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tarour br }oldln Hill

''It's a Vandal Thingl"

TOP: Tile vandal MarchlnQ

AIO\'E: What's

band f!ets the students pumped up for the tame aQalnst Nonh Texas.

HomecomlnQ without our favorite vandal! Joe vandal pays a visit to the bonfire.

lifT: Celebratlnt! home-

comlnt traditionally and with the theme of "It's a Vandal ThlnQI," the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority competes with the other t!reek houses to have the best decorated house on campus.

IffY: The homecomlnt! football tame aQalnst

Nonh Texas was much anticipated throuQhout the week, but ended with a 24-14 loss for the vandals.

AMWE: Students Qather

toQether at the annual bonfire In the parldntJ lot of the Kibble Dome.

RIGHT: Who (an resist drummers In klltsf Not the vandals!


Rulh Jacobs

liFT: Students warm by

the annual Homecomlnl! bonfire, anxiously awalt路 lnl! the festivities.

liFT: vandal students dis路

play their floats. From the "I" tower to "Chical!o" this year vandals were everywhere.

MOVE: The vandal football players I!Ot pumped up before they took on Nonh Texas.

A80W: Jeff Hamilton kept the beat QolnQ for the rest, In between ro(kln' drum solos.

mGHJ: Paqulto D. Rivera and Slide Hampton look as If they put all the breath they have Into musl(. mGHJ: Claudio Rodltl plays his heart out In hont of the pa(ked Kibble Dome February 26th.

mGHJ: Ethel Ennis tells It how It ls•••lts just uno B.F.D." to her or the (rowd as they sant alonQ.

lEFT: The Ul Jazz Choir performed each day addln(! somethln(! special for the fans of the Lionel Hampton jazz Festival.

BOTTOM: john Clayton and Russell Malone make a treat pair as they entertained the audiences February 26th.




Layout by }ordln Hill aJGHr: Evelyn White was one of the many women of the jazz Festival, slnl!lnl! her hean out and reachlnl! many other women In the audience, however jazz Festival Is not all about the professional acts.

Pho1o by: Alan Espenchandc

AaCWE: The uFour Freshmanu played a per-

rea tune.

aJGHr: Lance Bryant was In the spotlltht at the All Star concen on saturday nltht.

lEFT: Robena Gamblrlnl and D. Daniels showed what they were made of, they were just a couple of the leadlnt ladles for Jazz Fest.

•GHJ: The Lionel Hampton Bltl Band wows the audience with their harmony In numbers.

AIO\IE: Everyone

likes to have a flood time. and even tuvs like to Qet those beads• ..GHJ: The Garden banenders and bouncers were just a few of the people that kept Mardi Gras hoppln•.

un: Danclne, soclallzlne, drlnklnt all add up to the perfect Moscow rendition of Mardi Gras.

un: "Hant}ln loose", that's what It was all about on March 6th •

...ow: wear pink hair or whatever you


no one cares It's MARDI GRAS I Photo by: Ruth Jacob<.

un: Drinks all around! Moscow Mardi Gras brlnt}s people tot}ether to party the nlt}ht away.

0~~ 15

Layout by }ordln Hill

ABOVE: Beware of sharkslll MlnQie's Is the plac:e for pool or watc:hlnQ the tame.

RIGHT: The Garden Is the plac:e for these three ••and many others looklnt to relax.

LIFT: Hantlnl! loose and drlnkllnl! a tub at the Corner Club, that's what It's all about for these Quys.

LEFT: CHUG! CHUG! John's Alley Is known for live bands and crazy flood times, just ask these f!uys.

aonoM: Looklnt to party like the rest of downtown! C)'s Undertround has entenalnment even for those who aren't twenty one.

RIGHT: The Garden has service with a smile.

aonoM: Am 1 winnlntt The corner Club Is a popular place for playlnt drlnklnt tames, especially on peanut nltht.

cS~# 17

AaOVE: Tbe University Clusroom Center (UCC) has been off limits to stu路 dents durlnt Its remodel In the badl of the commons.

LEn: No lonter an ln(onvenlent pla(e for dasses the ucc Is out of (Ommlsslon. l>holo t>y: Rulh Jacob\

liGHT: Walls have been (ruhlnt all over (ampus durlnt the many months of (Onstrualon.

LEfT: one last memory of the wall built for the Wrltlnfl on the Wall Project April 9th In the Idaho commons Plaza.

BOTTOM: Students rummat~e throut~h

the remains of stereotypes and ratlal slurs after breaklnfl down the wall.

Pholo by: DameI B•cklcy

LEFT: Members of the BeQ Chapter of the loQ Psi Phi sorority helped sponsor the week lont wrtttnt on the Wall Project to tonfront the Issues of dlstrtmlnatlon and oppression on the University of Idaho tampus. After the wall was finished h stood 24 by and tonslsted of 291 biCKks.

a feet Qll

Layout by }ordln Hill

.MOW: Cooklnll up some BBQ durtnt} AG Days.

mGHT: Keep the kids

happy too, face palntlnll does the trick. IIOTfOM: Students and

faculty volunteered and served food for the event.

•Gill': These ladles know how to suppon AG Days.

lÂŁFT: Genesee overrun by crab and collete kids! The 2004 crab feed brou(lht In over 100 people to benefit the Fire oepanment.

BOTTOM: Let#s eat! A pound of crab# all the trlmmlnts and all you can drink beer for $1 s.

( I

Layout by }ordln Hill


AIMJVE: Jenn Adams played at the commons April 7th, a pan the of Noon Time con(en

series. IIGIII': Taklnt time to SO(Iallze In the commons. IOn'OM: Pose for the amera, this (OUple looks happy to be totether.

LEFT: Students at the Commons enjoy a lunch from one of the stands located downstairs, where many come for a break between classes.

BOlTOM: Payln(! close attention, students In Soclolo(!y 120 don't notice the camera.

AllOW: Faculty and students alike enjoy the nice weather Moscow brlnts and the places the University of Idaho provides for conversation. lEn: The many computer labs, and wireless capablll路 ties on campus provide students with plenty of places to complete their homework, or just surf the web.

Photo by: Ruth Jacob'

.uovE: Hempfest 2004 ran from 1o am until dusk In East City Park April 21 and 24, 2004. IIIGIII': Klelen Nat}asakl and Randy Blanton

enjoyed the sunshine saturday alone with many others who came to enjoy the nl(e weather.

liFI': Smoldne Bill enter路 talned audlen(es saturday

alone with other lo(al bands throuthout the day and Into the evenlnt.

Pholo by: Ru1h Jacob'

AMJVE: Sweat Shop Band

played saturday while people enjoyed the sun路 shine and moved to the IIIUSI(.

liFI': MMk Sthwehen,

Shaun Mllllllan and Gina Johnson stand and enjoy food from the PHlO care.

AMJVE: Loal artists and

IIGIII': Hadly 5a(k

remurants atered to

seemed to be a favorite

MOS(OW patrons with an

past time In the 11rass at

ededl( flair at the

East City Park for the

MOKOW Hemp Festival.


vandal Students

MOVE: Many dances were performed throuthout Africa Nltht held at the SUB Ballroom• ..GHT: Africa Nltht helped others realize the culture's beauty In dress and beyond. FAll ..GilT & IIOn'OM:

Men and women alike shared In the festivities at the SUB.

ABOW: The runlnmepu Pow-wow held on oaober 11 st and November 1st took place In the University of Idaho Kibble Dome where tribe members stood proud In their traditional wear. IELOW: Proud of his herltalje this man stands as he

watches other members dance throutjhout the mornlntl performances.

AIO\'E: Native danclnlj was one of the main

events durlntj the two day Pow wow and one of the favorites as well.

AaOW: Chubb' s Tota Jammed saturday at the Renaissance Fair. IIO'ROM: Nan warren and Gandalf the Gray pose for the camera.

l.EFr: The Maypole rises

In (elebratlon of the bef!lnnlnf! of the annual Renalssan(e Fair saturday May 1St.

BOTTOM: joel Anderson and Dout~ Krone hom Medieval Forte make a (andlestl(k, just one of the many ans and (rafts to buy.

Pho10 by: Kianna Hail

1&1': Roll out the red car路 petl Bill London and Gina Gormley were (rowned

.uow:: Ends of the Eanh

Klnf! and Queen of the Fair.


played traditional musl( on


at East City Park,

with many other bands to entenaln the trowds.

AIIO\'E: Protesters put sltns In front of St. Autustlnes (hUF(h before the Mar(h.

RIGHT: NAACP seanle President carl Ma(k, before leadlnt the Unity Pea(e Mal'(h, spoke to an eiDOdonal audlen(e at St. Autustlne's catholl( ChUr(h.

u:n: Members of the Unity Peace March made their way up the stairs and down the sidewalk toward the Administration BulldlnQ. The March was led by NAACP seanle President carl Mack.

l&T: Protestors lined the

sidewalks outside the SUB as they met the members of the Ninth Annual History conference.

OOVE: A protester sits outside the SUB, amonQ many others, with a sltn.

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College of .Education Layout by: Clara E. Harris RIGHI: Students panlcl路 patlnl! In a dance class provided by the colleQe.

8ELOW: Ethan Jones# a senior at the University of Idaho# Is studylnl! for his deQree In Business and Marketlnl! Education.

LER: reachers of the ColleQe of Eduactlon enjoylnl! themselves durlnl! a faculty meetlnQ.

University of Idaho lEfT: Elementary students

panake In a presentation at EdTechQuest, a Ul Collete of Education national contest to promote technoloty in schools.

anow: Trlsh Freeman, a student of Ul, interaalnt with students while partlcipatlnt In her one-year Internship at coeur d'Alene's Borah Elementary School.

~ ]5

Layout by: Clara E. Harris

What about the College of Business & Economics? The College of Business & Economics provides students with many opportunities to excell their knowledge. For instance, students can become members of clubs focusing on the ir particular major. Within that club they interact with other students of the college and take on exciting projects to let them further exercise their knowledge. Here at the University of Idaho IBC is well-known when striving to achieve a business degree. IBC, otherwi se known as Integerated Business Curriculum is simply that; it's an integrated course in which you learn all fi elds of curriculum throughout the college. Not only do you learn things pertaining to your major you also learn things pertaining to other students' majors as well. The business world is not concrete with a stablized environment; it is always changing. While taking IBC you reali ze this and therefore become better prepared for what faces you out in the business world .

IELOW: 2001 winners of Alumni Association Awards for Excellence. Students In the photol!raph below were acknowledl!ed for their achievements In the Collel!e of Business and Economics.

]6 ~

University of Idaho

ABOVE: Students who are members of the American MarketlnQ Association at Ul enjoy their time at the Mariners safeco Field In

ABOVE It RIGHT: Students In the CBE Interact In an IBC dass. DurlnQ dass all of the students listen Intently and panicpate In dass lectures by uslnQ their IXL computers. The IXL proQram was first Implemented at the University of Idaho In 200].

~ ]7

COK--CoUege of Kngi11.RZ!ing Layout by: Clara E. Harl/ยง

BELOW: Advanced Vehicle Concepts Team (AVCT) and the Dean of Enfllneerlnl!, Dave Thompson, at the Dean's Challente March 12, 2004โ ข

..GHJ: Advanced Vehicle concepts Team of the COE.

]8 ~

University of Idaho What the College of Engineering Does ... The College of Engineering does many things within the college, but one thing that it is well-known for throughout the whole campus of UI is the Future Truck program. What exactly is the Future Truck Program? The program is about building a more efficient vehicle by creating a better fuel economy. For this program to work it takes a lot of time and excellence from the students and faculty of the College of Engineering. Students from different majors across campus can join the Future Truck program. People with technology majors, mechanical, electrical engineers, computer science and business students do a lot just helping out with public relations and administration. The Future Truck program is a great way to put forth your knowledge and skills as well as learn new things about technology and . . engmeenng. LEn: Jeremy Forbes (RIQht), AVCT VIce President, handlnQ Dean Tllompson the keys to the University of Idaho Future Truck for a quick spin around Moscow.

~ ]9

IN SfARCH OF THE GEM ):... c.A P-.IOON SAC;):... BY NO):... H K RD ESE

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by Noah Kroese -

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CNR Layout by Clara E. Harris

ABOVE: Students worklnt totether and punlnt In a hard days work at Taylor Ranch.

RIGHT: While standlnt In the majestic wildlife of Idaho, studentยง listen carefully to a fessor.

u of 1 pro-



University of Idaho Adventures in the College of Natural Resources

RIGHT: Students compete In a day-lont loi!Qinl! event.

LEn: Ul Students from three colletes build a picnic shelter at Moscow Vlrl!ll Phillips Farm.

LEn: A student from the Collete of Natural Resources poses with a bear while he peacefully sleeps after belnl! uanqulllzed.

~ 4]

CoUe eo A Layout by Clara E. Harris

LEn: Members of the At!SAC diiiQently put In their time durlnQ a meetlnQ.

aJGHT: Members of the Block & Bridle Club kick back and relax for a llnle while.

aELOW: Winners of the

ColleQe of At!路 baseball team pose for a plaure after their tame.

University of Idaho Nothing but exciting activities in the College of Agriculture l.ER: AtSAC president, Steve Kaufman, kisses a fish durin~ his fabulous day on the river.


UO\'E l.ER: Girls from the colle~e enjoy themselves


AQ Days.


A Colle~e of At student, from the

Arborlculture Club, panlcl路 pates In an activity.

l.ER: A ~roup takes a break to crack a smile for the camera Days.



~ 45

College of Letters, rtrts, & Social Sciences uyout by: Clara E. Ha111s

AaOVE: JAMM faculty and students at an Ice cream social outside the Radio/TV Center. lEFT: KUOI employee# Tim# enjoylnt! his workday at the station.


University of Idaho College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences A large part of the College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences is the Joumalism and Mass Media (JAMM) department. It is the JAMM majors of the University of Idaho that are active participants in such things as the campus newspaper called the Argonaut, the radio station KUOI, and the GEM of the Mountains yearbook. The College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences is also the backbone for foreign languages, art programs and pyschology and communication programs at UI. There are over 50 undergraduate majors within CLASS and it is one of the largest colleges at the University of Idaho. LEFT: Journalism faculty Brian Beesley, David Culller and Kenton Bird at the Annual Student Media RecoQnltlon Awards held In the Shanuck Amphitheater on May 7th.

~ 47

Layout by: Clara E. Harris

UOVE: Palousafest 2001 Left two: senator Melina Ronquillo, senator Man Herrlnt Bonom two: President Mason Fuller, VIce President Nate Tlets, Rlflht two: Pro-Tempore carrie Joslin, and Chief of Staff Kelsey Nunez.

41 ~

AIIOVE: Humbeno cerrlllo,

liGHT: Mason Fuller

and julie lhll waltlnt for the senate meetlnt to stan.

swearlnt In Isaac Myhrum as ASUI President In December 2001.



University of Idaho

AaO\IE: Isaac Myhrum swearlnt In

7 senators add his VIce President. Left to RIQht: Heather Pearson, Melina Ronquillo, VIce President Nate Tlef!s, jonathan Teeters, Vedran Skoro, Humbeno Cerrlllo, Kimberly Farnen, Jill Nleborsky

IELOW: senate Retreat 2004;

Pro-Tempore Melina Ronquillo worklnt on an ASUI puzzle of what we each brlnt to the table.

~ 49

5E~~CH OF TH€ GEM A. CA.KT o o 1\' ~),~), ~y } Jc.J A.~ f K~ ~J ~

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by Noah Kroese THE 2003 ~EM IS HE~E! r·lo. < I






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OME". yOUk. GEM ONli)J()J HTIP://W\N'\f(...SUJ.UID>J10.(D 0/Cf.M/

o,., COM£ VUrrVSArlHE GEM oFRCU ON llt( TH UV> FlOO". Of Ui( SUB.

52 gem~

by Noah ICroese




O~fk. you~ 2004 ClEM ONUNE >J'HnP~MV\.ti.SUB . liiO)...}IO. £DU/~EM/ Ok COME DOWN TO n+E (;EM OfFlCES ON THE llfffU> fl,OO~ OF THE SUB

Stud Abroad Layout by: Clara E. Ha111s

AIOVE: Students rldlnl! elephants at Chltwan National Park, Nepal.

RIGHT: Boat trip In the Ecuadorian Amazon. Lehrltht, (non-Ul student) Elizabeth McDowell, Ul student Stacy Smith with a vlllater from the Ecuadorian Amazon.

54 ~

University of Idaho lBT Ul student Bethany

aELOW: Students t}az-

White In Ghana, Africa with other proflram stu路

lnt} at the Yucatan Ruin In Mexico.

AllOW: Ul student Kyle

Johnson, mountain climbInti In the French Alps. AllOW: Students In flrass hut In Thailand.

~ 55

UOVE: Japanese sonl!, "Give Me a Wlnfl" and hat dance to 5akura Fantasy belnt perfomed by women representlnfl Japan. RIGHT: Vedran Skoro, a


of 1 representative, representlnt Croatia at cruise the World.




lnfl Venezuela enjoy themselves at cruise The world.

56 ~

University of Idaho What is International Friendship Association?

The International Friendship Association (IFA) was orginally created to help local students connect with local families. However, over the years it has grown a great deal. IFA has given students from different countries, attending the University of Idaho, the opportunity to share their culture with the culture of Idaho. One event that enables students to share their culture with the University of Idaho is Cruise The World. During Cruise The World students from different countries participate in different activities giving the U of I a little piece of their country. Entertainment, food, and music are only a few of the things that are displayed during the fair. U of I students get a chance to interact with international students and have a small glimpse into their world.

MOVE: Kwapl ventlsayl, representlnt Zimbabwe, speaks about his culture and the displays of picMOVE: Katya Skryshevska relaxes while she has henna painted on her durlnQ the


cruise The world taklnt place here at the University of Idaho.

~ 57

SdrbStudent Alumni Relations Board

AaO\'E: Tbe University of

Idaho SArb members.

aJGHI': A few of the many SArb members partltlpatlnf2 In spirit week for Ul.

aJGtrr: Fate palntinf2 durlnf2 spirit week was one aatvity that members aatvety panltlpated in.

51 ~


University of Idaho What is SArb?

SArb stands for Student Alumni Relations Board, which was founded in 1969. The club is open to all students, where members belong to many different living groups, clubs, and organizations. Members are chosen through an application and interviewing process by current SArb officers based on involvement, leadership, and commitment. SArb was formed by the Alumni Association to provide a full university experience for all students through organizing campus events, opportunities for networking with alumni, and to increase awareness of the Alumni Association. Some of the many events in which SArb members participate in are both Mom's and Dad's Weekends where they help the campus in welcoming parents, Gold and Si lver Day which serves to create a better understanding of the University of Idaho and the Alumni Association by Idaho students. SArb also participates largely in Homecoming where they are responsible for the Homecoming Royalty competitions, the bonfire held on Friday of Homecoming Week, and the Homecoming Pancake Feed. The purpose of the board shall be to stimulate the interest and the participation of students in their pursuit of the "University experience"; to preserve loyalty to our institution; and to further fellowship between faculty, staff, and students and their parents, and alum ni.

ABOVE: Members on Sliver and Gold Day.

~ 59



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by Noah Kroese

IN 5f)....R.CH OF TH€ GEM A. C.A..KTtH.Jl\' ~.>.~G).~ 8Y 1-J o)....~f K.KOfH.

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cS~ fi]


Layout by Elfin Reese & Alexa Win

Finishing Strong "Vandals fall to Cougars in football opener" " Vandals offense struggles in loss to Eastern Oregon" "Number 19 Washington tops Vandals" " Vandals fall to Montana" On and on the headlines went as the football team struggled through the 2003 season. The fans began to doubt the teams ability and attendence at games plummeted. Still the team forged onward and held high hopes for themselves. Just when it seemed all hope was lost the Vandals shocked everyone with an amazing come back win at New Mexico State. Hope was renewed among fans and players alike. And then it happened again, another losing streak and a loss of faith. Four losses down the road and the Vandal football team shocked us all again with a 50-20 victory over LouisianaMonroe. The team then went on to defeat Utah State at home for the last game of the season. After a season of struggles and losses the Vandal football finished 3-4 in the conference and 3-9 overall.

Photo by John


hard for the ta(kle.

FAll I拢R: J.R. Ruffin toes In for the ta(kle.

ABOW:: la(h Gerstner works hard to stay on his feet and outrun Nonh Texas, while Jake S(OU rushes over to help.


L, 25.0

Eastern WA

L, 8-5

Boise State

L, 24-10


L. 45-14

New Mexico

w. 35-31

Nonh Texas

L, 24-14

Middle Tennessee

L, 28路21

IER: Brian Undtren

Loulslanna-Lafayene L, 31-20

makes a pass


L, 24-23

anempt behind a


treat offensive line.


w. 58-20 w. 20路13

(oodaft 65

Layout by Errln Reese & Alexa Witt

A Teatn to Fear Coming off of a losing season and starting with a difficult preseason schedule, it would have been easy for the Lady Vandals to make excuses before the season even began. But this was the last thing on their minds. They started off the season strong with three back to back wins and there was no looking back from there. "All-around I think we have improved in a lot of areas. We've recruited a lot of athletic kids and we've taken a few years to train them. The experience they've been getting is making them a much better team ... ," said Head Coach Debbie Buchanan. Unfortunatly, the Lady Vandals rounded out the season with a loss to #2 Hawaii in the first round of the NCAA tournament. All and all it was a great season with high hopes for next year. "I'm really proud of our team and everything they've accomplished this year," Buchanan said. With such a young team and the experience they have gained this season the Lady Vandals future looks very bright.

11m Jessla Yearout (are·

fully bumps the ball off a deep serve.

lim Anna-Marie Hammond smash· es another spike for the season.

SCOREBOARD (Home Games only)


1 0·1

Nonhern Arizona

w 1·0 w 1·2

uc Irvine

AM»W: Brooke Haeberle

1onf]! Beach State

1 0·1

saves the play whh a qul(k bump of the ball.


cal Poly

w w w w w w

cal State Nonhrldfl!e



w 1.0

uc Riverside

cal State Fullenon

11m saxony Brown fltlhts throuflh a double blo(k to ra(k up another spike for the season.

Utah State uc santa Barbara

1·1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1·1 1·1


Layout by Errln Reeยงe & Alexa Win

IIGHI: Amanda Findlay "tracefully" steps over her opponent to take control of the ball.

A Fight Till the End

BELOW: Jennifer Sprinter works hard to Qet around her opponent.

It was a bumpy ride for the Lady

Vandals, but the team is looking toward next year as a chance to tighten their performance in close games. The Vandals ended the season with a record of 3-12-4. The season wasn't a total bust. The Vandals had 131 saves for the season, which was only six saves away from the school record. With every game being predicted by two goals or less the team has proved that it can keep up with the best of them. Just a little more improvement and the passion to learn from their mistakes they will become a team to reckon with. " We will be better next year for having gone through what we went though this year ... said head coach Arby Busey," ... the future looks very bright."

lER: Melissa Manlnazzl

skillfully side-steps her opponent for a break away.

AllOW: Jamie Lewis winds up for a bltl kl(k. AllOW: Ashley Cox weaves her way around her opponent.

IIR: Adrlane Kehl fltlhts off two opponents to keep the ball In the vandals posesslon.

SCOREBOARD Nonhern Arizona central Mlchltan Montana Oreton State Ponland state Boise State Idaho State Gonzata New Mexico Air Force

T, 2·2

u of Pacific

T, 1·1

cal st. Nonhrldte Utah State uc Irvine


1, 2·4 1, 1·1 W, 2·1 T, 1·1 1, 1·4 1, 0·1 T, 1·1

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

1·2 0·1 0·1 1·2

1ont Beach State 1·1 uc Riverside 0·2 cal State Fullenon w, 2-8 uc santa Barbara 1, 0· cal Poly 1, 0·1

cS~ 69


Layout by Alexa Win

RIGHI': Tanorls Shepard works hard to put the pressure on his oppo-

Fight till the End


With the 2002-2003 season lurking in the dark behind the Vandals, the team was determined to show their talent and the talent they had. Starting off the season winning both their exhibition games you knew it was going to be a fight to the end. "It was important that we get off to a good start," said UI coach Leonard Perry. Those two very important wins kept the fans holding on while the Vandals fell into a short slump. But pulled themselves through with a big win over University of Great Falls. The season was full of ups and downs like these but the Vandals never lost hope, players and fans alike. The Vandals were picked to end up fifth overall but decided that wasn't good enough so they climbed all the way to third with a victory over UC Riverside. "I'm extremely proud of our team and the progress it made," Perry said.

A80W: Dandrtck jones

fll!hts for two.


L. 84-61

Lont Bea(h State

L, 64·60

Montana State

L, 71·65

uc Irvine

Boise State Unlv. of Great Falls Boise State

L. 81·69

W, 57·52 w, 75·59

w, 81·46

Washlnllton State

L. 79-64 L. 62·55

Idaho State UC santa Barbara cal Poly Padft(

Eastern Washlntton

w, 64-60

cal State Nonhrldlle

Utah State cal Poly

L. 69·56 L. 87-61 L. 59·47

uc Riverside uc Irvine

uc santa Barbara

cal state Nonhrldlle W, 74·70 L. 61-62 Pa(lft( w, 61·57 uc Riverside cal State Fullenon

L. 70.59

cal State Fullenon

w, w,

57·45 60.44

L. 62·56

w, 60.56 w, 66-56 w, 70.65 L. 65-61

Lont Bea(h State


Utah State Riverside Padft(

L. 64-60


W, 66·58

L. 67·61

FAll LEn': David Radlovlc takes the opponunltv for a nice looklnl! Jump shot. IIR: Dandrlck jones 110es for a dlfflcult looklnl! lay-up. l'ltoro by John Gebrlntl

8adudaft 71

..GHT: Dandrlck Jones worklnf! hard on defense.

FAR RIGHT: Taylor Benson shoots the ball toward the hoop durin(! the Vandals (lame with Lon(! Beach saturday nlflht Feb. 29th In Memorial Gym.

.AMWE: Tanorls Shepard

patiently anticipates the next move of his oppo路 nent. lEFT: Armend Kahrlmanovlc works his way Into the key.


Photo b)



urout by Alexa wm

Lady Vandals Ride to the Top The Lady Vandals gave us something to be proud of this season and worked hard for it. The Lady Vandals were picked to finish seventh by the preseason polls. Starting off the season with a win over Portland, the Lady Vandals just could not stop. Six straight wins followed, helping the Vandals to an overall record of 22-7, their best finish since the 1985-86 season. This was the first 20win season for the Vandals since 1989-90. "I am very proud of our team and what we have achieved over the course of this season," head coach Mike Divilbiss said. "We do not feel we need validation from anyone to know what we accomplished this season."

SCOREBOARD Ponland State

w, 79-66

uc Riverside

W, 75·59

Weber State untv. or Ponland Eastern wash.

w, 78·74

cal State Fullenon



W, 75·65

LonQ Beach State uc1mne UC santa Barbara cat Poly



Boise State Idaho State wash. State Memphis

w, 80.75 W, 71·57 W, 81·77

w, 72·57


w, 68·49 ~


w, 70.59 w, 72·51


W, 62·54

Utah State Cal Poly

W, 62·51

cal State NonhrldQe w, 58·49 cal State Fullenon W, 78·69 uc Riverside W, 82·69

W, 84-51

uc Irvine

w, 71·60

uc santa Barbara

W, 84-80

Cal State NonhrldQe Pacific

w, 71·57

LonQ Beach State Utah State

W, 80.65



lDT: Emily Faurholt drives the ball Inside.



L, 66·68

Layout by Alexa Will Pholo b)' Daniel Bickle)'

ABOVE: Taylor Benson drives hard for an easy lay-up.

RIGHT: Leilani Mitchell

drives the ball In toward the hoop durlnt the vandals tame with Lont Beach Saturday nltht Feb. 29th In Memorial Gym.

shows off her hook shot abilities.

PhOIO by Daniel Bick ley

ABOVE: Taylor Benson passes the ball to Heather Thoelke In a tame atalnst Lont Beach In Memorial Gym.

ABOVE: With a nice

Pholo by Daniel Bickley

screen from Emily Faurholt, Leilani Mitchell makes her way around her opponent.

g~ 75

Layout by Alexa Win

RIGHr: The cheerleadtnt squad does a dance durlnt halftime.

路we go through hard tlmee and rout/nee that don't go ae planned, but It only makee ue etronger and teachee ue to laugh" -

candace jacobs -

..GHr: Klmmy, a cheerleader, entenalns the crowd durtnt halftime at a basketball tame between the vandal men and cal-Poly.

Photo b) Daniel Bid.Je)

Laurie Baran(o, Be(ky Knlf!ht, canda(e

BELOW: Be(ky Knlf!ht and saml Dinsmore wat(h and antldpate a f!reat play from

BELOW: Lindsay johnson, and the flirts from (beer (amp perform a (beer durlnf! halftime.

ABOVE: Alisa and Barbara dressed up for halftime.

ABOVE: Vandal (heerleaders entenaln the (rowd with some dan(e moves.

shows her vandal spirit with a huf!e flip.

C~/ 77 o~

Layout by Alexa Win

Bright Future It was another great season for the Vandal indoor track team, but ended with no one qualifying for the NCAA Championships. But the future looks bright for next season with new Vandals showing their potential during the indoor season as they shattered personal records and even a school record. Freshman Melinda Owen broke the UI school record in the pole vault, twice, and now owns the record with a mark ofll-10. RJGHJ: A vandal track team member sets up for the hurdles

LEFT: Melinda Owen


meter dash. Hoeck ~trabbed a first place finIsh with a time of 57.98 seconds. FAll BELOW: Melinda owen prepares for her run durlnl! the Pole vault competition.


Chelsea Huffman

In the air for the Jump.


Layout by Alexa Win

Pushing for Perfection As another year drew to an end, the outdoor track team became bigger and stronger. Qualifying for the 2004 Big West championships in Irvine, California, multi-event athlete Jereme Richardson captured the decathlon title. Junior Ryan Lang took third place, followed by teammate Marcus Luckstead in fourth. The decathletes scored 21 points for the Vandal men. In the women's heptathlon Mary Ann Graves finished seventh and Cassie Rohrbacher came in eighth. aJGHJ: Ul pole-vaulter

shows her form to make It over the bar.

Pholo b) Danocl B oc~ lcy


owen anempts to clear the bar at


LEn: The shot put Is one of the many events at Ul track meets. ABOVE: Melinda owen concentrates on tenlnt herself over the hlf!h jump.


Layout by Alexa Win

Keeping their Eyes on the Ball The Vandal men's and women's tennis team worked hard for victory this season and it payed off. The University of Idaho women' s tennis team took home three spots among the Big West allconference honors. With Brad LumTucker and Chris Faulman earning Big West all-conference honors for the second consecutive year for the men 's team.

"117ey really want it this yeat: They l elieve they can compete with evetyone in their conference. " 7

•Coach Katrina Perlman •

RIGHT: Junior Heaor Mucharraz winds up for a blfl return.

Phom b) Daniel Bickle)

I.ER: sunel Nleuwoudt delivers a nice backhand durlnt practice.

FAR I.ER: senior Brad Lum-Tucker practices hard In the Kibble Dome.

lER: Freshmen In

journalism jessica Hubbard works to tet to the ball.

I.ER: senior Fabian Dummen concentrates on returnlnt the ball.

AaOVE: jessica Hubbard

watches to make sure of her return.

Layout by Alexa Win

Got Muscles? The 2004 golf season proved to be semi -successful for the UI Men' s Golf team. Qualifying for the Big West Championship Tournament in Rancho Santo Margarita, California, the men finished in sixth place with an 885 overall. Although sixth place was not what they had hoped for, they still felt solace in finishing the season with a solid round . ..GHJ: Christian Akau, a member of the Ul Men's Golf team takes a swim}.

"It definitely e.f7c>ws that we're a youno t o<-"1/11, L.,u t c:,ne that has the pc."'tet1tial

an.1 talent tc.., m.."1ke .:."1 No in1pact it 1 the future." - Head (Oa(h Brad Rl(kel ....

lEn: Jason Huff tied for 11th place at the Bit! west Championships with a 217.

lEn: A Ul

t~olfer stratet~l路

cally puns the ball.

&o~~ 85

vandal anow: #12 manal!es to Layout by Alexa Witt

keep the pu(k on his way towards WSU's end of the rink.

Pho1o by Daniel Bicllcy


RIGHI: #6 works hard to move the pu(k out of the opponents rea(h.

Pho1o by Danoel Bocklcy

Pho1o by Daniel Bickley

l.EFT: #12 shows off his

smooth footwork. •ELow: #22 weaves his way around his opponents to eet a doser shot at the eoal.

RIGHT: #6 thinks up a quick stratet}y to t}et around his opponent.

~ 87


AMWE: senlnt! up for a

bit! break.

IIGIII: Ul t!lrls flt!ht for postlon In a l on l b~ ketball tournament.

ABOVE: A student works hard for strikes In a soft路 ball eame. AIIOVE: Ul students tet a little excerclse durlnf! a l on l basketball tame.

FAll AIIOVE: Ul tlrls know how to f!et a tood Jump on sprint by playlnf! a eame of softball.

u of 1 Layout by Alexa Win

Got Muscles? The Student Recreation Center is a major part of the UI students' lives. It becomes more and more popular every year and keeps on adding to its already limitless usages. The students have unlimited access to the center which boasts that it is the home to the largest climbing wall in the Northwest. The climbing is a main attraction to both the communities of Moscow, Pullman and the surrounding areas. What else could the students ask for? RIGHT: A vandal Student takes advantate of the dlmcult cllmblnl! wall.

lEA': A view of the hee路 weiQht area of the SRC.

aa.ow Tile SRC, a main anraalon of the Ul (am路 pus.

AIOVE: With the many dlf路

liGHT: Donna Terry, an

ferent types of work-out

employee for the

ma(hlnery In the SRC, stu路

University for 15 years, Is

dents find It easy to a((ess.

ready to serve at Cliff's RO(k Bottom cafe IO(ated In the SRC.


Layout by Alexa Win

IELOW: A. vandal track runner leaps over his hur-

dle a couple seconds ahead of his opponents.

AIOVE: l)'rone Hayes shoots for a basket In the a tame aflalnst UCR. RIGHJ: The vandal defense works ovenlme so the quanerback can Qet a clear toss.

RIGHJ: Saml Dinsmore cheers on the vandal men with a llnle help hom her teammates.

LEn: Ul competitor In the anow: saxony Brown air for the lont jump at the track meet March 5 at the Kibble Dome

l!oes up for the block while Brooke Haeberle stands safety.

AIO\'E: Ashley cox breaks away from her opponent for an open pass.


Layout by Alexa Win

BElOW: Dandrlck jones with a effon at the basket.


Photo b) Oan•el Bickle)

ABOVE: jessica Hubbard shows off her smooth form.

ABOVE: just another l!reat catch by our football team.

lEFT: Metan Natel, a freshman from Fren(h

IELOW: #12 manates to keep the pu(k on his way

Hall, up to bat at Guy Wl(ks field •

towards WSU's end of the rink.


AIO\IE: A vandal dan(e team, entenalns the (rowd at

AIO\IE: Ul's Melinda owen dears the bar with style


and tra(e.

Layout by Alexa Win BELOW: A member of the blllards team for Intra路 murals shows off his breaklnl} abilities.

aJGHT: The vandal football team In action aQalnst Utah state.

aJGIII': A member of the dan<:e team leads a troup of l}lrls In a dan<:e durlnl} halftime.

LEFT: A Ul student shows off a smooth move durlnt her l on l basketball


tame. •ELOWE: Melinda owen enjoys a Iauth with her competitors at the McDonald's Last Chance Track Meet.

Photo h> Ki;uma lltul

~ 97


1 he


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Alpha Gamma Rho Layout by }ennl Tyler


LEFT: Tbe Alpha Gamma Rho house.

BELOW: Members of Alpha Gamma Rho durtnt Colony Days.

ABOVE: Allen, Jason, COle, Levi, and Blaine prepartnt for a tame of laser tat.

LEFT: Boys and their toys. Espedally the AGR tuvs.

LEFT: Phil, Kaltlln, Malcolm, Robbie, Chris,

Marl4 Dick, and Tom playlnt In the snow.



Alpha Kappa Lambda Layout by }ennl TYler

lEFT: Guys tet ready to destroy a spray painted

BELOW: The men before the Homecomlnt 2001 parade.

AIOVE: The members of Alpha Kappa Lambda on Bid Day 2001. LEFT: The men of AKL after a fun tame of foot路 ball In the mud.

P+ 10]

Alpha Tau ometa Layout by }ennl Tyler

lÂŁFr: ATO's Christmas carollnt at sororities.

aELOW: First Annual

Taus Af!alnst Hunter food drive. The men raised 1,101 pounds of food to donate.

ABO\'E: Preparlnt for

their annual Superbowl sunday football tame.

AIIO\'E: Genlnt Into the

Christmas spirit with llthts. lÂŁFT: A few of the the tuvs preparlnl} for ATO 80's party.

P~ 105

Layout by }ennl Tyler

Beta Theta PI

aELOW: The freshman

class all dressed up.

lÂŁfT: Tbe Beta Tbeta PI

house on Elm Street.

RIGHT: Members of the Betas play some basketball.

ABOVE: Men help build a house for Habitat for


P~ 107

Delta Chi Layout by }ennl Tyler

LEFT: A few of the

fluys on a trip to Whistler, BC.

BELOW: The men durlnfl the Nonhsouth Football (lame.

ABOVE: A bunch of the men han(llnfl out on superbowl sunday.

LEFT: casey Zenner and

justin Holthaus to(lether at Delta Chi.

LEFT: Darren, Luke, jon, Adam, and casey at a vandal basketball (lame.

P+ 109

Layout by }ennl TYler

Delta Sltma Phi

f!uys durlnfl sprint break In Nevada.

IElOW: A troup of Detla SlflS on Bid Day 2001.

AIO\'E: The house In which many Delta Slflma Phi Qentlemen live. lEFT: The men durlnfl Bike to Boise, their phi路 lanthropy.

P~ 111

Delta Tau Delta Uyoul by }ennl Tyler

LEn: TWo Delts have fun han(!lnf! out.

BOTTOM: The men of Delta Tau Delta have fun durlnf! a party.

ABOVE: A few of the Delts show off their sense of style with their shades.

LEFJ: The f!UYS havlnf! some fun at the Delt house.



FarmHouse Layout by }ennl Tyler

lEFT: Taso and Miles share a friendly hut In the hall.

BELOW: The men of FarmHouse spend time totether before a football tame.

AaOW: Krait and Dusty are

rewarded with a delicious cake.

lEFT: Jared and Krait sit路

tint out of the pool durint Anchor Splash.

lEFT: The tuys take a break from their work to take a quick plaure.

Kappa SIQma Layout by }ennl Tyler

LEFT: The front of the Kappa Slf!ma house.

time outside.

ABOVE: A few of the f!UVS volunteerlnf! and washlnf! some animals.

LEFT: A couple of people havlnf! some fun on a raft trip.

P+ 117

BELOW: lbe streets filled up durlnt the

Phi Delta Theta Layout by }ennl Tyler

annual TUnle Derby wbl(h Is the Phi Delta lbeta's Philanthropy.



ABOVE: A troup of Quys hantinl! out at Slurp and Burp Tavern.

l.EFr: The Phi Delt house

decorated for homecomlnQ.

P~ 119

Phi Gamma Delta urour br }ennl Tyler

LEFT: A few I!IIYS havlnt sone fun at their foam party.

LEFT: current FIJI's are

ABOVE: The Fljls rltht

joined by alumni for the Norris Pit! Dinner 2004.

after the skit for Greek week 2004.

ABOVE: FIJI brothers enjoy

hantlnt out.

P~ 121

Phi Kappa Tau Layout by }ennl Tyler

LEFT: james and joel tet ready for Watermelon Bust 2001.

BELOW: A few of the f!uys before the annual Forty路Niner.



Dean, and jordan enjoy a nice meal at the Phi Tau house. LEFT: BIJan, Man, james and Randy take a quick break from Gammie Golf.

LEFT: Nic Ginter finds a tood hldilnf! place Inside a cardboard box.

P~ 12]

PI Kappa Alpha Layout by }ennl l)'ler

liFT: Taylor johnson spends some time In his room.

BOTTOM: Members of the Pikes take a break outside the house.


Nelson durlnt Mom's weekend. liFT: Kyle and Brady are busy durlnt the Khool year with all of the fraternity aatvttes. liFT: Roberts, Bilbao, and Rounds enJoy their shades Inside the house.



Sltma Alpha Epsilon Layout by }ennl TYler

lEFT: A few of the Quys before White Trash.

•now: The pledte class of 2001 In canada.

UOVE: A few of the freshman durlnl! fall cruise In Coeur d'Alene.

lEFT: sophomores enjoy fall cruise 2001.

lEFT: The seniors spend their last crulze totether In the fall.



Layout by }ennl l)'ler

Sltma Chi aJGHT: A few of the till'S hantlnl! out and playlnl! some cards.

aJGHT: A troup of people durlnt one of the many dances this year.

ABOVE: The men of Sltma Chi durlnt a house meetint. lEFT: Nothlnll Is bener than a fun party at Slflma Chi.

P~ 129

Sltma Phi Epsilon Layout by }ennl l)'ler

mGHT: one of the men

durlnf! their first dance of the year.

mGHT: Brock palntlnf!

decorations durlnf! Greek week.

•now: A few f!uys with Dlddy.

UO\IE: several men from Slf! Ep that panlclpated In Relay for Ufe. lER: The security staff durlnt Rock Af!alnst Rape.



Sltma Nu Layout by }ennl 1)'/er

LEn: Nate Slnc:lalr horseback rldlnt durlnt Sprint Break In Mexico.

BELOW: EVan, josh, Mike, Shawn, Dan, Nick and John at their annual Wblte Rose formal.

ABOVE: Mike, Ty and Brad stop for a pose at Wbhe Rose formal.

LEn: Brothers on Sprint Break In Mexico.

LEn: Garren Thompson, sean Stevenson, and Brad Wlnt visit Sltma Nu Headquaners In Lexlntton, Vlrtlnla.

P~ 1]]

Theta Chi Layout by }ennl Tyler

ABOVE: lsaat, Brian, Man,

and Alumnus John at the football t~ame In seanle. RIGHT: Adam, Ryan, Aaron, and Dave prepare for a football t~ame.

LEn: TeaQen at the

Theta Chi pledte dan(e.

LEn: Jonathon Rush help-

BELOW: Members of Theta

lnt kids from family hous-

Chi In front of their (bap-

lnt arve pumpkins with Kappa Kappa Gamma.

ter bouse.

P~ 1]5

Alpha Gamma Delta

Layout by }ennl Tyler

LEFT: susie and Krista look pretty as they pose for the (amera.

BELOW: Shalle(e,Brandl BOTJOM: Out on the

and Galin just hantlnt out.

hill, AGO's tet totether for the sunset and tood times.

LEFT: Shallece and Brandl at the fall SYR.D paJama party

LEFT: Susie, Tracy, carrie, sarah and Be((a (arvlnt pumpkins for a Halloween sisterhood.

P~ 1]7

Alpha Phi Layout by }ennl 1)'/er


lEn: Seniors spend some-end-of-the year time totether.

BELOW: Girls bundle up and drink hot chocolate to keep them warm durlnt a cold Idaho winter.

preparlnt to donate their time to Hlthway Clean.

LEFT: Sltma Chi sweetbeans before a fraternity dance.

lEn: Alpha Phi Is proud to host AlphaTraz every year In an effon to raise money for a charity.

P~ 1]9

Delta Delta Delta Layout by Jess/ Bacon

IELOW: Autumn Hansen, Amy Foster, Allison Blflham, and Ashley Coller take a break from snowboardlnfl and ski路 lnfl on their trip to Whistler, canada.

lEn: Hailey Goodwin,

Abby Phillips and Yolanda

AIIO\'E: A few of the women of the Tri路Delt house


In the din-

Inti area durlnf! a house event. Back (L to R): sarah Weber, Amy Foster, Elaine Winters, Connie Remsburf!, Kristin Mink Front: Allison Blf!ham, tan cooke

lEFr: jessica Stanwood with her blf! sis jennifer Clements.

P~ 141

Delta Gamma Layout by }ennl l)'ler

LEn: The ladles Qet ready for a fun sisterhood adventure.

BELOW: The sophomore class takes a quick break before Recruitment beQins for the day.

ABOVE: Blrl sisters receive their paddles from their IItties durlnrl lnltladon.

LEn: laura, sam, Retan, Diana, Halley, jesse and jessica In their white dresses.

LEn: Members of Delta Gamma Qet ready to welcome the new members on Bid Day.

P~ 14]

Gamma Phi Beta Layout by }ennl Tyler

lEFT: Annie and Heidi


a ride from some Farmhouse


aELOW: The t!irls spend

some quality time



UOVE: Holly, Amanda and Jamie enjoy their SYRD dance In September. lEFT: Heatherlee, Holly, susie and Melanie practice their lnt~


skills dur-

Gammle Golf.

l拢R: The Gamma Phi's

had a lot of fun ice skatlnt! and needed a quick camera break.

P+ 145

Kappa Alpha Theta

urout by }ennl TYler

LEFJ: A few of the women take a quick break from recruitment.

BELOW: The women of Kappa Alpha Theta and the men of Theta Chi after a date dinner.

RIGHT: A troup of rafters durlnl! their all house retreat.

BELOW: The women of Kappa Alpha Theta preparlnt for recruitment.

P~ 147

Kappa Delta Layout by }ennl TYler

lEFT: T.atum Howell ud Kim Johnson spend some time totether.

BELOW: The women of ICapiJil Delta ill Silverwood for their house retreat.

ICaltPil Delta Zelia freshmu clilSS.

ABOVE: The women of ICapiJil Delta at basket路 bals Mldntlht Madness.

lEFT: Bid day Is illl excltlnt day for the women while willllnt for their lncomlnt new members.

P~ 149

Kappa Kappa Gamma Layout by }ennl Tyler BELOW: The women are proud to be Kappas on Bid Day 2001.

ABOVE: All, Brooke, Vlrl}lnta and Laura show off their white dresses.

un: The women bundle up at the Homecomlnf! bonfire before the skits are performed.

BELOW: The members of Kappa Kappa Gamma f!ather on Bid Day for their house picture.



PI Beta Phi Layout by }ennl Tyler


Andrea, sarah, Shalna,Teri and Raylynne In the leaves.

IOHOM: The sophomore dass prepares for a Valentine's date dinner.

Above: seniors Nolana, jennl and Valerie Qet ready to Qo out for a niQhtln Moscow.

UOVE: Members of PI Beta Phi panlclpate In Derby Days In which they were the winners of this year.

LEFT: Kristen, Ryshel, Emily and Lacey enjoy the view from below.

p~ 15]

Rlllld: A member of Borah plays some pool atalnst Undley Hall.

Layout by }ennl Tyler

•ELow: The hard worklnQ pool team before a match with Lindley.

AllOW: The men of Borah and the women of Hays have a nice dinner toQether.

1&1': The men of Borah all dressed up like pirates for Halloween.

P~ 155

Layout by }ennl l)'ler

RIGHT: The men and women of caner durlnf! Homecomlnf!.

BELOW: caner Hall spelllnt out Idaho durlnt Homecomlnt 2001.

AIO\'E: Men of caner Hall prepare some tood food! lEfT: some cold hard cash for the Penny

wars. lEfT: The men show pride next to the water tower.

P~ 157

Rlllld: zach Qets suprlsed by the camera.

Layout by }ennl Tyler

IIB.OW: Men and

women fllettlnt re~cty to llO to the dial show.

Jake Qlve the camera a quick ttllmpse.

A80VE: Mark enjoys

the remalnlntt beverate In his fish bowl.

L&T: Doutt shows off

his can of soup.

P~ 159

Peo le

Layout by }ennl l)'ler

IUQid: Charlie tets as muth tandy as possible In his mouth.

RIGHT: Nick and other residents of CNR help out on Make a Difference Day. IELOW: The proud and

stronfl men of the CNR flail football team.

Above: Holly and Rebecca enjoy the weather outside In Mocow.

1.&1': Holly, Rick Ud

Kelsey spend some dme totether.

P~ 161


Layout by }ennl Tyler

..llbt: Paint the Palouse allowed many to chip In and do some volunteerlnf!, just like this resident•

..GHT: veronica and her buddy enjoyln(l each other's company.

aJGIIT: Ent~lneerlntl Hall durlntl Make a Dlfferen(e Day.

UO\'E: The men and women of Ent~lneerlnl! prepare for Paint the Palouse.

AIIOVE: Danlelle, Man, and Mike durlnt Golden joes.

Layout by }ennl Tyler RIGHT: Heather never has a dull moment outside.

IELOW: The women of Forney wat(hlnl! counlnl! 200].

ABOVE: A few of the women of Forney at (amp.

lEFT: Members of Forney eatlnl! some sna(ks durlnl! a pany.

P~ 165

Layout by }ennl Tyler

RIGHf: Members of French Hall dur-

lnl! a ski trip. BElOW: Men and women dressed up for Tower Trick or Treat 2001.

ABOVE: French Hall tet路 tint ready for GDI week.

lEn: u of 1 fans

before a

football tame. They really know how to show school spirit!

P~ 167



168 &em~

by Noah Kroese T H E20 0 3 Ct EM lS HE ~E! 1. 'f' \-',J1.. 1 f.~.. .:".•JI''·r·· }·.. L .I~( •:•. 1.. 10('"-·,: ,···:1.(1)1;•... o::·r~ l (.(~ ..;:1~-l ~. I ~L~ I.. ' I P,[l .;:,r L I I{ ~:.: 1. '()L)·~ L I., ~-.:to:·.J fl. 'I" .I'"·J::. rF~,_(( f··::..._•::,l Fl \·tr'-l···; I) I ~: .:".i o:;I"·/C··." •.11)C··." :. i \1-ii iO::· I1 I•.T. l_•r· I I I{W, :.;(.'"•: 1, \·(.\.. f.~,f::1::1R: iJ 1.; •( r1:~,il ~~() q 1





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170 &6?77~

by Noah Kroeoo

gc:m~ 171

Layout by }ennl 1)'/er

RIGHJ: Adrianna and April take a minute from their busy days to take a picture BElOW: A troup of women that represent Hays Hall.

AaOVE: A troup of Hays Hall residents before eolnfl out.

Aryn Qets a suprlse visit from the camera. ~FJ:

P~ 17]

RIGHT: TWo of the mem路 bers of Houston dress up.

Layout by }ennl Tyler

BELOW: The women of Houston dress up for Halloween 2001.

AIOVE: Houston bottles han(lln(l out In the halls before a bill event.

LEn: Houston Hall perform路 ance "Puttln' on the Ritz"

durlnfl counlnfl 2001.

P~ 175

llllfll: A l}uy from Lindley has some fun wlddlln~t some wood.

Layout by }ennl Tyler

Most Ul srudents 路lmkdrtntsoer weet 路llfll.toncu week or less 路hftrdtlnk urtve

..... .

''I •

IELOW: The men and women of Undley spendlnt time totether camplnt.

AIOW: A couple people take a break to take a picture.

IDT: Lots of kisses for Undley hall men and women.



Layout by jess/ Bacon

RIGHJ: Tal has a bit of a problem with her runny nose while studylnt her French.

OOVE: Nlc and Clara take a second to show off their party-style hats. RIGHJ: jessl and early soaklnt up the sun while they walt for a table at Outback Steak House In Coeur'd Alene.

AIOVE: early, Blake, Klra, Jen and jess enjoy a nlf!ht of bowllnt at Zeppos In Pullman.

u:n: Anf!,

Brandl, Breanna and Marissa hanf!lnt out at Redmond Town Center In Seattle while on a trip to see the Mariners.

P+ 179

Uyour by }ennl l)'ler

RIGHT: Tracy belnl! her silly self.

A.IOVE: Jennifer tlves us

a nice smile. RIGHT: Erin had fun dresslnt up for Halloween 2001.

.uovE: Ml(helle and Kendra take a minute out of their busy days to take a plaure. lEFT: Traq and Josh

with bill smiles for the (amera.

P+ 181


Layout by }ennl Tyler

aJGHr: The se<ond noor men of Neely Hall.

BELOW: The third floor men of Neely Hall.

ABOVE: Men and women wearlnl! totas for RHA's ÂŤ:ounlnt.

LEn: The first floor women of Neely Hall.

Pecrk 18]

lltln: just In the hall.

Layout by }ennl Tyler

hantllntl out

Below: Men and women of the hall help clean up for homecomlnf!.

Above: Anton,

jessica and jerry spend some time totether.

ABOVE: Mel!, jessica,

Adam and Katrina spend some time at the 2001 Leadership Retreat.

lEn: The men of Olesen Hall prepare to


P~ 185

Layout by }ennl Tyler

Rlllht: A few lovely scholars help Paint the Palouse.

A.BO\'E: Residents of

Scholars enjoy helplnl! others out by volunteerIn~!

to paint houses for

Paint the Palouse. RIGHI: Taklnl! a shon break from palntlnl!.

ABOVE: several women from Scholars dress up for an lmponant event.

lEfT: Alllda, Katie, and

Tessa bundle up and take a quick plaure.

P~ 187

aJtld: A few tlrls spend some time totether durint Homecomlnt.

Layout by }ennl Trier

snow Hall IELOW: The members of

Snow playln(! around durlnt Homecomln(! 2001.

AIOVE: Men and women dressed up for Halloween 2001.

LEFT: Lots of (!Iris and one I!UY Qet ready to to out for the nll!ht.

P~ 189

RIGHT: Ketelha, casey, and Nikki ready to to out on the town.

Layout by }ennl Tyler

IELOW: Hlllare, Coleen,

Sitka, and casey all hantlnl! out around the house.


Members of Steel House spend some quality time totether.

lEFT: Sitka, casey, cat, and Coleen on a Friday after路 noon In front of Steel House.

Pe<>jk 191

Layout by }ennl Tyler

LEn: Lora Horn and Trlsh Hendrix tenlnt their Qroove on to Madonna.

l&T: AQrlcultural and Ufe

Am\'E: L to R-chrlstlan

Sdences Hall at a formal

Pace, Jonathan Hlldenbran, Nicasio usabel, Tom Barren. "All hall love..

Thanksttvlnt dinner with faculty from the Collef!e of Af!rlculture.

P~ 19]

Layout by }ennl Tyler

BELOW: A «:ouple of Tartthee residents dan«:lntt and havlntt fun.

ABOVE: The ladles all show off one of their Tarthee men dressed up.

RIGHJ: A performance by the Italian sausaQe Qets everyone's anentlon.

P~ 195

Layout by }ennl Tyler

liGHT: lWo silly members of Gault. BElOW: Some of the men of Gualt

hanQinl! out with some of their friends at dinner.

AIIO\'E: A few of the men have some fun with bananas.

lEFT: A member of Gault enjoys a very larfle (heeseburter.

P~ 197


Congratulations Graduates • Dinner Specials • Great Selection of beer, domestic & imported wines ___...-._

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198 ~

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~ 199

People and places change ...

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Gem is becominl a matazine! Stay tuned for more details in the fall.

~ 201

5 Tue>day Nov 4, 2003

Love: equal opportunity employer



I I r IF YOUllllNK Asoor IT,





:!_MU<H ..

Show us the



Make your vote count against Aryan Nations leaders


Soudentsissues reside 11 oop

ot candidat~sliso TNMI:toA.SUib~ ~'"tt:nmOct.U lt-.~OI'IHif




COi.ll'l(llt!AfrftP"tuttldx.lstothtpoll'•t ~~dofptc t«wntiWwn­



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o• VI(MAf:l. conc.c. in 'Q~Utn.J.W.~

cowar11• Lysv~·~ Silencepl.lys•

Ren Fair music coordinator finds talent


One-man act highlights local show ·~ J!,.




Ul t h eater instru ctor rem ains in th e biz

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Ko<Oy<luovwts oninswnorlorlho\Ailopwnona,..trt~Mfllm



Oct. 24, 2003

Big West, teams try to sort out Friday ' soccer scuffle in Irvine

KEEPING THE TRADITION Goalkeeper helps represent future of Vandal soccer ., Jua Ro•u•

Curtis retires from calling Vandal basketball games bu-.IIW'SS, ·Curtis tald. C"lllr'll 8 bu-')' tHI estate busl1"16!J as ..-.ell as just &et

- - - - - , ~,.old



\andal fans. Curtb •Ill come back for tlw 2004 football \t'WMMl 'That wtU be hi~ last se~~M~n In t tult rok as •ell 'llol>baSCApkol ...... athktk clfpltt

""""'·. tJ1 JMf'lta. kf1bi!U


IAonard P..-.y "'ld • '\Su don t memlon U of I athletics wlthoul mtnUonlng Bob

204 ~P~

THE~RE FILLS SUMMER Arts&EntortalnmentJ>ago 4



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lnttrin'f>rti.tdtniGII)' Mid'litll..kswhhC~roiRtnfftwl Ultlvtnnilromth«..n of 19JS. d1Jf'lf'l9l re<tP11on Monda)8t thekllhoCommons.

Michael named new interim Ul president

titAN •ASS(Y



. , l114'1f P4SU.Y

Attack of the clones

Halls come tumbling down h-.. •ld tue.t us fi'IOI"e' to ~ ••, .. th.J.n to buJkl ~· " ....ld In «tiM' for Cault·Upham

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~Papv 205






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Police scoot around town on Segway in trial run





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White lays foundation for task force ' work ., J•

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·1 ' m not M all Wnfttf'd ln belrc mtdflc said. ·rJ'Uit1r'IS ~ ....,..., butt«, Yl"'! • ~ to~


p ago 5

Chemistry student finds formula for college degree




c~ w.n~ne.-1004 ~ll'flllgr~t~ IS.

Campus groups discuss diversity in reference to religion

Jane of all trades:

General studies major searches for ways to utilize diverse knowledge

IOJM Ol ltlill

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206 ~P~


FRIDAY H8 6, 2004




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Hands display heartfelt messages

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Administrators: consolidation is final Restructuring committee members disagree with decision process

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ontWOf'd-st.wery. ThtNintMMUIIC~nd-IIA~ HistOt' (onf~aganThutSdaytn tMSU8 Ballroom.

Wilkins: Christianity is most effective against slavery and • Ul and Was.hfnscon Statt!' Unlvershy r«ORJ'll:t.ed student o•g.ml1.a tlon. Thfort no ecu or VIol~ 01 ""Y safety blollof'l: at the p~ntatlor\. •rid


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Chrtstlanlt)': tWl stood

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COHKTTHE ARGONAU'JI NewseditorAbbt)1Mtrom(208) 885· 771 S Of ft0 new14hub.uid•ho.fdu AOVERTISf: IN THE AAGONAUl) {208) 885•7794 Of' ON THE wtBJ

~P~ 207

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