Jewish Cemeteries in the Classroom - An ESJF Guide

Page 46

Jewish Cemeteries in the classroom - An ESJF Guide


Shabbat candles. This symbol reflects one of the most important religious laws of Judaism: the observance of Shabbat, the holy day which starts on Friday evening and continues until nightfall on Saturday. To mark the beginning of Shabbat, a Jewish woman lights candles, an act which is considered one of the most important religious responsibilities for Jewish women16. Consequently, women’s tombstones are often decorated with symbolic Shabbat candles, which indicate not only the gender of the deceased, but also the fact that she was a righteous woman who observed religious laws. Important: the Shabbat candles are easy to mistake for a menorah.

Whenever you see a chandelier on a tombstone, pay attention how many branches it has. A menorah always has seven branches; if there are any more or less, it is most likely a representation of Shabbat candles. 16 Traditionally,

lighting Shabbat candles and baking bread for Shabbat is done by women.


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