Citizens Warehouse

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UNDERGROUND ART AND ART ANNEX by Casey Wollschlaeger BICAS Art Coordinator


ICAS inspires creative reuse as well as social and environmental responsibility while fostering art as a mode of personal expression, education, and activism. BICAS Underground Art merges human services, D.I.Y. ethics, ecological consciousness, and the Arts by providing educational art programs and affordable resources to the community that encourage collaboration, environmentally sustainable behavior and self-expression in an inclusive and safe space. Many of the original founders and mechanics of BICAS were also working artists who made the best creative use of broken bike parts by turning Schwinn lemon peelers into lemonade. BICAS founder and artist Kim Young felt that public art is a great way to revitalize communities and give them an added sense of identity and well-being, a sentiment that still resonates with the collective today.

Oh Dear!, 12”x18”x4”, salvaged bike parts, by Ash Burris

Casey Wollschlaeger in BICAS Art Annex

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