NZ Fisher - Issue 56

Page 1


February 2016

Summer Trout


Big Blacks in the

Backyard 1

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CONTENTS 4.. Editorial 8..

Big Blacks in the Backyard

ABOUT / Short and sharp, NZ Fisher is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking fisher people.

EDITOR / Derrick Paull GROUP EDITOR / Colin Kennedy

12.. The Trout are Hungry Under

the Summer Sun

ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson CONTENT ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ

18.. Lifting the Lid on El Ni単o

ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ

20... Recipe: Creamy Scallop Fettuccine

ADDRESS / NZ Fisher, PO Box 47794, Ponsonby 11144

22.. Accidental Marlin 26.. Reader Pics


This is a GREEN MAG, created and distributed without the use of paper so it's environmentally friendly. Please think before you print. Thank you!

28.. The Robinson Family Classic 32.. Competiion Cover Images: James Benge 3

EDITORIAL IT MUST BE THE weather. Online threads are alive with talk of commercial vs. recreational catch. Once again the idea of licences is being thrashed on forums and the masses are aching for leadership. The local media seem to be focused on commercial catch vs. recreational and the need to separate. What I see is a fishery in reasonable

the cause of our depleted fisheries.

shape but very loose hands on the

Recreational fishers do not merely

management wheel. A well-managed

pay a levy if they exceed their

fishery does not require spatial

allowance, we lose our gear car and

separation; it does not require exclusion possibly livelihood while commercial and it certainly does not require the operators (like those involved in the ongoing use of destructive fishing

130t overfishing of Southern Clams

methods (for example; bottom trawling, are merely levied for the privilege of gill netting and dredging for scallops, rorting the system. both recreational and commercial).

Coastwatch is a fun watch, but

What we are seeing, like so many

recreational poaching is a drop in

other government-managed areas is a

the ocean compared to the ongoing

decrease in funding for management

disrespect shown by the commercial

and the use of PR to swing public

sector for shared fisheries. The media

concern in favour of commercial

exacerbate this, running poorly

interests. Recreational fishing was not

researched, unedited work like the


recent overseas study on catch

good people shot down because they

recording. The New Zealand media

want what is best for their whanau

translated the study and applied

and friends but there’s an almost

it to New Zealand, stating, “It is

impenetrable wall of exclusion from

possible recreational anglers take as

MPI. it’s their way or the highway and

much as commercial”. Which, unless

God save those who go up against

recreational anglers are hiding half

them. It has been mentioned that I

a million tonnes of fish, is at least

endorse LegaSea in every editorial but

incredibly misleading and worst,

there’s a reason for that.

intentional PR to bolster a commercial

They’re passionate, keen, professional

industry unable to continue its destructive ways without unbalanced media reporting.

and able. Something I do not see from any other organisation representing our rights. In cooperation with the

So what do we need to do to keep

Marine Research Foundation, Legasea

fishing for food, fun and family? In

and the NZ Sport Fishing Council have

all honesty, I don’t know. The current

undertaken the ‘What’s fishing worth’

reform proposals for the Hauraki Gulf

study and the results will be released

and the Fisheries act are racing along

later this year.

with barely a mention.

They have put their proverbials on the

There’s a level of secrecy to about

line to demonstrate the importance

a current effort by MPI to reach

of recreational fishing not only to

grassroots fishers who they want

individuals, but the economy. They

to communicate with to get ‘more

still have a shortfall and I hope

balanced views’ than what clubs and

you will find it in you to make a

national organisations can offer. As a

donation (it’s deductible). We need to

good friend said, “Anything they can

protect what we have for today and

do to help understand the rec sector

generations to come.

better has to be good”. But good for

Now go fishing, it’s incredible

who, i wonder? I’m a bitter old recreational fisheries campaigner and I’ve seen plenty of

out here!

Derrick 5


o n d a M a r i n e, S u r te e s a n d I zuzu h ave j o i n e d f o rce s to g i ve yo u t h e c h a n ce to W I N TH E D R E A M p a c ka g e ! T h e S u r t e e s 57 5 Wo r k m a te, p o w e re d by H o n d a B F1 0 0 H P, to w e d b y t h e I s u zu D - M a x to u g h u te, l o a d e d w i t h S h i m a n o

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Big Blacks in the

Backyard By Derrick Paull


already been another big Black Marlin

tough men weak at the knees? The video

landed at the Hen & Chicks and another

below is from Honda Marine of Ian

hooked, fought for two hours and lost

Biddick aboard Tony Orton’s OffShore

south of Hauturu/Little Barrier on

Adventures charter boat fighting his

another charter boat.

300kg+ Black marlin hooked, fought and

Along with Yellowfin Tuna, Black

tagged in the Hauraki Gulf during last

Marlin are infrequent visitors to New

year’s Beach & Boat competition.

Zealand waters, here only on the back

This fish made headlines for being landed

of warm currents and abundant bait

so close to Auckland but this year there’s

schools. Unlike the YFT, Black Marlin are


Example of gut co ntents of a Black M arlin

- Small reef fish

essentially a reef fish that travels long distances between the reefs they inhabit. Black Marlin are often caught or rather hooked, by fisher’s hanging live baits out for kingfish and more often than not lost quickly to incapable gear. These mighty fish hunt like kingfish, often marauding the schools of kahawai and trevally that congregate around reefy headlands and upwellings. So that’s what happened to the team aboard Ultimate Charters in February when they hooked a big Black Marlin on tackle targeting kingfish and despite excellent skills by the skipper, the fish was ultimately lost when the angler’s line touched the gunwale. But boy, it put on a magnificent show and there were a number of times the crew believed they had it beat before it stormed off again. A sad finish to a once in a lifetime experience. 9


“On the 6th February, they headed out, stocked up on live kahawai and went right to the spot where the fish had been seen. It was not the first time they had tried to find it. ”

Other anglers have a better idea when Blacks are around. A prime recent example is that of Kurt Bennetto and Craig Johnson, who had heard from others of a Black Marlin hanging around a known rock at the Hen & Chicks. On the 6th February, they headed out, stocked up on live kahawai and went right to the spot where the fish had been seen. It was not the first time they had tried to find it. Kurt set the live baits and ran the boat towards the reef amongst the baitfish, hoping to have his livies amongst the schools. Almost immediately there was a bust-up amongst the trevs and the bait scattered. One of their live


baits started swimming forward, towards the scattering bait and slowly began to pull string. Kurt initially thought it was a shark, but the increase in speed and following jumps put paid to that and they were on in a big way. Craig was on the rod and for almost two hours they fought the fish in the deeper water between the Chicks and Hen. Initially, Kurt needed to run the boat between the other fishers, mostly bottom bouncing for snapper and kings before escaping to the depths. It’s not every day you hook, fight and boat a fish as mighty as this. Kurt and Craig made the decision to boat the fish, but at over 360kg, it’s

“His boat, a Ramco called Indecision, was not designed to haul a 363kg marlin into but they did manage with the help of two nearby boaties who ADVERTISING PROOF jumped on board. ” CUSTOMER ROD & REEL LTD SALES REP BRAEDEN.SAUL DESIGNER Unknown



PROOFED 21/10/2015 6:59:38 a.m. AD ID 6937434AA

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PLEASE APPROVE THIS AD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. NOTE THAT ANY ALTERATIONS MUST BE FINALISED BY OUR MATERIAL DEADLINE. not an easy task. Kurt’s pulled in his fair share of of two nearby boaties who jumped on board.

billfish as a recreational fisher and professional

Finding, hooking and fighting a Black Marlin

deckhand on gameboats around the world but

is no easy task and while NZFisher would love

commented that this was the most difficult

to give you a step by step analysis, we’ll just

he’s ever encountered. His boat, a Ramco called

leave you to dream of the chance that a very

Indecision, was not designed to haul a 363kg

small number of anglers get each year and an

marlin into but they did manage with the help

even smaller number succeed with. ■


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Trout are Hungry


Summer Sun Here’s few summer tips and tricks to help your success Words & Images by Markus Church, Rod and Reel

A likely pool below good water. 12

A prime summer brown.

WELL, WE HAVE certainly had a

temperatures, you will also find the

summer this year! With temps in the

water temperatures also increase. In

high 20’s being the norm, it has made

general, when the water temperature

the summer fishing hard in some areas.

increases it then holds less oxygen. Due

Low, clear rivers, bright days, with fish

to this, the fish may not hold in the

that seem to be able to see you before you even get to the river’s edge. How on earth do we catch these?

same places that you are used to seeing them in winter/spring. As the heat of the day warms up, the fish will regularly

There’re a few things that summer

move into the water with more oxygen

brings with it that actually can make it

in it. Where is this water you ask? See

easier for you. Yes, that’s right, easier!

all the ‘bubbly’ riffles and entrances to

Firstly, with the increased air

pools, etc., all that ‘white’ water? 13


That’s the stuff you’re looking for. Because

warmer months. Due to this, the fish can

this water is being churned and turned

become ‘zoned’ in on certain types of

over, it is getting aerated and this is where

foods – emerging nymphs (rising through

you will often find fish during the heat of

the water to hatch at the surface) or

the day or during hot spells of weather. The

hatching nymphs/dry flies.

other advantage of this type of water is that

You will know when trout are feeding on

you can get quite close to it without the

these as you will see ‘swirls’ or splashes

fish seeing you. The best techniques to fish

as they take them from on, or just under,

this water are either nymphing it (use as

the surface. Fish can be feeding in this way

small an indicator as you can get away with,

at any stage through the day, but more

or use a large dry fly) or fishing it with a dry

often than not this will occur in the later

fly/nymph dropper combination. Just make


sure your nymphs are heavy enough to get down to where the fish are.

When are they feeding on which type? The easiest way to find out is to watch how the

The second thing with increased air

fish ‘rise’. If you are seeing their shoulders/

temperature usually means increased

backs (not the mouths), then they are most

insect life, both above and below the

likely taking food just below the surface. If

water line. The invertebrates (nymphs)

you are seeing their mouths come out, then

living on the streambed start to rise up

they are probably taking fish from on the

and hatch into flying insects through the

surface. If you cast a dry fly to a fish that is


Fish on!

Good aerated water, a likely haunt for warm summer trout 15


Low water and spooky trout means stealth is often required

Sometimes you need ot work hard to re-aerate fish after a battle

feeding on emerging nymphs just below the

all around you but you have no idea what

surface, you will get so frustrated you’ll want

they are feeding on, take your time! Watch.

to give up. This is where you need to be

Watch what is coming off the water, if there

fishing an emerging nymph pattern that is

is anything. If there isn’t, there is a cunning

just below the surface. That’s where the food

little tool called a seine net (almost like a

is and that’s where the fish are zoned in.

small butterfly net, which would also work)

Alternatively, if you are seeing their mouths come out of the water, fish a dry fly. But what fly should I fish? There is, of course, a multitude of options. The key is to try to ultimately match the size and colour of what they are feeding on.

that you can place in the water and it will catch the insects that are floating towards you in the current. Place it so that you catch what is just under the surface. Hold it there for 20 to 30 seconds and then pull it out. What’s on it? Whatever is, match it! Match the size and

How do I find this out? If you are in the

the colour and bingo! It doesn’t mean you

middle of a ‘rise’ and fish are going nuts

have to have the exact fly, just something


that resembles it. I’ve caught countless numbers of fish on a small, unweighted, hare and copper, that I have fished just subsurface. It may not have been the exact thing they were feeding on, but the size and dark colour (when wet) were enough to fool those fish! Finally, if you see fish that are sitting in midwater (up off the bottom, but not actively feeding off the top) try fishing the New Zealand style Dry fly/ Nymph dropper rig. This rig is pretty simple and incorporates a reasonably sized dry fly (patterns like Royal Wulff, Madam X, Humpies, Stimulators, etc) then a length of leader (fluorocarbon is best, as this naturally sinks) which can vary from 50cm to one metre (dependent on how deep you want to fish the nymph) which you then attach your nymph of choice to.

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The dry fly acts not only as a fishing fly but also as an indicator if a fish takes the nymph. As it will dive under, just like a traditional indicator. The advantage of using a larger dry fly is that there is much less chance of spooking wary fish, as the dry fly looks much more natural than a bright indicator as it floats over them. The other advantage is that you essentially have two shots at getting the fish. If it has been feeding on the surface, it may rise and take your dry fly. If it is feeding on insect life in the water, there is every chance it will take your nymph. I have lost count of the number of times I have hooked a fish on both the dry fly and the nymph. Sometimes they’re just not fussy! ■

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Lifting the

Lid on El Niño

What it means for your fishing BY Derrick Paull

A classic El Niño event with warm water piling up over the eastern Pacific, NZ looks a little cool and snapperless. Credit: NOAA

IF YOU HAVE WATCHED the 6pm news

waters associated with El Niño often

recently, you will have undoubtedly

appear off the coast of South America

heard a lot of talk about a “strong El

during December. The alternation

Niño”. You’ve probably also gathered

between El Niño and La Niña (the

that it’s not good for farmers, but an

other half of the cycle) is caused by

explanation of what El Niño is, and what

changes in air pressure that usually

it means for your fishing prospects is less

occur every five years or so. During

forthcoming. Our fishing experiences

El Niño air pressure is higher in the

are inextricably linked to the weather,

western Pacific, resulting in westerly

so NZFisher looked into what we can

winds that push warm surface water to

expect, and our findings are disturbing.

eastern Pacific areas such as the coast

El Niño is one-half of an alternating

of South America.

climate cycle which generally results in

The consequences of El Niño can be

warmer sea temperatures in the eastern

devastating. A strong El Niño in 1972

equatorial Pacific. In Spanish, El Niño

contributed to the collapse of the then

means ‘Christmas/boy child’, as the warm

world’s largest fishery. The warm water


piling up off the coast of South America

There are a couple of possibilities. For

suppressed the rise of cooler nutrient-

starters, the amount of food that fish eat

rich water that supported the Peruvian

is directly related to water temperature.

anchovy fishery.

If it’s cooler, they just aren’t as hungry.

Closer to home you might remember

The drop off in catch rates each winter can

strong El Niño’s from 1982-83 and 1997-98 (showing my age here) for their destructive droughts and the consequences for our

largely be attributed to this (combined with the migration of some fish out to deeper water); El Niño is an additional

rural economy. With winds from the west,

cooling of fish appetite as it were. On top

the air was stripped of moisture by the

of this, it seems likely that fish movements

time it got to the east coast. Hence dry

are affected as well. It’s possible that when

conditions prevailed. Unlike the eastern

it’s cooler during spring and summer,

Pacific, though, in northern New Zealand El

there is a breakdown of the spawning

Niño’s westerly winds brings cooler water,

migrations that bring snapper closer to the

and herein lies the hook.

recreational angler.

The number of baby snapper surviving

Is it all bad? Almost. The mind-blowing

through to their first birthday is strongly

fishing we experienced back in 2011-12

influenced by water temperature.

was also associated with warm water

The 1982-83 and 1997-98 El Niño’s

temperatures, so we should hopefully

mentioned above resulted in very low

see the results of good spawning success

spawning success (i.e. very little of the

growing through into the fishery in the

snapper catch in the following years

years to come. Longer term, it’s not clear

could be traced back to spawning that

whether El Niño will become more/less

occurred during those El Niño events).

likely as a result of climate change, but

Alternatively, strong La Niña events in

we can probably expect more extreme El

1989 and 1999 resulted in warm waters

Niño and La Niña events (that doesn’t

and bumper snapper spawning success.

sound good).

So the El Niño we are currently

There’s an additional complication, though,

experiencing isn’t likely to help the snapper

for the last decade or two La Niña has

population in the future, but what about

dominated, and at some stage, this is likely

now? It can be hard to gauge how good

to reverse to a phase of El Niño dominance

the fishing is through the smokescreen of

for a decade or more. Let’s not think about

bravado that’s often around. Take it from

that for now, in the short term the El Niño

me, compared to a few years back, it’s

we are experiencing is supposed to disappear

bad. Recreational fishing catch rates are

rapidly over winter, with the potential of

estimated to be down by as much as 70%.

another La Niña after that. Let’s hope so,

It’s hard to imagine that climate cycles like

I’m in need of a return to warm waters filled

El Niño can’t be involved.

with hungry snapper and marlin. ■ 19


Creamy Scallop Fettuccine BY Michael Walkley


SCALLOP FETTUCCINI MY STYLE...Michael Walkley is an a keen fisher, NZ Fishing Community Admin and amateur chef. This time of year the scallops are breeding but there’s still plenty of plump, tasty roe in them and they’re an amazing entree or meal unto themselves. Scallops are best served fresh and if you’re brave a freshly shucked scallop can be enjoyed uncooked and straight from the shell - it’s a love it or hate it experience, but if you love it, you’ll never cook them again! Ed

Creamy Scallop Fettuccine INGREDIENTS 150g butter 250g cream cheese 300ml milk 100g grated Parmesan Teaspoon minced garlic Cup white wine (poach scallops) 24 scallops Egg fettuccini Parmesan flake and spring onion to garnish Salt and pepper to taste









METHOD Pre poach scallops in white wine and set aside Cook pasta until al dente for this is was roughly 5 mins, set aside Sauce pan on medium heat melt butter and combine cream cheese stir constantly until smooth, and garlic salt and pepper as well as grated Parmesan continue to stir as it thickens gradually add milk to get constancy right, Once smooth add drained fettuccine and scallops, stir for a few minutes until evenly coated Serve up garnish with spring onion and flaked Parmesan Drink rest of the bottle of wine. ■ 21



Marlin If there’s a line in the water, you never know what it might hook By NZFisher staff


On the scales, a beaut by any standard.

Alastair’s Pinnacle 7.2m ‘All in’ - quite a marlin raiser already. Credit: Sam Mossman


and grabbed the smallest setup on the

Emma McEwen, owners of Pinnacle Boats

long corner, the 20-year-old faithful Penn

Whitianga, went out for an afternoon

Senator 6/0 spooled with 15kg Momoi

game fishing trip on their Pinnacle 660SD diesel demonstrator, as a special treat for Emma to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Five minutes after setting the gear they

mono, that was deployed in the hopes of snagging a mahimahi or skipjack. To their surprise, Alistair’s homemade

were in the action. The Pakula Lumo

daisy chain of black magic fleas on

Sprocket was popped out of the shotgun

120lb leader had hooked a stroppy

but didn’t stick, the fish then came in

striped Marlin. 23

GAMEFISHING The pair spent two hours on the fish, bringing it to the boat several times during the fight, the majority of which was spent with the fish within 50 metres off the boat straight down. Alistair had to use the boat to gently raise the fish on such light gear. The old reel got warm but performed well for Emma on her first ever Marlin. The pair is excited to successfully land Emma’s first marlin, which came in at five times


the line weight. Alastair and Emma were aboard one their new model Pinnacle boats. The boat having had only 12 hours towing gear has gone 3-1-1 on striped marlin already and this boded well for their future in the game fishing arena. They look forward to getting out and tagging more over the rest of the season. For more information about their range of diesel trailer boats visit their website. â–

TI ON CK LY ETS $9 9 rd April 2016 th March - 3 5 2





GOFISHING FISHING. GO Fish you normally Fish as as you normally would, anytimeduring during would, anytime competition period. the competition period.

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Once submitted you go in the draw to win a range of awesome prizes!




Forbes Taylor with a stunning (and tasty) JD

Reader >


James with two that didn’t get away!


James putting his back into it!



James Webb with a 77cm King landed on the Manukau flats on a $6 rod from the Warehouse!


> James Benge with the best of the day in the Hawkes Bay est. 25kg and released


Safia doing the double with a solid spring snapper of 6kg, also near Kawau 27



The Robinson

Family Classic

This, is how families should fish!BY Keith Robinson

Jeanne Robinson with the 2016 winning fish - a 16lber 28

all the Robinson Family Snapper Classic contestants


your name written down on the trophy

congregate to the parents property just

and the badge are fought for fiercely.

past Otautu Bay for the Xmas holidays for a week of fun and games, relaxing, dining on seafood, drinking and fishing. Below is a couple of stories of our first couple of fishing trips for 2016!

The banter leading up to the comp is confident, humorous and misleading. It used to be a leisurely late start for some on the day of the comp, but it has got to a stage now where there are three to four boats full of Robinsons launching their

During this break, we have a family fishing

boats an hour before the sun comes up

competition called ‘The Robinson Family

on the day of the comp.

Snapper Classic’. Pretty simple comp - the heaviest snapper caught on the day wins - there are no prizes. There is

This year my wife Jeanne caught the winner. It was Me and Jeanne and our

also a badge that gets presented to the

four children in our boat, and we headed

winner. This gets sewn onto the shirts

out to the mussel farms to get some bait

that we wear the night of the comp as

and hopefully a few snapper while the

we recount our days fishing over a few

tide was heading out as we wanted to fish

beers on the deck. The glory of having

a spot that goes all right on the incoming. 29


This is some other nice fish caught this year. Back row - Keith, Stocks, Jeanne, Jock, Kane. Front row - Hayley, Renee, Jack, Therese

The plan was going good, the live bait

other hand, was not getting tapped at all

tank was filling up, and we pulled a nice

and ended up getting smashed by a nice

few pannies out as well. At one stage

snapper, so it was decided we would all use

I was pulling up a dead weight which

the octopus.

I thought was a heap of mussels, but it

The next few hours went off! It wasn’t red hot

turned out to be an octopus which got the

but every 15 to 30 minutes one of the rods

excitement levels right up as we have found

would bend right over, and the reel would

octopus to be an awesome bait for snapper.

start singing. During this period, a 16.3lb

We headed off to spot X for the incoming

(winning) snapper jumped on Jeanne’s rod,

tide. Four rods with big fresh Kahawai,

and she spent 10 minutes playing it up to

yellowtail and octopus baits were chucked

the net. We ended up with a bin full of nice

out the back and placed in the rod holders.

snapper ranging from six to 16 pound. Go

There were a lot of smaller fish down there,

Jeanne! Go the Octopus!

and the Kahawai and yellowtail baits were

Another comp that fits in with our Xmas

getting picked away at the whole time

holidays is the ‘Otau-two-can Challenge’.

they were down there and were constantly

Dennis Gage is a long time camper at

having to be replaced. The Octopus, on the

Otautu campground, and a few years ago


The Robinson Snapper Classic trophy

he started this awesome comp. The comp is held on the 1st of January every year, entry into the comp is two cans/bottles of an alcoholic beverage per angler.

would try for a fish anyway.

The boat that catches the biggest snapper on the day gets all the grog! Getting entrants for the comp is done on new years eve by walking around the camp ground with a wheelbarrow. As you can imagine everyone is in high spirits and are more than happy to contribute a couple of cans and enter the comp.

winds, the boat getting swung around constantly and our lines all over the place, it was actually fishable. We must have looked like mad buggers to the steady line of traffic that had been washed out of the camping grounds and were heading back home along the coast with their headlights on.

Though, not all of these entrants will be getting out fishing the next day for health reasons! This year saw the weather turn to crap on New Years Eve and the 1st of the year, it was raining with an easterly wind gusting to 40+ knots. The sea wasn’t that rough close in so we (myself, sister Abbie and her partner Stocks) decided that we

We stayed in close and got blown off our spot a couple of times due to the wind gusts, but if you didn’t mind the driving rain, 100km

The flow of traffic was that steady; it looked like a funeral procession. The host of the comp Dennis Gage and a few mates came out for a couple of hours fishing as well, so it was good to know we weren’t the only mad buggers out there. Mad or not, Stocks won the comp with a snapper about four to five pound and scooped the grog. Gotta be in to win! ■ 31



Share an Awesome Photo and Be in to Win!

Share a fishy photo this month and be in to WIN a $100 Go Fish Vouchers! SHARE AN AWESOME photo of you with

Go Fish to spend on anything you like from

a fish to our Facebook page, or email it to

their website or in store. by March 28th 2016

This month’s winner is: James Webb, happy

and you’ll be in to win a $100 vouchers from

spending, James! ●


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