The Bulletin - Issue 60 Sept / Oct 2021

Page 10

10 DHA A M E M B E RS G IVIN G BACK ESESSON FOUNDATION IS a non-profit organisation that’s current

intervention and a compromised quality of life to name a few. We

initiative is to provide free dental care to underprivileged children.

all strive to educate our patients and treat them to the best of our

Qualified dental practitioners donate their time to provide

abilities to avoid these consequences. There is a silent problem, how

comprehensive treatment to children in vulnerable high risk groups

can we help those that don’t come to us? Can’t afford to see us?

– refugees, asylum-seekers, special needs and low socio-economic.

Cultural barriers? Transportation issues? We as a collective can do

Practitioners are supported by volunteer dental assistants and

something. We can raise awareness of this disparity, we can donate,

dental students who provide oral hygiene instruction, preventative

we can have a voice for those that cannot speak and we can change

education and clinical chairside

the methods of care delivery by tailoring

assistance to ensure the children have

it to the people that need it.

a positive experience. I can attest to

My day of volunteering was held at

the positive experiences, as I heard a

Mint Dental owned by the very lovely

great deal of laughter during my day

Dr Vicheka Lim. The children were

of volunteering.

transported to the clinic where they

Dr Ajitha Naidu Sugnanam is

were greeted by a group of amazing,

the managing director of Esesson

kind and positive volunteers headed

Foundation and has initiated this

up by the absolutely lovely Olan. These

much needed program. When Dr

volunteers played games, gave oral

Sugnanman became aware of

hygiene instructions and preventative

children with significant unmet oral

dental education... Oh, and they provided

health care needs she developed

snacks! Healthy food and snacks were

a program which aimed to provide

distributed in a fun environment while

quality, comprehensive and timely

the children enjoyed their day at the

care to reduce pain and compromised

dentist. Dr Krutika Shanbhag was

quality of life, as a result of untreated

assisted by her very helpful assistants

dental disease. Dr Sugnanam spent

Zena Safa and Tanvi Shanbhag and I

over a year to research, plan and

was assisted by Griffith University dental

collaborate with stakeholders to bring

students Selina Tran and Reivan Daddoo.

her dream into fruition. The program

My students who not only provided

would not have been possible without

clinical chairside assistance but also

the further help of sponsors; “All

afforded me the opportunity to teach

Access Community Services” in

them and answer any questions in a one

conjunction with practice owners who donated the use of their practices as treatment facilities. After hearing about Dr Sugnanam’s vision for helping underprivileged children I was moved and offered to help. I believe every child should have the same opportunity to access both quality and timely oral health care services regardless of their differences in social, cultural, physical or economic means. In 2021, it is shocking and saddening that such a discrepancy

A VOLUNTEER’S TALE A day spent volunteering is good for the soul and you can learn a thing or two at the same time by Jamelle Knight BOralH ACP

exists in the availability of treatment. All

on one practical setting. Experience I would have benefited from back in my university days! I have to commend people who have a vision for a better future in any capacity, like Dr Sugnanam who strives to improve the oral health of underprivileged children. This program not only benefits the children, it benefits their families and the community as a whole. Many hands make light work and as a group of smart, conscientious and passionate oral health care professionals, together we can make a difference. n

children regardless of their SES status or their ability to access care services, have a fundamental right to

Jamelle (pictured in the centre) is a DHAA Qld Committee Member

timely oral health care.

and owner of Dental on Nexus. To donate to the foundation or to get

As dental professionals we all know what the consequences are of not having dental treatment. Pain, infection, swelling, hospital

in touch please email or head over to their Facebook page Esesson Foundation for more information.

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