Pouring Perfection: Redefine Your Bar's Success with Consulting Services

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Pouring Perfection: Redefine Your Bar's Success with Consulting Services

 Perhaps you are thinking of opening a new bar.

 Perhaps you have an existing bar that is in need of a bit of an update.

 Perhaps you have a bar that is doing fine but you think that it might have some untapped potential.

 In any of those circumstances you would benefit from some feedback on your ideas – which is where our Bar Consulting Services can be of help.

 Escapade Bars has a great deal of experience working with all kinds of bars in all kinds of situations –from the most traditional.


 Refined “country house “ atmosphere to the funkiest, most innovative party bar you can imagine.

 Our Cocktail Bar Consultancy can help you develop your ideas - taking account of the proposed location, the concept, the staff, the marketing, the operations, and the customer satisfaction.

 Obviously finding a good location is incredibly important.

 You will ideally have high visibility, good accessibility, and good foot traffic.

 If you have a particular concept in mind for the kind of bar you want to create you should also ensure that your chosen location is in tune with the target market and the theme that you are setting up.


 You also need to be sure of your concept.

 Your bar will need to have a clear identity, a unique selling proposition, and a competitive edge.

 Again, it is important to match your concept to your location because to be successful your bar needs to have a concept that appeals to needs, wants, and emotions of the customers that will be in the area.

 A fun sports bar is a great concept if it will be located near a stadium or college campus.

 In the theatre district it might find that potential customers simply walt right past.


Once you have settled on a location and concept you need to recruit the right kind of staff. Bar Consulting Services


 You will need staff members who are friendly, professional, knowledgeable, and efficient.

 It helps if they have an interest in the concept of the bar – a bartender who knows nothing about football might not be entirely appropriate in a sports bar, for example.

 Most important however are good communication skills, teamwork skills, and customer service skills.

 Any bar is based on teamwork, while communication and customer service are at the heart of what bar staff do.

 Of course eve if your bar is in the perfect location with the perfect concept and the best staff in the world, if nobody knows that it exists it cannot succeed.


 A good marketing strategy is essential and should promote the bar’s brand, its products and events to the target audience.

 Our bar consulting services can help you to identify the best channels and methods for your particular establishment.

 That might include social media, word-of-mouth, flyers, discounts, and loyalty programs.

 We can also help you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and adjust your marketing campaigns to achieve the best results.

 Finally, once your bar is fully up and running you need to maintain a good operations system which ensures the smooth running of your bar’s day to day activities.


 We can help you to optimize your efficiency and quality which in turn should help to maximise the profitability of the bar.

Cocktail Bar Consultancy

 Escapade Bars can show you how to take control of your inventory management, cost control, waste reduction, health and safety standards, and staff training to ensure the best results.

 If you get all of that right you should be assured of achieving a good level of customer satisfaction.

 That will ensure that your customers develop a positive perception of your bar’s products, services, and the overall experience it delivers.

 This should maximize customer loyalty, customer retention, and referrals.

 This is how our experienced consulting team can help you bring your bar ever closer to perfection, so call us now and let us help you take your bar to ever higher levels of success!

Thank You Visit Us: https://www.escapade-events.com/

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