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Iniciando un año mas , en el cual pensé dedicarlo al amor , se preguntarán porque. Pues muy sencillo, el amor es interpretado en muchas maneras dependiendo de la forma en que cada uno de nosotros lo vea y lo sienta. Pero al final el amor siempre será un sentimiento de empatia , comprensión y paz ,para las personas y el mundo . Sin amor no hay esperanza y cada dia al despertar la existe.

Gracias a todos quienes formaron e hicieron posible esta edición especial de pareja.

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Erika Gutierrez ATENTAMENTE
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Love Takes Flight: A Journey of Chance, Growth, and Enduring Love

Love often finds us in the most unexpected of places, weaving its magic through the tapestry of our lives. For my husband, and I, our journey of love commenced amidst the chaos of a bustling airport and the serenity of a high-altitude flight.

In life, some of the most profound connections are forged in the most unexpected of places. For my husband, Robert, and I, our journey of love began on a United flight at 30,000 feet above ground level.

It was a typical day, and I found myself rushing to board a flight from Houston to Harlingen, frantically attempting to stow my belongings in the overhead compartment. In my haste, I managed to bump my head, and in a moment, I hastily handed my coffee to the stranger seated beside me, Robert, exclaiming, “Hold my coffee!” His response, a crisp “Yes, ma’am,” delivered in true officer fashion, set the stage for our serendipitous encounter.

Our initial meeting was brief, a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of life. Yet, fate had plans for us, plans that would see us reunited five years later. Between those years, we led separate lives, each navigating our own trials and tribulations. Yet, the connection we shared lingered, a faint whisper of what could be.

Five years later, Robert’s invitations were met with discretion, but eventually our schedule coordinated. Our first date, set against the backdrop of an Aaron Watson concert, was nothing short of magical, igniting a spark that would change the course of both our lives. But as a single mother of two, the prospect of blending our families loomed large, presenting its own set of challenges.

In navigating the complexities of our newfound love, we learned invaluable lessons about what it means to cultivate a healthy and thriving relationship. Communication, we discovered, was key—open, honest, and unwavering. Both coming from broken relationships/marriages, we knew what we wanted and didn’t want from our partner. We made a pact to never let resentment fester, to address our concerns and fears head-on, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

Trust, too, played a pivotal role in our journey. We learned to trust not only each other but also ourselves, confident in the knowledge that our love was built on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding. Jealousy and insecurity has no place in our relationship, replaced instead by unwavering faith in each other’s intentions and commitment.

But perhaps the most important lesson we learned was the importance of nurturing our individual selves within the context of our relationship. We recognized the need

for space and independence, understanding that a healthy partnership thrives on the freedom to pursue individual passions and interests.

Date nights became sacred rituals, opportunities to reconnect and rekindle the flames of our love. And when disagreements arose, as they inevitably do in any relationship, we approached them with compassion and empathy, always striving to see things from each other’s perspective.

Today, as we celebrate seven years of love and companionship, I am reminded of the journey that brought us here. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has been undeniably worth it. Our love story is a testament to the power of fate and the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that love knows no bounds when nurtured with care and intention.

As we look towards the future, hand in hand, I am filled with hope and excitement for the adventures that lie ahead. For in each other, we have found not only a partner but a confidant, a friend, and a soulmate. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

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Moda Autodidacta

Desde niña Quise Ser diseñadora de modas, recuerdo llenar cuadernos enteros de diseños en lugar de escribir en clase. Durante los años y con el modelaje me interesé mucho más por la moda pero en especial por el vestuario para escenarios. vestidos de Gala, trajes de baño y trajes de fantasía son mi estilo. Cuando tuve la oportunidad de entrar a la universidad quería con todas mis ganas estudiar diseño de modas, Pero la única universidad en Guatemala que enseñaba eso como carrera estaba muy lejos de donde yo vivía Y costaba mucho la mensualidad lo cual se me hacía imposible. Decidí entonces estudiar administración de empresas y marketing, lo cual no me arrepiento.

Ya viviendo en Estados Unidos, con mi empresa de talento artístico y con mi carrera de modelaje/actuación en su máxima auge, fue entonces en donde decidí encontrar un Hobby extra, algo que me hiciera sonreír cuando lo hago y que sacara mi creatividad al máximo.

Un día de compras normal y veo una máquina de coser Aunque en ese momento no tenía idea de cómo usarla recordé que desde niña era uno de mis sueños que no había podido cumplir aún y como soy una creadora de sueños y me encanta motivar a la gente a que cumplan todos sus sueños no podía quedarme con uno guardado.

Así que inicié a Buscar videos y tutoriales en YouTube y Google fueron mis maestros y mi escuela por varios meses comencé haciéndole vestidos a mi hija luego haciendo algunos trajes para las modelos para los eventos luego algunas misses que viajaban a otros países necesitaban su traje nacional y me dieron la oportunidad de diseñarselos y creárselos una de ellas fue Carolina Anaya con el cual ganamos a mejor traje nacional en Miss turismo mundial y Gano la Corona con uno de Mis Diseños, también diseñé mi vestido de noche y traje Nacional de Quetzal para el evento de Señora mundo representando a Guatemala en las Vegas, Con Perla Rios también Ganamos en Punta Cana mejor traje de Noche y en Aruba Gano la Corona con uno de mis Diseños exclusivos.

Sin darme cuenta en unos años ya tenía colecciones completas de vestidos de niñas trajes de baño vestidos de noche trajes de fantasía e incluso capas personalizadas como pedido especial. Aunque aún no me considero experta confecciónista, puedo decir que el arte no requiere la perfección una obra de arte debe de ser una muestra de los pensamientos y las emociones del artista en este caso considero que la moda no tiene reglas no tiene límites y no importa el tiempo o las circunstancias cuando en verdad queremos algo no debemos dudar en trabajar duro para cumplir esa meta.

También mis diseños Eco-friendly ya que reciclo materiales y telas de piezas que ya no tienen uso pero que se les puede dar una nueva vida.

Sé que muchas tenemos esa inquietud que alguna vez hemos querido hacer algo que por una u otra circunstancia no se ha podido ya sea ser diseñadoras de moda o cualquier otra profesión lo único que les puedo decir es que todo es posible y que ser autodidacta es una manera muy accesible de aprender y educarnos en cualquier área para poder desempeñar cualquier profesión y trabajo sin ningun límite.

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Cecy Velez


Mexicana. Cantante independiente y compositora. Con una trayectoria artistica y profesional en diferentes ambitos del medio como la actuación, el modelaje, la conducción y siendo el baile (como bailarina profesional) su salto al medio artístico. Con mas de 20 años dedicados a la música y las artes.

Pisando grandes escenarios comºo el teatro Metropolitan y Ferrocarrilero. Grabando para cine y televisión en los estudios Churubusco y Televisa.

Primer arreglo musical original titulado “Perdoname” (de Ricky Martin) fue lanzado en Abril del 2022 acompañado del estreno del videoclip en Mayo del mismo año.

Último proyecto musical fue el lanzamiento de su primer sencillo titulado “ Que Bueno” que está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales, asi como el videoclip en YouTube.

Actualmente se encuentra trabajando en su siguiente producción musical

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“Que Bueno”


Paraíso Terrenal

Paraíso terrenal donde nuestros cuerpos descansan de una larga jornada. Y tus brazos envolventes siempre son mi mejor almohada.

Ahí solo existimos tu y yo Ahí aliado... Ahí amante... Ahí amor.

El insomnio es mi tormento cuando tú descansas y me pasa lento el tiempo sin escuchar tus palabras.

Y a la vez insomnio dulce verte dormir mientras cuento los lunares de tu espalda.

Añorando el sagrado tiempo cuando tus manos enredaderas recorren mi cuerpo, diciéndonos todo, sin decirnos nada. Nuestro lecho de rosas testigo de nuestros secretos, nuestros juegos, nuestras lagrimas y nuestro sudor.

Fusionado todo formando una nueva fragancia. la de nuestro amor.

“Describiendo al poeta”

El poeta escribe más que sus emociones, alegrías y tristes.

Más que del amor y del desamor. De las aves y su canto, y más que de la Luna en la que vive, y su viaje de regreso a la tierra.

Más que enojos frustaciones y dolor.

Más que de la Guerra, de la victoria y derrota por igual, de los aliados lo mismo que de sus enemigos.

Lo mismo das si es su propia historia, la tuya o la que ésta es imaginación intacta de niño ocurrente.

Al poeta traicionarlo y escupía versos.

Al poeta dale una flor y de cada pétalo te regalará un poema.

El poeta es un ebrio de palabras.

El poeta en sus dedos tiene la cura del nudo en la garganta.

El poeta le da la voz a esos suspiros que vienen del alma.

El poeta ha elegido ser el poeta como la que decide ser madre y parir poemas.

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Channeled song: Harley Quinn-Fuerza Regida

Aries leo Sagittarius

Love: My water signs have or have someone who’s been having a secret hartbreak they’ve been dealing with & holding on to for dear life. This person is in deep regret that they never made an offer of love. They are heavily contemplating coming in, they know they have stayed away far too long and competition is coming in hot. They are afraid if they do not come in they will forever lose you. It’s now or never! They are afraid you no longer want them & they are afraid of rejection, they are building up their confidence to at least give you that apology you’ve always wanted.

Finances: My water signs you have been getting signs that you have to release people/places/things that are toxic in your life. This things are holding you back from your highest potential and block your good luck . Take a look around at any patterns you may be continuously getting trapped in. Pay attention, your financial flows calls you to purge anything toxic in your life. Whether it’s a relationship, a friendship, family member or even just that jacket your ex got you, that you love so much. Let’s get out with the old. The new cannot come in if there’s no room. Your soul is calling for change in your environment to help you elevate.


Channeled Song: Por El Contrario- Becky G, Angela y Leonardo Aguilar

cancer pisces scorpio

Love: My water signs have or have someone who’s been having a secret hartbreak they’ve been dealing with & holding on to for dear life. This person is in deep regret that they never made an offer of love. They are heavily contemplating coming in, they know they have stayed away far too long and competition is coming in hot. They are afraid if they do not come in they will forever lose you. It’s now or never! They are afraid you no longer want them & they are afraid of rejection, they are building up their confidence to at least give you that apology you’ve always wanted.

Finances: My water signs you have been getting signs that you have to release people/places/things that are toxic in your life. This things are holding you back from your highest potential and block your good luck . Take a look around at any patterns you may be continuously getting trapped in. Pay attention, your financial flows calls you to purge anything toxic in your life. Whether it’s a relationship, a friendship, family member or even just that jacket your ex got you, that you love so much. Let’s get out with the old. The new cannot come in if there’s no room. Your soul is calling for change in your environment to help you elevate.


Channeled song: Que Vuelvas- Grupo Frontera

gemini libra aquarius

& Love: My Air Signs you or someone you’re dealing with is wanting to return. They see that you stopped waiting for them and started glowing up. You have been so focused on yourself and it shows. This person is now ready to come if they are afraid you are going on a new beginning without them. They are praying for a miracle that you will return or still want them. You stopped waiting for your knight on a white horse and got your own horse. Your energy is so powerful right now. You are getting everything you have been working towards. Expect big big opportunities in this new beginning. All your hard work is paying off now. If you’ve been leaving your nails and hair out of the budget get ready to pamper yourself baby, you deserve this level up!!! Keep going opportunities left & right in love, in finances, career, work partnerships etc. everyone wants a piece of this energy. You were held back for a reason, you still needed to dot some “ i’s” get ready for take off . Congratulations, you did it!


Channeled song: Quedate con migo- Eslabon Armando y Grupo Frontera.

taurus virgo capricorn

Love: My Virgos you or someone you’re dealing with is missing you very much, they think you were made just for them and sent to them, yes they are a bit dramatically in love right now . They are desperate, they are so worried that they took too long to get it together. They are now ready, they have been doing the work, they have built up their money and they now feel they have something tangible to offer you. In the past they were intimidated by your independence and did not feel good enough for you.

Finances: Boss B**** Energy!!! Thank that heart break that leveled you up!!! Get ready to go shopping , nails,hair, massage here you come. All the budgeting you had to do and things you had to cut out is no more baby!!! Some much needed pampering time for you. It’s about time you deserve it! Everything you prayed for and even things you didn’t even ask for, blessings on blessing on blessings are here for you! Congratulations Guard your energy, expect everyone who didn’t believe in you or support you to want to get on your bus like they were there for you all along. Protect your energy!

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Cesar “chato” Sanchez

Born and raised in Brownsville.

“He is the full-time drummer for the band Siggno and is also on tour drumming with the Tejano singer Jennifer Pena.”

Been playing music professionally (for pay) since 10 years old.

Travels all across USA country and the americas (north and south) and Mexico with the band when they’re on tour.

Been in several bands but the main bands have been: Control, Los Cachorros and Siggno.

Currently plays drums professionally but also plays piano, guitar, ukulele, accordion, bass, percussion, etc.

His number one influence is drummer Alex Gonzalez of the band Mana. He has worked with Alex in the capacity of drum work at Cymbal Fusion Drum Shop (cymbalfusion.com” in McAllen RGV and in houston Texas (with the partnership of cymbal fusion owner Erik Paulson).

Studio recording drummer for various other bands

Gives back to the RGV community by teaching the next generation of young aspiring drummer (all ages included adults)

Credits God for his career.

“He is the full-time drummer for the band Siggno and is also on tour drumming with the Tejano singer Jennifer Pena.”

Instagram: @cesarchatosanchez

YouTube: Cesar Chato Sanchez

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