NZ Entrepreneur Magazine - Issue 4

Page 13

New Zealand produces high quality safe food and most importantly

Were there times you doubted yourself in building your

has a worldwide reputation as a reliable food brand to use as a

business? If so what advice would you give to those who have

competitive advantage. We need to do a lot of work on that in

periods of doubt about whether or not they’ll make it?

product and market development. I believe we (NZ) can do. it. We are

Doubt is a constant companion when dealing with new products and

innovative, more so than most other countries, but we need to up the

new markets. Frenz always believed free range eggs were the best

ante and move from talking to walking!

product for the consumer and the animals welfare, eventually markets would accept the concept. We also believed we had to export to grow

Do you believe anyone can learn to be a successful

the company later on. We had to continually remind ourselves of that.


Keeping these two objectives in focus and continually keeping the end

Creating and/or identifying the opportunity is the hard part to learn.

result in mind helps to beat the doubts.

Also the stubborn persistence to keep at it when things are not going right. Most of the rest is learnable and follows business principles

Building a business can be the one of the most stressful

standard to commercial enterprise. Product and market development

things can undertake - what do you do to cope with stress?

is where the “entrepreneurial flair” helps. Generally speaking anyone

Managing the business well is the best way to beat stress. Not risking

that really believes in their vision and is prepared to really give it

more than you can afford to lose and sharing the load - a mentor

their best shot has a reasonable chance to be an entrepreneur.

helps. I was lucky to have some good ones. Relaxation is a must and being as fit mentally and physically as

What are the three most important skills you would advise

possible gave me the ability to absorb the day to day demands.

new entrepreneurs to develop? •

M a r k e t i n g - This was important when we started in 1989

What would your advice be to any NZers reading this, who

and is even more so now that there is an oversupply of product

have an idea for a business but are scared about leaving

in most markets worldwide. Get your target market defined

their jobs to try it?

as closely as possible. This involves knowing who you are selling to both consumers and customers. Frenz did at least a year’s research with customers and consumers locally and internationally (with NZTE) before we started. •

F i n a n c i a l C o n t r o l - Before long the entrepreneur will need money and the ability to control it. Find a sympathetic

I did a feasibility study before committing to anything. It took three months and sorted out many misconceptions giving us confidence to proceed. This was done whilst we continued with our “day” jobs. I would advise getting sound advice from as many reliable independent sources and taking as much time as possible before diving in the deep end.

bank and sound accountants. We were lucky with Ron and Ken providing that guidance. •

P e o p l e S k i l l s - Progress always comes back to getting

To find out more about The Free Range Egg Poultry Co, or ‘FRENZ visit their website at

things done by delegating to competent people.


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