Brochure of teaching methods

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Let's save the life on our planet

Innovative teaching methods of Scientific subjects

Created by : • Zakladna skola Viliama Zaborskeho Levicka 737 Vrable (Slovakia) • 14th Junior High school of Patras (Greece) • Istituto Comprensivo di Santa Teresa di Riva-Santa Teresa di Riva (ME)a (Italy) • Institut Ramon Berenguer IV (Spain) • Fatih secondary school (Turkey)


We are schools from Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey. We created this brochure to learn some new teaching methods used in other European countries. Education of pupils at primary schools between 11 and 15 ages is difficult while using classical and traditional methods . Classical way of education either in language education or Science subjects is uninteresting because today's students are affected by social networks, computer games, mass medias and other negative influences. That is the reason why we all want to improve our educational methods and to use various innovative educational technologies, digital methods, to implement practical exercises and excursions into the educational process. From this reason, we decided to include very significant activity during the shortterm exchanges and meetings at each partner school. We would like to exchange the best and most innovative practices in educational process of scientific subjects. Our aim is to observe and learn the methods of education above all in scientific subjects - Maths, Physics, The teachers and pupils participated in visits joined the educational process actively. They were part of these lessons, then they all communicated about the methods. Because the lessons were kept in English language, the pupils could improve their communicative abilities in this target language, or in their own language. Each lesson is translated in native language of partnership countries -Greek, Italian, Slovak, Spanish – Catalonian, Turkish . The innovative methods are carried out also by means of digital and information technology, using new ICT tools. This contributed to pupils' education in this area. We think that these innovative methods used in other European schools will have positive effecton all participants and make education in scientific subjects more attractive for all of us and maybe other teachers and schools in our regions. We believed that these lessons will increase student's interest in education and we expect better learning achievements in Scientific subjects and English as well.. We organized 2 scientific lessons in Spanish school -Ramon Berenguer IV high school in Amposta through the first transnational meeting in December 2016.

ÂŤ Scientific lessons Âť

Transnational meeting in SPAIN Spanish school organized 2 scientific lessons during this meeting.

• Physics - Astronomy - the Solar system • Physics - Bulding a rocket Physics - The first topic in the project Let’s Save the Life on our Planet is the Universe, the planets, the Earth and life on the Earth.

The first activity we did was to get some information about the Solar System, the planets, the Sun... after gathering some general data and see what the dimensions of the different elements in the Solar System were, we tried to represent the planets and the Sun on scale in order to be able to make such huge dimensions rational. When we tried to represent the distances, we realized it was impossible to do so because even after reducing the dimensions, it was impossible to maintain the proportional distances; the farthest planet from the Sun would have to be placed in the village nearby. These activities made us reach the following conclusions: 1. There are eight planets in the Solar System and they all go in an elliptical movement around the Sun, the star in the system. Four of these planets, the nearest to the Sun, are rocky planets (Mercury, Mars, the Earth and Venus), while the furthest planets from the Sun are gas planets (Uranus, Neptune,Saturn and Jupiter). 2. When observing the Sun, some spots can be noticed. They are the sunspots. They are variable and that’s why the Sun does not always have the same appearance. 3. The Earth is the only known planet where life is possible, but the universe is so huge that there might be life somewhere out there but we haven’t been able to find it yet. 4. Life on our planet can be very fragile, that’s why we must take care of it and maintain the suitable conditions to make it possible. 5. The Earth is enormous if we measure it with the human dimensions, but on the other hand it is really tiny if observed in the immensity of the universe. Humans are not aware of the universe immensity.

Physics - A workshop on how to build a rocket During the third meeting lesson how to build a rocket was organized. Students involved in the Project together with our partners formed several groups and each one of them had to build a rocket following the instructions they were given. The first topic in the project is The Universe and we wanted our students to think about all the different subthemes that are related to it, also how to travel to other planets, galaxies, etc. The workshop was given by one of our colleagues at school together with a friend of his who is very keen on astronomy. In fact he started the first astronomy lovers group in his town, so we were very pleased he shared his knowledge with us. All the materials used in the building of the rocket were recycled. Each group of students was given 2 or 3 litre plastic bottles, some stickers and colourful papers, scissors, glue and cardboard to build and decorate them as nicely and originally as possible.The procedure was the following: Cut out the top part of a bottle and glue it or link it with tape to another one with the same diametre. Just one of the bottles need to have a lid. Decorate your rocket as you like. Fill 1/3 of the bottle with water. Fill the rest of its capacity with compressed air. When it’s ready take the lid out and the rocket will take off! The difference of pressure inside the bottle is what makes the rocket fly! Students’ feedback was very positive, they were not only surprised by the result of the activity but also enjoyed the experience of working together and sharing, negotiating and agreeing on their ideas to be able to build their group rocket. Undoubtedly the funniest and most exciting moment was the launching moment when the rocket flied up.

Exchange visit in GREECE Greek school organized 2 scientific lessons during meeting.

• Mathematic - Mathematical Nature • Physics - Buoyancy Force

Mathematical Nature How can you describe a tree or cloud, a rippled pond or swirling galaxy using numbers and equations? The “great book” of the universe is written in the language of mathematics. A) SYMMETRY It refers to a sense of harmonious and beautiful propor-tion and balance. We have Bilateral and Radial Symmetry. B) PARALLEL LINES C) FRACTALS

Buoyancy Force Let’s try a simple experiment which will help us locate this force EXPERIMENT : We hand an object from a dynamometer and record the reading F= 5.5N . We try the same experiment , but we have immersed the object in a container with water. Record the reading F=4.5N Observation: We have different readings. The readings when the object is in the water is smaller than the reading we get when the object is out of the water. Question: Why do we have different readings? Answer :Water exerts an upward force that opposes the weight of the object. This force is called buoyancy. In the first case it is F=W In the second case it is F+A=W CONCLUSION Buoyancy does not depend on 1.Object’s shape 2.Object’s material 3.Object’s weight 4.How deep is the object submerge. Buoyancy depends on

1.The fluid 2. Object’s size

Exchange visit in SLOVAKIA Slovak school organized 2 scientific lessons during meeting. • Biology - Animals • Physics - Pascal Principle

Biology – Animals During Biology lesson we showed innovative teaching methods using original interactive prog-ram on interactive white board. Students alone or with the help of the teacher con-nected correct answers. We were talking about various groups of animals , students had to put animals into correct group - domestic, water, forest, wild, ... Then we paid attention to the physique ( constructi-on of the body ) of a cat. Atfirst students saw a picture describing the parts of body and then in the following picture they had to put correct word ( part of body ) in correct place . We again used not only English , but also all native languages.

Physics - Pascal Principle During the third meeting of all partners in Slovakia teachers and students of Primary school of Viliam Záborský organized 2 scientific lessons for the participants. The first was Physics and we showed the innovative methods teaching Pascal Principle. At first teacher explained the theory of Pascal Principle using PowerPoint presentation, interactive board and computer . Students said this principle in English and students tried to say it in native languages. Then we realized practical experiment: We can easily

prove the equable spread of the pressure in the liquid . We can make several holes in a bottle. We fill it with water. When we compressed the water, it sprayed everywhere with the same way. As the proof of aquable spread of the pressure in gas we used ACID rocket. We needed: PET bottle, cork stopper, thread, paper napkin, vinegard, Baking soda, glass jar. Experiment: We created bomb from Baking Soda , paper napkin and thread. We pour vinegar into the bottle, We hang bomb so way that the bomb doesn't touch with the vingar We closed it with stopper We turned the bottle upside down We put the bottlein the glass After chemical reaction – There is created CO2 (carbon dioxide ) And the rocket flied up. Explanation CO2( Carbon dioxide ) is created with mixing of vinegar and baking soda the pressure in the bottle increases because of gas accumulation and its extensibility This pressure causes the release of stopper( plug ) The rockets flips.

Lessons in TURKEY Turkish students and teachers organized 2 lessons.

• Social Sciences- Our Country's Climates and Eart Shapes • Physics - Chemical Reactions

Our Country’s Climates and Earth Shapes For Erasmus+ Project, the following steps were held during Social Sciences Lesson in 5/A class: The topic lectured during the Social Sciences Lesson in 5/A class was “Surface Features of Turkey and Climatic Types” The activity was “Who am I? “The aim of the ac-tivity was to make learners participate in learning process by enjoying and to support the previous topic. The steps of the activity: Game cards are prepared beforehand. • The half of the cards includde pictures and photos-retated to the topic. The other half of the cards include explanations.

• The cards are distributed the learners randomıy. • The learners taking the explanation card stand up and read the explanations. • The learners who have the picture that fits the explanations stand up and say “It is me” and then try to find concept. This lesson was recorded.

Chemical Reactions For Erasmus+ Project, the following steps were held during the 8/A Science Class.The learners did experiments retated to previous topic lectured in 8/A class. They were activity involed the activities. The process was recorded and supported by photos. The experiments: 1. Foam Test : The aim of the activity was to explain how a chemical reaction occurs, the rupture of interatomic links,and the formation of the new links.The learners were actively involed in learning process. As a result, chemical reaction and chemical change was odserved through the equipments. Used in experimen. 2. Fireproofing Paper: The students discovered isolation feature of salty water by following research steps. The result was concreted by doing experiment and obreving. As a result;The paper immersed in salty water became as isolated.When we burned the paper,just ethyl alcohol burned.Burning ends when the alchol finishes.This technic shows to have safer living areas.Finally,paper burns but the paper immersed in salty water doesn't burn.It is possible to have fireproofing paper. 3. Volcano Test (Ammonium Dichromate): The learners abserved how a volcano occurs as a result of Adcombustion.They were involed in the process by observing how a new material is farmed in chemical incidents. Consequently, combustion reaction is the reaction of a substance with oxygen. To realise the combustion, a combustible substande and the caustic substance "oxygen" are necessary. When new substances are produced at the end of the all chemical reactions, enerjy springs throughout the reaction. In the experiment, heat energy was observed: Reaction became continuous as it was exothermic.

Exchange visit in ITALY – SICILY.

Italian school organized 1 Scientific lesson.

• Science lesson: Volcano Materials: A very wide and deep glass Half a cup of vinegar Preferably red food stain (1 teaspoon) 2 tea spoon dishwashing detergent 2 tablespoons of carbonate 1 basin or a large container (to prevent contamination of the flooders) Implementation Steps: 1. Place it in the middle of the glass basin. 2. Put the cream and food coloring in the cup and mix it very little. 3. Add the dishwashing detergent and stir very little. 4. Add the latest carbonates and watch the spectacular What is happening? Acidity and alkalinity differ for each chemical. If these two species are combined, a chemical reaction occurs. In this experiment, we use vinegar as an acid and carbonate as a base. As a result of the reaction, water, salt and carbon dioxide are released. When the acetic acid (CH3COOH) in the circulation combines with the carbonate, i.e. sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), an acid-base reaction takes place and carbonic acid and sodium acetate are obtained. Sodium acetate (CH3COONa) precipitates as a precipitate at the end of the reaction. The other product of this reaction is carbonic acid (H2CO3) which soon turns into water and carbon dioxide gas. We can get a lot of foam thanks to the degassed gas and dishwashing detergent.


Thanks to this project and all these lessons, we – teachers and studnts – lernt very much not only about the Universe, Soar system, other countries, other schools, but we laso saw how students are educated in other european countries, Now we all only hope that also other schools will be able to learn something new thanks to this brochure. We all - teachers and students spent really great time together in these lessons realized using new interesting methods, interactive board, working and exploring physical, biological and chemical experiments together. Thank to all partners for creativity and the preparation of all beautiful science lessons.

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