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Autor /a:

Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Caroli na Espin

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Carrera de Turismo y Hotelería



INGLÉS TÉCNICO Semestre actualizar

Septiembre 2019-Febrero 2020

Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato..................................................................................................3 Misión.........................................................................................................................................3 Visión...........................................................................................................................................3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Eduación........................................................................3 Misión.........................................................................................................................................3 Visión...........................................................................................................................................3 Perfil de Egreso...........................................................................................................................4 1.

Trabajo Colaborativo............................................................................................................7


Trabajo Práctico.................................................................................................................39


Trabajo Autónomo.............................................................................................................46


Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS)................................................................................66


Prácticas Preprofesionales.................................................................................................69




Autor: Nombre del Estudiante


Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural.


Visión La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país,

mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos.

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Guías PAE No Aplica


Perfil de Egreso El objetivo de esta propuesta es la sólida formación de un profesional universitario pro activo y flexible con una alta capacidad de adaptarse a los constantes cambios que marcan las mega tendencias del turismo y la hotelería. Además, que posea sólidos conocimientos, capacidades y habilidades generales y técnicas para: 

La administración y operación de empresas turísticas y hoteleras orientadas a la alta calidad; para la realización de diagnósticos, planificación y coordinación de actividades turísticas.

El impulso del desarrollo de la actividad en relación con el entorno relacionado con un turismo ambientalmente sustentable que tienda a proteger y mejorar los recursos y las oportunidades futuras de uso de los mismos.

El desarrollo de nuevos productos turísticos temáticos e innovadores. la implementación de programas de calidad en empresas y destinos turísticos.

A su vez, está formado para desempeñarse en la actividad académica donde podrá investigar, ejecutar y evaluar propuestas y proyectos en el área de su competencia, ejercer la docencia y desempeñarse en los ámbitos de la gestión educativa.

En líneas generales, poseerá una sólida formación y tendrá conocimientos sobre: 

Las teorías y principios de la organización y administración de empresas aplicados al sector de la hotelería, el turismo, y actividades afines a los servicios de hospitalidad orientadas a la alta calidad.

Las teorías y avances en las disciplinas aplicables a los procesos y formas organizativas del servicio de la hotelería, el turismo y la hospitalidad en general (rediseño de procesos, calidad total, cultura organizacional, liderazgo y gerencia)

Elementos metodológicos sobre el desarrollo de la aplicación de herramientas en planificación y dirección estratégica.

Elementos para definir políticas de comercialización eficientes.

Metodología para el análisis y formulación de proyectos de inversión en la actividad.

El desarrollo de ideas y la creación de emprendimientos turísticos y hoteleros.

La gestión de las nuevas tecnologías y su impacto en la estructura en la hotelería, el turismo y la hospitalidad en general.

Los principios y metodología de la investigación aplicada a la disciplina.


Las principales características del espacio territorial y su inclusión en los circuitos turísticos.

A más de las competencias mencionadas es importante diferenciar entre el sector turístico del hotelero para lo cual se describen las competencias por especialidades, es importante destacar que el egresado estará en capacidad de desempeñarse en cualquiera de las dos disciplinas. ÁREA DE TURISMO 

Gestionar las áreas funcionales de una empresa turística con base en sus competencias profesionales.

Elaborar paquetes turísticos sobre la base de conocimientos del tráfico aéreo, contabilidad y técnicas de Guianza.

Desarrollar destrezas creativas, innovadoras y de liderazgo para promover paquetes turísticos nacionales.

Conocer el manejo administrativo y operacional de las diferentes áreas de las agencias de viajes, operadoras, aeropuertos y aerolíneas.

Estar en capacidad de administrar su propia micro empresa turística.

Organizar, coordinar y operar las actividades relacionadas con el turismo de aventura y turismo ecológico.

Aplicar técnicas de Guianza de acuerdo con las diferentes necesidades del cliente.

Garantizar la protección y conservación del medio ambiente.

Dominar el conocimiento de la ecología y áreas naturales del Ecuador.

Cuidar la integridad física y salud de los turistas a su cargo.

Crear y mantener ambientes de confianza, amistad y amabilidad hacia los clientes.

Dominar de forma eficiente el idioma extranjero para una mejor comunicación con el turista.


Gestionar las áreas funcionales de una empresa hotelera.

Conocer los procesos de planificación, organización, dirección y control administrativo de los diferentes establecimientos de alojamiento.

Desempeñarse en los niveles operacionales y de coordinación de acuerdo a la orientación de los niveles medios y las políticas empresariales.


1. Trabajo Colaborativo FIRST PARTIAL LEARNING OUTCOME ESSAY I DATE : 02-10-2019


Carolina Espin, Christian Valencia, Jessica ZumbaĂąa Tourism and Hospitality Career - Eight Semester Technical University of Ambato

Av. Gorivar y Sucre, Pillaro, Atahualpa Av. 22 de Enero y Pachicutza, Bolivariana s/n y Oriente, Aguacollas s/n y la Delicia 0961889798, 0983828430 ,0979256693. carolinaespint@gmail.com, Jeffalex2910@gmail.com, jessica.zumbana15@gmail.com Alba HernĂĄndez, M.G.


Advantages of technology to give attention and solutions in claims given by customers in the field of the tourism.

Tourism is one of the most important industries in the world: it generates jobs and represents one of the largest contributors to the economy in several countries. Furthermore, today technology has evolved in a magnificent way in the field of tourism where consumers require attention from anywhere in the world. This essay will focus on advantages of technology to give attention and solutions in claims given by customers in the field of the tourism. First the technology and tourism over time have changed the way we travel, contribute to make tourism more accessible to all people; its development involves the knowledge of the needs of all tourists. Furthermore, the use of technology is innovative, in relation to its products and services, through its websites and its multiple applications that can be used for the preparation of a trip, the purchase of transport tickets, accommodation reservation systems, and the search for information on tourist destinations. According to (Ruiz, 2013) states, that technology is one of the factors that determine loyalty to the tourism service provider in line with a model that integrates the influence of trust in tourism websites. We believe that the most important thing in the field of tourism is the customer, he is always right, it is very important that our technological means are reliable for our customers, if we provide a good service we have many benefits in our companies.

Second it is important that the technology be renewed, because it promotes new accommodation and tourism services, as a useful tool available to visitors, in addition to the reservation; contact reception, room service order.

According to HolguĂ­n (2015) argues it is essential to innovate the technology due to the changes that are currently being experienced at the technological level, different industries must be


prepared for it and implement tools that make them more competitive and sustainable. We think that in the tourism sector, the growing changes are evident, due to the behavior and preferences of travelers. In addition, according to Vidal (2018) states that the Information Technology has played an important role in the hospitality and tourism industry over the last decade. Technology has helped reduce costs, enhance operational efficiency, and improve services and customer experience. We believe that your opinion is truthful because through technology both customers and companies can benefit from better communication, reservations and guest service systems.

Futhermore acording to Carpenter (2018) mentioned, “The advent of technology is fostering a change in the travel and tourism industry regarding how companies interact with customers. Consequently, travel companies are adopting various technologies to improve efficiencies.� The web help customers to share their feedback in multiple forums, social media networks and more. In our opinion, excellent customer service is a key attribute that many customers value more than price or quality of the product.

On the other hand according to Vasquez (2016) argues that in the internet tourism sector it offers advantages for companies, facilitates the management of reservations, sale of places, increased promotion of its services, allows the creation of new products, and gives the traveler the opportunity to manage their trip more fast. In our opinion the advancement of technology presents new ways that can be more effective in maintaining contact with customers.

Third the Digital information is one of the key factors of competitiveness between providers the tourism services. According to Garcia (2015) argues that the competitiveness is the ability of a company to offer a product or a service meeting the expectations of its customers, through the most efficient management of its resources in relation to other companies in the same sector. In our opinion, digital information for touristic companies is


very important because they are shown better and to a greater number of potential customers, because this information is accessible to everyone in websites, social networks, blogs, etc. In addition, the advance of technology presents new ways that can be more effective to maintain contact with customers.

In summary, the advancement of technology plays a key role in tourism to solve problems and communicate with the customer. Through technology, a direct relationship with the consumer can be established. Social networks increase tourism development, because through these means we can know the needs of the client. As a result, customer satisfaction is undoubtedly the main variable that becomes loyalty and, for this reason, the use of technology is very important because an excellent relationship between the client and the company is sought. It is clear that the objective of these means of communication is to respond to places of interest and, in the same way, to solve customer problems in order to achieve satisfaction.


REFERENCES Carpenter, J. (2018). GlobalData. Obtenido de https://www.globaldata.com/top-6-technologytrends-watch-travel-tourism-industry-2018/ HolguĂ­n, E. B. (2015). Revista Marcas y Turismo. Obtenido de Revista Marcas y Turismo: https://www.turismoytecnologia.com/emarketing-y-publicidad-online-seo-sem-email-smredes-pauta/item/1968-la-importancia-de-las-nuevas-tecnolog%C3%ADas-en-el-sector-tur %C3%ADstico Ruiz, C. (2013). Determining factors of loyalty to the tourist service provider. Redalyc. Recuperado el 26 de 9 de 2019, de http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=39525785012 Garcia, A. (1 de febrero de 2015). How Information Technology Has Affected the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Obtenido de Entre Technology Services: https://www.entremt.com/information-technology-affected-tourism-hospitality-industry/ Vazquez, A. (2016). Hosteltur. Obtenido de https://www.hosteltur.com/comunidad/nota/004562_que-beneficios-han-traido-las-nuevastecnologias-al-sector-turistico.html Ventures, M. (2019). Inc. Obtenido de https://www.inc.com/guides/cust_tech/20909.html Vidal, B. (2018). Emtremt. Obtenido de https://www.entremt.com/information-technology-affectedtourism-hospitality-industry/


COLLAGE DATE:25-09-2019





DATE: 21-10-2019


VIDEO DATE: 21-10-2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K91Bc_Svj0&t=54s




DATE: 06-11-2019


Customs and Traditions of Ecuador Carolina L. Espin, Anjudy P. Palma, Cristian W. Valencia Tourism and Hospitality Major- Eight Semester Technical University of Ambato

Ambato-Ecuador Av. Victor Hugo angiecpalma@gmail.com Alba Hernandez, Lic, Mg

Customs and traditions in the World/Ecuador

Ecuador’s distinct culture is as vibrant and beautiful as the hand woven tapestries of its local artisans. Stemming from its long and rich history, Ecuadorian culture includes a fair mix of indigenous practices along with European colonial influence. Almost everyone in Ecuador has a mixed-race background, which has resulted in tremendous cultural diversity as well as unique customs and traditions across the whole country [ CITATION Adv18 \l 3082 ]. Dwyer [CITATION Dwy16 \n \t \l 12298 ] mentions that Ecuadorian culture has distinct roots in its rich and multi-ethnic history with both indigenous and colonial influences. Futhermore many indigenous customs are only practiced by indigenous communities, whereas other customs have been adopted throughout Ecuadorian culture. We think that Ecuadorians have a distinctive dress code that indicates the region that they come from. Their dress displays specific cultural diversities that are characteristic of that particular region. In other hand cooking traditions vary greatly by region: coastal dining often include fish and beans while Andean cuisine favors meat, rice, and hominy. Besides visitors to Ecuador can expect to find exotic fruits, savory seafood such as tangy lemon-marinated shrimp [ CITATION Cas17 \l 12298 ]. We think that in Ecuador exist a variety of special dishes are prepared from fresh ingredients for ceremonial occasions by the woman of the house and her female maids. In the Sierra and parts of the Coast fanesca, a hearty soup that combines numerous beans, grains, and other vegetables cooked in fish broth, is served during Holy Week. Also native people of Amazonia and the Sierra prepare chicha, a brew made from manioc and maize, respectively. HOLIDAY TRADITIONS TO EMBRACE IN ECUADOR Ecuador is famous for its colorful festivals and every town in the country has their own traditional celebrations and events throughout the year. Old Year and New Year December 31st – January 1st

Customs and traditions in the World/Ecuador Rodriguez(2016) argues that One of the most striking is to burn stick figures also called monigotes. Immediately after December 25, it is customary to start making paper or cardboard dolls, sawdust, old clothes or any other material that can serve to develop our imagination. Another of the typical customs is to go out with a suitcase just at midnight and shop around the block. The goal of attracting trips in the coming year. We think that In Ecuador, as in many other countries, the New Year is synonymous with leaving the past behind and embarking on a new beginning, there are many traditions that Ecuadorians keep alive to welcome a new year. Carnival- February or March Gallegos (2016) mentions that the carnival. It is an event, above all, cultural that is celebrated in style with water, foam carnival, flour or cornstarch, talc, and in which the attendees disguise themselves with elaborate costumes or paint their faces with plant type paints. In addition in Ambato, known as the land of flowers and fruits, the cultural groups in which parades of floats decorated with flowers and fruits of the area are highlighted. Easter – March or April Halberstadt (2016) argues that the Ecuadorians celebrate easter and the with traditional religious church services and the famous Fanesca soup. Fanesca is a labor intensive, creamy soup that contains 12 different grains/vegetables to symbolize the disciples of bible stories. It is served with hard boiled eggs, salted cod, empanadas de viento and ripe plantains. We think that In the Sierra and parts of the Coast fanesca, a hearty soup that combines numerous beans, grains, and other vegetables cooked in fish broth, is served during Holy Week. Day of the Dead- November 2nd Gomez (2015) mentions that Specifically in Ecuador, the Day of the Dead is celebrated to honor the lives of loved ones who have left the underworld behind. Beside the Ecuadorian drink par excellence of this day is the “Colada Morada” accompanied by the famous bread called “guaguas de pan”. In short, flowers cover the graves of all Ecuadorian cemeteries on

Customs and traditions in the World/Ecuador this day when the presence of deceased loved ones is longed for. We think that the natives have the habit of taking the deceased's favorite food to the cemetery and eating it next to their grave. It is also common to wear black or dark purple clothes.

Christmas Eve- December 25th Cabrera (2016) argues that the Christmas is a very important time of the year throughout the Catholic and Christian world. Furthermore this is especially important in a country like Ecuador, where the Catholic religion is of the utmost importance. Therefore, christmas is synonymous with reunion with loved ones and closest friends. We think that the Christmas is a party where gifts are given and received, meetings and family meals where the main course is turkey and pistiños, assemble the Christmas tree adorned with colored lights and decorate the manger that represents the birth of Jesus. CUSTOMS IN ECUADOR Stiteler [CITATION Sti14 \n \t \l 3082 ] mentions that Ecuador is a wonderful country because of its unique and incomparable customs such as Meeting and Greeting:  

The most common greeting is a handshake with direct eye contact and a smile. While shaking hands, use the appropriate greeting for the time of day: "buenos dias"(good morning), "buenas tardes" (good afternoon), or "buenas noches" (good

evening). People that are close greet in a much more tactile manner; men embrace and pat each other on the shoulder (called an "abrazo"), and women kiss once on the right

cheek. Always refer to people by the appropriate honorific title (Senor or Senora) and their surname.

Helen (2016) argues that the Ecuadorian people have a custom that give a Gift Giving Etiquette such as: 

Ecuadorians give gifts for birthdays, Christmas or New Year, as well as religious events in a person’s life.

Customs and traditions in the World/Ecuador  

A young girl’s 15th birthday is considered a special date and is much celebrated. If invited to an Ecuadorian home, bring flowers, good quality spirits, pastries,

 

imported sweets for the hosts. A bouquet of roses is always well received. Gifts are generally opened when received.

Tirira(2017) argues that one important custom of the Ecuadorians is the Dining Etiquette, exist some aspects in this customs such as:  

Don’t discuss business at social events unless prompted to. Table manners are Cogntinental -- the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in

the right while eating. The host says "buen provecho" ("enjoy" or "have a good meal") as an invitation to

start eating. It is considered polite to leave a small amount of food on your plate when you have

   

finished eating. Expect lively conversation during the meal. Wait for a toast to be made before taking the first sip of your drink. The host makes the first toast. The most common toast is "Salud!" If you do not want to drink more, leave your glass one-quarter full.

In conclusion, Ecuador is a country rich in diversity of customs and tradition thanks to its cultural wealth. The festivities are a key element which make this fabulous country into a especial dynamic place where food plays an essential role of celebration and union of to spend with your loves ones.

Customs and traditions in the World/Ecuador

References: Adventure-life. (28 de Enero de 2018). History and Culture of Ecuador. España. Betsy, M. (8 de Junio de 2014). Ecuatraveling. Obtenido de Ecuatraveling: https://www.ecuatraveling.com/8-holiday-traditions-to-embrace-in-ecuador/ Cabrera. (2016). Costumbres y Tradiciones de Ecuador. https://dialoguemos.ec/2017/11/lascostumbres-y-tradiciones-que-guardan-tributo-a-la-memoria-de-los-ecuatorianos/. Castro, C. (15 de Mayo de 2017). Don Quijote. Obtenido de Don Quijote: https://www.donquijote.org/ecuatorian-culture/ Gallegos. (2016). Ecuador y sus costumbres. http://www.forosecuador.ec/forum/ecuador/educación-y-ciencia/181620-23-costu. Gómez. (2015). Costumbres. https://www.viajejet.com/costumbres-y-tradiciones-ecuador/. Halberstadt, J. (2016). Export. Retrieved from https://www.export.gov/article?id=EcuadorCustoms-Regulations Helen, D. (16 de Octubre de 2016). Chimu Blog . Obtenido de Chimu Blog : https://www.chimuadventures.com/blog/2016/10/cultures-and-customs-ecuador/ Rodríguez. (2012). Costumbres. https://educarplus.com/2019/07/costumbres-y-tradicionesdel-ecuador.html. Sánchez, E. (2018). Retrieved from https://naturegalapagos.com/es/blog/festividades-deecuador-top-7/ Stiteler, D. (2014). Award-Winning Culture Guides. Madrid: Commisceo Global Consultancy. Tirira, D. (2017). Terra . Obtenido http://www.terraecuador.net/revista_25/25_mas_en_tradiciones.ht


Customs and traditions in the World/Ecuador


LINK MAGAZINE : https://issuu.com/espin/docs/outcome-3-final_issuu.docx




LEARNING OUTCOME 4 NAME: Palma Anjudy , Cristian Valencia, Carolina Espin DATE: 27/11/19 LINK: https://www.calameo.com/books/0061055603ab55c5dad4b



DATE: 27/11/19

Standards to improve communication teamwork in Hotel

Introduction The Communication in teamwork is essential in the field of tourism, due to the different departments that exist within the same Company . in order to communicate effectively it is necessary to learn to listen to others from their reality and not from ours (Rodriguez, 2015). Tourism industry and Hospitality industry , collaborate together to work in an efficient way as a team. There are various teams working under these interrelated industries. The importance of communication in teamwork is essential in the area of tourism, due to the different departments that exist within the same company. In order to communicate effectively it is necessary to learn to listen to others from their reality and not from ours (Rodriguez, 2016) express that we need to develop critical thinking that will become the tool to understand the message that others want to transmit taking into account that they are and thus be able to analyze and evaluate what has been said with broader perspective. Communication is the foundation of teamwork. The ability to manage work teams is recognized in those people who understand and handle in an appropriate way the art of getting along with all people. That is, those who are capable of working as a team


understand the richness of establishing adequate human relationships in different fields of life (Williams, 2011) Standards to improve teamwork in hotels an integrated team and committed with the commercial results of the Hotel, help to increase sales and optimize resources, that is, improve productivity. (Chabbert, 2015) State that employees must be seen as part of the product. Training, motivating and directing employees must be a joint task of the human resources department, If this has a good development will increase the value of the service, therefore, customer satisfaction and have the possibility of increasing revenue and ultimately make the work team is more efficient and improve productivity and results.

Training can be expensive, but investing a few extra hours in educating the staff can provide them with the skills that they need to be more productive in the long term Proper training from the start shows your new employees the high standards and high expectations you have of them. (Carmclina, 2015)


The communication in a work team is very necessary to clarify the achievements and advances and applying to overcome in the aspects that should improve. Always use a clear and unambiguous language to communicate effectively with all people. Motivation can be used as an incentive to make people work harder and do their jobs more effectively (Miriam, 2015).

Standards to improve communication teamwork a restaurant the members of the team must have clear rules of the game so that there are no problems that can damage everyone’s work. That is why you should establish confidentiality criteria, schedules, among others. In addition, the goals and tasks of catch person must be identified. (Aguilar, 2016) Work on maintaining a positive attitude no matter what happens. It is understandable that you find yourself irritable and moody from time to time, but try to remember the passion that brought you to the world of restaurants. (Guillermo, 2014) Standards to improve communication teamwork in a travel agency (Ramirez, 2015) says that good communication with workers allows the travel agency to know the trends in the sector, the needs of customers and the needs of the company's staff to keep growing.


All this allows the company, in an agile way, to adapt to changes. A correct flow of communication at work allows faster decision making, unlike a rigid and poorly communicated business structure that requires several and slow contacts to make decisions. In addition, on many occasions, time is money when we make decisions (Lopez, 2017) According to (Kimberlee, 2019) effective communication and teamwork will help a business maintain a positive work environment. Effective communication also permeates throughout all areas of business operations, because a positive workplace means happier employees are interacting with the public and with consumers. Effective communication among business teams begins with leadership that sets clear methods and standards.

Define Expectations to Boost Accountability Business leaders are constantly setting expectations, from sales goals to customer service requirements, to team interactions. Set goals and expectations, and then clearly state the defined expectations. Clarity in communication reduces confusion among team members. Managers cannot expect to enforce employee accountability if employees are confused about what they are supposed to do. There are several common areas in which defining expectations is absolutely necessary: diversity and anti-discriminatory policies; sales goals; and service procedures. For example, if a business leader wants incoming service calls dealt with "expeditiously," then you need to define "expeditiously." State "expeditiously" means resolving the issue in two minutes, or explain which situations require a supervisor's intervention.

Build Listening Skills to Avoid Misunderstanding A key component of communication is listening to what others say. Provide the team with ways to speak to leaders. This includes having open-door policies to address issues. It also includes having tip boxes, debriefings on projects and having team-member surveys. Don't allow these to be superficial or symbolic communication opportunities. Include all feedback into consideration, and take action, as required. (Matias, 2016)


Be Consistent to Ensure Adherence A company might have defined its communications policies clearly, but it might not have adhered to them. Team members respond positively when they understand the company's expectations and when they know leadership follows the rules consistently. Selectively choosing which communications policies will set the standard for team members to do what they wish. For example, one policy might be to have a requirement to not send email communication from a public location that isn't secure, such as from a coffee house. If the sales manager is at a local coffee shop and sends sensitive emails to any staff member or emails to customers that include private information, then the rest of the sales team cannot be held to a different standard.

Set the Example and Lead from the Top Effective communication starts with top leadership, and then it trickles down to every level of the team. Executives and managers need to hold themselves to the same standards. This includes seeking feedback, celebrating successes and addressing obstacles and establishing personal action plans. Team members often mimic behavior – good or bad – of leadership.

Encourage Team-Strengthening Communication Teams are strengthened when individuals feel empowered to express ideas in a respectful, accepting environment. Host team-building events or provide other opportunities for team members to hang out and get to know each other. This helps promote mutual respect for other team members beyond day-to-day work details. Coach employees about diversification and offer diversity days, which enable employees to celebrate unique qualities that make the entire team great. (Brian, 2017)

Conclusion •

Teamwork is a huge factor that allows industries around the world to move smoothly and be successful. Industries especially in tourism and hospitality industry survive off


of teamwork. Teamwork in the tourism industry has great importance for more than one reason. First of all teamwork brings a sense of security, trust, and loyalty to employees as well as the employers. Without teamwork, morale can be lowered. If morale is lowered, then productivity could be lowered as well. As a result things can go from bad to worse in a blind of an eye. Teamwork is the fuel that allows an industry to keep moving forward.


Teamwork is the Key Competence of the 21st century due to that it has become an indispensable component of the process of business in almost every company and organization. The best way is to listen to your employees by holding feedback sessions on a weekly basis, take their inputs seriously and reward them. Motivate your hotel staff to help you in taking the hotel business moving forward.

References Aguilar. (2016). Improve community tourism. http://recursosbiblio.url.edu.gt/hesiscortiz/2016/05/43/Aguilar-Hector.pdf. Carmclina, M. (2015). Tourism importance.


http://dspace.ups.cdu.cc/bitstream/123456789/1225/14/UPS-CT002189.pdf. Lopez. (2017). Tourism. Guzman (pรกg. 25). https://www.rainforestalliance.org/business/sites/default/files/uploads/3/TO-02-


%81ndar-paraHoteles-y-Servicios-de-Alojamiento-27Ene2015.pd. Miriam. (2015). tandards to improve communication teamwork in companies related to the field of tourism. (pรกg. 25). https://www.rainforestalliance.org/business/sites/default/files/uploads/3/TO-02Esta%CC%81ndar-paraHoteles-y-Servicios-de-Alojamiento-27Ene2015.pdf . Ramirez. (2015). standards to improve communication teamwork. (pรกg. 18). https://www.gestiopolis.com/formacion-para-mejorar-la- comunicacion-y-cl-scrvicioenhoteles/ MONCADA, S. Rodriguez. (2016). improve the way of working in a restaurant. . http://dspace.ups.cdu.cc/bitstream/123456789/1225/14/UPS-CT002189.pdf. Williams. (2011). The importance of tourism. http://www.deleitese.co/6-consejos-paracltrabajo-en-equipo-de-un-restauranteBrian, A. (24 de Octubre de 2017). 7 Techniques that Work for Improving Communication in the Workplace. Obtenido de https://www.envision-creative.com/improvingworkplacecommunication/

Kimberlee, L. (31 de ENERO de 2019). Effective Communication & Team Work. Obtenido de CHRON : https://smallbusiness.chron.com/effective-communication-teamwork3167.html

VIDEO OUTCOME 4 FECHA : 07-12-2019


UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE AMBATO CARRERA DE TURISMO Y HOTELERIA SEPTEMBER 2019-FEBRUARY 2020 LEARNING OUTCOME 4 NAMES: Espin Carolina, Valencia Cristian ACTIVITY: Video Exposition about standards to improve communication teamwork in companies related to the field of tourism. DATE: Saturday December 07, 2029 LINK: https://youtu.be/8krBRdDHnW0




SEPTEMBER 2019-FEBRUARY 2020 LEARNING OUTCOME 5 NAMES: Diaz Andres, Espin Carolina, Valencia Cristian ACTIVITY: Video in Baños. DATE: Sunday 8th December, 2019 VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/0cEKDsMq9Hs







1. Hello Mr. can I ask a you a question about the Tourism in Baños.? 2. Whats your name? 3. How old are you? 4. Where you from ? 5. Is this your first visit to Baños? 6. How did you travel here? 7. Why did you decide to travel to Baños? 8. Are you here on holiday or on business? 9. Did you travel alone or someone? 10. How do you think about Baños people? 11. What places have you visited until now? 12. What places would you like to visit in this city? 13. Which place or tourist attraction do you think are more interesting? 14. What do you think about the weather here? 15. Have you made Ecuadorian friends? 16. What do you think about Ecuadorian culture? 17. Do you now any tradition or customs of Ecuador? 18. Have you found something interesting about Ecuadorian culture? 19. What do you think about tourism in this city? 20. Do you like the Ecuadorian food? 21. What Ecuadorian dishes do you eat? 22. Did you eat Melcocha ? 23. Can you tell me about interesting typical food in your country? 24. How long will you stay in Baños? 25. Do you plan to travel to many cities in Ecuador? 26. Do you now other country? 27. Would you like to come another time?





DATE: 23-09-2019

2.JOURNAL DATE: 25-09-2019




4.JOURNAL DATE:16-10-2019


5. JOURNAL DATE: 21-10-2019




DATE: 25-11-2019



DATE: 26-11-20





































7. REFLEXIĂ“N In my opiniĂłn , during all class, I felt very interested in each unit that we learned several items about advantage of technology to give attention and solutions in claims given by customers in the field of the tourism, how to solve problems with customers in a hotel, customs and traditions in the Ecuador , standards to improve communication teamwork in companies related to the field of tourism and Importance of English in the field of tourism. I can understood that these we issues that currently occur within the industry of tourism and hospitality and will help me to solve some problems in this field. Furthermore it was a great contribution to learn about the different problems occur with customers and I learned the correct way to solve incidents.

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