblazer received a small amount of grant funding; however, most grant efforts provided unsuccessful with intense competition for too few dollars. The good news is that more grant money is available in 2024; however,

tion calendar is currently booked well into the fall.

Meanwhile, we are re-strategizing our fiber construction to the remaining unbuilt areas of our community. With the shift to internal staff completing all new construction and installations, the remaining buildout takes additional time and careful consideration. These areas are challenging because of their distance, lower density, and, in most cases, difficult terrain. As you might expect, these challenges also make this final portion of the buildout more expensive.

In short, all main construction has been placed on hold as the original funding for the project has been exhausted due to the rising costs of construction materials and supply issues. While Trailblazer is thriving as a business, we haven’t been open long enough to generate a large enough revenue pool yet to use for mainline construction, though we are covering costs and meeting bond obligations without raising rates or using tax dollars as we originally committed to. We do prioritize where to put our efforts and resources based on the rate of return possible compared to the cost to build and the interest we have

those dollars are only applicable to “rural” buildouts. Other funding sources are not an option at this time, so we are focusing on generating additional revenue by building the outlying locations that qualify for grant funding first.

Waiting for a good thing is never easy – whether it is grant money or better internet service – and we appreciate the patience of our neighbors who do not yet have access to Trailblazer Broadband service. While there is no timeline at present, Trailblazer is working diligently to deliver this vital service as quickly as possible.

What can you do to help? Please take a moment to email Congressman Joe Neguse, your 2nd District Representative, describing your internet experience and asking for his support for broadband grants in our community.

Check the Trailblazer News Page and Construction Schedule at for additional updates. If you haven’t already done so, please register to stay informed at so we can reach out when service is available in your area. Friday, June 7, 2024 « 39

Adventures With The Apostles

The summer season has begun. We will continue to offer a Bible Study of the Acts of the Apostles at St. Francis of Assisi Anglican Church in Little Valley, Estes Park.

Paul, the Apostle “born out of time,” wrote his Epistles as a reaction to issues which agitated and threatened the newly born communities of the followers of Jesus Christ.

The Book of Acts was written to provide a history on how those of the early church evangelized and spread the Gospel of Jesus. “It is the simple truth that if we did not possess the Book of Acts, we would have no information whatever of the early Church.” William Barclay

and time for a handful of the followers of Christ to “go and teach all nations…” and to grow beyond the Roman Empire to the largest religion (2.3+ billion followers) in the world.

You are welcome to join us as we study and discuss the trials, tribulations, and successes of Christianity during the first century. We will be gathering at St. Francis Church on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m.

To speak to Bishop Williams re-

garding this discussion group, please call him at (970) 577-0601.

On a glorious Spring day in March of 1988, a beautiful baby girl was born in Boulder, CO.

She had a smile that would light up the world. As she grew older, her great smile and wonderful unforgettable laugh would bring smiles to the people she met.

Jeryca Whitney Phelps

She grew up happily in Allenspark and Estes Park, making friends and attending Estes Park schools until her junior year in high school.

The Book of Acts is not history, in the usual sense. It is more a memorial of events which give us snapshots or portraits of those who risked all to spread the Good News. The Pax Romana, “the Roman Peace,” was the singular place

St. Francis of Assisi Traditional Anglican Church is located at 3480 St. Francis Way, Estes Park, CO 80517. Website: Our Sunday schedule includes Morning Prayer at 9 a.m., Holy Communion Service at 9:30 a.m., with Refreshments & Fellowship time following in Wells Hall. Turn from Fish Creek Rd. onto Little Valley Road and follow the Signs.

Community Invitation To An Eight-Week Bible Study

If you are interested in End Times events (Tribulation, 2nd Coming, Millennium, Eternity) you are invited to an 8week Bible study covering these topics and more. This will be a non-denomi-

national approach using the inerrant Word of God.

We will meet on Thursday mornings from 10-11:30, starting June 20. All ma-

She attended September School in Boulder for her junior and senior years and graduated in 2006.

After graduation, Jeryca lived in Portland, Oregon and in Denver, CO for a short amount of time before returning to her mountain roots and living nearby in Lyons, CO.

Jeryca was a Festivarian who enjoyed music festivals, concerts, the outdoors and camping in beautiful places.

Her love of animals and the environment they grew up in was a major part of her life.

When she wasn’t rescuing animals, she was helping friends and making sure they were doing well.

At the time of her passing, on April 25, 2024, she was on a solo crosscountry camping trip, stopping to see

her brother Jeremiah and then heading up the west coast of the US. She visited some amazing places such as Joshua Tree, Sequoia, Redwoods, Jedediah Smith, and Olympic National Parks in search of new horizons. Greeting her on the other side are her paternal grandparents

Stephen and Agnes Phelps, her maternal grandparents Andrew, Jr. and Mabel Palace, her cousin Dennis Phelps and her many four-legged friends.

Jeryca is survived by her mother Red Palace, her father Tim Phelps, and her brother Jeremiah Phelps.

She is also survived by her aunts and uncles Stephen, Jr. and Ada Phelps, Arthur and Marcy Phelps, James and Terri Phelps, Sandra and Martin Skal, Andrew Palace III and many cousins and friends.

The family asks that you PAY IT FORWARD by reaching out and helping a stranger in need.

Please plant a tree, bush or perennial flower to remember her by and when passing it by, look up and send her a smile!

A Celebration of Life is being planned and will be announced when the details are finalized.

Vacation Bible School At Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

40 » Friday, June 7, 2024
Save the Week! VBS-Vacation Bible School runs July 15-19 from 9-11:30 a.m. at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 950 N. Saint Vrain Ave. For children entering K – 6th Grades
To register call Mount Calvary
970-586-4646. Hope to see your children as we celebrate the savior! Bible stories, crafts, game activities, snacks, music! Joy!

Morris Ojalvo

Morris Ojalvo, age 100, was born in Astoria (Queens County, NY) on March 4, 1924. He attended Stuyvesant HS and City College of NY. During WWII, Morris enlisted in the U.S. Navy and was an officer with the 99th Naval Construction Battalion (the “Seabees”) in the Philippines.

He completed a Master’s in Civil Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) as part of his U.S. Naval training program. While at RPI, Morris maintained lifelong friendships with fellow classmates.

Morris went on to teach at Princeton University while working on his PH.D. He completed his PH.D in Civil Engineering at Lehigh University. His career in faculty and research spanned many universities, including: Princeton University, Lehigh University, Ohio State University (OSU), and University of Texas at Austin.

While in Columbus OH, during his tenure at OSU, Morris and his wife

Anita (Bedein) were founding members of the Beth Tikvah Congregation. They also participated in a monthly Beth Tikvah havurah group where they maintained many close friendships.

In retirement, Morris and Anita moved to Estes Park, Colorado, which had been a favorite vacation spot during summer camping trips with their family. In Colorado, Morris enjoyed his favorite pastimes: hiking trails in Rocky Mountain National Park with an Estes Park hiking group and playing tennis with a local seniors group.

He and Anita also enjoyed belonging to a small Jewish community in nearby Longmont, Colorado that met once a month on Friday for Shabbat dinner and to celebrate many of the Jewish holidays.

Both Morris and Anita valued the importance of an education and generously helped to support their many children and grandchildren to reach their educational goals.

Morris was predeceased by his wonderful wife Anita, his parents Nissim & Luna “Fannie” Ojalvo, a younger brother who died in infancy, his sister Clara Friedman, and his dearly loved grandson Stephen Henry Ojalvo.

Morris is survived by his brother Irving Ojalvo; four children—Lynne, Joseph, Howard, Isobel; 10 grandchildren—Isaac, Laureen, Jesse, Katherine, Isobel, Jessica, Daniel, Marissa, James, Sam; and six great-grandchildren—Henry, Auden, Rosalie, Stephen, Walden, Arlo.

A private family memorial service will be held at a later date.

Joseph Davis Cook “Joey”

Joseph Davis Cook “Joey,” 48, of Estes Park, CO, and recently of Longmont, CO, passed away on May 23, 2024.

He was born on March 24, 1976, to Floyd and Mary Cook (Warren), in Muncie, Indiana. Joey was a great baby and a good child as well as being an only child.

Joey was very talented in construction, cooking, and enjoyed being a plumber. He enjoyed watching movies, fishing, and swimming. He was a fabulous father to his five children: sons Brayden, Christian, Bently, Braxton and his daughter, Harmony, as well as to his step-children Chloe and Bailey Smith, whom he raised.

Joey is survived by his children and a granddaughter, Kennedy Paige Cook and his step-father Ed Warren. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Van Green and Louise

Celebration Of Life For Gladys Van Drie This Saturday

Please come with stories to tell for Gladys Van Drie's Celebration Of Life being held June 8th at the Estes Park Museum. A short service from 1-2 and an open house ice cream social from 2-4. The museum is open that day, so please park at the old senior center or the fairgrounds. You can also live stream it at: 54848725709 Friday, June 7, 2024 « 41
A gathering to remember and celebrate John Bohn will be held on Saturday, June 15th at the American Legion Post 119. Open House from 2-6 p.m. Celebration Of Life For John Bohn
Stone. Please visit to leave a message for the

Now hiring

(Must live in Estes Park)

Airport Drivers • Tour Drivers

Non CDL Drivers

$18-20 an hour Plus tips, Fulltime/Partime

$4/hr shift differential pay for morning and nights.

Tour Guides/drivers for small groups.

Apply within at: Estes Park Shuttle 551 South Saint Vrain Ave

Rams Horn Village Resort has a year round, part time position available in our Activities/Hospitality Department:

$18-20/hour. Responsibilities include great customer service, weekly shopping, food prep, and assisting with weekend events for guests. Approx 8 hrs/wk. Can also work in Guest Services/ Housekeeping department for full time employment, which includes summer bonus and benefits package. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE

Job Opportunity: Carpenter

Glacier Creek Construction is looking for an experienced, reliable, licensed carpenter to assist in all phases of commercial and residential remodel and builds. Must have 5-10 years hands on experience as a team leader and tools lead carpenter. Ideal candidate will be able to mutli-task teams on various projects, be flexible to project demands and exhibit a high level of autonomy and professionalism. For immediate consideration, please email your resume and contact information to We look forward to hearing from you!


Estes Park School District R-3 is accepting applications for one full-time, year-round head custodian, and one full-time, year-round custodian. Salary range is $17.94 to $22.77 per hour depending on experience, with single benefits that include health, dental, vision and retirement plan. The successful candidate must be able to pass a drug test, background check, and physical demands/lift test. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, eligible to work in the U.S., and possess a high school diploma or GED.

Apply online at

Only online applications accepted. Position open until filled. Contact Eric Adams with questions: 970-586-5321 ext. 3468.


Rams Horn Village Resort has year round full time and part time positions available in our Guest Services/Housekeeping Department: $17-19/hour, plus tips, a summer bonus up to $1500, and benefits package for full time employees. We are looking for energetic, dependable people who are able to perform physical labor and who have strong customer service skills. Fridays and Saturdays are required. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE

Now Hiring CDL Drivers

Year round Part-time CDL drivers with passenger endorsment starting at $29.00 an hour plus tips.

Apply within at: Estes Park Shuttle 551 South Saint Vrain Ave

JOIN OUR TEAM! Full details on employment opportunities and the application can be found at

Regular Full-time Broadband Operations Manager

Emergency Services Dispatcher I-II

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Staff Accountant

Fiber Technician

Journey Lineworker Mechanic I-III

Police Officer I - III

Records Technician I-III

Restorative Justice Program Coordinator

The status of applications will be communicated via e-mail. By choice, the Town of Estes Park is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

Sky Run RMNP is hiring a FT or PT Accounting Clerk. Assist Accounting Manager with various accounting and Owner Statement processes. Weekday hours available, $19 - $20 per hour. We look forward to hearing from you.

Apply on line with resume skyrun-rm/job/accounting-clerk

Scratch Deli needs kitchen and front counter help.

Motivated and highly organized individuals wanted! $20 to $30 an hour! Apply in person at 911 Moraine Ave.

Tech FT Seasonal, PT Off-Season Possible $19 - $20/Hr 1885 Sketch Box Ln #7 Estes Park Basic carpentry, plumbing, electrical, drywall and painting Work orders, troubleshoot, vendor comm, snow shoveling, mowing Computer skills, lift 50+ lbs, English, Spanish a plus, valid DL Weekends, holidays, rotating on call a must

Please send resume and cover letter to:


Happy Well Established Shop Felxible Hours! 970-231-3997

Is looking for Server Housing available Apply in person. 3450 Fall River Rd. Trailhead Restaurant

42 » Friday, June 7, 2024 Full or Part Time Retail Position Starting right away. Responsible for sales; pricing & displaying merch; cleaning store; unpacking/entering items in comp. Need person who enjoys dealing w/ people, has decent comp skills & enjoys cleaning. Some wknds & eve's reqd (summer). Apply at 160 W Elkhorn Ave. EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT Now hiring: Breakfast Attendant Housekeepers
Silver Saddle Inn NOW HIRING! Warehouse & Warehouse-Driver Rocky Mountain Conservancy Retail Warehouse $20-20.50/hr Seasonal:
some holidays required in Rocky Mountain National Park Seeking team players to work at See full position description on our website | (970)586-0121
Apply in person: 1260 Big Thompson Ave. or email resume:
or Part-time
SEASONED is seeking Sous Chef E-mail to or call 970.586.9000 SEASONED An American Bistro

, 80511

ReseRvatio n s a g e n t

This position is responsible for making reservations for individuals and families at YMCA of the Rockies, a camp, conference, and retreat center located outside Rocky Mountain National Park. The position is on-site, 40 hours/week, and 14.42/hour. This is a seasonal position with a work agreement up to 8 months with the opportunity for possible growth into year-round employment at YMCA of the Rockies. All seasonal positions at YMCA of the Rockies offer the opportunity to opt-in to the Rocky Mountain Living Package which includes housing in dormitory style rooms, 3 meals per day, 7 days per week, access to all YMCA of the Rockies facilities and many more employee perks. Visit for more information.

j o b s .ymc a r o ck ies o rg

Front Desk at the Recreation Center.

This part time position will perform a variety of guest services functions to include general cashier duties, customer service and maintaining a pleasant and clean environment.

Cubz Den Attendant

This part time position will supervise a program for children between the ages of 1-8 years old in our Cubz Den play area at the Recreation Center. Activities include, supervising the indoor play structure, toy area and play stations as well as, leading art projects, and reading to the children. The program runs in the afternoon.

Competitive pay and a free membership to the Recreation Center. Apply on-line:

Good Samaritan Society – Estes Park, CO is currently hiring for the following full-time and part-time positions. Benefits include: daily pay access, education assistance, yearly salary increases, PTO and more!

• Lead Cook

• Food Service Assistant

• Environment Services Technician

• Medication Aide / QMAP*

*paid training provided, if not certified

• Maintenance Mechanic

• Volunteer Opportunities

JOIN OUR TEAM TODAY! search “Estes Park, CO” or scan the QR code:

SEASONED is seeking Sous Chef and Dishwasher E-mail to or call 970.586.9000 SEASONED

Receptionist- Bilingual (Spanish)

30 hours a week

$20-$24 an hour DOE

Please send an email of interest along with a resume to Brian Schaffer,

Once received, a full job description will be sent.

Applications will be accepted until June 14th at 5pm

We’re hiring for the following positions starting at $22.61/hr.: • Drive-up & Go Service Helpers


Courtesy Clerk


• Overnight Stocker

• Bakery Clerk

• Deli Clerk

• Produce Clerk

• Seafood Clerk

• Cake Decorator

• Meat Cutter

To apply visit select Careers then search for Estes Park, CO to locate jobs

After your application has been completed, please call our hiring manager Ann at 970.586.4447.

Guest Services Rep/Guest Reservationist/Special Projects/ Computer Skills/Answering phones/emails/Texts. Customer Service/Telephone skills/problem solving skills

Written/oral communications skills required - Full Time Year Round Weekends required $20/$21 hr DOE

Apply on line with resume skyrun-rm/job/guestservices.rep

Maintenance Site Manager

Pay $21 - $23

General Maintenance & Repairs including work orders, inspections, site cleanliness, hot tub service, plumbing, painting, inventory and guest services.

Please email resume to

This is a full-time, year-round position at YMCA of the Rockies –Estes Park Center that is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all aspects of staff housing with a special emphasis on Glacier Lodge, the year-round staff housing neighborhood in Estes Park. A minimum of two years’ experience in a facility maintenance position and must possess a valid, USA state issued driver's license. $21 - $23/hour includes Medical benefits, YMCA of the Rockies family membership, generous PTO/vacation, participation in YMCA Retirement Fund, ski passes, discounted childcare, and employee discounts.

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT Friday, June 7, 2024 « 43 Skilled Maintenance Full Time/Part Time $18.00 to $24.00 per hour DOE plus bonus* • General Maintenance and/or • Hot Tub Service • Landscaping/Snow Removal • Guest Services *Bonus is $1.00 per hour May through October Apply at, mail or email resume to: Fawn Valley Inn, 2760 Fall River Road, Estes Park, CO 80517 Email: NOW HIRING! See full position description on our website | (970)586-0108 NOW HIRING! Donor Services Manager Rocky Mountain Conservancy Philanthropy Team
Full-time, 40hrs/week with benefits Seeking a CRM Specialist to join
YMCa oF tHe RoCKies 2515 tunn e l R oa d e stes P a rk, C o l o r a d o , 80511 j o b s .ymc a r o ck ies o rg B u i ld i ng Mai n te n a n Ce teCH n iCia n – staFF
u si ng
sPeCia l ist
Estes Park
American Bistro Estes Valley Recreation and Park District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
YMCa oF tHe RoCKies 2515 tunn e l R oa d e stes P a rk, C o l o r a d o


Retail Clerks

Seeking team players to work at

Rocky Mountain Conservancy Nature Stores

Seasonal: May-October Full-time or Part-time Weekends & some holidays required in Estes Park Visitor Center & Rocky Mountain National Park


Rocky Mountain Transit Management is now hiring for seasonal employment. We are looking for bus drivers, parking lot attendants, cleaners, and mechanics. Paid CDL training available. Give us a call 970-577-7477


3 bedroom, 2 bathroom , 1 car garage. Nice yard/location, recently updated. No smoking, no pets. 2900.00 per month. 1 yr lease. Email for more information.

Coloradohighlandsrealty 303 956 7153


1 BD, 3/4 BA, some pets OK. $1500/mo., Call 970-481-5188


Ponderosa Realty & Management

has year around rental properties available for immediate move in! We have bedrooms for rent, apartments, a condo, 2 cabins and a house open right now. 1 bedrooms and 2 bedrooms available. Our rentals run from $800 per month to $2600 per month. Utilities depended on property. Call 970-5866500 or stop by our office to inquire and to setup a showing.


2 BDRM 1 BA, ex cond.

$1,400 mo +elec. 1st & last mo +$1,000 sec dep. Basic cable, W/D incl. Quiet area. NO Smoking, NO Pets. ref req 720-838-5724.


1 bedroom duplex, recently renovated with fireplace. $900.00 p/m, utilities are not included. Must see to appreciate! In Olympus heights area, call 303-720-1211 for more information.

Commercial Rentals

Prime Retail Space in Central Downtown Estes Park. 350 SqFt in busy location. $1,200/mo +NNN. Please call (970) 480-5458.

Office Space for Rent 1377 Sq. Ft., Conference Room, 3 Private Offices, High Traffic Area with Great Exposure, Open Lobby Area, Printer Room. 351 Moraine Ave. Suite B 970-227-4865

Storage Units

Manford Plaza storage unit for rent. 970-586-3828



Residential & Commercial. Estes Park Resident for over 12 years. Experienced & Licensed! Call or Text 970-443-1283

All Types of Cleaning Services. $5 off New Clients! 970-691-3959

Home Repair/Service

Drywall & Painting R&J Residential, Commercial Exterior & Interior Painting 719-419-1366,

Lone Pine Dr


Remixed Custom Sewing Services. NEW LOCATION! Small Furniture, Restoration, Cushions and Industrial Repair. Call for appointment 970-492-5446

Piano Tuning

Susan Novy, local piano tuner. Call for appt. 577-1755 www.estesparkpiano


Massage & Wellness Book Now! Peak to Peak Plaza 343 S. Saint Vrain Ave. #2 Call or text Emerald 720-665-1623 Book Online

$50 each

Stop by Silver Saddle Inn 1260 Big Thompson Ave.



Estate Sales

ESTATE/MOVING SALE Need to have one, but seems overwhelming. We do the work, you make the $. Local, Affordable, References. CALL JUDI 970-215-5548


Annual Carriage Hills

Multi Family Garage Sale June 14 & 15 8am - 2pm Map on website at


Garage Sales

Multi Family Garage Sale - 1010 Pine Lane Saturday, June 22nd starting 8amuntil it’s all gone!

Garage sale : 1980 Crags Ct. Estes Park, June 7, June 8. 9:00 am -1:00 pm Commercial Spaces for sale and lease. Call Eric. Anderson Realty. 586-2950

Participating addresses: 2758 Carriage Dr, 1208 Rambling Dr, 635 Whispering Pines, 840 Ramshorn Dr, 710 Ramshorn Dr, 750 Ponderosa Lane, 727 Ponderosa Lane, 2809 Fish Creek Rd

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT 44 » Friday, June 7, 2024
Experience with marketing or sales a plus | Customer service experience required See full position description on our website | (970)586-0121 Now
Front Desk Agent Flexible
time $18/hr
Hours, Full
- $22/hr DOE Must be non-smoker. Apply in person: 1260 Big Thompson Ave. or email resume: Silver Saddle Inn
Come and join our team! Village Laundry is in need of Attendants. Competitive pay, starting at $15.00 per hour. Flexible hours. Year round job. Send your resume to: or pick up application at 172 S. St. Vrain Ave. Looking For A Summer Job Or A Year Round Postion? Join Our Team! Flexible Schedule, Paid Time Off. 970-586-8656 561
Queen fitted - $110
doz. Queen flat - $100
King fitted -
Bed Sheets
/ doz.
$160 / doz. Ergonomic Task Chairs
Friday, June 7, 2024 « 45 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS BUILDER CLEANING SERVICES COMPUTER SERVICES CARPET CLEANING CHIMNEY SWEEP ATTORNEYS CAMERAS FLOORING FINANCIAL SERVICES 970-586-4315 Estes Park, CO APPLIANCES GARAGE DOORS GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction & Remodeling 970-581-2670 • Long time local serving the Estes area. Specializing in Decks, Windows, Siding, Kitchen/Bath Remodels, and Exterior Painting
46 » Friday, June 7, 2024 HOT TUBS & POOL SERVICES LOG RAILINGS & ACCENTS LANDSCAPING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS BUILDER Cory D. Workman, Au.D. Phone: 970-586-5255 1186 Graves Ave., Ste. B Estes Park, CO 80517 Fax: 970-577-7260 • Hearing Aids / New & Repair • Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Protection • Ear Care / Wax Removal • Dizziness / Balance HEARING & TINNITUS CARE 970-586-1685 Custom Homes, Additions, Kitchens, Baths, Historic Renovations, Remodels and Design Work Full service general contracting since 1998 Charles Santagati 1191 Graves Ave GENERAL CONTRACTOR cont. JR Services, LLC • Landscaping • Fencing • Lawn Maintenance • Retaining Walls • Flagstone • Raking • Sidewalk & Deck Cleanup Call 970-590-8015 or 970-689-1393 Elkins Construction Custom Homes • Remodels Decks • Drawings 40+ Years Experience Tim Elkins 970.310.1683 Estes Park, Colorado Licensed and Insured MOUNTAIN PHOTOGRAPHY PAINTING MAINTENANCE/REPAIR SERVICES MAINTENANCE/REPAIR SERVICES D DIAMOND D HANDYMAN SERVICE Home Maintenance & Repairs Mowing • Wacking • Hauling • Yard Clean up “Consider It Done!” Licensed & Insured Dave 303-877-2007 COWLES CUSTOM CARPENTRY Electric, Plumbing, Drywall, Roofing, Siding, Doors, Floors, Windows, Tile, Fencing, Decks, Honey Do List & Much More Locally owned and operated in Estes Park 303-532-6775 GLASS - NEW / REPLACEMENT OUTDOOR PROPERTY SERVICES Matt Kroger - Call or text: 970-412-0981 Irrigation Repairs • Weatherization Mowing • Edging • Shrub Pruning Tree Trimming • Fencing Repairs Fencing • Gardening • Honeybee Swarm Removal Fire Mitigation • Winter Handyman Services No Job Too Small!
Friday, June 7, 2024 « 47 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS BUILDER TREE SERVICE REAL ESTATE PROPANE PLUMBING PRINTING PRE-PLANNING ADVISOR WINDOW CLEANING Dawn Shields 970-909-4789 DAWN.SHIELDS@DIGNITYMEMORIAL.COM We at Allnutt-Estes Park Chapel have been serving families for over 35 years. As part of Dignity Memorial, we are committed to the highest standards at your time of need. We can also put a plan in place to emotionally and financially relieve your loved ones of burden. This can be the greatest gift that you can offer them. Show them how much you care by protecting them now! STORAGE SECURITY HOME WATCH NOW AVAILABLE! • Unit Sizes: 800-1600 sq. ft. • Boat & RV Storage • Fire Suppression System • Utilities Available 970.481.9807 TAROT READING PILATES PEST CONTROL
48 » Friday, June 7, 2024 Call us to use our FREE Moving Truck. Your Local Real Estate Experts 1797 Dunraven Glade Road 508 Grand Estates G $389,500 $950,000 1673 Black Squirrel Drive 641 Goblins Castle Road 1516 Fish Hatchery Road #8 301 Kiowa Drive 1298 North Fork Road 1035 Streamside Drive 1850 Fall River Road 5 1555 Raven Circle D 1775 Moon Trailway $1,195,000 $435,000 $1,250,000 $970,000 $699,000 $599,000 $750,000 $1,550,000 $545,000 $695,000 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW UNDERCONTRACT UNDERCONTRACT UNDERCONTRACT SOLD SOLD 1850 Fall River Road 4 OPEN HOUSE Sun., 6/9, 11am-2pm

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.