sixty one

Page 261

Shoup Hall Shoup's "junior" yeor WllS indeed I) busy one . . . under the leodership of Presidents Kirl::eby Md Sl'mpson the reorgllniultion of the holl was llccomplished . . . excellent showing in intr"murlll sports out· standing freshmen members included Dove Bo!lumgort. ner, chosen for IK's, and Dennis Hynes, t"pped for Phi Eto Sigmo ... rtlnh contoined many Vander tlthletes ... Sampson. Golf; Boesel and Grant, Baseboll:

Porter and White,


lind Polguta. Footboll held during the Spring son Lake ... onnu,,1 "Beer holding bed.pushing teom

Rodgers, Bates, Manei,

numerous exchllnges were rowdy porty held ot RobinBowl" game ... II recordc1imoxed the yeor.


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lob O•• i,

LARRY KIRKUY 'r•• id."I, Firll s.m.".' G.... Hedl.1>d

O.... y... '.kC.rl".y

Rob.,1 Hoppe< Oo".ld ....1lI,......

D.""'. Hy"•• lI:on.ld S.I>d.



C.r1 Ed ....'d.

Ello. Jok.lO. lob Sholl

F..nk ..n....n lob Ewin9

lI:.y K.I" AU.. SlrO"'1

John C'Olin9.'

Jed H.,phm

s",li.k L.1l 6_'1. W.,kb",.


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