Airbnb Report

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Feel the Magic of Belonging Airbnb Report

Fig.1 & Fig.2

The Brand

Fig.3 Airbnb has quickly become a global brand since its launch in August 2008. The company is now ‘a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodation around the world’ (Airbnb [Online] About Us), such as ‘3,000 castles, 2,000 tree houses, 900 islands and 400 lighthouses.’(Chesky,B [Online] And Now For A Bit Of Good News) Airbnb have also succeeded rapidly due to having listings ‘in 192 countries [and] 40,000 cities’, (Gebbia,J [Online] First the spare room, then the world: the rise of Airbnb) as well as working with countries that have large events, such as the World Cup in Brazil in 2014. In ‘this year alone, Airbnb … added more than 11,000 listings in Rio de Janerio’, (Airbnb [Online] Olá Brasil!! Airbnb Hosts to Welcome Guests From More Than 100 Different Countries for the World Cup) which helped expand ‘Rio’s tourist capacity by almost 75 percent.’ (Airbnb [Online] Olá Brasil!! Airbnb Hosts to Welcome Guests From More Than 100 Different Countries for the World Cup) But with over 25 million guests using the site, how do you make everyone feel like they belong in the ‘unique and memorable experience’ (Folger.J, [Online] The Pros And Cons Of Using Airbnb) that Airbnb offer?


The Consumer

Airbnb is a large company with many listings but who is using it? ‘Not all consumers are the same … however it is possible to group consumers into clusters of broadly similar characteristics,’ (Posner.H, (2011) Marketing Fashion) and therefore form customer segmentations. Airbnb believe that their ‘users are divided in two markets segmentations,’ (Umbarila.M [Online] Segmentation and Targeting Markets) the travellers and the hosts. Travellers are those who mostly want to investigate and explore new areas as well as be involved with tourism. Whereas the hosts are people ‘who are willing to rent out their places’ (Umbarila.M [Online] Segmentation and Targeting Markets) with varying reasons, maybe to ‘make some money out of an unoccupied space’ (Umbarila.M [Online] Segmentation and Targeting Markets) or even just to meet different and interesting guests. Even though ‘the idea of collaborative consumption instantly appeals to young people’, (Salter.J [Online] Airbnb: The story behind the $1.3bn room-letting website) I was surprised to discover that the average age of Airbnb users was a lot older. There are ‘more people aged 55 and over on the site than those aged 18-25, who only make up 7%.’ (Salter.J [Online] Airbnb: The story behind the $1.3bn roomletting website) However in a survey conducted by JWTIntelligence in November 2012, it was found that ‘more than half of millennials … said they would use a peer-to-peer service like Airbnb.’ (E Marketer, [Online] What’s Airbnb’s Future as Millennials Move from Backpacks to Briefcases?) With this contradiction I decided to find out more about the brand and their consumers by investigating into the personal experiences people had gained during their time using Airbnb.

Fig.5 & Fig.6

To do this I constructed interviews with several guests between the ages of 20 and 50. Overall I found that all had positive feedback towards the brand and would like to use the company again. In one of my conducted interviews the guest had not actually used the company for a stay, and therefore this was one of the most interesting for me. The guest was looking for accommodation for the Commonwealth games in Glasgow during the previous summer, however was unable to find anywhere from Airbnb that was ‘more convenient [or] cheaper’ (Airbnb Consumer Interview- 20th December 2014) than other accommodation in the city. Even though the guest wasn’t successful in this specific search, they believed that the website ‘was very simple to use’ (Airbnb Consumer Interview- 20th December 2014), and would therefore return to the company to find another listing at a further date. A second interview that gave me a lot of insight into the brand was conducted with a guest who had stayed with a host during the 2012 Olympics in London. This was a longer stay than most, at two weeks, but once again had a positive experience. The guest told me that the host that they stayed with was ‘very good [and] he was very helpful,’ (Airbnb Consumer Interview- 18th December 2014) and even though the guest struggled originally ‘to find somewhere to stay at a reasonable price,’ (Airbnb Consumer Interview- 18th December 2014) the communication between guest and host on Airbnb made this all a lot easier.



Fig.8, Fig.9 & Fig.10

‘Belonging is the idea that defines Airbnb’ In July of 2014 Airbnb launched their new concept for the company, Belong Anywhere, as the brand feels that ‘belonging is the idea that defines Airbnb’. (Chesky.B, Airbnb Blog, [Online] Belong Anywhere) However this hasn’t been fully captured before now. Belonging is represented all around us in general day-to-day activities as well as constantly being a theme behind films and TV shows such as Mean Girls, Bend it Like Beckham and Glee. In all three, there are characters that feel they are struggling to fit in, but throughout their story lines they find where they feel they belong. It may be as simple as: having friends that care for you; a sports team where you all have that similar interest; or a club that you can be yourself at, but that is where you truthfully feel like you belong. Belonging is personal to each individual.

Fig.11 This concept of belonging has also been investigated in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. ‘Maslow developed his theory in 1943 and proposed a five-tier hierarchy’ (Posner.H, (2011) Marketing Fashion) with the stages physiological, safety, social belonging and esteem before reaching self-actualization. In the hierarchy it states that ‘belongingness and love needs [are things such as: a] work group, family, affection, relationships,’ (Maslow.A (1954) Hierarchy of needs) or even ‘dressing to fit in style tribes.’ (Posner.H, (2011) Marketing Fashion) So once again this shows that belonging is special to each person. Fig.12

Belonging may be defined as the ‘acceptance as a natural member or part’ (The Free Dictionary, [Online] Belonging), however as shown in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and previous films, many people have a different opinion or feeling of what belonging means to them. I wanted to investigate this and see what other people truly felt about the word itself. To do this I asked consumers to do a very simple task, involving one piece of white paper, a pen and a camera. On the piece of paper I asked them to write one word that first came to mind when they heard the word, Belonging. I was able to discover many different responses, such as, places and possessions as well as: love, friendship and family frequently reoccurring. I therefore want to implement these responses into my final campaign, as it is including what the consumer wants.

‘One of Walt Disney’s most profitable innovations is rooted in the fantasy aspirations of little girls.’


The Big Idea


After taking insights from all my research I have come up with the idea, Feel the Magic of Belonging. I want the Airbnb consumers to feel that when they travel to a listing they feel the comfort of their own home even though they are not there. There are many hosts that feel this way too, such as Sariya, who is a host in India. She ‘researches the country that you come from’ and buys food and drink so ‘that when you get through the chaos to her home, you have some sense of familiarity waiting for.’ (Gebbia,J [Online] First the spare room, then the world: the rise of Airbnb)


The Creative Concept

Cinderella had a magic slipper, Peter Pan had magical pixie dust and Aladdin had a flying carpet, so why can’t Airbnb have their own magic?

After establishing the big idea of, Feel the Magic of Belonging; I decided to look into the magic of fairy-tales. Cinderella had a magic slipper, Peter Pan had magical pixie dust and Aladdin had a flying carpet so why can’t Airbnb have their own magic?

Fig.17 Fairy-tales, such as Cinderella, have become a trend in many visuals over the years. Darker twists on the classics have been released through moving picture in The Brothers Grimm and more recently, Into The Woods which classes itself as ‘the fractured fairy-tale.’

Fig.18 Also three top retail brands used the reference for their visual merchandising during Christmas 2014: Harvey Nichols Into the Woods windows followed the darker twist on fairy tales, with surrealist mannequins being made into mythical creatures; Harrods decided on a ‘Land of Make Believe [theme] with oversized toys [being] brought to life’ (HMVM, [Online] London Christmas Round Up); and Selfridges used their windows to portray ‘a surreal fairy-tale or children’s story book’ (HMVM, [Online] London Christmas Round Up).

Fig.19, Fig.20 & Fig.21 Fairy-tales have also been displayed in advertising. For example, Marks and Spencer took ‘viewers on a spectacular fairy talethemed journey inspired by some of our best-loved children’s stories,’ (Munson.R, Marie Claire, [Online] Marks & Spencer’s StarStudded Christmas 2013 Advert: It’s Here!) during Christmas 2013. Another brand, GHD, launched the Twisted Fairy-tale campaign in 2009, which showed fairy-tale ‘characters, such as Rapunzel, Red Riding Hood and Cinderella’ (Campaign Live, [Online] GHD ‘fairytales’ by Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe). A third, and more recent advert with a fairy-tale theme, was from Littlewoods for Christmas 2014. ‘The Aladdin-inspired ad’ shows ‘Littlewoods brand ambassador Myleene Klass as the genie’ (Degun.G, Campaign Live, [Online] Littlewoods launches pantomime-themed Christmas ad) magically granting wishes by transforming older items into newer brands. Most of the adverts have been created for the Christmas period but even though it is seen that ‘Christmas is a magical time’ (Degun.G, Campaign Live, [Online] Littlewoods launches pantomime-themed Christmas ad), I believe that magic and fairytales are relatable all year round and to many age groups. Children grow up being told them by parents and are passed down through generations. So therefore is a concept that will be relatable to the two different consumers, travellers and hosts, as well as the wide age range that Airbnb attract.

The carpet allowed Aladdin to take the princess on an adventure tour around the world. With the visuals I want to maintain the influence of fairy-tales. I have decided to focus on Aladdin and his magical flying carpet as I felt this is best fitting towards my concept of, Feel the Magic of Belonging. This is due to the carpet allowing Aladdin to take the princess on an adventure tour around the world, stopping off in spectacular locations, in which Airbnb can also provide. To stay away from the stereotypical carpet flying over the different countries I want to keep my adverts closer to the Airbnb brand, rather than trying to compete with larger travelling companies. Airbnb is relatable to their consumers through personable adverts and campaigns so therefore I want to stick to this. As well as showing how the brand brings belonging to the community. I also want to incorporate the 192 countries that Airbnb represent. I’m going to do this by creating a ‘magical’ quilt that has been sewn together with 192 pieces. I decided on using a quilt due to one of the main insights I found when researching belonging. I found that many responses to what consumers thought about belonging, was that they felt like they belonged when they are with their family. Quilts are often used whilst growing up and therefore bring a feeling of comfort and the ‘bonds that create the fabric of family life’ (Flournoy.V (1985) The Patchwork Quilt), as well as ‘families [being] like quilts.’ (Baker, R (1989) Families are Like Quilts) Families are ‘pieced together, stitched with smiles & tears, coloured with memories, and bound by love.’ (Baker, R (1989) Families are Like Quilts) Therefore I feel the quilt is more relatable to the brand and the message of belonging they want to portray. I want to have a host from each country sew a square that they believe represents the country that they live in, so therefore could include a specific fabric, the flag or even embroidery of the language spoken. This will create a unity between all the hosts as well as having a quilt with many stories intertwined.


The Campaigns


For my video campaign, I will show the development of the quilt by filming each squares story. A backing track will be added to the video, Coldplay’s Magic, which I believe represents the feeling of magic when belonging, due to the lyric, ‘I call it magic, when I’m with you.’ (Martin.C, Berryman.G, Champion.W, Buckland.J. (2014) Magic) The campaign will be similar to when Airbnb turned ’50 site listings into Birdhouses.’ (Nudd.T, AdWeek, [Online] Airbnb Builds Birdhouse Versions of 50 of Its Most Intriguing Listings) This campaign was creative, intriguing and personal and I want to replicate this in my campaign. The campaign will be personal, as each square will create a story for each host and the city they live in. It will allow travellers to experience the country and what it has to offer before travelling there, as it won’t be enhanced or edited to look better. This will create more trust between the two consumers, as it will form a personable bond and because of this I believe that it will not only attract new consumers to the brand but will also interact with the existing community.


Fig.25 The print campaign I will produce will run along the campaign video. I want the print to show a snapshot of the quilt being made in several of the countries, so therefore having several variations. Included in the images will be the motto, Feel the Magic of Belonging, as well as the Airbnb logo. I am going to add numbers to the prints as well, (for example 74 of 192) to show the progress of the quilt as well as showing that there are many more stories at Airbnb. Another inclusion to the print advert will be information about the story of each image, such as the host’s name, the country they are in and a brief description about their section of the quilt. I want to keep it brief otherwise consumers won’t be interested in seeing the whole story online.

Fig.26, Fig.27 & Fig.28 This information will be added into the larger white border at the bottom of the image like the adverts shown in figure 26-28. The font for the campaign will be kept simple by using Calibri. However I want the motto to be bolder than any other text by using a different font, Always Together. As for the colour palette of both campaign outputs I want to use bright colours within a contrast as ‘contrasting colours catch the eye’ (Bergstrom.B (2008) Essentials of Visual Communication) of consumers especially online. Therefore I want the quilt to be seen brightly along with specific items within the locations. The bright colours also give a vibrant carnival atmosphere which links with happy and lively emotions, which is definitely a message that consumers will want to see from the brand. The print campaign will be placed within travel, home and leisure magazines, such as Ideal Home and The Sunday Times travel supplement, which has ‘2.5m readers every week.’ (Sunday Times, [Online] Readership) By using these magazines and newspapers it will be able to target the average age of Airbnb’s community.


Whilst the campaign is present on the website there will be interaction present. This will work by consumers being able to select a specific square of the quilt, and the video of this section will be shown, along with the information details of how you can rent that specific listing as well as the surrounding ones. During the running of the campaign there will be the use of social media present, as the brand will reach many consumers, as well as trying to improve on the small margin of millennials. This is due to their high figures such as 300,000 Followers on twitter and 185,000 on Instagram. I would want the media to use the, Feel the Magic of Belonging Banner, which also therefore showcases the print campaign. Along with this, a shorter campaign video will be produced and added to social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The video will showcase snapshots of the development of the quilt. This will create suspense for the campaign and therefore increase viewers of the official campaign which will be showcased on the website and the Airbnb YouTube channel.

Fig.30 After the launch of the campaign I will use the quilt to help others. Due to its ability to bring people together and to have gained a memorable trip around the world story, I will to auction the quilt. The proceeds will be given towards a disaster response team due to Airbnb’s personal campaign, which allows ‘hosts to offer their space for free and connect with those in need,’ (Airbnb [Online] Disaster Response) in affected areas of the disasters.




The campaign will bring many different communities, such as different countries, ages, and genders all together through the making of a quilt that will tell many diverse stories, however all with the same inspiration‌.

To Feel the Magic of Belonging.

Research Methodology Research Method Sample (18-50+)





To gather an understanding of consumers who have had an experience with Airbnb This was done by using a pre- written transcript of questions.

Interviews are a lot more personal than using a survey. Interviewing also allows you to ask openended questions as well as asking questions in response to the participant’s answers. This method also gives qualitative data, which is more in-depth.

Creative Research


To gather information on how people feel towards the word, belonging. This was done by asking participants to write on a piece of paper, the first word they thought of in response to the word, Belonging.

Creative Research allows participants to stay interested and interact, as it is something different.



Effectiveness of Research Method

The participant may have felt pressured during the interview. There is also the possibility that, as an interviewee, that I may be influenced in how the questions are asked due to tone of voice.

The conclusive outcomes from the interviews were helpful, as it helped me gain a better understanding of the brand. I found that all participants had positive feedback towards the brand.

Conducting interviews was really interesting. I felt like I gained more information through being able to see expressions during responses to the questions. If I had more time I would have tried to conduct more interviews, as well as asking more questions and making the experience feel more like a conversation rather than being structured.

As there is no observer during this method, the answers received can be inaccurate to your purpose.

The conclusive outcomes from the creative research were that many responses were, family, friendship and home. From this insight I implemented it into my creative concept.

Conducting Creative Research allowed me to explore different methods of research. The method was interesting for me personally, as well as participants, as I wasn’t asking them to just do another online survey. If I could do anything differently with this method, I would try to gain more responses from an age group as wide as possible.

Appendix- Transcriptions 1

Where did you hear about Airbnb? Internet Search When did you stay with Airbnb? London 2012 What was the occasion for this stay? Gamesmaker London Olympics 2012 How long did you stay? 2 weeks Did you stay with a host or have a private stay? With a Host If you stayed with a host, what was this like? Very good, he was very helpful How was the whole Airbnb experience? (booking, staying, any problems) Trying to find somewhere to stay at a reasonable price was difficult, but communication was easy. Would you return to a different or even the same Airbnb location? Yes


Where did you hear about Airbnb?

Internet Search When did you stay with Airbnb? October 2013 What was the occasion for this stay? Short Family Break How long did you stay? 4 nights Did you stay with a host or have a private stay? Private Stay If you stayed with a host, what was this like? N/A How was the whole Airbnb experience? (booking, staying, any problems) Overall- GREAT! Would you return to a different or even the same Airbnb location? Definitely!


Where did you hear about Airbnb? Internet Search When did you stay with Airbnb? October 2014 What was the occasion for this stay?

Barcelona 4 days pleasure visit How long did you stay? 4 days Did you stay with a host or have a private stay? Private Stay If you stayed with a host, what was this like? N/A How was the whole Airbnb experience? (booking, staying, any problems) Brilliant experience. Worked very well. No problems at all. Would you return to a different or even the same Airbnb location? Yes definitely!


Where did you hear about Airbnb? Google Search When did you stay with Airbnb? Accommodation For Commonwealth Games 2014 What was the occasion for this stay? Managed to find a place that was more convenient and cheaper How long did you stay? N/A Did you stay with a host or have a private stay?

N/A If you stayed with a host, what was this like? N/A How was the whole Airbnb experience? (booking, staying, any problems) It was very simple to use, especially the map as you could zoom out or in and find different places Would you return to a different or even the same Airbnb location? Yes I would


Where did you hear about Airbnb? Advertisement, on the internet. I was currently searching for holidays and this company had came up on a ‘suggestion’ of a webpage to use. When did you stay with Airbnb? Last Summer - 2014 What was the occasion for this stay? Family break, to see relatives and have a personal break. How long did you stay? 2 weeks. Did you stay with a host or have a private stay? Private Stay If you stayed with a host, what was this like? N/A How was the whole Airbnb experience? (booking, staying, any problems)

Booking process was very, the stay itself was more than I expected. No problems were experienced. Would definitely recommend this site, and would use again. Would you return to a different or even the same Airbnb location? I like to vary where I would stay so I would probably differ from the last location.

Appendix- Consent Forms

References Online

• Airbnb, About Us [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 8th January 2015] • Airbnb, Disaster Response [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 8th January 2015] • Airbnb, Press Release, Olá Brasil!! Airbnb Hosts to Welcome Guests From More Than 100 Different Countries for the World Cup [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 9th January 2015] • Campaign Live, GHD ‘fairytales’ by Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe. [Online] England. Available at: http:// [Accessed 9th January 2015] • Chesky.B, Airbnb Blog, Belong Anywhere [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 8th January 2015] • Chesky.B, New York Times, And Now For A Bit Of Good News [Online] New York. Available at: http:// r=1. [Accessed 8th January 2015] • Degun.G, Campaign Live, Littlewoods launches pantomime-themed Christmas ad [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 9th January 2015] • E Marketer, What’s Airbnb’s Future as Millennials Move from Backpacks to Briefcases? [Online] America. Available at: [Accessed 9th January 2015] • Folger.J, The Pros And Cons Of Using Airbnb [Online] America. Available at: http://www.investopedia. com/articles/personal-finance/032814/pros-and-cons-using-airbnb.asp?performancelayout=true [Accessed 8th January 2015] • Gebbia.J, GQ Magazine, First the spare room, then the world: the rise of Airbnb [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 9th January 2015] • HMVM, London Christmas Round Up [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 10th January 2015] • Munson.R, Marie Claire, Marks & Spencer’s Star-Studded Christmas 2013 Advert: It’s Here! [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 9th January 2015] • Nudd.T, AdWeek, Airbnb Builds Birdhouse Versions of 50 of Its Most Intriguing Listings [Online] America. Available at: [Accessed 8th January 2015] • Salter,J, Telegraph, Airbnb: The story behind the $1.3bn room-letting website [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 9th January 2015] • Sunday Times, Readership [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2015] • The Free Dictionary, Belonging [Online] England. Available at: [Accessed 9th January 2015] • Umbarila.M, Blogger, Segmentation and Targeting Markets [Online] England. Available at: http:// [Accessed 8th January 2015]

Interviews • •

Andrew Hartopp, Airbnb Consumer [Interview]. UK [20th December 2014] David John Rowe, Airbnb Consumer [Interview]. UK [18th December 2014]


• Bergstrom.B 2008. Essentials of Visual Communication: Laurence King Publishing Ltd, p.200 • Flournoy, V, et al. 1985. The Patchwork Quilt. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, p.1. • Posner, H. 2011. Marketing Fashion. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd, p.104 • Posner, H. 2011. Marketing Fashion. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd, p.116 • Schrage, M. 2013. Who Do You Want Your Customers to Become? America: Harvard Business Press, p.1962.


• Maslow, Abraham, and A. Herzeberg. “Hierarchy of needs.” AH Maslow. ea., Motivation and Persona/ ity. Harper, New York 1954

Poem •

Lyrics •

Baker, Renee. Families are Like Quilts, 1989 Martin.C, Berryman.G, Champion.W, Buckland.J. Magic, 2014


• Fig.1 - Tumblr, Street Photography [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.2 - Blogger, Bali Beach House [online] Available at: AAAAAAAAbCE/s6ReqBzQZLw/s1600/Airbnb%2B2%2Bfor%2Bblogger.png [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.3 - PineApple Traveler, Airbnb Tree House [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - AmazonAws Blog, Airbnb Van [online] Available at: airbnb.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Wandermelon Blog, Airbnb Beach Igloo Sydney [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Pinterest, Airbnb Mexico Beach House [online] Available at: pin/144044888051512174/ [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.4 - Pinterest, Airbnb Tree House [online] Available at: pin/144044888057618004/ [Accessed 14th January 2015]

• Fig.5 - Huffpost, Consumer Traveller [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - The Pineapple Traveller, Travel Essentials [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Amazon, Fuji Camera [online] Available at: SL1000_.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Amazon, Travel Comfort [online] Available at: I/71zNkb0UWyL._SL1500_.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Purely Elizabeth Blog, Travel Essentials [online] Available at: https://purelyelizabeth.files.wordpress. com/2013/07/purely-love-road-trip-essentials.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.6 - NYO Beta Beat, Consumer Host [online] Available at: http://nyobetabeat.files.wordpress. com/2013/10/182284640.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Money Magpie, Money [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - OSX Daily, Iphone 6 [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Lakeside Primary, Sports [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - App Wrap, SLR Camera [online] Available at: guidetocannonslrcameras.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Hansoch Wordpress, MensHealth [online] Available at: mens-health-march-cover.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Unwrapped Photos, GQ [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Did, Coffee Machine [online] Available at: 1000x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/e/c/ecc220.r-delonghi-coffee-machine-red.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Getkidnnected, Styling Perfect Bar Cart [online] Available at: uploads/2014/07/Anatomy-of-a-Bar-Cart.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Slaters, Suit [online] Available at: a4e40ebdc3e371adff845072e1c73f37/i/m/image_65168_1_15268_1_9686.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Today Team, passport [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.7 - Twinmg, Beach Scene [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.8 - Trouble with Film, Mean Girls [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.9 - ImpAwards, Bend It Like Beckham [online] Available at: bend_it_like_beckham_ver2_xxlg.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015]

• Fig.10 - ImpAwards, Glee [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.11 - SimplyPsychology, Hierarchy of Needs [online] Available at: html [Accessed 14th January 2015] • -

Fig.12 Own Images, Belonging Research, 14th January 2015

• Fig.13 - ABC Local, Disney Princess [online] Available at: images/cms/385800_1280x720.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Wikia, Eight Original Disney Princesses [online] Available at: cb20121225102310/disney/images/c/cf/Original_eight.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.14 - Irresponsible Life, Airbnb Castle [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.15 - Pinterest, Villa with Jacuzzi [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.16 - Muscache, Igloo [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.17 - Road Show, Brothers Grimm [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - CDN Collier, Into The Woods [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.18 - Own Photo, Harvey Nichols, 4th November 2014 - Own Photo, Harrods, 4th November 2014 - Guardian, Selfridges Christmas 2014 [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.19 - CondeNast, Marks & Spencer Christmas 2013 [online] Available at: http://cdni.condenast. [Accessed 14th January] • Fig.20 - Rack Space Cloud, GHD Fairy-tale Campaign [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January]

• Fig.21 - Blogger, Littlewoods Christmas Advert 2014 [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January] • Fig.22 - Vagrants of the World, Airbnb Yurt [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January] • Fig.23 - Own Image, Video Storyboard, 12th January 2015 - Investopedia, Storyboard image 1 [online] Available at: airbnb.jpg [Accessed 12th January 2015] - CDN, Storyboard image 2 [online] Available at: gridfs/541c84c0f92ea1428c00aa70/A-Place-Called-Home-by-Jasper-Morrison-for-Airbnb_dezeen_ss_4.jpg [Accessed 12th January 2015] - Infinite le Groom, Storyboard image 3 [online] Available at: uploads/2013/03/airbnb-treehouse-3.png [Accessed 12th January 2015] - Business Insider, Storyboard image 4 [online] Available at: 33eefc69bedd4a52000005-1200/airbnb-seashell-house.jpg [Accessed 12th January 2015] - Rough Guides, Storyboard image 5 [online] Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2015] - Mint Press News, Storyboard image 6 [online] Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2015] - Taushaann Blog, Storyboard image 7 [online] Available at: http://taushaann.files.wordpress. com/2012/08/dave-ramsey-sharon-inside-house-2010-hallway.jpg [Accessed 12th January 2015] - Airbnb, Storyboard image 8 [online] Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2015] - Digital Trends, Storyboard image 8 Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2015] • Fig.24 - NYTimes, Airbnb Bird Houses [online] Available at: business/adco/adco-videoSixteenByNine1050.jpg [Accessed 14th January] • Fig.25 - Own Image, Photo Sketch, 12th January 2015 - Wordpress, Dave Ramsey Corridor [online] Available at: http://taushaann.files.wordpress. com/2012/08/dave-ramsey-sharon-inside-house-2010-hallway.jpg [Accessed 12th January 2015] • -

Fig.26 Glamour Magazine, Narciso Rodriguez Fragrance Advert, December 2014

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Fig.27 Glamour Magazine, Swarovski Advert, December 2014

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Fig.28 Glamour Magazine, Fashion Shoot, December 2014

• Fig.29 - Wikimedia, Sewing Quilt [online] Available at: Woman_sewing_a_tivaevae,_Rarotonga.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015]

- Muscache, Airbnb Room [online] Available at: pictures/33452819/1c282d8c_original.jpg?interpolation=lanczos-none&size=xx_large&outputformat=jpg&output-quality=70 [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Wikimedia, Airbnb Logo [online] Available at: thumb/6/69/Airbnb_Logo_Bélo.svg/2000px-Airbnb_Logo_Bélo.svg.png [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.30 - Wikimedia, Sewing Quilt [online] Available at: Woman_sewing_a_tivaevae,_Rarotonga.jpg [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Muscache, Airbnb Room [online] Available at: pictures/33452819/1c282d8c_original.jpg?interpolation=lanczos-none&size=xx_large&outputformat=jpg&output-quality=70 [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Wikimedia, Airbnb Logo [online] Available at: thumb/6/69/Airbnb_Logo_Bélo.svg/2000px-Airbnb_Logo_Bélo.svg.png [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Airbnb, Website [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Airbnb, Youtube [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Airbnb, Facebook [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Airbnb, Twitter [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] - Airbnb, Instagram [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January 2015] • Fig.31 - Airbnb, Disaster Response [online] Available at: [Accessed 14th January] • Fig.32 - Haaretz, European Terrace [online] Available at: fs/1.538658.1375161980!/image/3011066656.jpg [Accessed 14th January]

Bibliography Online

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• • • Itunes App Store • • png • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • html • • • • • asp?performancelayout=true • • • • • • • • • • • Airbnb_1M_Nights_Booked_1000.jpg • • •’s_hierarchy_of_needs • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Books • • • • • • • • • • •

Flournoy, Valerie, et al. The patchwork quilt. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1985. Schrage, Michael. Who Do You Want Your Customers to Become?. Harvard Business Press, 2013. Posner, H. 2011. Marketing Fashion. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd Bergstrom.B 2008. Essentials of Visual Communication: Laurence King Publishing Ltd Hameide, K. 2011. Fashion Branding Unravelled, Fairchild Books Design, Mito. 2007. Fashion Identity, Index Book Craik, J. 2009. Fashion- The Key Concepts, Berg Ingledew, J. 2011. The A-Z of visual ideas: how to solve any creative brief, Laurence King Publishing Ltd Harrison, S. 2010. How to do better creative work, Pearson UK Young, JW. 2003. A Technique for Producing Ideas, NTC Business Books Roberts, K. 2005. The Future Beyond Brands, Love Marks, PowerHouse Books


Wonderland- Nov/Dec 2014 Glamour- December 2014 Glamour- December 2015 Sunday Times & Travel Supplement- Sunday 11th January 2015

Interviews • • • • •

Andrew Hartopp, Airbnb Consumer [Interview]. UK [20th December 2014] David John Rowe, Airbnb Consumer [Interview]. UK [18th December 2014] Mandy Shorthouse, Airbnb Consumer [Interview]. UK [27th December 2014] Jackie Tellwright, Airbnb Consumer [Interview]. UK [18th December 2014] Peter French, Airbnb Consumer [Interview]. UK [18th December 2014]

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