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Directed self-study and close personal contacts between students and instructors have been the keynotes of Dean Arthur W. Fahrenwald's administration of the School of Mines. The mining industry, occupying a prominent place in Idaho's basic industries, is benefited by the practical, scientific course of study given in the School of Mines. Dean Fahrenwald received his Met.E. degree from the Uni路 versity of South Dakota and his E.M. degree from the New Mexico School of Mines.

Jay Glover Eldridge, dean of the university faculty, has been in the continuous service of the University of Idaho since 1903. At that time he was the only dean in the University, supervising all departments. Dean Eldridge has seen the growth of the University from one building to its present size. As head of the department of modern languages, he prefers teaching to all other duties. Ph. D., M.A., and B.A. degrees from Yale, and study in France and Germany present an enviable background for his work.

The School of Education, under Dean James Franklin Messenger, is one of the largest divisions in the University. Four bachelor's degrees were given in the first graduation from this school in 1921. Since that time it has grown until, in 1937, there were 123 bachelor's degrees and 35 master's degrees conferred. The present enrollment is around 500. The School of Education is also in charge of summer school. This has become a very large factor in the Idaho educational program.


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